vttcnnAvi A.PRl I. 10, 181 1. I . - ' 1 . . JIT, u v. - . . - in announce Tur PRESIDENT S HEALTH. I'iciTifir haying already spread ihe news of tie k'lposiiion of ihe President, il is deemed pro J KPV ' . i .... rT. : " ' .. ' . . . . 'it? n 9Aj 1,uu iinuiinaiuMi wnieti may i-c i rr oixm. thai le was atirL i.n Sinrt r i- ' x - - . . w !- C OUNTE RVA1 LI SpT 0 UTI ES. The e fleet calculated to fee produced by coon. h may icS't IT.V,,n2 ,,0,,es m3J fec 8fen by the second rts Sainri!C,ia,ion "'P841 tihe meeting of" the American 5 htn jnn.Mit.ee tneg., a candidate to f prest-nl 11-.. ' xt Congress. r'J LVZite authoriZ'd iu aifi!rie Mr.. IJa P - a cacvdid-iie f.rthe tlUco of Coonty Miarn, had, at a late hour laM eveoiog.fcnf duties on theri .- ori an Jiorised to H:TiiMiuict r,. it. T: y as a cahdiljaie for te:' Count v Court 1 UY jt'l EUlOU C0UiT. I k Snri1? 'n,frn 0,P hi9 Coort, -John P " J - - ,tf vision . T . 1 K a m iifilav mf tJ HH3 l.Hf ivmji vi r- ;i tin tllMiudl VI (I Sb23Tt ?fldj'jB?nienceu to be hunjj on :;?e ,'.'U ( Slavi. , lie was ab!v defended bv k 'filmff John M. Clood, Rquirps, and rfi'-n bv H v (ih'e'.SoIicitui) anJi ' g Chamber 1 Cumftierre held m'Enn land on the a jear; in wn;cit a recuciin ricultural produce of the Unt gfat measure aobdoed. Ilisattendirtgfe'N State9,of fluur; .rice. Tobacco, cotton, and v .. til. - . . civnsii'ered him, last eveninz, decided-&0fl,T, ""Cierfa reetxnmeoded, from the atkiici- i . .'.i;;.... . i 'u. j-t.it ' inniiiie mini mine united states ouM c tnitiioiii lime UtiilUI l UrlH"fe u . t . i i - . . verv . . .. .. ... . . . iiiTi5.e oe augmenieo, in uje course I llm fear, on the manufaeroren nf Great Britain o! the conarqaences f this attack. Hthis ariticipatiim being founded, doobilfFS. nnon liilclligtnctrt of 3 IM JllafchJ lf)? discussions in the United Stait-s' as to the Tlit Pre A . . . ". -- -yXt' f nwaieiif ss ot a policy r coqntervailins done, ... :twuuk. a ne lanonai in-viin me view ot bringing aboot a more liberal Ml "" " I-w-v.w ... npprthet.j ls!;s3TS AVe learn ftoni NfdWi a ram iDcTpd into tbeyara, itere : rr eaimeni ttas ?peditT resorted to, weypf in being ahrA fit add nith fiiin1rA snrrfS. i IeTrai of now orng well. , . renutalton as a f act .both in England and America. ada The grind i.' MEtANCfiOLT INTELLIGENCE. DEATH or pnEsiDEiiT muinison. AVe $tp the pres to annnonce tho melancholy news of the death of William Hckry Hr tt.A Ph..;.;.. " ' VV f , , ndi2 he IV ce that, at sink) vV.1.-l 1.1 - - m . . .T"ing, iiiere was a.suani imj v a nun Ml j ..t'nn) aiffa mnments. " ..n.cinnl t tlttfil ha lino rtuna nn an upright and an able officer. tb ni8eTer 'won'so.iiuch opon ."jhe profession or jiC t!r snon a lime, s no promises 10 A FARMER. The fullowing is lliejTfsoIation in q-ieslion : Rtsclvtd, That this Chamber, beios comnos- 4 ne inf senc-. v. eaTa.i Vfe!, commerciaT relations bnween this eonntrt are informed bOb..; i.' . . band the United S'.ates tT America- Ue it in. ., . . .viencing I'liysicians tnatm . , ... . : ' theri is n materialX . . .. . teeorobent on them to express their thorough con- llie Onulll0n Olfitin lht nnlcci o.ta imnnii.nl .. . i in etoi ine eziatiog aoiifs takes place in respect to Enmr. rice, noiber. tuba ceo. cotton, and ticles, ihe growth of that country t h e fres ident si nee inge in rsday evening. understand jlSnO- 'l'he Mormon h rosl lhe State ot MissUsirPi one hundredV, j .gthe tariff of slars. J . JEltn the cour 1 i - Hibe British 11 r EIS05, late I'resident of the United States. The Intelligence of this National bereavement s is brought tous in theJIowing Circular from asntngTon : V I CUT OF WASHINGTON.? ! f April 4. 1841. i" An all wise Providence -hating saddenly re moved! from thM life, WILLIAM I1KNKY HARRIbON, lite President of the United in ihe re the Vire q SoffLATH. Old Lottery, bred b? the great ,; 1 1 h e r n Amaieor .f hor?e. Col II. ir.sUJcr., . Koutb Carojina, haa produced rnnre fine rzc yTJV firtaeef a Ded of Trost Ixeeulfd tokhowe fhan any olher mam in ihe Union. 1 1 -0 me bt Thomas D. Kellr. fur nurnoses?It will be feen ihat there is united in 'LATH fetvo of the best studs of the South, Ilampfcrj;; Is North. The public is nov presented vrith sncli an sputonity tf impnaing the bUxni of that ttolb Ithis sectitn of country. And the Public cai )b,aTein addition, in a short time, the cpportnr.i ty irjcdiog more satisfactorily f Lath s I!' I 's expected there it ill be many of them dropped bv mares in this section In a few dars. As z lberein contained, I shall offer ;at public sale, in glhisTown-of Wilkeshoroutjh, Wilkes County, gon Tuesday of May .Court week, being the 4th If day if said month, the following property, to llwil : his interest in 200 ACRES of Land, Ivinig off the Vadkir Rifer ; 300 ACRES lying on the Yadkin, adjotni'rig Mrs. Smkes and others ; his letn right for n years cf Joel Van ind other ar EStates, we have thought it our duty, in , changes ingress of Congressand in the absence of I I be ptodocedk President from th?seat of Government, be 3 t"6rjnnienl to. tVe bench, We were parttc with iiis denortraent nhpn hold. n 21.? r" " " ) : t i - - - .4;n- Ci)uria Nvv weeks since'and would 5Cr" Elssler Irt Nei found in another column fcCT'We learn thaV Mj. Av J d it. willi be notioed" urn ohJy hli re was no import? Dees of the American Continent were fully (3j,ilD3Upf that brooght op an occasion RORI-I iQNi PROSCItrFTION ! ! Xbis is the cry of ihe I jocofucos in these latter ftLM nnnn!l' I f f 11 f O n I ' n 1 fnmm Alt Ijjjbydeep 'ohed organ at! Washington, thei (;yfi jt is reiterated by every lesser piper, in m a,,le length and breadth of the Country. "iiy4s ii so?' Is it because General Har L?on 6 leri.eved from office some of Mr. Van Ictetti cemtpt look f Is it because he has giufl ' wa'.kirtJ papers " to vagabond favorilies till! isle -ad nat n i4t r a t f n ? In fine, is it because iw4ft formed jt h Swartvtofiihi ike Prices, X, ;ii.giScrlpI5nuer.f rs of the Coantry, that he will 'v tbera no charters ?. Yfs; there can.be no ciser fesson3 1 and it 13 perfect folly that they Otitis U cj f "j Proscription for cpinion sake." fl ui;i a mean laist-nnoa to pecetre tne people. 'jteteoplo a y e, t RSovt re ln People forced :ir tie hands o General Harrison a monster Jroinajisad bid Uim: ticee)vi)i)e rogues, the lazy I ii and favorites of VanNBuren, the corrupt r l.rnrilT in t 'tint n( nmrp ? and th tn ne abo.it it makes jl.eHvucos squat, and to rf joice t for, whilst uesoares the and capable, he never suiJVrs K2,000. amages at to make boy's tract of land near WilkesboroVcontaintngHsure -foaNgeiier, Lath stands a!mnt uniivs'lr.!, 113 l JMUICU UJ tl Ull i.'I'IMI S BI HIU J "?V f - ry few of the laige number oi mares put to ,u not proTen in foal. R. W. I N. D. Mareaeol from a disfaice will f. I 700.&CRES, the TAVEKN HOUSE in ' Villibom., i .!.-- : . . .... ..t. .it ri ai.U uniei uupiuiriurii'rf iirruici nun in mr iFurniture thereunto belonging. Also. Negroes, Biostly men and boys ; 5 Horses, 11 likely Ihe United States will be producedfil -mm course of this year, h'ghly injonous togihis afil cting bereavement known to lie country , tish interests, and especially detrimental Hbt .his drcbratioi. nnJr our haodaL- . " to tts principal manufacturis. - II Hedied at iherresident's IfoisevfrririljcKv.! A nter m one of ihe Fure.gn EnecIo-Htbirtv minutes bebre one o'd onfi ppedias calculates that if the natural resour-H The People ofthe United States, over wlrfetr n CATTLE; Med, like ourselveby an event so unexpected Jfnd aj v II ' , 5 V " r.i . . ' . . ..t.- .1.- t t -l'i"""-iclee orjcrf. it ROU d siir. iitnnrM jIaSUine.iancMoij, wm uciieconwHaup iioq KOOW- - n WtiileiPoRnfi,.!.' 7T...T- V;;.; a .K ibaihi. Jbwat calm and j resigned, as . . ' . Pfchis life has bee patriotic, usefulj and disun 15 times as oreat as the entire noDulation ofo t ..L... -a A ffeblleman in fndi.V. . II. i. n -r..:..: , Rgonc-u ; ana irmnne isi uueranre or ma lirx . , . . . . . ..civ . I vi u .1 v o r I'l a in ' j.v. uicuni ui uimae,ana iaiu u 'ptcposition, goes on as follows: ' And what is "more surpusing, there is L t.l . i a . f-fJ eniation will be in existence within three or "VI Col. B he will run like blaxe VAfZl lltb DKSTRIC1 A Fedeial paper, eulogising remarks, that he will run like Colonel is reallv of a rtmnina Hian.wit . u:i. : i It. " - We i ii i ii h. i:b win iDiKe s oau representative k e?res at this timewhen wo hfvn tho nr Jr ----- - ----- ""V.l oemre t ut a war with ureal Untain. 1 would the freemen of the Uih Distriet feel.V war were to break out, and thev should imrri diately see their representative precipitately leaw ifour centuries. The imagination is lost in contempUting a sUte of things which will make ao ureal and ramd a change in the conditlati of the world. We almost fancy it is a dream, and yet the rtsult is based on principles quite ascertain as those which covern the conduct of men in their ordina ry porsuns Nearly all social improvement springs from the reciprocal influence ot con I: 4. nhlntVl his post ai Washingtonand lake to his heels foCD9ed numbers and diffused intelligence. J:5,?rJl.d.:tl, L?VAin.lh.nVb.t then w,U be tbe state of society in ti,i, AVm irn tn r-.i.I-lWica two centuries hence, when a thou Jefltrsonian. r rl nd or two thousand millions oi civilized This, reader, is a specimen cf the clevernes, are crowded into a space comparauve ones espX the foul to reach him. J;i:tict, will be I3S:I uf Col. DaRRIXGER'S give in ihipflpejr. 'it is we uinerous Patrons in the Eleventh particularly gratified in the pe-. Circular, which w I written plain an fairness, truth and justice of the editor of thi " Mecklenburg Jeffersonian.n For whom h'as be served ht'ch a dish ? Is il for the intelligent and readmgJreemen of the 1 lib District ? They will turn from it with disgusts Is it to gratify the depravexLappetites of the low and vularjof cmLllon aD(j lne welghi of influence too.s of Locofoco leaders? If so, the roanf ofHIrom IhVnnks of the EuDhrates and the tho Jefferson lias succeeded to a nicety : and it! iNtle toye8lern Rurooe. must, in the ihe will, let him continue to serve socb. I Mcourse of0 ion(r neriod. carrt them from But we would call attention lo this prett biilln0 a;lerthe plains vi the Mississippi, 'TV narrow, and speaking only two Ian- Ss, as will rJoubtless be the case ? His lorJbows that wealth, power, science, lit- erltH, all follow in the train of numbers, genci intelligence and freedom. 1 be same Ws wnich transferred the sceptre nt dpsire fur th!nrivmiiv tf ... '"-i .-, the Ciinsli.ntinrJanJ ihe nrpsprtati iisirnil .... - .. . . .i - i . ; i .i m t : r piiucii'irs. m uraiu, to iu utr, iwi "Mirss 01 his countr v wasappermoal in his thotrO IAN Id j WEBSTER. Secretary of Slate. hlOMAS EWING, Secretary cf the Trtaiurj UMiN UKLL, Secretary of War. J. CR1 ITENDEN. Attorney General. FRANCIS GRANGER, Postmaster General. fbddcr Tun IVAGOJSS and Gear, one Ox Cart, 7 Beds, one China Press, tyco Bureaus, 1 1 Told . '' ing Table : lAn'd'nn the Tlth day of said njonth, (May.) in tithe Town of Rnkford. Surry CoorJy, by viitiif-' fiof siid trust, I shall expose to pubh sa!e lit- Houses and Lots d a pure patriot and faithful pub oil of years and full of honors he has left t hi cares and troubles of this wot Id, Thus has d lie servant. to enjoy, we happiness in of glory is lai account of thj of ioit in another respect than it is vulgar abuse. We, mean the shameless perversion of remarks made by us some weeks ago in relation to j Col Barringer. In the Watchman of the Gth March, we 6aid " Mr. Barringer we haveJh3 honor to and the Ati 'on prvently hope, an immortality o hat better world, where a crown op for those who can render a good "deeds done in the body." LA I'll always at hoaw, as he will not S re moved from his stable tn Salisb'iry, under any ctreums'ance?. during the Sc'js .n, April 10, 1311-237 PcsticriiL'CE tl TIF I CA TE. The ondersitjoed having been asked by Cif. Lor.r, for an eiprssicn bT an cpinion of Latl', 3ia firal-getier, lake pleasure in staling that we have bred to him, and that we are rrmchlfns -ed with his colj, and having seen a-numVr i tts wouidreccmmena mm as a ore ocrij and sure foal getter. JHAX t 'HA MfiF Jt S . THOS. L. COIVAJS", " DAVID XEUA'S. April G, 1511. NOTICE. in Huntsille, now orenpted by T C. Davis also Six unimpioved LOTS in said Viitane, th- property of said KpIIv. to satisfy said Trust. All the above property wiUbe soil for cash, on alefes otherwise ordered (b those cuocerned.l a? specified in the deed of mist. j .iNOr P. CLINGMAN, Trustee. April 10, 1941 -2wS7 - ning, John Westli groomsman, I)ratcoacjton Pleasure. Oti Monday eve a3 a larnage paity, consisting of Mr groom, and Mr. Robert Nixon, were about to depart from their iokOTf R'fpiiiiican vVhf- all over. Antinow : fle w.a blffh minded, intelligent, bsi- pfuco inJ evejry respcctf-wiihcut obscure orHnyIs Passu 9. is itiat thelhintr fnr !hn I lAmo. L ' i ? - .1 . .T-.- 0 i-tfttie ''Repopltcah Whig?. Col. Ilarrtnger's pros- pecti are bjighttjning daily and we feel assured ytuathe spirit manifested J?y .some of the Loco- U the- chnzrirj of a defeat. Let the W higs t - r 1 iliPi-nsclvcs for the conrest, and they have :ooJ reason tn fear the result . 1 - r . jC? FouiV, Mix tress7 sort of gentleman altogether onassuminoj polite in his manners. He' will run like blazes wherever he is known for instance in hi own roonty, Cabarrus, and in Mecklenburg This is what we said in relation Col, Rerun ning-. The reader mill readily perceive thegnssl faces that thy already experience someth:ngUlnj(Jsljce ,jone Q3 Dy the " Jeffersontan.i Or rather he will see a specimen of its editorjs JiV honesty. But such tricks are? all the gp " a- mong the Locufocos now-a-days, and Joseph W .'McfT-iWe understand that! lfamptn' " f" W0U,d not for ?n cocsfdera; electi6nlr,on 00 8l0Siar we suppose, i : f we ll jd; Charles Shepards declines a re 1 in this Drstrict. No nominee cf-the Opnositicn i ri:y has yet been named J - William II. Wash 'nn i. !lt,n V li ti nt f A i.l j f ft 9nA IC ?t .V",. , , II,' pi llli V.IIHIIIUIIl .bu " .. m sa adtuirable selection. , 1 I he Ilthigh Register says ' The ''Hliig candidate for Uiis CongTessional District, 'j-lames S. Smith, has been on a visit to our Vy. the present week, and has been cordially Lby his political friends. It will be seen procedjngs in this paper, that at a! eljng of Whigs, held in this City , to respond to the nomination ol VfcotionJ the selection of that jfi.rktified. al Dr. Smith will have a with, the late representa- to give way for judge ineeof the Opposition lx the Judge a much Shan Dr ontgom,ey 3 own party the v i Xu. eight Loco k9, i rum nuiui ll"2 a Poll at 'Fisher, Henry sse A. Bynum, Hill. 0 jl mwm bum Letted, eighty .;pitration, and jbers are yet 'flflf Connecticut, yTucky, Indiana and from these States at jfly eight to forly eight iold the relative strength SCT The "Mecklenburg Jeffersonian" of last week contains sundry false charges against Col Barringer. YV e aie too charitable to ; believe thai theso charges are intentionally false;; but are rather disposed to attribute their incorrect ness to ignorance. As the t,! i tor professes to be very impartial, we suppose he will make ne cessary retractions. j I'he Editor says Ctd. Barringer "is epposed io State Rights for Internal Improvements b) the federal Government, and in favor of. Squan dering the proceeds of the Public Lands to have pretext fur another high 1 a? ill." litre e false hoods in a lump! for a refutation off these charges, see Col. Barringer's Circular. The Editor goes on, in another article, a no ells a few more Jibs, lie says Col. B. 'was in favor of squandering two or three hundred thou sand dolUis lo make a nnril turnpike through the centre of the State, to the great detriment of our present good roads." The Turnpike bill was never brought before the House of Lommons and if it bad been, Col. Barringer would not have supported it. I L Again : The Kditor says, "lie fUoi. liij also after perambulating all Western North Carolina last summer, abusing Mr. V an liuren fur his splendid style of living, vo'ed for an appropria iinn of near six thousand dollars lo famish more I i.-j-.ji- n... lj :.. l . i' spieuoiw'j mo vjutiiiwi s ii'iusr in iiirijjii iul, Ik.. KVn7 hoftalpa.lji. Kfarll illr rmrtfiin Rn I I . . it r. i . . ! . . ' I rsi.iw this cr.arwe is enuauv u se wiin inn oin : . . v ww -. m , wt - I it : : .t. . ' C ,UL I ers. ineioiiowing lb ine capnuti"! iiicruni-j tion tq which the editor alludes : "For repairing' the Governor's residence and for furniture." The resolution appropriates three thousand dol lars for repairing I ha Governor's house, tj nd one thousand' tor the purchase of necessary furniture Vet this veracious editor calls it an appropria tion of near six thousand dollars to furnish more splendidly the Governor's boose. Let us exam tne iniS app(n''ll,u, Hun i hp UMmmt mansion in Raleigh U an olJ botlding. apd was, as were the out-outldings, greatly in need vi re pair, I'he question with the Legislature was. whether a new noose thonul be built or jne old From the advertiser and Chronicle. ELSSLFAi jsEW! ORLEANS, The Elssler nL;it ;3 tttt in Ntw Otteaos with great violencv All the Editors are tn for it, with exception 0h;m uf ;he Native American who appears to be st.,c yet. The Picayune 'il i uureuaj says. 1 he St. Charles literally crowded last evening, ana enswerv.f bequets and wreaih were cast at the feet oRSSer by the admiring iddience. Ths fever isioher than ever. i In the same papet we,l( a30 the follotving paragrapn, wnicn snows0t only that 'Hhe fe ver is higher than ever'Vi that it is slxV. -r.V- Llsslcr 1 he excttementn relation to this charming danseuse cuntinueeVn pxiend and in sinuate Uself into the minds a even those who thought themselves impregnaV to her maoic influence, ohe waves but berhand of beauty ind the grave as well as trie gy, staid sober age and light-hearted laughing yUi. crowd to wooship al her shrine. She is in6,ed an in com parab'e woman the very embodtnpnt of grace ind beauty, divested, as it were, ofheir cono- real attributes. Her beauty is not of Kat dazzling radiance, like the rays of the 6uiiat noon day, but resembles more the mild ad subdu ed lustre of moonbeams reflected orA the bo om of a tranquil and limpid Uke. fry- influ nce does not within the fall of the cortaVor the excitement of the moment, but livesonAn Ihe rnind when the scene which created it ha cas hed from the sight. Ave hav some apprehensions for the fau of our neighbors of the Pic , but hope they will hye it through. But Bradbury cf the Native American seems to be proof against the fascinations of the charm er. He talk to our notion. He says: Just as we expected! ihe Bee, the Advenser, and ihe Pieayone, have all melted into rhapsodies K residence irjllopkins Coort, Kensington, for the bride, iq carriage specially prepared for the occasion, a ixt door neighbour, in the exuber ance of his jr for the event, fired from his win low. over tk horses heads, a musket, well lead ed. I The atmals, unused to such salutes, ran! off down Hpkins court to School streetrwhere ihe carriagiapset, spilling into the mud not only its two occpants, but all the good edibles which had been fipa red to celebrate the nnptails. Mr, Nixclwas very seriously hart, and, save this drawtk upon the pleasure of the ceremo ny, all Ihcteforth, as Shaksoheare hath i:. went as merry la marriage bell." Philad. Ledger. j THITEXIAN LOAN IN PARIS. We coiy the following from the New York Conritr al Eciquirer : J Paris, February 14,1S41. Mcssrdilors : As the Commissioners o ,fiLoan9 ote Republic of Texas were instructed Lv-itt hia W.n !!pnn v Prtaiftir.l I. amor in iho rnl a . L .' ..." . . . I metr cung a negotiation oi me loan lor mat tepublif o make a public announcement of the act. thalhe meritorious holders oiilhe securi- Guvernment who may the hour of its necessi GRADSIRED BY THE AMERICAN ECLIPSE, THE CHAMPION OF AMERICA! WIJSJS'ER of the GREAT MATCH RACK THE NORTH VS. THE SOUTH t $20,000 iiSIDU ! nnHE thorough-bred Hor?e LATH, bred b I JL Col. W. Hampton, of &outu Carolina will make his third Season at Salisbury, com mencing on the 2st insl. and ending on the '20th of June next, at $25 the Season, and $10 to In sure, the money to be paid as soon as the mart- is ascertained to be with font?, or the property changes owners, and fifty cents1 to the oroom. Mares sent from a distance willbe well attended to, and fed with grain at SO cents per day. 1'hose that wish it, a good lot will be furnished 'gratis; but in no instance will 1 b. responsioh tor accidents or escapes. K. YV . LUMi. Salisbury,' Apiil 10, IS1I. tY virtue cf a Deed of Trus;.!') me ef" ' -ledbyThamis Foster, fur pur poses thfi -in mentned, I will effer for sale, n the nd 27 h days of 'April, at Mocksvillc, tl ; Houses &rLotfi of. the said Thomas Foster, in the Town rf Mocksville ; a quantity of Store Goods; several Horses and Mules, H-mseho'd St Kitrli. n Fornttore, Three ijejs of Blacksmith Ttu'-, Two or Thre Wagons; One Barouche, ar.J c Carry-AII, &c. Also, on the 23th and 29ih da?s of the sn: month, at Foster's Mill and Still-Huusp, v. si! be sold ihe MilLTract of Land contaiulrg 2160 or 70 Acres, with all the improvements ihereor, consisting f a Dwelling House and necessary out buildup ; il GRIST jmL.Ii, Ailh three sets of Runners ; a SA U rllI.I, ind an OIL MILL, all in good repair. '1 .v Still-house Tract contains about . 2802CfiS of Land, fire Stills, 2 Boilers, and 73 ., ' !' Stands; a lar.i suctc of Hogs, some ( jelher with ever? other articl convv!.i Trust. The terms of the sale will h k no virjon the days thereof. THOS. L. MARTLV, TeutUc April 10, 1341 .557 feis of l ouniry he vicds of the speouiatio UIIUCI 5K .uiui uiaiiuu, a n.iaMMK state inpor paperor, if this commonicSTrwi hbuld live after it is gone to pres?, in a sl'n, to re imraiately issued from your office, that nave v day concluded in this city -a contract with tlUank of Messrs. J. Lafi'.te &. Co. fori heTJan Loan. I fonrd a duplicate of this letter per the Havtiacket of the 16tb, and shall enclose this loi-lhiTexian Consul at New York per the Amesn Minister's letter bag from London. fcmain. verj respectfully, I your obedient servant, J. HAMILTON. PEDIGREE : I CERTIFY that Lath was bred by me, and that he was foalded tn the Spring of 1S33 He wa3 got by Godolpliih, hi3 dam Pucahonias, hv Sir Archv : his v. dam Yonn"- Lottery. alsW J - - - - r o w t pir Archy, out of Lot.' rtinwleton s celebrated! Lottery, by the imported Bedford out of the toi ported mare Anvillina ; Godtdphtn was got by yjemain unchanged by the Gen..Hat-ison w ill have a ma- 'Vaa I T1 liiaV laea t rk a? al finAI ff luifi a t . jn;ine5ee there ialso a rnaioriiv ') lo lie Adminhj,, tinn . oar Aufam:liteocherour forn?. Renre wiila' Ccngressf addreseo a Urge,,rtio0 'he .freeWiPh til t!.is Cntihi tn t. .C I . - i , r p . r wmmii "fuse lWFridai II, 1.a9been re-appointed ' Ageni ii Kotflk, V.' He is a VaniteJ 4 Wh,- J .. ,i . - : V . i . Knot iii tact an nan cular notice, untilihe attend-fj nrs bad become wholly insensibly iSor a mj tanotner eviuence ui uen i,liar-Btnl morc inole examination, found in ihe.Tment was lost in obtaining: ib necessary assts i T QOeS Y.nt at riivi?i iKn srneirinit aki rtrf nnrtV . -1 . n.i it.A .nl aiih ihtl itTnmnl (T.f"tpnr i.f rhat . r ww wi'M tun uji. i a'a u i.iiuiiiuin r m ir ak. a m r r ww v i nnn ni ?in wi bm. ara. liiiii.r a iili v iiu misw a.' vu ' . -. . - - r.f . . r . . .ft r rv . ' CIS i r.ce of eood sense were fruitless. When ran- ny kicked up her heels, away went their si- SfS like the hat and wig of John Gilpin. It j:hcse editors would corae down to sober prose, weshould be pleasep if they would hold a con sultation ind inform us by what process lasciv ious feelings are destroyed when "the divine" makes an exhibit ton, not usual even with lhor M her trade? Tell us Iikwise whatjneans the; broad burse-laugh drawnirom a thousand gaping throats or the blush which mantles the cheek fbrtauty, whenever them is any fhrnij beyond the oidinary chaste rerTorrjnanre f Are thes- mere iovuluntar tributes to the?raie of the ac tress, or do ihey give evidence ot other fueling among thos6 who gloat over the display of tiodi- ly upon ihe stage? We merely ask foi mfor- mation nothing more. in HERE wjll bs offered for sale, at pu , Ja. Aoctton, on the 10ih day of May nx he Town of Albemarle, in the County ot .S ly, the'LOI'Sof said tovin, on- a credit J r t-- j w . L . . .1 W I.L. L. mm II.,.. I . L .. III . ... ' . ' I cciipse, ins uaui cyiim, uy 110:01.- uou uui ui Hand t wo vears. bend anj secutuv utii n mported Bedford, &c. IIa;phestioiyqiiired from the purchasers Tbe site 13 ronv iiTinorttd Buzzard out of ihedamMuient fur water as any in the Cor.nty . tih ( if Sir Archy. liver failins snrinss on said Township. I).:: . tendance will be ivpn bv the under.'ir:'-d. DESCRIPTION, PERFORMANCES ' PARHAM - KIRK. li . ex . . n 1 t urm f LATH r a fine hay, without while, 15 hands! 0 V; V ' ' 3 inches high, with gooo bone, and capital ac-J VVnAn m-m c tion. At 3 years ihJ, he won.the produce staki-y , . v at Columbia, 2 mi!e heals, heating Mr. Tylor'sS . .4 . .., Filly. Daisy, and Captain Spain's Colt, Cnn-g .UIUIAUU MUKm vention, nine others paying forfeit. Two weekly n Commissioners afterwards he won the Jtckey Club Purse, 3a April 10 1SU S37 mile heat?, at 'Augusta,, beating Kite, and dis-g Gtt - nfU i 1 1 haTe.laken,mean9.as;far as practi-H,en b- CI Chopper for tho Jockey Club "Purse. 3L D WIDSON COUNTY, cabloif extending this lufurmlltun south ofti:i. . r. i, . : 1 a . C1U1IID licai . iittii'V uuv ' aniran, iic wain ... -. . r. . r. XuninrLv tl. r . v . . 1.1 el I .nwi-f ni i'Ua auii Uttarur Sessions. 1 to) ' ---- iiir;iTvn !iTipr inp i tmi i n i 4 ipau 11 d iipii llwon the Jockry Clob Pursf4 mil hcat, atJ j Sre Odd in Europe. Thec(dJ of lh lastgCaraden, b atir.g Sir Kenneth ad Dorabclla atjj; w;nwas unusually severe in all pans of Eo-gS heats ; losing the first in cor.sYWnre of rjt H tnd extatics all their efforts to preserve the bal fi'H in. Swf,d ropefl'hree thousand persons are reported toeing when several lengths in ad yancajif the fisld.H Perry Cody vrlie & others just oeor ne jetting entangl tinijry, oO.uoo horned cattte,l riogetner wiinara'ned an injury wntcn occasioneu nis witudraw-y iUSM re?ijPS in anolher State : It is in uonemia ana .joraviasjusi oeior ne rcacneu me jooes- stana ; ancii vr - a, u ponds were fn zen lo the bottom.' - Icgetting entangled,amongt the carriages, be sus- (Treaumberaof birds and animals in Ihe for est, 3 al from the Turf oarriiiea, oiraiwr sccounisoi ine sfyenijrf i,t.i ri xaA parlf Europe. ! Fortunate Itescueof Lives Vt learn (?ayp the Bedford Mt-rcury) that the priront-rs con fined in theHuuscuf Crirecnon in this townl narrowly escanad from untimelv dlhson Fri- ne repaired. Was not the latter ihn m6sl wise.. evening, in consq'ience of inhaling the gas and economical course? Now to the ftirniture.l l,,rodoced by 'the combustion of coal. It appears t : a-....i-MT. r . a a t 1 1 i . naa acciaen any oecome se- There wis bul veiy little furniture in thp hou5e-j,ht lne stove pipe except nhat was the private propettyf Oov.Uparatea wjnut at attracting the attention oi the Dudley. Ithas always been customary! lor t be loterseer .and the fuel having been replenished U State lo appropriate money for i he pnrcnase cfLs usual at an early hour in ihe evenirg, the r ... . i J? s.i..- . il,,...iii !.,! I r W . r i.i. .L ..:... (.... lurnnore an wo ciniiiutri w.m mwusauu vu,'sio;nnsoners were uien ieu i rente iu inm a'Verv moderate apprtmriaimn when-weconsid fjanariments : when presently many of them b-4 Mh dimensions ot me i loose. - in ny rru-ccame f nMre overpowered icy me ceieienoo e.- YTote i f i he fTj ahiph, scaned from the Dine.' urn - 1 K..rionaiPl one of them retained a decree. ots ..j -- , . - ?self-possession to enable him to ring ihe .alarm; bell, when he also gave way la the eucx . pro duced by the poisonoos atmosphere, and upon VMoLk'nian find fault witb Col. Barrmrjvr toi voting for this approprtaiton f -f. vve ininn no. " . . Western Whig banner. weather are received frqjm many i ALTAR OF RYMEA. " Those whom love cements in holy faith, ry Term, IS II. Absalom Roth and otht rs ,1 Petilio Diiu ri 4 : Slaves N ihia case, it appearing to the satisfy, the Court, -that the defendant lien J r ri.irHvre-l hv l hr" Cii'iirl - that R!i!!ipatln hp r iorse of the first e!ass,f$fi,r 'wLm in ihn Carelina AVitclnnn. otherg which he evinced in his trials with Bav Mara,jlhe M nnder.n Rnsh personally to ( BCharJotie Russe, and Kitty Heth. and tn po'ntappear the-Jostices of our said Cu:- 9 Wni blood he is interior to none, mencr impnrt-lhe j,cconi monday in May next, and n! ed or native. His constituiioii is robust. havingrJailtcP H,mnr m ih ufaintifTa wiir.. n i L- i SS ' r i ' never oeen sic:, anu im ipmner 2t-ou. lira co- qnl transport, free as Ndlure live. 4 t.-, la I V, a n'nrl.l In ikum omp, its pleasure and its nonsense all, o to each other clasp whatever fair h fancy forms, and lavish hearts can wish!'. !or. form, and action, sneak for themselves. In1 Hwill be hrard,cxparte as to hin and juJ: 'S. I .fciRr- f-sQ entpied against him. a word.J.ith unites in himselfas many claitnsjl . Test CHS MOCK r r ApririO.lSH Cw37 I I a t-. public patronage, as any yonn taii.un mat g know. W. HAM P ION. WillwT.ot', Jan. 22, JS39. 5 MARRIED, this County, on the 2oth oil., by the Rev." From the above Certificate of Col. IIampton,HRema5n'n2 in l!,eosl Office .intatesvi,::; who bred and had LATH trained fjr the Tuif,l le P'" lZil- il will be seen that he considered him a RaeeafAndrcws Hoh oihrifk, Mr. Charles Klulls. to JJu53hotse of the first class, not only from the racesa Albert son Sally slina Walton, danghter of J C4b Walion. II he has mentioned as having run pnbhcly, butLVgoarley A!phn from private -trials he has made with horsestl Alfifcd Fwhich are now'on the Torf, and running witbgsnoston Jartb lby his certificate, that he considered Lath of ibea Collins Henry THE COURT OF HEATH. Il pus this gate in one promiscuous crowd. if grav, ihe gay, the humble, and the proud hn rich, the poor, the ianmaot.the wis hs neutral ground w hence aildis'inction fi.es- n purest blood, not tube surpassed by any horse, imported Or native. I consider it entirely onnecessiry tn atremptHChambers Henry ulgtse LA 1 fl. either for his pertormancesflKreelacd R it Macon, Geo., on the Gth nil., Mr. JohuYL' t hp Oglesby. (printer,; aged 37 years, a n a"'ejj,hal' ,'f. 'iictiburg, V a. ! Leaser Levi A MilboMVJ F "Morrison Geo. V Masters Nicholas McEwenEE McClanahan Jas Nicholas J.irr.c3 Is3"ltncfe LA I H ha not only desnded from pureljGibson James Benjamin" ICorran Miss Cathaiine Neill William Canter William W Uoberson ilr. Shtno Benjimin obert Stimson Soloraori jFMZnerald M its Emily Stephenson Mr I t Galhher Matthew Steel .Mrs hlrzab:'. bloodwbut has come from stork both Jiri, Grand Hay worth George stre, Uam, ans Grand Um, thai are ol the run-J fredecewcr: Thm Pofttmisirtss of ' Canniaoin. iri Ireland, Wl? gave birth to a daoghter which bad a redgCulonel Baylies, the keepar. hastening to 4he irivik ou its left cheek. This fur a tew days didspot, it was looim tnai aooui intriy oi ine pnso- k in exacl resemblance f the cetv PofUtance, and with thai prompt efficiency of char-j Offi-e eamr foxl. ' I - ITacrer for whtcii Uo'oncl IJayites is ceservectyj on the Turf or as o his blood, since in every re sn v el! attested. But will remark Trout man Hnrf Templeton Jas. II Vauhn Yeiby a . a ff'v ii a- mm m a. ar-a. ill ninr bimxr. por insiance, ins sire uoao!pnin iiarirraTA Hliam -V ade tdmcrsu i , iP a a 1 ' I. ? . at.'a a'. "":-?ma,---aa-- k - nice n is mo r roues in t ramuiesanu au seconas.gjuhao John or Aocrew litis ftJtss ...ary Sh?s Crand-iire, the American Eclipse so welm Kimball Joel W'aMsMrs Marr : HE Subscriber being about to close bnsi-gknnwn at tbe orih and South, made his timegLeppord William ness, rquests all persons tnaeoiea i nimwm me grai maicn race, inn ioiui jiaini ie lberby note or book accjunt.io can ana seme ooum, ,uu n'f, m i minors anu a - L..- .i.i- nA M r.imrt. 1841. or lhesame SLrondn. which r. !irse won with condioerable HlVV VTT-t lino ajnu 4M - i www, , T fTZ ' ... W T a - mm . trm 1 h!l be i laced in the hands of an ..ffieer for col-v e lt. This Tare wh.ch gamfd him ihe mm-s7a jT US. JKexandir lYaiker en. temz.; . L darasind by rhe tenor. ned Sir ArctsfV nfcosen . TUni'r.u d' tiuun. 0 u ' R. S. McLELLA.XD.V. April 10337 . ' rlion. SaMsbary, April 10, lS4I-4n87 A