i?i,n''..-- , , - . , - TimnooM iTii;nrE.iiiG inriNa'i ; : --Thdj nfcoi ti a n ecdo t r la'cnlf Vc qj ifetl -1 " 'rteo. tp:the::twn ItpIaeighGeberalVyt.sVriQibg - J . 5 1 13 LI I" ?' Vw-ii ihoftinve rates!1 1 iih 1': t i--Zl k:Mti, 2ri f.ir-w ."vu;4VwfK,:y - . T ..:.tWr!',t i-r-vt1.1'r I ,. , i J..ri;nmilillt 1111 OQ' COniinneu uiii , - -j-r-- j i-l.. !.-.'-- : ' ' r-- a-t:,; ; - -. I I . i I II .4 I 1- r J I ISC U baa E B : 1 : . r- - - - . Hw-MHirHBBaBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBW 3 V THE f SUB SCRIBXnS : ji- - mm- s:i , .rl T-: :!' ji.ij.lll -4irn- ? !.! 1 r i i .. r 4 ru T . fTT'-T- -lM -,i.;l.t. --til tiTliJ for -jlh.'or to nonctoal dealers on limil rl Uctll aod lxepiae oorstbek before porches- Heikhere as we idic K.1 J '..ill U. nml inflnxambnt 1 nnrnKo-i its. :f r3 V UrOdBCO WKCD in exciiane rurpoous " , 9f. J &UvWINECOEF. Concord Hi-: 11KP.1UUXG. t v.-. nEqleiher;rpectral!5 jn( bjrtns bis' old IJftfrsfes ";ian4 h Poblicerjeralljithat he iip0ned a shunt in ?!alisoary id inei aoove oasi- tm: a room uirecjif on pusuq vuv-. miitn?. ini trie house oi ur. unros' rqrrnenj hyned byjno. liiihkTiriand last Helow J & VV Jrr6Hbeife !$&Uk Busikssk faU Ibje Mrif!e$.''oortdj(r .: UbcK ds 3ktiiiSibonf;f Mvt and ; repaying ;SllTej: f ft)je9 jo 43r i the public thtl if jpqnctoaf idte4tiob'!t6bu8rne$Hid:'8killfol toirkl wili'eo-U 1 Ml 4; t :r AAROKl WOOLWORTU; 1 : Nof.;l3tf IB m 1" I ix-nitnnnntir Imii cnln in pf)FSobscrb4is desiryM to gell, jkftaelyt 1. Ibati welt Known business stand stgnd invLext ljD.ftf tJtVsisaatetl U ibort'tjistabbd ftorth bf tbe aoriBoa,' lorme ny occu piea . oy- iva i.ocieog n wsecbery &JUo4ianil at present 'occupied oy ftdF nd Adawsll Thi hoasfei3 of Wick, eandjeomnvoiioos! conlaioins ab excellent $ forefM. and jdfiffelfihffl oparfrnKfir. all under fie same rooiv iviiacuea io me premises are an cesatjoiJ;-pouaiows.. ;j nose visaing io por :W or to examine the above properly, will e- jc ve attehtton if i application be made to, 1 ' ANDKKW CALDCLEUGH. li i 1 -i Mdtice. 4: F J H E Subscriber has briened a Pob lie nous e in jocKSVine; uavie jCbootjy i nhere bb t is prepared toac--eoaimodate Boarders asd Travellers Miwbfcbi bel hopes will profe aljsfactbry ill Hcf njay fevbr Injba With ibjfif : custom -4 itab)(SS Willi bei; abbnldantlv 1 fbrnisbed 4iib htyjbirjff iiecessart in the line of !proreHder wai 'weu suppia yni Taneiy ;0i uqqors, i dilorOrly "cbbdiicrwill be strictly prBhiblted; ill abjtymeiti ; t'f.l-V- :l ! !L mi' W l.f k rH i!-v ... i. ! ' v. f- i i F.rons wtsnins nmfi eiinerat ine kiin or LWenfce!Wm apjly itheri tb J.brfft, i m.ij a Aiu. . ''. ; i i. .i i... :,-.'v i : n. . v i p , nv5 :i4 TtHfe Subscribers havintf lesiwiatLi! thAnvi M fc.'wf f.'ibaethet forne iporpAfte ftti carryinfr HVfSS. now offer their services lb ibeir :wflMby:i mb:ic. lltir ihei rpostf io '1W both these dpnarlmrhta in'atl 3 P Wbes. ay tbey feel confidnt offfiivioff i. iv""m toi w. ui ; t 5 I Hi wqiKoone loorderv: K.;KLtlOW,l tb.:JS42- 1, y W.. b of lessenlnih? e'ostirid nctf t toienc?, Mhe sobwrlberals 7. r!Wr qoaotuy of read r roadeCbfiina is ' ; i :- e : . . i : I I.E . .. i ' . 1: i r Si""- 'i i 't: 'mpi ' 1! ' ? ! ? -: H--- !M,I V j R iiiiaB iiLiMaii; lK A nTiabtuy of fresb Lime can! be had at r fViknojoffibe late UoSepb VVidiatns !dec. i h JbCldd bHsr U and over 16 eebls i 40 In DUhlliHnta'ld t' 4A k.Ukalo Oft UJl.ii.Lj yiiSitt?aAL'id Ana. a;3aft , A1NFU Lb ast'onqaesiiooablf Jsiojnakei .1. any peblie state meat of Ibe private arid do- tnestie; relaiions between myself antf iray ;wifei 1fHarjrieti"Cor1t hs;Vaij,Jastbeeme: ;neeestiry by r nSost: extraordinary for: me to do so; oo Toegday eyenlijil wasar- rested.Biid bbdio thejobeianceiof ibe peace i rn a Ifdaii QbrhiUed ;i ajg r ea i? person a i a a ng-e r i rom ex pe c i ea v i oj e nee h ixiy'pari r it d troel did f make 'an'a Herri p Ion jTdesday'eivenm aecompanied 2 lib Isorn ionr lencie, ioj use oer norne wiio me, oui toosjI ccr self from !rai plantation - witboo) myiknowletlze lor consent, abont a year 850. . since -which r time I li niTe cansianny anaaingenuy enieorea io )seilpbf M(;jbat fbailt no: f ffecti; I Ifia e pro 'posed bpon' Tafions occasions: to fnae ooi pf ony: jestate, socb a jropr! bfi'd reasonable ieiI'e,coeitt jopoii i berj ais w-ould besoiSeienUo sejsrirerto ber k Ijbdral Sdpporit for Jife BQt "hfs hrseem?,' bai kVailed ndhin, For the, last year jTbaVek had iBatisfactoryfTeiisoq to belie? e that her wholes time aftclbffeettiir has beejv taxied; tViemoVe JUnX idestiaeivi and aestrov if possible, ravlw bole nrot prt)r 4aVe iltoetheratfsiaciory,v!ttlmbny ifbrbelieyHiflr that within the last tweUe rnqnibs, asqecoyea ana iaKen out oi me oiw. ix of my most valoable slaVes.;7 lCam alsd saUcfied ihlat the object bf heri oresent and f eliraordiriary yisiid my neiorbborbooi?, has been;seereiiy to posrNpl arid reotre f om t h e S t at e ' oi b e t : sj ay e s lakeber home'wUb meio the hope it hat ' past diJierences rDigniDe-Lonaersiood, anqnarrDony resiorecrii naTe Deen laagni o oKiiee uiai . jnarricd man Was whittled to , the custody of ,bia Iv if such for (the safetv or orotention of bis peace and prop er! yi Uoder the existence of Ibis state of things. 1 an consisainea iojojpwarn ,,ni wiuus iium ereditibff N iradioe witrt her onTny accoont as I am ueteriDineaiio pay no. ucoi .wuiuBitu uy uci jwithbat mjf wrftten oraeei also tore war a an persona florin hrbbrio, aidinwi andjabttin.my' wjfei theiitd ttarrier.Coooerf' !r- jher prtsenl Iwicked aadl;dtsobediebt cborse of :conduct,1as 5 1 artyeerttinj t as State lot bvth CatoHufli til JfiSi rii!:i lAUGUST SEbSOS, 1942. ir 1 Ni y.lH Hf,Attacbmenl levied on land, fl ardil 1 iis elf sij. iit" ; z'ivj?:. '"j. Y-i pjihat f;dfdabtls riot aninha ilaot othis State! : It is therefore ordered by the' Coort7i that uhlicajibQ be made in tbe Carolina VatcH!iian iai.BL wef s;;iharthi said Richard - Pfnclbton be and appear at the next Coari of Measand Qoarter iSessibrjs, to rW held for' the county - nf Rowf n, all N JCourl-lIbasie in Salisbury, 6$ the first rnnads M November next, tbon jaud" theie (la plead or repleyy, or jadsment fina Will bare n ered agalnsi bnai, arid th( Lands levied ori an.t condemned itq he satisiationVof !PlintirTs deb;; rarest arid cioiia." U T yfY VitnessiJohn Oiles Clrk bf our said Cmm at I Office,' tbe first monday in Aoffi 1842.4- " .1 r!j.i ''US.uJ Rft !!.'! ; I U;rHrlV0 ice p vi w T" I ' i S FOR THE Spring and 1 SffiiJicr cf "! i ! jlfi: if ;!:ttlt)i I;. EHPEOIfULLY informs his friends and pobl cJlbat he still carries on ihK 1 - I all Ua Variuus branches, tw o duor's above J & W; Murnhy. 8 IBtore, wnere ne is reaoy to exe- eif 0i all orders jrjl his cbstomerririla styleiand; CMntryt lie is also in tbe regular receipt oi the . b.t war n ar : . m. m a a a iaj m-r - i i a ad prepa red ' i accommodate the.tast es of b e shionable iatSl. times,-:'"-;? '"?.'-P-F'ii?-fn'" j I j' A bgust p . 1 842-13 -tV'iiii-.i.; W 4 Mi t it vjirfibe; of a decfejslof tbeTlbnwRbleth - CborVof Eqnity, in'and for the Ciunty bl rttably, sialVon the 2pih day of October nxr bfleHat public sale, to tbe highest' bidder, on" the fir VMuaMe Platttat ion, 1 i jbejloii ing lio the H ei rsb t La W of Ubjarn ;Er ffsi;!dec?dj sttoa;ted-in said County, lying on Yadkin River abboi two rnites above; the nanowt-. adjiirinj tbis lands of Danirl Kirk and btbf rs Fpisj tract fUnd' isiotiobly valaablbob aecbbnt of the richness ofjts soil, there beio2 i a large body m yiatbable lo w too bc on i I J r !: U v if w licb ar of richest c kind, lyek unclear ed: ; I bat al$bi; ob j acroubiT of its : water poWejr; is ssid, one orine, best sues other' extensive Machinertf on ito"Jtbe State,iaying f iBne fall and ab inexr bibsitble'8dnply4bhwaibr.l MKte'-T- J"'.1tTBL'tIi innniU uroA'li ttill li niacin . T... a nair or the urcoase money, ana etgtueen tnnnihs KM Ecclesiastical Ndticctjft fBlHE Presoyibry of Concord atands adjoafTj- tt pdtbtneet alt Prospect CborcborcToesday, the 25tb ofiOctbber.Un id bYketrfA-i M. S NSt- Stephen frontis, v :The CJittlHteJJr j J ti 5 -I- '. r "r- Uinjf wji3iMnQ intenUonlp ddherthe sfwhtest pesb3af Mary, audi she recetired frpm I hat a t tempt; nolihariof whaUter;S peionging; io . me., ; u noer, sucu circaQ.sia.nces, colCthe;pob1ie reqoire be to submit atrcMlf?IWijarooull:tIdoi bot Endeavor to wpie ana inar ne orgni eyen ;iaiiua -.; -iicccsi j ind reasonable jrestrafnslbpon ciallf if such restraints ,hae become i necessari such persons as may Knowingly comfuri ana en comare bel M 'Ww- FCOONER. :J CbaHf8riS;:C.;$fil;i iN ttnee lur t be balance, f f l oe purcnaseT giyio;; oond and approved 'Seiburity ty;t.'' . Ki& :Za f JSeptemy r7,I I842l-w3P 24 .:: - !r4rVwj isH. bis power xay 5Twn4'j j.f rhohis" weali h 'abfiwiirtew ilTAnd round. him thousands bow'. Ik Wiih ievererce-H my IbwestiteJ m : ' A ; ; I.envy not tbe miser be U'J uj; i '.-. - -'''i-M&i Mm? rait Me Vottniuo Jip . ' ' -''1 I ' .. . - j " -v- .- ' - iMay beipbri heaps aft ;-v' ..." feAntbHan 1' I'dl' scoriif fls 5a rroW, sordid WuH l!,. 1' f: - I envv not theti victor.wreaib, : -' hptf nrnwFsa nr Ihtlf fami t ! - fc i - JjChel r gSory: is a n eui iy bjrea H , r-lTbeir triuoaph Vbt a :nzixitSm 'My wariss are few, and well sb -' j ay. oy prodpc-ti ye fieid, : ;K ;; . J court bollbxurjjr besides,: p'J', (' ;'-.vti V.';'"' Save iw hat content uaent yislds, r iMore reallpleasiire Ibvr,givbjJ Ji Afid h;jlSjhappi!r,arwfia- ifbs a m rA7armeMbah-a feingrs-V -f -.-''f-'s.'i .: -1 -y;;l ":" "r; ;;r;j ;5-:f.V"'fViiri the Farmtr f Cabinet, . 4 Vf ORCHARD lJRUiNlISG. vArfforJ-I have found that tbe business of pruning migbt be done early inL the autumn who aecicea aoTarnayf. lur H.givts iiic wuouus of the tree" time to , and harden before the frosts sets io and j if tbe horrizooiaj branches are permitted tu lemain and those which have taken an upright direction bfl judiprbbsly short ened the bearing ofT'lbe tree will be much eo coo raged and the shape of it improved, i A few strong 'uprighjt shoots baveoifteb n fbon to carry jwitb ibem the'strength aud frohfoliiesscf the Uee,J and jib the Mend tofiqaiie spoil Ursjraw metry and proportions j they generally 5 become naked and ;e ten devoid of . loHage for Ibe greater p)rii6ps of thi ir length,-and are liable to be affected by every blightinji rwied bail blows, particularly, at the time of. blo?sOT!n at the pe . riod bf the setting of 'the fruit ; indeed it is seL, ; ,. -.,1. -s ..N,. iKj. -.y j v t.i":-:.! ":'!, ; dam; comparatively, that: such- strong uupngM ' ;M.Vr.; - .si - ' K" , - H ;nf,--t shoots .are either useful t.r orna men i at Ibe common method of pruningr nfmt-ly.jto induce the tree jio castiiis oilanches boh and perpen dicoar,.with ibe vie . .lo iricreasj. its fruiifc ness by, throwing the! bearing wood iblo'ihe son and ftir,is ceitaSniylwrorfg, and sp also rs ht - :, "- . i.- 4.. 'c - , ' - v . -. ; . . '--costcm of thinning out ihe brnnl bes irioroina?- IyT m ijli t hbJMme. object ; ' .'b"re: is 4 median! whiclfit 19 necessary Io obstreand ijhavf ng been convinced thai more, evil is doraf-ib an T'T obard by overpriniog, than Miv.tngj 1M0 mam in its bajiujaja&te.-l t'ould :jKini! to h.f?! Jreds ot trees; Inch iWeie once jo. j . pf;.: .s , the hands of a man m who was pru'eibial Uu if -Itcg things 'lake; their bourse, but w Mcb aro v-p X. and have beeb for seveial past; vests, qiife hi ren, in conseguence of the present ropf ie' ir ing,!what is callH,. fond of the knMV. a; i .. boasts that it has not cost him a ceni ' f.: t ii s ;Vt for long a limrt. ihe pruning of hi- rchard having- furnished ibe; rt))s b?Hh : wood in tbe greatest abundance, and of which he can see no end. j'U-3 , .,v.,h--.' "vu '.M ; r :.. Now r amab eneoiy to ibis tfiode of wood chopping, for;! can. see that it "is rpinuus in tbe extreme : it ebebursges' the trees lb send forth perpendicotaijana barren wonosi and . draws the substanee of ibe tree lowafds the lop, quile re-; eringuie ojuer 01 us nature. ui -mere is a crriainty , a jtidibiuus mode of doing things 1 and ( know of none that requires jnore the judgment and tasie of a mart, iliab that bt. pyjutiiug, strnj p!. as 'tbatilbrainpara tu 1 hu& : w to are least' aeqq ai n 1 it t" Jtsiet e . w feVfj rVbujf study 88vwolIj iftpa'birac.rr pmv jrutnj"' content to. eiforiDt the opera 1 ion jwr tj2itf ;.:sn bv degrees remove the 'large bai cbes: ut n fr? wbtch has lotig been negVctedV 'bey bii!4 See ccnmotyv:hat vtbe lit-sii.ot: n Itisi jsii up ttjto 1 me .masTtCJTre'ibd,. iiie wtyoot Mc po$sibi!"jr f 4jrl.aig'fen'. ijpaee,, fotee,aifiijv 4 be blossoms of - w h c h . f v e n i h'ej fi' p V V make I heir artpearabcep beinp weak Ibtff.sn; onhealthy'appiaraeelftskape;. Trs ; tbbdt? of pruning ilaJone sufficient j throw a .lreebui of bearirg; :anUjaltbboh:itmighi' b4 said , iu create ne wbodl it iisr fafla kbd that iM prb doeCjbo fruit i Vjnefally speak'rg, il iajhe, bor izjfltaljbrancfi 'ujf a tree whil:n vislibe bear'ujig wood p andlihalj whfch ought to be pijeserved j-J.; one of those often prodocing more fruit bao half aihundred of thre which shoot; perpenaicolttrlyV On cutting off the limb bf a ie. Uieeisral! 1 .-'-4:' ways ao escape of a portion of the joce(tbia in tiar j becomes putrid, and in tbt9'fill tnsect dei posiie tleir eiis'cifiaTDM'ifclVireJ this- exi uded putrid juice w ill, of-itself,, prpdoce itheo j it is, therefore liigbty pryper ' to have readyjpre pared aQattiyibf he. mediw inx your last nxibeff;wVth w wounds madeauthe lime jot. protmg : whi membefs,bavbeeb added 101 he Ietb .Kk..ZLln.'.i.J .tl ..k.t'..jR,.r J one last. inscunn;uuii'miiii' iub uuiu u.at u I m ' sfs.-u i ..r Mtuj-.- lo.as alsotot'reter.wb have avogfed ibeir pJefefenee, tacks of thelnsfct tribes pliuar debberatmnand sicifl.H A ispisrnorfic fhroe VTr-Va" Puten. ,.':Ve pidiciiss the iJu .rt. MlliM -iiM:iri r oine Pj?r framevUl; faint cr?;- a V0 '9nih Ar. :ra.- .V-1 'j, ' H .,..-,.:.,::1r1 tvs, ttbbt:roln ma 'havW Pwartr ih U.iiM.-1 Ca!ort:..wirjribe read ooi of IhD-aooeratic- rinU --'.if.rftArbfia.i.LNfta'tt ?-i1bna-itmBikaftir 6rorni87T? escapea'Uie victims . tL tr"- , r .ih .M.i . .1 . . rrtftliri i THERATES AND PALATINES ti-l 4 tEGEXD PP:NPRTH ;C A&OLIZ7 A. iVu ' r-il ii t. i-.--c:4't -M.1. f.i.3.k - j-r .-s;-.! rV. J" ijrberis.;a;tr!a link elireswhhibvweih etude state, but wbicfi inlhe hands of sorn cf joof rjmaQcerf t'ay; j wro.Qgh iirtto;' riilasl beautiful fjftiopyt'bas :$eeo a subier4 of ieyerij recent vasserlioh1 ceriifiedibytb sworn, leiimcruea oi xrp&ipie persoos inst iqiiualljjri af a certain period o eyeryjy eajV a Ibminous ppjecfaavipff iHejexact jBflpeaf iole;.oiji:'nijii.i co3t.eeniingo5 yet SDeds i along, undiminished iii rfierv 1 bulk "a til fpi ifle-satiing' with incredible rapids 1 typii n ti 1 ou f 6f si ght iojt' a gs inV s u d oe ti'lj Tb isf st bg u I a i r fpct a c j ej M I cc bp n tVd 1 or byj-lhe oowisg itdr4kT'hii burning ship ojea bj i$e namejjof falf ane8.?:44Tbe:jrBtUrjj tnjthe reign oftthe .IfiisifiOorg; "aiiilj comDanviof emisranta Wno were kn'nnn a German TjP lata fc'ji r'ei crrjf r6 a'd efiTl i i f ' a ship al( London, at the! pabllc jexpehse;thk thev! mieht be transDoried lib! this counttvi iiliiiwbU kowii-b(a(;iiitsi bf ?ts5itiic wis frtqaenily" rendered to a class of! peo- pic, wu .were in r05i,t;s8C9MFxceeoiog: poor s appenetf. jjoWeVe t:hatthe PatA tioesio aoeation 1 werb m Iratberbetter ciri cpjroVtaJrj ces Thahjwa s wmnonlyXi he tase tbHer:cbjiD taii i 2i v? It ns'tisoMill fi.cti n 01 its! the ft' sffect- edj a cgrWypprer ofj yviiiprbtne helpi of fgoye?iimentoVto 1 eppaK 01 private cuarnte s would have been w;lii!itld. Tbe Wb'ad 1 accumulated eold. ! "fcnid r$loe,theirTwJ6leI: ktbck.ofwliich Dae oeen parsimoniously preserved.and care cfncfBiu, wiiii bii win m or a f ma ant j airmail -; comniunjir. ; : ; 1 neir treasures i ui'upibUui f oiiMii spatci null were C8'l tjouslyj out ftnn siifii Jtt Jtbej rosss ! of their infleriojplggage.ilb ihicoyditiori of things, ibeyjent on Joajd the i-,ff tel.- which had been provided for.theoi,1 andi soon after pnt u-belvoyage-i wa? a : ;prniracad 6rv. in a hVlf.fienf bart, snd with h'ed winds a great paljt" of fih timeitj -jiy eaubel U ooi ' with' con. finbmert, land nkeiiedl with a sort o travel to which Vhev wcrejfoaccuslbmed. the nonr Ullfafir:ivf re;. hart'tif V5vleff d . hV they otlftriVjUroti.nb ini tnewboteV selWgh, ie1')irc:crea.H're9(' bsljf,- mad jWitb;joj begin tohoit theit bag-i. g'e; in;!reaAhness;(or Jh Bvt they iw ere defined; to del riitappolnted. to tbcrtetnenl-frf the cccasir n & prjoment .meyjorgm meir prntK nee. anu citiier.mane Jft- c tl e ! 1 1 p 'J "t ? h 1 :.t t o j i e if - i Wje sit h , 4r some! ty or d e c s jped jthelri w hfca'l (d the foolish toj?t of v jHspssitinsN tbby ne v"j made pi bi i c i tjH Eog f t bMlil -i.-jr r 'i ybisJr!i?eowff-fa'iv til (niiis h j r t. f H J g ve? h e I igo' Jt debts' ma ie : ta p intimated l is blcc ioithe sqamsn; genwaliy!t!!W profession of piriry aras oot 8s;odioii8.ri as it is in ours. SocessuljfipViify, indefdf!wasHTathr an honorable business ; -riaj K4) whaprajrlieed it with jmpst profit, i wasrilijeiy jo ' afrjiiire frofD it jmost honbr. It ;waijnny cistifedtf- 8bl, lilte anyj oher- speepjsjtiHb bhfo tjrV prafitabkAtaliieVeniijlti faVi-m dbset" m:neo tiport posst;.ip.ne; wrnim pi ine pbse ' o;ftfndgi,iopon4thc aeoicHtti f t'r nrgiit mr.;inTM"ng. ; ir w.atbojpjet!t;r i m ( p to rn a nl ajc. b is yMsVlistbjicorfvir wiy m6fbleont il it he ejpstjig diyi i The hoia jjr(fc(e'red : whiib "mafcet bv f be": hesrl -irltH'rM Ihei fltsater-pari if itiPtri to their ufmr.. 4 i t eirt osggace, iwit.ni" i9 un- ir.A off ibe fanduntil swallowed 'op1 in tMrkne?a);l;eyen t a li njw it b eyes straining ini jhe . rticrj of t bi? shw fbr wbirKlbey :yerned:!ors M'fMj' t"b their-oAvn la nguaekf thi -jbpie at d cnridt;exreriaUoti" bf , JLl t i i 5f nji n r o f oi ( o nes.f H V? b i lei i h ns ' e m - rloveH.t ihe eantain and bis rewi in aboth- er 'bVt bf "t'ho- veseMwJr&i reafui fneme ni - viuany. , ;i nenoiir grew Isrtfj Ibjpight who remained on deck, stretrhed themelff s prjt7iwbee (lieyiwerei arid wrje iopn c'lrn-i ppjed ibUlU'nber.j .While! thus, ondcr the! peaejffolco in a sjoniberbjch the jpero? star-light IbcirgownppVeert ballow j the mpjeilearap and "bared weapooj aepiipop ijhero !;3jTbe cabin doljrfJithejs a d ibebojiast en ed,. the entrances7 closed tolthi bold feaeb .watoen siPOdibflbisi yjcllibnd 1 jt giten mgat jhrfy jail stf ciclc tpgeipeH i fTbere fwas hplrtnr tsiifrix nhtrinii h&lh:.sni ; ! Z. " .w..v y ...w. .v... j The" deck cleared of the murdered den ' (--... f-i !. - l...r';' : ... s il f -.. ' t' 4inpity jjrixpoe.orw bji n iw ap-aga p ' rcstoren thiimefiof of lb 'i'h't pt I jf Jatife w" yow n o men sat r pen tfieck,wsUhtrd ihe 1 feitlt 1 no rnjfics piven tor sirurrte tn mntitor. h. h&tipfif-s vnnn 'am t,. tniVv.n.j ; 1 . r . - . --,- "? . 1 . . thft'mardeters rwent yea!th:iv rCtii. belbwi Passing. rOarertbjn I bertb wtlh Ibeqst fiendjshpo Itroct swiuvu, n.c aiuiusi jiwirs tatauT men wwius u a u u en iju f pij. me 01 a,- ine . v 00 rff : ioea'ptbioiaiVe i?riminiiavi! Wb .ayifairVdr.tiutsefm ib'ef' hcror fofjsef some! one or more of ibe victim 'awkkifto underhe iUdiVectcd fe;waUingMp a ' " f '.'s 6 v7" " n V .J K 3 "i ng tiiotf e iriv lo cqnieipoilnees''' whoMd nV- latreAStblaifr couaielPerhbpsa dptber trtsyftiave'foiid strergin 10, rtseto flier kneesifjmplorirfgi mereyiprheUear chiJd!! brihet heart Ud hope,? and mayrbave ben sbfieredto jlve, sufficiently Jong lp Eep its "eitb Y ptf usile s who ;Conipriionar! in ine graspoi the un relenting assassin. Art3; in ry not " describe! such scene uuiy, q imogiaaiipn can para ly conbivtiti v Th all, thai littlcj fafnifydf-.etnig rants V-ja!nd h e"ni ur derers; grou?ei) la roiind thet tresis- urea which bad damued vlioir heirts iatrv the nbtf. busied , ihe d visftlh of fbeir: b&Wjy -..'." Ji l J: M i J. Hbr fCt i"li:l-i : .-il J wtjrsjj urn j cuvctqiiss sntj crirnef Vre H Mia, iiiiw iwc ociivu iiiis influer -among ! ihi.mD 'kt H;0,a,;, r -li. themelvey:tyhat divtsjbn tt.!matlbJi land with what temper they carried qn br !bon soitstimt; 19; oX cparsej fonly ajtmiatterl vf coDjecrare.f fcBuVtraditt4o, whNb Is afwiy? serts thvl bavlng-:' )p3sesse'd tl):ismieivcSj of all thai was valuable m tbe s,a1i;'iliat could be, easilyV'aprjrbprtated;4' rninea jojset ner on nre, as3bp only rntiCe to conceal ihb roughly 'ibeb!'boyi.testit?io- jcordinfily, launched Jneir tots .were lac-: at ttilrf n i ghti! iTbe xi fg bt was siill ctlm. still bea:utiful. si til Iboktn? down as innocently as; if there; werol rscH crimes,-as if deatb bad neve r! been Born among the children. !of men '' Hiving iritis- ferred their spoils to fhe )batt; obtl corrjle : liea ineir urenaiatton?. ine vessel was set on ore. -i ne pre, lea py tar ana other ma.ttei, seized instantly tipon the bomb us The fla m es rose trio m ph ao(ly, In iblefaUric. sir. ling frbci ; s te to t o sic r n ,1 j fi bra i k del : t j: I brj 1 - waik, from he deck tci the highest point "of (the towering taaatj involving alir pud and boh, iwjjw ;iu iiiiu, sjar jiuuhi8ia!Jcneon,; in uno lerncrai owzf, um,'u too 3aicnane of the tnufdeier8, thVsefoikctj t soon h g?es ine distinctly articulated, elcji in its jbwn Out- line, by the brigbttjturlii it g'bb tliincbJisa m- g re, : Fast as they fle polled for lanidi--ihy fjjjglzVd 'j w'nh vbrOr and cunsternatioo uportitlte wbndfons f ec Jaclatebeb'ttfd . .ilieroliji hip nnjj fire jt tali wonldriot nirn) a fr3htWjpolne u aa ifesuby its ohject,'hor cScal,ints si )ke the form wbb.lr it sp io;rpj)ieie)y ehyelop ;d Strange snd wondrous feilacle indeed. - ? , '' -..-ii-' ! 1-?! HijH'p; It continued alt nigbtfip bornspeediOri with tho Windi--noj piling' but orp iighi .arid.anon?Vlsjj)teV:fi gain on the very epowjiere abe ilirrisi tad beo.cbmlied. Witlthe it ceased to b u r n biit y i e eif i - s jbod S ? r e 1 1 as etcr, with the 8p,UaUs,lVBst,t wrlciin ebmtd every thipgioajl plae bot very tJiog bl3ckeued, charef 8s if lliefire,!tav. tbg penetrated jjnffi j' od .;bddenly'- 'ertxungOMrie. 'ITiifst was no sight fori lliej 'wretched ' ci"ioiv nils,? but tbeyatcbjedtth tbl Hay wftb fearful lnthcst i l-l&ffiy, fbotit ni ilthef.' looked to see it "go '1owii B -.it ;stfbngri 'to sayfAvbile it never snk; if ii heyrn mofel. I here was no anebor tof;iold-4'o tjiiise iprcp oitfcijtioq hy - watefjed j the strange spectacle. .? lint with tbejreiorbrof nijfbt, new intvrestiOrfrad was rtwil&n ed in their: bnsorris, Aajtbi sub ivebl .dplw-n a lid t w ibghV. darkened ihj, eajrjlrJi' bdjijt'be .pale stars came forth ialongitheifbitiijiim mjN if heaven, fb't 43n,s:?kirMtied?4 j?oo ilit vessel. Spar jnb mtstjbefcamb reHwfu nii)iatei(inctvhf)pref' bre rd enrifthe frame oi tbe fat fedder ed; front; tfte jui. walks io the wave from the detk to m'fls.. rjijs. sltttit from gtem to stern, IPhe dreadful (rinlil he h.nniiFnM Inn... ' rTC.i " ..'.! H'i rroni Ilia shore dec to Ihe fnrp !nn.l t ;-,IW,iW ik-al . J .1.. ..iJ.. I -:N-' If- HIIVV IIH.UI3rljrs ,IJ nee ol llllf -r r ilia tr-trt i.w. ii ,i i i rrr pays ine tMOrtjni, tit, tlie petial- Il .r - ty pi. blift been paid, a hj; criminals enl free. , No jusuqe follojwcd cvn t,h.r fpot. steps. Whatever; may have bieen iheii? re- grcjs, Uicir rernorso, it is very certajn Ibat rjiooian laws had no share Tin their nintsh. 1 meiifl Tlip Iiwfl nn tiriliinniion ir f tbeir de9rendant:tilii rhprb -;L;i shores,-lberewas ny cpi tipmn jibe; i face f the dee pV With eyel opoh wbih tlmo pnlwerfnt sell bad fee Jed UseJf iwitlifilie hoi it is lhal Ihe borbing lvt of tf rial,: f VT KX, V 1 "T'l .!.-- . p -i ; .! , i a . i le'rn Ricf flu i li' act u;i!!y srok 091. as if tnti. re-appears, eacb yar,;p ihe aWJver4s ifi nth .hi a ra;ir-? u ft:?- ' aar'. :0a. 1,1,41 fJgbt or irnvpn sib every 'Bot wbatijwaa cpmioi tted'i, -UTli os ,'t jT btirn.s f frora item to sijern, from deck to-mist, but I still unconstimed : andibtis ?it will continue i to born, until, upon tbe -Jatt descendant of :b8tbboJy crew, he iever-aveneingPrloai. dence shall have consummatedflhe requisite i , " I- " I' i - IttF The Madisoniao is!;ope,nirtg its fbrnjfda. Vetv likel.,Juhb Yn are boW' i -. ... I - . fuUtJ morn than onp. ;hi;:.:,i .i;(ic Vr pnn, m;ii is cpfiam not;. Uaiam 3 As i'bas j - . 'i' r - no wfrni f much i Jar ge r.'lC4aaa ! pleasanljsommer jeeiyngvnd 'ar grpnMnfii" gebtlementof tBeibar watYiUnft)iRs:ia; (Vbht rr M C Wthyoft1y!v.ter trussing f the 6ew krtd'-diiiaipflp J tbebouseHoot iPgrteitbeilo theri jbtor4 ?4r1 f the friendit i(etlo9jbLtnV-iB 1 tel: lore meniionea., i.be house yaa Ktptty rl.n an42edw!do,-ladt vbovwas:re8becUd'inl:f .tHiT-ti j aii'. ."if. r' esteeipid';$)f.iaftib.'U herVi. ; V HPUl . vi.nej0fM.rniige iLsubyt:ainji iifiufcu, ai uvi iiimi it . - j : r ijnestedi jbplo'hiraIfjTehrJ ;Vi:i-:': ttwti;Irst fclteff infer ated X him that as lr 'R'plfl; Cjturar iheilslltinW oinewijarrruejiwouia ri.ifc liecinmbdij b'ntb?t,bb1coblifc share 'i.lW refbsed ri and finiHy became sb-lnsoibntina at3noy.ftjflitrm'rk aceatrimpijUtf ojen)vJi Wat. ?ckoWijiia. We dabonrjibeXcQrild lf M ednfidetapji; she stited;:?, feaye the nia totf lr a Jserypbp i np rbade bjm 1 enter UiV fiuTb-.iil h log enrri r1rrVke. tlielr6tVll rn ojie std(, '; '411 iml vweep heuL5r; ;Tbe entranc wis a boe ?t?t,uJ f stMlttf.1 wlltch fasten toe;.a t6ut -k viii' if C'are wit iibari dbpf v or . r r i : : r jr'.- i be lncral then repaired to the ffreiat rnan ! viuj , a . pamcK. t told bttn bt robni was reacly 'wivbtn light it iATbbf giirtntncdarkv" tooklMnoiUer light artd. jprbceeded hi inv;jb ie-4hes'Gener a f, with be jdpferenice, ; fVo'agb M -tip t h$i rear. Jftck'led tmii0 tit eV IVoIa t h i rrb rvest op pe.;'"fMTbe firal !H 1pbiit keeii iisrwattijjg H t-D6 tyon meap ipshlt4rae ? slamrpbted the Strang'ra bb enjepuntered Iheiflisbina eyc3 : of jiheOenciiil riirett'd bpon 'b'l'nv' IGet in str!''wes riji itftfi reptjj or by tb i ltfemal, you sUail go iiii nlerk atid heels. Jafck-f fto the nfgrnj help ltu:i in; be wants a ruom -tpjltirpseli l: Jcktii kid ws nuLrjeeded. Te 'indyi caivfcd in,:he k'y was turned, j nnd . s n i -kl ? ft n h - i Imd a rQom -to " himself with, jp li&hl in At Boston tlWmtSt i Theory of JlJari'idge. -Tre . wj roerrji JellojwiwiO supped at PFatu'dt ihre tb oosaWdi' f ajrb:pr'njfi-. the qonver alien lurning upon' love and cbbice pf wiye, be tradition thnipien; had. been brjgiinally :reV' nj1 a,led male and female earh ' indtvidiiw) be,- i ing provided jwitb a dbplicate setoff HntbL ?;fr and pferfbini igllbia i llobmotiv fdnctibn 'i'?lf witJi a kind of;rpiry nibteoiqti as aiwheei . that he; bbcanieJ irt con sequence so jrxrrs sively :iiisrtlentist Jupitf rififtien In't yAj bim ibjwp'afi eacii half are eiHect to a ntsorabfefC(.ldina, ; prv. j sfvfra hd litipcbngeniatj mtrirnony f'Yha searcb lie wi rendered dtTiiitlt for the reason! uiil brie man - alighted ip."n a half that jid not jbeloog to him anoilirr did neipesaOlirte: a'me W.ttl;he 'whole Hffair was tibrowD jntof tHrctrievhble rnnfuaioo runs abpu tbe pjld.inuea of its; rtter Jb a 1 fVt-l.f 5 et ) g"einM t , jj"veaniec;.i they a.re;'a':r iloiiif5gcpte" otherwise ibey Frlhc:h0juis Picket Guard. ' I Vor uenp, :r ...... 1 ON A LEAE O' FOUR YEARS; Ti.e elknO(in5F;,trfr1 nba'ed iJdhtand, Kentucky, i her5y tT?ril lr rent tir loiir -yeara, Irwrniftihuf; ilaieh, . J845 The prpceut j 4 ucebpaot btitnj('.j. al9H io ': a!Ee a b-afee, fir'n be People Ifbr he''i Wlitte II)b,' ai Wlrfpg ton, is desirous lo let, f aid. premises mv ri-SbnatiJa! iferm1, tb bi gifdl -fHaciicHl t8rmjr Phfre I are no Jlicliorif uTiHUpptry fetm ttms ooji the ! place. ;'i"e hb bi Ht adoptid' ip Uib ca!-! ' tiyatitio ol Q-H")$i)$'J-H I'vle.f.wili he fiarWif . ; oj the firl "il'v-'ulj i,r. ' i;ike ibw-1 tec.e, f9 can be slrosW "rrg 'ii!.vy t ' iffitviflpiofl Ci?7ii-J-i j r mi .; :;f 4 a ivliji- .! Vlitary "rnprt" 'TSlf t " ate !:rar' j arf flibnUt fro titf liije feasip; wTlt-Jxb ' V i fofbidrieq tojiear Iheipj duwn, fjr il,e-Erri?i r....-' zig-zag win beM.H " .. .i-i. ,'- -.r:TAjftiicaiibrt- tbif i'buide j ,1 .? fl:4;; .1 Alas-aehbHg ;i .l?Jl;.'a;ef l. "-Ivif.'i?J.t-'v:- i' " f fbb-'AJ rsfoorii-" ( wi tt;r, ! WVbb''g-Vw ' . A lbs ny . Agt- aal '.OMtnrnVr&tir-' R eview r;: s-ert Mie abVe lur 81$ feek. and snci : t t iSauinelj ..8wajitpi)i and, Wijiiarri t i't , j. phi 'IQ"" 'al lir4 ExtrSorJinary tu Eo u' I! 1 . . . i, 1- . - r , - ?wd Jke prt board skip; - .1 T l - -L , : r- I , ii'Fjua iTjiai irimw among n-, wr:; ., , ... i ; i - - " ft rIM4fl v,i.Xta .IdU.i ,.t l . .i, z.ng.an oprtuntly'w he ffas bVb hrs f c.iotnaivLr!sriweyaed oors!wSit, Wt." pts of water. jo oyer him. 'At a stnal Viveb nivas jeKtitn un.pe &uf,an(d used fron bead -site Torrent u( t idol wuh :- a fbli ar.d iuoce-sive rorrpm tl lh b!mJ ffiil, actiitppanied by a cry of Man rapanied by a cry of ' Man ptf tf watervjsn.-- by pa!t of labglijjer, brought hitnstd afnte of his siioatlob. i r ; " ; -r The Chy ball; Krh the higs are trioMo MS fn cwun!rJ W,I slwP oo Jl'adUoniaa. Not till it has kr of ked down ibe bead-p'o at IWasjhiog'eni "J.be j.i)et whines as' dubj fully bt evier'y new dbtioisi ration in favor o(';Wr." pLAir and af melancbuly as if every hau tb his bead were a ievs-harp phviejf ipsalm tun8 - I v1jv--,:-iBosfott American. 's : NANKEEN COLOR. Boil an. Pgnce off Copperas in a pailful oPooOd sirnJbw ler! it will Drnduee a fij.p lor,wbich!may be! made paler by osiig i : . ---n S .'. . . roPpeiS. i 11 wjn iw n mil atiaisot- ful foi lining for bedqbilt, 6tc, - t ; i . H"-i i'i i : w It i"! :i-ii 1 2P v wx J1 ; 51 -. i; Ji I' If'iS. - ill i-. 1. :iTM ii'ii; : ;;-4-;is. V" - V! 1 fj t;it ! -it -tr m m i li mi rf .' "8 'i :' -it - i .- It - - h 1 mm

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