I. i : 'J: I - . 4 t W f 1 f i. 4 f mi if- 1! . : t il I 'V,' ' J )f. If . '. J I - n ; 'T'VJlModiya.land iwficfeV-iffeekas allows "s v5';v -t o?Uf .at 6 o'clock A- M,; and afri'Tra iff AsKr: J! lifi'A... il fii,-Ub'' P .f . r ,.,v, iftf if i m .iiijciuii auu -a" i ubv: .,u v - w- w ppptJiaceomnjodationaVl- On'rflViro and HacUa ".a xterieitund In UiiriDer shiHoi aoa I 5L'Ccairabdiiiri3r i nCp'ns w)U 'e .spared Jioreo- : '-V :,'U;t' SHKKIUM; .PARKER.., WING OB TAlN'JSn'ile! JtfAT5(0,V. ' .4 .Jr r . . . ( ,- t ... - it'i- .iv-in- -.ui . l'Vt Ii e-H nMw'nPrfd ro;r'ceWe afni. eniertaia all ' Vj",. "-Nl.-1i pfetse and4irj tejialaie eted rota o V.f i . Htr JUIl will lif 'foonAUrniabW whh I , - ' ' cfctffo -prU.i of- i;rq.io:r8;'VV4e5aiiidT;ordia a, " l;jll)alS7ybL'BSah,HrW,'ltndw, , 5 ' f'hfoT .aiteoiii e ;loiler;aoJ. supplied ' ,-.T .; hcUrloiteX ci May gfli I&43fim4;" p. A .V rrgUKK$h' of .s?. B ; inforqrwi? bis friend,; N-C7 find ihri 'riablicitba kn is 5ovJ7. Wjtrtjreair? ib ibe. Wairh i and aFilk'maklnjr.arHl Re All Ijrk'tictoB bf J trim UL fwarraniedyidr twejf a rnboiha xH aiill keeps? on Band amal j : i'f l ' ' Jewellr? of wnrk.donft.J, 1 i ura t j . f f sjjlisburt 1 2. 184a1 4 tf3S.V- T tl ' CdnricrJThPPlultiiml Sheet T p , j, nflHE 5aWnbera' having, (oiited Jn ;Salisbu f ' I ."'') a.'1'tf . i wd ddurs' bejuwA . fJaifbico corner, , b I f Ninb pasi airaei; resWifiOlf ImMm IbrnjtJ. . iic.Vh.ai i UejJiave opened a,abo.liieh.iannw in UpefJtiwn; for;ih'ecnaoulatior6f all kftnJj tht ibovcln.VriiVf inviieiheaueolion of be -IF I i 'I.U ( supply oHvbieb'ihef ioient kep'pinj constant? f .. ''. .' Ir 'ooshaftd,) consistioV ' iiv paitfikif-.lhe fftllattba j B?$iifs ihe xnanjilacof!atl k mi djof. Wares ' I p Urei r; Jma; h b Void t h'emf f in :?cons) am readiness Vo answer irall lui FadarTrwork'. Rwif. iji?; )LKk-rf pairing, ami "indeed-ef&ry kind tof w?oik ithat Copptpmjiit.h in4riate;nd Khejt ' xvrk provinsf deficit. i in WurkratBsb p, will be VI NGj jakcnsrJer Ioj ac- qiint niy ?ef Utbo 'Krtriajoqaj jo the DankfoptUaw larelypasiaedil by :Coogrees I ifrreqr ?uu iuiyseiyices v n as' nay visn ViaUffto-avkil; the:Inip'tvs!qL i;afefcea, riif n6e' ma orv tho Vnbrn&ehVniW'Sft thi fi'nit nf ifi' Sopeffibr OotirtianafiiekilJs; 1 1 halJ zi . nil uc;aj.iui luieoriftct a.. nrc Tailing error ncernio2 Uis Uw; manv oersons V" M-E n otters fan erf? hi rTnWfWJ v in 1 ki liSfV W-i vest i s;brto t H wa h oikl Mi Pibn?k&i nnteht ,UaVle-'.tpl(! an CaarroMcklen1mrgi;Df .,f Li o. v3UUl"vvf,M!' Tpo u iriQja,.atvj j nev pven. Know rt biock. i nm , uer,HSttre soi-8: or :-port?iirarbjo, k. N'r P 1? dvi Vi KP;?r d?rsrwsiJ i a a--'-J K : 1 J-' ' fosde.nnl, tree, of chaire. -j;. j j s -1, "; :JcS3.0M Copper,ewterlaa4 Leadtaken jo e.ichiiirgo .furiii'brkVi jf-51 ''Hf if' . .Jt '; V -V.fftUfi.' t842. : :r '"ff.vH ::--V-- ? S' 1 " 1 1 . ".! i',.1 :' ; . .'..' fit'' T-: f'iQon in. .toyscoJ$:aaiTibii4':.U.3rft. vf,m 'v; NpUtJMjhjsa fc!ibfj&V?a nwj iipNi3i :1.11a i4ii iicv,Hrf pi cn;aa. owe f. I IK a; Jm j..kaS i aVtf ( .. J . J f i 1 i ' . .- .' r- - -:claiita;yn s.braceial prsioitWir ;A eel themiuiilm . t;;l;v,' jann lwq ooarsf ney afer nrepareuno treed s fide HS'tiOTlvAP Wtfironflnto Wr l11? bdjEaf,it, to RiehtiiM Vginia u .11 t'rTr.'.'i f. 'i. i.niiUM. .f4nMi . . .. . , r .--: - -L I. - 'tmi'm'l - i.' !.L- SK.-L r '4.FifAvf.-iffTM I . SiLiiyL ''9fibi)$l lav. Mr4 .Co'Jina tlilolel,T's.''i:4l" 'i4;:''Vs2.V4y.'' . i V. ; M&'M M Ms Mi MM I Mlml t -4 V TflTTt E'hae jptt rperitfd""andT'fi' forsalei .law es5 nans and nr9K.- . r 7 lor key v-. ps bed tick' J '-rV-'.i? '"r'iZ S0 ilnhlark and rol'd mprennes 4 ? ,4.:-' 8.5 do fdi'whiia cndg'ree.q.flanoels -i. -S2 do Kvninrkf Janea S-i hVK- -124 00 apron cuecK? j 1 a 83 dosaiiinetta ' xiv .'t 19 do cloths -;.-rr. n '-t Salisb.rry i SeRie br 1 842 f6 - J. f f a 1HBfe M EDIGINESaie expreWly pre J 'fWPd.iorfaniily:ose, and. bavesacqaired ai nppfecdpniednopol3jiy thrnuohoql ihe.Uniiel Sialfsk" and :a they are so adnvraMy ;calcalaied id pWservee'aliajrd.ore'.iueaMii. no family should ever be Without ihem.V iThe proprietor of 'it -. liTi:? . liori at We of the best medical ColleffeS' in fbe Cnt'fdStaifSand haa had fifteen veara esperi-, ence in an extensive . ana ojvcraiuea pracjiceiov which he has had ample opportunitiei of acqoir Ling:, a praciical, knowledge '..of diseases, and- :he. remedies best calculated to remove tbem. ( i . -i , -4 . v l.',1 ": . sjay ne's Expectorant, .vA-valnabfn retried V- for Coufffc... CoWa v,Cor Jfoof)inCouzh Brondritis Ucwtek Rheuma litttn. Pain in lh&Brta&t or Side PUurisu !ar.d UfUimalioii of !h Lwigs ur Throaldijfouthjqf renlAinff. and all diseases ol'ibe Pulmonary Organs , ; , - -, A- miTAt-'afTVTi Fr the :Pre5ertflfto?iGrotciAandl2?ewHtyof i. ! f - ihe:7fltr..and.'wbiir' ill positively brin?jn JVew Ifairrin Bald Heo(iandpreveotJlii"alI iosrKjkir inrn'uig &Vay. -.14; j" jATzrzrs Toino vsaiaiPTjaEr ' A pteaani,'. '.jwfpid'- ce.tao preparation for r'tWn reniivr ofr Worms Dypepsia;auri&lom cert t evtr ani viguejj 'iiestram mmppeiue, iMrali diPBRe.VlebilMVjPSJjecialU f , ibe( Stomach andZJotpeZaiar.d Organs of Digestion' i . ... .. . --;. ? .... - ) .-; f . 1 . . - ? YS E'S Cll IMIN ATIVE BA I.SASI. ; A'eeiaVnj-orf for 'IJotpeZanii Srrmmer Cow plarntsiDiairrhcca, Ditseiilery, Ch'dicVravips, iUck Htadache J5our? Stomach, I holera Jtjof -. 6i.5anitr:dpranijf,treot8 f ihe Slomach &a4 Boicch, JVervous Affections, fyc. ,,' ) . i' ; t Jay lie's Sanative I ills; Kor Fcnuil:r)weoie5 fAver CnmplamlSiiFe yets,' ' fnjkmmatioiii, he Skin &.c'a nil in alf caps whereao;aierf-nt "A fieraViJvef or. Porailve lediioe js"ieqnidl 1 in. ibdve medicines, are for sale, wholesale or .SaHsboryNlC.':; r, . I vaa. t , .ay ; . s v. v rtl U H P ENTI iV E . C Va r n ish er DjeiStofis. Jlj Pahn t Medici tiesf HopslChbice VNEh; a od. PRfl'.S? foriedical ,:UTfeaJ f odvba,' Hbiick'a andwatm - Panacea SaoffjFiiie s'rumenjs. Matches, Piper aod.aoy ,othettar I fcjes; idal "received ind' tor sale Vfistiraanit feiimekrhyeaB.nHEELElt rallbary ;ept 5,f )842 v and ,ihe:puN!!cibathe;bas purchased the forme rlyjowned'; ih own aisbuyVt( after to carry on Io al manner "altooether pew fn r mLtm. .1 .t - : ml . i t l i tois parijOi i.ioeooonirj. no isnoi rmiy i omnn t ii"lhVArririiriroll'i"tJirTrif itii '- jaim' f Kul tce; aodifn firsVratH si'tle Me.'-wi!l aTso4bnlJ aod:reriri:iNaiNV or'rlHi ETHERS or tntfeed aPTlkirIof AIA11H INK WUKKrilril T-ii -4-m -KT- v.: i .r.t1 '4000, sole !eaihef ir--":"" . V j : ; 00, aides pner do ' ir 4 A 4. 9'calfAkiM- Vl !0001bs spnnff steel J-.V-: T . m-: 9;Wack stojih Bellows v 7-."r-;i '? ii0'do:- doansila .-"V i'I r'v1 ii1 10 ps brown - anfbleachedl domestic rs.v' 'J''! na'vcallicoea 7 V.rr'v ''--js.4t: S4S cotioD and,' worsted lippeta iC4 w3rs,e? hawla'Vr Yv1 ti " &7.rd col too hnk6rcbiersV v 1 D V-129 point and duflle blankeit f!f - Ired'-'-rrf'.rX r'etail.al the balisburj Medical and, Drng btore, tO B.4WH EELER; Aeot chewing and smoking J of)acco,p3 otsh Cigars, (Serai: Per f irmes ; B (osVai C a n d Ijps Fa ney; and cooimoiiLHp Glass VarePelert ''Spiila,; lii'. f AXES uiismethod of fnlorming'hts friends ,T .;. 'fifLVaaTplinfef al7 sale at tbta Oigceii f ufn, J,sr-, -i i i . 'SjII'kS i r li ! l-J : : t ,j - .h- . , r-'-'-jL-i JP-Lv ' - -" r' HETHER, prodnced.by bile,- pbleffin, jriiljind f.ng wiablisbed, IJFEPILL wVRSPEfrriTGLl'YJ "informs his friendsand Vvrron4nieriw! morbid maiters.arisbg.from nd fELYA J3TTKKS.ExHaordiftarj J. thpiibhVLS hat siill ca rries on J he . 1 AK badt cored ojd disorder j: It om'lbe 'cse.rmer ;'teho-ned'a9''a:iheir-''efit.oiMia diseases i oiilNli IirSlNESS aihisd iandBiTaiiv cor?;l9rae?3Tk. &r;.0i (in fmlcs) frrtm ihc gtoerar, in Fr)R :WDGUB;zud all -V nexi doS ti' IhYlApu'hecry Slorer He change ol life, as apicfiedu jhevPaainhlei. RitliniM Affectfoas iher are -mure so V because in . -J .--.v., i,,fi.-bertfof hUoslom-: ;,;AWi Stfhimtic Strcp TMs medicine loan venereal wrao,roerSt a .ceriam.reraeoT.- tABT55iKiA,.JixTUKB,(m jhjuio oiu pir, reJebiated for fts speedy,aod Derfect' r?tnoal of Head ache X Diseases, of iobe tikeam jhe Resforeri-C JfAPAKOlSTMENT .,.v "1 '1 1 - IJEarGAt Uintment, La, l ouerKingwwHi S,It Rheom; Scaldhead;Eroru.cns ihe skin, Nlfr.ntar. id T. Ho anntiArt' heldes.ibe Re-1 atorer ;l 1a -1 .w , k aVVV full tliranlSnno frtr I ho nnf .1 OR nKnVft mentlOll coromonication in oor coiomonr-B-imini efficacy and great success re5s of Dr'KohTs Kestor- as- ' "N v 1 1 -r1'-! to "notice irt your paper the er is weir snnwu iu w :v? You will please following cenificaift,:. - i.' I d ..hereby certify Januatvl ;was taken with led on mankinds So far as 1 qao , learn, the1 os4ofreverv mb was taken rni me; besides a tremendons swellin at every jointfever- with MmVame, and attended wh the most crocia- i T l.j .-.j...4 t ,.t.j n dies hat were recnmmendable fr ih same, but to no effert. i L bv accident- was informed that DrtKool wa?t. Orange h'm immediately, and by I felt a change ia less came 1 The medicines nsed, were ihe -Restorer of the Bloo.1.1 Aromatic EairartI Gold-Wine Bal ' sans; Universal Piater.and Deporative Powder. I, therefore recommend his treatment to all those laboring I under afS'Cion , as gv'r-n i under my hand aod seal, this 14ih day of March ' 1837 ' 1 . ;- -VJ0HN PEYTON, l- s ' 7. - x -i'l Aear Orange Court House Virginia ,TS Dr Kohl, notwithstanding theaiaiement In I he above certificate, wishes to be understood, that in geneialvcnrea .cannot be effectfid i within an huor, alihoooh a person mav he much benefit led .within:ihat"lime bv the use of hjs' niedirioes. ,Heifee)a7iri' however, necessary jo give the fol-1 Jowing;e xiract of a letter from hs. Agent at Or an'jte fUpri Hoose, dated Mav. J9?h.' 1837. . - , L' Dear Sir 1 saw -M r Job n Peyton o-day , andbe5looks better than I yef saw; him. He siya ifjit.had not. been .-for your 'medicioes he shonldjha ve been under groond i H e rVquesi ed me jto tell yo'o that you hd saved bis life, fori onetime, aod io present dis respect io voo;': - -'jr Your Restorer is thelefling medipine.io lh ciiooivfand mny"corpsofiminri nee .'have been effected in lhjs niohhorhood by the ose of yoor medicines T. I have had a greatnciobet of ven ereal rase, and many o long landiao, and al-wara'pff-cteoVbv me n of yoor Vegetable Anti Syphiliiic Svniot or Anvssrnia Aizture,'a per fect core, and that in a short time J ' ! v Mborough: JV. C, July 13, i842. . Dr KtTHt, Raleigh, ' Dear Sir ? I think yonr Medicines are aboot totsk' 8 start in this roomy, from the fact that they effected a rc ore which seemmtohaVe baffled i be skill vf the physicians io iha section for a yearj orjiwoTtie eiibject is Mr Natlianiel -N.' whOjhaf been afflicted with rhe LiiVer Compiaini togefhef Wii h some other complairfissa i y,Flat olencp and Dyspepsia. - He has taken or.e bottle 1 of the Re orer together' with the Aromatic Rx uaci;atm uoporauve rowaer. tie says ipat in iwelve.hours he felt relieved, and in twerjt y.fdur hoorji,; ittitcA relieved. H eji a s ao fa r Recovered , nuwi aaito follow theavoeatt.n of his farrotwlib' Mitnejorribdi$oulty.V He says hi wantsiil .'who. are afllipied, to use your :Medicinle; and is re- eommeoding: them to tbe aiDictedFrfif I f -Jv '"i 5 -i would be glad yoo woold aend me a- sopplv very,8oon, by .th? atnffp; of Restorer, Arpmaiic Extract; aod Aby ssMtia jVI is tu re, aa. altv ast ou m iaer of. persons are raking:ihem -oofw, ffi -vr. ... ; lt. r::l Respedt!'oJly;yoaR4al'V: 't V -?i .:VrJ;Mi;4:ORAKE.7., -.d3? Persona wishing to' procure any of the medijcnes7,wilideaseldtT orders, with the amount,-(postpaid,) to (Duuni, ipusi.naiO.J l - r, n: v. , . ; or fb anyofJhefqUoioingiAgehis -It 'NORTH CAROLINA nktWBJe9$aIisoaryl ' ' , ffargtaye. Gai.iber, & Co., Lexingtoo. JK tttoanVreeDSborongti, , "Kc GV;i.arGrimmeRalefeb'; t -'M.IA;-Drake," -Ahboroog hi -'t f-fP; JrSt 'CI Pbtfer, Concord. f uB; ? : B Oilt. Cbarlntre. " , . -l lC f H endersoo'i LioriolQ lonlhl'fP '? r - James J : Hornp. pinaboroogh, N; StVelpGboniog i&-C6. Yi.rftille.!f vXMct,Ufe, Draw ley V Co. Chester C. Ife he;cbniniiaiioa iV'6f jhe-list'jtif Agent see Dr;K.a6 Pam h let ; wtt" 4-;Li $ i North Carolioa, enc Sooth and .vVpst of it. ll i-l. j..L. .i - ..''' - r. xr...i-L" nr r. and tf$tlIC9S I S oWtihet woof d respecifallyjoform the '2f aM' b) Bbwagl and the a join mg coo n-r tie?, ijhal be. hi commeoced the above B'Kjinesa Mori frornVTifri rardhfre he is pre-? frMtrt If-: feujttraajffbrfein: bit He .of bosiness wiihj)jnbesand e?PaichOFr iilooff'ex-! perteoeein thei Mmbiia feels rpoident of bis t.k;iira t.'i .i!Li:.i'li.:.Ci. ti .! ability 10 ie entire saiisfaci ion to all who' may N B Altedefs'. fiorn iafdistabceshan be jnnwoalty atided W Repairing of everv del scrlptioTMlooe -on th shoriest aoticeJboth tGio4 and -Tbrrahjng'rf achtfiat;'! u,H : 4 " -P w. kAf .p.ya ?c'ni!.i bl tswv 1 Gomirh ana Gleet f. -C-';: ir L - T keo in atrrict accordance wiib ih directions hee Jtihekestihe . :uohu jimr.,iiAU3awiiui uihvomu .ia y SoMoinPa IDO wnifii it wmosi aria a 7; jvx: - .-; ;,r-- it; . w. a : ? - '-'ir " i : v ABV.uWa.Colds iTcSltUrraenrs t; Aromatic Extracts liniment or Indies- muiUn.4.Bouo ensure intartableaaecesa,ibese ;'-71Vftdberatesr Fasblona furnished iIonColdnesa:in: 4har TMomacb;: :K?mboes,3or n8t Wlow7 r;" 1 1? J? wwi Weakpesarin the limbs Rhenmam,.' . FEVRR andAGU&. altltav four,leadog Ulllimea w ?nlYJt' - 5 -1 t"- DEedaATivEiPo'wDCa,- or4BirouaiFever ;VeUyisTCculia'r.1pCKlootCAt.;'jidroifl i - w Jk. f 1 . n iiiinna na m arvnnai 1: v . ' . - t t 1- 1 a- m a a j nr a 1 aw ' ' t vv.w,.. : - a - r - - .1 ibetiyei.fitcwbictt iaj. f 1 ntfw.r femedi. ii:coooVci!oo with the: spe 1-4 "'yrr - . fo'r Piles.ftrhicbls.Idbe I- . n 'W.hTi. ecrei of-.his invaHabla. triumph', tV r!-" -1; T I -universal ok jiiKwu-niiif iuf ,k?"v; waietimes on of tnfse penoos ana s'jmetimesa r r:-- - -r. , TorafspaMS-nfibV-Gireiii; DyspVpaia; Inflamma-, , lb&-l or it Is COmpficafei. by.Vtakins these Marsh' miasmata; or the effluvia .arising from lory Khenmstisml PalsyX-Paral vsisc; 'f f. perioj, n succession; and f beo running into In- stasdant walerr ia;the; roost - frequent exc.iioy : Hn? ItTnnT.'i -Arocsticy Oic. forDeafnesa L. hirtteV. I cause x)f this disease ;and.one -of its jreapeca,. 8d4 aliolh?r Anricnhr Complaiats, whichiaio Bhl uh a rea,arBableTaclr however my?"terioiia Harit)es isjlsaoscepiibility ofa rfnewal from, ve bentogether with the Restorer. - . - an unaccpohtable it' may-appear; lhar each and rf sHght causes; such aa from, the prevalence-jf -ICDr KuhraPamphlei:T!reatmentcr alt of. these: species of Ague,' havera roua- ine?aterjTyiDd-etn vtiiboai,xbe fepeiittoo of Vntered according to Actf Coacrresa. " cootaina teeth"dat cmsis. in hicb - they may1:- be the original exaunsj caose. In this, V erer. and ed medicines, ana afiupaiMt-svrrj n--uie v; Uhey can onlv be Cored bjnance. ua. jaf-. ."iTt- 'JPVom Vii IVaiJiingion Globe. - f fat's directions for lakipg tie medicines io uhie J'-- . I ? v " " . 1 on! r V I W.!a: r i tiaraTnrA iheca V.rt - lair tarn nf We fee! it our doty o tnsen tnei roiiow S3FtsSbryiioB25;f JioiS 1 .tli .1 -te i"-'.- I' "vJ -' r 'Kit: ; ; f-r nri? ..'., ii j-vfc , heslhef arei infallible aa aby homaa means JcanbeA;! 0s 1 naaoeen.prpveu in more su. 1 thousand casea.nor is mere aa instance 10 wukh uw hti failed.br feasooably can fail, when la wmieau OlPtrpnBtinuwiivwi..u.iir.,((..i1 ori n? iemporarily succeed, svere with le very tfJ thlt wereknown.', Aaios, or . 1 ,2 5. l -r ji,i: TUiiW thlrd-dad t Ouorfoitor-fourth day i; fafie, or I: tr- - r - ' . - a - l ' - I, ' a 1 , kiit !v naitlanl i n 1 r . , . . t . : ' : .... r- ' -r; - , -t- :r " oeiore oreaKiasx a ion wioe aiass of - uio rmenu Bitters in about the aame qnahtily.of water, and half a wineglass more.in afoll wine glass of water, a boat half an hoar, before" each -meal h.nue" iakin2 four. pills every oight for, three r ,us vf: On or before the aevetitb -day, the, Ague; w to be Cotiirely cored, and the patient.w ill feel wpII. hnnorv "and . hearUa but ha musiDe- verthetess continue to take the bitters as before prescribed, ootil and on tbeottrieenft dy.fib aod not only of Fever and Ague but of whatever billioua arid liver affections it may have soperio- V ; '.'f .'MVifir nnwprq of one. of the iofirredlentsin bis medr .--ve-Vi" Woaitveti CurtdJ f'- Conn House I sent for I V9ti P,,,s every Jtigni atter me aevemn oay. ipetMKe huuj im.h.uvpi .or eVu , Vi wuu apnUino- his medicines; i Me will jinen, ao noi 00111 men, -t wuo positive t varsicu iu uj uu'vi Hi wiicwcw,iuo wi - than an h0r afier h Sno oTanaoieccnaiuiy, u ; pciujsueuiijr, vuiuu, i " , duced or even io any way connet led." vf, bow- depressed 8pinti, or tbey remain itr their oew ever), the patient should by any neglect,, of on- homes, dragging cot a weary life, or at lasT sink doe confidence in restored health, emit to take under some disease to which ihey are predisposed the! Phmnix Bitters in the full quanttttet pre- scribed, at leaat . three times on the 'fourteenth davDr. Mtffjl must oot be blamed if the disease hobld jeturn, and the patient ahould learn; wi8 - dom from affliction, and go, throogb -another course of the' rdedicines for "a forioight. longer. Obeying these initroctions, however, he will be so thoroughly cured, thatbe may. bid defiance to the disease, Sbowever aohealthy may be his location or prevalent ibe malady aroond blm: fnnrtPPniP!irii of agphalf of the ab-ve qoantittea of the me .it . '.-ae .. e"- . ... ? -l 'II. ' ' oicines wnt. soiDce; lor younger cnucren,. a Saarier of those quantities, to be increased or ioiinisbed in proportion as the age varies from advanced childhood to infancy. . For verv tounir children, small qantiiies of the bitters only will alone, be necessary. K-l i i T'bi tfealmeni, with . these supremely ;effec- Jjol ; IJFElEDICINE,,; has been peifeci ly iiriurooliant Jo the worst regions of the Soutti ero and VVestern country, and around the north ern takes, where'the malady prevails with the universality of; an epidemic, and the demand for this sovereign remedy has been far greater than .lie supply. DR M0FFATS Agentshow- ererare now well turntsned, and win max ev ery effort to send Ibis' advertisement into tbe raotj aDlicted districts.' . Voluntary and jealous ly grateful testimonial are received at the pro- ,prietofsofi3f e in rNew .Yotk, by. every mail in incredible numbers. to the absolute efficacy of I'jrjf faiwiiiBiiiiin iuluiu'iilq. iiui v"T j u rriri 0d lAgnp, other in term'nent fevers,, live:r rari4j nrt PAirnp. ! nl lior 'Ihlprmiliant (owr IS mor'rmti bMliiiua afJertiionp,!and deTangeroents of tbe di- gesttve innciions generally, but also; in chronic I iher. infringe npdn- your "occo pat tons jor araose apd Inflimma'orv rhenmanp.n,cosiivenP6si pains I mentv od all ih mi - uc niuc a nuii mn, , ci o n imia ui hid ;Hini8C( r.: 1 i - ; j - . .". ! - li - via, pi'e,vof res, scurvf 4 ana a nosi .orjoirrer cpmpiaiais, rqr me. care oi swnich, uiese Kegel tibleX?fe " Medicine's ere to', rreHeminnlly re' OfiWAeH ihrono tinul the United Sta'et.. TCnntw- llglbowever; that many of these diseases, as well. as a moi faial undermining of .Ihe general beali h are occasjooed by Fever and Ague. Dr, Moffat", in his advertisements, invites the ape cUlteniion of the public tothe absolute ascen rfeociyx)f his medicines over :this: malady the punrn C2d of so many othersr'. He haaonly to add that the Life Medicttics are agreeable and fovigojanng in their operations," require J neither rionfinementor change of diet, and have acqair- . i .-is i a- . . r" . pa mir repuia-ioo loey nam :ong possessed, not and sold by Dr-I William B; Moflat; 375 Broad- way ew xorit. r' V .4 The. abbve medicine is for sale,' wholesale or retail at the Salisbory Medical Drbg Store, bv ' v- ; r M. ii4u.iiin. aagei ' jltSaliabury.Sept s; 1842 ly6 . t - m. , . v . . r' ' ' ' FniHE subscriber akes this'met hod of ! IJ lSk .1.1. Lmm .'.'II . ' in orm- rr ,; "l? MM"";, no siu . continues xo Carry:on-tbe:basjnes3 -Hiz lefts'. asasoal, at is Granite Qoarrf. seven' miles abolh f Salisbory; bear the old Charleston road. wnern.ne is aoie to suppiv an oraers tor MiL.ir STONES', bf ibe best grit, and on the abortest notice ; " ; W -l'y - ALSO- ; r.-:t.---S.r JflsbbrylFebl26; i842--ly3l ' - I !l:ff'?Vrera io? any pi jho above wrooohY arlfPlAa rllarta.l - Ia. ria 4aT.: .. -. ; punctdally attended to.: ' " V - .tjrtT '? ,""' - - : - - J i-Hi ! l MimWM .f'ffijririi70 . . 5" - T. ... r : v - o . il(prt)hts: oibmU4"I'. -v. ' lvNQ.-Oct.u&42tn4pf: 4 '!-Ai , -'!-'-; , A- - v. t v ;-j wi EG ETA B LR . - a . manner ool Bf parsed byfany. . - n 4n-h Vester pail of lrje 5tai; ne 1. . renraV receipt of the laeari-.on(ion ano I ' i" . -. . aumkiQ .'nh.Rarprl ib ar- fash ion able, a l; all - .f.T'i.: HmslpaVrennent ease, uo i.. r.u, " : V. i J resist a every ordinary :ode o hecome er? disiressinff to the.naUeot, and oy 'wr'"' T."M I nil Art rVI vDQ T16fa I fl fll fl T fTI 1 J I ill IfT ITU 111 U I 1 Zi curred, and beeo'Tcmoveihe. person affected is not sb liable tot i fresh attack as nne h ho" was not I . J T. i pm mcl nitaa ranilar it af . ' i. JiflRrtlli, ,fr.i VWnfn- nf J 1- . r"" tnr' , " Fever and Ague, though to reuccthe patient for .e ii.no being tM?!Ivi JUT. Juviltn 3 Mic m. iHjf um m iiwmx uiucrs 'ft Tp .wM "T rr,r lirfiwui. 1 VTur '-jl i". rAIy removrior this ancaji tedious and disagreeablad.sease. J - U - j .Qihera who have emigrated to iha. rich and promising poron of our roonlry-men who wen out jfo.l of hope. anJ confident wtnotog a com I crowded cities or towns ofjha older stitss.'bave I either retorned with shallered corxstifuiibos'and oy nat terror, oi.tne esr ever ana ague. l'b'eir hopes are blasted their busioesaenergies destroyed-tbeil Eldorado becomes ajJesert.and h,e word ot promise, made tot bear jear, ia broken o ine nope. -,,-- J!'n; "jTo these inaviduais, Dr.'MoBat would eay "Try the Life Medicines, and yoo will yet an. ttQipate your. most ijangoine expectations, lor iney-wiu cenaiqij reaioio jou to ueaun.r f -ti :-.Fere and Ague is a complaint; which requires 1 o be mat at its .first approach, aod combat led at evWry stage ,ldom fatal of JtaelfV it reduces I ikW -al.nnnlli .1 alit' imitvirs ikafntiKltana' r.r ilia ui-,iiii," -vw- TlT ' . '""Wi""? ,rMc organs, ao tbat ipon, tbe manifestation of dis- ease,-.. : Nature I Ja onahle, unassisted to -reaisrtbe ioroad.-Tbe iifc Medicine, whipn taken strict- I j? according to directions, will care it.; and glye io me wean anctiremonng Tiniiniot otseasenew health, life and strength - - t: 1,. ";For full partiebfars pf'trfe mode of Ireatmoot, thejreader is referred jo the Good Samaritan t copy of which accompanies the roedieme; -i - " i ICJ The above medicine is fo sale bf w-f t. . r CRES,& BOGER.'enfsr . Oct 2a;i842-itytS; Salisbury Guard ,lTourMJeatlti Addressed io those who are in'perfecl Iieallh", or CF Gentle sReader : If yoo .would avert from you the sickness; the; pains,' the wretcbed, ness. ibe premature mortality wbich yoo see all At v.ivll . iA all .; nivm irnit "V Aoi i iriBina vuo. Bnu tw men. nun u au.iu wyinu" perjdedijis ever; ifeady lo ialf i iibyob;V despise j noimy adv ice-h wjll ct yoo tllei;Wti; I oouy wiiiuc asiuiuiiiii ucuiicu uyj.! iu.ifuay ' - i, . r r'.m.'m. iLi. :.i . ' j .... .J? . r- i you ien toia. iasn ooiv aue.weeK -8 trial to con vtnee ihe raosijscepticaii-y ilMj-a -1: Io t he firsll puce, discard all - old errors an; prejodicesi fromyoorf mind'especiaj y the old dige, If yob are passing well, do not attempt 1 0 bet te r you rselif ;: i t- js tbe sa jm g jof ignor ance and. superstition of. tbose wbolattriboted m ii l.t. ' i i " -: ' " ' t . - aii pney saw aroono inem ip cnance and tori one. ibiib1oaod -pa tbf reiatbf tain ' 'Vby .tbeo ihebld he not, ttfcit :weather, guard himself a- gainst the storms : winch are- ever rising to his own frail b eatfng grrjssTood rand : It is your naioVe to con tirae to do so jl-Yoo aie well at preaVntbot ev ery dayjhe.seed of disease isrowipg1 within too ; and if ypnj do' not siricilyigbjard your health "while ybn are well, yoo are foniinualty in dabger of paibfoK and- protraeted coofinements, and io some crn$libtibns,''dea Toihingii8 stalionafy in jlhis" world; Even. no.f r?"!6 cwwg f.frsomar'rimagire heiis in perfec health, and ye not fenow lb what perfection his vital orgaBs'may be brlbbhi whet. assisted - byihe band of Nature. ! ibave un mt..Llm". I fi I'A .L-.l r . !". - '. uMuieu piwiji oimuii ijici in -re oq bounded sue cess Wt LIFp MEDIi:iJES i those wto have followed ibe motto, Wheo'voo sip even moderately well, throw phVaijo to Jhe do-a ca)( ormf; Jheyould be ibe I'lipmunwu uij. position. - ..iL-. mimilCAl , insiaDce thai him come to rov knowWopU m.Ut gratifjing.rTbose who are in crtjrniparaiiVe ffood health uay ;Prfecit hei4hipp;neVwu4 no in; Jaid I hi v. by. disMseof ajrnosl. abyi aesclintion? v--f - .i. wv ;ou . uiuar aiiiiiiriu natoo job as may hnd sureireief in -Ibose purely) 1 veberabie niahiriiinn i I 'I'K. :Lit . i1 . P- ;j ,r-v ;'"";tf":J 'i'c, gvni jw out power fully oponltbe secretions of ih-i Krwt. ihpj blood orajl, yittatedomor8.iseparatirig ibd oad from the goodrexnellinor ihe imuriiies' aad f leavio behiod oly what is good and nourishing lb oaiore, MJ Z !, , cur8a.' a renect wen. t ;;The blessings f, -this life, for" rich. and. poor entirely. ifriihin ourselves; in borbwn physical WjvMf yjee to all, then; is, ffwardyour 5fW ;f jrlnnre; irrlt.'.pprbapS'jos roai be sl,y betterad, I yoo' may. always avor;bein -1Iff-aVKdtrlnissbriha VF.nr.TATti i5 1 IEL tlL-niMIVt'C . '""V Kink I Acrop dittera tram most oToer levers :vaa ii ia uoi uiMefSiareior;sa:p,oy t- ' -i I-jr ' , -T W 9 mm M mi J .J 1 1 J I - . " J A L ' A 1 Salisbury, Ocr29;i64ir, 14 r Job .PwnUlJo ; I rrse whowoid naye-rfconr ' 1 "JWvdita; TFjCCifrntMiSUxjhM dfseri jnlSf? -i 1 h i hou3 nd ;4nd :'.on ;eri,edi hera!de'd forth o the public, (ihe ''se? allwnes pas, fand,' that armusi wJ,''! resafuf prescripVo'n cajjedt v J" Ji . 'Jv pfeloand'jj impfovtd: Tpnic" -5.- h .fafiii4irl'i1lcbri,.':'.n : ' ' ' t aof persevertrgly.osed, :bo it odtf teonled function of -the geural avieni?,( II IIHn : . 4 fectly healthy stale ;hen; relaprs : liable to ensue than a;ai?rKjoUrie dtv one who has never bad, it before. Third!.!',' ed Tonic MiitureVspVmgS! pUt ooce ts7 1 henign influence and gives forth art iarB1 turning health and vigor,IFuorthj prti more orjesa. effect fcn thej bdw8, ih -kr the disease passes oir;io t be way tnnr.ii lndiCMea oy nature; iuoij ; ffecu aystem are uniformly mild arid safe,,, w efficient. and it is as well adj oied m ik.r : .Infant, aimply by.a nodificatianorji .j mn.1 ttnnrrtna H nil f - M a n lllfi ujui i wi . i, .i -Ml lipf fQft: atins of tbe;jutroosf importance tprihenj ' parents and iafalid,migh' be" enurB--neji i but the above area few.of he-po;fl(Sflf fw1 kj Iri comparison wiih ilte.reoerdiej(inpraij j 1 .am - aA r.if AAlAn I . A PllJ 1 1'! fflrtlik ! . !! whichf a prbpei judgment. toa be iltned ' lecting the remedy - . fll tN : B : ; -W h: at vie w Jo reeataW v confidence in the efficiency of the U01v Improved f Tonfc Mlkbrp,M,lo Uffeet t-b cure of. Fever' and Agqethe Proprietf)! re? the original guaranue y h r.1The tnuney , be retnmed "ro everf eVselwhere it the ir has been punctually ostd witboutl prudnrc' desired effifcV Add'rea" , , ' - , - .Jt Dr. JOHN RiilOWA, ?sNn28 Noribecond IHfreeu'Phi'it ' Supplies have been received by jt he sol ! tot aaitsbory. W. u. rjiv . - v . I . : nun .'snilfnnu it i v. tl" k:lll- -V iiii! T 'f i StiBSCmBEli MnviiiuKp.wuu o4i-: weih Knotti loog; establjshed Public1 Hue, ('.: :v 'thename Aof-hlanghter'a Tavern.)- I UW U U4 04HSUUI Jf , ii v. tuiuius HIS f,T tod the Public generally; thai the an,e jpen for the reception bf Ttavellers L Bua- His Table and Bar wiil be siipdIWi f Wwi:U...-IV. f .if . l' n . 0 the best the market and surrounding cuonins inrt ' ' : r i ; . .p J5 i :.-His SxABLHsapaciooSi-rand bonniifollj piieu, wnn gram ana proven aen oi an tt, tended by faithful and attentive 01 fer 'nThe ondersigned-pledg"e8hioelf Jbar co ertion on his part shall, xbe wantng ia stw oral satisfaction toallj who may lavor -htaJ a call;-- ii V SalisburySSejitAV 1840: tf7 ' -. f "" FOR' THE ' t- 1842. ! RESPECTFULLY informs his fneadi? pnhlctfai he'siilt carries on lb . i - -' TAHiORlNG BUSIIJESS i in'all lls var.iqns "brab'fhesi lvo doors anore J tW.;Morphy,seoref wberiflhe irretdr nm oote all ordfja bflia; Waiomesf in 1 i'tfin manner not srirpaased hy ?anyj ijthipw(! couolrr. ' Hois also in tho reaniricebtll -V-"-,.;"" f-K r": '"Tit""" :y ; " '. NEW-YORK- PASUIOXS, and prepared lo accommodate tho tjtsies I. :l : LI. -ii -ii - . . ' i raNinuuuie ai an nines i - August 12; 1842 l y3 ..it JYotice. npHE Subscriber has open' iJLv'lic Hobse ib Wofcksritlf, f Coonly, where he is prepared it) commodate Boarders and Tnv1 In a style which he; hopes will prove aii'f; to all who may favor hiol wHh thpir cosp? His stables WiU be abundantly ? furni' every thing necessarr in the line of ptblK His Bar wfli supplied with a variety cfl?1 ana nis cnarges wtl,bei rrioderate a - aa?' a i - rr. i . a 11 and disorderly conduct wilt be strictly p- uamoo oy me, ! i- - j Match .2.il842-if32 j' LIMB ! lilME II t,---:it ? ANV ouaotitrof fresir Lime cab be,i the kiln of i he (aie :Pr VVilliifyj Bv the lOOinshels aod oyer' l6 cfBiJ inn hi.haU tft n tn a( KnchoU 20:ipsi-' iopropbrt)onlf! f . - fi t i ! !" ! . All jersona wishing lime either ai,irj their residence.'-will ! apply eitiier tf"': WILLlAl f ri' - f . r': .: Rbckfbrd, Surry counlyiN. C?.f4 - Ang. 2l; l841 1 I $ v f fltne. Subscribers,' having s WO I II ulia InnaikA, '. i t''tit9. nn r fllsei,v'Lf'' on ShCAgUSETUnd CltM 'uuoiv,iAiOi dow oner ,nrtr op. ."r its fripii an I l kLV n..M. I! iif ifceir PIT carry on both these denariifoents fa. .Li Tionsbranrhesi and they feel W?d?M entire-satisfaction t to all who nty t ty with patronage. .'.Repairing in e,rl'" done faithfully; and. pn. reasonable 'Jj kiodsof country prorluce will be sgi chl'nge,fof foinilure or foi woik dnr' r ;; AngosM7h. J842r- !.5 '1n;B.- vVitH jhe Vniw of R,rtbfV preventing inconvenience,, tb D jffi k eep on b and a qua o lily of ready cia I ferencellrV the firsr plaffi'iKeopeUMi, Tonteliitore frt.ihccure'of FeM'i,!?;, upon' entirely', new vndVf&uliaf J MM laaaii I. BIRCKHf