"H1.-, ; idvanfp, na tico dollars and CLrjp;iutTviriT1rbflreciivfd f-.r a l.ss nine, fj0 ,nVr discniUinusd (Ii.n al ihe opnwi of ie rMS OF ADVERTISING... Ct notices wui 'irv V'gb; &ciV "-of- m iPL W be ?ade i? will ,be cotiTirufo imu ajrcrtispairnR . x 'j ,nA charged t Idiessi'd tii t lie Editors must See thai the Government don not acquire too much iipon oil your llulcru " Do J4i,lD LiatRTr is a 't povtr. Keep a deck ' ;' NO. 36-fVOLUJlE IX. WHOLE .VO. '452. Licks l'e c.l fal!.leiiiryear aside ri,. , , jIirjin a boy..,-- i..y'ry ireath ' V Xir4riaTtrcmb!e tbfougli te iftdo bears .. : 7 iMliaTtrcrnb!e tbfounli te miftdoi? bears 'I ul,fctj irom-.tbfe, aduptiua tl Brandreth'g P.! .(3UI!it:S e.l'".' . j--.w l?f aff ppififrmed Opi'0 bondreds of jndiVid Jnhooi ibey bave iPBmed from almost ine? 'iMffdeatb'i afierHhoy huve bpon pronounced iiriblfby lb o most eminifinl of tbe faouliy Dr.- lifandreih, ih proprietor ol ibis Wtabjp-l oiersal Medicine, in warmly and uSnUdOiily -lecommeoding it to ibe especial iiee of! ii;poW'ic;.;i ? . rw Rrandreih wis'ves mankind k consider PKOSPECUUS 4 OF THE WtittH Carolina Temperance Advocate, A iwmthtj ptpr deToted to tbe 1 emperaoc Ke- forro. p-ibushed at sbfile XV ed by !). It. M'Anallt. C, and edit- REPfiWlXG. I V. t fflUR Subscriber reBpfctfdlly informs Ms old i Friends aod the -Public ffenpraHy , tlial he hib opened a siup In Salisbury in tbe abne bisi nej?, in sl room directly opposite West'! brick building, in : tlie boose of 1).--Darns' fKmrly owned by Job. I. Sharer and just beluw J. t V. Mnrpby. - ; j , . . to aoulilOTi i wniiti anqvy in Buirscricwr win carry on the Sitter Smith JBusincss ail tbe Taiiettes commohHn 'cdarntry towns nnfch as mnking Spoons, &c 'and;, repairing -j Silver wire. : -y ' ; '.. "' " ' iKifWii. "e.-"V "j". i?'"-0 "'"'' -T attention lo Uusiiiess. and skitlIuhwoTkttl err- f naiHy ir whirh (lie blood is kepi, every pari jn, io patronage aod lupport be iirmer 4 !he Ml bei2 supplied da.Iy withew olood, u u . ... :VT . ' Ihe li0J coosaineu cunseqmrn'ij, -co,0. , AARON 'WOOLWORTH. . .- . . ' --ItE f'CQl I"" lUtW VUMy'Vj yvuovijuiM ij jr.ff lo the purity of ihaf blood, su roust tbe state ,hhe bdv be more or less Itealilry. To obtain Itereforetbe most direct purifier of tbe blood, is tanesiiou of no Utile importance to every.. indi ,diial '; - V: :, ' J " ; 'fjijat Brandretb's Pills are the most direct pu, ora of the bbiod thera will be no doubt when H is considered that they have gained their pre ' i otv extensive sale bv ibeir own intriosic merit, proved 1y ihe numerous cures which Ihey J fcaTe.actompliea in tveiy vaneiy oi otsease.-, Tbe pecu I iaf action of ; these pills is most sor prising theii operations being more, or leas pow- Nov. 13tfVB,: Sl'DwauTi'.IHltieD; I 5 :-i 7'HE SVBSCRIBER jj HAVING purchased that.well known ;arid Ions: established Poblie House (loown ifful according io the pureoess of the circuia- by the name of Slaughter's. Tavern,) ifn ::he uTig flnid- Un a person in a lair siaie who !? only jCostiTe or siiguuj uiiuuus The Tempefarictohttidion ibit was helJ at. this place early i a September, resolved on publishing a piper of the above itle and charac ter, and appointed Dr. Jjfn ' Dickson and D. R JVPAnally to-cor.dui Fromtne many presv tng engagements, Dr. Dickaon already has, be deems ir lau practicable for him la be recognised as one of the editors, though he will cheerfully ose all his ioflaenee otherwise, to promote its In terest ; the subscriber- theretwre, proceeds to is sue this Proa pectus in bis own na me, with a hope thafhe will be aided in the undertaking, by all the friends of 'the Temperanc4 cause throughout the country, and that the pa pe may swoo have an" ettensive-circulation. '. T J fVienrf of the Temperance: Cause 1 to yon we make a most earnest appeal while thou sands ol 'dollars are annaailyex ponded at I he a Ires, at cir coses, at the race track, at groceries. while no pain are spared, the f luxury of retire ment and ease foregone, and no labor deemed too severe to advance the inieres rants, can you not do some th most be dear to every true patriot andchiistian ? Recollect there are but few, ve ry few, such papers in all the Southern country. The Western part of North Carolina, the WesT tern part of Virginia, aod the Eastern part' of Tennessee particularly, need a periodical of .this kind, and it is for yon now to say whether they 6hall have it. - The rerv low price at which it was fixed by the Convention, will make it "necessary, that a rf& Letter Press H (! . JOB PRINTING! 1 J U t JS'ealbj Done J $ij i. . - , I, r ' ' ' ' ' VIVtr Coaeh'Jflahing EST A B LIS tt MINT. fBlRE Subscribers respectfolly informs the' JL citizens of baiisbory and surrounding coon I i ili.i ik.i vvmmen6) - iho ftHnVA DOSU M ef.polttical aspt- J ' In 11 "JIZ ,1.;,. : that I ne8 iu ""r I IUEIIT UtVU kICJU WW V Jmm M ww - v.. w, THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING RE MOVED ins suop to 'the BUILDING FORMERLY KXOWXAS THE POST OFFICE, Continues to "keep" on hand a good assortment n H'aieftes ana UMaui, . . SUper Spoons and Ptncilst :' Musical Boxes and Silver 77umllcs Breast Pins and' Kings, ' . Rotlgers' Pocket and Pen Knives, And all other articles in his line. t CLOCKS & UWTCIMES Repaired in the best manner, and warranted for twelve months. Old Gold and Silver taken In exckange for articles purchased, or th payment for debts doe. . DAVID L. POOL. Salisbury, June 7, 1339 tf45 Hew MtteB9- TIIB E VJBRJR RE E?f r.r A Monthly Magazine of Pi.polar Tiles, IV- and Musicr TeaMSl wo Dollars per n . num in advance. r - KVilh the iJinuary Number will ctmmrr the Second Volume c-f this popular corcj-or.! -:-, of new and elegant literature. The vari works of romantic interest, which bive been rrrr menced in it,w ill be carried on loiheircofnpWii ?,. A glJt ce at iu 'copious table of contents !tirir the past year will afftrd the most sa'is-factcty evidence t.f its valae. It has comprised r rl ; by the roost popular modern aathois of !"';' ' ' and the United States.1 Now" in the cour:? c publication are Poor Jack, by Captain Marrya!; taster Humphrey Clock! by Charles Dicker-, 5isq (Bui J i Tee Thousand a; Year, ibe rr, i popular and aaissipg stry of the day ; the Tcvr er ol LorAdon.hy V, II. Alnsvioth, aoil. r f Rook wood, Critbtcn, fyc , and StaoVy Tl.trn, by the author cf Valentine Vox, Gentler.. ibmnHumt the cocntry, who wish W rt r rit i tbese"wotkcaii find them in nc shape so con venient arid fo ebep. Dark number, rootain ing the eomsiencement of all tbee stories, rr eiihet of themcau be Xurniihed atjhe tubscri -ton rrife. lr ... I . - ' 4t Besides ! 'works above ennraerated. the L- erreen will contain,-aait bar hitherto cuntairc ; the spirit of the best foreign Uevinws and Vr. azines. besidvs original pieces by native autlcts of distinctions ' - J - n ' Former subscribers are; requested to rercn their subscriptions at their estliest couvrnir r and new s'ibscrtbers not to delay lorwarmnii.Mr names, so that we may know the exact td nl n that wilLbe required. A Vtnale volume of tf.e Evergreen is tomrSPd of about 800 psjes ef the choicest literary matter. " - TERMS. Two D 4Jarsa teat in advance, or Five DJlars three-copies, in all cSf? rtf nosiage. a New subscribera will recfive . . back numbers irom Aprn to ; vreni" T v together with the second volume, for 3 n cut led free of expense.? r i I , J. I yk d tr.o i r.ii, SO Aon-strcet7New-Voik. I n it A e circuia- ny me name oi otaugnier aero,y i n moi - , . -k hafnrath Anhlifa. of health, Town of Salisbury;-N" C. Informs bU Extends ftfJJ Stf Ud' befre .they wjll aDdtbe Public gerferally,. that Ihe same 4 now 1100 "f 11 ca ja8ifQ Ke.r7 fel -on he ron rary . if "tbe W open for theecvption of Travellers &' Boarders. , TERMS. TH ?TTT!? tl Safoae aionicand tbe bonStiiut,on much de- Hiis Tabl .U Bar will be sup pi i el with The Western, Carolina Temperance Mvochte materials, and; also m their employ firarrate LA -the VrTect .-ffCRerallT at first is most pow- the; best the market and surrounding coun ry af- will to published on a; medium sheet, id-quarto YLV St7 " .i.'Ii. n East Street , where Iber-will donsuntly keep on hand a variety of vehicles; such as Carrtagei (dye and cUse,; ! . JBarouctieS) . ! Wsusrsrles Sulkies ! UMocksvUUtJV,:c. Gigs. ' j TttoJfmS JFOSTKU V CeWrytMS, FORMS the public thiuhi, ha. Vemoed TherwillwarranTiheir workmanship -not to H , , hf new buildings be surpassed.by any in.this. section of.country. lhencM,o sauare, in the Town of Mocks- tstbey hare jn bud- large WJ vineheie he will continue to keep a WEEKLY MADISOXIAN, Far the next Session of Congress, t B approaching sesion cf Congress will, u doob: less, be one of great interest. It wilt close on some, si least, tT the affairs of Mr. Van Bureri's aduainistralion, and osherin tbe to order if aopiviou9 dawn oh a new and belter order thirty. The'scenes in Consrefs will proba be exeutng. un onetiae wesou sicuBiu. r cles of an exnirinff faction, and on the other's 1 eifol.sntil the system bo freed from soaoe of its fords.- v-. tf oast vitiated and wrgit humours.; T'bia accom- His Stables spacious, and bountifully aup- plisbed, doseisofiicient .tojeause two or three pliedwith grain and provenderof all kinds, at-, mcoatjons daily, will epon remove the disease; tended by faithful and allentiveOstlers.r md iheconsutiiUooYwiir be restored to a state of The undersigned pledges' himself that na ex- bahh -and renewed vigor, i ertion on bis part snail, oe wanting o givegea- The thousands who use and recommend tbese peral sajislaction to ail vino may lavor nun wwu wlls.iS prooLpositiveoF their extraordinary and beneficial effci. Tbey ifTfact assist nature. to ic ill gbeV can in vibe curing e.verj lorrnj ana . L 1 n n .1 L.. .... p. n in 1 lt flka haman fiatne is suoject, namely : impurity of the blood or in other worrf?, and impure state of IhifiVula These piH3 do' indeed V assist na liire" to all she can do for ilbeKpufifioation of the - human boil j ; yet there are nombcrsw hose cases ate so bad, tf,nd w hose bodies are so much dbili vW thai all thai can reasonably be exiiectedlia temporary relief, nevertheless some, wbo liave co.nmcnced. oVtng the Pills under the most t ry- itifcirco-iristances of bodily sfiliction, when al . t i . s.. - a ost every btber remedy nao ; been aiiogetner onavailtng, liave beerr restored to health- and KippiDep8'bthetL use. Dr. Brandrelh. has to return thanks jo a generous "and enlightened jaMic fur ib patrbnije they, have bestowed on niiBj ana . neiuopee Hjr-..,''!"'iJ is U las ever dune, io merit a continuation of h'r. - 1 . " ' - i : h ' " ' ' I Dr-Jlranaretlrs office is now kept at the 6ob iciber's B iol and Shot store, 6 doors b?low the I Market. Main street, Richmond, Va. w here the rillg fan baobJained al 25 cents per box. iCPAeiiis in the country supplied as usual, : j DAN FORTH BUTRICK. Agents are appointed in every county in the Suif. foj the saleof Dr. Brandreth's Pills. rCP Each agent lias an engraved certificate il ;. agency, signed I BvBrandretb.l. D. ! The (utloWjng persons are agenlsfor the above SleJiicine. ' ' r.;-: '; ; ;';. AGENTS. ' " ' :' ; Peodletori &. Bruner, Salisbury, N. C. "irgraiei Gaithfir ft Cv Lexington, IN. s. Salisbury Sept. 1 1,1 840 ; tf7 j - Dr. James a. TFomack, form, each number making eight "pages,. and will be rurnisbed at ine very low price Dixyiy.ienc a copy. - Where single copies are taken, the pay ment most be madtf. invariably upon tbe reception; of the oral number. The subscribers will also keen constantly on hand HARNESS of every . description, as they have a first tale Harness maker.! . tcy All kinds of repairing done on the short-j est notice, &c. 4c. j r Alf orders for work from a distance, ad- House of Entertainment . rt 1 .Jlln.a it. nukllatiAW nf ni. f 5 r - : :L ,lr th bseriber.: will be nuncloallf at pers, and a u Ministers oi iue oi, ore utu TV. -. - . . . " r ' ' DAN'Ll SHAVER, " D. F. HADEN. Salisburv. Jan. 23 lS41-tf26 ised agents. AVING located himself, permanerltly in the Town of Salisbury, lenders hissetvi ces tolts Citizens. and the adjacent country, in n ariona hranches of his -Pjofessittfi. He can be found at bis office on main- Street one door below A he office of tbe AVesiern varoiinian f June 26. J340r,ly -rl 4 4 CONCORD nflBuneo THE SUBSCRIBER Tb ESPECTFULLY aanounce to the cti- zens of Concord and surrounding country, that be has opened a Grocery Store in ibe town of Concord, where he- will keep constancy on hand a large supply of " es himself to the mostdiligentexertions, to give satisfaction to such as oiay call, on htm. - His TABLE, BAR Sc STABLES are provided in the best manner that the country win aDord, and hisservants are laithful aod prompt. Jan 20. 1839 U26 IiADIBS' PASHIOSTS FOR THE - FALL AND WINTER OP Docts. Killian Powe, Groceries 4(E) mtlE Subscribet informs the has iuat received through the Northern Cities the latest and most approved LONDON PARISIAN FASHIONS, And is prepared to execute orders in the most 8tvli6b and satisfactory manner, j ' Work sent trom a distance snail oe careiuuy miJE SALISBURY Mj(Jy,UFAC$VR2 JB lJYU,.UUMrdJ9 naving corarrepi:w operation, are now prepared ,t6 furnish P?alera with Cotton Yarn, of a superior quality jOn Ja- voiable terms.- - . .-- J. RHODES BROWNE, Agent. .December, 12, 1840 tf20. jj Jasepb H. S V, Smith jjl i. s. g celiiff. Midway, Davidsorr ca. N. C. SaleinrStokes co. NU. ibQaGftfman,on I' Stokes cn.IN. U. u. 5TuclflSuffar,CorTeei Bread, Crackers.Cakes, Cheese. Lemons. French rrupes. ivaisms, can dies of all kinds, Lsqnors -of all kinds, d'oraestie and-imported, toys. prime chewing and smnkii? Tobacco, garden Seeds of all kinds, !nanick S(artf lit iho Stl OlinlltT. InditTOeS. I n n ,1 t..rt0rAiA UH "-s . - i j o - i Dill uij auu ivintiusj. . 'i,.f.. Uopperas, .wauoer, umjer, pt,rr i PHe'.-i u vhj monds, Utoves. cinnamon, lngnsn iiiis, Hazel Nuts, Macaroni, Vermaselli, Sardines, Her rings, Essences of Cinntmon, Cloves, Pep permint, and a variety of articles loo tedtoos to mention. -. .. - -. The subscriber hopes Sy strict atiantton to bu siness to merii a liberal share of public patronage b R. ROUECHE. The Charlotte Journal and Meclenburg Jel fersohian, will poplisdi the abive advertisement three times an? forward inetr-accouois io oaiis- bory tor pavment." ' r; Oft gCJ A few Bonnets, caps other articles, will be kept on haitf. V Mrs. S. P is.also prepa)! 1TON. )ans, and Crimping and Flotingon rea Salisbury, November 6 1 K' U -, v. . - . - , ol aimlSe.-.' is. D. Kellv.-WUfeeeboro. Wilkes co. IN . j. XOAXSXXTCh T ed into aCo- . f Nil fy Harper; H'rpera Store, Bucke co kSJi. Peafstin. Moroanion. " " Mchtire &T Walton. Rutherfordton. llutnertord Salisbury Coffee House. . - ;-v v -'f v.v ' fBlHE sobscribrr takes tliis mclKod of inform uz bis fiiends and customers .mai oe na f NIC. ft. Schenck, 'Car.utinn. A. I hike Carolfna. Gardner's Foul, Rutherford co. N iK- Co.. Liricolnton. Lincoln, co. N. cash' or on time to $;"d!on & HijTiXns . Siatesviiler-Iredell co. N. VitciM Batlev, ftlmrksvilie, Davie co., N. C. wi5a.lltissf.y Davidson county, N'. C. . I Ootirxlg4C ly 13 LI IF. -tibscriber reswqUiilly mtorms his frvenda fthd iKp oublic. that he is now carrv- h oo the Tailoring Business in Lexington ; Unti that afu.r a silence of foiirleeo years. e?iiy be permitted to solicit public favour and r it- i- . :ii i. . j m f II fit! Z. ailli Will UC iiit:niru in e his eni 'Td the advantages af- aitainmcnt, t i superiority in his n E lire pe a iV. ! America 15 years hd 20 in America. He rmpmys ??r'fl'buttliP hp.nl nrwarkmen, and would have remembered, that he wamrttfj eve in his? s!u p. most reeppctful bow, he leaves his iih the public, ami teeis Jlattrrec that he may be frequently railed CHARLES FOWLER. 3.1840.-0-46 fipj HE Subscribers having enter r ii t: . . . " . . ..t:. JA partfualiji.io the aiove business. lctuWa from Charleston with a .large sup method ot intormmg ine.puonc o n - . i.w-of everv description: thai -he has - as ureal r !K)niiiriMit ii anv of the-Northem cities, which he wiU ell low for I h TSunscrincrs customers iu icuiciuwi ... be published a notice in th papers of this place r.ir hi customers who were' indebted, to call and settle, sno imw " iw w.- , - if ir is nut rf-me befoTe-our next Vourii UvSf III ' ii - ' m yM mav eipeetto find iheoa iu: ihe hands ol an em- cer for Mltectiun. ! Y. K. UUUfc.11. -Salisbury, March 13 1841. j - Uon in Jifl2 that H 'ws-sboih fope, a t PVJicttlarly 3luhe hope 1- r. - t i WXlruirffirin DURST! 4 N'T in iA thA Court of Kpity for Rowan County will 6e stld on 'Preff.Uac i,n tlifl 24-. iliv i,f Anril next, a ,c!f Land contaitiirf:212 acres rn which is Hailed a valuab'eMtll, lin? on the South side lle Yadkin . River; adjoining the Lands t f ,rtfricBr02le, Gr2e Ml!er,ar.d the widow .Vbeloneins tv Jacb M isrnhanjer and' the lis i lav; jcfUivid-Miser.hanier,! deceased, subject to the idow8 dower. A credit ol ..filT ruonths will he-'ailowed and bund whh .fiiy for the purchase money uqiired on 4 of iaie.. I- t ' tr SAM'L SlLLIMAN.c m e nt kin(T a liberal share of patronage. Mutter than to6ay tbey intend to v10 worn up juir c rv best mater iala that cao be obtained any where they deem it unnecessary to prortise ; as Kir characiers. for skill, tndusirv and satlen- mm v - - w ' s uon to business,.they flatter Jbemseives -is es tablished. - .- . The subscribers have not resolved lago upon t,. ..eh ipn. tntirtlu. but are drstrwus in that Respect, to deal about six one way jnd hall a d.z-n tne other. They 'must get mbney e- nonah to pay all expenses joMheir snop, ai leasi riir hon is in the room formerly occupied by David L. Pool as ;a Silver-smith tb?r-iisi opposite J'..ct W.-MJP!i: Ji. ULlIvKti''&.LiAMl)t!lll.- Salisbury. Feb. 13, 1841-1129 J. j Copper Smith.lTin Plate and "Sheitl Iron Workers; raFSPF.CTFULLi iBiorro ine.a ooiift " III tbey have commenced the above business in all its various branches, and will msnofUire lineal ihe shortest notice, .-j ti,- n.M fararable letms. 1 hey ould aim vii .-. .b 1 1 .i.. .i!niinn f,f dealers and otnets ki can o ...... . t . T & a. M r I .l and examine theirtocK, wwicncmis ... r- Siills.StilVWorrxs & Kettles Plain ?Pn Ttn Ware, Stoves and Pipfs, ractory y vi. RKfirr. Lock by puticiual a nee of orders A nnK!i( nalrunlfre ' ' ... n N n. Cash paid lor old topper, ra Pewter and Lead. ; Feb 6, 1841 6nl28 ii' South imeritan Star. THIS heavy bodied, "quartered and muscle Hore. with a fine set of limbs, will stand ihensoiig Sprirg Season at tbe ... turning ( p a- I . - 'o Knia Mllllfil LiHa. ces i sir. uames wunn o . Sohnnan Hall, Kq , and at my res.of nee. The Season to conjineoee si.si in inw in.4.i. and end 1 ith June next far to hahd bills. - THE Subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and eusomers.jjhai be has re moved tohi- house next dooif to George VV. Brown's SioreL where he intenda keeping an as sortment of I i - GRCC3RIES ; ucU a Molasses, I Sugars Cojfee Salt, , j v v PatCiler and Shot, IsiQIJORS of all sorts-such as French Brandy, Holland Gin, t Malaga and Teneriffe IFine, Champaign, v Muscat, Lemon Syrup, fyc. , Also, amassortment of And yherthipglrfiiis line too! tedious to men ;ion whietitbrhoojjht f..r cash as cheap a any other prace in oaiisoyry. NO AH jROBERTb. March 20, 1840-IM4 - i irinmbharit oartv. armed with the confiJen c lhe peiple, imposing judicioosl restraints orn-n ti o convulsive throes of "their opponents, and shield ing tHeir country as far as ossib!e from the dan Hi House is roomv and commodious; attach-15 it rmharraasments which ed to which areSli COMFORTABLE OF- ie(eiXeii men,tonr with disappointment, will FICES for gentlemen of the Bar, alLconven- gjek lQ thn in th way ef oew adminisir?. lent to the Coon House. - ThejBubscJiceipledg- . On tbe ihird of March next, 12 o'clock. P.M.,Mr.Van Buren'a doll star wiii vanji, and immediately in its place shall we behold ti e rising son of. Harrison On the 4th jf Match. General Jlarnson, 3 President of the United Stales, will attend in the Chamber of the House oT RcpresentaiiTc ? to lake his oath of office, according to ihe direc tion of the Const it u tir.n. Off his entranre, on the enhance of X ashington. and JcflVrson, and Madison, the audience will nut be able u siiAa their dianosiiion lb applaud. Having taker life seat on the elevaAed chair of the SpeaKer iA the House of Representatives, the Vice Presi dent, Mr. Van Buren, (tf present,) and the Sec retary of the Senate on Lis -.right; the -.Speaker and Clerk of the House of Representatives en hisl left, and ihe Chief Justice of the United States and associate Judges at the Clerk's table, he will proceed to deliver his ipaourl speech, after which he will receive the rath r,f nffif from Mr. Tanev. Chief Justice. He wilt then retire, and such hczzas will go up frcv. ihe multitude around ihe Capioil as have never been beard. ... ., -Such will be among the interesting incidents which will occupy the columns of the Weekly UaHuAnian The .oaoer will contain IcaJir;; THE Subscribersi Agents for the Lexington tpeeches, spirited sketches of the debates and a Cotton Factory woold inform the public r8uroma.y 0f the fesulta of the proccedir.ss in lhat they have just received, and now oner lor Congress, together vuth the general anu pmiM- sale, wholesale or retail, the. Coiton arns ot .1 ca newg 0( the day li will contain tne retarns of the vote tn the Electoral oonesfs r President, which will be opened in the preset r of Congress, aod the Inaugural address rf i! president. This will include the lime fomi :r. bended between the opening of Congress in I). -cerabet, and its adjournment on the 4'h of Ma rc'i. Subscription price f.r this period Fhty-Cf.ist. 'IVrma cash, in advance. Bank notes of every Sic.auii(ffl IBtt commrssion m ie o imuwi.- j - partosent to. forward subscriptions under fnr.k Leiteis Jiusi come tou fiee, or postasre pi l- THOMAS ALLEN. nWitWoH, Oct. 31, 1340. IlawtgVUtociate d ihtmsdves - IN the practice jof Medicine, respectfully offer their services in all the vaiioos branches of their profession to ihe-publicc' Their office is in public, that she j Mr, West's brick building. - Salisbury, N. C, January 3,1541. u. COTTON YARKS. A --1 cjory, consisting ot vanous numoers. hues and character ol iiie yarns UHS v aciyTT are SQ-Weu losieu anu miuwu, as to need no recommendation irom us t nose wishing to purchase will please give us a call. - - C. It. & G. K. W Hrii tiLc.tt j'! rs. April 24,1840-tf33 '. : - .-' r&ASZXNG The Suhsciiler as Particulars, re- JOS. CHAMBERS. FarmviHe, Iredell co. lSih March. 1S41.J" 634 jck Repairing, See. fyc. They hope -xntiiOH?s Series of lUtSStCtll ixr to business and fai.hful perorm- MUMOU r11,, ra ft work, to receive a hberallshare WorU, for Schools and Colleges. DR. DiOUOLAS, HAVING removed Ins Office lo Hie se- i j.mr T Mr Cowan' Brick row (fer- occupied by Dr. A. Smith) nearly opposite M. Brown's Store, poiueij tenacrs his prcssional senices to the public. Latin., firsl Lessors in 1 t2.ot a firainmar ot the. Greek Lar.- ' . ri,a.i- Prns.iHv Caisar's Commentaries cn the Gallic ar ; Saliu . s Jurwithine War, with Engraved Notes , IOraiionsot Cicero w,:n a 'r Works ol Horace, wrm ro es,ec.-, Reader, witli Note. Critical, ana a yny Dictionary, uiih" Notes explanatory, m . R.tval 8 vo. (nearly reaay.; The above valuable Works are for sale at lb Norlh Carolina lUGHES. Raleigh, Aug. 28, 1840-H6 JUST HSCBITTSD JIXD FOR SALE, WHOLESALE Oil RETAIL. 50 sacks L. P. Salt (large siz ) 100 bashels Allom do, 7 tihds Sogir. 40 birs Coffee, 500 Plough Moulds. 100 prs. Trace Chain", 20 dvn Weedsr.g Hoe;, IjO lbs Spanish I idign, i 200 lbs Dutch Madder, ; 500 lbs Spon Cotton, 100 lbs Turkey red Yarn, 20O Bu'tles Sntifl, 500 lbs Potty, 500 lbs Tallow Candles, 12 bnshels Cl ver Seed (new crf) 1j Do. Herd Gra-s do. Daily expected 8 Hlids N. Orleans Motive (new . en til RESPECTFULLY returns Ins thanks lor past favors in his line of business, and begs o inform his friends and the public1 geueially, thai he still carries oo the - '; BOOT Sf SnOE-MdKLG BUSINESS, io the store house of Col. Samuel Lenity, im mediately opposite J. fy W, orphy's store, in all its various bunches. C7He kee,s con siantly on bod a supply of ready made Boots and Shoes, fine and coarse. All f which will be soli low for cash, or lo ponctoal dealt rs on a short credit, or exchange for C.:oitrv produce. N.B. Orders from a distance tended to. Jan. !. I ai -am-. ; t id N. B. An apprer!ire aboul the ag rf fiOr-en ; 1 io the Shoe Making h-is'iies, of industrious nao j iis, will be received by eail? DpplicaMon: G. & L. AMES D. GLOVER presents his com pi i- mpnu lo hi old fi lends apd paironft, ar.a re- .1 . It .1 il .ni l.r lf.fl) 1,if.t Will f',ffl.$ noers :riai an ui inrm hv .i. - f,.riV!nd immediately, and rr.ake paymen, ? is C!imre!!efl o have morey between this and t t o first ct Maich. . . It his been usnal ef late yrars tn pen .rr;. ceremonies, fhiangur a ibn on the p.vuo.in t: f it. r.r.ii.th nbere the area i-s Le'itr ft ' arcoroir.'KJate a lafie number of, epectatc-r?. practice will prcbibly be coMinotd. , CT Press for ISale. r . t - r J I - . f t . . T rt 9ln'r: rliv oesirw ciui i i. pK", I now oner iwiwii'Si1',. v. irHmington .4Jv?rli$er fur sal.' I ;. ii.it k'low :r a more t..jti-..ij ,!.3V1. I pers..!. oestfrw i.femo-tktogtnlhe punt; promptly at- P. W;! r,n2t..r.. .N!hT.r.!ir.3j Tennsaricummodating. .:App!iii'. ;i F. C. liif J Siili OF SiiLI;?. ie ! HBW FA(3HIOHS ro R THE Y virtue cf a D-cree ;-f tl C.'.!? for l'..an f. ur.t?, she C.rk a vk;;i s-U Trt wif:tl cn.;h- kip nv-' p) l li f ?b r. o ' r I j rd r.-f tv :nt. J 1840. 1 1 ( l :x n. 11 . i w .ui.e sd' dott-Cf. i. i . A rr nM ftr hall, and 12 mcnihs fur nonjqE II. BEARD, ESPEC I FlLLY informs bis frit -n-.'s and , thf p r 'h it be s'ill caries on !ie TAI LOKING BUSINESS al hiol.! s-and on main s'rert, next d-xr to ihe Apo'hecary Store. He rea.lv lo eicLMe the orders of his rU'. m- er in a s'y !e ar.1 rr.annr t.ui swrpas-d by any workman in the Western pail 'A n.e State. He j is in the regular rreipi of h Ui? l.'-: co New York FASHIONN anJ prepueu ..rvrr.r ;-,t tasirs oftliC f ash .on iil'le 5Cr Cu'.iinT airmen's cf a!l ku.ds alien eJ mnmoilv. and ihe latent FasbhiU forr.ist.d crop) at all times to country tailors, aod infractions ' ctl.er l.a'f f he parrhase mooey will Le Mo.v edian! bond rvi.h 6tcurif leqmred on ihcay SAM'L SI L LI .MAN, c u k. ul sale. March 27. 1841 CS5 F io ac ai all Jan. S3, 1841.-4126 j. .at hi -n nil l' - I Tin in rntttn?. mtltwa'yi , URUANT to VIecree of the Conr? Enf.tiv for Rowan County, will he sold z. the Courthouse in saiisuoiy, on aiwu u.r day of May next a tract of I-mJ-ci ntaintog o hundred ind eight? acres, belonging to the . wishes ol Thomas Moll, detd.lying near Dc w Moontain about three miles south east of i bury. Ter aui eai SILLIMAN, cl z MarCwSf, 1S4L tt3S 1 !

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