- . .. , . . l- v--. - -f ' Mir- p - j 1 ' ' I ' ; - : , , j If i i,j . . ' ''!! ' :" - :- lii-ii. ..Hi ' 1 'J ' ' I -..J- '4 . ii I ;kt:h : . -r-" .--,-.cr:. i-li mj- li -j vj :MLl ilmwvh iV ' -ca- ! i.'- j-'i - : "! n wMxkkr- :, ,y : 1 l 4 ' ; .i:.ri 1 r-a 4$ in : . -1 M - t'l ' : ' - f t f I"-! - .. f s . X ; y 1 1 -v . i J I.:' : . mk 'Hi Si;! ! my. i; II ill UVT, m ;:-.i.r. . v. i- :-M i .R r ;S is; 15', i '" l t ' m .n Ml S-M Ii1: IB "iM i'. 1; .i m: w - .i A 'I: '11: , , Sri-' ii'-'; 1 5 . ' V.: '.!T!V :' 1.31 lFr an&Weu vosUheiutCvrM. fCr FVfr ind Ai'oe If. p-'ifl' ' . . r 3 . i ll-ii;' t I' i lease, sod i warm aoq nunj!!ip. ly result every, f ei wj WiV , j"?-"' bccomrtirtililtreisiiiir r f kfj i'ilfJ ; bd ;by the extreme debility biclil diseaf tyf nfs. ii; iiAm mvm rh2 toother cbrooic iaoiplaiiilsj the eui4a jaming iron Ci.nani mrnttrA la th mail ifrfo iphl exciting ieteee of Ibis diease i and !: of uijieittpcto Jiara; is pis siseeptibiif'ir f S; reui frvra fie ry slight caasesi suck fcin the ntlence of : n essterlf wind-even wiiboot the frf uio :f the original exciting cwisejj; Is Uiij, Pevr jd Acos diflers from most o'hef fefci;ii jl kooo, ihst sftsi tf ordinary fertr jss atfejy nrredsad bcer remofeJ. Ihe. jpersoh zttMtitd is not si liable to a'fiesh SiUeti asj ooe1 !o was opt sffrcteji1, -Tiesecircomsxaiiops rpoer e- Mreoiely diffieolt to effect sj pnnani cure ff torer aod Agoel ihongh to tcife the'aliijatTr. the lime hin2 ia Tert easy risk?. I t 1 - ItDr Moffat , pfmt rhmJtm hlte Wo 4hroeshl iestedvnd proTedl fy-be a pQtUit anl Radical cur6 'of.'i&jfet; aod 4s" llundredsuf ! jfeliow citizens jn the Ye3'Sha!f! TOloniarilr orae; forward io'as4ore iajf, thai the Life Mfdicintt are-; thW only jmd:iui . ikit iwitt mrnHtrJfi pffrirt a Tftmot al of lhis most ; tadio sod disagreeable disease L j ill., 1 j J , 04ierr who harn eroratedjq thsl jtichj atti prtnisirij pur:ion ofoor ronntryUmen rbo-tet "oit foil of hope.Saod confiJeot ofioi'apti- fMence i from lhejluxariance f he soil orfwho '.' :jRajrrif d to the ootiptisudt'wir etf ementsihfljmer c-wjlile or Wchantcat, QX4rte?ee on iri te . vyndvd itHs oij iown of te o der ettBS, pafe Vither returned with shattered qonstiiation aijd dfpresied spiriUi or Ihey remain in their jne:w JnKneW,driSfoft;yt aeaf,lfe, ofstiwtjsik urt !r some dne to whicfi hy are prlisrisid h i Hi i irrnr if the West, tever ana llistUt t1iiejrWM rlaafeiib4irusioeslBii f2'ps - destroyed i h-irfll ciorad bwiinee a desert asd the word of promise, mado is itteir ear Jis brpkert in lhesetn(iiT(laa;( iJr.Siwxi woiild s$y4- ' I rf the J,ye Aieu.eiaen, and fon wiirjej af) lielpale four rot eanvutn expect at knsj fur th ctumly rest'jre tJwi Whealthi' i'tvtr ana Jixue is a com nia rat whicni fO'Mi h to pe met si us ,nt anproei. noromoaii( . - . . . ' . esery staje. eldom fatal Sol ttseigirreo ths strensib, and impairs tiselfonctioilis or'ian, so thai uponi tha mnifiiatioti of. ease. Nature - MibnaMe, onasajsted to resisa t h i nrwad . Th ftXej Medicine s jj w lie tT ta & h sir ic lyjaccording ;to directions, wll core it;pnJ ii ,e to jiiic wpa.kaod tremblings vietict of disease ieiit health, life and sirengtb , . h 1- For full particulars of J he ovule f irfatnwn copv of which acqaipan1es tne iuediriQ. . : ; . - I - p - i. - ICT" The above medtcinelis for sale by ' - CRESS HOGER.cnfa. Salisbury. Oeti. 1842 ly 13 ; f C3 A uppifof ihe abofHinvahahe ME JJI istjy t.$ Htt!) lof sale - at Jaroea (Jross tijad iredwll county, by! ' ( i ' ii ' A. C. MclfTO!!l. Agent " s-f- j . ' ; 1 r Addressed to those icho dre ili perfect nfafjii ;! ; 'i ' . reputed so j k. : j or rr"untie Keader : Uyou won Id avert : r.ess, tb. premature mortality which you see al ! around -vodr and wbich. Uku a 8farp aword sjusi I .pnoeo,. m fiTr reaqy io laitr qpoo-yoo, uespise j 'not iny.aaji?e it will cost , you little will niei-- - tK fringe jpn t y our occupations or j amuse- - ;mi)is, odkajtitJi faculties if yoo inipd r b-jJjjr j w i ! ;b(kar roach betisrpd by it as jio repaj yiu' (e iljl aSjk only one etrk's tiaieoon jocehijsepl ic I. t,'k k;,k,' (' Hrs'j!44'r Mti'd Vfwi- n 1 ! pri'j'i.iiciis .fuai four niind,. epcia!ly the j!o , adage, h If poo are passing welli do not attetppt - io botrr yotirsiflf jJVhrf Saying ofjptfnjr -once and-; supe lition Sf lho?$ who Btftrgjijed ; ; ll 'hyaa Wartifti-i ihera to ?hrice arid forip!o, ' i Mead eratore'irjiiniversai. ?aws Has nlitoiir , j feCf) hy eperiflnC, leart.ed t to uafdi iiinielf agiixst the other elements of nature, tbe wavesi, ja'di, aod the rrens tf ta Why then ; " sriiioitiHjf not in fair "weathert guard tiirsjielf kU f. -'iniia the. storms TwhieJi are lever rmgl fin lls own frail btdy ? Reniettibcf, yoti fare e. veiy day eating gross food ; and it is yoor nature ?j cqo 3iin.iPio do so. ' You ate well atprestnt, but if p. eryjdy the seedjiaf disease is rowing lifhiri root land' if yoSdi iriot stricily: uguafa tjor health White yon aeell.oo arpi rur.iinjllly n :d;inejr f pa irtf .uf b5' rprpt rse!isd j''etii1xtenepti , nC 2re cleaning! A p'lsit may imigiqc he is ii prlet;t heatth, aod yet not know to was j perfeetion yhis vita1organ may oe,:jbrouijRr'pejn jf--vasistdr.4y, ih rhand ohNaterf,WI(hav oni donbted proofs of ihia fal iri t b orvt)n)n4jeJ soli eess i w-ko h a v 0 4o JWedf t h e mntt , V ben ( yivb "ai t nven moderately well, t h row physic to the do call opon me, 11 iney wouw pe convinced foi lih I" ; .I.i'l tit t ' " I.J- ; . : Impnrjanco of my : position. I I ! 1 j i'i -Thp rneratinn ofilhe 1ht'Mdieinp fri :l II i instance tbat-has come to my kowvr ledge is loosi i c ratify ins." THoseiwhoare in comparative pood - j ineaiiu aja? pence tinjir4 niuD-wH'wjHn no int convenience fnd'those unforiooiaW vrit, im 1 4a id Mw by" diseas of aim is! aoyfdetpfpfj -Wayjftnd sore ff'tef in; those paiejly' vg;piibii preparations, liivf . operate gpnuyj 001 pwer-. fully uponlthe seereHons of the body, and ?leariS the blooil of all vitiatsd humtirs; spparating Ithf bad from the good, expelling ihe ifregSi driRs and itnputi'tcs soa s-ieaw ing neoina tvoiv vpaii oooflitMi nonrisnrng 10 nniare." ; Resdet, consider and rsfWi well Tblessings of this life, of tlih4fiii M fie entirely within ourselves. iaoorliiwHIpfcvsScai ! If- twidiesl : M y "ad v icb'aill," then . ' Bttll bnttpr and you may aUvaj-s "irol.i-in ei-Ut ly a i'Mliioos oae if ihe VEQ RlVABLf LIKE MEOICINES.1 ... : rjlf ffl sCP Dr. Moffat's Life :lills-U';i4IftrAil' iJhfeiS, are ibr ale by " 1 -;: QT ii 'ifl Salisbury, Oct 2) lSi:144 1 r. i ICF A supply tf the aWf loeai pI01'ESate foi sale at Jame 4di Jredfll cooptjr.. by A, C McIVT05H. tMted m ilet District Court ! . w . i 11 . i Corotia fa f , ,ano to soae const 1 10 hohv qctttn. t .l ;U!& t! P Nhin, istatjionary jlpjthis wbnd ;tbe 'pirest'fonhtaip'of which !werinkJWotfs tf i . P-.ISirnCE io sh'ixv tftt iLN Wyatt Beesoo. o v-i.'r.V ib declared a t livpaue against I et foo f btofcescvirnt f : r.rniPii! Iii DO oeeiaren a : uinniuni, i v iitaiaa' ir-i...'-. .ii ir;-! ' 'si .. -u onjoondaylthe nrj day of jVlay nepct i k fc tf iffjfatdcr or vie iVouti.A : i. . "H h po it er. tActbi C7lefKorCpurrjb;B Ftbroar r 4 1 . 1843 -4 .r;!-. n 11! I ill rii'ML'tlAI. 4irtmenL mar be foomi libe ahsbory IVIedical awlfUiiiffSSiefH A if! mm FEVER 1 O AND AGUE L AND! DILLIOUSKFE- VFBSi-rherc is po-remcily tnowfti either Hn profeesional or dor-ijtic prsciiee, so absutalel j , immediately; sod permanently efficacious in this nrevatent and obstinate mstady , as M OFFA T S celebrated arid Ionfftsiablisbed fJFE PILLS ind VpCEJWX BfTT&nS. I Extraordinary and renowned as arfl"iheir effects opon diseases in general, tsi FEP1&U M'D AGUE. and all Billions Affections they aVe jnore so ; beeaose.'in these i hey are as infallible as any'horoan means can be. - This has been proved io more ttisn ten thoosind caBS,nor t hereto f? stance in which hey hafe failed, or reasonably ean fail, when ta ken to strrict acoordjaoce.vith the" directionsiiere snhjoined, sod which are also Bipen in MOF FATS MEDICAL MANUAL S Good Sa: maritan. Hat to ensure invariable success tbese oinst be rigidly followed. , iU FEV'EItundAqUEn all ts foor leading species, is pe.cnliar Iperiodical radministiaiioD of a proper remedy,ib conntctjon fwith the spe cific powers of one of the ingredients in his raed icrnesjis the secret i of his invariable triomph, while all other practftioners either; entirely fail or only temporaiily succeed were wtihJhe.very bejtfemediesVtb3t rere'knowpi " Aketus, or Ague is either Quolidiam, ot daily ; Tertian, or tbird.dad Quartari, ot fourth day.; Erotic, ot sometimes one of thtse periods and S'jraetiuies a oot her ; or it is Complicated, by taking; these periods in succession, and then running1 into in termitient fever of a more.maligoanl character. But it is a remarkabte fact, however mysterious and onacGanUb1eitjrjaay '4pnarthit eae and all of Ihese peeiesi!or Ague, have a roua TEENTii day caisisf in which , they may be cuedwjth certainty, hot by neglecting which they caVionly be core by chancer Dr. Map riTs directions for taking the medicines in tbis disease, are therefore these : First, take two of the T'lFE Pills at bed time, and next morning oeore breakfast a fullj wine glass otf the Phodnix Hitters in about i he same quantity of ivaier, and half a wine glass more in a full wine glass of wate; about half jab hour befdreeaeh tneal during the day. .r On the second eight take tt.rfe pills and the bitters as before ; on the third main four piUsand tbe;b)tjers as before, and con - ( .tm:?: taltintr foftr:t wlla everv hiirht for thrpe I nights nture, with' toe bttters ouring ihe day. I On or bhre the seventh day, the Ague will e Ijseomr ta be entitrely ctfred andivhe patient 'will yroiyiTCi iiijugi, now iicaiij, yuuo ius m: mnefess continoe ijop .ake the outers as jbetore prescribed, a a tilt and ion the fourteenth day, with i wo-pills every ftfghtfafter the seventh day. He will ihennd not oatil then, with positive ind invariable certainty, be permanently cored, atid tiot nnly of Feer and Ague bot of whatever billious and liver affef lions it may have superin duced or even inl ahy!way e6nncted.' If, how ever, ihe patient should by apy neglect, or un duH cooMJence in restored health, omit to 'f ke he PhosiiU Hitters in the foil qoantiis pre scribed,' at lasit fthree limes onj the jtitrteenth dauDr. M iffatmust not be blamed H he disease should reiorn, and th patient Aoold learn wis- 1 dom from affliction, and through another course of the medicines for a,for bight longer. Obeying these instructions, however, be will be so thoroughly cured, that bo may j bid oVfiance to the disease, however iiohealihy: may be hi? location orvprevalQt he malady aroqnd him.! For. children between seven ana luurteen years f ffp. half ot too sbmivo qoanuues oi tne roe dictoes wjlllofficp; for younger childrenn a aearief ot 1 nose q aa nm ties,, 10 je . increased h or dUninihed in proportibrrl as the gt varies from aovanceu cuiianooo lutiniancy, jror very young children, small qtiantilies of the bitters only will alone be- rwcessary.'. 1" . .. . ..jJi I his treatment, with these supremely effec- toal LIFE - MEDICINES," has been perfect ly triumphant in the worst regions of the Sootn ero and NVesternl country, and around the north ern lakes, where the malady prevails with the no 1 versa in y-or an epidemic, anu me oemano tor this sovereign remedy! has been far greater than the supply. DR MpFFA'rS Agents, how ever, are noyv well furnished, aod will mak;i ev ery effort ftol send Ihis adverlisemeot into the most afflicted districts Voluntary and jealous ly ;gratefol testimonials are received at tbe pro prieloi's office in New Yoik, by every mail in incredible numbers, to) the absolute: efficacy of these astonishing meoicines, not only in Fever and AgoeJ other inleimitenWevers, liver and billious affections', and derangements of the di gestive functions generally, but also in cbOojc and inflammatory rheumatism, costiveness, pains in ne sioeana iiraos, eropiions 01 me ssin, scro fula, pilet; worms," scurvy and a host of other complaints, for the core of whtch these Veget able L'fc Medicines are so nre-eminentlv re- nswned throughout the United Sia'esJ Know- ing, nowejer mai many or inese diseases, as wpII as a most fatal: undermining of Jhe general health, are occasioned by Fever and Ague. Dr. Moffat, in his advertisements, invites' the soe. cial attention of the pqblic to the absolute a seen dency of his medicines .over 'this malady the luuiiiani ucau vi maiij uuiets. ne Das only to add that, the. Life Medicioes are agreeable and invigorating in their operations, require neither confinement nor change of diet, and have acquir ed ihe reputation they! have long possessed, not by i be usual artificial efforts. but solely) by thek invariable and extensile usefulness.! Prepared and sola jby Dr William B. AJofXtt. 37a Broad way New York. .! , jj . i , ' ..jlj. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail at the SalisboryjiiVledical Drrg: Store, by ; kVc B tFMEELER Agcuul j falisbory. Sept S, 1342 H6i ?: fciM f ii y o th jr ir uBiaCm t I E subscriber takjes ihWraethod of tnform I1n2 ! Jicvl ttaVeteUH.cAltines t carry on ihe business of i j ; j as usual, at-his Graimie Qnarry,- sewn ? miles sooth" of Salisbury i neit th ih 4harlestor rwadl wher he is able to saptf altbrdfrs for MILL STONES, of the beferitfaVdTon the shortest For xnle at the lowest vritis. i i . j-sii's, Dtxir ips. rnnh ! hu-Hiliog rocks. Tomb sir.ef, G4d grinders. &c. . HO.U.LPHOUSER. Sslibinr, Fb 26 S42 IvSI am fcciPH. directei to une at alisbory, wilt be nuunllVaueoded td.f . - - i ' J. H.i ; m. , ., 'T J... I j' . I l pot IT Do, cu. Heudifson r & Bbyden mnf m PRAciiicEjoF meijoinh ysa ri heir Offieelis In th Rrik Hoos opposite jMrS Cowan's Hotel; ' LI i'f -SabnTy, Tnlv rtMA . i: Look nt . 'lidriii an's ad- wisb relif I fori ymir mil vertisemsiti, anu a ycq II ait ny maladies, call aod obtain a remedy til C.B WHEELER. Ageot Salisbory, Dec-10 j DR; ' KTJHLi?J r. RESTORER OF. THE : BLOOD, 1, I .. 4 i. 1. ' ? i FOR J CHRONIC AND OTHER DISEASES, WHETHER ?pyudiilsii,Lphini from internal morbid matte rsl arising from bidly cured old disordeis ; from ib4 ose of mer en ry, calomel, bark, &c..nr (in females) from the change ot life, as specified ir the lauipbleU J AwTi SvptunTic Sraue This medicine is io all Venereal Disorders, s ceriain remedy. ' Abtsskm a Mixture, (in Uqa id and in paste,) ceiebtated for. Us speedy and peifeci removal of Gonorjboea anni Gleet. , . i ; 1. , , Gold Mise DALSAM.for Bilious and Nerroas Affections, Cold;&c;? f '41v v 1 -r Aromatic Extract; a liniment for indiges tion, Coldoestf in tbe atomiacb, Nocobness or Weakness, in the limbs, tlheumatiim, 4' . Depurativ;ePowde.r1 for BiltQus Fe'veV Headache. Diseases of the Eyes, Sic., which is tobe taken in hh Restorer.' :.j 1 1 " 1:r Japan Ointment, for Piles, which is to W applied besides the Restorer ! ' ; - Bengal Ointment, fur'etterj Ringworm, Salt Rhpumt 8caldhead, Eruptions of the skin, and foal ulcers, ; is to be applied besides the Re storer. ' j' ' ' ; ; ; j ''''"' Universal or Strencthenin& Plaster. lor diseases of theChest, Dyspepsia, inflamma tory Kheomatlsrn. Palsy Paralysis, fyc. Dr. Kchl's Acoustic Uil, for Ueatness and all other Auncnlar Complaintsi which is to behsed together with the Restorer.. SCPDr KbhPs Pamphlet Treairaent." entered according to Act of Congress, contains full Directions for the use of the above mention ed medicines, and accompanies every Remedy. From the Washington Globe. We feel it oor doty ' !o insert the following communication in oor columns, inasmuch as: the TTBTAVING takeo considerable pains to ac efficacy and great success of Dr. Kuril's Restor- JjLnaaint myself with the provisions' of the er is well known io os : . j ; 1 You will please to noiiceijn your paper the following certificate : i m I i mi I " 1 d , hereoy certify, that about the first of jannary, i was tawen wun ine worst paralysis and inflammatory rheumatism; thai ever was in- nicieo on manKinu. oo iar as i can icain, uif n? i . j , z i j twe!-w i. - i 2 use of every limb was taken from roe, besides a tremendous swelling at every joint, fever with tbe same, and attended wih tbe most excrucia ting pain I bad ever endured.; I tried all reme dies that were reommendable for the 6ame,' but toiio effect. f, by accident was informed that Dr Kuhl was at Orange Court House. I sent fur him immediately, and by applying his medicines, I fella charge! in less than an boor. after be came. The medicines used, were the Restorer "f Blood.! Aromatic Extract. Gold-M ine Bal- j Mm, Universal; Piaster, and Deporative Powder. J mt . M I . 7. . Il l I. ibeieiore recommend bis treatment to an those laboring under: affliction , as; giveq ; under my hand and seal, this 14th day of March, 1837. ! i JOHN PEYTON, l s " A'ear Orange Court: House Virginia ' Dr Kuhl, notwithstanding the statement io'the above certificate, wishes to be understood, that ingeneial, cores cannot oe enected pwiihin an hoar, although a person may be much benefitted within that time by the use of his medicines. He feels it, however, necessary to give the fol lowing extract of a letter (rani his Agent at Or strive (Innrt flnnce. ill ted Mav I9lh. 1837i ! " Dear Sir I saw Mr John Peyton to day, and he looks better than I ever saw him. He says if il had not been for your medicines he should have been under ground. He requested me to tell yon, that you had saved ;his life for one time, and to present h;s respects to you; Your Restorer is the leading medicine in this coonty.and mny curesof importance have been enacted in this neighbornood py trie ose or yoor medicines. I have had a great number of ven- ereatcases, and many of long! standing, and al ways effected, by means of your Vegetable Ami yphiimc oyropt or Aoyssima Mixture, a per fect cure, and that in a short. prae. Ashhorough, JV. C.J July 1 3, J8 12. Dr KuHL,,Raleigh, ! ! Dear Sir.:-l think yoor Medicines are about to take a start in this county, from the fact that they effected a cure which seems to have baffled . ft - S"'-; " ' - 'Ll ' : Am tnesKiii oi tne pnysictans in mis section tor a year or two. The subject; is Mr Nathaniel N., who has been afflicted with the Liver Complaint, togeiherwith some other complaints, say,Flat ulenceand Dyspepsia. ; He has taken one bottle of tbe Restorer toselher with; the Aromatic Ex- tract and Lreporative rowaer. no says mav in welve hours he felt relieved, Bndio iwenty-foor hours, much relieved. He has so far recovered, now, as to follow-the avocation of his farm with ittle or nndifllcnliy. He says he wants all who are afflicted, to ose yoor Medicines, aod ts re commending them to the afflicted, j I would be glad yoo would send me a supply very soon, by the stage, of Restorer, Aromatic Extract and Abyssinia Mixture, as a vast num ber of persons are taking them now. , ! Respectfully yours, J. M. A. DRAKE;. fCJ Persons wishing to procure any of the medicines, will please direct their orders, with the amount, (post paid,) to ; . Dr. Kithl's Ofvicr. Richmokd, Virgihia, or to any of the following Agents; NORTH CAROLINA..: Jenkins & Biles, Salisbury, 1 Hargiave Gaither, & Co., Lexington, J. &. R. Sloan, Greeosboroogh, j-. I : G. W. &C, Grimme, Raleigbi , . IK M. J. A. Drake Ashborough. J F & C Phifer, Concord. B Oats, Charlotte. j 1 C C Hendeirsoo, Lincoln Ion. I.' James J. Horoe, Piltsboroogh, N. C. mSouth Carolina, I SteTe, Gnnrjir.g Co. Yorkville. j McLore, Bra w ley Co. Chester C. H. j- . j i.-i. i . i i i ! The continqation of the list cf Agents, see Ur. K.'s Pamphlet. NOTICE. Patients and Agentstn the Slate of North Carolina, and Sooth and vVest of it. will please direct their orders to Dr KuhVs Of fice, Raleighi'JVi C , and ihose in,Vrigmia, and North and East of ii, to Richmond, Virginia. August 6. 1843 ly2 ' -a A frcsli supply tbf I)r. D. j Jay op's invalcable FauuJy Medicines, jast; re-. !! CB WHEELEUi Agent. n Sllhfrry, Pet IQifSQ ; 4;"' lk A N cnantitr of fresh Lime can ba aad at f, tbe kiln nf 1 he late Joseph Wttliams dec. By the ICO bnshtls and over. T6 cests: 40; tnn knaKailai 1ft. K A IA on FnUM.-o.l imotwrtic;h " ; ! ' All person wi3hm lime eitber at the kilo tlieir rentdenee, T1I arDfr'eiiher to X oil Bt)cmrd, SnrryerK,irty,Nlc I. ,f : 1' Ar2fi'l,IS4. srxnnniiii, Aiip riui: 5il ; f T 'J 'aiisbury, via Stat esvillc andMor "ITS now ;in full operation, rocning throogb ,in JLjtwo1day8tod twice a week, aa follows s 1 XeateSaiisboryjevery and Sat- arday ai $ ocock A. M and arrives at Ashe- viire every Jlooday and rrlaay aib o'ciocs, r. ltieaVcs Ashetille every Tuesday and Satur day, at 6 o'clock A.M., arrives at Salisbury next dayf ai kllP.'Mr r t Passeitersijravi elling on this line will receive good accommodations. Our Teams and Hacks are-excell4ntjaiid the Drivers sober, skilful and accommodating : no pains will be spared to ren der trips safe and pleasant to the passengers. j :H ' SHERRILL & PARKER. Junelg. 1341 tf46 J ifv- .ft. informing bis friends, and the public, that be is still carrying ou the Vatch and Clock raakiog, and Re pairing business, at his old stand, near the Courthouse All, Work done j by .him will be warranted: for twelve months. He still keeps oo hand asmal assortment; of JJewellery. " i Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for Jewellery or work done. t Salisbury. .March 12, 1842. tf 33 The BanlcitijH Z,aiv! ! Bankroo; Law. lately passed bv Congress. I herehv teoder or services to such a rr.av wish -J - i - r - ' . M in vailithemselveaof its fmnpfit I shall sIIarH .i.- Un led Srates Coortof this District. and if n?cessarr .1 the Circbit Court also. Persons Ashing to avail themselves of my se.-rice. can 1.,- i. . - BA( mn on the artDroaehma 8ith Ciren t of the Soperior. Court; and afterwards, I. shall be fouhd ia my office in Salisbury. i . i: ' r . H. C. JONES. v. U. I take tbis occasion to correct a pre vailing error concerning this Law ; many persons I find, suppose that no one, except such as owe to the amount of v ive Hundred Dollars, can claim its' benefit. "This is a mistake, for it em braces 'f all persons1' owing debts who are unable to " meet them no ( matter how small the i . H. C . J . amount; . ( Salisbury Februaiyl 1842-lf29 i George ff Davis. CommUnpn and Foiioarding Merchant wil irqton & Fatetteville N. C. nflHE onfJersigoediis now prepared to receive JL Goods at Wilmington, and forward the same to his Agent; at Fayetteville, who will forward 4o the Ownersiin the back coentry. He has a large Warehouse at tbe Kivei, where Goods will be stored free of storage, and the owners subjected fromthe BUoVTA trom tbe Itiver io I Fayeitefille thereby lesseoiog the expense oo Goods mbchi below the osuai charge. As his VV...kn,,. .i.l.i.Jlra .11 ,ulm u;ijs the danger of Fire will be trifling in comparison . ; v. .... '.. . . to the risk incurred from being situated in town. Those who may favor -bias with their business,' may rest assbred that every attention will bpaid ' to the promolioo of their ioterest. - ; , UEU. W. UAVIS. References : j ' Messrs i John Huske 2c Son. D, A. Hy. i ! Fayetteville, JY. C. Alexander Anderson, John McRae, 'f - John Dawson t ; ! yWUnmslon.JCa: DoTphin! A. Davsv 1 George W. Brown, j ', . ! SaUsbury, JV. C. E. S. Powell. Packet Agent, JYew York, Oct. 1, 1342 tf 10 CERHStHRE & RUSSIA Hp HE undersigned having sold, in the last JLl two years, aboot two hondred Pigs in the counties of Davie; Stokes, Surry, Iredell, Row an, Cabarrus; Mecklenburg, Davidson, Guilford, and some in South Carolina and Virginia, and the demand still being very great, have added to their welt knovin stock, the Berkshire sows of Coli C. Harbin, from Beraent's stock, Albany1 and. now having ten full blooded Berkshire sows and I wo boars, they are prepared to breed as fine full blood as sny in the country. ' They hare ;.;fjssiA!-pigs-' And ctosits of Russia atid Berkshire. They hare on hand a goodly bomber of the above pigs, ready to supply any orders with which they may be favored, at prices in propor tion to the hardness of the times. V MAXIMILIA.Y CUTHRELL, I JOHJY H. CH1JVN. Farminglbn, Davie co N.C yV.r,,. . '. s May 9, 1842. ;lH5 SALISBURY FACTORY. rTTIHlS Establishment it now' in complete ope JL' ration. The Company are manufacturing M COTTON YAJlJf, ; ' ! .- j " i : " 'i- "'A ' '- 'Shirting, Sheettng'and Osnaburg, of a superior jqualily, which they offer to the pobtic at the lowest market prices. Merchants and others, who will examine qualities, and com pare prices, 'will find it to their interest to pur- cnase. , -1 i . r . RHODES BROWNE, Agent. Salisbprvi June 4. 142 U45 JLQTE Arrivals. 72cdlcine9 Maihtsr Oils, nTlURiElSTINE; Varnishes, Dye-Stoffs JLKPaleot: Medicines, Hops, ihoice WINES, aod SPIRITS for; medical purposes Indians, to I Hodek'ft and l Sw,sim'e ranaeea, bnurTs.-riiie ha an t bmnLiniT 1 OBlKft: Nnsntfih f.ifrtrSl Swces. Perfumes, Brushes, C artdles. Fancy or coomonioap. iUiasa Miare,reim- nils, ft. f airamenik Miiche?, Paper and many other i. ACX B. WHEELER; ' ! ', 1 IlmiH SUBSCRIBERS xe ill spectfullyjnfora ib-pilh ixen of S.lkbo'rv'and the sorrounding.cooBtryi that tbey have opened a shop k this place, wjterel they will carry oibe t - -' S fifffWr anil ZlarticssXluKlng CT JlXiXi SXIAITOZZSS. AH otdfts (oTiSADDLESt: BRIDLES Fine and common HARJvESJS, Leather i Trunks; &c, f$0., will be attended to with . ponctoalilv aod lies- pa ten j ana an Kinas:oi 4 r done io good sty lei aod 00 the shortest notice. The 'sobseribers: solicit jibe patronage' of the pobtic, and pledge' themselves to" ase their best exertions to give satisfaction Their shop fa on main street, two! doors northeast of the Conri- tloase, next door to A. Uencenre store. - 4 l J: PLUMMER fit SHAW. Nov. 19, I8t2rtlfl7 i ! IDR kD. JfAYNE S nnHESE ftiEGlNaieJexpressly JLi pared for family use: and have -acquired an re- unprecedented pblarityithrougltout he Uijiled ciaes ;i anoas iney are so somirawj calculated United States, and has hid fifteeo years experi ence in an extensire and diversified! practice" by which he has had ampte opportunities of acquir ing a practical knowledge of diseases, and :be remedies best calealated to remove them. ; Jayhe' Expectorant, . A valuable remedy for - Cough, flcldi Con sumption, Asthma.Spitting of Blood, Croup. noopxng isougn? laroncmiu. acwe- nneuma - tism Pain in the Breast or Side Pleurisu land tnamafton of the Lungt ot Throat, difficulty of Breatlmig, and all; diseases of the Pulmonary Organs "N'. t.p: ,- 1 T'JmJ -1 IB IT . rwi uwunv mjoxiir jtrnwy For the. Perijon.lGro the Hair; and vvhieh r-ill jwsitivly bring in JVeto Hair on 'Bala Heads, and sntfv mat r9 n rni srrm ' sft? I "! preyeni its fall- JAY1TITS TOITIO VEIUMITUGE, A pleasant, safe, and certain preparation! for the removal of I Forms. DvPVsia. Sour SCoitt- I chl Fever and Ague, Piles, Want Jof Appetite, an diseases of debility, especially ot; the iomach and BovteU, and Orgtws of Digestion, JAYXE'S CRIMIBTATIVE BAj,SADI. Acrtain core U Bowel tnd Swnmer Com- DiarrhceA iDysenlerys Cholie. Cramps, v,. u u.j-.i..m oi..- a. l i i .:. . f ' ! ""'nfe"Js 01 lonm I Jjuwcis, wert70U3 W7cCliOlj, qc. r- i . 'I J- ht. Jayne's Sanative MiUs :- Vox Female Diseases. Liver ddmplkints; Fe vert, Inflammations, ObUlruciions, Diseases of the Skin. &c, and in all cases where an aperient Alterative or Purgative Medjcine is teqoired. I he above medicines are for sale, wholesale or retail, at the Salisbury Medical aod Drug Store, by : " jj. . V :rr - C. Bl WHEELER. Agent . i 1 Salisbury, N. C. Sept 3, 1842 ly6 T i S; -4- -4 i-ii IT B W 0 A B ZKT S T, CHAIR SOFA ; Manacturing ! THE SUBSCRIBERS f HAVING associated Ihemselres together for the purpose of maniifactoriog ;! Chairs. Rtireausy Spffi?s9 CEOnETAnYTS, WAUDIIOBES, Centre-Tables, f SSDEBO ArDS, &C &C. . '. I - M r : .ii i : - . ' i . - ,!-: t in the rery best kind of style, and of ihef finest materials, beg leavej to ask at the hands M the citizens oftlhe coojntry.and villages aroond, a share of their patronage io oor tine of btssiness. As one of the Firm, (J. Eraser,) has had long experience in working io some jof the finest oj most fashionable shops of Europe, and ! of the large cities bflhe Northern United Slates, vre flatter ouisslves thai we can aad will' honestly and Uitbfolly complete in workmanlike manner an jooscaiieo for, .; .r. , 3 . 1; uj -We will -repair and polish say furniture that m !?. ",u'"'' " ui.Muiu. ' x neir soop is a few doors east of jlhie Mansion Hotel,-aod one door below Jones1 old Tsverni 4 J ! JOHNFRASER, ! VVARREN GHEEN. Nor 26,l842-tfl8 i' - -:- - ';; NB. All those indebted to Warren Gheen. are requested 1 0 make payment before the first January, 1843 or they will then bare! a call rrom an omcer C. B. j Wlipeler, sole Agent Dr. Rowsnd, has just received a fiesa aop- tot ply ot bis tenine, imptoved Tonic' Mixture, whicb is for sale wholesale and retatf, at h .Medical Drog Store, Salisbury, N. C. t Dec io-tt2g " rj . - Cotton ! Giti flaking BusUtcs HI H E sbbscrjberjwooU respectfnlly iaform he IL I cftiuns of) Rowan and the adjoining cosn ties, that he has corhmericed- the above Business I r V : I :. . . j . "W 4 i i u serf e neauinu cure Afjrawe, hq ramuy 7y. Murphy's store, fchere he 19 reads i f should ever be without t.rwm. The proprietor of cute all erders of his ' cosiomerrlri theseLvaable preparaiidos received bisedsca- manner not surpassed by any ti ihiswi tion at one of the best medical Colleges inl the rodnnr. IU 1 ii -Wi r.J. .'jAr? J in Salisbury. . His jyhoot is three doors eastlef AIosesL Brown fi'ao .Yard. trd where be b pre- pared ttxecotej all work in hts line of business j with neatness asd despatch. From a long ex- I periehce in ihe business, he lefts confident of I ability to giyc entire satisfaction to all who day I laVir II Itn h Iheifr m I nmina -' i', and I , N. B. .; All orders from a distanee shall is puncioaJiy auenuea 10. Uppairmg oi everv de aril script too done on the shortest notice, bulb Gios H ; ALEXANDER FRALEY4 Fall of Cifies.heVtestandrSs S 'r London Parisian Jr. t : And is prepared io exwa .lordfei stylish arid sat isfactorv mitO'lVV Workseni from a distance slMu J put op and forwarder, j JrMr,KhhS ment of Bonnets, fnenest s,6 Turbans, for sale. j 1 f ' V'.Mrs. S.. PTtslsoreSeLt h Cnmpingarul Flotingon 1 f JLW Salisbury, Decembers 3 84 e NEW FASHIONS JfVMi aClj& HiiVTI5R BJBSrTI! ULiLY inform Ki. r.;!iV aaSav n ark sni m - . , , .1 JCw public, that he Still carries on th. i TAXIiOXlXlTO f 3nJOT?sl 1 n all its variojra brinchesMvo dWrslboii NEWARK FA8Itinor and prepared to accommodate th ialiiif Fashionable at all times. ( 1 .1 December 3, 1 8421 y 3 TO 'XXOPZIO VEJ' TOXTXO X&XXTtft i - i T Thse swho woold have tfcenrs ' tri s'p.i Medicine for Feyer and. Ague j DwmjjgJ JYervou J Veakness, should discr(min4abe(L theMlwosaod a:aea ion a io ipe poo.ic, t,iae ;sme, x trl!nlew:-l dandV ri v ...-r-.j.-i.i- ;f J ;r!Brl A few remarks will serve to illBstrjt ference. '-' In' the first placei tbe'oDeraliA dtd Tonic Mixture in the cure of Fever icfAtnj.il opon entirely new ana peeuhar, jet itVl pimcipies, oecuoaij : ii not eniy prfmp reals the coorse offt chills, when rWuft iiw peisevEiirgij. uaeo, pot II 80011 f5CfJ M wonte functions of the ffencral aviomf.. - . . -1 . I fatly healthy state ; when relapses are no m ble to ensue than an altaek of the diseii 006 who ?M. neT?rli,Ji Third! T.. V m "? Mm,n,,lra,,on f I ed I onic Mixture, snnnoa no at i.rm nnn: ucuigu iiiuuruue, auu gives form in earnest turning health and vigor J Fourthly . Prwlew more or ies9 eneci on tae oqweis, ine, eaoe ti the disease passes off in ;the way invt itrcnn indicated oy iialare. - l1 ifihly : Its effected i system are onifortnlr mud and safe. 11 m efficient, and it ia as we4l adapted to tke (Eftkl iniani, simpiy oy a modincatton or the pw.a the most vigorous adult. ;Maoy oihercont anons, 01 me otmost importance to ire mw parents and invalids, miht be ennrcaiatedfer but ihe above are a few of the poiats orcwire in comparison-with the remedies generajlly ttK I ed to itf "professional anil faroilyi'prafjticey whicb a propel judgmant may be: formed ui lecting the remedy,- i H ? ' ' u ';' N- ft. . Wilh a view to re-estabHsb 156 confidence io the efflciency of the "(Rosih Improved Tonic Mixture," 10 iflectia hrfej curerot fever and Agoeribe EroprttW restcrt the original guarantee,4 viz: The minej oe relumed in every case) whertic the ifn'l has been punctually used without Sprotfoc;tg desired effeci. Address; f r i i ll : Dr. JOHN R ROVVAND, No 29 North Second Slr'eei JPbiladelft'J mT . - i .'i '. 'is' a.:-. I doppiiee nave been received by thewiear lot Salisbury, N. V, U CiB. WHEELED SeptS, 1842 lj6 ' k . V' TIic Subscriber JL and the ooKlic ' that be has borchisw formerly owned bv Mr. Frpdtrirk Mo'rJ the Town of Salisbury, which fee ioteodifc" after to carry on in a mabrier Itogehe wf in tbe common understanding jof ibf f' he is an actual Iron Kinging able aoo r- tuti I " rMSpg or GUDGEONS, &c ; done a the sborje i!.. nl U Ai .... He will alfO" J. t rTrrivr niklc .TH Kn or indeed any kind of MACHINE ; he may be called upon , to do. ; n .501.. 1 solicits a trial. 3 W. H.; WILLIAM Salisbury, $ept 3, 1842-16. of mm (D)B REMOVEMP Ttatttco a. lotjrv. TRf AS rrmOTtd b'n bo 1P ' '.ri y U lately occupied by wr. 7 a llnner Sbon. a fewi doors east of WT, If II . . ...... , Tl tsre'f Hoosp, where he will cbntinse BOOT AX7D SHOE BWF I .iBUBlOTSSp st hebssliereiofore done, io all t VLy Those , disposed io patronise jt iin his find him ready to accommoda'e ""1 terms. tHe keeps 00 band V.tmtt r.,rf. mad wot If. which he Will i be casb, or on lime to ponctoal dealeis. Salisbury, Jan 7, 1545-ti 184 4 J " " "l a i rprr ii rfi mm. MLk 1 -; Natly printed led fpf Mies f j i mk; m-k fi'tt.:''- h: r n n . : . .5' . ; , i-'sf-r.- -1 i: 1 1 Si U V 1 1 ;i.S ? it i: ;'i t s

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