' t : i rii- v. fti?ubscri)Mr respectfully informs his old (T V ' ic ,..,!' the Public treuerallv. that he aprfnUUijw Salisbury in the above busi iTrriwiio aifctiy onrnsiJa Wesr- biick fj in jh :Iuhjs of D. Burns formerly f addition to 'lAe'sb, he subscriber will on ibe .'t'scr mit Business in all the lifs ctmQ3tM i" uuoi ry towns : 6ucb as "SnJ SiMi4l &c-- od; retiring Silver 'j, ta al'frc the public that if ptyictua! ,ft)jio. io lusrefs.s. and skillful work will en him t ratrunageanJ toppurj,' he will iner- iiu AARON WOOLWORTH. PENDLETOX & BRUNEI!; EDITORS AXD PROPRIETORS. 5 ' ' See that, the Government does riot acquire toojnueh poteer. Keep a duck lnnn "ll Olf f?f Da n . .-'. (a' e'. BO f?an'l UUiimiif NO. 31 VOLUME IX. whole jvojAh. 1 " 1 " v - I I a I HER RIPE FRUITS O DEATH ! 1 Galbei THOMAS BAGC. rine fruiu. O Death ! StreWDol the-paihway of the tomb with flwers, lnade r.ot Icbildboud wi;a tby wnberins . breath : Pass ooaod Stinks Te ca'it full twenty years aside .m afraia k bov. ! Every fcreath . , rjif -'bit trerriWes tbroDgh ih windnw bears' I v ..-nil dou r t4l Prtictor s Mirancola. I it n ;t 0QBieroo3 arid, extraordinary cures which have Dei formed q pun hundreds of individ um ihpv hav rpscued from alino&t inev n ui'w "J 'T !. Vtedeaih, after thy hate been proneanced latorable-by trie tnosij enjinen or me racuuy Jjr. uranure n, ine propneior 01 mis many other days without winning fo a pbny. kl Wish I were be r said Feler rolk, is at the age of SS he 1f i his friend and; old schoolmate, Richard Jones. 1 I Ther had hoth rommenced business al the same time, about three years pretiousiy to idis exclamation, lie uaa a ipieranie share of custom and this had enabled him i r i iBiiaie vi tuituiu auu tins iiau chivivu iuui oLeh notyouthV bright annny o furbish two rmiros in exceedingjomfort. buwetsi " ' ' ? Thra are enough for thee Of hearts that Ion? fur tbr serene repose, l ii a L lain auiuiiir iu! luwn-iaiu " Piprr.fcd dieo with fesierinir wounds thai I Will uut close. - Go to the desolate, able style against the time he might find a rib to make hts bones complete Bat! xicn ard had. far outstripped hnn. Hehadjtakeo a whole house, and furnished it splendidly was always flush of money, and il.jany par tf of pleasure was proposed. Richard would form uue and spend hii cash fi ely, while if Peter went, whtch was ?eryi rarely, he Plk, dorlio? a period! of upwards of 35 jtars- Whom th on feas't robbed of erery star bright compelled to be exceedingly economi- n.'nk.m Fi,;Li'nr Iwmo nn ltinrr trail- I Pp'pr rmilrl nnf malrri nut how It was t l I . l,JBL 1MLiut iiiuin lha ntiiriiittna I D..L.J J..J I . tK.4Mn miiAlf f hil dow, I will endeavor to reward you asyovi deserve Excuse my not signing my name for fear of accident.' Peter was thumlerstrock. It was evi dent that Ann loved Moggms-j-there could be oo doubt of it. Peter sighed and felt as if he coulJ do no Work, and as if he did not care whether he ever worked again or not. At an early hour he shut up his store and wandered outin a restless spirit deler mined to see the result of the interview. He remembered that AnnV chamber window was at the back of the house. What lover, does not know the; resting place of his mistress, anil, invoke blessingS-On her head lhe faint illumination of its window tells Imn she is retiring to sleep, as he be- heves, under, the. especial guardianship of handkerchief round his head, and securing one of his hands with a ' rope, ' which" be twisted about his. wrist and fingers. " After dotft? this he held up his ai m, and exclaim ed741I only use one hand ; the oi'ier is tied up, and I can't move it., He tbentbli the people that his head was at hard as iron," and to convince them tb.fit was so, he rat tled it against the topmast until he actually made the lower mast fhake. le then made his last address previdas to the leap, 6y ac quainting the people thai it wis erroneous td uppose that a man's bieath was. taken away by filling from a great height 4 or while he was descending he would speak something, which he hoped would not he foicotten. . He then nulled off his shoes. held them up above his head, and exclim- her sister: angels. At the back of the ing, N6W, here goes, he made a flying wing1. 'I- Take! these, take these to rest ; But smite not scbildhood infits mirthful play KM 1 0'lV ww p - Snatch not the Steal not the loved and lofing ones way ! r. Li, fruits' O Death ! Strew not the pathway of the tomb with flowers, Invade not childhood withering bream : j i Ponn.and iduch nut voutb's briobl fraraDt bowels. i .-tahlp Ilnif etsal UMedicine. in warmlv and That eL m klii(mhr in the ctld breast. Llntiuuslf recorameudinz it to the especial ! That finds f if nleasure but an empty uafce. : . , ii. ir .. I . " , . . . " . 8 kiee of the poDWC. r . , And lung to flee away and be .at rest. 0f tJfanlfein:-wiBnes maniiina io consiuer ,- i f ...Um in wLii-ii the blood ia keDt. everv nart I Wt ennta r unrv nf the world and sin. .'. i J. UintJUimnli.il lailtr milk naar Alnmt I tri. z lJ...I.I t.l ilm n.lh ihsir SatrilMir i, ta-tbe purity if that blood, so most the state I And reet the tomb that lets heaven's gloris fin. tteretore .ne( musi uuec. (iuhuci ui mo uiwu.w Wiesiiuti or co little importance to every mui- i jual ' - "-'I'' p--y '-"-:'V' That Crandretit'a Pills are the most direct po- rSers of the bjuoq lhere will be oo dtubt when is eonsideTed mat tney nave gainea ineir pre r,i rerj extensive sale by their own , intrinsic ..ii nmiai) hv ihft ntimernu3 aures which thev Te iccompJisheI in every variety or disease. The peculFar action of these pills is most sar y:jinr their ppeiraiibns beihg more or less pow (af,"accordin ti the pureness of the circola y On a person in a fair state of health, ihtt U oaiv costivB or slightly billious, they will Uscrcely fell il nJ the contrary, if the com- nt be ckronrc, and tne consiuuuon rancu ae-n-Mt. thfl etTictfeenerallv at first fa most pow- eiful.ootii the system be freed from some of its jjaTitiited andltcJgit humours. Thisaccom pished. du3e)siiflcient to cjtose two brUbree iKcuatioas daily j will oon remove the disease, itti ln6 COfiSVl t UUQu j vv 1 1 1 oc icsvucu u a suic ui Uilifii and renawtd viror. ?. ' fThe'thoSisaWdsjvvho use and jecommend these is nrnul nnitivd of their exlratirilitiat v and eyai1faVdKrrrn.eT In fact assist nature to iaitl she can ; inf the Curing every lorm ana siTmnsA Vif thin uhlv one disease to which the tinta frameLBtioject, '. namely : , impurity of it blood or in ot hW worys, and impure state of L fluids.; , These nulls do . Indeed assist na :ie " io ali stie cin do for the putificalion of the :sD3nbody; jyet lite re are numbers, whose cases hndws are au much dcbili- :k. that atl thai coin reasonably be expected is liiiuorarv relief, hlvertheless sooie who have i . i - it :lt. d':ii. ...J.. ik. n.ci io imstahceslofhodily affliction, when al-. iki etf rv ntKnr Iremed v had been altoffelher 4 jailintr lih rn4iRen resioreJ to health and ! L-! . .1 - t.l fl r wtA rul tt ,' (40 siness as be had, and most unquestionably he was not ball so attentive. h H ll ehanred that Peter had at one time a house where wa situated Ann chamber window, was a Ions csrden. at the bottom of which was a ueat arbor, and iuho mtd- dle a nh pond, which in the) moonlight. 'ooked like a sheet of silver. ! It is very unxt i - , , . . . , n . ...... .. . - larire order to execute : and requirino some beautitul lliougnt reter, but tt is notning l .1 . 1. mno3'o.1 lit l I r n. I tzasil IV KUIIIIICIC 1 pnn,ooo ..... ard who advanced him fifty doll. rf on bis note. tie executed the order, cot paid, and took up his bat to proceed to Richard to pay him 4VVhata jackr fellow he is, cried Peter, Mo be able thus to serve an old school fel low. Olr 1 wish I were he ! Just as be uttered this exclamation a pub Peter esconced himself in the arbor, and about half an hour afterwards he saw cau. tiously entering the garden his rival. He was highly elated in anticipation ol nis coming ha, py interview. 1 wish 1 were he,7 sighed Peter, as Muggins passed him and advanced under the window. 4 1 do wish i were be, be leap from the end of the yard into' the wa ier, calling out as be descended, "Good by, don't forget me as 1 come ashore.' When he fe!l into the river tbevspray rose above him to the height of 12 or 14 feel and in an instant his head and aims appear ed above the surface of the water,' waving the silk biodkerchtef which he hid fasten ed about his head while on the vard. Loud cheers greeted bim from all quarters, and he swam asnore, tne people as he landed re warding him with money, which he denosi ted in his shoes, and in a box, catned by a r a rf - man on crutcnes, lor nis ceneni. - XTii;mn,hr'ah8tJ lie officer entered and rc-aaeated Peter to exciaimea, as tue inree taps were arnmnan him In ihrt nnlice office. Stating I B,TC" ,r-i . W ' . i i Ftom the New JSra. - PARTING. i , - , j , It was a little word to say, AVhen las! 1 bade farewell ; The anguish of that parting hour Twas left runtime to tell. So oft I've sat and watched the sun Descend its western home, j Nor dreamj?djthai day twaa brighter far Than all if left to come. So flowers that sicken neath the gaze.) And droop in learly death, x ! Arejondly nursedj and still! with hope) That brigbteOpnng to oirtn, But oh In Who full Part with But needs that he had a warrant forNiis apprehension. Peter was thunderstruck. He had done no one wrons that he was aware of. In; vain he ask upon what charge-bo was arrested. The officer was silent! and thus they ; pro- ceeded together to the pohtre. Peter uirider- derwent a private examination as to wnere he got a JC20 note which was proved jto be a counterfeit and traced to him, Peter sta- ipH of Richard Jones, his friend He was ilien mnrfi vicrnrnnsl iPXalliined aS tO blS muwu 1 - connection with that individual, and he stat. ed all he knew, how he had helped him, I) were i say farewell to those f health and love,- us bn this sterile earth, must meet above. Deaih kniwsino change, the.love, the prpze . . L '. I ml t " . t " ' I- I The brighter ana "ine oe3i Alike to Ull beneath bis hand, And sink to early rest. The earth and how he added. 1 oftuu wished he! . ! I Youo2 man ' said the maaistrate, j I be- lieve tou. You sball now se the man tvhote situation tou so much env.'' H Peter was now conducted along! jgatie ries and winding staircases to an isolated Instantly the window was raised, and a voice exclaimed Is that you.' Yes, it is 1, Muggins was the reply. Peter felt as if heaven and earth were annihilated and chaos was come again. Wheu lo ! from the window came no lady; but a sack of flour ; with which the high ly scented Mr. Muggins and his very best suit of dress black were literally covered. Before he could get the minute particles from his eyes, three stout fellows issued from the house, seized him and hurrying him along, plunged bim head and ears into the fish pond. There, coxcomb? that is what you de serve,' cried a voice which Peter recoguiz- ed to be Ann's brother's. ! Mufcrins did not wait lo hold conversa tion, but scrambled out, like a dog wi h his tail between his legs and sneaked off in nes andwinding staircase, to double quick time, Peter was! astonished, building which contained, a lung j ro v ol He thouhl he must the) blast rends in its might The sapliOg'jf tender life ; ; The lowliest yiolet in ihe val ).?ine5sby tlieirluse. Dr. Brandreth has to rn thanks ito H generous and eniigntenea ilic fur the patronage they have nestoweu on E. and nA luniks OV nreuariiiir tun uicuiuuc, .r ;D8 lias ever; uuae, to meru & couuuuauuu l)r. 0 rano ret h office is now kept at the sub lr's Boot! and; Shoe store, C tloors below the !lrket Main retiJlichaiond; Va. where the !icaii'b.e obiaincfj at 25 ceotlss per box. KJAeuis:in'lhe country supplied as usoal, f DANFOUTH butrick. ajents are appointed in every county in the l. j i . .. i ' i in .r . r j.-.Li. 11:11- jie, tor ine saiefeiur. uranarciu b mis- Alt fnii h.hpath the strife. ' They might have spared thy gentle form Nnr dimmed tbv bright blue ey. ' He miht have heard full many a prayer And checked jfull many a sigh ; 'Tie irriff i!a know that ne'er aoaio Tby form 4hall meet mine eye. The brightest! sunbeam is the hope in the tskv. ' JAMES REESi To meet thee, , The fo lowing short tale contains a moral which a I. both old and young, would An pII m hpAr in mind.' There are ! too ma nywhor being dissatisfied with their Own Each agent has an engraved .ceruficate sphere of life i are dtspos tp. sa-wiin e- Jgeocy; signed 10. Brandreth, M- U. : T ter poke, wheh they , see Ibe riCD,' tDfi iap. ;AnKIa anrl tliA oaf. annarenlv emotlDS a luuawiwf r ' ' I J , : I I - f f s . tiflhare of fortunes SfmleSJi"! &M WWW ; Too fultowin pfrsjss are aents for the above peine. ; j 1 . -; . ieion &t Brunliiv Salisbury j N. irurare. Gaithel Uo. Lexington, N, C. Ml H. Sicelolti Midway,' Davidson co. N. C. ; ;C. Smiili-Sa'erniStokes co, TCC. :'S' Gihrtn JiGirmanton. Stokes CO. N. C. rK. AtrastrungjiliOckford, Surry co. N. C I 11.-. t 1 .. ! I ' W .. - tt tt tt i'j 1 1 U I rfujif $lie, ouirj vv. wish I weiehep" i But after they have 8inrl. ed awhile in the, sunshine of prosperity; a "change comes over the spirit of their drcan," and tney siqk io penury mu waui. u3imvi nf rrnimntr. let ds Dursue the "even tenor i n it':iLi......t w;i!: n n Lr nnr war" and be contented with fB'i ..... I'f .ii- L i a . - - I V - Fgli tiaiperi!Hi,rpers5tore,Burkeco" " . i n - - J m- i . - s. mm a reaison, nrprganion. our i i i.. ; I, . Satire & Walton. Rutberfordton. Rutherford 'lhenck Gardner's Ford, Rulherlord coN iCiruiina. : -f -!i I ;:.'r i ? - l"i !.''' ' ' j Hoke -,Co. Lincpiotoo, Lincoln, co. IN. Hion 4 iiugiins, Statesville, Iredell co. N. iPi. i! -j r? i .i 1 I.' -: II own situation: and as much of happiness jas falls to the lot pt man win oe ours. v tentment is the talisman that gives to life all its cirarms. I WISH 1 WERE HE I . . . i i i - bM.r. mn Aei in the. TMa of Peter Polk I wish 1 were heP said Peter Polk, s :2 Bailev, Mocksvjlle, Davie co., N. C. he saw I be son r'nossey, Davidson couoty, Xi. U. cells. Two doors securing one" ot j these wr iinlnftort anil Ptlff confronted US tenant Richard Jones. He was one of a aanff of fiirers, and confessed lo lending the identical bill to Peter which wa trac ed him. Peter, a he left the dreary abode of crime, thanked God heartily that hejwas nit Pfoharit Jnnf4. and returned to ills saw w v - v - s i humble tenement wilii most heartfelt grat- itude for all the blessings he possesse d i : ' . . - a' I wished I were be.!' exclaimed jtleter two yrars after the last event It seemed somehow or other that Pliers experience had gone for nought, and be could not get rid of his wishing. Yet he- had perhaps mnrn ncclin In it.duIiTe 10 llliS WISH iu wa v w-w'"4 - u - Kan ot om iiihpi i.irtnfr neriou. The o casion was this : H Peter bad lonz been enamored of a very nrettv and what was still better, of aj ery good girl, but some how or other he j did n.Hnake much advance. He was always kindly received and warmly el coined. and the'voung lady biother, as wen as her father and mother, were decidedly par tial to him. Whether it ws his modesty or Uht he had never p.ken of love, except with his eves, and that delicious awswuru- ness so amusing to a disinterested specta- tor that always embarras&es a modest iov- er. it was inougnt, too uai Aim turned his glance in kind, but he wasitoo modest to perceive it, and as ma:denly mou- ety could do no more, affairs were liKeiy to remain in this way. till both parties uieu. tilllhe lady got tired of waiting, when an incident occurred that caused the txciain- tio:i we have wiitteudown. ll I - An excursion up the river were propos ed, in which music and dancing were to be the feature. Ann. and her brother and several youug men who visited the house were of the party, and Peter had anticipa ted much pleasure in' going, tut a job lor t t r ArgT had ler st It was inexplicable. He thought he must be dreaming. He was not the, only aston ished person. The ridiculous ngureot the retreating Mueems excited the: risible ta culties of Aun's brother to such a" degree that fie could not stand but holding both his .sides, reeled into the arbor; and deposi ted himself iu reter a lap. A mutual explanaticcV dins had stolen the flomfcK dropped and supposeoWrliA brother had heard the VmTue) o! the gilt anu nau GecxZslrVl vvno ti Ha wrote tne note Corurtt- ment in a hand as much as ppssinrttika Am The result has been to d. Bu the brother did not slop there, -phe sound ed Peter as lo his aflVction for his sister, and heard, as he supposed, that it was un bounded. They entered the house togeth er, and with sweet confusion when the bro ther remembered he had forgot! someihirg, and Ann and Peter were left alone together, Peter stammered in Auus loving ears his leng passion. j j Peter became a happy husband, anu nev er since these three sufficient warnings has he been known to wish himself any other person than his own proper ef. belt Made Men Yoo mav take the popu lation of any State in this. Union, and select from it the fiflv men who are most disi in. guisbed for talents, or any di6cription of public tt m . . m usetuiness and l win answer lor it, they are all, every one of them, rnen who began the world without a dollar. Look iuto the public MOVED IllS SHOP TO TIL: BVILDWG FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE , -t n l POSKOFFJCE, ' Contiaaes io keep oo hand a good asscrlr.- - U aldiei and Uuhus, , , Stiver Spoons and Pencil, ' Mmical Boxes and Silver Tlitr.dlts, Breast Piii and' Kings, ; Rodstcrs Pocket and Pen Knhcs, And all other articles in his line. Repaired in the best manner, and warranter, twelve moutbs. Old Gold and Silver taUr exchange for articles purchased, or in pajL fordebts'deei : - - -! 'jj 7 ,? tf ? Ua DAVID L.PUUL. Salisbury Juoa 7. IS39lf45 tWtMfaADISOXIA1!, ForitJu-t next Session of Congress. f fl HIE approaching session of Cotigresa r; I, diuihilAbs. be one of cr real interest, h v close op some, at least, cf ihe affairs of Mr Boren a adiniQistrauon, and usher in (Le t auspicious dawn of a new and better crJt r thinffs. " llhe scenes lo Congress will prl-l be exciting. ,Ou cne side we vrult see the sut - gles of an expiring faction," and on the ctl - : "riumpharit party, armed with the confidence the people, im posing jodicious restraints opvn i! convulsive: throes of iheii opponents, and sbi C " ipg tpeir country as far as possible from tl.e Jr ge"s lif malignant and reckless violence, and r itaiwininir' tit f viirt tin embarrassments w I defeated men, stong- with disappointment, s-: t . . . ' . ml . M C . Ik . . . n n9 m A fry lit. '. ' : seea to iniow in lusmj ui iu won uuiinwu.. lion. On ihethirdof March. next, 12 oVUc! . P. M.f Mr. Van Buieu's dull star will vanii! ., and immediately in its place shall we behold t! rising sun of HABaisow.i . Or. the 4th cf Much, General Harrison, r President f the United States, will attend i the Chamber of iheHoosa- of jRepresentaiir to take his oath of oflSce, according to the dir. ; t(on of the Constitution. 1 Oa ,his entiancc, i on the entrance of W ashington .S and Jt'ff.ri . , and Madison.the audience will nut be abie t stifle tbetr disposition loapplaod. Having talc his seat on the elevated cuair oi me opeaner t . ik MnnM nf Rpnrfseniatlve8. Ihe Vice l'rr a collar, iook iuto ;oe puono I . v ... councils, and who. re they that take the lead n who made their for- "'X.M ""ri.r. ; uL.S.i:: . ihere ? Thev are men tunes self-made men, who began with noth in?. Ihe rule m universal. It pervades our courts, State and tederal, from th highest io ihe lowest. ll is true ot all tne protections It is so now as it has been so at all limes stnea I have hnowa the public men ot the State or ill be so while our present lostitu-. lions continue. You must throwa man opoa his own resources to bring bim out. The sro?te which is to resolt in eminence, is too rwl (.tt nf the Honse f Represematives his left, aed the Chief 4 est ice oi tne utnu States and associate Judges at tne ieu. iahU. h will DToceed to deliver his inau2i:n speech. aOer which he wjll receive the oath t office from Mr. Taney ; LJtnet justice.- u will then retire, and such hozzas will go up irt the multitude around the Captoll as have r.cv: been beard. ' ' t uk- . - Such will be among the interesting mcidi sro2a.e whtch is lo resoit in eminence, is too - - , b( Wci,i , arduous, and must be continued too long to be 0 ncoum,red & oaa.nt.ined voluntarily or uuless iot xhe debates, and : as a oiatier of life and death He who has a n" " ... nt thm nm--.din-3 i fortune to fall back upon, will slacken from his efforts, and finally retire from the competition With me it is a question whether it is desirable thai a oarent should as able to leave his son any properly at all. Falconer, SALT FOR ANIMALS. The importance of furnishing salt to do mestic animals, does not appear to be suffi- summary of the results of the proceedings Congress, together with tne general ana cat news of the day. It will contain iheoic:-i retarnsof the vote in the Electoral uottegea u. President, which will be opened in the prescr.: of Conaressand the Inaugural address ct President. This will include tne ume curar hamlcd hftwfin theonenin? of Congress in U cember, aod its adjournment on the 4th of Mart : . Subscription Price for 'this 'period Fiftt Cem . Terms cash, in advance j Bank notes of every 1 - tals through the season, partment to forward aubsciipnons unoer tru, l . i i ui...:, Letters nust come to ns free or posiage pau.. lhatanimals should have it t-e nosi couac j'no ALLEN. ir command.-They will tyingm. Oct. 31, 1840. 7 V- ' V - i- "' " It hs been usnal of late years to perform i! Iceremonies f InauguraHi u itie poruco in ir, nnntlv understood. Though all are aware I fiI..;Tv,;nn rrtvAd at their tvecievalue. v J a . g'-" " ' . m , . t ii,. ..r.ili. .nK h.rh unimala eat il I ill ei u aoenls. and be alloHCiJ when given them there are many who scarce- commissioo thev are also authorized by the j . . . . " . . I ..... -r.l ot.hjif miinna under trut . Iv sail their amma s Ihrouiih the season, i paiiorem. .u ..r.r . Now it is evident th at all times at the never eat more than is good for them, and it isAi4o their health and comfort.. The ...V .4 in Sa.n for 1500 aheen. is twenty five quintals-probahly twice. Ihe 0f;ihe Capitol, where ibe arta is better fitttd t ,;,,nni i , Bamn number usually net in til IS I accommooaie irjt ..v. r. country ; and this quanlity is consumed by PrctieewiU probably be continued. them in about five months, they gettiog lit- . foJ ! BroiVH & Co - tie in the winter or wnue journeying to huu . . . pt., a,t Qhrrt Tr- from their mountain pasture. Lord Somer- Copper South, Tin Plata and Sheet Ir. .Ma ftnoirt ir-rnrTi.f nail to a ihousand u Workers, V1IW II'W - 1 sheep, and found they consumed Iho most J ESPECTFULLY inform the Public, t! ... . i. : .. . ., j ru ,nf . ihaa aonna B D. ih. Inf. commenced the above busir' ,K.KI. mnsi useful to them as secu- in altits various branches.; and will manut-cn I WW UW l - - a-, t i i r . . ritv asamsl disease, ui us vatue tor ani mals in a medical point of vie, the follow ing fact, stated by the celebrated Curwent must be deemed decisive: i Ruffirn I fnmmpnrcil oivinrr tcv cattle every article in ibeir line at the shortest and on the nun! favorable tei nis. Thej no' hey w.'- invite the attention of dealers and others to c. and examine ibeir aUick,' which consist in put Sulls. Still Worms & Keitlei., I'lain U jaj Tin Ware, Stoves and Pip r actor y 1 C - . f lit-a . a ft . t- a k 4 f ne saw me son oi,a niu u-ig"--i jH,,?srr r.--.-, gailf bt, while Peter was trudging on ! fool, an excellent customer, that to oe exe, KB.,,-T - " Ts i. " , i I L ..i.i :mm,i;,.J. r,rvpi.ipi! Ins attend- u.i.f ,i i ina nn nn was iu icirs w s ' Kvw w j, 1 i i - . . S t .. " ...I.rt K.l aniniHl the tTID. - I. ! j l - . H Mi "B (fl I T tfr f i A S illm.. nd oblillng dispojilioD.--Bul Pttr of the P-n ko 5J e"J)",d. V VF--0 !il 3 . lik own .1,9 superior ct4- U. .p.We io lm. nf . .acy of it -9m . i - i - j t i . .. - i tt 'i a - a -.ii-. M i k iik ti forts of those around lum, the trip. 8AV1XG removid his Ofilce to tbo so- dbor of MrS rfnwan's Brick row- for r!r iTL n- A SmhM nparl I:- 4 liinii is in mmm. A. Mi - W i - - v M. Brown's Storey politely tenders the beau- . : m i i... a-U i..r,i h.t fiiii In had danced without ioniC-1 y ui aou .j u f- a - . as a .a-f-tn ai i n a mm nd 5 4 I 'Pfessiooallselttces to the public. hruiJlMzir. lS40-htf4 'Iff'- ; . '- - P A TT.ritTtVT. ifjR Subscriber' respectloiiy informs his .'"ends and t public, that he is now carry . ll,e Taililirig Business In Lex!n'ton: T!iP aiiiir a sili torts ri loose arouuu mui, wuuuui uhiv- - - . . j . i.. imVs.Sh.og Ihli b., owb fo,.un VaSlja wiih be,. .nS how .he ' ? K..KU I t - ? -hi flower, which he produced and kisseo, at bU!l , tuil to..., ti.M It said he would keep forever for her sake. iuuu-hh c.n, un .v..6...... : , ,.., r,.. With A would be for . ...e.d of Uadg-ng. rver - " 70 he iaf-!Mnie miles on tool tq Bcaooi, to riae pieasauuy !' - - . . -MJ i 1 1 fp t that it was true: but he hoped that uv on sucn a nice pony, i aaouiu uut -o i --t . . - . . ,u..i k tired when 1 sol there, and coo Id earn a w J,iJLL a ;.. de.. -Jl w..Uch , bough,, u .-r- lio.H fi'lpd as he trudoed a on?. Rouu .i.a-M...6- - - M f s i J U .Kn..M ikv.i Hpjir litiln nnnri tnrl lauched. . " h HU !.n. if (nnti... i.- 1 a omttH rirfp it and a thousand other ! w,s I. . . m- M . .wm.iu wvaio. f liUlff . ww TT". H.i - I . . . ' ;'J be nnr.nM...l t. it r..,kt; f - A I . ,. i :l J..L l-J.:. ..-.lil ha trvt nnia er4 left the fftOOp. be induced in .-j iiM..ik tlWaiiafid with bis lot. i . me nextuay ui- I wish I were he P sighed Peter, as he I:!' -I aw mm w aai- wv J ne haeijnyeu tne auva Ilti aimiicu. aj.i oui-ci iviii ' " """J so in America, ne empiojs 4ind will vantages aW .rM, t iwrinril- in ki. MUI MV" j f:.(;,H.'i.i in.u,;Mtt; cd Peter.- At inp anu aiuci j cats I .is . . ' . I J in; IhA g fellow J ame in- sadden corner mvi hciyf ihuen.zd would nave the young genuemin quilo dead, l ne j)r rr i "uii remitmluir.l lhl ho (.irrinri saiisuea wnu uis - . t - -w , I'T- Utipr jfit wish I were hePcxda tPeter store, and p ""d a leW same moment ttxrn.rig a ten in a l.int woman an Jrr J K road tie discovered psked bim triompbatly wbetler lie wouia ni&ifTtoX beheve hi. .hen. The letter read thui, e warrants eve- nv bad ran away! i n fa Ii a mw r.IT m m 4 in li HrespectfuUbow. he leaves his suli nd Droducy ikTJ!"i !e l)Qb,,c? and feels .flattered lhi,.aI,nf,rJi ie.pctcr seriously thought - -"oinav ne mat be frequently called . e V it . " j j r nn o iWtnifffw that he was better off 89 be waa, and trudg- iMDTfAa, u.:i a j 7 I : . ly ..L molb tnr that find niuu a. IS4U. .i4b ' ins tne rcmainuer 01 --; - - . . I Li- nh him. Il had ibrOwn Dear Mr. Muggins I nave nei .. line bo had fractured bis remarks you made about my flower, and of ij . i Jn.l, Qi,riiv I wAitn ATniPitinni in regard to myseiiM l n liistaui urtiiw. uunvi vuui . . !. - '!..., hp !av tune, out ll i eui -. ...w ...re.----- ; - canrjore,uui. - . : -. . , A,nPriran line of bxtlle Ship?. At wai . on i ii n at it' r an vuun lu - . . f . llt.ll, -... I - I 0771 a late London Paper. S M SCOTT, the A M E R ! C A N DIVER. This extraordinaiv man, on .Monday af ternoon, gave a flvjng leap fro p the top gallant yard of thecoaT brig VVakefield, of Blythe, lying oft Botnerhitne, in tne pie ence of an immense concourse of specta tors, who lined the shores oo both sides of the Thames. He astonished th'e spectators for upwards of an hour on thej topgallant vard by his featew although it was blowing a gale at the time. On mounting aloft, he fixed himself on the top-galUntmast head, and with his feet kicking ic thejair, and his head on thCLtop ol tue uiast, remaiucu iu that position for some time. He then de acended to the yard, which Was braced taut, anil, although the ship wai any thing but steady, ran from one end of the yard to ihe other without holding on by any rope ll hranffuinrr the oeoole. He UVWO0IVIIU J m C t I : m-de a slip noose, wh.ch he placed round his neck, and threw himself offjthe yard He remained suspended for a few seconds, trith ih rone nnder his chin. ' and raised himself with great dexterity on to the yard, when he exclaimed, -come. t morrow, and you will see me hang myself again. He theii hurig to the yard by one foot, with lus lead downwards,and exhibited roany other aniics. All this was done with, the great-eatappareiilndirTeicnc-,and irjdeed he ap peared the only utieoncerned person pres ent. He stated loat he had j groped t.fl a place below the fafls of Niagara, a height of r..iYrnm the water, and aoiongat ! ..thr einloiia he had leaped from a clift al Porflsaac. in Cornwall, 347 feet hi2h, into ii,- from Bangor -bridge. ;!e- highest in Great Britain, 210 feet hgh,and repeat- ance of orders hr worK,iu receive. nue. -i.-. of public patronage. ! N. B. Cash paid for old Copper, nei annum for more than two hundred and . . i ... . . i fifty dollars.) and since I have used salt. I have never naid in anv onevear over nve i , shillinsa.' . Where ciltle L-ve access to sheds. Houghs with a conslantflopply of salt in Ihcro, should be kenl for their ijse. Where they must, be salted in the fields, trouths should be placed, arnj s-U supplied frequently. There will, ;n cvhAiP trminha. slwavs be more or less wailed from rain, but thai should not pre- vent a suoolr. It has been found an ex ctllent practice where sheep alone come to the troughs, to put a little tar on the bjlt.au and suriuk'le the salt upon it. In this way a small itoriion of the tar is laken wiih the sslt, and is not only found conducive to health, hut rubbed io ibis way over the nose serves io prevent the allai k of the Etrus ovi, or hbeep &i--lb. Lul. Pewit-r and Lead." Feb 6. lStl Cm-S rtJlUE USB UU Y M.WUFJ CTUll B LQ GOMPM'Yi havirg cwmi e r r 0Hriinn, are now prepared iu furnish Dtan : uiih Cuitoo Yai6,t a superior qaaiuj,o;i i vtiable lerm?. , ll.r. . J. RHODES BROWrE, Aer-t. DecemSer, 12. 1640-1(20 r 1 LAND FOB. Sill nnHE Sobertber titers far sa!e his v?u:l! EL plantation whereoo he now Jives, lyi: six and a hall miles East of Salisbury, and r .,. Fads for Fanners to remember Giass buckwheat, hemp, and bulbous root-, art the onU crops that may te continued even twn ears in succession, on the same land, without injuring the soil. 1 he nourssii ment nqittcti forjiome plants does not im poverish tiw earthfbr the producti.iu of other. Manure t-hould be applied, for the ..i...,f ( an rinn. s'ltii.'icnl lo leave U UUUVI1U" ' . "J - . ' i : : . . . . t mg . s f the land in asgooa cohoiiiui. .-.., . . . Thcesl soil may be rendered barren hy j ftftillt tUii tpri,tMi. bad tillage ; and Ihe barren may ueevi-nu-ed by good culture. Manure and good ml- . " ..r more lhan ri3ir2 their 1UI . oi v ---. AC I rrquisite toil and expense A good l.rmei j has a regular plan of succession for crops,, un a!l p-rts f his farm Uat re fit for the . i t f. . r,.mr .l.iiiifft rsrtftillv fill. IjIOUTII. Mill - the main road leadiiff lo.hioke1 i'erty, r taiuing 226 ACKES which i au xcellmt Dweliiog House, Kitchen aad t' et nut houses :. also a good new Barn, an cxr lent meadow, aod about CPvacrcs in cultivati vl.idi is w.catly fre groond. It is-aha i auaterpd. snd as for healthhere is none exc ; .t - rniind"Tr' 'his sectfon of country. Any person m it was muno. i , , , . ,i , . , ia eu wen iv vim- i Payments b made easy. Tl man co. Jan v. ! J. S. MYEKii. . 1841 9 23 Alexander Walker on Fttnale Ik turtle hy i .... TURNER 4 HUG11I edlv from the t.(igailant nmfNi'l - . . i ' . t .! f Enghalildy the natuie .'f the fo.I ho till.-. Carting'j on a iid son. anu ?n;u w yoo will come this eveni . i .-... f. o ip. PiitLiirii). !! 'band, lbr lime, under n.y chamber Ayin- be p.era,eu tor nu in-. ..- - x ' - I H 1 ' ' r - gt call improve Loih. f g 11 1 E ..uicr-coa ylic Jicaf-inuoiac, fwr 1 - I by J. V. C. smitti, M. D., j TURNER & lit u- by V