I- r X L . j,!afcif!fH'',lCyi-pd'4,caj,.iuwiU in its views;. is n(.Jan'( n Jriure To ihe neglect -of this j to the aggrandji -ft Bl5fk io.tok object. . UJM semeni oi a few.. even to ibi J - III' i f - 1 - 1 - i. i w - -"tJ 9 Jon ip lote i poner is a do- tn? want, -.nut. 'of a parly :f.,r.ibe sake of that pal. !f p3,s'wn ofjihe human oos..m, sod as long ty,ftpl a nnion jf the whole country for ihe sake' rsranoingsui uin ii w vmipeu ku iimu wuoie CqOtlirT!or Ihe defend, nfit in. m94 by operations upon their terests and Us fconor against foreigoagfrressioi; $ceJ so long jwill the hbmy Air iie de(Vooe if i hose principles for which olr orrtneir own constant atten- ancestors so giorioqsJy coolehded Ashlar as It iiun. The danger .o all well- depends -u!wn it hn Wii.i..i:-tij-f Utntoni arises from the un-4 All the influence ihal l)ssfss. shall be exertld People to believe in its exist i fl'Unce of designing men, Ss-..f ih ' ... Irnfll .uif mt6tiun from then 'tarter whence ff Lhe?. lo b source f.orrt v ... -j u-cnrn the internment! of their country! f ' i ' I lihniira lhV snalr . warninir scampi ioe umuence oi weann ana .,( arMttraeW. Historv.-snetent and i I . n fT P 1 VI - t : -i y . ' J w . -- Prw loll soeh exa triples P Ctciar be- which it can ne- Hus is the old trick of those who i jod groent and to present tbeormatioo at least cf an Execl lite party in the halls of ihet Legislative bodyI I wish for the Support cf no member of that bojly to any measore of; mine that: does not salisft lis he s1 ariitooracw, id loll if fsni'.h etaiiipfear5 is'jtfie -niM'.er oil tn;e i Ionian people and the .sunder prneiico ui BiipiHjrim iue of iic claims (if ihe former ? against the aris !cfr ihe la lr; ; Cromwell, in the charae r nruiector o Hhe liberties of .the People, be-' , ?hf dicta!tif of England ; and Bulivar dhiroseltif unlimited power, with the 0fii4 coayy Liberator. There is, on f .ntrarf. m single instance on record of an t fDjiTe nd ellr?8,abnshfd republic being Led invan anctoc.racy." 'The tendencies of Ijucb Goierhiniints in their decline is to mon Ay. and ihe ir tagonist principle to liberty f.Jvthe spirli, Naction-a spirit which as ibecharacttr, andt in ,times of great ex .iSeni, itnpos s itself upon the People as the aioe spiiit o freedom; and like the false drifts Whose fining!, was-foretold by the $av ,3? seeks to, aid wejre it possible would, hn Leiipon the i ro and most faithful disciples of - fiiM Periods like that n behooves the !Mobe roost watchful of those to whom ifj bate in trokled power. And although there ixt times mnchdifficoltt in! distinguishing the se frin thetroe spirit, a calm and dispassion VeiovestigationwULiletect lhe counterfeit as ff by the character! of its operations, as the esofts that arpl jproduped. The true spirit of Bbe'rtj ihboogh tleroted, persevering, bold and jiijcoinpiomising In principle, that secured, is pjd and tolerant and sciupplous as t0 the means ittmplovs; Wiiiut the spirit of parly, assuming ab ibat yf .libefiy, is baisb, tindicttre, and jpiulerantnuidtally- reckless as to the cbaracr ier of the allien ithich it brings to the aid of its oose When the genuine spirit of liberty ani siteithe body dff a people to a thorough exam Ittion of thei jififaiis', it leads lo the excision of rrery excresen zf which may hate fastened it ielf opon any 3! Ihe Departments of the JLiot ernmeot, and rekibres the system to its prisfine tealthand beat)W.i Bat the reign of an intoler- ut ipirii of pdrjty amongst a fiee people, seldom his sense of dulv to thie fmm whom he holds his anuointment: nor mv confi dence in advance from the People, hot that i$k ed for by Mr. iJfeCerson; io gire firmness and effect to the lepl admihistraiiod of thcfrJffalra. 1 deeru, the present occasion sufficiently tm norlant and soUmMo jjstlfy me in expressing lo fnt fellow-citizens a rrufoand reverAnceiror the Chtistian lleljgion;) and a thorough contjfe lion lhat. sonnd morals, religions liberty,' and a just sense of religious respoosibiliiy, are essen tially connected with all t roe and lasting hap piness; apd totbat good Being who has bltased us "by the jjiftai of citil and religiuos freedom, who watched over and prospered the Isbbri of our fc'aihers, who haa. hitherto preserted.tol ns nsiituiions far exceeding in excellence those of any otner people,! let as unite in fervently com mending etery interest of our belated country in all futoie time. ' - t . .. Fellow-citiziens: Being folly intested with that high officd ti which ihe partUliiy oil fmV countrymen has called me, I now take an affec tionate leave olrou.v you will bear with yon to your homes jhe remembrance of the pledge I bate this day given toUiichatge all the) high "i ujj esaueo siaiiun. according to toe ' The New York sun of AJarch 5. a peaking In relerrencejo the newVliliVs rrcsioeni,juMrnted,8aysA.. j.jH The receipt of New York papers in Eon. don by packet Iship Cambridge, wjih jibe correspondence between Mr. Fox aVd jilr. Forsyjbwilh regard to the arrest of M Leod, caused , tnucli talis and considerable cxcuemeni.J,:;,. Ji J x j The Times predicts the most sendpsina- uonai consequences fiom Ihis alT-ir, which was brocght before Parliament on thai 8tb instant, by Lord Stanley aod the Earl of Moontcasneiir: , lr " r.v"' r The former asked Lord Palmcrston bo ther the oterniDent bad taken any; and if so wtut step9, for the protection and libera tion or Mr McLcod.r - r! v-;r ui 1 Lord Patmerston replied tbat the Govern ment had sent certain instroclions. but till the conclusion of the correspondence j was incocu ii wuuia oe imoossiDie to sena n- A ramoris current in cerelf hope witnontTo A. Garland, the prime" recent ontrage sovereign State, has b Judge of ihe u.i Stat 7 thaf 'Wiigb and abettor .le; rights of a 'iintedDistrict e place made Peter V: Din Vacant by Ihe appoint UJ to fill lbe office of A-iiat Justice of the Supreme Court, vacated by jibe decease oi jpege tJarbonr. Pet :lntt Co!. Corbm has accepted the! nomination of the Whig Convention, for a keil in Con gress from the Caroline District. fir. Hunter has been in nomination by the other party,?, V,--r- -. . , ;.j ; v ..J- .... ALTAR OF HFMtjJT. nal instructions,' and that he was, not Those whom lote cements in holy faith, And equal transport, free as Nature lite. What is the world to thiov -" Its pomp, its pleasure snd its nonsense all, Who in each other clasp wbatater fair l-lll !an Inrma m A im aifh K wt o I -V. II pre- what MARRIED, I In this Coontt. on the 4th InsL bv the tie v. S. Rothrock, Mr.Oeorge Peafer, to Misi Ha- cfcl 1 nomas t daughter of Air. Jacob Thomas. pared at that time . to state f ormally those instructions wete. i 11 he Earl of Mountchasell asked similar qaeslions of Lord Melbourne in the House o iorcs, to wnicn similar., answets were given,; stating also that" Her M-iestv V Min isters; would take those measures which in their estimation would be best calculated to secure the safety of II er Majesty's sub jects, and to vindicate the honor of the Brit ish nation. . j i Sir Astlev Coodpt. the eminent stiroeon. In Iredell Countv. after a vefvvot ranted ill- lies dangerously ill. and hlile hope is enter- Dess wilh consumption, on the 6urtnstan1, Mrs. THE COURT OF DEATH. All pass this'gate in one promiscuous crowd. The crave, the gay, the humble.and the proud ' The rich, the poor, the isnoraot. the wise " JL is neutral ground whence all distinction flies ABSTRACrr dFTIltncNUS Or N0RT11CA ROLIN A FOVTHE YEAll IS tainsd of bis recovery. best of my ability ; and'! shall enter npon perlormanc with enure confidence in the port of a just and generous People. jiheir spp- f i SATURDAY. SIARCU 13, 1841. fails to result I EKcutite nower a daogerons accession' to jthe v. ft - mi tnirouoceq ana estaDiisaedi a- Didsl onosualjrtrpfessioDS of devotion to democ net, The foregoing "remarks relate almost axclo jiiely to matlerai conrected wnh our domestic coccerns. It may be proper, however, that I ibuald.fMTe s6me indications to mv rellow-citi- sni of my proiosed course or conduct in j the pnaje.Tient of our foreign relations. I assure Aem, thereforp, jlhat it js my intention to use eyerjr means In my power to preserve the friend. I; iiitercour9jwhi.cn now- so happily subsists fitb every fofigrTnation ; and that, although, l course, not! ivel informed as to the state of my pending ppgoiiations with any of them, I see in ihe peisonil characters of the 8overeingns, as fm asin the mntual interest of oar own and of the Governments with which our relations are test iniimateJ a pleasing guaranty that the har ftonv so important to the intewsis of their sub jects, as well as jour ciiizahs, wilh not be inter rupted by the jadvancemeni of any claim,' or pre tension upon j their part i to which! our honor would not preniij us to yield. Long the defend not my country's rights in the field, I trust liai ray felliw citizens will not see in my earn tst desire to pfeserte peace with foreign Pow - IJby indiwiohl that i heir rights will ever be pnhced, or the honor of the nation tarnished, h &nv admtssiun THE NfeW ADMINISTRATION. The reader? attention will be attracted byMhe Inaugural Address of Gen. Harrison, which! we gi ve in this paper, at the exclusion' almost every thing else. It needs no eulogy at our hand?, nor need we Solicit for it what etery Whig; and in the Country will so anxiqusly a careful perusal. It is a correct chart of Republican Whig principles, and ought fo be fixed in fit Democrat perform, viz : he mind of every American. We regret Jwe cannot at the same time; pre sent oar readers with the Inauguration ceremo nies. They reached us too late for ibis paper,but shall appear next week, when we shall bate more lime and be betterjprepared to notice the Address. i ICT We hate seen a circular from the Hon. Lewis Will tarns, in the closing paragraph of which he announces himself a candidate! for re election to Congress. Mr. Williams ba repre sented the ISih District fof twenty six or twen ty eight years successively and has grwn old in the service! There is a clear Whig majority in Mr. Williams District of 3,'200, aod we sup pose he will certain be elected, oppose himwho may, of the Locofoco Party. - t I $C3 We have, within the last few days, met with gentlemen from Lincoln Couotyj whose opportunities to know, and judgment in such matters, are Entitled to the highest respect ; and ZUlf uiiZiZO AZ7 WHIG- TICUiJT. FOR CONGRESS. if COL. D. M. BARRINGER, of Cabarrus, We are authorized to announce Col. Bjt- ringer's acccplaocs of the nomination, unan imously tendered him by ihe Whigs of Lin coln, Cabarrus and Mecklenburg. ; Tbe known abilities, high standing, and j worth of Col. Birringer require not an eulogy from uslbat has been expressed by the Whig party in their selection. 1 We feel assured that ihe friends of .reform, economy, and constitutional rule, will rally m solid! pha lanx around the man of their choice in Au gust next. , ij - h Withpleasure we stale that his r omina lion has been received in this district with the most entire satisfaction all concur in the belief that be is the most suitable person the Whigs could hate brought forward. Long and faithfully has be struggled in his country's cause, and if merit ah,d solid worth be rewarded, he will not be forgotten when the time of trial arrives. ChqrlJou. hlizabclh Freeland, wife of Mr. Vmaa A. Freeland, and daughter of the (ate uol. John Brandon of Rowan, in the 23d year of her age. In Ashbwroogh, Randolph county, on the 3rd iostant, Mrs. Rachel Sieaim, wife of Benjamin Swaim. &q , Editor of the Southern Citizen. I f The Vice Presidentelect (Gov. Tyler) called on the President of the IT. S. (Mr. Van Buren) on the2ndinst., by whom he was tery cour teously receited, and on the ex-Vice President, who was not at the moment at home: McLeod is to be removed to A!bany for trial. Signs cf Early Spring. -It is said Martin returns to - the North this March Madisoniam that the season in on the pari of their Chief who express their belief lhat that Couhlt will Mgpsirate qifworthy of their former glory, I give Col. Barringer a much better support than i tumour intercourse, with our Aboriginal neigh-f Ws, the sajne jliberality . and justice, which tnaiked the rourse prescribed lo melby two of my Illustrious ptejdecessors, when acting under their flirection in ihe discharge of the duties of Qupe interVdenra!nd Commissioner, shall be snotly curved. 1 can conceive, of no more sublime ipecucle aoSe more liklye lo propitiate ah im- panul'and Cdrami Creator, than a rigid adber ence t Uie intincioDlf s ot tusiloe on the part or a pwe;fdf nation in us transactions wilh a weak er and undiviized people, whom circumstances aJe placed it .tV disposal. , M Belote conjcluding. fellow-citizens, I must say sornethVng fn you on the subject of the parties "tbrs umc jxisTing in our country, tome it Appears perfectly clear, thai the interest of that tuuniry requires mat me violence oi ine spim )y vhich these wises are at this lime governed", fiinsi be greatly mitigated, if not entirely extin oished, or -m equences will ensue which are tpP1Kng Vof be thought of. If parties in a Re jnl)l:c are necef&arV to ;scure a degree of tigi ire feufficisnt o keep the public functionaries niihin the bounds oflaw and duty, at lhat point ilip'u- uvefulness'end.. ! Beyond that, they be- 7fMa desirbvie of public virtoe, the parents of a spirit antagonist to that of liberty, and, even 1ualfyt i its Mnetibie conqueror. We have aramnles ir Republics, where the lote of i-r Viniry and pf'iliberty t at ons lime, tvere ringer a mucn better support is commonly expected. Is Green Caldwell the roan for Lincoln f or is he even the fatorile of Mecklenburg!? Let the Wbigs of the Disttict be awake; and particularly let Cabarrus; " keep ner eye skinned i" and they may ere Ion;, have circulation, nothing could be more interest Til E UNITED STATES AND GR EAT BRITAIN. I We earnestly congratulate onr readers on the infcrmalion; concemiog the relations between the United States and Great Britain which ihey will find exactly stated in the report of yesterday's Senate Proceedings. Considering tbe rumors i tbat have been in Counties Ashe ! Anson , Benie Buncombe Bladea -Brunswick Beaufort - Biirke -; Cabarrus Columbus . Carteiet Currituck . u ' Chatham " Chowan Cherokee Cumberland Camden Caswell Craren Doplia v Davie Datidsnn Edge comb Franklin ? Granville Gates Greene . ' Guilford Halifax Hertford Haywood Hyde Henderson Iiedell Johnston Jones Lincoln Lenoir -Maeon Martin Montgomery Mecklenburg Moore New Hanover Nash Northampton Oualow, Orange of Concord, where be will keep consiantly on p.,nnn(oni. hand a large supnly of f Pasquotank Perouimmons -vi m. i - Uroceries. Such as Sogar.Coffee, Bread, Crackers.Cakes, Cheese, Lemons, French Prunes, Raisins, Can dies of all kinds, Lsqnors of alt kinds, domestic and imported, toys, $c, prime chewing and smoking Tobacco, garden Seeds of' all kinds. Spanish Segars, of the best quality, Indigoes, Copperas, Madder, Ginser, Spice. Pepper. Al monds, Clotes, Cinnamon, English Walnuts, i Surry Maze! iMuts, macaroni, Vermaselli, Sardines, Sties' Herrings, Essences of Cinnamon, Cloves, Pep- Tyrrell permint, and a variety of articles too tedious to Washington The subscriber hopes Sy strict attention to bu siness to merit aiiberal share of public patronage. F. R. ROUECHE. March 13, 1841. 8w$3 j The Charlotte Journal and Meclenburg Jef fersonian, will poplish the above advertisement three times and-fotward their accounts to Salis bury for payment. ; Salisbury Coffee; House. RlHE subscriber lakes this method of inform II ing bis friends and customers that he has jost returned from Charleston With a large sup ply of Groceries of etenr description, and ventures lo say Ihj's as greal an assortment as any of w Vn cities. I:L 1 - !ll It 1 y ' T; "XT .. wnicn ne win sen tow lor c "Vijme to punctual dealers. 1 he subscribers customerp Ithat he nnhlishrl nnl na in Ik rtoro15?, for his customers who were indebted, toWrr 0 o GOSTCORD (DdDlitee iHIapiinseo THE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY announce to the citi zens of Concord and surrounding country. mat ne nas opened a Urocery atore in the town Pitt Rowan ' Randolph Rockingham Robeson Richmond Rutherford : Sampson Wilkes Warren Wayne Wake Yancy While chil dren of 5 &T under 20. 274S - 3754 . 1849 3571, v 1513 . " 10S8 2613 4945 2G75 1079 .1873t: 1680 . 4019 987 J293 3405 1473 . 2796 2372 2301 2133 46L8 3141 2112 3453 1553 2110 1235 1937 1537 1845 ' 4417 2650 693 7767 1441 17G2 1727 3235 4643 2G19 2105. 1832 2169 1631 6363 2023 1666 1590 2392 3252 4368 3885 2263 1725 6396 2944 5176 i 5151 1198 s 893 4291 1661 ' 2682 4482 2206 186,434 ToiaPWhite population Total number of While children of 5 and under 20, " Slaves.. " Free persons of color, Fedeial population, r ci u Free rsons Total White Federal j- - , Jc, of color. populalicn. , ulaiicn. l' x 500 59 ,6833 7H J 5385 421 v 6120 1270'.' 0716 v 305 I , f5162 91'. '. 1300 90 ;8G93 f 93Ci 3410 292 ' . " 4320 ' CCGi 2107 374 ...T;2765:, 440 1 4512 , 709 'T V7100 1051T. ' 3215 ; ' 264 v '12320 1411:: 2186 103, 7143 83r- i .. 1087 . , 5G , I 2803 3." i - 1358 - 144: q :i 5087 Con i' ,2100 rf149 ;.'; i 4458 ; .. i 5SV : 5293 287 10582 140 J -3665 JJ n 161 ' 2464 522! T199 r 23 '1,3195 SS: - 5374 ' 842 ' ; 9118 18! ii ' v 1559 158 '3857' 7041 321 ' 7293- ( lis j . 5804 1111 - 6025 Hi." 4577 ' 261 .0340: .03 IT ! 1S88 .. .. 92 1 : 5595 - 0: J 2538 131 1 11937 . I3D7 7573 307 8073 2Pf I 5339 436 "5231 - f : 8454 804 . ".,.'9578 15f," 1 3647 381 ' ' 4130 070 : 2963 -248 : 3384 541- - , 2683 644 15901 , 181':: 0651 1816 , ; C4S8 1300: 3465 15 3130 C02i 308 1 21 r 4355 iGGI 2194 252 3652 5",: 482 ; 34 14612 ! 4?.'. 3814 43 j 11723 I I40;r - 3501 123 j7000 122: 2818 181 ; II9C8 , .5S. 5221 184 19703 2 Ja. 3670 237 3699 OK 361 U67 .2825 392 4394 0J: 2497 72 8211 0? 6288 101 12360 102;; 1474 72 6419 737 6355 565 (6355 107." 5655 410 f 4936 75 1: 6758 792 5818 1002 2737 118 4677 GK!! 6954 , 629 . 16766 21C ; 4351 210 , ; 5235 SOT 2800 980 4746 71 3003 307 4035 0 4 5646 : 30 6094 0.11 336Q ,'J 98 8644 1070; "1392 362 J 1107 12:- 5305 291 10425 137; 885 1223 1 6262 021 3880 S38 4693 7,1 : 3205 126 16098 181 1 4344 249 7567 101 m 1778 208 -113093 IV 2687 . 165 13380 151. . 1413 87 I 3171 41 1726 159 I 2686 V, 1430 171 t 10976 12 8199 329 ; 4391 I 3673 460 675i , I) : . 8104 1041 12071 17. . 253 . . 27 ' 4724 51. J47.917 22.724 . ' 487,293 637,1 '1. 487,21 180 4C 240,91 no G37,0: the satisfaction of hearing the expiring; groans of Deslructionism in the Congressional eleventh. 1 T j fc.- "MECKLENBURG JEFFERSON IAN." After raucb delay, it 6eems the Jouinal thus entitled, has made Us appearance. The Editor, Mr. J. W. Hampton, says it commences with a fair wind" barely sufficient hWeter, to keep it sailing, md calls upon its friectls to ral ly to its soppprt. We wish the Editorj person ally, as mucn success and happiness, as falls to the lot of man to enjoy ; and regret to see him leaning on a broken reed, which is toilet him ing to the whole country at tbe present mo. ment than these disclosures in tbej Senate, unless perhaps it be the chart of the princi ples of the new Administration which may be expected in tbt- Inaugural Address of ihe President Elect. j We learn from the statement of Mr. Buchanan that, in regard to the Boundary Questmen, the Governments of Great Britain and the United Stales hate agreedjupon the main points of a Convention for the final adjustment rj that question ; ant) that, in the opinion of the Executive, there is' etery reason to look with entire conDdence to a prompt and satisfactory termination of the BEAD QUAB.TERS,r Salisburyt it. C. j . . II.' .1 nri r, f1tlmo I tvs A a K f C Alt.m Awt v'et. viithlthe continuance of tbe name and free Government, not a v iairting in the bosom of any one of tiahtiea ret fi ciiiins. I It was the beautiful remark of a -jfifgjui tbat " io the Ro- lj "iaa Senatn. Octaviua had a party, and Anthony pattv . but the Commonwealth had none." Yet 'He Sote :ontinoed to ineft in the Temple of .tfery, to talk of the s tcredness and beauty of Mu!nmoiwatib, snd gaze at the statues of Me!4tr4lrotns an of the Curtu and Uecii. And the neDle assembled in the forum, not as IvTtbe 'days of Carhillus and ihe Scipios ; to casl ottrirfe tbies; for annual Magistrates or pass e?J the alts of the Senate, but to receive from Je hands ifriHe leaders of the respective parlies 8barekf the litsand tn shout for one.or the Be is those collected in Gaul. ori Egypt, and " Lesser llsiau would fohishihelargeriliideod. ABe spiritof lihertyliad fled, and, atoidinf the HModesof c)vilii?d man, had snught protection in !fUha opf ion of the same cause , and jnflo- . ff .U will fit from our Capitol and our forums oniy io our country recaled by every state oi things la, onl'a1 tenHanb Kia VvUtpHrWa nxisl. At- j Jyb .friend of my co'jnt.rymen, neter their "teicr, it becomes my dotj to say to ihem this high place to which their" paitiality ,J.ex-Me roe, that there exists In ihe land Tffi? Wl o thefr besCjnteresis hostile 1 1Br itself. It is , a pifif .' contricted fall, and pierce him through with manyjjsorrows ejeo uci iua ueuersonian, ' i innff nevoiiation upon l ill 7 qoesiiuu. ( we notice, besides several Editorials slandering We learn, further, with great pleasure. Gen. Harrison's! Cabinet, aoo'.atinns fmm th NHat there is no foundation for the rumor most vile Locofoco papers such as the Rich- that an angry corresponc euce hss- recenily mond Enquirer and Western Carolinian, which taken place between Mr Fox and Mt. For- ove oi fact i cur Ho jrtble opinion, augurs badlv of the sylb, or any correspondence, the character OI W lilt II WUUIU Jua,,'J jvail ui juuiifci ty. " - - I- The remarks of Mr. Clay, whose tfisdom and experience in our Fcretgn Re)&tions stamp every thing he sas on that subject with a more than comoion impress, are no less important than acceptable. Happy must it be accounted that upon this very interest ing and important matter the leaders of the part) coming into power and of that which is about retiring entertain opinions upoe it between which there is hardly a discernible C7 The Hon. rhilip P. Barotrr. Associate Supreme Court of the U. States, re- . : i l' Jl' i. t . . i1 . . urea io nis cnamoer in nis osoai Health, on tbe night of the settle, and those who have not done it, may rest assured if it is not done before our oext Coori, may expect to find them io the hands uf an offi cer for collection. ! F. R. ROUECHE. Salisbury, March 13, 1841. j NEW J JA.II To Build. nil HE Subscribers will receive sealed propo JL sals for building a JAHi in the town of Concord, until lbs 23d day of March next, at which time they will close the contract. The building is to be of Brick on a stone foundation! 45 feel lung, 35 feet broad, ana three stories high. I b6 walls to be put up and the building covered in by ih"e15lh of November Tiext, and the contract completed by the 15th of November 1842. The contractor can receive the proceeds of the Tax for 1840 by the 15th October next, which amounts to about $1500, and $2500 an nually until the whole is psidj Bond wilh ap proved security will be required of the contrac tor. Any person wishing to contract for' the same, caa see tbe plan and , spiHficatjions of the build- nsr br applyiog.to either of tbe undersigned at Foncord.. i LB. KRIMMINGER.-i -WM. BARRING ERJ C0mmis'ers. R. W. ALLISON, 3 Concord, Cabarrus County, Jan. 26, 1841 2 w33 i 24th nil., and was found dead in his bed on the morning of Thursday His sudden deceaseds ajscr bed to an affection of' the heart. The last rftes were paid his remains aitheCaDitol in the chamber of the Supreme Court, on; the 26th. 1 he fresideni.iVice President. Senators. Ken re-1 shade of dioerence. i s j i sentatites, and Judges attended the ceremony. Judge Barbour vas a very dialing oisbed a vir tuous man, and his death is a public calamity. ; The statement of the Chairman of tbe If any of ihe of their indispensable " wind M-an; hate loj make a raise id them to call r on who, ii seems J Lcofuco Journals should get out Senate's Committee on the reader csnnot fail to the effect of a counterblast to the martial da? by the distin- Foreign Befstions, perceive, has all - aD Deal made the other guisbed Chairman of the Committee on for pi, m Relitinns in the olbcr House. The V of South Carolina; ffor maris 1 We do'riot lia the tnf en lion has a miiMlMD " fcf nine." in l mm J,, nnl in ihe rosnsels of tbeibonor able Senator from Penhstlvania pr of the save appearances, we suggest to Mr Pickens. Which he can, in two or three hours, accumulate a tast deal pf that article, aod of whom they my probably c raw supplies unless to should aoain hate to 4 define his position!" j. -j -r Collector of JVew York. John " JL' Morgan. Esq , has been appointed Collector for! ihe Dis trict and City of New York, rice SJr oyi re signed. It jwa3 whispered in Wall tceet that Hoy t is a defaulter in some degree I PLANTER'S State of llottn nvoU; SURRY COUJSTV. . Superior Court of LawFall Term, IS 1 S.t,h fl K.llj. 7 , ti'etiuoa ior uircrcc. ts Alexander D ; ATTENTION X OFFICERS OF THE 64th REGIMENT. YOU are commanded to parade at the Coort . Housoin-the-Town of Salisbury on Thurs day tbe 1st of April ai 1 1 o'clock, A. M. armed with side arms for Drill, and on t r;dav tbe 2nd j of April ai 9 o'clock,' A. M. wilh your respec tive Companies, arind as the law directs for Review and Inspection r ? By Order of If R. W. LONG; Col. MandU. JM. Baoww, Adjt. P. Captains aje reqnested to make their returns on the day of Drill. J. M. BKUWN, Adj't. March 6, 1841. 5w32 Administration whose chfidehce ihe enjoys. National Jntciltgcncer. JVew Jersey Senator. Jacob jW.f Miller, of Moristown,- Has ben elected United States Senator from New Jersey, :t ice Gar ret D- Wall, permitted to stay at bjome. Loeofocoism seems coroplctelj extirpated in (Jrrfc Davis') HOTEL. HAGUE St GIFFORD, TTXAVING purchased ihe Hotel formerlv Da fl fl vis1, will continue the Establishment on thCsame liberal scale as heretofore, and will ex ert themselves to make it a desirable residence for Boarders and Juravellers, as their Table will always beisoppljed with the best the. market affords, and :heir Bar with th best Liq-iors. and their Stables with attentive Ostlers and abundant provender. The establishment will be cinder the exclusive management of T. A. Haugue, formerly of the Salisbury Hotel, North Carolina, and his lung experience, will enable him to give general sat isfaction. 1 Carrden,S. CM Jan. 16. I$41 lv25 DR. Alexander Walker on inter marriage, just received by TURNER, St HUGHES. RANDSIRED by ihes American Eclipse, m N ihe cham Dion ot America : winner oi me Greal Match Race, ihe North against Ibe Souib $2O;QO0 1 Aside. This noble animal will make his third season at tbe Subscriber's stable, io Salisbury Season onmmnreit. and to end on the 20tb June next. For particulars, see bills. R. W; LO.NG. March 6, 1841 tt32 Notice. nnilE FIRM of A. Bencioa & M. W. Alex- B kivder. has this dat dissolved by mutual mnni. All rersoo bating claims against said Company, will present ibein to A. Beoeioa who is fullt authorized to settle the same. 3 M. W. ALEXANDER, A. BENCINA. j Mrch2. 1841 tt3l Kelly, IT appearing to the satisfaction of the C that ihe defendant Alexander D Kel'y not an inhabitant of this State: It is then ordered; that publication be made for 6 vtp, ?!. the Carolina VVatchman Et.Greensborons 1" riot, that the said Alexander D Kelly appf : . the nexi term of our said Superior Court cf I. to be held for the county of Sorry, at the C House in the Town ot Rock ford, on tie monday after the 3rd monday in February r and answer, or said petition will be heard parte and Judgment awarded accordingly. Witness, Winston Somers. Clerk of c t :r Superior Court at Rockford,the 5ib rccr.i!.. ter ihe 3rd mondar of August A D 1841. WINSTON SuIxillb, c s Feb 20, 18106w SO Printers fee $5 : State of ildvtti Gnv: : SUURV COU.VTY. Superior Court of LawFall Tern, 1 Nancy Hatcber, ") ! vs - reunon ior uivcn Charles F Hatcherj i . h IT appearing to Iho satisfaclicn of the C that the defendant Charles F H&tct f r an inhabitant of tbis State : It is the- r dered, that publication be made Tor si; the Carolina, Watchman and the Grerr Patriot, that ihe said Chailes F fT r r at the next term ef our Superior it' to be held for the county of Sorrj, u i. House in Rockford.on the 5th monday af 3rd monday in February next and ar..v. said petition will be beard-espane zr. I J ment awarded accordingly. Witness, Winston Sonaers, Clerk t -Soperior Court at Rockford, the 5ib rr.-: ! ier the 3rd monday of 1 Angost. A D 161 :. i f WINSTON SOMERS. c Feb 20. 1841 630 Printers fee LNOfTICE. THE Subscriber as Attorney cf J. I1. an. Ad mintst laior of Joseph Cow;n , heieby gives notice that he will rfCeWe t feet all claims in favor uf said J. Covr taie and pay all demand against the e rim the absence of tbe Admtntstratcr. RICHARD LOG Salisbury, March 6, 1841 3 S2 llocr sbavdj E. Cart TAKES this roeibod ' to inform I and ihe public in general, that l.r " manently located himself in Clercr Dartdson CooBty, N. Caro!ina; ari happy io receive a coo tin o a nee ot list eisl p)trunage which be has beretofc:? ' 4 TrL BUI The excesses of cur jouth are Hi oUce is on theaouib side of main si:: drafu upon our age. ratable with interest about nmg thnnj &1mn'?l,e- IBIIiJ J'"'"- . - -