! I. 4 i s A I 1 4-. 9 i x.x . It xjtmntsfrut on m respect jo a Que&on hrrifTrt bower. ' I have, however pqj i in iayiiigl that, far from hating anjj. objection tb'ihe annexation of Texas,! .OhQ subject of slavery ought to affect .r nthir-, ' W nether. j independiint, or incorporated lno !oi believe It "will prolong or; :ho iiuratiohjof that institution. -. It is become extinct, at some distant day, )ihion,'br t!e operation of the. ineviJa- prpopulatm It would be unwise to permanent Acquisition which wille jist h? globe re niains, on account of tern-; X biect ; governed Jby the state of fact; and the ujblifc opinion existing at thfl time 1 Called up to act. Abave allj should; ned by the paramount duty of preserve L'lJIUII CitlilC, UIIU 111 IIWWH.J.jj.7 I: do as tho! great guaranty of , every and public blessing, under Prcwdence slsi'lfjlfooplel"' we' ;are periiuttedfid amf gentlemen, respectfully, 'Ivsii ix'irl -lYour ob'dU' erv!i H; CLAYs rjioraas Jlfi Peters hn H. Jackson. . .4- jallsbcry; September IjMC l -; fAN ! WHIG TICKET : 'ft , V?ct rEsriEkr jor trn'trsitEt) states , Rl 11? R "RT JNfJTTTT VS R W 3 . ELECTORAL .TICKET. itricivWittiAM VVT Cherry. dp; R- Jos n Collins. .; i "; :f s : u fdb i?R0BERT;B.!GlLUAM. 'i IT i?db WiltiAM lI.WVAshiNGToirl ' !a0AlELiB.cBATCER;--ft- Md": SI AURIClj: Q; vlAbDELL;- ;da.;4' John Kerr. C . h do : ; ; Aug bsrm .II.- Shepherd, j . do, ri James: Osborne i v. f f do iCohl JoNATHAJf Horton. sdo JpHJjr! Baxter. -. - 1; "i h-c ...!. a i.- It ;7f, .y r? . rtf; m$D the Abolition isTs. 4. 4 S; last we adverted jto this subject, and ;nl the; following extract of a letter from man of Tennessee, in. answer to one hIa!areiaih,'enquiring whether Jas. l, the Locofoco candidate for the Presi j Ji lavehpldr or not,ascomerfto hawing conclusively that the Locofdcos 'sk'- ujkTu'Demticrk$ " and aU 6 Souih have been, and are how us- f ;mean inttheir power, to get the sup-I )Q Abolitionists. They begin to see it :Kat. there is np chance for the election nCriVt)fl;eaiipdateWitbut timely iid ed from some quarter ; and sufiiciently aVthefrybirCulating the- report in the itesjithat '"' 'Voik is , hot "a slaveholder, jy knew perfectly well at the time, it in i U to iprop !a : sinking- dnd rotten cause, liot te countenance of honest men. can"; in fjutliern men support such a tiniei; Hiliticiani as i ames K,l Polk ! a How; Hk the destinies of their country in !s of men so devoid of- every principle g on honesty--men who make it con. stestes for .every latitude5' tor of jgainihg the votes of the different see the country- we cannot for v our lives ; ji Rut Utis nevertheless so. Herci ily tq your . enquiries as to whether Ir. Polk ia i&tt, I ii inibpned that ten or twelve years ago shed.Hii company with his brother-in-law, Cald-t gro qaaner n'Yuabusha County, Mississippi, M(ia I altcryhrd5ne bought, his brother-on-law. St T ! - --'if li iai hear ;one hund red aouls on his cotton planta whomi in cpnscc uence of his being so inimers iicailbe has pcen ut once .In four, yearsVond the teriderraercies of the overseer, fj re yas nothing else against Mr. Pole, ig lnnV unufbi the PresidentialichaW itgipg and kpuekling to such a contcmp. i. oie'nttghf ever retirement 'it Ipasfih the estimaUohnof 1ft men! (as 1 well as of the right thinking fSl part es of the 'Free States.' .jWt i Vitrei' : m- 1 -a- ;' - j --.i - j lisjcurse pron eypry other hicti ) how, agitates the public mind, is itiitei of Consistency, jFor instance ariy ; now aocs lur. rpts stand on e;ctib iAt ll(e Norths he; is i favor of iCJtt lb Zbmc Industry, ahd'thinks"it the the Government to atlord ;such protec when hpjcdms toa4JmyiSpttf& :otton growing States, where, the v Tariff niadeja iu-oarlie is thorough-go WFrct: Ttader l It isttncbf 0 pprestveial the Soutlijinthe, highest l It Is taking the fcanf earnings 'ol ' the J fed. juthernersVtand giving' it to the Sldfakurers of the ; jVbrw r aw -course' in ? regard to every other !n,nas .been the same ; for and ; against ;inT3lt laathjs out pcronai interest lrid not ak:ttej!tn(erwto pfAa country I'l hart the-Locofoco party: are puat trie W m of State to "extricate Sfrcjwand suffering which fe wantonly brought upon it, by the and dishonest' conduct while in of- 'iJoandVAx.BuRE ! i Yes, l!S S?4$cn discarded twice h glad to kee it without dishonor-, varr.with tjio common consent of thej t1"iinnn;iiit:nnt1 fair UrmsV'..I noti 1 ! i. contingency, of my election, to which rteel, U inc jattair ot acquiring .ebms) (ftCome-a. subject of consideration,? I ,. -t- j fir.'- A - - - " ' t - 1-Jl 1 Vbo3C pquai iiwy-ii iuuiiuaijujug .ciiy .. tn,.ur-7-7 w y . .;wttcj.y f-;-uy ; ma :auiiwvui fourth-rate County Conrt lawyers ; ; and surpass- paragraph"' from "the Raleigh Hegister, it ui by jniny in the Locofoco ranks' in 'point of J appears that Gen. Saunders v?as just about tfc American reonje ny me mmacmmv ,uwiu- f Miw pajty as being worthy of their suffrages! 4 Win t Pvn7 onl-iniit tn such an inuinutv-t ... ... v.... ;-- r, - o v i as this ? I iVill they have it said I that Jamej K; ii fr'-t'. .' fT- " ji.''iima i?Ainn,t l.J 1 r;oi.Kf a mere jiasn mum u, j I iT 4- t . . "i ' t :5'J vti rxt T v i t&em to the, Presidential cliair over II Y I GpOHOE;V AsritGTO's tHan iiriy-other "since bis dayif .Ve brieve hnt.A .r w " Had our friends fin North Carotinal heen as ao tjve and as well organized air they should have been, and as 'we! trust ttey will be fbrthe;conteaii inNpvember Hoke would fcave been elected fcya triumphant majority. 41 i t -'4i i'Sr? 1 Lynchburg Ktpvblic can. Ifi thQ j editor, of. .thri . Republican had be'en 1 borae.in: .Uhina;or, Chinese: parenis.jne t wouia (iivebelna Cbinese.a in Francelunder si- friilir rircunistances.;he1 wpuldbato, been a. 4 lhrnartj iAnd the; Democrats) Jijfprth; f IatUre ! 1 r .4 nese premise tMnl thej editor will admit to be correct. Then, ill sT tie tlitdr 'was oorrie neither i k IChina nor5 C t.'A Yi a fra representative of every !hin"'t 'iai Wfblmindedarid honoralSle'rno'secna.'f 4i mmin t : " - i FUCieX lfu fM'fi "t'H'jj."" uuiiuiia t. Of flpBt tvuiiu, npmuouics ucarei-'iormai- u r Caroiina v had been strong, enough they would Mvfe! elepteki Hoke, and a- majority tt4 bp iLegi-' l i ! I ' ' i . " . 'ill i 1 i ' " and conclusions we . Wlhy5rbr-'ot ffenta ( belonging; to either, H catiribt'M that te'ls either a'Chinese oF a Ereihjnan.And asealtercasejis'pre py aniijaus, surein eauor wut not nesiiaie to admit jtbt the reason why thq Democrats, did not carry itho thb . Old North. wa3' simp! !y because 4W y i f.D6 voii ffive it ud. Mr. ReDublicah ? J,)3(jt;.inj truth the Republican is.deeply in er. irbrnenitllntimates that North Carolina: was ilost the locofbcos through a waht of activity Wnd tt-eW btgamzalioni on the part of themselves. bwi laratis"previous to the election mstiy U3 in this assertion, even though we had ftp other grounds for it. .But it is a well known jtbey, enjoyed all the advantages of or. ntand that .they were never more ac live, in their! efforts. And, we must say further, iil - il .JAIL i . . i. - -. hat; we believe iBey"were never more unscru s in their selection and use of means to carrV ine watc ii .Tllei Viririnia Dembcracv ha as w;ell ease tseabu1orth Carolina i .....She is, just as sure to g3teHENRY CLAY a large majority ill AXQyemper, as ooutn varoiina is a roue; l ex jif 4ijp!tsunun State : " Just ' as ' certain - as ifJelrraessltfice rejected Polk as governor; ana ais tbNvell knbwn'fact that he is4 aparty habfe-4-hb pitiful tool of Andrew Jackson, f ' "P: ? ! Whigs of the Counties : of pqtkpCalSWijll and, McDowell, (compo- sing4 w&alp was, formerly the : county .of Burke,) H have resolved to meet together brU& hiof4ili Council, to revise tne 'political a&ciatibnslof their Counf y.M They have japppntej4 a Mass Meeting to take place bn the 18ih and 19th of October, at Mor- cranton i and are making preparations for thipt tkbo&dation bfan imdie gather- ,innir nouce sat "II f5 nopeu eve hlg; in the State will consid- M lob. rii-moir cnom o 1 1 r invifni tr ' otf nnrl " Herefs. a chance, Whigs of Rowan--who 1 -i-1 - u - : LI. . .. . . : l : savs lor a trip to tne mountains to meet do5 & Asitit. t ell such Sl H?.sin 2 .L L"r ii" -Lt. .j M i:.L- cerelV hone thev mav realize their, mos cenelV hope thev mav. realize their most enlarged fexpectations by the punctual at tendance of thousands.) y Tennesnt.' The Whiff cause in Ten nessce seje is in a most healthful, glowing con- dit on ; and the prospects of jMr! Clay re ceiving the vote of that State by an over ybelping majority, ,we, regard; as certain beyond doubt. The Whigs there are in thffijaest ljM of Spirits, andj are anxious Ijvpitji ithe ay ' when they miy rally to th$ plNand give to the world, riot only al I fexhiiit on :?of their, 5aie prided bui also of thetisNATioNALTRiDE, by supporting atimn every way worthy to occupy the seat once filled bv the venerated Wash ington! the! beloved Madison . and Monroe, and pold Jlepublican, Thomas jeuer- :- o .oilers.---Ai ine suggestion se fit i T . .!. J . A A it- I if i' & veral! most valuable citizens of bur Town and. Count y we, make the enquiry whe ther there Is laopoiter in thisfpart of r the Iworld whq s; desirous of an advantage pus loicjn for business ? K Rowan is des-s jtitu tej inj ts branch ot business jand is entirely jdependarit;on other Counties for her pli olER; WRE tt jii believed bymathat an industrious -arji at iehtlilB PotterV wpjild da a first-rate: bisme yjjestablisW bufcj Woueara that there is! anf abunV aai 4 1 an taan. that a -jmpro advantageous. location lbH the safe of ; Ware cannot : be found in -i ' v ! v x. . i : t Western Carolina than this place Vould be if there; tvas a Manufactury here, arid thejj fact "generally 'knowri. Vbo 'will come ana ascertain, ior nimseli, the pros pects forithe encouragement of such an; Esiablishmelnttc l- TO? The lloss of propertyjby? the late flood in thC jIississippi river, ist variously estimated! from 12 to 20 million dollars? Hundreds of families Avho wefe.,formerly? in alllucnt circumstances, have Ipeen. sud denly reduced to dependants, arid are now n- v. t -. i t " - mi i" -'i . uij onjecis oi cnaruy - loe gooa peopie iiumany parts off the Country are' taking t steps to relievo the sUflrcr?f Pi ; 1 ?.'.' as',ycre his ' two brother Qriajtlebumstaf this'; citvv vhb"'rnaloAVa5blntfto"n vand tlJ;,;: iv: u . if 1-1 t v.f.f. i- x.uvviii me. uem 01 uiejr uiyuis., , - s , vLoifs UttiGriC SMieJxniaejwUticar (SfvppKcs.' w hcl)(v. fri Plrt. Hert ! .HVrtforrf. Halifax. hf "Z ' - y .r :r- J " 7i i '-v Northampton nnd Chatham, and m each or, these coan tka the Whiirf electeJ fait tickets; and increased their aggregnte.vpte considerably for Gotemot. iii ti ; ' c. As there ' is nd fufiherusd for GenraH Saunders in ISorth. Carolina. - we ? Avbuld ggest that he'eome on herei and in comi Danv. with the;'tvvo liforftsaid -chamnioris: of this city. make thb " tour bf labama The trio. would soon iriakethe State 0.- i.f fvr.. lucre.; is no j vin ue -.or, intelligence uraong ine, people j;woo0i;ermcn cJICr'.He is not' quite' done yet, brother Latigdon He' has' commenced aobtber round .toKld;his first works over again r?. W HIG ciMEETINO. 4 :k A large and respectable meeting bftheWhigs of the adjoining codnttes assembled at Cowan's tord, Pin the Catawba River, on the 3 1st of A u gust, and was organised brcaliuigt John D Grahain,-Esq.itd the chairilind the appoint ure n i m o.. a. jonnsion ana nugn iic r-VAin XI fiA..:A4. ,tiv :!(;-'.v n The object of the meeting having beeri'ex- plained brMr. WmJbhnstoh? I 1 n ' H resolution waj then v entered ihto that a Public Dinner or Barbacue be piriven by the Whigs 'of the adjoining counties for the purpose of encouraging good, fellowship, 'and the promo: tion of the Whig cause ; and that the said pub. j uc pinaer dc given on me ztu i ana otn ot uc tober next, on' the- ecklenburgyidelof the Ca tawba' River at Cowan's Ford orifhesite of the Battle Ground, upon which General Davidson fell in defence of his country during Pur Revo lutionary struggle. i--fy-J'i ' -"The following resolutions were' then unani mously entered into, viz :' c ' -f " t r i r ; L.That the Chairman appoint a Committee of Arrangements ; upori which,thei following persons were nominated and appointed, viz : A. B. Davidson; James Nantz, Esq!;! T); Al Cald well Esq., Thomas KearnespCoU BW. Alex ander, Charles B. McGinnis, Thomas I. Grier, Esq.;- J. II. Orr, Esq., Andrew Springs," Esq., Henry Cathy, Robert Davidson; Sen., Janies G. Torrence, Esq., Marshall McCorv, Col. E. A. Brevard, J. Moore; EsqW Green D. Abernathy, Dr. Wm. B; McLeah; Dr. S. X. Johnston, John Johnston; George Little, Robt. M. Alexander, Esq., John Davis; J. M, Forney, Dr. Wm. Johnston, J. T. Alexander! Alexan der McCorkle, William Little, Sr., Elisha Sher- ill, A. M. BurtonWilliam Knoxf Moses White, Alexander Torrence,' sr., Andrew Caldwell,' R. J. McDowell, Charles W; Harriis, William S. Harriss, Thomas II. Robinson, Map John Gib son, James Jamison; DrJ; Samuel; KerrrCol. F. McCorkle, Robert Allison. jl Hi! : On motion of Col. B. W. Alexander, the chairman was added to the list. 1 ff ; " . -2.-. That the following persons (constitute a Committee of Invitation, viz: Maj. R. Re id, Wm. Johnston, Edward C. Davidson, George F. Davidson, Dr. Wm. B. McLean; Dr: S. X. Johnston, Andrew Springs,' Esqij JasV W. Os borne, Dr. Wm J. IlayesV Thomas 'Kearnes, Col. Charles Graham; Col. D. M.! Barringer, Dr. Kiah P. Harris; J. P; Caldweilj!lf Wi Guu on, and Col. Thomas "Allison.' ! if 3d. That Andrew Springs, Esq.; be appoint ed Chief Marshal of the day; and that Maj. J. H. Caldwell, Maj. R. R?id, Gen.jW. C. Means, Col. Charles Graham, Maj; ohn McCon haughey, and Maj. Matthrw L.McCorklft, be assistant marshals of the day? 1 l : 4. That Maj.' R. Re id, Andrew Springs and David A. Caidwcll, o appointed to procure a band of music for the becasiom J - 5; That all parties, both Whig knd Demo crat, be invited to attend our public dinner and partake of its refreshments. I V , -, 6. That the Committee ot Inf itatioh be re quested especiall y, to invite air soldiers of the Revolution,' and the ladies without distinction of party. - . - J" : jj : 7. That the Comniittee of Invitation be also particularly requested to invite the; attendance, and ask the services on the occasion of the Rev. Dr. R. H. Morrison, and the ( Rev. Mr. Cunningham. , :t : ij j . ,( - 8. That the . Committee of ; arrangements meet on the ground on the 1st! of j October, to make preparatory arrangements.; i Ij 9. . That the Committee of Invitation meet jat Beatties Ford, on the 10th of September. 10. That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Charlotte Journal and Carolina Watchman, and that the other , Whig papers of tur State be requested to copy. i4 JOHN D. G RAH AM; Ch n. y r hi From the Nathtille Banner of August 20t 1844. - - TEXAS OR DISUNION." 1 It will be'seeni from the followirig letter addressed to the Editors of tpe, Ivnoxville Register, that one of the Democratic Elec tors for the State of Tennessee at" large, has "not only eorsed the DIStJNIQN sentiments'of Polk's confederates at the South, but has gone far-beyptid them:-; He- has deliberately declare: tt'atl' if anyl civil commotion, should, grow out of the present agitation of the Texas Question, he, for one, would be found fightingpr Texas' and asraiiist tfie Union: and farther that if he was how a member1 of Congress;; he would vote'fop a bill to y appiopnaie money out of the public 'Treasury, sufli- cient io pay an .niu..ueui u- tut? icaiii Government vHe.tberTexas verei annex ed to thellnitetl Stotesor notjenwe forewarned the peoplfl of -nneissee gai ri sV Polk'slDoaiition with jthe Dls union ists, itwas denounced as a Battner Slan fer.V.Yhat saj! ;ypu jabw, 3essr. Ioeo fbcos.VVVe did not go so far1 fa charge you with a disposition to fight; for Texas against your countiy 'Butyour ownmanj claims mat oaa cmiueucc j u as, wm be seen in ther following letter i . . J j.-. . , Dandridge, July pih, 1844. ; 1 T Dear Sni rThls being the dajr appoint ed fbrColBell v to address'tlie 'citizens of Little- Massachusetts,' a large5 "portion of ine people oi ine county were . presenr, notwithstanding ,thev inclemency J, of. the l:weatber which kept many avvay, :A lareenumberifjcitizens fnountpd vmr horsebeclTmet Colonel Bell one mile be- ipw town, and bade !him4welcome to our little village.-1 -r . vt X'S" . The.speald&JCOTnmenced in the Baptist Church a,t abou t twelve o'clock; Colonel bea.leadingofr.in a speech of great.force nd doquenee." He first took ud the Tex- f as bumbag, showing to the satisfaction of mmas not steeped m prejudice; that ; the Democratic-party were destitute;6r any fixed principles; and. had brought-forward this Texas question ; for uhe - ex press ntir- poseofi evading the three great questions partyv as relief .measures, viz : a Bank, a rarili;dpistributipnV'?n ' a ijVfr. Turnev next aDDeared on the stands andebmmenced, by shedding crocodile tearsjover the . condition of the lone lstar of the West, nearly the whole of his remarks being confined ;to; thd j single,question of annei ing Texas; to the pnion : and if he- iay ueonsiuereu a true exponent ot the opinions of James KJ '.Polk it is time the people of the UhitedLStates,should"take lDls 5xast question i under? more senous 1 - ri - . ' . ------ . . uuiwmciiuma manh iney nave -nunerio UUIiC. 4- t Mr. Turney declared that if ever any civil comiriotion should grow out. the agi tation of. this question! he for. one would I - be found fightingFoa. Texas and against the union 1 : .He also stated that if he was now a member of Cbnsrress. he would vote for a bill to appropriate' money out of bur public treasury, sufficient to nav all the debts of the Texan Government, whether Texas were annexed to the United States Or hdtr ' ,r : v:- -i "Here; then, we "have a locofoco elector for the State at large, who is supposed to represent the political opinions of James K. Polk; :goihg even; heyorid the resolu tions of -the disunidnists of South Caroli na, and declaring hot only a willingness to fight for Texas: against the Union, but to vote money out of otir treasury 'to pay the debts of a foreign nation, and then levy, a tax upon our own citizens in order to again replenish burl treasury. Free men of Tennessee, are you ready to cast your suffrages for any man who will ad- j. . .'L i . ". , i , s yocaie anu propagaier sucn aoctrines ior the sake of office ? ;1- 1 IDAY MORNING. r THIRTEEN 1 DAYS- LATER FROM EUROPE. v; The Atlantic steamship Great Western, which sailed from Liverpool on the 17th ultimo, ar rived at New York late on Saturday afternoon, bringing accounts from Liverpool and London to the day of her sailing. - Extras from the Sun and Herald offices enable us to make up the annexed compend of her news. ! ihe birth of another Prince has relieved ev ery solicitudb as to the personal welfare of Queen; Victoria, besides giving a new security lur direct succession to the Crown. 1 his event Hook place jearly in the morning of Tuesday; the 6th ultimo, and was signalized by the - firing: of salutes at Windsor, St. James's Park, and the Tower,: and the raising of flags and ringing of belis in every quarter as the news spread. There has been no change in cotton the tendency, however,: being, in favor of buyers. There Avas a good trade demand. I jThe British Parliament stands adjourned un til the; 5ili September, to enable the House oi Lords to give judgment in the case of Mr, O'- Uoneel, and also to anord the Minister an opportunity, should" he 'think' proper to embrace it,of bringing the foreign relations of the coun try before the national inquest. (Judgment in the case of the State prisoners ws to; have been given on the 2d, and common report lied to the belief that it would confirm the proceedings in the Irish Court." ' . y Before ; the ; session closed, two bills were passed with a view to the conciliation of Irelaud -the one repealing the penal laws respecting ihe Roman Catholics, and 1 the other . enabling property to be legally transferred to the use of the Church of Rome in Ireland. ' The energetic proceedings of the French have terrified the Emperor of Morocco, who is now anxious to pacify and get rid of the formi dable foe he has provoked.! Frequent diplomat ic! communications ' have passed between the Emperor and the French authorities on the frontiers. .The former admitted the aggression on the Algerian territory, land promised to pun ish the authors of it, but evaded all allusion to the demands not to support Abdel-Kader in his resistance to the French. In the case of his not giving a satisfactory reply,. the French threatened to begin by bombarding Tangicrs, at which place the Prince " de Joinville arrived on the 23d July in the steamer Pluton. It wai reported at Gibraltar on the 1st Au gust that Mr. Drujimoxd , Hay, the English Charge d Affaires, had written despatches on the !26ili July,' in which ho said that he had offered his mediation, and was actually engaged in: negotiations with the Emperor. f The posi tion f affairs at this time was very critical."- ' ' The .bombardment threatened above subse quent accounts stale as having taken place. ir, From Egypt we have intelligence of the ab dication !of tMEiiEMrr Aiij-ln favor of his son Ibbaixi)I ; The old man; full of years and hon ors, and Ayith unimpaired health, intends mak ing a pilgrimage to Mecca... This news is com- mumcaiu uiiuit uuiu ui aici amino, uijr 4t! which time the city was" quiet.', : ' j Letters from Florence i pf 4he Spth .Julymen tion the! . death of Joseph onaparte once King of Naples, and afterwards of Spain. He died on the! 28th July, after a long illness.' Letterjs' from Barcelona: say that the health of the young Quseif of Spain is not such as to aUord salisactiorl for the last five or six days. She can scarcely take exercise even in her own apartment; ieing quite lame-i ? Accounts from; Constantinople to the i I7tb nltimn RtA.te.that information had been received of th&defeal of the Russians by the Circassians in, Daghestan j vr IflDied, in jCasweil cinty brj Sunday evening mu'ih&bxnWAy&ERi memberelect fhwn that county to the House of, Commons Ja.lhe next-Legislature. j -n, w'.i.-'-vvm , rpled, yery Vecently, in Greene coqnty, James Uarfes. Esq., "member elect from that county to'the House oi Commons of -the next Legisla ture. 4'- .L. i - r s iAnhther member: dead -r-The iFayeUeyiile Observer says M We Iregret to hear that Ransom jS adders," Esq., Senatorelect from Johnston county, died a dar or two sinco, after ELECTTfi V HP r a mp nrvr-n 1 , ... w . v w . i.. v uii uuajjt ; 1 i ; iiie loiiou-iag is the rote of the OfBcers of thp C4tl Reginieiitil for Mafor General of the .li i. 'Si?0! yen tiJney resigned.' !. . ? John Gray Bvnum " :? r"aL tray Bynum, 3; Capt. Wilsontt- . 11 Ano&eRcwiuli "Departed this life at hislate resiJence jn Iredell coun ty,1 on the 10th ultimo; Axasro Ramset, id ihe 90th year of hi age. In his childhood his father emiorateJ from Pebnsylvania with a numerous young faraily, when JVIr. gainsay was anout ten years ot age, and settled the place which, on the dearh "of his' father." descended to him i -and on which he continued to reside until his -eath, ei-, ep:mepeood .ot bis absence from home in fthe aervice of hb cintry, which however, was alaiost the entire pe riod "of the Revolutionary war. ' Here, during q residence, of 80 years; he commanded therespect and esteem txf all who knew him whileihe succesafully pursued ?n agri cultural life. , He had lived for sixty years previous tc his death, most happily with the wife of his youth who . to gether had raised a nmperous and highly respectable' fa- aiily i most of whom till survive to" mourn their loss. ' Vom early life, ho was, a, consistent and highly useful' member of the Presbyterian tchurch of Centre, over .hlfh he.for many yearsVexercised the'omce oTniliriff Elder:. from the active duties of which, he was compelled to te- im some years oe lore ws aeata, 6y,me intirmities of ex trerne ol4 ase. . . ... i ..i.-.,t . , - At her fesidenc in tredeircounly-on the 23d of Ana .' mrs. iaxt a.. y ATTS.consort oi tne late John Ij. Watts, and oldest daughter of James and Amelia Adams, sed , about 37 years. A Mrs- VVattsldisease, was congestive fe ver, and after two weeks of painful suffering, she died in the triumphs1 of faim, leaving 5 sons and a numerous circle of relatives and friends to mourn their Joss f buT in the , full belief, tha t what is their loss is her everlasting gain. STATE of NOBTH CAROLINA Dayidsoa Coontf. C0CKT 0 PLEAS AJU) QVASTEK. SESSIONS JtrGCST TESX, rv't.i rrnmnnn . -i-.y.i $ wf uuumii auu Margaret his wife.' George Miller, and others. Petition" for Reprobate of Jacob 1 ' Miller's WittV IN this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendants Leonard Feazor and his wife Barbara, Henry Miller and Michael Miller, are not in habitants of this State : It is ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the Carol inaAVatch man, for (he said Leonard Feazor and his WifeTJarbara, Henry Miller and Michael Miller, personally to be and appear before the Justices of our said court, to be held at the court-house in Lexington, on the 2d rhonday in No vember next, and plead, answer or demur to the pIain- tins petition, or it will be set for hearing exparte as to them; and judgment entered against them. Test, j , j I CHAS. MOCK,c.cc. 6wl3 . . Printers fee $5 50 SHERIFF'S NOTICE! AN Election will be held at the usual precincts in the county of Rowan oh Monday the Fourth day of November next, to vote for Electors of President and Vice President of the United States. It. W. LONG, Sheriffs Office, Sept. 7, 1844 Sh'ff. P. S. All persons that have not paid the.ir Taxes for the years 1842 & '43, will please call and pay the same on or before the 16th instant, it being monday of Rowan Superior Court, if not, I will certainly put the re ceipts in the hands of an officer for collection. jig, W. LONG, SKf. TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. RAN AWAY from the subscriber on Wed nesday the 23th ult.t a negro woman by the name of Eliza, belonging to John P. Wilson. She is a -stout well formed woman five feet high 22 years old, more or less, full" blood negro, but slightly inclined to a copper color, he left H. T. Sloan's tav ern in Charlotte, on the above mentioned time, and no doubt will try to make her way to Pittsylvania county, Va., if not taken up sooner. Any one apprehending her and confining her in some jail so that I get her again, shall receive the above reward. Address J. P. Wilson, Sugar Creek P. O., Pittsylvania co. Va. ' 4wl9pd f BRAKES this method of informing Jl the Public, that he has opened a shop for the purpose of repairing CLOCKS 4- WATCHES, nearly opposite the Postoflice, where he may be found at all times ready to receive work in his line of" business. Orders with which he may be favored will be faithfully attended to. . He keeps on hand Thimbles, Rings and Keys. Old gold and silver taken in payment for work done or for Jewellery 1 Salisbury, Sept. 7, 1844 6ml9 FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. TAKEN from my bouse at Gold Hill, Rowan county, on ihe 10th ultimo, one silver mounted rifle gun, valued at $30. Any information that will fix upon or designate die person who carried away said gun, shall be rewarded with the above sura. The owner is not without pretty well grounded suspicions, and he hereby notifies the person to return the gun,' else he may be dealt with as the law in such cases directs. ! i MOSES EARNflEART. Sept. 7, 1844 3vl9 APOTHCARY BUSINESS! PENN AND AY RES FINE CHEWING TOBACCO, A LSO apaanaassaDa CSAgrxicpo for sale XJL at the Peoples Drug Store, by : HENDERSON $ WHEELER. DR. P. Henderson'. Agne and Fexer Eemtdy, A SAFE and certain cure, may be . had at 'the Pee- xJL pie Drug store, from . ,vi UEXDERSOX k. WUEELER. i ROW AND' S TONIC MIXTURE, t RAY'S Ointment, Jayne's Vermifuge, Hemlin'a VjTand McLane's Vermifuge, Dr. Rowand and Jaynes family mediemes, Lee's, Dean's, Dyott's Hooper's Spen cer's Hull's, Peter's, Phelp3' and Beckwith's pills ; also DrlP. Henderson's Stomachick Elixer, may be had at wc -reopictirugiiaTC. , --v. . l ri . I . 1 1 . . . i - . M "11 Ark lbs. of good Tallow and Sperm candles for JL" J J sale at the People's drug store, by . IIEKDRRSON St WHEELER. DR. P.' Henderson's invaluable And-baioua jpUlsfor sale at the Peoples Drug store', by i ' ' 4 J, i ? HENDERSON & WHEELER. f Salisbury. Aug.Yi, 1844 yg'flQ X rri HOSE who are still indebted to me for Taxes for the JL! the year 1842 and 1343 and otherwise, will call and pay the same on or before October Comtf or they may have cost to pay without distinction oi persons. . :.'r ' ' ' L. C. ICRIMMINGER, Sh'ffi August 27,' 1844 2wl&pd ECCLESIASTICAL NOTICE. fTj'lHE.Presbytery ofioncord will meet at New Hope Jl ."Church, in Lincoln county, on Thursday, thelOtb of OctoBer1 next, at eleven o'clock". A: M-' n 1 4 STEPHEN FRONT1S. Stoerf Clerk, ' N, B.,The Watchman of the South, Presbyterian. nd the papers published in Western' N. Carolina, will confer favor Jy giving the above a few insertions. , ; - : mftTlfliT A TcTT.T.'A.- iXUST received a supply ofS ps CGLEB R A- Jun22:tf : -i.4 1 i 7 Dreg Store' i ri rrk pounds kj iujuxux zau oy 1 0,11 U 1 HENDERSON & HEELER. ; : o.t:.L. A. 54. 1S41 . - ' tf!7 a;anSNi'j y l - . , ; s j In Philadelphia, on .the 25th ultimo, by thZ n- x n, John-.McDawell. f,lr: Job W. Etus Jo m'ma Wirrrc daughter of Philo;Vhite. Edq:-' - v - V- 1v ti Q A Tu7 Vl ?r7 BEFORE, YOU BUY! ! fnTIfE lffest. ttndJwraestJ and we y '-- J . j -r j li. oeiieve ttie CHEAPEST stock? . '"2 ncvv 8ty'e a0J fasJiionalU Good, -i I revcr brought4 to the western pan oforta Carolina, may now be seen .at our esrahliahir.ntj- con-- 1 slating in part of 1 '';,:' Superfine afij low price, blue, wool dyed black, invial , 4 bje green, cadet mixed, and silver drab cfo&s j ". black and fancy, English and French cassimere , e . plaid una tancj striped do. very handsome and cheap j Eincy . striped; and plain linen Drills and Gambroons ; plaid and plain Tweede Casslrners,'3-4 & 6-4 jj i II merino casslmercs, cashmaretts and drab de Ete ; I ' i "Keulacky jeans, aattineta and cotalines, (nw-article)j ; maTseilles, fancy silk and satia vesting (great variety) VUck and fancy eUk.crayais.and Btocks, y,." 1 1 ; 5 . t blacH &ndexrd alpacca lustres, and bombazines i y : . , fancy striped and fig'd alpaccas and poplines ; jl f ! ! Igingbara lawn, organises, and maslia de srria,(riew article, I , . :t- i 4 i. 4 ''A I0 WaoTfaesnew'pattJfiwJ r mnci English and American print, at 6 1-4 & finer, Iplaid nd striped gingham and printed lawns t j t ?1 ,n3n30ok, Swiss, bishop lawns and jaconet muslins ; 1 -lace striped and plaid muaUns j -. : . ; " :I gimp, Parii triraralagr h!k filet and" chamtette vrUr: ' p iASiiounoii capes.couars, tcioria oandacdgmgs 5i lace Tailors tximinlngs of every variety, (best quality t- lable :anJ towel disoer and linen sliest in -fi' M iNanlue;cialac&et drills, bed tick ihdiaprencheclc" "Ci sjp-acer large ajsoHnt ofpli; smith j 0 dozen Florence ,braid, willow, Cypress, and.; lawn ibennetsV II do panama and leghorn hats ' flu llUdoz plain and. fancy palm leaf! .lo 43 do black and white nir sda Is- , 61 do square and round crown sporting-; f do f t 26 dd men's and boy's clothl velvet and glazed caps j BOQTS:AND?IIOESkKk pr fiobinsoh's fine kid and calfshoes and slip pers ; 60 do men's goat and calf do-i f ' . " 1 8 cases fine and' low price' calf and . ruorocco I' boots, $2 to $G XvX' eAM ' ! 600 pr men's lined and bnad shoes, (cheap) 4 1 400 ""women's pegged,and sewed Uu 74 and 500 negro shoes, (good) ; r I v tH f - 5000 lbs oak and hemlock sole leather,(best article.) 1 T 't' GROCERfES XXtf K basrs rio eofiee. 7 ti2 to d cta--verv tst i ill 'f JtJ 23 hhds Orleans and Porto Rico sugar 36 1-4 , ? to 1 0 cents per powad ; ... i j 1500 lbs Woolaey and Woolsey loaf sugar ; ; : r!. 2 barrels crushed : 'P ,f '-'do s ' x& 42 kegsrifie powderj 04, 50 tbj$6,50 j .it! 280 lbs best indigo ; '. i '-' ijfclg vmfct-'i,fe i 5d boxes 8 X 10 and 10 12 glass rX vM Xis . xi nnus sugar nousc ana tvcHiauia moiaascsz a 5700 lbs best white lead (warranted) (V'ltt 6 barrels tannera ou, (best quality) ---f?ir;H-nk 225 lbs quicksilver castor oil, salts and quinine tV f 3 tons English ana sweae tyre iren ;,w , ; 140 kee: nails : 50 pr-eliptic springs i'l - barege scarfj, ladies era vats and muslin caps i. ! :t ;r 1 f 1-iferaM eloith.; linen and silk' hawWffii, h rXj4 i figured poo! esoie and fbulardiilkii itfiU M-ijKp 4iiurider harMtii&j French flowers, bonnet & cap ribband ' -CH mm i .-t 200 pr trace chains ; 1 4 bellows. ; 1$ anvils & Vices nwi ids monuia rope, suiiea to iiiuwig , . j; I it srii i . t j a r t. , . l v t k- 3DS dozen-cans ana saucers f,:. -AMm Tb- above trood were bought cxclusivelr for cash al ter a decline of from 10 to 15 per cent from Spring; pri ces:; and are now offered for cash at wltolesale or retaiT unasually low. The citizens and public generally ire; re spectfully invited to call, examine and hear, prices. Country merchants and pedlars will find it to their inter-' est to examine the above stock before purchasing, as. w are determined to give the best of bargains, -iitti JENKINS 4 BlLES t Salisbury, June 15, 1844 3m7W THE subscriber having been for several years engag-1 ed in the Pension Office i exclusively in the exami4 , nation of Claims for Revolutionary services ; and having. t left that office, has for the last twnyears devoted histlmo to the prosecution of claims before that 'office 'and the other public offices of the Government.,.. Being well ac- .iiini..l aritli ttiA i'. rinTia lVnainn T la Wat anil with th sources front whence proof of -service raa yfbe lerived,he is enabled, to render essential aid to such a may require an agent in this city. ..v.: i"v: -rp frjyi YVj ; He will transact business of any kind coromlttedio his j , charge for a reasonable compensation. ' AU letters 'oa . business must be po6t paid, j" ; l'' $ Ivfi Fh Reference is respectfully made to I ton . ;K, , M . 'Sauk- . DEas, Hon. Mr.'DAsru., and Judge Bxdoeh, of No. Ca.0 - r. . II. H, SYLVESTK1L : : ' Washington City, June, 1844.-7j)5lfll 4 . eil AMft l!MAtttrw ' CABARRUS COUNTS 1- In Equity AugusilTcrm; l$i4.: Baran Jimcsonana otners 1 1.11. -f T J Jii - . v -1 cumvu ivi vi aisu v. : Jos. McKinlcy and others. ; ! f 'M;r Y IN this, ease,; it appeanng to the satisfaction of the; ; Court, that John Rod sere, Robert Rodders, Isabeltaf ' 1 Anderson, Joseph McKinly, MoscsTafcKinley and ; Ed !. Rodgers, dcfendanU in this case, are not inhabitants 01 ; this State : It iF&rdered that publication be made lor six. l ! successive weeks in the Carolina. Watcrnrian, printed i in Salbbiunr. that the defendants inT.his case be andsp-, pear at the ext term of this Court, to be held at the court house in Concord, on the 3d monday in rDruary; ie4d; f - and plead or judgment wuiDexaxen proi conu-Bso, ana tne tanas oecroea 10 ue mnu. , .;. . t , .4- ,,;T 1 1 i f Witness; W. Barringer, clerk and master at office; in Concord, thed aionday of Auusvig4-l, and UU. j. rear of American Independence v frteftbSfW : ! i W. BARRING Ell, ve 6tcl8. Printers fee, 65 GO oiumittrt '." H'-Uf -III Oi the jail of Rowan county on the Ittji day f, of Auirust mat., a nezro man.bsmed Lockew C who'says he belongs to VV. Smith, jof Stanly e'ty n;.t sinrrn im hnu 30 wr of from annear- ance, very stoat built and black.' Theower ireruest y : ed to come forward, pay charges and .take -hira Haway 'r "' otherwise he wilt be dealt with ts the law in such .cases r directs.- -: J NOAH ROBERTS, Jailor. 2 H " nAurust 24 1844 s :tf 17IH.fe-.;i , j -.- - - ; . - : . ; i - I WILKES COUNTY. I r TF-'' i-.l ... 'X. i.IN EQlIITY SPRING TEnMll S ; -i John Fmley and thersV JT1'' 1 tft AUial C. Parks and W. Parka- defendant . Abiai C& de Parks is nota'citizen of this Slate : .It i ordered that.v publication befmade, advertising the said A. C.r Parli8' tSt b irrvm ad answer. Die ad to or otberwiM de fendf f said suitia$ tbj Saperior Court of Equity fy fepiift ufflsVl708l4gPHnterVfer;6 00 T "'-liU.H'-.?! :-' if t:- vr rr.-.v t'AfM.Mi' VM on the 7th monday after the 4th. monday jnyBgipi u, j , erwaseVjudgrnentproeonlessarwillte uken agauisthmv . 3r r 1 Hi news rx s '.V. t. i n ft ! B hereby BOtinru uui iuc trvji 7u,5-h " " rj!i! t; K.m) .th ExectorofPauence Lewis.wreMjr tobepski: to them whenever they come forward for ihe same;, as m HE subscriber wishes to purchase Wte.r 75 fM- JL! groes men or women, iroin oe Se ,V,J;T 7T which the bigliest cash prices &rnxvtt b r -7 -i- . . . - . .riKM i r nT "re j whitehead ; hkIead tof-& fllfi KEGS No. J pure a w ... ' my37iot tiJ Draff 6sjw;-f do not mean .W oe accooniao.e jor mwres u. niM j ? I r f . . " ' - "T. ' -Wit: THOMASOX, Kfelii W 1 1 r ... J . .. . t. - i - ; .i .it'-'.' li H :i,l : f :t-?-- - of r.ticace-tewi4 Xhm jj August 10.-r6445wl5 - RM'HT't!g -Jt 4 1 i 'Sr ,1 in r mm. Am- . - ; t . - :M.. 1- a : ' I.! 41:- -4 k Wa "Tt " ! r t ; i :.':'-' v. 3 3 E "fl- . t 1,-f-ii'. i

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