j-t''1 v I - vf--."---"---'-'-'---'-rAOVEUTISI.VG EXECUTION SALE.V .. , ,.5r- , . '-I ' 1 , . )- , . . . ' . : RcnubUcan,; lUg; j If",' ,5 r iaiiiw W d9' Pti wending l ' . it i t fl a' 'i 41 Of diffil' rforman and mo tor .iWw U;'f5- r 'ue'CM i-ftl -nMiarilf Ibrealr- op raofit of the ibtt etri be df i.d for tfi? whole Si tie in bleb I . Tj,8 ViprtSontnent jof ike.ScoalornI Dii lt iBi$oa.diqoliilUfr. Md'irjll probably 'beliobi;i'ofnsdebalei as welUs ibVappor Vnoioeot of ibe Commons; the admission of 'set 'aril nemmnxiei inca m) tnMntn tfod fo Ibis matieraecessarj,; aa each jwabiw iflU'iTed io one Commoner, iame pf tbe-coijoiies Jtbit libw elecV'3 W 4moat be redoced to a Ifia iTujuot , , , - !l835JiCoold the new, count iea be accommoda- , ' i j i i 1 4 !. f, f i , ' formerly a wortbycitisenand rttaiinguished J Whig of this Town, presided, r A prelmblel nd rsWutipris wire'onantmou.Iy adopted; nomioattrig pfcNRT .Clay, of Kentucky- For, tneoexi rreatoemy.! ; oo .viytuuu Wasaaareaseo oy ine xini uun v'v. ETtJ Hon; C.h .jVsiliiMpi .ayacl Hpn.!MiL The Lesiilature of Tennessee has agreed 00- 00 and passed a law districiing the 3tate for ihe leciiori of Icdembers, to the State. Legislatore both Seoaiors and Representatives"! As the two iausevare 01 oppocnpupuiiua. ji, ww of sbmi difficaliy. Tbe final vote I was almost DnaOimUQS. s iosui uif icing ine oiata iuiu uuui 4- j 1. 1 -til j "Oji i. . i ( n u n :, '. - FressioOaliitrtcis has not yet been agreed on; 'A t il was nearly agreed upon which woold have given me nigiaiXv oiemoera io, uve, uui iutj tocofodos stood oat ioritbe odd member ' at' the vA bilraboUshipg fmprisonmsat for - Debt, has passed the House of . Represenujives, S9 j to 29 1 tVs ho for the, hiinor of the State, no jReHef it Stay Law' will Ve, passed! :irbe: Locofocos taaoifeat hudispoaitton to; allow the Stattf to;be repfepfftted in jlhe Senate of tpe)Untted States; I 37 'Onb;Kper.r-The General Qovercraent Slimmed ita attention to the Improvement of )ai navigation ;oi ire voio river, ana nas re cently directed two Officer ojf the Corpsof To pogra phjca) Engineera Jo examine the river the oneYrom liiisburgh to Looisville'.tbe other tpprfrom taenia to 5jt Louiajl If." 1. i J ! 'Ferniont Cntfect Stoiea Senator UTh'e Hon. VViUiSttt Upham; Vbigt has been elected by tbQ; Legislatore, United Slates Senator, from Verrnoflt, for six yeara from ihef 4th of March ci. ne voie in roe Legisiatare stood : tor Upham-WhhiJ 122; William 0 Bradley; Lol Cufoco, JOO; Scattf nr.j 6. Hon Horace Er rett, MpC.. f rdm j the - Windsor ' District and iuw vuiiaiuvr, ano ion w inosor JCOuulV. vicie cuuipriiKjis tur 1110 , uig noioinaiioo. f ; I CovrcTioiOF M on ro r ; - E d w a RD8-Tbe econd tia if , this noted Forger waa brobght to clo?einNew Yofk City, on tbe21st oliitno. wr. Edmonds, on behalf of the prisoner, address ,iii.-f . .m ' 1 -i' 1 - i.-. '..'";-r-tv 1 I -.1- fa.ihe Jury for aboti two hoars and a half : He wit laMowed by; IVir. Whiting; Uiatnct Attorney 1 & t ' u 1 . Ti - "i" of Ihe prosecution, in a speech which occo pied ootot?five hours . Jodge Kent then eharged hJurj in an able and lurjillmanner, reviewinfl- po.iBTwpnce, ana-presen;ii g foe various pomes (f tbs ease The Jury then Retired, and after an fssertea of i bout 10 minntes, returned with a ver ?)l.y:;ltfli: -.'Iff: f I Milter haa been "considerate enongh to prfl rW.tha 'Sessionlof theWis' Tbe Mille- rH,r" wb are idiot men oystne uoston j raved jefriabtjstpogyd from , the of April lo'ihe 4l:of jJolyl wWo the - world j will come to in and wltbooV farther delay. Thail it will be the rir- w tuBuj. mere ,ia inoa ine sugniesi doubtor ihaa teed the case ever since Se- aeeibeaffiifgtvoff 1. riooW;iea ctlooal pr.jud.ce.; .od .re- ea wn oe ,,,u ..r-- -r- . - -'.onoin Carolina jf y -,v , u , oeen idle, men, to nave adopted jne.ftediom.t .ek an interest in the atonhW aacrffica of CbnW tbdeoarrtiesofwhifcformeift.werea part, the ..Kentucky j. ; .H.0 V, , Crl-r-A poblieation now. recommended But, Independ, Having a folllnaigbt into the evils if hervown jjfficant'woald he avoided, hot aach arrange . Ddi'ana- '"l-r' 0"r " 1 ent of Jbe cwivenienceprNewepapersfnr giving heart-by oatore.anrf thepollotioo "and goilof Wt'.lli'ncrttaen -iJLJ'-'-r w , -t "urh ootice8,.liefrareaomiachm0receriaio.aa .iQ, renuancing'atlrigbtepuaneaaof berown.sbW .aotJhone'i6itance,ibecbon.yof Cherokee, ;f ri."vp ; j 'f 7225 ' ' ,124" fa? 'n .?"T w.fjlOo Sain day caatherafelf unreservedly opon the merl.a ofher aots. , , nfi i f -onnivl ai- or before n4 Kj rl4 JTr "n 1 1 ' v ? ,41 U8'' w:fobsrrf? Adveruemen board aloor Savioor In her aixteen.h year she nnited her-1 jaa notpart of any other coonty at or berote One nundred and one. nor a. Banks, char- Coait Hooae, alrngted over" with noiices .f va- sea witbi (he Preabfteriao Cborcb of Centre.- ,he iiitna of Its , formation, and j therefore win h lAWor0 Jgislatoretin' seven years; kinda On Mondaj. we,, bad a soaking Fiom'ihM jline, until her death her life adorned lava to &t provided fur by.withdrawmgarepre , h-II.'wIu. i 'r -Xnd Vet with theT tW Rti that-laatfd the whole day; andonTueg. ihe pare Ud eanctif jing jeligion which she pro Uttia fn Wme oifaerldistanl icoontywith l?n& Wf VT .Vv "hh - " day.hardl, a veaiige- was lo.be.aeeo. ,be no- d, , Her piety was atdt, .intelligent and KesifiiffiiuL in pJpeetirej we ant cipate V1 PTO.1 c n? ency, the; ;Wb,g,:are , tieea.alloded to. the, who!, hav,e;hee w.ahed uniform.! ; Anifeg from realiiing ;viiws of Di. tV'' l?.rS ' - called the Bank party;- "- :J-. off, or render lUeg.bl tBotr i i'-isWlea to vine-iruth of the evil (of sio, of the beauty if mg sftsion, jod perbape atorm also. r wblt!VsW enndilio0-,ol'ihe-& thattwoold flw h,linesS,'of tb love add.grac ot Gmi r AWyUrBP.ndentba.,alticWfmW affi needed .ot enuU, etcitemepiuo laLmJU W ..'Jacksoo; andlwen yrlriered by theWs.ll I .i ! iff:6: V ti Vl'T. L't i. ! -i.. '. - 'x-.il iv'ai. hnw ' nlnff MnPriR. Anil fit I mnla in Ihs nIU RnFi',A -V I - ' . .- - , t . . . . . , - ;'jix.'m 1 1 ne niieiueai are tjuite -right in toehn tjie 4!orJnlft'shos a great deal H.a9Ree coteo there will be manv Dreseot . I'K W ... . T - - J I AsHBUltToNnt .upwards 01. eleven nunnieo ViV? ?;u,he?!' lhM lhe. "n, burden; 'wis I.Vnched j at N.w. York iSlWWPM "ftr?ininsdf-ln sotot; Wetjocsdit mor mhi last; wiib hfctpirs i- I.. x 1 : : - - 10 main aid hi he. independence of Texas, nd waa'all l anding: ; S'es owoedb sior.T 7 W ! - '"I11", r'"'-. , sfs. GBlNNELt. -Mm TURN pd'.iBjd is I ,he 1glh mstanvbyabe Rf. Jamea. D- lUM shf shortest notice; aedut; surpassed by ; ; - Tr&y? : 4 .r r j v aaa ' v" VK .""!"T?:1 ieu . linciiueo ioc;tn5 CTewxori a.oo juivcipwi i ir. joAif vtfuuoa, ot ataiitiie, ri iis3..iaTjri ar.y m neiaie, sw "-"-i.-" J i . jT-- ; j T " iV ' z - Mwc4.p 7 .r:.;: ?, .: ,Mico.r-P. t,;.. , . v: i n-JXcTr,f9:Uuwatt,: 1 - S';:;iT, - Savory f ;,Jr- ' v: 1 c .LTlv1 i; . VCTcf jo Nofettbar, 1843. to selcci Iheifcaiididaie lai ihe PffsfdeipcjrvKnowini -bow ih? party-.will Wennyjlkfw.licy of.ifie -Locos (odcfer the f' 77ii Rascally Jiariks T foil iWiifd Jmg fehops jTbeV, ire rotten to ibe core, od ibbiaVwiJObnduct ,T-ibenrt bonld be hiled bf the people and banished frpro !H uood eocietf. . . s Tu ' tat itie ue fang1eiiDemirfate pf lhj9 dir. 'Now let us exaaine tod iee bow ma nt 1 of : theiB swindling esttblUbaf otif r' Vermont, ; , ;;ft ACtO j, iuii.ua . 8 ' Louisiana Mississippi r: jU-'IO- V-, Miss$sip Alabama the Iwn hundred and twenty-five chartered bf t'nLp. fonythree have been blown sk, tiW?r-tiier wti pay ten tents on the dollaraad th.rteer . pthera are , now; in a j ?TVV i -, t ne jnor m tne uoston Atias, t,a uiay pa i per,, re 1 a sea 10 puunvu j iqe , ptvvffjms i m-c njeetiogofliberjoliiIonisV Faneail Hali. V We casnot accord to the object of the rheeC ing, nor tojihe spirit of Ibe resolution?, our ap proval, or smpaihy to a. sufficient degree' to j$ tify oar gitios thetn a place in por colomns -The avowed object of the meetlngihe tone of the resoluijona, both aim at open violation of the Consiltatidriofithe Uniled;States.,r - . The Editor;al9o avows his" opposition to ibe institution jof blavery, and his willingness to re sist its inttoduction into the free Slates by all legal means, and adds: ... 4 , ; vubi wviisver may oe oor opinion, as. 10 an it.-' i .Ll'lt-L' .!r.!:' I 'l i." Sre: canduptorsot .the Atlas, its columns snail never be used to ceonset ; tbeir violation.' . 4 ;Vcs :: Reipecling.tbe Iron Steamship; now bnildiog at, Pittsburg, we find the fol owiog paragraph in the Ptitsbarar Abericafl:- plroh Slhamihip' The Wdtk'.on this Vesel .is progressing rapidly, and as we learnhighly" 4 to the satiafaction of the superintending officers of the up? ernmertU .r H'r-y A' gentleman of professional skil'.iVnd of ranch specific, inforo ation, very recently paid a visit to Kingston Jin Canada, where the British are pot ting op ad irop steamer, made in England - He says that the -work on the London" vessel cannnt oe compared to the" one how building here, either in beaotyiof flofsb, exactness of fit;6r qoality of Iron: )f- j Vf i 1 w find thai Cap!Hart;-lheiW iiujauia sapvrinienueni nere, n tsieiy oeen,io Erte.where he; has advertised for the' necessary timber to complete this vessel for.erviev' NaticI CottRTlARTiALrr-The General Na. yal CportMafiial lately aitjing nn board the V. S. shin North! Carolina.' at New Yurlv wai dis- Solved on Fridav lasr. after a 'session of one hon dred and five days. and ibeanog and determining 4l - 4 - i ' i n i . . Xnfl iomeroW', 'Cox-n.! Van'oos t reports have been fin circulation ahout thai old Coon who made'surh havoc'arnorig thef Drmoerara Of the' Uofort inf84d,TThe "Wash1 fngioa Globe ays that' in the late elections he has been skinned and most "fssenttaljy used op r.be-;Nortb Cai olina ttapdardl thinks him" dead, and' for ih with proceeds o gire his epitaph V The Greensbor- ough" Patriot-says that:he'is'inot dead but-only possamiiB'. and in doe timewiii be found to be aliver1itn!g and scratching aV an' awful rate whiles with others some conjecture one thing and someanother.l 2 Passing! along the road the othfdavwe"saw a hoge coon track; and t occurred to aslhaf per- injs incuia leiiow claimed ine uid worm aiaie as.his1 lawful right; hot had become-disgosted with tbe'eonduct uf the WhWs in th "eastern and niJdX portions tf the State.'and bad deter- mined lobiiate himself rathe moomains, where he knewfihe Hoe" Whiff ori nei niesal wave nre- f dominate! - Here he-will fatten npon'the fruits oi; me lores's.sano in 104, can v one witn re newed vf?or.opbnhia enemiesarid deal ""death a n f d es t rn cl ion 1 h ron h t h eir niiki.MctUU Mating'tK- if '4:-"f-h:'' 2W-; .-li .J " 1.1 ,1 -- ; t . A Hew packet-shipl'bearing the narae of4 tf we arewrong in ottr'CaresWVwilf thank, tnr ode t6 correct. us Here it the table r ; ntiesj jpanica cnanereg dj juccos. dj wnigs am L..'i 41 j . - 6. MewjHtmpsbiro -,.',"5fN; '? -...rjO, PenRsvlfanis, -,;s4 17A . 0 GiorfliaVp r . 0-' EmirrKrr1 ,W.Q or ,hNewPPr Uoowheeahe lived; ;in 182I;.$he aa brodg'ht' f vki f--!v--V.-r:-i! v-r'-.--Sir;...-i r"--.'T-rrv--r iw.-awnpr; sjiiiuiqeB sdim roioeo estate, ana to COPY 01 WBICQ was oanocv io niiu oj ,ine cjfcro -- m. 1 . ! .I " - .. tary for t&at purpose, ana gives, me following reasons : I f ,44 : t - q .'r--'"- V v- ,z ensuing IsWalnf.;fir aoendio2. or caaciinf . : f tu'V - rr . r f Jaws,couceiSaenhataDerrit will be cade tVaroend ihe Law, as regard l,aee.iliona!es My Jauer a;e, lo be idremsed at Urn twenty' days in -fonr of tb'e,:bo$t pablie ' places Sic.-; The unronicie passage of Constable from auch a lawwpoldbetwo-rold :vFoi.-P:op-1 properif. it wfold not onlyrap a peonv in the Sales.by aiickmsr op a Noee at Ibe Coort Hoosr doqror athej IoiIm of a Road, waa doubtless, wit e-r. nnn.n r. I THE AST.GREiT RACE BETWEEN I 'inercupoti.Tefy properiv autrestitneri ua' vj : uw, i,v"'Ja ne.wan.- wnere- a cereal lanmpelUnsSheritTrand !r nf!P J'8; llo2 "'.liSh WPV5Bl to advertise all eiecuied rroprt? w t,lB.j,i..' " vj.sr. ' -.- -. inereare uponiiesRO ootoMooaJe aa nut to have : a: i ne pren bopea of Jh r:ber bad clastered a paper pnntei withia j'beir liaiis, the'pabliea' ,B!ck Hrnd him -ayllrealjiauoo VIA nnnhei'a Ihftof Jioh AdfeUHemeoiaUtd Ve-oadeVii lMiitf mcicm fpride aa she be- iheeareat paf,er. : We hearuly agree wub.tbe AU, j ha4 .tbe; of hop tnf f Editor of the Chronicle jn hit aoagesttonihoogb frwnf, been tffinreried into the fcabuaUonof deV 'we4rnayrperhap;8uhicVoar8tiriolhVlg paJ' ,ft tooornfngr.:- .KV,i c 7? tionotbelny: influenced ;bf -selMnterisi.Bal " (""JAmy' Weep over ibfrrtmaini offi iends,' whodoea not see that the aavaotaoea derivable Ius.Lu- tj-ii 'j Y j 1 , - . , - boswad.Krermub- whw loved '.he deceaipd, ut ftiiju. wuun,. -winer, opcaoip 1 DPDinuuuiit suarfcier mat f nv raao, a.rent en me aie wpaia oeeji'jnsiTeiy' and .generally . wmihi rutua iw.'uia ni;nerrpwa tcVwb wf erft rppriy ..nnwiexfroiedand Rd afllu?iJua 61 ihW (Mtpda!an4 kindred m ho raid Tor VreliiflemVooaeqaencevr.'borifeW ' loved j.fci'roaiatm-lbtearaeftaffreU pprson. r.unparitively.'kiwwn'? of - the . Bale: wafer hlarate.-Conjm?ln'icaeo!. Secondly,' XUU each a law w,oold pat an extra : Deputed tniilife'lbS iVrotnlnVsCib dollar lrthe noeket cfthe maw wbo owned the .If nA.t.2. k n.u--1 r-u-.-u . in be aiimolated o read ihe papera more' aridjh. ere- McXetlj, ?ed 37"Teara;;, - , J - byVrow wiaerv. Qr . Mr Bell enjoyed, the high privilege of being . U nearly, every State of.tht Un ion-(if -not; trained uViromi infancy Ondei a, etrojg ligiucs every one) excepf Ztb taro!ina, all sale tin- lnflaencv Her pious pa rents opened up tocher der;xeeoiioof are' advertised In ;aPob!icew8 , naiaaa while "young the d.'trion of Chrisni(y. paper. lb e present iroode of piblr8bing,ueh .na exerenrifind ik'nuT dftilnM li.. i n. I. FASHlONt AND BLUE DICK. 1 ; " a wife, a mother, a friend and neighbor, a ',V" " t'r V LJ' 'r ' ' f " 4 I " ' conscientious' regard to the 'principles'' of Cbfts - ) t 1 r- lJ " '7 tianity ebaraciarised her conduct ; rendering it -.jii? granu ;nnefeoriDPpon.rneiwef--l'beatiroUnd; ine?e soienniai nags, came no on f iday over I Fashion won , the 'race in two, heats, ma- kiug, the foltowinp time : . , ! . 'v:if,,FiitsT Heat-j rf' peailli ; Lf.:;.-Hl; 11.55 ft' ) - .Third 1 54 vFouiib ,1 1 55 7.86 ' - Second HeAtJ' J. irst milei , Second , I 52 01 t f 30 taken. And aftff the. first beat' 100 tflO rakeb.era7ti.. '. c ' ''it ( IT DOES NOrGOOnrAT ALL. 'A genitemain in the city who Was 10 Ihe bv- i t of d ri n ki ogi h is br a n d and i w a ter, moderate! u of course, had a nero servant ho was a model of 'sobriety, But-af few eveaing gJf"ihe gh4: tleman came hlrmeaod found Jim very'druok.' The nextf cnotning Jbe offender wasi railed? op for an explanatioii.l'j He raine; forward with a peculiar iy'disiressed and U(irtifid luuk.4 when inquired rl what this meant, fie replieov V yvby. jnaster, 1 see When any; thing troubles you; v yon feel bad, yon always drink brandy amazing ' ly.- VVL ve3ierday -. broke one or your china planers, and knew yo . woold be Sorry so ul j troubled .nep I fell very - pad indeed, and j. 1 thought I wpold lake some brandy too, so I kepi drinkinar.and drinkin? and I; sol drunk before I tbutight. vu it did no eood at alLFoi I feel just as bat about the plat'er.-an tben 1 am mur- uned lo think t-t 1 1 should gel! drank ,:jt does no good at all lo drink uhtn po& are in trouble 'r -t he xt lama' e a't itai f heK., so, struck with the.huneet sunpwciiy,, o .sot, ";gro ana ihe good sense of the cinclusionM;weljl as wiih the e viK influence wf lilsVon examj le up those beneath him,' that he was.deierroincd vio; banish his brandf for"ever;i;and is Omwi folly, dn?ncrd that lzt does, no good at all tlectotcder.) t t- - A letter received by the last packet, states that ibe letior of MtUVVebpfer, in'replyttfv tne insulting protest 01 , ue i toueu forth great admiration bntb in ngiatid;'an France, where it baa been, translated jii tlrel ;eocn journals.. v .-..-...v v .1 L.v .-.w vr- --4 i' Hurrah 1or Rankin We learnTrom an nn- 'doubted suoreethai a-: lady in Rankid- cuoniy; Florida, gave bin b lot five Uige living children,' a rone and tlie skmevtimsi About ;a year ago,' the same person .broegut into the worm Joor one besrty boysa!i one.timef4.t;"llie Woman. e learn; is a pious Christian, and doubtless thinks 11 her dotv to obev. as far as ahe canJ the command of the bcnplaretv " mcrease ana muuipjyv . -t. ri'vf.y4J 1 ' a ' .-. W Tboseborri jove cemeata lir holy faith And nnat iransoorf. free as Nature live.v Vft What is the world to tbem:;.. c ; Its pomp, its pleasure a.nd jiisjnonsense alii -i ' aq in eacn oiner ciap TMac -i Hib fancy forms.nd lavish hearts can wish v. : ;uAumi:bi r,;" -;y: -- ' .. !- JJr . 4-i inc' .c.gie course, at i renin. to. a purse nan nranrn ot-ne-pencil oi iiospir&iioq to, iue of $800 -ih was most beautiful race, and 'lf" '. ,ProT?rb9-! ! , ; drewgether a large concourse of specta . ,,foftp,f f'Wr J Pea fo1 d-atb' tors -i j.' vi- . ( , s . r -ew wek8 lefore her death, in conversation ' 'i- ' x vt' 1 " ' " ' ' with a niou's friend, she 'expreedstrbrr? assor- (JFottrtbl;kvr , 2' "f. ,"' i , ' i7.48' ' vn,ts,,a, orinude and nsigriathm foi which his j r ir "l ri j t"' i J'e hasbpen, disiinjniahedi Thuogh, from the Gillpstrick rrtdo BUie D.efcand Joe L-r-1 flnrt, his dise.ae'and Im. .deinred the rde-.. Fashion. Be.tsal 'starting were 100 hoMm mind had opn nomewhat prepared rn hV.k 1 ' a i U- "r ' t". an,!7 daM, leavin; a -iife an J infant child, Ve bate never wiineS,d a datfc m.reJ' sulemn, th3n that ..fjMr. Huvrard 1 "n ihe Joyefawost aoiible and affeeitooaie wife? he baa -suddenly been aurotnoned.totaprear tefore1 toMy i0 bta affaetfona.e'widow; !hai hebaateft CuniJf MnClaHviM M ifeof Mr. Tbimaa liness j ' that she-!; waa 'fairy imnreasei witb aseoseuflheir impriaeeand teVirdedaa the holiness intensely desired : Religion; with her waa earried into all jhe relations of1!: so that lovefy 5i and presenting delibt-. fnl illHstration t the picture of the virtuous wo. reou's rrtend. sne expreed :st muz a n ee - of j a n t n t e r pb t j i n S h e Sa t i o u r ; O n t her death beif she' declared hei -H illingnss todep&ri; and trpgt;opfidenee tn HPm Whom she loved an i nadtCiiosen as nei iteaemer j and felt hap pv.in the priwpectof,' dissolution; and ,sn "ec! irnnre ipon ine, reai prepared lor ;.ine people ' oi Gd Jn the exercise of sfrunfaltbuahd ' wrll founded jhope she fell' asleep irr Jesus -fnife she 'was onrve'rsally beloved-o death lamented T all.MHerfJoss ii her .family; friends and s icitoreti s great ; out; no woabt lor her tadie wa 1 gaimV.? Blessed; are iM dead : that - die tnr the? I.ird "i-ff'ommuutcnfetf;-:-;, suj va,vM' o tue? outn win picase copy; Died niv "tMs ' CM v; on the 7h; instant the' R?. fFrn. McPhetUrii D D. af'er a ong1 and pamfol illness, wl if h vbe: bore "with thiiroe far the herminaiionlof his earthly career yet hisfh Was the fesp ctjso deefr-ibe - afTVciuin, evij of rut' ri sj lupq t U y j,1 uiT M li! tuti ohii ueful life had wrought m the hnrt uf 1 his cxn- f l.l--.t I' i t uuni w, ' ma poiemm evem- n39--spreaii thfortght'evpTy.cMcIeiall (be gloom arid sorrow laf r nddeA and unexpected tpoblic; calamity r- and histdeath will indeed W. felt as a real onbUc calamity. Hi!! workof; fanh and labors of jove werenol n fined tor his ()wa endaied Ttotnes'ic circle, nor yet to the respectable denomination in whieh he wasiattached as an abfe; learned and pious divine hts name and the eilir.g -virtues which adorned his rharactei' are identified r:h all nor noblest literary f and benevolent " instiio- tinns. JB" t is not T fbrjoa to ,.rne hi's eulngy ; This fs. best expressed irfihe deep enrnt ion wbih his death has created in ;e very Usym -r Raleigh "Microcosm: .1 S v "A - Iri ihh 'dSontvrnn'ihe 14'hV !inWr Mr. Jli? It'll- ri : !-.. t . ) ' it i 'i . -? .t''' -J 1 enact ofwn jr., mo ui jur. vticnaei Drown or., aged about 2 1. fears. ; H-1 - V 0 r . TO CEtlKS, sheriffs; COJVSTJl- ing. Counties that tie has and iwill continue to keep on; band,. a, full; supply vf ; BLAKS.neatly pr mi led" on good paper,' and not e'ut passed by anv' work dooew Jhe late All orders from a.dts- 1 e '.t' ! t-i ' ' ' ; r I ;i..'. Csoia; Bands. Ca Sa Bonds: Sohroeaas..Vetidi- I ion I ksponas, JororsV jicketSi&Xrcuiiuos. . h County Court JorotV Tickeis, Executions; : MfsieUaneous Constables; Wsrtants, ?wjth Executions atlaehed,) Ca Sa's Bonds; Guar- dtan Jpands Apprentices Indeniures Aiirriage . - . r' r i' - rt - r n. 7. . . .'II. . - i . - ' 4. . ; " T4 mHtrPrtOPRIE"! 6ttf iihe V Watchman 2a. Printing Office.": jtespectfiilly informs the Clerks SberifTs and Constable-of be sarroond 1 ar.ee. if r any 01 inejuuowing uianxs protppiiy attended to iv' 2l' - , ; fwperior Cotirri-Wrtaess Tickets. Wriit. AfTry ftndicriueni?, Indietmeatstvs. Overseer of Roads', ;Vendi. Expooaf, Witness Tickets; Writs.;&c. , V , ; I4 i;- r r I ..V- d fflJ; db i1 rH -f A : CP oavis, . tSierifaX 4 WSi P,C?-i ao.-1 base aVber'a..e: fti yeaVd; wh'rchl v j iVtrrf rC- 'I ' twnBondsJperwrod : ,1;, T7 ' 'tW t': 'A',l - i TCT!Vr-:J"f A ' V . V r-lC'Cl' TTr - ?, ;;TUE SUBSCRIBERS V - : . .at.au irceiving and openinj mine onc JL bnose west f 1 the. Conrt-house, their ;i Aroona -ihieli.rf"Dffl Gix.i1j.r HarJwtti": tjoiieryj onoes. rjopts, uats, llonqets, - hich-we are determined ,jo sell! as ! cheap for itf5iTa" can oo oougni anyiwoere in- u uncord. Ave invite o'd enstomers and itenMc in in era! to call and examine or stock before nurchas- fng elsewhere, as we think' w ani give Jsoch bargains as wifl pe great inducement lo purchas ers. -.Vj iv-rtv c-", ajVV f ... j .nr r Coon try prodnce taken in exchange'' for goods;: ''M R WINBCOFK, .i Concord, Nov. 19r 842-ifl7 - V.-o Singing ScfiooU - v - U r course of.instruction in YcaJ jJ usieaMhe, Female Academy. fa Ibti place, '.whieb it a pro ped to continue one eventoga week during-Jhe, winter and spring-: A'J'he cnorsei intended fur boir. sexes; and :s adapted to the" comprehension of .children of 10 or J2 yearsjas well as persons oi a more Advanced age.'-1. v -': If vThe Intrwdoetwy Lesson on? FdaV -evening next wilt be public, nf those dismised can' tlier join the Class, which is partly 'made, op.' The puone ate ressectiuiiy invited, toattendfw 'k S . ' r ;lH ,X CLARKE. 7 Salisbory.'Nov 19rd43-4tlt7 '"4-V;f4 saddle harness: .Sir-- rXi-Fif. ;.;'t?i iiaMawt .. 4. i - 1 .- fllHErj BSCtUBERS re spectfallv inform h- citi- tzens of S.lisbary and the Sorrounding.ODontry; that they have opened a shop n this placed where they will carry on the-vli, - rVSl ssaaai p;nn a mm am ess ut King 1 1 r- 1 . - - in alt. its niLAicrms. Ailotdera ior, SADDLES I BRIDLES. Fine' f nu uuiuuu jyx.lt E.riT ' T Leather ! Trunks! cc. 8?c.V will be attended to with punctuality and "des patch j and all kinds of, s r j " ' 'r ww w? B-,- airravajn 1." dons id good style, and 'on tliii horUstfr6tiee.- .The subscribers solicit, Ihe patronage of. the public, sod pledge! themselves in -use 'theirs best exertions to give saiisfactiobp "Their shop is 00 tniin street, two doors "nbrthesst-or the" Court-. House, next door, to A - Benbt ni's Is tore, j. 1 ; 1 PLLVMMEU &; alt AW. ri NV. 13 12 -if 17 i ; it.-' ) j, 't Unite& Slain DitnctACour(:l North fjTO TC K Jo shew'csoe agaJnsti Per lion of PfterOwen,Mf Rowan-.coonty. Farmer, r to be declared "a Bankrupt, at .Wijmingtoo, icnmowhv the 19h of 1 December -next" Richard VValton.'lof Rowan countvt farmer, to rr.fbe declared a' Bankrupt at Wilmioglon,on monday ihe l9ih of j December rext . ' . 'I William .H.tBranoo, of Sorry coarVv,: Farmer. '.to be declared a Baoktopt all Wilmington, pt ftn'tnonday tbe19th of December next.- r- Williarn Coming, of sbe cooniy, Hammermsn . . tu bedeclared a ' Bajikrjipt, aryilmlngon, . on'uwiday 4be 19ib bjlDece iihfext 2'- Daniel Haoserof Stokes- tontr, Farmpf, to be declared a Bankrupt 1 jal;Wlroingtoo, on f-Tmonda'y the 19in'nf Decern be: tjextl-- Willi; B. Nash, of Davie icoootv; Farrier teb V - "declared a BankropCl at Wilmjngton oO 1 t; mooday ibe !9ihof December oexC- ' Henry S Gorman, of Cabarrus county PlaUier; jZek lobe declared a Bankrupt. at; Wilming- ' innTon tnnndaythe l9h of Dvcembet next, "Joseph Hr MitlW of Davidson ciianiV; Fanner, " 5 lobe declared a' Bankrspt;ar Yilmingon, on inooday the 19th day of December next V-T By order fhe CodrTj i - i r.1 H.Hi potter.: : Acting QUrk of-Vburt ia Bankruptcy . tTjiieo; 'SfafeV District Cowtbfctftrtfi ' - Carofina a Bankrupltjf.J -22: TOTJCE tohw rsnse, ssamStlPetttion of 11 Fredf rtck Gmbb, of -Djiv'-dsoia cbunty, Far V mejrtohe declared a! Bankrupt at, U H- rotngton. otf"tabodaVi the I9tb of " bexi.y ; ' V-'-..P: December, Brorder 'of r the Coo rf. . : . - u , ; z V:.H H PpTfHR. V , A ;- t acinic A.icrc r vuri jvatmrvyity Nov 8, l?424w'l7 h-yVJIv" , I HAVE appointed JamesXCowsrj my agent tufanend lo'tny bosmess, doriagmy 'abscoce ' "3 Alf persons wbo are indebted to me, aeTeqoeaf . ed tu make payment tobimrby the fistiifJaRo : FALL A N D ;AV IN,TER X : ,.v-".v -t . goods, - . Saddlery,v.,Carriage iTimmin rtj; : r V:-;: Crockery P.ipla,v DyeC -5' w3ndf tn" kott; a general 3 cusorf tacn : of . .: Pqop.fvu 7 iVf r a(a;i 4 iiiwriwiwi"w apypar in l IO ine Brviouiiuu v .idcii.-iniriri. I i r , - : i i w i ' 1 r r 1 7 , v Me stj : SuperioivCoiirt AVnts'. f nlHlS Esiahljshraent is'nqvf. inonaptetfp ' ; ii raiioo'uThe Companyere 'mauulctuiui'j V ' ;' - . ..-.- . , ; COTTON YJLY. J - .! .uP?riwr' qJly,hich ih'ey ! cHer to lha. 5 r-uuiic i in iiiwesi tnattet prices,- Alercbanie.'. : andothrrs, wbo illl examine qoaliiies. and com-.- - !"A'FAMILY of Negioesrcnsisiimrcf iniriv'' . jX-lCi and hts ;ife. hkIy indjo thS'prirae tf -V and tbeu thrke cbi'dien, aged abmi ninerJ :.v JOlV uo, decd , on the first dav'-of NaVemW. next will wiitnut ait be most resDecifuIIr Waiu. chased i-; i , -;;-;-f- - -t - r, f-;.t r ' , balistnrf, June 4t 18.J2-tI45 X-. Jv V" rate, and one, y ear are .t-Uered M sala.fX bey are sld fur no; faultr bat .to meet eftgagtments,'. K ' ? and.wooid.be a 'greairqotsJtioncyayr'persba''A Wanting eocb a faimlt -1 Apply at this OCicfiJ rSarbury Oct; 15, t3J2.tn2 V' :;V-: lLAOT;AM.i-u4:--- 5,-t VLI44hee indebted lo-ibe Eatateef B; Abs w. ed on by an Ot2eri rii-, - f ' i : -:r. : - c: B. Y!lEELER;Ado' rS,V. jSansboryOUl51J842.tfl2 --S.V'. i r HEiifeesiaie oihWtftof Willis ra U Xr it Crawford: in several atobleMV l. . win oe.soia.ai me votiri, uooae in Salisbury jbn Saiurday.3dday rDecedtfeef;nXtA Bond'iod r. HTunif wmih rqwreo irouMbe pi)rc.has-t for ibe forth ciimingiif the Negfueeif liviegVat tbeVv' j; death'of Mrs. Crawjurd.M .r'Vs5 i' -Six. months credu will be pivenj'whK nA V-t-. security; and the jaleWJ)f. rWitivU take placed -C-1 CJOHN;J.,SHAVrElC"Tistte c K FUIT VFALLrERMr 1842.:- : 4ThWC!ihlrerarid:retnY;'vV-:p.4t i , pennee,hs ife-.Wtiiam 'V-' w4 Beman.ao inf.niibT his . ' f ' " 1 1 i,exr.iend,Job4 Chesh.ie J ,4 vj.? j ! - . William Catn and Em Iv I - V -V. f l' liiswife jnd Luoia R-l r V. - J ' ir' -uh man; widow; ofRichmoodL man. Al vis Walker and Love v lii wife.Jamea X oil man and, Rebecca bis wife, and James Swan and. Irene his -wife, - ire not inhabitanu' ol lbis State: Ii is. theMoie ord'redi that Doblication ' be made for sir week io the Carolina Watch- "2. man. for 'the said defendants to- beand, appear.1 ' i at ine umj mjodh 01 aiiy, ro De-ueia lot lie '-f' conniy of DavtV, at ibe Court House inJJocks- f vijle. oo(tbe 8th nonday afier the 3d Don day In f's February next,'andplead,,answeV or demur Jo - bmplaioants petttkia, or judgment will be enter- L en pro cnniesso, aoo tne case set tor neanog ex paiie,Taslothera",., li r w.;' - Wiioess. LBingbsm,-Clerk jnd JVfaster of said i V(CottrI,at Office: the 81b raonday after the SJ , i. rtrt . J ' -:--- . sr. fc' J - BeeoaB.;j:;V iPetiti --i : William- Beeman; Alvis I - ' 1' h Walker? andM;.vey,hls hrH wife, James HoHroanand Srr t-'- 1 .if" Rebecca, bia"-wjfep James" 1 A.-' !V - " , t f . Swarijand Irenehislwifej ' x yt) V? f t ! JTT appearing in this rase; 16 the satisfaction of, I 1L the Court; that the Defendants. Witliim Bee. 1 I rr - v-T..Bday In Aoguir, A. Lr v-f&42, and. in the W ' 67th year of American ijndependence.vl - 7r ;-; o l; binghamu b: ;v6wG Pi inters fee 58 00 , . . Cents : Reward r jj v HE' above reward vi'ff, red for tbs ppre ' Jl ;; hensjonof .ITeoryi Kegb; j who ranaway from .(ne sobscriber on ibe 1 sj day of M ay If su I hereby lorwarn all persons from harboring sad boy, a- beffSSsa boond' apprentice to me. Sod) shall enforce thflaW against' any person harboring or trading with htm " 'fl ; j 1 'it'r. '-LEONARD 5HOFNEK. . "Salisborv, Nov12; 1842-Sw 16 ; , - ' v ; ' ; - mM- ' i na oi. . . t ? n n r i a ri c i a n n n tv ! a 1 1 n n : f!HE SUBSCRIBE R,-teapeel folly-tenders JL: bis tbanks fuc past 'favots.'ani begs leave to jnform the nblic that be ir sull carrying on ihe above Business at his old Stand, in alt its varioos hranchea He has now on hand a good stock of; Leatberandfifatate Workmen, and wil! dowork ch-ap fr cash rbose indebted to me.'eiiher by. note- or ac- : eonnt' are revpec'foljy jnsifed to caii "and' settle , 11.. on or oeioie tne ne nay rn uanoary, i43 ; sou' v; i those Jhafait to do o. wilt cerru(y iwiiiirwiilj ,f ' ; an officer. - y ?i J. D. GLOVER; . '.if-4 l--i - '44.-:j- "I ,l pomidis iio'r$ ahdIbrtcdTding'LAItrchant 1 j. r', X-VV-ILMI'SOTO Si' F At KTTS VI LL E' . C. : !i : " rjlHE nndersfgoed Is" hoV prepared to receive j iivj r jU Goods si WiltoingtoVand forward lhe same i itVJa ibe Owners' hi the baekooentryV Hi 'aVa iarge. fKi W'arehoose at the -Ri ret; where Goods ill be " JJ'i t .11 .1 U. VWntL A. .' .IRIiril WW .... w . .m U mw dlU . H4T . .11.-4 iuirw liro i UTOCr' uri, vv;ci.iu t- i : unlyvto hill the d soil cartage from'the' ltlyerto Fa yeitevitfvti hereby lessening; the expense' ooj Goods todrb bttUw .ibe oaoal.charge "!Ast ble sil 'Warehouse is istdatad' f foro vall; bjbei: huildrrgslT' the danger of Fire will he mfliog in cimpatieuri to ihe rikjlcarred ttoo being , sit oated in town, ri Those wno nt) favor him; wtb "their bWidessi- put reii luuim f Ff vaiitHi iui uo uiu ' . . 1 -.. ' r..u-:i .-. . 1- -J4i iJnipMw A;DavVf -'rr:2;:x: r, rtrVGeorge.WrBrow.. . ft Vi' J' Sr. Poweii:reewVXe?Jr 57. 1 .- 1 1 l't Ar 1 ill II r? n If r 4 4 i 4(2 1 fit 1 I I i l 1 1 f ii-' I it t- . 4 i i u 1 k2Pi2'-22v2 tub W222 ;4$:M2mi2 i . if r I J ' c -1 " r ' .-w.H.r -l , - if r . . n 4M,4 JI V J-I- I S'W , 1. i - V