i f - : V , " , r -. '. . - - r '..!.. f - j - - ' ; i ; . . . 5 i t J 'H.MS " . - - -r 1-- ' - I"- ?- . - -1- ; r t - , ' -k 4f - -: - . H'-" ; BOKHARA: ; lmir and its People. Trtnslated Ifidiri the! R)i3s'an ,of KhanikofT. ,By the lemem a. tie lioue, Madden, v During: the last five centuries, a. large share f public Interest has been directed to the Kha- Vat of Bokhara, as the great central point where (tkc lines jof jcommerciaKontercourse between DortbeasteTri and southern Vnu ' western Asia converge recent events' have attracted a more painful curiosity towards jhis country, since its exploration has cost the lives of our countrymen; '''? ' iai 'it , . m .a Stoddard and:onouy. nnaniKoii, me author of the volome before us, appears to have visited Bokhara in an official capacity ; ho hat corn piled his account from the narratives of prcvi. 013 travellers, connected and enlarged by. his own observation, and appears, in some instances, o have obiaioed valuable; information from the vMohammedart authorities. , We sliall endeavor H give; a cOmJreised butli tie of; his description ti the jan, Moplej and rulef f Bokhara, refer ring those ivlfi are anxioufpr further details to "the wof ic3ci: . ;;r'-"" v I Tie bouridaxiesof the Khanat of Bokhara are fixed by mountains 6u the north and cast; they taeel the lerstan j)rovtnces on' the 'south and loath.westi vUere the i desertsto jiomc extent, form a natural; frontier, and oh the western side it is nornttxally! joined by the Khanat of Khiva, but the jgratjiten!t pfthe intervening dtslcX renders It jmpbssible to ti a definite frontier. Jflie extent of .the Khanat of Bokhara mar be estimated at jabout 5,600 square miles, but' riot more than 'this tenth part of this is inhabifed the remainder beirjg unfit for occupationYor at least untenanted The. country; fur the most part, presents the 'aspect of a succession of clayey isline soili and sandy steppes, having a visible dope to the spith-vjesf. Ijs chief rivers are the Amu.Uariva,(Uxus) and it& tribntnri. hut thn termination ol , r --. , r the Amu in the sea bf Aral, ren- ders it of comparatively little alue as a highway fi trade. Kl anikofT enters at somo length m- to the discussion of the "tekata qucestio, the an i , i ? ; i cient courte of the Oxus, and inclines to join ihose tvho'4ss rt, that thelriveri'at one period, bowcii Mq inq iaspian, we nave not,Jibwevr, icen any examination of the country sufficiently iccurate to juaily a positive conclusion. We ttJoweyfer suggest tieossibijitx of the course Of the ri er ha vingbeen changed by some tonrulsion o ( vhich the following curious cir cumstanrejarTo daf a1 little Corroboration : J HThere isM superstitioijs belicprevalent Lt Bokhara, that i on- the eve !of every new year, vbichjlhey'recinfrpm theyernal equinox, there Diust oe an earthquake, and in order. to be suk-e of it, they stick a knife in the ground over night, reckoning h$ commencement of the year from the moment the knife falls from the vacillation of thearth.'i The absence bf streams, wells, and fountains, eipbsei the inhabitants of the Khanat to great inconvenience and. sufferin , Indeed, a prrv lent and painful disease, qfwhich we quote the description: isj gene attributed to this cause MMArt;isfan illness of which the symptoms iw,that sojne parts of the tody swell and fester; the patientUfleii feels acute pains in the bones, ind constant in vard heat, a parched mouth, and continual hirst, -Occasionally, we may even lay frequently, tc the great relief to the patient, the ulcer bursts, and exposes to view a small flat worm, of a viiitish - colour,! which 13 cautiously Kized by means, of two snjall thongs firmly tied tsether,and dmwn out by little and little. In Bokhara the r" a re expert persons-who can dis rn from, e'xternal signs when the worm is near to skin, which ihey pierce through by means cTa small hojok, and draw it out, but one " must k,T?ry cautouj "during the joperation not to epk the vforh in two, or cave the head inside, se;the wprtn iscapes to another place, and ?Wch is wjrebfteri pehetrtites 'deeper 4Jito !Mhody, djfbtnsAvhat Jk called the hidden Tjtska. v Injt he li Liter case ; the worrns on being strojed i theibody creates inveterate swell "flgsj and (fjijie sinews are attacked, Iho feet jnd arms becon e contracied, and dry oft, leav- ng tJiO pat eat d cripple fur; life. The number siderable. had no 1 - 7""-- -! " w ohiiiv aiai tnenativef attribute this iUhess to the unwhole omi qualify f jthe.Avater in their hauz, or res -"ws of . va;ter; and in corroboration of the ttrrectness ofthjsfact , wo jmay add that persons wrink witef out of w. lls, and the running ater in jijQ pnals, are elVrant from that com- Tie population of Bokhara is verjdiversi- m i but tjifrf Ukbeks appear to be thmost rtuH erous tribeip; Their customs differ little from W of otuel nomadic rac :s, but they have a pe Biliar me fcalleduJt.orTi, of such a singular Lftture, that We extract, the description : Ion! ;mg to the tr aster, whose guests they happen f The messenger, oh fulriliinir his errand. Wheih;t;4f'.tbe:kid, and grasping it firmly H his -right'hand by the vo hind legs, hastens Jjhe ;y7.1 The;'; latteras. soon as they t'py him returning from i . distance, rress for M to meet hip, and endeavor to wrest the UuS&tcred aoiihal from his irrasn. Whenever 4nJ one obtains; the raro success of snatchincr limb or pursued by ma nf clinr. S.the 8poil j The game lasts until one of the "y succeeds in carrying off a large slice of rM'.home!, and in screening himself from r-pursuH. I The excitement of the game iiff excess, that murders are .cotnmtea.. Custom, which has re Z V" tHs ?nflanco h'3 force of law, forbids tu T ,s Hf fj16 murdered to seek redress at hat T i i tt Urdere "t. if t can be proved io game of W T ' 1ave' been toldtbat even thc'Amir, . ,,hiy sits Samarkand in" autumn, takes nart jjmesjand is not offended if pushed by if f? happensjto receive a lash with &ti aa lhe, latter can hardly be avoided at cjn,ft i , "n - r 111 j jlueI"crea kiu, De ity: "une be o LrnnZA it-j i ; :ucavouring to 'ear the way for' his j - , ; t ' ere ' L' ' ' - ikott- v? tnbdVm..D?raravWDIch . ? 18 clincd 1 to connect Avith the.Gip.J -Tb Its , y. -urnis is someumes very con 5 oid that an inhabitant of Khiva liian izii 01 sum v kMj hundred br more riders assemble togeth Jr and havjngj chosen one frorhjheir party, . i - ytiie vhole carcass, qr eien only a nent of itj libeU off in hiiturn, 7a Of hisf Companion ntl aro oairi BRUJJERl: & JAMES, A Editors :$ Proprietors. , 7 ,,-. C"J syirace; they are horse-dealers and fortun ellers, thrir women go unveiled, and hare not be best iftcharacterj; :They arejearded as inu-nor ueings, and are not allowed to pilch fhf r tentsn Jhe viemtty of an UzbeckencampI fI1fnU 4 ?-ties of Bokhara appear to be in f S? cnUnuous decay Samarkand, a name Wich prose - pndpoetryr have associated with wealth and greatness hai fallen into ruins, and tuuiainf noioing wonny oi remarlc beyond tho luuju ui lue rwguiy i imur : f ! ;f The coffin of Amir Timur is placed in a fuio, oi me ursi may oe saia io repre pent the shrine of the creat mosaue. in which fhs sepulchral monument tor Timur is raised fri. a t- ' i ., -i . . . iho .iwr ijjavcu in wnne ma role slabs, the wills ornamented with inscriptions fronithe Ku. rah, and heiel and there the ffildini? is still in gojrxl preservation. In the centre of the second panmeni,sranas on a marble pedestal, sur rounded yji grating also of marble, the monu mntal stonc of Timur ; having the form of a jbur-conered tnincated pyramid, three feet in TIT " f c Bl 111 5gin ana is sci up. on its narrow end. The colour of the stone h (dark gieenverging on black ; it is well polish, ed. Nadir.Shah on taking possession of Sam arkand, had the stone brought before him, in Inonsequence bf which it is now split in two. rnne maruie siaos surround it, and it serves tombstones for the family of Amir Timur. JTjider the Apartments we have just described, fsja vault, into which if one has a wish to de scend one must crawl nearly on all fours. It contains th coffins of. the persons alluded to, and the spo under which each lies buried is marked by It white marble slab with appropri ate inscriptions on it." Bokharaps a cheerful looking city ; but its chief beauty ji rises from the orchards and gar dens with which it is surrounded. The mode of laying out the gardens is very similar to that practised by the ancient Egyptians ; the follow. ng passage might almost seem a description of the picture pfjan Egyptian garden in the British Museum: j jM Every one who can afford to increase his prden, neverj fails to do so; there is a kind of ostentation attached to it, and as the silver pop. M is the only tree which is allowed to grow here, which does not yield fruit, the . least 'ad dfton to a garden is calculated to increase its profjts. Thefce poplars are usually planted in side and clps to the mud walls, separating the garden from other properties, and as they attain a considerable height, and are very bushy, they screen the otljer productions of the garden from the unwholesome effects jbf the cold winds. A quadrangular pond is usually dug in the centre of the garden, from whence runnels are drawn orT in all directions. Four principal paths, leadingTroni the -pond at right angles, are cross ed by others, varying in number according to the extent of the garden. The intervals are Under fruit-irees and shrubs, such as the vine. Hhe pojnegranjate, the fig tree, the apricot, the apple tree, thq pear tree, the cherry tree, and the Sinjid, or Jegda." KhanikofT asserts that though there are nu merous shops; in Bokhara, the trade of the place U hut trifling, and that most of the shops are empty. There are three annual caravans to the Russian fairs, but the heavy expenses of a transit over a difficult country, destitute of roads, greatly limit the commercial intercourse. He adds a hint wjhich should not be neglected : - : Hi j ' - " ' "Manufacturers who work chiefly for the markets of! Central Asia must also study more diligently the prevailing taste of the Asiatics. ihus, for thsrancefc muslin' turbans 'with cold borders at cth ends, as they are manufactured with us, arej more sought after than muslins brought frojk other quarters. The muslins of Glasgow, for (example, which have birds repre sented on thepn, cannot be used by Mussulmans in making their namaz, for they represent the figure of a living creature. :It was a lucky idea on the part of our Moscow manufacturers, who sent out last year checked turbans : fur they not only pleased the Tajiks and the Uzbeks, but the AfTghansjalso. Their quick sale shows how advantageous 'it is to study variety in saleable articles, suited to the wants and caprices of one's customers." The civil and religious administration of Bok hara is based on the Koran, and the city being regarded as invested with peculiar sanctity, the inhabitants, are among the most bigoted of Mus sulmans. jTheir fanaticism is increased by their having a! university in which young men are trained to hereditary uselessness : their course of studies being strictly limited to the Koran, thexommentaries, and the traditions, of course all novelties of science and al new dis coveries inf" nature are viewed with as much horror as by bigots nearer homeThe monks and kahndtrsy iho begging friars of Islam, lend their aid to strengthen the popular superstition and are bitterly hostile to all strangers." 'The presen Amir, o ruler of Bokhara, is de scribed as a crafty, sanguinary tyrant. lie has exterminated the Sipahis or old feudal soldiers of t)ie Khinat, with as little mercy as Moham med Ali eihib ted to the Beys of Egypt : f Long did he act in secret ; till at length, in the latter t end Tof 1837, he declared himself openly. TheKush-beghi was banished, first to Kcrshi, then tq Nur-Ata, from whence he was recalled to Bokbarat and thrown into the palace prison. ' His tather-tn-law; Ayaz, the topchu bashi; was named Bey as a recompense for the eminent jservice he" had rendered the Amir on his accession to the throne, and appointed gor. heaped upon him : but he felt the approach of his downfall as soon as he learnt the late ci ivusn- beghi nevertheless, as he could not 'openly de- fy the pcTweroC the Amir, on receiving an order. to'appeaT before-hinr Bokhara, ho was forced, pn octagonal ediiice, surmounted by an eleva. Ie dome 1'jfhe interior consists ojf two apart bents, of whfch the first may tie said to repre. -i-r-4 Keep a' check rrox iiii. Voca IS SAFE. SALISBURY, ;N immediately fo attend the summons. (But the Amir had too much cunning to do him any harm there. . He. quieted the fears of Ayaz, being aware that if the old man's suspicions were roused be might hide a part of his riches, or consign them over to his son, and thus frustrate him of; the coveted' wealth.' He therefore re. ceired him very graciously, and on the eve of - v.uuuiaiBauu, ucsiuncu UII Ului a khalat, or dress of honor, of gold brocade, with a turban of the same stuff. A beautiful Argo. mak was also brought for him to mbunj on rich ly caparisoned with gold trappings.! The'Arnir himself came out and helped him io Vault into the saddle. Ayaz iwas frightened at this mark of condescension, and accordingly 'dismounted, and bowing low his head, said he! feld he was culpable in the eyes of the Amir, and entreated that he might be instantly punishcdl asr-Ul-lah embraced him, thanked him fr tk$ former services he had rendered him. and with' the suh. tie caresses bf a snake, lulled the suspicions of meo.aman. ; Ayaz returned to Samarkand. and after receiving two most gracious answers from the Amir to his reports, he fundi v honeri th siorm was tuown over and that the chief of Bole. hara had not included in the dissfrace of the Kush-beghi ; but his illusions sooii vanished; he was once more summoned to Bokhara, and thrown into the same prison with the Kush.be ghi, where they were both put to death in the spring of 1840. From that period the Amir -u tu perst-cuie me oipanis wiinoui mercy, flis hatred at first fell on the rehitinna nf th Kush-beghi ; ho seized on their property ; ban ished several -beyond the Amu-iyariyaf; many were executed; and when the necessity had ceased of screening his acts under! the! pretext of his aversion to the Kush-bechi and his par ty, Nasr-Ullah put to death or dismissed from the ranks whomsoever he pleased, without giv- ing io any one an account ot his acts." The fate of our countrymen, and their long suffering at Bokhara will give a melancholy in terest to KhanikofTs account of thb prisons : "The palace of the Amir Carki built on a mouna i wneiner natural or artificial 11 cannot j i .. . . say) having five or six saienes in S height, and about one verst and a half in circuit. It has a square form, and contains about 20,000; square sajenes, or Uventy-two tanaps. On this area are built the houses of the Amir, the Vjzir, the bhikh-Aval, the Topchi-Bashi, the Mirzai Def. terdar, as well as the Dwellings of the burner- ous retinue of the Amir and the above grandees; three mosques t likewise, t named tie Au- lhaneh, with some dark apartments to preserve a " . - i? j water ior me Amir during the summer1: . f -.1 ? . beats, but which are- more especially appropri ated to state prisoners, when they happen j to give of fence to their master ; such were, for instance, the Kush-beghi and Ayaz-bey. From ihence, to the right of the entrance, a corridor leads in to another prison, more dreadful than the first, called the Kaha.Khaneh, a name which! it has received from the sworms of ticks which infest the place, and are reared there on; purpose to plague the wretched prisoners, t hav been told that in tjie absence of the latter, some pounds of raw meat are thrown into thej pit to keep the tieks.alive. This institution of refined cruelty has probably given rise to the fable of the pit of scor lions, of which I ha vie repeatedly heard account i given at Orenburg.! The Zin dan or Dungen? is to the east of the Ark, with two compartqents : Zindan-i-baJa (the upper dungeon) and fhe Zindan-i-poin (the lower dun geon. The farmer consists of several courts, with cells for ihe prisoners ; the latter of a deep pit, at least three fathoms in depth,; into which culprits are let down by ropes ; food is lowered aown to mem in me same manner, ice se pulchral dampjness of the place j in inter, as well as in summer, is said to be; insup portable, according to the testimony of witness es. Twice a; month the prisoners, chained in irons, are brought out of prison to the reghisian, where the Arnir gives his judgment on those who are to be executed, and those who ' are to be set at liberty. Those of whom! uo mention is made, have their heads shaved, and are re conducted to their former cells. This is; only done with prisoners! kept in the first compart ment. They generally go barefooted ; Jand to form even a faint idea of the sufferings of those unhappy wretches, one must have seen them standing barefooted on the snow, the thermom eter of Reaumur marking fifteen degrees below freezing point,- waiting for hours together the appearance of the Commander of the Faithful." From the latest account that have been re ceived, it appears that the Amir has reduced the greater part of the ancientTransoxiana or Ma-, we r-en-nabarj under his dominion, and that he is exerting himself to introduce principles of or der and habits of obedience among the wild tribes of the Steppes. OCT The Editor of the u Alabama, Jour nal" has beep presented with a novel ve getable of tle Cabbage kind, raised from seed sent from Belgium, by the Hpn. H. W. Hilliard.j THis vegetable is abut the size of a small hen's egg, and is a perfect Cabbage, firm and white; it is said to be a most delicate dish, and superior tcj any 61 the same (family of plants. IThd eeds were sown in iuay, aim irttiBjJuH?u in August as other Cabbage plants are, leach plant producing from thirty toforty o rjhese beautiiui little uapoage neaas. Scotch BtmJtingThe stability of the Scotch banking system is illustrated, says Blackwood, by the fact that at the late, investigation before a committee of the House of Commons, it was stated that whereas iii Scotland the whole " fos sus tained by the public from thei bank fail ures, fot d Century cmd u -half , amounted to 32,0dChe loss to the ;pubtic;7aring the previous lyearin ljoon aldne, vxzs es timated at TEN TIMES THAT. AMOUNT. , ' j i j .The editor thatononeeV without sheddi ! -i , . 7 i .!"'.. , ' V -'. ..fV The editor of the Shippenburg Herald boasts' that on one evening! he kissed forty Dutch girls ling a tear 1 Hard hearted Acretch I Ruixas.' Do tbisaxd Libextt , " Gen'L Harrison : " i i FEBRUARY 22, 1845. PROPHECY. OF NAPOLEON. 1 -. The subjoined prophecy of Napoleon is said to jbeja suppressed passage from the Journal of Las Casas, and no one who has perused that work will doubt it. , r ..... u In , less j than fifty years from the pre sent time said the Emperor to me one day, asiwc stood viewing the sea from a rock which overhung the road. - the whole European system will be changed. Rev olution Will succeed revolution until il nation becomes acquainted with its indi vidual rights. Depend upon it, the people of Europe; will not submit to be governed by these bands of petty sovereigns these aristocratic cabinets. I was wrong in re establishing the order of nobles in France ; but I did it to give splendor to the throne and refinement to the manners of the peo ple, who wre fast sinking into barbarism since the revolution. The remains-of the feudal system will vanish before the sun of knowledge. The people having only to know that all power emanates from them in order to (assert their rights to a share in their respective governments. This will be the case" even with the boors of Russia. Yes, Las Oasas, you may live to see the time but I shall be cold in my grave when that colosal. but ill-cemented em pire, will bp split into as manv sovereign ties, perhaps republics, as there are tribes which compose it." After a few more reflections on the fu ture prospects of Europe, his majesty thus continued t .. "Never was a webmore art fully woven over a nation than; that horrible debt, which envelopes the people of England. It has been the means of enriching the aristocracy! beyond all former example in any country ; Whilst it has. at the same time, aroused as imany fast and powerful friends to the government as there are individuals who receive interest for that money, so extravagantly squandered to crush liberty in other countries ; but even that must have an end j some accidental spark will ignite the combustible mass and blow the whole system to the devil ! If the mighty debt were due to foreigners, these cunning islanders would not bear- the burden an hour, but yould on some pretext or other, break with their creditors and laugh at their credulity ; but they owe money to individual among themselves, and are therefore likely to enjoy the pleasure of paying theinterest for generations tocome. France too has got a debt. Those Bour bons think to maintain themselves on mv throne by borrowing largely of the present generation, in order to lay heavy taxes on the next, and all future ones. But I know the French too well to suppose that such a system can be long tolerated. I know that they have too much affection for their offspring, to entail upon them a national debt like that of England however art fully incurred. No, no! my subjects are too sharp sighted to allow the property accumulated for their children to be mort gaged to pay the Russians and the English for invading them, and for the restoration of the Vielie Courtne Imcfles, who now insult them ! They will after a time, make comparisons between them and me ; they will recollect that the expenses of my gov ernment Aycre, defrayed by imposts during the war that my war cost France nothing that I left her not one fraction in debt but that I nriched her territory: Such comparisons will not be favorable to the Bourbons, i The French will cast them and their debt from their shoulders, as my Arabian vyould any stranger who should dare to mount him. Then, if my son be in existence, i he will be seated on the r throne amidst the acclamations of the people ; j ill he be not, France will go back to a republic, for no other hand will dare to seize !a jsceptre it cannot wield. The Orleans j branch, though amiable, arc too weak, have too much of the other Bour bons, and ivill share the same fate, if they do not choose to live , as simple citizens, under whatever change takes place." Here th5 emperor paused for a few mo ments, then waving his hand, he exclaim ed, in an animated tone,his dark eye beam ing with tjie enthusiasm of inspiration France once more a republic, other countries will follow her example. Ger mans, Prussians, Poles, Italians, Danes. Swedes and Russians, will all join in the crusade of liberty! They will arm a gainst their sovereigns, who will be glad to make a cpnecssion of some of their rights in order to preserve a minor author ity over them as subjects. They will grant them representative chambers ; and style themselves constitutional kings, possessing a limited power. Thus the feudal system will receive its death-blow, and, like the thick mist on the ocean, it will dissipate at the first appearance of the. sun of lib erty. But things will not end there ; the wheel of revolution will not stand still at this point the impetus will be increased in a ten fold ratio, and the motion will be. accelerated in proportion. .When the peo ple recover a part of their "rights, as men they will become elevated with the victo ry they have achieved : and, having tast ed the sweets of freedom, they will become clamarous for a larger portion. Thus will the statesjand principalities ofVEuropebe in a continual state of turmoil and ferment,, perhaps; for some, years-like" the earth, Leaving in 11 directions, previous to an earthquake. At length the; combustible matter r will have f a vent f ; a tremendous ;- :;;;iVEW ISERIES, : ; V, lNUMBEU-43,! OF i VOLUME L ; explosion will take place the lava of En gland's bankruptcy will overspread; the European world, overwhelming kings and aristocracies,but cement ing the democratic interests as it flows. Trust mev Las Cas as, that as from the vines planted in the soil which encrusts the sides of jEtna and Vesuvius, (the most delicious wine is ob tained, so shall the lava of which I speak prove to be the only soil in which the tre u nueny wm taKc jirra and permanent root. Mav it flourish for aires ! -Ynu ner- haps consider these sentiments strange and unusual.they are mine however. 1 was a republican, but fate; and the opposition of Europe made me an emperor I I am now a spectator of the future." London Morn ing Herald. From the Lynchburg Virginian. " CORRUPTION IN HIGH PLACES. The attention of Congress has just been called to a case of flagrant corruption, by Mr. Eugene McDonald of New Jersey, the circumstance of which are well cal culated to surprise the community, and in deed to alarm the honest yeoman rybf the country, who, we are sure, are no prepar ed for such astounding revelationk' More especially will this feeling be excited if there shall appear, even -from somewhat indistinct intimations from other sources, that there is good reason to apprehend that the case referred to is only one of many othersof a kindred character the type of a class going to show that the public of fices have been auctioned and sold, like goods in the mart, to men destitute of that honesty, (as the fact itself implies.) if not of that capacity, which we have been taught to regard as essential in all public functionaries. The statement of Mr. McDonald is long and circumstantial, and we thus abridge it. During an interregnum in the Navy Department, a contract was obtained, through Mr. John Tyler, acting President of the United States, by one Col. Zabris kie of New Jersey, for supplying the Na vy Department with a quantity of live oak timber. The contract, (which was it self made in violation of law. no proposal having been advertised of the purpose of President, to whom he represented the-sa- crinces he bad made -in his service, per I I ; . i i suimi nnu pecuniary inat ne was com pletely out of pocket and that, unless fa vored by him with this contract he must be irretrievably ruined. The President told him he should have it, and the neces sary papers were directed to be prepared. Mr. McDonald goes on to say that the con tract, so obtained, was gotten by Zabris kie not for himself, but for a third nerson (supposed to be Mr. Swift of New Bedford, Massachusetts.) who had agreed to pay Zabriskie ten thousand dollars for his a gency in procuring it, but who, afterwards changing his mind, refused to give more than eight thousand dollars for his share of the u pickings and stealings" which sum Zabriskie finally agreed to accept. But it so happened that two of the principal officers then in the Navy Department, who were aware of the villainy! of the whole transaction, and who werciindeed the instruments of its perpetration! deter mined that it should noj; be consummated without obtaining their share of the per quisites also, being opposed t& munojtolies even in crime? Upon the old principle of dog eat dog," one of them, Mr. Voorhees, chief clerk of the bureau of construction and repair, stole a march On Zabriskie, by carrying the papers, as soon as they were protected, not to the nominal, but to the actual contractor. (Swift,) who paid him at once the sum of 88000. Voorhees hav-s ing thus the bribery fund in his own hands and possession being the eleventh point of law, determined to hold on upon' one half of the amount, which lie did, in despite of Zabriskie's furious protestations, who at length, however, seeing, that it jwas one of those cases in which silence was the only prudent course, consented to take the other moiety. But unfortunate fellow ! he was compelled to subniit to still another reduction upon his commissions, of 81000, for the benefit of Mr. Scott, Navy Agent .at Washington city ! This statement Mr. McDonald professes t p have receivedjli rectly from Voorhees himself in confi dence, and under a pledge of sccrecyv some 15 or 18 months ago, a pledge from which he has been relieved by the recent death of Voorhees. Such is the statement and if it be true, what will the country think of a President Who resorts to a cor rupt use of the patronage with jivhichhe is clothed, for the purpose of rewarding his beggarly partizans, and, if possible, oT securing thereby bis own re-election ? It may be said that snch a story cannct be true that Mr. Tyler is too high-minded and honorable thus to have prostituted bis powers, and degraded himself. We hope it may turn out tobe so ; but . we rather apprehend that it will not only tuni out to be true, but that it does not stand solita ry and alone,"an isolated illustrationlof the depthtof corruptionfinto f Vhich . tve have already plunged. At all events, the accuracy-of Mr. McDonald's statement will soon be tested by the scrutiny of the committee on Public Expenditures;ao Avhom it has Ibeen rrefercd; for Icxarnina- -; We alluded above to certain other in; ff n A Vnltit I lonn m.n4 . .1 .1 a . A,av wcjwiiuiciii iu ici me couiract- auuress recently made oy the lion. J. W. jib. . to the lowest bidder.) -was obtained by Za- batts, of Kentucky. The occasion which in-' briskie, upon personal solicitations of the duccd it, was the presentation to Mr. T.i bvlhe - nml i, l , . 3 -r 8imilar abused Dl Hit ESYv e shoul11 b more uatcd that yW&igZ (mcamns doubtless, the in?ont iohn Jones of the MadisonianJ -ha gratuities from' certain persons uho haa, w:....u,uLt , uius inuirecijy impmin" bribery to the official editor the court or4 gan. ! Amos Kendall, for Some rcnnn' r- other, (we pretend nbtUo say what4bo reason was, though the public are not so " auu, we imagine, as not to be able" to give f'Prf Rood guess at? it,) pretended to think that he was aimed nt in tMc ;n:n..i ation and, in ii letter to the Globe that" immaculate natriot tWln BRIBES HAVE been, tendered him, lb use his influence toibtaih .m fnr n re plicants, he has always been far too hbn-1 est to contaminate his hands with the base lucre and he advertiap tK i,.nt.u. forth all such tenders will be jected I But what savs John Jon.? nrt - deny the soft impeachment r No.' lie contentshirnself by meetingthe GlobeV implication bf 7iV honesty with a direct' charge against the Globe fcclbi He says , not a word in vindication of-his own in-: trgrity but rather impliedly "confesses ; the corn," and then seeks to place the Globe on the same a level of infamy by affirming that that paper l!as been guiW X , ty of, bribing an officer of the government."- ' by giving to that officer $3501) to secure ' its editors some S 1 00,000 w'irtK of print.: . ing, to substantiate wliich allegation theT Madisonian says it is prepafed. with, tho' . proof! 1. - . .; ij. r-; ,rv.' i nWhat will the country say to these dc- ; velopments 7 Do they not show, that aC r , -radical change is necessarj' in theofficerst of the government-a thorough 44 reform. ; . U in all the Departments an effective par-. 1 ification in the Augean stable, the nffi n- -: siye odors of which rival already thepu-'i- Miuiiy yi riuropean courts, and smell rankv the subordinate stations, a defaulter is de tected, and is permitted togo unwhint of justice, but to see the President. of the United Statesdegrading his high position, by giving facilities to fraud and-corrup- ; tion, by giving offices and contracts to his : parasites and courtiers, in order to enable -them to fill their purses by bribes and per quisites, is humiliating to the last degree.!? Truly, Washington city has become a nest1 V of foul birds 1 I - : . THE VALLEY OF i ' i i THE MISSISSIPPI. The following eloauent extract. dprrmflvnr J the extent and resources of the greaf American ; v Valley, and the difficulties and loss of life Vt tendant upon tho neglect of Congress to remoro" ' the obstructions in its rivers, is a portion of an" - I commercial and river men of Cincinnati, of a splendid silver pitcher, as a testimonial of their appreciation of his effortsln Congress to brov cure appropriations fbr the purchase by the G6-; vernment of the Louisriile and Portland Canal," and for the improvement of the navigable wa- ters of the West - r -s .. ' . - , r " Tho vast eitenrand boundless resource of ' thecreat valley of the JVIiasi..; nnl ri.lVA ton but little known abroad, and scarcely estimated s ' :i 1' or realized among ourselves. Extending from V 4 , . ' me xotn to the 47tb degree ot north latitude, and stretching from tho Allegh'anies to : the . Rocky Mountains, it embraces an, area of moro T than 400,000 square miles of land, unsurpassed - 1 in fertility, and unequalleiin its production : at - j-countryJntersected in every direction by, mag, ; : pnificent and beautiTul nVers, aflbrding more than- : 12,V00 mile of navigable .waters. . Hero we I, possess every thing which man can ask for his 1 comfort and independencc-minei of wealth untold millions of riches in copper, and iron, and lead are in the bowels of tho earth, and on . - -the surface rich pastures gladden the ere of the ?s nerasman, wen adapted to thi raising of cattle ... and sheep, and; the jirowth tC wool. and i lands - fertile in tho productions of hemp and floury of - . of cotton and sugar, ccrn arid maize, ahd"allthe necessaries and most of the! luxuries of life and this country is inhabited by rribra than six millions of people, unsurpafsed byrthe inhabi.' tants of any portion otthe civjlized world for in: dustry and enterprise, for talentfor honor, for courage, and for all Ihe qualities. which' elevate ; and adorn human nature, and render man asu-1 'fx perior being. Our resources are thus unbound-:1-ed, and our people capable' of putting1 ihem Io tho greatest advantage. Yet we are not con- '' tent our difficulties are the result of the vervr ' abundance which is yielded to our labors ; ' our t f productions are vastly more than wc can conv "-Kjl sume, and we must lind market for them abroad : j our indetatigaule merchants and traders do ac- comDlish this, lot their difficulties be what thv mat' .rmtp tnt mnti nv Sit aim hit a I - nected the waters of the Ohio, with those of the, lakes, br the means of nayisableTTcanals : and; : Indiana; and Illinois will effect the same object and your citizens, by" individual; enterprize,". f are ooing me same ny meant of a railroad. ;" Bountiful as nature has been to us, sbmething' lr 4till is left us to contend with and urmount Obstructions existin our navigation which can-: ." I not be overcome by individual or .State enter-' prize, and we must look to the National Corern- ,. ment frr the means. Such are the falls of the ' . Ohio, and ihe rafis and snags, and sawyers '' of V tuc :uii5i9ippi ana us inuuxariei, inco wmun- . Ij constitute obstruction to our commerce, but our enterprising rjver men arein danger of their. fives at every stroke oTthe piston or the oar. . Millions of property have been lost and hundreds of lives have been sacrificed by the 'neglect "of ? the General Government to make adequate ap. -propriations for the removal r of these bstruc t ions and the construction of harbors on the; western lakes. 'During the last session of Con ' gross, whilst the western appropriatipns wero under discussion, it seemed lhatj. hardly a'' mail , arrived which did not bring the news of some sad and melancholy disaster upon cur lake s or our rivers the very breezes which camo over thcAllehanies seemed to wau upon their-bo. ' soms the death shrieks of our hardy and enter-; r prising navigators, as they sunk and were i buried : ' in the waters iof the lake or of the Missi ilppi and the wa cf widowed wives and ori.han children seemed to accuse the rulers of tho na1 tion of being the murdereri of their husbands' and fathers by neglecting to cuke tho ncccssa ' ry appropriations.' ; . .. ,'s ; -. . . - " 4 - f .1 , . (" i 14 r 1 1 i "1 1 J .-1 - r - t - I 1. 4 ! 1 I .-. . , 1 ' . '-, r ,