i i it it - i t 7 f 1 v - 1 U' hi "1 ; I it j i i - -i.r t -St - ST ' 1 . is ;:4 It 4h i v I 1 i tlon now created in my breast -0 off ?; iind compassion for 'the; unfortunate man an J j ill innocent family. , Bui SjrUrs, . e ou rib Ourselves, we ove it to the .ndeJ d if if the Senate, we ovreit to our constituent j r.r.J JxtractJromjne Jtemarks of:-a ; ; it "Will be perceived. Sir," thai pot withstand;' JSg the Uourts of Law determine Uie possessjioif cf such an instrument unexplained, to; amount ip complete prooi, yet ine uomroiuro ut ; trer thoaght proper in their Report, to telai thd ml inrntittiil' orit "rriret it KtlL-thfl iorCA til d h, presumption ot guilt ; ana suji, sir, mey arefatf : tfrapted to b$ neerea w oy ine upaxueiot.f&i untortunate roan, lorexnioning tucn eiLraortltt Itftiy ieal fa this matter." Here Mr.! Francis ;Wa called to order by the Chairj Unfortuijale! than did I say t r Yes sir, lie f- unfortunati has been tnado tbo tool of some designSn partizan, to efiecthU bnbol porposes ; he jia brought eternal Infamy upon himself andiW if t i RusicniT, ot oeconiinff ine aune ot soma - more "s .-: 1 i ! . . - v j - !l t f- lij 4 eiperieoced, -and consequently much more elm of this .body is accused of an anxious solicitude tojconrict such an i'ndiTiduaI.fcI tor one, irt atfc I think I may speak for others on that CoW mittec, can with confidence appeal to that God xcho knows the secrets of all hearts, that I Was ; frcrn my soul nniious to acquit the Senator front ni wi ri was anxious to nna out tnecnnei t Jn this transaction ; upon his beadl abobM lllttt : . tojsee visited the severest punisbmeni that it House could inflict.- But. Sir. althnutrfi T , lived and do now believe, that Mr.. Ennett was io tbe principal acto r in thejperpei4tion! Off AW forgery, yet I bava not the.slightest doiib i that be was orivv thereto : and the Hpnt mmt S !a lstice to tberaselresV punish bim accprdinpl iplyAl -There re, however, some other circumJl I nces connected with this matter, which trapll ?f 11 j pp the country, regardless of consequences, to pro ' ii kSJOU.ocJ the solemn convictions of our juJgincnU, i li ij - f let justice b done, though the lleavens dXLV -:;a unstop If Itcould in justice to the dignitjif ths body, and thet duty I oweel ray cobstituejotf j dol sbrf I wasVanxious to find out theiorihcibal ! i:?:iyyu;, luc vwniuiuee room, mat i m g&t Wajfy fn w5 nrst ouence by. stripes, and in the se ?x Yhek Mr. Ennett appeared befbrejy&SCai ! mijteeiflerVstating that be had receipt tHis I certificate ?n so strange a manner," enclose! tin I a letter,1 be was asked where that letter was, ibeisaid be threw; it in the fire, there being bo. ithifiir in !it but thi rertifirni Tk- L:.Iki -j i' irrrr" aujJcrsCTipuon -on saiq jet j !e rVheT Sty oe able to find out its ui$o j I I i "7Va operon-account ot the destHictidn I II v Ennett said be went to" the i post f- YHfT' u;wueignt pn ounuayjevenmffJeic 1 j I theLlLetrUlahirff mf . n4. inn..:MJ J 11, ore 1 I (i I Ph ;AgisIature met, and-inquired for letter! I iJi.-irpm tbe. Bhentrof . Onslow , To corroborata' thisj statement, he has never summoned) the 1 Post Master; nor have! we anv evident! StJtMiS particular to tunnnrt Kf . . - .".F1' w. . i j- t r.r xs --'Awiff.g mere IfMf ef ms, no mails arriving hereTrpaj W, I county, on JSundayV His colleague, llrf jSauril p j-t'-lilV" " ""'J rT?uiirym Mnsiows -J couTeyance, mat reacbed tnis iJitr KaI .1.'.. .! - : ' Ui : : . 'Siil ii i ?i lilfH M time, says he Senator askejhj!n4 1 1 h.eacl froughtUa certificate, and he answered; f it m i u ' iniOTmea iir. iackS0Q, iltt t bis iwrn-mate, In'the eveninsr of Simdarl thi IM. yBftmy?n(S e alleges beeceived tbii!lfbrge4 ! I i'Sfttti Jhaf h ba no certificate j ii iiMnteh ho'.bad-inotber' convenatSnn" WilrMflTrfil! fJ40? Aat cveningi ho never!alluded td thi l lactfof having received that document, although I f MsW hours before he seemed to express ereai! Ii ant ety for its arrival j These. I admit. Sir, fni I j I gewer jwith many other facts, are but carcuint HI i 8t!51 trivial In themselves ; but "without ad. Ill 1 vengl to the stiwm presumption1 whhl tKI I posies sion itself jaisesgainst Mr. Enntd afe 1 i sucn as Wben unexplained and imnnii-TA if W preseai ? ! ; s t jnr the certificate tS ihn SUnafa Sik.UiLi.l .f " k -.rt r " ,"'pwu, c.u.(ri.j:ir repreneosibie. Word of exnlanaUon. TlrmfaTtf 1.L.,AJrv.ir r f v8 1 WO are told We OUffht to ha verr r.m. kJi S Wa ar tAtaV hi. .U . ' ' : ' ' liil s ,!.-i'vi viiuuuisiuuual eviaence, lest, W -ii tf J -run counter to that' benevolent miimM tl& 1 1 3 law! that Wnillff norm t nln.t,, .!.. Malj LLt j a. . w jw . . vvtuua. juuciiiuuiB irniur .mm I; ill 1 ffcap ramer than one innocent man! should - til rj It Is ;true, Sir, thewhoie oft the tesll. t ; 7 v-- - v vnvuiHsiniuiai, uui i nave j P W practice always lound juries more battl- ig-Miea in conclusions drawn" from rinnmd.nw. l ! proted; by thahy witnesses; thairth L?ir4li "5 ? 4Mr7i VI wuo uncorroporaieo individualJ Wbo W?inM gum i because wben the m ndii nreuiit. M I d a chain of circumstances! ia whiciealii ffimk isi jmmediately joined with the othKald 1 1 thefwhple closely connecting the! actor with tie :CV ww danger of, deceplioaj I less va...w7 vi pcijurj, anu; a more morougb and full convicuon or the defendant's cuilt? Hi m.;WADDELL.; II- lis recur to the facts. : Br th y,Uilwl,l W OI ina nrsl resolution, the 3ena1e y declared that:the certificate offered h tM has Se- i faisla forgery. Sir. Ii shall a r -.i.."' t- jr 7 tJ Fwp"iuQn. aeaucioja irom su not riiertifttt th ml n . 1 a. 1 - i v 101s iacr, lo-wii : that whPT.r -, sai?iiJi.lai lpresenU and takes benefit under aijforl tf. i tromebt; that Is complete proof of hisnlld inL less reined." liut 4 may referr toheicunj. ttncej under which thrf ificate slpftieij te to ihe w the mptiveVhich prcmptlci SlSt Itkuniversally known, thatp wing totf oeati otitne Senator elect IrOm flla af Ma VUUIHIlUlJalU Ub ! rent; that noiUtoal paltie, were ffi :sented'on this floor. lOn thft .itlS whom Jnight devolve the office of Gwern'orin the event of the death of that' WIWU- r ttij ; thes circurasUnces, the Senate met on the! 18th Aovf niber, and the member irom Onflow nre. isented the certlflcata fvch&h hm. ;nJu.2Jij StItIJT we unanimous voice of theiSeWaia a & was qualified; and took his IseaM as h ,wpuDer .unaer JLOn the 29th Novtbelr the menber read ttr th ,,t .'L.-.iLJ.-i i jr-er one, be bad n-k-.it,: uii-. 1 S!:.. Vg ofthestate t f 1 1- r a V.t1 1 ren; inat ,nc member ha3 only il f 5 e -T comparison.of it wit that ;. .en ieired. : Now- to .hew !th Uts M statement was feWwe have onW i&iJ&jZ I .Ir. Stone: He stated on Ivth, tliaf 4h tha morning ot the second day of theSesio the ctrnber from Onslow asked of bim W ethiblt the -Certificate. and fler inspection. deUrori t if the Clerk that . he believed it to be af;r"'ert. W t - vm mw u. ua V , 41 UVCiaiUt JT 4 aOd .'"'''''i ! I'll PL Pi a ;rd!J nct'till tr. J '-J rrrto tLarUs.ilI.a cV. -a lit t ! r r a) i 1 nate. It will be recoUected b)r all, thai thi3 body wa r.;t crTanized till tbs L'.x day nf.cr tie assen: Lhge of it3 members. . During four cf tbes diva did tbo member from Onslow lend lh ai to prerent its organization. Wat now are the itjesistitte conclusions to be' deduced trom the foregoing facts facts which no one has attempt, ed) .to controvert; RrtC'-.Tbat " forgery has been committed.; Secondly; That the Sena, tor , from Onslow bas taken the benefit of thm 51?? b44f "aHn, u not oeiorc, cc aaa jmowieage Of this knowledge, the member retained bis sea exercised the rights of a Senator, and iromth 19th to the 29tb November, concealed from thi pour ine tact mat a targerr bad been commii ted in the certificate presented br him. - Th malt thus brought borne to the member, render it mperairre on the Senate to visit 'bim with jftnplshm Shtri are. tut jtwp modes of Dunishment recornfsMf hv Prlimjni Iwprimand' and Expulsion. - If U baB been the Dleasure of the Senate: T had beAn content to have adopted the former, for certain circumstances. of extenuation to which I have already alluded. But I hare now no alternai ttvp left, but to Acquit orexpcL Sir, is there a a single member of this bodv. who believes the 9 Senator from Onslow guiltless What then is 3 the duty we owe, to the insulted dignity of North J Carolina i w bat to our constituents and to our. selves T Can anv Senator ftjrfrrt that this tern. pia ot freedom is scarcely less sacred than that ot Jain Holy Religion I f That to keep those who minister at its altars, hot only unspotted by crime but unsullied by suspicion, is a pious trust which na descended to us a part of the glorious lnsti tutjons re have received from our fathers ? I trust not, Sir. - "And yet if one upon whom so fbuj a stain has been fixedshall; sit here not only unpunished, but tmreprotjeo!, bow shall we hafe discharged this sacred duty! Nay, bow shall we answer those to -whom we owe our seats here J r Permit me, Sir, to call the atten. tiort of Senators to the Law nt W. read tlie act by which forgery is punish- coifd by death.) Sir.shall we escane the int ind gnat ion of a whole people, when they read tha such awful penalties await the citizen who commits this crime, and et a Senator, whose rig it to enact such laws for others; was procur. i ed jby the commission of that very crime, has, passed the high ordeal of this hall without one soary word ot censure T Think you, Sir, the ooakted equality of our rights, as citizens, will ffnation and of oitv. LActing upon the latter feeling, I was wilUng to JieW much to the peculiar situation of the un- ihaTT: t i preieea lorrnnntA msmhoa ri.l : t r j iubc cuuuiu ue wreaioeo Wit the r09tll tif mW In' Ant.- aWilvl.aaa keehness of its edge, and diminish the force of ! i - -----. via ... VI UV1 u U1UU1 lun its blow. But this course has hot met the plea surf of those from whom I had : expected con. eurfence, and I am now left to make anv Itiorf between an entire acauittal and; a vot of jcpu.8.on ror inis i am prepared, and to those wno nave torced this necessity upon me, I have r"1 J vu ."P1 " -t lai y usiuia." XIST OF LETTERS EMA1NING in the Post Ofiice at Salisbury, on the .".wy oi January, 1040. Allison. Dr John 2 Kerr, Dr Samuel Kesler, Isaac j Kesler, David ! -' ' Kestersen, Jesse G Klutts, James ' BeaH. Dr William Brown. Nancv Boston, John iBrown, Mrs Catharine rinkle, Christian Lark, Moses LeeyJames M Lyeriy, Mrs Nancv .John jBeeaAlexander jBeneina, A Lentz, David Miles, SS ' Plackwell, Robert Calvin, Joiner Mc Kinney, Thomas Mitchell, Miaa Sarah E .WilKam S ' CoWan. Isaac " - MUler.Henrv' Clarke, George . Cornell, John C pictson, Thomas Dob nn, N M fFir ze, John L, JFor iner, Tavner 2 (Fry Noah y rnlS. Jacob Miller, Mrs Mary McLaneR H Norris, Georse S Outlaw, Dr Joseph B Porter, Lawrence : Rich, John Rendleman, Gears Smith, John M Spratt, B ijFrick, Daniel: Speck, Rev Henry Feibee;..ToaerliJ ; ' sFeroermait, Michael jCUWspie, Mrs Jane R Gillispie, Jamea A pnf.G T l i r iGragber, Jeremiah L Gortnan, H 8 ! 2 Grogan; James M ' Half, Rev J W J " Helfard, Tbomaa "- Haeket, Paton - Stirewalt, John F Swink. Mrs Polly Stanton, James W ' . Tarrh, Mrs Sosannah Trexler, Levi Thompson .Tohn W Thomasi Col Daniel Turner, Mrs Milicent Utzmari, A L 5 -Watson, David S West, James S illyde, Mrs Margaret Weaver,-Misa Ann Mall, Kev James D . Keppady, Miss Elizabeth 3 Zarecar, G ; 1-4 B. JULIAN, P. M. It tStslte Of &Xl8f$ittSillL LA FAYETTE COUNTY. - ctacurr court -November term. 1844 William R. Canninghani, i - ' " lr '" -' C Attachment for $120 00 William Kennedy. ' V'. ,! fit HIS day came the Plaintiff by his alttorney, and it jplel But I wiJKorbear s this case has excited jmiifgled emotions of indiffnation and of m'tv.. uiusiraied and nfhmpri hv tnoh n ra,thU8&ftlonof Coart, thst thelertions have been solely devoted to fosterins Percndant, William Kennedv. is a nnn.rMaant r .,.. 1 ' i - . .. L- i t Tl S fuf of MissisBippi, bo thst the ordinary procem of the I -a-iiit-t nnnnl Ka vea npon :, it fa therffore', ordered by as the aaid William 1Tt.n.l. .nna... 1 be lotftt, that unless the said William Kennedy appear tapfnir- ill. Tmlaaa. a a"W? a- a- a T. . laauuv a an. 1 vcu uuun : w vur uc. virctu. Vsoan, to De noiden or the eoontywof La Fayette, at the Court-Hoose; in he Town of Oxford, on the 3rd monday of May next, ; o pead,aiwwer or demur to said suit of Attachment, Trt? to satisfy pUintiiTa debt, damages, and coat. i ra iuriuer oroerea Dy tne uaurt.that a copy of this or- Ik a aL(. J S S a a aa. aa 'a. a.- i J ! .L - : r .. . - ue uuuuaiiea in ine Ctrolim Wllrhmtn wt-iMna.. J.UHICU iu uic 4 own oi oaiisotiry, aNorth Carolina, r au Brooms aucceaaiveiy. ; Attest, a true copy." L Jl M ?HPS, Clerk. vmwv x imicrs ice afu . pWEETST FOR TIU2 SWEET ln :iiPERFlJMERY;&C;i ;3f ST RECEIVED A MOST SPLENDID AS rtment of CAlAerni Tlnvlfn tVnfA. Roec, Turkish rerfume. " . i a Asf.P?b. ' f.lW.--;-' .ir r-?tr :f- Wa. K viumwui. .- , . .- .....w ...-j. , . , --y , , .. ... r : j KvoK ; S(lAP,--faaI310ND W0j ; raWrent do., Vietoria do., besides manV in -tfc.Witw oo iramerous to mention For sale at : -i i-,r; oli- J.H. ENNISS, Drug Store. gahabury, January 4. 1845 f tf36 - jAKEN op and committed to Jail in Rowan eoan: . .Main .h 1a .na a j. , ... ... t T WW WW -UI lUBlaUat. DFETO ltllll IMnuJ TPD he Is about 50 years old. 5 ieei h.h wjj i ax.a. f ye, ana aays ne oeiongs jo Mr. Harper, near Charlotte parol ina, The owner ia requested to com forward' i ima .Ma. ... .ka..a J 1.1. . I . ' i . l - m. t . . mm r- aaa vuo rw jjr -uauc, uu is&e nim away." fr?V - 4 ' i S.-'-'-t: w-NOAH ROBERTS j 5 T" uKcre Eliipimto try tIs!"' , ; I A.OI received 15 boxes "Bees Wing:, Tobacco.1 ...... .... ... ..... mm i - . ' a ' -,T J a - " .aw. aaa. tuvav. maw Wa40 IialJr IM1 JaVy. Tor eU at J. IL Ennirf Droere.. v ' ' , s 1 1 Hi C$T We have already cn one or two occa- ions, relerred to the growing increase of Mer cantile business in this place, for a few years past, though so small and so remote from any any convenient out.IeL .:-SAl)..-Mboc;liaribr) wii v vUivll lenkb of ft cannot have remarked the wonderful change which has xaKen. piaco ueio ia resucci ve ieei u hesitation in saying, that it has increased Ar old in as many yeari, Our .?streeitsi:at this season of the year,' are crowded withi.wagons, carts, ctc which have come either to deliver of to carry off Merchandise, or to find a market fori some ; sort' of produce. Our . Town, but a short time ago, as obscure sur any backwoods Tillage, 'teeins Jtp;"tlutj'siBddetiljr become1 tlbci seat of Urge trading j operations. Kate j is changed." ; Whence H comes about, yre think is very, obvious. - XUi (.;, ' ' - u . If we -were'arked to account for iti we should go into no exteEKe detail of reasons s 1 Wei should say it is chiefly lowing to three or fouf causes : l be first is competition between Mer eantUe Houses ; and ai a consequence, a re duction in the prices if goods greatly below th? prices of former yearsJ1 ; A second cause, wi doubt not, is the estabHshment here of ant ex tensive and splendid Cotton Factory, afiordin. 4 market for some eight hundred or a thousand ales of Cotton annua 1 - w V ily, and necessarily brin TUer at the Commercial Bank at that place, recent opportunities, my opinions In Ka kte . wl. 'M Jt and being eU executed was handed in with tional affairs are not unknown. A ll-et lit ng many farmers among us who would other. ise ' probably, trade! nearer home. I But the i most powerful cause iryet to be named : It is f one too, lightly esteemed by many of those who, if . . . - 3 - are largely indebted tOt for 4heir success in!, rS( IQInAaa '.nil I. A A t- -1 - t-kaL a . V mju wuw uru uc vcnucicss, 10m 10 give '. it that credit it deserves, or to award a liberal compensation tu return! for its services. ,We mean the Pxess re is nomlstake about it i Let any gentle.nan look in the newspapers and see wno advertises regularly, and in a righlt manner, and then look in at their estab lishments. The trutiv will force itself upon their minds,' and they will be compelled to ad. mit it. What Merchants in Salisbury, foij in- stance,, have advertised j most extensively, Those who read our paper, will answer wit! out a second. Well, what Merchants in Sal . t . - . . . f bury are doing the largest business ? i 1 ! ' t It is un- necessary for us to sa-ns very body knows.- They are those persons who advertise ini the Watchman most. They have discovered the importance of keeping themselves constantly before the public They have found that adver- usements answer tne purpose ot signals,"! not just about the door of their houses alone, but for many miles around, and at once determine hun. dreds to visit Salisbury bn business, who Would not Otherwise think of it. Britisli Iarty. The Whigs are often told, that because they are opposed to the annexation of Texas to the United States, they are advancing or furthering the interests of Great Britain I Was ever any charge more ridiculous than this ! Or did any party more clearly show that they are hard run! for an excuse, to o that which they are thor oughly convinced is uyust ; and which a large majority of the American People' are decidedly:' and j unequivocally opposed to 7 Never. Will the Solomon's of the Locofoco party inform the public, whether the determination oh their part, since the ill-gotten triumph of the party to re- peal the Takiff -the only protection American Farmers, Mechanics, and Manufacturers have, and to flood the country with British goods in preference to American Manufactures, is not a British measure ? and whether this destruct ive policy of their party; i$ not strongly adyoca ted in England and all other foreign countries 1 We fear not. But carefully following out their common practice, will studiously avoid permit- ling the people to understand their principles, and see the bad effect they! will have if adopted : and in order to divert public attention ! thef Lo- cofocos falsely call the Whig Party the British Party' because opposed to robbing a! foreign Government of its rightful Territoryi-raniibe. cause the Whigs are hostile to making unlaw fill inroads upon the Constitution. j"A party, whose every act proves! 4em beyond a doubt to be thoroughly American whose whole ex PCing our own beloved country against ine incursions ot toreigtt foes, in every respect : LJ t i i . , , j . f andjm buiWing up a name1 for us, which shall endure as long as the everlasting hills 1 0" There is at the present time, various re ports afloat as to the manner! hi which Texas will be annexed to'the Onion by the Locofoco par- ty in Congress. iSome think that it will be! as a territory, while the morl knowing ones say! not. un tne second instant, the Democracy held a caucus, and adjourned to the fourth, when it was confidently expected a plan wpuld be matured, and .a committee appointed to bring the subject Another report says that the Locolbcos have agreed upon a plan, ahd in order to surmount au constituuooal objections against " ! - annexing pro- nri.n in anmir aww-. m aw- a a. . ; " a... aawaawmaw UHUC AA VUCC. Yes, tla. 'U - j.".' a 1 :a - -;. wo "MJcmocTcuic party" in tne of this United States . intend I to annex all Texas, as at singje jfcate, with provisions ibr ili viding it hereafter, into as many separate States'as! mar U oeemed necessary This we tiinitiget. tingrover the (nstSution with a TfnManW TTwj Ioccs themselvei admit that Congress has no T? e? ,tetrtor7 wit asHJtat body utll0"tJ $ admit; new; StateV mto the1 Uri- tzodern Democracy, U call Texas a Stated and all constitutional objection' is - scattered to the wur winds, and all their scniDlea iif lis had any) fureVer quieted : 1 a- . '7 4 ' . LegL!it-j.3''cf nampshire, las passed .p.eso!u:! ; censuring cf li.r-nas in strong terms, the imprisonment Y,-Dorr Us? individual who attempted by crMU tafy fbrcef t$ breaks dowa" the regidaa govern merit of that frullant little State, but most sir- ttallr fanei in his unholy and disorgkntzing pro- llect, and is nowoccupying a, place 111 the pern- 1 tentiary miking fans, which, it is said ,ares ad rnirablv finished. A more arreeable employ. meat, we think, than raising armies, and trying io undermine State Governm'ents. J ; - jWsainTtodv has also passed resolutions by large majorities in , favor; of the annexation ofTexaa. In nine cases out often, where 1,0. cofbeoism is in the ascendancy, will the Con sUtutton andljaws of the country and tEe rights of others be set etTtaught." ; . .' i fttr-HJ B Williams: Esaba. b.Jn . ed from itjoffice of Postmasteiat 5harlotte and Joseoi Wade! Hampton, formerly , of this Town, appointed in his place. There is. j. ' , v i reason for this except that Mr. . Williams is Whig, and Mr. Hampton an unscrupulous par- tizan of theLocofoco order.' The new Admin Tiixaxio o cs. TLo istration will find in him as pliant a tool to car- mucnf nay, much more, Upon an V fmhght jr mitlittedirtjr ;feksr8if they had' imported ?neJ Pcyr and a correct adriniraiki bun expressly for their purpose. CoursTERrxrr BrjLu The Charleston Cou ner says ; A counterfeit twenty dollar note of the Bank of Charleston, was shown us yester- day, which was detected in Columbia by the other bills at the Bank of Charleston,1 where it was again discovered not to be genuine. On comparing the plate, we find the "figures of 20 are somewhat lighter than in the original, as also the female figure to the left. The eagle vignette, on jtne upper right band corner is well executed, but the shading is also light. The iignatorei of -J. Hamilton," President, and si n uU-L n n-jLt c t tJ... than is usual in spurious notes,nd would re- quire a practised eye to discover the counterfeit. f his bil is dated Nov. 18, 1835, payable to - la.' 1 I ' a- a- . I C -J-l.t a fT. Street,' letter C. and numbered 558. 4 ue paper pi me coumeneit is oi an-interior quality.- ; i s - . i i j GRAIJAirS INAUGURATION, n Newly ear's day, the Inauguration Of Hon. Wiujam A. Graham, as Governor of North Carolina, took place in the Com mons' Hall in the presence of both Hous es, and before an audience which, for ev ery thing! that could make 1 the occasion imposing, has never been surpassed with- in our recollection. UUUL'K. LIIC Senators, preceded by their Speaker, en- tered the Hall. A few minutes thereaf ter, the Governor elect made his appear ance, escorted by Governor Moeehead, the Judges of tjie Supreme Court, and the Joint Committee of both branches,! consist ing of Messrs, y ii r" unnTJ . Shepard, Cameroni Joiner, -UlwT ShaI! ha7e .ft rirxrrr f fi, o . ' to establish a uniform rule of naturali id Gwynn, of the Senate; zation:" and ConcrrPS XI ..S , and MesSrsL Thnmna Vi'kv.r, Tfl LaVaK. A M U. H n jl n I 1 1 I W IA VKIKI MM I" a W W W M a Graves, ad Bridget of,he House WCom- L . ; uaic mons. TheKLobh s Ann , . . r , crowded with strangers and citizens, and a brilliant collection of Ladies, all anxious to witness alscene, which gave td the Old North a Governor, of whom the people of T.A u aa-i.1 " rrr CB4,ir reaSoaroDeprouo. As soon art the immense auditory had nor uBABAHjrose anci aeiivered the sab- ' : . . .. m - I. . joined Inaugural, to which, we know, we rieed not ca 1 the attention nf nnr rM. i ers. It is enough to sav. M w a v i " .vu,- . . . ,. ! i ; 1 that this dietnfied. and manlv. and most appropriate Speech, delighted his5 Whig v.v,,i Jj i :..aT .Ua. L rV7;cu "1C"UC cemmen- dations even, of those politically onnoi5ftd aa, kZm fPUl Jl' T i . to him. The delivery was as impressive d... - ; i i i! S?? r - u- gural, and this, we think, about as hich .aUt Jl a 0 uiuuw o. vc can pay ic. i The Oaths of Office were administered by Chief Jtisice Ruffiu, and subscribed by Governor Graham, in the book kept for that purpose! The Senate and escort then retired from Jhe Commons' Hall, and the fw Lj . . i . : i T.. -:r"V;w ujwuuicuuuh In presenting myself before vnni tn tnlr J it::- '.i: ' r". f T. w ine oains requirea lor mv aua Knftt nn Chief Magistrate of the State, I glaldly em aaa.Na .uu UVVUOiUll, IU CAprCSS lO OUr C0m j wu vviuiuucuis, my ueeo ana n.mriinn graiuuue, ior meir conndence and J approbation is manifested in the election1 which calls me bither. If by diliffence by diligence, faithfulness, ind impartiality in the hiffh toilet T M al-alL., ' : .! fo stant observance of those great imiixims of liberty and jujstice tnat are embodied in! l ! t - . . . ' - -va .-.aw a lUll' the Constitutions which I shall swear to uppon ii Dy a consultation of onr hU- torv. and Adefei-en fi w- i... ana example bicb are deemed most ct. cellent in past time, P can gather tnat wisi I dom which my own deficient faculties are ITHQ HI A 4tw I . . a. I tu uFuy, iraay nope to render to my countrvriifen some. Althnntrt. i 1 equate return, for SSrx. favorahle enncidMtn I - Jn . ftkAaaaf ii. . . 1 ;A philosbtoo obaerver bf ourllfetitn- tendencv intbe. ArTlrjr at 1-1 . ' . L-i ,--a-..- ine rederal Government, extending n ?f does over so vast a territory, and so many millions of inhabitants, identified In recof- ection with the proudest events of our bis ofy with its power, to make war and peace, and being constantly! surrounded with the.pcznp and cirenrastance laf war like preparation, by land and sea-witk tions, has attributed as ;a defect to the to services and your predecessora M the aWme State Governments, that they do nU com- General Assembly have aided the require-! Jan oncthird of our whole territory IhenddUefsufficientaterestfoham matt ambition. Altbougbthe facibeothi derofj criminals,by a statutoiy eactritjntll ,wtfftlCS 0f fiS !?5CP1. aeftotireek disturfencetlhi S SSMS -a a-.ai u is a icnnencT inline. nnniN, aFI h.i.rw-.A 1:3 arre revenue cnJ cxritiiJilurcs' its fleers, and their, suncrior compen-sations above those of the States it3 power, rcuium vyoiuineree,.xo conauct cur lor eign -intercourse, and-to administer; tho cle;orNatioj juid coh- centrateot powers and patronage! of its Ex- ecdtive--that there is 'a tendericViintb affairs of that Government, with these at- - J tributes for admiration and attraction;! engross too much of the attention which bestowed by. our citizen on public affairs, 7.hf ; important ,ccricern?pf the Na- uoa suouia pe oDjecis ,oi constant looser yatpa and active vigilance, jsj to 1 be ex pected and desired. -But that thv stbnnlrt hhhk'minfuAnt'flnirn' - mediate interests which come' homel to four business and bcrj,our: homes and -j I nresidesr and.wWca are wisely - retained . f uuuer oiaier jutKswicuon, is amisionunei to k. j vt j. : i i 1 0 aeprecateait we giorvm the name pulftr Mi mil niT?--i iA , t.. t. . L. . . J vuivmimoiu v.'flnu iuai iuo preservation a and prosperity of bur system, and its a&l- ity to secure the permanent and.habitrial - attachment of the people, depend quite!as in the State Governments,: than inlihatilof the. Union. In omitting, therefore!! td dc- cupy uus occasion, witn more man a pass ing notice of matters which -concern ! the action of the General Government; I jam actuated byHhe belief that other topics are more appropriate, and moreover, that from suffice, then," to say, that the line of parti tion between State and Federal powers, should be kept "distinctly marked ; atid while those yielded by thef States ;should be liberally exercised for the t?enfinil tmH: those retained should be carefully vatch- eti tver ana preserved that I regard tqe Kbejity and Union of these. United Statcjs ipseparable, and that it Is the tiati Bf those entrusted with authoritvv. w.i.;! &ifS5 "tW to 'alienate anv Wtinn nf J; ,.!E; a. i. 4 f , . T W Y""fc1J from the rest, or to enfeeble ' the s.ici4& " ties which link together its various partslw. j or uie cuiuvauonot mat tarraonV;lso cojwmiai u union, we must Dear m mind, mat it is necessary, not only that the course oi me ueneral Government shall be cha racterized by justice, wisdom, and enlarge ed patriotism ; but the several States shall keep the covenants of the Constitutiou as undertaken by them, not merely in t letter, but In spirit and in erood faith. Certain parts of that instrument require duties ! to be performed, or omitted, by the State Go vernments, or some department thereof, without, however, providing penal ssanji- 1 7 w .w.aw, iviiuji: UUIV UUUU LUD I r- all' - .. r .f a a comitv. the sense of ritrhf ntiA ArnAui a. 1 t O J Iz oaths of public servants for nhrvn n HL Ye.t it is obvious that a non-compliance on the part of a State in these articlesl! injurious to the rest of the confederacy. Ss can pe any usurpation by the Federal Go vernment. The Constituti -aua frr I . ak a zauon rand Congress having tlie nower l L -l. & . Ilrt"q Pywc uy urescriomg a previous residence in our ,Weo?nry. of 1 own; country, of five years, and t a declati ation of an intention to become: a citized, MUtion of an intentinn tA Wmftl.' ii,yi in ii.rnnJ 7n f" SPeCoarrt f Recor f Jeast twojyears, u!3lZuet sho" .be naturalize ek.Tm aliens with abSSer --r-r'iv-ir n5 man mose aeciared itt the ongfess, commits an :infrapUdti ! ?!P"?n llarious to! thei I aOLiaVLCS. Ann I inAV nm enMmai.H J. k ? C ' ,z. 'T""fr.m w JfT, 'M kw l a- a. 5? . i I uw c 1 1 cairr iiiiiiiiif-T- in T n o anrtivtinni mn4 rn7r:r" rJTTCTT I '"Villi ut IVCUlCaCULALlVKK. M ill 1 , THI rrl llTAfl Til theriirht of snfTVn in tinnB wH:l . . . . ... .w,. v 1. Tr . I " . ,WMV" iivfI1 tne Mnion, she acquires importance and P"Wctrbeyond her due, antl by means M vcu uv me on sti t ution.v Yet. re w4 ulatins for tiiVnaturalization of fbr g3 .r wc.:j - r :L mjvvi u i voivciiuc; ui uxil six monins OT aaj... M iVOIUCUW Ul U U (. 51A 1111)111.11 3 Of other period less than that reouired Kv th Ats of Congress, have been introduced id several of the States, and are believed td r5 iT PrpsPery ana wealth, has eqnat have already had an important! influence f d lhaf of onr sister States, or tial m great National results. i : I If So also the Constitution in exnress lerihl provides, that criminals fWin frnrAii,i tice, fn one State to another, and that dcW ' n . jawi cnn ll . i ult-LlJ I !aiuu .u lauur CdLU.UiIIl: . IIILU ULLier I states, sball be delivered un on nroni-r dy mand to be carried to the places whence r eaeraVcen?as ln 1790 thev i1r. N-vArtK.! .t wy crease however," durint? occurred of refusal by State authorities to! m.U Ji: i ai i . s. i ' i I avaw.ww ... UU UHilV, WW C IUC UCH I. a t ui wcuausc me crime '"c6cu " 1x0 "wi, icgu.rueu as an one.nce tnere 'Wo difference ,can be perceived wnether the, crime be treason agaiiist fa State, larceny of a slave or other propertyl t. WWrKotVlawW Uaw J ,1 . J Vi .l! or whether the person demanded sIavc or apprentice, a ward or infant ihiicll obligation under the ConstihitionJ f 3ehvruP'inanyan every of thecal juiperauve ana unavoiuaoie. ' i im TiKntr--i,I. t-iiA il these! breaches of constitutional dntV f 3 other State u namrauzaiion couia oniv ba aeoi redn C A' ' nndeV tlm !W rtl,o TT:t 01111 -ai j j . ! titv. IbgWwSalffiwf via u mma ft..? i . m urn iii 1 1 1 n nil ruin nrrwii ni innn.M nyof the anion, irom failure iiidrjil tyteGovernm the toleration within their limits, by par- - - . s . . ... ...i j . f f .ombnatlotOinavidadU;'; having Jcr their object the subversion of the Govern! ment jor particular institutionst'of ckhcr Stafesw;lIf it be imatter of boalt iiilthd f eacrai 5aovernment,thatiithas inid j comblnatrons against foreign piwerir ishable as crimes in Courts of Ju;T to would seem to be demanded by the1 fgood neighborliocJ, to Eav ft,: closer: ties, that such interierencein affairs f sister States should be riofiv to the States at the formation nf Vi r, Jtf Sk. is . . , .wwoU,wu tiiv. guaranteed i it, are to be warred upon by the inw7 tants of other States, no mattPi. rJut motive of faction or fanaticism. 1 or Sf whatever hope of driving them to a er ideal perfection of liberty or h the consequences cannot but be 01 astrous to the general peace :andh-nT ilt is now near seventy years, since tk organization of the government of ,1 State of North Carolina. Never U h. olonialiconditipn, enjoying the bnsjS of royal favor, andparticipating m limited degree of, the patronage and W ors of the General Government, whichW succeeded to the principal powers S r: jiowuuogc jiuws, possessing a upon the average not above the media grade of fertility, butyie!ding fruitful 2 turns to patient toil in our generally t& brious cbmateexcladed by the natBreJ her sea-coast from any enlarged share k the commerce of the world 1 htrrJ economy and for the most part, to comrt tence, but moderation in fortune. ' natural fruita of abia ituation have petpnal independence, unostentatioussei respect, habits in the ceneral of morv obedience to the Laws, fidelity to enirmi ments, public andrivate, frugality intt jwuuuuresvpna loyalty to the Governmeji, which ia at once the ofTsnrin?r nf thp uni 1 . j 1 1 au iionesc ana manly character of the citiz.. Our Constitution, both in its oriirin anrfi mended features, exhibits a; (Sovernm.- - T! l: a- , t a ..i. "T ouuruiug every essential rignt. o freedom .aa, a. aT3! I a.! L-'i ' ''a . yet jsuiuu.enuy conservative, io give to permanence and energy in administratloa. No , where, caa we find 1 a better practJeai II ' a. ' a ' a ' "! ' a. ! " liiusirauon oniocny securea Dy law. On statutory enactments, embodied in a voE uraeoi :,pnt wufc more . tnan jsix hundi wuvo pages, in wnicn are comprehend every act of Legislation, affecting the civ izens in general, from the earliest EngJii statutes until within a few yearpastatt. iwuu,y.wcu luesimpiiciiy ana plainncai of the fundamental law have been folio ea in general JLegislation. , In fulfilment of the requirements of the Constitution Judiciary system was early put inppcra ion, which being matured, from 'J time ti nine, aa experience .suggested improve, ment, will - compare favorably with the best systems of other States. dUnnW it. administration by officers in the bain, of a nign grade oi Ability, learning and pn rity of character, our standard of profes. sioqal eminence has been uniformly ele- vaiea, justice nas been eiecuted; and trail maintained, in such a manner, that innfl Part of the world Have1 life, liberty sod property, been more-secure, thari .witliia the borders of our; venerated State; IMore than half a century ngo, oar Uni versity was established, which has tTradu. oX 11 i w .. ' . -I P . " , . ' r'Tr uuui now jusny ratiks among the first of the seminaries f6r education in the Union. Other institutions on private ??raKh opportunities lor litera tgatt instruction, in v.. ptrna oi me otate.and w th nftf years oast, the lon dtV k.,! by the' Constitution .bTSK5 of Common Schools, for khevinctiorrof I 1 1 - .1 . - . . . - .v. . a" our yooxn, nas Deen undertaken witk rim vigor ; iay-u rjrospei. earnestness ;and I l n w. ... . . . -- . . . t . UUU1 BaaA realize the desire of the Ko , laickti jjiiiiMsror. wnn w, I mawww L,1 . I a' I man TVw-aka..a.aa al 1 ' w- 1 '' i ; yo - woum nave evm cuizen so learned, that a pbrtiot Rpnnhlir. m? , JaJ!a.j t a portion of the charge.? - ; ifk : to his While such istbeha Government, and nK While such is the happy situation of bnr I r. ' . some of its more; l a." a . , ' -foSH?ate resuI,jwFcann( cTiJeludeotiT5. JtrtEeelief,that rvate J l,ne tasK ot those honored .with the confi- aePce ?l !Re P?P.Ie ororth CaroKna, M entrusteawitU their delegated po-ver, is -.r- ; . I a- . I - a ' Yr ' "k or. naoience - Such has Dew UC HOW 01 emiETTatlon: tnat nni nnnnlfltlOB " jfkuuuuieu 11s numDer at ineDn F6?. n.ntl1 11 last, was at the average rate OI annilf Hit fifin bAnlo Sniiii.k vawitrs. action of the J General Government, both in relation to the currency, and the extinction of the Indian title to nnbliclanoV the increase was only about 20,000 soo xiwu vvuusianuingv nowever, the aun-c- taiion ot population frdm'393.000 mm to 755.000 in 1R4A nnA tt.A ncnbeot in crease of production and consunjptionof t- o iu uur u w ,"-', - soewn ov the table of commerce oi w PIT of.the Un.ited States,areD .l-j:-' "T.'V'iH'A. ci? "ave improved in! navigaUon, wou6; tract of country Ivint? between this enp; . - - - . . m r ... tbk Ttnini:m. - . -i.' aa..a tab f ity and science, in which cores are v w iji in iiiii. nnvn iiriii-iii:niii v-'' r ministered to minds diseased, f the dumOp arts almost maderto speak, and. the wiu to receive their isi-ht, ha veis-yet foundations: among i s nndalfhoiigh; Common school system !; ?M bcenWrhrocnc: cd, a surpriscly large i ..it of our i pffP18 ofi - 8 a-' :. ? . i .ii i : - : ' 4 J. i i 1 t -.1

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