5 -V, 1' T- ' . f ' -I Si'usBcar, Dec. 2G, i845. v MAirrr Flour 85 per bh!;.; Wheat 80 a $1 P . fcil Com 65 a 7 J eta ; rota toe i.insn enow tm u SSsO; Sweet do. 40 5 fiur 7 a II ; Cofree:i 5ar 25 ; dried Aptea 7$ , Feathers 25 ;.?Ma.a ffTsO; TaWowfla,;; Naa:j 6; Brandy .1,1 Com 65 a 73 eta ; iiatoei,Insh Snow Bill G5?i. Coffee :$ a 1U; asses 5tt; fXYETTEVILLtilARKETr,Dpr. 10 nmndv.P 75ftl OJ Lard. , - Da 10 Do. PPci flicon, geeswai, . Butter, v pale Rope, Cofke, Cuttox, v .Col. Bagingi Com; flour. 4 rt 4Ua4i Iolas3es, V82a 23 ats. '33 a 40 - 27 a'2ti . a'j' 7a8" 7i a j 9' C a; 02 Oil Linseed, 75 a 80 ails , cut, ' ; ; 0 a 3 J Itag3, per. lb. 2 ugar. browns 8 a JO ; aL!imp,; .,v . ,14 do. Loaf. 14 alii ; 10 a2t! I alt, (buh.) !4ar0 85$ a $0 o. Sack, 15 a 2 28 a ITalloW; ,"7 n 8. tiaiseed.'Sl a 61 lb Tf.bacco, VI 2 a. 3 Hides, green, 4 a Wheat,W. 81, a MO Whiskey, . 40 a 42 a do. dry, 8a lftk Iron, !:' 4 ... - i - V-doi; 12 a 15 CHERAW MAUIvETV Pec. 23. Bacon, Beeswax, Coffee, COTTOS, Com, Flour,, Feathers, Iron, 0 22 a 10 a 21 I eather, sofe,i 2.V-a,25.?: t ard, X) a 10 4 Masses, , -45, a 50 5 ai Is cuti' A fjT aOi .lice, - 5 ,a,7 . figaH l)n 8 a HT dflo. L6ai; 15 a -IT.-.Salt, sackr "Sliaaa 8 a 10 C a7 ! 62 a 75 k'- Q'. I JS '-25, a; 32 imNlLt COUNTY ; ; Court of ' Pteai and Quarter Sessions, '' ;:'v""NoT.'Seiioiis.:-19-i5. I-' "r CHARLES DRY, ) Original Attachment vied on ;. ' '. 4 4 J Ljind, Slavv$ and other prb Kithan B- Jenkins, jj " pe ty; 1 v- ; In this case it nppearing to the sittisfactton of the' Court that the dfenduut, Nathan 13 Jenkins, is not an nhabiwnt ; of this State-pit is Ordered hy f In; Court, that yu6icatioh be made in; the M uaolaVatchma,T for it weeks, notifying said d fen Jant to appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quam r Sessions for the county of Junly, at the Courthouse in Jilbemarle.son the 2d Mon ty in February next, then an J there to replevy or plead issue, otherwise thesnue ill be heard ex parte, and ie property levietf on will e i old to satisfy the PiaiittlrTs ttaiind. Witness D. Ue.n m , Clerk of our said Court, if office the 2d Mundsy ih'oveiiiSer 1845, and in the JOib year of, Amerkrarr indrjx ndence.v, . - - Tfi fee 5 3o3u:(,t . If EARNE. CIk. St At e o f iSl o vtli C a r olf a, , stanly; cbUNTY. , : v . ' Court of Picas an i Quarter Session. ' v ' iy- ' Nor. Sessioi?, 1 315. ' ..' ! SIMEON HARTLEY. f ' J'". ' !! Justice's Plea, felly adf tninistered and no assets. John F. Miller, Admr.-of - Jf Ju Jam't. Ernry Fespenuan. :-u,'- j I ' : ; It appearing to the ajfititsfaction of the Court, that E2zabelh Keepennan, David Venvt-r . and Christina his ifc.and Henry Shi.leyan I ath.r his w.fe, heirfat hw i Henry Fespenuan, dec h, are,noi ttit-in:s of ths State " is Ordered by ihff Co t, th it, pi llicJt w i he aide for six weeks, in the i'Cfiro n VWhin m," uti-, in said Defen I ints, to ipe ir at tle next Cou;t of rlfusaJ Qj irter bessiofis"Lr i6r t V co rny o Slimy, nt at Ctmrtho i3r it thi tuUi tTAlbtsn i o-i ihe 2.1 lanJjy in Fehrui.y next, thjetT o:i l.th:e to pe i l to iaw.or the siiik Will be J ik i pro cons-o an 1 heard fnrte as to t.-teui. VVitnesri DrHe:irne, Cie;k of our feil Court at oSwv", th::21 Mki hy of Noveiu-r, 1815, d in the' 7(ith year of Atneriiean In iept-n lence. ftifc-e 85 50 3.':Cl . P. UciAKNi', d'k. Stat c c f iio H li earoUun, STANLY COUNTY. i Court of P.'eas an 2 Qnar cr S s ions. - ' " ' Nov. Sei Eons. 1915. IfARY ROGERS, Y XJrl'X f P.' fully admin I. . , V . rJ Iff- istered an J no as Mir.-Miller, Ad:nr. 1 " 'sets. rfHenry Fespetman. J ?xh It appearing to the sjatisnction 4f the Court that Ciabrth Fespnnan; Dvtd Weaver and Christina bis tifr.ind Hemy Shirley nnd j Esther his wife, heirs at Lwif Henry Fesr.es man ilec'd.. ie not inhabitants of 4s State h is dideiejf lr th-,Cou rt, thar public tioa Vmadrm the Caioliint Wdti-hhian for t(i iat'e of six vftki, notifying sn id Deirn lnnts to appear at ihe next Crt f Fife ),ud Qon tW. ssfons, lor j thc'jCounfy of 'Stanly, at the CoutthouM? it) thp towu f Albmarle, on 4f arcond Monday in Febiiinry iiext, then nnd there to aVd tu iwue, or the sameiwtil tnketi pro conjesso, uriru pane os to tnem.-witness, v. lleanie, CAof oursii I Colt, at OifL-e. the sectin 1 Mo i Jay in Jwmbrr, A-;.D.,' Id 15, and in the 70th yeir of Ame oci Independence. ' ' . i D. 11EARNE. Cl'k. - Pfi.fre$5 50 35:ft 1 j LKOM New Yo.k. resaectfollr announces to the eit- faensiof Siifisliury, an J: adj,icenl pladeo, that he has tUCI rooms in thi villafri. if Snlishnrv for ffxr wwlti j Jlj.in Mf. West s B ick-l.qildiiirr, a lew Uoors North of Cowan's Hotel, where he would be plcaseJ to have oiWMtni strangers call an.) examine bis specimens of ntniinp. f. ln. a word, Lijies' and Gentleuieh of this wg ire earneftly solicited to csll, if theydo, or do Wah ahy paintings. j - ' - ftifcr' r,tV 'taken -ftchi a corpse and painted to We price dcuMe that tt ken fi cm life. liory DecLXCib, lMf-35:tf. 1 ...IV AIT- wiTtv rnr n HE indebted to Dr Jos. j; Sumrkerell. for Pro fcssional services, will please call ajnd settle their 'cn,by note or otherwise, as he is dfsirous of clos- I account VMfl i 3!;),J - 1 'THE Sobscriber, as Executor ofjthei last Will and A Testament of 'WilsonUVomnVck, 1 - - .-(-' dee'd., wiU sell N OF LEX st DAY OF "TON, ON THURSDAY THE - -JANUARY. 184B. X Arable House-and LWthe late risldence of the r,:d, lying in the North part of thel .7 leadinz out to Salejn and Danville. aa$e U larze and Comfortable. ti .i w 1 1- - s - 9 SJ II ATTETl'S SHOP with three tptt ' K,W1I oilier nectary out liouses a good !jrsnd a first-rate GARDEN, all under good fence --rood repair. . p ; 1 WU also sell at the ;ame time and place, : '&? ?fO lef thfb hnsooil Swblertw T;.,onit;: The:o:heris soweJ down Jn Clover W ,?,rer SJ foiices, and convenient to the i iae bove property will U told on the premised, an v;S rAu s .-'W-.. . ,v", . vift or one ami twu a etrrs i . VJ we purcnasera giving oona wan approv '-V,-:also 1 i f SELL at Ihf kit ma-limn nnttplacei "4 -7 "aamJuIX iliaUiW UlIilijVT." a a t am an w . 1 v ma a ar-c m-c m - t nine years old, beloning to said Estate' A credit 9 L..; n,onhs'wiH be given the purchaser giving I r.t property. ' "V '' ! t-i - , uer DartunT'BM .' .1.' f - i'.L i ?rj. :i v. AN. HUNT; Executor u.iW5 30;6t A - sa Anantlrif sAmn t tja, irl t i " tvV tUtle iiLTt KJg l-H received and for sale . by J. IL ENNISS; pit i nr. and Xots li IxiiisjoaVN C?. r::POR:Si ar. HAprill2,lS45-W0 GilGEZ IS illXT .CDJBOT. THE suliscriher Is tjoivtreceivinir and iMwnin .. : . A very desirable Stock of ,.' FALL WINTER J m .;'.i-r.r.-.,. -::.- Hi JU: Ml I, whi b ha been selected and bought by himself with much care and at the lowest PhHaddphia prices, cons!sting.in part,'of the ibllowing articles, io wit:, , ; :Clallusi Blfttikeix. Cost meres; Satinets? ' CasfimerexjAfptfctsj Kentucky Ji-an, 1 " ty Mouselhie de Ltnrs, Cttmbncks, 'J Bonnets. , Shoes, Fur ewd JVofjl JIals, -Z Ir.CiM nd hifir;Caps;: '.JYX ' Primp Rio CoJIec, nud Sasurs v,5 and Brads, oak. lannrj an J hemlock leather: and uiany other article U.tediou3 to mention. He ha .. aiso a goo J lot of , , . - , made of the best materials, and by a first-rate workman, all of which will be sold very low for cash. .Those wish ing o purchase goods for cash are respectAiIly requested to call, and, examine hia'stock.- T.l.f,r"; v Persons who hare been owing roe for one year or; more, a re most earnestly requested to call and make pay ment, as it is absolutely necessary that I should have money to enable ine to keep ray business going."" Dou't ! neglect thisi or it may cause you some trouble. ;;.:;V ' n..;; v AND. HUNT. ? Lexington, Nj C Dec. 5, i84.V-34:tt ? JUST RECEIVED 5 ' i ' From PliUadcIphia, A, SPLENDID LOT OF JEWELRY, i&Mlahtf fur Christmas and New Year's ' - PRBSBNTS ! ; Q9UC1I AS FINE LADIES-JSREAST PINS.DIA t 3 raoad Rings, Bracelets, Medallions, Gold Thimbles, Knu uniHuiia puuiiru ens, ; a targe ioi ieeates from No. 3 to 12, &C., with a variety of other articles for sale cheapo - - JOHN E. BOGERf r Salisbury, Dec. 13, 1845t(33S - : A. WOOI. WORTH, clock and: watch-maker. RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public i x general, that he is carrying on the ' k... l ..." L: . l 1 nuuir uuBinrn i ins iu etauu, 'I1IM KaAW Riiiii 'r fh well's store. All work left in his hands will be carefully executed in the best style, and warranted to perform well. A shire of public patronage is solicited. Salisbury, December 13, 1 W45tf 33 4 TO GUNSMITHS ! rrilE pir scriiM'r wlshe to emphiv a fir?t- ntr'Joumeyman GUNSMITH,towh'om good wages wiiil be given: None other thn n stu ly nnd industrious onf need apply. A. WOOL WORTH. Dec. ia,1845 - TO BE HIRI. ?I1HS on lemijrne l. Administrator on the,. Estate , of 1. George McConn iujhey, dee'd., will hire, at the Couff Hons? in Silis'm.-y, m the tirst J;iy of Janunry next, the neoe belonjttn to the Estate of ihe said de ceased, about 30 in niim'ijer, for one year n the usunl terms. " J. C. McCONNAUGHEY, AJiu'r. D'cemVr 13. 18 15 -gwllp I. t y- A.XO f J&L. TJ XED FOR SALE. . ' WILL be sold on the 6th7th and 8th days of Jan uiry, at the residency of Henry Kestler.dec'd., It miles west of Salisbury, all h.s property, both real and personal, viz : r ' M or 15 L;!icly Negroes. consisting of nien, wom?n an I cfiillren. 2 33 or more acres of land, being part of the plantation he lived on, of excellent quality. Also, six hea J of horses, hogs, cattie, and sheep; a considerable qiantity of corn, wheat, and rufTne.8 01' every desciiption. Id or 20 bales good cot ton, w.igon, farming utensils, household and kitchen fur niture. an J ntitnerous other articles too tedious to mention. Terms made known on the day of sale- X' - D. BARRINGER, Exr. Dec.3A945-3w33pl ,; 'f LIKELY NEIiKOES FOIt SALE! I 3 Y yiftue of a dee J of trust executed to me hy Win, JL C. Love, for purposes therein mentioned, I will sell at public sale, at the Court-House, in the town of Salis bury, on Thursday the 1st day of January, 1846, ten very LIKELY YOUNG NEGROES, consisting of four Women, among whom are two excel lent Cook Vand their six children. Terms, a credit of sixjnonths. .DAN 1EL SHAVER, Trustee. Dec. 1.1845 ts33 .- - .... $25 RE WARD; -; mv; . R ANA WAY front the late George Miller, in Row - an County, six miles south of Salisbury, some time during the month of July last, a bright mulatto'1 girl nam ed Harriet. . Having purchased the said girl, I will give the' above reward for her apprehension and delivery, to me, in thersaid county of Kowan, tour miles southwest of Salisbury. . It is believed that she is now in the coun ty of Davidson, Ha ndotph or Chatham, passing herself, no doubt, as a free girl. . She has a small scar overe. of her eves, and a fire brand on her thigh.and is a little' freckled across the nose. She is about 21 years of age. five feet two inches high and stout builr. I will give the above ireward for her delrery to me or $20 for her con finement in some jaiLo 1 can gt'her. agnin. Letters oh the subject addressed to me at Salisbury, will be punctually attended to. : " '' ',-' " ' . HENRY MILLET.-; December 13, 1845 tf 33 . . t '.y DRUGGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, &C. I HE subscriber would respectfullyi announce to Phvaieiana and oth- libVW. ' 3iT r .l . l 1 a. 1 . : - - - j - - Qj.ii.i.i 1 n era luii ucuu now in store n targe ' . ... v, ASSORTMENT Or , r 1 Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, comprising almost every thinz in bis line, which he will sell very low for cash, or to punctual customers -. In his Stock will be found the follow articles: English Calomel, Sulph Quinine, Rhubarb, . . v Poor Man's Plaster, 1 ' r Burgundy Pitch piaster,. 1 . Seidhu and boda rowders. Indigo, . Blue Mass, London,' Ipecic, Cream Tartar -? CExtColocynth, Madder, Spanish Brown, ; Log Wood, Grd. Red Wood, do C rCastor Oil. in bait pt.Lopreras, f i ' ot. an J qt bottles, Liiharge, . gPfm BalsainCopaiw Keu Lend. . . Dry White Lead, Grer's Ointment. . White Lead in Oil, Sanls Sarsjpparilla : , Verdigris in' Od, Prussian Bluer H " Wrhiring,--; , Macnbaa Snuff, ' Scotch;i " ;do V Rappee '-do i Congress.: do ; "rf :: Chewing Tobacco, '1 Comstock'a 4I0. - Jarsapparilla Root, J.. - a 1 fc..r Pitta nranJreth'sJPilb. Hall's Pills, v r Comstock's Vermifuge,! ThomDsons Eve Water, Smoking do RowandaTnnie.-Mixture for Blacking, . ' ague and fever,-. : do.. . Brushei, Swaims-Panacea, ' A White wash do do' I arpenters syrup ijiverwin, rami Taylors Balsam ' do ' -Tooth v Snohrur- Headache Rem;Jv Trussed. 1 'do- i i Hays Liniment, . . - - Sargeon'a Initrixments, 4C J.,L-ENNISS,'- r East Corrwr of Courthouse. Wi!t( 1 A.U.LI. I Win iiiihilu 1 iinUm TOST.&EOEIVEB ;: JIIE FIXEST ' 'Qj ;AJD CHEAPEST 1 ASSORT 1m- Eur Pffercdfor nlsik tbs town of Sillsbcrj! A MONG WHICH AIIK GOLD AND S1U ver IJr vetHa 1iih eVlIVeiiit '-.VeTtirail'ikiiicI coitiraon Esrabemeiit Watclter fioetadie ami gentlemen's hnut .in,t( and linr Rins (new and Iwautiful patlernk,) fine i race let 9 .and Necklace; ilnin ami set Sttit!,. irald Guard aiid Fol Chains arid Kl g:!d aiid silver Pencil and l uuuiile, gold diamond wanted Pens,' Gold and Silver Spectacles, Perifocal, German Silver, Steel and common dh., Also, a large assortment of Glasses to suit all ices, which :- canDepot ln traroesatareryshort notice ; Chapaan'i and Emmon,i ssperior Baxor STRIPS, Chinsee Ilrs,JliMfger99:Kniees and Sets u iors, Silcer Spoons and Butter Knives ;1 Together with many the r 'articles usually kept in Jew elry stores. , All of which 1 ll be sold rery low for cash, rJ?5 ttm 10 Pnpctual casti mers. Call at the brick row, opposite G. V. BrowVs stork ( ' "All kinds of Watches Iwill be repaired; jwchaa chronomiters, duplex, horizontal, patent-lever, musical, repeajng and plain. Al , clocks, musical boxes, and all kinds of Jewelry will be put in order on reasonable terms. Having obtained a very steady and skilfut work man from a celebrated Watch making Establishment in Philadelphia.be feels no hesitation insaying that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all those who may fa vor him with their work. All he asks is a trial. Lepine and plain watches will be altered to patent le vers, and warranted to perform well. S Old gold and silver taken in exchange for work done. -'The subscriber feels thankful to his friends and the public for the liberal patroiiage bestowed on him, and hopes by punctual attendance to business and reasonable i-harges, to merit a continuance of . the favors of a gener ous public. I J 1 JOHN E. BOG ER. Salisbury, Sept. 27, 1845 S tf 22 Nr GROSS FOR SALE. . I fHE undersigned. Administrator on the Estate of A Wm. E. Powe, deceased, will sell, AT THE COURTHOUSE IN SALISBURY, On the 1st. of January next, AMONG 'THEM - ' is a most excellent COOK, and house servant : also, ooe other excellent house servant girl, who is a good - - t i There are, also, two other valuable women, and two very likely boys, hetweih 12 and 14 years of age. These negroes will be sold at public sale, on a credit of six months, the purchasers giving bond and approved security. Nov. 20th, 1845 3I:5t ! A. T. POWE, Admr. PUBLIC SALE ! On in on day t3ie SOtu Instant WILL be exposed to public sale, at the late reside uce of Mis. L. Conner, dee'd, near Beat tie a Ford. LIKELY NEGROES. MEN, WOMEN, and CIIIL- anion; wtunu i an excellent tUUK. ALSO Che S cart of tiuti on which said deceased lived, lying on the waters of the Catawba River, containing 700 ACRES, (if not sold privately.) At the same time will be sold a q iantity of Corn and Fodde Hotses, Cattle and stock of Hogs. Also, some fattened for Pork . no I- US IIE1D. It. J. MrDOWELL, Dec 6,1845 4w32 Agents of II. W. Conner. LAND MILLS FOR SALE! PURSUANT to a Decrtje of the Court of Equity for Davie county, at Fall Term. 1845. 1 will sell at oub- lie sale, on the premises, on ! . . . . . " Friday, the 9th day of Janu- ary, next, the With Ihe i'RACT OF LAND adjoining, conlairunsr tout 325 A CEES, belonging to the late James Robinson, dee'd, lying on the waters of the South Yadkin; Davie county. Also, on Saturduy, the 10th day of January, on the premises, a TRACT OF LAND, lying on the waters of second Creek, in Rowan county, joining the lands of Henry Rubinson, Andrew Lyerly and others, belonging to the said Robinson, and subject to dower. A credit of one, t wj and three years will be giv en, purchasers giving bonds with approved security, bear- ing interest irom date, 1 uies retaioea uaui me purcuase - . .r -1 rrv.i ! ... i t.l i money is paid. L. BINGHAM, C. M. K. Mocksrille, Dec. l, 18454w32 Printers fee $5 00 SALE OF NEGROES. WILL be sold at Public Sale, at the Court-House in Salisbury, on Saturda r, the 27th instant, 6 or 7 LIKELY NEGROES, WOMEN. BOYS and GIRLS, belonging to the Estate of Elizabeth Kelly-, dee'd. Terms made known on the day ot sale. t ,; i L. -.BINGHAM, rfm'r. v Dec 3, 1845 4w32 NEGROES FOR SALE. THE undersigned Executrix, on the Estate of Obadi ah M. Smith, dee'd, will sell at the court-bouse, in Salisbury, on the first day of January next, four one woman, and child. one man, shoemaker, and one mod Dioush dot. . The above negroef will be sold on a credit of six months, purchasers eiving bond and approv ed security. JO YSEY SMITH, Executrix. Dec. 3; 1845 4w33 - . CIiOTHIK G FOR SALE CHEAP. FOR CASH ! -i B ;jF FItAtEVw;ll also! make in the latest . stvle. well done and warranted to fit at bis shop. in the are brick house at Salisbury. .He will also teach the art of euttin on the latest and most approved style as a- cent for New York anj rnuaaeipnia. uiioi wmc mi sliort notice, t 32tf : B. F. FRALEY. NEGROES POR I. WILLaeii at the eourt-housei in the town of Salisbu ry, on the 1st day of January; 1845, several likely Ne groes. cTbose wishing to purchase would do well to attend- -'-'v . f.t.-. ,j ; ,t -7 i J M. .LOTE.;." 1 December 6; 1845-433 i 'V PURE AVIIITE ; LEAD. ' r t fifi KEGS pire white lead jast received and for lUU aaleloVbyv - J.rIL ENNESS. A 1 Salisbanr, Jan 14. 1845 7if 1 "t . . TWEbVE Connisditijdr Xt , GZLBSLT B20IT3 l.23Lj . 'JAND KO HUMBUG I'- " : .(IB WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL f-C ASH?STORE'. - .Ty. ondersignel ' have . receired and opened from ' VT r VId,.Hli? Pi Jew York, their FaU and Winter appiy'orSconabic PTjsT be largest, cheapo and onWdesiileU of NEW STYLE FANC Y G 00 DS, prer brought to the Western part of North Carolina ; consisting in part of Soper fine and low-price French; English cloths and cas--. ' , siineres. ... . - ..4 French and German plain and ribed beaver cloths.- Fancy coTd silk and wool bearer cloths, (new and desira--rrble articled) f ? " --y -: - Sattinefa, Tweed, cassimeres. Ky. Jeans plain and atrijwd flannels. Kerseys sad Canadian Jeans. , . k t ; Surtjes, plaid wool linings and plaid linseys. . , . 20JKW yds. French and American priots(prctty & cheap) Cashmeres, crape de lanes and bombazines. ? 60 ps. Orleans and A'pacca lustres, blk. and colored.- -6 ps. plain and satin striped silk warp lustres, . , Silk, linen and cotton h'dk'fs.silk crura ts and satin tiesv Bed and Negro blankets, suspenders and gloves. " " - -800 yds. wool, hemp and cottoo carpeting from 25c to gl 300 beaver and blanket overcoats ; 30 beaver frock and sack coats. 45 pa. red, white and yellow flannels.' v" '! . 75 doz. wool and damask shawls and tippets, every qoal- ity and price. . ; , , Bl'k and blue blk eilks, blk and white crape and crape de lilse. " ' Brocade striped Poult de soie dress silks. - A very large assortment, of French dress Goods of every description. Bating cloths, no. 4 to 9, and screen wire. Bleached and fine brown shirtings and sheetings. ' ,- Ginghams, bed ticks and apron checks. 'V Merino, and flannel shirts and drawers. Cambrics, jaconets and Swiss muslins. Jaconet and Bwiss muslin edgings and insertings. HATS, BONNETS $ CAPS. Af dozen Fur and Wool Hats., t-xJ 50 dozen Fur, Seal, cloth and selet caps. . 25 " Leghorn, straw and bombazine bonnets. BOOTS AND SHOES. t O CASES mens and boys.fmud boots. A 5 do. Miles waterproof and dress boots. 15 . do. good and cheap negro shoes. 17 do. men's and women's lined & bound shoes 20 iron and wood framed travelling trunks. 7500 lbs. Northern skirting and hemlock sole leather, 10 to 18 cents per lb. 35 carpet and saddle bags. 20 dozen lining and binding skins. 6 do. Philadelphia calf skins ; 3 do. hog skins. 68 side and mens saddles, all qualities and prices. 25 dozen saddle trees. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. ff PAIR Eliptie springs, all sizes. Vl" 20 chaise hides ; 4 pr. ruber cloth ; 14 sides pat ent leather. 45 sets of concave bands ; 30 buggy and carriage lamps. 10 pr. folding steps ; 20 dashes, Mouldings, Phlrd Knobs, and Malleable Irons, Buggy lilcs, Boirsy Fringes and Laces. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. 8 t OSES axes. $1 to $ l 25 ; 125 kegs nails. 30 anviia and vices ; 18 pr. bel.'owses. 9 boxes tin plate ; 15 boxes coffee mills. 30 dozen wool and cotton cards. 12 do. steel shovels and spades ; mill and X cut saws. ' 1 5000 yds. Ky. bagging, very heavy, 16 to 18 cts. ji i Lai ing rope ; 40 ounces Quinine. 6 do mining and well rope, 1 to 5 J inches. 75 boxes window glass ; 3 flasks quick silver. 30 gallons copal varnish ; 201)0 lbs. best white lead. 10 bbls. linseed oil ; 16 bbls. tanners oil, (warranted) GROCERIES. 1 Hogsheads sugar ; 180 bags coflee., JLvf loOO lbs. loaf sugar ; 4 boxes tea. 200 lbs. best Spanish indigo ; 2 bbls. madder. 150 kegs rifle and b!n6ting powder ; 25 bags shot. 2000 feet dry and water fuse ; 700 lbs. bar lead. A very large stock of rolled and bar Iron Tyre from io 2 inches. 1000 lbs. English and American blister steel. 803 )bs. cast steel, hoop and sheet irotl. The above goods were selected with cafe by an expe rienced buyer, and bought exclusively for cash, principal ly by the package from first hands ; and are now oflWed at wholesale ami retail for cash, we think at from ten to "fifteen per cent, lower than the market price. All we ask is an examination ; we have the goods and are determin ed to sell them. If you want good bargains come with money, and you will be certain to get goods at lower pri ces (with a few exceptions) than you ever bought them before. Persons at a distance, and country merchants wanting goods, would do well to call and examine our large and beautiful stock before purchasing, as it is a noto rious fact goods are sold lower at retail in Salisbury, than in any other part of the United States. J. 11. JENKINS &, CO. Salisbury, November 15. 1845 6w29 N. B. All persons indebted to the late firm of Jenkins & Biles, by note or book account, are requested to come forward without delay and settle the same, as I am anx ious to close the concern as soon as possible. J. H. JENKINS, Surviving Partner. Nor. 15; 1845 6w29 1 11 "" ' 1 I aa - n m-am - nm tf-M W IA ML A ) VV 1- 11 JKM FASHIONS FOR 1845 k At the old Tailoring Establishment! HORACE H. BEARD, TTAS JUST. RECEIVED OF MR. F. i. . ivi AiiAX, tne va ffirirr i r ni r-aiu-4i XX(2dSr for the Fall aad Winter of 1845 and '6, which far excells any thing ot the kind heretolore pub lished. He still carries on the " TAILORING B USINESS in all its various branches, at his old stand, where he is ev er ready to meet and accommodate his old and new cus tomers with fashionable cutting and making ot garments, not to be surpassed by atfy in the Southern country. Punc tuality, despatch and faitblul work as has been, always shall be his aim and object. Thankful for past encour agement, be hopes to merit its continuance. N. Bi The subscriber has in his employ a workman who cannot be surpassed either North or South. Oct. 4. 184&-if 28 H. H. BEARD. 9 LIS SXjY NEGROES, CONSISTING OF Three Men, two plough Boys, one Girl, one Wurnan, and two Children, Kdnnirinff to the Estate of the late Wm. Chonn, dee'd. On, nf the men fa vouna man) has worked some time at th niACK.S31IXflX3rG business. anJ made good progress in acquiring a knowledge of the trade. The woman was Mrs. t-nunn s - ' ' - - ' !' for several rears. These negroes will be sold on a cred it of 12 month!-' -,. .'v; . ..' m : t ; ;. . "At die Courthouse. inalibury, . to Vie highest bidder, on the first day of , January next -4 ? -;r? ' -: V . ,. : - . v. 1 -E. Dl AUSTIN. Executor. , Nor. 23th, I845l-3l:5t n J i - --- "DRS. P..& A. M. HENDERSON, : MA VINGissociated ibeoiseyes in the, Prac ice oCMEbirts,wffir their Professional cnVJ.Vp- to ihe Pubiic. Or Office io the brick the Rowan Hotct-i544tf WUiWIHp''f'" Il I FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS - For 1815 A 10 Jut received ! ;v v TAILORING ESTAB.L1I1MENT! ALSOBROOK AND MILLER,--:". HAVING located ourselves in t ho Town of Salis-' bnt7permanently we intend carryingon our ha-, siness in a style, not to be surpassed in the State or out of it. ' Our establishment is io the Toom on the corner of the nsunr IUt elf formerly -occupied as the . Poat-Of-. fice..' We hare emplpyed. the best of Northern Work men... No expense or pains Lwdl be-, spared to render this a Fashionable Establishment in all respectsJ; Gen men, therefore, may rely on ha ving their clothes made np in the most, fashionable and durable manner. We hare been engaged regularly in cutting for the last fire years, and part of the time in some of the most celebra ted estaUishnaents in the Southern States. We shall not hesitate to guarantee every thing to fit we cut and make. . LbridohPtiHsatdlVew'Yorh, -. received monthly. In conclnsion, should we be encour aged, no one will be be under the disagreeable necessity to send away to procure first-rate made'cldtliing: ! i We return thanks for the liberal patronage hereto-' fore bestowed on' us, and hope' by" -foshionable work and strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. H. A, P. JLSOBRQOK. ; - r H. S", MILLER. All persons Indebted to the subscribers, are requested to make settlement. as'longerrinJulgence will do: be ven , SrpUmber 20 1845 26;ly , , C A S H FRIGES FOR BOOTS AND SHOES. TJT II E subscriber, in considers t ion A of the hardness of the times, and also hoping to extend his busi ness, has revised his prices for 2$oot aiuti Sfiorov and finds it in his power iofall a little, provided he sells for cash. . He has therefore subjoined a list of his' prices for work, on the cash system. Those who purchase on credit, must expect to pay the customary prices. " Jjtst of uasnrrtces.?i:;,.jr-r Fine stitched Boots c 6 50 , do fudged do - ' 5 50 do men's shoes 9 00" do do shoetees T 2 50 do do fudged shoes 1 87 J do do do shoetees 2 25 do Ladies shoes 1 50 do do do fudged - 1 37$ Also a quantity of children and negro shoes of the ve ry best quality on hand for sale lower than any where else for cash ' I . P. S. Orders from a distance punctually attended to, and all kind of country produce taken at market prices in exchange for work.! . My hop ie opposite the store of J. 4 IV. Murphy. All those indebted to me are requested to come forward and settle the-same either by cash or note, otherwise they may have to pay cost, MOSES L. BROWN, July 26, 1845 t25Dec By Jacob Letler. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HOUSE. HALL $ HALL WOULD inform the merchants of the interior that they have inconnection with the general CEHce os927 lZ3 ja.33laaS353 added to that of For warding ; and having large and commodious Ware houses on the bank of the River, are prepared to receive and forward Goods upon such terms as will defy all com petition, our charges an J expenses being one-third less on the freight bills than any other house in the place. All Goods shipped to G. W. Davis of Wilmington, for the interior, and not o:herwise directed, will be found in our possession. j Fayeiteville, May 21, 1844 tfG NEW, NEW, NEWER THAN EVER, And the best assortment OF Confectionaries in my line, ever brought to Salisbury before, and having bought for cash, and cash only I will be jible to sell cheap er than ever, and all of the best' and most choice selec tions. My new stock consists of Sherry Maderia, Port, Champaign, Claret, TenerifT, Malaga, and Domestic WINES. ' Also, the finest liquors, such as French Brandy. Jamyicar Rum. Holland Gin, N. E. Rum. and all varieties of countn) or Domestic Liquors, of the best selectioiTm Salisbury or any where else. Also, some erenuine London Porter in nunrt or pint bot tles, fresh Ale andsweet Cider ; splendid French Cor dial, forty boxes, of the fiuest plum Raisins, fine fresh t igs, Oranges, Lemons, Almonds, hne Uoshen Cheese, fresh Soda Biscuit and fresh Butter Crackers ; the most splendid assortment of finest Candies ever brought to Salisbury, or seen here ; and perhaps the finest begars ever brought here, fine fancy pipes, the best Scotch Snuff either in bottles or bladders, IMacaboy Snotf in bottles. the finest fresh Mustard, Lime Juice, Lemon Sirup, Pep per Sauce, Cayenne pepper, Cloves, fancy Snuff-boxes, Seidletz powders, Blacking, Matches, and lots of fish hooks and lines, fresh SardillCS Salmon, and Herring, and a large variety of other articles in my line too tedious to describe, all of which I will sell low for cash and on the same terms to punctual customers. I would ulso inform the ladies and gentlemen of Salis bury and the country at large, that I have quit retailing spirits at my dwelling house, situated nearly opposite J. & W Murphy's Store, where, Tbe ladies and gentlemen intfltikJ ir vail Ami rnmink fir trtimapIvM na tVir OIC UIMisu 'V vmm.i va-.... .v .v. ...v will b. no danger of disturbance by the drinking of ar F. R. ROUCHE. Salisbury, May 17th. 1845. tf (6 26 3) HARRIS' HOTEL, CONCORD, N. CAROLINA. . fTTHE subscriber baslthc pleasure to iitfurm U his old friends and customers, nnd the public generally, that he has recently purchased the large BRICK HOUSE, adjoining the north." n .! rr west corner ot tne uourt-iiouse, in ine itwn of Concord, and has fitted it up irra fashionable and comfortable s tyle as a HOUSE for the acu commodalion of the public. His house has bpp.n thoroughly reoaired his rooms are larce r v . ; , and conveniently arranged, and his furniture is entirely -new. - His Hostler is not surpassed by any in Ihe .State. : ile Uaj tlers himseit mat ironr his lou; experience in the business, be is able to give satisfaction toall who may favor bim with a call. All itSKIsawirmai. vn unu jikjc for yourselves. f J KflAH P. HARRIS. Concord. N; U.. May 13, 1040 ti o . . OCT Raleigh Regisler, Lincoln Courier nd4 Charlotte Journal, will Dubrish the above till countermanded. FRESH MEDICINES, PAINTS 2ND DYE STUFFS, Wines ami Spirits ; Fancv Soans and Perfumenr i'Shot Fomitnre ; Fine 'Tobacco and Cigars ; Spices, Paint and Hair Brushes; Rice, Oil, and Candles ; and a large. variety1! of fancy articles for La dies and Oentlemen, just received and for sale, very cneap lor cna i . 1 iiul.ul . Salisbury; Nr. 22. 1845 tr30;. . money-; : EOUND in my yard on the 10th of this (nvmth. i)ta rum of TW EN T Y DOLL ARDS; whichtbe loser can' have, br sn'nlication to me. on condition that give satiafoctory account of .In J hf ra notice. - uas 1 ik m ' Nor: 20th, l&4531:3r -Keatlj printed an4 for tale at ihia OiUcc. Consrcsslounl Ixilc!Ii;c:2ccr. . ' Thx Proprietors of the NiTtosiL Isttlmcescex, ia order to meet the wi&hea of those whose circumstances or inclination do cot allow them to subscribe even to" a week. Iy Washington paper during the whole year, have Mer mined to issue, during the session oT Congress, a weekly sheet styled Tub Coxcuessioxai. ITEixicEsctx," tov be devoted exclusively to the publication as far as its liro its will permit, of the Proceedings of both Houses of Con-" gress, and.Ofiicial iRcports and Dueumenta connected therewith, including a compUttt&ciatcvpyoS the Acts paused by Congress during the ster; " i : v To bring the price within the means of every man who can read, the charge for this paper will be for therf ses sion of each Congress One Dollar, and for the second ses sion of each Congress half a Dollar. ' ., t. The orkeof tbtfCoxGBEssiostAL ITlXUGESCES,to b issued ort each Wednesday during the approaching Sea- skrti of Congress, will therefore be One Dolla r paid ia ad- ' v rance.V'"i,i;- v'."-.Jf.S J't'ft ;f- " . S ; To enlarge upon the ralue, to those who take no news. - paperjl Washington,of this publics t ion, containing aa, . impartial but necessarily abbreviated accountoflbe lro-. W , . ceedings of Congress, including" an authentic fikialcopy' t f: of all the laws passed during the session, would be need- i ; le8S.V, The man who takes nosuch paper.ought to taks'-T en, it he does- not prefer remaining, ignorant of what v most nearly concerns his bw destiny, and that of hix fa- , mily and of his posterity forever.; -XX''" : 1 ' : 13" When six copies are ordered and paid; for by any, one person, a deduction of one-sixth will be made frona the price : that iato sajr a remittance of five dollars will - . 7 command six copies of the Cngreidnat Intelligencer for ; v the next Session.. I A reniittance of ten dollars will secure ' thirteen copies : and for fifteen dollars remitted from any one person or place twenty copies will be forwarded". V - , SXPaymeut in advance in all cases ia induensable WEEKLY; NAT! ON A Lt INTELLIGENCER - ". ' This paper, being made np of such portion of the con tents of the National lntelligeqcer proper aa carf be com- pressed within the compass of f single newspaper, contin- - nes to be issued and mailed to subscribers frery Saturday at Two Dollars a year,payable in advance, in all cases no '. account being opened with subscribers to the weekly pa-'-. per. . V: ,- . svVvrir To bring this paper yet more nearly within the reach of v such as desire to take by the year cheap paper fiom the seat of the General Government, a reduction will be made in the price of it where a number of copies are ordered and paid for by any one person or association at the following j I rates : I or.Ten poaara six copies will be sent, , . 4 For Tvrenty Dollars thirteen copies ; and For each sum iof Ten Dollars, above Twenty, 8 , copies will be forwsrdeJ; so that a remittance of Fifty Dollars will comtnand 37 copies. .- O" Publishers of paper throughout the several States . and Territories teho will gite a single insertion to this advertisement (tcith this note annexed) find send one 0 their papers to this office uttk the advertisement marled v therein, shall receive the Wcklf National Intelligencer for one year free of charge, -il ' ; V-'1' ' UNION ZHOTEE, iMl.MOCKSViLLXKC. 17 lltl its 3 THE UNDERSIONEP ; RESPECTFULLY announce to the public, that thtjr have recently purchased that -large and commodi ous Public Ilottse in Mocksville Davie county; known as the -1 v .', ., that they have refitted and newly furnished the same and,; opened it for the use ofthe public. ? Ta those acquaint-' -v ed with this stand, it will be unnecessary 16 say that the',? building is nearly new ; the , rooms large and airy, of. modern construction, and that the entire establishment With its - '.: -m'- Out-buildiiigs and ndjaccut GrouiidsV is most coramodiously and comfortably arranged..,, The; undivided attention of the undersigned will be directed to the comfort and well being of those who may honor s them with their patronage. 4 ;,-'. II. & R. REYNOLDS. MockaYjJle. Febniary 2I; 1845-3w4"r " CHEAP, CHEAPER 1 CHEAPEST U: THE subscriber respectful- A ; ly informs his friends and 'Xf$ t the publiclhat he still continues to carry on "the - ,-- - -' SEp,-''' in Salisbury, on main street, a few doors south of J..&. W. Murphy's store, and just opposite the Rowan UoteL',1 He has on hand a large assortment of furniture,, and , " . ; keeps in his employment the best of workmen, and uses , " the best materials the country affords. He has on hand 'f at all times an assortment of such work as will suit the wants of the country, such n Bureaus, Sideboards, Sec- retaries. Cup-boards, Tables, Candle-stands, Wash stands, Bedsteads, . ' Cane Bottom ahdl Windsor ChtuftQeig. . A neat assortment of Cofiins constantly kept on hand , so that any person can be accommodated in that line, and. v the prices shall be made to suit customeri, not only in that V -article, but in all of the above mentioned articlesTbc;' subscriber would say to the public rthat? tbey would dol, well to call and examine before they purchase, as be in- tends hereafter to sell cheaper than work baa rrrt been . sold in this State. , - V . V j .--T v' All kinds of country produce and lumber will be taken 4 , in exchange for work. DAVID WATSON. Salisbury. April 19. 1845 ' ' v. 25tf ; , - NE W SPUING AND , SUMMER 'C: ; , ; Fishes for 1315 1 " . . , ;V , ! THOMAS DIckspN respectfully inform his friend " ' and the public, What he still carries on the TAI LORING BIJSINESS in all its rarioua branches, two v doors above J. & W: Murphy's store, where he is ready to execute all orders of his customers in a style and man ; ner not inferior to any work done in this par: ofthe coun try. He is also in the regular receipt of the NEW X UAkJx i VIOllU'lO, ana Jlicuaicu ivwvuiuiuuan tuv tastes of the Fashionable at all timea. All work will be warranted to fit well ond to be. made well. May 17. 1845 tf3" ' . SLliE OF NEGROES I flUIE SUnSCRIBER HAVING BEE I nooLnted a Cminissiorer br the County Court of Davidson, to effect a sale of the Negroes belonging to the ' Estate of the late Sarah Ellis, ofDaridson county, for .the purpose of a partition among the disuibniees, will in pur-- sua nee of a Decree of said Court, expose to ETPUBLIG ' -SALE on WEDNESDAY the f : DAY OF DECEMBER,; : at the residence of the late' Anderson EHUi" Jersey Settle ment, : ' .. ' - 25:NjE6RQES, Consisting of MEN: BOYS WOMEN A credit of ticclrc monlns will be extended to purchasers opon giving bond and approred security. . i-r'-r' , Commissioner, r- Salisbury, Nor; 13; 1845-7w2D K. ' Doct's Barton dc .Xiridor, tle of iMEDicxsE;fand located at -Blount ; Vernon, Kridcr's Store, RuVan! County,) of.; fer their pitifional sen ices to the public, ; - ClIEWnO TOBACCO. ' 3 t JttsT rccciricd 10 boxes Beeswing Chewinj To-. t. Salisbury; June 1 j.4845-7tf' - ' . HE Cliewlas Totjacco. on band and , . for sale; one box of Rose Bud ; 5 boxes Bees ing ;W ,, one box Honey Dew. ' J; IL Kl5 .. r. , . n' lfii; " .e lev-?-."- s.-.- ' . Salisbury, Aoiust 9, 1845 tf 15 - PILLS I PILLS!! A GTJEand b7ovctp' ''lOVeSruL eore IM i- -. . t 11 Drn9 Store:- 1 U.M. or n jwy r or saie i . v" - r j - Salisbury. August IT. lS45tf la . . ! JiUPERIOK COURT Wim$ 1 lCiitt urniy I'V- 7 Am J " fortuirtyatthUOfficd fpe "X 5 5 t 1 f 1 i

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