v. 'I , A. .r'r - " i :. ,1 i , - .H ., -l. i -. -;.' ;Mr ; v..-fs iflilhi huinest and '"rtietlh'n 'rerlizd. and Imih of i'Jl" . ;ifu! and; honnrjible release j..Sirihr?oli!ifflionfc The y ...aisfolteii ind the gcntiei man made another stirt-in utU face bVmmf obstacles, iWfanX llioIcssl.jb financial ilil coontrf. bis 1alcnlB, tn- ,a nt!veT&ni t) hfive proted sac- jt r- ..... ? , . I J J:. - rl, feeftd bipep released, with: in inirfrotn the dair the? weie cnu Ul late ata of the checks. ' ooi ,! P,!n JesieraaJ was 80me gn(J tbocbingvtn9tanccs of honor fcVeii!ltnd;ndear linmn na. ''piiiitn5t)rt meaqness- and wgrati r'fcnstafttly pveht to everj one in Jftth iJie striving world, naturallj "Willis Rhethcr e romaniic virtues jjrforn the heroes of fiction hare any sljjolilte (rvtegriiy as that here men a !h()og61 nay nbl wholly dissipate ri,iP,r?s jiigher! confidence in that eiccftcrice jof i chajartrr. which, CiedtTHeipilsand slrngalea to which j d wis doomed, tct Eden, still yields sfsthe iJstre of lid cheering example. .?,,3fjofa fpotlssr and honored name i'liia ot whnmWe speak, will be a 40!ielo K'S children than any share of whichibift larlaer care may secore .,,, Tliy jway pojnt to his noble re- -sjjaifnt df money as the wmld points fjsbgioiii's abandonment of power V.tioos m?tance b arquisition not for Irrindist'mfnt, but for the ends of tfd r-stice to others.! " fcttiWotung UHs taei il wouhi oe grat y.agtt M name f of the1 individual, ::tflin n'sf $thofity for eo doing. It fiecesau to! say that the parlicu- jtenoifoen learned from himself t feose-pndciil e are thus sound, would Mtock for any other encomium than the foulof of n conscience, and unless Vedof (iieHrutli Would not even re ' that Le ill u'an holiest man, the no- io;k of God." ': 'u ' ' PENDLETON & BRtiNEKl 1 i EDITORS AN1 TROPRIETOnS BRUNEK,! PRIETOUS. ; JV See that the Cteratneal doa not acquire too much power: Keep a check r "f. i'O ASD LIBERTY 13 Sire." lien'I. Mrr iaoit. NO- 10 YOLUME IX. t: -i i . , . - - 1 ' - . you any idea of the wnrirj of such a fair Whig as tlut? I tell yod such a Whig is wonh a kingdom, and ihei tears which she drew forth from the eyes of such men as John Dkvig and Daniel Webster, were more precious, man the gems that ever" sparkled a tujrai UlitUCIXJ iMtBUBatiiiiBBjMjlj "nummmm," I - WOMEN AND LADIES. 5 Time was when, in; good . old Scripture j parlance, the word uomai was regarded as an honorable appellation for adult females But this term was too republican for our re-f publican communityfor air such toere 'women,' and the term implied no (Jisiinc- tareapass ;n the captain's inoth brush af- that some measar might be adopted to prevent terwanls. I he mai ccuvre of the; skipper , the djstributioB of money previous to elections : was a se tiler for the Frenchman Micro- a hUhoogh it, hid a tendency to corrupt the com. , v . , peoplp in I heir primary asfoblies.' i ia ne- cfsvary Mr; Chairman to stale these facia in re lEcowence. -The following . Vtonch of la'ioa to oor favoriie win :o prevent bim from the sublime" was delivered before a courtCPassi!,?,itr'ffjff nP?ir disiaoi States, 'likr a of : ustice in Pennsylvania : i ' - I - - - : - " A tmn between the nobilityjand Aha common herd ; and so those who wore the greatest amount of silks and satin, fluted the most gracefully about towri and in fashionable parties, and did not work j must take a high. er ana more honorable name,3ndbe called LADiES.VrnrTrrTnTs f countrv. honorable i J . ' - i, . ' 1 . nauie8,7nne fashionable dresses, are coveted by all parties; and soon it came to pass that we had no women iq; the -land From! tho stuccoed and ornamented parlor to the kitch JoiJlLeJoabinj "As the intention of those designations has thus been defeated, we mention that henceforth none be - allowed : the name of ladies, ! but good hoosew.ves those who are real help mates m the family, anld xan, if in health, earn their living. '-These are the true! no bility of the female sex, and should be con sidered ladies. Your; mere walking bun dle of silk, and piano forte players, Who would think themselves disgraced to be caught at work in the kitchen, should have no higher term than women, and this is the odious and unpopular sense which original ly attemted to employ it jn. t ! . "Mbine Cultivator: j C(o meruit bill. fur more than he is worth. Here. hpr OTA L'mitv film at u-r.fi r r i ... .. I!-: ff V our Iinnnra sptx luah mnn ihf ailnr- ; J.niir f,.m Ui r..i...A l... t n : j n i. ----- - -tit -..m.. ........ - - - ji mbi.v iiuiu ins iuiuic cAniiuust jui iia Durcu, nable seat of justirelike the.Artiericsri Ga-i hke Dunhp's picture of ' Death oo a horse,1 gle perched upon the Asiatic Hock of ;Gi. i Itwksj-.btat ai a distance, braltar. while the eternal streams of Jr.- lolplacmcr uch a man at the head of the (jo tice, like the cadaverous clods of tlie valley ernfnnt New York hkeour moiher E, has fl,.'w moonrin ,i f. 7 beeni he I ransgressinn. H ere, is hts etiyj sir, the first vile plotting against lhe in- teresis of the country were concocted and the o ert,act hich hat consommated their destruo hon ihas been commitied at Washinffton. i But. i i i - i . ....... sir, lhe measure of their iniqoiiies is full-th people will bear no mureNew York will make an ajmple atonement at the next elect ion--t he pitcher has been sent to tfee well the last time.' flow meandering at your extended ifeet.!' of an ocean surge. is completely swept away' and all the trm Wrs of it, no two of which rjelnsin together, jand are now moored in a floating raft close up in the gap of the broken lfee. .The damage, extends along the .landing - places two! or three hundred yards, land several other wharves are more or less injured, some of' them rendered utterly useless. Deep cracks in the earth are seen nqarly half way be-; liiiritiooa in proportiun to their weighf L.whil JEWAYUlONES r JOHN DAVIS'S TE'SCikks DtSAPPAEAREDl' 'i following mterr sling passage is an ;:ifrom the reply of. JMr. Hasted, one 3 Repre'j eptatief fromNe w Jrey, etailies 6f that State, on the presents faWnfir bannerppn the 2.3J ult: Mbe recpnipWhigi convention held at "Eiter, in-;,the Starel of Massachusetts, 'ilj bf honest John Davis, the present .'rand aljle. Senator from: that State, .torJ to l&e.commiUee of arrangements lhe had nine bedsjn whi XQAtlarelnibe Wliig deleg T-were gnl natojred men sueinviiLij 40 or 150 of the delegates isswiih Ifer. -Il jtjjng made al prepar :t for hfriluviled guests, she repaired contentio to biep the Whig orators, r lhe rpes&tng Was over, she hurried fortlie,r'urpose()j" receiving her ex :il company ;' biuj she ; had scarcely ai In.. I, i,. il . i J .. r ? ;r f, " T u I Bacxa river, which occdred recently. W i T f , 6 appr,ach" F yarn shed ihe editor with ibe ttr tidow. End thhrfl sbfi saw drawn r .. . .. If.. I . it I $ m m n a V win ncr iioor a oanti ot Jou or zuu Trom BueVs Cultivator ' f " ! ; ECONOMY IN KEEPING HORSES. ; I Roberts, in his Agricnhoral Economy, main tains that one pair of ho'ses, well kept, are a sufficient team to work fifty acre farm, aod to work it well, onder tle alternating system. It hss tieen proved, he says, lhat a t earn going at the rates of a mile and a lialf aod two miles an hoiir, will phiugh in nine houTa as follows : Vlh rf furrow. Hales per hour A I 11. . P. . 8 incnes I jnile &, 1 1-2 1 0 0 ; ;? 9 inches do. . 1 i 0 20 & inches 2 niles . 1 I I 10 ; 9 inches ' di. 1 j s 00 Three things require" attention from every niBfj vho wishes to keep horses well and econo mically : i i J- The food mnst be natural for them!; 3 The nnsnOty .of -food requisite to kb -condition fiai tu thir work ; I i I he best manner of gtvtnj their food, with a vfew of its being speedily eaten, so that they may lie down to rest'' i--- . "he natural food for the horse, saysotir anthor isipbrn, hay and grass; but that under art i filial ma paore.neo, there may be advantageously soo ttitjjted for natural fK)d, or eonj. ined with it, po tat(es, parsnips, carrots, turnips, and j mangel wurtzl, togetnr with straw,, bean f and corn) Stks, pea haulms vetches, cluver and other cul ti rated grasses, cat gree,i. - flay is sufficient to; keep a horse to look at, btt corn is indispensable lo enable him to stand hild work. A horse requires thirty pounds of dry food a day, of which a part most be corn or its equivalent ; to those which work, one ponnd of good oats is equat in nntriment to three pounds ktep their Zand Slide at New .Orleans Onj the afternoon ,of the 22 d, a large amount of the levee jn the first municipality slid into the river.- The Picayune says The land sunk with sudden impetuosity, heaving fish into the air, and rocking such water crafts I of wood hay. Heavy oats are worth more, pound as were in the vicinity with all the violence fipound, than ligbioats, as will be seen by the rge. Th Bavou Sara wharf h!f wit. scale : per bu. Produce in meal. Produce in bran m bs 40 lbs 8 lbs m lbs SMbs B2 lbs SO lbs 25 lbs "2 us 23 lbs 6 i-z 2t lbs 12 z 20 lbs 3 z 15 lbs 11 oz h7 lbs 5 t z 16 lbs 1 iz l6 loil I z 16 lbs 10 i z 16 lbs 4 ,Z 15 It's 13 iz 15 Ids ' 5 oz 14 lbs 111 z 13 lbs 13 oz yin general, the different kinds uf grain are 1 . - .1 f 1. .1 I 1 L. I nnnl. m .f rrmAn f....A or r.M.tQ (IIU ft T l lciTul - . . i iweetl toe juriiier eoge hiiuo ievcn biju iuc. iwy uunua gitui iyvu -vu rtl sliexfluld j . . - int.. f.,.,iiL t,nUr Ujnat toone ol.drv ' I ates, or, if , . . fc-n . I r A tt?nnnh fln im. 1 1 Whatever fodder be ..nsedsays Mr. RHrtsi , eighteen ;i" ry VT V.. V'?" Vr" i Uijioold be supplied in soch a f.rm a tpheatf.,rih- A PROPER REBUKE. The followingjiiticle is from the Phila delphia Seittinal, a prominent advocate of the administration. It is a source of srati- Hcajion to fine among any portion of the Van Bnren press, sentiments at once so atrJiotic and so independent. 1U j'Ciitio1 cannot be admitted into the Senli hel.j Gen. Harrison is not our choice Ui the reidncy, oat this is no reason why we! should give! our columns to the propagation ot slanders aitinsi nim vviucfl navf. been a tiunured times fefuted. We may add that he who could write or epdorse the assertion Ubar Gen Harrison was always a coward, always a foe to he people, al ways as rapacious as Verres, and as infaniMbs as Arnold,' deserves the scorn and reprobation of tjvery community in which lhe grateful if mem- orance oi generous deeds is nut a damning crime . , . ....... ,; ICF A pressure of other matter compels as to dlfer oritil our next Gen. Gaines's enldgf op on Men. Harrison. Wheo Uen. Uatnes, the successful defender of Fort Erie Genj Scotl, the heroQaeenstown heights and Lundy's Lane, a ttd Gen. Miller, who immortalized himself on tjie plains of vChippea-nd Bridge water, bear voluntary testimony to, the mililary genius and personal valor ot their old comrade in arms, he may well regard with profound contempt the traductions of the petty whipsters, who learn to "'.syllable men's names" in connection with de rogatory epithets, as parro'S do by rote He may even hear, with equanimity, the envious in sinuations of Andrew' JackMxn, who could njever 'boar a rival near his throne.' Lynchburg r irgvaan ' year, by the sum of $J.729,C67 73 cents. To do thi Mr., Thompson em ployed 140 officers and clerks, and rx pended $149,493 81 centi while Mr. Hoyt, to collecting what ha haa done, employed, jccording to lhe National Register of the SOth of Sepi. 1339.452 officers, clerks. &c and-xnded $507,561 23 cents employ ine 312 officers, tletks, &c. more than Mr. Thompson, and increasing the expenditures of collection $358,062 47 cents. Look, fellow-citizens, at this enormously increased expense, and consider whetheMhcie is any thing in the increase of imports to justify lhi real difference.! Depend upon it some thing else is at the bottom of all this besides the mere collection of the revenue,, which 1 think 1 shall make appear before 1 am done. : ARIST1DES. '.vTfo aenla'deputationjlo her to say jimld (hi! themselves the honor of la I dinner WJlK her j At this unexpected -miioh 'et woman's heart at first jhliitt h$r(butUmroediately the good I iltfl dah ohBuiiker HiH blond in it,) and h its 'recuperative energy, at 'rtrt-trfd-Wer to hef wonted composure. ithatdnyotlthink: she" said ?' Gen- "i aiuape, -trie string or my aoor "tfr pulled; in. It ou are welcome to e wills nie my hlg -cabin fare. Walk praen.': .;Trieyjdid walk in, and she :rl abmil enlaririotT her tab es. and j '-f'tsbirg lifj- board iwith provisions for iessmn of unexpected guests ; and rtai!tnirabli 'management which is Mmsiic ojr Y.nTie as wsll as Jersey lr-lie was soon fable to-accommo- igueats, expected and ?'"ctP0, foi; tty ;'ai8 and were filled. sny bas&eu of Cragments thre were Ji4 not ltWr but 1 suppose at. least $ to supply H the poor in the neigh M far a week to come. In her letter "libinfVatilQ llit R.otfl Wlir mo!.' AVji ''tbitt Oie;feine and water, beer. "iciderjiviloweri 'm. streams, and the !hit Tories! JihiJ I) visV wife's cake ,ered wai a.caQt,on." When han- nreceivdSii,ii etier. describing in' 'TV1 ";u EcaDnid colors wnicii a wu yFfaalonefcaTv ve to ViTch a-6cene, -J, -Sp1 the Senate 'chamber, and ;. J iu t'i round tears coursed lyrdoii'nlihhnanhf cheek ;' and U,, red them6avay he said to himself, lit e Paused the letter, he handed ' 'Mjeb'ef, yiogThere-Web 4tJ' y tiltake pleasure in reading' ,eHi. read that." t Webster a 1 l f " mense expense wur oeireqnireo ror ine re-; y. , .nimWhm.fd eni-, refre pairs, the levee hereafter will no doubt; be j to gncnre ,hjs, the 'fodder should be more substantial man ever.' tM or crushed, and placed in a manger not a Irai-k. When the respective fi-eds have been JlnntKnr Texlan 7iK A late IlmiS- IcInSiimed. every lwrs4 will, lie down to rest .. - o 1 . . ff. ii if . mi l- ton iMoruing Star gives !lhe particulars of ;J'hp hunger being saiisaeonexe wmi oe 0 rmP-. a desperate rencontre between a Mr. Vf t,,m ''rL"! ,rT .c , . t r .i i hi the case, were .his rack stoffd with Imy, ac- and a large tiger on tb banks of the 4rdinlo be t0. eral cu.rom U fVimers.- f"r fThe nutriment contained in every kind; of grain state- fdlnpnda noon ws weight It is to be remarked, ment himself. It seems this gentleman tlat concentrated fKd. as grain, will riot do a was hunting cattle in the1 "bottoms." and Jlolne, there must be somethirg to Increase the after foici.ig his way for hair a mite IhiougK biik to impart tne stitnojoos ci uisreoutrn, qb the thickveahe in or(le to strike Vrois fdie the fonciions. of-digestion can be carried on il, aniiifiUr Iia heard a ral. ,R Sperieeuon. -.nnrse;,increiore, aim from one path 4o arm her, he hea d arai . wifh gm, tltng and cracking of,ihe.breaks in a pari J. cal h ' or n BUtWfCjti rurpuSe. ?e. ... cr i . - . . iritenendent of the nulfimcnt they PtTofd ii i . . . . i 1 When the quantity of hay snpplied as di re fiir horses. savs Air. R ha been incressed, and the qoantity of oala diminishedTit has been febod that -I ho an-malt though ihey appear to -1- tial opening a short distancevbefore him; supposing that he had Come up with the object of hissearch he hastened forward. As be came wittttn ten feet of the spt bi a i lAnnnhail imnn his hpll in tbe attitude .. i H,otr4 improve, as to the-tainess of thetr hmka, were w.c,c , .! 71 aid,n thecontrarv, when the com has been in his tail was vibrating slowly, and .every j cpaspdafttl lhf. hay diminished, it has beet movement snoweu tue antinai to oo um fUnd that though ihei animals nrght, as to ap readyto spring. I ' raiance;'be lea'rer-y'ft-tbatrthcy"-were sirog MrF- - quickly docked his rifle and! el; more equal to hard labor, and in better work hrnntrfii it to hi ahoulder I ne spring tf2 conunion and shot was almost sim iltaneous. As the animal struck the ground with a yell he writhed and rolled, anil uttered unearthly yellings for nearly a mtJinte, when he seem ed exhausted. JMr. t-t then -Are w ins Bowie knife, and stealihilv approached as he ftnimal lav with his: back towards hiail expose of and drove the steel jo Jhe handle jntrt jUn his own words ' A. Times his side. A sharp yell and spasm, and he was dead. The ball reentered the region of the heart. " This was one nr the largest liners ever killed in Texas, and fqual in a!. I r a- i. ' I most everv respect to ttie Ktiyat engai Tiopr nf iti Rat. It measured 14 feet from the tin of the nose to jthe extremity i - r of the tail. Mr. F- took the t Kin irom the monster and keeps it as a trophy. Useful. Recent experiments in more than one ily in this city, (says the Del. Oaze'leJ have estabthed that ttie plant known to forfait istis as i ht-i. Pohgonvm pvnctahim, commonly called utaler peper or smart treed, and which, may be found to grat abundance along ditches. roads, lines', and barn yards, isniBeclual and certain destroyer of the bK00 CfS said to exercise the s me pois'hot sflea. Ai a'rong dect C'inn is marl lhe places inf vsted with theV v'ly washed therewith. The p! with rrinh. advantage be strewn I I Elderberry litres, lafd iAinjnmrrfi of a cupboard, wilt also drive away roaches andjanis in a very soon uroe, . ; . j A FACT IN THE HISTORY OF MR Ala meetieff of the Whiss f New Y'ork 'HenfiK,,.! i ti v,. I "B nc irau, uuuoBttfuiin !i,0?n8a5ihe tear glistening m his i antf then rolling down the .! 1 , c f mis i ii iii ictiutfi k i , a liu !L""?.!td: himfelf. Well,- I'm u.. 'et a &mt :.t.. n .tv-u titd t, ' litici . - u urn - Mill. H hd Iefding. he . drew 'a long Vid , H lhei ,la"1 of honest John, Uifil r V ' ",e hnesl ,eller 1 ever l hh N6w,my fair hearers have i3 Aice Po nt In Persia, at the fruit. gar dens, the way in which they ascertain the dptan tfty eaten by one -individual, is rather original They weigh the pprstm when he enters the; gar den, and whn he goes out. charge fur the differ nce One day, a fellow wenOn with his pnek f?t full tif pfbbles7whtch, f'er he had eaten fiuit entUgh, he threw away. Of course, he weigh ed It8s when he went out than when he -went in.l They coald not account for the phenohen-fna-nd he insisted on being paid fur li e weight he had lost by remaining in the garden, j Tbp fact long puzzled the wise oh n of Caboul, the citr of 100.000 gardens, as it is railed. I . j THE WAYS AND THE MEANS OF , CORRUPTJON. i (A writer in the New-York Express, un der the signature of Aristides. who is en gaged ifi exmtng the expenoitiire f pub lic money m the Custom-Houses of! that iv, m?kes some curious dcvelopemrnts. We sot j'in a couple of paragraphs of his laFt letter, from which tt appears that the o it pen sc of collecting the customs at lhat port ha been increased by something like 3 gslatiefMr.ib!ey,(JlMftroeconn!y.peri!l40 ,,nnitr per cent, since Mr.1. Adam's lSi fooaUy oe!d foi the trih ! -lhe (blowing! .1. . n..-mKA "t Am ii Pxpof Mr. Van BtuenV practice. We give f rmntstratton the number of p.rsons em- 14 It in hkVwri words -iXtAld Times. p oyed in that business being increased; fiom Mr. Chaiiniaa It was a remark cf the fa it.Wr i,f his ennntrv. that' there was an ' indisso f REMARKS OF MR; OGLE, . I OF PKN8TLVAJUAt " I - - . ' . , -: t. On the Civil and Diplomatic Appropriation Bill Continued. Mr. Chairman, in my opinion, it is time the People of the United Staus should know that their money goes to buy for their plain hard handed democratic President knives, forks, and spwns of gold lhat he" may dine in the style of lhe 3donarchs of Europe. JMr-Waddy Thomp sds j No wonder" This, yon know, is a jrold ani silver Administration J, The fact, however, is impudently denit-d not only by Jlr. Pan Bu rcn's organ." the Globe, but bv all the Loco- fot papers ihrooghoat the country: Whe1! ceitajn lawyer, in . Columbus. Ohio, told a far- ; mer in his neighborhood that the President had -j a dinner service of gold, the Locofoco paper pub- j lishe id that place, and calleiLihe ' Oto i Statesman." made sijlerce an attack upon htm that tne jKKtr man was frightened and actually retracted the statement though it was as true as preaching The editor of that Journal, after thus obtaining a triumph over tiuth, proceeds in one of his late papers to make the " amende kon oroWe." Please, sir, to notice the cool audaci ty of the fellow : ! A week or two since, we alluded in oar pa- J per to a Whig attorney of this ejiy, lhat should have sttempved to impose on an old farmer, by telling him that Mr Van Buren eat off of gold plates, and nsed a gold knife and fork. VVe felt indignant inatany ooe-wriom we held inhih es timation, personalty, should have decended to such a mode of electioneering, not that any one hodld believe it, but that any one should resort; to such acts 'e were, ho ver-r, i rati fied by learning from the gentleman implicated thai he was misunderstood, and uf coarse tvedid him iff jostieo, nnd it gives us pleasure to he thus able publicly to say so. .We 'should have made thissiatement earlier, but we were, anxious to? ee all parties before we did so.? Now, sir, I wonld advise this AVhig lawyer not to be quite so timid , hereafter as to retract stateme nts bised upon substantial facis. And I would further connsei him to viwHhe farmer with wliom he held the conversation about the gold Knives and-forks of the President, and tell him the whole troth-in relation to that matter ; for I can assure this honest Whig lawyer that :he o.n!d service slry is a hundred f.4d- worse than he had anv conception nf. I do not know thai (tie rich gild and stiver service is shown on a! Is occasions ; probably it is only when the elite a re invited. But let any gentleman goto i ie pklace When" our noto well beloved cousin from 8,.uth Carolina, wbttm tfe official organ formerly delighted to call John" Caldine Cal hounfis at, the banqnet, and then the gold ser vice in all tfsdemftcrafic lustre will be preseinted lo his admiring eyes ! Ob! sii , how delightfo It, most be to a real genuine locofoco to eat his pute tie foie gras, dinde desossc. and salade ala voiarie trom a silver PLiTEwith a golden knife and fork And iuw exquisite to 8Jp with a golden spoon his sovpeau tietne Irom a silver tureen. It almost makes my moufl) waur" to talk a bunt .it, j I Vill in the next placecall the altentiori r.f the cbm'mi'vtee to the bill for the spendid French C hnin for dinner service and the eteant dcsscn st of bine and gold, with eagle ; all made to ohder in Fianceri&nd ioj ported by Iewis Ver non & Co , 'celebrated dealers iu Fancy China, . Philadelphia. - , j ; The Set of French China fr dinner ser vice has four hundred and forty pieces, consist ling of dive boats, octagon salad bowls, piddle si tells, long Jish dishes, fyc . S-c.. and cost one thousand dollars - j The Hfssert Sf.t. bine and gold, iaih ea gle, composed "i four hundred and t ictlve pieces, meludifig six stands for Bonbons, with- three stages ; eight Tambours, with three-s'sgts ; TWELVE SWEETMEAT UOMPOTIEES, tm, ores thirteen feet six inches in length -an-i t. re fect in width, and is ornamented with rr.incrs. It is also-handsomely carved and gilded, wiili wreaths of fruits v and vines i Is j .with Currs representing, Bacch cs and the Bacchantes Er-d pedesiafs upon which there are&ixteen forrj holding crowns to receive lhe lights, and six teen cops to change them at pleastire. Arc;r. panying the Plateau are two Etroscart .Var:, gilded and garnished - with flowers ; zhj, two richly-gilded tripods, copied from aati.;ie pat terns ; also, three taskets, richly gilded, csth with ihiree figures opon a roond stand, er.lt lliih ed with ivy andlvre formed leaves, for six lhts each, ornamented with fl jwers. : j. It does, appvar o mi, sir, that the FJateao, with its fine raiiTO', in which the hnes, hard, handed 'ocufoco democrats can look at thtiiisclves, almost every munent. during the formal progress o a court banquet, would fee regarded even by a bank whig as a pretty. formidable article tf din ner furniture. " . Having, disposed of the pictured ' tray Mr: Chairman, will direct yoor aticntton for a few rinafes to the magnificent set of Table Glass, contained in three, several bill?.- The first till ia for Champagne Glasses, Clarets, GobleU, Cordials, Water Bottles, &e bought from Mes srs. Lewis VernoQ 4 Co for nine hundred 3r.d twenty-four dollars. ? The second bill is for rich . est cut Tumblers, cut Centre Bowls and Stands, 4 cut Floating Isbnd Dishes, cut Pitchers, &.c, poichaed from Blakewrll.& Co. for fiurleen hundred, nd fifty-one dollars aad seventy-firs cents. .The third bill 1 will gtveyoa cnttie. ' New York, Jane 8, 1S37. Col. T. L. Smith fur sundry articles for Prcsi-. dpni's Honse. . . ' i Bought of James PDrummonJ, No. 47 Mai den Lane, between William and Nassau streets. Importer of and dealer in China, Glass and Earthenware, wholesale and retail 6 qoart and 12 pint, aliyfMlUccffrt" fr. cone stoppers, barrel shap $20 S1 00 . Joz. Claret JVmcs. cut piUar'stcm, 7 42 00 ; O.d 6 d G7? JCfiA" FLYGFtt CUPS,$3l 522 00 6 do CUT IVIJSE r.OOLEHS, 9- 54 ( 0 2 do cut Champs. $9 18 00 IS pint Water Bottles, flint and flint 20 00 2 Casks '';.' 75 Bottles returned 240 75 20 00 $220 75 tMannmn hprtwppn mna na n'tnious n dffc. arid ruv.t.. - J . . . . . . , , the solid rewards of a pptdtc" prosperity -and te j y engage! in 'lie business oi electioneering licity.1 But sir we have tow pi ting islfi-h-j i ablely , and atl of whom (ir nearly all) con- Ii O ICIlllll V'" lllf 111 UH'IIVf II. V, T ! r"-.,-; . . r--..;i .- ojod , ib.i bu,.nm being iimMm.T" r tl. tl.-l "Z ope humlrd and forty to four hundred and Ct,Ts wi;h inMdV Bowl ; five dozen Greek m What a corps of pensioners is. thus ; n;i Cvf$.nd Saucers, be. Sec, cost utie iboc- rwiMlnm o ; many oi wiium art; notorious- gand ne tiundred doliars ness when we ooght to have a magnanimity and thi hiimiainr spectacle before our! eyes vt a President of the United States couitirig Ih4 low levellers, abd actually baying support where it was not to be had for fawning or flattery. ! 4 When Mr Van Buren was a 'candidate, fof An Act of Naval Apttude,k captain .iM:.hm.n. in ,h nnnIV where 1 rid. rMon of an American sailing packet had learnca rQey w,jCD ,i was found could be subsided that a French passenger, on crossing the fof lweje hundred dollars. A few of the fatih Atlantic with him, was in the daily habit fut made a; note for the amount Martin V an of making his Ythe captain's) tooth brush Boren endorsed it and caused it to be discounted sunnlv the place ofa hair brush. iHstead at a mooied corporation in this city fori fifteett of Vlacing a knife arid fork before Monsieur, months, when vo omer cou.o fTP"J' ' oi piating - niMio d u- lhe sanie eornoratifin which bad Half that m:irninn Siuil set down bv his olate 1 5U M '" 5""w 1 , , ' ' , . 1 c r.u,i "v ' 6 L TJ T " , . period to ton. I tie ormoaoxy oyraotng on nor receive fmm the Administration to a fund for defra)ing electioneering Cipenses 1 extract. During the eihl years lhat 5Ir Tliomp- Duplicaie. Receufd payment. JAS. P. DUU.MMOND.' Mr. Chairman, these threa bills for table giass make, together, the clever, sum of $2,596 50 an amount, I should suppose, sufficiently larga to purchase the most democratic set of iable gla$3 in America. Whasir, will the honest Iocofo cos sy to Mr. Van .Buren for spending the Peo ples cash in forcgn Fanny Kemble green fui' ger cvps, in which to wash his pretty la peting, soft, white, lily fingers, after dining on frican- deao de veau and omelette souffle 7 How will the friends of temperancethe real tetotallers relish the fotegn . cut tetne coolers' ; and the barrel shape jlulc decanters mth cone steppers? I will now, sir, present you with a receipt fur another ornament found on Mr. Van Bnicn'a dintter table, that tells much, very much sir, in regard to the true character of his democracy : Received, Baliircore, 14th November, I S37, of T. L. Smith, Esq . one hundred, dollars, in loll lor a set-of AUT1F1UAU FLOWERS FOR TUR PRESIDENTS TABLE. 100 dollars. . .JOHN THOMAS.' I am willing to concede that lhe expenditure of $100 is. in itself, a very small matter. The ; quest ion, however, is not how much cash was paid bv Mr. Van liiiren tor the bunch of Arli1i xial Flowers which decorates his table, but whe ther iht People's money shall he expended for such aristocratic French finery t and whether Mr. Van Boren, who" has been raised lo lhe most exalted station on the earth, and whose ex ample, upon society mast necessarily, have a m st powerful and extensive infloence, shall, by the introduction of foreign gew-gaws into the house of lhe American People, Contribute Incor rupt the plain, unostentatious, and republican manners of our people, by creating vain desires tor external show and foolish displays cf splen dor, which are not congenial with ifcir frcgal habits ? The influence of Ibis example has al ready had a most injurious tendency within the District of Columbia, where many men are now found vying with each other to make a splendid appearance, even above their rank arfd means of Mtppnrf. ' I will give you an instance or two -Mr. F P Rlair, the humble editor of Martin Van Buren's official organ,' carao to this city some ten years ago a plain, simple republican in hi manners and style of living, having been brought up and educated with all the domestic and eco nomical maxims of the hardy and frugal , Wes tern Country. " For some years after his . arrival he was content tu dwell in a comfortable house of fificfu feet front, furnished in a plain, sub stantial way ; but, behold the charm of Incen tive manner! How altered the man! Ha now aims at rivalling all the' foreignj Ministers and headsi of the great Depaitments cf the Go vernment in the splendor of his spacious nkan sion, in the profusion of. his table, and in every indulgence which an empty vanity can coyet. He, too, gives brilliant entertainments to lhe members tif Congresa and great cflicers cf state, in imitation of the sumptuoos'Court barqneis at' the palace. On these occasions, as I have been credibly informed, for the purpose of producing a more dazzling i fleet oo the vbhn of his Ineo fico brethren, he actually hires rich chandeliers and other ehowy democratic rr.aments at a charge of ten per cent, on the prime cist, at a splendid china, plate, and glass store on Penn sylvania avenue. But do not feel disposed to interfere with or mutest thaeditir of. the Globe in his enj yment of noble mansions, luxurious btnqaets, Arrowed lights, and every other ex ternal sdrantcge ffhtch causes i lit tie man o swell into faneif-d imporlance, inasmuch as he ecjiys all those advaniages, so far as I know, at hisotcn expense. .Were it not the public function of Government Printer that this man has been clothed with, he would be almost loo scant a pattern to notice fur Martin Van Bu ren manages him as a shop man does his poppet, suddenlv ben translated to the salle a frsl'vi en j aid h runs or walks, leaps or jomps, as he is Mr Chuiiman, don't you think that one of youf plain republican ' Slickers would eel hinder queer like' to be placed at th Presi dent Viable, before these democratic " Tamboors wilh three stages,' and Compotiers co fee j. Why, sir. he would almost imagine that he had j maison roy tle of Louis Phillippe. King of the on w?s collector, the revenue amoo'nted I Fieooh. 1 have no duobt that someof my con- iho identical tooth brush with which he was accustomed lo adjust his hair. : 'IIa; ha, captain," said the Trenchman, be gar you make one grand forget, a big mistake; where be my what you call him fork and knife ? U 'Why, look here, Mr.," said the Yad kee captain, coolly, t ge as how my tooth iirush ia jist as welt calculated for cutting up your breakfast fixins, as it is for brushing, your hair, eb ?" h The Frenchman was never known to mpH ranhat had not then been denied The money was paid t the old. federalists wro ownk ed the establishtnentand the paper went ovr -body and soul to the support of Mr Van Bme He has since appointed cne ol the stgnrrs oi ths Inote, Col lector fth prt of GenneseeW ail iothei ot them postmaster of the city of Roches ter. tolOO.OOO Mr T therefore collected je.-tl ao avi rpge $12,500 000. Mr. Hovt came into office on the 29th March, ;1838, nd collected frctm the 1st of April, 183:3. to lhe Slst of Match, 1840. inclusive; he-ing-two years, 624 220 510 69 cents Mr. j. therefore crdlecied on ;naverage yearly, for two yers, 12,1 10 255 j !; If follows that Mr. Thompson, on an av jprage yearfv, for eight yea'g JrgetherJ," col lected oiOM'jhan Mr "Hoyt hasdi nfl on a stitnents would much rather face the grizz'y hear, on the Annalachian monninina. than sit down directed. And I must here be permitted to say ihat we ot;gbi noi to touch any of the small fry cf the shoals omit we have done with the sharks and lhe crocodiles Cariosity may perhaps in- K-frt.s it.. ;T,mKnnr. M r.. tinyf and vite the philosr rher to examine the gnits and Ciimpotiera-ra Tet,' for five cmeculxre hours 'he moquito, but not until aficr the tigers ...a -the pritd usaaMy tt qoir?d by King "d d,m- the hyenas have urd. rgone ao "'"' 1 ' ' 4 oerat'e rresider.iso masticate a s'aie aumer. The next piece of democratic farniture on llitt Prodi. tKI lo wl-.-irh I would illTlte I yoar very particular attention is he ' Scutlcvt," 1 orrori wildpd Pfateao. a !arg. or naofo?rt .r pictured Iray . which statui cn the centre cf he table. Tfca plitean, with lhe richly-gilded b; ckis. irioods. and Etro'rtn vases which ac- iheiefure noi say any thing more cf Franc!3 P. Blair, Jii: lay h.m cn itefrhelf fur the present ; and wt.en Tnt my Thumb will affuid amasc iDH.!, t v HI lake htm- I will jest remark, however, ih-t wl.er.ever my ccnstitocnls ask rr.a what son nf a roan Blair is rack it, 1 tell thep of the ftorv if ih Irishman who went to fR his nefgi'ir. at d len g atked by hts ne gl r 3 inBf- ' aeiif iv-:i; --- -- 0 . , . j . .A . 1 111 Ii. f a yearly average.hy thm of $3S9 744 t rwmnany it in Paris 6.000 francs, crSl.l 25; ! wife, how are iney ccm-r.g or, ai inpv. .m-"' - rr . ..--4- - - . ...!.. . r... ...!.., i 'ho arm iiia:r na tun iciciui -. -- rn. i tit cnraieei mnrn ai rvrmtf -in, n m ooty pit'i ui iboic iu'iii-u..- m-.m-H . . colleited in -w i IS' Are a..'-, i 9 ...a Iho if nitrr I th f n V iiib I"' " ' any one year by;MThomp- 11'! rth'?T . ben beauty1' And I tell mVconsmoent,, 000. TU. greatest amount ""ZT ZZn Z- i e.nno. inin, how be.otiM u air w Mr. Hojt tn any one year. ,s . , !hA nnlar, W,,J ?.venlv fivedulfar. of i be i jun that kind of man ihst. t jc ue u.i t nnl: . itt i hrrfi ". .. , f . . r .l' :.lJ VLk.'.. bancs ttehtnd h back, he will lane ucri11 . ..... M K r, w m ji w inn. a k it. rit.t mfrlj fl LIIBII an w ' - - son is & 15 700. . . . " ' . . : t. t - I . . ? I ) r ' Having succeeded; in oDiatntnsr.ius npcoon uy , rMPrretj ov ilhti lair ousiness iransaciiun, r uui.iu . Qn '. hts message lew cays t, l'.P"V " Mr.Thnm, .u U UmP- V. ' .,. r, .A .. 1,-ks : bile into who breaks not of hi cell and tries oop thttr,- "-" 1 " . T.w " , ' ,7 1" MV to conceal his identity,) and expressed a hone , greatest Jambunt of collection, in any one t q-nie new. ,It is composed of seven rartsKmeas ver saw. And if they are not satitfied then, I