i .. 3 ( ! v- i iV'- It i J ijferriwtnnt;,n iibk&tts per larmm " insprdd ftt $t perfsTiare. insertion. a' sOUTin: The Yiasburg m,.Cat the pass -issrppt Igis1iitur an? papers be of' a I iil I, In vjty construct e Mississippi T iM iRAltnOAD. In advance. "or the first, Court Or- iU ! Kloicimg the Mis- and i ho wn.neirhaprim,tijF02h M,r count irk of VJ ei l KT.Ai.L.i. J.i t .. . i i i llanKin .-." i.i-vmju. m u iiiiuertiniP, mdconllgUOU tOfcjrhpsonJ ' vl-:.l.,. fL.il.L.iii ton. i for.''' ieej npd trade of Col ff.all in l lie State hfj Miss ssipnj ; ... -. " ' ... r i -. i j if croHsJUuv Alan ima rvaM ' . -! . '!,! I It ! m . ' ,surarert aim -uirotiga, Al inmgo .D.dlas, Autauga aildi Moh'goin i Alabama emtirncaug the and most nrnduetivil Counti in ft ' . i 1 i tl i rf . Will nl njnbus. : r-i ' - - , " r ' - ! sv ' ; i r. , : - 11. . 1 - ; . i ' ' i r. wi i "ii I, UJ ; . , , : , : . i ; 1 ' " ! . . - h i 1 f ' i i . . . -'-;. i . - . '. , - - t. - ! : J ; 7T? ! . T 1 TTT TT BRUNER & :! Editors 4 Proprietors? . ' . 7 ,Keep a cqecK: uto: all Turn ) ' is safe.'!.; : i "Thk rohd comrflenjrurs rit Jackson, tho vat of governmnt'of Missiksippi J Vnd con wCts vvith; Iho rai road fr m 1ir'Ushni MOS'll L.VMENTAULE OCClUtKtiNCB otl ihr Mississippi tivfrffom Ja'ftk,on it SALISBURY, N. G.'SRlAY, APRIJjT 3; NEW SERIES, "" - f. ; - t . f NUMBER fro; OF VOLUME II. . -it- v 1846 u Tho insiiint SinithvClarkf: Krmnp.f. Viii- rO he On OUlh't' iiv. inN) This ioail AvillialU atfor I an n'h-r 11 n ih4 Vninjpmls anf n Montornprv, whicl :he spat; ol'ovemrnf ht of :h of P. irv. ry polm- althUst :iT St:!i'. xv I, If: - lo ih. Almut tph oVIock that i night, la consid- j eralili nuqilNT uf peisns. amaii whom we j Mil 'lvillv Whi kS Tupffhiy, the ltfh arc infirmd, were some of our most rpsppcla telln thi io!!wi mplanrln.lr -story : j 1!p fitizons still .tailoring imdr the ititpose Our foiiinntniy was.iin bitinnlay l;i!ii,ihrovii . pjfritempiit which th'-s occurrpheps o the day into a ft-'i'f ' llie.,in'jit iiHiitfoi I'Xt'iWMMpiii, ly vm nrodiiRpr. procpl.. to trip iuil, and aainfU lli stuJJrt it kind violent (J:ii!i i.f otn ol" its iut$t .-Hip iprn"oustranrps, and in dpiialicp of tin rl4" wn.ilhy iinN8t(eiiii J ihomi I s. Of th rin-uin- I'tanpp of tin Jailor. poip.scd themsf Ives of iln . avl.L.I. i.iit.; .....I t,... t r:,,i L..Li l:j ...t.i. !i i .-. -.. ii iiii H3I-..1I,' u'MI ni IM. illHI , w uni -J lltl.KlMI illMI lllf I""U VI Vli mill o i . .1' 1 1.1. .I.t... .1.- . .. i . Ti. ! ..t it .i.J! 11.11: . o . - .i .1 : ' 1 i . I -ii 111 nn h';i-i-3 wnii'ii iniiow moment as if t 5 notice the effect he had 1 m to accept such a nomfnation Tj that rwiarst I it prbtfiiced.1 Th'ii leiinin forward in an 1 ?rned PromP nJ fecidej. native ; on two oic earnest manner, he exclaimed in a mea ed to olrCi ;oa cfclni vuy U . him. 1 prciurntf wcr deliwtt J i .What .'iKe fetter' of :Mr. F.::: know not, hut I va infornifd fy J lhat he ifWed in his letter, that I ' tending 'Anson Ciurt, and .was : ! npl.l, and tHat he'agnia advised ti it ; collision of interest. ; ; Ou my nturn innoft fnmi An5 Cmnd a-lctler fnm the Editor i f t':. -1 ''dated the SlitfMirch;. lle.nckn I reception of my tw'n letter.-, l.;t ? v. ! lut my Jlter of arcpjrfanci', wlJu'i ! mut have received, for both Liters r it. He stated th;U the members cf inittee about "Ralpyh had written t inemliers of th Commitlec in ditT. r": surcd tone f Peter, Peter, pumplvin ca:er, ,IIad a wife and couldn't keep her, He put her, in n pumpkin Sshe II, And ihere he kepi her ve:y weil." Xurn'nK to 'he clergyman, he bowi1 Sions Suhopminl Ilka unnm nf thm rnmmitlM wll trnAtr ! ! I direjl that my name might not be! connected in any I 1,10 State, reqnestipg among other l'..' manner with the distinguished office of Governor: but i 'hey would eipre' a preference Lc! . j uciy.' '-e pnvaieif ana pawiciy called on and now or- u. Shenard ani; Diyseil, ana iriat ffrit.V" Solicited (w thi r,nmm:llii innnlnifj K , f ! .1 t' J i J . 1- . ; la :e Convention fo artforlhe pnrjtyMo become the stnn i d;ird-benrer of our nohte princij'leis, I irannol longer heai tatp. I accept, iherc fore, the nomination so cordially and politely tendered j and ?h 11 i U9e ! every exertion to . 5 I en it w o e. in the diseh:n-g. , our jdain duly in It r iiidiit-dir d a iml!ic presto present a Uriel tiaiji autre. -j ..... ' Kohi4-t porti'rlield, whose u'timelv death a ho'e I otjinrinity is niiw dejVhitHjjg. having' :tinpdjhhtit E Z. C. Jndon hadta1ed that hp tne fieri h;i I had i i innual ititerCoiirsP wilh hi in.- Mi:ir ofniHie. wun tne ayowen itiietmm t verV OO tfe V. tint e him iroo.1 mormn?nni detent the policy and Measures of the 'Federal Dartr. of hanging hiro. Thi. however.' was-not donei ; left' the. church before the congregation l 'nn,Tly unnecessary at tins time to mention my JV r-pp. it is said, with wl.ieh v u;s at: ..,(J ,im . rprnvpr from .yt. of State or National interestas they may be fa- . ..i ... t ; i r t 'i . . 1 tit. ' . : . li.ilt!Iime IO recover liom Uieir ainaZil- m.Uiar to every section of the Commonwealth. With ''?7 7 tV "'"I, oroKP;. stvc ; , inm Cin. Atlas. s t , zeal, activity, and energy, we can and will be triumph , V ...... -j ......... , . , nni. anQ nerf IS luiw se LMjib.-ihri. there will be t Vvoli ontes coming tigel her town h ' . .,' .ir !. -J i "!. -Ii !. i i'.- Ai . 1 me wtw; tme iiringyie roturuin Atnlanta, ton andilllinnbufg I gin. and from thencr the C h altnnoogn. t b t ii and' Alabama, a fo Monfgoriie r j. ."i Ii e hrogres!. nid j)enrly nfpfed. 1 The other r 'Ceofguti hy he cent In Macon. Ueorgiji. C'enrgian s.-aro n boi 1 1 '"' n. i' t ."- I I rt ' tiurnouj,onuni uti from Girard, npposit I ' Lb ' ' - - I pimetyTinil from Al 61 heg11.11 to i.esutn its sway, atidijudson wa tl. nallye.arried laek to the jail nod deliverpd into 1ip hands of 1 he keeper hy the same party win a 11 I f rr . . I . 1 . l - L 1 L 1 1 ... Mi counties f aronnd VMeitoiiipUM. ennraettg held 1 vile nought an mteiview withithe fatter! had taken him out. Hi situation, we uiideri Cooa. J'nliadegn, ChairtHois. :ihvf o'her WedjoWstlay fast in preseiu e .l" sliMTi-al in- stand is somewhat prerarions, rendered so hv rich foiinfli'H in )AIiil)am;i. being the- gjnjd. cli vn-!i: r fo oie of wtfm u was said Judson top Ionises hp leeeived. and posjiildy from Hme jnti mmerat regions i umi thp coittintia- milTr' vu " " 1 ":u ,,,uiv,i fiort 111 liCOrgUl WH alsO tttavers flic- gold ,l' u '? prpseuee, 11 s-ieli liat.-mept .ml mihernl reirioiis cif lb:it Shite At ,,s n 'ade to hiiri t.y Judson, promptly an . 1 il f . i 1 i 1 fswere.l tin the nflii m.itive. ! .IniUmi irufiM..ttt' oiin.tu 11 :toui, 1- rieruezu. n:aeui'r no to West itle betw .tl 'frt m W r.-i ilrli.'tfl f(.riy uSi'i al G tid IV . t 1 ni r-PrV rU?r i-,,uT,i M ,nt-IV."f,f,, f ,wh;;s" ,,ft,.c: r! 'Va:! kidns to the young men whom it was ! that rare schenie. in iheLegislatu Vni V nr r Cl T r' f"1'" l.-t-rt....t,l,-i.l1.. l,r-U.-- his ffio to instruct. j - ! ! j 4 liy which the people were t( K now n 1 7Jl 'lid .m". o "1,,,,!''',,r ' " 71 Whi, talking togeth, I lieveit of their pecuniary embarra l-i now in Judsoti pad called upon him an 1 n.nrVssei that r a,i .u c.0, r- . , T ; . . 1 , .J ff.org.ia om ilk kr It et burg, w ill be iheiSoii The . Vhig tiigf -s .tweolt b i, work, ihf gretij rtaite (jfjN travel, and On vvjiicb i 'I ' il i .1 - to he brought, and lb tplf ndhl jpaekes ca rjyjiiig p;wv,ugttr f v r,rv I w Vicksburg Id Npav ( Proposal WWuinJ I FltOM MttSSftCIf, 4 bit i or, dan it tatuuiga. and botic' to Mont o Yieks- oul." Coblmbfis ii - IM-TH nery :itaii tint ion s. l and w ? butlie I i:i Ivts dtiMil' din!W a pistol and wouu Charl i 1 FrOm tht Fayetterilie Observer. ANOTHERIrICHMOXD IX THE H : FIELD I they were heard from, a." Can lirooght forward. "p ' i ' . These arp the facts of the. car. ceedingly that any icolliiiou ! .1 about, for wo rerpijrc Our vli.;. strength at the present crisi. I owe it, there!', to thosL u:: been most active hi bringing t ; as to my own character, not la v. will canvass the SjUte if I do nut ; In conclusion, it will be seen cf Conrew ! remicratic paity.r.f the State, t!i2 permit me to congratulate the dfmocracy npon the success of all! the leading measures of the Ad- ministrntioil. Th ailmission of Trt intn nnr crlnri- .... ii. .1., . ,i . . -.. . lnconciusion.il wi.i ie seen ou Pinion, ana me a a asimem oi me i aua.upon equit- fiiit nr;nn' Ji..n uv.- ..r r ! iemicratic oaiiy.M uie tale. 1212 . cannot Iml to redound; to the honor ot the democratic me nan ips 01 UiMTVicracy al use Ij i party. ;Un the currency, the! controversy concerning i who neithiT seek r desire ouice. J(t:mes B. Sheiuml nominated for Govern- ral, when internal injury onasioned by his Jail from- the t A-fivve carqeiy know wiien we have all others. I deem it qiite useless now to expanse, be portico. I w 000 am ii uru. 1 ii'iu ti 1 1 in? anuouncp- j ; j inept, m tne late ftianriard, that James 13. Shepard;-of Raleigh. .had been nominated by the Locofoco Central Committee,' as ure-ron, anJ the qie.fon3 of Stale poncy. and indeed ' ,)IJf J...,, a humMe ill livkhnl. v " nil others, I deem it q lite useleM now to exuathte. be- r .tl i. i . 1 . ... . beeii mnro tn-iri-7il ilmn nl iitnunn..nnna. Iicause ihev will Se examined ni ltnoh in mi ilis.-nm- 1 .J..... 1 . " . T '.f v.. 11 111 iniiriiiiiiiuilVi. - t " j o'nfidenje have shiit A PLEASANT SURPRISE. ; ; A voung man. of eiirhteen or t went v. a ions before the people and enteern llic. Candidate, .for Governor ! Mr. SI i- mn on iiie spot , tiaii he not iieen prevented from student in a university took a wa k one I nan is the same, vounp- o-e,itlem:in who lltj.ll'r c.l iliv llii.wi wti.i ii'i.ni ii-nt : 4 tt IK,.' .i imili . ni...l..c.f...n ..il... : ..Ii.. i l ... ...1 : ' .. ' I :; r J... . ' - r, ' i" --m- - . . "n wm, uuu w,i qiiiiuwim im ngureu 111 our columns occasionally. .... t-'Yi'iiiii'n in i in- iif in w ir line iinprviiMV With sentiments of !.i;h regard principVs, or whether ibeyare morf in the hands of political wi rc w 1 1 i Your ob't sen't, afaiut the citv tf Ualeiih. who now, - JAMES B. SIIEPARD. I forp. reall v aeeni ininressed with the ! To Kimbrongh Jons and others j Oal,.i!,. i. Pari is the State, nr..! t The Standard contains Mr. bepard's appointments , ervcilizen mtist bir totheir dictati. :.. forthirteencountie8iritheEastempartoftheState.be- i t ' . i . t ginin5 at Franklin on khe 2Gih inst.aaJendinzat John- . rr nnS n ? ,m dictated to by ston on1 the 11th of Mjiy. He is to be at Wiliuinaion irresponibl clique; and when I t on the Dth May. , mean what I say, for the Convoti'.i i having authorizpil ly resolution, tl i ostscnnt.rcr the above was pre- ; fr anv sucli coniinnpncv. the exerc er, and the niof-ssor was soekino- tn :lo:l ; bv horrnwitue ond n:vinr intnrnst pared, we received the following. to which ' riirht was noihin?! hut a naked a called the students friend, such was his : and most particularly as the author of it u re.-of 18 to be re nt bar rass men ts L:i: i ! i. .i . ... .. . "wmui .is M-PMtiir in jeai uv oorrowinir in navintr r ' ! nail iiKiue. nip statPin-nt in :u -s'TTm to toe ii- ' ' ! o Iv i :n " ., . nhUcitminrr r,!..- fiv; ' ' :.i . ... -J.. . ti i ' rom Saynnnab.! individufil atH.ui Uibi- brought lb, ward as a wit. ' . .y v .'.uojecis.-ine.y oiaie n.u.soi creor. wmcn itiey were nei- "-; l1'" ' b t l ,u...ut -j rrriua.o... uu,-. rail road b. thhat fiirthe p.irpose ol savin- his !it- haw ;i m (m noes lying in their pain, , tiler allowed Jp. pay; away nor any one i uiourseu to miow wny , truth, the Uuvcntion had nut i! ll'OI ....is- I I iii iii. .ni; , I . . I ... i I . I i if-. i . - . . . lio rovnil t- r t ti irf ri.. r. r i ... .1 I ... .1 . -1 . whieli m knew would hp taken by the p.-rt.. i &ujiosru 10 oeiong to a poor; eise to receive I ouen a nomination, un- " v '"'I i"M" i Rlu,i "-y were. iui mrnucurs t lieldsu ifuhe lar-t were ir. i-..,i .',. hr.r, i ; man who was at work tpn l.-d U 'tleii ever haviior said anv thioo-of by. and who hail near the kind Ibith the Messrs. Poilertield b- ( anif nee the o;id to ii ' I ,- T Tl . I. .1 f I I 111 I .. bis, ill iiie lar-t were proven upoti him Iip in- 11 " w" l OSK tne nem ciosm- i uer anv circumstances. 01 a very young ; i l.-d il tlptiv ever haviior said ahv thin" of hy. and who hail nearly' finished his dav" ! man! whom nobody bur a dozen or two 1 , MvI? -- . ff 1 I Oil I WO IK 1 1 impor- II is lo lw Soul hern 4t.tv- t I rieans sha the. our h mail and ours from 'He kino id tflhlt XVI, v All our woineih' over iipiw'i'ir.s old liiasl O s;j i' Ou i-ili ;t otm dibv captun His palaCK ?J,fl)peiirs in llitriNi'W Vork Sun.: THi'iKi-i fijijcJUiiiXiiy in eo;i M't.joeico of ihe ibreAf.' lii if itix nisioii hv he lla iiT.s.uiitU:r V tins to tho urmv li t vif b whieli ill sews oiiit.i rn;ic!t'i). Ix'.'lUlilul in n 1 1 1 ; 1 1 tin i Mrrei a n eotitelvutislied that JikUoii had made the in- ! The voting student turned to the pro- f.iiti us lttement -ehargpd upon him and, we (pssor. saying, are inliujtrju'd, ujjion reliable atithorijy. that tht'ie j " Lei us play lhe man a trick, we will cannot hjeja doubt of his having m:id it. i hide his shoes, and conceal .ourselves bn N..twistandingtliishowev. r,theai:iirmight ' hind those' bushes, and Watch to s'e his have behi dropped Iip re. hut fr ihej (art. that perplexity when he cannot find ihem. 1 oji FiidiiV;' Juilsoii and Mrs. Portcrfirtd were . VI r ,f...... r-I.wl " ...,......1 ,t e..A hi .Ma i t hmyrn UM awtogc her for a ranstderaMe ! .. VVft m.,st tr mni nnL 1 liavi'iiur n,nr ul m grae yard in the vicinity of tourn ! ,u ... f tl n.'U., 5i.i- 1IM it "i - a ; J I j - x. a in - lllfl UUb UU til c ucil. when IbiH in uui-JaiifP was revealed to her . - 1 V,. ' , ' .u,i;,rtuu4te iM.,d. he fell to the floor, as if i aml U ma" ,v yli a: much greal a bald had ppofMra.ed his heart. iM was of a j V' l means of thjs poor man.: si..u.da.lyjf,u,ial.eandco,ltidt.g(lisp.isition and 1 "fr ? ,( ol,;tr nm each" shoe, and then we devo.edly itta. hed to his wit;- HtH.ad in ihe ! lM,t' nrsrl Vf ' . I! I- pth of 'UU aitii- hm.-nt. and in the purity of his j The student did so. and, then placed., own putu hearil. hiihMto shut his eyes tocertain . himself with the professor behind the! acs o iniproptMi'ty on thp part of his wife in i . bushes-close by, through which they could , : '. . i V i ... ..! -I .1.1 . J lou M eitou won juuou,-whieii came to hisi i-asuy waicn tne ladorer, and see what ever wotidar or joy he might, .express. The poor man had soon -.finished his work, and came across the field to the paib, where lie bad h-fi his coal, and shoes. While lie pur on th,- coat, he slipped one -loot into one ol his shoes, but feeling souhv tbing -hard -he stooped down anil foundnhe dollar. Astonishment and wonder yere Seen upon his countenance ; he gazed at sufficiently surprising under any circum- staiiees; but that it should -be made af ter; Mr. Leak was publicly in the field, would seem to indicate that the Central Committee, lia? lost its wits. In addi t ion to lire ordinary considerations which might have restrained the party fromcom- is. The Dam ago, Jan. kiio.w'pdp andj he apparently ' refused to deduee from Ihpibi-oiiejm ons w!ii. h" readily tb.uid tlieir joung y bis ! a lin v I ( . 4 ! i Cliu lieu H i ntiieu ! under prlsof'r jefvtsol ?t:e. tit t 'frto IliKlot leers and . I . ... l. . ' ' ' .--- : aly. wailingjof a slea the abolition i!.s Or aiill I JOJ ,1!S (1 orly i re tio be lai tH Ii P' on age. I . a On adlul o be ri' he most llicis. e:tti of age.i taken to to back. Our! down to way to ihe minds o oilier-. Uui 'when appris ed of I he ifilei vtew at ijt jr,.s,4. yai I his aotiv ot mind v;s heyi. nrl de-ciipfio . s-itl'rtd more than a thopsstnd deaths. 1 1 is nerves were le nubile wn"uy uastiunjj he bepame u k hi body as I . ..II .. . :1 J. .1 r. . . ,wro a- ni muni ii seeni'Mi as it lie voiiin oe b.iieii i if yeas. up and appiehi-n-ions were en! ti'i lained sMst h might (to o:u-' at-J ff violeuee i . s a . March '20, 1816. I Hon oi Uie people. ana nam tiipy Li ; DeahSir: Enclosed you have a letter which Mieaka ted, their power fas at an end. In : f:...tr 11. l;.-ll 11 l : w , I I of bis narfV Hbrhut l? ileio-b i.v..- PMm.;i ' pouocaity i nae no ciaiins up- i My, i u not mieml Irt Censure, 1 OI tllS pari) aliOUt K.tleigh eer dreamed , on your columns, bat cut off as I now am from success to I ,.,.,., H.orre lSo .V t' of for that high Office, would have been the SianJard.- I throw myself upon your mn.m.mi- " T ' . ffidientlv SUrnrisiniT under anv circum- i ty. well knowinS that To fully appreciate the .eatiroem ; mmpe i,orpsiUiyui oiiiiectt) ot l.'.. contained in the couplet, that t 1 ney arp nol in IQe Sllgliiest Oegrcc I " yiien truth and j143t.ee an affront endures. . hie for what has lfeell brought about ; :. The cause is mine, iuy friend, and should be yours." . my knowledge of ihe genllemen, alii. I have addressed a crpy lo the" Jefiersonian," bui I 1 may tiave preferrtkl Mr,' Shepatd to t.. wisli.it to make its appearance, also in the Easi. j cannot but ihinki had they been pre i 1 Yours irly, I v F LEAK j he lUleigh " clirjie? were 'asnired : I ! ' ' ' ingiu ttie field, llial noopposingclairn milting so gross an indignity upon one of TO THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF N.J Iieen set up. l.ijthis 1 feel pattly v its older leaders, we have reason to be- ; CAROLINA. 1 Inan idp tiigti-miiiUed and - honoiai . lieve thnt the orders to cret un the meet- U 1 ' whieh Judge Slrfcnge pursued; fr ivs it Anson Mec i l '! T'f Wel1 m l Pl,7 I having die left agency it, l,ri.::.- : Vi "f."'1' f. !X nourg anu Lincoln, , Wl, , whom it has been my pi ide and boast to ! , , . ,,;h. 1 rn-r 1.,.., emmuCed from ihe Central Committee, or have act,d through life, to nuke the following V''.." " U If. 0. sometpbrtion of that body. And no soon- statement of fact's jLilyiug my present posb b' TT ZaZ er bajl tlte meefings been held, the nomi- ! tion bef.re the Pu4, L Mg that Loon ! JiX"! ikviijii mam;, iiuu ocepieu. i iiitti iiiKi'ii- a eaiiuiu review 01 tne wnoie grounu, 11 win lie Resliectfully you're ' tral Committeej lay Mr. Leak upon the seen by all unprejudiced mindsrthat whatever ' 1 1 i . J J ' Ine March 19. 184C. om- ' i it her 1 1 to mysell or friend tral uommitiee lay Mr. L,eak upon the seen ty alt unprejuuicpu mindsrthat whate shlland attennpt to force upon ihe par- f schism may be producpd in our party by ty, clearly ag;nst its will, one of Mr. Lo- ; recent nomination of the Slate Central C rin-g's boys?' fjuid not the wisest one ol j mit,tN cannot rightfully he attributable eit them 5 either.) 1 mi n - I 9WT . 1 begin, then, by stating ifrocchtep IVatcr. w rt: It ;1- t c .i, ,,,.i .K . ..c t.u i that early in l-elry. there was a meetinn held 1 Journal 01 iueoicmc tor .1 action. They 'must tl'Mix U out union"1 1 ,u county ot Anson, which ; my Inends ter witnessing several expenm 1 1 i Oe 1 1 vi s ! o n il nil 1 : . 1 1. 1 I .1 I ... . -n nno-ien. in tihP la lindane 01 otie wlio was wilh him ip his agonv. " he looked far worse ; Artrfi.'jdeitlli than he did afien'raris .'" " In 'hi-i .f;ii!U'.j; of hody and mind he proposed j to his In-other, John Porte rfieiil, on Saturday, about half aiier three o'clock, to take a walk. . t '1. ..a ibAm..lv - U,lt mn ........ .1.... .... uiougni propei to present my name n ihe Sstate come lo the lollowmg conclu- ....... .s. v .j. uui iiw may Slum, iimiw .! -.11 . 1 ri.i . I T " far a.i we can hear, the party in this sec- I at a ,,,liib!e VrVin tot le run as a I 1 hV ,hc M Broccbier ater" i a tioh will irenerallv iro for Mr T..k V ctad!J.' -yvernor. a,d; at tho same lime ' of the - first" Wat er being id - ! ihe dollar, turned it round and looked a, shall he greatly derived, however, if the I ft , W , ..ot.ly me there- composilion anJ physical proprt:: gain and again ; then he looked around bnt.M donpt so utterly disgust many of tw! 2 " : th A'' ? Italy . him on all sides; but he could see noone. tho party a to induce lhe.11 to follow the ! Lincoln and Catawha, n which my claims n"-VPan,: i W OS a slyptic ir. ' iuw tie put. ine money in nis pocKer, anu ; nent ot their own inclinations in voting were favorably tinned:' on the 24th of the same o- sii 1 i rr -a 1 11 411 1 n: mi- -r - . . . proceeded to put on the other shoe ; but j fori our present Governor, whom thev all ' month, a meetinir waslheld at Charloite. of the rlllcac WpiCiCOld watcr.- how great was his astonishment when he ' admit to be worthy of the high honor. i citizens oCAIecklenlftirg and Union counties, r,,en ProvrU 'O'M'f- U Vr. 3; in. IO ran t 11 Ii ol 1. 'Oil rile 1 til i 11 Bootv are lo seinl h horfihie . designs upon MitfillejeOplel lie man ni l he i ratio tiV iHiiii jlioujrh tiowj1 itd) oh! jijnd Kii ill Voll tH Muk. leiobl H hlnvU xvbVr II i,inr masrers. 1 lie un M misu(s4 with bis wily daughter.' it beau ijiffpiind slav'es:Wpr to Pi':r i. r lisfni'd 1 1 1 to 1 : K.!i(:ijlihbis wil hadL also taken 1 Ik . ' f. 1 V. : I.I tpr t. . j 1 k.ii 1 j . - 1 . t "',n vyiyt-. ;. 4vi iue rpivaiioiu I'm, w lien ibe now rattfol mul; third sholjhi is now Inch t i v soeiPl les ul) pnur V iut- bis ,,M,k l,!i,(,'. hF,i,d,un a- wv vn'fr i 1 iir..!il'ir'-:i it worix- . -. irv. Itlaii. be m -1 I "t I e.s l o ed ina..'er i'heir e. w hom mnder itidi saved wnhottt aqy. pxtM-ctation it is confidently heliev- found the other dollar ? II is feelings over ! Thvro nrobablv never was a mun in ihnt exnressinir a decided uef-rence imI, of oipi'ting :with Jotlson. Uiifbmioately, i came him ; lie. fell upon his knees, looked j office Uvho w;isi so 'universally respected I au- "rging upon the Slate CpiiI'it in oroinarv cms ano wounos, it has 1 efficacy thiuf simple cold watt been proved liyjDr. Davy, Dr. mv favor ' "'hers: 3. and ihat if tho carotid .1 . 1. i i 1 1 al Committee ,M n UOir' Vr cp, De cii 1 however, Jbey met with Ju Isoii near the Sub 1 no to heaven ond n't t. red olood u l'.ir-..nt l,. U.; nMll.ln.J.f,.;,!.. ...! ..a o. : to annrise me thereof and ask mv acpentanee : hemorrhage can be 'controlled :....!.. . i 1 1 . ... . . - . . . 1 . . ' . i . ; .. 1 1 . r ...v.- 1. 1.1: .1 1 . ifr . bill, mi . ui'el I 1 Ile 1 llir a. id ( l b: 11 Iiia.lH e-ea tl about t r oai ; and tin i. .3 ir . r . 1 . ... ., o-oiieiiiini t in 10 siiooi. Alter the l:i.'tl and ho II .i.ert Porte rlie'ld As to the manner in which" the nomi nation was made, the Raleigh Register tinvi , m.-i-, it. . i - .. thanksgiving, in which he spokef of his for the station is so readily admitted bv , :'a ot xvhlch wcre P"'l'hed in the Jeffersonian, presses wet witn cold water. I ana oi wtnen 1 was immediately apjirised iv r, ' ; : j letters. In this state of a Uitirs, I visited Law- ! 'Effects of Uie f Spirit A-Prit.t i ieiu-pvi!le, .Montg'ry to.', al which placp I met ,ere n few days since, and rcr f I'lonlj li'kfin tit tiliiiiiiiiirp ntml -It,k at- m-k a a av ' a vv v S..,4S.5 1 - .-j......r .v., ...... nimseii ueal anu punib. Ileal f ; 1 . . Jv urired unon me lo come out as a ca-iduate : .... n e r .. ! "Wejshall see whether Mr. Leake and hi, friends are 1 1 .... or.t, ,1 r i.,I.V I. I.. L ; .i or,,, iuu,r, at urecnswro Ll 1 V4 l 111 mhj " s " J J raa'ia UllllbiT Hi iiniasierv ilau-h S'irilKt li..n i i-u ,.-. ..l .. 2 1. ..,,., I. .... 1 ,. l .- rt" ..!.,B " i..v...ii...i Mil iirui.iiriv 1 hi-....: shot, were im-d at Judso,,; ' wilV, ,ick an, helpless, and his children ! allj l ino, ot- o.o-.vioir 1 w n.e. anu i it 1 .. 1 ...1 . i 1. i' ihhii un .111, ii iumi 1 1 1 1 s 1 1 1 11 r 1 ihiuiii V ioin some unknown hand would save 1- - 1 - i in 'he fo,vl ead, JUM u,lrtP ,u. .igh. eye, of ' V ! V"". : , - . . xvhiel. iwolinll die latter diet. ahout'U oelock i . 1 .VO"" man S'()(1 tnproi deeply, al tit i' nighlj iThr news that Jodson had' killed ! ,Vc:,,T, ,;ars fl!"d his eyes... ; P.uteraeht.4011 Spread like wild, lire, "The nob. "-Now.", said the professor, "are you inot lie mind, wijnd up to a piteh of deep and mad- : touch better pleased than if you had plaV 1 . . 1 . . : 1 . - . - ...I . .... 1 .1 ' - - 'Jin lo eixtiile civil coltbiiolion. ;ihe bloo- j.. u : 1 - - 1 . 1 ' .- i . ') i wrrot w is the iii st dagger inllo Ihe. bosn tu ueiieu exesteuieiit, was In a eoiiflltion to lie thrown ilV iis ba'atiee. Mere was in young 11,10 iirth(.p hue of nianhood (he was! not thir-: ly years i j" age) die (lutifd an j aiiertiouate son', ul ilhe.i 1 tende:-, conlidmg and 1 lit il 111,1 :,,! exe;,ij);ai anu highly j estppuied ifi ill the relations' of.life ;irst strick- en to the Heart by his wife's dishonor, as was lioi-s 'first ' believi'd, aihdjtheu shot through the head ly the author ol the destroyer ot his hapjuues ' large kupwd soon -o!ec-U'd ii, and around . I VI a It 0 round ! of a wd..ied Hog: ()i.,s ij d - Voted h'tj-hJl ed our intended trick. "0 tb-a rest Sir," answered the you lb, ' you have taught me a lesson that I shall never forget. 1 lei-1 no w I he i rid b of words which I never before understood, it is received -a miioritv of one VQte in Commitiee ov.-r Mr ot some 1.1 led dreu. Ills exam.il neighbor! atiti the pre thiis'externii 'nek; 'l'hi hi was :jppl;iu(lel U'..t-. - ' : i-1. i r ' . i vie rot. Iiectun ;)'lViihd!aff1ifsr:bii hu Ndetiiial, chair. IL nr0hillinale slriill tit!. ,i. . .'. . . me letmatr eiu tin 10 plunge lite :a ni oil his wife. and Wilis iuHowvd by tiles .'in I mul.i!- bat dis- by the 1)4 V irgiuius of aslcended to the It JO EDlTOItS OF N . .' . ..-.'! 1 ; '. ; ; Proiirietors. oi' t 'frtise'i1 iis d;MfVus t ''ins.a,aesJaldis!imf is 1 , ?.0halhitooinegen "4Mcliatof ihe Coin In .1 lis vowed ilia 1 tei Initiated, the Coiirl-hoiisej where Jodson, who had heen I immediately ip;jrehf tided, was hrough;! helbtel an exaininhij Ootirb Tin Cotnt wa in the aet of prppiitjng an! order for his comimitment 'to jail, vyben jj. Port-i field frantic at hfs broth, ier's'ileiitli an(!l iniiuiips. ma le liis appeaiance in the eon, t riHitn, ahd the cry Ino-t f.iih from the " make wa- for Johii Porlerliejd 'et him kill Judson." Pbe Sheriff', Lanier, who was in the Clerk's hnjj., iwhjere; also yas JudsonJ sprang better to give thnn to receive.' 7 ill . , : rt-i-fiveu -a ui iiu v e supuur ne er approach Ihe po(,r but: Leakie. a,t thnt this rouM not have be. n effected, had wilh Ihe, wish lo do Ibem good. ,, not f Jones following is the correspondence Standard. It must noi The unbidden which follow . ' ii TM following is iddcn Prcucher.-A story published in the St. s, we do not recollect to have;- j)H ,0 ,il;t al An I t r-v Cr t r tvi . V n f.fl , .i.f .j,' ' 1 a 1 , . v.niiu-5v, (is ii:v.rom i k io.1 . to thm that I would do so,,auq 1 would an- , ,is ai 1 i . . . . .. c, , . , - ... . a situation in the Alabama IJar;t. : nouuee it to the tstate at larg", in a letter to 11. i-i 1 1 .. .. the Wn Com,nittee' accepting ti-irnom- ! worked Mea.bly until last ina.ion. ! ' , wh?n h menced a spree ; On the next day, ihe 28th, I yommunicated the effects of the-crittur to the lion. Kobi." Strange ihe fact of my hav- hammal wer so powerful t!, ing come-out, and then Cr th.Oirst lime learn- the animal Balaam rode he erfihat he had received a letter from Doctor longue was loosed, his Cars unseal Watson, one of ihe Central Committee, asking he now cursrs kx iluenlly as an him to repair to Raleigh on the 4:h of Match itnpotrT.' He calls himself S. S. V 4, oihis County, been appoiiitad in his stead." I 1' unhng mysell thus ayvk ivardly placpd, ( ! fjQ Puss bimk TOUnd. Mftrw.l . i J ' '1 i r r . j .. .. 1. .11. 1 .... . . - . . - 1 asKea 01 Juuge oiraugo ,i tuuirs 11 ieoer id jnl JtC Ur. watson, uuorming nun 01 my postuon, mat to bf wljipped into 4he sanks, by the managers about KaieigliJ who think ;that: they are the pirty, and can put ap, or put down,, whomsoever they please. With the exception of a nomination, by some 20 or 30 per sons in Wake County, we venture to say that Mr. She pnrd fiHS never been thought of for this elation, by the hnrd-fisted Democracy of any County in the S:ate. Indeed, jhe lea.-r from the Central Committee lo Mr. statt-si that his nomination was mnde by a majority only jot that body. We do not vouch for the truth of the sratcineiit, but it is current in the streets, that Mr. S. ...1 i .1 1 1 ..I seen in print, though mere is no cloum ot, are jsigned 10 tbe first letter its truth : ll is too goou to oe lost. I hei those whose names . 1 had come out in good fujtb, and thai I would I in no event be driven from the step taken, un- tffixed iheir own signatures. A numherot them, (and principal actor is now living: and holds a. the imost respectable.) uere not in Ual high r ink in the church to which he be-1 eigli, and probably would not have con longs, notwithstanding the vagaries of his, currrdjin the nomination if they had been, youth. One Sunday morning, as the con-jt h wliillbe observed bow instantly Mr. She- grega'tion of P. church, in Charleston, hadii nntvl :iVepnted fhe nomination. Thi. in- 1 ino- all the aid in their nower. ' lie further sta- beauty of the owner, and then rn 1 II I I I I 1 . I i 1 i I . . . . . I . . . '...!. . 1 -. . 1: 1 i !'.. 1 . rii . .nearly -ail assemoieu lor wqrsnjp, anu men fereiice we raw is. that be had been in- ! ted that there was much diversity ot opinion as 10 ins nps anu rjacoiaieu - An old Bncltrhr disappointed. .'. ny story is told ofan old bachelor. der the aflvisement ol my inends Ihe day prp- , , , , , . , vious. Judge Strange on that day, ihe 2.h, ".V c". n pericel J inarmed UrTWatsoiMhereof and advised that, co,d U'r ded ' Pn iLis I forasmuch as the step had been taken, that Ihe.e ,,,l,,'s- bile Vilk.nS a ong th' should be no collision, but suggested the pro. picked up a thimble. He Mov: rrriety bf the State "Central Committee" lend- talmg awhile, thinking of the pt? . . - - .w.. . 1 . . - -n . . . . i . r a I I 1 . . 1. -. .'..S.. .. ik.i . . . m I t i'- f 1 i nwr on tl'u l-u fit I -i I fthikb l I fi a All'nn f ' bnt er like vears 'forward and he Porterlield, who had jumped ""iiy p..o. ,w u.. , vu,u,ur,i i tngtjinjr lor it, find mar vnen receiveo. e .m....mt .. . r. ... , over he rallii g behind'the ban about midway1 'he services, a fine looking young man.; be lelHihat no time was to be lost in put- on themselves ihe right of iiom.nalion, and ex- as he had fmihe,l. a big negro n I'betiveen the Vailing and the box, seized, and dressed in a lull suit of sables, walked Up j ,ini?H top fo Mr. Leak's progress. The ! pr ssly stated that he thought thaljlhe exerc-.se looked out of an apper window at. ; with the ai) f imk Of his assistants, held him the aile, passed the doors that were Metier of the Commitiee is dated ihe 17th. I ft,wor. was aMcast ycry qiiestmnahle ; Looi Acc, puss, you-dottn 1! 'AVrfPAMvRS- fu- some nWmnis-iPorterlipld 'struggling vio. ! thrown open for him, entered the pulpit, ; ihp Standard comes out the next day ; 'h,ch !e,l" he rer '"X Re;J 1 please to froic dal fimUevb mine tn ihohile D.tilv !'-n.ly.o,eia.fu,nf,Vom,hHrgras to ihe. minister; ir rT.i;!"1' r - . - - - - - - - iitiii - t ...... it' 1 1 r ; ti 1 :t iv 1111 r w i i aim 1 in iiv , . . 1 . . - i -1: . . 1 . ... !. 1 tnkiA . 3 . who overpoNv. red the bher.tr, and, drawing a ; sir,' then turning to the congrejgtit.i-on. rats- ?' lellin Khat mischief Mr. Leak may do in a jefler,th, Editor of the &Uaiinl." This t tevolving pst.l. eonlinenced filing at Judson, (l(J his hands and said, Let us pray.' The ithat. Week. So bn the same day he writes l4f.P Ijih the nm. -written U'JiilJire Straiiffe From die Temperance Advocate., a (lispoing an tn- (-(.y oiile-lbm lb mail co mineral iijh siuch yd pie limi i his wh . 1 i 1 . .1 1 -1 mostt iioet-a arrange tofthijwper,'. W hi small;. ca prejtired lo de - I 1 l' ' 'IHV9H tii'rr.ii fll 1 1 i!-Vill1,e mAde.T-tAlnk ' n i C. LANGDlpN. lfiopr etor. rAdvelliser Oifiee ) ."labile P..V, OP. I T I it 'l'--. -L l: . . -! 1 . t.l.'l. . . tibetent un" ""fiio'd? n) a ruu out 01 ine nou-o, rorter- L)en trt- fi'l'l ful'oU i' jin cloije piusui. and firing at him, i. as often as oecasioti wouM permit, down the ail one. steps, acrosl from the Court-house to the City I ... .JJ I it . 1 j Li .;. 1 .1 : .,. . C .1... a ai oil j anu 1 imp 1, anu up pne sieps 01 uie MiHnnsij hi uie , . . , r . . ' r 1 1 -- . ... i 1 . . 1 nniimniT u'i h ft prvent and imnres llotpl. Oie r two oeut emen pudpavorpd lo i "-r --o - . . . . 1 . i : Df.a Sir Commktee of North Raleigh, March 17, 184G. At a meeting of the Democratic State parolina, held this day, you were W .i . .1 I h, )' r. i v. - i- .- -! t uwrr(ir.!i?LnL iJ&macrac.u. . M the, Ft derail Icipit il M r 1 . i taJ. .. . X w ' i.rmTi . . . ..'i. 1 ' '141 Tl fT l.t nr........... !!.. . . .-... .J 1 . ,nK at' a- 1 a i r-" l.orihertytofiL irn irngnn w.lyywas.- pastor was astonished at the onceremohi- ilhis alec pta rice .1 . 1 . -. . OUS procruuii , it im: juung iiio.11 i3 o.ii entire stranger to liim; but as he bore ev ident marks of being a clergyman, and f locraticjl()ujiican candidate tor Governor -at ihe ensu . ing.eleijuan. , ; I ! Peratit lis. Sir, to aid the hope that you will accept ; . m. t 1.1. . ' .L: .L;t.i;Mi tar l.rr.ii nail is iiniL-r tiip most enmnr- wereJ compelled to retire, and proceed. 1 he prayer enoeo tne s rangor. . crnric causend in ,h, MominaieJ by a majorjiy of the Committee as the Dem- . ! l .l. .l I .1 a. ' I . ..:. ... il. . Li.:.bw .. .t,.Mi..oit i.nt P..ii.i- sive prayerr cioineu in uie ii ui; -i,i 1 rr- . ii. ir..! . h M '1 . 1 i.J; 1 Inirii?4ir lirv thonht nn Would let him ii Li 11 11 f 1 niii: ii if'niu ikiiituii eti CMKt'iv 111 riur. va 1 .- - o - ? i ? 1 . ..4 Aft... . .... . ' sun. inai inrji the was mailed in Cheraw, S. VI. oti the 1st of March.! In my letier-to. W. W. llo'.den, who was one of ihe Cmmiitee, It jnfitmed him of what had laken place. a"hd aiiliorispd and re. quested him torn ike knwnto'siichif die Com mittee as might meet on the 4jh,tny posi:ion, and expressly statpd, that coming out as I did, and at the lime I did. that I w.Ud gi vc pin e lo no nomination the Committee nrght makp. Judson, m Imps Ot etleclmg hi escape, jump- jAvent on uiiut o.im,, p... o , 'V-j n.fbanded belief that perseverance anJ vigorous ex- n home fimn Lawrencpville. I wrote 1 1 ' 1 " .rr" r- 1 -1-1 ... .. . 1 m-t, m wt rtx ttv h , r ir. r- . 1 ... m w. .-.... a . i l. - - t ii im 1 ii v swioor rnoiseii oil. mm an.11 ne was iirnrcui ui ihiiim . . ji 11c ar.i -n frtmn 11 tie ureseni cumesi, muai uc ouwuru wuu me . , . . ., it - ' 1 . 0 1 f 11 . .1 ; w . . 11 iL U..-.I l 1 ;. ,i,.la led or moie mm : 0.1 . c .. -v 1 1 . . 1 . .. Ihe portico ht ihe thud story, and fellj lo the ; vice being ended, he preached a most eH nappies rrui ground, stunned by the fall. iNot less than j oquent and moving discourse Iropi the text; right or len fehhts vve re ; 'fired at him all, it is ' 4 1 Iwas a stranger and ye took me in.' He ro said, by PortjerKeld tbui not one ;of which took ; painted in 'glowing language the duty bf ;e be- .rfl'iM-t. He knocked down with a rock b? ; christian! esneciallv towards strangers. ecideyriVt; , T n 49 I)?ibocrats ween the Gmti-housv and the Ibdel. and only j jo ,hat ang,ds fiad been entertained . T' I I ! m w m j v m ,m vii j 'ly stiipphsb towlifds leach other. t eillier 1 V I B bis Exc llency on their side icnsboroirxh Pa aforelhougbt. Rut i above all lie tried to portly .., fiht th,rd .ry to t gna mu. wiucn . 5 upon 1ii hearers the duty of chris he effected Nyuhout breaking or dislocuig a , 1 TU,fli- n fli.' I- l l 'I'l. ' Ii I I . .1 1 C . .., ' I all Uiioil" .. iiisii.,'":V'!v'i -- ".j bmb ! i heneeSie was eonvevd hy the othcers j . - , r i' k.i.. Lae An iu jad withoi, fJriher moiestaTion or interenc4, ff ' th h. f iwk$r$ Otihe part oriny oe. i ! j ip'oe to know 0!$ I Here we toJL sinperely wish we could end gef was. hen-ho-bti kir painful tiari-ative. But it is aot permitted j course he looked Movyly arouiIhirn lora Kiuihrouh Jones, Josiah O. Watson, ;AV. N. Edwards, ferrin Busbee, "Gabriel l!iitnea, Ixuis D. Wilson, Robert Strangle, John W. Ellis, Calvin Graves, Thomas Bragg, Jr. Rbbt. P. Dick. William W. Holden. W. WT. Avery, ; . ' f Dem. State Committee. 1 ! Mr. Shepard 's Reply. H R AtXIGH, N. C-. I taesdar, March 17ib, 1846. ' ' Gtxriziix: Year letter hiforniing me of my nomi nation a $e democratic candidate for Goverooc of N. Carolina, has beea receiwd. In January last, when in Newbero, J received letter ftocni a friend, reqaeeuDij t ' I ! I m St mv letter of acceptance t 1 the Anson Commit-' lee, and enclosed it directly lo the "Sl indard"' for publication. This letter was mailed on ihe 2d of March, at Cheraw. S. C.1 and must have reachpd Raleigh on the 21 at night ; and on the 5th of March I again addressed bim a let ter. fearing a miscarraige. j On the 9 of March I visited Anson Supe- . ... 1 a ft . i !. a i nor Court. whn and wnere l ag1"' 1 known that I was a candidate. : -rn Titp ncinru j v . 11. MuniI'll. '- - ! O ! will you now abstain T ? I iwrely jcannot tell, ? Bat toon iay write t?a!a, Dear aodl, improve it well. O ' thini dn what I've sU. 1 i lo writing so to yoa ; ' And strike Intemperance deeJ AnJ thisjgood cioe pun-ue. That all would active be.! Intemperance lay aside ; c What nobla men we'd ace. Fur they would all act rijtt. .' - . I'm i Jlay grace pttend os all, j . In this gieat work cf love. That none f as nay h'.l ; 1 S help vp, Cod, above. ' I A man who loves bis family will si u ; -. f 1 t L. . v 1. un ann : I I ,wa I'lil. rif 11 r. n l I III II , -J .113 viiu 1 Judge Strange two of the Cental omm.ttee, one or more wivspapfrs and a man v at my requeft again addressed leder to the Ure. to tram np luiciWreo in the, vo.; Editor ofihe Standard. Theettfr were baud-. bould go, will pay U lit paper. , , ' ' '" ?! ; I t -. 1 . . 1. -. ; r - i ii j - .r ' . . .. .. - ! 1 . : ' . i .4 I! rr ! I i i t 1.1

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