-! 4 " i -J V -' -:1EP0IIT ; Trtr iVJtirnih. of 'tfic Iredell County " Yuur Secretary li comncllipd to slate iVrna- hi -rethut IfUieJbalijetto past year tu loriaru Joe onjeeu oi -v f .tbo wheel; wuV this, -with; every other pwd - muse;m6xe s!fcv, gatfx.tolf.fear. ' 'i circulating lhe.UVd uf Gl.!until u :Jiillourldyttri Vfeady itireveral intuhre;the Bible dirtriMi. -' Cey threat f violence and JWUIiI ure ' i made, if tbo circulation of the Scripture doe iAot Ceas;.Thcre urlul apajfiy among ii : . on this subject ; even professors jpf reliim, who L , fjnigbt be expected U take a deep intercut-, in it, f .xan engage in politic, or in any kind of world. ' i -Jr:iiusfne'S,':r';.amuarinent i ran stand all the ftlay 'idle," swonertbari Hlla fngerJake a thought, - . 'for speak i ivord fir the gxd uf their Mlow-meu, ': ;or for the lry of Gxh V.---..;i';;-; I . In omn instances officers uf Chiirche. can i not heprevltiied boon to go out intu 4he high ; tvays and hedges, uyd search oiil the "destitute in "their imnjediate vicinity Hut knowing how A grva't iiitcivita depend ujjwm a kniiwledso of ; - ; what this II JnBobk confstins, we niuit pot we mt'tni?t to-to re- partof the cuni fry, eves to te. we can jro cnu-u t iuv . . . . . .-. - - 'H ' ... h of eve witnesses: uui 11 wt win open nr I J: . I '...riha de olal b UiraiW niMtununi i ithrwursai v. und. We can ee enough to rnake u if a nor he result. 1 hat p to le elected ina tile time? from" a rijatxfpcopI that rwl. ttirtir ntvn I:iwfl. and elect their own rut era, wiitmut the Bible 1 .' y-U- - And much more; what can we eipect injre ference to cternhy, when faith cometh by heurr ttir 'flnl htarinfr liv the word of GiW. - IIoW can they e avedw1thoutJtharBok wKichpi nhtH to make' theni i wi?e" mitbalvatioitfrlf then, an v one has a thought pr a disposition tij dMid'in this way, let im nt delay :, time i snort 1 oiila are" urecious ; ( etei nily i. " itear u ill;'! What iby- hand findeth to do, do it with thy 'might.f:v-.-.' .. '2:':' AH which i repfctlully uhmttted, . ' - . . E. F. UOCItWELL. Sec'ry." o ' THE; cAm0RSApDRESS THE fCAROBINA 'WATCHMAN, , '..:. . DECEMBER, 1845. s . - OIJ Time coipe round, and so mast we Again come round oar Friends to see, - And hail (he Day which brought the light Of Truth that makes oar pmepecto bright. ; And Man redeemed from Adam's fell ; ' , merry Christmas, Patron mill . - i r; v . r - ; . required tulgive tin jtccount of hi stewardship. -iVtia Willie DO report navt inren rccriru iiuui . . those who vere ' appointed to visit the different dial ricta ? 1 1 f h e countjV we rejoice to find that "v thero -are t orae xh(i tlii fake an interet in f cat tering . the good Tivord of God, worthy of all " -. prai8jCti.v;;..i-';v7, -"v -,.- -r- " ; i ;1kj if Book rpected at the ilm of ;VV Vlhclast rejwrt were received early in the fill : - : they lvithT vhat' vere on hand Iiefre7bave most. Jy been so d t a fewrhaTe been giren away, . where pers ?ns hare been found destitute and unable to I uy. For thU purpSse, lxxks are dc , posited witi'.acveral persons in different .art i;-- T thfexoanty:--'-- f':-'" TC -!"' 1 1: nii trior ey received CirXateaVwitK.a tewcon-. ; tribuiions,' o the amount of 878,00 was ; Cr. Warded by the direction oftite Ex. Com. tothe l'arc)t Societyv f;.r another bill of Jiioks in Sep 4 ): temberj;jj si. g They jiave not coxne.to hand, and - it is unposjrd that they were -bwt at ea ; but- it is highly probable from what ' we have learned ''.- of the- Central 'Agent- iui the American Bible t Socujtylhnt-the lmx will be replacd." The '. ame amount ha been ordered from the Depo ; ltory in Pi Y.','and the books are expected to V.J'.; arrivfi'soou.S;;:;:; i:... ,;':-;;' f ; T The Ex. Com at their last meeting neglect 1 f d for want of time, and for want of a knowledge . of suitable jiersons, to nppMnt visitors in tbo - diflerbnt SchpoV Districts in Iheicoutity : Verj' lew of: thosh apjiitinteurin yearii past bave at tended to the Mibject. There are men enough who like tojsee gMiddone j tosee morality ami J fcngijifc(irii?rHT, to cr goiMi oraer prescrvea tu ; ociery, if o :hers' will labor for it, so that it rnay turh to thei " account, and jhey-.may reap the Vi benefltwit iqut sharing in' the la!Mr andr ex- V penset j-T1iey would rather see other men la. lior, and fAy enter into their laWs, than do any thing tl etnselves. And when aked to lend a band to;!, ftp on a good cause, with one con 8ent they VRt lo make the excuse, we hare v VfnotiriieJi'-lhat is, they yant it x Cr their own " 'pleastjreVi)j profit 'K they are asked io give. v ; the cry too! often is, wehave im inonev and Uieri they jsay'i preac always have ltj'hin somtthuig : you wont, let us ha'b any' - . paco wthjjut re spend our im and money, . , wnere; we jcjinor make any thing by it :' And i . bow Jintir.b'ilj It' to' l Onrpil 'that if fThrirru'V t V inottmc: nntoldslown.'they worildrnot have ' timi ente fair, him -food forjiim when bun- ; gry ixtfo'hti jor him: when naked ; or a place for bim to lay his head when weary; '-And that too wheti"hii time to any ann tint in pleasure: can sneud monrv by thHisands toratify the desin's ofthe body y . or of the njitid, and tko' pride of life but not ; qno hyj(i)r bim, whaVhn be was ricKfor their. aIc4 Jp porr , J"; , 1' AVh wi ljsay that there ought not to be in U brahche of tbo Church, a spirit of greater activity in4catterin2 abroad Ihe god seed tk i the word of piod ? Who will say that the Bible ::;. is'not the. test of Books ? That our (banks are not dui to tbe .Giver for thi light in a dark v placoLlKVo wm gay that : all mental, and mor-'- al impt6vcme6i;"alfcmlizationi aVid useful Ie. ? gilatijn,J djois ucTt 4 depend upon thcBi We ? -Who Will ay that if we- knock out the BiWe C tfc' from tljer Ciundation of our prlitical structure, v" ;the wMejC brie Vf Liberty, will;: not foil to jlgrum'.Infidel': say; it ; Romanists say il ;5lt t tha emissariesof foreign king and priests, . ; . -who cpmel among us like the locusts of Egypt,1 ay it; tbdir efXirts to drive it from the public . xhwU, thr eajeniesi to. snatch h from , the! - hands bftlie poor, wbere.il had been nlaced bv thafritmdsfof Liberlf and Relisiiui . testify rtmvf hevjfihdlt in their wayf-y hen they would Would first fifrge'cbains, for our soul, and then h r ,ouf bodiki t ; and then, lakway t both our ) L.--' O - " "5- III mUiaUllUJtTB OUVUHU, , , t ; ; j -.f I y Unchanged, on Freedom's Fharos high Directing round his sleeplees ejrp Behold the Watchmren staud erect.v- . : -s . - K To warn, admonkh -and detect r- V - -. Each movement of the wilj foej, ; -1 i That Freedom's Fortress wouldj oVthrow. And Io ! HerrophiedFlagsublim "u. Still 'streaming from her mountain pine, - Fast ijaird by Whigs, whj never yield, V Though worsted in, the fated tiejld! . f Maintain aloft that starry sign t-, . v . Let no true patriot repine--. J i Reverses are the tests which try ' -The souls of men," who can defy , , - The. freaks of Fortune, and be firm In martial strife or civil storm T '-: " Though Stratagems at times prevail. Stern Liberty can seldom foil, Triumphant in the end to rise . r' Above defeat and dark disguise ! . Let no despairing Whig be found, , Vhea I, yourcamer, come round. . - A vaunt Inconstancy ! thy name f" "And Inconpistency's the same ' . ; " Both sre synonyms of shame ! ' v Let Demagogues who aim to win7 '5 I1"' Suppress" The still small voice within," And deem duplicity the art ' ; ; Suprejme, to gain the guileless heart Sound to the cdrc,:he Whigs despise " To flatter, dupe, or temporize ! ! Of spread their nets for gudgeon fish " To copk a Loco- Foco dish To glut the vicious taste, and bring. Dire Atrophy on Mammon's wing. ' - ' To trimmers we resign the toils Of circumvention for the spoils: . Which Uucle $am, from time to time, '" Supplies in Honey, . 'orn, and Wine, . ' "I Tofeed the sly denuding' few, . . t That, in the end will make him rue.- . . Alas! alas who could believe, . Duplicity can so deceive J . Dear Patrons, you bv honest labor Acquire enough of these, to favor ' Your Carrier and printer too. With Modicums so justly due To all who toil in Freedom's cause. For Country, Constitution, Laws, . As Dbnysios robb'd of old ' ' ' Xove's image of its robe of gold,: i i tWiih--"Mel in ore, fraus in fad is, ' ir ' WithFel in corde, verba lactis !' , So do the spoilsmen Uncle Sam, - "AVith words of milk and honey cram. While ihey denude him of his wealth, . Amf play their fauble game for pelf ! Their motives I Why, their acta proclaim -.Aloud their mercenary game! . These plunderers we .mean to watch, Kor spare the guHty whom we catch : ' - No Democrat, with conscience clear. From us has any thing to fear!-" i Should any Vhig himself disgrace, , -The Lord have tuercy on his case 1 Vhig,iiQx they 1 Let Junius old c Proclaim their Mines of mental gold ! When Tarquin from imperial Rome ' He spurn'd to find another home ; Whigs, what are they t Let Sydney tell, Who for their dogmas nobly fell ; ? Whigs, for the third time, who are they T Ask Hancock, Washington, and Clay t 'Who stole their Democratic name T : Let them who bear it, blush for shame. ; Our Press untramtnell'd is and free ; As we have been, so shall we he, ; , , To one and all impartial, and ; . The Watchman of our native land. .Dear Patrons, may your Carrier find " , Among you no penurious mind ! He loves an open heart and hand,' The speaking eyes and features bland, ; And cheerful smiles, this Holy-day, Farewell ! He has no more to say, ' " 1 Until the Earth move round the sua Again, and bring your modest dum. "Trc-i tU Fcyett'etllie'ci.'crter. of Ve?tmtrr. I?e ICt.' The MeUuAhtConfereucehn res- sicn, and wil I probably ailjouni to-morrow b-n attended !v very large, con grcga- tioha. (Those, on Sunday morning, am rr noon, and nightto hpur'BUhop Andrew; ihe ReV. Dr Capers, nndbe tlev. Mr. AVightriian; were-, probably . he; .largest conrrHtfbna ecr assembled tn this place t fiouWfc he weat her, wasjeceedingiy in clemenr; "The Revv Messrs 'Le'vings, of New York, and. Whitefoord Smith, lalso RisboD in tber Miethodist; Church in the morning,' and eleven xreacons in tii micniuuit.oi A very spirited Missionary meeting Wa held last bight f acongtvgalionrP3pecta ble for size being present, notwithstanding it was oni of. t he mostvunpleasanli andi h clement ntghtsTcnbwii in our wbret wnth crr The report of the Boardof Managers was read by the Rev. S. W; Capers, ex hibiting a gratify ing state of things in thp large and numerous missions to t he blacks, underthe charge of the South; Carolina Conference. (Addresses were delivered by ibe Rev. Messrs WalkerndWightman, and contribuiions to the amount ofcSix Hundred dollars were laid on t he treas urer's table, the greater part of which was intended for ithe establishment-of a mis, ion in China: - Under. the; circumstances, this was a collection whlct reflected great credit on the liberality. both of the ConTer ence'and t He community. We understand that something like twelve or fourteen thousand dollars have been received by t he Treasurer of the Missionary Society, as the result of the year's contributions for the support and extension ot that depart ment oj thejir labors. y. , f rThe following: Ministers were elected Delegates to the first. General Conference of the Methodist E. Church. South, to :be held in Petersburg, Va in May next, viz Dr. Wm. Capere. W. M.VVVighUnan, H, A. C. Walker, C. Betts, N. Talley. B. En glish, and Whitefoord Smith. The follow ing were appointed reserves : S. Dun woody, and, S. W. Capers. The Stations of t he Ministers will be a I - 1 a given in ouf next, copies win tie printed at this Office for such as may clesire to much accom piacs ana n&ion. y Who will Isay, that the Bible and its blessed the copatiifin of t he ; lonely ; Ue solace of the Vf'' ? lPe ncbor of hope to th dying ? Who Will rik with it, that has experienced th power and Hluf UA tntt bs T K Who": that ha hough) .th jrutb will sell it ? .Who will say that its g.d ir.Cuejjre ujHm society in confer-tin-temjh, advantage, is not greater than rir,l !iiws,ftrtahd Judges and prison s t For what wUuldlaw l worth ; how Would it 'a executed what foreA wt-iU u utr .u- H SCUM i vo Ht-eu nrgtvenes3 ot stn, wher g, but to the word of eternal life ! , bhall we go to a priest steeped in, rrimsj. In vice, nttd ,e isualiiy t la wolf in 'sheep cloth, tng? fjCan ho aUiy conscience ?! j But er U reyea'.ed tbc Lamb of God ihit ; takeib a way ; l '.'.ni.cC1.1 c vrld. And how many wiibut , tb. Wib.0, a K readytta'.. faUauare! to th'cM f wnose t-mn.ngu the working lof Satan. r, 'viece vaniem'sofyrtrisbifounes.:.We ! ( aretoM repeatedly, from estimate dratvn from In diiHiront nu ria f : flDOurfotS in our Jibr; ' ?3;Wj4eJ guide'tojlea; . tiocietr state, ihat a! verr lar nn " , t he fomilies Ivisiled, in various part of the Un . Ion." A re destitute; of the oraclea of Godi 1 - I'T1" t i,4n AUnnrriditWpi4;,fcsa J 4ath, and the Sajicfnb sawantof Cbrutian Cr i '-'Kinfluence udou millions of neonle that Since the great flood in the Mississinni. tasr. yeari several kinds ot hsh, before un known to the vicinity of St. Louis, : are caught in great abundance in the river land thq small streams runnins: into it.- One kind is a very handsome, fish, with vrigui sjivery siaes, reaaisa coiorea tmcK, at ana broad, resemblinsr in shana the -vater shad ; for the want of a better have themj ment of the immediately on the aitrjourn' Conference. PLAN RELIGIOUS UNION. ! It appears jfrom the British Journals, that the late meeting in Liverpool, on the subject of un ion of effort among evangelical Protestants of di fie rent names throughout the' wirld, was one of very deep and thrilling interest. Ten diner. rf. in . . . " . 1 ent sects oi rrotesiants were representeu ai the meeting ; and, a most free expression of en timeiits, the following cardinal doctrines were : N.t'.v- r ;v -THE v CAROLINA WATCllil AN. FRIDXYEVENINO,-DECEIBER-2G.rlS45. The whe! of Time has made another round -and behold merry Christmas has come-and gone! .Gone toJ return agtim anerjthreehtindred and sixty.four. suns have'risen'and set, -or our old town clock JiasinadeSOV? s!okp telling-off 8,73fi bour Tp f bqk (prward, it is a lonr child who capers about in the" full delight of his 3:oung.- impatientheartV it seems an age.v.A year.l a .whole .-ear! he'd as soon look forward to the end of time as to wait, a wholeyear for Christmas joys to come again. But it is not long. Those whose Jocks are sil vered over by the frost of, many winters will agree?with us that a j ear is but a very brief ,, space- it slip away, like sand between the fingers,1 and at its close we are" readyto fxclaitnr . ''.,,,;'.' . Time flies, obi. how swifdy j". v ; But ChristmasAveek is a season when most persons engaged in the busy pur suits of life, lay them aside, and give themselves up to its enjoyment according to their own likingto visiting friends, and receiving friendly visits, to rest and pleasure, or to settling up their affairs to commence square with the next year. We would not be singular in this respect, and hence the reason for tbos appearance this Week of the Watchman, in its present form we've been taking Christmas.,, -Our next will appear as usual. agreed upon, with entire unanimity, as the b:t. sis of union : 1. The Divine inspiration and authority of the Holy Scriptures. 2. The doctrine of the Trinity. 3. The utter depravity of human, nature, in 1 J' consequence of the fall. 3. The incarnation and atonement of the Lord Jesus! Christ. " 5. Justification of the sinner by faith alone. 6., The work of the Holy Spirit in the con version and sanctification of jhe sinner. ' 7. The Divine ordinance of the Christian Min istry, and the perpetuity of the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. 8. The right of private judgment in the inter pretation of the Holy Scriptures, j The members of no denomination compro mised, in the slightest degree, their distinctive but all recognizing the right of each bis own peculiar sentiments, and yet agreeing on those grand fundamental truths deemed essential to salvation, they resolved on united action, which, it is believed, t result in something more than the expression of harmonious sentiments or friend ly feelings. Committees were appointed to take into con. side rat ion tl ie beatings of various resolutions, adopted by jkis preliminary meeting, and to pre. pare, in detail, a plan for the great convention of all evangelical denominations l to be held in in next June. N. Y. Cour. 4 Ena. principles ; to inculcate a course of will ere Ion dtrirgs,drb;n call them flounders. Alt other Kind resembles in appearance the nil.. !.... .ii . 1 miv, uui is suwiicr nnu mure ueucme in its propqrtionswjth a brownish circle or ring round its body near the erills ; these re called ringed sturgeon." Both are ex- ellent flMi. Th Iattr is free from and former ill of small wiry bones; Herring, precisely ikf those of Caoe; Fear. also mad? their apparanc in the wate'nr at ti muis. They run in shoals, and arc easily taketi with hook or seine, Shrimp aroVnocaught inUhe small necks and streams pear that city, with the seine, by bushe, f t4 , f . t V' - . r- ' - t . -' t -, Singular Coincidence, A cotemporary states as.a singular coincidence lit regard to the several presidents of ths United States, that Jefferson was born just ?ight years after his predecessor Adamar; Madi. son eightyrs after his, preaecessor Jef lerson rMonroe eight years after Madi spn and vJohn QnnicvtAdamf VAnAtb.r curious: fact is, that AdamsWas just sixty. r. J.rzz'? -". we reiirea ; jeiterson was sixty-six ; e Madisoa was sixtr-sixi Monroe was sixty-six s and. John Qnincy Adams, had he .been, elected to a second term, would have been sixty-six. - Adams, JcflVrson and Monroe; all died on th tb of JuUV . 'Z 7 " " ' 4 jtn 'diMvle HrdUig7tcti to do vlutt ve in do. cLwfcaidei'l bernT.f tbo illring cther Commodore Elliott died at Philadelphia 1 few day$ BcoTivt v: 4 - , Extraordinary Longevity. Died in Bladen County, N. 0. on the 14th OcV last, Mr. Wm. Pridgin, aged 123 years II He entered his 124th year in June last. He volunteere l to serve his country in the Continental Army of the Revolotion, and, though then exempt by reason of his be ing over age, he served a full term in that war, aind has received a Pension for nlany years past. He has lived to follow al his children to the grave, except one, ah aged dalughter. His grandchildren are aged people, and he has left great grand children up wards of -40 vears of ase, and great great grandchildren about 12 vears of age. Ih retained his faculties till his death, except his sight; which be lost a few yfnrs ago. He was able to walk un til a few days before his death, wbeu at tacked by fever, of which he died. r iiFayettciHe Obercer9 , Dettrvctivefre injhe TFmxb. It U stated that in Arkansas, for' several hundred miles in the interiors-Ill all the daintie f the western district of TehnesseeVahd in western Kentucky the grass, canr, and . undergrowth of all kinds have leen burning f)r some : time past, nd will be liialiy consumed Vle yairiou" kind1 of mast,! to say nth tng "of the "grasses "upon Which the farmers of Arkansas, especially, rely 5r the sustenance of ihcir stock, must le lost, arid produce considerable inconvenience if not positive distress.r Persons "travelling alonglhe Tennessee roads say that the smoke is so dense a, to render resptratioh difficult and ahacst pala ' CONGRESS. ,: K. Nothing of great interest, with the ex ception ofrthe. introduction of the. follow ing resolutions on the Oregon question, and the passage of a resolution admitting Texas into the Union asja State by the House of Representative, has occurred in this body. After its adoption by the House, it was sento the Senate, where it was read twice and referred. to the Com mittee on the Judiciarv. There seems to lw no doubt as to its passage- through the Senate. - ""'.."' 1 N In the Seuat , the following resolutions were ofiered by Mr.' Atchison of Mo.; Rejtolveil, That the Committee on Territo ries inquire into the expediency of establishing a tchitorlul government in the Territory of Oregon.- i Ilrsnlced, That the Committee on public land be. instructed t inquire into the expediency of granting lands tu actual sellers in Oregon. Resolved, That the -Committee on Military Aflliirs Ik instructed to inquire into the expedi ency f establisthing BliM:kh:uses, Stockade Fortes and Military Posts upon the' frontiers of the jtlissotiri and Fremont Pass of the Rockv Mountains and from lbMice through the Oregon Teriitory, to the mouth of the Columbia River. The resolutions lie over for one day, and may call forth a debate upon the main question on Monday next. Mr. Allen obfaind leave to introduce bis joint resolution authorising the President to give 1 wo yearsnotice to Great Britain relative to Ore. gonr. . The second reading was objected to. So it was laid over. , -riir-vnna meeting- - v. . . In, pursmince "oflfotice ' g.i yen, a" ..v. but spirited number of the Wbigs of Rov an tnepit-thc Court-HbusKt on "Saturday, last tbs appoint delegates i t b : attend t ha Whig Cohentibnio bt-hoideti in Ualeigh, on the J2ih of, next month, to nominate a candidate for , Governor. O.i'Tnotitiri; ;A.' W.: Brandon, took, t ho- Chni r and r Joseph .Chambers arid S.-AV; Jittnesacn.Hl asc retaries.;The object of the meetin2f,was briefly; explained Jiy Mr. Clarke, w ho con cluded by introtlucing the sulyoint-tl reso lutions, which wereuimtiimoiiAlvatlbpted : Jlcsttlred, That we agree in fhe opiniu ex-prefsed-by;oiirVhig brethriMi in various pstrt of the Slate that it expeaieiit tbaf the Whig eandidatef ir Governor Vfor t he ensuing ferm, sbtMild le iiidicatedbya nominating i kin veil-tion.- -Z-yfrX -vc vi- v?v I J2eo!retf,Tbat wi cjoticuf in the pmpiisition to hold such Convention uf Raleigh, on the 12ih of January iiejf .'.we,. - Resolved, That Jibe Chairman of this meet, iog appoint live or mom "lelegates at his dis. crction, t represent t he Whigs of Bo wan upon that occasion. '"' ' , " ,,: --; ",v 4t Resolved, riiat, while, we vvould not by any expression of preference on iwir . nartrestrirt the freest exercise of discretion on the part of our delegates, in the .performance, ot.the duly assigned to them, we cannot permit the 'ocai sion to pass without expressing nr most tin qualified approval of the ndmiiiijtratiori of the present encnmlient of ihe gubernatorial Chair, and (Hi r most perfect and abiding confidence in the soundness of his political priuelpte, and in the integrity of his political character, r and our fullest conviction uf his superior nines for the important office which be now "fills. Resolved, That the encouragement by Con gress of such branches of domestic industry as the general safety, necessity or. ronvenience may require to be exercised within our nation, al bordVrs, is mt only a legitimate object "per mitted by the'letter, tut n duty imposed by the spirit of the Constitut ion bf .1hc: United States, Resolved, That to impse duties upon imports and not thereby tojafiect in any degree the in .dust rial relation of t!n country, or to vary the profilablencsjrof any sjiecFes of employment, i demonstrably impossible ; and that therefoiv, any attempt to effectuate iSucltan tdyect, is, hut idle and fbitnerical. ,'- Restated, That t he experience of ihe Govern, ment in committing its fond to the safe keeping of leg treasurers, has rendered it clearly appa rent that such a policy i not adapted tiTthe ge nius of our ofliceholding countrvmen. and that, therefore, a further extension of the same, would at the present tn unut, e hardly fxditic. Resolved, That while in any controversy l. tween onr own and a foreign government, the patriotism of the great Whig Party ymkls?iew itself ta Ik an tverjovveiiig ttentinient. in which all niinor c ni:I',ra!ioiiM woof.I f.r a lion Ik nierged utill they will f never foil io protei against that jMilicy which ?eekj by iueh utean to Iniog support to a:i ilherwise siakitig eane. The following are the le!eg:te apixiintet bv the Chairman, viz : Nathnniel Rorden Jeremi ah Clatkp, Archibald Caldwell. Iltmi'ti-n C. Jones, Buckner Cnwe. Alexaixler Hotdhousser, Samuel Luckie. Dr. B irtoii Krider, Samuel Mariin. JanieV Crosby.- Pint Seafonf Charles L. Paitee, John McCdlM-h, John P. Rymr. J. B. Loid. Resolved. That the proceedings of ihi.- meet, ings Im Hifilihed in the R.ileigli Register ami Carolina Watchman. " A. W. BRANDON Chu J. F. CtiAMBsa 0 . i,r , . becretaiies. o. tv. J AmEI, hrr-.sr.ces its Vii,t T., : ii . v . ti-j ueif icp instant. - :r r.v ON DITS. ON OREGON AFFAIRS. We extract the following statements from the Washington correspondence of Baltimore and -Philadelphia Journals.- What credit they are entitled to beyond that imparted to thenv by the character of the papers in which they appear, we can not say, but presume they were not made without some authority : . Correspondence of the Philadelphia Chronicle. Washington, December 13. With this object peace in view, ne gotiations on the Oregon question has been terminated at Washington, in order that all further disccussion may be trans ferred to London, where Mr. McLane and Lord Aberdeen may. speak face to face, and agree upon some honorable compro misc. By the steamer which sailed pre vious to the, President's Message, ample instructions were sent to Mr. McLane on the subject, in which the most friendly sentiments are expressed towards the British Government, and an anxious desire, manifested for peace. Correspondence of, the Baltimore San. Washington, December 15. Mr. Par itoTT. late special agent of the United States in Mexico. left this city ten days a co, giving out that he. wasgo itt to Emmittsburg. but he has actually sailed from Pensacola for Vera' Cruz. It IJ now believfd, however, that Mr. Parrott carried put to Mr Slide! I his in? strticUoiiA.iri reference t 1 Cnliforaia- There. is no doubt as to the tenor of h'lA proposition. A liberal sum is proposed to be'onered to Mexico as an equivalent for a new bbundftry which will embrace the Caiifornias,' ' CTbe EJttiirf ibethe Matrur Chronicle in an addt ess to his patron, has the following? Let us not however forget to. acknowledge payment in advance from one subscriber in Cas wellfor 12 and a half year subscription J - This man sout must be. a big as : Ca well County oiais u io- uim, yn rriuicf a i eJJ .uo live long abd dio happy,;:v-.,; -.;5-, .llata c5 -we say;' ' ,5 CALIFORNIA. AVe have placed before our readers ru mors frcftn diflerent sou rcs. which seem to leave little doubt that one of principle objects of the mission of Mr. Slidell to Mexico was to prosecute a'negotiat ion for the annexation of another foreign territo ry to the. United States. The New York Morning News' of Tuesday supplies some particulars of the proposed negotia tion, which, considering the relation . of that paper to hr. Admist ration, nr suppos ed to be of some nut bent icily. . W there fore place them before our readers as follows, italicising what appear to us to be the material points: California,4-U seems in be under stood that Mr. Slidell. otir new Minister to Mexico, is fully authorized to arrange our boundary with that Republic upon the most liberal footing. His pavers. in this respect are believed ;to be so extensive that under them he may negotiate ft trans fer to the U. States of the tighfof Mexicalo Upper California. This would probably be effected by making our line follow the course of the Rio Grande del NOrte from the.Gulf of Mexico until it reaches their thirty-second degree, of north latitude, and then run westward on that parallel to the Pacific ocean." - Ofcourse such a result will not be brought about without a handsome compensation to Mexico for her relinquishment ot territory. . Uur claim against her for indemnification to our cit izens is now very large; and no way is to likely as this to secure its full and imme diate satisfaction, lndeedso. farras the consideration which we niay give her is balanced by this accotinU it ' may be said t o a mou tit to not hi ng ; for, i f wef gi ve Mexico the. fullest credit for good will in the premises, her distracted and impover ished condition warrants but a slight hope that she will verv speedily pay us in mb ney.w - ;1 t- (KT William Smith; or Extra Billy, as be i nnre fimiliarly known, has I aen elected Govern, prof Vrrginia, by the Legisla ore. ' Simn f the Virginia papers apjieur to look upon his election as a stigmu on the ijtate;'letng a very common man, and distinguished for nothing excejit it le a a locofoc parti7iu. of the deepest dye. At the JIunicipaiElectibri 1 in13sfon on Monday, the Hon. Josiali Quiney. Jr. the Whig candidate for Mayor, was elec ted by nn overwhelming majority- -viz: 2201 votes-Jbver all tlm opposing candi. dates. The Whfs' will also have a large majority in ; tne Common CounciL The! Boston At fas says that 'Nativeism is pret ty completely done oyejr inBnstool These one idea parties cannot hold out Joo io the good old city of Bwtba.w owflj nan i:.,al. Tlie ale of tb ft., eigh and Gaston Bail Rual wlH t- 7" Raleigh, on Monday next. :;; Division of Time in North Oren r We clip the following from the N. York, Sun r . . ' ; ",w ;;Should we ever extend Our pdssesvi m Oregon as tar north as the iWanzoff nniinfuiti! - in tht t, . v"V fshpojWssion'near:0 allel. we; shall reach thai latitude wbe $vThe days a What a jIoriousTourlh of July these rjj. eomans wiirhayeWbAvonder if t IriMjMwlIljrmrado they do among ds'jtAVo should like to see their first 'Oration, if 4 it was not too IbngjCife ! The Hon. William C. Preston has berQ ejected by the Board of Trustees of the S. Carolina College President of that uiaUn. tion It is understood that he will accept, anducommence the duties of the PrVsj! dency earlyJtiihe ensuinlg year. In t mean time, Rev. Dr. Hooper will discharge them Re v. D. Henry, it is said, has beer, offered the Greek'prolesssorshin. X: Mr. CV:XsN; lnt Collector of the port of Ne w York, has 'settled his ac. Countswith the Treasury Department, and received a receipt for the balance due the Government, being Torty-svencents in a running account or some twenty milllom of dollars. : - k In Iredell county on the 8th Dee. Mr. Alvin Howrd, sged 44 year The dee'd. wa a valuable citizen, rauch esteemed by those acquainted with him.' I!e4w left a wife and eight or nine children, and an aged &. ihet. Communicated. - v'"- COUNTING HOUSE roa 1846- S IT- 'J. O o xs. e W 5 . W 7. 'J 5- mi January. February. Mttreh. May. June. July. August. September October. November. December, -.4 11' 18 2T I 8 15 22 :' IT ,8 15 22 29 10 2J 3 10 17 .21 31; 7 14 5 12 10 20 2 0 10 23 30 01 13 20 27 4 11 18, 25 '!1 .8 22 2p , 5 i2 19 " 0 ;13 2 l - 7, f 8 14Th.- 2i ' 27 2S 20 .,'2 "r- 3 4 5 0 10 23 0 10 23 30 6 13 27 4 11 18 25 10 17 24 3 40 17 24 "31 '.. 7 14 21 ' 28 1 T " . .5 12 -19 18 25 4 ill 18 12 19 20 12 10 20 e 2 9 -16 23 3Q 6 13, 20 27 6 13 20 27 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 29 0 13 20 23 30 3 10 17 24 as ' 4 Q. a. 17, 24; 31: V 111 21 2!f 7 H 21 28 4 11 13' 25 20 4 27 , 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 1 13 14 " 15 20 21 22 27, 28 29 ill 7y 8 14 15 21 22 281 29 4 5 19 26, ll 18 25 ll 23 1 30 ; ' l 23 J 2T 3 10 17 24 31 ) 71' 14 2f A' 11 18 25 1 8 5 12 19 26 2 ,' 9 1510 22 23 29 3J 6 13 20 27 -5 12 19 20, " 2 16- 23 30 7 14 21 .28 6 13 20 27 3 .10 17- 24; u 1 8 22 29 '7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 -30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 1 8 15 22 29 5 .12 19 26 3 10 4 111. 17 4 25 31 ; I - -1-. 7 ;8': 14 15 2lv22' 23 -29 1 4 11 .19 25 2 9 16 23 30 5 12 19 28 . Z 10 17 21 31 6T 13 H 20 21 27 25 m2-3' 0 40 10 17 23 24 30 31 4 11 18 25 5 ECLIPSES IN TIUS YEAR. - . v - ;rv-' V-; : ; - " - "... 1st. There wfll be n snnotir Eclipse of the Son, 2Sth of April, risible follow.: Beginning at 10 o'eJ! , 1 l m. A. M.j greater ebsearation, 1 1 o'clock 10 at, j; I o'clock 10 m3r. M. Da rat ion 2 Vs. 59 Di's.-JJf . digits eclipsed on the sooth part of the Sun. . Jfl Cuba m Su Domingo tbia eclipse mill be centraLannalar.r 2.1 An annular eclinf of ttw Sn. the 20th OetttTy ' t 2 o'clock 38 minutes in the morning, nbrvisible bct- : Term Tro Dox.ca$ per annum in aJrasee.: A lertisementi Inserted st 81 per sqtare tot the lad 25 cents fr each sjbseqnent insertion. Court Or ders charged 25 per cent higher. ; . ; ;-'"" A deduction of 33 per cent, wilt be mads to dwf . who advertise by the year. '' : ;'.... ' , 1T71TILL be sold at the Coarthoose In Salisbury oo f T first day of Janaary next, seren or eigni r ' consisting of men, women aid children. Tertns tn,, known on day of safety W HJ2PBURN,Trtf H Dec-MS 34rts feBy N. Botm. Agfp " ' i n S . , ' ... '" . . ... . fin HOSE indebted to me mntetu by Ctsh J- . JL erwisery tb lJ "A' & DAVID .WATSOJ s4 i jWnber W,18-l5--tf34 1. . ; 4- r v ' r 7V" r i 4 t 2-