V - -ibut we point ucb to the Wprjf pf bes ran Tats, and ihe conduct of offic holders for i lw proof of what : we si f . Jontsparo (Terui.j STATE LEGISIlAirilllE. Ct ftTE The bill appropriating one tlionsand dol lars year, for fite year,',to purchase i h" hiirj JorUhe Stato was taken op, rejected, leconsiicred, on motion of Mr jWilsun ; on motion of filrw Bpruul, amended and passed Mr : Hilt introduced the Blemnrial of the President and Directors of the Wilmington 'arldBaleigh Rail Road Company, tprayieg Ibo Legislature lo grant them loan. Re : ferred; v- ;'; ;j -;j ..Tne bill to prevent betting on elections, -passed its third reading, to to IC. and . was bordered to be engrossed ll 1 , The bill to authorise the constidction of the Raleigh and Western Tarnpike Boad vis" read I he second time, amended on mo tion of Mr. Clingman, and postponed until :TesdaVJ next. ' ; , V - j : MrVSbepard inlrodoced a Memorial from citizens of PerquimQns, praying jbr Legisla tive restrictions on tne practice pr relating Spirituous Liq'inrsr.Beferiedj. j j i iOn motion of Mr.-Gattber, the commit tee on the Judiciary were instructed to i in quire into the expediency of so the law, that each justice oi thai I be provided with a copy volume of the Revised Statutes. iTJj ...i: .muw itxtirAtntr td law m i .f i . .i rWft V ft:! Nats 46. . I t . . v - : t:n ;...ikhf the I Mr. Lewis viuiams oi ionn varouna. Hooieiof ikiCn.ml ARemblr;lftT. itf lEe iP'eieUail. Va i ieid ite W''""". rA - whicli .c:e-rcad M done, k wouMr mora n-djoomM, .pM! kfM lxiMl. fiVi J' ' h cb motion wis carried in the .Srm.li.e, rbTt -fi Wis- were cast-" for "S.MM Moref ty by.tN he oil C.ld well w.sr eaTtl e - ;.- . . ... p0yicBond. 18 o clock., . 7 i : . 1 ::.j'" ' v. xvi tun i iiu'hlcw, . . . - j .- -( seconu ita3e ana leitcieu. . "'- -1 emending the Peace of tbe first 1 . i a Joint aeiect 1 i. Memotnl i v, t HOUSE OF COMMONS- "Mr. MiT.iLffhhn. a Bill to amend an Act passed in 1829, concerning a Poor House m the 'county of Iredell. . Said Rill was read the fii&t time and pas- 'Ecd'."- ' ' - , S On motion of Mr. Ii C. Jones; a propo- sil'on was sent to the Senate td) unite the -'Standing committees on bducation ol each House and form tnem into Committee. ; j-- vv ; ' - Mr.H. C. Jones nreaepted a frnm ."Tnhn T.niiiQ Heard. Administrator of Peter Faust, which was referred to tbe com- trainee on Claims. :h , Mr. P. Taylor in( rod need a Bll, concern . log the collection of debts by the; fjanks in this Slate," which was read the first time aud passed. ' " ' ' ' ; -illr.'Bryan inlrodoced a Bill in Tavoor of . Poor Debtor, and- Mr. J. Walker, a Bill to prevent! Ihe sel ling of unmatured crops. j ' These Bills were read ihe first time, and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. The Bili to provide for the moieiconren lent administration of Jactice in the Conn lj of.kVarne, and I ! The Bill to provide for the more conven ient administration of Justice in the county of Burke, were read the second and third time and passed v . On motion of Mr. Barnoger, lUsoheA, that a Mssae be sent to :be Sen ate woonsinit lo raise a joint select Conomittee of fire on the pari of each Huuse. to enquire in to the necessity of holding an extra , session of the General Assembly, to legislate onlthe appor tionmcniof Represenmtioo in the Generil Aasem bly tiindar the amended Constitution of this State. Mr. Ptlon preented a Bill repealing the act relating to the Public Boad in Buncombe : County. , Sj'id Bill was read the firsti sec- ood and third times and passed. ,' SENAl'E. Vidoy, Jhc 4. ary com- memorial till to se- 1 The two Houses voted for Colotiel Com mandant of Cavalry attached to 1 tbe 16th brigade of Mihtia ; which resulted in the election of Horace U Uobards, of Grantille. Mr Uvnum presented a Resoftiiion, 1n- strut-tiog the Committee on the Judiciary to inquire into the expediency, of kmendins tho law relating to witneases in State cases, eo as to provide that; in all indictments for misdemeaners the prosecutor shall not be entitled to compensation for his attendance as witness; which was adopted Mr. Morehead, from the Jodici roittee, to whom was referred the J of Thoi. IL Bloupi, reported a cure title to, and grant jurisdiction over a tract of land on Boyd' Island to tho Uni ted States; whieh parsed its first reading The bill to incorporate the Concord Man tifactunng Company was read the jihird time, "passed, and ordeted to be engrossed. The -engrossed Resolution, authorising the (removal of ihe map of the jCjhprokfe larus fi.bm-Macon country was riead the third time, passed and ordered to! be enrol led. . Mr. Bfnum presented the mcmbri?! the Bilcigft and Gislon Bid Road - ny asking such relief as mav be sufficient and consistent wijih tho of the State. Referred. Tho bill to purchase a Library,! the.tbirdV.time, and on motion o bright, amended, passed, and oidered to be , enrolled, j Mf. ShenartL nrcsentpd a rr.mnitiinirnt'nri bead, of ihe County of Guilford, (being ihe high esi nambeij tifeh for any peraun and that ihir-r ty five ibocpaod. nine Uaudred and three votes were given urRomulu M. Sanoders; and tbat 525 votei Ivere given in tbe Cooniy of Conif luck for U.iil. SaQndersort.' Kohjectioo having beeo made ) said report, I declare that John Mr Merebead 1$ duly elected Governor of the Stale, of Norlh Carolina fr two years from the first of January nejxi. : ' ::r-'- The members of the Senate thereupon relumed if their Chamber, and after trans acting some minor business, adjourned. HQUSE OF COMMONS. j Oo motion; of Mr. J. 0$K Williams, the Committee on Education and the Literary Fond was instructed to enquire into ihe ex pediency of amending the Common School (aw, passed ai the last Season ; also the ex pediency of making a further appropriation, and report by bill or otherwise. On motion of Mr. Caldwell. Beaoired,! That the committee on Public Buildings and rebuilding tbe Capitol, be instruct ed 10 report Jo j this House, all iheifinorea and articles of farniture porcba r on behalf of tbe State for furjiisbing the Capitol, specifying each article and the coat of ihe same. ; j Oo motion of Mr. Patterson, tbe Judicia committee fwas instructed lo inquire into the expediency .of alier.ng and amending the law respecting vagrants. Mr. Bovden presented a Memorial from a Court Mkitial of the Militia Officers of Rockingham, which on motino of Mr. Biggs was referred to the Committee on Military affairs. 1 1 -1 f The Two Houses ihen proceeded to vote for a Colonel cf Cavalry, attached to the 10th Brigafle : . Whereupon, it appeared that Horace L. Robards hiving received 14S votes being a large majority, was duly elected The two Houses then assembled in Gen eral Convention in the Commons Hall, Mr Speaker Jojfner,of the Senate, m Ihe Chair and the Clerks of the two Houses, in pres ence of the Tellers, viz: Mr. H.G. Spruill, of the Senate and Messrs. Mendenhall and Reid of the Commons, pioceeded to exam ine the several returns of the Sheriffs, and to declare tthe number of votes given in tbe several Counties of the State for Govern or. ! ; The President of the General Conven tion announced the result, declaring John M. Morehead duly elected Governor of tbe State. i I 'M SENATE. ... Safuatfoy, Dec. 5. Mr. Sprnillapresentcd the following Reso lotion, vrhich was toad and adopted : Resolved. 'Ihat a message be sent 10 tbe House of Commoo3, proposing tbat a committee of one on the part of the Senate, and two on ihe part of the House of I Commons, be appointed 10 wait 00 John M. Morehead, and inform him of his election as Governor of North Carolina, for two years from the first of January uexi. and to as certain from ihim when it will suit his convent ence to appear before the two houses of this Gen eral Assembly, and take tbe oaths of office. The bill to compel Militia Utncera to hold their; commissions three years and the bill directing the conveyance of the com mons adjoining the town of Murphy to the Chairman of tbe Court, passed their third reading, and were ordered to be engrossed. Tbe proposition of the Commons, to ap point 8 Joint Select Committee of five or the, part of each House, to enquire into the necessity of holding an extra session of the Legislature, to legislate on the subject of the apportionment ol representation in the Generaf Assembly under the amended Con- stitution, was reao ana agreea 10. 67; SENATE. . : ' Mrmdav Eec. 7. : !tL rTtr'..i.i.it n c..nr .leei for ihe An ha irtrocted 10 make a Bepoit e f aU tbe .pnromiations and xpeoditures sio the year 1832 and be furtbei astrated to designate ibe appropriations and expeatmurw lor cw je. On motion of Mr Withers, the vrtxmxy ttee pn the Jludictary were inalrocted to en- counil of pratige, appeared, was qualified Lire intojhe expediency f fWisJifnge and took his seat. The! brill to secure title to, and grant ju- risdiciibn over a tract of land on Boyo a Island! to the United Statea; and the bill coneerning nnes and coats, were read the third titae.jpaaaed, and ordered to be en grossed. ! I J . . Mr Morehead, from the Judiciary com fnittfpJ in vhoin was referred the bill to preveni iM iasoing of write of capias ad eatisfaeiendum in certain cases, reported the bill to the Senate, and recommended its rejection. The bill waa then read the second time and, on motion of Mr. Spraill, laid on! ibe -table. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr. Boyden introduced a Z?ill for the es tablishment! and belter regulation of Com mon Schools. Read first time and pasted. James Graham, the member elect, from the County of Orange, to fill the vacancy occasioned ! by the resignation of W A. l.rabam, appeared, produced bis creden tials, was qualified and look his seat. A message was received from the Senate, agreeiug to raise e Joint Select Committee ol five on the part of each House, to enquire into the necessity of holding an Extra Ses sion of the Legislature, and informing tbat Messrs. Ship&rd, Orr, Dockery, Clingham, and Pasteur, form their Rrauch of aaid p.ihlie execetion of crimnals in capital eas - ftisn of nrevenlin? by Law. the Public nf rornoral punishments, and to renort bv bill or other wisn The Bill repealing tbe Act relating to ih P.i hi 10 Rnad in Buncombe county t and the Bill to amend an Act to authorize -A R. S. Hunter, ol tcherokee county, ti re move his bridge, were each read the third time, passed, and ordered to be engrossed. SENATE. j tVedntsdart Dee. 9. The following; engrossed bills and Res olution were read the third time, passed and ordered to bb enrolled; Fixing the location of the town of Henderson ; for the more convenient administration of Justice in the; counties of Warren and Franklin; for the more convenient administration of Justice int be county of Burke; and in fa vor of Roberf Wood sides. Tbe bill to repeal in part the Oth section of the 23rd chapter of tbe Revised Statu tea, concerning the Comptroller, waa read the third time, passed and ordered to be en- grossed- The bill to authorize the construction 01 the Raleigh and Western Turnpike Road, waa taken op for consideration, and being read the second time, Mr. Sbepard addres sed the Senate at; length in opposition to tne Dasaaee of tbe Dill : alter wnicn, on N CABOllrNl ELECTORAL COLLEGE State c JS'orlh Carolina, tct J . , , . Be it remembered: that on this day, lo wit, the firsti Wednesday of December, ( beiog tbe second day of the same mouth,) in ibe year of oar Lord one thousand eight hundred an.d ioity. the tilecioial College of North Carolina assena- bled at the Capitol in the City of Uateigli, when the following Proclama1i'jb! by His Excellency Edward B. Dudley, Goverubr. Scc& was exhibit ed and read Beg'ufer. State or N. Carolina. By Hie Gfrfinpr, u JVKcreas it appears by tbe returns received from tbe Sheriffs of the several counties in this State that a majority of ihe votes polled for E lectora to choose a Presided t and Vice President of the United Stales on the 12th instant, were given io favor of the persons named below : Now therefore I, kdward 15. Uudley, Guvetnor uf the State of North Carolina, haveuhought fit 10 issue tuts rrociamauon, maKiog known to all whom if may concern, that Jamet Wellborn of Wilkes, Charles McDowell or Burke, David Ramsoor of Lincoln, David F Caldwell of Uow- ao, John B Kelly of Moore, James Mebane of Caswell. Abram Reocher of Chatham. Jamt?s S Smith of Orange, Chat les Manly of Wake, William L Long of Halifax. William VV Cher ry of Bertie, Thomas F Jones of Perquiraons, Josiah Cpllins of VVaabingtoo, James W Bryan of Carteret, Daniel B Baker of New Hanover. have beeo duly elected Electors fur and on be half of the State of North Carolina, to vote for President and Vice President of the U. States. The Electors are required by taw to assemble ia tbe Oily of ftaleigb, on the first Wednesday of December next, and then, and there give theu rxAsl Given under my hand, as Cover. ea.l nor, and tbe great Seal of ihe State. CrJ Oone this, the thirtieth day of No vember, one thousand eight hundred and forty. cnoaromef. uerr.iuii, iun.ii auiuK . .- . A.-Ua k.li . r" i .T.7 r Graves! Hyman, Thompaon, and Spruill, -W":I1"' 1 r at mev.y o. naiergn. were appointed on the part of this House. The j Resolution in favor of Samuel ter ry. Sheriff of Richmond Count was read the third, iirrje, and ordered to be engrossedJ The bill concerning Pilots and Commis. sioners of Navigation for Cape Fear Biverf was read the third time, passed, and order- to be engrossed, by a vote of 74 to 83. SENATE. - . Tuesdayt December 8. My. Bynum preserlod depositions rela tive to tie contested election of James B. Whgfield, Referred. Mr: Morehead, from tbe committee on lht Judiciary, to whom was " referred the diii cxmoctntng vierss, anerins anu con stables, ''reported the Bill with an amend ment ; he alisb reported the Bill to protect the interest 6f Lessor?, without an amend- menu? and the Resolution authorizing the GoTnor to employ Counsel to defend the title of purchasers of Cherokee lands in Ma con which were read 8nd ordered to lie on the table, j Mr. M. also reported adversely to the Resolution relative to securities to Guardian Bonds. Concurred in. Mr. M. from the Same Committee, to whom was referred tne Memorial from Perquimons, praying the Legislature to aid :n suppres sing tnee'ii-ie from tne excessive use poned until to-morrow. EDW. B DUDLElf. u. u. uittle, r. sec. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr Mebane moved to orranize the Collese bv A report unfavorable to the bill, to lay Proceeding to appoint by ballot a Preisdeot ou and establish a new county by the name of Graham waa made by Mr. J, P. Caldwell from the committee of Propositions and Grievances: The bill waa read and reject ed. A message was received from tbe Sen ate agreeing with tbe House, to refer to the Joint Select committee on Banks, tbe statements and exibits of the Bank of the Slate, and of tbe Bank of Gapo Fear, and that the be printedj Also, A message from the Senate, concurring in the proposition that tbe communication of G E. Badger Esq. on the subject of the &taie suits, anu tbe Message of the Govern- ; . .ft a m - or transmuting tne same, oe referred to a Joint select committee of four on the part of each House, and informing that Messrs Waddeil, Arrington, Clingman aud Hill form their Branch of aaid committee. W here upon, Messers. Hoke, Hill, Pope, end J B. Jones were appointed on the part of this House. Also, ; A Message from tbe Senate, transmitting the Report of the committee cd Finance, Messrs. Lonff sod Cherry were requested to su perintend tbe balloting. i Mr 1 berry, from the balloting committee, re ported tbat James Wellborn of Wilkes, was dulv elected. Mr Wellborn was conducted to the chair bv Messra Ramsoor and Smith. . - On motioQ of Mr Manly, Edmund B Freeman was appointed Secretary. -' Ihe roll beincrtben called, it appeared that the foil wing Electors Vrere in attendance; to Wit : !.';"- . ; James Wallbom of Wilkes,; David Ramsoor of Lincolo, Joho B Kelly uf Moore, . ' . j James S Smith, of Orange, Charles Manlv of Wake, William W Chetryof Bertie. Thomas F Jones of Perqaimons Josiah Collins of Washington, ' James W Bryan of Carteret, Daniel B Baker of New Hanover, , William L Long of Halifax, . Abram Rencher of Chatham, ' James Mebane of Caswell,. and the followinff Electors absent, to wit, Cbaa. McDotvell and David F Caldwell Oo motion of Mr Bryan, the College procee- IJflik-dN.v ballot, f i resident f of Moure, v viriia, fur V hniith, ( f i Tyler, of Vi olates; Ci.: lot, fir Jt.n dent cf He ' Beriie, V( Vice Pre Jones, cf 1 ller.of V, States; Ja- Fallot, fur Jj sident of 1! Carteret, v( einta, fur Vi Diniel D. I ballot, for J. sidepi cf the ! of -Halifax, v Virginia f,;r V Abram Re for John T3 ! .; the United T , And, theu had receive i and forrrj af. -States; wl. . On rntti ed for a to the Pre,! Stales, at t!.; list of tbe v. dent and Vi whea, upon c Dennis HrcrU ; 0(1 mr.li.,?. ; Hesohcd, 'I tendered tu 1! of their lh!i and 1 hat they tbe Housa t( ( offer of the c this fiody. On rnoli .2 ed to T o'c!;.' , College r: On inutic i appointed tot to the sini. Collins wers The Cen.. closed, 6eaU i s On mot'u . Eesoh't'J t College are 1' Honorable J; which he I.: The Ctr.v 3: E. B. Fr.t: trrfr25t8- jfeynnd in a doe and rig k$t$iF9 lws now in force, fc Uyiii ;jf,AVoal",on BXi& censure of n 1 of Com D a - deemed interests Was read Mr. Al 'p of Society. Concurred On rjoollon' of Mr. Moore; the vote on the Report on the Memorial from Perquim ons, on the excessive use of ardent spirits. was reconsidered. Mr. Shepard then mov ed that the Memorial be recommitted to the same committee, with instructions to report a bill amending the law, so as to authorize tne imprponment of persons selling liquors wunoui license, ana 10 prpnimt tne recov. ery of any debls for liquors, less than five dollats. MrJ. Dockery moved that they be further instructed to provide for the prohib iting, under penalty of imprisonment, non residents from selling less than a gallon. On motion of Mr. Clingman, the whole subject was laid on the table The bill to authorize the construction of the Raleigh and Western Turnpike Road, was read the;aecond time; when Mi. Dock ery addressed the Senate st some length in opposition tbj the passage nf the B it ; after which, it was laid on the table until to-mor row. ! ; t ; On motion of Mr. Moore, the Jndichry committee 1 Were instructed lo ir.atiire into the expedienVy of so altering the existing laws as iq enable a security to absolve him self from iegM responsibility, if the obligee does not commence legal proceedings to colleei within a Certain time, after notire and establish a county by 10 11,81 eH j 1' teen f ,?en DT lhe securi- ranatn. oaid tu ws read v u "Z M and proposing tbat the Report be printed. I ded ,0 Tote bT ba,,ot for an Elctor to fill tbe va : 1 : 1 1 .1 1 r rtt i 1 concurred in bo motion of Mr. Winston, Resolved, Thai the committee on tbe Jodioia ry be instructed to enquire into the expediency of extending the benefit of ibe Insolvent Debtors law, to persons confined in Jail by virtue of Jedff men is, in actions for Injuries to the person or pr -peny 01 otners. On motion of Mr. McLaughlin, Resolved, That the Jadieiary -committee be caocy occasioned by Ihe absence of Charles Mc Dowell of Borke, which resulted in 1 the ap pointment of Geo. Edmund Jones of Wilkes, who appeared and took; his seat. '' i On motion of Mr Baker, the College procee ded to vote by ballot for ao Elector to fill tbe va caney occasioned by the absence of David F Caldwell of Howan, which resulted in the ap pointment of. Dr. Samuel L Holt of Davidson, who appeared and took his seat, On molioa of M Rencher, the College then State O Court of PIcu . Moses an4 Ju! L - Elijah Hendru JL that Josh ; i this State : It 1 be made in t! that he appear .1. 1 1 nu iiivi iiifit i uary next, at t and answerer , granted. - Witness, W Court at . ode?, Dec. li-C instrocted to ennnir inin PTrwtipm nr.n amen. I proceeded to vote by ballot fur President of the ----- h mr-- w w w w ua u w w am vftllft i ding ihe Bastard? Law. that a man imnriaoned United Stales, Messrs Rencher and T- F Janes r . . - 1 : 1 '..11 unoer its provisions may be permitted 16 lake. I. ppiuiou tc.ioio. HOUSE OF COMMONS i. i ' - Mr. Sileri presented a Bill giving to the County Court of Cherokee, jurisdiction o ver the State Road in said County. Air. Winston, from the committee on the Judiciary, reported a Bill providing for res toring to the rights of citizenship persons convicted of infamous crimes. These Bills were read the fit st time and passed. On motion of Mr. Fleming, Bcsofred.l That the committee on Education be instructed to enquire into the expediency of dividing ihejannual income of the Literary Fond, among the several bounties in this State, in proportion td the:r rederal population. On motion .of Mr. Graves, the Commit tee on the I Judiciary was instrocted to cn quire whether or not the laws on Usury in this Staie icco not amendment. Mr. Y otilig presented a Petition from the benefit of the oath of Insolvency, A Message was received from (he Senate, informing that Messrs Shepard, Moore, and Kerr, form their Branch of the committee to whom is teferred the communication of Mr Rancher reported that James Wellborn of Wilkes, had voted by ballot for William, Heary Harrison of Ohio, for President of the United Stales ; David Ramsour, of Lincoln, voted by ballot for William Henry Harrisou of Ohio, for President of the United States; John B Kelly, the Hon. William Gaston on the subject of of Moore, voted by ballot for illiam Henry repairing the Statue of Washington: Where upon Messis. H. C Jones, Guthrie, and Proclor, were apponted on the part of ihis nouse. Mr. Hoke presented a Petition from son dry citizens of the counties of Lincoln. Harrison of Ohio, for Piesident of the United Slates; James S Smith of Orange, voted by, ballet for William Henry Harrison of Ohio, for President of the United States; Charles Manly of Wake, voted by ballot for William Henry Harrison of Ohio, for President of the United States ; William W Cherry, of Bertie, voted GIL TliD " " ,,Ke" mna weaen. praying tbe.es- by ballot for William Henry Harrison of Ohio. laoiisnroent 01 a new countyrH3aTdi,eti- for President of tbe United States; Thomas F tion was read, and indefinite!? Dostooned. I Jones, of Perqaimooa. voted bv ballot for Willi The Bill to repeal the Act concernina the I atn Henry Harrison of Ohio, for President of rrocessioning ol Lands, was read tbe third iUO t,D,,cu JI,lw 1 b iown 01 isnin- sundry Citizens of the conntie? of Iredeli, jjccKieiiuorg ,&nu Lincoln, togeuitr wmi a Bill lo carry teir prayer into effect, entitled a till to lay tiH ine name o: uranatn. said mil ws thp, first tine and passed, and on motion, of t Mr. Young, refei red to the Committee oh Fropositior and Grievance?. The Bill aaihoriEuin the Govprr.or to ap point an gent in tne iyOtint ot tiicon of a tne he from, the Hon. William Gaston, stating tbat ; CherokeewaS read the second lime, amend- a geottenian proposes lo repair the stal of Washington, to receive pay when 1 work is done, nnd ili moke no charge un less lie succeeds in its accomplishment. Sent to the other house with a prooosition lb le- fer. i ; .' l !. . PhmI.oJ e..- r wvvicu uum ine unuse Ol tQID3)O0S a cd and paVsed. The Bill to repeal the Act concerning the Processioning of L-nds, the Bill io lay off ant establish a County uy the name of Yancy,! nd the Bill to prevent the cut tng of timber into the Rivets of Cherokee County, :ere each read the second time message, staling that Messrs. Mendenhall j and passed, j and Keid form their branch of ihe fcomuiit- Received from the Senate the Engrossed tee tu superintend iho making a lis! of votes Bill to purchase a Library, which was lead given for Governor; and tbat the (fommoua I the first time and passed. ' are now: ready-to receive the Senate into ; A!o, a proposition if, ttfex to a Joint Se theii Hil for that potirpose ; wiiich was lect Comoiittec of ihne, f-u lT- part of each read' and adopted. The Senate then re- ; House, a Letter from the Hen. William Gla- Mr ' ton, on ihe subject of repninng the itatQtj f two paired to the House of Commons. Spruill, lue Teller m oehslf of) tbe Houjs, reported ; when Colonel ; he Speaker, of the Senate, made i vzvg annquncemeni : 'plUmen o' the Senate ami of ihtl llni r,f tiro na passed. t . 1 - -f . ncs . : ih-r;itt.':;v ts v-.y.s : ite I he Bilf to lay off a.od statfish a Coun- Vv ashmaton. ; Concurred in. Joyner, j The tttij aiithiirng the severat County the fol- ' Court? to provide lo coropensalion to the ardens of the -Poor, was read the serono fjOUsE of com w3ns; Mr. J. P. Caliiw-ll presented the Peti tion of sundry citizrns of Iredell County, su'CMing that the Ri-ad Lwsare deficient and require an amendment, wh.eh was. re- leired to the committee on Internal I pmvement The bit appoint an Lm authorising the Governor to Agent in the County of Macon or Cherbkee, waa read the third time. ras sed and ordered to be engrossed. The resignation of William RoHarda, as a Truatee of the Umvesity of North Caro lina, was presented, read and accepted. lit Barringfr presenteil a bill to amend the Keviteii Statute, eiified an Aclconrem if Sheriff, Which wa read the first 11m, pavaed, fend referred to the committee on tlie Judiciary. Mr BrummeTI, from ihe Jont Seleei time and postponed indefinitely. Twenty -sixth Congress SECOND 8ESSIOX. Monday December, 7, 1840. IN SENATE. The; Vice President of the United States and the President pro tern of tbe Senate both being absent, the Senate was called to order by its Secretary, Aabury Dickens, Esq , who having announced that a quorum of members was not present, the Senate ad journed until tcmorrow at 1 2 o'clock. The Senators present were as follows : Messrs. Allen, Benton, Buchanan, Crit tenden, Fulton, Huntington, Linn. Lump km, Porter, Prentiss, Smith, of Indiana Sturgeon, Tappan, Wall, Wright, Young. UOtJSE OP REPRESENTATIVES This being the day 6xed by the Consti, tulion for the annual meeting of Congress, at 12 o'clock, lueredian.tbe Hon. R. M.T Honler, one of the Representatives of Vir ginia and Speaker of tbe House, look bis seal aod called to order. He then directed the. Clerk to call the roll, which he did. Ore hundred M f ruhpr. Bora n,... . I V.-w. ommmer. raise for the purpo.e. r.,f.l t though th Clerk reported to lie SoJak that, after a ronletersre with the Hon. John but uinety-W . P ""Ti rdi , i.r was instruc.ied lo 83j that w t,lut on ti?- fii-M dav of January 'pxrtTnf ll,e ,wo H'-ue t;f ihe Afsem-1 lly. taKe tie Ovih prtetribtd fur tl?c er Tllft rinlilnilaa r. T . ...g,. UU1 , erniories were not railed, but ,t i3 believed Mr. Charles Down ing. fiom;FIftr,da. and Mr, A C Dcdge, of Iwvwtreresenf. 5 ' ton, voted by ballot for William Henry Harri son of Ohio, for President of the United Slates; James W Bryan of Carteret, vo'ed by ballot fur William Henry Harrison of Ohio, for President of ihe United States; Daniel B Baker,f New Hanover, voted by ballot for ..William Henry Harrison of Ohio, for President of tbe United States; William L Long of Halifax, voted by ballot, for William Henry Harrison of Ohio, for Presidenl of tbe United Stales ; Abram Rench er of Chatham, voted by ballot for William Hen rison of Ohio, for President of the Uoited States; James Mebane of Caswell, voted by ballot for William Henry Hariison of Ohio, for President of the United States ; Edmund Jones, who had,! by vote, bewi duly appointed according to law; Elector to fill the vacancy occasioned by tbe ab sence of Charles McDowell of vVilkes,-voted by ballot for William Henry Harrison of Ohio, for President of the United Slates ; Sarooet L Holt, who bad, by vote, been doty appointed ac cording to law. Elector to fill the vacancy occa sioned by tbe absence of j David F Caldwell of Rowan, voied by bnlM fb William Henry Har rison of Ohio, for President of the United Stales, And therefore, that WILLIAM HENRY HARRlSON,of Ohio. had received fifteen votes by bal.ol, in manner and form -foresaid, for Presi dent of the United States which report was uuueurrea in. j . - ; On motion of Mr. Collins, the College ihe r proceeded to vote hy distinct ballots for Vice President nf the United States -Messrs Col lins and Kelly were appointed Tellers Mr. Collins reported lhat James Wellborn of Wilkes, bad Toted, by ballot, fur John Tyler, of Virginia, for Vice President of the United Slates; David Ramsour, of Lincoln, had voted, by ballot, for John Tyler, ot Virginia, for Vre President of the United States; James Mebane,of Caswell, had voied.ky ballot, fyr John Tyler of Virginia, for Vice President of iihe United States; Sami LclluU,o Da r W son w voted, by ballot) for John: tiM'tO 1 1 iast favor; tu inform bis t. that he stilt c: Cabinet in tbe house L Hotel, in alt is at all tiroes. 1 he keeps cur..' made Furii'uu: BQJiliDS, C stands. 4"C C - -.win:- all of whirb I. terras than can of tbe country N. f3. In:: known in thi.? hsi r lion rs I : ' county hare L: self aod other ( are making arr imposition, fore, I inform r. chall ftlan krf : oJ3jI, and d ) low or lower i: men, and jet r . e - l - A toiore cuaijjt" i December 1 1 m,gw miles East u Those iniiina'' this Factory : State. tbe above nan. theT one half 1: pound. Lecemoer i 3. Ror Vsuanesioo. -line, to wit: French Er Oysters, l7nonsf , Sardines, All of the btf! cash, or on te - Saliibu.. 15

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