r 0 nid " State 2lovtn earoUua, ' - now ax county. ' 'X I - r - .1 . . r - fe Court of Equity -Spring Tern, 1811. Petition fur ilia aale of Land. Jobd F. Cowan, Atnr B Cowan, Benjriio F. Qbwan, Wil'm F.Cow- : til, Leyi Oowary Ann Kevin,' Wil'on S. Cow an. Thomas BrCowan, John McNeely and wife Mary.Elkaoah D. Au lip and wife Margaret, . tod Jane Sbort, widow, against; John C. Hirr, Jmea A. Birr, J. F. McGujie, Ann A. McGoiie, and Ilt-zekiah Jenkins. TTN this cae it appearing to ihe satisfaction of , JL the Coori.opon the showing of complainants, itliat the Defendants above named are tenants in common together with complainants in all ibe Real Estate of Joseph Cowan, deceased, late of Rowan coon; y, now prayed to ae sold for div tsion of the proceed; and that the said Defendants, John C. Barr, James A Barr, Joseph F. Mc Gtitre, Ann A. McGoire, andHezkiah Jenkins iarri no! inhabitants of tbis State : Therefore or dered thai poblication be made in the Carolina Watchman, a newspaper published in Salisbury onee a week, lor three months, requiring said defendants to appear at the nest Jerm of this Court at the Courthouse In Salisbury, on tha fourth Monday after the thirdV Monday in Au gust next and plead, answer or demur to the Bid 07 Petition of complainants ; otherwise on failure, judgment pro confesso will be entered, and the cause heard exparte as to them; (Copy from the rolls ) Test, SAM'L SILLIMAN, c m b March 27, Sm35: Printers fee$ 1 5 PLATER'S -rv V. 1 Late Btavitf) IfOTEIM HAGUE St IF FORD, : HAVING purchased the Hotel formerly Da vts will continue the "Establishment on the same liberal scale as heretofore, and will ex crt themselves to make it a desirable residence for fBoarddrH and Travellers, 5r liit-ir Table will always be supplied wiih the best the market afford., and their Bar with. the best Liq tors, and their Stables with attentive Ostlers and abundant provender.- ' The establishment will lie onder the exclusive management of T. A. Haugue, formerly of the Salisbury Hotel,' North Carolina, and hit long experience, will enable him to give general sat isfaction. . Cairden, S. C., Jan Hi, 1941 125 Ai'wholelale and' retail at ' "' I WHEELERS, CJ GRAY'S or Harrison's Ointment, C3S Mo'flit's fill's iJfii'itersT i UOUCK'S fflSACEA, Bernard' Remedy jor Bowel Complaints. -. . For sale by x ' ' jC. B, St C. K. WllEELEE. imESH TEAS, WINES. SPIRITS, Just received andlfor sale at the Salisburv ' " Drag Store. . Salisbury, Nov.2(f, 1840. To Ladies i8k Home-keeper WE have just" received a , large and fresh supply of the celebrated Aeio Lebanon, Shakers GARDENJ SEEDS of all kinds. Those wishing seeds! for the next year, will do well to call or send soon, as they " go like hoi cakes.'1 - ; C. Bj.1 C. K; VIJEELER. Salisbqry, Nov.jlffih 1S40 tf!3 -- VI' ' iltee sumdfl IB3(D)B)tt CLOCK WATCH i t i REPM1RLVQ. rffl HE Subscriber respectfully i Friends and the Public jre 1R01 the sobcriber on the i night of. ths-SOth ol Septem ber 1840, a negro man named i BATY Torn thirty-five u forty yerrs of age. Davy is a tall black fellow, with his front teeth on t Which -negro. I have no doubt has been pe-rsua-ild froio oue, as I have no.'Kl reason tobelifvw he is hrbjored in Sali.shrir'y by a certain ban at this jtrm'e..:' 1 will give n reastnsble reward for jjieappre'tension and delivery of said cegro in sumo site Jail, sr that I gel him, or foir proof sufficient to convict any person in legal proceed ings of harbouring or having harbored said negro. I apri'jiot Charles S. larie,of Concord, N. C. my Jawful agnt -dnriiig my absence fraai thM 1) c 4 1840-tf 10 KOBT. I1UIE. i "oct. David E. Carter, 1 A ICES, this method fo inform his friends l. Ul' - :.. I .i . . i I aim mi; public hi gener&i, mai ne was per roinejnily loca;ed himself id Clemmdasville, Davidson County, N. Carolina; and will be Hi -X happy to receive a continuance of that very lib eral patronage which he has heretofore enjoyed His ofnVe is on ihesialh side of maiu street run Ding through Clemmonsvilte. ? Notice. r milE FIRM 0f. Bencina & M. V. Alex Jl ander, has this dy dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having claims against said Corn puny, will present them lo A. Bencina who ii fully authorized to settle ibe 8meJ i. V. A LEXANDER,: 1 r BENCJNA. ,. , K. Informs his old generally, that he has opened a shop irj Salisbury in the above bust nesin a room directly oppesite West's brick building, in. the house of Dr. Burns' formerly owneo"by Jno. L Shaker and just below J, & W. Morpby. f j ' . u lo addition in the above, ihe subscriber will carry on the Silver Smith Business in all the varieties common in country towns : such as ranking Spoons, 8ti- - and, repairing Silver Ware. ; j He begs to a.ssnre ipe public that if punctual attention to business, fad skillful-work will en title him to patronage and support, lie will mer it it. " '7. : I- -.-AARON WObLWORTH. Nov. 13-Ifl6 t. State of $k$vtii Qtxvolinn, aw v yi Petition for Divorce. IREDELL COUNTY. Spring Term, 184T Elizabeth Wilson James Wilson, 11 appearing to the; satisfaction of the Court that the defendant; James Wilson, is r-ot an inhabitant of this State: Iris therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for three months in the Carolina Watchman and Wes tern Carolinian, that the said James Wilson ap pear at the next Superior Court of Law, lobe held for the county of Iredell at the Conrt-house in Statesville on the 3rd monday after the 3rd monday in August next and answer, or said pe tition will be heard ex-parle and judgment a warded accordingly. Witness, Saro'l R, 1 Bell, Clerk of our said Court at Statesville, the 3rd monday after the 3rd monday in February, A D 1841. I S. R, BELL, Clk. March' 27 8mS5 : Printers fee $10 f niJE Sobscribers haying fntcred into aCo iL - partnership in the above business, take this method of informing the public of the samesand of asking a liberal share of patronage. Further than to say ihey intend to to work op" the ve- ry best materials that .can be obtained any wherei they deem it on necessary to promise ; as h?ir characters for skill, industry and atten tion to basioess, they flatter themselves is es tablished. " - ; j ! - Tbej subscribers have not resolved to go upon the cash system entirely, bti are desirous in that rejspect, to deal about sixbne way and half a dt.zil the other. They must get money e noogh lo pay all expenses of their shop, at least. Their shop is in, the room formerly occupied by David L. Pool as a Silver-smith shop just opposite J. tW" Morphys Store. L GLOVER & LAMBETH. Salisbury, Teb. 13,-1841 -if 29 ... N. B. An apprentice aboo the age of fifteen to the Shoe Making business, if industrious hab its, tviJ be,reeiell by early application. .tfv - f G. & L. XAE3.Dv"G LOVER presents his com pi i Jr' tneots. to his old fiiends aid patrons, and re- (wests that all of them who oiiehim, will come Jrorwatd immediately, and mab payment, as he is competed to have moaey beiveen ibis and the first tf March. JVeiv Coaclt-JlltiUiug " ESTAB LISIIMENT. FinHB Subscribers respectfully Informs, the JL citizens of Salisbury and surrounding coon- try, that ihey hare commenced the above bo& iti? .j - . - f ness 10 an n various orancnes, in.inerifipjorj PROSPECTUS OF TIIE j I WesUfaXrolina Tempennce Advocate, A mrftux' pa per devoted to tbiTemperanc Re form, published at Ashvtle N. C, and edit ed by U. 11. M'Alt ALLY. The Temperance Cohvcntia thai was held to a OURSUANT JL Eqoity for Rowan decree Coon the premises on the 24h day tract of Land containing 212 at this place early in Septemfcr, resolved on publishing a paper of the aboveJile and charac ter, and appointed Dr. John Dikson and D. R M'Anally to conduct it. From he many press ing engagements, Dr. Dickson ilready has, he deems it impracticable for him p be recognised as one of the editors, though hewill cheerfully use all his influence otherwise, a promote its in terest; the subscriber thereforejproceeds to is sue this iPospectas in his own n; ia, with a hope that he will be aided in the unt Making, by all thefrjendsof the Temperance ose throughout the country, and that the paper nay soon have an extensive circulation. Friends of the Temperance .'arise ! to yon we make a .most earnest appe whilo thou sands ol dollars are annua fly ex tided at thea tres, at circuses, at the race tra ; at groceries, w. hile no pains are spared, the I ury of retire ment and ease foregone, and no lor deemed too severe to advance the interest c political aspi rants, can yoa not do something & cause that must be dear to every true patriot hilanthropist, and christian ? Recollect theie-e but few, ve ry few, such papers in all the Si hern country. The Western part of North Carina, the Wes tern part of Virginia, and the istern part of Tennessee particularly, need a pVodicalof this kind, and it is for you now to saVvhether they shall have it. - . l The very low price at which twas fixed by the Convention, will make itAnesary, that a very large subscription be had,'hefi the publica tion of it can be justified. 1 TERMS. J The Western Carolina Tempeh.cc Advocate i will be published on a medium st, in quarto form, each number making eight prps. and will be furnished at the very low price XFifttj Cents a copy. Where single copies are len, the pay merit most be made invariably upolbe reception of the first number. I iCP" Postmasters, editors or pufchersof pa persj and all Ministers tf the GoVl4 are aotho ised agents. inerly occupied by Juhn . Shaver, on the South East Street ; where they will constantly keep on band a variety, of vehicles ; such as - V Cftrriftges, (open and close,; JSaroitchcs, Buggies, Suikics, - Ggs9 -parry ttlts, &c. r. They will warrant their workmanship not to be surpassed by any io this section of country, as they hare on hand a large supply of the best materials, and also in thir employ first rate workmen. The subscribers will also keep constantly on hand HARNESS of every description, as they have a first rate Harness maker. SCP AH kinds of repairing done on the short est notice, &e 4c All orders for work from a distance, ad dressed to the subscribers, will be punctually at tended to, DAxVL. SHAVER, M D. F. HADEN. Salisbury, Jan. 23 1 841 tf26 The Suhscriher 1Tb F.SPRCTFULLY return his tha JL&, past farors io his line of bbsincss. to inform his friends and the , public BOOT t SllOE-MAKIA G BU in the store house of Col. ynfliS.JjJ0!" raedia4ly opposite J. 'Va con airnfvaliou, Staniiy on nana a u,T.jf ch wil ealr rs on a prodnce. MP SON. promptly at J. T. ,' ,S'I - A . ' " & 1 III 1 r,ur If" All; and Shoes, fine and coarse. - . ... . h silJ lutv tr cash, or to nonet short credit, or exchange for JOHN N. B. Orders from a dist tended to. : Jan. l. 1941 -8m25 South .imeri Star rlpniS heavy bod JL Horse, with a the ensuing Spring - i r THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING RE MOVED HIS SHOP TO THE BUILDING FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE POST OFFICE, Continues to keep on hand a good assorlme traicnes ana isiiams, Silver Spoons and Pencils, Musical Boxes and Silver Thimbl Breast Pins and Rings. IiodgersI'Qcket and Fen Knives, : i;on Superior Court r.J 1 mattered and most-led SCI bl IIIUU9, nill,3iiu I, n at the following pla-j ift'a s Slnrp. Munfit Ul a. ces: Mr. James y" - . Soloman Hall, F.fno T uin.,, The Reason lo'fal -f l19 J11 and na iirh J- Particulars, re- fer to hand bill Peter Owenj ' rs Elizabeth Owcrs, THE Court tyr ant In this case is r ; i It j i hen fore orderc for three months in I newspaper printfd in Chailotte Journal, the next Superior C the county of Ilowr.n, Salisbury, on the 4;!, day in August nr si. r. tttton ti.be heari t wanled acccrdii.gly. ; .Witness, Joi.ics I Court at fiie, ti e ; monday" of February, March 27 SmS:) : SCPThe Char! ;: the above noiice ihrt YiIIjr.9; Farmvilli ISth ' VIA 2 s ell co 184 1 JOS. CHAMBERS. 'El 34 OTICE. And all other articles in his line. CMf OCKS & wM tc Repaired in (he best manner, and wa twelve months. Old Gold and Sil exchange for articles purchased, or. tor debts due. ! DAVID Salisbury, June 7, '1839 tf4 r IP 7 rf 7 rt E SALISBURY MANUFACTUR . rG COJPANYihavtg commenced uoo, are now prepared to lurman ueaieia Cotton ifani, of a superior quality, on. fa. able terms. , J. RHODES BROWNE, Agent. December, 12, 1840 tf20 .Li tied for ken in iay merit OOL. LiiDIES I : f : : f ' FOR THE FALL AND WIN7511 OF situated a valuable Mi) ot" the Yadkin River. i iaw . m of tha, Court of ( tn , ty will be sold onjOv ofA- T-'rNC 1 , Iring on the South side adjoining the Lands tf Lawrence Bringle, Geofere Miller and the widow llix, belonging to Jacob Misenhamer and the heirs at law of Divide Misenhamer, deceased, and subject to the widow's dower. A credit of twelve months will bejallowed and bond with security for the purchase money required on the day of sale. f SAM'IJ SILLIMAN. c m e March 27, IS4I. 5w35 Mapwaim nnBtefl id 4. ' CARRIAGES RHHE Subscriber havinr disposed of his es- XL tablishment tnrShafr anA T..!oi. t,.- -A i mainiug on hand ft Fin e B or ouch e9 3 arrtt - alls. 1 Buggy, i sulky, I Close CARRIAGES. One of tbem a verv line article, ma.lo in a penor manner. Also, a number of sicond bamH Dorouches, damages and Gigs, all ot which he will sjll very low, andoo a long credit, with a I reflUCSt all iknan havihitt.iun atandin?nn mv binka infill a ii I eat i li 1 1. - Without further delav. ,v n,.i. . .ih..n... . J0H k SHAVER. February 13. 1S41 tT29 . , , a a a -f - - ; t f John &. Brown & Co 9 Ccr SoHtltr Tin Plate and Sheet Iron r Workers, , RESPECTFULLY inform the Public, that f hey have commenced the aWe business in all i-s rartous branches, and will manufacture every iarticlertn their line at the shortest notice. ana the . most favorable term Ti... u Invtte! the attention of dealers and others to call nd, ,arntne their etrwTjrch cmsist ia pmof 3 X S wTP? ann.rip, Kaetorv Work i-;-MWr -h!JiucTaW fai:hful ttMtnt !&ncef rders for work, lo receive a liberal share iNVB., Cash pnid . Jpr old ' Copper Brass p. (if and Lead. lrbbiS4l 6m2S and lilies V - THE SUBSCRIBER TTAVING purchased that well known a. JL loner established! Pablic House. Yk now n by the name of Slaughter's TavernJ tn the Town of Salisbury, N.fC, Informs his Friends iod the Public generally, thiil the same is now open for the reception of Travellers Boardefs. His Table and Bar will be supplied with the best the market and surrounding cjontry af ford?. .; His Stables spacious, and bountifullv snn hplied, with grain and provender, of all kinds, at tended by taithful arid attentive Ostlers. The undersigned pledges himself that no eX eriion on his part shall be wanting to give Gen eral eatisfaclbn to all who may lavor him with a call. -' - ' JAMES L COWAN. Salisbury, Sept. 11, i840: if7 1 COSMGOB. rfift--THT NT alSUBSC RIpR 'FULLY announceo' the citi zens of Condord and surround countrv. . a a i mai ne nas openea a urocery ntortt the town of Concord, where he will 'keep Cstamly cn hand a large supply of 1 Groceries Shc4 as Sugar, Coffee, Bread, Cralb.Cakes, Cheese, Lemons, French Prunes, Kins, Can dies of all kinds, Lsqnors of all kiodomestle and imported, tojs, c , prime cbjng and smoking Tobacco, garden Seeds ofjf kinds, Spanish Segars, of the best qoaliiytodhroes, Copberasj Madder, Ginger, Spice. iWrTAlJ moncls. Cloves, Cinnamon, EogltehValnois, Hazel Nuts. Macaroni, VTerfnaseli&ardines.'l iciiiiis, iusscuuos ui cinnamon, MVS, rep pernunt, and a variety of articles t-iidious lo mention. t Tjje subscriber hopes by strict atletn to bo siness to merit a liberal share of pub'ltronare ' March I3;i84l. SwS3 ! 1 The Charlotte Journal arid Meelftrg Jef fersobian, will poplish the above adr isement three- times aol forward their accouflh Salis bury for payment. j THE Subscriber infns the public, tbat she has iust receive through the Northern Cities the latest and rst approved LONDON &PAISIAN FASHIONS, And is prepared to efeule orders in the most stylish and salislacty manner. Work sent from distance shall be carefully putopandiforwar- Tr I v - S. D PENDLETON. 4 CjP few onnets, Caps, Turbans, and other articles, Vl be kept on hand for sale. Mrs. Sf- 13 aso prepared to execute Crinipin and luting on reasonable terms. Salisburv.ovember 6, 1840. r a ion w IHIotetti the: je vi: rg keen- fci 2 A Monthly Magazine of Popular Tales, Poetry I erms 1 wo Uollars per an- and Music. num in acvance With the January Number will commence the Second Volume of this popular - compendium of new and elegant literature. - The various works of romantic interest, which have been com menced in it.u ill be carried on to their completion. A glance at its copious table of contents during the past year will afford 'the, most satisfactory evidence of its value. It has comprised works, by the most popular modern authois of England and the United"States. 'Now in the course of publication ars Poor Jack, by Captain Marry at j Master Humphry's Clock, by Charles Dickens, E?q. (Bcz) i 'In Thousand a Year, the most popular and amusing story oCthe day the Tow er of Londoo. by W. H."Ainsvorlh, aojhor of Rook wood, Crichton. fys. , and Stanley Thorn, by the author of Valentine Vox. Gentlemen throughout the country, who wish to receive these works, can find them in no shape so con venient and so cheap. Back nufsibers, contaip ing the commencement of all these stories, or either of them, can be furnished at thesubscrip- o-iriee Besides I ha works above enumerated, the Ev ergreen will coruain, as it has hitherto contained the spirit of the best foreign Reviews and Mag azines, besides original pieces by1 native authors of distinction. - . - Former subscribers are requested to renew their subscriptions at their earliest convenience, and new subscribers not lo delay forwarding their names, so that we may know the exact edition that will be .required. A single volume of the Evergreen is composed of about 800 pages of the choicest literary matter. - TERMS. Two Dullars a year in dvance, or Five Dollars for three copies, in all cases free orpostage New subscribers will receive all the back numbers from April to December, 1840, tog-ether wiih the second Tolume, for $3 remit ted free of expense. - J. WINCHESTER. SO Ann-street, New-Yoik. ; , In Mocksville, N. C. TUOJflJlS FOSTER ORMS the public that he has removed his former stand, to his new bnildings onhe public square, in the Town of Mocks vfle, where he will continue to Keep a House of Entertainment. f Salisbury Coffee Hoe. ! : n flRHE subscriber lakes this method Inf. urm nr. James G. IVomack, 3 bt aaa m m . j r f a j aiivu locnea nimseu permanently in MJL the I jwn of fealibarv, tenders his servi ces to its Citizens and the adjacent countrv. in ii .i : u i r p r . . . . . ail uie Tanuu uiaucurn ui nis rrolessiot. He can be found at his office on ruaio Street one door below the office of fthe Western Carolinian Jon 26. 1840 ly i Pointing press ana Type t FOR SALE. nnti E Editors of j the Dmvil!e (Va ) Renor Jl tfr i.tT-r sale the VV asMnaton Tvne a..o uwee oitores ol tnw vUanvilJe Observer. ftud the whek etablishinpnt atiniKt nQ'.7-As e have will sU it for a t months. r o use fi.r t at lovl price and cn a credit of V as grMJ as thisOlRce, H I ing bis friends and customers tRe has jist returned from Charleston with alra sup ply pf Groceries of every deiption, auu j iniiuiBs iu saj maii ne nasp great an assortment as an v of the Norther iti which he will sell low for cash or dame lo punctual dealers. j If - Tjhe Subscribers customeTs will remerr that he published a notice in the papers of & place for his customers who were indebted; till and settle; and those bo have not done itliv rest jtsureu ii ii is noi oone beiore our oexfJourt. me ofninl f . fin A ttitm !n k. I 1 7c cer for collection. r i 1 ! T. t: ROUE24E. Salisbury, March 13, 184K Infi oil's Scries of la teal WorkSf for Schools and Coltfa. guage ; a system ot ureek Prosody ; fan's uommemanes on me uanic war; Sbsi's Jogwithine War. with Kng raved pin lect Orations of Cicero, with jngravioe. Woiksof Horace, with Nores.c; Jacob Veek Keader, wuh iNoles, Untical, and a GJMca Dictionary, with Notes explanatory, inl Vol Royal 8,o. (nearly readr.) ! . h Thebove valoableWirklare for salft th lNorh Uarolina UookMere. by TURNER .VHUGTII His House is roomy and commodious; attach ed tawhich areSIX COMFOIiTABLE OF FICES for sentleuien of the Bar, all conven ient to ihe Court House. The subsciicei pledg es himself to the mosldiligenlexertions, to give satisfaction to such as may call on him. His TA B LE, BAR & STABLES are prov ided in the best manner that the country will afford, and his servants are faithful and prompt. Jan 26, 1839r-tJ26 Docts. Killian Powef JUST RBCBITTBD AND FOR SALE, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. 50 sacks L. P. Salt (large size) 100 bushels AHom do, 7 hhds Sugar. 40 bags Coffee, f 500 Plough Moulds, 1 100 prs. Trace Chains, j 20 dozett Weeding Hoe$, 150 lbs Spanish Indigo, t 200 lbs Dutch Madder, 1 600 lb3 Spun Cotton, J 100 lbs Turkey red Yarn, 200 Booties Snufi 500 lbs Putty, ", 500 lbs Tallow Candles, 12 bushels Clover Seed (netr crop) 13 Do. Herds Gras do. Daily expected 8 Hhds N. Orleans MoIae (new crop) By J. VV. MURPHY. Jan. 28, 1341. H26 Statesville, r INFORMS alt'y, that ? her fri: y, that she wjII ake that well I;rr Huise, (known by t! . r t lie same will. ihfn 1 2 M V a ar- a p w T KAYkLLLKS . Her Table shall be fut; surrounding country shall He bountifully r l; kinds and attended by : Airs. R. hopes fresn tofo're la keeping a 1! receives liberal pair exertion on her part general sausiacuun to ; with a call. Mateh 27,T841r R' Having Associattd themielvcs IN the practice of Medicine, respectfully offer their services in all the vaiioos branches of their profession to the public. Their office is in Mr. West's brick building. . Salisbury. N. C, January 9, 1841. tf. COTTON" YjElRNS. THE Subscribers, Agents for the Lexington Cotton Factory, wonld nform Ihe pablic that they have just received, and now offer for sale, wholesale or retail, the Cotton Yarns of said Factory; consis'in of vaiinos numbers. The superior qualities and character of theyarn3 of this Factory are so welt tested and known, as to need no recommendation from ns Those wishing tooorchase will plea.e give us a call. C. B.& C. K. WHEELER; Ag'ts. April 24 J 1 840i38 DRTl DOUGrLAS, H AVING removed his Office to (be se cond door pf Mr. Cowan'a Brirk row (for merly occupied by Dr A. Smiths) nearly' opiMistte if nrnwn-s oiore, pniiieiyjendcA Uis protessipnai services to me public Wnburu Avg.Zl, 1340 if4 r JXTBW FSHIOIMS FOR THE ' FALL, & IVM.XTKR 1 8 AO. HORACE H. BEARD, ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he still carries on the TAI LORING BUSINESS at his old stand on mitn street next door to the Apothecary Store. - He is ever ready to execute the orders of his custom ers in a sty le and manner not surpassed by any workman jn the Western pail of the State. " He is in the tegular receipt of the latest London and New York FASHIONS, and prepared to ac commodate the tastes of the fashionable at all times ! : :.i Collins garments of all kinds attended topromntlv, and the latest Fashions fornishe? at all times to country tailors, and instruction? given in celling. ' ... G-1itbury, Jan. 1841 ly25 - , - 1 ii 1 am i. Motiio2e lirRSUANT to a decree of the Court JL- Equity for Rowan County, will be saU the Courthouse in Salisbury, n ilur.day the" day of May next a tract of land ci'ntairitocf.ORe hundred and eighty acres, belonging to v de ljusi'es ot 1 bomas 3iutt, dec'd.ivinff oea:u" oontain abftut tHree miles south easty Salis bury. Terms ah. . . . i SAM'L SILLnuMc m e .Mch 27, IS4L SnS5 7 tor the next 2c. flMHE approaching : EL doubtless, be one ( cl.e up some, at lea?:, Buren's administraticn , auspicious davVn vt a things "The cents i. beexcrtttig. ' On cne ? r gles of an expiring fa; triumphant party, arn the people, imposirrj convulsive throes of t! ing their connlry ns f:; gers ot malignant ar.J 1 deavoring to aveit i! defeated men, slung v, seek to thiow in lie r tion. un tne inrrti l: . P.M.,ftlr.Van Uarr ana immeaiaieiy in 1:3 -.c f 1. , iiMng sun ui iialui;. Or. the 4th of M ? President of the Ur,' the Chamber of tL: I to take his oath of 1 tion of the Constilel; on the en'rance of V r ano Aiaaisnn, '.he t stifle their disposition 1 his seat on the rlevat the House ofReprfr dent, Mr., Van Burrn, retary of lhSenaie and Clerk of the IK his left, and the Ci. Slates and asscclnjf table, he will prcci'n! speech, after whicl) I office from Mr. Tar will then retire, and s the multitude around 1 been heard. Such will beamr:r which will occupy t!, Madisonian. The ; speeches, Spirited st;t ' nummary ol the rrs .i Congress, together wit cal news of the day. returns of the vote in 1 rreioem, vt men nui of Congress, and t!;e president. Jiiis hended between the ( ; cember, and its aj )u. ub$cnplion price 1- r : Terms cash, in adv:: description received z masters will act t .commission they partment to furus Letters .ost cor: fl'asJiington ( It ha ceremofiieW of the Cap: accommods', practice will. BvHte- will selljt 7 kin riveftn itself wi(j v adjoining shares of divided into six t of ICOacresao'j.i; and others, belong deceased, sut 3' ct to . it of six months fur I. other half of the 1 :. ed, and bond with of sale. . March 27 1841 njlHE Sccmd Srv' il commence r n under the care of V Risttr, Mi?i Mary L and $12 50, for t on the Pi3nc and G inJ. Taintirs time of entrancp, lr, waids for sbsence.

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