it i .- . - - y '- - - - f.. s , TOtN ORDINANCES bstaridincrall ihpc;-M;-. I-:' J?e if ordained bv the Board of Commissioners, f hat it is hot' permitted for any person , to keep Hay, Fodder) fStraw, shavings or ' any other combuatibje Materials in any 'Dwelling-House, Kitchen or any other Housewhero fire is kept, either constantly or occasionally,1 under apen V.ty of Five Dollars for each offence, and of one dollar for ki$ day the nuisance is continued. 2d. It w nit permitted for any person to car ry a candle iorj other light, without a Lantern, into StablesJ other Houses, where there' may he Hay,' tmwf of other combustible materials, under a penalty of Two Dollars for the first of fence, and. Four Dollari fore very repetition. 3d, No ii son shall build a wooden chimney to any House (or Kitchen whatsoever, within the limits b0he Town, under a penaltjrof Ten Dollars, subject, moreover, to be torn down by the Board!; and every House-keeper is required to burn out'hjs chimneys as often as. may be necessaryi always doing the same on wet days. Inasmuch as great danger may arise lathe Town from5 4 neglect of this duty, any persons whose chimijeys take fire on a dry, windy day, shall pay ajfinS: of One Dollar, j r 4ih. Any berson taking off the Ladders of the lownf.irom lue iuarKd nuuso ur viucr place where the same may be deposited, except in cases of a arm of fire, shall' for ? every such offence pay.a penalty of Ten Dollars 5tb. Any person using the fire Buckets at- tached to their lipuses, for any other purposes than the jon for , which they were procured, hall forfeit each offence One Dollar; feach llousekeepej ball hangup his Bucket or Buck. eta in some secure and convenient place in readiness xn lease of fire 6th. No person shall erect any Stable or Cow House, with.dcors opening on any of the Pub-( lie Streets,! unc er a penalty of Ten Dollars Tax thereon per ye tr. - , ' : . 7th. No pen on shall throw or carry into the Streets any !ru bisb, refuse or filth of any sort whatsoever,! under a penalty of J?dur Dollars for each andje rery-offenco t nor throw into the Streetai or any spot within, the limits of the .Town, the carcass of anyjdead animal, under the penaltj jof Five Dollars'for every offence : and in cases where any animal dies within the enclosure of u iy person, th owner of the prem ises shall forlb with have the same removed In case of pea ect, subject io apenalty of Two Dollars olIar?.JVp.. '$tn.-ilt'lr (especially enjoined on all house keepers or otlier persons having charge of hous es or jinops, 10 Keep ineir pacKyaras ciear or an sorts of rubbish, puddles, or slop-holes, : or other I t ill 1 . 1 1 f 11 1 filth calculated to engender foul -air, and create disease : a! neglect of this Wholesome and nec essarr precaution shall be punishable by a fine - of Two Dollars for each week the nuisance is permitted to continue. I - 5th. It is not nermitted for anv oerson to feed or keeptheicattle in any of the Streets, or to 'permit. them to remain in the; Streets all night, under a penalty of One Dollar for each offence. 10th. It lis not permitted-' for any person to ' discharge a C!un or Pistoh within the limits of the Town, .under the penalty of Two Dollars tor each otience. r llthi No biarsQn shall run horses through the Streets,; under the. penalty ol Five Dollars for each oflence provided that the Justicejof Police 'may remit lnjy part of the penalty, if, in his o - pinion, circumstances justify : norhall any per son ride on! the Side Walks, or hitch horses to the fences adjoining the same, or to the Market ; House, under a penalty of Oue Dollar for each v onence ; provided, that this penalty shall not attach to strangers, having no knowledge of this regulation, j ' 12th. It is hot permitted for any Wagoner to . ieea ms norses or camp in any 01 me main Streets of the (Town, under a penalty of Two Dollars for 'each: offence. - 13th.1 When any regulation of the Town is viwiaieu uyiany oervani, Appreniice, or minor, .. me penally ipcurrea Dy sucn vioiaiion, snau be paid by the Master! or Mistress; Guardian ti . . r I -ei ...... ...?.. : or Parent of such Servant. Apprentice or Minor. A- I4thl It H ilfortflbwed for Boys to collect ,!.jil4"'"''r " " j ciuci vii puuuaja 111 nuj paifcuc 1110 auwm' torn the purpose of play or other noisy and disorder.) it lmeni, unqer a penalty orune ioiiar 10 eacn t-litX.:- .1 i . a f f-- -.- -R. A juumuuai concerneu, tor eacn ana every ouence, Jo be paidjhy Ihe Parent, Guardian, or Master I5tlu Itis; jnot permitted for any person to throw or c;epij8it in the Streetsyany wood or timber, to 'continue there longer than twenty, four hoursjeiceptihg materials for building, and, even such kre required to be removed as aoon , as practicable I and 'when any person cuts up bis wood on le Streets, he shall forthwith re. move all the trash remaining of the same. 16th. It Is not pertftlttgoyTor any person tdN 'exhibit a Stud Horse nearer to the Court. House than one square, under a penalty of One Dollar, lor the firsE rvffrnrft. and V ivft liolla.ra for ever petition ' . i- MV. 1 , j inn. it tUherordained, That the fines, penalties, a taxes provided Tor by these iOr- 1. shall be collected by warrant, in the ; -Badie'loi. tbef Commissioners. , t ! Ordered rjy the Board, that each inhabitant ofthe To yni of Salisbury, subject to Taxation, ; ahall be requested to give in on oath the num : her of Do ;s be may possess, and the Magistrate : of Police is them accordingly. ; ; ' v , : ' Ordere 1; by the Board of Commissioners, ' that from and after this Ordinance,it shall be the . ufy of al Cabinet Makers. Carriasre Makers. w - , -. - o . v Carpenter Shops, as well as all others whose bus v iness that Q calculated to produce shavings and oiner combustible materials, to cause the same to be removed every evening, between Sua set f and dark. ndir a oenaltv of Five Dollar, one ' half to be Iveh to the informer to the Maeis trate of Policb so as to bring any delinquents BJ order of ti e Board of dommissioriers, 4 E. R ' BURKHEAD. Clerk. fr alubury, June 22f, 1839. , " OXlVs onTTTmir.. .1 Yinv ahttL had , oecsmon to ; Jtma''i the foijade with which woman sustains the most : :ii ?verhelmi rtvprses of fortane. Those disasters which A 0jAe, spirit of a man, and prostrate him in the j "; to -call lorth au toe enf rgiee ofnhe softer sex. -u g,ve sucjj intrepidity and eleration to their-charac . - r.inat at Stinies it approaches to sublimity.' Nothing "" i ; hiore totiching than to behold a soft and tender i.r r? who !bad been all weakness, and aUre to every j ! w711 ,0ghoea3, while treading the prosperous path of j vQaeiyy. rising in;mental lorce.; to be the comforter jj jTj roPPofter ef her husband under misfortune, and a - r 7a with inrishrinking firmness, the bitterest blasts o lKrlVishinglon Irving.' . ; .ft --w n !, 1 ; -- Iicll said a coxcomb to a noor neichbor. ; Wa;'V AeoJ.'Vwss th answer. i : 1 Petition. v rBRraER' JAMES,?" ' 'i ' I '. -' :'--'''?!S '( NEVSERIE8'V, ; ; ju&i Proprietor.: ; 1. , ; ; , , , . . -. . number 52,; op volume t From the N. Y. Courier Des Etats Unis. ; , Paris is horor fed jast now, with the de tails of a surgical disclosure, showing the grounds of rumor which has been for some time whispered through the noble circles of Europe. It has been credibly asserted for a year past, that there wast shut up in the Hotel at Berlin, a young Polish Coun tess, immensely rich, and wanting a hus band, but who had : the draw-back, (or rather the MAltE-daaw back) of a skeleton head on an otherwise healthy body. The story has been somewb at doubted, but a celebratee surgeon, Drieffenbach, has late ly published an account, which we con dense as follows : "On a certain evening three persons lloil nn (his ftolphrnfpri nrftitinnAr An called on this celebrated practitioner. An Italian and AiJolish gentleman - came for ward, leaving; a veiled lady in the ' back ground. On the retirement of the other two, the incognito timidly looked around, advanced hesitatingly, and finally, uncov ered her head. A man whose profession was to look fon horrible sceties was not likely to be. easily moved, but-from what now met his sight, he started back with a scream of horror. A grimacing skeleton. with the bones of the head scarcely cover? ed with a reddish epidermis, stood before him. The tongue lay utterly visible, and all tHe passages of the nose and throat without a covering. J n the attempt to speak, the tongue played like a serpent half protuded from a corps. 1 he eye lids .ill . j - , 1 were turnedi Inside out. and of the unner ..; rii ; , n Tr innf 4Ka m VAmoinArl nn r r email rwwtmn enureiyaeprivea 01 leein. Such was! jhe portrait of a lady of eigh teen, daughter of one of the most brilliant and wealthlfamilies1 of Europe, who had been to this degree a victim to scrofula. The sureeon groes on to narrate that he could not, at midnight, when this interview took place, stand without almost intolera ble dread-before this frightful apparition, but she at last attempted to speak to him. hit was an appealing attempt at utterance. one couiu maite no arucuiauon mac ue could understand, but she pointed with frantic vehemence at his nose. He at last comprehended that she wished a sur gical supply fof this member to her denu ded face, but he shook head in despair. The scene of abandonment to grief which immediately j followed, was, he declares, wholly indescribable. She threw herself on the flooHfi an agony of convulsiva des- pair-, 4 v: : - The surgeon departed the next day for Vienna andjlhither the lady followed him. Another interview, with hr and some of her relatives ended in his giving his at tention to see what could be done. He L called together a few mechanical artists, and the first results was false palate and set of teeth, jwhich enabled her to chew and articulate distinctly.: After a few months more5 he succeeded in drawing the skin over a frame nose, and finally he has sent her intcf the world, not beautiful, but at the same time not hideous. She fre- quents balls and operas without a veil, and by the said of flowers, in her, Jiair and other adornments, passes without attract- ing extraordinary notice in public, it is said to be one of the greatest triumps ever nttainp.d in ttne siit-innal and meenanioal I . 7. 11 . , 7 , . r : arts.. The lady's hand is now open to com- petition. i; j: . ; , .1 I The Algeimeine Zeitung, a German pa- per, receive by the Cambria, gives a long account of Ijthe creation, by galvanisb, of an egg, ;&nd its subsequent hatching, producing a) fine, live bird of a- perfectly unknown species, and without feathers. This feat was performed by Professor Geifling at Bruneberk, after fourteen years spent in experiments. Tbe Editor of the German papier says he had seen ther bird thus prodnc0d and -remarks : ." inis mqsi, a5ionisuiug result uaa iii msot upset four previous notions of natur al phylosop and the governing laws of animal organism. As we gazed upon the featherless bird hopping about, and feed-J ing upon tht seeds given hv we began to aouDt tne reality 01 our own existence, or 1- t . .1 : r - that of any thtng about us r Strange Disease. -A very singular con- tagion has broken out ia Valatie, a small village in Columbia county, New York. It discolors the face to a greenish cast, the eyes ose their usual expression, and nave a vacant siare, me voice .oecomes husky, the memory, vanishes and the con versation; bejeomes confused, and a set of incoherent " fsentences jumbled, together, withouorder and without meaning. The strength leaves and the form dwindles a-f way to a skletohw The person - attacked raves like af maniac, and the doctors have been unable to do any thing for ; them. The informant states every person wears an affrighted countenance, and if it does if its (Ii a tvknla 4snm will be linhabited. by lunaticsr None have1 died from it as yet, but numbers are afflicted With it; ATew York Sun. ', 1 ' I - To Protect Heits rsox Veairar-A gentleman from - -Ji-VT -. i'- Hanover rediiests us tt atate , tfie fact that pennyroyal. woven into the nestsrwiU penecuy na crnainiy prpieci hens from the annoyance of vermin. He generally makes the nest entirelyFof this atrong-tcented berb. 'I i -.1 ..;--. : Southern rianter. - "Yon wiU always find rae in the company of gentle men," said a proud, self-conceited man of wealth, to ona of humble rank.;: . - Jut where I haveen nany a ty-M.J f.,4 was the quick reply. From the National Intelligencer. - To the People of the . Iake ; Country; and Mississippi Valley. no. in. . The great strength of England lies on the water.? Talk to her of war, and she! immediately looks at her navyj and begins' to "handle her match ? and ! lock-stringsj During the angry discussions last fall with! France, she turned as quickly to her wood--en walls, and as instinctively! too as ever, did Daniel Boon to his rifle when he saw fresh prints of the moccasin. Officers were! sent to the principal seaports of the realm to get lists of all vessels of heir comraer- an Armament bf so much even! as one 32- . .. . .. pounder across tne cnannel : among tne number returned, there were no less than! 200 sea steamers, the property of her mer chants, reported as being capable of ap pearing on the coast of France with an armament of from one to six guns each ; of which she has in her arsenals no less than 26,000 pieces, and is now asking Par liament for a vote of $10,000,000 to, buy more. I Wherever and whenever- that country determines to make war, if it can be done with ships, her ships are sent to give the first blow. j Last war she sent her soldiers from Ca nada against us: but she soon discovered that that would not do. Then she recol- 1 J 1 f 1 a. l ! i m. ; lecieu me iresa water ponus in inaiquar- , 1 .1 r 1 I V . wr, ana saw iney were aeep enouga to l" . a navy, instantly sne tooK to tne water, and commenced to build land launch her fleets. But these fared even worse than her army. To provide against simi lar disasters in another war, she set about, when peace came to open a way for a portion of those fleets on the ocean which constitute her glory and her might. She has no idea of contending with us there another time by starting even! with us to the forest for ships ; she'll send them right from the sea, full armed and equipped for battle. , : " Should she see fit to contend; with us a gain in that quarter, the first thing that we should know of her intentions would be from the lighted matches of her ships. wim pons aown ana tompions out. in this manner she made known her inten tions upon Copenhagen, at Nayarino, and still later in Syria. This is the way in i which she has pro claimed hostilities time and again with al most every nation under the sun ; nay, but lour years ago this is what she was pre pared and actually stood ready to do in this very quarter. f (! Her official documents show that when f Vl A sVllllirfrin trAfltir Unmmnnnail VtAwo in .Washington, there happened td be about r Halifax and JamaicaTan English fleet of glish fleet of sixty sail, and nearly qne-third of the whole standing army of Great Britain, notwith standing she was then engaged in twerac tive wars the other side of theworld. In such good earnest did she prepare to at tack us on the Lakes, that, independent of her local militia, she had assembled and ready in Canada an army of choice veter ans 25,000 strong. 1 j That Government jemderstands perfect- 1 n ..1 j ; - A iy wen wnere me yeaK poimsoi ine um- toA fitotoc 9M . i.i,. unn,a t,o vvu va-v v-k ua w oui m.lmj v j a uui uui ihusl vulnerable parts are on the Lakes and the Gulf at least she has signified as much bv very unequivocal sisrns. and eiven us. by the disposition of her for.ces, plainly to understand how and where she! would first have at us. She would notlcommence the negotiation until she got j ready her "dogs of war." Then, but not , till then, did she send over her Minister with his ultimatum. I 1 . ,Had that negotiation failed and war been the consequence, it is folly to suppose that the commencement of hostilities would have been announced on her part, except i from the mouth of her cannon;; for when she goes in for a fight, it is but a word and a blow with her, and the blow comes first Seeing, therefore,! that, without being aware of it, you have been so closely threatened on the Lake, it ; becomes you seriously to consider what you would do, and what .are your means of def ence, in case of an actual attack in that quarter. . The last report oj the Board of Public Works in Canada informs us that, though the Welland Canal is not finished, nor will be. for a. year to come, yet it can pass ev ery vessel except three or four now on the Lakes, and as soon las the winter breaks up, three steamers of 1,905 tons will com mence their regular trips through it. ! Now. I am told that your i merchants have in their Lake marine 25 large stea mers of 500 tons and upwards, 50 brigs and schooners, besides innumerable small craft," capable of bearing an i armament and defending the Lake. Butddyou not know that there is (not,; from one end of the Late to the nance yherewith to arm them? What, tberefbreV would these vessels; be jwithoqt enns but tronhies for your enemies, and monuments of disgrace to us and our coun trv I As far as any national means of de fence "are "concerned, an English forces al tosrether insisnificent as to strength, might send ail these ! steamboats, brigs, schdon- ers,and small craft " over the Jj alls of Ni agara after the Caroline. . " u -: , j -J. If Great Britain should choose to, send 1 flPt thmiitrh thesa canals to the Lakes.' . . . . vtnnninff tliem with m: canals jwere. constructed for military pur poses, and it would be at variance with the character of that Government to sup pose it; capable of military blunder of con structing such works, and neglecting to provide any means for holding or defend ing them. Before you knew she was com ing, her ships would be upon you. The object and purposes of war are not the fighting of. pitched battles in the "Bay ot Fundy," or elsewhere. Fighting is the mere 1 incident, the contingent results of war. When the British burnt Washing ton, they did not come here to fight. They cajne, as they would go upon the Lakes, to ravage and to waste, to distress, to crip ple, and to kill. These are the great pur poses of war the military, end and aim of these ship canals that lead into the heart of the Country. Therefore, to fail to pro vide for your defences, and talk about pro tecting your Lake towns and commerce after the cruisers of the enemy have got in among you, by stopping up these ca nals, taking! Montreal, &c, would be like shutting- the gates after the wolf had en tered the fold and been glutted. Montreal is the key to the Canadas; and Great Britain understands its impor tance too well to let it fall by a mere sum mons from the M the militia." Whether, therefore, we should be able to blow up the canals, and invest Montreal even after the ships Were in possession of the Lakes, would, I humbly submit, depend somewhat on the fortunes of war. But suppose that, by some strange in fatuation, Great Britain 'should suffer us to take her canals and her cities without a-struggle, how would that repair the da- mages by her fleet upon the Lakes ? I have no intention to waste ink and paper as to modes of attack. My object is not to show how we may act after we get into trouble, but rather how we may best act to keep out of trouble. , Fully impressed with the almost total neglect by the General Government of providing means of national defence on the Lakes, I shall endeavor to show in my next how much has been expended for the general defence in other quarters. .What portion of the same you have contributed, and what benefit you have received in re turn. I I ; ' Yours, till the canal be dug, HARRY BLUFF, U. S. N. The British Government seems disposed to relinquish its efforts to play out the ill acted farce in which it performed so prom inent a part as universal philanthropist. It has ceased to contend for the privilege of searching all trading vessels at sea- a task which however troublesome, it was willing to undertake for the sake of sup pressing the-slavetrade. Along with this abandonment, the policy of discriminating against the products of slave labor is vir tually given up a policy which never had the semblance of consistency, because no such discrimination was ever made a gainst cotton. In accordancef with the new direction now given to her commercial system, Eng land has authorized her Minister at the Court of Brazil to enter into treaty with that country without insisting upon cer tain points which were formerly involved m the stipulations proposed. 1 he conven tion which existed until lately between Great Britian and Brazil having expired by limitation of time, the latter Power was unwilling to renew it upon terms so la vourable to England as were contained in the defunct treaty. In relation to this subject the Liverpool 1 imes says : By, the accounts from Rio, it appears that our own Government, after riding the high horse so magnanimously with regard to Brazil, has authorized the English Min ister !to announce to the Brazilian Gov ernment that hej has received full powers to negotiate another commercial treaty in the place of that which was so unwisely allowed to expire. The Brazilian Gov ernment has met this announcement by the appointment of commissioners empow ered to treat with him ; and as the British Government has itself solicited the renew al of negotiations, we may venture to hope! that it is prepared to accede to rea sonable terms. The anti-English papers have already set up a loud outcry against the renewal of the negotiations, but the Government papers answer them firmly, declaring that the Brazilian ministers are willing to negotiate, but that they are de termined not to agree to any terms which will compromise either the dignity or the interests of the country. The meaning of this probably is, that they are determined not to allow any mierierence in meir in ternal affairs under the pretext of suppress inff slavery, and to insist on something like kn eaualitv of- duties - on Brazilian and British'produce. They are certainly right in both respects. Bait. Amer. School f oic Boy. - ? mTTR nnderaiOTied havins established hia residence in I i Caldwell countr. will be prepared about the first of May next, to recerre into his family fc w boys to ed- nmt in comoanT with his own eons.. -1 ne course 01 in struction will be the usual one preparatory to the UniTer itv of this State. v The Charge. 8125 per annum cov- rrintr i all exnenses except books and . stationary. For further particulars address the undersigned at Belvoir, near Lenoir. Caldwell county, n. Carolina. - -' M THOMAS W. MOTT. . Feb. 4th, 1845--42 Jt afterwards Jmtf, ! : : Fronxihe Raleigh Register. THE STATE? OF FRANK LAND. It may not be generally known that, in the year 1784, North Carolina passed a law ceding the country, which now forms the state ot lennessee, to the United States, provided Congress should accept the cession within two years ; the juris diction to be retained by North Carolina till Congress should take possession. Up on this, the citizens called a Convention, oy which the laws ot North Carolina, as far as applicable, were declared to be in force in the territory, and the aid of Con gress was invoked, for the formation of a new State. Meanwhile, they ordained that the territory should be governed bv a Convention, and that this Convention, should send a.delegate to Congress. Congress did not accept this cessions and North Carolina repealed her lay.-4 Meantime, however, parties, were formeq in Tennessee; and while, on one side, ij was wished to return under the jurisdicl tion of North .Carolina, on the other sidS, it was resolved to adhere to the separa tion. A new Convention was called, and the territory was declared to be an inde pendent state, under the name of Frank land. The Convention announced to N. Carolina the independence of the new state, and sent a delegate to Congress ; but it does not appear that any notice was taken, by that body, of the proceedings. In 1786, the state of Frankland had two conflicting Courts in its limits. The one acted under the authority of theirown state, and the other under that of North Carolina. Each Court claimed, that its decisions were paramount ; and in fact, the only one, that had a right to act in the ease. A more fruitful source of collision and quarrel cannot be imagined, than such a state. The Sheriff . of Frankland, with his posse, in some instances, went into the Court, seized the papers, and turned the officers out of doors. The JSTorth Carolina party, as soon as it had power, retaliated in the same way. Colonel John Sevier was elected the first Governor of the state of Frankland. The Governor, soon after his induction into office, met the principal man on the North Carolina side of the question. From the windy and inefficient war of words, it soon proceeded to the more decisive war of blows. The argu ment was soon settled inthe primitive way by the dint of fist. But these leaders of state were separated, before victory declared on either side. Their humbler retainers, as they felt in duty bound, imi tated the example of their superiors, and lost an eye, or a piece of flesh of less im portance from some other part of the bo dy, without being either cooled, or con vinced. It was obvious, that in such a crisis things must soon come to a more se rious issue, than a fist-fight, or gouging an eye. The county of Washington elected mem bers to represent them in the Assembly of North Carolina. Col. Tipton, who had fought the Governor of Frankland, was one of these representatives. A paper containing the names of those, who were willing to accept the terms of North Car olina, and secede from the authority of Frankland, was sent by these members to the Assembly, laxes, were imposed by the authority of-both Legislatures, and, as may be easily foreseen, the people paid neither, .with much speciousness, assign ing as a reason, that they did not know to which authority they ought to yield their money. This year the Cherokees renewed their attack upon Tennessee. William Cocke, Esq., 3vas delegated to Congress. He made, before that body, an eloquent speech, placing in a strong light the helplessness and misery of their condition, engaged in civil war on the one hand, and assailed by the merciless savages on the other. This time he was heard, and his representa- tions acted upon. A general amnesty was i i it ri i passea, in resrara ro an wno expressed a readiness to yield themselves tothe au thority of North Carolina. It was enacted, too, that the officers, who had held under the state of Frank land, should be displaced, and their places tilled by persons appointed from North Carolina. Many, who held under the new state,: had been originally appointed by North Carolina, had been retained in their offices by Frankland. They were eonsi dered by Congress in the light of persons, who. admitted the authority ol the new state. The pacific, and yet decisive mea sures of-Congress seemed at once to re store things to their former position, be fore the formation of the state of Frank- land. But under the external appearan ces of tranquility remained the smothered fife. There still remained a considerable number, staunch for the cause of the fal len state, and disposed, upon the first fa vorable appearances, to rear it up again. Governor Sevier offered the , services of these men to Georgia, in the prospect of an approaching war of that state with the Creeks. . .The Legislature of that state having deliberated upon the proposition, returned a very polite answer, expressing gratitude for the kindness of the offer, and promising a return of their services in any wav: which shonld not be incompatible with tfift i ritWrests of Georgia. They sent a state of their case to Dr. Franklin, soli citing advice He wrote theni in reply. that he thought they had better accede to the propositions ot iNortn varoiuia """ w; state. Geor- without promising any tu Veod of Sees. -.-Bat several i1iin:.v.i HocJ? ?U uals of thaj state inSZ? Sg ing their, own good wishes, and HhcWT many of the, people. He was elected a member, of -the distinguished society of C.mJmnf A copy of the Constitutions of the- thirteen states, neatly bound,' was presented him, with a very flattering ad dress. The common toast in Georgia was a Success to Frankland and itsf virtuous citizens But; all these symptom of con- valescence notwithstandingin 1787,. the ' Legislature of Frankland met for the last time. Little was done, and shortly the state of Frankland fell by natural do f From the Richmond Timet and Compiler. , FANATICISMS I The Boston Atlas gives great nroml. nence to a correspondence between Judge Wm. Jay and W. J. Bowditch, on the sub ject of the - Duties of the Norths . Judge J. defines what these tlutie,sare, and also . ft) A W r r o fr ro .-ttioi moin f ., .L. . dissolution of the Union. Bowditch isihe 7 gentleman who refused to send tot the- South an aparatus of his inventien for strengthening the respiratory organs, be- 1 cause he would have nothing to do with slaveholders 1 Judge J. is son of John Jay, first Chief Justice of the iU States Supreme Court, and friend and adviserof Washington. We regret to say he is a Fanatic and a Disunionist. - v : (1' ; The causes which, in his opinion re- . auire the North to nlace itself in ; nnnnl. ; ion to the South and the Union: is the nri. nexation of Texas and the police regular tions of South Carolina and Louisiana, subjecting free negroes from the North to imprisonment in certain crises. The Dit ties of the North" Mr. Jay thus sums up.1 r 1. To regard the constitutional provi- ff sions relative to fugitive slaves as utterly revoked and abolished. , "2. To punish every individual, what ever may be his office or condition, who may have any agency, whatever in the apprehension or surrender of a fugitive, 3. To punish every person who with in our territory may exercise, by deed, mortgage, or otherwise, ny authority o ver slave property. , ; 7 p i 44 4. Whenever any of our colored -citt- " zens are imprisoned at the South, on act , count of their icomplexionto seize an ad- t equate number of the citizens of the State ; ' committinglhe outrage, who may be foumt on our soil, to hold them as hostages. for the liberation and full compensation of w said colored citizens. " . : x'lv " 5. To petition Congress and the State ' Legislatures to take measures for an ahl-l icable dissolution of the Union. ' 'r Such mad and fanatical sjjggestionsV we r,-'; are sure will find no favor among the great body of the Northern people. They are too faithful in their devotions to our . Un ion to countenance such destructive coun sels. Apart from their regard for the Un ion, thej' have too much good sense,! too clear an apprehension of the common be nefits North and South derive from the Uuion, to join any such a crusade against its peace and existence. A RELIC OF THE. REVOLUTION; A Treasure A Prize I V f The following ' Declaration of Independ. ence," says the V icksburg " UonsluulioiUUist. ' was made by the Vestry, and now standi record ed on the books of St. Paul's Church, in Eden- ton, North Carolina. The celebrated Meck lenburg declaration hat deservedly created great interest ; the similarity in expression and . sen timent to the subsequent national declarsiioniis" remarkably strange, to say no more. Mr. Jef ferson fays he never saw nor heard of it before he penned the instrument which alone would have immortalized him. Let that pass. Here we have an honest, open declaration of the Christian vestry of a church in that good old honest, virtuous, patriotic North State, whoso love of liberty was then above, all other love. About twenty ot Jhe descendants of eve of those , chivalrous and heroic patriots are and have been citizens of Vicksburg : Pet. Intelligencer, J We, the subscribers, professing our allegi ance to the King, and acknowledge the Consti- tutional Executive power of Government, do po lemnly profess, testify and declare, that we i :.i .1. Ti: do absolutely believe that neither the Parliament of Great Britain, nor any member or constituent branch thereoC have a right to impose taxes up on these Colonies to regulate the internal poll. . cy, thereof: and that all attempts by fraud or ' force to establish and exercise such claims and powers, are violations oi me peace ana security of the People, arid ought to be resisted to tbe'uU- most and that the people iof this Provincesing. ly and jeoUectively, are bound by the acts and resolutions of the Continental and Provisional Congress ; because, in both they are fully re presented by persons chosen by themselves and we do solemnly and sincerely promise and engage, underlhe sanction of virtue, honor, ana - 1 1 sacred love of Liberty and our country io main. , tain and support all and erery the acts, resolu- tions and regulations of the said Continental anI4 Provisional Congresses to the utmost of our power and ability. .it", "U In testimony whereof we have hereto let our nana, mis ioiu j Kicbard uoskiqs, David Rice, Aaron Hill, Pclatiah Waltonr Wra. Uinton, ' , Thomas Bonner, -William Bovd. Thos. Behbury,:' Jacob Hunter, I John Beasly, ; ..Willi tin Bennett Wiiliatn Roberts, I do hereby certify that the foregoing is' tru. ! ; i ly copied from the proceedings of the Vestry of -Su Paul's Parish; Edenton,' North Carolina; at a meeting held in the ehurch in Edenton; on the i9th' June,-1776, and that the persons whose names are above wnscrweu, trymen of sai? Cbureh on the:8th day of ArU, 1778, aa appears from tne recoras. j ; , :,ux- " . II. A. GILLIAM. Edenton, Jan. 27th, 18 15 - '-i 1 ! 1 - ! r r 4 I- . HI -1- i. t til 1-

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