t! v! - ill . i .........'- , . . i , i : ,.'!.( !..' - ..." . : . ! i . ," ... - - . . . -4 ,.. ' - . . - i ill - -r ' m ji 'u -:' & -; .; i-r "r:: :rvfi: - - if-f vi---: -vc vr-:;.p-; LEGISLATURE 01' X CAROLINA. SENATE Zfcc 10.-. ' I'Ur i,.l,:a:nrt imc!, r S.-.. u w n-J .v u - t.ljisui 1 1 UIU -acted to-dayi except the rejection of the bill to the t me of holding elections for Cover- nor. membcrof Coiress nor, memroi uoiyress, t, ... - the HOUSE. ti.- cnT.;. ftf,i. p 1aIt1i o m 1 , tv 1 '77" S?UTi r "S.io.H tnenim 8ipc $ ana recommend that the State ' .Somelnieasurono secareitlG I jrK Atkih Introduced the fbUowing Preamble nocAlntinn ... :. I . - I It tr.T,s.'! J . - Muron 01 annexing me ier- ruii vMcuyjic OJ xexas ir mat 01 ine United Stated is one in which the beonlo of N. faro una tee a deep andMbidinff interest and osuallv Linjjfvyo Stajtea together, descended from we wmo iwcpsiorf .ana reareu under similar Institutionshrefore, ; ,1 'v... ,',- - I lUolteM My. thej General Assembly of the Slate of Niith Carolina, that the Territory of T"M 0XSS t6 be Annexed to the United States as soon as fpracucapic, provided, the same can be eflcctcd KJthout any CQmpromise of the rights, interest and honor of the Union. - '. v ; 3lrv ScaSTTiioved that the PreamW nnr? Resolution be printed and.made the order of the Udj mji : a uujsujiy weCK. '1 1 . s i" " . . . . f. f i"u siiiu, ne naa no idea ot mttsz E9lu.ioh,rid tbrirefira moved it. Jnd.fcta uwuiofii j . i ag nair , ruiea this motion MrViPuryiM if hi f ofder.ioved to lav it rm the table untU the fourth of March next. ' iur.f 1 noma VVlIs6n.mftrH trt amanA notion by riieMn the; Preamble and" Resolu- thiV Motion a discussion arose, which . promised af HHtrto butwassrtbjrthe firmness of the Whigs, a reSlSIlDS ail motions fiir nriiniirnrnAnt -nnA I , J . - . . " .. - I i And oppolby Messrs. HaughtonTPoIridex. her, liarriv Mills, Paine, of Chowan, Payne of DaWdsbn, Guthrie and Littleiohn. on thin f of the WhigsJ jl ' X.. X,.. ..t -he then tuhidto Mr. Shepard, and address U m ciuiry 10 nim. wtiereupon, Mr. rJ.stated,traf:helhotii;ht the texarauetion i..jt. vl-LOll." ".u.u6n,.inlfa question tcTlherr ouL in the W a. r r'T? fi T . r 10 entertain the spirit, irrhe consolation of interchantrinir IT? " 'nts of tha; Resolution. y v5nU if V" e?nangwg' dations in fu ria ikui t L - , - ? lme aimselL and lallen as wpro tko Ur uiw i.a a ui lllCi JAfirnH r .- ' ? - I iipmra 1 nn rA ta o ,n - ni. u I i t uiiif vvilii wppninrr it n n . L. i . "r ? ""t ur jxausnum rose f r. rv ir .-if wtj r""& iue uqjv moae 1 r said, he 'did no intend to prolong tho rJis. P Wsfprtune.had left him to throw off . 5 T,V yesterda ln con8ld- assion- buf itnerelyjrose ta address an enquiry thp presue from his heart. Whi" or e"ng & moUon of Mr' Bigga of Martin' to a. 0 the demoeiic side of the: House, and that Droocikt jnrefe alike affected by this touch- me"d the Journal of tho Senate by jstriking out wis, whelhel jhey insisted that the ecentire- ingilpcctaclef of sorrow v N,V.A all that portion of it fexcentthA Rj.nl.itL-. f II V iM,l,i6inrK?ru 10 100 1 exas question 1 zens dispersed ii. here paused for a reolv reccivinr nnn u4.0(k!n. ifUJ WSWureM,U,-01i ;wTT , " r LMt mUhd upon theirvelids aS .W AaMm'tyn proceeded, by saving, it 4ummeu, wiem DV tne ffent emnn fVnm Woto "X&npm jno people ot the State have ne. on tne toiner hand, it it in;tfH l.v iK fiat' pa Dtlemah forri- flnrhhprlan1 f- '4 wjrpm Cjambilahd be right, our constitti tihatf dided aiainst it, and vet we. their , i-'"eniaUyQ3t are asked by this.JlesoIution to i ,'. 7 7" rii'M" nit.uu.it vtuiuiums or inetr w iuf. ir me fren fm.in tmm WoL-a i.A Jtit, lhen tve aro reauested hv the nRsnlntinn teBectthepiaiori of our constituents on this Y", wh0rf if is admdled that we are utterlv 'a Kifi$ iaaz opinion ts. - tte debate was hnrn rut nffliv th .Qnair'A'. ncmgifhejhouit of 12 having arrived, the fwould: Iproced to the election of four ms ot the Un rers tv. - " After whih the debate IM and continued to a late hour, when the uwvu. was rejected Y allowing vote : IfO Mossrs. AHam. Ha ? 'r ftff 1 ;BPrein i Caldwell, Cherry, r' Cochran, Credle, Davenport, JrNfagg. FaucetL Foy, - Gambill, Wr"sJIaughton, Keener, Leathers, Lit- j-na,' Locke 'f Lord. Mebane. Rf illr. Milt1. fSH W?!?' C. LjPkyne,Perkins, n uViueier'il rent,s8. 1'uryear, ' Reid, me, 1. IfX Robinson. Rnh at.u e$srs. i Atkins, Beanian. Brime. - ; . ton. Ilkwltin. ITova T.1,- . l- i V " 5' ' V vaou" ones, 1, 7irk,emnjqrH angum3Iartin, Mitch- .rW lint!-. ! Ti" !. f 1 .' ' . 1 ivegan, inhardt, Richardson, II. II. ShepardStbnc'Street, Aillsbn, N. .Wilsohi W Woodward Ou ? ; ' commence tfi? . fi fusions irora and alter, Wed i&fM rtiocate presented by tl CkNPI on Monday, the 18lh kl f ! Is the Certificate bv hi iio j)ir??e,htH reported the following it SlfW were read, and on motion rWrtificate of the'Senator & hlmint")duced the Se. .Jfekt. .i $id-i i ' .-i.:' . been tnus 1'. .va, irpgqen, wrown, Callowayf Collins, faiharrt Ji G.i Dickson; Dunn, Edwards, rv lemming itfravesf Gulhriei Hamrick. vicinity; : S la!i-r tThat inasmuch as no evi- WJrP. ef ?d before . the' Committee ; , TO Otoe j person inthetrnn!i.f:AA days fVg&A hnelf, hai either heeir Pwurci i to be dme or was from rode o.m'T8 nt genuine, and the 1 mtroT&X:!??1:1 awresaia, tne ' ." ............... ,' . II I 4- n, ,?-!9,,- Vaca-. : .hQ;-PWners of j.the' two horses" 'meeting .. article .of the Constitution' which declared " X' -1 -X'-'Sx: j shortly tift cri the matter was explained, i that no moneys shall be drawn out of the M:-. ' r7..- . V'v.i : h!P!:4l7.- -. ; j; p - - U The Whig's and Democrats and parish ot Natchitoches (in Louisiana) "Jz TP "M"9-" 'uuicives, previous to I the rresulcntial election--. t.ri nmnnr -.ih I ! t: ! i t ( " J' - w r-riT7 munition tq tire two hundred HrfttXeFSrC ? 'i001 X? su.ccessful r. . T " i,-1 f "p. two par- w ccu m uimensionsj any known .,es. weiwUhin. a'fe w yarfs of one ario051 of Egyptian or;;Peiian archil I"' jndi)m their summits; the banners r :rraWF w.? !"f.auicuin grace- lui, aailiance with the winds of heaven w tjf plated: that-upon the result of if iL y 0--vuwum uc urea, SW? Jh1 Aan?ep' of the defeated nartv ground ; that done, the tiring oft Vif iom: a hnndrpr! jln1 !,- r , . . t,: rr " v Buouia De resumed. j r Mr IUiC"&enc oi Mr. rolks e- lectiort reached Natehit.rvhA hnfhn: assemt Jf the LIei)e ever reigned over the citadel Ihe dearJ.i Thrr-firincrvv tW ! 4 I 17 .1-1 . y vuwtiu-. uea!nthut lurtber demonstration on the ipac oi Jiiemocrats or an exultin cha- WqterL ii - an bam tbr ltt na . . --"O a rrrw ".m.micu uiscoverca with his lace tfiurifiiri m thi fnw-nf i , fn a disbharere of the thirtppn mn. ti 3 bWldinjr hkrd bvhe nt "i y4WCUfc arbbt seen asraio? until the firing J means ot gsi 3" U'S "a C.0I?P0S1. ' pnntiner offices of tb villnrro andj had einbraced. the Whig cause with and I fear she will not, which niakes a dis the ardor -peculiar to the fervid sensihili- consolate house " r , . t ! ! ties of fthaLbefeft class of iemi"if-hiS- "o longer to . j "T'e ,u luc air tnere was nja-Qeed for dne like him at-the meeting 1 iui" Mi"" cannon-peaied-its thunders npr agffraate his griefs Nor could tL ronrfnlanfXJ fw.i.Jz, i. i i . ' - I i i , i i i . -. - w ,u3 ui uueu i mseii, and iallen as wok tho unnA ili J . -t - . ... W uwuco WW waned his bosom with the Jf expectation. When he rais- a hiis head from the flag, tears were cours. '"Siqoivn is cjieeks, and hisyes were 1 . : r . ! -;-'v wio rb him in any way. The citi- each to his own home, and from svmnithv fni. f-l. . i a i- . . TJ, 1 :JiLJ: UJm. .." w '"Hrr iinomes OI man,' or a prone- negs bf.thelhea.rt tn i.flrk C MT.Fhig brushe4 away the dew- ed Upon the speechless sPfPffkQn mute. N. O. Picayune. I ti JloiiorW Mobile The valiant WhJr of PwMt11 110 wise daunted by the dis- usirmis result 01 the PrpiHntioi wlf! lyl00 Monday, the 2nd instant, anfl l&rnel the charter election of that II i I SE i . - v.vy iinwi vivl, Llllll. ?lt & an yf whelming, majority. They Httvq piFaeu a vvniir flavor, an pntim TTTt T lt ... 1 w T ' v Council, and ten out of the fnn Alderiinen The average Whig majority is aboht five hundred 1 . -. J J strikes us as verv stranfro. 1 ! 1 - nowqver, in :-ii-s-.A. is ciecuon, 10 wit, tne smaii- ness p hlSdent ino rrcsidential election. Can our ""Ti HT. i-i.n B v'wai ciucuuh. van our comborrorthe Advertiser tell us what has become? o the remainder of the loco- foco farces! .Were they too expensive to keep an hand longer I Or did they evap- ta orate test prosecutions should be commenc- 1 ea against tnern for what they did at the to last eiee"OJ i-ft-Augusta Sentinel. JaslSHtimilton. e are n nit . fonisd,toedhur cotemporary of the Sa vannah" Republican and his corresDon- attachirig so much apparent impor- tance to what! Gov. Hamilton said in hf speeca to ,'the Democracy in: Monument fcquaip abpijt Ir. Clay the more so when we Iriflect Ihat hisf. ,Ex-Excellencv,, is runivejrsall admitted to" partake so much oi the proeirtie of the bladder, as to re-' quire Jtp be firsjtlinflated and then kicked to givji him Snoflce. Indeed so little cbri sequeihice is attached. to his opinions upon any subject Jtbrlhe has. been on nil Pflf11 Milical questions, that but for - ti&;pnffing,of the.locofbco ?n4hlconsequent:kickingof the igHi he tfouklimmediatftl v bu afiother word for changeling. Augus ta Senltnel. M t. , 4- - , Gotervorof iSbuth Carolina Trl tj V !Iuan Aiifenj was, on the 7th instant .17 "uveraor. oi oouth Carolina, on yelrnbr on the Bfst ballot the y4vi;K I ' ' r;: k mThe irtic e in our No Carndmille Society. credited to the lialeip 1?, Quick ,8 rrt - . I -r. f !p"'ifjv jcM'';sAyourieri s cenain vaults ana saicas rc4uireu io oe taicls ihe dbinfrsbf a chn irt tW ahniMmo t.lT chron r , in it- o j.-- " i ?Smart Aj fellow. landed here W fiw constitute thftTrksnrv of the II. 5?t.tt. since! irbm a steamboat took a hrirse Tn Mr. Cregier's rack, at the landing, Adams and others, if the bill marie these him up to Philip SislofTs mill, traded buildings, and safes, and vaults " th Trea- i v" anoFner norse and took sury ..of the United States," the Treasury .last obtaihed-horse back to Crefffer's could be nowhere else : arid therefore nW I rica; A letter tmhlishpri -Intelligencer, from Mr. Pickett, U. States . -" auues mai .juafre ieitd "as lately discoverer! nt rVnUrt ; t ui I wt.au, w, ; A ij 111(3 01 hicnopozas, the j remains of n,.g 01 SUJC? rdinary magnitude ltui ? The form, toHhe strlucture va "uswr.:. size ; was. monl "rous. It appears to have been used as tomb , buheer it was P .t -7 ' v"" piuiwufm inysiervi The workmanship is described ai verv e!i f pnt, and the ingenuity and solidity of I the tpnnlo iintn.. J - It. . ! , . thnt it 1 ;:i . T V . ? T i w, T" nave Deen erectea Dy, a peo- " ovancea in civilization. ? ,y- - r It f' imsonian Bequest. AX this time, the interest due to the Smithsonian Be quest f und, by the Treasurer of the Uni- ,000, and thei ! will Ihe af patter for earnest, discussion during the session of Congress, as to he best applying this money, i iinM7 i u . "it'i !.?n.swer' "4?dl. neighbor, the case is nitiful Thk Jw,.H. V. Herschell, i U to says, tne Jews live in a part of i the city caI1.ed the Ghetto, closed in by two iates. at , u . wn,ca 8tands a sentinel: and so-strict. Jiber oveiflowed many of their houses' a short lime Since, the Riiffftrpra wflro j . - s - r- otiDiam even temporary accommo another Quarter. I i M , . : i . i FRIDAY MORNING. From the Xaleigh Register, of December 24. POSTSCRIPT, j The Senate were pnra crA nosrlv u n.i 1. , . i. . r v-Mu, v. exPuls,on which, relates to its action on the of lPe Senat?' hom Onslow, arid inserting in lieu thereof the concluding JmirfcW f m5 it - , o ; v. 4. :j " ;L" H ,vn caiea ior, the nrst question 'was on striking outwhidi w "IfffiJ" Caf ,nVM wI1!" '? r. Bo,. purpose ; the Locos taking nrlvnntn of the absence of three Whitr Spnainro ,), have returned home to spend the! Christmas tlolidays, to carry out their wishes. i More hereafter. ! ! F In the House, nothing of importance occur ed, the whole sitting being taken up in the con. s ide ration oT bills ot minor importance. (& The Homestead Bill introduced: by Mr. Paine, of Chowan, we learn this moment, has been rejected in the Commons. lb. TAc OncDay Election Bill Mr. Duncan's f RePsentatives by a vote unanimous with k ot.o: r .il.i. xr..u!C- i l ,K r : i xt...... S .! r J Tf i ,! was a bltter P,U for the Sout Carolina Delegation, 8,nco t wiI1 pretty certainly oblige that State abandon : her present system of choosin by her Legislature, and give! the choice ople-that is, her legal voters.!-. Electors her peo (r Mr. Dixon H. Lewis has y en selected a Senator of the United Stales by the Legisla-, ture of Alabama, His maioritv is from 40 to 45 over Judge Hopkins. lb. K ' ' i M .'MrClay, on the 9h instant, emancipa ted his man jCharles, who! for so many years has been his personal attendant. i 4 1 1- Some of the friends of " Immediate Ah J I 3 nexa- means of defeating it, by receiving ihe prefer- rence, in the Senate, while McDufilo's will be 8aQctioned h7 e Ho. - THE SUB-TREASURY BILL. The Petersburg Intelligencer of Decem- ber 23rd, says The proceedings oft Con gress will show oar readers that the Sub- Treasury Bill, or-as it is gingerly teVmed lts friends "The Independent Trea- snry Bill," has passed the House o 11 Bill, and,'ir.we. may. judge,-ito his lame. - andl .irripqtent'.defence, ot'.it!ldtn bb ' -The first clause of the bill, aftei describ- --.-.-.....,,,... . . -w- J t .... -.- - I . r.wv iuu k-"" j ".a , ftuoui usuiijlmuii, are oecommff aiarm- f" , i" ,t ' r nw r u r r l i . h 1 ad making contracts, (until the ed for the fate m thAir n.ifrmli ni mhama . I . ?.i . . . ; - --- -- . r..w..r uw I wnuamg nurcn d oy ou teet in It is feared that Mr. Bentnn'a Rill vrill fA K be of brick with a rock foundation. r Rep- roaucmir 1 -J, :! i i 3 inton declares that: these vault jshall tM jTivsury'-except-'in ipursuancrr of- appro priations mads by Jav.v These never having come into the Treasury, could not be drawn out of it : and if they should be drawn out of these places of deposite r.wi r.r'wu ui iuh vonsiuuuon would have been violated, t Thus the bill would operate in effect to annul, or nullify, bwU..iUCU nKea inai worn better, that V4on piine uonstitution.' -For. by, a subsequent Tclause' in the! bill, it was de- vlft,iTnjruat;neso depositaries orub-trea-surers might pay ont moneys in their hands on, the drafts of the Treasurer of the Uni ted btates, being moneys; which never, ac cording to this section, had come into "the 1 reasury of the United States." wTbW hn amounted in fact to ;ihe rant of absolute authonty to the TreasnrPi. f tW-: TTtj btatesto draw and dispose; of Public mo neysof the United Stafesrust as he thonirht proper, against the provisions of ih Hnn. Utitutidn; which required that it could be drawn; out only under ItW aPPointed Receivers General in New York, Boston, Charleston, and St LOlilS : these nfrirr miort .uu moneys on various accounts : while it lay in then- bnnr1 TMJ- .l it , . 1 IbVCIfC UUU1IC States iimVht draw itXr -j " "UU U19UUISC 1 1 . inougn, it had never been in the Treasury, andwas not drawn fronj it according to hough; it had never been ne uusuiuiion. Allfinhnprfinnt- t. I ' i iJi-.i? . w .... I j , . uiuuvv, were, py the 4th section of the hill ro. quired ;to pay what they Received into the ""-"r?Yl lu5C receivers iueneral, and the Keceivers General to nair if nnf nn A ft 1L .T 1 ... v. wu ium "F treasurer. Thus he had a general unlimited power to dispose of all 5 the mo neys collected by his simple draft; All was placed at his absolute discretion, and he might dispose of it when, where, and now ne pleased, the requisitions of the Constitution to the contrary notwithstand- To all this and much! mnrr thnt urged by Mr. Adams. J And onfna akt., by Mr. Barnard, and which even Mr. C. J. Ingersoll condescended to admit was worthy of -serious and resDectful -nn. eration," Gen. Dramrnnll mario u reply, " that all that had: been urged be- fbrel" jNbw: was not this kmnStS -www AAAiAULi Lll fbrel" INow. was not thij, k most tisfec- T!ie,-;UOr fth,e Charfeton Hurler onjoy. -t- 4"ca3 5nee7i corn ana tomatoes, of this season, on the 20th instant. a ! ' nun o4 - r r1Sden'in lhia Ticiity,!on the afternoon of the fin'fif ' " ELIZABETH Mi. KELLY, aged abont lir - "" h woman an excellent neighbor.' an !TUW 1?otheri P1 ftiendya kind mistress, and SlbetZj t.T'1 Tre 111086 who i!d ?st i an Aey alone wiUfulJj ws lakiuuo caasea uy ner deatb imittt ,., v " iiaoi jovemoer, AWN M. Scoirt of Dr. Fraocis WUIiams.and on. 1 daughter of John and Sarah DiankM.in .h. I rL -Waiiams made a profession of religion about 3 fed.H.uMSSdn; yeara ueiore her death, but had nit united herself to any Churph. She died of a chronic disease of a very pain ful character, bbt was seldom heird to complain was sensible to the yery last moment f her Ufe, and express ed a desire to depart and be at refit. t -v nowu oeneye ner spirit is now tasking in yiej radiance of Jehovah's Throne experi encing the bliss prepared for the righteoua.-CoM. SALE, TUESDY 7TH OF JANUARY. j Valuable Property at Public Sale. aT .fT81'1 ing appointed Executors of the j A last Will and Testament of Joseph Owens, dee'd wUl sell at PUBLIC SALE on the premises, on Tues-' day the 7th day of January, 1845L all the J 9UEStSf4fia& 1 Belonging to said Estate; consisting of a vol. ! uahfe plant atmi I JBen, Women and Children. Horses, ! Sows and - Pigs, a ! larjre quantity of gorn, Oits, Fodder and Hay one Wagon and l Tt ATYiT7 TI AT Ti AXnl T7TmnTT ; I j I FURNITURE, jmd ajVariety of other articles not here mentioned. iTerms made known on the day of sale. HENJtY C. OWENS, JAMES OWENS, Dec 9, 1844 2w35 I: Executors. r.TQII BUILDERS.,; f I nnderaagned wiU attend at St. John's Church, irt stx miles and a half east of Concord, Cabarrus co., ?n the second Saturday of January next, and every suc- Sjol receiving proposals contract is closed,) for the clear, the wall to one itlnrv hiarti nntW an end gaJlery. We believe the brick can be made at the place.' The making of the brick and putting up the wall will be in one contract, of the whole together as may suit. Terms cash JOHN H. BOST. C. MELCHOR, D. D. RIDENOUR, JOHN FISHER. GEORGE CLINE, Building Committee of the Lutheran Church of St. John's uaoarrus county, IS. C. Dec 22, 1844 tf35 H F jNEGRO HIRING. flHE Negroes belonging tot tne Estate of the late Col. Macnamara.will be hired out for the ensnintr year atj the C4urt House in Salisbury, oa the first day of yanuarynexi; lerma as nsual. ! I uecztn ji44 U3S N. BOYDEN; AdmV. BYtaudjority of a, Deed conveying title, execata by Frederick Mowenr. bearing date of Renntnition the first day of Febraarr. 1843. the! undersiffned Tn wfll offer at public sale at the Courthouse in Salisbury lf.il L .I .V - 1 1 . T . TTrnaof 35! . , r . : iw. time. , iiw . ; ""rTr ull?'o una wa ucn 3!!"? V rf I'nahle him to give, upon tha ixirmentoi tne nurcnaae mnnv k f ! SAM'L. SILLIM A N.Tnistee. Decembef 20th 1844 54;6t 'J- : X'? - Negroes to Illre. rWIHE Negroes helonging td the eatate of George A McConnauchev. about SO in number, and mtA field hands, will be hired at the Courthouse In Salisbury, a the first of , January next, for one year. - - ; ' 1841-341 Admr.'J RegaliaJ, Principe, ! and Canones ilAVE now' on hand a Urge and wpencr assortment sgJS? J- EjfKIKS- . I - UlflO, Lif will not fail to secuje patronage. Clomel,EnsIish. j. - (i Preclp. Cart. Iron Gold. S. Antimnnv Solpln Quinine: pare. Cam Mjrrh, " , Goacum, . Kino, - Catecho, " . Arabic, j . " AssafceUda. 1 c.pm jjaits. Glauber RochilJe Rhubarb, J", Ipecac, : Jabp, -Cream Tartar, 4 . r'r Black Drop, 1 Sulphate Morphine, Salisbury, Dc& 21, 1844 SALISBURY MARKET, Dec 28. 6 1 Cotton Yarn. 00 a 75 h a ' Brandy, ap. I T 5 20 8 a 25 Molasses. An . ra Pach, 30 Nails. M.ai Butter, Beeswax, Cotton alOOats. is .on 25 T w a nsn rctat's. 50 a 62. 4 7 25 feugar, br. ;7i a 10 9 do. Loaf, is a 18 rr VUUCCi I flnrn Feathers, alt, (sack.)$2 75 a 8 20 a 22 Tallow. 6 a 7 r 83 a $$l iTobaceo: 15 Dned Fruit, nn f-rw t : a 25 a 15 50 a 50 a 25 j t- -r - y i,-jji nen, 10 Flaxseed, 70Wheat.bush. Iron, per lb. 3 Linseed Oil, 90 a !4 . Whiske y, 3a a 31 .Wo61, clean, 20 FAYETTEV1LLE MARKET Dec 14, Brandy, pe'ch, 50 a 00 - Lard, 7 a Bacon, a 40 a 35 a 80 a5 2 a 10 14 a 16 7s ai ,Qats, 30 27 a 28 Oil, Linseed, 75 12 a 15 NaUs,cut, 5 7al0 jRags, per. lb. 7i a 10 , Sugar, brown, 8 Beeswax, uuiicr. Bale Rone. Coc, OT?x' CotBaging, 4 a4 do. Lump, 16 a 20 do. Loaf, 14 Com, 45 a 50 ;Salt, (bush.) 45 a 50 1 7 544; do. Sack, $2 a 82 25 Feathers, - 28 a 0 .Tallow, 6 a 7 S1 aSl!? Tobacco, Pf, la 21 wneat, 70 a 85 Whiskey, 35 a 40 uu. urj, O aiU Iron, 41 a WW - - m w CHERAW ARKET, Dec. 24. wool, i2ia 15 Bacon. - 7 a 8 22 .'(. - 9 a 10 a 5 40 a 50 83 a 84 25 a 30 Leather, solej 20 a 25. Lard, Q al0 Molasses, 40 a 45 v Xailcut, 6i a 7 Itice, 4 a 5 Sugar, br. 8 a 10 do. Loaf, 15 a 18 Beeswax, Cofiee, Cotton, Corn, Flour, Feathers, Iron, 5 a Salt, sack, 82 a 82 'NEW GROCERIES, AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT COWEcjriOXAIilES. OF OYSTERS! In the Shell !) which persons mayjprepare for themselves on Chafingdishes, t my Shop, in a very short time, to sqit their own tastes. Soda Biscuiti'akd Water Crackers; Baisins, Almond, Prnnts; Segars and Snuff, (Scotch" and Macaboy ;) A GREAT variety or CANDIES, ! And Toys; j; And many things suitable for Christmas presents. ' -I: ?ALSO ; Fish Sardines, Salmon Herring,' and mullets : OLIVE OIL, r onoe-uiacjung, hddle Stnpgs, sperm and tallow Candles, J Til ' mm - I : HASH BRANDY, trnu ariwus uiiifitc X.IQUOKS & WIN S, suctt as r rench brandy, Holland gin, Jamaica rum ; Ma deira, Port, Teneriffe, Claret, Champaigne. Muscat Mal- s hu uumesuc wines, a iso, some splendid Porter, Scotch Ale and Albany Ale. BESIDES a great variety of other articles in my line of business too tedious to mention ; and which I will sen as low as they can be sold for cash, ox on credit to punctual dealers All the above fine articles will be found at the Salisbury Confectionary audUalerg, opposite jj& W. MurphyV store, or at the Salisbury Grocery and Confectionary. o . ' t F. R. XOUECIIE. Salisbury, Dec. 21, 1844 tf6&26 ' i Music ; School. . , MSj EMMA J. Bsirr!i? WOULD give notice that it isJier intention to re open her Music School upon reduced terms, on the first Monday in January, 1845. ! Her terms will be $ 10 per Quarter for Tuition upon the Piano, and 8 per Quarter for the Guitar-Aower, it is believed, than it is tatfgjht any where in the State. Hours of attendance willibe arranged to suit the con venience of the pupils. Salisbury, Dec. IOTA, 1844 33tf MISS Tulary ITlitchell and Miss CARO LINE M. HOOD, wish resDectfullv to annonnM to the public their intention if opening A FEMALE SCHOOL ia Salisbury, N. C commencing on? the first Monday in January 145. Their scholastic year will be divided into threequarters of three months each ; the vacation to include the months of July; August and September. ' TERMS. English Branches. Reading Writing, Arithmetic, Ge- Xozranhv and Grammar! ner onarter. 8 6 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 12 00 , . 9 00 - 3 00 &00 Including the higher branches. Laud per quarter, - ? French per quarter, . ' X,. Drawing and painting per quarter, ' Music on Piano, . " " ' ' ' Guitar, "f - M-' Embroidery;? " " Worsted Flowers, W- L . Salisbury, Dee. 7. 1d44 ' tf32' ' i ZUllsboronsh Academy. ; rl HE Ray. JOHN AVITHERSPOOn JD; D., has ja, been appointed rnncipal of ibis InsUtotion, in the place of Mr. John Bingham and "Mr. James H. Norwood, who have resigned their situations. J i v;-;.!. 4 . The next SessiotTof the School will commence on Monday the 6th of Jaauary next. Dr. Withersnooa will devote his whole time to the Academy, aided by compe tent Assistants. 7" , X-'i' 777 ' ' - Cad Jones, senr., , , X John U. Kirklaad, ' - r- Thomas Clancy, - Ed. Strudwick, . U F.Nash, , J.W.Norwood,' . . John Taylor, W. A. Graham. .7 Cad. Jones, Jr t , r 7L- 7 :? P. S. Tha Prindoal will reside in tho town, and will be prepared to accommodate a number of boarders, c r XJecember 3, 1844 3 w33 i , . "Here Shipmate try this ! . JUST received 15 boxes " Brea Wing Tobacco. most superior article. The chose of the Army and ma MEDICINES, : P ATTCTT &U, &C, &C. - , , F -7,UWK Tartar Emetic, James Powder. v Acitric Morphine;5 K.r' : 8alicino, : - -Pipenne, ' . ; j jLrOTerar. , do 1 Scamonj, 1 Gamboge, ; : . Colocynih,: Otlinm . ...6 Verania, -: . Iodine. Jljo Potasa, f-:: -f, X -Iodide Iron, -f-.l'i;" flofiiaan'a Anodrnel -Fowlefa SoluUon, ; CamphorVJa S. S, Soda Uoulard'a, Ex UrvsgisUi SPLENDID STOCK OF: r ac BUDecnocra are now recenrinr fram K- C f. jand Philadelphia, their Fall and Winter stock of ' DRY,G00D&,:::K:i;::te!" fU al large In iarrbunL and L4uiti tluUuii smeever broogiid ti4is market, they are in part aiibl- Extra5 super wool black and h!n nA iJIS'I' and Dlam sattinets anJ ,:. . . J-Tencjh and English beaver cloths nd winter vrstin-s: . Vater twist. Glasgow and Wnfih;nt ir.. - . ; Ked, white, yellow, tnd green fiannels,all qualities. Kentucky jeans. Dlaid. linaera nA iin;n 7 , i Rich cashmere de cosse and rin ra)im,DM' ... Plam,i8tnped and plaid Alpacca,aU colors and prices. Bombazines, Orleans cloths, arid R. Ehgliaih and idlian cravats and satin trv.!t rf . Silk, kid. caasimere, buck and cotton gloves, . IT1 . Crapes, lawns. muslin collars and French 1 Jackohet and awiss muslin, edging and inserting). ' wyu wouuu. un iaqy saie ana taiton eoawis, i 1 4 i Brighton hoods and self adjusting skirts, - -f:' Merinb and flannel knit drawers and ahirts.l li Whitney, macinaw and duffle blankets. Apron checks, bed ticks, bleached & brown sheetbW& , ? shir lines. '..-! - - t .ft .i 1 ' Tailora trioomings of all descrintions: r. '-.'I- 10 pa. genuine boltiair cloths, warrant. Ko A t o 20 doi leghorn, straw and bl'k bombasine hnnnf. - t 50 M black and white fur and wool hats. " fi. cloth, hair, ailette and glazed caps, ' 5 ' " 50 ' ! . a .large assortment of " ' j ! Sdlery. 0md Saddlerf Trimmings ; ; : ; I Cfrrtsge tilmmingsof every variety. ' ' 1 ' . , Smiths and canpenMrs' tools. Iron.'castings, ' ;V Bister, spring, and cast steel, j 18 boxes tin plate,' - " T ';j-8H0E&.-r k 600 pi men lined 4 hound shoes, good and very cheap. i 500 pr, women's sewed nncLpegged shoes and slippers. . 1,000 pr. sewed and jpegged Negro shoes.' 4 3 cases Miles' fine Philadelphia made water proof boots. i 87 l-3to9. ... ,r.t ;. - ; ' ;. . 12 cases thick winter boots, all nrie. . - ; - i - ( 5 cases Philadelphia salf skin boots, very fine.: -' , 5 dox. Philadelphia clf skins, very cheap. 8 do. Lining and binding skins, 3-doz. easiem tanned j hog skins. 20 dox. saddle frees. 4 p's. blue and i fancy (flush. 5,200 oak tanned and hemlock sola teatner, good and cheap BSfasaiw si h ii a i 21 hb'ds. Porto Rico suear 550 hags Rio coffee, j . 1,600 woolsey and woolsey loaf and crushed sugar.' 24 kegs Dupont4 IT. F. F. powder. ' . " wasifug powaer, Dest quality. ' - - . 100 boxps Mass, 8 x 10 and 10 r 12. .vr?. 4,000 lbs. whjteilead, rarraneT)est quahty. " 16 barrels tanners oil. venr hmt o t r r. caa j. : . " .i . T jru. gunney ana aancieeuagzinff. ww vLn R trima ana tannujia rope. r i 800 lbs. robe suitable for tninift. - . -"a T n h ' IPT The above cooda Wfr hon o-Vit with t 1- w y. and will be sold at wholesale and retail (br cash, as low aa goods of the fame qualities and style can ha bought south ofcthe Potomac. t ' 4 t -I JENKINS cV BILES. 0cq31st. 11844 .Stmo . , ' STAPARD KEEPER'S OFFICE: hereby jges notice, that he fa now prepared to examine and adi8t half bushels, yardsticks, steelyards, and all liquor taeasus, at his shop in Salisburfrtme door North of George VV. Brown's store. Ue U not oreDared to amine ts, as the standard balance has not com ia hand. I i 4. JOHN D. BROWN, t " r : - Sundard Keeper. ' Nov 80, 1 444-5 w Statejof 3T. Caroliua-Davidson County Courthf Pteah ahd Quarter Sessions Novcm uX jjnotiofa, U prove the nuncupative Will of Zebe-; VTdef Johiisorfidec'dL late of Davidson ordeedjjby t cpurt that pobUcaUoa.be. made for six ' wpcks in the Mrplina WatchmaniiotHying thenext of ' Kin of said deceased Dersonallv tO lltiwar hfnr. thm Tns. ; ticesofours4id ;ourt, at the court-house, in Lexington J on the apcorfJiraanday in February next, and content ih said Wfil, or it will be idmitied to probate. ' , "nf9s'C!bM1 Mock CIerk of eaidj Court, the second Mondajii of flTovf 1844J-' CIIAS. IMOCK, c. c. c. ' i uiuri, irr au. 1 . i ; , t I! !, 1" Notice.' ' I -J .--: r. : ' t THOSE whd are iadebted to the estate of WUliam fHall.dec'd .are reouested bv the subscriber, la com forward and settle the same between this date and the last of this monthi Otherwise their papers will assured ly be poj in the hands qf officers for collection. ' M . f Dec 4th 18444-3t j GRAY, Exf. - THOSE iad4ted to the firm of LockeyChaffio and ' Lofcke, are requested to come forward and setUe their laceounts either by note or cash, at a very early day; otherwise, they will have cost to pay . , f II HENDERSON & WHEELER. Dee?; 1844 I i 3t32 ' 7 l:X' liegroes tonire Xx'i t rilHE Subscriper will offer to hret public anctioa, ! JL sfthe CoOfthoasd la Salisbury, oa Uie 1st of Jan. uary jnett, several likdy Negroes, Tbey wUl be hired for twelve months. . j RICHARD LOCKE, Guar. Dee 4th,, 1431-.. r ; ' - v"T ' X' -j i will litre, -, - ON ihe 1st . day of January next, 15 or 20 Valuable IVejrroe, belonging to Major John W. Ellis. If saiiaiictory anangemeats can be made there will be ; . . . - . . - .... .1 -t r i ... t no objecjuon to mrmg uxq io wotk. m iac nwit minea. ; ' I'll X' f-.-M- ;l'.7f 'i. SAM'L REEVES., " t Salisbury. Dec 114, 1844 33:3t 7 ;:; 7 j il 1' . ' 1 j' ' ui ' ! TAKEN op and committed to Jail ia Rowan coon. ' ty on the 4th instant, a negro man named JER- i RY : ba is about 50 yeara old. 5eet high, blind in one . J eye, andjsays he belongsi to Mr. Harper, near Charlotte, ' . N. Carolina. 7The owner b requested to come forward, ; prove property, pay charges, and take biro away. ' NOAH ROBERTS Jaflor. SaUsbttry,Nov-.!9,1844 U23 ; ' BT --4 7 7 ELI HARRIS,' . ; ' 7 At nichforlc, Iavidson Cty. IT. C, A On the Great Stage Road from North to South, ':' " ,A ... I and Sooth-West. 7 . Eight mllea North of Lexragtoo", and tiif 4i. .1! r - rl I Navy For sale at J. IL Zamm' Drug store."! . U t L 37,3, WJ of Greensboro, . - ! I . i ! y

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