.1 -:, 4 - i'- ilk '"I r i .1 A It u I i j -1 1 .-I-'- f ! - old V?ljov amongst them who attracted my no : 1- - tied nirtitaUrly. . H was just the sort of man 1 one sees in pictures of Napoleon's kwHIc garde, V:&-s&dier legibly '. written on every one-of hi ' rrJr'. and in everv movement of hi J upright, -:. nrt in ovir movement of htS UPf tAiiitkry figure teis hands and face weather v! t-,itf.rttnihtii!orif rriahoffanv:ihis t&l stern and jDsled his thick. iron graymoastacbe cov r4Hi 'mouth, and the point descending ai brent. ; He had evidently made a . J 'brt!olSaticmit to furnuh himself up1briMtB aniho yTiarade.-aiU uniform jacKernau au thMlnocked out efJVandrwa, but oned closUp fo the chin,aseU a. the tiutronk 'oo allow ; his forage cap, or rather wbaYrert ained of it, was placed on Ms ad wita a certain air of smartness, an d his t altered .hdetVk fastened with bin of iw ne. Pipe -tlaafd Mackinsjiad of course not been at fets wjlstn tho pl ? roere spec tatbr, dTwhiie we tvere wailtng the arrival of tbeodceJ commanding;! walked up to the pris onerl Kaddescribed.and offered him a cigarette, fcarrie time giving him tne one, i was in- - ttnM irtt it with, i Ills mee-Drignnrnru 'T 1 " , -"ri . - . . . .fl easurc, and be thanked me cnergeucw. OiZ etalias tenor r: aiu ne. -n day fined I tasted tobacco. iVijt miss it much?" I asked. . eVioij ration of food is small enough, but I would tive half of it each day for half cigar. . w - 111 I tindfrstiind iftni. sbiu i, ' .n.,4Jiifitiirmn. scnor." aaaca ne, vwuj t j l ;.i . smile, wfth your ran enrt-aZ, cot ri Lorcic -rcnifc- -1 Ah! those were times ! Hainan solado&cn'Mcc's; There were soldiers then ; butbf-- Pah,!" r . V, And taking a huge puff at his paper cigar, be i looked krotind with much contempt at the boys and Invalids by whom he Was for the most part : surrounded, and al a bat!alin of rather raw looking! Chfistino VecjruUs that was drawn up at righfcanglej wit Uthe line of, prisoners. I had ' a packet -of cigarettes in my pocket, and I took thcin' outand offered them to the old man. :'.' "iMarty tbanks, sir," said he " no me hacen fallal I'shal not want them j dr stay-you won't y-ri ridjtakiag thrcigar? from my hand, he turn-. d roiind anjl gave themto a prisoner in the rank Tehmd, and who clutched them eagerly. Uefores I haditlmo tp ask the meaning of this strano proceeding, khe general and his staff galloped x upV ihtropps tobd at iattention, and I was obliged to step one side! with my curiosity un gratified. : -1 Presently a shako was brought round, con ' tain Ing the lots which 'the prisoners were to " draw. I wns still observing the'old soldier, and VL was!nar chough to hear wha passed. It came to hjs turn td draw, arid the shako was held out tohfrni- j . . 1 1 r - ; " Ppie vdadclanfe, growled the veteran. ffMovj$ cn, a!nd never mjnd me. j Put me down as a dead man. I'm ready." J:":fro ifpmbre!" n ofiicer who was svperiritending the drawing, 44 try your luck, the charicl arc ten to 0110 in your Jfavor. You must draw." v ; j , ITh Carlist persisted in his refusal. -'-. u. I do not want to draw," said he. "I jtnow - what will ie? swell as if I had dofie so. My j luck! hs alv afs been bad, and is net likely to f change to-diy." " f r "V 1'hcl ofBccr insisted, however, and the man at . length reluctantly put in his hand and drew out , a piejc4 of piper. - " . . j -:;Vereii said heas he slowly unfolded it, '; and wnribltei. tbo . fatal vords to those around Ahdf with bitter smile he resumed his cigar, and bfan pqfling away with the same compo. sure, as before. Je, and his nineteen compan ions jnlmisfohune were marched into the Car- list country and shot. There was no bungling . rthUUfne. X At thoword "Fire;," the twenty : ictim1s foil like one man, all dead. PhUadet orth American, - ' ROCKFOttD SURRY COUNTY. N. C. T tHS Institutien commenced its first session on Mon- dv the 14th of Aoril. under the conduct of the RevlWk. W. iJcacn. who is so favorably known as a teacher In nfanjr parts of this State, and has for 8 or 10 -Tears tanerht with preat ccceotableness in the best Aca demies of Georgia and Mississippi Under tbe care of such 4 teacner.ttus scnooicannoj or surpassed oy any in WesteraCaroiiha.and we can confidently recommend it to parents or guardians who wish their children or wards well instructed in .au the branches ot an Academical ;edMcatin.-i 1, "". . -f , " -The ijocatiou) of this Institution is among the most health? in the State, hein kit ub ted on the banks of the Ya4kin,r4any j miles above any thing like stift; . water, f and jlbej surrounding country very broken, consequent ;ly eatiHety freeifiom any of the" prevailing diseases mci? dent tol a level country and sluggish streams. . . . ' . -Theltertsis df Tuitida per Session i of 5 moaths are as T. W'tLttTni T?V4; Wrirfnw n.-f Arifiritf lArithmetife continued, Enslisa uramar, Geo- : -'"r feraphyi History. &c. 1 8 CO : r l ifl'he varidus branches of Philosophy, Rheto- . VTll nc. Lojic. Composition and Declamation, 10 CO ? ! -"Chemistry, Geology, th; higher-oranches of -,. -. . i MaiheifcaiicSt with the Languages, 12 50 .- Students enierins the Academy after, the commence- meni of the present sessioa wL'l be charged in proportion families :n tncSvillage and neishboihcod at hem y5 to 55 peqmantuJiacIuthas washin and candles. - WM. P. DOBSON, j - , F. K: ARMSTRONG, 4. . 1 r GEO,-W. BROWN, H THX.kC.KWClf.TY ' 1 M. Y. FOLGER." Apr3 26. v' (52:4w) - - Trustees. - Stats cf jNortli CarolimDiTio Couaiy. , Id Ejuity Spring Term. 1S45 J NJSl !A; Chafiin. Adm'r. t$. Judith Loner and others, "Taa ppeanni to the satis&ciion of the Court, that Joah- 7 1 . Jt ua U. Long, one ot tne deienuants in tins case, is not an inhabitant qf this Stte : Irts ordered, that publication " be made, in theHCarolina WrfTchman, fur six weeks, for the ' . said defendant to appear at the next Court of Eiuitv. to be held for tho I county of Davie, at the Court-House in , Mocksyilic, on. the 4:h mooday sfter the 4th monday in AusM next, and plead, answer or demur to complainants , pill, cr pe same win oe laaca; pro coniceso,aa ue cause K.ird xnart.i(S tobim. "- 1 w- I -- ' :AViiiie,7 Vitigham, Clerk and Master of saii Court, at ' OfScp, the 4th monday after the 4th monday in Febro U nrjr, X; p.. 1645, and ia "the 69th year of American Ia- s' Crfoi-Printer's fee 50 i r vl- -NOTJUB. fAS, take'a np and committed to the jail of Surry county. N. Con Saturday the 12ih at mo 1 ly. soldicrj anB you appear to I a very via one. Smislakki Old enough said he: f.UMltr since 1800Xl have served with 5 J jW.'H.p jAptil. a negro boy who says hia name is Little- Uhe Oregon is clear andjunqtiestionable ston. anJ belongs to hn Hagan. of B!air,Uaf rnAv ink iir nAnU nfn..;.... ,. 03 yaTst oi az4,verj dark complected, had on when ta- fceiufc an'old black jeans coat. whitA COtuwi paata, aad o !dtWOot,J:at i " ,-. t; .; ,'- , . L r i ftrT nntinei to come for- Auf pWCci Kiu vw.j - J ..... ... '.rit m rharfes ana taxa aim away or i ti.ti .tk-. ?-tr-ri.. l 1",,u1"1- v" 'r""",i-It l U1.W3JCU , Z rh SrfttTJia-W. . -v.- " 1 '"A" IB45,-Mrt Polk made. inahgural-address as K Does Salisi -u, L . DMANUiSU cAiu;v, aw.. , ' 'nt . A J " ? : r "'Mr f ,wiacnu omce inaltime we had recClted.no publication of a .il..;' ' -.ejM:. -.vt the contry of the Oregon was clear and unouos.Wr;Br-, .. r fji-M" . - . - Apr.jf icu, io.-. v r . - x ' I 1 " . "" ; t I 7rfwM-iv wm v .luisier, woo oaa on-( vanety ot ---r FOBEIGN NEWS. : From tbe V- V,Coarier. I Enquirer. ? ; ; t ' cyea 2ays from Europe.; Sxle Britisbte tittarrived at Boston on Monday evening, brining Liverpool papers to the 5ib: instant and our files to the evening of the previous day. Our correspondent letters of Itbe 3d, 4tb and 5:b April, will be found m ur columns today The Caledonia left Liverpool on the 5th, bar. ing been detained one iday beyond Jierstated time lof departure for the purpose of .bringing out tei result of the debate in the House r of Commons on the Oregon question.- lTiat sub ject had become the theme of exciting interest, and Was promptly brought before the House by LordlJohw Russel, immediately upon the re-as-aembling of Parliament afierthe Easter recess. As lh?s business seems v to have assumed a decided not to say a startling--earnestness Sn bcitb sides of therBrltish House of commons, we give- at length, the speeches i Lord Jonn and of Sir Robert Peel in replv. .The premier, it will be-perceived," confirms the statement putl forth by Mr 'lyler.in Ins annual message as 10 the amicable mode in which thePregonques tion had been discussed between ourSecratary of State amTlhe BritisI? Minister at Washing, ton, Air. Packenharh, almost directly con. tradicis the assertion of the American! Ejxeeu tivc,cf a favorable proVpeVt of tbe result of the no-ri!infinn ' An f.nr from anticioatinT SO desi. o ; . c xjahiftH rtstiit. Sir Kooeri reei seems io sec but little chance for an amicable termination of the. controversy, while the (J. States Govern tnent continue to maintain the ground assumed by Mr, P4k in his inaugural address. It is not to be concealed, therefore, that the remarks of Sir Rllbcrt Peel aflbni grounds for grave appre hensiis of serious difficulty. He as' sternly and uncompromisingly maiotains the British right (f the disputed territory, as our Govern ment, land wc may add a great majority of our people-assert our own undoubted claim to that territory. Still we do not believe and wilLnot permUtluirselves Jo' believe tha the two coun-fries-wjll suffer this question to involve them in the calamites of actual war some mode of settling this question satisfactorily short of au unnatural and profitless appeal to arms.. House or Lords Friday, April 4. 1 V The Oregon Question, Lord Aberdeen said he would willing'y lay before the House the details cf the ' negotiation upon the subject of the Oregon territory, arid appeal f o them for his entire justification iu the wee oi, Europe; out, aiioougn lais migui nere- afier m necessary, it would now certainly he mpolit c. He declined to enter into an ex- aminat on ot the liritish title to the territory in dispute but proceeded to explain the course the negotiation bad taken since, the sign- ing of the treaty of Washington and quoted the expressions ot President Jyler in his T -Ji '.L.-fl. "L.. ' t r II. I 11 in a lonnigni aner, nowever, nir.-rouc naa ae- liveredj his Inaugural address, in which he claimed for the United States, an undisputed title ft the whole country. It was, indeed, to be observed mat ttu speech did not possess the urcpuijan omciaiaocumcni, as no ministry au ucrii lurmeu, congress was noi in session, audit formed no-part of legislative' croceed. ings ; but it was stillvorthy of the most seri- ous -attention. Our position was precisely the same asj it had been for the last 19 vears. under the treaty of 1 827. The provisions of that treaty hkd been projonged for an indefinite pe. riod, subject to tho sight of either party to ter- mmate it by giving a year s notice. This could not be done without a vote of Congress, and continue upon the Drincinle of an amicable ad. justment by tho mutual concession of extreme 1 claims s and although ho waadaiiv aemistomeri' to see himselj described a "pusilanimous, cow. ardly, and base," he was perfectly satisfied mat mose vuuperaung terms nugnt be translated as applicable to conduct consistent with justice, reason,innd common sense. No one was ever US eVCr I morn ardentlv desirous of neapt. nr i) nnfl to make greater sacrifices to preserve t. . . fi m . . merr wre limits wnicn couia not be passed, and although our character and position ena." bled usj to regard with indifference matters res- peciingswnirn oiner countries mignt po jusiiy more sensitive, our honor must never be neg. lected, jdnd.we raightowo it to ourselves and to our posterity to adopt a course which was re pugnant to all our inclinations. Y ith the most anxious desire for peace, he still trusted that this question might be amicably cont if not, itro possessed rights, clear ai - LT-r ... it . . eluded ; but nd unaues- lionable. which, continued the hhMr nrl amit loud arid general cheering, by the blessing of ... r w - - w Mm ivaw uoa aqq the support of Parliament, the Gov- JHsrnmetu is prepared to maintain. HOUSE OF COMMONS. - t-iorqj. twussei, on reading the order of the unJ gnmg imo yommuiee ox - supply, called mw mm aVk..!!-. ? 1 - fa. 1 - ine attention otthe ilouse to that part of tho '"ffTlf i - . r:cs,aenl 01 lu0 Jnted States WH," fT-- l lerruory oi.uregon. it was uuii,BiraHon,B83aia, to enter at all into the question of the foreign policy of her Majesty's y,.rl??!7cA"eDW meir policy on tb very ju.-jecci ice uregou, neither wa it his wish, by anyjdbservations which he might then make, to emoarrass ineir proceedings. JTJut the inau gural oil President Polk hsA tnbnn thi i.,A.t: out of the ordinary course of diplomatic arrange ment, and required some notice on the part of mempera pi mat House. ; that distinguished functionary had adopted a course entirely new, which, if it were not met with something onus- ua 1 on jjeir part, would let questions of great national importance be decided hereafter by pop. TJSiiT..r'OT,'not,?.,r;,,, l"T" "f Li.ui. tl i .. . - . ' : .1 r. . irr '"? VM,IB, oiaiei lenueu to tern I '' ft i " 'A u y.Jw- '.t I U,Tr . ",d he 44 to the country of ...... " tie by Occupying it with dren. 1 ; In ccnseqticnce declaration, he (Lord j. Russell)felt compelled to call the atten message oi ioe.iu;n oi renruary.as inaicauons agents of the British an oi a tnehdiy teeling, and ot desire that the ques- meuts but, as it had tion might be brought to an amicable solution, hand he mold do w that bodjy-would not assemble until December, to' the contrary. If the noble lord had thought so that sufpeient time was still left to bring the l right to depart from that cc-urse on tbis occa. mattcrsin dispute to a satisfactory conclusion. sion,he ought not to be held responsible for the The negotiation had commenced, andwould consequences; Tor it appeared that this question T r.se iromine ueaa oi ine government, the 19tb of February. 1845.about a fortnirrht be. Una hVlne tvmillm nrltnn raaulrTnr iUmImmi I I l i ii I . . ! tu tlli - j ' rT i ,.w.. lum inis inaugural aaaress was aeiiverea ny W PJ r ,denit " h" racsM-.e M a,luded to lbfl President Polk, President Tyler, in reply to an annexation ot Texas to the United Rtttm n L AAk, r .l o e - rT. -S o.- Pre. dim rf X.n. .nt 8cntencetho gotiations are still pending, this information earf. mSnSn br to assert and not be given. Considerlbleprogfess has been So ,ade in the negotiations; which hav been car- .r,t?atPOIl?n,ltoi' tp-r"oV ried on in an amicable spirit! between" the Kwo fUUIS of this ti on of the House and the countrv to th! nna. i - ' i . f 5 ' i I , . ' 1 - - . r , : : . ; ' . , r . I , - - 1 j ' k - 1 i , lionable, and Indeclaring his in eutiuj to take it f taime to make'any comment oh it. ; The Into tis possession without GSmSf President P,4k: bad been ery treaties which were generally f Xpointed; and ho diplomatic comma, between independent nations. to" I nlcatidn aVfar as ho was informed, had takea modes by whicb a title nigbt toa eqoired to a n Ue thought Jt highly " probable country like tbe Oregon; the' swa uVpanhanvwould have continued with cient cMscovery ; the seconoMy ? tbd lrnment the negotiation, whicb by discover ancient or modei,,fonowedflp by WSnced with the last ;,bi,t. be.bad occupation aid setdement. $"" rS&ubiecHe trusted that toaatentr purpose of showing that it tne 'Wine yjjfr 1' mutant da v tbeyrwould know the result of resTd on ancient dfj0 thWdhl in a claim far superior to that jJftjSWer, f6 "lf lhc proposals of the British that if it rested on treaty, we had a cbiim that . rejected, and no propo: wa, undeniable, whilst that ot m uniteaa mmauVbythe Government of the UnZ had no ground whatever to staadjon ; ndthatlf A o3?o fvblch he could accede, he should Urerfedonrer the Columbia, made, carried oh, and authorized not oeet. on d COrnmunicatIons jiween by regular officer, of r the British Goyernmen . g He still hoped that an and tbe subsequent seUlementj of territory .uf 55 SSitoble adjustment of the claims rounding it by British.ub;ect , gave us a titlp am .J bcTnade. He must, t.;k th American Uovenimeni eowa noi qw- ry s- L - t ..m rivt-r vuiuu.iia , . i. i t- - , t, mile, up it. trm, and Bn .sj.aH,ec. from Canada bad -rected igDie. ,,. ,W banknand had long earned od a Ktrral,!c tradp there. - O. (hen gave a history toe n lions ueiuccn wiw - - . - il res commencement convention RMnjxiihe one sideanAMr. HuskUsoa enJhe other. A WW-H W tka PrAcirl-nt bt the United States had made a peremptory claim to all this territory, and bad called upon the citizens oi thd United- States to go forth with thir wives and children to take possession of it. Now, Columbia was become of more importance each succeeding year. Th Government ought, therefore.to insist on a speej? dy solution of this quesHou ; forlhere was dan ger lest the citizens of the United Slates should - ' u disturb British subjects in the enjoyment of their property on the Oregon, and should thus produce n collision hetween the two Governments. He was not prepared to say that Great Britain shoulc abate any of her just pretentions, nor where we should draw the line between the Americans and ourselves. He thought, however, that wc could not accede to a proposal less than that made by Mr. Canning in 1827, with any regard to our own interests, lie baa nearu 11 saia mat the value of this territory was a mailer of indifj forence to us ; but it was not a matter of indifj ferenco to us whether we should yield any pori tion of our territory to what he must be pej-mit4 lc( to call a blustering announcement. It was! nnt a matter of indifference to ns, that the means! bf communication between Columbia on the one! hand, and our Dossessionsin India and China crt ,he other, should be surrendered- to loreiffu; pwer. It was not a matter of indillerence to ,hat the tone and character Sof England should he lowered in jnv transaction which we carried on with t,e United States. -Hei should have ab. stained from entering into this question if it had been left as a diplomatic question between the Earl of AIwhIppii nnd Mr. Rurhnnnn.as the U American uovrrn.) j i , r . i 1 ueen tawen ou oi ineir, hat the Minister of the " ' " . T . Crown was precluded by his position from doing l)C could state to the people of England what wro their ricrhts. Hnvinfymarlethatfitntement.! ho should leave the whole matter in the hands of ilie Government, and h had ha doubt that thev! would consult the interests of the country and t,e honor of tho Crown. H ' - -- v - t' K . Sir R. Peel could not be surprised, and should not ec' regret, that the noble lord had taken the course which he had pursuedj He was of opin- ion tnat whilst these matter were pending in negotiations between the two Governments, it was Pllc to abstain from exercising the right of discussion on subjects calcuiatedtexcite pop- "lar feeling, unless there were cogent, reasons had been withdrawn trom tho cognizance of those to whom it had been entrusted, arid that a popular appeal had been made to the passions of n. peopie in ine unueu otaies ry mose wno uSut lo have discountenanced such an appeal. t,lc "o,J'e ,u,u uu WAs . miuisicr oi iub Crown spoke on such a question as the present ii4a. aw. uM.iAi!klKlif fl n a if l-i n l V. A T A T t. .. ,I,IUC Va",il,,,,t,lJ ,J " VI lJUm UUU Riissell) was not liable. That was undoubted-i I 1 r aoc a nr.1 Vv o e l- b 1 "l I Kapa ITkl nlteTain 4 attv P. l hi wing tho noble lord through his statement, as he could not do so witheiutjimplying opinions from the expressions of which heought to ab- 1 "", iwwcver, uiai h was ipeu io mm to inform the House of the general state of our negotiations with the. United states on this ques- on In 'he year 1818 the northern boundary of lhe possessions of the United States and of Great Britain, westward of the. Rocky Moun- I i.n i x.T J . " il w ut-unea. no ugreemeni was maae to the country beyond the Itocky Mountains ; but a convention sisrned between the two Gov. i - n - - - I ernments in 1818, which was; to continue for ten years, gave a ngnt oi joint occupation to the sub- Meets ot each country. In 1824, and again in 182S Wr CamnnS nd0 sf veral attempts' to I come tri nn nmirahlA nniiicfmant nt ntt racnort. ive rlnima with th AmprUn nni-rnman I mwm - Those attempts ent re v fa ed. At the end cf ten years the convention expired. A new con venthm was framed in 1827, which-continued in force for ten years the convention of 1818 with this proviso : thai the convention of 18.27 .should not necessarily deteVmine by the Iapsetime, but should extend beyond the term often years, and should terminate after a year's notice from either party, when the rights of both should re- vive. . That was the convention which now af fected the territory of the Oregon. Mr. Pakeri- hanvour Minister, had been directed in 1842 to form an amicable Arrangement of the claims of tho two countries on equitable terms.' He read a message of President Tyler, dated Ihe 3d of llecember, 1843, for tho purpose of showing that he had expressed an equal desire to come to an amicable arrangement. Nar, more s on akin (or infurmation relaiive to the neeolia. I .. 1 T I . I . tk - I . '" : , I countries, anu l nope mat it win '--ftc speeouy J hrou?bt to an amicable termiWatinn: ' He rSir but he could not con6rm his statement as to the progress of the negotiations, and to his hopes of w ucuiuc ui lug uiuieu t v UI1IT ll St V IIIH.I. Bt tUt3 UC n M.rrail .Ml Y.tww. I . .1 m. . I , ana ai. i ttohert Feel 1 could connrmthe language Of Pre. I nnweaned iadustry and a fair share of Ct that tl- I Bldenl Tvlor rixnlintr th limKU .rvi,! ir, I WK,K, MMV K ineir wives and chil. I which the1 nArmtiitlAn. tiait yon a . r ftf tii r.i;.:-k -ifAr. ii y - j.-'t tht. whifA ttiA . .- fT j Statessbou d, coutrary 10 an usae. Ttner cot:nRcie than a &v tcimWlw of them; Such an allusion t.,?It" lPad to .ucb a result as the j(,e(wU of bolh lri8s d. n the Government, to state, in language most tem-! perate, but at the same time most decisive, that peraic, uw ... . . . ... they considered that we have a right to' the ter ritory of Oregon, 'which is clear and unquestion able: that we desire an amicable adjustment of the differences between ourselves ana me uni ted States ; but that, having exhausted every ef- fort to obtain it, if our rights are invaded, wc are resolved and prepared to maintain them. A tremendous burst of cheers from all parts 0(the House followed this annunciation. In consequence of an intimation which Sir Ri Peel gave at the termination of his speech, that it might be expedient for the House not to express any further opinion at piesent on this subject, the subject dropped, after a declaration fromiOrMonx Russell that he would not sub mit any motion on this subject to the House un til all the papers connected with it were laid on the table by her Magesty's Government. j Salisbury, No. Ca., May S, 1545. We are authorised to announce JAMES E. KERR, as a candidate for the County Court Clerkship of Rowan. We are authorised to announce JOHN H. HARDIE, as a candidate for the County Court Clerkship of Rowan. FOR CONGRESS, DANIEL M. BARRINGER. rr-s- r A. CO 7W U TTTTTT. K ,V 3S William j-v - - Srf. Merchant Exchange. are our sole Agents in the XHii - unf ATin Vnrt.fnrrrtiriv& Subscriptions and Ad' w.., .j-.. o vertisemtnts. Wrrn our last number closed the first, and with the present commences the second volume of the new series of the Carolina Watchman. There are a few sugges tions relative to the condition and prospects of this pub lication which we have for some time had it in contem plation to offer to the public, and it occurs to us that the present may be a not altogether inappropriate occasion to call tbe attention of our readers thereto, with some degree of distinctness. The Watchxax ZarjfcspafraHage.and patronage which, it will not, pejhaps.be presumptuous in us tosay. it me rits, and should receive. A year ago, when we under took the publication and editorship of this journal, its list of nominal subscribers ranged from 750 to 800 ; but well knowing, from the experience which we had alrea dy had in this department, that the naked names of non paying subscribers, could with extreme difficulty be con verted into paper and:ink and type and press labor ; nay, that the approving smiles of such patrons were not so contagious in their character as materially to contribute to the equanimity and flow of spirits which should char acterise an editor, we decided at once to strike from the list transferred to us, the names of all such as had " gained a character " by the uniformity of their conduct i i ww V a n.vli.i.Uv nYlltrtarl TK I Q f Tr..Ca am t ll in ft 1 lit IUC JJttll.VUlU. UMUUWU V. . WVS. 8VI.J. IKIUg more than decimated the ranks of our enlisted forces. I . .t Am ta Antr trf tk A A inv nUF rorm ta TrVm ft n J parent. Since that time, we have received repeated and I veryj gratifying assurances by the accession of new and j paying subscribers that our efibrts do not altogether fail i ot being appreciated. I For this measure of success we trust we are not un- thankful. It seems, indeed, to foreshadow some distant jay, when, if we should live we might get full pay for 0ur labor, and the public its full share of the advantages Livable therefrom. What we obiect to is. the slowness cf; the process by which this is being elTected ; and it is . ... precis ly this which we wish if possible to remedy. Now, what are our claims to patronage ? First, there is no larger paper published in the State, with a single exception, than ours : We present toour readers week ly! a greater number of square inches of readable mat ter; or,. in the language of the craft, we aet up more em than are to be found in any paper in North Carolina with the exception just made of the Standard, which ex- ceeds our dimensions by a small fraction in length, and throwing advertisements out of the seile, we beat that respectable journal very considerably. : In point of neat ness, tastefulness and beauty of appearance, there is no thing in the State that begins to compare with our sheet. This point is universally admitted. There was some contest, we recollect, several months back, among our brother editors, as to whether we had attained to abso lute faut'essncss in this particular none, we believe, in regard to our relative superiority. T7' T FriCMWO a.oua" 1 .the end of the year-is actually Secondly, our price two dollars in advance and two less than that of any paper in the State from our own size down. From these facts it follows, we think, that ours is a a more desirable paper, and one deserving a more ex tended circulation than any journal around us, which is published in a place of no greater business or mail facil ities than Salisbury- and upon these points we have a word by-and-by provided we do our duty in an edito rial capacity. This point we approach with some hesitancy, because upon this in some of its aspects, it may not become our selves to speak. The higher departments of editorial labor we have never assumed to occupy. To do so would be out of place, as much in regard to the wants and wishes of our readers, as m reference to our own capacity. A country paper, like ours, consists mainly of selections. To make I t i : ! w a . ".!; r . .f iioJltu. aee jjuaiciousty anouia oe ne lesumg tum wi tuiww, I and to do this reamr tittle more than care, attention. common sense. possession and exercise h iu not for them' to nr. I Certainly it is our object to. furnish our readers with an j abstract of the most important and interesting matter our numerous exenanges. - . ury possess jany local advantages . for the iMwzpapei I , ... W thinj( so, and for a reasons, - . - . - . - - Out fij.r is put H i)U pr3su.Fr&y.A ftsv Lours after the receipt cf tbe great KorAern msil; and always contains the latest news received from tlact quarter. Front this point the mail branches in several directions, la some instances net leavin till the 'next or sacccedins day, la .which cass the saise mail carries car sheet ani the Northern pajsxs from which its latest intelligence has been extracted. Adi to this, that the great majority of those for whom oar publication is intended are able to take bat one or at most two papers, and that there being necessarily, to a'considerable extent, local in their char acter, cannot When coming from a distance be so well adapted to their peculiar wants, as a paper published in their midst. ; iiv .'':"Vv;-;: tpyrX We may remark too. that as this, is much the largest 4uaess place in the western part of the State, its prices current and the advertisements of its numerous, enterpris ing merchanto, and industrious, thrifty mechanics, carry the most desirable intelligence to the farmers and wag goners who sell their produce, and the numerous small traders who make their purchases here. J 1 Another inducement to take our paper, extending more particularly to the adjoining counties of Davidson, Davie, Iredell, Cabarrus and Stanly, is to he found in the factihat after the first of July our paper will co free of postage to any Post-Office wuhin thirty miles of this place. ' " ' '-. , So much for the paper and ourselves. A word now to its friends and ours. - - , That these, so for as mere goo3 wishes are concern-, ed, are pretty numerous, we are sufficiently assured. What we wish, now, is to bespeak, if possible, a little active exertion on the part of each one of them. Almost" every subscriber could procurer additional name: the more influential could easily obtain several. To our Whig friends in this Congressional District we feel that we can make this appral with some propriety We as sure them that shoul 1 our subscription list be increased by some two or three hundred names, it would so far im prove our means as to enable us to add most materially to the efficiency and influence of our paper, by adopting a more perfect division of labor in conducting it than is permitted by its present inadequate support. Heallh of Salisbury. It is reported, wc un stand, in the upper Counties, that the health of our Town is exceeding bad ; and that it is dangerous for strangers to come here. This is an error. Our health never was better than at this time ; nor have we been particularly afflicted at any time, recently. We do not now know ot a single case of dangerous sickness in Town; and can assure the public that there is not a- mong us any plague or fearful disease. They may visit us in perfect safety. . CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION. The time for holding another election for Re presentatives in Congress is approaching ; and he notes of preparation are sounding in our ears rom nearly ahparts of the State. Both the Whig and Democratic parties are manifesting a disposition to go into the contest with a bold and determined spirit. Both are more or less sanguins of success- 1 One by a reliance upon he unchangable principles of the firm and vir- tuous people of the Old-North ; and these are the Whigs. The other, by the hope (vairi, we trust) of management and cunning. Thes are the Democrats : They prideThemselves (as the world knows) in their superior tact in political matters; and we suppose every one conversant with their character, will unhesitatingly conpedo to them a great deal in this respect. They can take both sides of a question, or either one, as circumstances may require, and yet preserve their consistency. They are Jish to-day and fowl to-morrow ; or terrapin like, fish and fowl together; and yet, uporv occasion, neither. In their proceedings towards preparation, we dis- cover, nevertheless, that there is not the same degree of harmony manifested as we are hap py to witness in the ranks of 'the Republican Whig party. Among us, there are no undercur rents no double-dealing to distract. We pur sue a straight-forward, bold and independent course : a course worthy of the objects sought to be accomplished the general good and pros perity of the Country. It is already known that Col. D. M. Barrin- ger of Cabarrus, is again the Whig candidate ta represent this District. His name was an nounced in our last paper. For ourselves, we are decidedly favorable to Col. Barrjnger. lie is every inch a Whig; nor yet is ho ultra in his sentiments or feelings. , He is tbe very last man on earth to find fault with a fellow citizen simply because that fellow citizen is opposed to him in politics. Such is not his nature; but whilst he is liberal towards others, he is firm as a rock in bff own opinions ; and what he engages to do, that will he do. He is one of the jfficienl-working sort of men, as ail know who know him just such a man as a good Whig and well-wisher of his Country will de light in sending to the Halls of Congress. We are yet in the dark as to who the Dem ocrats will, bring forward as a candidate in op position lo Col. Barringer We see, however, that Mr. Charles Fisber, of this Town, has been nominated by public meetings in the Counties of. Union and Catawba. Wo had expected this ; and we presume that if Mr. Fisber pri vate affairs will permit him, he will, provided his nomination by these Counties are acceded to by the: other Counties of the District, be the Democratic candidate. The Fayetteville Obserrer says ' The Lo. cofoco Convention held at Barclaysville, in this County, on Friday last, selected James C. Dob. bin, Esq. of this County, as their Candidate for Congress in this District. The choice was made, we are told, on the 20th balloting, and was finally unanimous, though in the course of previous balloting, others had run frequently and materially ahead of Mr. D. Mr. Busbee at one time received a majority of the rotes, (the counties voting in proportion to their rep resentation in the Legislaturc,)Xbut.tbe two thirds ride having been established, in imita tion of the Baltimore Convention, Mr. B. wa "not nominated, and further ballot ings were had until Mr. Dobbin obtained the requisite vole." . TheAVhigs of the Wake1 and 'Cumberland DUtrict have not yet made s noroinAtionTfiie name of George W. Haywood, Esq. has been proposed byi a writer in the 'Raleigh Register. 'jThe Whigs of th&Edenlon' District met in Convention on the' J7th tdtixno, at Edenlohj; and a!ler thi uiual rotinu of proceaJing.tLeaatm V;.irW. 'of Bertie, was presented to the Convention, and he received tU unanimous' vote cf that body as the nominee of the. VVKu Party, iu that District. Mr. Cherry being u Town at.the time, was informed of his norai. nation bya'committee appointed for the pur. pose, when he .forthwith appeared before th Convention, and in a vigorous, eloquent speech made known his acceptance of ih'o high honor" confo rred on h im. :;,-. v'- V'-.:'':.-4Xf-. :" 1: Thoreader will see in another column ta amusing account of the proceedings of the De rnocrairof theEighth District, in '! Coaveatio to bring out jt candidate". Owing to some uo fair means, used in the..Convention to procure the nomination of H.' S.i Clark, Henry 1. Toole has declared his purpose to be a candidato oa his own hook. - . CoL David S. Reid, the lata member, has been nominated by meetings in Caswell, Ashe ana oiones counties, as pe locotoco candidate in the Third District. -Messrs. Kerr, Puindex. der, McMillan and Shober, arc spokca of by the Whigs. '-i , . X X " Mr. Cliugman is a candidate for re-electioa in tho Mountain District, j Gen. B. M.-Edney,. JVhig, is also a candidate we understand. In the Orange District, Mr. Daniel haabeea nominated by a Cohventioa for 're-election.. There were many aspirants for the nomination' on the Democratic side. The Whigs have out yet brought out their candidate,' (KT The W higs of Montgomery county have recommended Ex-Gdyernor-MosxiiEAD, to the Whigs of the 4th District, as a suitable candi. date to represent them in the next' -'Congress. An excellent recommendation we think. Ifs would be an honor to the district and the State at large. Wc know of no man within the bounds of tho old North whom we had rather see inthe- Councils of tho Nation, than John, M. Moat. BEAD. THE PLAQUEMINES FRAUDS. The Report of the Committee of the Legit." lature of Louisiana to investigate tbe unparal. leled frauds committed at the Presidential Elec. tion, in the Parish of Plaquemines,; showshat the accounts heretofore published has not been exaggerated. John Slidell, member elect to Congress from the first Congressional. District, is deeply implicated, he having procured the transportation of a large nuraberoT persons fur The purpose of voting there, a great many ot whomI)eing foreigners. fThefollowing rcso. lution was passed respecting one ot the princi pal actors in this disgraceful outrage-upon the country, and the sacred privilegeguarantied to us by the Constitution : j o Resolved, That Gilbert LeonardT Judge "oT the parish of Plaquemines, in- this State, has abused his official station, to the detriment of the law and publis liberty by witnessing, with, out check or, rebuke, public tumult and person, al outrage at the polls, in the parish of Plaque, mines ; by lending himself to the distribution of illegal lax receipts, for party and selfish purpo ses ; by openly causing the votefsrof that par. ish to exhibit their Votes before depositing thetn in the ballot box ; by knowingly and fraudulent ly deceiving a magistrate, in relation to a (act on which he and said-tTUigistrateWcre to act ofiicially : and by approving, on his own , part, and inducing Mr.Toca, by an ofiicialflijsehood, to join him in approving the official bond of Sheriff llutillet, before he had obtained from the Treasurer of the State the receipt, oruieniii required by law. ' , . "Measures have been taken for the impeacbT "ment of four Justices of tho Peace, who parti cipated in tbe frauds. VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY. We learn from the Virginia papers, that a most disgraceful riot took place at'thV"Univcr sity at Charlottsville, on, the I4th inst. Before the disturbance could be quelled, tbe civil au thorities and finally tho Military toTthe number of 500 had to be called in. It appears rom statements given, that about 50 disguised stti- fl dents formed Themselves into what they railed; the Calithumpian Band and made the night hid-t eous with their horribly discordant sounds. Af ter several nights of this kind of jamusemcnt, the students were denounced in a lecture of one of the Professors, who jyas serenaded onj that night tu his heart's content for presuming lo re buke them for such disorderly behaviour, the next day, another of ihe Professors denounced the rude conduct of The band, and at night he was treated inthe same way. TNot content with serenading, they attacked the bouses of the Professors, breakipg windows and doors, besides doing much damage loathe rotunda doors and windows of the buildings generally. Sucb un becoming behaviour deserves the severest cen sure, and not one engaged in it should berper mittcd to go unpunished. , . t- MORE ANNEXATION. The subjoined paragrapji from jhe NashvUlo Union, Mrs Polk!a mouth-piece ?in Tennessee, throws some light on tho notions and intentions of annexationists in this country. It seems that whenever our countrymen take a fancy to any part of the dominions of a foreign country, there musnhe United States extend her protection,; and increaselhe valuepf ihtlrmpeTt)Knd fn' large our territory to the great injury Jof other nations Tbis is progressive democracy:! w - , "Tho last advices fforn California inform us that' the province is ift a state of revolution the natives, wishing to expel the 3Icxican, and havingerery prospect of success: The strug gle will be short, if it has not already terrhina ted. We learn also that many of our citizens wbo emigrated to Oregon have fallen down and settled m North Ca found the most delightful climate and a rich soili They affirm that Oregon is but a bleak, barren; waste, compared with California. We refer to these facts to show that it is not at all un- reasonable to suppose that California may.M in a condition at a very earl? day to be Awctx cp-to theUhionr, ;; ..- J1 .- f i ' - . .... '!.t'..-...V ,. .... E . i.:-. ' '1 '' ' " v " " : ' ' - .4t '.: h .f I. ' J '. 1, . ,, - . - - - " - - . - - . . - - I - ' - , - i