' -v'.r :i v.. ; -,v --'rj '-'r.:' f - .'.v ,. v- v' "" ''"' : .. ' -'-i! ; - J -V: ... . . .. . i - s . - i .- . - ,, . . v.. ,.,. . . ' -::. : - " ' - -- ' - ''.- - :h- : ! :. : ....... V - 5 .-,: . . 1 jlVtiTiijUI0 may 'hrrenfier be had Hi;n"i1 l! be recfiTed fr a less time . niil;a I Irrearaffe? re paw. foi Ui e first inReriion and tf.eriUeWn.sIwiU be iconnnwd nnt.l 11 ,u . i ..) ,.oPPArilinolv: iifilfso tirdtr. mosi , EDITORS a PROPRIETOlS, "f y y tipon all tpmr llulertlDo ihlsf asd libehtt is SArK'r-Genl. Harrison. J . THiOLF . XO. 43S. PROSPECTUS or TUB . dean, ? lUUiiMMAI AAA MS- I .!"ln- !"'.''.' ' Ucnl. a'S I MoIasses, 40 a 60 Oats, 40 Wt&Urn Carolina Temperance Advocate, A monthly paper letroiei to the Temperance Re4 formf pubnsbed at , AurifUJe,!,. u., ina euiH Ma ii j ii . in ,n i i.j.i . . 1 1 i Suar, br. falB r 1 JloafV L is salt, r ? Tallow, Tobacco, mi m t 62-4 63 5etf fercst gaftef ThA Vfmrtera.fLft ohccftftoBL that, was helu r Q I l Ihia nlp narl iri Sntmhfr ' resolved kiff 5 a 20 I punishing paper of the above title and charac4 YnV io I M'Aoally to cor.dac-t if 4 .From the many pre 18 a 20 J (jjg jt impraeitcable; for him U be recogoif 10 a 121 I ncA nil hifl influence other wise, to DtwiiOle its in- ft a 20 I terest : the subscriber j therefore, proceeds to is-- - " ' : . o ..-I . D.....in liunnii rf m a 'atith'a tinrut Wht' Knht:- H2l ttat he will be aided ibjtbe ondertaking, by:; art VYheat. Dusn , U4 .... n(Iaof .he Temrierance cause thr60Zhi VhlSXey i.40 a OU ,Ugtl.,-n..9 nnj lUt ihomivr mtT SuQll have 1 Wool, (clean) 40 1 a-..i.. ..imnT.tiWn! r I I 7 a 8 v Friends tf. the Temperance Cause ! to yM CBEfeAW)ecembef Q, 1340. y I Mni8 o! dollars are ; annaaHy ex ponded at theaj Aiilnoanr Ti ft Uiui at oirnneod ! iKi. rtnfl track. At JTlf lf;S. f wriouffbt tO 'a 18 while nopaios axe spaced, the lukoiy of reiirel Oal9 bUS le 63 a 40 mrovanaww Wir8uj,-- ,; 1 : uti.gai io a i . r notdosomethieff in a caose tta States, at the cotn- MESSAGE, FEOM THE . President of ihe U. To the tiro Houset of Consret$, menremtnl of the second settlor) ty-tuth Congress - Our ofcfool era titudc is rufe! lo ih Sp- prerae Bng for? bating graci0lf coottiu. ued'to'our beloved country, tnroego tn Ti cissitudes of "another yeaf the 'ioTaltiabi btesaiogs or health, plenty; anH peatc. jStil Qoa nas lure iavrtro ianu Bcr w cuciaiij exempted: from .,tiie "rataiei of diseasf , jor. the labor of Jthe hoabandmao jrnore amply rewarded ;ind never befote have oor rela tions trtth other countries ibeeoj placed oil a more favourable basis than that which they so happily occupy at this critical conjunc ture, in Ihf Mtmrc nr fne TWOf (I. a n mi 15 a2 Q0 2t$i20jl4$ kviarhnflloHvJaiix i v f - f I,?! ranWcaD yoonotdospmethiejin a caose tba V ; lamp 1r tousi be dear to every tfoe patriot, philaMhrnpist linseed 1.10 a 1, 25 ari(t christian ? ' Recollect theie are hot few, jej Poflefilb 12iail5 fork JUUUis ora o t rT few-.tnch papers io lallihe wootaern caooMyt Si- I I" m RiceilOOlbst 4 a 5 The Western part of North Carolina, the Wes - i : u a. a a a. w in, n u n aruau r iijii iivi itr:r 11 a tni in w - - ' i mm f?Ct -VJ: JKi W Vni li. fai ,.'& W sit wbettiei II.BS; ..u i E l - z i wimmI ' A mar- n ii a mi l : . . i . , . t xr l lj: luuios 24V v xhe very low price at: waicu u ufj : j;;lV i English j 14 he Coovention, will make it necessary, thatj f e n v r - rv .a m ii . - t " i a. i.aVm.. t r nnnn w oeruiau a n fgf large soDscnpuou nu,uBiwio w ,tees'1H0.i3G and persevering abstinence from, all inter ference with the domestic tna pouucai re Of 12 1 TeaiinDO. 81 Si 37 Uonof ttcan bejuttifie'd. j t i" i i I . i 1 piTETTfSriwpl December 46, 1840. V Seaci 45 il50 Molasses, : SO a 35 ,nia , ktvJU5 vNailal-cat. I CJ a 7 tions of other Slates, alike due iotheceoas and distinctive character of oor Govern ment and to the principles by which it is di rected a Taithtui onsertance, in tne nvan ement of.Jior forrign relations, of the practice of speiking" pi a i n 1 ,d e;a I i rrg jus U j , and requiring troth' and justice in returnjjas the oest coRWf vatives f the peace of rja Uods; a strict impartiality in ou manifesja- uons of fricQ Jship, n the commercial pfiv ilegts wp concede,- and those"-we rquyre from others-these, accompanied Vy a djs noMtiori 39 oromnt to mamuin: in every e. A , - - ' t mcToenc. our own riahts. s we ai8'froin principle averse to me inT5iun. ui n; lap,-; - .siV 'mYarnj 10 22 io aitc", r .; r . isccd a1: iicri i87i-a40.; Sugar brown : 9 a 12 Lump, J 16 Loaf,! . !18 a 20 Salt, j 175 a 00 Sack. ; : 421 a S2i 40 1 olTlrobacco leal f 4i a 5 Bale rope, 1 8 a 10 Whcai newt . 80 Whiskey lS0aS5 -Wool; ; 15 a 20 The WuterntarolTtteranctJIt wiH be published on a (medium, sheet;, in qnrJ form, each oorober making eight MZtfy be furnished at the rert low price of F tfty Verity a copy. Where siogle copies arotaken, the fyj ment mast be maae invanauij uu uB w k. .r. r a- m a mm m rA r i t . j - ICF Pustmastersc editors or pupnscers oi nerssand ail jfiioiaiBrSiOi m "r1- t; e isedkffents. (-- . : IHLliellhy above reward for jlhe de 7 .lliTerj bf iny mn! UAVts,, io me in me op hpU Rlthmoteoonty.or the secarmsjof lilnni liil -si thnt I o-et him aeraini Dave ased f rofn mejon the 23rd oltimo; he is MftfJ'ri nf I frill about five" feet ten inches ' lefe'coai xrjli(fl6i!"strait' built, ha3 lost his perliotii teetb3pii4Ks qnicKf ana a lauo-wr nw'J'iita wieri !he went away a J Kersey onoiia csat, I dark pantaloons ni,ea wun KfJi? frmJ iTi raide of Satinett ; also a boodle! of Monday clothes, and j a high PKdAatJ.' He was raised by me, and U is tiia wbatllirtee will take. i II DANIEL McKAri. Bfcember 4, I34CJ 6wl9 ; fmnn : PTTDCDrnPn WiWi,4 .ir. i :;!.,.;, -.4 iftkl- hPwiHnroceed to de'im bis laaegui MbtM pejertased mat wen Known auu , . -i-- itf ,,i.th bt lonrislaLriedTobnc (House, (known Pfb-ffw1J t Mrffetlif, that the sames now the multitude around the Captotl as have e.H WEEKLY MADISOJTI AN, For the next Session oj Congress. I jHE approachinrjsession of Congreps wijlj dodbileis. be onejof great' ioterest. It will la9i. of the affairs of Mr, Vari ... ! i : t. m a v a Baren's admtnislratioa, ana osner in u mu, :-: t o now unit butler Ordff 01 auspicious nu "w i. ii 1 ihintrs. The scenes In iCongress will probably, be exciting. Ou onee we shall see ih ifo i .vniiinir firijnn. and on the other a triumphant party, armed with the confidence ;of the people, impost ng j uuiuua i..-.-r - .'i convulsive tnroes or ..pur...o, --j iog their ctwiotry as it p pusraiwi . v- ..I m-alin-nnr and reckless violence, aod en dearorinf to avert the embarrassments which defeated men, stuag win aisappuim.. ih wav of the new aJmtntstra4 DCDU IV V , . I II! lion. Onthe'tb.rdoflJMarcb next, 12 o'clock r ui M. tr.n Riiroh Hull star Will vanMrJ and immediately in itsl (dace shall we bebo.d tbtj 9 ... . a . it I U.....AM aft si r On the 4th oi iuarcn, vrnai ii-iinr... President of the Uni'tfel Statt, will attend m the Chamber or the House of Repiwotanved to take, his oath of offifce, aeeordiPg w the direo tionof the Constitotiqo. rOa his enuance. aa on the enhance of Yf ishingtqn, and Joffew and Madison, the audience will mt be able td stifle their disposition o applaud. Having his seat on the elevated cbair the Speaker M the House of Representatives, the V n?eTreii- dent, Mr. Van Boren,(if present,) and he5ef retarf of the senate on n njni.mc -ij 'jaa.i. ..e tk Jli.nei. .,f nrrfl?otativei o! his left, and the Chief Jostice of the Vaim Ki.i.. .nil acoitrdalA JotJfeS al ine vc mi - s nd New Hampshire from the British Piov inces lbey rjie been actively employed until, their progress aV interropted by Jbe inclemencv of the season, and will resume their labors as sooa as practicable in the en- suing year, i . . -v 4t ... It is onderslood that ther respcctlt e ex imrnat.ntt will throw new lioht uoon the sutjcl in controversy, and setve to remove any erroneous impressions which may nave maoe elsewhere prejudicial to toe right? ot the United Stales. It' was. smoiiii :her reasons, witb a view of preventing the Vm batrassments which, in our peculiar system of povernraenl. imoede and romolicate oe- gotiations involving the territorial rights or a state, that 1 tncugnt it my duly, as you Jtaye been informed m a previous occasion, to oroooseio the British Governrnenl.thruib its minister at Washington, that early steps sboold be taKen lo i ar just the points ot nil ference on the line of boandarv from the entrance of Lake Sunerior to the mo-t north Western ooi nt of the Lake of the Woods. hv the arbitration of a (nendiv Doer. in conformilv with the seventh article of the I treatf of Ghent, i No answer has vet been returned by the uriiisn uuvcrnmeni io mis jprnpnsttton. 1 t With Austria. France. Possia,Ilui8iand the remainintr powers of Europe, I am bap- py to inform you oor relations continue to be of the most friendly character. With Belgium, a treat vbf commerce and navig tion. based u Don liberal ptinciples of re prticity and equality, was concluded in Mreh 1hi. and. bavins been ratified hv the Belgian fGovernmef t, will be dult laid before the It is a subject of congraioution Goverhmen'S, to the arncuat of twrlyo annaally; io pay the constantly accralr j i on borrowed money a sum txcee4ir ha . ordinary reveaaes of ihe h Je United St-u . The pretext which this relation af?or J3 to f r tr fo eeratintze the mthagemeot tf car e'e : : aflairs.jif QoUactQaPy tointermeddls nnh presents a"aoct for earnest aiteotion.cct ta;: of seiious alarm;-- Futlatiately, the Fc.'fil C verntnent, with' the exception of aa cb! :'; entered into in behalf ot'tbe District cf Cc! bii, which meat som be discbarjed, U L z . '; exempt from any strch emarrssscaent. It is j as is btieved. the only Government whicL, ing folljr and faithfully paid all in credit r, I : also relieved itself entirely from debt. T r a -taio'a distinction so desirable, and so t ' M j our national c1.aracter,vsVoold be r ct i ' MrnMl Oi)iKiiiiila' N.tr thunlJ a lue I..: . l -.. wvi i.ww.. av--. t llAM n" 1 tr : . l. . . i..... ((.onrcltr? f t ine uniim , uui vsir&i cuauco, mi i ins nvces?iiy or navins 10 treai ii i -. financial efficiency and independence has, 1 honor or the sa fat y of the Republic, vi!h V. on the contrary, oeeji - lounu to consist in uowdwbw . iur?.Su cinupi mote resources unencumbered ritti debt i W"J- , " , 11 - ''.a..' - -. .Ik ' 1 W stated -its inrompaiibiliiy with the salutary arti n of political institutions like tl of my ffi'il duties inMarch,H183l' the tioo. A out her objection; scarcely less formula- act lor iuuiiuii m me surplus teven I UI ?,Tr cuunurntiucui wa in a coarse of rapid execution. o'We tendency to inereate ln,tnagnitoue, a-. . Nearly twentY-eight miHions or dollars of - "'I V'7' r V i" ,i . V . . . ,. 1 unprofitable cberver of events who neid3 c t..tJ ilr noHtic monies were, in Dursuance of us 1 .1.1 j s.t-:. .t. ..it';-, v provision, deposited with the States in G-ivernment, babiioally dependent on ?J the months of J-noary, April, and July, of J sustain its ordinary eapenditores, has to encocn that vear. My there occurred a gen- j ter m resisting the Ii.flueoces coustanuy fxe:. erl euapen-ion of aoefie pnyments" bv the m, tavoi-or additional loans uy capuaim, y hankvinrlodinrwith very few exceptions, emthj'r0D r . ... . ... ' r . amoonts much exceeding the mooev they ant u- those in which the pnMrc moneys were ne- adrancea . prohf srca of tadifiJual posited, and opon whose fidelity the 0v. aggranjijemgm ja tjf borrowing countries ; Lj ernment had unfortunately made itself do- stockh.ders. who seek their sra;ns in the rise an J t. . a. aa M Utjak )aii4 lA.tt I 1". I I .( La.l: . 1 L. a it., a. a. I jli I m rufl ! ail VI puOIIC VUlCbS , KUU UJ nip ariiMU hm,-v. . - nitics of! applicants for. appfcprtatioos fur wcr'u-: avowrnJly faf the accommodation i of the pu'J.ic, bjt the tea! objects of wbc;h are looTreqiently the advancement of private interests. T' -known necfeSiwiy which so roaoy of the Siau s wrfB a4-- v v- . r:-.V . ' will bs ander lo - impose taXea tor tne payment ci roc, jstr'j5i ..... me interest on tneir deals lurnisnean aauuiu i principal part of the public money' then on ao4 vary cngeot reason Why. the Federal Govetn- hand ; suspended the collection of many roeot sb6ald refrain from creating a national dtht, million aeeruing on merchants' bonds ; by wblcb the people would be exposed to don' ? ; nt reduced the revenoi" arisioff taxation; for a similar object.-We possess i i from customs and the public lands. These oelvef ample resources f fry emerSer c effe-ts have continued to operate, in var - falare eseac.w,m b0 0DWiliing to snpily th nun degrees, to the preent period; ana, I Qoveiomant with all the means asked for t!.- I !' ... lL. J....... i. .Warn a.a.MAMaal . . ... 1 . at.... m aoouinn i iub upcrrio iu mo it'suur. aetenee or toe country, in time oi pcacn uu thm prodaced.'two and a bait millions of lean, at all events, be no jastificattoa for the err a a : 1 I I a 1 f . .mm..m..;b Jk-a I. lViA TAlArwl ClnXffr nendent for the revenues which bad; been collected from the peopler and were indie nnsaole to the public service.-. This sas- pension, and the excesses in banking sod enmmerce out of which it arose, and which were greatly aggravated by its occurrence, l: ) . . Itf V. wwarawa. - " t - ,- .-. . . . the Federal uovern- constitutional duii. : ernment a standing in the great family 1 of pent ot long stanning question oi - 1 ": , cerern circumstances.be ; r nations, of wbich we have jm cause to e persy ; bus removing th. only obstacle probably as foried withoJt auch a resort. It bas, it is hc, , . i . ii. .La.k U AUiniM the frionril nil IHU I liftn nf iron for railroads. OT aoeeiSl leH" , r,..i t. r.j i u n MirtorA. ifcntninn in . tnuia.ir.il. kiiv rii i wh . im Ttr. uuiiiis r"luu " Few, if any, remain lnensiDiej to too vatr , , . ' w'a I am Lh5 an onavoidahie continuance r. in aeCoDl:ab ao desirable an tbject, two of onr friendship or ignorant t ine terms 1W wc vv. " . ' , i. - .ku. fira,. that th mctiuu ,i o -h.ch it can 'be'aa.ed, and by- wbijcb py . to announce to you that, alter '""7 Ho - . - i i .uu.. .nH riiHi n a, treats ot com mere i rrnwin? oni oi nasi lrsiivBnnuct nu , , 8lone c.0 be preservetl. - . I! ZZu c,;,MJ L,, hi immediately arrested without boundaries presenbed by its Jonnders; anq,secu A ries of Questions of long standing, . ""g., ww? ... . .. iwt,r-... nf ly, that all appropriaiioos loroojects acm.uca . . 1 .. .1j . l and Portuiral. was concluded anu Si Hifijcult in their aojositnem, m iip....-. - ; - - , ,n their cons q .ence?, in wfii-h the righ s Isbon, on the 26tb of August , last, of our citizens and the, honor or me coup, i p ' r .4 tK Min. I ithont adverting to others arisinc .-out of I -Lufl, oa'ih naoola themselves, the ci nf.rewvrs. (.hornet of .hem f""pt i Wl .tL 'ijsl! iX. mit minim. f 4lliM S for Pro.- C.,u...ii, ..d b. cooBJ..,. Che, p; ,:, the Kiiccc-sfnl ..'roininiMion oi ir '' 1 1 'V,"ihR hi of ,he !iotA. wMi. .irtiTof n,M.r.. for lb. re,o,,l of th. -k. - t ' Cial intercourse of the two counlnci. t Under the appropriations of the last ses- ion of ConPtKv?. an aawnt Jx-Ji-'in sent t f O .L interests of onr tobaccoj The commissioners ' . . ...i.. I lo make the bais ot tlieir intercourse win diat oredecessor,! oeen wivus t ' . . . . , -n uini v . .j.il furnirn no wet a. and it Is booed thet will faciorv cincIusoo ; ono rn mosi impuTiimi ! - - t . . . m ' laiory f uciuiv- , r il inrf m f..tfr A Rirntrthen the commer- f thf5 ri-matnin3 arc, i m nnppy a oe-1 r r ol tDc. reuiainioa .. J , L.. ,Riz,rr.itri of thn two counttie. lfeve, in a fair way ol oetng speeouy ann satisfactorily adjasled With all tho Powers of the world our re. (ations are those of honorable peace.. Strife tcor adjournment, nothing serious has oc- erred to intertnpt or inreaten .on,ent,on for the adjus harmony. If clonds have lowered aboye rUen3 cf th jj.j SJ tho. other hemisphere, they bate not, cast , - n theu portentous shadows upon our oappv t ,a9t ,l)e p9pel9 ,a the ,1011 shores Bound by no eniangigs alliances. Government, to tbte cUims, were yet linketUT S mon natote ant intet mcateri to the Bmd. The clafna with the other nation 01 miv, T not embraced bt that convention are no pirattons are f-r the preservation 01 poac-, h . - jf oeeotltion between the tv in nhose solid ann rinMng trintepns - . tbeintrdinm of our Miniplet at Mexico. Nothing has ocrorred to distnrb tue the hmony of our relation" with the dtf- crenl U )vernroeiits ol Oontn amrnm, 1 h rM.liiinal Mntimeota of those thev select hir rrr,antatie in ine r eaerai i,''2''j" ibe secoad rests upon the fidelity with whi ;i heir mora liamediaie representatives and otl.cr public functionaries, discharge the trusts com mitted to them. "The duty of economizing; t..r? 1 . 1 Srninole Indians, which were found in progress, has been nearly fourteen millions, and the public buildings have rpqatrea ine nnnal um of hearlv three millions. . It ff rd me, however, great pleasure Xpen9ea uf the public seivice is adailieu on a. I to He able "to say, thai, from the com- 1 -lands yet there are few subjects upon rue a -V' . . .1. .' IT .f iMiin'mn thin ii mencement of this rer,od loathe present .nere 7 div, every demand up-n the vernroent, -i wn.ij ""- r Neitr 'v'1 J . , , r . . I which that dutv is discharged. S eui.tr ,t hme or abroad haibeo promptly met. rZJ-iJ'n mutual recrimi- rti has been doiie, not only without ere- '..'.. . ,,-, rw.,! t which the nub- a ting a permanent drbtvor a resort to audi- li? m,0i9 so jos.ly sensitive, can well be entire- tionl taxation in any form, but in the 4-0ded j and least sj at jjeriuda of great po- n'dst ol a steady progressive , reduction of -ijiicaleiateme.it. Ad iotell'gent people, ho.T- exKting burdens upon the people, leaving ever, seldom fail arrive. in tbe end, at correct ....;...k . h.i.noA ot aa-aiianie 1 fJiociusiODS in auuii o . j t) 1 1 1 1 liuuiiuciai'ii. !. w. 1 . .a may participate nith a generous rmnlation. Yt t it bnbooves us to be prepared for arjt event, and to be always ready to maintay. those inst and enlighleocd principles of na nonal interconrse. lor wmriiiw-a ".L...., . h- nhl.flnt to inforn, In the shocR o 1 rrP,r' ,v, ; .6e rfecrfitiunf Travellers fc. uoaruers, . U t.; ..Wt Utr lf Jest EiBLl aVd tSWavUI-be supplied with uch w"S fl VVVki ffi4aetdaUrrocndin,coun ry.f- n in if ntifoni sop speeches, sririted t?; d m . ar . u u Li . i u aa u -mj uaaaaauaavi. wkb- ititfc fftail and! provender, of all kinds, at j'bj raijhft anf attentive Ostlers. - 'Hnrlerifr.ot ntdcrriS hirruifilf Lhat UO 6X Ntu'battabfl;'be;:waatin to giv4aTen ! summary of the resoWs cf ibe proceedings m Cone-ress; together wup meff'- "j'J cal news of the day. jt will contain the oiaqafi returns of the vote in the Electoral College I. r. President, which will be opened in the presence? of Congress, and the Inaugural address of i . . " . nnt Snn..,u itp urn rtmnre-l fresioeni. - L..aij k.i..n irinn4nintT of; Longn-ss in ue-f t. j .iin.irnmotit tmlb4m ot larfhJ . lj c 1 1 Hi 11 i . i- 1 1 11 ! 1 1 1 cpmuer. aim i oui i. - - , . j f 1 :i 1 1 1 ! 4 . a ;s . .. . . ii . I .i.;i.. .11.1... rv . it iDViir turn nun i '""iwuau ii i w ii j uaj iniui . " ,: J' i mcnt has ever contended.' conlend.n empires, it is only by amog a reslutf . earing, and . lothtng theowltes with cVfeniv armor, thn. neutral nations can maintain their indend-iit rights VrhecxCTteront wbichgrew butof the terri torial controversy between the Uoiied'6tat0 end Grea Britain having m a great meararv an voided, it is honed that a favorable period ! i appioar hing for V final ttjf ment, Bojlh. Governments muw now oe rifvu' dangers wiih tshich tlnrqueHti m is Iraugl; na it most ho their desir. as it is thHr in tertst, lint this perpetual citue of in it t ion should bo removed as n"'rtf 99 pf acticaoic. In ma last sniriual messaee voo were lniorm- d th&t the propoVnitm for a cmmisiori jof ovem- I IMlQDimJY CO fJJYTF. i ' :- Hi . If'- 1 " ! N. I Ellerii-othfJri?." - LA1'-.-. pifn-I ii Petiiioo for Paint ion, 'Wcullt ipM'Hring to ihe saiisfacjion of ,f,-Vnlhat the Defeodaats. David". El H iBfl.f DameU Elmira Uantei ar.t nas ; Sarah btt wile, do not reso io $ereforKbrdeed by the Court. i . 'itL.i"f;? - -...it's.. i Z , .i If-.-, !,. yt- iDJue jor six wecasio !-'' "una terms casn, in - , D '-j description received aMbeir specie fne. Ftjt-J M n.lll UAI BITii-IllS. OKU " ' " 1 thev areailpo authonzpd ny tneie- i .: ... ;..n imHor franlcJ partmenvio loiwaiu Letters Jiust come to us free; or rg Pd. rFflttgfon.Ocf.Sl, lb40. a ) lI if tato eara to neiform the ceremonies of Inaogoratipnort.ibe portico in front i.r ti. flan where the area is oeuer ui.r that l . UriTA nnmber bf soectalors. The SCVUUIUIuuBm r , , - conunoeu. vouthat the claims of our citizens bponj the l ie Rptiblic ot Columbia have not , yet been satisfied by ihe separate GoTernaieute u.to which it has been resolved. The charffe d'affaires of BiZ'l having expressed the l tention of his Government not to prolong the treaty ol I baa. ltwui cease to be obhgatoiy njmn either party on the 12h d-y of DHtembervl841- when the ex tensive commercial intercourie between the United Statea atd that vast empire will no longer be regulated by express stipulations It afford m ilcure to commnoieste that the Government of Chslt ha Lni.rp! into an Bflfeement lo in lemnify the . luimants n the caseol the iWren.ninn, hall millions oi oiara, uu wu.au.u6 indepeodent y or the exiraoToinary irtiuisutoi . . and less by twenty-three millions than the (H be pi,.. sefaic growing out of the state tt United States have in deposite with the our Indian relatiors, be, io fto incoGsiceral.e e Statea is composed o such on'y as are uoi ree, iracea u iu. .v duore nm been Rented for parment. They may b redeemed out of Uiod in th. commerce an i the accruing revenue, if the expenditures 5usm)f lbe CttUQiry. poiotjng'wiib rjnerrin- lo not exceed the amount within which C(.rUintv to , great and protracted redoctiuo cf they may, it is thaught, he kept without .,ie reve0oe swengtheiied the propriety of the nrri.id.ee to the Dubiic interest, and the ..heat practicable redoction of the public expea- I revenue shall prove to be as large as may ( ditures. P ; , " inatly be anticipated. But, lo change a sys.em ' J Ammig the reflections arising from the hrge a surface, aod applicable to beei contemphtton of these circum.unces. one, JJJJ .JTrf ! not the lesst, gratifying, is-the couscous. X Imoedi. ness that ihe G ivernmenl had the resolu- JJ n tfurd fai.hdlrebted to that cr.d ; tion and ability to adhere, in every, emer- M cymiaaed to the present t; m- etiey, to the facred obligations otlaw , to L- ,ihe. estimates aod appropriations fur t!.o execute all its contracts according to the ypaf 1533 (the first over which I 'had any c a- rpflnrements of the consiilution, and thu- jr) were sumewLat diminished. The ?. c- : 1010 . -....1 r ;:, - . . r 1 nir American proneriy pcizcu in oc7 , " , 'pre.,,,,, wa.no..-. -eUed. . ,.,. ng of . S ' ? e. Mine woiiir iv ,. Rniain had hen received pd that a eurt ter -'project, iticluding also s provision for l he certain and final arfi steni oi ine umn.tn dispute,- was then belore te tiriusn urorvin- ment for Hs consideration 1 n answer o. th8l Government, accompanied by additipn- a 1 propositions of its own, was reeeiveo, reived vhich iostilies the hope of awearty adjustment of the remaining claims upon tthat G -vernment. The cnnmis-ioners appointed in pursn- iince of Ihe conventmn between the United Htates andTexas fur marking-ihe, boundary i I ' I I ! . . I r. I through its minister here, since jour sepata- etweeu them, nave, accoru.rg . u. ion '"These wereT promptly considered; loit received from oureomm.ss.orer, sur Sasdecmed'correct to prmcipi. Wd and established tho j.M. ;xi . and 1 consistent with . due regard to the just ihe boundary north along the Western oa,k inu cooMsirni aait ( ... c.Ji. Jr.k. S.hma ner. frnm it- entrance into omnt br which ihe business of rniiritry'miht Ve brought back to a safe and unvarying standard a result vitally important as well to tlie interests as to the nigral of the People There can surely low be lib difference ol opinion in regaru .... a a a ments for public debt and trust claims, wul pn:- hably not exceed twenty iwu n beinfr betweeo two and ibrte millioGa less tb;a tboeof 1S37. Nor has it been found necessity, : . rnAne. ihia result. Io r?S0rt tO l!3 III UlUrl IU liiuvvyw ' - . puwer conferred by Congreas. cf postpocmj cer- JIV DC HO lllUCHiiivt v. ... - n I ini"n w.nti. "J - - , J f , 5i t i- ci rf i ; " 4 t --- I V. i :- t nva t... iLl ..!,l a(,-.A. n t a ii iinnear 1 v, "v!:ft. IBHi SaiM.wrttUU"'"' ""I II v wziiii-r-v .iki itiii villi i a aji a iud I VSeSslin3 alUtil. navtlCnnrt Inbfllield for VA ?'1Tl ibe dourthouise in Lexington, on jM itn3 jtFeornaiy next, and plead, t - Of dptnnr tw vVaft" vIatntfTa naliii.in r it ui t fi hearing et parte ' a, to them; and . ' pro ewifj entered against ioem. Ssl qwpa rnntert. lee $3 on r.nl.ta of the United States and of ibe State of Maine, concuned in j and the reasons for dissenting from the residue, with an ad ditional suggestion on our part, com muni- . - . . ' r ' . ' C Cii. I n If m Cnv ' cated by lire &ecieiary o.ficu ' a. Tbat Minnter, not feeling, himeelf stiffi-f cienllf iiittrucled upon some of the points raised in thedicusion, fell it to oe nisoii U8&'.i WD . b'o ii j. - i. t I. , r...l. iP.T ' wilpareu to, iurniii - T.-VW!,t '"f . . ' t. i ;ti i O VattiJtf V superior qaalityltiti fa- ibe above named Fac tiya .hicbj wU sp t :T5VilHr.-lU U-A--" herons half for theoil er, oral aeyht , expert rrt jiraicitsrevillc Volton Fae c.r.iairxt m i ftlbnlzomery countt, 22 nults East or sansourjj ;. - -i" -"- Hl .:aiela-acdnalnted with the Yarn of nsw iu.iu.--v- fi i . vJ.,.Il sAiiliJ ihi. Faetorv nreler litany otate. -' - : - - c . nn.niinn a nr i J. C KM W-.A hW :P u UUAuuij' . v . B. I wish' to procure aboot XQO Ptes of Cpttoui e quality; oeiiTerco i M ( first la ivililQES PRO WNAseltE v i i r - iHinnd. - Decembci 12,-1 840-U5t0 own Uovern Having now tat in tofpr Ihn fnlter to hlS a V a a .n fnt. it Inriher rieciIon iiir in a a aBaaB- -: r - tppn for sometime under its advisement i speedy answer may be coi.fidently expected. Prnm Ihn rhara It t f I 'the .PQMtS SttU in dlf- ference, and the undoubted disposition oi hoih nartits to nnna lh WAtter to an early conclusion. I look Hi. t ntoe -onfidencc 1 0 a . I Cl . . ca at ..A mid ot he oaoirte riaer, irmo riinmu- ...... ihe Gulf of Mexico to ibe thirty-second de. I 4 ' . . I.'.:. I . r... . . .v. . n oil. gree oi nona laotuue. . ns niaumwu jburned on the 16th of June last, io reas- I . . ... 1 e .u .. tremble on the isioi ixovemoer, ior .or- w.- pose of eatablishing accurately the inter jection of the thirtyecond degree of Uu iL.ir. with th western bank of the Sabine. lilt. a a - - - and meridian line ihence to Red river.'. I ja presomed that the work will be conclud edin the present season. I The present sound condition of their fi-. ianees, and the succesa wiih'whicli eitar rasments imegard to them, at tiu.e ; narentlv icsormoontahle, have been oter- come, are matters upon which the people conclusion, I Ihok h i cnio o roiiuoriiir j . JL r.i rr . i . . ?mon.?t .nV.MiTitmmtion-rf j UdOoaaaai clA VwA y Iirjjuiia'i ''.,. . I -... .1 i i in .,....... I....rui a .1 mti io rsnn. appointed shortly. after jhCrtJdu,om,,ntpj I) A Congress, under the eel of j tjie last session providing for the xpU.ratoo and surveyor lie line wbtcb lepsraUt the States of Utin? flowing treasury, howetei .1 nny be regai ned as an evidence of poblie prosperity, i? u.iAm unnrinrivetn ine ncrmanpni weiiarc P1"-""1 . . . . of any people; and cxpcnehce has demon I dtUiH.e.j motk r . fJ nnt al ilnl frilifa' arisen il me vj"jcii.jcii, - ..-. moment, had guff-red itself to be deterred frtim upho-Wtfle ttieTt5nly true standard of value, eiil'er by ihe pressure oi adverse cir-,-4iniHtanc-B or ihe violence of unmerited denunciation The manner in which the people sustained the per'ormance of this duty was highly honorable to their fortitude and patriotism." It cannot .tail id stimulate thejr agenta io adhere, under all circum Ktanccs. to the line of duty'; 'and to saiUfy them of the afel with which a rows, re- ally right- and demanded y a u'.a"' hs, may, m a co nmuniTy like o r; e pr so d, however apparently severe its imme diate operation. The polic? f ti e Fedemt Government, in el irn2ui3hu.g rarJfy J- thn. national debt, and", satleq oun, ... - titi..n to i -rea.e a r e ..n.,deserv to be regard ed in ih- -ae laauraMe Vghr. Aa.rg the ma ov ,.r.j.-u,.ns t .a nan .nal dt. tbe crt tain len 'depcv of pnbbc Jaeconiiea lo cimcen.me uln- une whirl, is" emy d.y ffattiering slrengih'. . i i ii... rMi.tiria i.f raanv f ib ljles ..;i.Bj:.rM fur a short renod opon a itia- ,ted por.ionof theo ; aad which postponement terminated some time since, at tho moment -the Treasury Department, by foriher-rece.ip.3 from the indebted banks, became fully ador ed uf its ability to meet iheui witbont preju-tca iu the public service 1a other respects, pauses ;B Lutin hich wiil. it is believed, jasti- fv a still forther redociion, without iojuiy to any .mportanl oattal interest; The ' rrs tf a a f. a .a the necessity for mditarj operation in iMa s .. ... ar Q I ,f tr.ft incii-. dia'as from withio' our settled orders a tearly completed. The pension hst, ere of the hea. i . i cbargeS opon tbs Treasury, is rapidly d.na M.ma by death. Tb ral ccstly of our pouU Lildrng; are ei.ber fioisbeJ, or nearly so; ani we may, I "ifiakf lelj-;pnw. wrselse- s ciroed exemptioo from border d.fScoltie cuoi imn ' . . . ' Kiancath the Treasury o t-a X:UlZi i estimated at one 14 a half dullars. This sum. withe exp d receipt. from all sources M ,.ar, will, U is believed, be mcitZC:3 flrf Govemrnen. to rnre, er, JWV t- . . . . . ii.ai iiitTfrnmru. umii. .-- , anl .he foiure indna.r, ... .heir ci:.i...ner jm- ; . febf JXltSZTJ efl lo the sai'jects oi uroprap .v-.