If -r s t tt 4. 'i if- i . ! . ' ti. t Mi f r r ' ! 4 I" I 'V - ! v t ,-1 i .If it ' . i 1 v 4i i . of the jvJjjgVemrs of CoBgreisO wbooi. v i :,3Xr PfaidenVftod,FfI!owciii2ensiJ ' ! ; :':Atl dbuad as I tin td address vowUr ts- f With wbicb my bosom s wtjfs i hf ifht of -ltis ts9l Vudience. f I did not expect omeel Bnch fef r of,grtiudc fas4 7&a, elloWr , crel srld; noble city iowtfdv.fDtfiiir and L those Wdb' whora I btve lEie honor o( tein ! C &ifiOcu:(edrl feet the 3Jote graiel h$t fou have chWtD as the organ of explr yonr good wii!orardf t9igentIrtnintihoin - he to long and ;ifltfmatJy Jfnowjij apdwlio hzi sii tajyour reprwenuUfe Jorillbi floor i who krDir hii orf ate worth and iiif public f honor tib He he lieldf i iearihf irif oonciis Hof4hISafMoii, ran ippfreciate Ltj$ CfeIt,DB; ; wbicli, fDOved.fjQbreajst: jpro'jiarnjin5 ;;efecteUjaiik f or ; tff jofjfip:wwirt jrobr ilappTobaWn of lwiblrefforjftfilrojself ;.1 attd; fcieB4f Jhff :-tffff jpr tirlioiioH 4 (ChhtiiiljV-tiUm laigiiage ear& : 1 Yoo eabnot approeUIetrjcnvbecaijae.fon :'4'4p nt Unw;-whit e baiaflVffry i Nine W5i!nirn io contult onljibe airayMtbe , X Niirpri.4-lPoe Jheie- ad:;bf.eip3VtaI ; y breacji liotivcen lbe Whrstof fc jine'riea :iopen rhlfi i 'iolacl rm rtlfsl er J'ih iive pairtai.eit. of the GxAiej pmepi. B tbflierei thajtevVfj S Wliia rti9eniitie: Wit-nil iolVaslitoBtoh Isincfreiy and ardentlf QeslroMiJOi discharge i,u4i..iJLJ.nUVf.5mwkA A.Pt. rolMiWfterhad been: introduced into the House can J; . Ilia jMiip-ini ivwanv "...T"TT. 1 r .eeary forhealjog the temporary breach K.t.1. Krfrn !ikj'vM'btivB" and LgiIaiit4 branches jf Gbvernnifnt lfr the V-aake'H :' nlesof ' i8loU.f CheMaLl l l : rs;fi j t 1 i "Butfelw.eitrzenW is ou arall Hwate; Waicelyi Jfid we there (iyembltd rdet her; 1 whf n aHItlje preales th jand 1 hit might y eneine Lit puMP opln o'nt-Aftl ijimean : in the eirJrc'X)fboxocjaitiQ . .'ihe-Exefirti've aothortii-otfheverftQieh i poured uV Ureir! viak f wrath lopon .the Vevbjedfads "ofi the rprientaivejef the, people m! Corcreas Ybo werfe told day 1 fiffer davAweeklafier Sweek. Iradnlhiarier month thit the sole anlinnlv butirieW ol Ibe lHoavepof UeesatiM inltbe (lpitnl Twas a diihpe8rthWtaihead;CipuTy')eW, 'L. Labfjhfer antf apoYanaje.) V viH I ! : iiFioVUizena; Utdybu can frej as I Ihave lfell al the degradation of oiul corprnon Icbuntrv J 4l sieeini.itcteldll'lostlnd iind Mere, and ilhtohgh the W'hc4bci?i&d Haorld, l inn v-.fi tipJpr kriolnii ivbolan iievef Ifee! the sacrijifpft io - ichi we ferdM"- fpejled i-ci tiijbatiTtl'flt j:h ;e o W-eli llbw-eitiiejifj .that Wht jeprj?berttlative I tlerjKa ffifjontvln GoAgifessj nCthit thev fwero ifar'tAire frlbonsilaiieldv? thef Uaisfaive rtneastiei 1 f Itbeicobmryliii Thts IhaM been tjje puby god44' pro - is UriMfi ml rrli.i tn iffririiiT iertivntrv II H -'BiiilitiocrtizehslliaTfe'w Citd cvnry Vbig?who bccbpied . a' aeit'on thei'floi.iht the time lisid: corb,vfheii ; it was ner if it viif necessary vlre illtnanto consent to the isiue of Tieas'lrr ffief bd lotaanyi ?! other IhingS! jn dirfcet ;SNrifice of all ' th'eir feclinfis rf and the nurnbse of , sasino the cl the I . ; I ijut.iellow-eiAznsv'? were met lf eve - iv step ib j(, the hostile loppiofitibb j of lie few menus prr tne rresiueni n wiai f and tierp ihrn these few friends deaervej b? pas Bine rcrbaikt t-V-:-1 f 'ir I I' :: ) L: ciiU niit,Ah.. tmit wbkihv rcnre?enta- iU J ! J i'lI.- i- ;i..r. live, wiiq, nas .uere capft-jfBTU'BH ,i"m?!-m " favnrabl hers of catronaPe. ani an ine poweroiriine riKuu- in Coniress. itheers.5 my SIV- irH:- i! "elMw -ciiebs thlVspontaneows re- If fe'nse Wbrch greeted , IbaV senttolen j wWu ft waptereu-iiMtt- in lanusgc iip .1. i 1 ! . t it ' .1 H poesioie, man ine, woTps Iof 3he I gntiemifb himself, that was Me senlimenl l f yoi heatls Jr(,rrie4Hchiecr) "'-;..-ifi;' ,! ! Bul,ifcllow.citiZensl;iaiuInOthng tor ?!: ;.eUiltl!haverbeen .lutan vtrlnat lri nerfbrmpfiT the dntieslrbpoced up. V rail w on tne. jai'Uijio ..vv-.y..M tteniespntrtes in part Cf fifteen Stales i' titled bspectaily, to yclu .regard.! Witboot '" i T - - ii s -. Ichargedjid eiwrilHplinrthe ;roae ij his eatand instantly r mov ; a re4 yoo vho do!oot know WVneceMStyior the cobsijeration ;;heiyoted for it carried ili I roles' dilli iW'n--the! Wnsaeticrt otllfiis- M'tyvtd Jhe MH1: The audience here ! lative bijsinebs, cab neM jknow;ft6wlaiyir burst iputirt-ninetrpinendous cheers; for Mr. l is-for b jV. ItntH tialKitaVlid; fcSM ittiirrj yTjiojpson -4j v. ? -' I'oaiU triTm nede:land:!;obikrWt , tU-tMte$t. IBut; fellow-cifizns. the bill hadl hot yet !! of the v rniiii ritti TheV Ihivef bee fij able, passeprajiinaaei to f awe hitC e?v4to .rvepfrdayf Iftfr dayVj og another trial f iti a o2arrr f Wpssjir'mt ftpcensairvdri more efibrti before P'tO the action fi 'ye VVnigSimem f wj tumc uuc hi gim a sum i lumicj ,i mo i me icayiuiiwii uc.iaiiig .its jusaaiiaiatituut Gongrrss hSAtolct ua jblt Wl iihe bravest man he pver knew ; he gave it to with i ano caitapoa tne Argus tooenne nMt,.Arv aKIo l aHnr VlllliT AltfC a r fCIICU ICC. UU UIUS IllflieU I IIP IB IO UI I IO ine 1 U B BUOei 111 62.1.1 a 17 1 . speaking oi them tnaivmpaiiy w vWUcai.irous n lhevnig party ana .voigrmripiee ottr attention o uic party fpff the vear past aru inrqwyj u lore ine painew oi . mc.iv n a hsve nollptbbf jibefore jj'bnj ;tlatjmofe ban Lbud antJ repeated cheeis,with r..n..i !;iinp li'vpt to be fouo'd even in i and brolisicied annlanse.V I ; v , "W i i ;b1 Ti.fckti-'i .tr. nln Ar iIia Camtol r I cheers, l Thdg'escibrce of pirpnagf jin pp 4 - if;- ill-. Fxecutivelf f He Mppmnts .e j tinvaii iiiuriii uif iitfi- itw,T'"i" r t 1 all ofiirre cf honor ant! pmht r kdA4ip,ic,,iar,rtht s?7 i . . i : . . u ... M w ; IirHllU 1U?B WlllUli nission of cupidity 1 na iiipi. 111a jsbk u v vw -t - ii.' a . i. : . a. aNArvxnauiiriiiii w Miiax rr fmiU MP."''- " - I Mmj-Ji 1.. -Ti i- . . .. ji themftfies o , j VnibftanSiog the l.lheselotbet disiinguishcAf gentlemen, of rnnt tfj. f''fllj havpne from TennNeeah, circormtances which WJ, kh ai the Wenicaatc where lives the bid He lecciof IS40 ootWlirtst-vw .;r - honor ahd aceh is might dazzle the.amWmn and cu pidttj vf anjf man forUnj. daas J of, mep yet, felioiUz6s, notwitbstandtng-forr Cf teen cVontbs hejhas 'exercuedihial power! Vith most unscrppuloas energfgsand exert ed himself to the utmost--j th so true'ts ill as 1 hfre aiready aai4, ihM thefe foyit left a more than Roman: Virtue inoiir;Crtnftl. U Jls ; jihroogb this )boe year &a.&ose able io ttdiicc bid xix r-(li end a nd repea U ed cheers.) d -V -Nf- . x;..: ; : Duli fellow citizens 1 am not in tbebabi if of odJresswig fjopoiar asserabliesft'Ihave never fell, beforerihe emotion t . wbteh 4 w e'if with in m e;y: I Js o p pose d I: a d ; ofi e n enougb a5rssivd pvibfic bodies of ibe'rpost august eh iraxreri noMo be overwhelmed by this aridience. Yet I confess I feet embsr Ta?sed ia: an animal degree : and 'I aball soon Viyel place to" indiyiduajslp whom ydo wjll Hslen wjth far more pleasure than to e. f You will recollect there.has been great e0orl rade. to 'restore the credMiof the eountfj toreptenjsn the - treasuff na in doingjthatl toi protect-, the'indosiry hfttht tbuntry iTou are; all wellVwire ibiai after iroay;le'ffori Objecibolt irfaileil by the Vetb, wb haji been'so eldquehtly condemned the gen- tlerban whp preceded jrnBi- '..J "Atjfst qr? -J-prbjdi if ced -Vftii. fif rcfc onai object waVio test the sincerity: ofLoco-Fo-co prof ess ions tn! fkvorot a Prot ect lie Tar iff a homel and agalhit jtl atjthei Sooth.; Laoghte J TbaVbill was fbrnied iao as to coo)p.i1;Oo'i''Jant-fay at leaat to, lobik in irecii4n--7Cheers and jaugh- ter U waa. therefore, as well to teaMbeir sincerity h airifi the rnask from their hy-; pocraey, and to expose their jnaked. tleform -ity either t their coiisUtuerlta they wefeTdis-j bsedlo deceive! cto the louth lbyere: betraying - For ihrpurpoe'e, and tqjobtain a;Tarifftofupp'j the wanta of the Tieasury; ad protect!, ouiH Industry, after twdjf jlans i ai ' . . h- , V . I'll I ' ' ' ' " ! had fai ed thiat J ! Uwas j passed.; When the vole was taken vdu he ho.con- cepiioRf the excitement ihAtpraaded Iha ;g body. , Itfisurue, fellowciiizens, no apeecbes were made--there was no demon strations . from lour ,oratora-butf there iwaa xsilent sens of individual responsibly Uy which every Jnan felt on that ppjcasioo tbat ciealed an iutfnsp excitemenfjlwhich; peryadedjhat hafj, $ucb as the oJdestjnieni-: here bad never Witnessed before. - I'J Some of jour fiienda who had most fn ;Hltgly cobsenM to yield for a tijhe the Jiistribunon ol tfte proceeds ot the sales ol Tioe rutJiic ianus. now came to tne rescue. ! Wheb the qaestipn waa firjst taken; it wsa (oat by a lib totn ihe second reading the bHI. Tberi it was Fellow-Ciiizens, that an honored! Representative fora the Statejof iHdianawho, 1 rejoice to; sayt is preaent upon tht occasion, and wboin l am prof dr to see here o near mb Mf j;Fill roor e j wa s , here iijteir opted by three, deafen- jnflf cheers & loud applause for Mr rhomp- son M K-P0.8 day' befbrelhe, had jmVde;; an. eloquent, jipeech J in ( oppbf titoo . to ;surrenderin Jh Diatnbution--oni which had tbe fullest sanction of my om?i heart that honorable Represenlative so far forgot ihtmse!iVfbrthe;sake pf hia countryibai he stand another read another scrutiny one i it could be secured. On 1 agamipe lost, ny tne casting votef ot tne Speaker. IBul there was found another Rep- reeentative one from the noble State of North Cark)Iina4ooe who fni&e cheers hre shook the building, and Mr Fillmore bad lojpause lor leome litno; Gentlemen I 'No stoner was it .discovered that the bil )was 8gsin ip jeopardy; when we heard the jeis otL,oeo.r ocoism. tnan tnis nooje Kep. to ant T'iHff, fofgot bis own condition and I his ownrcopsiinienis in nis .zeai : ror the 1 common goou-f-aoa , voita jor me m:i: J Cheer ..j-j 4 , I ' J ; , J Felloty-citizens these sacrifices -i were I common! on ali sides. They occurred in fne senate as well as inneuouseij.ii ney. are such !aa olten arise at a great Crisis in -I lhA niiinn i Willinotnn was onpb nskerl i " i " -- ? j; f- " t ... v. respect sucn as iieciaa uie late ot a patue or a nation h , ; ! M B.ut.-fele w-cltiens. ' l.have detained you i iuu iuujj 1 ator from (Loud Cheers " : seem an instinctive hd involuntary f act torn fronihtnis) -rcar crisis to tne jgrai FilN I more wascompeijed to paub for some mo- n!t;'it i nWiw'A for-Abma mtvl - muig ww 9 V kV" t w f-T " w -i - . . i- . . i s - i ' . . with all tat tsjgreat.iand good, apo; glon Ideifening t ii - I . ' r'i - rn' - " l - pivjk'n t 1'eJIow-riiizeno tCneersl--rardon .tne ' - i a jr. . - th: yob ao.lodg.frdfntibose thai, are tp speak-, . w: iitiv man nraraa. r i naa nun - aaa ' nai I . " Ml.; w.n . ! can !eel and think, but what I cannoc utter. K - 1 f -r i iwajaw w s w . m. v a , ' uuibu v .ll.nllnh 1 - -f . , m o,0,.i rf,U. cititens, ahl and the very .islrkin, which the HfcVoiiiajeatself . iariira, is tese t ed by i Tzoodr a a obfeV VY h i wjbro 1 r- no see near me.: 'iair; Jfpnef5Jf yieJix 7; But 1 jwritl keepyou ntongejjOrn eloonenr Speeches tv T6n cheeia.11 do mi self and yon injustice. 1' return to. yoq oTy rnbst eartfeUiittvnVef I h e k i n d 1 ece pi I m n,. we " h i Ve 1 rjs?e 1 ved 4$ ihlr oobtei city this cejnmerciallrn5 of NoVth Amenca.-i I coofes mitityhhat'ibis is the pou dear ayjbf ro life: it;will bjeneoberey' as:rTroembrVnxthinjin'tIiew : MrFilfm6re ' sai idowit amid thetasVefl- lhusiaatic cheering and japplaose. Frcwa Ihe.Jlichmond Whig: i - 4 : r locofoco on yii 4The seeds , of v discoid re i ebwn jhroadt caat amons the :Lo"ofcieo9; t Tberei J is no hrmonv among them as to men.r One pre- fei Mr. Varf BuVen an other r l)4lHoon, another Dick Jphnon anblheri! Al rj- Cass, another, lit Buchanan, and another sdoiebo- ay eisev 3yne;sweara ti ni lavoriie is not aelected, he wtll repudtate the Ffrtyi inotb-er.-tectptocaie'aible 'cooyiimeol.?: Theae"dis? sension aa lb men, coristiiute affair sample of their disagreement asj; to priociplea and maasuresi Ilere, tnb. ltbey are he the ears. OoV. ffbes fojrl Free Trade! and hard money another for Protective Tariff ;iih i Prol UslanUo andia well-regulated j banktng sys tern: lAnother 'goes for a BsnkVupt law - a I ariffiwith0uv !condi;tions-;a Sub-treasu- ry a Goveipment Bank and low wagea--; aibf which a founh denounces as the most delestabiejFederalisra f I y-:::': . M In Obiotbe dissention, long suppressed,; has broken out into open rebellioti-H Mr Hamer, a redbeaded fellow, but: one of the very cleverest men-ofjtbat partV;, and fbrf raerly a distinguished member ol Conite3s, has raised. jthe standard of revblf, end f fol owera are flocktnjj around him by scores and hundreds He arid hia frienda are de- nounced qiost violently as " ri itors;,, but ney are in no uegree iniimioaiea ana are joldjna roeetines is manv of the counties. heretofore the Locos strong-hold?, and pro. claiming their principles.. From the pro: ceedings bf one of thos's meetings we copy the following resolutions, aa a specimen of the whole.' : I. ; ! ; It is hereby! Rosolvedi and declared, thai we will support no man fjr office who Ishall be i the nominee of a nicked Convention, at mere ifonto of olSce seek ars ahd wboe Chief 'clafm shal be1 fonnd iu4 a degrading subserviency, to the decrees of. partyVi.:N:-;4ri: 4-j.H'-,,;:. I 'I Kesolvedi That we believe it 1 td bs entirely within the jCbnstitqtiohal competency of Con rre$s. and a d a ty imposed aponthem bv he ex perience of the' past and the wants bf the foture to establish a Tariff upon foreign products, suffi cient to snpply tbe general treasary, and to at- loro inciueniaiiy , an auequaie protection 10 tne agricolioral aud mandfaicturing interests of the country!:: ) : -W-'A ' it ' 'i Resolved Li 1 hat; we beliere thatja well rego lated system of banking,; opon such 'principles as wouiu anuro security 10 une noie holder, -and a fair profit 10 the Binker, would condoce greliy to the general benefit of : the Slate, and that! it will btbe duty of t lie legislatuie te adopt such a system in ms next session. H.iX Kesul ved; I bat thelfarmio? or agricultural mterestihitbe-jio, Have not beeo faiirl? represen ted io Hie State Legislature, and thdt they being the source of all weaub, should have been first to hate tber share- , .'. : - i These prihciplea Jarej direbSly ; in the . . . I. . .t - rr ' 1 ' 1 - . it ' L '.-: t ( . teetn 01 tne 1 1 appan sjna a 'en, patty, ena are designedjo subvert that faction ii :: ' H Ju New Yoik the signs of discord are not less aeuauani roan in unia. - inoepen dent of questions of State po!icy, which are exciting g;reat discontent among theonb faithfuhtthe Prcaidency and the Tariff - are playing havoc. . VIrVan Burerl (s. ofcouraej the man of the Junto, but rebellious spirit? have crept! into the camp, who refuse sub- mission to that unprincipled c iqoe, and are diligently at; work to of different stamp.-" bring forward a man In the "meantime, the Tariff qestno is seized upon, and pr?ss- eu wuu a cieierroioauon loproouce a scoism. The Albany Argus has come opt, and clai med all the credit of; the late f Tariff act for Mr Silas Wright, the immediate repre; sentaiive of. air Van Boren's personal views This has given groatldissatislaction to' Mr Calhoun a friends and the "Real srl To allay the growing discord, and to pre 4 vent it from having an injutionts ellect up on the approaching election inr iNoveober the Locofoco Syracause Conveotton attemp- V ted to compromise me1 matter by. adopting j a Janus-faced resolution, the result of which nas o Y . Morning rosl, the ieaamg J.ocotoca pa- i nur in thb interest of Afr-Ralhoiinli-'roniM j rr- v .'7' " f T . -;."r'Iil me pwjivh y ine i n u ho vuuex in e Tht Tariff: Oueafioa. Where does t he Dem 0craticparyaiand in relation to lhe question tf. a protecttve thffY Aye made this inquiry, some days aiBce. the i vJifiany nsl wbUe it was to j u,e staie, to let us knpw what iis opibidnsare,' i ,n regard o uienncipie oi proiecuon i r t , VVe jitillcohfesa fraakly ihaMtbe resolution and add" and.- add ts -lol i 4beAyraco9e i Convention, af- a i u ilia a iidi uui iiuiiuui? ,vi -v- a-. tt- - - deratfi parly areJat aIl readertd more precise and deOnrte j ; M 'A L' i i mabeotj riff,!f offictejnt tcmeejt ; lhe wanta j of tbe woverameniJeconomiwllTcadministered, and 1 discriminaing;in us chafaeier.iso, as to anord - i . . r. io.j ,he ftrwyidoba hibeipfestatttaHffasSbeingi ' - - i i n nn aa in im nrnn o inn. inn . mux uievruimir - l m... . , -ri'-r - - - - O a viaiiww revenpe. ive:approveiof Ibe volf of our benatpt w ' . . " : 4 . iL - a i 1 ar" .iiar have' continued -ine,: horizon al tariff, luaor.es d 'the r;ch, and have left the govtneni li.'yfc,: L?-'-ilm iV;iia?u-Lk vp n hoc t adetrraate means 10 payu.s dews, ano oebnle of this great baiiob'woold have va grare tbff.cy ercf the cfriliiH world.' & iVVe oat protbise teTdiscass ihe jijuestioo. e agaiaaViibeVnititf thistiesdverj Ilrecogaiss, dta I Heftte f m r- XXrIgli,JhjBilocipieoi pfotectiwi--t principle unjust in jtayery essence W -till aU allaTif iiradoi 1 Ji":-r.ia-?;ii4tcl bbiioos pn ihta isutyect; we caDOot aiveH dcrapprobatioo.; -l&re'hnaylvaoni wtr js.ragmg oevweeo .i ne i rieDus pi- m r.BHc liaAarttan itboseioUor; fcrierii tne: j alters ei'rii'b-0ickTolid cenary ; a nd mbictonsi PJtfICa08 tlfeHlr rrajrh'agaidif.eacbibthW, comppie their ouarreijr,. and sMisfy all. ajdes, bf lectinEH A Fl R Ycf ! j beWEST? ThelMlLL B0Yjfihe;i5J aahes. gt 9ATHRDAY; SRPTEMBER 24 1842. -.KepublicanvV HENIIY CLAY, hjiU 4. OF KKWTDCEtf. - DIRECT TAXKS.: -H- ''-i TKefbnowe-8ofMr.Calho i7nrtf 9l! I aritf ni rtnt mhrt Ihvn Inranla na ma( iweniy rerceat ; t . r T , i ru. ;E v M'mfi BjtjM.i ob.rn.de. p bv a direct tax to be levied lad collected from : !.-. ; M T--.-r.T- :,i l,e m?e !! Irge.;-r;: ;Tbts b f heir political creed fr ll frnl hlS a3rco5tioa!it at allv times and a very expensive nue because of the great adiitional nQmber pfEceia ib be appointed f ; In he.jear 1815, last ttme a direct tax was resarteJ 10. there i In North Carolina) thirteen aasessors' with two pr.tnreej assistants to each, and as .ma by collect toraand depoties, making about 75 offibers with 1 L-i-.L- . .n... ... : . iaiui buiiic. necessary 10 cosieci a oireci lax in Vf.U in r -i ! , - - . this estate, all of- which are oseless and sopernu- L-ICj'it l1 it . n j fi. i-, ! . i . . . ; npeuMer, tariff upon imports. And may be remembered that it was under a syatenr bf di,; ract tax; and excise that the pasted Republicans 01 io renoereo me Aomioistraiion ot me eioer.Aaamsouious ii oemg tbe only reproacu that could be raised against that sterling Patriot f .1.- t l...t. .t- r.:.. , . i s j- . ui inn iicTuiuuuu lue uisna ana iminmiaiH snr. . ;f ;; j -.: - r i Will; Mr. Calboon and hus followera renew apd renovate this odious system, knowing .that ii w ui ue impi it intended so temnest and ma? Side upon lhe storm1, and direct iia eourse and effect, or be swallowed up and annihilated in l lis vbrtex i Are he and his snnnoriers Bo desnerU ate as to encounter the consequences of such a tempesj i f ! S r , J ji. Ins to ! revolution f of waractual war will be raised ontof a direct tax wberdevervo-e is i made to feel a direct and oppressive effect of a Tyran - nical Government on their llndividnat interpsil this direct tax is also to be rendered stijl more bppressjvei by thej -enforcement of specie pay menls.forno National Bank can be allowed, nor no other bank paper can pass at par, and will of course pot be received by tbe collectors. The re- suit pf Ibis scheme therefore if put into opera' uon can ue no oiner man a revolution or dissoio lion of the Union : a crisis which Mr. Callmun seems to have been aimin? at fr Bome ten nr . ii ! -. .Li. ' iwe in veara nasi: anu mis scneme oi nirpri . ! iy , ' ... Taxes js only an auxiliary experiment, tending . - 1 1' I I. lt . S.a ij ieau;io mai resun. 1 ners can oe no pi ner object in atteroptinz to get thisnceasure adonteet. than In renrior tho IToHoral rro.nmoni ;Mf . i. 1 . , .. . . .. .. , and therenv make some nol' im cidi alto e rc- : ; . " r ' . JM.f , ately, if the experiment fails, to have a party ready trained; to take op nullification or other treason benefit. that may enure to some patty leader's f Jj . ques. .on seema l0?t:iM wheiheyhd.stnbuiion will takej place that was due on the first day of Jolv. see-. ing Captain Tyley Vetoed a Bill to suspend its operation fur onb rhontb. or whether In the plen titutle if bis conscious authority, he will aoapeni it lt i ' t j r .u i - .i V1" . i the ppfration of the law entirely With regard to tbatwhich had become payable.as well as :t Ihatj which might aflera ards be distribolable. ft cannot be wmpetenV'foK the Ubiied Siaia Trblsory lo ratain ibeland rt t!.:.. !'...: ... . .. . F T " oiBresiprewiuus ioineaajMneiaai sarin Bill ShojaUlhey attempt to do so il would be positive robberyiasibecoriditipn of the distribaiion act ... .-t .a? J..i-i . . .m. . I. operatton on ihe'ptb bf ugosl 1842. J NotMnir M Wj . "y,u ' moiairiouiion since tne uov ernor of Georgia I caused a demand "to be made for thi share due that Siatfe sometime in Julv. wnen ;it was said mat toe otneera bad not ascer- tainedj tbe proper amount doe. T S . - f - u . -:" 1 f , . - - - ' racuoie io carry ii into enect, or is i "":; " ? ' i . , r i,P'w,'i f1' UJ ';MV'f;:i!,w to operate aa to raise a political 1 10 the British Miniswr passes comprehension a revblotion in which Mr. Calhonn iThey navepoblished the cccfrenCe as iboiiah ii '.i ' n. . . 1. l-. J.L I .Li. ii me lariu oi was odious enoogn ..iptv,,'i . ny lry ni S" ,Pr,PB;BPlj fpe raise ine nucleus ot a civil ; war, upon only an J iocoiojros, were prominent .pen at ine pinner, imaninarv ffiievance. how mnrrh Birnber stimnil ! nabielys the JVfavor pf'khe citv er-Mavbirand m: .:. o -,-- i 3 . I ' I .-i t- T .. ... f ".- .1 . t- . - . H -i-v - .1 r AnJ from the great anxiety manifested io re talri tiis fand, it is passible they may force the contructibn on ibe act of Congress, 60 aatbaay tnat theconditjon operated restrnpectively, thaf conseqoenily, distribution never could aid lafce effect j al thoogh once admitted to be doe and nav - The Standard says he prefers Mr. Van Bnren to Mrt'.Calhoon as-the Democratic candidate Presideot ; but says, thai the names and preleo Btofi.srjef boi b most be submitierf to a Democraiijc Coo tpc lion. , In such event, Mr. Loring is like ep' ly jape a member, and if be can get ihe aotbo fit j of multiplyipg his votes foofibrjire times Iter - Jhiid M theXooyentionrtthat Vnbmrnaled )old Jodse Saonders lor Governor m ' 1840. he wm tax fjudonbt wive Mr. Van Buren a trriYt Aw.nt .ne .:inr:T."tc-. - -r- disr dawned upon the astonished p, 8xtlbn la;l77& Bot Mr. Van Boren executed JiMdhie6k !&btt'i or; lb the' esilmatiob op h 1 1 St i ndafal ad gather &ThPesidint il the fffarepresentativeJ enhe'tbWghtsJfeetiagspbrjww and powers vi iwaiuciuh k""!'"". J 7 ihlibese.'1bf;iiep coathbte-Ttabis,.d'4.atje reseotatite, s contrary" pniiosapu j.v-u. sliWora'lBairisiRrT.'andiallelizi 1 cntraafety' 'of':tVRepoH!ic;1a jGihe joo fiearl iiheExebleP lielaccordin? is , a; mere ccllection oft cabala. ,Bo(n i.he , ehief masiatraie becQineVatdeapojYccording to jawg' SeilttvliPibtna ian sate thcouaUjr, no ii'f v its morafsj or elevate fj ta k pa t rtaft nm ; bli t F ab iron idespQtilmj In the Kxecutiveibobdocied trv-la blot opon :tha oatidn .rAH auch bodies biieomelao.Tir 4 0 :f The Government bfvtbni)2h- ty ffpabi'Wiais,iniei.!ecat! emocsrcT,!-- gtiiaaliflaii(4b to all the fixpeiienceof. past ages. -.74 " "f-p:fi 1 -10 ine epirn 01 do sue, anu ,111 iiic-.-vwmiuiuit- fV;ilCliyl6Ifibet natoralkbdT philosophical tendency ftf. the pre sent state of , parties ana noipiog can :preve-ii i is n Iti ma to snrlcesa!-'' .-s.L ., w- r f.i iwi-i ? 'WWifW ; rr -iztir:- r':--,u4 Lt."-: 11 . doctnne of the iTylentesCorporaV Goard.Stc. boa ji.i.ii,,,',, of .D.iyi rjfeo ' J i tl lifrfi r if"r iV t..LJj ' db1- iWheri iajon 8atd weij4fwhenhe puV nariT.uare inev oenv n -l.ook loiacis 11 iri tlnf "rr w hiifBwiosee Ifinf ) cf lior "t1 'P"? Ff""1 ir" :m!?4Dl!8 !' risrbtbefore his fellow men. can in his heart in- - ' ! r . . 4 -- i - - - . t s,: ... h i t 5' t- prove of these Repeated aclsr of assprcpMtn. n , ' T r v v k -rTf T I. J r i One of the firit principles of a Jlepabl cam tp, J that the peoplefshalltuteand nora Ktng tnUhe :l. we -.ferti-li Ka .yjg dIeoarcbymeb i ea as- -m wftr ,hJ hi.i :'.iirJim r L.n wjj 1 t0 their deeds an ge in iA i -. . t' 'u' i'yA' '-'IT' i MTii li :.-.. ...- -. : . v . ' i m i. f "OC'lji1 itbertyiagain.JI I iCPThe base fal&ebond published in same of - i . 4 . .: ! ... , , . . -i ii . I lhe Locpfoco tbe insolt offered " to i- H :anjentji d1 the bigs did, not shoo t "when jhb loaisi1 toTyt I 'er W.M drank peitbr dfd the Locofoces.--Aod to I oaal jte:fathc;aitiil TOore'harefnce itttof-np lothainate'L If any insult were intended l hj? t I locnfocos were art and; part in ihev transaction. 1 The Calhoun brancrj o willjindt tell the lruthl disposed laa jhev arelto brinff Idii- um bn the ;Viigsrrnd somewhat Snclipediwotjp to give ja side blow or secret : thrust at tlie jan i Uaren men oi the North, finding that they win I notrpanlenance the blalma of their raastei to lhe 1 Presidency, ii By the.iijne ,1844 rpUe round, yon papers about I t if HA A IH Wt S VAN W lwlh 'MialilAa j wllf iseev the Cvihounltes a vltopefajlte'bf; Tab in high tariff times, if we complre ihr J uaren ano n is pari y as i errove in 1835.1-Mark 'HuiJ - .- i? i t 1 J I 300 0'g8 M: mtp .1 ivier JVem andinemocrats.- l ne io ot-ao exemest-ne is a peareaniirfw nn l i j;-..--J. r.- iu. t.: V am nas maoe peace iw ce 1 ininu;in 11 o'bm i . i .. .c ..... ..5 , . s sri. it. j . . . . . . . "" V - " " "B flTF I d blessed are the peacf 'makejrsl ill I 1. till iinann i annalt v e vnr aa I na' .snl! I T . i ? . ... ' . i I I ""-vj ' r 1 - 1 pnaroing ine mierei 01 ine larmerjan! cr,s'' ment of the democratic party on this sib-t j. planter, manoractprer, and indeed alii ch I lAnv mnnhliA.n r. CIa"u iijni icu men Kngw lliaiiuis f . r . I- I .1 a.1j t I be done. Now, one thing burpr sestne,- nMumnn nffin nr n.i,nn.nA Unu ,cr. I .. ... ' . - - .t , I r i f "', " itt . irw ""is. iu bueii i 13 mai ine menjvno went ao hot for.FVinp''' lorget nimsell tn anr manner, regard eai oft nu Jonnaon taat election aboiild rill ou' thti rnlM in f K - J-ULU lriff--Every body 1 bat readi knows tbauH . J'(7"; Vir t , Z -"" - f "eh strong; tariff men, end ihet verflas;? w w wv h.'.'i . . a 1.1VI lui , ine uc ai. k i nai nir rran inABi inn a ftnmii. monter m I ii ! r- ' ? t i i ! I it fMr Van lioren a oariren:ar friprtfs frra . rth i.M lUL York and Peboavlvebia voted fbr il L and I K ' .Vff ltbe':ewi:.Yorfci:Dbocraib are praising "o! W HunH a gentleman offgreati res- I VVrishi. Uhe Deroocraiic Senatoi1. - tit pectabilitv in Niagara county, says the Hf favor of it.Aa an .bonesi neighbor tif miar cheater Demots, has come out in a etrnng tSbtS! iki.i. a.i. JJ vLB mhe,!Hs?ktrf:i! I iwi J".""" pcsciaicB m news uu iin- i jifopie una maae cacuai Otll oil llw Siiirn-" :a I . 1 ilu must have hobbv.f thlnb iL I Uiedoiiki j Ani.-kt;.U; jiiLiife wbo ook!ihe last census, that lhi.reiit; tfT.T i " "A 1 F" ' .'I,U iHioo of personam lhe Uniiedta el d?m,t,C)fl loia5l !er Whfe fiar- Un he different factories; (now;MipM 3 lii f;t .Mirirfj-:.iJl -.L-tbi.r- -biJi,- were 10 C to raisiog grainy would it rf i 'A - - T" 8 H,lTV0n and provieionrTiveri lowe rbaft thet4 I t" Lock port last Week. f ' s 'lh i now; we should all raise provisiojnp -and bH did I ;'0k JI l I ... f 1 'n r I j body to boy tbem. Well itheo igain 'l c !j I r ff rf"; John RanaOlnn ! Bklrl lr liaara Wis' I Intia .t& lt ..! I. . iKnns of 4 .: i netys of the -passage of ithe Tariff Bill tvas icceivedjat Maucbf Chunk "Pa-V H " t f ; ' it 1 1 is 4 p . 1 4? f "r1?0 n , a d a at nrght, agenrra) illumination cf the vil- far &OT'yHW vYolkTtibune;t-.leierrmd i'tbi the probability of a contest between Msrs. nil J iL' 2it. v.-U .-rir I vt, i -.1 vif f .puy si nnut-' sy.f ii.wouia DC 8 Spec table p stiphbiriobd to witnefs these two ui9ir ;,,,,,a ,iiu srrayea .against each other for President in a contest vsahich to each musv be Snal. Itauld be like1 ihe meetipg 4f QannjlVl .and.iSeipio'o fati " wi i.aayvjcon ana Wellington at puousowr a tener ble lo-procure ar rii, andtiavtttnr iKk t send meii prlpbaala fit matrimonii!! arrangements.! w.l t?t'!? 1 IbfrfUiwiorlellerfiro bfedaji.agp;J we .mlteelibev ,Xl f) t mitierily eteiibidifficHyiB1 SA D yj&rohw.ilrbej o -close ilifV' S lrosidd btralohoehc'riiirjn'aitao ionlif;iplyvbejvem 'Ac? D published Jn y pu r last; II'teni8 igl been fwiicbofortpbiteitf'- hts;:paf$it' if Li ind ar laiii hi ) ;driven tbfrfdpeVa trenie:Tbf ;ady?rljsin$r ornel: Vf his addresses to me ? I,fhavei ibeen wi(iin ana watitnz wr no?oano tor B ue ii unoersinou a.at i ujvwc,;a W Uttfir L. ! 4lb timeandXas Isf chVraciemtic jwfcb: f;anTbbtHavefe lb enlerinstbto: nW nial a'ate once more. I prpfessu rk qaa'ificatins for a; go?d i wjfiC5 Xeekji cnnsiaeiaoie uuui jut MOriy. s i Ait-fc exirni oi waiiu. iscimesieu.uin ai r:ar l twelve ; children seven boys amt5ff?fU5.. at least one thousand dollars each. 4Sa J toy eajaieeat;Adipera;bn y twelve thoufanddollars livery prir J ow; li lbfblt I nvilrsoit Al D Veiv i.n v this. exception ; I cao never think 6f "jdinjii-; I who inai oeiuuiui.. uiiiatuiiiDi an lasTjionai I ran nvr nart from It. t il ls ih ft.uc. pride the hbnbr pf 'ever ladypf fWHion 1 U jandeed; tbf pride .of; erery, V j Who deligbta at;aij to ctif an;exira .twtfl, ' i And by ita aid procure thej oimosrijiJrmotU ; Tbat feathers, rags, cr bay , can ieiujiin ? Ai Di can ihink about he roatiei J( ,e, persist a J nj b is Object ion J t he ouif-e 'i iir f, be no hope oT?gabing a Z place inibf j ft rwobldi have directed myk lei ter I to ; 'SlU ;i but we have no msil to that :piaae!Pieise , serrthis-'Yobrs; Sicfeflfi: !' a !!-. Lyr. iic-A3i ommttHtcittfotti FOR THK. VATCHMi! OR'TlfWATfcll sSIra rriat-Wait --:t;U prfi vf miif n. . 'A ' the bbwub of'rioltics;bu!jrbeir $4 ap(H your paper and one other. Whig paeKarVrfi(, cofoca 'panerSf see a "good ;deaT about! Si r;r I am one of tbosethat Svaa - ff6l!d!bn i'hi I quesilon jaome ; y ears tbarf dd ijotj rxiW come up, to I h e : rib I Hfica tion- poi h t jlbil I thtmfl u couiu noi go ngiM iwiivirpoiaie ir, role aniice feat the will oft Wen ly some odd ot tin iSfaie ; J I thooaht this abonded Ida imoch li)idesnriO but I was clear ihn lorlowermg tbf Tariff ar was nonesi anoui.ii'-n .was loweteu bv4 counatl and influence of one man, and xhum h i m a com p r om hc was made I I kent biv mi on the effect it jvonld have on Itheebnitrv.'iv the price bf every thing, for some of mv eil. bora told meVlbat I was deceived -ibciit i- heincr lioneat and " well meanincr. I ti'rtnl.t quarrel with them, thoogh I Jbooghtai tlipiir-' theyj were wrong. ; f amnow saHsfied 'after Vl years nbservalionv and comparing ihe sniii nnr fnnn'.rv crnK ila cilnat'hnn itn a. 'i"i'f . i" f larin. inai i was, as &ome inen aid, burtibe I. .don i krow.much aboo ;y ouxad yloroaifc Ueayouncaavafoationvou tiesTor your discriminating duties,NiltijiVe I do know, and very f honest irrmev iaw country knows the same, that; for tea ,mnr.f high tariff, we soldusor cottonV eCTD,fluiir sr meal, on so average for belter prices ihiavti in the last ten years nnder a redti.e-f iarrT. think the tariff was reduced m I83- , ; lower and lower every year till ! his year h l ean say another thing, and ibe farmers bear me out in it alsu we got our necn-i: on an average as cheap and a great . deaf oba Stl-Mii- Editob-SI ake;ib'sr thii L,4 deniial contest Jwobld forfeit tbe coafidence J Democrats voted tor the tariff 'ipaesed-afta' of thef Democratic oartv ; ! ; r ?f,iVw"V"!H.f,J". nT: 5:'S" en 4hb following account of Mti Tyler I ehoiea all shot fop, e shWld ae eai"1 TU4i.li fTr iki!i, . -JLL ' f.. 11,6 Poer of foreign naiiobs, Kterjri8oD . ,w -w Iur4?B care of Itself irihev would po fbr freWt ? ?-- iu iuc piuugn, ana sorry nag wouia we. I read a piece in vonr fr ''l f-- frr- : .: -'"I-' Ti. P,jbe os:okersabobt'ihe tarrffhv besif The Evanaville find.) Journal! contains I raised no cotton, corn, fl.mr. or an t kind f complete returns from the; election in that jsion- tosell, and I tbink he hit the nidg rtr. r U V. . head- Now ibis last iertff mi v i be -i tfM OIBf:rr",-c" ,TTur " mg9 for,w p know n hard tb &tr ibb fr$i teo ipi the Senate, and the Loco a maotity f duty, and what 1, intend j-io.saji! Hu oftenfin lhft Uoule a tie on iwnt-ballot i J61!? forJ-Mmara'aod every ..body H was reaoed: And onejbingl we all GavernmeoTmust be supported euh' ay;, or a'diiecr iax aod ibe: hrMlM left "as osi . Jh' MtA . I coo ifcal raM PereWa'ta are for a Street tax. and i I. tff B I . s,cvu -0, argrear rpanj oi; are afraid lo tplf i h tvAnl a6 nnw.- ''' !.1l.."..J .cT' -"--j: ' .:; i .l. hilt V arelafraid ib, telOhe people ad .flbr Carolina politiciana lean that i! war. !!and ;r Carolina Doliiieiana 1n that ! wis them com? oat tbat; way. ldbrie HW iojnstice jo past lime, and f meaaib, itf ment by tryiog; to pot bin where a pf a and a na'not and faithful t servaoj ought to-.beat.tar as a vote Wih g m . t ' tr - ' .. Mar..; as ' r . r BEAR im - - i- t- r i"- 3- - ' A wise man changes . his opinion does. r A- . . .:.vi;i- -'; "U -iH- - Hl hav seen this old preverb ina pPTU lL ano i thought with a smile, mat n ;- r his cornmend 4t offices f IB ! i exc.ase ot justificauon for sacn a? w ' 'ft- ! . - t i t t ! ! t. 3 : .1" 1 . '!- 1 vi r. - it i 1 : -V'r. J 'I -" si

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