Qtlean Ticayune of July 20. LAMEST FUOM TEXAS. M"3 fadDeath of Vice Pre- Annexation urn-- , - -iu ndcrson -Incursions and bf the Indians-r-General Xcits. t,; the Arrival of the brig Hope Howes, , C. & ?haf ,fro.m Galveston, yester vVe 4ref apprised of the glorious and c 1 V ; rUoiiKUri finally consummated. ij.firvin',1 rapt nn i'"' ju-nu" iiiiucA- hd honest ana unwavering con i.,f nf a free people, have "the machina" !. f trhitbrs at home and , enemiesa- upra(l been foiled and frustrated. Honor to the rcnu n jeans oi irAas ior lue Dart tbiev havej taken in thie achievement" of ii ntimope HE , J I We ci i'e u5 worthy correspondent's a letter, wnicaieiuui itccs u. ciear ana suc- : t i i . i. . i 'n..' cinct narrauou ui iuc jruceeurngsoi ine ronventiqn up the latest! period at which it were possible., to receive Austin news : ' Austin, July .7, 1845. - an assembled on the mor and unanimouslvrelected The Cohvdnt. (Jen. uusk to presiue over , its delibera- ... t: ,i - . . ... V.ons. ujp.wwkHig- me cnair ne made, a short addfesS, which was weir delivered find suitable W Jthe occasion. A commit tec of fifteen j was- soon after, appointed,1 ti-horeporte(i by their chairman, Judge LinscoulbLati ordinanr Msspntirrr.'nn !hn- half of the pebble Texas, to the terms of Annpxati n j proposed by the United States liovernm ;hf.j It was adopted with one iissenting voicebut five, members ab sent. It was, fctagrossed and signed bv all tie- members present. - It is not a little sin- ?p!ar that ih()bnly dissenting ; voice vvas; Richard Jiacljel the father-in-law of your Secretary! tqe Treasury and brother-in 4avv oi t jVice Tresident. ' J . . -ie weecssaryl resolutions were jthe transmission bf the ordin. sllnjitcd Statesa resolution was Poli Love, and'unanimouslv a- After asscd f( ance to t onereu u (lopfed oin their Tbat the members wear crane 5ft arm for one month, as n. ies- timony p &grft for the decease of Gen- eral Jac S Whatever Iditterences of st as regards his political opinion . i (Texas owes him a debt of gratitudel Td' dm we are indebted for becoming; a member of cah' Union-4-a measure so and I hope to you. The adiourned. . It was a nn. the privilege of the trreac Ameri convenuon meii yel cejeljratiotii j of the Liberty Day rto sorrenuer ijuu i nue uciiuence oi our nanon, and bv thes to Us incbrporatiori with another, and of fer a tnoute ot respect to the man through whose lhfluence -the measure W'as con fhe iuuiuutiiru.j V On tM 5 h ve appointed committees on the plan at optj?d by the -.Virginia Conven tion, to rep3rt jn various subjects submit ted. It c ll ;d i pFth some discussion which jvas creditable 'to the speakers it wasthe skirmish that irecedes more heavy fifing.' The delegates to the Conventioh, for-in- telligcnqe, integrity and vorth, would rank vigu jii iinj coujiiry. x,nere is not, - per aps, miicli q( brilliancy, but a great deal of matte r-4f-fdct sense and sound know ledge ; and Ij predict that we shall form and send Mou; a sound and sensible Con ftitutionl tree from the worst features of praismL : I I The ttrrn$ f annexation, are not, per- haps, subh .as we had a right to ask : but SQauxidusiare: we to free the subject from farther igitat on in the United States, that w vuuu yiws wnaie ver win pe annexea totheCbn$titiition diaerinpr from the res oluttons p ed by the United States Con- fress. ( A despatch was received from the Uni ted Stages (n the tnorriing,and Major Don eJson ariruicd on the evening of the 5th, wyirig beiri detained at Washington by Serioufc indisposition ' TKrsr rlpsnntchps relatetbTjIe;!)ccupatioil bf our frontier by u w0' i.nfy are now on their march ae ffotjbjj water to Corpus Christi, on weklpank t the Neuces; the dra goons I y land jc San Antonio. - The ;tef ii taken that will decide Mex ico irt her policy. Foreign troops will soonf UP0 le kitl she claims. Her choree- most bk ajdejcUratibn of war, or, if she is ttisc, h ?gbtiatidn. She may acquire mo jiey by th0 lafttCT defeat and disgrace on 7 oy t ic fornjer. To-day, a resolution 'as p;.ssed, requesting' the President of we United States; in behalf of the neonle jrTexis, jto send troops forthwith to our irontieit. : the" oak xnis rcsouuion is a sanction on bf the neo'nle of Texas. '.of the Movement noted above. - a i i i . t i - The antrigub, of those in power here. Mich in itsldbmrnenccment. was advised hytheJex4PjMsid ent. has hnn dissinnfnrl Jy the bower bf the people. The Execu-i ?lVC ocEuriies no envied nrt?silion ;T am iiciia td ink he has been victimized 5V his ri ricii and patron, as well as her Minister. True to his faith, kAvejcr, ciittins a ae issued his Proclamation, ad- tate of war and a disputed ter- ry, whcli f not intended as treason to 1J co mtr y,jor proceeding from disappoin nopcs.Mas excessively foolish. rx"!1 Aoemeen-has avowed to ur. Ash- ith kHathpr TUni W not inter fere in thi nnpttJnn'Sn .hfi i Writes1 hotnU A Th? Wctsbf Wt war ; so if you get to logger- mm John Bull, it must be about f 0n4than will fight for whale's littlo if! SUTar. cotton nr i npornps Pncdflburishin villas? lain n ctnf Of nt H Wi(lati and ruin--the ef. fects ah arbitrary exercise of bower; cause and without precedent pogh'the author bf all this minis .11 - u. cannot he dare not look upon 3 tfkkh he has in his wantonness mtzj San Antonio." He, with RUNER & JAMES, ; ' - "Editors) Proprietors,' JMcHovvard, delegate from that place. uas ior some aays Deen expected.! Painful apprehensions have arisen for their safety, as many Indians are n; ; the frontier who have committedseveral murders lately. ' "e ennreiy exposed to the attacks of Indians and Mexicans not a soldier on guard, and but few fire-arms.: So callous have people lo jTexas become to danger, that they sdarcly ever; prepare (ta repel attack. On my way here I met a young manwith: Iwol young girls in a buggy, with no protection :whate ver, from ''attack; almost atthfe very spot where young Homs by had been killed two weeks previous by the? Indian.n;They:were;-ih''- hifch ;'gleet laughmgatid talking merrily ;I could but think that an hour might consign them to death, o a Ayorse'fate ! ; , The Hor Iwes reports onlv40bours from Galveston- to the Balize. The latest C i! i z i : - ( n Tt . . vjaiveaiuu papers we nave is oi the lath inst. : We are Indebted to Captain Shaw and Mr. Nf ck Bflil vin for papers, &c. v t The British brig Persian arrived at Gal veston a few days ago from Vera Cruz. She brought despatches for the Govern ment, anq pas tcr return as soon as she heard front Washington. It was rumored in Galveston tbfit she was there for the purpose ofllearning the fate of the Mexi can propositions to President Jones, and ii iney werg rejected, mat the Meet ot Mex ico would be down on Galveston j without delay 1 AVfe Kore Gal vestonians will noy evacuate thir city on the strength of this fearfut rumor. The Hon. K. t. Anderson, Vice Presi dent of Tdxas, died on the 10th inst., at Fanthrop'slJSIorjtgomery county, of fever. The paperaren mourning for4heSad event..'' j- - ... 1 . ' ' r , - Mr. Edward Bourne, a native of Coven try, England, left his residence on Clear Creek Lake in a boat, on the 3d inst., and is supposed to have been drowned on the 4th. . '! ! ;-4 . ' .- i T Ashbel Smith has been recalled from England. Speaking of this, the Galves ton News If the 12th says-f We should like to know jwhat he went-for. what has dobe, Tfow much money he has jiutivcicu, ucii ue is going again, or wnat plan will next oe fallen upon to disburse our public -funds." The following appointments have been made by the President : ; , v Hon. Ebjeneer Allen, Sec'ry of State ; Hon. ;WfB. Ochiltree, AttorneyGen,l. j Hon. J. Greer, Sec. of the Treasury. The reports jof the crops throughout the country are highly favorable ? Galveston and the other cities and towns continue healthy ; Emigrants are fast pressing into the countfy from the adjoining States bf the Union I and the orosnects of1 Texas. view therrj thrbugh what phase we will, are prosperous land encouraging. PROGIIESS OF CORRUPTION ! The Washington correspondent of the New Yorll Tribune express the fohowing facts, which serve to show the extent to which the public treasury is plundered by those who should be its guardians. In the account oftlje Clerk of the House of Representatives showing the disbursement of the Cintingen Fund, is the following entry : .j I I. 1843, Decdmberj Nathan CiifTord, to 17 das pec diem as Member of Congress from 3d of March, f 1843, tojthe ! 20th of the same i month, 4t $8 per day, while conf fined atlWashinston by severe T i indisposition and unable to leave for home ; I $136 00 Now it friustf be remembered that Mr. Clifford's trmJof service expired on the 3d MarchJanc yet here he is paid $8 per day for 17days subsequent to the expira tion of his tepm, on the ground that he was sickat Washington.' This is a prin ciple which, it admitted and allowed to fake root, jwilj spread itself with fearful rapidityflr tHe facility with which mem bers of Ccligress habituate themselves to graspingall tfie public money whichlhey can havejanjexcujstf to handle, has bebn strongly exemplified. Witness the Con structive Mileage and the immense sums paid for tfieir luse at every session of Con gress. Were j will this stop if it be allow ed to go on unchecked if every member who may happen to be unwell at the closei of his terrh of service, or at the adjourn: ment of af session; can remain in Wash ington ana charge and recover his 88 per Hay as long as 4 he remains sick ? A few pages farther on, in this very document, I find a strong ekemplication of what may be expected, if. this principle is to be act ed bpon. j On page .1 14 of the same doc ument there is the following item : I 1844, April, J.J. Roane For thir ; ty days detention by sickness in " Washington pity after the ad- i journment o Congress, in July. '1843, atj $tfrjendayfj; j v$240 ;S-: Here we . se4 tbe principle illustrated. Per diem pay Having been allowed to one member whose term of service had expir ed, because be was detained " by sickness iaVyashingtbnl Mr; Roanegoes back a period bf melee years, and claims pay on the same ;accouht for 30 days detention. Is not this an abuse ,? And should , itr. be allowed to' go fen and - take root .without being checked ? Nor is this .all.: I am informed that during the present year, the KEEF X CHECK rP03l XIX YOUX IS 8ATE. - . I SALISBURY,:NKCr, accounts of which will not ' be published until December, the executors of Barker Burnell, a deceased member from Massa chusetts,; who died; in this city; offer, the expiration of his-term on the 3rd. March, 1844, have made a claim and recovered payment for per diem for him during the time he was sick previous to death, and after the Congress was over." . Is this i to be allowed to continue. and groy jap un til, by prescription, ; it' becomes a nested right f - , From the Utica Gazette, An Abolition Mob Great Cry and j Little wool, j A very ludicrous performance has just come ofT in our cily, which has gained imijerishable laurels, to some of the distinguished philanthro pists of the liberty party. j-John Jlunbi Esq., formerly a resident of this place, but bow re siding in Mississippi, a few days sincei arriv ed here with his family, on a visit. Il4 brought with . him an old negro woman, a slave as a nurse to his children. Intelligence ot the fact was quickly disseminated among the Urate and liberal spirits who sympathise with the " poor African " at a safe distance. On (Monday, Wm. M. Allen, Esq., who has been llhe lead, ing spirit of the abolitionists since Mr. Alvan Stewart went to establish the libertjf party in New York, obtained a writ of habaes corpus, returnable before Judge Roet. Mr. Munn is visiting at the house of Mr. Eli F. Benjamin, who has also with him bn a visit l! ;T C 1 ri-'J -r I..- uh sun, ur. oadiuei jjenjamin, oi iortn varo lina. The writ was, through a mistake, issued against this latter gentleman, who, happening to have left all his slaves at home, had yho diffi culty in clearing himself from the process. We understand, however, that he was: jso murh struck with the courage and address of the gen tleman who had the principal chargd of the proceedings, that he invited him to visit him in North Carolina, oflering to pay his expenses and give him free access to his slaves, to take away as many as he could persuade to leave, by his eloquence and the confidence which his appearance inspired. j The writ having been corrected, a mob of white, black and mixed,, of all ages and sexes, accompanied the officer to Mr. Benjamin's re sidence. The poor object of their Sympathy was so much terrified at the appearance and actions of these M angels of light," that it was feared she would die of fright. She is some 57 years of age and suflering under the dropsy. Mr. Munn assured the zealous philanthropists that he was perfectly willing they should take the woman if they would give security for her maintenance and she would consent, and in form them that he had told her on first coming into a free State that she was at liberty to leave him whenever she pleased on giving a few days notice.- But the liberators were far bo eleva ted in their conceptions to take pecuniary mat ters into consideration. j Judge Root, at the request of the Mayor, who had visited the scene of the disturbance, post poned the return of the writ till Tuesday morn ing at 8 o'clock. The old woman, in the mean time, was in continual terror lest her loving friends should liberate her by force. I To allay her tears and the apprehensions of the family, deputy sheriff Johnson passed the niht at the house, and a body of watchmen were, stationed in its vicinity. ' .! The morning came, and at the appointed hour Mjv Munlwas at Judge Root's office with the slave, and the sheriff with the writ, to which he returned that the defendant did not detain the woman.; Judge Root explained to the woman that she was at liberty to go where shb pleased. She, notwithstanding the arguments and entrea ties of her new friends, insisted upon j-emaining with hejr. master, and is now abiding; with him, though still laboring under much apprehension lest she should be abducted, and left o the ten der mercies of the busy-bodies who have given themselves so much unnecessary trouble on her account. SPAIN. !. A recent letter from Madrid brings in telligence of Mr. Irving's continued good health, and the prowess of Mr C Li y i hg stone, in a grand display! of tauromachies in which he and other members bf the Di plomatic Corps rivalled the professional matadors rthough it is maliciously; re marked that two year old calves were sub stituted for the monarchs of the Analtisian herds. They call themselves the " Socie ty of Babel,"-and are soon to have a grand tournament. The reports which were in circulation last year concerning lan alleg ed criminal intimacy between the young Queen and one of her generals, re again whispered about. ,On dit, that she is to marry a Cobourg Prince, brother to the King of Portugal and the Duchess of Ne mours; and that the Duke of Slontpen sier is to marry her sister, the Infanta Ma ria Louisa, The recent discovery of a se- l cret correspondence between the Pope and that crafty woman, Queen iprisnan, hds occasioned much surprise amongst those here best acquainted with Spanish affairs, and it would riot be thought strange if she. was sent out of Spain by sent Ministry, who so recent ly her from thje exile into which sent Espartero Paris Letter. tne pre- recalled she Avas ? Ex-Governor Clones, of Tcnnessee is tiow on a visit to; Mr. Clay He arrived in Lexington yesterday w eek, and was re ceived by an address: from Gen. jCoombs, and a military escort. . . j I ; 1 1 Two country attorneys overtaking a wagoner on the road; thinking td break a, joke upon him, asked him why hisTfore horse was so fat and the rest so( lean ? The wagoner knowing them to be, limbs of the law. answered, that his fore i horse was his lawyer and the rest werp his. cli- ents. : , , Do THIS, AXB LtBESTY Geitl. Harrison. . AGXIST 9, 1845. -The " American Republican " is puzzled with the remarks we made upon the admitted fact, that German shoemakers here were driving our own, put of employ by underbidding them, and by living on cheaper food. It is so indeed, so not only with shoemakers, but Irish porters, Irish hackmen, Irish servant girls, Irish labor ers of all kinds, German piano forte makers, German: musical instrument makers, German giass cutters, Swiss , watchmakers, jewellers, .dec., &c. A man born and bred in poverty in Europe, does not feel the want of, nor need, the comforts: that the American insists upon, and can, therefore,! underbid the American in this country, and work cheaper. The only remedy we 'saw, was for the American to change his pu rsits,---yturn farme r. The Republ ican ex claims : I ' " We enter1 our- solemn protest being thus driven from pillar to post.' If we in an evil hour abandoned our native born rights in politi cal matters, it is time to take such steps as shall prevent any further innovation. Scarcely a corner now in the city but what is occupied by a German or Irish grocer, and if our mechanics should be as effectually rooted out as are those who used to keep stores of -various kinds, a native' would fare full as well in Holland or among the bogs of Ireland as he would here. But we believe they are made of sterner stuff than to be thus unceremoniously disposed of, rand lit is to be honed that a new order of things is about to bo introduced. They-are not quite reaoy to be forced into the wilderness against their will, and toi change their habits and pur suit of life, j I t "j We go for the American System,' at home or abroad. Our system is more comprehensive than the present Tariff,' and will protect the American mechanic from cheap labor here as well as in Europe, and will bring about a more equal division of the labor of the . country. While tee itish to fee liberal tee are determined notlto be robbedjjakd if we prefer licing in a city we shall object to going into the woods, or The American Republican gives us no reme dy. - To stop their voting can't stop their com in here. When they start from the foot of the AlpVthe borders of the Rhine or the Baltic, froro Dublin, or Cork, or Tipperary, when Michael O'Shaughiessy writes to Bridget O' Ilannegan to comje out,' as all can live here in a palace, on the! banks of a beautiful river, at the public expense, (Bellvue Poor House,) (miem, a published letter, inviting immigration) none of these emigrants think of voting. That our demagogues first dingdong into their ears on Staten Islaijd at the Quarantine grounds. Tley come here, tempted by higher wages than they get at homes, j The dollar a day calls them from their homes, the exchange of mutton and beef for potatoes, the better fare, the easier work, the happier life. , Now there is no stopp ing this but by draWing around the U. States a cordon, which the emigrant cannot pas3. We must tuiiri Chinese, or establish regulations like thoseof Dr. Francia in Paraguay before we can prevent it. Is thje Republican ready to do this ? ff not we see ho remedy for the American where the Foreigner underbids him, but to learn some other trade, of to turn farmer in which last remedy, sure there is no calamity. N. Y. Express. Health of New York. The official re port of the city i inspector for last week presents a frightful increase of mortality J m: Jew York, the number of deaths du ring the week being more than double that of the present week, and reaching the un precedented and trply appalling number of four hundred and seventy four ! The News remarks that this statement would afford just grounid for the most serious a larm, were it not evident, thai the great excess has been occasioned by no deterio ration ol the public health generally, but has been exclusively the result of pauses originating in th0 intense heat of the wea ther during the week. We learn from the N. Yew Journal of Commerce of Monday afternoon that the following insurance companies have re solved to wind up. They refuse to issue more policies, and -ask that all policies now out maybe cancelled, though they will be able to pay nearly or quite all the losses by the late disaster, viz : . The Americal Mutual, The Guardian, Merchants1 Mutual, East River, Merchants' Firej T Manhattan. j The rates bf premium demanded by of- j hces which go on are double the rates ot lkst week, and the citizens are rapidly paying the rates. 1 Superseding Gas. -The rumors of a ve ry interesting and astonishing discovery begin to be circulated in Paris. It consists of furnishing the means of lighting, simul taneously, all the different highways which cross France in all directions, by means of simple iron wires connected with elec tro magnetic machines. The utility of this discovery is immense, as it will ren- ter the roads : as well lighted and safe s the most frequented streets of the cap ital. Several experiments ; have already been made on the rtad from Paris to a small town on jthe Havre road, which were crowned with entire success. Gas light is said to be nothing in comparison to that given by the above process. ; ; :" : I , Evening .Mirror. . . OCT There died recently at Unity, in Maine, a lady named Mrs'. Hannah Chase, at the very advanced age, of 106 years and 25 days. She left 10 children, C6 grand children 160 great grand children, and 12 of the"fib generation. There were about 150 of her descendants pre sent at her funeral, and 150 walked in the fu neral train. NEW. SERIES, . : . NUMB! NUMBER IS, OF VOLUME 1L A TRUE WORK OF ART. " FROM THE AMERICAS BEVJSW, TO KTtT, V There is now in this city, ( New York) brought over from Italy by the American Consul at Ge. noa, Mr. C. Edwards Lester, a more exquisite ado noble work of art than has probably ever been in this country. It is a Christ on the Cross, wrought out of a single piece of ivory by a Geaocse monk. The circumstances attend, iag its execution and disposal, and the character of She old monk by whom it was worked, are of Sjtagular interest.-. - ... Passing one evening near the bid convent of St. Nicholas, which stands on the scmi-cjrcular hill that sweeps around back of Genoa an im mense picturesqueiiuildiug, at one time used for barracks by Napoleon, now half in ruins - and tenanted by a few old monks -Mr. L., wander ing through the long, dilapidated corridors, saw, through the cell-door partly' ajar, an unusually large ivory figure, lying on thetable, unfinished. Rapping on ' i the ghostly lintel, a hollow, step came, and the door was shut in his face. Mr. L. requested entrance. A husky faint voice re fused him : , The cell vassacred and a rus ty bolt grated to finish the reply, lr. L. f want ed toee the holy image he was working." " The Divine Christdid not permit him to show his crucified body." Mr. L. " wished, to talk religiously with his father." The monk had nodesire to speak of these things with a Strang er." Afier much other ascetic conversation Mr. L. finally declaring himself any American deputed to visit all the holy Catholic convents, the door was at length "cautiously opened. A long and singular conversation ensued. The monk was one of those strange intellectual be ings, peculiar for centuries to the Catholic church -a true ascetic, gloomy-souled, thought-; ful eathushiast, worthy of the times of the Cru. saders. His account of the origin and progress of his sacred wort was extraordinary, and en tirely in keeping with such a character. There had been in some garret or store-house in Genoa, for years, centuries perhaps longer, at least, than any one had remembered or heard an immense block of ivory, of a strange ap pearance. It was two orthree times as large as any piece that had ever been seen, being a seamless solid beam over three feet long, four teen inches in diameter, and weighing more than one hundred and twenty-five pounds. . All the antiquarians in Italy who have looked at it, have: pronounced it a relic of the antediluvian world, no modern piece of ivory being at all to be compared with it either in size or appearance. It was supposed to have been brought from tho East in some Genoese vessel, when that state was famed for her maritime enterprise, andnad ships in all parts of the world. It might, indeed, have come fromjany region- having been pre served by some natural means as there are in several places fragments af umueuse tjsks fos silized, which must have belonged to some an tediluvian or pre-Adamic" race of animals that produced ivory ; and, what is more to the point, it was well authenticated that there was discov ered, many years ago, in the north of Europe, imbedded in century-accumulated ice and thus preserved from decay, even to the flesh, skin, and hair an individual of some extinct genus very much larger than any modern kind of elephant. It was looked upon, however, as worthless, except for a curiosity of unknown orhif -the whole exterior. being thoroughly discolored and decomposed, and the decay apparently reaching to the centre. vFrom some indications, tho monk is induced to suppose otherwise. He feels him self moved by a sacred impulse. Heaven , has provided marvellously a jubstance for ah im age of the divine Christ. Ii must indeed be made, by exceeding skill and toil, such an one as was never seen. But how blessed srhall he be, who shall execute it aright! With hurried eagerness, the austere enthusiast boreHhe hea vy fragment up the hill, to his ruined consent be yond the city as Ho who was to be imaged forth from the shapeless mass, once ascended his hill of suflering with the burden of his cross. He shut himself up in his cell away even from the inquiries of his fellow monks and begun his labor.'' ':.:":-'-v;. ; .. It was necessary firsMo remove thcdecayed portions. The outside was fuund to bn of a dull gray, and porous ; the parts next to this were denser, and of a dark mottled brown ; it then deepened into a substance black as ebony, and nearly as hard as glass; beyond this there was nearly an inch thick, almost as hard, but of a curdled yellow. " Having with great labor cut all this a,way much of it being almost imper vious to instruments of steel i solid mass of ivory was reached of a pure cream-color, 'en tirely unchanged by the action of centuries, measuring about 33 inches in length and eight inches in diameter, and weighing about 80 lbs. From t his substance, which could with diffi culty be cut, hul slowly etched and scraped a way, the crucified Christ was to be wrought. The account which the monk of St. Nicholas gave of his long labor up to the time Mr. L. entered his unfrequented cloister, was simple and affecting.' He jinew nothing, by practice, of the! shaping of images ; he had never wrought upon a piece of ivory ln bislile. iut ne lnougut the dear Lord, and gracious Mary-Molher, would aid him in so holy a labor. He would be in. 'spired to mako a divine work. And. suddenly, Jhe said, the inspiration came like b thought. A vision sprung uptn".7"h him (he did not know, that thus the ideal always arises to genjus !) He saw God on the Cross dead. It never could pass away from him, and he kuew H was sent to him for the holy image he must make. Al. ways, therefore, day and night, he prayed before r that crucified vision in his soul, while he began confidently to give it form from the hard beam of ivory, that lay constantly before him. It be came to him a work of devotion and sublime, hope. : If be could but make it superior to any other such representation in the world, Mary, and the Sort of Mary, and the sacred Angels, wouldperhapsv give him a higher place among the Blessed l---And jt was with him: a workjof penance. Oflen-, be said, hislhoughta wandered .Ur. towe n, the American sculptor, conversing with Mr. Lester in Italy abbot this irory tta roe, eta led that there were in the Cincinnati Museum, with which be was once connected, some fragments of a fossil tusk, sev eral feet Ions when united, end so large thronghmit.that he eould only tell by the grain, which end had grown Btarest the animals head. . ' - ' ' away from the divine imaged into the world Then he would bow'humelf before the form hi was'shaping, with sighs and tears i; and hi3 pen ance was, to continue his prayers and his slow labor without food, or diink, or slecp--for 29 and 30 hours at once deeprthrough the night, till the day-brcak looked into his cell. " On such occasions, he saw, sometimes a miraculous glo,. rj enriching the head of the figure, as he work', cd upon it I (a natural eflecti of his solitary lamn upon a vision fevered by intense straining.) J , With such patient and severe enthusiasm- ascetic, inspiration famuiarto the days ol L.oyo la and Peter theHermrt, and it ill found some, times in the followers of the Catholic Church 'r the Monk of St." Nicholas had been nearly four years engaged upon this statue of Christ when Mr. L. visited him. " Ho was very much worri with his constant toil, and, what was more, tho restless excitement xf a "naturally vivid mind ; but the high,ale forehead, and tho eyes, glow ing and thoughtful, though deeply sunken, f poke at once-the intellectual capacities : of the man.!.. The work was so far completed, as to show at ar, glance its remarkable character. ' Mr.. L; in-r quired what he intended to do with It. He seem-t ' ed only anxious to have it placed in some church, where it mtehl loathe looked iinbtiland fever-i enccd by devout people, himself receiving a lit. tie remuneration for four years labor. Mr. .L.; immediately 'offered him five "or rsit , times as much as the poor monk had dreamed of rcceiv. - ing, adding, that it should be carried to Ameri-j J ca, and placed where it should bo preserved," and receive great veneration, i; Afler much hes- itation, he accepted the ofler, and Mr. L. had ; him carry the statue at once io the consulate ' residence, where he came frequently, for sixi " months longer, to giro it the last touches. , J Certainly, the figure, as it now exists is aa extraordinary work equally In conception and execution. .'The ideal seems to have been thd. . Saviour at the moment after: death, hut before) ; the agonized expression had left the divine form. . an ideal we do not remember ever, to havo seen represented. .The first great impression : emanates 10 tne uenoiaer irom tne enure appear uucb oi me irame, as u nangs upon; uie. cross, distended with the immortal pains that Vhavo hardlv departed. The exactness of detail, and ' the wonderful effect of the whole combined, are truly astonishing. The anatomical . structure, to the mo3t experienced eyes that -have scrutt-" nized it, is tound penect. tho atdicale veins f are seen coursin: under the skin, as in the liv. : ing model, while every muscle is sloped to its termination with anexactness and naturalness, that seem almost miraculous iNot the slightest particular effect, moreover, that would result ju a body hanging in so unnatural a position as ' the great protrusion of the iehest the5 unusual - distension ot the chords ot lhe arms-7-even tu " the gathering of the flesh above the nails in tho hnnH ttnA (Uit. liv tV v?rKt rrlTnir unnn iVivi-n " ..... J W'V i4lklll . fails to appear in distinct execution. . But the", triumph ot the work is in the :fUcc. of the. Re.' deemer. 1 ne characteristics theroprcsenf ed can neverbe once seen and forgotten"; arid with, prolonged study they appear the more; remark. able. The li jeaments, slightly bolder than the usual Grecian, but beautiful m theextreme -the wonderful union, in the features; of manly mas siveness and exquisite womanish delicapy dhdv contrast, above all, ot intellectual agony knit into the bfows and frozen unon the loft v fore head, with the sublime composure of sweet and calm resignation that sleeps around the almost feminine mouth are a combination which could belong to-no human countenance, which . wo hftVft nflVPf tPPn ulnnli'ynJ in' on w .tirrvi-tr ,f.nrt . Q nl ctr nlAn. n B Antil J ! .a . 4. t . a r.- conception of tho Son of Deity, who had been' able to feel a deep joy in dying by an infinite torturei '- ":f'V It will appearxtraordinary; that asolitary person, who had previously studied no anatomic cal models, fashioned no images, nor even amut. ca lumseii witn working a titUe in lvory. should suddenly be able to achieve so triumphant bn' efTort of art. But if we do not . believe, wfth the earnest monk, in Heavenly impulses in silch cases, .we may remember another inspiration the power which-arises from strong native fac ulties and a constantly excited, resolute ahrfcx. pectant spirit, concentrated together ona singla absorbing object. r This is in facfi dimply tho T inspiration of genius whose wonderful achicrc. ments aiwavs come uniooKea ior. The fact, at least, of this achievement is 4e- - yond question. Wheii the statue was finished, it was once placed, universally and by the finest judges in Italy, at the head I of ul Sculpture1 in ' ivory. There are thousands of irory liguca in , the Italian churches; csneciallv at Flnrcnca a.nd Genoa, but nonf rfmld Iia finmd - with tin If; if length, a third of its weight, or any thinff of i its extraordinary execution. ; Numerous critiques uppeareu in iiaimn juuriiai9, aii speaKinglp one effect; and many persons, with that enthusiasm " for all art, which is almost the only remaining honor of that unhappy people, made long and expensive journeys to see it. . - l ' The opinion of our eminent artist. Mr. Pow. ers, will be of particular weight in this connec-: tion.1 The statue had been taken by request to Leghorn, to which Mr. Powers, who resides at Florence, made a journey principally to see a work o.f art, already so celebrated. Mr. Paw. ers at once expressed his surprise and admjra j tion at the extraordinary character of the exe- cution. At his request, as also the requests be. fore preferred by eminent persons in Florence,' it was carried to that city. ; " " 1 After looking at it, a Jong time, Mr.. Powers" id he thought he could touch the brows with said a slight improvement. Mr. Ll readily told him"1 to do so, having the-fullesl confidence i in jhis " skill and judgment. The figuro was accord jng- 4, ly carried to tho artist's studio, and fine insitru. ments were prepared for the purpose BuJ af ter retaining it ten days, every day contemplar ting the divine lineaments which he thought to retouch, he finally resolved not to do it, saying that not a line could be altered without injury , at least he could not do it." ' In addition to. the high estimation unqualifiedly implied in this incident, a passage may be subjoined from a- I private letter, addressed by Mr. Powers to jtho I "lam clad to hear that yoti intend 'Jakin : your beautiful ivory statue of Christ to the Uui- t . fw. w . ! ...Ml . l - J m . ted States, and I hope it will remain there. It is the largest work that I harever seen in ivo- . ry, and I doubt if another could bo found of so great a size executed in the came material. IJut this, though of, considerable importance, is the least of its recommendations. There is an expression of calmnes3 and dignity about it, which I conceive to be quite characteristic of 'our Saviour, and which I have never seen be. i fore in any similar work. The fonr isfull and manly, and therexecution is quite bt autifu I hope if you part with it, that it may.rjmaia in pome place where It can le generally seen and f studied, for such works will improyt our tastes in the arts in America, and the "nioro vc have , of them tho better."