t .ivi. brnknnnm in adyhnce h J.d 'ii Pff cent Jjifihfcn J, ) . . ;. , , . aioit'ifJ permit will be made to iljose . Marine if ' LINES TO T 'or' the Watchman. njJ,rjt'ii fArW IB M, a year previous loher niouhaFtie,crh.'tme Mary,; " f Jhan atf ibsit ft Vigtj f I - it jhriuVtfpn th nf hnt, ' 1 . V J That nV'f ea i rain-' f never tienr ;hy . name, Mary, - "' '? ' Put With' a f.irob rtbaitj, ) ,' . To tink Hf ovcil, the lost, ' ' i Will nrdr rejay ,; n. 1 jAnl J"1 1 V tl,,,e' wrli Iarv ',-' '). "Iovcf:i1rrgfn(t!e .vpi;e,j:!;' " ' ; j low ttf-nark thy fairroirm, J. And '?(' thee still tejjoice. . ; I love thr$ for ly name, Mary, 1 ; . Ami foe ihinf! own ijwpM sake, , Anil'fain y ouU I., if pkjwir were mine, Tliy patti su I flowery .'make. Thine w a happy lot. Mary, .': ; Ho cherished and 90 blest, j v.'. With; all ttujt earth rain give to thee ; " I Hat make not eoi'b thy, rest. 1 Fof tears W ai hej,.Mary , Thprr;Hnffitf sieadfaat here-, ; ,. I Jipiiw ili( thop rrtiit alied them, love, Must sorrow, grieve1, and fear. ;r 5 what'will be ?hy ye, Mary, i In future days and. years,- , What W(x, What aoirows, may be, thinti AVht Bconv onditenrs! f rri'hn'cef bn eh rlv crave. Marv. j ,Atind ftiy yojuhfil liloom, sir he uht wins thatt irusiins heart. May ledve tlire, fur the tomb. Ctit yet oie hope rrtniaina, Mary, One light tliet globin to cheer, It is no wan'd'ring tneteor c!eam, ; Ijetfjirtg to di'serts drear ;: Give (folkiiy yjouthfnl heart, Mary, He'll ticit reject. tl)y!;i)lea, And thert.jqonie weal or woe, Mary, All w Dectmber 13 e v lit, -fell iw'fh thre. F rotu'tlie j"ew Yorli (Toarier nnJ nnrjuirer Mi nentlfMn'hriinativi.' of Matanz Inl u if h lils fnhinlv on Statrn 1 . - . 1 !!. - j V I ' i , 1 ' , ' : , i , , . : i. . : , 1 . ' i k 1 ' I , ,,. - 1 ; f ' , .-! . ,; H i ,'! "l ' ' 1 -V! , f " . hiv ; -. 1 .-l. ; 1:11 Jill : 'r AP)MJalrl o -l.dili-' ' r " i1 - ' ' 'H -'''.4 l,t.'iy4V'.:l.J'.tll.:-a; : ,M?:Hy?:lh--"n.4U"-----'l BRUNER'. &i JAMES, Editors $f Proprietors. SALISBURY, N. ., FRIDAY, IfEBRUARY 20, 1846 thfc bogs; d I ;H i)ke-tire odds five'tliei 14 : ill A Wapiungton Feb. 71846. niipal ; an thars a par of the primPstlTXT1,nTw ; V.itt rvr Ltio aidt?q. hntr flint vr wuc tultonoil tViaf Ive misj : , i ? jure, that swamjVihoKs isnowahpkd of all!) .diirespondencepf the Bait. Americwi.J-r J j giving!tothe one' orjthn other parly the1 tVi assertion, that n- woman can never be s With Mr. Chtv's Jiccpp!anbe ol litis present 1 content & of ihe several letters as time and ! ....1'.!...S .... -!l - :.... l. .... "1. Hi 1 ' i ? rr J ' i! 1: ' LU: J' Ml I -f- I I'flied on 'h an emergency, when? courage, ; -jis almost .to shalve. his arms offi PON t)E N GE'The Oregon Question! At ball ;pasji two o'clock to-day,rthe Pre sident pf tbe; United Slates transmitted "to the House of Representatives thej corres pondence called lor by a resolution of the terrilorv. ilhn tvn shninld afterwards aurre to a division, t 'niijjht le.-id jtrt an invita tion tb the arbitrators, it i$ also said, to make a division of territory, ithe whole of ther, and fire now surrounded by such an array! of manly hearts ajid steady hands as miinht ivell deter even si Jesuit from another atlempt to rescue them. The, hroUieim-law and sister, lefi New jd ver in the swmp yunder ;apd ef yefll;j Orleans in? so great haste, they did L not I tkke them and put ihem on yer giieat tarrrih pause to scenatn Avhat became ot the t k vej heerd so mtigh ot upinlvaintack 1 m : husband, llje priest r the paramour ; but parfaitly satis)et. It'sall 1 askjd jest say I it woiild If very unsafe for either of the. j- f jVll-.take the crjtters alofrg ; tliat's whai i formtp to e seen in: this vicinity again. jj want to be at.! ; There is one. circumstance connected with 'j Mr. Clay, still smilinsr nodded Vssent. the extraordinary voyajre. which ought not 'Enough said old stand by, 4c reamed ! Committee on Foreign Relations' 1 pro- son why arbitration should rtot be resort to .he,' omitted, astrivinirthe lie tooft rpnpn. out the, swamnprl whri was sn rtvrinvpn i eeed to mvft vnn as frill an nhstrao.t nf trip ! ed to, r t -The New Vnk Crrc al Iatw'Hicnct'r, of I'ub. rp'niou is most deccVc'.yt . the AdminUt ration. as 'evinct-'l i correspnJ?.ire lately puS!U!.fi!. I remark. I reier to r.ll i!.?.t c wlio feel da interest to cur r.at! . hptrd oa the ahjfct va?, tint ? t- !tratewas inliscrtet., !.!r. Ike : . -ltter gives satisfaction (t( nt-m-, iininf.ed.i TLcre ismucUshuf.liu j ; which e!J Col. Wiilott usnS tr ssy Umntom the. tntiiti i ga in t 'were pri'narinjr t r m avt ay. j- j .Dut ih-re is autitlier ra r-I c :r nreied with gteat dillicu!ty, but u !. appears like ihiv writttig :i t!. v geulleinen, lu laifcd f prrf ria i'? n. ! ! whichjs claimed by jibe United Stat es.-. Tm K;, was uxlrt line atone woqm tie sunmtiieti. ii ine u nited States should consent tb arbitration, hai nt rnft tl.e rx:ec:;i has int pa-s.ed the r,'5 i 1 but the concluding! portiutiK ;of the. letter Housejjirid to which allusion wa's made j destroy all hope ot that. T(re Secretary a day or two ago by thelChairman of the then says that he will state ft single rea- 4 war. It VeeitH that i:tlr f-eli f !1iU i: vc tl. tw enough i circumstances will permit. "ft- m ?ira I . rieticed el-here ; T. frm a Washinjiton pap j 4The reo!uiiti to'gi notice did ii"! pa quik in ll.e t mnnv otinrs diitrrn, nT d f t: ed in the fartw danai fti a-il c:i f great nia-s 4.lh. Ieo;2: to cn ?ure m-roWr f h i f to ptir.uf ; they m it 1 .ik t th i r r f for that. ye lielieiV tl. Tt-ere friends .f ! wy.V of Orri ! hfst iIm'V c-ihiM.. Sllul I danger, the vh!e q,u!:i'n Iy 1 1 I - I MrjBJ does not believe the mtere$ts i and claims of thisjnation will admit of hr- fortitude oh nreseneeof mind nrp. rennirprk said Mr. Clav : the. hnjrs'll trn vii,l Thur i The. first letter is dated TW 13. '1845. bitrationi 1 hese claims are set tort ti at Th sisterj who volunteered to lend her Voorn by the first boat andsye iv-ver see( j and is addressed hy Mr. Buchanan to Mr. length;. There a rpij thirteen grees of ter ; aid inthis)erilous adventure, (or the sole 1 pothin so prime it; the hog line, J promlst McLatfe. Mr. B;"statesl that Great Brit- j ritory! upon the Pacific' in idispute. lie 1 purpose oi taking charge of 'the -children c.;; farwell. God: bless ye. Lo6k out. fori ain is making warlike preparations, and then further states the continued convjic- 1 health, entirely unfitted for any "great ex- j browd) ihe raal giir.sir, geniiirje swamp ' erdeenjio the fact; of the) preparations, to that the United) States lutvej the best ttle i!."' i ertion. mobh less a voyage f three thou- ; jscrougers, but they'll speak lor tfyemselvefsj ask hi opinions upon them, as well as to ' to the whole territory ; the j territory it is j;t jjf m.JmJer3 Xyi,0 hu!J t':Z-i . sand mit ! ; nut it was perlnrmed ly her ; jwneu ye get them along. Uo bless ye, ; give njs own views in relation to these : aucg i uiucu iwore atuu,oic iy mc:u- t4ions i ...i. L,...;., P... ..41' i r I n.nn.i:t:,..,L i 1 nitF! States tli:in tn P.n l:ml Xn matter ll .. . . - ' . . i miiui ii linn iiimi hi v- mii iiii i in , iui niKi" II Kii;n i ii 1 ill mi . ' ; i iir lauinuiis. . . - . , ... - - ; lrp the party tone day and night.' the who e I liv the time, he had cot through with. a I S JMr.tMcLane in a letter dated January I nowever intelligent or respeciaoie. tne nr- 3, lo Mr. Buchanan, says that on the 3Mi hilrators may he. H is said, tn concluson, ultimoihe sought an interview with Earl I 'at the claim of the United States i$ of Aberdeen, 'and that it was not easy to ob-1 so good a character as not to be hazarded tain definite information or categorical ! by arbitration. j auounio 1 1 will uum . . UUl I llclU IlKUU - . . . - . . v ,v...v.. . v j ApA tntVio nivu,-! r-.i Iz-vc- U 'n A rr.s:.vl t, sionon the minils-nf the inemhers. It ivmsm u v. u i i i ii uiiuii.?. iiuu ui iinsru uiai i - - ' - ...... - - --------- - - - - - - - - . , , r , -" - 5 (list ance, going and returning, and slop- ijthts. he had worked his way out of-the ping only its long as was absolutely nec- ;jcrowd that had been gazing upon him for essary to revive exhausted nature. Such j jsome time. In an instant more he was . conduct brings its owp reward; and the. lids'1 has Ihe additional consciousness of having, in! this instance, rescued heir sex illy at the idea ol the hogs speaking from the opprobium of being unequal to .jthemse.lves, but the earnestness jfc wars: jon his horse and away. j i ! Mr. Clay and'his-triends laugljied hearli- lur nlh they had relerente to a rupture between ELLA!. IONS never E X IM. IA01 U ) 1 1 A 1 3 Y; Tit A NS AC We need liardlv K'ry that it ha Wtf the ctnijrse'ofJ hjs paper tt rrtake a rv, r,en inoi usiaitt. niiwsjotfl ' pti v a 1 1 a f H t i r k ('; a 1 1 fa m i I . I 1 1 1 t h .Wb od ol thiNt ciltv has recentlv b crirf of onr (if ie Wbt oxtraordin wrrehces whicli. eyeY '.took place ' ftrnttrriimyiM'liijh W cannot relni ti'.ucing.; tinu we ni iHle to it tor line Kiue.joi iretotmting t)w. f tiim.bvhich jiyhK hhruglit about in t .Mtfirjdar atul ihanpy 'manner. Sjmeje:(k'j ijgo, a wealth Span I nia arrtvei; j (Irz, late h ni t lie the iry j)c in ;my tin from now only rtniua- ic most vnsiting ;pltj a; jwijfe Mil, 1 -fcm.'ite ''iiiVtiiitl'jtitSi r's a Jcsijilical pr whom the mtothe lainilv. taking witli hitii t Jrent also..' Ii iefore : he went (ire? frnmJiiS bankers in tins eit rnont y.in ihctr lianVM, about STO.i wasiMtppoetl that the fugitives h to Itst(Vtr for jl!i pilijue of Jaki a;rP)u the !eanser r I England ; on ennuiry, it wnsi 'jvscerlatnett w n i e . pa n v 1 1 a 1 1 t a K e u (HI passage -I at once bin possession was learneit charge of larceny would just ly lay ki. A jblati Avijs'r nf nme" o f rl cii ve 1 1 n g t tmr tmiJren and as 1 ihe j) nest,, a and three c sldehcc in company est, and a orautirul priest .had introdueed ic eh li ft WaV, ihe. all the 00, and d gone it g pass- bur tip- that the r New for Ihe of the hat the against warrant e iniliicltthey had. V fiijljtivrslijjtisaihlpl puju lo watch lor emergences. Since tjfie foregoing was in type. we. find the following statement in the New i Orleans Bee : Arriciilhnd Arrest. By theshipFranco- here yesterday, a Mr. Hernan resident of New York, togeth er: with a Ijidy. a Catholic clergyman and three-chililreii, came passengers on! their route to C iba. Immediittely alter j their landing. tiii clergyman Was arrested by Capt. VoliiMies, and lodged in the. pitrish jail in defiult. of bail to the amoiint ot SI 00,000 lor his appearance lo'answer a series ol qliarges to be brought against jof friendship ishoyn , by the! stranger j England and thc'U. States. Lord A. said ISbroughta kindly glow overall .the hearts that liev were compelled of necessity in listened ito attentively by all the House. lreadv have ptitim5 been preset.'-. frvendi f ihe Anti-Rentrrs who are i ed, praying the Igi!:viure to pa?s a : dining thin. The ih;ict i? a genrr ' ty ; pardniiing ti4 onlj those who 1. convicted, hut. nil tho. who are nti ' and ilmse. who are charged with cii; :; ' not et taken, hating uVd the St jti. iag dune, the lal actff the frco present. i And well it might. That man's, man- iiii tuiH' idllllll, I Ullgll, IJII) I illllCU o4ti iand tleliant though 'they seenjed, no one : would have been made without -regard to could help seeing, were the manifestations , the pdssibihty ol this rupture : and turther ot an honest, guileless, whole-iouled and , that those preparations had been com disinterested friend of the gre;kjt man the j mencd before the probability of a rup sight ol whom had so ovet jofed him. j ture was thought of that these prepara- ille had all his life viewed Mt Clay with j tions (lid not relate to distant places, but the same feeling of wild enthusiasm that to ' th defence id' exposed situations at the ps"ent asjwqt of affairs to looktolhe ! with an order to print. The motion was j 'S .0,:;"" possilMlify of a-rupture with thtU. States, carried, and the House immediately went ! ".'"Ad-t" .VXeU. He sad, however, that the preparations mto eommtttee ot the Whole on the Un-) t y McLvne that Nvouhl have been mnile. wittimit TMoranl tn ion. ' i ! ! i f ... i . ..ir...:.. ix, resi- Iland. i i Id re n, him. rrohi all we understand the par ticulars attending this a Hair are of the most unhappy and hear-rendering nature, ! as it wouli appear ft hat they involve a ! case of dHprce. a suit for $100,009 and! very niRicijng domestic lioubles. As the i all'air will oon undergo a judicial Stives- ligation, w shall say no more on the sup- - jeci ior i fit present I so.-many thousands entertained lor Gen. Jackson, during his lileiime. i lie had slaked and lost 4 his pile on old Kentucky.' and would do it again, a thousand times, if the occasion 'offered. He lipd allowed himself to believe that Mr. Chiy was ' the greatest man alive ami . w hep he found himself. Ibr the first time in his presence, his joy and excitement fairly! overthrew him, and could have laid dowti his life for him on the spot, with a feeling lof triumph. and when read-Mr. Inreroll moved its ! pardon the murderer. reference to the GiimmittHfJ ni' ihn Whole.! I notice that while senator ALLi: v. mgnn theUiegoii reohjliin. .Mr, .M v. in the. Mii-jin - Uion of lyirJ A lie nitico .' I received a ffenjive i (ireat IJri:u i Allkn refused to answer.! Such a i been circulated here. If the furn r founded, the art is untvorthy nf the 1' if itlis. home! These defences were onlv a Dart of a prudent protection. Lofd Aberdeen again said of the defen ces that they had no particular reference to IhQ Uregon question. J From the Boston Ail YOUR "BltlTISlK PRESIDENT." ! That 'portion of the people of the Free States who believe in the necessity of j Protection to labor and industry, but; who ; At the sarnie time- it acconuU lr ttu ( timi T ihe war champions with the ike ihe limine haVeoiHMited t pu-, i i it.. .,r..' i' wereUhduded into the support of James 1 WVUIU x " i ! p V t- ii. i- n -i . i ; i - i l . T 1 motive which influenced Mr. 1 :U t i. roiiv ior rresiueni ny : ivane Letiersj, i . . - Scc, were told that there was a large ri: l,resa,ou : terest in this country associated and allied ; , . with British interests, and that that interl 1 e rf Import, ml from Cula. . Keljar, arrived at in thirteen day spa - There is nothing p i Md McLane thinks that these prepara- j est was using the utmost of its power to , Joseph, Capt ionsthad reference to the defences of the 1 secure his election because, they knew on Tuesday, y he would if he could, in case of hisicleo Matanzas. How refreshing must the contemplation of mr WeHnke the inllJwl.ur ...nwlt of,,. such feelings and conduct be o the mind ry from tlie llasf number of that.spi)hftr a public man when he places it in con joiirnal ilif Coneonlia Iiitellig-eiicdr": r;,sl xv,it. --oorse ot the polished, lai;n ' ., Ul . ... i - .' L . ' ing seeker alter place, of triej hcnr.u . ... vv inH tiay :amt T r.e crown o! triends J tlatterer who measures out ids declara wh had acpompamed hnn tothe landing.Si,;on tf frrwUV,;, h i,;-.nuUn.u ..c at Na'ehezj to sliow respect to his depart ure on S;tii(lay last, were waiting jon llu bank until Hhe beautiful P ward, worships the man only sentative of the. darling office, vhich a turn nncess pre- ()r ,Kt, liniitiPMi fi,i m..v nh.eU in his pared lo j-.eqeive her distiiiguished Jguest, sj0wal. ' 1 i: all of a sudyVu. their conversation yasin- : ; ; ternmted; b the loud, free, andseerjiingly FROM THE CHEOKfcES. I learUss yoifce ol some one breaking his tions country. Mi. AJoLane also says to Mr. Buchan- , tion. destroy protection to ! American free ; new m ,h0 p iper1 1ut the' fits " an tUat.he has tmahated confidence in the ; labor and pVomote the interests of the lor.j- ! from lhc Herald's correspond. i tranUnessandstraightforwardness ol Lord , ly establishments of England, by making r ?. Aberideen, and that he displayed all these OUr ports as freoas possible for the fecep-, t:int : 'lu j qualities in his interviey with him. ! ti'on of-lheir productions. ! Since his elec- Mataxzap, Jan. 1 . Mr. McLane th'mksforhimself that they ' tion, his messages and the movements of We profit by jhis opportL;.: (. he ih l'enci s) may relate to the state of his party confirm the opinion that they ! sailinrom this port of the Ai i i . I a.iaip in uioh-. j will oe laithtut to the toreign interesis, tci i Joseph, to inform you about tl ( 1 im not prepared to state, he adds, bow what may of evil come upon the hard la- j state of this country at the; pie. : lar We have a right to demand a disclaim- boring peoptvufthv U. States. His med- The despotism-'and atrttcio ei iioni me uriiisu iuuusier as to tne in- itated course is so wc um ers ood in l-insr- 1 u -fstiiti trwv. .i as a repire- j tentin of his Gavernmept, in making pre- land, that British papers speak of (t as: a j arrived at the highest decree o thibbgh th wav ty. . : ii 4 Whar isj J.,, if .;.;ti ' 1 15 lilt 4 I till It 1 UI I It, X L VI 111 outer crust ol the par- I , ,, ; , , , Li . 1 ; 1 be. recollected by our readers that a nUm- oul(, our reunions w. a ing mna ttiese and Smil!;s European Tunes, dated preparations, whether designed in refer- Lrpool, Jan. 4 From Uiat print w enec-to us or not. will -result in the fact the lwo aragraphs wl.ich follow : ! lli'll Ii lur nrifl ...ill nv.nt Vi m ... I lhal England will exert her utmost pow . S. 1 ... .. .1 . -I i er, jliiu exeri ic io me utmost possiote in- The enlistment for a militia, t!n yas got ou for Ins is dd 'Glorious?' arrW, acconipntiuHl by a requisition' on the; tlovernor ol! Louisiana from the Gov- rrn( r of thi State. ; . iT io brotlier-iri-liiy and sister or the de sert d wife, Jncebuipan led by a police olfi cerpf tfjed' zeal andl intelligence, started fw.fCfw OriehTSsvil'Jj land, their sole ob ject! h'eitlg td get piitftesMon of the children by air or foul rkiehtis. Fortunat ly they rr'K.rd dt New Or ans beforo the ship he ? eh ! Whar is he ?' which w i " i II .1 ' . . .'I - hvr of the leadihir Cherokees. Willie Tia- "rypP0" an me interests ol Uic U, in IV niul Oh! ShII IfM- riMrtis. wfltif nut nn ilir ! CaSPfOt War. ' ......... . . v v . . r . theUcrr was fo hrnst the priest UK I e rec-rennt hushnnd Would 1 1 " ' - : . ill'.1... . giargp of larce.ny will the 'silter hattiTd i and clothdd ready fur he reiurn wurne.y. 'Vherf the vese NiiVe in sight, on board a . I . - j ' - 1.1,. L l Vhich it was Mi.p posed the fugitives DHdUaken pii.vsjige;, the ofheer and firolh- " , l III; I ill ICf I HI UlmJI3Cr fl I. I IW prqti lioard, arwl ii "Ml ley were on board. rhe latig tage and tlie style .and the ve hemence t"t hi speaker, who was a tall, powerfuatd Waliby looking countryman and vho;y:s hewW a passage lbr him self to the centre of the crowd, as lie spoke .drew all tfyes towards him. As1 well as others) Colonel i, who Was cloe Mr. Pakenh.lm. in a letter dated 27th December, tqijr. Buchanan, says: The undefrsigned is instructed bv his irovern- i along side of Mil. Clay at ihe titne. was instantly tickled Witliilhe uianVcountenancei as he usually is with the appearanct of any ason to bel eve the,, t.bhig frohi which tyort may be extracted. and a boat was em- - llillo&mh old sJud !' (sung out the Col. er. on board of which as the man approached) what do you want vfVe theoticers nn(.bfofherdn-lniv. while to.' enter ypnrself for ?' a carriage Was kept fmconsfant retidiness, V harfis he I a odiously cried theistran- . i . . ... . ger. looktiigl around him.. j ' i. WhoT e(i(piiretl the Ctdontd. : Who T- t!he Devil' (pushing thej Colo nel asidejj who should it be ? why, the old boss himselh I mean? ! para ions lor hs delence, but he adds, it common matter. Caletlonian. i certain inai u a rupture should grow-j jjy the Hiber6ia we received W Imei'.s sion ol a great number tl uU oui qi our relations with England these sm!.!,1 P.,Vr..ro! -t .t;e.T I .vr,n.i ;,.. r it,i' ir..w-rv;f,. r , ' l.v VJIIIti II J H I w ji c... - l.llll .7, ut.l I- AA X t AIIIJl..lVtl .'I 1 1 1 1 I . I I y 111 (. e cut tne inirouucuon tu new ana i j taxes have excited, at lat, l!. Speaking of Polk's Message, the Times . indignation, and die opinion of ti says : II J ls almost pronounceu. i Upon Ihe whle, then, if the Me .sage lias j 'wMt.',nit VrnP' (! not given all lh sUt UJltctitii, in England; which j J ,h,s llUil byithe govt rti::: the friends and well wishers of Americaldefife, j States, has I curbed us .with . ii has its fiv.irahle p.int that of Free Trade; ! ibje pleasure, am( ,has Vchoe.l w ...,rl ilia i.on(;..,f Iriiimnl. . jt' I ..... ' I ' r I , 1 , . I . , l' . , i ! Ill illV M 11(1 HUi(lUi:iSin I!l I'Vl ! . e- . ... - : I nuu iiiu in iiuiii: iiiuiiiiiu ui i;il v iuuvi'iiiivi- J . J ' - - - - - -j . meni 10 propose i ne reierwng oi tne whole Ieg wilf in a!l prVjtl.ility. he a.-cmpajii.-d hy ! ami y every 'Cn blc heart, quesjion to some Sovereign or State, and . a satifactorv adj.istment oj'tl;d h.me ofcnteii- ! An agent ol thgovci nnv nt thatJie believes, great good will refult to j t;on, the Oregon. Polk and Peel agree as to j ion. with the hVlp 'of in.r bie : hot hi governments from such a reference ; the necessity of ihe first why tint of ihe last Anglo-Americans, might lie n. ! hftt he thinks' a resort to arbitration the alternative V I i . i tain the object ofj't lie pu'reha.-.-. best course lbr both governments, and! Again, in at hiding to the Message, the millions heiiigiiefiaiy io it. hopes that it may be adopted., . This pro- sam paper remarks : ' tives are disposed" to the rb-oj . i position iproot; he adds, of confidence in ; ..The Arnt.ri(.an Piesident!s Me.saneL which ! all means; on thnt tnirjibsei and u our ( he bnhsh) claim, and desire lor i vvas ook,.j t(, u iiji some suikiety, pr.Kif e.J no ; organ of the opinion of the. grc a; ...v. ,.v ....v., ..V..v. in onect on tne inarKei. ii i vanun iu-hi-u uit ui uinn. .& t.l-n ' . ..-1 . will isee ty the Oiler. l,r HifTn-iMit n:n-iiek.- hut on t he who e. Is con- ! - prairies of Texas early in September last Ibr the. purpose of. exploring the country, and probably with the remote! intention of removing, provided an arrangement ffor that purpose cduld be effected '. with the General Government. The party made a pretty, thorough; examination of the coun try ; and we are. informed are highly pleas ed with it, particularly with the country high up on the Colorado river.- We sur mise that it is not improbable that these portions of the Cherokee people will soli cit from the Government' a sujtable scope of count rv - with rin eve in rnmnr.-il. nml as a means of terminating the! everlasting Mf- PainhaIP sa)'s also thatthe terri- ; sidered favorajilelto the pacific settleinent of! mpnrt,n,t from Cherokee difficult it's.--Burcn (Ark.) tor P tl.spute. is small compared with thefj the negotiations petxhng on th Oregor tern- ! ofutiot,.A letti-r Whi"-. i j -importance ol pteserving pes i ace1 between lory, and with a regard to a -revision of ihe ta- ! two such countries as England and the , riff, it cannot hiir act FAVORABLE TO BIU- 1IUI1 1.1 IlillliUIUi The Manchester Guardian also says : But; whateverifatilts tb,e message may have in reference to thej Oregon- dispute, theni is owe it was t parnmouf and UUt children on bo tbf ;i vessel, I while Jiff accompanied pnnolhft Polic Accordingly on officer. itiaiding the vessel, the 1 . . ' and the priest was at he olhcer. find put. on conveyed to the citv. i 1 . - Kncr, were. Irustnated by .1. : iir ... 1. . . j 1 1 j .. . 1 . ue jiusfKinjl- Jailtiig to lollow the priest. it . i - ' . . ii 1 aiWtlie brdlher-iiir aw sidl disguised, re- iiacd oil JlM.thl,iichitig his 0jpot tuni i. '" si'to t he children. on rne ; seen neiore. starting nacK suuuenjy, ana V . . ..fir T . I M,c Mu xpected recovering from a momentary embarrass- ,TSse,Vr,m'7; 1UMV ,,u u,,c "IIh " 1 merW ,n l.;0 . i : , . . t 4l T ii. : carr eu one oi ine seamen 10 nip ; nopiuu. rprv tirm eaxe hisv ment. he exclaimed, By the holly, it is, i ... r.. . . . aiii,. J: , er) term. If . I , ft I OOI IIJC I-IT.I HUTU uiru, UIIU lilt JUIIll l.HI.W.l. nK fll vr kninoi! nlorl Iiii-L-imwi it ii nIH H :i rrv . . ' ' . f ' "11 ll O - i . ...... . ... .... - T .,...,!,. mar.nt-am. I .in n Ihaln.in . . I the his-sell th n rushin- forward, almost ! - , , j ' I .,?.X l:..iV ..1; claimed by - a T o ' iviifi i ri v;i im rii h eu ui iiiuii nn uir itjni part): were ;lbilbl, OllCft ."irrcsfi'il lU- wri fil -tlit! boat llo Ue 'hirir plan howc !tlje pAlice Odicl a it i iv. and l ! ' " - " V V - III . juih wasiept .idfiy i rj.; vn.-reaimihg life OHice flnd iiifi it, a, , -. lOfs I Oii !...!. I V'.. I ' ' Reports are ahroatl, vve learn, that the. Smnll ! United States. Pox is existing in VVilmin-. ,n. !Thedis(4P Jan. 3d, 1846. Mr. Buchanan replies, lis not existing here; not a singlti -ase 0f l ! atnLfeavS he hasjgiven the proposition just At thisinsiant he laced and at once re-1 he Port Physician informs us thjat at ihe Uos- j made the most serious consideration, the ciignised Mrj. Clay whom he had jnever ipitalf three miles below the town, there have j British government does notpropo.se to re- j part of it which will he rta3 in .ibis Country frantic with Soy and seizing hold of him with both- hjnds, he dtew him around af-. ter him sme hall"' dozen times, jumping,! stjimpingi sijigingj and hallooing as he wildly 'scat l fired the circle of friends near them, and mule clear the track' for both him and M ol sal illation w I Kentucky..' This whirling i ! i . . i is tiofie and. over in. a t winu- As.sot ti as It was over, without giv ing the individual aboutj whom he so en- o breathe, the stranger went ling wif December, so with that exception no one has been attacked with the disease here, and so long a time has elapsed since; that attack that all danger has passed away. Our author ities who are specially charged u jtb the duty of guarding the health of the towrilare exercis ing proper vigilance, and shouh cause for alarm, the Press will lioit fail to make it known. Wih Chron.- , Vbcnthe vessel prrived at thkvwharf ! tfiused, time ,n ttle' cji y, the htiJihand placed liisj para- ! oti-r- "oui; ahdc hildretiim h carriage a id drove Hooh ? Hurrah ! but he stand it nice .there arise .Uiiner.jfbrHtig into th b.rriage j ud a latdlyo t A S.'ricl Constructionist. Mr. 0- F. Nolan d st ion iof title to arbitration, but s partilion of the territory. The i thus 'proposed would prevent itration lor the whole i territory thecUnited States, and the Pre- siderit, he adds, does earnestly believe, that arbitration would lead to renewed difTi cultifs. The Pnesidenf, says he, cherish es the hope that the state of this question may jnot disturb jthe friendly relations be tween ihe two countries. Mr. Buchanan is told by letter in im mediate reply, that-the letter Of Mr. B. ; will be submitted to the British' government. Mr. Pakenhatn renlies further, on the - . , i . i i . e- . 11 r ill. I . . i. wnn unniixea sausiaction. e anuue. io in recotnnietidatioii to place the tariff upon a foot, ing more consonant with the principles of Free Trade." , : "j . j Here, all ye who think better of Ame rican than ofjBrirUh interests, ant who were, cheated by the Kane Letter IjrjVo'. .1' ' from Pens ar .- .', 31st ult. to the editors of the M ' aid and Tribune states that th r I brig Somers had jiist arrived nt ' from Vera Cruz, hringing' t!i" i: intelligence that Gen. Arita h i i against the P.ifedes Governtafi. lavor of the reAonttioii of 11 ir throughout the country tlri' u organizing in opposition to the j r ministration, assigning as ft n .. dread ol war and bloodshed. gretling their Jiavjiig permitted ano who . , . - i " " ,., to overthrow the Ilerxera Adinin r.andtbe Slidefl wa? Jfill at Jalap; can see .... . V- , ' i . ... i ......... ... ... I nu.'L.-Lt . I" tlia P. .11." W'A f-f t'f .11 , . . t. i r m i brightening piospep'S what these people think i ol your Presi-. 7 . V i .'u. ' 1 . . . . i Such is ihe. brief and h dens principles, wtio winio lilt ourcoun- . . . . ,, k,r....;. I , ., .. .. : nished by the Herald scorre 14 i . o::.! wrote just as the mail was !;:.; a promise to furnwi lull partici other letter. From the nature c ! ! ! telligence it is inferred that ihe Mexico. We were (says the X. 0. Jef- Mexico are not prepared to :: fersoman ol t ridav) yesterday shown Ji war with the L tiited States n try wnh the iruits of their labor, to the exclusion of yours! How ido you like the author of the Kane Letter ? i i:while the brbther-in-j ly, pld gehthjman.? I thought the last pop jwh to make a speech which shall not he jffve. o.rut '.rf .V."TV-4. mr. raKennam replies luruier, mi.uic ferson an ol Fr dav vesterdav shoWn a wur will. th.. IT,, ted States, at.. of Arkansas is said to have made jthe lolloping I'lfith '3anuarv. atid savs that he has reflec- i enm ..tima ;lfrinn who .... : t... ,.-r , . , i it M i . : ii uu, iiuiii ii l iiiiiiiiiiii in iui a " w lil.l'U LUUI1II t .3 VII lllw tii. speechmthe . , . . Mr. President Before the vo e is taken I tnA u nn.v PIUUvnr(i tn remove, the oh- , .. , i ...i :. . : - . I 1 - ! "u v " " " art; uiiMjrims.scu. mi i: i rn n uia u;.i- . i i .i between Mexico and ' must evenfuallv ensue. north with a good deal awatHll Viinomeut hf writs tHmdawf sntehU ,laf thilri in! hirflown earring, r xen1 foat ligjl ningspeed to lfMhieh1l,nf hnkWLMr V which i a Steam. u'tuiunjujiu oeeu, urui waiiinir aouui un!:thei:'river. readv fired un. sodn i ftttched, the engine was and in a . . . . f ut,(o: mb?ion, Iteafn fcrowded on, ' i vr5 MievT were rurUit; ': ' 4 I beyond the reach of children f ufficierlt to'Vav that th f!?5fftts f their doJtingrhb himself; with isesfof 0orj") ' jec,ions madfi to : arbitration by first quo- dJ(J opinion that war Claik was takVn ,inS t!,t;fllast letter Of Mr. B. ; and then re- the rjnitP(j States mi makie him pack !rrin& to it, says he wishes to remind the t is s,aje(J at hei nf PROM ST. DOMINGO TnfMlifrt.rci- fVonJlhe ciivof S" ..... i i 'low, but by the powers of Inmr f ClUpor nnd crisesfo bllowed 1 mujd, ef ye Hid anolher fair game of Folk' iVhen Genf George Rodgers ClaU he bus- r;1 to plan Ph'lieve ve'd take the pot yet. HnrUoner hv the Indians, they maBe him p-ck ! 'n ing io n, sa3s ne ut- ,u ,r,ii.uu ...c lt IS s,ated at the north with a good deal i frn . ..".4.1. Jainitrv has. bet ti the wo- Ye'd a tobk t last time, ef ye'd oui vi not H h skillet and things of the wh le party, Md ; oecreia.yo oinu- .Hu..g .. .u ol confidence, that ihe course ol Alexicp r. pi m I A - . - l . . ' ' T . I - 1 t 1 I . ' ; i 1 : w . l ? . - j ; , KA 1 .1 . .... 4 t t ri m. I -r c- . a ii h iiirrr i...i .i;:i 1 1 r . ' .1 i 1 . r 1 1 3 1 rv . 1 .! 1 - . 1 . An 1 ; i j.. inpnriiii;i 111 f y 1111 1 nr r At irin r cuinii r- l. ....11 . A 1 1 irr,ri rt 1 . m aw cuuuren remain, win e ie wem 1 sneweu ver iiano. isnt. sinic noiuics. Hkinnn wi n nnoo, Aiier uire.B ;or iou.r w 1 - r mu, in umsri, Wi uctw icu w 1 a f t imih rumors, t 1 ; . v. - .- r 1 . w:; ir r ' 1 r -r .... i . i -. . i .l tt . v-. w . . : i. . . . . :. - 111 ui.si um - 1 I- !.., UI. - , -.1 wnrn. nut with f:itiriic. Shut he could 1 UD OV: ine Ulllieu outiea. ouppusiuu, uc i,v mvnsirm nf ' Vtas nr.anv interlercnce . . t: ' :..f. tl.K ,1 "?"'- f p 1 v,""". 1 ,UV T VH( 4p f( i miyu 1J IIIIIVU IIUIIIIII iUIr j jIV MUJU" M j ' 1 I U L 7 t w I i Oil llU'l IIIV' i JUUI 4I"" put of sight, the. brb- vow can tell Somethin about; all but ku1lwith dithculty drag one toot atteii the other- ; now asws, inii uB ij.i.ia.i so.n.irm with our commerce, but will be ciuihned . . aU,,01itiet had taken pos .in . .... - w i h f . l i -m m 1 . 1 . 1 7 i u. . 1 ; .ii lei i i i w o rrPAn ria w mm i rm . . . -. - - . w iiimi Vi .L.i.ii... i ...... r.M,.ii i. Mtk;.t ' i iS.ho hi!ifThr ne a maive iMiiasucffcu-itucciNi win uunuui. n ur. riii ctnmw i.w inv- I'll IIIC L IIIUII ir .11111 IIIlIILr illlU, (1IJUUL 111(11. IV I 111 t llllllilil. iii.u-.". -- . . . r i . . ' .' I . - . I . S'l 1 ...... .It., .i.il luts nn mhimtinrr n I i T llere Jie tiiade ii halt to catch Wrriath. nrowingiiw m C ....... r), ( and Mr. CM who was both amazeklfand tfte s.reiched .ml his hands and sajojr Uentlemen J'lA Ai;,il h;d w Wb.nd i.nnLkr.,1 Indians' (Pee s of ; laughter). I -j propose 6al X lllli VM II 1 II liw f - a v a j. v W W f - 1 t - I. : 1 1 kmilfni Thars vvjh thing I say he dont know lioinm aooUlS vt.ni? conimueo anu iiiuw u swam pe adross it bar '-in r Louisiana is a . 1 ' V' - .1 lop tuc g ways ahead Of your boys up i a :ky injorMj thifisTan'weVe last ke un- wit; -a i ft ethers.- i An wan thi Ken- chin x .. i.:- -..i.:n.. i cci mail can, m - , ,( And so Mr. President I propose that every tate carry her cxn skillet ! in si mnir Ktpinfreiir a nn iPMimn m un ni i .....ii i.. n- ..m,. i . . ...-' ".'- .... w. ... w. . w. ...... i i ,mi iicrn. i ii i r ii l. i if .l l.i i . ; . . . United States toeler the question ol ti- 0f non-intercourse she has already partial- . .onlelbr proU'dion. 'j he cllv tie td any thirdpower ;! and if there are ,y enforced, and by the entire closing of . 1 lccl btaK 0f trahcuililvJ objections to crowned beads, there might uer DOrts against the vessel.- of the United 1 ' ' It is said that the English Government have e-cided on retaining the Island of Chusan, to btain turther concessions irom trip emperor ox China.. .; "j; f i ' her Dorts i ! i :.i : i ix nmiviki i(mtnicinn wnn n i nmnirp. . . : UC- A llllAVU vvuiiiiijiv.. I ...... ... j. . . , i Hips . . i ' ' rr-t X C 11. I L k. Ui .l('U.U;c., 1 ttfc' J ; ' ?aval. The Norfolk Lcr. OriUI IC tllllll ip 1. "UUIU vwinuia- i 1 . 1 ' ! t, XT f 1 t ' f- stonejre.otc.ito arbitrate upon (the matter.;!, icrAt least iwenty-fire tearnloatt have , lh uJ)Iled fze.e S,V ri-.UK-Au riKmv Mr Mannn1 i f. : .l '...V" . .jJ ij niu ' -rte 1 riewce has been ordered to U- n rn lui'tm "mi i w " j . iiffn iosi. m me u'iissiKSinni am pv.. replies, and 4saya th;at there is a conauion annexed in the last s plan of .arbitratton, and this is that case of a certain 'decision, ,K rflf.tr rvf T.TTrrt l thC : i ncA thA fircl nf .nl.m r la&t.. iseVCraJ Ol !' v . ' Y . the;ac&ctu Wertfattended by a ierioijs loak Commodore Perry, who is to u of lift. i: . . Iilw,,';,,. ; Jmodore Conner ca :bftt ..a'-ca ... l- i . i I "1 . - I ' 3 ' 1 - '1 . - . . I 1 V: .i !.?' '5'i ;'"4.-.f 4- ii-. .1 . ! i 1, " 1 - ! ! -i I.-- ' " ""' " 1 " " ",""' " r

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