' , ' ii','--' ' I '" .'',' : '1-' - J- ;i 1 ' t - :! ' t ! in at tofim. Tri Dollar per annum in advance. . for eaca SUMf.lUrK icruu. voun ur- !-- . . . ' ... . a .1. -a .roll nf u'lll ho rnn!a tv iKmu i ..h u itv hi var. 5 1 . I if DEBATE" IN THE SENATE, Jc.'30, 1815, on (he Resolutions llynncgan of Indiana, dcct our right to the whole of Oregon Terri lory- jlrrllAYWOOD rose and said that, ' . - ' BRUNElf! & JAMES, , ; ) :nXTpTffePff 'H- l;-Cd1or4:ProprKto. . r, J , (, , ;'l'iSjiSTT Oen'l. Oani. , r NUMfiEK 30, OF VOLUME II. - , i , ' it : rr rr : ; n ; n j i ' r r ! i-; r. ) r-r-! ; ' . 1 - "I 1 it i- J i ie capacity to imme a censure in anv language suited tp a Senate use mora damning than hiis resolution? ! Mr. Ill dotihted it very much. AVhat ! dishbn drahle a " surrender of the nation's honi by the Chief Magistrate : " a violation! -hen he gavcnotlcc of his intention to ff0to lay thts'yvholc matter upon the,; ab!c, he had abstained from entering info itej discussion?, because his motive was' ,Vf$, and still was, to prevent premature. Hussions ipop ourj foreign hegotiaiions. rt,d remarks of thd I Senators, however,! haul imposed upon hi n the 'duty of explain-;' of the Constitution" he had sworn to sup M,n iu3 w iiuiuiiuurc ai lane, and r no censure I, prat M mc inuuigjcnce oi incoenatc, $ilt ho -plede'd himlf that no sj)ccies cf Novocatiou ihouhi drag him fnfp a dis tention 6! the Oregon question" fit this Lnirtions Uhon jihe! niirlons exist itirr lm. iwecivour. Government and that of Great I Carolina had. with some warmth. SALISBURY; -Nl G.,:jIXM.'23i to him, hy his resolution?, that X0 doubt ed liis ability to stand iirm j that we ques tioned hisfirmnessinlmaibtainirigthe Cori- ! stitution and the national1 honor, and there-; tore the Senate had found it expedient to threaten him with the consequences iThe! should recede an inch. - And this! inline Senate of the United States ! This was a, propositioh of -the Senator tothq Demo cratic parti, too i to the Ifresident's friends; tO the President's own nnlitirnl hnncrhntfl ! i-he amendments ohprrd hv .fhft tor frorri South Qarolina were liable Td similar objections The onH' diflerencel j as, me. original resolutions cenwrcrf what;! 1 he incidents of the morning- had shown tse amendments Liliultnl the I'mvutnt fntil iKa having done. 1 he benator from South askingthe Presidents permissjon. So far a$ eliqootte was j concerned, hej cared no thing, was-eisubstance which he de siredi jiBut he Avpuld ask the particular friend $f the President, as the Senator ap pearedljto be ori this occasion, how would he defend him iithe negotiation was still pending, 'and tire President had published j It is descrilAa by the Philadelphia correfnon- ' T 1 ! I'll T . , ' . i : w " . . r nis message to ine worm i un ne noi ; cieni oi me can on congress to aci i uiu ne not re- . r have hi ' i i! i : : . ..... v i conimena notice 10 uc git-n iu kj. ornjim ,b- exhibit on cMIr. Ffllr' waVnr utnm for the termination of the joint occupation? , aton !ecidedlv the most wonderful and inireni- rj the possibility, hay, the Certainty of a war, that jive should occupy, tq a certain ex- ous-creation 'of -t fit day. Frequent attempt Qj it this course was perserered in. lie did lenr e territory, ami erect siocKauesanu have been made to imitate the human voice ; ! torts ; Jie said that the negotiation was ami neretctore tuey ave been only partially j at an end, and Viet we were to ask the Pre- i successtul. IMr. t abes geem to have dicov sident, was it time to act ! The Senator from Carolina appealed to his friends to stand byj him in .rejecting these resolu tions; but he (Mr. H.) called on him, as maintaining the principles of the Balti more Gohvention, to stand by the procla- . 1 i . l. i. mauon oi nis pariy. in mc same reMJiu- flli -nAlt.lrB a,i .u- ., ,ua But the war he predict- ! lion Texas and Oregon rose and met, and , derfut difliculiios that had to tc urnnuntcd ii snouia oe mainraineti. were we umueu lhe attempt to imitate-the organs of sound, and there ? He asked the Senator not to ad- then in the human vice itselGl Models show. here to men, but to adhere to the declara- ing the fi)rmatipn of these organs in man were tions of party, made in solemn convention, also exhibited, and the success of Mr. Paber II IR IWONDEft. CRRAT NEWS FOR THE DEMOCRACY. ! A MX Faber has1 recentlvibrouirht to com. , . i T pnrativ Wrfei-tion an invention, which, next to Morse s Xa"netic 'IVleirrnnlL; is the rrreatest c - c I ' w wonder of and sin"? day. It is a machine which talks ih any variety oftwords and tunes. i PIIICI ' not mean a irrtf With f ntrlrtml . fn- ho Ho w " . MM " J- H 11(1 y i y t lit' 4 . pniam. vncti -mwu qursuoKs came up that he hadcrif the President. He (Mr j clared, in all sincerity, ihat although he h ptopertimcamlordetbem llaywood) was not to be considered bv? ! should regard such a war as perhaps the UiJiouW Oc rrat y to meet them, he hop- , that Senator as intending to be disrespect-S greatest calamity that cbuld befall theci- U,V T,v " ' " MUW,,UU vtn.coun-i, iui to mm personally, because he did not vilized world, rnhte pushing itself in advance 'xrjcutiyc; and to tSh exclusion of tl idcflk thus snatchiig from him hi; iwji upon them accordmir v. in M tit once more nreeiselv defi 1 " m ' ' A- . T7- . ' I -j- w-.-w Bw.w.j-Swe bclearrol 6dnlIcr!protested;agaihst the IJe rtainly did not mean' to .harge thai ofit: that he did not believe there was of the Pre- isj right- feMtor with oflring praise td the Chief, the slightest peril of a war between Ens i Magistrate but he meant to lassert thatl! land and the United Stales at this time II1C amendments Which he had nrnnnser :i none, whatever i . j i . . i i . : - . . . . i 1 i . v... ri) v?-t cnUl?(lVnr our negotiations vcre laudatory inlike manner as the ori- ed, and it was the inevitable consequence ' should be maintained oi tnis sort oi proceeding, was a war in the Senate, a homercontest, a domestic af fair altogether; a war amonsrst the Pre- r thejSenate, was to be regarded as in any itH: foreign GoVerriment.s. Uu nrdttsted ; Ciinal ! resolutions were condemnatorv.uJ ?ajnsl Ibis' the mdm strongly when it The Senator wouM himself agree that ill iasjobvious.to'evry body (and he p-'M respectful enunciation of what was be- sealed tothe concurrhice of 'Senators tor i Me Ved to be a fairand riecessarv interpre- i truth) that the end and aim o it all tjition of a motion or resolution ofiered to? : MxtcincsL Thjs i Christ makes it the d-tintii.-!.". his disciple?. None h more ! possessed of it, than ht whonr.' to consider its various f xccllen bl the heathens were celebrate I To possess it, ) to have the i: also in Christ Jesus. It pre ci.t -produced bysuddepanjer; it stcl: and adorns the gospel ; melts i! wins more upon bin. than all ct: be meek is to be er honor than the peace and satisfact ings it entails are; innumerable. rightly consiJeredj would tend to most amiable .virtue, j ike Gcjd, anJ c greatest victory, ion to the soul ; n: 'I . Beautiful Sentiment.- When I ! tombs of the ureal,' everr cmotK within me ; whenj I read the r beautiful, every immoderate ties it? when I meet witl the gi iff of pare: tombMOne, ray heart melts wit!. ( when I see tombs of parents tlict.. sidr the vanity ol' grieving for tl.c must soon fullow; whea I see ki those who deposed thera, when I r laid side ry sidp, or the holy i. c n ' the wotJJ with ih fir disputes, I r toiiishment on the! little compel ".ti and detvfes of m;inkii4; when I i eral dates of some lhatdicdyet';J centuries ago, I considcrth it gr. we shall all be ctnleinporattes, A T appearance together. lost yet for hi an hour's sleep for lhe anDrehensibn ered the great secret , fo his figure has not on.' Ijfa voice like a human being; but it converses quite intelligibly. It was exhibited for the firU time before a public audience to Monday even- !..L . -. J I . I .1 . a .. . a ana in oraer io snow ipai :i was not a inn v. ' cunning deception, two ?f odr niost eminent scientific citizens jrave their views of its wonder- A Close WL empor n . ii- r . r -jnev, JIT. Uirn, , in vfas St aS. at ti) transfer our foreign negotiatiohs sident's political friends ; a Senatorial war i his he was Willing to live or die. No in the Democratic party; of leader against compromise at forty-nine ; the people in leauer, which would be! more of an octa-1 his country would never consent to such J, a . i i l'- ! M - ' ji un uviu- ; j ; - , I j. i i , ri Y' j - t fv ink uuiiiui, C:J 1 fe"'' uaiuc iiiu.il cm V-Trt;Oli War. IlC HP', ouiicjiuci. ac icivuilu, i .111111; ui r " ' V JW r,uuu "i"i man I joum inereoy ue uiiposing a violent re- peaieU to democratic senators frank v ot his resolutions, tnat.it wouiu, oe uishon- "t 1 " v 1 yj u-, .1 4i-iiiu- ; Kinuiiuii utjon iiju jiti-uuiu oi ueoaie. -i; anct m the la A.n r n 1 a .v. 1 . ai. - . 1 :i .1 ..tit. ii 1 l - - . . . .a 4i"! r '.n11 iH; iisoiic;:)uui(!:, wr, uffiiioun nomuftq nis assent. j ; lie! to stop this thing. And in view of the "W'limocrat. The De- itjut still maintain the truth of the propo-I; considerations already feebly ur-ed Upon 4JM"V , ! . :-T'' . 1,0 ,c certain, and stiipn, tnat the amendments v ere resolu-l. their patriotism, he did not abate one iota lijtjpns to praise that yhich the original of his demands upon Sepators of all par r isolations censured. That which the ori-jj ties for their hearty co-operation in secur gltial Resolutions drclared to be dishonor-! ! ing to the President the! benefit of an ar- face of our political opponents, r orable and cowardly to surrender at-. . . ' a i I Li.. Afl II hisdpposca thspcoln every where, knew aul had always understood that for eve jr gbod cause they had lodged the 4 cKrryingr on their business with 1 cpumrics' in the hands of their rejn csctit t rM yiz.ithe PrcsuUnl. Avith the Sena )!e ahd unconstitutional. the amendments! declared to be honorable and constitution-? a. I he Senator himself had shown that; tHeoriginal resolujions were a censure bvl linpncayon, and the consequence was in jxmistice. Let the President have two ll moons to settle our affairs with foreign Governments before the rein is madly snatched from his hands. Congress had been in session less than a month, and commenced, excepting when he paid the evitable that the amendments were, to ibeli half nf the time irt hno n lnKwlo,,-. 0,i ' formal visit to his familv customary a- J same extent, laudatory by like implication,!! it was surely expecting very little of his' mong Senatorsjipon their first arrival. It vernier me one ncr tne otter looKeU hejncnas to allow him one month of even was auc-ipine cyenaiorirominatana, now ypnd this declaration nC oninions bv thefi two months more, and dur united snnnort' ; ever, that he should admit that he (Mr. 1 1 ;. n. i . . 1.-1' l. ; ... . . , If ill Umc and ch-nf it: nif. 11. saif he hid o:!jct objections to "tin lorm Of nrocredlllir.l lie. bail' tnte,l Thea hrt uh tjjat he did not like the. ori- caiise they wouul he resolutions, im Ibcpsure uponltjie Pfe.sident ; nor the a- fnicnt allhoiigh thry lauded the- Pre- suilciiti ; lhe now, r ith foreign esc til a- S?rnnl X his advisers. .; Heithousht North Caro- Ijni was AVell satisljd with that arrange rtfnlof the Constitution, and he knew ttieyjoaght to be so, and he felt icalled imori to resjst this movement as an iit tlmik at the prnctichl subversion of the nstimiion.;, lhe people had no desire Senate, ljpth stopped shot of any prnc-l' to' conclude a dispute of nearly half a cen lyiuw .ii.M ives ii.io me rresident s tinl legislation, f I tury with Great Britain, in which the ppccr.nor .tor.sce is snatch trom him his ; II he original resolutions, as ell as the! whole country was so deeply interested, rnsibility and hjs trusts lor any such 1 amendments, took into the ScnateVhandsj' If he did not command our confidence, r .rursrs or Jor' any .purpose, pio good i prematurely the subject of our nsgotTaJ if for any other reason the Senate were cfuia come ot ! it b t.h country t mm f i'brts, belore the Executive had done tcHo-o zealous to iwait a little! while upon rri" V V' ""leu, !(; netore me senate had inquired ot him,! himvhy not. at any rate, let the door be auroati, in the Senate ami i ori otherwise 'knewi whether ho. had doneH closedNunon.oni imnniint rnnnnc ..,! j witn ir ; and neior th(Mcnate hadadvisj address aespeCtful inquiry to him whe : edj him to terminate his negotiations, and 1 fcber be bad rttiy abandoned negotiations tuhl it over to our ilegislation. Whether Or, if he had nor,and the Seiiate choose -Tjtvea urM un, ijat hp d,i mt like the on- iha.twere to be done by resolutions of cen-ii tP' do it. advise Ihimto stop all further ne r,:.ai ry!5Uiuiujiis, necau.se tliev wotitd he sure or o nraise. made, no sort of dUFer- eicc: it would be tin unauthorized intru- sipn. on our part: a premature action oft annrrtOl'lM t ! Ilflll (K-il '.nil 4h. Ssnnt i-ft in liii.' inr fa, 'fclilOtionai (lutie.f of tin itState were ; inidicnined. iineonKfitntionatnd be bon- tb l.'tislale bv Practical mandatorvf .laws I edi that Spnnfnrs fittr t n vthn nf tUr nnn- aipait bf Congress, dr. in -Kxeicutive trv and tire Senate! would on all sides nnr ssi6fi;.4Qdvjiio when asked to do pt, and ! a if op to it at once. Although he did not en unci! advice was hot asked in necu- Jed into anv examination of our neffotia- I ' '. -1 . I . 1 . i 1 ; . .... I , 0 ar Cast s. hUt IKU b.re v to dee are Innin- E lions with firnnf llrihiin hnt n betn .iwd 1 vhich 'might rcllect. honor or censure I from it at this timpJnn nnr nose, be did not Ii to the Senate all the corrksvondr.nce An I his I - .i.i .. . i . . . . ii : r, -- ; i i -w S , . . . . ! 4 7 i . : fpoujc t'resldf nt i tut agitate the people I doubt that this maimer of bringing Ore-) l'th naitbnj Ho:i jjhe Senators hiitl ta- f goti intojthe Senate would embarrass those j. irniTfnn!inii ia n.r.r..in,.... ... i. : i. i. .. i. . - . t t . r . i . iv niu. ui.uiiH.r ui wuicu ne i; negotiations ; ana rne puopnon oi me res- iat eeir obliged to. bharacterize their re- f olutionsi or of the ainendments, would put oluijoty.- TheiSenor from Indiana de-J our country, as well as lhe President and - pi Ihat his'; resolutions were a censure and Senate,in?falsie position. If he might ! kftlUtU-..: I i "t! ... C TT .1 t .til ! a M in' a .. ' a-. . ' ( 'w.pucni. ipw, iur. ii. tnpught i neJ excused such a Ugure in the Senate, tie pronosit loti Was. as plain as the way j he would say he wps willing to take hold F the l residents mansion. He had to-ofiOregon whenever it came info the Se-fi QtntQ do';ith the (.Senator's intentions, nate head foremost, hat not to diag .it- in IJ.Vith"iis.H'sbiutions,,and they did con-j tail farcjnost ; and when it was legitimate ainik censure.:! ThejSenate was balled ! lyjtfierei, he would Only inquire what it bc ;potj tp declare -by itliem, in substance, if ! canh the U. States fo do, regardless of the iol lit Vords; that ativ offer to erimnro-T faVor and fearless of the eomnlaints of other nations. The President had this subject in his charge, under the Constitu tiolnl and if any believed her was not the best qualified,5 Pr not so well qualified as In reply to Mr. Hannegan's allusion to him as the peculiar friend of t he President, Mr. HAYWOOD made some further re marks, the substance of which was that it was due to the President'to state that he had held no conference with him; that his motion and his remarks were sugges ted altogether by the evepts of the morn ing ; and, in truths he had seen the Presi dent only once since the present Congress Hay wood) was a " peculiar friend of the u.hh President ; that he was the President s rAmm,in;Llo ' then pointed out. One of these gentlemen an- J .1 a a t I" aL 1 a ' I nounceu mat 11 was oy iar inn moi remarka ble creation cf which, we had any record. It pronounced the names of alt the States and Territories, and hurraed for Oregon and Tex as" with a will. It sung several Kpu!ar airs, accompanied by the organ and piano ; and in doing all this the modulations of the voice were admirably preserved. Mr. Faber has devoted t lhe best part of a long hie to uij ngurp. 1 hoj he may be wolf rewarded for his labor." It strikes us at once, that this "machine has all the qualifications for a Democratic politician. It talks without thinking, and oleys instructions without the sjightegt remonstrance. What a member of Congress it would make ! With a Democratic majority of such j representatives, the veteran organist pf the Union might wind them each op to the point of JJunkumizing his opinions to suit all latitudes, ahd the adminis tration would have np difficulty with malcon tent?. We fancy we can seei the old gentle- man in one of the secrct apartments of the capi- ranges of keys before him, which Ranner, gives very quic thrusts Here is one that lells : 44 a Mason or an Odd I ellow render assistance to his brother I a part. of tb woi d wfcy is it i. Christians? Ru Jet a1 ChrUtt k. State to New Or eans,and lc i ' needy, and make himself known t es as a Christian, and ivho wv.l ! aid on thai accou it ! The elegant H Spoons," of tl cury, having been reqtiested by a ! in her .lbum, he sat dawn and pet; following t ' ! Fair laJy.pn ihis'ppnile j zzn. Allow tiy thourht! to jm-a i Thrirwrlvep like tiap!if as! .' r A elice if rjc anJ injun Uro;.J. Your ropvrharms wiil soon .Vrr.v Those blaflsfi.I jm s diat dii'.i!.. . i By time will soonl Lorn vy So, Go a Lauy vkile y-ju're 1 The Charleston Mercury cone! friend, and Presidents and other ..politicians-between the Capes which bounded this District, he had found out; had few, very tew, sincere friends. To which Mr.' IIANNEGAN rejoined : Would Jo Ood he had an honest friend, who would talk honestly to him. The resolutions were then ordered to lie ori the table, asnlready stated. gage uc! i gotiations, and to inlbrmthe Senate of all ! that, has been done by him 1 The Senate would still have time to act, apd the in formation thus to be derived from the Ex ecutive would laid their counsels, brit might even mojJily some of theiropinions. At all events, the President's friends ought not to do less than that before their judg ment was pronounced in the premises. ' l ne j resident had not communicated communicate with these obedient members. For fear of mistake, in the hurry of debate, a brief outline of principles is attached in large1 charactersvreach range. Thus over the keys j appropriated to the repreeiTtaThes from the Old ( Ilnnker sections, is placarded 44 Glorious old Tammany Sage of Lindebwold Empire State Victors-Spoils, &c." jOvcr the Penn- sylvania raige, 44 Ivanc Letter- protect all the j interests iron will come in Buchanan excel- lent judge Damn Nick Birldlic three groans' for U. ;ST Bank Hurra lor Shunk." The (treat West will have "Ol(J Hero oung HickVry-. Texas and Oregon .Area of freedom DrilisJ, Whins o balance of power Irc- On the Soulh- on the Oregon question with this f . i 44 Look back at our progress at ( 44 ful advance our tncrcase l tern; 4 out conqocst four augmenting ; 44 wealth, and potver, apd tell us v. ' '. "true patiiotisTTi, kbat xhich has tec; "these grand triierphs nf peace, or t: 44 would have led us, on ei;ery priry j "waste our energies in tghtin: t a. . ! i f " husliandmcn iiitio sold tcrs. our r.v rc . 44 into men-of.wak and our rnon v 44 powder." WHAT THE LADIES HAVE DONE. In a certain County of Ohio, the! last remain ing Distillery has been stopped ai?d converted into a Temperance Hall by the ladies. The)', 1 land seasi and ports of entry. On lhe , after many remonstrances, appointed a com- em keys we will be, 44 '9S and "09 F mittee of .six to wail upon the. Distiller, and request him to desist. He refused but it happened that the husband of a lad)' in the I' The Jeics. The Kerr. Dr. V 1 travelling in Eunjpe, stktes that v.!, i . . . .1 .1 a t . in 1 ranktiirt, nc meiropous c i .. . was inf-rcied that a gxeat meclii'.;: from all parts of Europe; had roecr'Jv ! there, in which they voted that there i obligatory in the use of jho Hebrew worship, and accotrdingly that u y. neighborhood, who i Was a strong, athletic wo es man was in the habit of visiting the Distillery, and remaining often, davs at a timc. in a most " '4 . a a a stato of intoxication. His wife had come vp to the mark she has movie Jor vs. 1. .:!! 1... ! t Tt trhmnn'l rirr.r: Federal Whi2s .Jeflerson and Geo, . Mason Free ; tain it, only in part, astf 'badge cl th . . - . . . a. a, . I ATrm . t. 1 1 II C " trade Clay an .Abolitionist -pi exas, L-alilor-nla and Cuba Not much about Oregon." Over the whole : 44 Touch rcrif lightly on the Sub. Treasury- Hurra for Polk and the hard irorkina Cabinet and dare Great Britain to sUbiect of Oregon, as had been stated in the debate. He had noi professed Uo do frequently remonstrated with the Distiller, but j so ; not at all. If the Senator from Indi- I ! n, purpose he would sell. One day, her ! ana would read me message arain. o .. . . w end tvAni in mini i im n m i iicinipr 111 npr . that he was not there, but she persisted in the declaration that he, was. The brute of a man . attempted to put her out, when she turned upon him andithrew hint into a mud-hole, some two feet deep, and his clerk coming to his assistance she treated him ins the same way. She then 2 t. .1 . . J pse, arc. would be a 1 overture to do that 'bicn was contrarv tto the Const itut inn ' djlibhOfiaOablW to the nation'. The Pr- Mrtij had iriforinetl lis in his message that e bad idone: that very thing. He had of- PtrCtl lrt emr.t-.rr.hr.icri I Tl.n dmnlocf i U JMIpgicjusti'field a. conclusion from ' tllfh a.'! i ' all ' a al:.L- T-, "I "I a T.V wiijuiies M-ai 1 pc rresuient had done II al a.1 11 t . .1 wouiu see mat tne rresiuent therein in formed the Senate that in October, 1643, the American Minister to London was au-thorized-to offer a compromise, &c, He did not communicate all or any of the corres pondence with that Minister or his successor- He had not said nor intimated Horrid!--On Fiiday night Ia'st while a ne grq belonging to Mr. Franklin Connally was descending a hill in the rear of the Baptist Church, in this place, with a vagon drawn by six harses, he accidentally missed the road and was thrown into a deep gulley, he saddle horse falling on the top of him and the off-hand horse full weight on the saddle nag-; The boy was instantly killed, of course, and no person being alitv and a bond of union. Also.o:. f .' ion, that the Messitih h already ced ent toleration and comfort they rnj-.v!. is meant by the promised ?.!e?3ii!i. now there is r.r.thing to forbid thcr h c : ing with the nations ambr.g whom tl 1 ' ' 4 had made ah offer and vithdrawn it here: I whether it was - the same, or only 44simi-; j lar" to the one which the American Min f ister had authority to offer, who knows ? thH. were to manage its negotiation, still He reaffirmed our title to all of Oregon, was the President, and had the consh-1. to be sure ; but as lor that he had again tulional right and power to doit, until he! and again asserted Pur title to all of Ore- l.-J.l T'l : : 1 i' rmn.n m.nr-if to rf r C lilc onrrncnnnlunna found her husband in tho Distillery, beinr in that these instructions had been revoked 1 a dying jstate. She lifted him up, supported along to give the alarm, the boy and horses by our Government. He had said noth-t his feeble frame tcTher home, told the Distiller must have perjshed together, but for the vain Jnrr nnn tUnt nn.nt pltlioi- n-av Trti hoi that she Iwould oive him three davs4o close up efforts of lhe horses to extricate themselves ai- lllw . iltyii limb lVMUlvitul null A I UVi Ul o J . . a . , "T 1 ' 1 1 1 11 .? A -.I 1L . .i ..ma. 1 rval rftntl nis ousiness, ana 11 ne uki noi, sne wouiu urui iracmi'' mv aucwumi ui smiisiiwn a re-inforcement ofladics and tear it down. the second clay he sent her word he had closed up, and the Distillery was taken possession of, and opened for-a Temperance Meeting! Canft the Jadies do something in this cause ? S. C. T. Advocate. A Youn? 1 arlu llorrillu ileal irtl. A " a1 j , a' ' Lttr of Lucius haUr, of alatie, C!::::.' 1 ty. New York, wlile attending .he r f ! millrgot entangled by the hair cf l.ei J the machinery, The entire fc.ilj) w;:-! , her head, as low as the left eyebrow, j with her real p, came off her henJ in ! piece. The scalp is now in the Al! ! cal college. Dr. Marsh has but f.ui.X 1 her recovery. -A .imilair accident I.1; ; a mill in the village a few years ag". . 7 From the North Carolinian we I m . m aM r . . 1 ' w attention ot someiperson not tar i since tne nrc in raycueviue in June On distant, and who gave the alarm. A crowed have been putupio that town thir!e( n from the act hi! violation of our honor, and had ohations would entirely disarm him : the! with the British Minister, and in the very fflcrpd tp consummate an act which was amcindmehts wpuld "weaken our position,! act of proposing a comriromise he did all aii. tiiri Y.a.wi, Tvr. ...... .. ,i,v, vu3nii4iuu. . i..it:u uiuM nave formcdingirlar notions about what was as or well as his. For whether so designed S that. 1 He (Mr. H.) did not know any more not, still, in the eyes of Great Britain,!! about the state of our relations and nego- soon assembled!, cut the horses. hose harness, and succeeded in getting them erect. The poor boy was found buried beneath them with his face to the ground, aod terribly mash ed. It was but tbc day before that that unfor tunate fellow was seen passing our office ri ding on a coffin to receive the remains of a fel low servant. In the midst of life we are in death. Milton Chronicle. ft ntii npra! censured who asserted that thH would appearito be a Senatorial of-j! tiations witlvGreat Britain than other o tthaiaaa 4.a- 1', . a . . I a -- ' ' a, V 1 aaf . . i 1 A - - s tor a compro-i nator$, out tnese lacis wer be deemed worth we wairio; e tIVIir?1 ill itlic Tl ific n i fill' tC ik.-. 1 ! r. f Ad .IdiTPnoc fnr onmnrA. nntnr. Vint these facts Were before thena- i 1 - - - .f nil iJtt - 1L l iLil Cat r iui a Kill. I I I 1 1 . I , tw ill I 1 1 mm, Tw ill ill J s. iw vi ' ---- - . jjfntjiiatiqtvlaf what had passed, in t M jf a threat i f it "Should be done aga micht ,1 the miso, after that offer had just been refuscdj tion, and they I 1.1 X. a . a " I 1 . I ! . I, L CJ 1 1,1 irmn n t.i 1 mo 'rcculonl iiilrmul thn n'lllfltl lit. i rafiFiSalfl 1 . 1.-11 If III DKIUIK lilt' LltMlilir; M1UUIU as I . . .. ,.VMIU wv UV unllli ' lallU. HIV & II lib IIHUI 11IVU III-. II l I V H v.waavaa-- . 4 IKKI I... . .4 I" ! a r . . ! a- ' a . a . a m i ;Tiuas u'v.eact character ot the on- had torthwith withdrawn it. An otter I af resolutions, and t lie candor of the mjtde with that sort of hastv zeal, or the ,"M...ipr irom inuiana wou u eomi,ifl him arine.aranee ot it. imnrht eveite evneefa- 1 itiU that, the very end and design he tidus abroad fatal to the final settlement B ChKdIy vjew was to notify, to forp- ! "oft the controversy. VQihp President of what he fnighi'reck'-. on upon; if ho bhouldj accept from lhe Brit- government his pwn oilers to tlmt Go Terttn)ent for a. comp(roini:e ; for the rds tiofissay tolhim,';" Wo distrust! you; bt tare what you do' ; i 1 . Mr HANNEGAJj sait that wasexact 7 his object. : fin a, note published in the tn'0o,w Mr. llahnegan states that this given only tp the assertion that Wfesidcht'"! should bp careful how he Proccrdcd 5h future .ri: j ' i! HNIlAYSVOOq iald lie knew he could JN mistaken. The language was too aiQ 0 mistake1, andithc motive top obvi- -tTi 'capc detection. And was that Jncepspre pf the President VrS Was t,,:1. insulting reference to what the' siknV had done ?i There was nb lan Si-)y!wliic a Senator of the United could mor6 dttectly and tinef pivp Jf nsure" the Resident, unlesji they jwu descend- to borrow terms fr the Wf from the Vocabulary ! pf ilack- - ' '". or any other senator, had But (Mr., II. said) thje Senator from In diana had maintained1 that 44 negotiation had ended." and With an air of triumph hp had j read quotations from the Presi dent's Message. All this might be so, and what then ? If the-President had already taken gj-ound, as the Senator supposed, for all of Oregon or none if he had al rejady committed Himself, and the nation toj that position, then what more did the Seiatorj want ? For what purpose should it jbe reasserted evpry day ' Did not the Senator. apprehend that these oft-repeated andjvipjent assertions of our rights and high resolves might bring our courage or oursincerity intoquestion before the worldfj Did he not see that Great Britain would, be mislpd by it to suppose that we were, actually alarmed, and disposed to play a game of brag for Oregon, and that we talked to Ikeep up bur 1 national courage ? If the PresidenCs'Message-was correctly inferpreted by the Seriator, then had the Chijfi Magistrate c one precisely what the, SenatoV wished : and yet he, a friend of the President, desired-theSenatej to say sume as a point settled a ' fixed fact" with the Senator from Indiana, that 44 ne gotiations had ended." He certainly might BIBLE TEETOTALISM. By referring to the 1st chapter of the Gospel of St. Luke we shall find, that the; Lord sent an Angel unto Zacharias, the father of John i the BrnsT, saying, that his son should "be i Animal Magnetism. For the last ten or ; great ih 'the sight of the Lord and shall be filled twelve days the citizens of Edehton and vicini- ; with the! Holy Ghost." ty have been occasionally entertained by the I Andifpr what was John sent ? Was he not experiments of Mr. Mills with this wonderful to prepa'fe the way for succeeding generations and mysterious;agent.i In many of his experi- 1 to walk fn, and did' not (iod set the seal of his ments, he hasjbeen thought to succeed very t m : 1 . 1 . . I tl i . 1 "I a,l ' af approbation upon total ansunence wnen ne well, especially in exninuing uie power oi mag- 5ent an s.n;el to Aacharias, telling him mat ism on the physical trame. in phrcno-magnet. brick buildings, arid that seven more ly completed. Contracts have a!i-o b for further extensive operations in ti.e ! ! .1 I .i" ! line in me sprmgj The Favcttcvill Obsencr states t contemplation to erect several luqct,:; lories at that placel: Mr-T. S. Luti : has already made prrarjemenis jo j operation, advertises tor-XU.UUU tarn ti l r ? Dean Swift saVs a kwoman man cud her says a k stockings, but not ter hfovv . . . - :1 not her hp ; thread lie streets. her needle, but n & ., . . 4 ' . ' ' ' i A (r his should drink neither wine nor strong drink, nel ism he has also made some satisfactory cxhi well insist upon them as; abundantly suffi- and that;h(. shouldJprcparc t!)C wat beil;rc the bilious, but in this branch of the science his cient to excuse an inquiry of the resi- Lord ? :.;,f God( wanled ft man to ,je so. sucqftss has been mnre iirnUed. As we do not ber to prepare the j way, how much more does profess to be sufficiently acquainted with the ' he want! his. people tobo sober, that they may subject to treat it philosophically, we abstain "".iT,?. walk in l4 that narrow wayrf' "Let us who fr0m making observations to the credit, or to j ow cfn i Slander The fditoof the Pitt,! rican says ne Knew a oun- ian, . ..liar t am an hniiri ' When RCt was III 1 W dent, when taken in connexion with the, lapse of time since the date of the last cor-. responueuci. &eui iu iun wcuaic. anu : wa k inf'that narrow wav possible resumption ol negotiation oy him are jn the day be sober. Tfi. Adro thirty years ago, arm wo could dii hut weak tea. who is iw as 1121V - i i i with the British Minister, before the Pre sident's own friends voted to displace him from his appropriate duties to censure him by irnplication, or to threaten him by anticipation. f !l Some interlocutory remarks were made between Mr. Hannegan and Mr. Ilay woodwhich the Reporter did not hear so as to render them with certainty : alUit which . i. ; j Mr. HANNEGAN said that the Presi dent had given the information in his mes sage as plainiv as A, B, O. was the necessity of asking him we should move or not. He whoicould not understand the plainflanguage of the President, that the negotiation was at an end, must have a singular obliquity of mentarvisionJ He (Mr. H.J had then pn ly to pursue his own course. he should see ticular coarse GREAT SNOW FOR VISCONISN. On Vednesday qight and Thursday morning of last Week, the 24th and 23th Dec. inst., snow felt to thfe depth of 19 or 20 inches in Racine anti ils;iJeighboihod ; which is, we believe, the greatest fall of snow, within the same space of time, that is recollected by our 44 oldest inliabi- the prejudice of the operator. He has crtainly given great attention to it, and possesses the faculty of eliciting many curious and interest ing phenomena in his art. Hej Was not o for- tunate as to brimr out a Clairvoyant, a charac nd drinks hUkey. alk sd l- I t i Ode Comfort. A ladylx'ing a j a man who wak small Li'statur?, 'w he was a very bad Otf 11'. fl'" ' ;r u ia ,ari thel-e i one com!, it .... - -..vv... , . , ter which we were all extremely .villous to see. i,J Iri this part of the science, it s. said, he has ; . -Inkori was held in T succeeded elsewhere ; and, perqaps under more favorable circumstances he might have succeed, ed her?. He leaves us, we understand, in a ,veffi no! mHun Si i . r .wo fid.be South, inng .o a snon lime, in iue iuusw ui imi.e. jucn tort Sentinel. i ! ! of sriowjat that plaqe, only 23 miles norA of us. Sonte 15 miles south ot u$, there was compara- And Where t! veV hi 1 l,u!e ; and wo f arn hat ,west of x I tu v tuh river, (23 to 25 miles weft us) the snow .s The N im wnetner i a,o . The aviest of the storm seems ; torn amo, Norfolk' Herald notices a singular cos- amon; the negro draymen of that ity, nho, to have spent itself upon Racine ai.djits vicinity, by convention, have established as & law among WiNTEii is now presented to us m full costume. themselves that anydrayman. who; shall work 1 i j P 1 Racine Advocate. - for less than the Utes established by ordinance i .1' r ' I . I shall be whiDnedif Two were detected Friday in this underworking, and were duly flogged in a retired parti of the city. They evinced a " law-abiding! resignation, and took; the lash without resistance;! 1 ; ! MoveWnts are bri foot for the (purpose of If hereafter ' civilizing the Western Indians. They are civ. proper to pursue an par-i ilized-tfhey drink Whiskey, steal, and use to he' would move withot ! bacco, J; JKx4. : m. Tr.i In election was held in the 15th ultimo for Governor and i:. the Legislature. 'JThe ireturns inoca; elected Governor. P. Henderson is 1 i i Bear IIun!ing.- letter from ( countv, states that therti had been sport in that neighWhood aloiit;t!.e i 4 It appears that the! grea.t fires in tr Swamp last tail.lbajVing Pek-oye-I t:. had dr'nen great numbers of bears t ' lenance on-ii oururis y anu a i.. free vrilh the pig, A:c. rfi the Urr.yr-, turned out in pursuit ir,thcm.nnd i i : of a few day they killfd no less t! full groiru hears, be-jidel takiug on r ' was treed by tbe dogs. uairrn j . , ! 'I- !: n. tn l. r-1 ; i : - -J ..'1;. f - ' t , 4 r i j ; r. 4 !- i - in 'f 1: