rr.AIiu 3..- If." BwrFca, of. ue ..lt-iy AJny f North Carolina, well known in this State as a gt-!- in of Science has been ;cntertainin j oar Citizens for geveral nights past, with hla interesting lectures onGi '. 'aili. Magnetism ElectrriagnetisCnemiatry.c.; O tccompanyingtSesanie wit a many beauluul experiments. - illustrative of these, subjects. - We attended them, and ' jnast say it DBS rarely Leerj our privilege to. hear a lec tarer who affrrdjed so much pleasure, and at the same time, profit to his audience as Mr. Botsford. He i rendering a trainable service to the people wherever he roes, in that he Imparts to thein a knowledge of many 'jhings in the sciences which, could not be, so easily ob i ttjned otherwise!. ; His Medical Helix a wonderful pdratos, invent Jd, we Jbelie; ve, by Preface, for " afford ing persona whd have weak nerves an opportunity of " idling shocks produces efiects. decidedly laughable. jlll His experimejis are truly interesting, and it is indeed ti rich treat to attend his lectures, j -srt'-rK ; PROTEST; OF TUB MEXICAN MIN ISTER AND KEPLY OP THE SEC ;f ETAUY OF STATE z -: , fWcfinci the folio jving correspondence 1 (njtlie Ni Express of;the!l8th insf.rob tained ndjommuriicaledto the editors by their correspohdent at Washington:' "" I F-;V,.:.;'r:i TRANSITION J '- Theundersigned, j&c &cl, has the hon or to'rtddrMhe Hon. John C. Calhoun. f &C.fbr the purpose Qf making known o.niraJheiprpjourJd jregreJ yith which he has seen hat j th general Congress oftbe Union has passed a law consenting to, and admitting into lheAmcricari Confedera tion, the Meiican province of Texas, -v l: jThe 4hdeijiigned 'tad flattered himself thaN in this question, the good sense and sound opinions of the citizens most distin guished arid jexperiejiced .in t he manage ment ot pubtic .affairs-in this Republic, would have trevailcjd inihadeliberations oil the legislative body, and of Itho Union but,;unortjuatelyL this had riot been the case and, C6ntrary to his hopes and most sincere wishes, he sees consummated by the;Ameri0an;Govenrnentan act of ag igression. tiie jftiost unjust wfiich can becre foiembered linf the annals of modern history FT " m f "n,iiou oi n jricnaiy nation, likiQ Mexico, of a considerable part of her territorv. . ' -L- I .For such easonsf the undersigned, in fulfilment jliis instructioniflndsi himself obliged to protest, audi he docs according ly, protest in ;thc moit solemn manner, in me name otiljis Government, against the law passed c-n the 23th qf last month by mc general congress ot the United States arid sanctioned on the 1st of the nresen ;monlh by the President of the said States by, -wiiicli ht provirice of Texas, arfi nfptr. ml part ofirje Moxijjanterritory, is allow- eH l? uc uifitieu into tne American" Un a neunaersigneu m -likcs manner de clares tnat;the afbrdsaid law can1 in no manner iny4iidate the rights which the Mexican nation possesses to recover the aforesaid province of Texaslof which she - js now unjustly despoiled,. and f which iitjMa oiio ,! oustajn ana eniorce at nil limes oy whatever means are in her pow- !The undefkigrncd will savi in concision to the IJoafeecretafy of State of the Uni- tofl &,ates, iri order that he maHc pleas- cu iu imuria jne .rresident of the said States of the same, that in consequence of the law hainst whlchiie has iust nro- Wsted; his Mssiu 16 this Government is Jfrminadj jromj tb-day. iConsequcnlly lUB unuprsignea requests the lion, becre- .-rv v -'"mc iu io jjicasru.to sena mm b passports! as he has arranged to quit tcity nssbpn as Possible for "New.Yprk. t Vl he Undeitsicrriftrl Art ; (Signed.) i IWashingtPi T.f N. ALMONTE. C:h March, T 1845. - ;4 J fcpa' WAsnixcTONf mjerit of State, ) March 10. 1845. 1 The undersiirried. Secretary of State of thp United States. H as received the note pi general AJfnonte the Envoy Extraor ilinarynd MinisfjPIeniriotPntiary of re ssed to his predecessor, the Hon. John U Calhoun, protesting in the name of his v Government againsf the, resolution xt the late Corgressi' for nnnexane Texas to the ;Unitcd States.'; and! he has submitted the same to the Hrnci, font ; T i I a - Jj-ln answer, the undersignecKs instructed Tf ;v niine aamission ot TexaSias ono 6f the Union, having recefved the sanction ton of thq i Legislatiye aid Executive pepartmnis of thri Government, is now irrevocahlv-i decided soTar as the United Nates. areicdncernedC Nothing but the Terusnl0fTe::as toratify thefterms and ; conditions hn, which her admission de pends, can defeat ths object. It is, there too late it preibnt to ie-operi a dis epssionyhict has ralrcady beenexhausted, niagain to brove I that Texas has lonjr rce acheyea her ndependerice of Mex- Jca, and ho 10 W Stands before the world, hoth (It lUrc.nnA J. StJ j "Vt , "I'M, jwepbdent tate di as a sovereign and rimJf! tliA Aivi1tr vp-ri fi ll - , y. T , : -r iMMtMj w .- I s m;lnief ed a strong desire to become ?ne of the. rriembers of our Confederacv. "tinier Mexifco nor any lolher nation Willi rl J.? caur pmplaint against the tcd Statei for a&mi tling her into the President nevertheless riegretsihat ut g3vtrntnt of 'Mexico should have Kerrofrencc at these proceedings, and J! c,?rnestly trust that it WVhereafter aisposed tb vieW thenvin a more fa- blc and friendfy light. J Whilst v. lS Upon the duties! bf the President! enter- resiflrntinl nf- lie ?bat his cneertullydeclares x in advance, ifentsanjd to th gov. S-.0SUfic!1?,relati6s be- ?a as sister Republiw. : r bit tn ?il'erf,?:ned has ,he honor to trans din? Vfn Almonte his passport accor 3; ? fcquest,! and to assure him of rWSUished consideration and regard. o iuii 1 r . AJngaoier uenerai, : . r-ilosr. T M. Atm jr.- vuii iiii.i mi mpi m7 a a n r a va : THE J.OGOFOCO CONVENTION. ' - f De:;ocacv in a Snahl. . The Locofoco Convention which met in this Town on Saturday, last,, turned, out, s everybody predicted, a complete, jock eying, wire-working, caucus affair. Us orumg caucus auair. , lis he most extraordinary that doinjrs were have ever been recorded among the M rZl rct Bus " ed. It did not even hold a public ing to announce the result ot its secret noeranons. i ; ? r . v a It met lor tne ostensible narnose of ar. thTUr,mreA: I:.t. VVV ilrA uuii ii soviet, vuucjtive irom iu -o - clock in the I succeeded Arrington oyer tFtri1?"?"5." re " AKA7tt!-v --r i, f, Alter ClPiPPrYlinincy thnt ihn 'nfn chnnlrl K rL7.: :r rr:r. ...m il uti Luuuiirs. 21111 rni:n ivuuiilv ia ti-j' ""7." j r. ti- i .r.i-t. Had Beaufb gone lor him, he would have . f-: : u... i! mm tun uuiiuiiaiiuii I UUUJV SKI IUI lOCK-1 i Tn . " ;;A.ftef Mr. S.V-reniarks,'to iivhich'the suuuiii f i m . n mnnv vmpo ns .nnrninir . 1 thf hnul T? 'doin of the Convention and the foul play the ballotj Carteret, Hyde, Tyrrell. in the Beaufort delegation. Arid he clos- Washington and Edcecomb voted for a bv ahnonhrintr .SrCoirW a:a Tt-4 . TtonnfV.f r w j J' announcing nimseJl a candidate for 1 oole 44 ; iieautort, Craven and Pitt for nnnr f ui i l r a ari 4 '-:':---.7- - . . On the whole9beCohveiiti6ii-has civ- eying her vote was JorCIark bV a minor- KT-' 7 P11?6 &coe iiV onprf thnnnJru LDOt to be gratihed by having a son of hers : . r- t .. v !. nick here two years ago, of the 30 Beaufort delegates, 231 were for Tooled Since then his services fpr the. party, as candidate for elector, have endeared him more and more to his friends! and there i nn Annhf Knt that the v6ic4 of the Beaufort Democracy, fairly expressed, is nearly unanimous for nim now. g .j Un the jecQnd ballot, Greene voted for Clark, and h Buvuu vuiCS, luue. Ar- The result of the third ballot .was the same. Here some of the friends of Toole pro- posed to unite with the Nash delegation u A e noininauonro Arnngion. .jtsui uie yar eret neiegauon. preiring any Do- dy else, became alarmed, and on the fourth ballot voted fnr f!lnrtr vfciK rraVA him KQ votes, andiseeured him the nomination. Te friendls of Mr. Toole then proposed, that as this was merely a preliminary niee- L! shou,d .aourn 03 usual, to the Court House, and there make the nomination nublic. Rut thnv vior choked down; resolutions, cut and dried for the occasion, were introduced and pass- ed, and the caucus adjourned. j inesareiillthe particulars we have WXfi a. UUIV; nomination ered the mocracy of the 8ih Congressional District I When the nomination was announced in the streetsT there was a general hurst indignation amonar the Beaufort Dm- vinlo, uu ii chus ui iur. looie, woo iee for him near v the same warm, devoid attachment, Whiers entertain towards Mr. Stanly. They denounced the nomi- nation as a h umbuff, an insult to the de- iiiuviw ui ucttujun csneciativ sdokc oi TKPpKWMI? with thtl rWHicrccnid K Kfld vot.,1 (Wr Stanly againit Wilson and Hallspoke of his eroihsr to Raleish durin? the Session of the Legislature in '42-3. and onnosinir Mr. Rodnjan,heLdemocratic nominee for bohcitorsbip df this Judicial circuit, and receivingthe Ajotoorevery Whig member: Thev declared him a mere " white-washed0 Democrat; said he had never shown any regard foi - democracy or democratic principled, so Ions as the District was AVhig. but as poon as it was democratic, thenhe jirbTessed to be a first rate demo crat ; and nov had shown his democracy by opposing and defeating one who had done more forf the democratic cause than any other man in the District, who. while he-(Clai) V acting with the Whigs, had been spending his time, andubstance, and talents, devoting himself, body and Swlr nheae' tic causcf While giving utterance of their feelings ilf indignStionln bitter denuncia- l vm XbtlS nt defcatcdV id idle toprctend that forth. throu-h the Locofoon nnrs n lhe in the city of Richmond has united voice of the harmonious de- produced the general failure bf the Whhrs. tions, they said many things concerning ues wr recovery ot icxas. Let them re the nominee, which we shall not repeat. member San Jacinto, j ; and which we hope are not true. . f. iV- . . . m . I vuerAine exciiemenrinatt sutncientlv 1l . ir t S i . ... . - I suosiucu 10 give piace to ine - sooer se- cond thought,' they called a meeting at the Court House. A large audience as- rX?S 1arg.e perhaps as ever atten- " 1"urillcIJ1',n& uierc H. larger.- Uol. U no. W. Williams, a leading and infiueneial dmnt m tt,A rtr Hvho has;been several times elected to the Legislature, tvas called to the chair. In stating the otijectxf the meeting, he said there .was great dissatisfaction at the pro- ceedimrs of he Conventinn-fW inV tnnV-ivf r Tt i.t u didate for Corigressthat the meeting had a close and left Tahlequah for Fort Gib been called for the purpose of publicly a- 8011 on the 28th of March. J doptinsr measures to ascertain vhpihfr nr : The claims examined by theni amount w.v u....wm a'a. . a wuiu ouvuiU lC IIIC vail not Mr.' T. would consent to be u candi-le oaie-tnat sd tar as he (Col. W.) was con- qcrnen, ne intended to vote tor Mr. Toole whether he vas a candidate or not. This announcement was received with ereat applause, and a motion was made that a committee be appointed to wait -on Mr T. andLjteqagst him to address the meet ing. An attempt was here made by a fela ive of Mr. Clark to get the navs to the motion taken, for: the " purpose, it "was thoushtJ of trying to vote it down.1 This called out James W. Satch well,' Esq. an-1 other leading! influential democrat, -who 1 spoke in the tartest sort of language of the! men who bad been " drilled, in a certain Lawyer's offibe, to misrepresent the voice oi the Beaufort democracy." "Mr. Satch a friend; " that a'watch'should be perfect well's remarks were received; with, rap- Jy dry when it has a running spring in- turous applause. - He was at the meeting, ; AYilkcrboa's hop that antointed the Beaufort Delegates to the Convention, and he tells some curious tales abouhhepaci;- tng process that was then'carried on. and bf the apnlianees lhrst tinvn slnrft. rifpn made to bear on some of the delegates- of the superior flcetness of a certain gen t!mn Iaaa .u:.ut rSli?: deleffates. r -.: nmm;t V..rir-j ii . J ar- nr. - X " J ne appeared, in me ourt room, theWhigs were firing cannon i k rnarks by alluding to the Whig guns, and sPke for nearly a half.hour44chieflyof i: . ! 1 ms and sacrifices in the demo- 1 - . . v s a trauc c&use, particuiariv in iieautort of kiw aii5iacuon to ine Whigs.- Arm Jtnn f J 1 1 lhfat Mr Arrington s friends have been sorelvmor- i?J i .1 - . . r . Si V I rt . j.i -- -V.Mcr 111 uTVSn- NorUi StutAWhig. FRIDAY MORNING. VIRGINIA ELECTIONS. The Richmond Compiler of April 29th says : We have been nrenawd fnr general defeat of the Whiffs throuffhont the btate. It is now placed almost beyond a doibt that the Democrats hate carriprf the Senate and House of Delegates, and have elected fourteen out of fifteen meni- bers ot Uongress. It is of little Use to en- deavor to account for bur disasfUr. Wn rejoice that in this election there is no J mrw . V- V ground for accusing either party of the employment of those unfair and! discredi- table means which more angrv contests fVequently produce. The Virginia elec- t:nn ue o,.t u ixru- u tl0nh.as gone against the Whigs by their own d?fauIt- They hve every where ex- hibited that apathy which forms a princi pal part of the practice, if not a chiefdoc- trine of the Whig party, after beinjr iMcmust, it, ujiiit pave injurea me e lection of Mr. Botts, if the contest had been a VerV close or?. whpr n fVv ' vArttb vWti'M' ..v-.i .u. ...i . i . v. . uu lumcuiue&caie.i uut oeaaonsma- -. .t - ... s - ru 13 ana me; laiiing o in Mr. on;vote is as great in theicountics as 10 the city. The truth is, there ihas been in this quarter of the State .and j 1 hrnnrrh. out Us limits nnnf.tpoi;n;fTn.. r Whig, to the result of the tlection. It has bepn ff common remark, all overthe coun tr3" tnat Phtics are a dead letter. The superior discipline of our adve'rsarifts has alwavs enabled thnm tn Ah n,n-nr,fn of this state of things; and this defeat i-v-v -w U ""S1"0 be a sarpnsmgLresah.- FROM MEXICO. ! Advices hare been received up to the 11th from Vera Cruz, and to the 5th, ult.l from the City of Mexico. M' The American Minister, Mr. Shannon, had retired to Tacubaya, and was only waiting for despatches from this Government, before leav- ing for the U. States. There seemso he much excitement on the subject of annexation, and a disposition to resist it to the utmost, at least, so fnr fie fs7- ton An i y HfU . II I li f ar. gains. het;..Sm.ev j . j. . , i jhe immed.ate cornmenecbent ofhosti A severe earthquake was felt in Mexico on il. rriL J : i .A ucsirujrmg mo aau propeny io a grew eienu . .. , i . . i . f, FROM THE CHEROKEE COUNTRY. .The delegation appointed by the. Na- tinnal fJnnni.n tAft Tat,tk W.U f ngfon on the 1st instant. It consists of Job Ross, J osErn Vann, David Van, and others. 4 Col. Washington and Col. Armistead, of u.k.j . . . J the board of commissioners on the part of the United States, brousht their labors to i w 10 more than three millions df dollars. wnicn, - ine oneroKee Aavocatq tropes, will i"e jccuiiy semeuior oy inevoTernment. A large meeting was held at Tahle- luaD on the 24th of f March; at which it -j i uivil was resolved that ' measures be taken to obtain from the United States Govern? ment a- speedy relinquishment of Port Gibson and removal of the Uniied States troops fronv the Cherokee country. - From BraziU--The news from this country is, that there was much rejoicini? I amobVlhe people on the 23 J . of -February, on! account of the birth of a son to the Emperor. i - 4.-r.-T Somebody's Los--" It is very curious," said an old gentleman a few days since to side. 111 t meet-j was not friendlv tn iKp. nnrnnsft nf ifiP ae" meetins, attempting to create disturbance; :; EO The iiumlcr of Fi'encU iinmigraiits into thii Qotintry is said, by very cood;au- tUdrity,: t$ be greater ' than that from any oiner r JbiUropcan country- Germany and ire iana -excepted. Louisiana is said t:0 have from 75,03 to 100,000 Missouri 40, OOOfMichigan 20)00 ? New York 50,000, and I the; other States 50,000. This: does not include the great number who 'came to thislcouritry vfrom Canada, "during the recent reheliion, ' -V-vrv-L- In UunConnrr. en thm Olrfl' nitimA t. tfi f00!' Joffl LAJrrXi to Miss Nxjict, danghter of u. wvimnjey. - ( ' . r ' ' ' I .' - . .:.., . ' ..-. 1 T'','''a,Ja'aaaajWjAiAiBjBiABpjaa) Near this' plaee.on the 2lst of April, FfiaiiOT.yeunff est son of Archibald aoi Mary T. Henderson, u Ui 16 months and 10 days. v i ' Aa the aweet flower that acenta the mora, , - diert in the rising day ; , ; , Tlwly was this infant'a dawn, -J Thus swiftly fled ita life atway. ' Com. In thia Coanty, on the 31st ultimo, Mra. CaTBasixs HELXao. aged about 70 year. Mrs. H, was a mem, ber of the Baptist Church. In Cabarroa coanty on the 24th nit.. Fsux D Loko, on of the late Daid Long, in the 14th year of his age. i. jrae MARSBTS. SALfSBURY MARKET; May 5. Flour S3 a $3 i Bacon 5 a 6 cents ; Lard 5 a 6 ets: Sugar 7i a 8 cu.; Coffee 8 a f J cts.; Molasses 40 a 45 cts. ; Corn 28" a 30 eta. ; Tallow 6 eta. ; Iron 3 a 4X cents ; Salt, sack Sf a 2 ; Salt pr. btubel 1. ' FAYETTE VILLE MARKETApril 23 Brandy,pech;G0a1r5 Lard, Ca7 Do. apple, 45 a 50 Molasses. SQ a &ri Bacon: 6 a 7 27 a 28 12 a 15 -6a9 7ial0 A a 5 16 a 20 50 a 55 (Oats, 30 jOil, Linseed, 75 a 35 a 80 a G 2 a 10 14 al6 a 50 a $2 a 7 a 23 a 70 Beeswax, Butter, Bale Rope, Rags, per. lb Sugar, brown, 7 do. Lump, do. Loaf, 14 Cofiee, Cotton, Cot. Bagirig, Lorn, Salt, (bush.) 45 Flour,! 83$ a $4 Feathers, 28 a 30 do. Sack, 80 0 Tallow, 6 Flaxseed, !$1 a $1 10 Hides; green, 4 a 5 Tobacco, rf, 2 Wheat, 00 do.l dry 8 a 10 4ja 5 Whiskey, Wool, 26 a 28 12 a 15 Iron, CHERAW MARKET, April 29. Bacon, OaC Leather, sole, 20 a 25 Beeswax 'Coffee), p -;! Cotton, S Corn, ; i I Flour, ! Feathers,;; Iron, -Tl j 22 a 24 7 a9 4f a 6 45 a 50 $3a$44 25 a 32 5 a 6 Lard, 9 a 10 Molasses, 35 a 40 Vails, cut, 6 a 6j Rice, . 4 a 5 Sugar, br. 8 a 10 do. Loaf, 15 a 18 3alt, sack, $160a8l NEW STORE 'i :J' ' AND NEWt. GOODS! J. D. BROWN & T. T. MAXWELL, ARE noW recemng from New York and Philadelphia, their first and entire new "i STO(GiK,F g, at their "tor known as Dr. Burns' comer. Tne door h. low J. & -W. Murnby's, consistine in rart of 1 lottos, HARDWARE & CUTLERY, HATS, BONNETS, SHOES, CROCKERY, U GLASS-WARE AND CSkoCERIES; Together with a general assortment of GOOTlSnrv. ery descrlpfion usually found in stores ; and which will be sold verjr low for cash. The subscribers ask the favor of a call by those wishing to buy. If. IS. The Copnersmithiu? and Tinninr hninoa will also be .carried on in all its various branches. Salisbury, May 3, 1845 tf I P. S. All kinds of country Produce taken in rrftnrr. for Goods.?'' i State ot Jiovtlr earoUna, "ii DAVIDSON COUNTY. Superior Xourt, of Lars Spring Term, 1845. John B. Adderton, i ,iP- I Petition for Divorce. Emelinei Adderton. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the Defendant, Emeline Adderton is not an inhabitant of this Statei It is thereore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for three ibonths in the Carolina Watchman, printed at Salisbury.! and the Mecklenbuis Jefiersonian. printed at Charlotte, that the said Emeline Adderton appear at our next Superior Court of taw to be held for the .county of Davidson j at the Court House in Lexington, oh the 1st monday after the 4th monday of September next, and answer the said Petition, or said Pe tition will be, heard exnarte and Judgment awarded ae- cordingljr. ; ' ; " Witness Andrew Hunt. Clerk of our said Court at olBce, the 1st mdnday after th 4th monday of March, A. i - ; AND. HUNT. c. s. c. t. Printers-fee $10 - 3ml IRMtae subscriber, living three wiles southwest of JL-JSaiiaburrton Monday ih 25?th instant Viarn sorrel mare, wjth a thane and tail of light color She is about air years old and about 14 hands high. Said mare was bought outof a drove, and it may be she is making forherotd range, westwardiy. Anv nerson taking her up and delivering her to me or giving me notice ahaJl he uoerauj rewaraea lor tneur trouble. .. ! f I -. t .. HENRY MILLER. April 51, 1845 tfl franklin C. Chaffln, IB. D '.' HAVING located at Jacob Coleman's, (Cabarrus county J offers his professional services to the pub- ..!:'! - ' ' -' april 26.1845 tf 52 : ialu.i?jlr QKowvtn f or Sale. THE; subscriber' takes thia method of offering for sale his Well known Tan Yard, in Iredell three miles from Davidson College, together with eleven ACRES vf LANDi Tb Tan Yard is well imnrored consisting of fifteen Vats, and all other necessary fixtures and buildings. .Any person wishing to baj the a bore premises; can do so by applying to me near Cowansville, Rowan county. The terms wiU be reasonable, and t suit the purchaser. ?r 7 THOS. L. BEATY. ApriL26.l845-r5w52 , -m . I IV store and for sale lovr. i i pipe best article, French Brandy. : ; , c! ;Fl bblfineold Madeira. . 1 do Fort Wine, (superior). " 1 do Malaga Wine, rf ? " ' ' - 1 do Holland Gin -t ' Salisbory. Feb 1 " tf40 ;- J. H.-ENNISS. rUWISJG-iA large qaantity of genuine Qar Tived end for sala bv J- H..ENN1SS. Dnjgirt. i-r'; ..; 7 April 12,1815 tf 50 .- mm 1 X3CLriH2 XL-i ZE3 XKX , "OT AS just returned from -New-York JLja. and Pbiladplnriijt Uh tt 'r'JL- tl ' rietyof. 1 , ia.. NEW ; AND DESIRABLE 5 SrttotletSa f Among which are gold and silver LeVert Le pin and jcomrhoh Escapement Watches; fin? gold and stone Rings and Pins, (new and beau tiful : patterns,) fine Bracelets and Necklace, gold Card and Fob Chains and Keys, gold and . silrer Pencils and Thimble, Gold and Silrer Spectacles, German Silver, Steel! and common do.i Gold Lockets and Clan Bhn"rrJ rif 4 R2orsfSciasors.Puree CUsps and tassela. Hair Fins and Bugles, Coral and satin Beeds, tooth brnsh- e,poceiworapaasea and Cotobs, fancy French aoapa, Chapman's and Emerson'i npcriar Eazar STE1F3, Silver Plated Candlesticks, Snvfers and Trays, puver opoons, ovgar longs, Steel Pens JPock I el Books; Silk Purses, Music BoxesTfine . Needles, Bodkins Silver But. - -terKNIVES: I iogetnerwitnagreatvanetjr of other'articles. AU of wnicn nave ocen caretolly aelected in regard to taste and quality, and will be sold very low for cash, Persons wish ing to purchase articles in my line, would do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. " ' All kinds of Wathc will be rnn?rt snt aa chronomiters, duplex, liorizonul, patent-lever, musical. jjcaung ana pjain a iso, ciocrs, musical boxes, and all kinds of Jewelery will be put in order on reasonable terms. Having obtained a very steady a nd skilful work man from a celebrated Watch making Establishment in Philadelphia, he feels no hesitation in saying that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all those who may fa vor him with their work. All he asks is a trial. Lepine and pjain watches will be altered to patent le vers, and warranted to perform well. Old gold and ailver taken in exchange for work done. - , - i JOHN E. BOGER. SaItfbury,April5. 1S45 tf49 Statcsvillc Female Academy. THE second quarter of this Institution, will com mence on TAur$daf the Ut daf of May, under the care of Miss E. JT. Baker. The course of in struction will be extensive and thorough, including all the branches usually taught in the first Female Acade mies. Terms, per Quarter. S4 5 C. accord in r to th- I advancement of the Pupil. Music on the Piano, 812 per quarter ; Guitar, Q10 ; Waxwork $5 ; Painung and French. $7 each. Pupils charged from the time of en trance, but no deduction made for absence afterward, except in case of long sickness. Excellent boarding can be obtained la the town at the low rate of $6 per month. 5i;3t April 9th, 1845 CHEAP, CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST ! THE subscriber respectful- f' 1 ly informs his friends and jf J Yff the public that he still continues to carry on the in Salisbury, on main street, a few doors south of J. & W. Murphy's store, and just opposite the Rowan Hotel, He has on hand a large- assortment of furniture, and keeps in his employment the best of workmen, and uses tne best materials the country affords. He has on hand at all times an assortment of such work aa will suit the wants of the country, such aa Bureaus, Sideboards, See reianes, Lup-ooaras, Tables, Uandls-stands, Wash- sianas, liea-steads. Cane Bottom and Windsor Chairs, f-c. A neat assortment of Coffins constantly kept on hand , so that any person can be accommodated in thai l;n nn 4 the prices shall be made to suit customers, not only in that arucie, out in au ottne above mentioned articles. The subscriber would say to jthe public that they, would do wen to call and examine before they purchase, aa he in tends hereafter to sell cheaper than work has ever been sold in this State. J- All kinds of country produce and lumber will be taken in exchange for work. DAVID WATSON. Salisbury, April. 19. 1845 25tf LOOK AT THIS. CHEAP - FURNITURE. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he still continues to carry on the Cabinet making Business, in Salisbury, on main street, a few doors sooth of J. At W. Murpby'store, and just opposite the Watchman Printing Office, and keeps in his employment the best of work men. He has on hand at all times such work as will suit the wants of the peopleeach as Mahogany, Cherry and Walnut Sideboards, Bureaus, &cretaries, China-Presses, Cnpboards, Tables, Bedsteads, Ladies' Work-stands, Candle-stands, &.c. j He also has on hand a large and neat assortment of Coffins, and will constantly keep a supply, arranged irom tne smallest to tne largest size. All Jobs done by me shall be in the best style, and the charges lower than at any other shop of the kind in this place. All kinds of country Produce and Lumber will be taken in exchange for work. A will be given to punctual dealers. reasonable credit KINCHEON April 5th, 1845 !9:Iy 1 ELLIOTT, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. DAVIE COUNTY nbrvary S:ssions.A84S Samuel Taylor vs. William Lunn. Attachment levied on six Acres of Land! IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the Defendant has removed beyond the limits of this State, so that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on hirn : It is therefore ordered, that publication be mada in Carolina Watchman for six weeks, that he be and appear before the Justices of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses sions, at the next court to be held for the county of Davie at the Courthouse in Mocksvillen the 4th Monday in May next, then and there to replevy and plead, otherwise judgment by default final will be entered against him and iuc janus irviea on conaemnea to satisty tne plaintirrs debt. (Prs.fee $5 47:Ct) JOHN CLEMENT. JAMES .MCG ARY", coriii:; .'UiV and FORWARDING . Wilmington, N. C. Messrs. David A. Ray, & Co., p..f , tt xr Hal! & Johrion; FayetteviIIe, If . C. Messrs. J. J. and A. C. Blume, ) c . f- l . Mr. Edward Belo. , ; - slem N c- March, 1 845. ; , 46:3 w:pd , , , - , 4 A INSURANCE AGA1NRT LOSS BY THE subscriber baring been' appointed an agent of the : Williamsburg Fire Insurnux Company? wouia gwe nouce to mose wna may; wish to obtain r surance on goods, buildings, fcc, that they can hare their property insnred against loss by fire on as reasonable terms as it can be done by any company insuring in thia section of the State. Any tafcrmation on the subject will be givea on application to the undersigned.-. All letters of enquiry must be post paid. - ; ' . : D. A. DAVIS.. , "Salisbury, March 24thlS45 4& 12t . MN.SEED Eight barrels superior Linseed Oil for sale, by the subscriber, . MICHAEL PHQWNr v . March 12, lS45-4e;tn; C! A "FT 'KK f V a D-cc cf th. Court' cr: J0 t!1S Clerk and; TP TTT1 M? " " ' rr, or, Monday the 5th day cf May, (hcin th. Monday of the County (;ourt) t ? TllAOTa.O?. XiAlID. -Two thirds of a tract of Land lyin'cn ? ' Yauin at the mouth of ThirrCrekontin ing about TWO HUNDRED AND SKVEN -TY ACRES, subject to the right of dower ihcre.t on, of the widow of John Rob! r. and tho widow - j ""UI.I'HI of Forest Monroe, d?cd. A credit of 0 months will be aiowed, and bond with sufTicientecurtJ ijr for the pt.rchase money, required oa thc dar Hf $ale. s: Also at tho tarn time and place, an undlvIJecL share of a moietjr of liva hundred and fourteen ? ACRES, where John Gillespie-resides, on the forks o! Second Creek, adjoining the lands of James Owens, John Gibson' and others,' which nadirided ahart? would amount to 12 or 13 acres, ; on a credit bf twelve months. tAlso reouirin : bond.' At the tame time and placei will be ofie red for sale, two other TRACTS OF LAND, hing in Rowan count, belonging to the Heirs of Sam. ' uel Miller, decM. One containing H-?-' on the waters of the Yadkin, adjoining the lands, ol Leonard Parks and others. The other 1ingf on Panther Creek, adjoining the lands of James Bobnan and olhersrcontainingr about TH'OJ HUNDRED AND TEN ACRES. A crcd. it of twelve months .will bo allowed and bonds with sufficient security demanded on thtf day oC sale. . . ''-:r'i,.r""' Uuder tho same authority, on the day and at; the place aforesaid, will be sold, the interest of Henry CauMe's Heirs, in .TR A C T OF L A ND, , wherein the late Jacob CaubJe lived,: adjoining the lands of George Cauble, John ; Hart man and others, about seven' miles east cf : Salisbury, being one fourth of .. 7 wo hundred and sj2 ven ' acres. A credit of twelrc months will be allowed, and bond with approved security for lhe purchase money required to bo executed on the day of sale. In all cases the tide is withheld until the payment of the purchase money, unlesi the Court shall tor special cause otherwise direct,? , SAMUEL SILL1MAN, C. M. E. -Salisbury, April, 12, 1845 . . 4v50 J; STATE 0F NORTH CAROLINA ROWAN nOTTNTV. V In the Conrt df EqaitTSpririj Term, 1845. 'Hi " TN the, matter of Joseph Hawkins and - wiKf with the other heirs of John Hall, deceased : 1 It is ordered that the Lands mentioned in tho pe.',.;: tition filed, be sold by the Clerk' and Ma7lr,'?5l who hereby gives notice that the said Land will be offered for sale at the late dwelling house of J obn Hull, dee'd, on Saturday the 3d day of. May -next. - 'One Tract'of .. v ' THREE "HUNDRED ljtURE8&. lhe' home place. Rdjoining the lands of John ; TT.nlu ITn ... T?'l. . - .1 ,1 .1. 01.J.L. laaKin. l he oilier containing 100 AUlUiS, K also on the South Yadkin, adjoining the lands ; - oi Atram aintgniery, John llenly and oihcrsiOV f both subject to the widow's right of Dower, and. upon a credit ot twelve months, requiring bonds with sufficient security for the purchase money on ; tho day of safe.. - Attendance and furtbcij ! particulars then disclosed if necessary-by j'vt SAMUEL S1LL1MAN, C. M. E. -April 12ie45 . ri, ?:5;-4w50'f - r . r f i i i in i .ti i " - " i r i .' NOTICE-There will be sold by die subscriber at " private sale, one half Acre IOf, on the great Eastern Square, adjoimWAIexander Fraley's lot. If not sold beforeTuesday of May Court. I will offer it fo '" sale on that day at the Court-house door. . t f v -April 15, Il54w50, J. BHENLY, Adm'r.t ; STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA: Davie CountyFebruary Sessions, 1845, - . . Susanna Hodge, -., ts. Joseph Hodge, Anthony Hodre. Da- V Petition foe via xioage, flxason Unndle, John I Dower. " Hodge, Joshua YoungUnd wife. J - - l appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Josh- JL ua Younu and wife are not inhabitant of iht. ' It is ordered that publication be made for six weeks if ; the Carolina Watchman jhat the said defendants in this , case be and appear at the next term of this Court, to be ' held at the Courthouse in Mocksrille on the 4th Monday iu may uri, buu picau or juagmejjt wui be taken pro. confesso witness, JohnClement. Clerk ofour said Courtv :, at office, the 4th Monday in February, 1845, and in the - vaia yew, 01 American independence. , . tJ - ? . . ' - (irs. tec g5 47.6Q JOHN CLEMENT. CTk. UNION HOTEL MOCKSVILLE, N. C. c THE UNDERSIGNED - RESPECTFULLY announcMoS puUicthat they have recently purchased that laree and commod'u Ami v ous Public House in Mocksvilie, Davie county,,-- ; known ihw-' - - '!-.-.-- m ... 4 i-J that they have refitted and newly furnished the same am$ . opened it for the use of the public. To those, acquaint ed with thia stand, it will be unnecessary to say that' tho building is nearly new ; the rooma large, and airy, of- modern construcnon, and that, the entire estaUisbment, v with its . '- -:r?- 1 ';';::-Uh Out-buildings and adjacent Grbnaiis.4 ' is most commodiously and comfortably arranged The s : : undivided attention of the BQtlnumxt will h A,rtA m the comfort and well being :f those who 1nay honor . them witbiheir patronage.v;r. . ' H.H&j R. REYNOLDS,- i I' Mocksvilie, February 20, 18153w4 DRS. P. & A. M." IIENDERSOX, 13 AVING associated thernselves iulhe Prac- tico of Medicine, oflr their Profl'tsional errices to the Public. (& Oflice in lhe brick building, opposite lhe Rowan Hotel. ' " ""Salisbury, March .1; 1845-f 44J 4f. - DacVn JSarion A XCrlder, . . .V. : A VlXGssociaied thernselves in the Prac ftice of Mepictxe, (and located at .ftlount Vej5on,Kridcr,s:Storc,J Rowan Coualy,):olV fer their professional services ter the puTilicVH -DR.?J.iGi RAMSA Y,7T"S$ B AVING hted f Palewan eoj f lata 'i residence of Dr.'R: T-lDiatnukea, deceased.) ..of- : ;) lets hia professional services to the' pubhend.hppeto s ;j receife a share public patronage; ;ytf4$ , -f -'v. 5; rm r.criTif-injnRT'T' ' - "KXAVINO Wmoi tbrtbe oHiee lately -occspled fsVf MJL Judge Caldwell, the jjexf dor below Jf r. Ertnisa Dnjff aure;wiil alway' be f?un J there cr.'.eM profesnion ... ally engaged, . ; v Jn 11, lS45--ly3T v - j j -1 ! . - t-.l!. i ; I- i8