I 4 " ;" c J liiji'!- ' I " 5 ; 1 'I 1 H ft k if1 I is , -, U. . . . . - 'i if ,i V ,.!;. ' -I .- - -I :! ' i.! i ,1. " i 1 x v i- . . , i l fn 4 4 1 II.) v s Ir 4 1 r v I' 1 'Hi ' i 1 1 t-3t F. 5 1 it i the sujjscuwfins-p f-;- tHt AVING associated iheaselref together far JLil tb parpoeof maodfactorlog J; s Chairs anrcmiz ?civs, - iff -1 ; tL .t.. .... kdai Lind nf title, aod of the finest materials, beg leave to ask at l he;. hands of ,. the citizens of tb country andi.viUages .rtomi, Jfc share f their ioatronage In or line of business, i Their shop! is few doors east f the Mansion Hotel, and one door below Juries' old TaVerfK j .M''v , JOHN K BASER, i! U ilka. 1i 1 WARREN GHEN. r march IS, i843-tf33 lljMi fK4i f -' I j v- - 4 jLJit-f ' i ;flr nn'HE nlwieribcr basiost adde! to his a:ck v ! U i 1 nfJierksIike ta Pair of IKeuUworUi Hogs, ' : : ;ff'.nporlecl Irm England in thef faUlc('184U by :i ; ! iMr.A IT AH en, of. New lsfld,r&tnow -rmt 18 months idd. criaa Tefy srfpe. nor animal, deeprhicK and exceuent, m aiini? ; i-- :pointa: .abe Soeprery ,fine, with, a litter of $ight r . , h,i pt(T tfhicb, fct iwauiy and Mcn can hardly be " r 'j iar?aaed, Tbose wW may (wish a ftiUer de .! ;", mwiion 9f these- fine anfmali ara referred 'to Mr Allpn' leiir iroWUhed inlths CuiinwiOr.-- -The ob?cibr bae M, &4rk)hM.bQV)$VT 'I: - chased of MuAUcp, ffora Wi?npaiieti b) i ' Kim lrm Rnland r an-3 r:X71nn fini Sows t i,f ifw, wiJiinv.io nurchaBfv cad ha "the1! pnre Kapirwortb.Cor- Bekshire, or "sroasea of f : keniUvprtUanJ,VofkhiremDanBerk. hire. - Mi4K-lror JJeikshire wl parcnasea kaftar itniwirlrtnitv -hffidfliiriff (J liartf ba3 jeerben offred Soth ef Potomac ?. 3 Orders !; for any of tbejaboTeiivill b(; prmftpi I r atded 1 tr. f of Mu C N.inementf Nw Yojaod is not fdrpasaad by Iny in lbs United Sialic. Thort i wishins to improve, fteir atoric of ,ave1 iSm :'i ; :ic?lifxFlWii4r4i!t,w xtrttf0WSM4LSUl OFLfrjRR ySUltFOttTl-ttoa SU Uowefy. New York fat the cure of coughs cold, catarrh vAhtna, . ' Vorenes3 of i lie chet, paio in the aideLand, breast, raiainit of BImI, Liccf Complaintst Brdnchitis, ! " sod alt those affection of rhroatfantf Lboj1, j which are a amurce of so machsufferjnfr.and; un i arrested, ao bften'teiminale In ponsumptibn Mbis remedfs hijhly and jasllfT: distinguished "Is pi;ely vegetable, mild aod f tie ii iia e(f fect&opon ibe;ayatenii atd can t . : i'ifr.f SzrMhV iiaosl'delicate cases, wnh tz',' r3 v; 'l ptili-" ,y,' PhTiciah3, aware ut (is-.edidoai-nroper- ' i ties, and wltafssinj iW eflficts, eVen fa extre.,, . I and in some iastahceaapp'afentlilm hope-J- Itfss.'caVa, often prescribe til I'lh f0er praclicp', - b )ih ae apalliatlVa'and a'reaidy, and vtjih U. r : Medieal Faculty gneral), UhiJi met with gTeat fi appruhaiionu." ; ' ? if I " . ' J1 - cP'60jV-St;UPrpA'--Tbe flIoWinr . reoiarka were taken from C'l number of he Meifiaf Maaine i . . , , '"I'he urpniing effect j)riJ t J by t he f ' - 3- joe Balsam of Liverwort, j made at .575 uavv-' 5 err!, in consampuve'ease?, cSnbuf fiil 9xc'i'' a ap ana torunn rnier.si iirni.jf me uanu. We hat 0 so'!drig,beleed thfailjsease (cSBcap 1100) incurable, ttvauitla difficult; to credit 'our i aenaea when we see persons; Identl f rnwian I it re, restored to health' Vet 11 it a fact of daily f 1 ! The followinff wai.jrirrft o 4t short time since; by.Capl Scbtti of IfiltZit VCilyi N- Cij I !- ti. ! CerfiTcaW;t f? , r. Being cmstiiutioni1ly,drpnse9r fo Con-, (j1ofl, (a ftotnbei of "m fattjily haTijngv digd lis iieaif,) and Jhavin'1 buffered i fcevfetelr ft this from irritition of .the Lonof, iec'orr.paniiedf wtlh cg!i aijd ri$i?natter ard ltod, MgetETer wiih pevere pain in my side and breast, Gt I was fiupnowd to be hTond recoTfir?; I was flniuced iy advice of Dr Perkinses ft:lasl rerirtio irj4 4 dviiii 8-uai83m (ii i.)Terwon i nave tasten ne ibottU8 ir all. 1 beuan to jmprore with ibe fir8t botiir, and wlule takiojj !ihe third, jvas $ni fr.re; covered, as u be able to et about .Siaco which lime, by ruminued ue of it, I a to qtiitertored auJ ah;p.!to atrpnd Jo my oUal 6apinsi.Tji per soh soirerinjr from cwjThs an affee'tiotis of "the lungs. I do eatnestfj fec3-nnVerid il M ! (Sijhed) v JAS C SCOTT. ; Rlzibeili Citi.N.C, I)-e5; I84l! h j Lifer Complaint and , Gitrrral Dirbility. I was gpi up cj uvo physicians, and told to pre pife lr iieaHi, I was sn Atkj I? 11 Id Snot: tais tn5ndtt my brad, t was fnjihis Idwlstaie when 3 mend sen I me a-bmil M: Ur Tavlor.'s - t ISalsAfti iif ftverwon, fruru 375 Baweryj, arid 00 , fore I had used pthe biitlpt I kblei 0 lit ur in bd. tur ibe further or,'!,hiae cotnnletelv i retrained' mv t.al'hJ t GliO WEtiLs, 23 Jahiist. liolcnl pain in the side In naive been cored of-a tlilrnt aiu irylU side, extejndinghhtdurhn to ih shWiW, trtd".iisMoni ifizzess. Iqss id an peMie, np.i f nerai ; o nuny, t?y pdq. usf 0,1 two huitlo Or Tajtat's Balsam tilUverwWti from S7.VBuvyerv. . 1, F il A0nl'- '1 - '' .t j "I' No7 urcham's'iUow. ,For tiU at ch Dro St.iroif! P 15 VhWler, LI5IJ&X Til' A NX quantity1 .f fresh, Liwb. fan be jhad ai the late? Joseph!:, Willis m dec : :By the 100 bush ; 1 1 100 busWIa 48 ,?iin prnpiruoD.k- , All persons wishing linso e.iiher ai,lK. kiln or I their -reWence, will apply eh&er to 3. for R Jlockfotdurry county; CJ.f . j I ; d. rPUIE PLES-TbV price of this lelBbraied , ! .B Liniment is refunded to any person who will ose a battle of Im' Liniraent for the Piles and reurc the empty bottle wit bout being icuredp' The abuve have beii the, terms on worth this Lioioant has been aald fur nearly tea; years past, ' and mil one bottle out of one hundred haW evef been returned. 5C7For jale at, the Watchman Office and by C B Wheeler, Salisbury uj &. R J Sloan Greensboro.! Htilsboro-p Heartl ; Lex ingtoni J P.Mabry Kaktgb,t Umh, ft; marcn4. iioa iyoa, g i Dtjvon Bull for, pale. t i. r flilv; nndersisne naa.ior saie a; ;u I blxd SuMh Devon Boll, abnei iSr! 14 months ol3.f finu farm and TiPand frqim superior stock. ALFRED HAKGKAYE la and ureb Itt rpntj';' 50 to T 5 to 40 bash,! r0 , unpacked yfcadied'X Fashions: hiuV-tjiiiiivicr Spring- . f 4 : ft 1 4 ' ' ", - 3 nnHE Sob'scriW informs the pabNc, that she i 11 has just receired throogb . the Northern Citieslhe latest amd most approred 1 i ' London ,&$ Parisian .Tashipns, o" execute orders in the mosv And is prepared stylish and satisfactory manner. ' J Work senj frdm a distsce.shallbe carefnlly pet op and (orvrirded. , . I .S. 0;PENPr.CTON. I 5CP Mrs. JP.has rm hand a handsome assort ment of Bonnets, ("oewest siyleCaps' and t Turbans, lor sale '; . II " , . V ' , i ! V MrsV S. E; jsalso ftc pared to cxecate Crifrtpingand Ffutinj on reasonable terms. , Salisbury, May 27, 1842. . . ' NEW FASHIONS - f .v - -'" , FORTIt& r Sijrhfg atul Summer, 4 ': 1843. or EESPECTFULLY informs his friends and poblic, that he still carries on the ; , - TAJLCIllLia nlf its arioa8 ibranches two- doors abof e J. & W MorphyV storey whera he is ready to exe Cnteall orders of ht coslqtnenjaa tij aod manner'not surpassed by any in 'this part of the country. 1 lleis aiso in the rejrular receipt of the NEW-YORK FASIIIOXS, and prepared to accommodate the tastes of tile Fashionable at all times. , , , April 15. I83-1j3 ' T OF L2 IL! B S- (XI2PX10VX!B' TOI7IO LIZXTUllXL ' Thnsft who woold hare recoorse to Family Medicine for Fktee asd A cue. Dyspepsia and JVeirowa Feafrneaa, should discriminate between the thousand land- jone remedies constantly heralded forth to the public, (the same now as in alt times past,Jand thai almost oni ersally'sac CBSsfol prescription called Cf - iRoicand?8 Smprovtd Tonic Mixture A few remarks wilNerve toiUostrae theVlif-ference-: In the first place, Mie operation of the Tonic 'Mixture in the cure of Fever and 'Agne is upon - entirely j new end peculiar, yel safer ptjnciplesi Second If : Ii oot only -promptly or rejfa" the" course) bf the chills, when ponctually ?nd persevering fy nsed, but it 600a restores the wonted inclifn of 4he general system to a per fectly healthy 4t file ; when relapses are no more liable taenaue, than an attack of the diseass in one who has never had it before. . Thirdly ;, The system, during the adminislratioo of the Improv ed Tonic Mixtotrev springs opat onca under its benrgh'jnfloenc.i, and,gnres forth an earnest of re tarntnj! health and firor. Fourth Iv :; Producing more or lesafcet tt Xbe bowels, the caoae of . . . ... . . . .t :.' -'.. . ' 1 ir.3 Qzzz9 nassEsr j -in me way most sirongiT . .i;;ated by Galore. Jifthlj : Its effects on thu sjle3 ara uniformly mild and safe, as well as eiaciettt; and it s as well adapted to the feeblest infanti sftfiplvbr a rriodificatioo of the dose, as l the most yigocoss adult.' Many other consider ations, ot the olimflst importance to the anxious parents and 10 valid, mtht be enumerated here but the above. are a few of the-pointsof cootraa in (Comparison wiith the remedjesgenerally resort ed tOjlin professional: and family practice, from which a pfopei udgment may be formed in ae-! lectins tne remedy. n. u; vvuei a view 10 re-establish entire eonfidencein thf, efficiency of the llowand's .Improl - ioniie Mixture," to effect a la?tin carf'of Feverlynd Agcfe, the Proprietor restores . . . -'-mi Aue onsmai guarantee, viz: x ne money snai! be retmned tn every 1 case WJjereic the remedr has been; punctually nsd witboal prudocing tb uestreo enect. Anoress . ' i 0r. JOHN R' ROVVND. Ko 23 North Second Street, Philadelphia! j-Sopplie? have been received by the sole Arent i c;b. wheeler. eptS, t842ljf5 f m3Sl6lI HOUSE ! THE S UB SCR1BER, FnVliNbpurehased Mr. T. R. Hoghes'Jn- jljl. terf terest in (lie above Establishmenij tpndre his services to the Travelling. Poblic. Havinrr fol several years Jbeenj engaged in keeping I f PRIVATE RNTEUTAINENT. at Mount Mouroe, io Iredell count yALe indnfoes Hhe hope that ha has experience enough in the duties of his business to endeavor to render com fortatde, all u h bestow, upon bis boose their pa tronage. J - ! ' I- I- His TABLE, shall always be well and plentj fnlly supplied with every thing ihe cannuy af fords, to please and satisfy the palate even of an epicure. . , I , . ... ! His BAR will he found famished with a choice SPlctiorvof Lienors.. , - , HU STABLES shall bfl constantly attended by faithful andj attentive hostlers and - supplied with abundant provender. N. B. The Sliage Office is kept at the' Mansion House.' H ! HIRAM T. SLOAN. Charlotte, February 4, IS4S -GuviS i3lJilYT SUPPLY OF, CONFECTIONAUIES . and ' , : . OZIOOSZIZ23S ! J H R. HOI! EC HE, respectfully .informs the citizens of Salisbury and the sarroandins F. country, that he has received a new and splen did supply of Ciunfectionariesnd Groceries, coo sistiog ol all kjnds'of - v, UVA'SS AND LIQUORS nf the very best quality, such as Madeira, Port, Teheriffe; Champaigue, Muscat, Claret, and Malaga, Win. French Drandv. Iloltaiid Gin. t Putter, Ale and New Ark Cider, snd Cordials. Lemons, Almonds. Raisins. Oran?es. Ovsters. Sugar anU CoCee, Candies, Copperas, Madder, Indigo, and various ether, articles too tedious to mention, which I will sell as cheap for cash as they can be bought &l. any ether Establishment xnSalishury. , I r. X ROUECHE. march 4, 1843 1- Sill1 George XZ Davis, Commurioh and Fan?arding Merchant j .WlIMIBCTOg ft FATETTTtI.LJN. U. . nnHE ondersirr.e J n ta.v preparpd te receive Jl Goodsai WiIl;; ,;r;rtrand forward the'sane to his Agent at Fajettsiillc. who ttrnl forward to the Owners in the bark cocntry. ' Ha lias a large Warehouse at the Rirei,"where Goods UI be stored free cf storage sod the owners subjected only to half the osoal cartage from the liiver to Fayetlevtlle, tbereoy lessemog tne expense 00 Goods much beloar the usual chargeJ As; cis Warehouse is isolatad from -all ether bailtt'rs, the danger of Fire will be iriffiog ifl conlpariszn to the risk incurred from being situated io town. Those who may favor him with their business. may rest assured that every atteniioo wui oepaiu 10 ine nromoiioa ui ineu miecesi. . 1 r v GEO. W DAVIS. Messrs. John Hoske & Son D. A. Ray, " .,; f: . ' : 3 PajfeffeuiZe. Alexander Andergoo, Jubn McRae, " we. t it f t 1 : i- John Dawson; r ..V.. Wilmington JVol Co. DnlDhin A". Davis.! i j 1 X i tieorjre W. Brown'. - . i :i - -ii J i -m. IT Salisbury, J. is. E. SPowelljPtfcgrenf.w of- Oct. 1. 18421110 I J ' , : db. d; jayne's 1 ; ' TJIMils IT - JilEOMCMJVli.S. npHESE MEDICINES ire1 expressly pre ii pared for family ose, aod have acqoired an unprecedented popularity throughout; the United States ; and as they are so admirably calculated to preserve Health and cure Disease, no family should ever be without them; 1 he proprietor of thesef valuable preparations received' his educa tion at one of the best medical Colleges; in the (Jotted Slates, and has bad fifteen years experi ence in an extensive and diversified practice, by which he has had ample opportunities of acquir ing a practical knowledge of diseases, and the remedies best calculated to remove them, j Jayne's Expectorant, A valuable, remedy for Cough. Voids, Con sumption, Asthma, Spilling of Blood, Crovp, Hooping Couzh, Bronchitis, rfctile Rheuma tism, Pain in the Breast or ' Side pleurisy and inflamatxon oftbe Lunge 01 Throat, difficulty of ZfreoMtng, and all diseases; of the Pulmonary Organs., p . , j ,t H J J 1 , 1,jtf Jamie's Haw Tonic For the Prcserval wn, Growfa, and Beauty of the Hair, and Twhtch, will 1 positively, bring in JYett Hair on Bald Heads, and' prevent its fall ing out or 4urnlng Gray. -Kl ; jAYinrs t tozjzo Vcnrin'uaE A pleasant, isafe, and certain r preparation for the removal of Worms 4 Dyspepsia, Soitrl Stom ach. Fever and Ague, Piles, ff-ant af Appetite, and all: diseases of debility, especially of the Stomach and Bowels; and Organs of Digestion. JAYNE'S CRIMINATIVE BALSAM. : A certain cure for Itatetl and Summer Com plaints, Diarrhcea. Dysenleryj Cholic, Cramps, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Cholera Mor bus, and all derangements of the Stomach and Bowels, Nervous Affections, tyc. 1 j Jayne's Sanative JPills, " ! 1 -T' j --( I j, : i ! -f For Female Diseases. Livtr Complaints, Fe vers, Inflammations; Obstructions. Diseases t the Sfcm. &e., and in all cases where an apierient Alterative or Purgative Medicine is leqoirfd. The above medicines are for sale, wholesale or retail, at the Salisbury Msdical and Drug Store, by; , ; 1 ; I C.B. WHEELER, Agent Salisbury, N. C, SeptS, 1842lyG ! - Rev. Dr. ESarthoJomew's PWK EXPECTORANT SYRUP. An agreeable-Cordial, and enVcliv Remedy for Cooghs, Hoarseness, Colds, Pain in the Breast, Influenza, Hard Breaihlng; and difliculi Ex pectoral ion.; gdPFot sale at the Watchman Office, and by C B Wheeler, Salisbury. ' march 4, 1843 ly32 G. B. Whieeler, sole Agent for Dr. Rowand, has jnat received ' a fresh sop pi y of h is ge no i oe Impi oveil 1 Tonic Mixture, which is for sale wholesale and reiaHj at he Medical Dro? Store, Salisbury N. C. 1 ! Dec 10 1!20 Machine Spread Strengthening j Plasters' ! rRlHESE Plasters greatly improved, and ha Jl viog the preference of all others; are warm Iv recommended by all doctors i as invaluable for iQvaUd having pains io ibe Breast, Back or side. Weaknese and Lameness aro relieved at once by their use, and'the parte . restored to strength and a natural warmth and health. Any person waarin one of tbese Plasters; will be as tonished and delighted at the comfort it afTorda. Those threatened with Luog Corrplaints should never trust themselves a day without wearing a Plaster. 1 1 removes the irritation fit iocjpient Consumption from the Luog to the surface of ihe body, and draws off the internal affection. So in Liver Complaints, sod Coughs, and 'colds Children with' Whooping Cough 'should always have one, to prevent the cough settling' da the lungs.' Their excellence will ? be understood by ell on tiiaL CP For sale by C B Wheeler, Salisbury ; Greensboru', by J & R Sloan; Hills boro b? D Hear it; Lexington, J P Mahry Raleigh, Dr Stith. . . march 4, 1843-1 32 &r rivals :lS i - l , , it--' 'J- if llcdicines, Faitils, Oils, TURPENTINE, Varniibes, Dye-Stoffs, Patent Medicines. Hops; Choice WINES, and SPIRITS for medical purposes , IodiaBS, floock's aod Swjim'a Panacea;1 Soafl4, Fine ehewiag and smoking Tobacco. Spanish Cigars. Spices, renames. Brushes, C andles; 1 ancy and common Soap, Glass Ware, Peters Pills, in stroments, Marches Paper and many other ar-. tides, just received and for sale at prices to suit the times, by s C. B; WHEELER. ; ; Salisborv 4 ' 542 1 V Tf'4 f-1!, MAYING located himself at Geo. Kerr's in "Rowan1- eoooty.-oti thl road leading from Salisbury to'BestieVFord, politely tenders his professional services to the public, m May IS, 1845-If42 u V. Ml . tariff ff r , x. 5" J 'it v aJ , 5-4 .. ; , I CI UPREME "REMEDY FOR' FEVER B AND AGUE! ANDBILLIODS FE- VFHS.-There:isiio- remedy known" either in pr.ifcssional.cr domestic practice. 1 so absotuiel jj imraediately,-and piPTroaneotly eCicacious b this prevalent and obstinate mafadyes MOFFAT0 celebrated and long established LIFE PILLS and PIICEJVIX BITTERS. Extraordinary and renowned as are their effects upon diseases jo general; in FEVEll AND AGUE, and all Biliidus Affections they are more so; because, in these they are as infallible asany horoan mearis caD be. Tliis has been proved in more tbaa ten thousand cases, nor is there an iostanee io which they have failed, or reasonably can fail, when 14 Ken 10 sinici accurusnuwiiiu me uuccnons nt-re sobjoined, and which are also 'given in MOF FATS MEDICAL MANUAL and Good Sa njaritao.'Ttut to ensure invariable success, these roust be 4rigdly followed , ..".! ' FEVER andAGUEM all lis' four leading species, is peculiar periodical adrnitiistration f proper remedy, in'cohofcction with the . speU; cifie powers of one of the ingredients in bis med icines, is the secret of ' his invariabla triumph, while all other practitioners either entirely fail or only temporarily socceed.'were with the verr best remedies that were "known. Anetus, or Agoe is either Quolidiam, or daily ; Tertian, or thirdad ; Quartan, or fourth day ; EratU, or sometimes one of these periods and sometimes a noiher; or it isCompteofeiri, by taking these periods In succession, snd fheo runnin ioto Inl termittent fever of a more malignant character. But it js a-remarkable fact, however mysterious and unaccountable it may appear, that each and all bf these species of Ague, have a four teenth dat crisis, in which 'they may- be cured with certainty.! bol. by neglecting which they can only be cured by chance, Db.. Maf fats directions for taking the medicines in this disease, ire therefore! these First, take two of the1 Life Pills at bed time, and next morning befote; breakfast a full wioe glass of Hbe Peoeirtx Bitters in about the same; quantity of water, and half a wineglass more Fin a foil wine giafs of water, abbot half an hour before each meal during the day. On the second night' tae three pills; and the bitters as before j on the third night four! pills and the bitter as before, and con tinue I taking four J pills -every : night for three nights more,' with the bitters during the day. On or before the seventh day, the Ague will seem to be entiirely Cored, and the patient will feehwell, hungry, and hearty, but he roust ne verheles3 C0Qtinue to take the bitters as before prescribed; until and oh theowrfeenffc day, 'with two pills. every night after the seventh day.l He' will then, and not uolil then, with positive and invariable certainty; be permanently cared, and not only of Fever and Ague but of whatever billions and liver affections it may bare superin duced or even in any 1 way connected. If, how ever, the patient should by any neglect, or un due confidence in restored health, omit,, to. take the; Phoenix Bitters in the full -quantities pre scribed, at least three times on the fourteenth day Dr. Maffat most not be blamed if the disease should return, and the patient should learn wis dom from affliction,! and-; go through ' another course of ihe medicines for a fortnight longer. Obeying these instructions, however, be will be so thoroughly cored, that be may bid defiarce to the disease, however unhealthy may bo bis location or prevalent the malady aroond him.l For children b9tween seven, and fourteen years of, age, half bf the above1 quantities of the me . dicjnes will j suffice ; for younger children, f a quarter of those quantities, to be increased jor diminished in proportion as the age varies from advanced childhood to infancy. For very young children, small quantities of the bitters only Will alone bt necessary. ' t " I This treatment, with these supremely eflec toal " LIFE MEDICINES," has been perfect ly Uriuiaphant in the worst regions of the Sootn erp arid VVestern country, and around the north ern lakes; where! the malady prevails with)be universality of an epidemic, and the demand for this sovereign remedy has been far greater than the supply. DR MOFFAT'S Agents, bow ever, are now well furnished, and will make ev. ery effort tol send this advertisement into the most afflicted districts. Voluntary and ly grateful testimonials are 1 received at the pro prietor's office in I New Yoik, by every raailiri incredible numbers, to the (absolute efficacy of these astonishing medicines, not only in Fever and Ague, other j intermitent fevers, liver and biliious affections, and derangements of the di sesiivft funciions generally but also in chronic and inflammatory rheumatism, costiveness. pains in nne slue ana nmos, eruptions ui me Kia,scrv fula. , piles, worms, scurvy, and a host of other complaints; for the core of which, these' Fegef? ahleiVft Medicines are so pre-eminently re- nowned throughout the united Dtaies... tt.no w ing, hownver that many j of these diseases, as well as a! most fatal underrafning of the general health are becasioned by Fever and Ague. " Dr. Moffat, in his advertisements, invites the ape- cial; attention of the public to the absolute ascen dency of his medicines over this malady the fountain head jaf so many others. He has only tu add thai the Life Medicines are agreeable and invi&oratins'in their operations, require neither confinement nor change of diet, and have acquir ed the reputation they have long possessed, not by the usual artificial efforts, but solely by their rn variable ;and extensive usefulness. Prepared aod sold by Dr. William B. Moffat, S75 Broad wayj New York. " ! The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail at the Salisbury Medical Drog Store, by ; : . U. B. VVME.t.L.ri.K, Agent. IdjR A constant suddIt bf the above described MEDICIJSES on hand and for sale at- Hampi ujQTiue, purry county, Carolina, oy ; JOSIAH COWLES.ent. 1 Salisbury, Sept S. 1842 1 16 i Ready Made CARRIAGES FOR SA3LEJ nnHE Subscriber will keep constantly ijn hand il ! a supply of Readyi made Carriages'fiftm the well, known" -Manufactory at Yancevville consisting of COACH EES, BAROUCHES, ana UUUbito, wnicn ne win warrant to be equal, if not superior, to any made ia the North ern Slates, for beautv and durability v ;i.The subscriber respectfully solicits a .share of pablii patronage. He may always be fonnd at the stand formerly owned by John I. ShaveV. i, - i j " j WM. OVERMAN, enf, , . "'k- For WVatt WitartK. F Salisbury. April22, IS42r 6ix39 f ! N. B. Retiring done in the best sly W W. O. T5 T ft J fu, J ftver and 'Afrte posilhtlu Cur id rrJ Fever and Aoe 13 a most l stinate dis ihfl 2tremfeaehilitf twhich the disease Ifidtfres; it often gives the together csmaie4 eh?rjplaints--l MawhioiMmara.cWiheifflatf stagnant, water,; isrflhe .roost Irequi-n exciting the BTiinalxeitinff bause; i Hi nr.' ever' and Ague differs from most o'her fevers; M -! known, that after anurdinary fever .bas once oc curred, and been removed, ihe, persoja afWed.ls not si liable to a fie$h attack.aane wrtowasoo , so affected, These 'citenmstances rejpderit 'ex tremely diffieuli to! '4 ffect;a permanent cure of Fever fand.Agtre.'tnodgh to rpfteec tb patient for he time Hingis ra verf east task; M 'i 1 " , Dr MbffaViLife Pitt anbPha&x Biitert havehefn thnroosblyaestedvnd provedto be a positive and . Radical cvret rjf 'Fever; and jAgue. Hundredsof hisfellowritizens 'm the West have voluntarily come forward Jo assure ffr.- foffat, that the Liir Medicines are theooly medicinesi that "will thoroughly effect a removal ofi his most tedious' and disagreeable disease, t "' : ' 1 V. I - , I Others who have emigrated to that- rich and promising poriiorr of oor rnnntry men who went out full of hope, and confident of wishing a &m- petencefrom the loxariaoce of. the, sot; ; or who earned to Ihe outposts of our settlements toe mer . cantile? or mechanical experience iwon in tbe crowded cities or towns' of the older states, have. either fetorned with shattered constitottons and and in warm and hcraid climates, frrquent 'A ly resists every ;orcii!3i uuuc yi rutc 1. beccmVvery -distressing to Che'raftentnd byl cause pf Ihis.dieaw t ana oneoi nsri jrci . liaritiefs is its susceptibility of a renewal com ve ry slight canses, soch as 1 torn' the prevalriice cf anasiPrlT wind-Lveii wilhoot lhe rpeiiiiob of homesidraioinff cuteeary Itfei Wat last.stnk ; " w-ho?J lTted. iwrnedtt , under some disease to whieb they are predisposed by thar terror of the west, tevtr ana tfjrve.rr. Their hopes are blasted their husiaess energies destroyed tbeir Eldorado becomes a desert, and the wold of prociiss, made to their ear, is broken to iHA.Wpe;--f 1 :pM4:i :fPl To these iotHvidbalv, Dr.'Moffat WooTd- say Try Ihe Life Medicines, and yoojwiH yex an. ticipate your nlost sanguine expectations, for they will cettainly restore you to healihVf- : Fever and Ague is a complain t w h'en jf quires to.be met at! its first approach, and eombatte'd at every stage. , oeidom latai 01 iiseir, it reouces the -strength, and I impairs the lunctions or the organs; so tuat upon ine mannestation 01 dis ease, Nature is unable, on assisted to resist the inroad 4 The Lxfe Jedicines, when taken strict ly according to directions, will tore it, and give to the weak and trembling victira of disease hew i For full particulars of themode of 'treatment. me reaaer is Teierrea to ine troca oamartian; a copy of which accompanies tbef medimnei r - "H - lK A atiA M aJimi M k Xmt iTr W f A W Mi i ; CRESS & BOGERgtnf. Salisbury, Oct 22, 1842 lylS 1 j . tCP A supply of the above invaluable JlE D1C INE S are fur sale at James Cross Roads, Iredell'couniy, by ; . , J 1 - A-: C.', mcINTOSH, Agent. I Guard wotir IZealthi f Addressed to those who are' in perfect -health, or " 'jf .: reputed so) yj n; SQflGenfle Reader: lljon would avert from ybo thesiekness the pains the Wretched ness, the premature mortality "wiich yooseeall arojund yuo; and which; like a sharp sword soe pended is ever ready to fall opon you, despise not my adviceit will cost yoo Jittle, wii; nei ther infringej upon jyour occupaitons or amuse ments and all the faculties rflyour. iniod and body will be as much bettered by It as "id repay you ten ioia' ii asg oniy one wee& a trial to con t mce 'the radst sceptical, .-.'--" In Hhe first place, discard air old errors anO prejudices Scom ybor mind, especially Ihe old adage,," If yon are passing well, do not attempt to better yourself ;? it is the saying of (ignor ance and superstition of those wbo attributed all thy 6aw aroood them to chance and fortune, instead of nature's universal laws. Has not man. led on by experience, lpan.ed to guard hi'nself against the other elements of nature, the iwaves, the wind, and the torrents of rain ? i Whv then should be not, in fair weather guard himself as gaipsiuue siorms- wnicn are ever nsingi in ni own frail body r Remember, you are every day eating gross food ;! and it is yoor nature to con tin.ie o daso You aie well at present, tot ev ery day the! seed of 'disease i? growing within yoo ; !and if yob do not strictly jgtrorrf your healUi while yoo are well, yoo are continually in I . L . . ' t t L .. . .11 .' f. " . . aaoger oi paioioi ana proiractea conanementSi and ioj some constitutions, deallu j ' Nothing "is stationary in this world.. Even the purest fountain of which we drink toea -At not reqvirei cleaning f i A person 'may ' imagine be is in perfect health, and yet not know to what perfection his vital organs mayrbe brought when assisted by the hand of Nature. I haver on doubted proofs of this fact in the unbounded sue cess of lb LIFE MEDICINES. -Letihose wto have followed the motto, When yoa aie even moderately well, throw physio to thedos' call upon me, if they would be convinced of Ibe im porta nee of my position. f" -I rv. ; Tb cperation of the Life Medicines in every instance that has cbmq to my knowledge is most gratifying. ThosS who are in qoroparaiive good neauu may. periec laeif . napp?nes wun. no in convenience ; and j those unfortunates who are laid low by disease of almost any descriptioo, may find sore relief in those purely vegetable preparations, ij iney operate gently but power fully oponthe secretions of the body, and cleanse the Wdod of. all vitiated humors, sepafatinrj the bad from the good, fexpelliog the dregs, dross and impurities and leaving behind only what is good ajnd nourishing to nature 1 j Reader, consider and reflect well. ' ! The blessings of this life,, for rich and poor lie entirelywithin purselves.iniourpwn, physical bQsj My advice to all, then, is, guard your health If yoo are well, perhaps yootniay be still better arid yoo mav alwava avoid heina snkhy a jodMoos sekof the VEGETABLE LIFFi MEDICINES. - t - 5c3f IJr. Moflays'Xife ritland Phoenix Bittersare for sale by ' !-' JCRESS & BOGER,ef,.; ; .Salilbury, pet 29, 1842 ly 14 1 - If .ajjg A soppJ ff the above- Invafoable ME DICINES are fot sale at James1 iCross Rf ads. ireueu county; oy i . i ' A..C. mcINT0H. Agent. ' fiilli b r-li -"! -i ('-vM?;. '.! 1 1 1 iHEr andersigoed having 'qualified, as Ad- mMmm. TBAJ Mliai I IU IIS 1 III r (11 IE nnBI J. I m Mi oar.aj eceased, gives po't ice to all prsbns hav in demands jBgainst the Estate if the said RoV oeri uscoamara. id present ,ibem for payment within Ihe time required by an Act of Assembly, in soctveae made aridrovided ; otherwise they will he parredj of recovery by the operation of the aid act- K -1 J r : j : q NATHANIEL BOYDEN, Admr: Salisbury, may 27, lH43tf4i yies mV ;be found at tV,,'; fr : ,v uca are Doseimw. . HJ feita.. If the merchant "ri him to woeur, thm ' time he visils .KeW Vlf . 5WT next unie whleh-wjll- stop it if falling oat, w fi places ; and on children, mak it tbiae'who have lost the hair from anV rv'7' ALL VERMfN that intW j I iu- schools, are , prevented, or 'killed L L Find the name f 4 it, or never try it RHEUMATISM, ni positively cured;, and all thriUdT .-".vm, ... uiu wr ; Founsr Vegetable Euxib. asd Nertx awb 7 i O! but never without the name o Comstoca t?L' .- . , . V T I f t UI -t 1 r' J i iiut i 1 come on. if vou use the onlv tmi tr . t.i . t wcmstocn, o we. and every thing relieved by it thattdmita of HiH " MOKS JSS ' that J have iWmd-Gallst"&e are cured by Roon' Srtaiv i JFOUndcred ' homes cured t, I Jaloy's Klagical PahjK tractor. Salva Thioai remedy ever, invcnled for all newVolH' ,: r M - " i i in ' - -,. ' 1 , , ' 1 1 1 W sorts, and rZWZ If W thousands. It Will taka put aUpiin iajeacua an no failure, j It. will cure the 1jHm"3 jr ; 11 . , 4 Vie " ! gj. ity ; l, f LIN'S SPREAD PIASTERS, A better and. more nice and useful aniclj cT3j made. All should wear Aem;WgQlarTyr! t j . Ulf ?S TimPSISAlf CC BITTE13; en the principle of substituting llie tonic ia p!icj tho 'Stimulant principle, j-hich hai reformed caj drunkards'. To be used with I ! ! ' H LIN'S I Slue Cjy PILLS, auperiff ai l; 'i . (tJ j others for cleansing the system and thetumenulf in the blood, and for all. irregularitie of the Wi and me general health, fk jsj A iYJ See Dr. Lth's sig WcttUt-O ' nature, tnua :j , OR. SPOHN'S HE ADACHEREMi:-; i will effectually : cure sic headache, tWiefwt or Uiiioua. i Ilanureds.w raEa mg it, with great pj. 1 , ; DR. SPOHN'S ELlXIROr HEMT; for the certain prevention bf fjFfSffiffi'j general sickness ;' keeping tlie sornach in t feet order,' the bowels reguliri, nBdadetrmiJa'.bj the surface. pains: in the bones, hoarseness, and "are quickly cured by-it. Know this by uyihg. ' t-J ' . if -'t 1 'I C ORNS. The. French Plaster s a srav f -hair iny shade yon wish, but will not color .1 GAnSAPAOILL A; , cqjistoch POTJKD EXTRACT I There ia no othftjj nan ioi ooisaponua tnai can -i-If you are sur0 to get Comstock's, yotf 0 f superior to alLothers. f It does not require p4 .r ! CELESTIAL ( BALM OF CHINA. .IA positive cure for the P.j external aiimg-ali'jnternal irritatiow eurfaee bv friction with this Balis J9. A -t J j weuttu ur sure mruai, iiyiiuitja v r. . , applied on a flannel will relievand cure aj Fresh w-oundi i or old sores are rapiiy c31 - 33. iJiirtftolrinttJ'i win i prevenv of cure ; aa : mcimc. -..r- . taken in rime, lnd is a diishrijl rne her the name, and get Coiiistoeky. KGLLISTQCK'S VERMES emdiiali all ESTtlSiSi i t)i with certainly! quite aatonishini. Ir r.. -.1 ;!. tVi almotrtncwdiblehrCb - 1 Uv anr3TTito "our-. ?2en3 P i ,f. f ies?iectatVnaiTica 'ia the n,1VN:, . I H "that W oftrrei..iiiL.belicye bent eff with any ton- fc good UAVL l il fciK ' , your raotto-eruf f "TJ, tieseJ l.j wf,AT.oi Kird retail oi v I ;V I ;v-.l.!.i yj fav 1 'Wis? i& m'iSJt 1 J ' - MM ill I '5Hl "" " 1 PIsK III U Maioe. Jf --jCT The r.e.mHftj pif', Watcfcoian -OfSce, jjfl-c BAVheeler. " ' I ! V ft r -il-