I I 1 1. i4 , y r : . 't " -'SlfU fl'lfii in: J it- " 1 1 4 !, , ivt Jjiiiii'.j-.1 !;.. '. i .. 4" v ,, l-v j : Ji. i I ' ; 1 ? .1 i. l i I 4- I . f, r' , Mk v- ;'k"? J . : ' 1 - " " - 1 been ble s that moil ;w den ad pressed ky.om. mi :l nJ. tUto :-Tt pleasure 0Say- i0I l0 ,oo ib.l bro.b.rD.rb.BVproa-wd ,be ,i(le i)-t.:.7 " JTjL.L-. Th-rire a striking cmbl Die t .r .. i, ,, ondjerluf peP'et Pruf 'l"" terri- I o bit wan 1 -J ';f i ?i5n I bwbietf U ci tdi Wb? handsi betbet ca in ihnM nrnrppses were ;m&nf or lew. , r ;i M T . . i .t,A Ttv Inrni toward I : . eniil in iti inen tod jet tue net i f ;7J"J. iiul- -i.-..- - Ur;. ; r -niit: over eiins n.. ?av. , ,,u. ...0s,r TT- ak-.! fin fUMGU uuvb l.iltifi. and tbere to reft him ee is! finished. Tbey HEN M i.) h'nrrltnn in lilt HiUIOI stood the lorop.e oi ironi r li ,h lOai l;rk a bore all nol iaa roncu,iM "avr,'r' .7 i"' "Vt linger ab5ol me no- jt tdj something ti the national wealth IWbicb was Recently pooi f-, "l ly city end eie mroogH - twnetl.in3 Ooftiijc na fUB. " 1 iLh h. Staled! tea inlenlikjn fullf JLir waiUnk or to ihe weal side of the bole!j l0 bia increase of wea Li lC81B." T:r L . fihorJJW iL nhn.t. that hate been frightened dociiiraHboer which cot ibejceiioini. llo redeem m 1"?" ."irj !Fuj.h.a CWJf f V r .u- t...T. .Wi Uboui wh cbmadeti U !" ftM! Tni, .naV Hcalled a ttnple 1 i '! I RV CI.AY-A UNITED STATES - 1 11 I. . 1 nANK.ti .J: The tleaiBn lias done Mr. Clajihe IStl brfore ilf readert. I nai fpeecn un doubtedly! contains tbe besi aroinoi io 1 . . In Ttanlr. htll coolu oe roaue in . r. ;;tpflliirt rnnnnce eten jU jnwo emnoi qtlvlbj: ish without the aia t an iosuiuhuh. - t'- I - a ' I If. a d.io.tntn irliinfMed in JO irjr in OAX.iOBtxnV: SATURDAY! MULY 1 184fi ffni. Ana f i. -Utraiioo of Indiffi. ir.f;AT?WXf a -T nnri irtim na - . ? .- , --r the 'rV-1iic'li k w.otSdlfolIow, P tptecn. oe poo" I rest oni na asaisnea ioc u .....il l J:Li. L'tji. " num m ana R.IfimorfcJ MaV 20 itpt- antbor If the ay joa- lib the sen U- baving Republican Whig Ticket ! it mni nn'ihit ohiecU The speech been qaoted against Air. uiajr, somewB. lwl!biliitit.!tbe;extri'-$e - . ! r- .j - a ,- 01 KEWTOCgT.1 ; s real lected by ty Triff cf bii cents per ponnd . blS k fff mtSf 1 a-Vorwhytjemetlec;! V elementsiT opera nuaif9 in melius ii is i t r,. i , ' it-j-i . . . -Jt. j .in wwh(w.v,;,.. , man rpn ieti astouowa : n tlifl rant Iiddk oi an kuu uub ... u ii,th t fhnsi cohid leiuu insac -rrr v r tt a 4 , a - iK.W.n retired vale oftthe liiuon.i, x PJ n.t.in Mf snJaitsosive operatiooa a mh Yes. sir." said air. Myt them from rnyrery betrt. f ! r large capital Itf ffqelcef ; coajmoajiiasj mun w.. i -ithit J jopppt fd.f ri attonii paoK 10 19 f Jo abovo where J date from 1 is we goi- acctnolated in view ot..;iatore ein.p,p. :.f tbe speech you qeotc is my tpeeco , i FOR COPGRE I 1 . -o; Taiff e oricheattha Lri . Mfti OF CABARRUS. COUSTT. MM, 1-.: V-j-j..:- :jT.?mJ conclode thai A(rtUl..i'U i ; Nteis the same proporiion WU 's. ;i JT t f Election on Thursday Zg ofAugml. site, inttead aoperabondance. 61 ttsannaalltif , --"'!. w 7T"W 7 ' 1 ' ' " . - - - . ! - i ! i. 'US "I rt . 1 I is i-ir M I H II ailMtS I - 1 ;i K p..!... nil In ii. .r.nMul i m in tlfil O Teiauiru wHi4ii ; t ; 1 i i ; r iLi. III fjii. . -t, - J " a--. 1 , . , I finnonmnllnn .... L . Ji "viiii I --rK.-':n --i " aRIWIP ill denMteirom wnicc our .w ue.vi ,UUj.Uv.. .r y--! - , ii-iw i tains a Iran expression i uic,w(",rw " sr-:-t r.vi v- ,- y..r,.v-..i. - i.h pniTrsmt:tbii.-t lif J ' vibETr!f?Kostiiln ,e at the etenlg, and retire to! Mount 01- "le gjood mcrchaot ge; badionibe sobjeet. Bat firk fears I JlJt-Cgutdh, oryls ceotiary t J fact ! mmM ? Jffii-.pMt Illilflr ts noWgw.l!ed op, in! the temple ntb oS t NaUn.l rtpertence cof inced kle ry shows that since 6ejjLfOv i. I v " -k Oti' ymN..Jj ,Te.: I- i f r .w..v.n. i iheieno- "forit is only ibrpegb him inai "F" j :LLi i, L-iJ-tifc.i . n.nfc n. I jffa adeauate Revenue. vWt fair vriahcHon un.. .iif4.i l r15 t mt.. -nB Rnni-nss SltcEltMere isivi wail. 3 ,M w ' r . mads srhicbitinlo &ieprooociion:sou ime. ns; oceu imi-iwi - .1 T7 liL ii-;..5. u. t- 1 me nrodnci r 7 "7U in ibeahsde of thtilb osZi T'" "'u b .b. . -r n . ri,w4 -hprft it descends l the devotion oi ine-cruwu wip... "- acany. jTie Dimness rvr"' "TMIS COirencv sua us re?cnur. iuu . . rf ix -tri f .'ik:- i.oiaies. wmie. in ere fMiJ- . vbvi : I II 1 y.roilf.L;MAyilr cpl followed them io.o lie ld. eb.obe, Mer. ..e ,rd. , Rtwardj 10 !? on ftbit! flVred; t; 1 SKiSi, ftdfel ..!. fro Vfe! Ki.. KKOT'" ir; r Miw. 17 - wt.iWJti; . ,i.l..Md iikir but toat w be ImiBht t.uarik'. r ,ii,i.:iihri.bich iuiM ad;NioMtMffrtti.- i ttS' im ft h.ir.nU .nd tMn.'pl nMrjf 1 Us 10 esi io the gfTe.; . Wb.l . m,nety tbl. X 5,hSli W do ibh. M klfbM. mid Of bii8 growo tw by expmience, (Jle GenjrtGmemwt, tmgPMmm. ' : JU, luiS tl ; L aiKS 0.1 Wk"' I wo,ld I Thi tlory .nd rrekt work, of J.Jj'S .flibiaiio .it: blmlf to Wrid'dn Ihi. only, of .11 8'e n.lionllq.er- f'1"11 iir hvl ' !t,1i,"C U ' i 'tn Chilian t mao iih... per U.d. but Ihe ,or of ibe fSSSJS. 1 Now; Ihe loierebini doe. ibis er,. WAitjrJh.T, eb.ni.dlmy ground. Jodjo f tof iiferrow(ouul rt.xeMS bit eer cn.jrW S -V I Swiff.nS'bn ffitWi D.- "eed of .he Alkighly, .(id tbe lpte.ioce of ,4 ssd, ihi, (erf opporfoni.y .nd lb. 7B?.mi6ili' .nd facl I now 'submit hTSSS5,?!,!,4 rE-,C ,h,,,,,cV i" IMv si e,ofd....o mr-wvti'-r v: : rJTI IvHL I aword inLrhft thresj.inioi fjl 8CtnP J D" :6tV". ,he Protes ant to more wealthy: Miemercfaants of any eoitntryaw. 0n tb a qaestioD.MrJCIay and ibe1 VVbigs S . . . " :so"ihaf itTs-evldent ihVkiu' Ul4 lmy P-,f ,t W'"1 Vil!ninf i. a3a clas..thUetierit ;isfor i1apoorestctizenS.r , and where Mr. Madison and tbe bemo , V ! Tr "T'MrwV0 -at; that ibis externaworabi-- M oonsid- The Re,iew goes taillostrtte the'offiee" of mV 1816, lo opposing 11 m.H:l l ' : ti,fc;lT.1f , lifd Jheiplio grades ;eredfficacio for eating tbe .ool.. wi.b he b,B i,yi0g bitn a great collector f'n A1 meeting of tbe Rowari IVcsliinglon Tern- depreWed .talus if the i fiwdwi IPK e CbrittlsAf lus. Apoght I tats I coojd describe to you what F saw in and who accumoUii jo Tpst heap the tariooa pro- JV; permce S&tefyTwil be held inHb. Methodist tbeiemedy ? jTit pkiali M1"1 i . hrnW fne-h$lfiaitrdefenrri of, . .rbiid ibe Cbi rchofthe Holr Sepoicbre. nfttilM -hieh nednte want for their osas and copy the position tsaooed by Jjanie wen- ! . . ; . L , . J , . , Pi;if tolifflra. . . . .-. ! i " ? : ; j L . n 1 r 1 L ' : .. ' J . L I tT i L.. . Ihal mlft I IIAf a Ilfl 1 II H W IIMll niflW DI 1 IUF KMUMB,.- UH- I T-l-"-l . ... 9 T I f w.-.. . -J - .. . c Hg irpnM ... s , ihn iitti nhm ' i final mrssCfi ihprn irntn i nut oiv letter io TO'i. si tour rrauesu nc- i comiorrs. rTeryLJcne swub uhii w u. . .- -r- . r ' i i . . -k" . . . . i . . -,. . . i ,,, . i . . - t ---a --', r. mi Ii! tlie;Templejt? Moupt-.2pa $n(-ibe sacred: "'eMrJ f il te f( pj'iPP; il1!00! of llhe holr Mount to MMeoiftnf H Hcjstita- lion'; to Cbnpn woabm..y'Jpti irotsdes, ina ,U9 return again to iije.j jM'ii?Ta rico, which it rontinueslwowned wflh the ?in 1 hose beau olacle with As j! stroll. looked jn, theisacred t. 5 mi- '. ii'l : " illlf i: '4iit:. s ill- j -TV, -j-v ;! lonfsito tbe Valley of Jehosbaphat. From the Vallev I ascended, of course, tbel Mount of iblites. paused and onder the gnarled and rent olive trees of .Getbse minei which seems if they mirtt be the someihinir ot talae which he does not want him. riod;; Mr. Webster io pronooneing Wa !"?ai 1H;c,0C A T l 06 prodocttw isoeiieela nbrt: e i,,. , .uk i. i.u aif mnfih vitas io f i,nn4T Rnir n MAnaArnf a irlM." ftimnlv re- l centered on ineoccasion bt ii.utSc.lll sUK-vshi l the Who lefcommdntiw l,."'.i . ; ni. inBlfrfEllOI IU...i.. il.it Mht.h hci anlarl I I I in . MM. fcHH I.lfllAI Inn hnhllA in C-nTl i anil Ih.ir Int'mM nF ulf i ' 7 I iixi.-Ji if, I ' 1- Moyqaes of pmar and EjliApsaj tiful domes fit sbbte) thpj.jflered sdmirabfe liglnneft andjg&ca; cd by the open gatewiyi j and how eirneilly did fiongitri enter encljsore, liifger in tla;wks fand atfaid its Itrees ; enterj even the nfrae4, jpsrlif nlaily fthaV tof OmaiL whioh Voterk pehps.!jhe te ItyMpot Iwhele!5 lfaaewiij:(ejejj ankl'over. whith he dedicated to (ij by t'lie raost el foquent and ' jpeinsibler of a pra vers, except our Lords; i Kng9 gi; ,8 d6e.L) hot the fanatical )sleni forbids tbo feetpf the Christian dog to tread tfprvi tbe sacrFd soil, find iross tbel enlecratiibreold. If . Rut I must return to Ibe iValle. from hence I nromisedr vott: tllis letter beforo I ' ;.eft home, annjwhicb prpniiso JrotfrejEfeitied Bptnewhat dltiblingly. haw wandered : lup and down! it. from the tomba of the Jod gos. jsst bewond its bead, tp the nortb west Jof the city, jbcotnjB lai d k balf miles to the well of Jjob, perttp t je ln Rdgel cf Seriptore, a qaarttcia mif i ieto'w tbe aoatb-eaat corner ofgjheci y jltts indeed a talley of ihe dead, oc-t1 ier ff imiV fori thfir contentsjare gbhe ; a id ilie; keptilchral chamberi, where they sfejit in i peace! oj any renturiea go, are no w bnt gapping caterns in the rock, where reptiles pestle, if tjfoy be ingle small sepolchl or flocks heldown, if thet be laiffpL as trie tombs of the j!ndffes. Kings, and Pj6phet;v, arjd fome in; the aou T thero'clirTof lhe Gihontjnth onder and a 4ote tbe " Peters jiWf 1 j btf! wan vleied through them all, and found not a fig- ft ' If ment of tbeir ccntents ThJe limestone rock v; . - in fiiri:ii iucv lie sitiiifficu is, vnii, iquois yielded to- tbeyelemeots. ofi.d rni'i) ajway in front -.of, anl; sotne.tiinM above !tii''Ivam- hers. This iaj the cae allofe- j a;ine. (also at Petreihere thi rorit isspittsand : Stone,) and constantly reminds neiw mnrialitt, and reduction ir 4Justj arid;dis sicn to the winds of beivvlenll I' Atlifai ?ptj pus assnranco, that theuHs rbt !c(rnmit. ited to the "Tomb, bull returi "'to tnoiiGod vhoga.eill , .J'. lluU: u I havejustleorne opjfflbitajpoi .f Si. loam, which has a coonection with the'Pool tf the Virsn, several hundred yards higher tip. Tfir firat is in the moiitb pf le yso ieon-Valley; juat where jt enters tint of Je ihoshaphat, and the otheriia lo'o'W: lalesill side m ine iiier, not many uunureq ifartis rom itttb(pre.l date this tetter itThi j einetioo is o? a narrowipassage coj tnrougn the point of trie bill which 'slowlliiowo from! I the southeast' corner or the t ;TetniW 1 These iuu in Bins im iiiiw suriRct io occasional viO' . !' i 7 . ' -.. . gomethinfj which he does wtnt io more extensile lh richer the merchant, . : concerned : we more ine laoorersare siiaiuiaiew. the heap, Hirj more extensive the assortment ,- - Federalism bore sway, as it noit does, I are respectfollv intited to attend. that ia. the ficher the' merchant, the better tor an i L-.t J .-j il r. I V : " i ; : J caose s some may think the Govern! in taxation, ibr partial in i s a&iaU5 in ins aiaio uo ihcw repro.omou iu yuw. r kk , nA . I. 2. ' C?A. B. A - .aa m a WMBamMakS A I I 1 - A BLSL BUB JlBb, A MA. M. 41 tlJ SJ a ; 1f J U Ul ASb A.W Jak I . i T 1 same that witnessed the agooy or oor ba. ,nd ihe better tbeyiareTewarden, the lesa flic- B"a-- m. . - -.-bC r- Nnh rarli-,; R, nentJ a l common sen8e oe a Wndaoed fbi viobr, rambled )nut to Bethany, stood ,00 tbe ,M0o there willbe. in ricesjthe fewer leyoN the Hartford "jContentioo, 10 the person of m ttlhTihCv6U9U9 rycn.tailable fd impric tbUfc' ascension spot,fretorned lo the city j along siona in boaieesa. ihe greater certainty irtallilo- ieGoternor. ! In acceding to tbe conatitu- an iovitafion todelitihe next Aonoal Address i'mW.conaideres inaaUtoe'fi,. the way of oor Saiour'a triumphant entry teatments. and the more certain reward for etery tionality of J7ational Bank, as Mr I Mad. before thetwo Litewry tBoctetiea of Datidson energies in making najWiiy thejilJS into Jerusalem , but I must pause; Bethel, specie of industry;; '.!. H son,;Mi; Clay, Mrj Calhoon, and Mil .tbe rCollege,xt tbe cempieaeeroeMt.WB iht7tb of naodepf forge and haamet,Swheltt8libw Shilob.Sycbem, Sardaria. Nazaretb.) Tyre, h c!Tl!& prominent Democrats. of the coontry did in jol nexl Bj ordef ofPbllanthxoJic So- not to worth.! mete ibad aarg before; me and my sheet is foll. I jbate a deaiagogoes.lwho cat.iegl for no interests bet their bat tbey bad fited longer and groam wiser, T ,;!:. ..;; , eorJaaen a9 foraishoraet Uoal etiefcfor yon cot from tbe roost consecrated 0wn. are ready to stir op dissentions to tbe injo- than when tbey entertsined opposite opm- Tbellofoco papera are cryjnjr oat for har- meDg not Vet pLrfd ueed bi imaTtwl1 of spots. . My bitnd regards Jo your family, ry of all classes in ,the community, if by any ions; That Mr. Van Boren was not in tbe mony amonz the friends of, the mrTerent candid tbe'Cotton ar rower be! leas inaaaa USl . . ,1.1. I. " I mooMn n.n t. rn x t amnnr.a iilf SLMment I m lalnan. IK( narinH iat ntAkihta itaiann I ! . . i. ( : .. , . i '( . i I I ... . .. e ; . ' J , ... i . """ilW) uiueciaui id lun qui linn. . , iiicauo mow w ! .wwvviaii i ,m iiivuuu s uwwvi i iiaa tnri no KrMM.nm ha vui i n ir nns nM irnm inn mprn nirut tck... .1 As ster yours, v . JOHN P. DURBIN. i P. S. I ieil this letter in sight of Smyr na, having thismorning at sunrise gnzef upoo tbe Island of Patmos. snd read with unwonted zest the introduction to the Rv elation of St. John. It is sstontshing what ligbtj and power the Scriptures hate when read o'h the spots, snd smid the scenes de scribed. It ray be my faith is stronger onder such cirenmatahces. : M Froan Ihe Baltimore American. iRC HANTS AS PRODUCERS OF WEALTH. 1 M.k ir his sner- ori- The old fable of. the stomach and the members I ble to two causes. He waa oooosed to Mr miffht be remembered lb adtaotage. if etident lTrtiAn and had heen nnftaeed in an in "::e!!!. ti.ii. ..ib Bnf, King wd iheFede .lpr .iOii.UiBUiuuieicC MH. ...... . mm. .n lit. '.flm!n!.IF.flnn I .nil . . . L La U milk Ik. . u I, u mefcnaiiis, uiev uiijr iicueuci tuiupmcu "i'i' 'i - 1 1 1. 1 ,j ;! movements of the h?art abd the ci rcolatiori of the though lie has Jong; been, growing older, wf tort ha freaidenev - do not hcgti mt nr- ference; tor snt inditidual until a Democratic pioyments are not yei lfuly Convention nrnnerlvtiel-.oafin. shall arnrie, tka I 8loc'ie'. proper pfrson; whereopon iheR chmondEnq r x TYLER'S TOAST Charleston Mercnry & Columbia Sootb Cirolini- A eotemnorarvl ..I Pieiftut Wood operations so esseitial to tbe vital econe- ra? of the system, that the hands which labour and the head which directs, bate no cause to complain tint they are obliged to work foi the eunport of the interior organ without tbe health fal action of which their jown energy must lan- goish and die. hate neter heard i it intimated that b grown wiser by experience. 0. S. nal. INi830. A cotemoorary ppWisfcis; iba iDal'j e-ibas a fa!I nSa qoarrelipell mail aoot tbe proper given by John rir833,aW Jour r - i ''J-St-'-Ti- 7S 41 ilent, nuke men itresular flows of the waters, which one think of the (Pool of Bethesda. ioned in the filtblfcltantet of !j!ohn wbipe watera khe, angel trocble ilaJt a cer tain season.'' jdur country men, J)r.1 !lob inson and Rev Mr. Smith, witnessed 6:ie of iheae singulai jm iteroents of jibe! watera. iWej were not noj for!bnat;5.!N dn!eltnpws thence,; tbe!,wiitis comeo. b.esjsca tf?8 poois, bui mere is s steidy tradition.! and 'geo'ir'sl impresft&h, that they he alcon- ' i: t - m l . ' "Si v - . ri-. . si r t section with tho fountains hinder jdeVaree t and perhaps MUbn was pf this when be wrote.-'! 11 i. il i 1 -t 'SiWbrriokVhffrloW'H Ft bytlje!eraclea,of god! I he 1 u pp I em- I de-cended into the pool to wash, as all $ood pilgrimai do, and fdtiro aWr$4-wg-iredatfapping rab woman washing a dir ofdti, whicV lay )ot,nir bpoW the Jmle shallow tolume of water, j She shrunk sway from me as from tbe approach oTa le jper, arid stood huddled tip in a little chasm ju ine rocx. looiciog blankly; upon my ised grim -devotion v gOUrd. The water)! iweet :m m-'-h k in. Pl- aod I tfull inoHiow tJnderulaltoi!eseriW it- .tombs to you, Mil rierhapil ; .feajf alio, you to peep iitn rot omnium tfathernm. K.r t . L1; rt .fhem!-and';iotes IfsoJT-fiii'T eet j oppressed with ssdriess, apfl cast ay Tyr npine sice oi Mount Ulivetuehindiro. nd look upon the Jewishfcemelerflsnread- ue thesafred hiUsidfbvirlngirw ion n iirj, eacn 0J7 MT'HCD iliee Har V 1 - - .. . i "7U ' 1 -7 : , no pressed I intq ltTa little, - a rt(t it t - Sa 4 (if gnmufj tr,ev Lad unco eiooo: hereU and 1! had j It js. common with a certain class of theorists toepaakof merchants as non-produeers4to de fiooQce them as alclass that grow rich opon the industry of other classes, adding noihinfjlibero selves to the aciual products which constitute the wealth of a coontry. In the same view capital ists are held op; pod one would think, from the representations of jlhese philosophers, that there was a direct antagonism between capital and la boor-pan ooceasiqg hostility and that most of the social evils of civilized life result from ihe on doe advantage which capita possesses over labor, j That! (his is a njanow and imperfect view may be evdeot to any one who will gives be subject a fair cnflsldcration.il A plain analogy may show snmehihg of the true view. The labour which produces grahite Irom the quarrt. brick from clay, timber from the woods, and so on of otfieY materials, is reaJlyj the only pioduclive labor that goes lu the bnildingof a palace em plov in the term " productive in the sense in which it is ued by ihose wbose notions we have alluded to. Now jif the stones, bricks, limber, and lh;e like, are not conveyed lo the city where ihe edifice is to oe reared.. of wbat use will they oe ?- If they are nai aftet wards ifashioned bt the banda of ar- chiieeis, carpenters, and other mechanics, solas to be adapted to the several purposes for IwTiich they are designed how can the boilding go on ? Wben the whole Structure is completedi when tytjiaisjsstic pile stands forth in its grand proper irbnswtb its adrairablecontritaqcea for all the tarious uses for wfeich it was designed, and with heauiy, grace and grandeor in its ootlines and blended in the harmony of all parts, what, would be said in ihe assertion that ihe labourers who procured the materials of the edifice were in troth the creators of the whdte fabr'ur? Would ii be rational to maintain ibatMhe architect who planned the noble Resign, and the skilful work man who onder his directions framed and adjust ed the various parts, the painter, the optiolstet er, and the oo memos other artizms who aided in its decoratioiia and compleiion that all! these contributed nothing to tbe building that jiheii wagef were levied as taxes upon ihe lahonr of inosevfuoiotiea in the quarry, in ihe brick hId. and the, woods, orJ otherwise served to procure materials? j '-" ' p 1 Ic he great systjn, which civijiaatiori has rear ed in jtbese times there re rt.lny pails making op the grand whole. Industry has distributed itself into many forms-yet each has its definite end, is not withoota useful tendency towards the accompTisbment ofl ihose fiaal reeolts in Which allrare concerned I Each vocation is necessary to some other, aod all! are linked roget tier by a mn tual dependence. J If it be said that the colti? alor of the earth, which yield bread and sustains an imals for onr snbsitence; cot:on. flas, wobland silk for clothing ; metals, minerals and timber for the variuuircses ofTshelier and other convenien ces j If it be said that he, ibe cultivator of ih eai:biwr.eiherLas!a farmer, planter. shepherdL uiioer. is me pciy prodQcer el wealth, and that all other classes live opon bis UbudV and drawj profits therefrom at his expense, ihe ibsor- cuy oi such a pusition becomes apparent at ones T ne ?w materials which aie produced directly or indirectly from lihOearih mnsto throuah ma ny-changes by masv bands before thev arr fii for :betr destined oseJ One cannot eat raw corn, nor cloth one's self with raw cotton, wool ori flax, nor find proper shelter under trees. The! final process by which a thing becomes suited for ose IS as necessary aa ibe first process which brought the unfasinoned material into existence,; When a mao buys a tws already finished-a thing compIeteaU fit for ose-thefonrwhteK he pays flip II lnilittl. lk . . i. uv uu iuvniPH.ni -ill ahn Mnlrik.il.J t tot build it. o when one buva a thinv adaniPrt MR. VAN BUREN ON THE TARIFF. When Mr Van Bureo'a lodiana letter was published, it was skid io this paper, and we dare say: in many lathers for the same idea roust hate occurre 1 to all who under stand the jngglipg politics at which that gentleman is such an adept that whatever non-committalism or it wo-sidedoess might be infused into it respecting the Tariff, in order not lo frighten avay such of the Nor ibffrn democracy as believe in the protec tion of home industry, would be counterac ted at the outb.by some prttate mtssite and w Ipeirified, we remember, a letter to the Richmond Enquirej. And so it turos out. The Richmond En q lirer, ol Fiiday, 26th ultimo, ic an article on MrWebster's speech, which tt insists must not he permitted to balk tbe democra cy an instant in its purpose of repealing the TalitT at the "next session, introduced Ihe expected letter from Mr. Van Duren, toeing thetboutbi-in mark plutnp upa Here is the extract from the Enqairer : 4Avfi bjte decided friends enough, we hope, to stand by as we hope to witness the same spirit among them, as Mr. Van BorenjBVQrs, who writes : 'J hate at no! time or any where hesitated to express my decided disapprobation of the Tariff act of tbe last session, as r well in respect to tbe principle upon which it is founded, as to lis details.! !j Withhlhis spirit, we hope ! the next Congress wilff assemble snd: act); all the speeches of Mn Webster to the contra ry notwithsUndine'i : "As Mr. Van Buren writeV aye; there it is, for the Southern market "decided disapprobation of t he Tariff of last Congress both, in its principle and in its details." There it is all printed, in tbe Enquirer and mereiore next to Jetfersoo7s: writings and tbe resolution's of '98, and before the constitution; lo be belieted by tbe intelli- eent and not .at all gullible democracy of i i w ' Virginia i . i , 3ut will the Albany Argns republish this extract? Will Mr. Van Boren1 friends in this Smtc, in Vermont-if be hate any there in fennsyltama, injIMew; Jerey, to say nothing of other States will they proclaim this as the faith of their leader aod their own ? Wo ahall see. Meantime, if one might make bold to ask, we would like to know tbe date of this writing lo wbom addres sed, and what other political professions, if any, it may contain ?; - We sobmit to the Richmond Enquirer nai oi writing so precious, a few more ex tracts might be valued. iYcw York Ameri can. ; Correspondence of the Philadelphia Fpritm. .POPULARITY OF HENRY CLAY IN 4 PKNrVKVI.VANIA Meeting in Clinton County, Harrisbuhg, Jooe lOtb, 1S43. Gtnls It is gratifying to see tbe constant ly recurring evidences ef the popularity of Hen ry Clay in Penosyltama. A gentleman from the North -western counties informs me that in ihat portion of the State tbe feeling in favor of Mr Clay is growing more general etery day. The numerous factions into which tbe Locofoco mooe oi appointing de egates to socb Uontentiot with the follpwiog remarks i &tbe timtjof its meettngf AJJdisterd ishfrmonr AsMr.JobblTyler isiiabopt 11, not understood.' The Enqniresaysa Deaocratic political pilgrimage tb BonkerHjtt lot contention most be appointed !accordirg to Demo- Pe olstrengtbeninf his Guard jif posset & J...:i i.i .1... siti I. .t. following loasr.dehtered bt iHffllfJai!; T'i if' "I'Jilltwraifenw oi tne 0 Van BofeB an hji c.y,- Fi.jr,ovu. .ue iui u. ugmid iuaj -iioi uc fresb bis memory in b:s palb ojtfoty H i vyiucuiM, .. -ti fPHJ coiiveu- -7Aod we ajrfj, ihaHhe m wWitt t ion it all, if etery one were allowed their own irned ode. if some friend of ! the i PiMik free opinion on the matter and as to the time, lAunfer of. J 839. wben.bis Accn etjki:! ooght te be beforei Ihe meet mg of tbe next meieauvB ooar. im 'o: were. rwaa thitn.iii.w ui j i I seat-ahd ask htm to prcai; jbrmito: pleti fe inef nominations mat be dulv I . . 1 L.i: 'oogress,; so that iner nominations may respected and confirmed by that body. Enquirer then slyly asks the question, " I mi J be in the: very words and snticnents! of hii wJ toast. Tbe htt would be a iatjf.ab!fl mv.x . . I .... ... i . . .si !;-., I ... . . '. I V i r-1 could not. fait to mass the lehjea cl itfceUi War and (ifenirdai. The Repart'of the New Brtiish and Fereign Tmpeta nee Society computes that, in theone hondretT and one bat taluins, in a perirl of eighteen years, ; 143.21 8 soldiers, or one-tenth ot the whole hate been tried for crimes committed onder ihe ioflaence iof strong drink, ad1iaye received 1 1,925.57a lashes, and 3453,796 daya impiisonment ; and. the deluded ,lovi5 of si roug drink.have furfeited in iheif pay . f..V drunltnoess, tLe ?inn of ISO,- party is split, acd the strife between the leaders. demonstrates plainly enough that personal ambi tion is the moving spring of all the aims pf Mr. Van Buren and bis competitors. The election eering letters of the Ex -President, equivocally eiaoorate and like the oraeies or ft ihoneen, in tended to Bear a double construction, bate disgus ted a great many of tbe plain spoken Locof-coe Mr Van! Buren never was personally pop in Pennsylvania, and never less so than at t$e pre sent moment. Gen1!. Cass was killed a fj once by the demonstrations made from the Executive Chamber at Harrisborg in his favor. ColJohn son is unquestionably more popular 'with the masses.! I should oot at all be surprised, how ever, to see a movement made'at ibis place in a short time in fa tor of John C. Calhoun, and less surprised to see that movement resolt'in securing htm.the nomination of tbe Natidoa) Conten tion; :. , - ' v j . Mr Clay will command bot only the soffrsge of the entire Whig party, but the favor of aeon, siderable number of his former opponents, who hate become convinced of tbe soundness of his views of governmental policy by the disastrous experience of the rninons effects of the perish Credit ! j perish Commerce system of Locpfoco ism ! I J intend this remark, not as a prediction, but as the result of my own observation, Which I cm confirm by poiaing to individoals now no minally; Loeofocos. . At tbe Whig meetings held ibronghout Penosyltsnil, Mr Clay's name is al ways mentioned in lbs warmest terms of entbu stastie regard. The tone of the addresses and resolutions, indicate that their feelings is not the resatr of piity discipline, but lhegenereosspon taneous overflowings of beans fall of attachment to '.bis distinguished statesman. Mr Clay has now got; bold of the affections of bis countrymen. When any public man has touched the hearts of ihe; people, you may be certaio that he is no ordinary character, and that tbe ardent devotion he elicits is the sure presage of his elevation to the noblest honors within the sift of, the Deoote . As a sign of the Clay feeling in tbe interior, I refer yoo to ibe great Whig meeting held at Lockbaven, Clinton county, May 15ib. I The meeting was addressed bv Mesara. Rlaiiehard and Mackey, the former! of whom ie known to me as a lawyer of eminent worth and abilities. Both of these gentlemeo dwelt with eloanence upon-the character and services of Henry Clay. oey met a corotai response rrom ije meeting. iu ceiiifinenis oi wnicn are wen expressed in al l afll r- :. i . : . wifj loiiuwmg resolution 5 -r j 5 Hesofred, That HENRY CLAY, of Ken tucky, is ihejutf and only choice of-the Whig party of .Clinton county as tbe candidate for the Prasideney in 1844 -believing, aa we do j lbat his birth and commaoding talents and lolly b. t riot ism entitle him to the Jove and gratitode of every American cuizeo, and that through bis pa trioitc efforts more than loose of any oTher man whose name; has been mentioned in coonection with the Presidency, can our coonirv be rinr. g uer once piosperoua conditioa." Imt Hi' i i f :i-:i: f- Toadyism. Tbe i Madisooian much aeeming satisfaction, tbe following io wance of Toadyism in Philadelpba: 0 ril Pem M retired. ris?istn iarh tiser. tie said lo Mr. Spencer cue mornlii f ?JftflV?' Ir rSe"et1.M, Mr., Spencer replied, r Yes. sir. yoo are before n,e hi et erv -thing, and always likely Jo! beJt 1 ad; appointed two delegates, equal to two Se- a tors, and directed the other delegates to be ap pointed by districts, and the tot ing per capita as the only true Democratic mode of appointing delegates jto - a Democratic Convention j- Tbe Sooth Carolinian then says Tbe Mercury is a pobie paper, sometimes rasb, Improdent and in discreet, and tbe Enquirer should not be 'galling with questions, indocipg suspicions of a design it tof disturb the of the Democratic party. that South: Carolina ooes fr Drineinlea not men. btjt goes for Calhoun for the sake of tbese'prin ciples, that if be were ; act oally nominated by a coinventio. which abe believed di4 not express the ioill oi the People she woo Id promptly re pudiate it, aod him too, if be accepted it." jThie is like the coodoct of the boy, who whistled to tvoid being scared. If or the plain conlosfon is. that unless Mr.Camwin j?e acluatly nominated by; tbe Democratic convention, Sooth Carolina wll pot bellieve that it) expresses ihe vbiU $f the People, and will therefore be repudiated, forvbar- manloosly it will not enure to the benefit of Mr. Calboon, and, this is the sine qua non of South Carolina!. I Harmony may be bad sd maintained if ibe bocofocos will follow her lead and onev bef dictation ; aa the only toe mode of express ing me win 01 the people i if not she stands rea dy to nolljfy and repodiaie. now and at all limp. I Anotbel argument Igaiost the Tariff is. tbat Jt interferes with some of the ordinary pursuits of the Peeplethat sj Protective Tariltenriehes MinoJ-ctorera at the expenae ofi Agriculture. and indocs aj change! from one efnploymeot to another, draining for a moment ibis sssert ion to be troeyjwiat haim Is there in-it ; sball free tnm be) bound; to the soil on which tbey Jweie bora.like feudal serfs or tillains williout 1 he bow- frfr ,iber!T f changing either their condition, lo- 7 r f " rj tu. I'Hureneratton 10 genera tiorj? If menfisd their occupation unprofitable ahaJlibey not bate tbb Iiberty of cfiingingl it ? "t r" f 01"'00 Vf10? P0iaWet where is the fecessiiy or pmprietof coltiooing the occjpaiwnf Iisoiyiwilfnotbe p-eiended that men actostomeJ to raise Cotton, ibei-etry Wcbrie men mere automatons! as to be incapable of aot othr employment. bfiiFit is incootenleni to cjbapge.aol itjis alike m-Wntenient lo .follow a footi ngj,osiness. h anootlbe pretended with spysboit ff ' ptaoaibiHjyXtlt Jhs Tariff is! tbe e?oe 9t the oyer prodoctioit, and eolaeouent di- Tf fKCotmriV L bicb;in the cooiie, of forty years past baa decreased fra an'stver. sgeruice of thirty cents pet p9ond , friivn to fire ginia is srj obstinate as to stick to her own mode dangerous it is, for a dishonesC olii'tciin w;e-! oi" appoiolirfg delegates, which ihe has ! a foil 9ome lh vlrne doe M pnses8-to right to do, and will do. Vw ilhbe South Car- ""V "f 'V 0 ! j j v plinaConyention sticto the Democrat ie; party hearl are niwedhv the plague! nota or wunaraw irom 11 as on lormef occasions 7 ery.andeceii. Bait. Amer; Wkig i. $1.: The Sooth Carolina convention some lime ago ! A toast raom Johw Tvlmis 1839-FJ -1 li . . i : . - . ; 1 a 1 - i 1 : . : jfrim Presidents and TraveHipsbmU'. fruitful offspring of the second 5iesldeutsi if One term and nore electiok-- tile besvlnw of the coontry demand it-tyrll not the suffrage ofiihe copntry Sttstio i iti 1 Aa extra from the Boston tides' (iffittM on Tuesday, 1 20th June, at ' O , o'clock, A Ji brings the following melancholy inteliisesa . DEATH OF MR LEG A RE. Died this mnrnfnar. at a nuarter to 5 c at the hoose of a triend tif'prgi TiclE in vParklatreet flonr Hocut SJ LecJvU. tnrnev General nf llhe ITnited States. Ar ing Secrtlary of State, f Wiftl tirvaalinn r ol nrvnanr lit lk hitaa. Mi oeeo very onwell since his arrival hereof d&v fast. He was present in'thrfrecrpi1 of tbrPresident 00 that day , and lihee od, l.e has been entirely seclqdeq and praw ah Kkorl nf tirbnc. l I. il 7 i ' . r . - i - m .jj i . jt : . . . j . t ..... h. . m i i, - n icr,.- nn aiieuoing pnjsician w m .l: :. at. r ..... . .!nl cSiJ ,n. Sonih Caro inaa most rinv scoob'. tingoisbed and classic orator of 1 ted. He has left a large circfeloi H! . . . J s i ILL but I SZ'' mourn nis sooaen fleams woicnr -r- distance from tbe!familiarj :aceoe4"W L ... o..nMnJ.J Km mil tUa 'MtnfoflS ? , imnait In hia dvinsr bed i He Fat .7 sonal friend ol the President; WF'TLf ' . "7 -;.ia-.Lli. inhliirtW no roeonoers oi iBcvaomf f "r afflicted. I t DEATH fjFlA PHILASWhun . ! i j Tii. ....Mnki h are ..." i -. . '7 . . ! Li wrtC J'T will carry pain id the hearts 91 frJ devoted friends. ft . 1 1 ; 1 . a'VA It is oor melancholy ouiy f rj-Aitt death of an old. as intimate, and! J0:.H mate and friend-fDr. GEO?ot W$m no longer numbered aroony me gnr at his residence is this plare op Ji ing last, (ibe 20tb Jene):; at-jJff-jj. 5 o'clock, in iheoth jrear of Wifr A severe apoplectic attack.11! visited nearly tares ywt'Fitfxt?. ihose around biral to expect t rL u 1 now make known to ihe distant Thai t whose death we : "fi greatly esteemed; and 3eovedimbJiity is truly and sincerely laroeotfOPf. p- '.".j 1- .1. ne r' been taken from da. is a l test eo, t ly and sincerely mm ni nnr miT.ii. an avwrr - ; . uS. ium .Jt tn wb1ck'we .repf.f--iu wo ccir Vi" r:-T t II tB13 , Ummm lima ti. nl lOf ihfl ttif rl-i i I j,'"! ee.-. Aa intimate iceuaiotance wi 1 11 19 nonce, IBI! WW W" Tjr;-, hies which sens well aaby the brdhrea 05 -1 M.r L-nnwnanCIl IU i" : porter. ! S ir 'tis - Mi" : 'Ml: I it:.' ifi:

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