.'!!"' . uiU . i . . -' ' h' -i J J L - . - - -f ! Wi TG f K : m ay b e" re a f r r he h a J TK fjdfT-tif ;'4dincer-and two dollars and W.tsi ihemtR the year.' w ,T w .""Lrjbiiol i$lHe.cecMd for a tees lime ! yV'iruMejs8aid foi iu advance.;.". I'IJW! ,8,d ' ' J "a ! J..1 1. . A ft v i m a. Ak - - - - - U... ' di - ' - ? ' y, w V--.- .Vj-" ir I .ho $Jciisesiljjf the year. etUenlilwill- be- continoed until i S tod cbidUpr iccordloglyi unless ordw- PENDLETON BRUNEB, EDITORS, ND PROPIUETCmS ssed to 4he Ed Hot most attention. iVylf SAiisBcaf1 ..Nmv ember 6., t t-; veil t 7S SB OIK.! I I fjosr, ff t Molasses Nails,; ' j Pork,; r : . Sugar," br. ! loaf, Salt,- . Tallow; Tobacco, Cenl$. 40 a CQ 8a 10 15 a 20 10 a 12 18 a 20 , $1 25 10 a 12 8 a 20 Tow-Linen, 16 a 20 Wlieai, bush -521 AVhiskey, 45 a 50 Wool, (clean) ' 40 Lari), '. 78 .1 s ft k a 4 jaC Cottori j :ft. j9$! Cornbush50 4 62 45 6 fesihprs ,- 4oa o!tsscf40t4ct Nail? cutassor. 78 , , wrought 16 a 18 Oats bushel 40 a 50 Oil gal ,75 a &l ; larap , - $125 linseed 1 10 a 1 25 Pork l0Qlbs 5f a' 6 Rice lOOlbs V4a 5 SVWar Jb ,- '8 a 12 J baU sack 2 Jbush . SCO SteeLAoicr. 10 a 00 " iGerrtrari il2 a 14 Tea i rope. 81 $! 37 asvicttltuttl; ' ; ' From IhelFarnurt RezisUr. ' METHOD OFtKRRPINCS SvVPCn! PQTATOES: -- vlt' t Some time last, Fall, ss Well as f now !re collect, one cf your Virginia correspondent? asked for informalion oo the subject of keep: ing PWfet potatoes through the winter ; and peihips the Writer ; wjaa ! 'desTroos .lojbttain Virginia practice'; but if our Georgia pltn shouldfnot be altogether applicable t'p your IkeptV,, door (the only opening to th'e.boue,)Uisd up, arid all the same in the shutter and jfo!r. logs carefully chinked up. with cxUon at)d tar rjf 1 jernetnber rightMrV G; gateltbe following explanation. " For to or three years, on first housing his i 'potatoet,' he. jw.as, careful to havethe door kept -opent until they had gone through a sweat ; yd .found that he; had lo8t? a third by: dry rot iAt length. he was told that the air ought to be carefully-kept oiit until theawent was. over. The trui h of this was strongly confirmed .to his mind by' the TeeolIeci'iLn that in'dsina his.pota.tocs he. found thai the farther jthey lay from the door the sounder they had Jkept.V He added that be had picsered two region, (J know of no reason whr it should t'", I 1 i t . ' ' . I noi ub,) your correspondents rrnay joeriTe some useful hints tncrefrom : and though I gite our plan too late for any practical use the present seasyn,' it' will," if at all be jof service the commg one. There are yarioua (nodes adopted in Georgia for; saving pota toes, but as the one t practice', in' comcdoti with many. other?, has. alwajs been &o sue. l eessful, I shall describe that only. As'soon as the frost slightly auects the potatde vines in the fall, " (about) the middle of Ortoher here.) I begin to make preparations for digg ing ;vand by: the .time the vines" oecbme Iboroughly, killed, I aprprepared for ihejhr vestr 1 selectanj elevated piece of ground,- ! i and throw up circu EVIl 50 4i" 10 25 October 28;184fXtv twelve.br fifteen Inches above the commion 61 whicb should tbe alppIeM37ia I Istoir, I'i'.i- o a Ctuoa iirni to Caiie8,-f.l?.ri17 rixsecdl'l ll .ai.lO rffliiefsEt371-ra 40 S3 a 87 4 surface; toe dU mete Molasses, Nails, cut, Suit n r Ktnw n Lumn.' AJ6 potatoes Jnaf, r ; ,. ; 18 a SO the hills are objects . -.75 a 00 j vent the possibility pf the potatoes Salt. Sack, - f2i a Ll obar.co leaf 4 a 41 Cotton dht. 16 b 22 phe hll' the rbetter. Hale rope. '8 a;l0 somewhat elevated' Wheat" new ' - 85 Wjbiskey SO from the centre, ar .mounds., or k hills 6i;a 7 about ten feet, to contain sixty bushels of -Quia . -'-V i A - u.-t-i-- crops'on the new plan withVn'ire isuccesi; and that alter" the f wealing- was doorman, often., left ( open all day, in ;cbid weather, without any-sensible injury to the ;uWouldJt not confers public benefilr-fur you to learn if this plan .continues success ful. and give vour readers the -information ? ' . ,. ,- .... O, . 1 ...... . I i I be person. WbenIlwasf4iheteen. li (ill iQ love ; and as I found prose t0o tame a medium, ino sla'nl a tlraperv for mv tlionflit what could I dn but express to my fair one ;nW passion in song ! I She wai a beautiful crcsiwre ; ra ueuciousjrrangeeniof flf$h and bh)bd! a cbuntry; parson daughter" wf ith excellent tastes and Accomplishments'. he wag fond of poetry and so was I,- This cjreumstance sent my fancy a wool-eaiher- )Z lor .tropes; fiuresv- and: mblern Yong JadieS have a passionate admiration ffa gpnins,andl determined id ihow thu I rwas not deficient in thar particular i lharl belonged of right to those imha merited lh& ayingjoefa mateitttr non Jiti i During jibe spring of IS , 1 was attacked - wi h a perfect incontinence bfyrhyrapl Mylady oveas ft1waya"my theme; , Bi;t of all my compositjonsV none satisfied , roe save .the yUowing, which Iroduced illr great time, laH)r, and studious care. I think poorly enoogh. of it now. -Mr. Neal would call it lw8Ule, and eo do 1. ., ! tWO " To improve Creami Have ready pans'. in. boiling water." p.ut tbeuilk, imme diately after taking it from the cow, into one of them,' and cover it with the other, and oiir t:;- -'- i,5'LV r : ' '-5 .-1 wprdj fjor;t, you will, nnd. great incjreasej ip the thickness and quality of the cream.; The situation, and eleva of t Imports n'ceJ wet.; v; In order to make the potatoes lie pn the edges should fee ... P . . . . . .. it, . jby d raw ing t h e 'eaitb i fir1 ions of to pfc- f - v t mm lime :sine m T1MEJ,V : idt finable, yet paradoxical ? ,Aa old gentleman of Montgomery, Cbl Pa., says Dig potatoes in drv weather you wish tbero to preseive well." That correct. Vl.,:,..;,t..,,;;,,j , t --v-autumn;-;-";; '! Sweet. Sabaih of "the year, ' ' V VVhile eteoing lights decay, . ' Tby parting steps, met hints jhear i Steal from the world away. iftinfi r iH e pait is &tm&. the fotbre is' not l, abi'?)$a presenl becomes I is, and lie present becomes the past even C'e ve mempt to define it, and ' like the flash ijbeligBtojng, a onbe exists i and expires. IffiMs tti rmeasuje cf all ibinjrs, but is itself ffleisoratjte, and tne grana - atsetoser oi ail s, bUtjs itself ; eudiscfUed. Kike spare; giving it slightly theiap-: 15 a 20 pearancc of 'a- bowl. Common pino heart I .-s ir - '' . i.L-... .! . i i - i- boards are now placed on the earth: rad'ul- ing from the centre to the circumference iof the hill ; and on these a layer one foot thick of dry pine leases.; ;The 'hill being Kqw ready to receive jthejpotatoes, I select dry. mild weather, aud commence digging lr. the morning, and stop time enough in Tlbe ajTieSr-j noon to haul ud all due durina the day ; fr mTOmbreliensiVleilbtcanse it has no' limit. h Melt out at nieht, the frost, if any would a it ;W8U ji 8UI before sa it it uau. it i in;,ife:,bem.t If Psible, the hills should iirira iQ Source than the Nile, and in Us ict- J ' , I J . . ""; i '.1 laaiioffiliin the aier t and advances like ibe be filled and completed the same day,' hut 4test liNi bo t re ieats like the swiftest torrents! if nnti ihe Dotatoes should be well covered ftfi h T bau 'I with straw to" projec them al night, ind( rlu ileadtofnam. andnda pxnpciaiion a curb, bat 1 r T v . ) F - . i t i spurJ 4li!robs beauty of her charms; covered next mofnihg. When the pile be- fD4r1 iff; picture, and builds a rnon; I comes'lwd or threelfeet high, place;a jpM ITlPni l. man I - Kill j4i.m. a kraica If la thai ,.' - M I . ' .-' - .- -. J"2:?nr nini "".r "r-- liorizonta t. "across, of sufficient Jenst , io t'tsiiiufeana flcceiiiui niiierFr ii iaisenoou. Din i . - ; . " a ie tneittii final An f imth 'I'imo i ihfl I osss entirel v through 4be . hill. Al betjer j j i . . x m . a - . I IP , Amid thy silent bowers MMs'sadi' vet sweet -to dwell; V here fa 1 ii ojj lea 'yes J rop' ng fl j wers, Around cue breathe lue e!l. A ion? tnv snrtset skies . Theii 2 lories melt in shade. And like the things wet f.nty prii?, beem luveiier as they fade. A deep and crimson streak Jt..ij.l: i J .i:...t .J. Aa, on consumption's wanning cheeky 'Mid rain bloorus (be ruse. 1 Thy scene each vision brings 01 beaoiy in decay ; , . ' Of fair and early faded things, ; f Top exquisite to stay : .. f ; : ; ; t -j. : J , Of j iys that coroe.no more ; , - -j ' Of 11 wers hose bloom isfld ; Of farewells wept opin the shore 4 Of friends'esirariged or dead ; st sa5lfe4 y el abd jcbost insatiable if depreda ventilator would be Ian oblong box, four cr Of all ,ihat now may seem, as, andfby appearing to take nothing, is per- - tnrB 'n..J htu ''ntlt anWer IioIm t" To. Memory's tearful-eye," intake ailcan ii be satisfied, uniil ii Cve inches square,. with several augr J.oles , ,znhhed bcan,y vt a dream; 3itoIriilje wbr J ifrom us. and us from the in it. The potatoes; may now be put; on, till T O'er which', gaza and igb.l y.- Illiconsianfly flies yet overcomes fall pile is about fivi feet high; and Ibftiirt a " TO. EMILY , " Dear eirl! an angel sore thou art, The rnnse. of every .spell, j , What brios one transport to my heart', And bids my bosom swell. And oh, carnation 00 thy cheek . I8 richest lustre lends j And thy bide eyes forever. ppeak -A welcome to thy friends. . lk las! if' fate should bid os part, 1 ; Life would be fioeght with 'me ; A' load worildjrest upon roy jheartjr A -Without a smile Irom thee." - Ala if fate should bind os fast Life would -VTroasb with me ; 5 A IdidwcmlJ rash cpon'my beart, -. Without a smile from thee. Wbere shall I meet a leaf so fair , In nature's open page? . J . With thssthe beaoteoas flower compare, And e'en my grief jssuae ? v ; ForgiTe my loveJhis hasty lay," r And let its numbers be ; Sweet monitors, that day by day, Shall bid thee think of 'me! - l. '.Where 1 eeuld meet s.litnp so fair - .' In Nature's open Daysawe"? ' - . r With thrtt ihe barbarous ;fikier compare' vt-V f And own COV nief stnatr P w v-- - . i Furjive my bnre thi nasty lay 'T ' vK- And let it nunibef be-5 i Sweet monitors iba dilf dry;-ti" -j. SfaalJ bid tbee think of me! . - u. . - r When ! bad read over this -diabolical mass of stuff, I flw into an uncontrollable rage. In the blindnegs 'of 'ray4 jcha'snn.' I ueprectaico ine jungment.oi AJisstcjif; f thpVght everv, person could see the terrors arid detect themss readily as I didr and I said to my-f ottng friend that she must have beed verytupid or inattentive! not to see how the poem ought to read. . This roused in her bosom all 4h'e blood of ihe'JBrinken- hbffs. She handed mejny bat and pointed stgmfiea n ilf ; tOviHefTdoor.i: I went outat tb;e. a pert uro. thus indicated, add have never darkened it eince. c Emily now is the Con necticut school master, who blow's the rlich- pipe and leads the choir on Sunday in Tier i fatberVchurch. . ' : '. JThis was roy " first passion and my last. fXceptlthaCintb which -1 have been roused every time I have tent a piece to.1, be pub. Iished Yel I still love to console my drearr 1 bacbelorfhrp by writng "and seeing ny thcugbts in print,; but I despair of ever see-' ifig them rightly uttered; Fate, in that re-' gard.is against me, and probably atwais will be.- -.. , ; . 7- ; .1 ; . ,-. , John Smith P ' ; hefterviceof lhe Navyor'Atiaycf tLe Vu'. iates. -c i; . - r Waatllt Will be tti fmor ronn fi?, tfe cradle cf; hope, bat the grave of am lay them all ove the pots toes, at least six wq,is.vna atern corrector of Hjois, but thesalu- iDcbes thick. Pinoheart boards, like thdse ;t ,Jrom lhet Qucqec JUetcury. j j! ;ll:";n Htofim: VICTIM OR APUOOF READh i' voice thai eVen thp? s acres discredit mo oliced over the straw, and a coveting of "Fool murder hath been done;. Lo ! here'd the "JVJsddai will'before it,-upp6ri9nity"witb' earthsix or "eight inches thick; is vpSit bv over e. Oh for the good old times of typography J.A 1.ntii f nndon na- notatoes. and the ertb drawn nicelv dp o nnllion has deciphered to """'S'v'SO'MC wwij inveiiteu ejpuu- it. It a Dole is useo as ine norizonvai J.I3lt.:S'M" T.Li.!.'1..il;:;;i tlbtor. M tint HoM bo emotea eitfjrdiniiy!Vs4U vst the alisolate sov-1 below it. where it projects from yT.yi the seaN in the hands of the first Ali it1A..nfrtiirhot s, HtMall ilont them I for T-ra full v - -" fF t lies t,:.'ft! ,n ,n5 naos r?tu . :? All the apertures snpuia De leit ppcni ipr a ; - , - thm vf,tim ne r.rnnl thader" i- r - ' - a mi f - . . ; 3 oelvnl irtim 1 ery where abroad.ome. one miithtbefiju the hilJ.l- wu0 cou' connSe to stieitf r,irorn.f iy jtiraifc i 1. "i ' 1 onnrpecinn a.trrilef fr-1 he ores? T as. I i I I - , , . , , newspaper.' I awaited a long week to see it appear. Finally, the important Wedn s day arrived. . I hastened to the ofiica ; but the affair 'was " not published, j I glanced with a hurried eye over the damp sheet, and faund a notica at last, commencing with three stars turned op and) down. It read.thus: . . -v.rj h-.-- ; j vThe tribute to Emily by J. is una voidably postponed until' our pext; by a press of advertisements, fir which we are thankful ;. since we do that kind of busi fees, as likewise all sorts of job work, on the most reasonable terms, blank,.. cards, handbills, and other legal documents, being executed by ns at the shortest riotice. Not to digress, however, we would say to, J. S let him cultivate his talents ; he has tre mendous powers: but writes a bad hand . lie sunuiu ms&e ins : p.jv ppeify1-pefecU,'r;1' had the curiosTtvv vertising columns, to things of traffic had dif,f There were but -thret( jC fhenfTs sale, a stray, cow, and a w ed from bed and board.' T rend the sherifi'ii notice wiih 'that deep interet which tfiese doc uments usnally-excite I discoursed of of lands, messuages, and tenements, defijr nated by a lire beginning at the north wet corner of Mr. Jenkins' cow house ; run ning thence.' norlh seventy fi ve7-cliains, fourteen links thenre est twenty" nine chains; eleven link v,'. to a stake and stones;' and soon the enJ of the chapter. 1 "DIOCESE OF. NORTH S CAROLINA. Bishop lies has jist completed bis visita tion to the westerrrand;iiorlhern.Oburches of, his diocese 4 haying confirmed, eighty- "ThU prIuC,i0 I sent to (ho )...,. UZSZ'. Vjise uis j ."ad-loos tjop- firhism, and addressed them on the subject of their baptismal gifts and duties; In the midst of these, laboursrendered unusually arduous by bad healib-the Bishop bas been not a little encouraged by a manifest increase cf parental solicitude and exertion, to com municate to the rising 30ns and daughters of the Church, a fuller ' knowledge and a deeper sense of their relation' to God bv Holy baptism ; so that Jie begins lb look w lib confidence on t he-' next generation :of Ch 11 rcb men 7 nNor t h CaroIina,.as com par atively recovered, by the powerful lnstru mentalitf, under the blessing of the. Holy Ghost, ol the Church Cat echitpi applied by the anxious jand piayerful teaching of rhothcrs Trnrn- the" thraldom of mull i form apd long continued error j and as etinding upon the; high ground, occupied by;Ithe s a i nt s of J fi a impure, and a I m osi f- a post ol 1 c age,, when. tis - blessed ..'form of sound words,' was first embodied and ineuic&ted. It continues, however, to be av matter of grief, that the views of the Church should te so grbsslf misrepresented in regard to. thepe things ; that with her Jitnrgf . shining before the eves, of men, and her ministry faithful to their liolf calling, Khe should still be charged with resting upon her sacraments ahd ordinsncts and catechetical instructions, as the enrJ of the Chri-lian profession ; and not as we affirm from Holy Scripture-ss the divinely ordained means of that new1; nets and holiness of heart, and life, Which alone , can make the - Christian - profession valuable alone car fit us for the true, fel- LETTER OFtMR. STANLY. 01' TO Me. J30 ITS OF V 1 KG IN I X. .WAMiuvGroir Citt, Srj t. 2Z, 1' Vir J)ttr Sir I have rc-d v.iih rrr:!i i sure y o let ter to 'jour cons l ii c r:; t s , u !a n - thaceJeUated plan cf rcin'ett, uf d t! a i caser-I raljy ?Ity the President U his -u ries. wri utte m&as tbetr.srlTs s r d cu ; . ;. ibeir aurmnta to? bieH theci.-chci f.cr.; t lbdioation;V"TherearV?griS3 inecnji ; and contradieiiyns in ihcir leiiers", tvh U a e'recohciltd But :bjs you have ha'akd v. and aothingf reriains for?cje to say. ' r l ttisb, bdwever.tosaf a wcnl rebtiro ! ododact cf the Jodiciary CtmraiUf e. ? , -sident, in his electioneering letter to Mr. I! . , says' l that this committta are eilen't c; , n ; snajt;;ATf MV:- S4or 'cf : Coanectlc';:! , - sfgned, I was placed onthatccnffitUfe io?r; . ply fhe.vacncy. 1 be casecf Ltcnt. HtLe r. then Vtftred to 03 and .the - cumrritie?. v - oljt as we all-werel bv the "warm w cither, f - ling op iate ai night, and ibe press cf tusir , tyondj it irepossiole," with ihe IHUg at Vur c -mad to CipsiJer this case, .vr.i thou t cf':::! all thecther business befoiej'ie'ctimcittre. J As wIlls I remember tfcefe.wa3 2 f. " .1 r I ' - , - a mm eeung ci mecommuiea aiur I became a r: ; rof it. Vi V ' Bet what was itproroeed thst !.? Jc'! emmlueeaboold du? 1 hate laielv seen :. noKiB in ibb uoTernratni qisn, con.rr.tr.; . -upon the vote In the House, en ihe reu... .; . .' Mr. ChaptntB, of AUbarna! a'nd of caur to 1 " -representing -the. wbole; affair By refercn 1 ihe journil. ypa will observe lhal cn ibe 4 ); : Jfuly; a motion was made by Cha; : , uf Afabarr.a, ibattbe rules in relai'toa loths tr der o business be aospended, to enalla Lin l : "uiove; the following resolution feao7eedrThat.tfce Judiciary CoxrJ.i:: having charge'ef the case of l.ieni. Uf, 1 forthwith report a bill to this House, r.tahY. ;i ine enusimeni 01 nearoes or-colored- r?rs r tr States. To this resolution f'-was decidedly epp' andgaye my reasons for it. - In, these, if I r -Uiimber'riobt, y?u CQTcorred By reff r !. : the journal, on the Ijjb July, you will fir. 1 aiiccdedio haviog these o'ecttons nU te I f the jWrnal.I asked to be execsed froo 'vet;.- 7, Kbat 1 "iDigh'tDe 'enabled : to' assign my icsi.:.;, which were as follows : i 4 i Mr Stanly asked to ba excused from votir ltecansejtbe Judiciary j Committee: had rot th at' ibV prVd;"or:ibe;;6essiou,to' exaraire t: I prepare any lawion; keyc subject '5 ; betaase' l Presirfenf and the5 Secietary cf the Navy !.; 1 already foil., power, .and aoibority to exck J j them jljro'oi giving. itst)mbny'egaJnsl white rrc", and to 'sietaside i the p'roceedirgV of courts tr.i r-ilialif-'hey saw any thlng reqolrirjr their in- terlerecce ; and becaose he (51r. H ) could t . consebt that the Navy shoald be deprived tf ii seryices'oPnegfoes, as cooks,-stewards, ar.J f r yantsy: fat there is nonnecessity they should I 1 ItoMes) ; arid because, to enact such a law : the gentleman from Alabama 'proposes, would, i . effeeismake white men pesrves.' " " This explaioamy opinions; is a Southern rr.n -, Snd as a oienber or the Judiciary CocriflniUee. AAd ifter deliberate examination, 1 believe thr u views aie correct ;and know a large muj 'srity ot Southern men. will think with me. ! -The great laboratory f lies, the Glube, gire: the names of those who voted azainst Mr. Crwpman's reu'oiico42i - I ilf jyoV will look at the jouroal, you .will fir..?, tn the i 4t h of July, MjvCbapman introduce J t is resolution to have tbe rules suspended, a r i tpe'veas and nays are there giveo. The G!. would bae -the South" to", believe, that all t! : lUcofoeof wba supported Mr. Chapman in Li: rhotionlare good,-'Democrats, and i friends cf tl 3 South. But to expose this unfounded and Ly pofntical pretention, Tneed only call yrur zi (emion to the names of H. Williams, and jVr:. Parrhenter, bothcjf whom are found votir v, Kir Cbapman. Both 5 of whom, Ithertfore,- ti c Giob intends to pajm upon the Sooth as Trien J 3 oil the institoiioa of slaveryrand in favor cfes c ndincr negroes from entering the service. I have, before me copies of the letters wri( t 'i by Messrs i Parmenter and-Williams,"' tefum t hey! were elected members "if Cnngr ess, tnd I gjiveryooan extract from ach. iTbe extract; f here give you I read in the House of Ilepr i r:; iVives. and they were; not denied by Pannentc r and Williahw:; "- " --jV y...-. I I Ta I I ft a n At in Alltfil- m a 5 tt e vitael 1 1. rr , t. X;;V WWII' V UIIWU HIV WMI V VMU'fi f , i- . ' ' i-'j-v V, t . :.' ti.i . t . 11 j luw?hip, of our: Savioufhere.; and forthe great del ixht., sent it to vbm!ly,;" :1 told , v . r V j i. r - u' . V 1 c J -if t . ill.t i.-. 1 enastingv int of out Lord " hereafter, her lhat J. S. was mvself, but beggedi her . t .-J- . . .e - j ; r-.u- a s 1 . n. j he Bishop went to- the' duties :of this vei Woi ycitlistandf these extraordinary e V'V ""V - :Vvpr k 11 HlAisiniy hour ; in river-ways and entirely? I consijder it important to perforp- i I 1 4 ! i 4 i?.a.e? 10 iQdta.the jargest armies .i.e nhole business j "fatutitediwiihout a Chance t escape ; I -. --y, v; 5 Si 0 'tejrablef agVinst iheir operation. Tbe y ColumbusMa. aost ifScuTt mountain passes wuold be -'y nnght by lieir "sepliratidii be tendered JffetM iipo-:sai.'.if the line might-be in dry weather. P. C. H. j c'i0jed byltf singtb . stna'.l ship construe. Ptincinltijl ttava had explained t ji me; As t the hest potatoes through. it ii 44 uej and kipoa 4 the, shortest no-1 - .v . ;. -;. rf t.; ; fotmatton in the tan n Clh"M boiel ihjlla? fe; Frances -Amongst tiS'l8 hohtd armed on thd someday. of J G near the; 1 not my own, ha of feeling akin to pjirl I began to shave fr more or. less aimcteq "with the teacocthese scribendi, ; and,!, flajter myself that I tisya.not al ways been unsipe cessfnl in. my wiilings. - But my prirtfed efforts have neither been honorable to ;my senilis nor eratefbl to mv rity : 4on the contrary, they have been quite the reverse.? sjreet I havp bad the sweetest poems turned lt tvtnierithe following so- thrice snuom siupiuity; sentences in prpse f -.. -L.i.i'. on wtiicti i ooateu in manuscript, uave aiwitUw.!...a;U ..,'ti .t.;. r n,,.",ant, Silent on to a barter 'ITI Wttt.1: j vr--j, ;- ....... , ;J -ji jt-it" ."x,--. j l m. been oernsed in a deep perspiration. nu inng aMlhe table d"hoteweie hiise of Ibe Ibl h aripR frnm a ronsniraev whieli seetni iS3( I called at the house b have been formed against me by all , the nnil Ilflibad tvpozrapitic eentlemen of the country. 1 It a a 4 iivi . -. v vivv v r . i t- skar . Maf .; t" i.-'k;-',kU.L r.s fli-'f-nl I is true I wrile what Mrs. Mala prop infgUt rist put up hts. potatpe crop;: chit Uf mpa I . . ... - , , e ' . .. ?m oining aUihe table dTtyteweie WfiWlmcniwjie1e relating to each other1 fei !ujs tiine had arrived alter an au w "t:.Wenn irao'.a c.a. ! it:.- c.f.o tfrailliJ je.f h top r;nd :with eaitbli ll ; i J ' i. call an 'intelligent band v'. for, to the piur o"gPl ! faiWinotiiB for crossing tV and duttihff W. UVd V Rouble Jo ja"iJK-;and : the epajce,! ,b- j 0cver could descend. I have often twcVn the walls (15 or IS inches,) was fiil- eQ directions to publishers, that if a Word not .to mention it to a third -person, t She kept her secret as women - usually do, in three days ,it' was all over towrrthal I had ajpiece, that I had made outofr my head, coming forth in". the next week'ri newspaper 8qures?eqf omiiy, nnoKerr. . fc Never :did seven days, sail t.xre slowly Bishop visitation with the hope, that Kis efforts to ottin for'Ltncoln and ftdrker bounties- fieldsalrea'dy white to the hirVesV'a eiittabltfabouref, would be found successful, in his meeting there, ap. able Missionary al ready engaged in Ins work..- 'But be isgain 1 1 .t. i j " . i t -r tr-a ' cslled-to suffer disappointment;-and in view round the week'd loterval whicu. follow ed't - . t . ' . UF MJ41 IIIICICUII frciui(.H " 7 fe'rvently, and lo entreat his brethren to jin the prayer to the Lord, of the harvest. tb't fli will send forth labourers into his bar est." Bariner of the Cross. . hei;op or loft was floored l was other wise past finding oot,' they should UT:! W4:.nptbei-wlio. bud. lefi France .r. - -X J .--.j :.-. L-i.ilj rnont the marks: but the, plan failed!! as 'iit, iblrtr gvne u iyp.anaen er - ,U i. I 1 have indeed all my plans ror correct habits -iiiirhFrV10 over;w.lb.cay lb ir 12 inches thick , tbote thghl befue Abe Vublic If this ria- jvaoes of wliichtnere ; wasj a common rative shall prove to ,be correctly printed, Ss i L Pe iitb Jurtooe aqd honors; so; aOaphed to various voyages M-al sAik and now returned ih a The ground floor was sunk about two ifejt it will be the' first article from my; pen "thai ;;" ana pension.from the state. I hese 1 below the surface of the earth. 1 he area 1 bas ever met wun sucu an nonor, ana 1 suap KiSLr ? V? ?eTJ! - of the bouse was about 8 feet wide, 8;feei beyropo uonamy pieasen. ,! S?,TO? hoase,! uhedeaiXof their I " i ... - J. Like all other mortals, I am penetrable m f r,F'fence i they re'.urneu on.;ire Harfj leM9 ibsfnes cf twenty years dai olOl!!1! had nevef evcnjieard of ..-ja.- , , i . I" B -.-;-:' ' i i I -;: ."'-"'.r.'1!-" ; 'r"'.;"'i': -'mi'" .' - -'" . ' - not !H-iStTAoc5 o?:.he same day raod, wgu, o long. m. - f- t0 tbe rarrws ef Cupids f&ly ? heart is! bold, 800' bushed .-It was entirely nufu enWd with Ihe enVIermisof aihin6ceros. with' potatoes. j v' ' : ' j lor the beir hides of ijlx the forrgomgi noticed in the" publication -of the 'EUictdator of Freedom, and the Tor in ofthe People. When it 'jtiidtfioally come out, I sent Emily an affectionate, let ter, with a copy of the paper, assuring her that tbe poem contained my real sentiments I determined not to read it myself until I visited her in the evening. By great se denial I kept my resolve, and when the ynnng moon arose, bent my steps towards tl,c mansion of my mistress. . J rtS'fie received me coldly. I wis surprised and abashed,. What is the maljer, Em ?' I tenderly er.qiiied;: did jou get my billel doux.and the verses to-day i Yes theycame safe,' Well, bow did you like them ?' i The liOte was kiriJ and good, hut the verses were foolish, ridiculous nonsense. ' I was thunderstruck I asked-to see the paper. Emily rose and handed it to me ; aud silting down by the vine cld window, patted berJittle foot angrily on the floor. j I opened the Elurtdator and Tocsin, and read my poem. Solomon of Jerusalem ! what inhuman bulcberv !. idiotcy ! But I will give the eflusion as it was pointed, aad shame tbe devil.' . S - "TO EMILY B- -jj" 1 " Dear girT! an angel sour iboa art, 1 ; v . The mule of every spelljr ' .Tballtayesi b'tr Iroiopetsjio'my heart, And bid my bosom swell-'! ., What siiutk me most, was "to see tlie I am what they call totjiaances a; ausceptt I t. And oh darnation o'er thy cheek 1; Its rndeM blister bends;. 1" "And thy blear eyes forever speak A welcome to thy friends. Jin evidence of Sincerity- M Va recent relifiio js meeting held in a Methodist Church in S.mrtanbarg District, sixty-four were ad ded to the communion of that Ghnrch. Amonj ih-Jt number was a retailer, who kept hard by his grog-shop a tne-pin Alley whore men collected on Sabbslli as well as other days, to drii.k and carouse. But so soon as tins man's eyes were opened to see the purity and extent of God's Law, and j hts beaiU as we trust, opened to receive and love the truih, he saw at once the sin of keeping a grog-shop. He therefore gave notice immediately, that he shooid abindon the practice of retailing, and did sov Are there any members of.ihe.Cbnrcb of Christ who'are engaged in ibis unholy call ing ? Panse. for a moment, we entreat you, and consider tbe efJerjs of your ' trade on . I.L ln...IV..l ria.nil inl.rflll lf IT (11 T I ri!.i. mpnL Ttretnerante Adtocatc. Advice, like snow, ibe softer it falls the long er it dwells upon, and the deeper irslnks into the Learu . .'V-: : i ' , -4. v, yls( srJVtd reJMeyvreJ-fU is wpnhy cf remark ihkWbe 'rtpi('v-9 of ibe British Qiseen steam- ExthclofaUUerfrotn tVmParmenler t Jh: Jlmoh Farnsorthf dated : Ead pdv.ilridc, -OcloairiC;'. 18 " ThaVihe existence of Slavery U an evil tf ffreat magnitude is .'pot disputed, exeeptin Uy a vpry small poiiioo oi ine cuaa ut mr uu,. i. It mv epiftfon. 'the powers' .pofisesed by Ctr. Jfes should he exercised la prohibit' inter Sid: stave- trade, aud lo . abolish slavery " in the JJ ' ? -trkt of Columbia whenever such; measures t : , be adopted rr6?stintly with the safety cf tS. nation ; and deemjt; the doty, of Gorgre-,' u regard the requirements of justice and .humar.ii; z vt ell as he other obligaUuD3 of , the C'jniiii: -iron of the "United States". . j - I am not in favor- of.lheadmUsTon cf ar, new Jitaie.wbose Constitolion may loleraie j vjery. and in this sentiment I belie re the IV of i his Welion of, the country almost unania. Lr colnc"de.if yty y ,i'.'.--;. " . ' ! llosperlfully, and trnlf yonrs, ,.:.y- WILLIAM i?AUMENTER." Bxtraet fbiiro?JK Vav. V. I CrandaU. Fall River ; dated , Tf union, M ' vernier 1,'1S33. : S:-X--i" -. Dear Sir I have ihisday , received j- r lot;er if-the 31st ult.i prcrKionding to roe i ' rugatotie in behalf of I the Brt?tu! County A -ilaery Swety.aod.fur answer refer jcu to r j ciorse in the Massachusetts Secate, and to a I ti'writiep to indrew R.beson, Eq., about ? year since, and publisoed in the newspapers ; i al time. That letter conlains epintota I L: ! lung eniertaincd and often expressed. I have fir.ee seen no reason to change them. I still " sfarerv to be cootrary to the laws of G ' and the besi interests cf man that it oujht r. l a be extended 6y i he admission of cew Sizu i inio ihe Union with Constitutions toleraticg Jre3t an evil; and that il is ibe imperative duly of Congress to adopt' immediate measures for i:s II. WILLI A Vic. Now, both theve men, Parmeoter and Yi!;l- amns. are tew BJnncfo iociioco?, aco accoiou Globe logic, are genoir.e friends of the fccuili ; alad if they are deflated at the next e!cct:.,n, we shall hear" that the Abolitionists hae tri umphed over these immaculate Democrats ! Anti slarery rest.Iu.ioris: were irtrodeced ir.? o the Masaarbusetts Legislature. The qursii.n was iaken bv yeas an'ttmia updo each resu!..- ion." Here are i u, . nfcZed,That .COngfesr, bavtcg exc!u-lf e .gislaliuo1 i n' the District of Cfdambia , posse t h- flaht in aboliih" slaverv and slave rs herein, and ibat ibe early exercise of each v sbtiVthe Ui gi effTrir if mvrine arehi'tectord i J U 'dfrnarided by the enlightened senihuM ci thai l.as'4steWieJ'thr those hecltil z-d woild. by the piincMes of ihe icr- oiuuun, ana oy auiusunj. of IS'ouh. - .r-t -1 A z X i Cw2 c 7

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