J- THE PRQpPiN.OF . ANEXAT.OX. tKo-Server! iof theoucsji -of , things sihce the Ibenning of. the Tannexatioa movement nci to be told that-the ac quisitions of Texas is intended as tie; ini tiative of oth'eila'cqusitjonsof lexican ter ritory. The following paragraph from the KashvilleUmc!njhas its own iimficance i The last! all vices from Calilbrnia in form us that! the! province is in a state of revolatioii th 'natives wishing to expel tbe-Mexicans, and having every prospect of success. The struggle will be shorQf it has not already terminated. We learn also that many of our citizens who emi grated to Oregon have fallen down and settled in North California, and that they have found. th,!e most delightful climate and a! rich soil. I They affirm that Oregon is but a bleak, barren, waste, compared with California. We refer to these facts to.shbw that it is'not at all unreasonable to suppose that California may be in a condition al-a very early day to be. annex e to ourjUni63.j'. vf; v' z) ,'"r , y',f-o A niore co ivehiehtode of conquest iv as never du vised than the one v which has given us Texas, and which promises to secure Cal ijfornia. Our settlerso Jnto a Mexican p rovince and take up their a bo4e ; others follow them ; they take occa sion to rise against the local authorities, sure of kssis ahce from their countrymen ja the United State ; the ' struggle is for liberty. They prevail, and then they and jibe country are in a condition to be annex ed. This is tnorie convenient than a-war-like invasion! IJaZ timofejLmerican. f V THE FIRE IN PITTSBURG. The Gazette says -that five persons are now pretty certainly supposed to be lost in tjie great fire. Samuel;; Kingston, 'Esq., ;an4. woman employed as a servant in the family, perished in his house on Second street. A poor woman, of German extraction, perished on Third street.. A married woman, the mother of two children, named McGowly, perished on Third street, and a man named Johnson is supposed to have been lost in Wood street, having heen seen, In a burn, ing building. There are also reports of the loss of others! which cannot be. traced to any relia ble source. Such was the intense heat of the fire that it consumed the remains of its unfor. tunate victims in most instances entirely. The Pittsburg jCity Regulator states that the burnt district covers fifty acres in the city and six ecres out of it. : - - - 'Loss or Pepperty. A committee appoint, ed by the Pittsburg Councils, after a full exam ination ot the burnt district, , having minutely visited every part of it, have arrived at the fbl ; lowing jre suit: 982 buildings burnt, value 1,56600 I 113,450 Valueof personal property burnt. S3.479550 This d6es not include money or personal pro- pert of young" tpn or persons not keeping bouse; ! In calculating the value of real estate, the committee have estimated the cash value of Ttte improkements as they were before the fire, and not what it will require to ! rebuild them, which must exceed! the above estimate at least twentj-fiye per cen OtTThe Globe has a hard hit' at the Nulli- fiers. i It charges- that . Mr. Rhett and his South Carolina friends, at the beginning jof the late session of Congress, supported in caucus, Mr. Wilkins of Pa4 a . decided protective tariff man, for he office of Speaker, against John W. Jonei and j that afterwards, when McKay's hill, modifying the Tariff of 143, was pending "icveral if thb most-prominenfNullifiers" dodg- tame voic. Wuiie omers cvtncea sucn a paipa oie indmcsrehce to the result ot the measure as to disheaVten their Northern friends, who, (says (heGlobe,)shouia not be expected to risk ihemseHes ti weoi&plishat great hazard, for u iots statement true i n so, tne lxumijers certainly have no nght-to complain of the Ta riff, which the j would not aid in modiiying! Tbejr stand on the ame footing with their bro ther ? Democrats ' who, with curses of the Whig TarifTof 1842 constantl on their lips, jet refused repeal or modify it, either at the mt sessjionjof Congress or the preceding one, notwithstanding thy had a majority of about 60 roles! jThe Globe is now endeavoring to throw the responsibility from the shoulders of iti Northern' friend, who voted with the Whigs, against touching ihb TarifT, and casting it up on the Nullifvers. who. either dodged the vote. or did not tufficiendy pat their Northern allies on the baclt j- As the Globe is the pro tern. -"organ'f of, Ir. Polk, it is manifest fronTlhisf M well Mother ncit less significant signs, that the Calhounites are! first to be read out of church, hen kicked but of office, and then abused. WelltKeV ire "brave talkers,and will swear territjry as a glanders army-nui tnej win pena their necks io the yoke ncTertheless ! Lynchburg -Virginian. tlemarkable Circumstance. The Salem rt -' j !.- . . . . l;uassM Gazette rccoroasomcreiQarKaDie um$neesn Miss marv Peters, wno mea on me 10m March and MisS Betsy Peters, who died Cr' -V J Trnlwav room hi. iThASftit win sisters have alwavs "o aays alter, Siged 73 years ana lour 'KvmA'i ' j v'L- - - - ; 'I?1, utmost harmony, ,aiSVeSeSe81e,Hyi.v5n-lfM!tt '?fcSr-: WAt thev Harl nn wish tnsnrvivft en.cn oth- . j w - w . . TN' deh was "!"ka" i i ' it r fort M - r;Y . C u if 11 onTcn 6ho b?c?me "P; g-qous prevery thing around,her, and STr appa; s I u tJr8" Pn ta taightier than the word."--"'a rUoka that soma of the cheese sold ahout the city .- -9mm - Ahe snrvU?n. Ut- xvh slnt witn W- ?lulv . ..? j- ; . T" ieaUierst t.. rr::"7?.r r VMW :r . ' kcDt tOfiretoer. oo great was we speea pijiTaeed. 8H a 81 iffmnn-r1 of the Raritan, that she was never able to H7deVtgea, 4 a ,5 ? dead Mak is dead r She contm- .L:kf ct, w nhWrl tn uhnrtAn sail J Ai 5 du iiir a IIIVU nt 4iseUe. uritil Sunday noon; an4 ed i 0Ii lDe Pnm Beeswax,.. Without astrule Thev were both in- the eleventh day the Commodore, growing C ffee n-ed hneSve tired bf the delay oecasionedj by the ,dnl CoitoV ' Jt one , .5rV,.. neSs df the Conirress. made sail, and reach- Corn. ' From thl Huntlville (A!.) Adrirj.J Mr Clay La9 been requested by a gentleman ., r . . in Sjxgh Alabama to write a memoir ol Jits mo. together: with history of the most atrocious X falsehoods and slanders put in circulation against him by his enemies. , Very properly UuOtj has declined noticing the pestiferous fcrooa ot libels wltK which hU namilaa been blacken, ed by those who 'envied the brightness of hi. lame and thebrilliancy of bifgenius4In thus treating with I silent contempt his slanderers, Mr. Clay imitate! the conduct of Judge OlirTof Vermont, when - violently attacicea oy a young xiarnson, wno uiea aoouc xwciuy years and very I impertinent attorney. ; To the sur- .ago, and was buried beneath the floor of prise of all, the Judge heard him; through and the church. A small running stream pass made no reply! After the court adjourned, one ed beneath the coffin, and of course to its of those, present asked the Judge why he did effects this singular preservation ot the not rebuke the impertinent fellow? me,M said lhe Judge In a loud tone, so as to call , a crowoftrounaV mcludinir the attorney, permit me to tell you a storv : Mr lather, tvhen he Mved down m the country, bad a dog; Lr:ir-i Ty?ii mv p : .rrira: nuuiu gu uui rvery moon HgOl nigui nnu uar. at the moon ! for hours together." Here the Judge paused as if he had finished the story- MVell, Well, what of it V exclaimed hair a do zen of the audience at once. M O, nothing, no thing whatever; the moon kept right on, just as if nothing had happened V So with Mr. Clay; while the curs of party have been bark, ing at hisheels, and vomiting forth upon him every conceivable slander, he has kept right on, just as nothing had happened; and when they are buried and forgotten in their own slime and filth, he vvJL continue to shine forth, the stay and hope of patriot men," and honored and re spected by his countrymen. No ; Henry Clay will never immortalize bis detainers by notic- mem ana ineir iioeis, airoougn iney out- venom all the worms of Nile." r ARRIVAL OF THE VAN DA LI A. Our readers were informed by our yester day's paper that the U. S. ship andalia had been iufected with the vellow fever at Port au Prince, and that a .Iaro number of her crew were sick from it. The Vandalia arrived in Hampton -Roads on Wednesday, and it is now our painful task to add, that the disease, since her sailing from Port au Prince on the 1st of April, has been direful in its results. Many of the crew are on the sick list, and nineteen have the following of- w w diedj Among the deaths are ficers ; f . I ' Geoeoe Mason Hooe, 1st Lieutenant. Lieut. J ames M. Lockest. ; . Surgeon V. S. Green. Purser Robebt S. Moobe. J oun Overman, Carpenter, (before reported.) SahuRl Crow, Sailmaker. i- The Vandalia has been towed up to the bight w xiuuj iiauu suu uci diva icuk up iu iuo Naval Hospital. There are only about forty or fifty sick, and most of them are out of danger, The sloop of war Fairfield was ordered down yesterday to receive on board the healthy part of the crew, and the ship has been ordered to quarantine, where she will remain untl, in the opinion. oi tne neaun omcer, sne can be sate- ly permitted to comeup to the NavyYard. J j Norf old Herald. IIAYTI. ThefKingston papers announce the determi nation of IIekaed, Ex-President of Hayti, who has been for some time sojourning in Jamaica, to return immediately to Port au Prince, with the view of regaining the Chief Magistracy. Herard has been persuaded to this step by a deputation which recently arrived in Jamaica from Hayti, for the purpose of inducing him to abandon his peaceful privacy for a career of ambition. He is under the impression that he will be made President once moro without bloodshed ; but we expect to hear of fresh troub les when he e fleets a landing at Port au Prince. I New .Orleans Picayune. : f : 1 . It is announced officially, in the Madi- soniari of yesterday afternooo, that the Hon.W. Hi Stiles, of Georgia, has been appointed by the President Charge dAf- fairei-to the Court of Austria, and the on.lA. Dsvezac Charge dAffaires to the HagUe. Bait. Amer. -Our correspondent at Kingston, c la. Vs under date of 25th Reported Loss of a U.S. Vessel of War. Jamai March, that a Colombian vessel arrived at that placefon this 14th of March, bringing a re port that art U. S. schooner of-war had been vrecled on the coast of San Bias, and that all her officers and crew had per ished The captain who brought this re port did not recollect the name of the lost vessel; but; he was sure that it was not the Flirt. " tWe hope that the report may prove Ito be incorrect Bait, Amer. e The: New York Herald says that the advices by the Great Western has had ve ry little influence on the markets. A fire occurred at Milwaukie (Wis.) on the GtH ins, which destroyed over thirty buildings, mostly stores.. Loss from 80 to $100,000. t v - J ' Death of fudge Leonard of Plaquemines, The N6w Orleans papers announce the death of Jude Gilbert Leonard, s Ho died oa Tues- . -..it , ... . , . en in tne late auei who mr. soca. iuo uuci had its?orisin. it wiii be " recollected, in the faxx" at the late; Presidential r. t.ij- n .. . - , i .. . . ; v L- . , r , : V- S. Frigate Raritan 1 f . i . . . ' . - - . ii i,n TJJS Fridate Raritan ana me Umta. frigate congress. uome . rtecember. ife Rirfton and Coneress to company from Montevideo for I I . 1 Sif -r .. . j. . i via. flnni s s a sm aira v i m mon inroiri took tfie lead, and kept it nnder easy i ci- i ever v uicut v w ww to enable the uongress. to come up. m no tl3i was there? any contest between sh& great was the superiorly nheitanltr every Vespect. On ed Rio Janeiro the third day, after, com ing to anchor two .days before the oon-gress-rbeatin her two days put of Ave, TETRIFIED CORPSES f A petrified corbse wast lately found at Berthier, Canada." Some, workmen: .who had occasion tn w?mAW vnral coffins, in excavating, for? the- enlargement of the church atbthat p,ace came upon' one of - . 'v M ri ;!! oaal hardnesv and fi " P "to Peces, disclosing y, tho- rooghly preserveoVand turned to stone, bich was removed to a neighbqnng d wel- ling. The remains are those jof a Mrs. fThm xr;J!,'t. cs,Mi r it,. 'Aif AW r nxm t :u. u it.. vaffrant. at Ran-0. ;'tWe State of Mam e. xxine ot them were severally sen tenced to the House of Correction, for from five to thirty days. Two of those who were condemned for the shortest time, are females. Chabxestok Publications. We have been much gratified of late to perceive that our godd city, among other signs of improvement and reviving prosperity, is beginning to issue from her own presses the productions of her own author. Messrs. M'Cajltex & AtLEx have published Dickson's Practice , a newf work by our scientific Professor and eminent practioner of Medicine, Dr. S. II. Dibxsoif, in a style worthy of a publishing house of the first characterthe typography r and me chanical execution generally, do the highest credit to the spirit and liberality of the publishers, and to the skill of the printers, Messrs. Bceges & JiXE3.--Chat.Giur, Racks, in stables, are going out of use, because horses often become blind by having particles of hay falling : in to their eyes. Troughs sre substituted, j I FRIDAY MORNING. THE UNITED STATES AND MEXICO. An intelligent correspondent of the New Or leans Jeffersonian, writing Ironl Vera Cruz, says : - - "The news of the final action f the Senate on the Texas resolution was received here three caaaed much surprise among foreigners and excitement among natives. An express was immediately sent by the Command ant General of this place to Mexico, communi cating the intelligence to Government, and con sequently considerable anxiety is felt here to know what course will be adopted by Congress in the matter. The more I reflect; upon the subject the less able do I find myself to give an opinion as to what will be the course nursued ujr mciicu iu mis case jno ining is most cer- tain, that she finds herself in the most awkward position that can be imagined. She j is not in a situation to keep her head above water in time of peace, and where is she to get the funds from to support a war? The" actual Govern- ment, by not declaring war against the United States, would be placing a terrible engine in tne bands ot the recently fallen party, to be us ed againsfltself in such a manner as to jeopar dize greatly its existence. It is impossible to say what will be done ; but I think that Gov ernment must declare war to save itself. In a very fe w days we shall know something certain, and perhaps even before the sailing of this ves sel." j -j. The following is an extract of a letter receiv ed by a gentleman in the city of Baltimore, da ted "'j " Vera Cruz, Marcn 29, 1845. " Congress has been in session on the sub ject ot the Texan resolutions ever since the news of their passage by the United States Congress was received. A great many propo sitions have been discussed, such as war, non intercourse, expulsion of Americans, confisca tion of American property and vessels. But nothing of the kind has been decreed yet ; and when the first impression is over, they will no doubt go more mildly to work, as what can they expect with high-banded powerful neighbors." measures against their From the New Orleans Tropic April 14. Late and Important from Jtexicp.By the arrival last night ot the steamship) Alabama from Havana, bringing papers to the 9th inst., we have later news from the city oft Mexico. On the 29th ult. our Minister in Mexico was in formed that the diplomatic relations between the two countries had ceased. The trial of San. ta Anna was still in progress. The robberies between Vera Cruz and Mexico were as rife as ever. It now appears that Mexico is willing to recognize the independence of Texas, provi ded the latter will decline annexation to the United States. j The late hour at which we received our pa. pers prevent our giving a fuller account of the news by the arrival. The Hon. Ashbel Smith, Secretary of State of the Republic of Texas, had arrived at New Orleans, and was to leave that city on the 14th instant for Washington, on an Important mis sion to this Government. ! i THE MB.RHETS. SALISBURY MARKET, April 26. ' Flour $3 a $3) ; Bacon 5 a 6 cents ; Lard 5 a 6 cts; Sugar 7J a 8 cts. ; Coffee 8 a 8 J eta. ; Molasses 40 a 45 cts. ; Corn 28 a 30 cts. ; Tallow 6 cts. ; Iron 3 a 4 cents ; Salt, sack $2 a $2 J ; Salt pr. bushel Ql. FAYETTEVILLE MARKET, April 9 BrandWch, 60a 75 ;Lard, 6a7 v a ki Molasses, ' 30 a 40 Bacon, 6a7 2723 12 a 15 r 6 a0 .74 a 10 5 a 5 16 a 20 Oats, 30 a 35 Oil, Linseed, 75 a 80 Nails, cut, ' 5 1 a 0 Beeswax, geeswa 1 n.toi- , U ?d. Ropo. : Rags, per. lb. . 2 Sugar, brown, 7 a 10 do. Lump, 14 do. LoafL 14 a 16 ?flee- !; Cottox. ,- : 50 a 524 Salt, (bush.) 45 a 50 $3 a S4 do. Sack, 80 0 a 82 10,'lobacco, l'L 2 a 21 Wneat. i 00 a 70 Whiskey, 23 a 28 Wool, j . . 12i a 15 CHERAW MARKET; April 22. ' 0a6 22 a25 7 10 4f a 6 45 a 50 CSaC4l 25- a 32 "5 a 6i Leather, sole, 20 a 25 Larf,;7V0.;aI0 .Molasses, 35 a 40 Nails; put; e aei Flour, ; Feathers,' Iron" V Sagar,1 br; -' 8 a 10 do. LbaC X5 a 18 Salt,t;cV0ie0aSl : Conrad, &q , Mr. ItUPOLPH -Y AUNTS. u Miss NAIiriSSA )anrrtitnr;Tirrtan Watsnn.' -' Tn thi ronnt nn m nfanr. hf Solomon PmI. er, Esq., Mr. JACOB ROW; to Miss MARY SLATER. In this eonntr. on the 17th instant. AMANDA EJ.IE- LINE WINDERS, daughter of Henry C. and Mary Winder, aged about 18 years. Also, on the same day. and Within a short tim after the death of her sister A- manda.MARY E. WINDERS, aged about 11 years. : lraxLUUxi c, Clxaffiii, Iff. I4 HAVlNCTlocated st Jacob Coleman's, (Cabarrus county J oners his professional services to the pub lic M SDril26.1845 tf52 &tat0 of Kortlij Carolina Datic County. N. S. A. ChafEn, Adm'r. vs. Jadith Long and others. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Josh ua fi. Lons. one of the defendants in this case, is not an inhabitant of this State : It is ordered, that pdbheation be made In the Carolina Watchman, for six weeks, for the said defendant to sppear at the next Ceort of Equity, to be new lor tie county of Davie, at the Coort-Uouse in Mocksville, on the 4th mondajr after the 4th mondajr in August next, and plead, answer or demur to complainants bill, or the same will be taken pro confesso, and the cause heard expaijte, as to him. Witness; L Bingham, Clerk and Master of said Court, at Office, the 4th monday after the 4th monday in Febru ary, A. D., 1845, and in the 69th year of American la dependence. L. BINGHAM, cm e. 6w52 Printer's fee $5 50 j tllit.iWrropertjj for Sale, THE subscriber takes this method of offering for sale his well known Tan Yard, in Iredell county. three miles from Davidson College, together with eleven ACHES of LAND. The Tan Yard is welljmproved, consisting of fifteen Vats, and all other necessary fixtures and buildings. Any person wishing to bay the above premises, can do so by applying to me near Cowansville, Rowan county. The terms will be reasonable, and to suit the purchaser. THOS. L. BEATY. April 26, 1845 5 w52 Frandin fltcademy, ROCKFORD SURRY COUNTY, N. C. THIS Institution commenced its first session on Mon day the 14th of April, under the conduct of the Rev. Wk. W. Bukch, who is so favorably known as a teacher in many parts of this State, and has for 8 or 10 years taught with great acceptableeess in the best Aca demies of Georgia and Mississippi. Under the care of such a teacher, this school cannot be surpassed by any in Western Carolina, and we can confidently recommend it to parents or guardians who wish their children or wards well instructed in ail the branches of an Academical education. I The location of this Institution is among the most healthy in the State, being situated on the banks of the Yadkin, many miles above any thing like still water, and the surrounding country is very! broken, consequent ly entirely free from any of the prevailing diseases inci dent to a level country and sluggish streams. The terms of Tuition per Session of 5 months are as follows : 1 ' i For Spelling, Reading, Writing and Arithmetic : commenced, 5 00 " Arithmetic continued, English Gramar, Geo graphy, History, &.c. . 8 00 ' The various branches of Philosophy, Rheto ric, Logic, Composition and Declamation, 10 00 Chemistry, Geology, the higher branches of I Mathematics, with the Languages, 12 50 Students entering the Academy after the commence ment of the present session will be charged in proportion for the remaining time. Board can be had in the best f families in the village and neighborhood at from $5 to go per month, including washing and candles. L VM. P. DOBSON, F. K. ARMSTRONG, GEO. W. BROWN. I N. H. BLACKWOOD, ! i - M. Y. FOLGER, April 26. 1845. (52:4w) Trustees. I NOTICE. WAS taken up and committed to the jail of Surry county, N.C., on Saturday the 12th April, a negro boy who says his name is Little ton, and belongs to John Hagan, of Belair, Lan caster District, South Carolina. Littleton is about 23 or 23 years of age, very dark complected, had on when ta ken up an old black jeans coat, white cotton pants, and an old wool Hat. The owner of said boy is hereby notified to come for ward prove property, pay charges and take him away or he will be dealt with according to Law. EMANUEL CRANOR, Jailor. April 18th, 1845. (52:tf) ; County Creditors. A LL persons having claims against the County of xjL Rowan are requested to file them wah John 11. Hardie, Esq., on or before .Wednesday the 30th inst., as the Committee of Finance will meet st the County Clerk's Office, on that day, and continue in Session from day to day, as long as may be necessary. WM. CHAMBERS, JEREH. M. BROWN, D. A. DAVIS, -i - "; Committee of Finance. Salisbury, April 19, 1845 2w51 j LAND FOB. SALE. mHE subscriber is the owner of a Tract of Land X containing 1,320 Acres, lying in the county of Dyer, in Tennessee, on both sides of the t orkadeer riv er. It is bf a good ouality--equal to any Lna in me Western District, distant from the Mississippi rirer 15 miles. The Forkadeer river is navigable some distance above.' I will sell at the Government price one dollar and 25 cents per sens with easy payments. A W. BRANDON. Satioburf, March 24th. 1845 48:3m STATS OF NORTH CAROLINA. i 4 IREDELL COUNTY. Couft of Equity, Spring Term, 1845. Drucilla Gaither, Aza B. F. Gaither and Elijah Camp bell, vs. Samuel Albea. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Sam uel Albea. the defendant in this case is not an inhab itant of the State : It is therefore ordered that publica tion be made in the Carolina Watchman for six weeks, that said defendant appear and answer complainants Bill at the next Term of this Court to be held for the County of Iredell at the Courthouse in Statesville on the second Monday after the 4th Monday in August next, or the same will be taken pro cotuesso and beard ex parte. Witness, Thomas H. McRorie, Clerk and Master o mA Court at Office, the 2d Monday after the 4th Mon day in February, A. Dt 1845, and 69th year ot our lnde- pendence. I47;w; wavnt . Printers tee STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. ; IREDELL COUNTY, j Court of Equity, Spring Term, 1845. Jans Sharpe, 1 ) Andrew Morrison, George Al- Jsmes Sharpe, ( ( Iison, samaei weictt. r IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Sam uel Welch is not an inbabiunt of this State ; It is therefore ordered that publication be mads in the Caro lina Watchman for six weeks, that said Defendant ap near st tne next jooji oi xxnuty to oe neia iuc vwu noose in statesyuie tor xne coumy oi ireucu on uw u Monday after the 4th Monday in August next, and plead answer or demur to Complainants Bill, or the earns will lw ttrn nrA eftniemm mm to him." -?,-.- ' ' Witness, Thomas H. McRorie, Clerk and Master of said Court at office, the 2d Monday tter 4ti wonaay in February.-A. D. 1845, and in the 69 th jear of our Independence. T. H. McKUKUU, c x. . - - f i (47:6t) Printers fee 05 00 v j-rmww.-k !nre Quantity of eenuine Qui- W nine just received and for sale by J. H. ENNISS, DroggtSt. --fr - Atrnr vw - - - - STATIONARY. fS' " vw v4i 'noerior article f letter oaceT ruled, and 0 S rftn.accotmt and note caper ; also, criHs, t J ens. sutwr black ink, red do, lettr stamps, wafers. mmmMnit Wat. C.. OtC, - Vv - JOHN-K. SOGER, HAS just returned from New-York nd Philadelphia, with a great va riety oT , r" NEW AND DESIRABIJE Amongwhich are gold and silver Levers, Le pine and common Escapement Watches, fine gold and stone Rings and Pins, (new and beau, tiful patterns,) fine Bracelets ' and "Necklace, gold Gard and Fob Chains and Keys, gold and I silrer Pencils and Thimbles, . , . I Gold and Silver Spectacles, German Silver, Steel and Common do.. Gold Lockets and Clasps, shell Card Cases. Pin and Pocket Knives, Razors, Scissors, Purse Clasps and tassels. Hair Pins and Bugles, Coral and satin Deeds, tooth brush es, pocket Compasses and Combs, fancy French soaps, Chapman and Emcrson'i superior Saior STRAPS, Silver PUded Candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays, Silver Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Steel Pens, Pock. et Books, Silk Purses, Music Boxesifne ! Walking Canes, Hemming' s best Needles, Bodkins $ S'dvsr Bui terKNIVES,', Together with a great variety of other articles. All of which have been carefully selected In regard to taste and quality, and will be sold very low for cash. Persons wish ing to purchase articles in my line, would do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of Watches will be repaired, such as chronomiters, duplex, horizontal, patent-lever,' musical, repealing and plain. Also, clocks, musical boxes, and all kinds of Jewelery will be put in order on reasonable terms. Having obtained a very steady and skilful work man from a celebrated Watch making Establishment in Philadelphia, he feels no hesitation in saying that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all those who may fa vor him with their work. All he asks is a trial. Lepine and plain watches will be altered to patent le vers, and warranted to perform well, f 01 J gold and silver taken in exchange for work done. JOHN E. BOGER. Salisbury, April 5. 1845 tf49 StatcsTillc Female Academy. THE second quarter of this Institution, will com mence on Thursday the lot day of May, under the care of Miss E. JT. Baker. The course of in struction will be extensive and thorough, including all the branches usually taught in the first Female Acade mies. Terms, per quarter, 1 5 6, according to the advancement of the Pupil. Music on the Piano, $13 per quarter ; Guitar, $10 ; Waxwork $5 ; Painting and French, 7 each. : , Pupils charged from the time of en trance, but no deduction made for absence afterward, except in case of long sickness. Excellent boarding can be obtained in the town at the low rate of $G per month. 51:3t April 19th. 1845. , CHEAP, CHEAPER ! "CHEAPEST ! THE subscriber respectful ly informs his friends and f the public that he still continues to carry on Ithe - in Salisbury, on main street, a few doors south of J. & W. Murphy's store, and just opposite the Rowan Hotel, He has on hand a large assortment of furniture, and keeps in his employment the best of workmen, and uses the best materials the country affords. lie has on hand at all times an assortment of such work as will suit the wants of the country, such as Bureaus, Sideboard, Sec retarieo. Cup-board, Table, Candle-ttandt, Wash ttandi, Bed-tead, Cane Bottom and Windsor Chairs, $c. A neat assortment of Coffins kept constantly on hand. This is done in order to prevent unpleasant delay in the burial of the dead. My charges are moderate, not only in the last named, but in all the above articles. The subscriber would say to the public that they would do well to call and examine before they purchase, as be in tends hereafter to sell cheaper than work has ever been sold in this State. All kinds of country produce and lumber will be taken in exchange for work. DAVID WATSON. Salisbury, April 19, 1845 . 25tf JAMES MeGARY, COMMISSION and FORWARDING Wilmington, N. C. REFERENCE: March, 1845. 46:$vr.p'& INSURANCE AGAINRT LOSS BY THC subscriber haring been appointed an agent of the ' Williamsburg Fire Insurance Company," would give notice to those who may wish to obtain in surance on goods, buildings, Ate., that they can have their property insured against loss by fire on ss reasonable terms as it can be done by any company insuring in this section of the State. Any information on the subject will be given on application to the undersigned. All letters of enquiry must be post paid. D A. DAVIS Salisbury, March 24th, 1845 48: ISt LOOK AT THIS. CHEAP FURNITURE. mHE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and JL the public, that he still continues to carry on the Cabinet Making Business, in Salisbury, on main street, a few doors south of J. & W. Murphy's store, and just opposite the Watchman Printing Office, and keeps in his employment tne oest ot work men. He has on hand at all tunes such work ss will suit die wants of the people such as Mahogany, Cherry and Walnut Sideboards.Bureaus, Secretaries, China-Presses, Cupboards, Tables, Bedsteads, Ladies' Work-stands, Candle-stands, Sec. - He also has oa hand a large and neat assortment of Coffins, and will constantly keep a supply, arrangea from the smallest to the largest size. - AU Jobs done by me shall be in the best style, and the charges lower than at any other shop of the kindin this place. All kinds of country rroaucc -u w... be taken in exchange lor wore, a n will be given to punctual dealers. . April 50; i845-49:iy .; ' -1 ::: STATE r OF NORTH UAliUitiiy a . . w - m - rmr i DAVIE COUNTY-r-Fefcwy Session. 1845. , " Samuel Tsylor vs. WiUisni Luna, ,, Attachment levied on six Acres of Land. ? ; TT nnearina to the satisucuoa ot tne cun tnat tne I Defendant has removed beyond the limits of ih'ufState, so that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on Kim :'. It is therefore ordered, that publication be made in Carolina Watchman for six weeks, tnat be oe ana appear before the Justices of our Court of Fleas and Quarter bes- w at the next court to be held for the county of Davie at the Courthouse in Mocksville, on the 4th Monday in Mv nxt. then and there to reDlew and Olead, otherwise radirment bv defatilt final will be entered against him and tne lanus teviea on conaemnea to saiiNj h'-" debt, h (Prs- fee 85 47:6t) JOHN CLiMi r. .vf r MICHAEL BIIOWN, ; U10 iUUvll'"t-- i , . frrr3 LAHJ FOR-SAiLa. ' "PURSUANT to a DeVrf,!::-n ,t Equ.ty for Rowan county; the Clerk ar.J Master will sell at the CourU louse in Salisbu. rj, on Monday the 5th day of May, (bein5 th Monday , of the Countj Court,) the foilovvin TItAGTS Or LAIIU. :" Two thirds of a tract of Land lying ba the S. Yadkin at the mouth of Third Creek, contain. fins about TWO HUNDRED AND SEVF.v. TY ACRES, subject to the right of dower there., n, of the widow of John JRobly, and the widow -of Forest Monroe, decd. A credit of 0 months" will be allowed, and bond with sufficient securi-t ty for the purchase money, required on the day. of tale. . : V , Also at the same time and placeman undivided , share of a moiety of two hundred and fourteen ACRES, where John Gillespie resides, on the forks of . Second Creek, adjoining tho lands ot -James Owens, John Gibson and others, which; undivided share would amount to 12 or 13 acres, on a credit twelve months! 'i Also rcquirin j bond. ' - - :.f' : " - . .. . I At the same time and place, will be offered for sale, two other TRACTS OF LAND, Tying iw Rowan county, belonging to the Heirs of Sam.' uel Miller, dee'd. One containing' ; on the waters of the Yadkin, adjoiningthe lands of Leonard Parks and others. The other lying on Panther Creek, adjoining the lands of James. Bohnan and others, containing about TWO HUNDRED AND TEN ACRES. Acred, it of twelve months will be allowed and bonds" v with sufficient security demanded on the day of sale. - ' v - .. y-' " ' .' " - Under the same authority, on the day and at the place aforesaid, will be sold, the interest of ' Henry CiybJeVHeirs, in a TR A C T OF L A ND, whereon the late Jacob Cauble lived, adjoining the lands of George Cauble, Johnv . Hartman and others, about seven miles cast of Salisbury, being lone fourth of ' f - - - - - 7 WO HUNDRED AND SEVENS. ACRES. ' y. A credit of twelve months will be allowed, and -bond with approved security for the purchaser mopey rexjui red to be executed on the day of sale. In all cases the Jitle is withheld ntil the payment of the purchase money, unless the Court -shall for special cause otherwise direct ' ;; r SAMUEL SILLIMAN, C. M.-Ei ' ' Salisbury, April, 12, 1845 4w50 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA; ROWAN COUNTY. , In the eanrt of Jqnltf Spring Term, 1S1S.;0 IN the matter of Joseph Hawkins and wife, with the other heirs of John Hall, deceased ; It is ordered that the Lands mentioned. in the pe. tition filed, bo sold by the Clerk and Master, who jhereby gives notice Jthat the said Land will - r be ofTered for sale at the late dvelling.house of . ' John Hall, dccM, on Saturday the 3d day of May " nexti ' One' Tract of ' - - :-r 1 ' , h THREE HUNDRED ACRES l the homo place, adjoining-tho lands of Joho -Henty, Henry Felker and others, "on the South : Yadkin. The other containing 100 ACRES, , - " also on the South Yadkin, adjoining the lands of Abram Montgomery, John Henly and others ; ( both sulect to the widows right of Dower, and ! upon a credit ol twelve monlhsrfrquiring bonds , ' with sufficiensecurity for the purchase money r : on the day of sale. "Attendance "and further -particulars then disclosed if necessary, by . SAMUEL S1LUMAN, C. M. E. . April 12, 1845 . . 4w50 NOTICE-Thf re will be sold bf the subscriber at . - private sale, one half Acre Iot, oa the great Eaate.rn Square, adjoining Alexander. Fraley's lou if" not sold before Tuesday of May Court, I will ouer it for ' aale on that day at the Court-house door. " " April 12, 1845 4w50 J. B. HENLY, Adm'r. r . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Davie County 'February Sessions, 1845. - Susanna Hodge, v. Joseph Hodge, Anthony Hodge, Da - Petition for v , Dowtr Tid Hodge, Mason Unndle, John Hodge, Joshua Young and wife. IT appearing to The satisfaction of the Court that Josh ua Young and wife are not inhabitants of this State. " It is ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the Carolina Watchman that the said defendants ia this case be and appear at the next term of this Court, to be held at the Courthouse in Mocksville on tne 4tb Monday in May next, and plead or judgment will be taken pro confesso : witness, JohnClement, Clerk of our said Court e. at office, the 4th Monday in February, 1 845, and in the 69th year of American Independence. ' (Pr a. fee 85 47 6Q JOHN CLEMENT, Cl'k. . , UNION HOTEL,: MOCKSVILLE, NC. in i is THE UNDERSIGNED ; RESPECTFULLY announce to the public, that they have recently purchased that large and commodi-" ous Public Home in Mocksville, Davie county, known as the ' .:: ' -' , " that they have refitted end newly farritched the same and opened it for the use f-tbe public f To those acquaint ed with this stand, it will be unnecessary to say that the building ia nearly new ; the rooms largo and airy, of modern construction, and that the entire establishment with its , - t'v- Out-buildius? and adjacent Grounds, t mnitt Ammodious!v and comfortably arranged. The undivided attention of the undersigned will be directed to the comfort and well being of those who jmay honcr them with their patronage. : '-- - MocksTillc, February 20, 18453 w44 DRS. P. & A. M. HENDERSON, H AVING associated ihemselve s in! the Prac , tic of Mkdicixb, offer their Professional serrices to tne ru"v , - t". building, opposite the Kosna tmeu; r SaJispury, Marcn i, io ttt ... , , Doct's Hurton & Krldcr, HAVING associated tbemselres in the Prac tice of Mexicie,! (and located at Mount Vernon, KriderV Store,) Rowan County, ) of fer their professional services to the public profei . . n iiroiV H AVISO located at P.lenno, ""TV-ed.) cf- residence of Dr. B. T W8rouV; .n hones t r.. v;a nrnfeainonal services to receive a sham of poWtoPfiE: V llL .(See l.tly oooopied b. HAVING flVst oor below J, II. Enrs Judge CoX? tber nn!f ss pro.Vr oa ft--,' T I- i I, - 'I i i f i I 1 ij

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