..- tin ;. V -. . ' - . V'..-, . . I . .."J ; .-. . ," -i r4i-l; y;. - f . .,, . . , . ' . , . ;. . . . ,. ; - . - 1 i . : ' . . " . J . 7 time . NTAU AKsLiJ JILj II tlLJMll IH 'IHf ff I U .A YZAX YT. Wl ' .Y?f ., Vr-ll 1 - n i i H 1 l 1 HI vrMi - - bscrip!,a!l Win be rrortffd ft ales TERMS Or.APtrERTlSJNG, .w i; jJofW per ffj'a 1?e ,rs' iRfiCrtiora-- htB tiir each cunlirioance. :- " i?1 .irp!i ivilt be'chari! SSpercl. high-. ;;iWaii p-r'ceot will baraade' : vit ft .Ifrttisrmeals will be4 rootinued' nmil " - - X - C frind charged ffr gccordinoly, unless order P .rtain nambetnf lime? h - - V-P Lp"p ,j!Ireedio ihe Editors mcsll f - s -i.-iwB ran TV. - f4H ! t r rnuir, 3un3cjtoer nas ir sale, ai im muse SiLiasoiRrf January .Cent. ; Bria I , ! t'.l-. 1 riP$ in Dfifson coontv.a large assorttoeLH' - AT: f fVmTrifRE.SVcnsislin'g of Apple, Pe?, r-t' . - 1 tnebpsi American and- Kuroran fruits' alsoa Cents. 1 fine erleciion of Kole9-nd Dahlua Trrrsi wi l Molasses. .. 40 CO I be delivered at any reasbnaSir distance f rum Lex Nails. J 7A a 8 lngtnn..at.Jb'e. osgal priep cif hauling Priced OaIs, h !? 15 a .20fr.r?llH graitsioau appwcani ino pr- PorliV- Sugar. ft li . it a?e bting paid-; riUi(epr lii lxinaU)n N: r, prfc 10 a l5 December-: 19 j t WQ-If2 1 "-r. gai VhlT , ioai io a xii Salt, . j; v Si 20 ra I I a i low, .- iu a 12 05 Tobacco, 8 a 20 S4V 3 J Tow-Lmeii, 16 a 20 Wheats bush rf 62J WhisW, 45 a 50 -1 t jtf EEIji 31 ADISOXIAN, l H HK approaching sessioo of -Cong?es, w il "11 ; doubtTess be onelof are at interefet,, It "wi uiosB up ump, ai ieasi, oi oevnuatr9 oi.iri ai Dareo's adtaloistraiiooJabd osher.in hVfirW Wool (clean Vif' 40 1 aospicioua dawrj ci ft 0(9w an-'4ietier--6nlf I. .ii ' ' . v I be excittxig.Ou inetide wefcb4irtehesHu!iv CnEBAwl January . 11840. . .( 1 2 lea of an expiriog fact ion j and .on the other. a I- Mi'- P - V liiT -1 l - a 0- ; BaUcr : Hi- a!2 ".THE GRAVEJ OP-jniETRAK?- For Thc SinddJcflIhctinlK Bj coo) pest d eveijlotl ana each torhulffit dio- Tbaf encircles ihcbeart in. life's treacheftins -snares, V&l'y' ! ij-V AnJtbehoor.that inriteio the cairn of devotion ITndistgrbedij regreti oneocorobred crj?s. How cheerless the late bloomlc fac? of !craitpiit Weary Time seems lo pause ,in bis rapid farmrj And fatigued with the work of his own desoia-: - :r Cmn : - , , t . - - h 4 ' s Loc1 behind with a smile on the Grave; of She Year! " ' ! Hark ! Ihe wind whistles rudelythe fchadow3 arepIosinjf,.'tvv f---- , .j. -.I?v That enwrapped lus broad path in the mantle of ngOl, r. . . ; . , . - While Pleasore's gay sons are in qniet reposing. Uodtsmayed af the. wrecks' which have ndtn- From yon templeywhereFajibicri's - br.ightwfa i?'perare JiUte!i ; 'ij Her rota ries tn crowds decked with gailartfa ap i . "'. - -----. ij - v - w. -' -.: i .":. ? ' Dear.- .- i .:,.! h-. And yet their war nr hopes 'by"nb spectrM if frichted; ' ; - f--- : 1 '-V ' Assetnwe to dance roonn ine! urave oi ne aeair 3 a S f Nails cut assoT. 7i 8 'nnppsoi pariyrarmea iin i& conauence ei 8. lift I :..,.v.l.t 1 f m IO I pwpic, iuiiiviiii' luuiiiung miifiDinirixiiiiiir tt25 Oil 75 a Si llTTW,-1.r fllm f i:Oh;i hae Vds salecop wb cK the idlers. : 25H;g I, larorV"; fl25 during avefl ih euibarrassmenthicji whertj'ihii.k of tnfr ills of Life's comf it i i r i nc I j-.i L-f ..iik - j. ..ki i M.tii a - 2' - i r---- ColkbusH f Mbers s 5ab itilM iwsses 40 a SO riTtTTEtiLi.Bf J anoaiy 12. 184 !. Wf, peach 45 a SO ;Sap !2& al20 121 a I3i 0 alOi jarf.., ISefSISTai, i:.Titia.Varn 4 .4) 1G a 40 a 2. 10 l:"rr'.-. " r? sod immediatelv in is ntace shall we behold the ba U sack 2? risinff son of HaiirW. ' " : ! U v busn -100 On the 4th of Maich. General Harrison as Steel Amcr.-lO a 00 Presidentof the UnUed States, will attend in English " ' . .14 I the Chamber 6t j thtl Hoosd of Representatives fSprman 12 a 14 I 10 take his oath of omcer according to the direc T!intft 51 dint iionoi me Aonsiiiuiioa. vjii nis enuance, s " 1 I rr I n a Ant r til . V .eliinfflAfi : snrf I &nIP&rn and Madison, :he; audience will nut be . able to in.tnWo : cn s I stifle their disposition to applaud. Having taken Nails, cot-;; 61 a 7 hj9 l on ibeferaied chair of tbeJPeaker tkwn flu t "the House of Representat ires, the vice Presif ugar brown, ,0 a 12 denl( Mr Van Durea. (if present.) and theSe Loaf " 18 a 0 fela?y of the Senate joft- his nsht, the Spelker ri ' " -- tk. hn ad Clerk uf the House f Representative oh Pai.l . i, auu ls jir. j;.kl Hu;-.(f .1 ik. tTi.ii,U $21'a$2 &fccd:v'nM Tobacco leaf 41 a 5 Cotton bag;, SO e 25 Bate rope. 8 a' 10 Wheat new 80 VViiiskcv S5'a33 Wool,' 15 a20 his left, and the Chief Justice of ihe-Unitetl Slates and associate: Judges at the C lei ks table, he will proceed l" deUyer his ioannral speech, after which fie will receive the oaih tjf nffiee from Mr .iTaney, Chief Jostice If He will then retire, and such hczzis will go up; from the mpltitude aroun the.CaptoU as have ftever been heard. x ' i i i!:.J'' Sucb will be among the tntsresting incidents which willoccapjr the columns of the: Vbkty Addisonian. The paper will enntain leading BOOKS B'QR CHILDREN 1 JUST ( speeches, spirited pkeiches of the debates, and ;a ;l s.h : ' .. i : I sammarvr of the (results of the proceedings Jn vrfir.ir.tir.il AKD FOR SALE. AT TI1R I r, -r' r. .1 .t.L J.i.u .u- llii Mm (SAliOlAWA BOOK STORE, r,i of the divi It will contain ihe officii! i f r f lloa 1&41J i J ( reiornsof the vouhti the Electoral Colleges tfr rresmeni, wmcn o oppniru m iuc picy"ju of -:Conrress. and the Inaugural address of tHe wirarley'4 Wbnrlpfs of the Earth, Sea &. Sky President: This tvijl include the time ctimprf f. It - liaMJiJIqa . Ill Ciijlaliu. uuuuauu I ueuucu woiwcon v , "'jm ''"("- ' i-i-r t -li :!.'- I -U. n J iia .ilnnrnmanl nnlKa Jlh nf )rr 3 IVianiU wun line ep"ramsf - ! ihild'a-Getni Nnrsery Songs by Mrs. Fol ! flay llotise Work STiop, Ikbilsy Gifi. WlHy's Rambles, I'sry'a Annuil fo a;H Stasonp, o:...L.. T1-...J.I,.:' ! ..-i . ! l.il'-Chriitmal fjjft," ' i?oe9 of Wai hthei on . :vWfVsChrfetmas Tales, Wi. Noverabr; 24. s O" . - k' a ti cember, and its adjournment on the 4th of Marc Subscription price fur this period Fiftt UisST Terms cash, in advance Bank notes of lev erj description received it their tt talus. V& masters will act as 1 agents, and be allowed commission they are also aoihorizwl by the D partment to forward 1 subscriptions onder Iran Letters nust comelto us free, or posiaje pawl. - v t I j THOMAS ALLEN. rTosWJgfon, Oct. 31, 1340. have comfort If ss dav-' How the flowers of my chtldhooil their verdure ; thavfi wasted. ;;jH'-4- Min And the fricods.of my youth have been Jolen They think' not bow fruitless the warmest en- . . oeavor -, . . , " , To recall the kind moments neglected when near. 1 : ' , - ? :l When the hoors tbat Oblivion bas cancell'd for ever the Are interred by her hand 1ft the Grave q Year! . , . . Since the last solemn reign of this day of refltfc What throngs hava relinquish 4d life's perUMng treat h 1 . , P . Coai medicine for Hogshen: lhfyfofget,br clairn; Outfit is"a iaid hogs get sick, you kiiownoi Vr:hat, gite tatment as ever was tod I advise you to iherri yearVof ebra7firif dippiiiAii tar, aJ h,,ld on ' ?i-!,erf no Jelling what a kl t t -: ' t ' tr- I - - may reach'tf loo 1st it run on, and don't then rolled , in : sulphur. . Tia,teto. one, Mu arxh nitnrinikl kl . ... . . - i . : I . ' - r Dui ii arres-e ioe cjieate, anais we Sio. paid fj., Nvr if fou.Uka any office,M ereo in ine coorseoi me same familiar fire,- j will, roafee a considerable bole in it. and C0NSI1?T10NV The editor-cf the N, Hamrrslirs Tf 1?-t: an irtTclerelatbg Jbnhe fttqsRcy cf t:. asa among .os.aad'its cbanctcr, saj3 : there be a disease lnht?TworIJ cf v. '. leetts ia la pecoliar manner Jo fit i3 t;i fot tbe fate which horaan :ki!l i cir.nrt ,i j that; disease is consumption; ' To ens n! t run i te, ind bope, ana joy, ,ine n.st. c . lion that it has fastened its death -him; 7earfol ceruttaty of its crJ, . i ' through him; viiha",tbri;i cf bcrrcr rr. V?s tkaa that of -most tther;dise: nfigjiiobsl bejajeed.to tell for tV. .V ' tbit lhere 13 i a, wbrm gnavricg at, cr.c"s whosb greedy teeth not.fcotn3n ?!ull c: -sta riling to feel tbexcrlaiaty cf discs : whose end Is sorely 4e3ih,T "Cut how ? ihrsptril'grow calaj ; and ti i he fee'.3 th; ease! t8ggiog.it his teatl-strngslc hb s:r wasting mway befirc it, how calmly t! the sou plome itself lor.its op ward tlelt trosiinlT then does iiieaa itself enen t (sun oM'sGod, and when flesh aod he" it faint; and faa! -bow; sweetly sinls tD rest toe vp;iua or consuuipuca. . - So fades asaamer clcsd stray, i V So sinks tho gale wheo stnrras aro e'er, Hnt.f anil nr- !ik .... ..IL 1- - nenllt ehuta lha V ff (15?. rr . - t r . . - - .. i . m ptk ftivu ru Tfi ior ineic is no t 6v.v -r,-- ' 0lF trim owi ivojes.aiaKO a .small !e.iD2 mhtmti m3t'd , wKftrtr ' S dies a. vif? along tbd ebore, rnnn."hv wranrSinff a raff about the . end'ofl or inWihiifn-4 t,k..i-.- I V ttr" " ' " . a stick dtp this in tar. takingNp as much and ix may: be wanted In the 16 rst "place f Exphilh. " whig piper report as w i 1 1 a d h e r e to i ifolt5 thisV airdhd and thn tfarastir.g it inla the sheep's mouth. hnM il there rintil he im fareedim withdraw I"V- ."II ' '"VT i uiaiivio hi i e,fea . - . i lBe treasury, rand ount over all. the hard Press." and is ondor the supervision and c ana. swallow tne tar ani sa.t, anU. jour j rurrencv in the iron chests of the sub.Treas. i of a Fedetat Jonto in New York Vver. sheep wili soon get good health and- clean urefg : -16ok into matters in the Lsnd OfUcel i the fact will not be 'disputed is it is rccuri ' . . . ' - . . . I .1.. rm . . ... .. v . - nfliPi;- Trtr it "an if i ncrni-1 . mnii villi o trusi VfiUCV, say it is worth a paddle of mutton, :as7good j t . .i'-in.'r ri-nJw.-M.JA, nU-K'r w ... " r: y . hu i.,sn "j.-.vv-j". ..v..f u,e r,K9 now mere bave bt anr accideot --;.it SikiMarfc: tin or :Gov ve.,s everjeut market left, so, of their own money behjtnd them, h hld Hrd this jstory before ; Se t wow gemie reaucr, we oavr tausni you. as i w'"' mem, soinai every non-t ii t.r.! it: that Genera . li. in wt have been taught, atvone slhort sitting, " tJ1" o11 aotf he Rogues (if ficent provocation fur the exercise of his r fu.rr-lim- hnr t,V. r a f... . ' ' ' 8r ,urir auea iSOV WO I 4enttat USl. xQ crjm,ncrr y . . , - aiii-r eetling ll ttiesematlers s rrait: ih-n. toekv at the time. Informs qs tbat be br cholie, how to enre a hog's quinsy, and Maior " aa thrR.h w.f metier frenoentlvrsrjoken of. While (I t how to clean a sheep's oose and so we office I'll se that tou have one and "the WM ut LoaMlJe. and receivbgtho ccr.gr best nne J can advise you to take is. loi'IV!.i'r' T . , l : . - . r , 1 8ucces?. some enmarvperly rascal thrust L' Maf - I ------- j vMvxmv "UU ' if liCII iru BCD B k . I r.l V ftM ATA R 1 " quarter enion wn located going at mini- J 0ld coward !w Tbe General insiamly kr 5. . . r-,.:. . . " - . . i 4.. -v a a side chat, frorn the-.same eentlemn who forne lolss may sav, 'there 13 ens big'debt gave'lthe prescription (01 tti ihohc m hor- 'pd. out 11 't.' No, no, SJajtr,say5 ii.: JA'er--1 hGtneratil:Ciln'tafibrdo Nettle that tuts account is catica ua - uc:.. I Er..-.An',A ninn inpnil- .and la morpoTet CI . , aoi an ine omer otnees - - , , ia not there; and ih.t ought ViSd .,n.f a AnA i aii. Ia ic . u "r 1 1 m ae keeping, with, the deiacry . i ethibi'ed ov me.wniszerj .21 s MAJOR DOWNING We have jost received the following let oiurn prices, cut in and take it and if you him down; ,Tbe vtreteh nodoabt prcs t-r;' i haven't got the money to pay for .fa I'll lend Gen; H. position before society in order to 1 vou : and then ahniit.l.t nn .nrl KA this insult with impunity; The act of Ur.'."' 1 r -T- ------ e ' w bbambbuu uuiiu i - - ter from our old ftienrf Major Downing, nd tour.own cat)ln, and dig your own digfins. hi? dW??s pfi as it contains some timely and useful hints to and if tour country : calls on you to fight, l fsBtBioi rfficescekers.wetifclav not in presenting it to houldei your rauskH and go ; and there is few med who would acknowledge thai t' . , " HO t l II JIO htlt thf limn mSlvf PAmnl niritiri Ka 'a a - 1 - J- e. aSmUw Ininrv nnJar ' Wa i..-:k .k:.1no ti,,inPu,tl,e !lm" maT rome!whcn.thhwould not have done asimHai thing .under u,v ... uvpv. ...m ,e People may drag you off your retire larcircumstances-GV our readers. At application a least would ;haye found favor, but it seems 'Hist the Major realizes How many have shed the last tear of d,pofiw. 1 he ru cf lJ)6 c 83ying, that '.fhe Sbo- anu CH Seu toe U m eve in iiie usiii.nr's i .Jt?ijii: 1 , . v. j.!. .. Li. a. -iUi. maker's wife is the trst shod; woman 111 t1tw many nave suno("i.iy .iut- iMsi'uj;cT;ifWTu . - Beneath ibb low pall wbicb enveloped ibeiHwirr, j the Pansh." However grft our dept-rdep'? Cut oflf in life's bloom, to t be lone tomb descen ;.ded, ment as they have me and make you their rre-ioent " . So that i? pre:tv much alt I have cot to look for. and I thought I would ielT it, iust to tft a good man folks see what the Gir. .GrunshorcuzhlValrl : RESPONSIBILITY OB FATHEHS There is a sense in which fathers I a double responsibility. In tegard o temoerance cause, this is emphatically frai's notions are if they don't gtt an office, I ease. In addition to the diligence : on his philosophy, me have still grf t r in f r it is just as like as nol, if be don't an Ani' made1 their cold beds with "th.e oVave ofle ' his Patrtotitm in reconciling t lie GimraV$ Jm lrn it is because he wants 10 keep . Year! - . .1 U advice to his own foo set t nd we trust them to rot a higher figger bereafier.-.. 1 our trienu, i J. DOWNING, M-jor. &r. &c. &C. Ti the year that so lato itsf new beauties t is- the morai will not te lost 'Express. a -ii I g Cabin. Nortu Hend. Who now hn their ntllows of dust are repasina, B fi 1 Wherb the sod presses damp on their bosobi's 1 To the IdiforsA m York Exfira: ' cly " ' i! Then taJk not of bliss while our smiles are e"- watcbfulness necesiary to prescivo t:.- selves from, a drunkards grave, they ; bound to see that their children also v. ' in the ways of virtue ttiA Jtnipercncs 'V. young, whose principles and babits sre r already formed, are peculiarly espece J t the insidious detices of the great cr.c . and nothing will save them from the r: R YRATl jdaj Uefjretjel by B B ... Mannal for every Edwards. t rr i. i IpiErjqAXlHBLODIES. containing a A single selpciion from the production of two cdred Wriierscofnpiled byl QeW P Morris. ;;l!fi--,--.-Jl. -LIU . I -!:: '.-v.. L, - . 1 It has been osnal of late years to peTform,ire ceremonies of Inansotation on the poTtico in front of the Capitol, where the area is better filled to AAnmmridatA a tartrn nnmner oi soeciators. 1 nt ... 1 ' 1 .r J . v- . ' - practice win pruoaoiy no romiouru. -. ; $ ptnng ; 1 DisapHintaieni still drowns them in misery's tears. 4 j ; Rf fleet. ami ba wife for the dy is retirirgV And to morrow will dawn 00 the Grave of :he ; . Yearly ; ' ' . ; j; j- Yet a while and no seasons around 0 will flour ish, 1 j' I - Bni silercs for each her dark roansin prepare. Where baoty no lunger her loses snail mariin, N(vr the My oVrspread the wan cb-k of dspir; But the eye shall with lustre unlading oe ongui- .. . V , - . 1 . k i When it wikes to trne blrss tn yon orient sj.bere; By sunbeam? in splendor immirtal eotigVen'o, tvuc.i. n.. mnta atiall tut dnRn on the Grve Oi - i be Year!, ' ' . - , - PROSPECTUS . oV THE :'.' ;.,V I The TrjCC fojT EtCSal KnotO- Western CaroltnarTemptriWQe JidvocM 8"9 nesignea; as an ziraisiaui m uic 1 A m.niniy paper qeyoiec m ine 1 Binpenuc 1 ,. TT-t t m i -1 v ik.A .Knwol . . . -. . . form, published! at lAstiviia. j.m ana eon-. ed by D. R. MAsallt. f lof Caw. fAl new snnnlv ol the-above Jnst rfcive& at (he Noirth Carolina Book 2b. by ;! t 1 - . 1 - if wVtv i j i 1 Utl CO. The Temperance Convention that was hehj i 4hi ntp -ar w iOeD'einber. ieso.vd on . . , f The American Farmer1 on the authority of respectable farmers publishes the fo Uj inri remedies for '"ttiej.ili'seiatV:-. specified.;, ) Tn mre the Cholic vi Horses.-&lKc and eive him a drench composed of a .Ubh epoon full of strong -muard, dissolved in a blackT)ptue of water. .Having prcsriiuc an a aescrmeu iob ucmu, . j- :-.U. ..UinulrP(l I Kliee ID! wm iiiw m c 11 k w bm iu " - - A ULOKIOU RECORD. 'oHcnptiwi it tumid on a gravestone. The re- fulness and prayer (olio wed - Dp tvii!) 1 (ufdnof aci-ni Roaie f G'eere do not exhibit wearied teaching and Vcorrect esampb. tni,rt ifisisnr. of pa none beruismj : The relation o( father, tbeiefcre, is fcarf On rr.t 20.h 0-iuber, 1781, 4.000 English y responsible, but no less interesting t:;: ifil upon the .wn uh fire and sword 700 responsible wljere;thet,e is pxinciph AouMicans defnled the Uu for a whole day ; govern., arid love lo lecot'O watchfulness z a in the evening about 4 (iVluek,-it-waa taken, prayer. '-Tba--; ' ' The cuuim-i,deof jhetved delivered up Responsibility oi Motkcn bis nrd to arhrtTTmbriiaD, who immedta'.etr . . . . ' ! j r t 1 , stsnbe -j hi.., ; all bis cimades were put to the loo 19 bolh tnlfretlmf and fcirful. Int. .wor.i A line .u powder was theolaid from esling, because they have the potver r ihe u-uyaxiiie of the fori to the -ea, there to b means of gfving cAflrffcfrto .the wur!-.- igWt. thus 10 bio the fort into ihe air . Wii In their hands ia jri?instfooen.ialtty( i'n Hnroan, who la n.u far diaiani, wouudfd which Ihey may relieve the necesail::: ' y kCk' f ,h bay onet tn hhj body, be (he .poor, deliver the oppressed, reclaim ' neJd it.aiu stuJ u, one f hrs wojjned friends, inebriate, and bless the world. Fearful, L ' I," k 1 ' ) 6 ?dM?or,:0 cause of the dreadful ' consequences xvhi : cruwl to the lines;, we wt cmnolei-lv wei tha .?? ."...- ... ' ... -.V. all these in regular imier for "there is no p(MMt.r bur olorHj;.iho. will we. with the W,H ctDir to iDemseives, id - tellinc vet how soon we maf rant men to limb-In ihat r-waita 'o us, save ihe fort and i cbildreo, ano 10 aautttnu, u uc 1- defend the countr? ; and having all ihes magne, and jh rhps a few of oo;r comrades j the duties which tbe telation ol momcr n-. mr.3 ol ti.ftH va ,.n bf-iut I il lllfll I WO Sift1 I .-II .1 .1... .I.U -I. I r.i.t IU m im; leu inem 11191 iiimm jh, 1 j t point tfiem all asccllectors t.4 .ml vAAAi frA . r. . I rviArii.la aiu um 1 w vi" " -r. tpn til (in woindpd Pumnaa om Bi tnil mian . . . - 1 n, 1 . . . . . .. l : 1 iAct tn their minus er interesting awu - nil hir lfa nri..pl . A liar timn. J""" " . " E?er sir.ee 1 sent vou tbit if 'ter uMn.5. ron abcut M Fox 'Chats. I f h;c rtii.i ttm 1 r, :!; rrn-ir tti loi lit'tui H Gineral read over pe?ttisrs n.- a for r-ffire. I I bought, af ore things prtl iv bartiner thst w -vmr.ld -arr tbe oiy. that thfse petitions cum in crnsineiaDk strong ; Ur.t ever sntr it- has iren .'known that the Gineral bad wcrv;rile, thf j have come in bv hushetV tbe General csn teti 'f j sees th outside on fcwlw ile Gmc ral one day r'ff J during ine .isi war wrrj trd volunteers to follow oe,lbal ions had teen as numerous ; hut howscf ... - - . . . .. j.i j ..-j. .1 . 1. er," aays oc, must 1010 up V 'oe, ano jh rnups a tew 01 our comrades mefluiies wweu imoiciiiiwu.u wu.uv, . . re i.nlv wounded He alone had strength joins upon them, Ilia the mother's sp; : unpHsh this nobtfr design. Ini his. thir- nriate and delightful work, to cnllivs'.e , and rlf.tm iMcrs, ''l y"r hff.Jl "? h dr, which be 0 improve the moral and intellectual U?c ,arsh4, and di- f" f4"? ? hiS ? f nd tibililles jf their cbildrcn-to furni5h - 18 , , " w,:ndpoVcumpanioo b, thal means . irlteVectinr and rr rilE GREAT MlijSOUREAN. A5TO I-' publishing a papec of j he above liile and eharjici horses beadf high in tbejStr, and give im ter,andappoinied Dr Jhn Dickon and D j Rf os9 fmm a junk or black bottle. For thi MiWrXJ P A C T O R R M'Aoally.toeoad'iietliFrom shouid have a bottl . i r i ,. : : ; .nit n(rBflmfntsJ U . UicRson siffsor na4t n 1- ' i mm w a.' 5 f- t . ir v : r . in i:oncor.d. i. toroiwia. 1 " .r r. r . k t . . . 1 .1 i-.ni r, -TlTi'b- Ur i, iimi. if I deems it impracticaoie ",r nuinu uc iru-.. nano, inj9 " tint itia-lnVrt nnw nr-narpil. in pTpcilte .y irt-i. : v . . . . - 1 teresi It DlA'TB a I 'A4 . . I It Alt: IIM ill t Of 1 A C O 1 .T. ,. 1 1 " . i:"fM7 a" PT U' v. uWi.BBa- ..A,kioPionPi.tniin h siBBOa mC Wl & 3 sta ho thsnkfiiJ V receited and ; ttlended I . . . i7i L 1 L .i. --4-....- k- .it ...i iVrT " 1 . 1 that ne win oe aiur-u in un uuuei.i.., . ,. tA..kA.. I Imf.p a t ie are wi - rrt if,.. io uibu uiiubi i immw.u , hog to setve the rounti? . fh?; rflli ansi-fr r,,srraiive; are the following words id large cha-1 ,tab!o .employmentto gie direction to : m ihfr names t 'rolt call And so I am m&king out a lift: and tf vt,y tho half on 'em foe the mark then v shall rbtkn quitk wotk against an.enem, wheo fiyhting lini-s Ctme. ' l ne mr on 'fai are wit fin.iiur fernocr3cy too, for. thev y. fin thir i tiiions ther.onco w?s all Jakon and V n floieo men, but carne rind in igo d ttrr 'The following extract of a letter gt'ntlrrriSa formerly of this City, now thronjh'ihe. N esiern aits, and ail present in S. Louia. fnm whence he writes: ery budding thought io'chpri5h eyexy t" velopmcnt ol 'virtue, ana religion i? i countenance, and. if possible, annihi! ; i frm erv lendencvto vice, aintaers auou.a u. w mm-'vm m a p- on a tour temperance to their children while the) : .fM-nt in vet id their cradh?, and instead of colli ; the subscriber therefore, proceed,; tri b-j nCck of which, to prevent tts breaku g l.T,rIJT:i i i H - ' . t the friends of , the Temperance cause thrrrirghouf ua.Uexn-lided at thea TJftKS. K4 BOOKCASES. WASH MADle-:7V2.DS, BEDSTEADS. H together" w-uFa handsome assottmenU-f i... T' Ill-' . ! ' ! - . which the horde's mnr.th, ?!'0 or wt3pped round wilh tiine one and the other things! Same in d be well seized e ilispfed of low for cash, or Si - - If it lie on. 5 certam when the horse Was taken, fs in that case there will be ganger of inp tion, on dicovpry of the a vain immediately tres. at circuses, at! ths racetrack, at jrwer 1 d rnbej; js id to We immediate ami if while no pains are spareo, ,oe . j farrn,r8 are ,6 wa.t -.-A, .eo frr-iine. ana no laoor oeproeo HHii Hiaii'."... r . - severe to advance thl interests of polmcoj aspf 1 untjl the ease occurs, and file and pea n The temedv 1 here 1L! before roa- I -f Wen for CbfliWw h ich may be sent fNl'till iiiAldit 'iji'nnil mndp.rate r.haraes I . . . ' .. 1!4 .nvv r -o" inrfchi SI an r Iiecaiirci uicio.i-.v-, Tf - rf x . ,ki. 1r; X - I ; . C r u aa.. nl nil iHo SmiiViern coontivL ) . ihprA are who dO not Keep oa iijiiu mv a ae yu s " r:r ; - i s. si- . i - vv - ! a aI L"M.iArA et rr rvr r d . . t WiJif JAr..!. 'Z Zhi-ZS: iValof hi tion. Be it then rememoereu huh would ie- tiAH.and It is for voulnow to say whether they hi me forth a table spoon full oi mus 1 will I ..,. ii k,r.;i i ! L - i M l l i r. .l. .i oKnlif and furthermore ling a vicious appetite by the adrr.i: in nf cordials i and sttmulattn' ... . . l . . L., . ....a w., . -"-. r I ' ppi ine iiitrr rii?nt to loo it ai ine creai i ., j i r nr.d voted for the G.n-ral an :v,r since . ,.otijtv ,hal , ,!a-.v,r W9n. U mrougn mtsgu ucu auoouou, ." then go the enure Ctder and Log Cfiin, lhe Great Missouri, and is, the gieatrsi ani- gnorantiy do, tney suoota enueaicar t. . . Ii is ralv curibus M. see, fua et i ki..vn. It was found sbo.t two bun- ate a reusn ior pure coto wahr tioij,, i. drnd mile NVesi f ihi ohre, in this Mate, by best and only beverage nature ever luru;1; a German meas'iren 16 f-ei high;, h 32 fori ed. j We might spak of the tea thoi:::; lofsar, has io "tust- hit arf-f.im 10io 12 inch trays hy wmch yicioss and unnatural o ; e iii diaruetpr and 16 fret apatt. The ht-ad and pClites are formed, but for the present i ius weigh U0O p.i.d3 The ii.ijnts of ihe this ! aimple direction sofiircfAflf ctcM : k,.ee m .hefore fog, ar- inverted so that he . A :bntrg9 o thehr chUdrf. b n.1 hnknee iha c-nirarv way fn.m any oih , ' ; , . , , an m il. He- appears to bave bee web foul- -Aaic4 as nvlltTC has prctidtd. f ,1, h, n tMH.fs. bi.t toes b.ut 8 cr 10 inches lumucra wuo iuuj up iuv.i vu.,u. 1 be owner ha- eompoted ifs atoi. in may, with the bIesstngfcOI Uoo, save ui yjie piec jof Fuinttore, U rantsr can yoasnot do Something tn a cause thai han Qn lhe jcSe of the moment, be rv few. such naners In all the Southern cqontrc ny there are who do ncu Keep u The Western part of sNorth Carolina, the es -. -redicnt?rto fill op the simplest prcscrtp- tera part of Virginia and the .asern nyi, . - . retnemhere spoon f ....1 fr iha vnriit rholic. and furTheHmore Ljim SJ Jw aw-w- v UrTnf Mto make iland I -hall hareit. 1 aat.ik- Ti -ai? ..- . . .-.- i. l w" . . ! !. . ,. eL.JU r -'.'utms nitpd fti wmif nni in dp ucaicu i ii.. .... iaw niun ii nirn i via uicu uy r . . .. taVk-A- i v if.;' - r: .r: ":r.r ::. l -iaVfi -t hand a tiacn ooue JwJ0 fine Nlabany l work for , several ,erj iare sobscripMrtri be bad. before the publics- StroDg mustard sofpbor glanber aa" wit- coa4Jeitee;mke ihe promise : lioQ 0f ,1 ca0 be justified, 1 1 . Memea 13 bleed with. To mak the : reau meiao orderanu tbe worK snau i - TERMS. 1 ' : ill ; '.i.v-:-; r -. 1 . 1 ..J il ll,nreWJ.U0W '.'.tftji .-hiferi. V J-I.;: i I .ici. iumbet mbiigtVTe?, .ifl hi. ol or windpipe, from which infl.m iSfSr Uon p .uperreoe. giT8;him . .nr UUP wZ?l'.h4iny: :4Nonel.oi goodWoik . I in.ar.iBMi !f"-""' ."- " ' J f ., p -g. , -Iliden, f,rmer5, keep s M" --.! - K . ... i ih. iicrri are;aaino i . - . . 5 iseaagents. , , 1 -1 ' - t ... .1 . 1:1.1. aj and amnothed Wltn me iiuie fuu off; through that pour downlhe dose from a rrintioki (bridtat m &htAjte bottle,-. 1 r 1 -w.- 1. 1 i - - I pEJERNATTlRAlNEY. !j.d;ljc.ir 1840-1021 toe UaWilh RtViater and FaveltevilU I'lj f ?4be abqve ad vert isemeot (for Yfi2X 'nir4?i anjl forward accounts to i 1 y. 5tfK and no a istake. how some folks mt- isure thert.elv s and; get ihur friends to bar k Ym. as-nrinz th Giri- . rat that in all creation r -ond hti could m t finda better man.thvn this applicant for 'the i fBce he asks, atd ab u 500 fk .for th MiDfl 'officp-.- "BUm ravM-oi' a. v a the Ginrral, "how things bve altred -irtfe I firt giew up!wh.," sMS he, 4 in thm davs a roan ot an kifid of spunkjand price, would no more ask for an ouie thn bf wonld for.vittle and the appointing po'w. er oold jut about as soon select a man lo fill an 1 tnce, who wnt r. t.nd getting peo pie to sign a petition for htm as a qnn would lect the oal ior his wife who oronght htdi a long petition in fur favor, however," sats the Gireral, a genad deal of this I'm afyaid h be onconraged y sn of m lte illustrious predecessors " wlmfnok a no tion til keeping up ihtir prl firt b? mak ing time hard and distress g honst in dustry and then rocking folk's work sharp and lotk for reward by , seeking for an of- fice. I said to the Genenl one dav, sat s 1 uin eral, 1 ws thinking 1 tni?M a well puia a petition myself for an oface belore it is t..o late, for according to sarvtces, sajs 1 llltT. minparNon to ihes Zt of an .x hr tjhat weigh. 10(6 .pmirids. auo he is just 100 times larger ihiin -the ox, o that he must have weighed nbon alivf, 1 00 000 pounds (50 tonsj.) 1 fchould ihn.k hf wi.iiid hare rerjuired five orjsix Boflf4 luea lot brktast The-afx musicians, who play m ib exhiouiun tit ihe aoimal.it opon his ribs. The o ner has been offered $.0,000 casb for him H- leaves in a fow days for New Or Iritis, i hfiice tor New York, thence lo Europe, li is wuf'h a g'.ioJ f Tiune for any six men, bat the oner will not sell it.' Troy Whig. Om- of the moat tinportaot female iqnalities is awtftniMs f temrwr. ITeaveo did ire in ..io-o insinoaiiona and persuasions in-order to be impeii u?. it did not nive them a sweet voice to b- employed in scolding. OH mother; said a little child. Mr. .M.do-f . . i 1 L.. ... 1. fo-r aunt L,ocy neans djow-kb 1 1 If I '9 S '!! basnonemoreww ic? ..w......&,.--.-. y This seemed to pzz- me wuc.-. stderable. He looked at me a epell, and then be scratched bis bead and to righls.be -hook it. and sivsbe M-jot. I don't know .a rr.t hi. hs bioor-r debt due Tim from his country th.n voo h,ve. , a, v. but III ..lljj tahas I'm treaendo at 8nd whet folks it f abltc debt is Pd W pwH souls from death, and; plant at many. in the Redeemers diadem of glory, Xiserks f Indolent el Nooe so little tz:. life as those wbo baye cothicg to do. Tbe t tive only have the true retifch of lifa. : He :il knows not what it is to laba? knows not flL:t ; i lo erijoy. Recreation is only taluaLIs tz 1 or.benda us. The idle know uothlt cf it. 1 is exertion that renders rest deligbfcl, 54 ! ; sweei and ondiatarbed. That ibe hsppinc -life dppend3 onthe regular prosecBttoa tf fi. UndaWe purpose or calling which engages. ?,r and enlivens ai! or powerrjlet those bear s. neaa. who after .pending years in active nessJ retire to enfoy themselves. They t:: butden to tbemselves. r; v ' Suffn it, yes mother, she loves i'!' . mmm ! Dj yn like novel? said a Miss Langnisb to her op country lover. " I can't sj ansvrered ne. ior t never ate RATIO OF REPRESENTTI The result of the IJew Cccsas cf t' United States vil! soon be known, en 1 will devolve upon ifa present, cr neit Cr stress! to fiz the ratio of the ipportioamr; ofRepresentatives froro the vanou3 in the lower House of Congress, fcr i' next ten years. rat. itegr. lv ton.ean yon leU me vihat yetr c' the World thrs? afethryn-iaf' ;