mil -J:r :- - ; mh m i - ' . ' if s ur ht 'L lljTEMS - OF FOREIGN" NES.i jjjfet Relic It 'is well known that the flrount of Wilts, and especially this district fof iMjabbunda in remains of iU earliest inhabi-; fftintsjand it frequently happens that in breaking vp the down lands for cultivation or other pur ?tKes, the '-ashes of the dead, their oraainents Slant warlike instruments, are brought to hp I, !? but ii seldom occurs as in the present instance, If mi anything of intrinsic falue isdiscoTered. I On Friday, October Hi as a labourer was ep f plbyc'd in digging flintan one of the highest liLZ. r.i.JV:;i!fwMrIi bound the -ale of PeSv, ? .i iLr-. i oA im a beaiitiiul or ueorui;uu i"iuv- i MrT i4,i,i e KA..f&- weighing, rather more : - than two ounces and a half troy, in the highest Vi tJate'ofpreserration. It was imbedded in the Kit artb!it about 18 inches: under the torf. !To ,;i Whafi this costly ornament belonged, or for wfiat ill brpserit was used, I must leave to those wha ! !avoihad mora frequent opportunities than my rafljieJf of examining Isucb ! remains. The "only n nnicies ai aurcscmumi;iuu uf ithlwhich I am acquainted, are the supposed Druidical ornaments called torques of which Vvml were discovered in Somersetshire ;to Awards the end of the .last century-Jbut, of base University of all Sects anS PartiesXrw inibur has been forborne time gaming ground Dlihat'a sum of one hundred thousand poundsTwill be fskedfor.and (as a matter of course ) grant, led in next Parliament for the erection of a grerit Unirersitv in IrelandVin which cheap education llwill be afiorded in a system of secular instruct tion in which also Professors ot all denomjna. tions (Roman Catholics and Unitarian!) will be eligible, and where degrees of all kinds vi31 be tonferredt-r'Dublifi Statesman. , Ml ? 'The, Bible.- According to a letter published ifn the Monthly Extracts " of ; the British 'and Foreign . Bible Society, six ' hundred j Roman Catholic inhabitants of Villefavard in France, Bare been induced, by the simple reading off the f Scriptures circulated by-the Society'sj agents, Hf tflb embrace the Protestant evangelical religion. ArpericcMi -sin ii Sr. UK" Jf '.: " ' ' - A! WEE! :FIFlilHPI- FROM .THE 1 1 f 3- . , 'J ..... r terns .- res? J. -1 J i 4 t 13 ' M -I il There was recently a sale, of at i r;i; canaies ai juvvcrpooi, uiuji, uuiui :h,"i It.v nf the ureumstance. excited some m- t.t:i ; ierest. The official returns of4liunpbrfs I 52 ' QS into England of this article show - 1 1 '-it" Increased consumption on that ofjjjt y vastly ctirl and still greater; as compared j with consumption of the previous year! ! Afamcntable accident lately at! Blackwall. on the 'Thames, i byah explosion on boajda stearrjr jailed ine uipsey vueenr a ney iron COO tons and 300 horse nowerl fsejven persons-lost Jheir ; liyes lpd, I five tte odocfd if. organi- more were seriously injured i The most Dowerful' and active xition isTidw goirigrtiri everyNparijshjinS inalt tax; the. question is to ? bej J brojught before-Parliament in the next sqssioti. I i. i L- Ms!' .The-jvacancV on ; the judicial v caused byi the resignation of - Hut Justice vErskine.rhas been tilled bv' the a Anient of Mr, Erie, an active sujporf'jr J of i te higs but a lawyer of hi i 'staad- i'ntr' 2 r?" rrf'- H'hJ' ft'1'1 THE AMERICAN::' "ffT hating been detrrmined to establise a 'JL Literary Monthly Review, to be conduct Win cIitkalittnd OT nd devfcted ciples aa I H H'-l ' f New York by Ceokgi II. Coltox EsqJ ' Io the permanent mamierance of-Waia iraprovement of Akzricau literature, j The nndcrwgned, vWhig inembers of lMe TVefit j-' eighth tJongress.froni all sections of the Union, most eot- ilially approve 6f the desigi, and urge it upoiil the Viiga ) 1 1 14 4 of the Republic for their unwavering support. ! i And bfe Ilf l .confidence may be extended by the public tssurancb y 11 If f- ti hereby eiven, that the continual assistance $f leading met (lc-f the Whiff Partv has been secured, and that full Itrtfetii ? ?-i .ii -- I - -, . , . ...... U, B'i.l ;' ic39 m i o ml repoid in the views and abilities of the Ediitpr. i " f r . Member pf the Senate. Willie P.1 Mangum; NTC; George Erakts, -Me J'i Crittenden. Kv. t J. MePhereon BMien" Ga. t! Jftme i - F; Simmons. R.l3land t Janles 3fred Pearbei Md. L B 1 . 1. Bayard, Del ; J. Y. Huntington, Connecticut; ainf f iel Si Phelps, Vermont ; Alexander Bano Loaisiiiria 11' i ir 11 : j m' l: .i ; ii ; t.'. I 1- Tennessee : W. L. Dayton. If evr Jereejf; lohn: HederK 4'ion,Iiss. , -xi'ift.w ;:i:Lil!-H''iii! 1. .V; i 'vt '.itf5er o IA House. j ij Garrett Davis, Kentucky; Charles lludsol), vMassfelmn ton, Utoo ; - J onn vv mte; Kentucky Ualuel fr-fwmg,? I ; Massachusetts J , Kenneth Rayner, North Ciaroliria ;Gei iV-i R Rodneys Delaware S.tCSemple,t Indiana ; f.rff ; I a Mo'rse,"MAine ; MiUottBrown,Tennes8ee jj .Wsn,ivgtoti; 'I : If 'Hunt, New York ; Henry Y Cranston, Rhode Islanl ; 1j I . l! !M. Reed, Pennsylvania ; John J. Hardin, Illinois -jC U $".Hl.-;jCanoU,New York James Dellett, Alabama i IWtllUm "v "A. aioseljr, XMew x ork ; Konert U; Schencic Utd 1 4 .f-' Jf. Stephens," Georgia ; J. Phillips PhcenSx: New Yorfi i f Earnestly approving of the plan of such a nationalbr! l 'gan.lbng needed and of manifest tmpx)iiance,'th,e)iode,i i "signed agree to contribute for it pages, from time t4 tlttei i 'such communications as may b requisite to set forih aad ff 'defend the doctrine held dv the united jWhigiPaJrtr jbf ; " the Union. ;1, j. - - ry t- .-.ii t George P.TVIarsh', D- TfC$mnX:T; R. tngVrsoU, E Jo y. scorns, 1 . ju. luizman, j. xvicrjiemn jwmcn, .KOi 4 Now Chriatma has retamed once more, . , t r . With Winter's chilling' cold J - ;h So comes tne Dearer as oe lore, , t . 4 ; j -. ' 'Hi greeting to Hnfoldj' : ' ; . I , 4 .The current news his cans to note, - -. -'-.With unremitting toil,' p . .. . . i Hoping; to gain approving vote.' .; v. . - . And' your complacent imile.. i . . ' . i.f In constant labor ,he find health, -And freedom from disease ; - ' t By striving for your moril wealth, - " "I 'Jn hope to always please i- The weekly new at date he brings, : ..Selected with much care ; 8 . , And sweetly oftf ihe poet sings, . . ' v ' In measured number there.. . i ; The Editors with diligence, , : ,- - f ; v Pursue their daily task si v . f ; ,, To cull the best intelligence ... .. . j . The newest they can grasp. - i . . V; . ; Inserted too, the prices pre, L ;.. . Of Cotton, Corn and Peas ; , . f .The market price those staples bear, ; , At any place you please. , I , ; A crowd of other matters then, ' - Claims the attention due : ! - j Law, politicks, time-serving men, i fji To party only true. ! , i . , The ways and mean that some adopt, . v? , r To gain their ends unfair ; ; ;.. r j -'i ,The;meana unjust, ihelfiwiy corrupt, ; 1 Their vile results declare.; .. , -,, All plot and plans that are contriv'd, ; To alter what is well : . . - r - . . , - - ij. . : From foul ambition ar deriv'd, , Or from a wicked Will, t . i' i , . -TJe currency, .in vanity, i v .. - Was sought to be amended ; ' j ",'1.1 But great men' acts in unity A worse one have extended. - tr-rl-"' - . , For Bank rags are a spreading curse, , " And specie fast receding ; , (. The Golden Humbug : was far. worse Than any one preceding. ' That coin is scarce eajch one cries out. Of ruin there is danger f ' :A constant theme W wkabout4 . C " "With Tho result butmhgerC 1 i ;.;.r-. . -.--.-s- j. ,' ' : Some say the Banks are cause thereof, ' Wim wayward dissition ; ' ? ' .While some at this both sneer and scoff, Declare it imposition, j , , ; - -The true cause we pretend to know j, A wiser than our-neighbors ; ' j ;; It is the Government vain show, f I Of it reforming labors.' -- i j i - i! i John Tyler says he will hot grant, " What idle people crave ; .1 j. For they ' expect toj) much", or want j . -Much more than, they ican have. j " ! i :i i The wild untried experiment, . The. new Exchequer scheme, Is dangerous, impertinent, And .wantonly extreme.- -!- - j ' What Polk will do i iard to guess, l ' If his! will Bhould previU ; " Hi friends ihe, tariff riiust suppress, - . r "j. . bhould tne 1 reasury tail. ..And now kind patrons I have done, . Your bounty let me wake ; .A trifle for this speech alone, ''' Or just for friendship sake. December 25th, 1844 J ... I - J COUNTING-HOUSE ;s t. : f FOR S j 184:5; -MONTHS. P-r g- Januaby, '29 i30 Febkcaky, 2 .3 9 10 16 17 23 24 Mabcii, Apkil, May, -i J'f' I f -w fes FALL AITD WINTER FASIITOV? IT" TAILORING ESTABLIIIMEkT, ALSOBROOiFaND HiLLERj ; TcJlors, (late of the CUy tf Raleigh i ! T"3AVING located ourselves in the Town f sines3 in a style not tobe 6ur.asseJ in the State t i jof it. Our estalasliment is m the room on the itvO the Mansion Hotel, lormerly occupied as the JjJ fice.i We have employed the best cf Northera ti-JT men. No expense or pains will be fpared t this a Fashionable Establishment in all respect. tneni, therefore, may rely on -having their clotfe, up in the most fashionable and durable- manner hT4 been "engaged regularly in cutting for 'thdlagV years, and part of the time in some of the post e?W ted establishment in the Southern States. ':PY7e"daj hesitate to guarantee every thing to fit wecutahdrr f -i T . I J AT- -f jjonuun, runs iniu, xwuo ior- - received monthly. In conclnsion, should we be I ged, no one will be blunder the dusagreeahU'tuttr to send away to procure jiret-rate maae ciotmng. We , return tnanks tor tne liberal patrona ibre bestowed on us,! and hope L by ' jasbionalle and strict attenUon to business to merit a commus . inesame. . - -.' ... . i - . siLtuutuji Beference, t II. S. MILLER. 1 1 f , tThoma M. Oliver, Raleigh, NC. Sept. 14,1844-1326 I" !;'-; ,f ;; : : LAN NOTICE: D AND HILLS it 1 July, August, 41 Septexbeb, October, ' November, fill pit ! THE offers for sale his plamatioe? ing on the waters of Fourth creek, one taSe o( jThird creek church, and 15 miles west' of , Salii? containing upwards of -V J;f'.. FOUR HUNDRED ACRES, Upon which there is a splendid set V JNIILLIS, consisting of GKIST Mlm SAW JMlLiLi ana WUUL LARD- - - INQ MACHINE, :S:::: in operation : with a stream sumciehr at any is of the year. The same is situated in the neart ofi2 1 and flourishing neighborhood, and doubtless U not or to any stand in the county. The plantation eiakt' larged or diminished to suit purchasers, ij Persora .' ing to purchase such property would do WeUtf t;' and examine the same, as I am desirous of rrmoTuif r uniting my family in Davie county. A barpin tif5 given. - - LiiiAiiicn yjsirnii Rowan county, July 6, 1844 '!-'-"' 1 : ; tflO STRAYED "1T5ROM the Bubscriber on the 2Jk .two mares, one a sorrel arid 4e ' a roan, both bought from a dTet,tt '. when last heard from, they wert i' road to Wilkesboro. A liberal reward will be pii any one taking the said mares up, eo thai I get tbn. r..ij r ROBERT, W.fOAlS Concord, Sept 10,JB44 - ! tf2 December, RICHARD B. .PENDLETON. . riET 1 Suite of idttn atoUttn IREDELL COUNTY. : ; y 5 Conrt of Equity Fall Icrm,' 1314.; Carmi Gillespie, Administra- T tor, with the win annexed of Jonas Leib, deceased. " Christiana Leib and' others Legatees, and heirs at Law of f Jonas Leib, deceased. .FORWARDING J5J XbLl 4- HALL 1 j ..j APOTHECARY BUSINESS ! WOULD inform the merchants bf the interior that they have in connection with the general G&iropo THE PROPRIETOllS OP THE j PENN AND AYRES FINE CHEWING TOBACCO, "jrJ3OTR in equity; OAirlAteaOsi-i'dde a LSOXsBilassaa oa3aa forsale Respectfully inform the Business Public, that - j. 1 1 'L - ij-. j ir waromg r ana ng large ana commooiou, lit the People Drum Store! bv nooses on ineoanK oi me iiiver, are preparea 10 receive - ''Trii&ni-DC?f-Kr nrirr T V T and forward Goods! upon suclrterms a will defy alTconi- , : HENDERSON $ VJIEELHK. petition, our charges and expenses being One-third lesson now prepared to'execuje at the shortest tiotijce, r. ' I t& i 11 ;?; WitfthwpThoma. BuUe fti Tifhe children of Elizabet 'Till r;i ISil' JvCo?a-erJo? i Il-wdm; Vm. S.C Arcrafej- Hoorer; Esther LeibTwife of " ; . f4j:3 &JmfeLydia,JonaLeibnd 1 1 si IS : ;!! i v'tt i unnecessary to set forth the reaaons that, hailed .ntativea of Julia Ann Down ik ! ii S I! .-Ji'$.y - ; r!:-t-i H-M, '; I !f " ''. ' " r l.. -.. -i--1 :! ! . i! .I..? i I i'! . . leans: Jtivr Dollars a year i paid oa receivine lhe 1 mnA i first number. , -.-f-j j. t : -rfrr.m I 4 Mm' U Ea number containing a hundred and twelve paces. 'X -i? ? A of -..ft fi I printed m double columns, on fine paper, will consist of "a I ;:0w l i d tit - I kuius vnoate, Alexander a. Stephens. ,i T r 1 wife Lvdia : Jonas Leib. and the renresentative or renre- ) -' it i unnecessary to set tortn the reaaoms that have .led t - e ti:- it., t.. --'j i. .uf ii l to uiis aessm.. i nev are manr anct wui present inem :i a.a k tK. tt, nKt..t.'nn k th I ;ii 4 w ' 4 ' E wivu vj -uw a-t uuwuvumvu av uiauv jvi miv t 'tlval tA atsntM mJ !. k kAtu lk Knir . . ' ' .-1 . .. ' - j - y , " V" "c"yv'T's "".f?il"JJ:57?t- bove named defendants personally to appear belore the to add a worcL Jt u known that the same enterpiie a Judge of 6ilf Saperipr Court iof Law and Equity, to be )ft-?,ro?r fhEe e tbelorettemptedbyothej:an fOT ihe-Wmy of Iredell at the court-house in that they Tailed as signally as they were weakly bejrunr StatesvHle.on the second monday after the fourth mon- fWe care not to-investigate the causes, but theiriai ire day in February nexC then and thereto plead, ahsweror .hasstood greatly in the way of, the "present, undeiiakitig; demur to the bUi of complaint filed against them'by Car- PP1' yfy month for one year at leasi froro7nu naa Leib, dee'd, in oar said Court of Equity, or the case 1845. --Whether it shall continue longer must depend ap- will be heard exparte as to them. . oft th tapporfof those ho can' see t mjpprtance of - , -r Ti "IL McRORIE.x.x i sucha worlu.This support we earnestly request. belle v- ' ' -i C' - f !-By L." Q. SHARPER i'c H t ' ' ln54nlHW0r -6w30 Printers fee' 86 00 - " : Th Review will be published intheeitvnfNew YorkJ - . - 5-- T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the -the freight bills than any other house in the place JL following defendants are not inhabitants of this State, All Goods shipped to Gt W. Davis of Wilmington, for vizvihe children -of Elizabeth t Hoover, wife of Jacob the interior, and not Otherwise directed, (will be' found in Leib, Ruel Downs our possession. ' F f "i-.i- :' -'-"'' ; : ; - ""H'-" '. . tf5 ! our possession. f ! ' FapettetiUe, Maf 4,1844 DR. P. jnendenoii'i Agne and Ferer Remedy, SAFE nd certain cure, may be had at the Pe- J.M.. . pie Drpg etore, from HE"TPERSON t WUEELEE. ":f " ;; : TAT'-iTinTTrWvn'',.ll ! "."; s- fl1vAKEN up and committed to the k J1 ' Davidson county,1 N, C.on the2C$l last, a negro girl who says her nmne 'ii MAT.; anrl tVmt sh belongs to Thoman-CuJ nmtr den, Sw C. Said girl is some IS or 20 yean oIJj;' ' 10 inches high, black and stout, j -. She says she we chased by M. Madlock, a tradef, from Mr. Bilm ' Ferquimons county, N 0., and sold toMr. Cnt. Owner is requested to come forward, prove proper?., charge and take her awaylB. B. ROBERTS, i Lexington, June 8th, 1844:tf v ?r : j jJiir all its nt be dot IL 3ti fTIHE above business is carried on in iJL branches, by v J :, :;.,", B. F. FRALEY, in as fashionable and. durable style as it jcanl the Southern States, and warranted to fit we keeps on hand ready made; . v : - 1 COATS, VESTS AND PANTS, for sale very low for cash, and a full supply of cloi trimmings, which will be made, to order cheap. . cut on short notice. 1 ,F'V : j""r- ; n B. Persons wishing to learn the art of cattingr ments, can berjiaught as he acta as agent for want most fashionabtestablishments in Jlew yorki'nin.. delphia. - jv : 1 ; . -! - i.: j tf27 j f 5cw FwWonsior the Fall and Water V'( ;-so" -"!- K-'ir.:h:, !- TOMASIGKSONresrctfuilyrrforp and the public, that he still-carries on the . LORING BUSINESS ui all it various, bnncbf doors above J. &W. Murphy' store; wherel, to execute alLordexs'of hi customer in a style ia! ner not inferior to any work done in this part of ibf. try. - lie is also m tne -regular; reoe'Pv . YORK FASH I O NS? awl prepared toaCc tastes of the Fafhionable at all times.' Oct 12, 1844 ? ; ::vv.:v;80'0JtEJSv ; jui vzuuaoic iuver xaua iur , j m HE Tract lately owned by Col. Robert 5T 'i'X well adapted to theculture of Cotton, jA Rye,OaU,Tobacco, &c,9 mileseast of Salirfwrj- K is on the premise all the iieceasary buildinp tng on the farming business on a large scaie. t, t : - vJ ..1...KU n1ntitK- 1 particulars enquire of - Novembet-30.1844 531 : FASHIONS FOR 1844! j At the Old, Tailoring Establishment. , -ho Wpe x m m ard ; 1 ROWANDfS TONIC MIXTURE, RAY'S Ointment, Jayne's Vermifuge, Hemlin' 1 JOB PRINTING OF. EVERY. DESCRIPTIOWj AND N i .. 1 vnnv iiKftT tvi.i?:-; J TI1E -TXAS just received of Mr. F.; MajbUit, the 'London, i Paris and Philadelphia Fashions, for the Sprt and, McLane's Vermifuee. DrRowand and Jayne n-v TK-ii. inrtmMt of TYPR tir 1 PMtt'n.nnT fcrnUy medicines, Lee', Deans, Dyott's Hooper Spen- jjp, muj. Card,te perhaps 'superSor to any fia the CCJT Hull's, Peter's, Phelps' and Beckwith's pill ;.also, a,tL"Uni we flatter OutwIvm that we knaw in m,M in the ;Whig Journal of Politics, Literature; Arts and Seiefioe: Summer 0 1844rjwhich far eurpasse any ; thing : pf . the kind heretofore published! J He stiU carries on the 4 . ,:TA Llip BIJt 6 t BUS I HEBS M ' ' -r- C ' in all its various braiiche, at his old stand, where -he is ever ready o meet and accommodate his old and new .'customers with fasbJonahle cutting and making of gar ments, not to be jrpasscd by any in the Southern coun try; Punetualityi detspatich and faithful work as has been, Dr. P. Henderson's StoraachictElixer, may be had at lb: of good Tallow and Sperm candle for sale at the PZ drttg-iir, by j . , HE"VDERSOX fc WHKKLER . . - how to use them - as any Printer of Printers ooutnern oouniry. it Tru .. ..,1,1, Jeading political article with Hterary miscellany jtn histp- i ' Jr f iS'ifrt " 4 'idthe art, from the ablest wrrtersui the coumr. Noil ,t - OlA.15 X "iiWt-' f ! iasdate January, I845,will Appear prelisniruirny lOO.Acres n 1 3 lit I ? rew dajrt.,. It wilt contain nowerful articfes &om I va- f Kh 1infV .nA ! -1 ie . : i i - frsi::l - Si !!' "diti ' "r 5 . ti M' U ft:; t i 1 w.i. u?.rntr,V wlth fwo dutiful mezzotint Engravinof JMr. Way andMr.FniinKt,.n Kr;tWi-fKi-Ir;fi. r and character. Every second or third number tvfibr-wards w,ll also present a.liWeaesand sketch of some diftin ',cuihed American.,:. : J'i : . r, i ;i " , , wiu oe; under -or George H Colton, aaaociatd,: however, - jTiincxncu.yi . iviiowii Btnnaing ana ; .To OommUtee8,bocieties,Qay ing terms are offered Five copies fr 850-- Or any person becominsr- v copies wPJ receive a.lthgratis.J; i4Ti By law, remittance may be (made free. thtibnH iv ostmaster . w' w 5j.-if I , - AM communications to bc-eddressedrpo nawZ,-t sth ".Editor.-GH. Colton i QiBc'e llQ Na'seau Newfyerkv 1 i " ICoumy C!ourt?IYrltiri 1 - f JWf printed in the best sivWdndfor i$al hcre DRi f, Henderson' invaluable Anti4Uftu pilj for sale at People Drug store, by " i . .j r?;tii?Kririi?Driisj' a? wtfp.p.r.p.n . - i .lii 1 u:- .. : -nn.lrfiil lrta; n - .- ? ' : HAT well known and .valuable Tract ZLZZLr T tkiT 3T zTT "ainf Aug. i4riov 'fetf"' Land; called the BOOH DOT- - Hril v-""".; v t, v, (vt - iRfj,frq . ... - ; H. .H ".licLAJllJ fTHE ubacr2er respectful- Ci Xlt AY IGO or stolen fr m the subscriber at Lex-- VKll JL ly informs his friends and River bouom ; 200 Acres excellent .lington.on S4tnrday; the 7th instant, a amaR.. black , the pubUc that he still continues carry-on: fwLAvres ot toierame eood lana, norsp, wiu .Yt5iy:ncaTyjiui ncavy raauc w.u iw: , --;, ' s 1 . f ' - - , middle and hanging . on feach. side of: the neck, W - , 3ilbaaa3 aamwoOa ehwi mi mnnrt. flnd fainnAAti tn h7nr s v-sftra oia u oausoiirT. on mam sireew kw umv.vvuw sjs making the The bottoms are well adaDted to the Wowth of Cotton Com, Wheat, Rye, and Oats, "and the upland produces of Ramni-l W..Murnhvi 1 afore, and iustoDDOsite the. Rowan Hotel J i:. rtsnM A.,n i ! V 1 t J ? -:-' !! h nn WmnA m. larm assortment of furniture f and! T will Vive a." handsome' reward for anr information -keep in his emnloyment the best of workmen, and use -.They keep constantly on hand a iargeand supoly of BLANKS of almost evenr iTariety used br Sherifis, Clerks and Constables, (printed on ana paper,) Sherifi Deeds, Common, do. ' xTrust,iTiuo, t-il-i y4dncunstration Bonds, Prosecution; do. Ca. Sas, A ;': Guardian Bonds, 'Delivery, i do7." Constable, ;do. SUCH AS ; lhll' Marriage Licences, Subpaenaat c. & s. Court, Ca. Sa. Bonds, Bail, do. j Letter Testamenttry, Notes of hand. i Execution for && s. Courts, "Warrant; - I'.flFT: Jiuoi tickets, 's.Caarts, handsome Uifr coatror I . -"'"" "u';:',! mnu- wm we aoia oy i-.j tn hi wMnreiir.Ar toe horw for the aDnrenension U6 neat wlih dther description or survey I propose to sell td '-:t: of the"tWetV L t 1' lr t'tJUh. WATSON. : at U aaainmeuts.Ik. .i : - A HT HI? T:Jt TVn : 1 TTnrfonTe 121844' &rP 4w33". .wants of tb follow- "il si e". j.-t; o i " . -.ii -i . '- , r: ?unfi .L.. Jlir land is sold t one fourth the 15th of January 1846 ; one U D IS" JTL frZX Twlt-ttir.vfW "v'iJJff ;,;fCi I. fourth .the 15th of January, 1347, and one fourth the 15th Januaryl848. Bond and security required.,-, : ' Mr, Evan A. Davia.Vho lives on the land, will 'wait OCpersons WishhSg to bu'y,and howihem the land." jia. t-vWytnil?! CALLAWAY. ' " 'November .10. 1P44 'T -J2m30 i.' - women, bovs and pirls.suited for anv purpose. Those having Negroes of Col Lord?are requested to have them; "here on'theeveriin before the.lst pf January ' AIT per sons indebted to him for negro hire1! are informed that ineir- noies are placed in my nands ;ior couecuon,ana i - that prompt pavmeht is expected of thm. -' ' ' W'arranis dor salo'at thuU0irW: "sailnXi material the country afford. :He ha on hand times an assortment of such work as wiU jsuit thd the country, aucK as Bureau Sideboard, See-i Cup-board, Table, CandU-tands, Wah Jied-stead,. n' . , . Rotioandl.JYindsor Chairs, c. A neat assortment of Coffins will also be kept on hand. arranged- from twenty inches to the largest size.! 'A ' All of ths above shall be made in the best style; and the charges shall be as low or lower than at. any other ehop of ie kind in this place, or in the State, j ' ; " ! .'i All kinds of country produce and lumber will be taken in exchange for work. DAVID WATSON, ' f Salisbury, Jaiil-CO. 1S41 ' ' -.'SStT ! BESIDES OTHER VARIETIES,' among WHICH 't:ABE A QUANTITY OF EQUITY BlAJfK&y ; '' '--'f. . if v ii 4:itsu r flCTj AU order of Job Printing, or, for BjankIwiti which they may be favored, shall receive punctual attention ; ft. no effort on their part shall be spared to merit the favor , - " : i- t . and patronage of thef puhlitf. r- ifjr ;. H - 1 ' ' ''.- -:it i: .q - - IT" Any BLANKS that they may Hot have on hand, will be printed to order teHhout 'delay , , ',' ; ' j , C " Notice. U -i' - friHOSE persons indebted to DOUGLAS A; WIL-" ; JL , LIAMS arc. informed that longer indulgence than the first day of January, D will not be given. 1 ""' ; . Salisbury, Dec x4th, 1?41 333r (f.rbi. L TO THE PUBLIC HE wilicirfecs1 this method of i tl-rt i-mld;: trtat hft still CODtm carry pn the bysineprpf 3T0NE; CfWj as usual, at hi granite Quary seven I of Salisbury, near the old Charleston rA'r he is Able to supply all orders forJff tue.bcst grit, and on the hortestnoiiw-'. j lor sale, at Iho lowest prices, wtnuow bh-i .sillsy door eteps, 4 rough i building tocw , gnnaers,, Salisbury, Nov. 2, 1844ly27 :. ' N.B.; Orders for any the above ( article, directed to4peat Salisbury, .j punctually. attended to. 1' I - i tA Tt I V i Li " . . li .. .. . ' 5S ! THE Lbscriber being dtJnnined to, west offer forsale hi plantation KMy .ereek, within two miles: of Concord W J of Liberty Hill, and eight imUes Korf? & vine.TOntaining 380 ACHES, opT about 100 acres m cultivation : 40 of WC good Orchard and a first rate meadow; : j . -.' 'DWELLING HQCSEL, one barn and other necessary outbuildi"!? j of fc spring a first rate new: . ' i ,TliV SAW, MILLUN&OIIWZ now building j and will be fixri8hedbcfore ffl be given; a good; neighborhood and heJW eountry.' Persons fond of machinery and, Jr uatkm would do well to call and view e Ji .will sell lower than any plantation can JJJ" secuon ot country wnn epiai. sou nrsB ; Liberty Hill, IredeU eo., Kay J. m vnn. niiVrl VB' C I PC I j" 5171US - hULLlfi Wi"-"" ,t! ' ------- - . . . . ,, iu-a " j :A ND Pimiphlewmays--,,.', iXson dt. Wheeler, bur Agents for &TZ retaU price in New York. . a.-r --. October 12. 184. .'1 6i-V.-'-: Li- -Salisbury, Srjat 21, 1814 iJf- ! - - ' - - i i . . . - 'i-'; ' it I I t i x - r

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