If i. II Iui r - Vj - . -if . v; "si. 'v" t"" - r " i . - . - i . - i . . 1 . . . . - if.. ' - , . ' i , r - ' --. -f r -,.i-.J-" ' V . !, -i V . I' , . .. ti. . I, : . ? . i: - i . , . i 1' ; v 1 i- - I - !' -i 1 ' ' -1 i'h " 1 ' 1 ' i , - , . ii t 1 -1 - i . - - . i m if . ir in -I i av ... - .) i - . i i ill iii . li i -i : i i . - -v i "V i . - i a i i . . t m i v - r i . . r. a J t cm v: . a. a. : JT ; .ni tiin dnllara ami OTaiivif - - . i.w in l "a- will- be rewif ed fora less rpfF(iare fr iKe first insertion and K.cln?s llr'ch coniinuance. . .ups ffjll oeqnargwu n. uijju 3 - : ?' ,L of 531 lj.prtisa bf lb .UIV AT MOCKS VI LLE.'! cent-vill be made to e year. I" f ,v-..'.' i-''".n. I. .. 1 rvitfrnehtim oeconunneu nnui jS JefiarffeiTor accordingly, janless order ..jio'liumhcol tinieji f : i WW jessed to the Editors most fafdi lo Ware attention. : r , r hg ofU?5e county invite their ill r3s ioin lnem a Soe rJiiof October rSPI.N-E,R . . J Ciibs and Meat booses, are fall. ? jjVwbati 0lts, command all sort of 5Stie is3r 4uoant as heart can desire ? f'n-Voo nSoli'eiiei home, nor can we get iaijingOiKtptod ace abroad. VVet pro 'ufol ilpp'll of etery ihing that is io oor tfieods bnt teiiow ftoy." fc(nfiot itarniEh Champaign and Bor 'JsiiialB pftv srnt to all the most dis iDteliectoai itrpasi. t t : IF PENDLETON : & BRUNER, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. See that thef GfKenmehi dou tipi dentin too mpowtr f Keep aeheeJc ru, itutcriF. , io inisi and ,lib ERTT is safb. Uen I. Harnsoo NO. 12 VOLUME IX. IVtiVLK JYO, 423. m . t " ' ALIgppY;, OCTOBER 16,. J1840. - . .- Jiocttcal- 'f 1 uS'WYA froinjihe Suhscriber on Vd- jheS3pthf Sepi ember, from imilei Sootb of SalisboTi a brnviBiinSdi IDtfJTV. z tail 1 black fellow.' H-if io his conversation -Da?v is a iverr tk)0, 'rM 11 Ms violin with him. tyimtiwk& wlJbe giren for the arrest rffj 6f laid negro in some sale Jail, so i - : . ? !L f n ...1 " ' ,i frl htm nrrriin.Ti ;; f :ht s" i 1! ! rhfpoiot c THE BEST THING WE CAN DO." v J . Tune JSJulbrook." . The times are bad and want cnrinv. They are getting beyond all endonng; Let us.torn oot Martin Van Buren. ' - i .- And we'll pat in Old Tlpprcanoe j . The best thin we can do, : -' " Is to pat in Old Tippecanoe ; ' ' Is a business we alljcan take part in, So let as give notice io Martin, That he mast get ready for starting, f. For we'll pat in 0d Tippecanoe. Ahange of the Administration Will be for the good of the nation ; For it's now in a bad situation, . ' :So we'll put in Ola Tippecanoe. The best tbin we can do, ; U to pat in Old Tippecanoe, ; And send the whole ijosse a packing j- ' ; Van Baren and all of i bis backing, " '. " For we've tiied tbem and foahd them all lack , And we'll put in Old Tippecanoe. . - S We've had of their hombojs a plenty, t or now all oar pockets are empty, children comfortable and happy. It would soon as his emancipation from the thraldom make yob; independent jof the publi j- of4 a debasing appetite became known, clothe you. throagh the year ; purchase a friends, employment and prosperity return good library ; soon enable! you to purchisf d to him. As for Mrs. Truoadall, she is ajsmall farmj'or furbish a small eapital to Ibe happiest of women, and never thinks set you up,in business in the city ; whir witboupride, of her first and last Visit to with sobriety, industry, arjjd economy, witji he dramshop JYY K Sun, ,L j the blessing of God, you might, in timej a I pi 'N'' ' -.- : .i j nas, a lortune, m.fceyo.arself userul and M. tE TotVviLLE on the CnAkAc community. THE FIRS T AND LAST VISIT TO !i THE DRAM SHOP. We're a dollar now w So we'll nut in Old . . The best ibiog here we had twenty, a ippecanoe. we can do, Jqaeyille; after sKjking of the free and rilea- surable conditions single women in Aoier ica, and contrasting wth it the austerities of married life, thiiq rrinlimipc Rut nA A- IkTimothyTreusdall is the name we shall' limericaii .woman falls into the toils of' main. assign to a very worthy,; thriving, and in- .mony as into a snare held out; to her Sim dustnoos mechanic of New York, who Inlicitv and iirnnranrp. Sh ha wn i.,.nht Was a burthen to himself; a curse to his beforehand what is exnected of herJand family, and a nuisance to society at iargfe j: 'voluntarily., end freelv does she enter upon in snort, one oi the roost shameless and'a- nthis engagement. She suDoorta her iew bandoned drunkards that ever took the condition with courage, berauae she rhna measure oi an unmade grave in a Gotham u. As, in America, paternal discipline is! guuer. e was not.weaneo irom nis aep very relaxed and the conjugal tie very plrict; grading propensity by the Temperance, or a young woman does not contract the latter the Tract, or any other society Their Io- Without considerable circumspection iand gle was labor lost on Tim, who would i aDDrehen?ion. Precocious mHrrifccrPH a r a mrn have oncorked the bottle amongst the qu- Thus American women do not! mairy until i fionl a,wafs lo "use'their immediate eject ; exercised and! rip. I n,enf cr lo 1Dfllcte ourselves. But havinj totaIy incogtMzint with disease, and incred ulous bf debility it enters I he chamber with a burned or heavy tread. If of the masculine variety, it accosts the patient in a loud! tone, in something like the folJowin terms ' Come ! come' this will never do! You are nervous ! Yoq would be well enough if you would but think so, and throw your medicines nut of the window. Morsel you must not suffer your patient's spirits to sink 1 ha8 gone through as much trouble and exposure as any one in my time, but I never gave wa, and was never stck a da in my life. This all comes fnn over in dulgence and nervousness ! You should tide out. and take the air, . and call your friends about you, and you would be well directly. Here, nurse I I have brought him a hot tie of wine. Never mind the doctor and his oidersf- As I had nothing to do this evening, I thought 1 wouldj just step overl and sit an hour with him, to keep up his spirits." Vfe have suffered less than many from the (oily of these friendly homicides; hv- iuiz aiaue u mrougri uie a principle ot ac 111 ROBERT HUIE. tiaHes L., Par tee at Concord, R. H. TUR JYfi Iff ivonijM. ibiriCfieajtyt, Handsomest, and ml fymfcetyitsiise. MetpspapGr, in the :MSlihs i aaaaawaapaai 1 t ,!f i - -r. IDir PARK BeiiXAMIN AND EPES 6AR6ENT. . -'. 1 . j ' . 'b moltiBlifdl resources fur rendenng the iHoRLD-more faluaule than ever as a cm- JJ: I :;, we en if r ofp ine se ' 1 r i . , , 1 1 . line uiennris inn noryrf elegant ,li : Whb 'irnrifl vol ii mA rfnhni I 4k4cMrl dre ssef in. i beautiful earb , .VT"!,':!? iljjii, cast cxprpssly fur thefparpose. lit reigre ehb a huio? Muie 10 commence new -.ip'ions, as well a4 for the renewal of those i ouy the,n exiri . 1 J s . vin? . Ihetjfirst e'ar of' the existence of the 'Woildj it his Required a reputation and UMwj uperigr f o"t h at cf any, weekly paper eoanjjry and jha furuishetj to its sutecri unoj that perioll (besides"atl the current tilif day, dpiheliic and foreign) new and m mm by I Tajfourd. D'lataeli, Thomas litiord!Mrsv Jameson, Charles a.iiinyortbiiinowles, Bulwer, Marry-.l-w'oli'nich "in London; could 'par3fiasBd forififi'y times t he;araount f the pNpnce onhe: New World. In addi- ' or3 x it. t erf s f by t h ese eoil n en t a u t hors, MnliiJ . t. ' : . . t. - ! J : - I 1 1. L -vuimju iue pream qi ine penoaicai iiier W'ss fell la's .-original articles from sabeiol: (he roo3t popular writers of imoi wilorh wel may smeniion Miss I.;..t. rU til ft- 1 -4 ! jm ' t . m i'-,yr? tire uewey ,f roiessur Lionglellow, HM Vaufeaotions," fciimms, Street, I-: we fiiriljlfls hithrt(i. maintain an 4aenl4fipilrrcblamiis wHI as hither ti(kaby So moral point of view. r"".ffshllJJii - Justice t the public, , fer lecti independence, even tnougn the tendance ! of all the dunces." We YVegfoiiJnleajneslly strive to render Molj! wipr(li of the vn parallelled fa 1,58 eBeriencldf bit fof a continually ex-. Is to nut in Old! Tippecanoe'; For their roguery can't be defended. And His lima that their, reign should be ended; VVe never snail see the times mended, L- NtTill we put in Old Tippecanoe. ; t , j j :;J .... . : Uncle Sam ha'nt a cent io his purse now, -And matters are still growing worse now ; .There's only one ihing jeft fur us now. It's to put in Old Tippecanoe. ; J The best thing ;we can do, . Is to put in Old Tippecanoe ; For we are all of as going to ruin, As long as we keep sub a crew in, So let us be op and a-doing, And put in Old Tippecanoe. ,.' TIPPECANOE SONG. r: 7-,;., 7 Tcite- The Sea." The Ship, the Ship, the Ship of State ! She's tempest toss'd and torn of late ; Without a mark, without a guide, On mountain billows see her rde. The raging storm is gathering last, And ruin rides upon ibe bias. It lowers o'er th windward sea, r While bieakers threaten on her lea. . 1 her helm, i t some desert realm, And at his' side a dastard few Make up his awkward, block head crew. f She sinksVoh see lithe good ship sinks, I VVitb started streaks and open chinks. Her roasts are tott'rin in the gale, '; J: "With broken cordage, itatter'd sail. v iwi vapiaiu. Gianni vkv9 iiis iaic, ; And calls on Ben'on as bis mate, t There's Amos writing his logbook, And Jim! Buchanan the galley cook ; t.. Old Felix Giundy throws the lead To sound tb people's ocean bed ; But the sea's too deep fur GruoJy's line, And he'll be swallow'd in its brine. - ,;. ;'j : . i Again ! She's safe, ihe ship's at lest ! For Tip is coming frotri the West. ! He'll take the helm in Shis command, And clear the decks of the ruffian band, ! He'll mend her timbers save her freight. And launch anew the Ship of State : With skies serene and gentle gales, i He'll spread aloft her enow white sails; Then o'er the unrofil'dlsea she ll glide, j Not lash'd and beaten by the tide, Or aiichor'd near some ifriendly shore Cries of distress we'll! hear no more. ikiug auu uiuuucrs i moum omsi, anu meir unoerstanuings are exerciied and! up drained it by the crater or exploding Vesu- ined ; whereas, in other countries, roost yus. It was woman's love that cured him, women, generally, only begin to exercise and all women may get a just idea of their and to ripen their understandings after mar- wn importance in society irom nis story riage. When the time for choosing a witnessed incalculable suffering j"rom such proceedings, and hoping that a few may be st at tied by these true pictures, into some thing like a rational course of conduct, we one-third the foel necessary with'lhe ca cbinery at present in use. - A Mr, Bennett is the inventor of the new jaachinery---U8 object of whi. h is to; save tba heat which now passes away, by the" amoke pippf find to consume the smoke at ibe same time. The becefra of. Mr . Beisneu'e discovery, if succesetul,(of which ibose who srenm. panied the Eureka upon the -expericientsi trip, express no doubt) are highly impor tant; 7 Jf one-third of the fuel now used by steamers cao be made to answer, the saving in money as Well as space, will be 'gt'eat. Take; for exmple,r the, BritUh Queen which no jy, takes 500 jtons of coal to per form a pasae of t fifteen day from Eng land, if a he Wqujired but a third, tz. I CO tons, the saving in cost would be two thirds, and enable her to take the space for freight liichmoml Compiler. Mr. Baxter, io ablate speech at Richraon J , Va. told the annexed anecdote amidst roars cf Unghter : j ' -''vv'S'j. :-fV In a certain Western town, the Locos hiJ stationed theioselvfcs fur the purpose cf insultir -a Whig prce8on in march for a certain p , but the Whigs cam op 200 at rung in duw.io files, so that was deemed by the Liico4 prudent 10 let tbem pass in respectful silence. There was, however, a negro servant attached to tho Whig cavalcade, who lingered in the rear, and when be passed the Locos, they most obsequi ously pullftd off their bats to him, and, bowtrg low, exclaimed 4 how do ye do Gen. ; Harrisua how do ye Pompey humored the joke : "You mistake dis childvgeotlfmen I hah not de honor lo be Gen? Harris ion, but am your Vice Presiden t Dick Job nson's son 1" Though he had a wife and five beautiful 'a husband is arrived, that cold and stern ! hve sketched them from the memory of childrenf Tim seemed to be unconscious of j reasoning power, which has been educated the fact. He neglected his work, squanf dered his earnings, which daily grew smal ler and smaller, and spent his time at the pot house, till the. nigh prostration of all his faculties, or . the distasteful words No more trust !' warned him to seek the ehelj ter of bis wife's care and; protection. His children could not go to school, because! and invigorated by the free cbservat ion of the, world, teaches an American woman j that a spirit of levity and independence in i the bonds of marriage is a constant subject of annoyance, not of pleasure; it tells! her, that the amusements orthe girl ; cannot be come the recreations of the wife, and! that the sources of a married woman's happiness learning was dear and rum was cheap; the are in the home of her husband. As she landlord dunned for his rent and Mrs clearly discerns beforehand the only :rad Truesdall was obliged to keep the house, which can lead to domestic happiness, she because she had no dress fit to appear a- renters upon it at once, and follows it lb the broad in, having pawned the last to pay end without seeking to torn back. The tne. last fine imposed on her spouse by the same strength of purpose which; the young T"l 1 ' a ft t : . 1 .r...rAM. r . - - 1 . rioncc voun. misery, uuer uriiiuuuii 1 wives 01 America oispiay, in oenomg tnem and famine, stared the unhappy family iri selves at once, and without reptmng, to the the face. It is impossible to exaggerate the austere duties of their new condition, is no picture, even bad we room and inclination, (ess manifest in all the greai trials of their Mrs. T was a heroine, thought not of lives j In no country in thp world are pn- romance, otie loveu uer wortmess nus-i vale fortunes more precarious thn in the band, and had borne his neglect, the tears j United States. It is not unromrbon for the Of her children, the gripe of famine, and the: j Varoe msn, in the course of his life, 10 rise railing of the drnukard, without repining, and sink gain through all the grades which Never had her exertions slackened ; neyer .Jcad from opulenc to perty. ! Amercan had a harsh word passed her lips. At night women support these vicissitudps with calm when she put her children to sleep, she and uriqnenchsble energy; it would seem former years " (Wtr-wW-i '..S-jlivf I ... , . . . . I OUI. -. " j,--i'Biuie tprompuiuae ine mesi ai-1 0 y --aiUie.tj aiie Bay, w snail, as our 1 i;.'HrSajiorathtcbm From ihe S. C. Ttmperance Advocate T H E W A Y TO GETR I C H - - ! f - ,. f 1. Buy nothing yotrcan as well do with I pensation uce them lo make the Waste no time 9 UIUU-I. 3. Spend noth ihat their desires contract as e-iKilv as they expand, with their fortunes The greater part of the adf entnrers I ear to people Ihe west h nm'rt rain fever r iong, as 1 bem 7 f Wept and watched for his Coming, and when ne did come, drunk, as usual, she undress ed and assisted bim to bed without mur mur of reproach. At last.' her courage well. nigh exhausted, she resolved upon one last, j nherved in the form desperate effort. ; to the AKlo-Araerican At night, having disposed of her three oh States. Many of these dest children, she took her two youngest boldly onwards in purs b the hand and bent her steps to the grog ahead in the- enjoyme gery her husband was accustomed to fr - I in their own part of the country They qlient. She looked into he window, and j iike their wives along with them, and imske there he sat, in the midstofhis boon com-1 them shore the countless perils and pnva pknions, with his pipe iri his month and jjons which alwais attend the commence his glass in his hand.5 He was evidently uicnt of thtf e expeditions.- I have oftn ekcited, though not yet drunk .Great was Aft, even on ths verge of the wilderness, the astonishment of that bad company, and young women, who afteTrravrng-been ehormous Mr. Truesdall'sj dismay and conJ Jljrouoht op amidst sll the comforts bl the fusion, when his wife, pale as marble, and n jljtrge towns of New England, had passed leading two tattered and bare-footed babes,; Wlmost without any intermediate stsaefroro stepped up to the bar, called for three glasj the wealthy abode f their parents to a com ae of brandy toddy, and then set down by Vortless hovel in a forest. Fever, solitude, his side. ! iand a tedious, life had not broken thespnnca j What brings vou here, Mary ?' said U,f ihir courage. Their features were im lie rooroseiy. . s j r. paired and faded, but their looks were 6rm ; I It 19 vert Ion business seldom. HOW TO ACQUIRE HIGH HEALTH. Walker in his " Original," lays down the following rules for attaining high health. They are worth remembering, particularly his advice to wives and husbands: First, study to acquire a composure of mind and body. Avoid agitation or hurry of one or the olher, especially just before and after meals and whilst the process of digestion is going on. To this end govern your temper endeavor to look at the bright side of things -keep down as much as pos sible the unruly passions discard envy, hatred and malice, and lay your head upon your pillow in charity with all mankind. Let not your wants outrun your means. Whatever diificulties you have to encoun ter, be not perplexed, but only think what is right to do in thes'tghtof Him who seeth all things, and bear without repining the the result. When your meals are solitary. t your thoughts be cheerful; tvheo they are social, which, isJ bettervoid disputes, or serious argumentor unpleasant topics. Uoquiet meals,' says Shakspeare, 'make itl digestions ; and, the contrary is produced by -easy, conversation, a pleasant project, welcome news, or a lively companion. I advise wives not to entertain their husbands ith domestic grievances about children or servants, nor to ask for money, nor produce unpaid bills, nor propound unreasonable or provoking questions; and advise husbands to keep the cares and vexations of the world o theroPflves, but to be communicative of whatever is comfortable and cheerful, and amusing esome at homeland your they appeared to allows rou to be there, jute." be at once sad and rcso UnliPft ihe meek wife. ' There is nocorm v - . .j at the dram shoo pany like yours, and as you cannot come to IUC 1 III U3I Villus l jwui . . , ... hare your pleasures as well as your sor ing for intoxicatihgdrinksf share your '"Qiidlth: mtnAUlv. f' m iKa hhpv ininrp vnnr health. COrrUDt VOUr Oior-M TOWS.' t thoi.. l.-K 1 I -, . '-jjj i .i . :.. . im l n., in nmi in npf) niarfi as this 1 I.Tftfeesbctrohs. Our excellent j als, keep you poor, atjd lead to intemperl ailiTi w jli -ki nnrl ih the Rommprrial. aa- I ; n... In .AIiir n iir i.jl , ' , IfHsT i I . rut all WIC MltiuJf.JUU vail vaiir, .,'9 news aenartmeois oi oar Daner. . . s - r .u. f... j .- i i' . I j ."I CcOl Wliai 13 iicvcoaoiy iui iue aipjfii.w ' v'tiiMu ((iitujii i vnnraii ami tamiiv in ine savings nanx jj - i'sges fwasicommcnccu ou me or id some invesimeni )ijTdr; ;"r uwl!:"r ' . : you interest. - ...5 soasciipers. by giving mem us ' K n -n Kn.i;,ri Imnwi nr tnvprnif T- 18 oone, wn i ;ut-.t teaewalfiof ore vidua sub jrweboift 'between i the Q hs Lrtad a ih Ttost-ffice.;4.V4 1 ..-iT-....-.. i6a:l-ll. -j : . I iTmnle than iheir father's ? Is not what 'nAasters whoiwill act for os are; - . Z. ' -i-il. i- nnA fr him onnd for them a so aW" Ajfebts. and imv retain J25 per KtfU9lcrMtinfprice. f3. for commis- f if 3i5u-7Nf York ur -Eastern tnnn .A'018 eacli, if m holes ot, uiher sul f ki'-7 ? !r?. -Jnsyiibe :at t discount tvere. expostulated Tim. I j No place can be improper where my Husband is,'; said poor Mary. Whom PESTS OF A SICK BOOM. We find in Dr. Retnell Coate s work. entitled "Popular Medecines" a! work which abounds in good sense, important in formation, and useful suggestions the fol lowing sraphic description of two kinds of pests, which aie often exceedingly injurious n CONSUMPTION. iFroin the Richmond Jflu's. POLITICAL RELIGIONISM. We regret to observe a disposition on the part of Bishop England," the Head of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States, to mar- shall the menbersof his Chnrch,u a Sect, in to the political arena. Such a movement en ihe part of any sect; ! we should deplore as fraught with evil consrqaences. , Ve have al ready enough subjects of discord iri our land wiihuut adding that of religious polemics the most exciuible of them all. Let one sect, as a sect, array' itself with one of the political par tics, and that, forthwith, Is "the- signal note fur, all the others to take sides. When ibis takes place, religion and morality . will soon, come to the dogs, and passion and factious intolerance will usurp the seat of reason and liberty. The Right Rev. Bishop appear to have ma noeuvred very adroitly to aid his friend Mr. Van Buren. At a Convention of Catholic Bishops, in Baltimore, djwing the Summer; ; a "Pastoral Address, written by the Bishop, was put forth to the Catholics It was couched io general terms; and contained nothing upon its face, to which any exception could be taken. We ex tract a passage as a specimen of the whole : Reflect that yuu are accountable. ; not only to society, but to Gtd, for lbs honasf, indepen dent, and fearless exercise of your own fiaochis?; that it U a trust confided to jou, not for your private gain, but ior the public good ; and that, if yielding lo any undo influence, you act eith er ib rough favor or affection, or the motives of dishonest gain, against your own deliberate view of whl will promote your country's good, you have violated your trust, and you have betrayed your conscience, and you are a renegade to your country." ' - , - - This was all very well. But the Bishop, on his return home to Charleston,' was not content to leave hi flock in the dark. They might mis take his meaning, or tniscoostra these unexcep tionable generalities. To remove all doubt, and io let them know what he intended by violating trusts, betraying conscience, &c, ha wrote a let ter to a Van Bcren meeting in Georgia, in which he, undertakes to acquit ' the Administration tf all blame for the distresses brought upon the country. Id that letter, hesajs : . I also believe thai our Federal' Government has had as little influence in producing the pre vent disrress in our States, as I had in producing that which afflicts Europe ; and that it ha'3 as little power to alleviate that distress as it has constiiutiorial right to interfere with its causes." Dr. Latour, cf Pans, has published the - r-.. ? "krt ,: :. i . f. . On. tJofl Ureen, who, in commentiD? on it. re- following rules for preventing the- advent of consumption in those who are. predisposed to it : A consorr-ptive paficnt should in habit a dry, airy locality, well exposed to the solar rays Residence in any large city predi?poses to consumption A temperate I'lirhate should be chosen, where theAyaria tioris of the temperature are neither sudden norj fri qoent. Travelling, and particularly sea voyagrs. are attended with decided ad vantage in the earlv stage of consumption. The patient shoold be warmly clothed, and mark.), that ' if it should torn out Ihat, uoder the influence of Bishop England's letter, or a ny other cause whatsoever, the Catholies as a body should unite in behalf or Mr. Van Buren, it will be the doty of every Protet?ant out only to resist Mr. Van Burvn, but to resist Catholic ism." ' . -. : - - V-.:v;: This in torn has roased the Bishop, who, 3 ihe editor of the Catholic Miscellany, raves like Amos Kendall himself against the W hig, im puting to them the design of exterminating the Catholics, land upon that foundation Appealing to the passions of his sect to opposo. Whiggery. covtred with flannel from head to foot. He ! VVe copy a paragraph fium his replylto General ''" f God hath joined together let no man put to the si k pi-rson, as well as annoying to asunder V one took up ine glass 01 aico iue puyen mn ; Hoi. SsVanl they will urgeioe td spend your earning! j Why not f : You say thai subscriptions, in gambling or drink but associate only: forget sorrow, and if brandy h Quarto aad with the sober and moral, and you will save I am sure no living creatuie b )fthe Qiiar- both your credit and your money. f excuse for drinking as I. Bei i Surely you are not going to drink that?? .1 -1. w tUm Khhaih urhprri l aske-d Tim in huire astonishment. . -- . - 1 wm m mm m.v i 0 w m. a mm m u ftaif u u a mm . - w- - - - done; without having 1 f ::J . :.J:J I vwu Ai t Yh nav'ihai vou drink to - -j - j las that effect, ias so good an excuse for drinking as I. Besides I hnve mouthful tn-dav, and 1 really to support ray stiength.' ! Woman 1 ! you arenotgoirtg - i- ; " -.--.z-;. . m m u w j- i 1 . . t , Ts, !1 it nrf . - -v J? -. If vou spend in .liquor 6 cents a oay, in a wgive wecii.iiuiu .vM ..u .v"rr Qfsile in advance, foi e- year jt is $22,78 in; ten years witi inter l im, as she aanueu eacn ui iue cuuuku, s3Z 'ilir!! WoLLARS.ior twocupies. est 36 s and in twenty years amounts glass oi uquor, PIlAtal . ' . i 1 s 1 - j. ft - . i . i I. - " i 1 i . ITT 1 m Z UlVSt UK 1 Iff . ill uua uuiva, v. I .iteui: .-kii . I r;wieiptH on hand in theorBce, g XTake care i)fyor cents, the dollars not eaten a moi h1!' ff'l- bobie JonS tosop- ,Klakc care of themselves j ,! ! fed something m! 1 I v "C. 7. Calculate the cost of intemperancei J 'Woman ! V HH orJ Pai or to ?S586 1 52. Whv not ? Can children have a better heir father's X Is not wh It 13 iVy!WN; ih Je1 telative 'lo. the busi- i! j.-rrsai:.ih 11 r J VlXCH.EhtEB. Publisher, oV SO Ann streei. fcUr. - 'F'eqTtffiven w aoDitcaiion Si W: n?feilhe ineit". sesibo of the i ; ftft Rl in terf ivMrs. with interest is good Tor him good ior mem aiso i &791i23 ; and in 20 years amouuts to will put them to sleep, and they will for IU52 46. -'. ! 1 get that they are cold and hungry. Drink, If you spend 25 cents a day, in a year it ray children ; this is are, ana oeu, ana iooq, is S01 42V -in-10 (years with interest and clothing. Drink you can see how &975iiaV and in 20 years amounts t.of; touch good it does your father.' With seemj- 854 14 li i ' U ing relUCtaOCC, ajary suiicrcu uer uusoany Thus by simply abstaining from ibtoxif ko conduct her home, and that night he ;B;,ks and the money spent in treai4 Iprayed long and fervently, which he had iu- A-.;-ir,M nthl ra. and nuitin? it out not done before for many years. . j tt interest 'in 10 yeirs it would amount Ml! The next evening as, O miracle ! he re L ...m m.m to set Vou op in business turned with a steady step, he s.w his oldest and in 20 years including the value o ercise, as walking, riding. Sir ; exposure to thfljopen air and the sun' rays are atsolule f riecessaif. He should exercise the mind ' According to Gen. Green's principle, the ing, There are two pests of the sick room with which we have no patience.! They are of both sexes, but of totally distinct speeds though too frequently both are relations of the patient. 1 The first luild, kind, and prompted by the best of motives, is a soothing low voice which flows however, with an almost cease. I83 current of mqumes into the feelings of the patient, and all the directions ot the physician ; begs the former to be in good cheer, and trui in Providence hoping that e'yery thmJ is for the best but states that Mr A '.and Mrs. B Tand httl i C a hoorFd undr jusi uch symj:toms tii it ih firyi as sav. d from deAlhs door, bjv good Dr. D . under a totally differ- elnl course of treatment that thfe Kecond germed to ht doino ! for sOitMime un der the alUr.tlmiz physician, but died un Ptnr-.-ipriiK - n ih"e t At n!i-ittii dat ! -aod ? UiVf's It .1 nr..r lil. la it. i.corrd itircllc to Health. I P I n a l9 1 1 i Vi v- f i vi-ii Oathotu of Savannah should be. EXTERMI NATED and their liELI'JION FROSL RI1J- : vim r.ik..i,.Q r,r Kn.i(, i!. u in a moderate degiee, but avoid all strong lhe w,,ol, 0 c throuobout the U moral crootioos. He must renounce ny niled s,a;e9 And this is the Republicanism proteson which rrqoir.es strong muscil t ! and the toleratmn nt Gn Duff Green and his exertion, s bent position of the body, resi- i supporters! We do not charge it upon ihe pru dence in a darnpnoisplace, Szc, and fi- ; ty that e.nplnys him, tbough we have l rz nally, the food should be rich and nvurish- known that it is the principle of vast niwbers tf DAMP FEET. The circumstances in which wet feet and cold feet are most apt to cause disease, are where the person remains inactive, and where consequently, there is nothing to counter balance the unequal flow of blood, which then lakes place towards the internal parts ; for it is wotl known, that a person in oidin aiy health' my walk about or work in the open air with wet feet for hours together without injury, provided he put on dry stork ing and shoes immediately-on commg home. It is, therefore, not the mere slate o w-t-nHs that causes the evil but the check to peroration, nd the unequal distribution of r t rrA f r ahirlt thfl artor:n,nving cofnss i rtj anviiea 0 t M H "yiVL: For 2 . Wall fto v cfoihe nd educate yoi. Boardymector. if" If 10 children supply bd and fuel during our cold wiutera, and make your wife aatj Unt'tir th inflaence of Caynno pepper, and the hot bih. The kind fnejsd leasts the aonrtrnent wth ihe ssiirmce tbut the u- lient lonk very til, but-xhoris him to be of : account of a s.ccesrful experiment upon III good cheer nd li .pe for the best; quietly j steam machinery, constructed upop a new hnv ran into the house, and heard him ex- breathing in the er of the nurse or wife principle, to economise ne , .,e was -claim, OhV mother ! here comes father, ' Mv dear ! lis a erc b i.1 case ! Ild you 'and he is not drunk P Tears coursed downf hot better c'l m Dr. D ! the penitent's cheek, and, from that hour, j Tho otiu r ainioTtnce i- of an opposite he has not lasted Strong drink. He hddj rharaj ti r : rough, string .rtive, arid either Inqyer been yicious or unfeeling, and, as i blustering or busiiing, according to the stx ! IMPOR J ANT Did OVERT". The Now. York Express contains an nide with, the steamer L.jreka, in a trip from New York to Sionlrgion and back The Eureka is one of. the largt-at class of boats and ihe was propelled at the rate of foureen rcsies an hour,i:h about only that party ; yet we also kmiw that it is repro bued by a laige number wbo. are honestly r; punenis to the Democratic priy, who love Re publicanism, and would shew, if necessary, their hatted of persecution by rallying, even in iho fild of fight, to prevent the EXTERMINA TION oflihe Catboli-s. It is, therefore, that wp do not' ronsider it the principle of Ihe party, though cherished and fostered by men high s mongsi them, but published only by a few.' We hope the intelligent Catholics w ill rebeke this onseemly conduct and mischievous move ment of their Bishop, by treating his appeals and admonitions with the co.itcmpt they merit. We hope they will vote as other citizens, accor ding o iheir views of public men and meaeurey and without regard to their sectarian sentiments. If they combine lr puliual action, others will combine also, and the consqocnces cannot but be disastrous to all. TESTIMONY OF GENERAL SCOTT. In lbs Pittsburg Gazette we find ihfollovr inr letter, in which a gal'anl Soldier bears di reel testimooy to the gallaa:ry of a brother Ou cer : ; ji Saratoga Spbiscs. Aug- 20, ISIO. Dear im: Y-or crmplimfotary letter of the in insfaM.mviMng me. on the P"'i J ,ht,,?r. r.-nn r.i.mmitfP of CmrrscondencC lor buWer county, t., visit y..o, and he prni Convsa-ticn-in P.t.srg, ha,nd me iW-thw JP i A lour through the Keystone b aie would ba 1

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