I- 7 h I' V ! .' -;,1 V; J.-J i.i' i - I. .V 4 4 I I, iry bf State TlTorder which IUsurd lo that effect for ihe ujholesum of money was not known t thi'SogreUry of Stale, at the time I juaoVit an more man a was io you n nuw u-o. ; a ur BccrfUry of itrt was nt Mibe$fat of govern mental the time I dirreted iheegotiati.iMu He Was io'l .iere ttt mdjith afterward Ijjdb ty knowMbat "ha ihotrsjta ibis ilay'fcr atijUt tfa nty was expetfded. T 'lUw itelf give fo President alone. the hower i( cipcijfjing and It s lio more necessary that it shuldpss broogh the hiindiof theSec: elarv ofJState Lthans tbatit I, ihii II.Nise. ' That fir ne of jny reasons fofj objecting lo the adorrfionUf jhe reroUtiori. I cannot bring til f1n calls for ; am!,if U i iopro4tice anti-Riata 1L it must bo addressed I o Mr. John '1 yler. and I pM to thd Secrcurjr f tate, r o b flr,ee5 1 "ft no inof6 than r I, for what iunoc ihe mo. tier was ilDerideJ, II does not, 1 j repeat, go ihroiWh the. Secretary of State." 1 do no(Tnow Jut what tho mtde it taayjauthorilp Jottafc, retanj'f State to eif-end the. money, jjiiat ;roa1javo;bceti the foct iii the present case.U But tor (tlhe Preside I himself J responsible ; and ifjlhrf gentleman 'intends to impeachjjany. Lddr fpf'tha expenditure iof that nwney, it jinust be John Tyler, not Daniel Webster. 1 J-: -Wrj!C; . INGERSOIlLJ I am anxious to faay t.hl in all pi uti lities, so i!ir as I know, ;ilrf Tjlcr cohduct l ai been irreproachable, tarr m ho abused that bWor. 1 j ! : j j I i AlrJDAAIS. ,Vhk-theithc Secrear 4lu: Vd lhatipwer or not, I'vir not underta e at Jresentj $ tut 1 flojiayi hat if he blithe jKvert(f abuse lt itpraS by the order of bis vupriiirt the 'Presider fof the United Sjktesl, ; vrho alone had tho authority to eipcnd ihaio. r; fltir - K- .; - P. I i ; nd ihere I 'ale occasion to say Ibat I flifler with the cntlein'an froini Virginia, Mr, JSaylyJ and,' I bdlicve, other gn(einen who havptn. ted that fhe d.y of linjiMthment liasp;ifd. Iiy the conilldit Jon, fropi th'e moment (he public office empires. I hold fjo.such dctriBe jjiold Ci'ysclf. so lon as I hai'e the breath of lije io my booS'i n!menqble to inipeachniemt by Jlouie lyt ,'everyihin; did during tlie lime I keld anjr public jfljr.e ' lU "f" . j MrMljY. j Is not the judmeir, n case - of impejshment, removal Iroin office ff I Mr. -PAMS. ' Atict disqualificatiijxn to hold 'any officcfoi' honor, trit, or profit Under I the United State nij ever afierwards a pun)sh, meal much greater in my opinion than removal from oflfce. I he ings t a man as long a he lires J M f J public ojficer .ever put llW m self in a-pottidti'jo le Iried by impeachment, he Nypiild hafo yery little of my good. opinion, if ho did not think disqualification from holding office forjjlifu a njre severe mnishment than m.ere removal from office. ,1 j ; iMr; A!) isald thajt if one.(erth of the charges are truerjitTipeachment i the proper course j the accused shook I have notice, that he may dv fehd bimijlf, and not be drugged up out of the Stale Penartment. It was his full belief tat the n,qirr; v operate fur more to josjify h(m, thn to sgfsjtairt anyt charges against him. 'Ilie gentlcmajli (said Mr. A.) disclaims all personal 1 rcienlroeiit or animosity. 1 j " i 1 r. 1 N 0 K US OLL was understood to say1.! jio inauu ou sucn uisciainicr. -j .Mr Afams'. Well, I understood the gentle man to do sol. t he now withdraws ir, tHjnt ground Is gone ; and I suppose the House will give a liitli' Icks confidenclo t I'm patriotic de ry Improper and i illegal ri lers, Messrs. Barringer, Ii fOf the N". C, mem t .' ' ief.lDobbin Graham, Mday and Reid voted fortand Ir. 1(Dockery agalaal it, - ' ' , Ypafion ftf CanuIencei-Mr. Ashmun moY. eel k resolution, which was, ruled to htput of or der, directing the "cretar f tState to inform th House, H-hether any :erson has been per miJtird ta VJoJaie JhVlsecrecyf the Of partment jVil Sjtaie try rxaminauon oi i ine cojiuoeouai i pritale papVrordKurnei4$whicha 'in hfs keening, and if so; fwoen feaW" violation! jiook; placej. -and lrr whom' ft j wa s committed ; or vbetber he has roromuijiafed to an-person ia.ny jparts of the contents ojTpurh j!aper9ordoc Whejits which are thtiimfidentialiy lit ' his keeping, and if so. to whom and whensaiofcom. jmunlcatiowks.jnadeti,;!! !4 Vil'V'L.-' ' . p Mrv Ahmitn subsequently appealed from the decision, declaring this out of order, but the party sustained it. 105 to 62, , . II -II -1 - ' FIIOM WASHINGTOX. Corresponcleoct of the Bahltoort Amerara. i. i Wa8his?ox, April U. rr rit i ' . . 1 ' .1 Ti , ie iiu neiore) ine iiousb ior in rro tiBCtiba't6lpe.Hcan;cTti?!ros I tn Oregon, hins many importftnt feattirrs in it. It is careful, as report pfJ, not Ui define th pre ctsa jitnifs of the Oregon, tiUt provides that the Ihws of Iowa, shall be exjended over that portion of the territory. of the United Slates which lies WeHvfUeliMkyrMoun' tins. and over that ihfei-rpedite port ion of cciuntry uVst of ihMi8sourj HiveWand between the 43th and 43d parallel of north latitnde:.',.l j- 11: : i x'i" LI !. . UI till .1 - wie in FIRMNESS l ND DECiSION.,, f The re arc two provisions in' signed fo preserve, the, tratifs of 1818 ahd 1 827, by securing to British subjects all the privileges" xvbieh he treaties? re cognise, and! in case of arfesf of British subjects it Is (proposed iharlthy be given id the nearest Court having British juris diction. ; Tfa bill, as jiiiducements -for em.pitton, offers to , gjve 320 acres oi ,eavo wholQ matter thus .in i iwt lo ever male ancf fknle overtlie:ana:coii1bsiw1 ? Why, Uules to tak of 18 ; ndJ20acsovery person 'ge of circumstances heearten iiriilee thH nWU nf IS vhh k .mI VKido fnr ' - .. . . ii ' !J t . a shall reside for n'the territorv. itijhree the. Act; under the age, of 18, who fi ve eu rs cotisecu t i vel v and commencing At anyitimft v years from t He iKiisage of A! Judge of the Supreme! Court. Justices ofj the Peace, Indian Agents and Sub-A ge)it$, are also provided Ibfin the bill, with a mail and route from' Missouri to Orjegon, and; the .erectjoa of Stockades, Military Pos s atuJ-Block houses for the protection of regiments of emigrants n thu fillir rnA tf ,' .' "I y '"' oo 'uai uiey arise a muth from personal animosiiy and reentmentjas from a desira to promoto the god of the country. Ij Mr. Speaker, I believe I have given to the House my uiost material Jtbjertions to the adop. lion of !b i reaolutioo as it now tand.-. It rmMt 1 be Tery milch pared down to acatl flr doriurnerft 'from the Pepartnreitt of dtate. wlm-h must . as'i matter.ol purSe, be there, before I can fotejfo , Jt t 'not that I oppose it on iccount of the gentle : man who ili. in substance, impencbed before thl i House ; 'far (sis my htinjrablo colleague, Mr! :! Wiothfortiisaviiy he is berfectlv able to iusiilv ' himselfvand whenever unj attack upon him U made, I would rather be any where than in th place ol ban who makes it. . l vMr.jYAiCEY of Ala.i next spfke, denounc ln Mr. Wobster as possessing neither ,' digni ty Mr inorality," as not hviug an American lkeart, as pensioned! bv the Massachuseits man : u&ciuresj&c. ! lid referred with scorn to Mr.! Hilllard's mark kbout tho reputation of Mr.1 Mr. IIILU AUD who was rr veral veafs U jS.M inkier at Belgium Replied, that aj?mpr the,most eminent persons in Europe no Ameri canj namej iaext toi tho i arne of Washington, ivaa held jri higher! respect! than that of Daniel Webstcr.'jji - ... 1,. ,. v , v . fUcre sumo hisses were heard.! - I reneat. said Mr. II.1. no efT.irt to nut dovVn . filth an citpreisioU Avifi hicceed. I defv afiV f one to point to a siipglo living American who 1 , standi hijjher in" FJtirope than Mr. WiMtcrJ 1 1 Hrt 'nnr tri vii tiV nvvn otuitioti nnlv. lint I Bt'tli thel.faitt that, in all tho cloriou constellat ion -ori : America,!! htnst none is brighter in ruuropeiin ; rsiimatioijiithan ihatjof Web-ter. Ha did ijot !'' My this oil account of any intimacy or! ipatiiduJ I lav friendship .with that entlemu Hi rela j lions towaids him yero not of that rhataetef. I (IJtt,mus be allfiwed t say, that bin dip4U tlon pfoninted himji in' sich a case an thi.4!lo ; take aide; with , the vea ter1 party, lie knew i ioV how the honorable gentleman fmjnuPenn ;? svlvauia pbtained he intrmatbin whih he said wsessedi AVho fuhiished it to iiimt lit - was ia te kcepinjg nnlyjof lih-e admitlistratibnl Djd the administration iurhish it fir the puqiose of stfikW a Wow at -u; promioeut.4ppnint j ' , i TU j: 1. r.. L v 1 ' :: . I ; .! previous fuiesuon was nere uiovea ana nxr q vr f on was taKen on tne to low. Ing imcndojent, Offered ! by Mr. Dixon of Con- wectlcut ! , . .! and finally two mounted men are to be rais ed and an expenditure, of three hundred thousand dolTars triade for thei purpose of carrying the provisions of the bill into cf feet. ' :, : t ;;!'' Besides thjs bill, two members of the Coinmittee on Territories (Messrs. Doug less and. PrJtje.) propose one of a much more summary character, and one which looks at once to the organization of a splendid territorial government. The new Tariff Bill from the Commit tee of Ways anj Means was upon the ta ble of the Chairman this morning. The Bil makes but fe!w alteration from that reported by the Secretary 6f the Treasu- ry- I 1 i ' i' I' The worst feature of the hi 1) is thatth rtd wtlrrm principle ts preserved through out and there are no specilic duties upon any' article, or any mtnimums. Tlfe bill is to go into operation on the 1st pf December next. 1. All Custom I House officers to be sworn officers, if not so already. i Goods in public' store, on the 22d of De cember, pay the duties under the New Tariff. ij (i .' ;;. . . ; Articles not specially provided for by the! bill, and a drawback is allowed on foreign salt in lieu of the Fishing Boun ties now paid. - ; " f ) 1 Among the 3D per cent, articles are Woojens, coarse and fine, Iron and Sugar. Cotton goods pay a duty of 25 per cent, ana lea and Uottee in case lti venue is not received upon other articles, are made to pay a duty of 10 per cetit. Ilie following are 30 per cent jart teles: AinvtMls, Alabaster, AnChofies, Asses KjMijs., virmiao silver, uokl t t,!.i :! w . Ijund uiviv i in iivii o -wir; jyi f)ff W'O I - fTnese qualities are claimed Ao belong Ko Mr. Polk In an eminent! degreh by a portion of. the Demoerajic. press.; uoy has ha shown his: possession of thVm 7- By: words, Swords, not actions. -Hist ffouhl ful, mysf erious 'course: on he Oregon ques4 I fonV vx hi bi t s bdldness 'kmom ingalfii.ostlo; tionjlo theKpirsidcyJias Uoije Jiot, Utile;1 and thjitllUtlenisirkecL b cun mnglimidityjandimteility has not, exhibited a singht bold and manly tniif Never was aUitllmorjapproprifaly Applied? l.fifljnLlHiii o& Youfig Jiidtpiy the present pjiif IMajgwiH Wk cy of I he Ad mi nisi rat ion jqn i he fst m at es for: public poetises has ajready Beeo paff, tiaily placeo before our teatj'Ts. 1 1 , s t Was ever iajpolicj? lesshanicitrized by a bold assumption jof responsibijily, or more taint ed,yvhh iVriul.caMtion and art ful subterfugeiWhy werje Ihe estfrpates made out andi pyblishd. (l ver the land as jess in amount than common, when he aclminist ration titleve,d.ifi Urg ;ii)nr nriations ought tode made for the nation atdelejiceiifSVyhsiiOL say;iso, and ,givq the items 7 jWiy (eaye ij. jor Congress to demand ihe esliiates! for the public de fence t Whylwit to recommend ten war steamers and iufther enlistments, fTji cull ed upon to say what nunr of vessels and; men were .vantetl I j - . ! Why should; he then j recommend the building ofiftwar steamerMantL4irf in t ha suggestions of - the II eads?, of- Bureaus in he Naval pepartmfnt lcirJui.Ididg-jfor--tyt The Secretary vvas cujled ujou fbr information 7 JWhy noiiye itj JJ" he thought thatjrjei jsteamers ;vvere nxough. why. selnar ihjifugesiijjns! (Hjhe? Bureau recommending furry ? Vhy $d he not; say whether Jie: approved t bo' rr co'n rpe n! dat4ons yDrtwo VVhy dil nbt" Mr Polk; say Whethe.r hH sanctioned them ? Why doubt ke ad: and say t hat he went lor ten or forty I There would itejcpnside ihfi cost 61' ten steamers and additional enlistments ol 6 or 7000 men. and forty. With nearly 30.000 But htiwjirm and fearless o dt dine , speci fying vyhat n ti mber of eacli wa s wanting, and making. ot the estimates wiihout includiug a dollar that wotjM le necessary for t hesbjxtetisi ve jxrepa rat ions for war. amounting to the! small sUm of more than 817.000.003, This is remarka ble firmness, and decision jand shows quite plainly that Mr. Polc Has a cautious notion, about Presidential Responsibility f He wants to,, be circumspect as well. as firm, to which no one. would "object; if it ' l a I' I " f :-:' i . wa. practiced tor tne ptiougooti ana not for his individual aggrandizement h Augusta SitttineL U -I k .. . :. t i, i. -! 1. ' - Salisbury, C -dlr FRIDAY EVENING, APRtU'24, 1846 ; C'-' ; .1 j : Wir :F0K GOVERNORS TMlliam A, Grahani; - J" OF ORANGE CQpNiryf - D W are tothorUed tf. announce ITcaeklab Taroer, as a caodidate fpr BberilTat the ensaing Au gust election. s i - j D We are aothorised to aanoance John Im clusiveiy occtrpled during its sitting of yes terday ,'upon Ihe jbllt to provide for the prr tction cf Amereican citizens in Oregon, &c; and.' after getting it out of Committen of the Whole, adjourned tjll lo- dav, when t ha voting upon it will be '.completed. In whatever -forrrf it rhay paWtbellouse, it vvilf, of; course, also require the assent of the Senate and the. approbation ol the Pre sident of the Untied States. 1 r Below we give the Yeas and Nayt on the YEAS -Messrs. t Arrher, Ashler, Atherton, Jlagby, nHrr,ir,,Benlon, Berrien, Cnlbinn. Ca merrni, Chalmers, ' John M. Clarion, Corwin, Criltemlen, Davi Djton, Dii, Greene, liar; wil. liouston. Huntington. Jarnagin. Johnson, 1 oiiaryiann. jonaKi. nf lMiiftiana, Lewis,' AlcUuuV, Mangtim, Miller, Morehead. Nitesj Graham, as a candidate for sheriff at the ensing ' ftT hJnnvUZ, iZ i f I c August election, ; j' fi , , ! o t Rusk. Setier. " -t I ; ' 1) i : , , j Simmon, Slight, Turney, Upham, Webber, ooiirjnge 4U. ; . DO? We think ft few fat BfcEVES might be sold in Town, tit a fair price. TO OUR pAthons. This No. df the Watchmar completes the 2d Vol. of the new seriesM j If there be NarsMessis. Allen. Atrheaon nM Bright, Cas, Thomas Clatton, Dickinson!' Evans. Fairfield. Hannegan, Jenness, Snmle ' prior to th . C : wc obtain eil full history of t!. Excellency Gprnr whole lot (oyer a : burned. This u ish ihing in DM) is so univeri.iilv r 4 1 ly execrated, see the paper nl: would have !een the? writer st'alrs, !. Masfe r- not to U. S.: unless it had I nounced unprcju !,' ItrWtVs report (! ; to be recalhI ar. ! ted in his place. DC?3 We see by' the papers; that; Mr. Leak has entered the canvass, with spirit ; -J- ...Li L . I Li '. :J ' any mho wish 10 nave tneir n.-imes enroll- nm nothing seems to give the minions of eiipon our list auNcribers, now is a j Icofocoism more uneasiness. They first good lime for them to do So. If there be j use ? honeyed tcords." and then threaten anv who wish tosetllej up-rparttcularly ( io incise him if he persists in pressing oi m oat . iici uae maue no seu.emenr ro , ,lis cajms jM.r nn, Th. J.rL . ; 17. which lV- the present firmno w is thej time. We j lenburgrJefersonutn seeir to be at the j I? T" ?Mid"' ! hea.rofinlUr rather, appears to beV, he j Jf!!:;: apptv as anoe, i : i i om.. ; it, i ..r.i, ,Ji ' . . '. . THE UNITED S i The New jOil v! Dih instant, rf'ceivt ' bring iw the tl'?i.sr Mr.SIuMI, tAJ Mini--rotary. f S;ai4 f r i! ftn Ihi Diana 0 V meut u:iper) 4tLe" j: Thf tetter-C"ii::. are one fri.TQ Ntr. S i . 1 ;'ihe Wply, fv L - f Mexico, datfd a: ... 12 ; the, rejiu'ialtT t f ills IV (' ppiy ns aioe, j j ;s , , ntnm.itnn in lb. Unrl .rik- t We would take this occasion to express sound Mr. Lrakt Hm, if hp wi. ,w ourlhanks to those who ia vel encouraged roW frorT1 tht, fi,.l.if not, he will be us by their support . heretofore and we drivrM if al)USft c.m do it We sns. trust our labors may continue to meet their approbation. Certainly. xe shall relax no effort in the faithful discharge ot our dutv; and shall leaVe it with our frie;nds to do for us more or less than they; have done, astthf-y choose, j More advertising ami 500 or 1000 additional suW libers would pect Mr. Leak understands the game they are'trying to pby upon him, and that he will act accotdinglv. Prrjudicr. There seems lo exist in England, among the poorer classes, al-' scrioers wp.u.o . . unvit.(jinir nreiudice to Indian Corn produce upon us ai very happy; efiVct.-f hich iwls,atmof .hat Cun- Suppose the experiment be trisSdj There's rv Hfe now attetnptinglointrHluce among no foretelling ihe results 3 it iptght even ( them Q$ coups(i WH can ca it nn,hlw, astonish our oldest patronsi who have stood j Hse hut. prpju(,ic(lt for ,,1Py certainly are so faithfully by us in every change and j ,.nlirPv ijrn.rant of the real value ol In- prospecr. oure. n is not a imn- impos- . dian Com lor hrpa( Here, in this Coun- sible : Where are the 12(70 out of.the 1400 try, where it graces the tables of both rich near the out- THAT HALE STORM. ; The progress of the great Hale S'orm, that recently swept over New ILimpshiic is thus cleverlv chronicled in the " how ell Advertkser l J The slorm took its rise let. ol WinniDisseosree LrikeLitalcintr A ie euitous course mostly over tne whole State sweeping all before it. 'Prees were up rooted, houses blown down ; barns; full of expectation, promising ait abundance. were scattered to the winds in a twink ling. Manv distinguished individuals of the State had their heads entirely smash ed, and all their worldly hopes blasted in a day. The Patriot office, a large and beautiful edifice, yas almost entirely de stroyed. In Stafford and J; Rockingham counties particularly, the storm was terri bly furious. IJrde stones fell in all tnis vicinity as big as tea cups!, The some what celebrated Jack HalerWas taken up by the storm, while actually speaking to an audience, and carried int; a Southerly direction, and has not since; been heard of. It is expected, if he should ever alight a live, he will be found preaching theiame doctrines'as when taken up by the storm. But the calamity is too serious to speak lighrlv of. What is remarkable, is this : nobhvWhissUhat peoplej the (ounty rj and poor, it is juslly esteemed the staff Iredell? Where are.the5U0outpf000inof yVe know no:hing, exrH-rimen- Davie, and the whole phalanx in Cabarrus I ta,v.f of he 0u mpal hrpa(, usd in Eng. with Ihe exception of some 50 or GO 7 ,and but we ,iave no idea that it woua Even; Rowan herself migfit do. more to ( bea. a comparison with Corn meal. We support a press at her County seat. Da- believe there is no kind of bread in the world that surpasses Indian Corn meal bread, when properly prepared. In some forms it is a prb ct luxury. vidsoh mighi send her quota of help ; and, altogether, thus might do much to reward the most arduous labor, ami at. tlie same time receive a double remuneration them selves. The man who neglects to read dayj eten thuugh il lalion iii.d, in ca? the rorrep.in;Ieiii-t ! ih rerin9 f-l.i- V. recominmd r w ai i licatioti of iheip by The cot.chuLi L : short, and j haitng in; ' thai, we veutuiv t. . The onJcrslgntJ, M.: the honor to ckiiw'.r his ticrllrnry J4m S'., N dinxry, &.c. f ihk Unl' address hiiii, un.lr Jait- ( ; '. from the ciiy' of J;ih; i. As. in this conuiui'i , pented the affruuu ni. n . formerly by hrr il.j '.'-. ,io ihis coiiiitrj,t arpar, -notoriously rrfutf J y ' " be a fruitless t.ihkori 1 irr anew into th rsam' And, above all. ir.c instructions frfim h C States. nnJ sol a-in t!. :. -dersijned has th .i'T, t ! ia fulfilment of iMtrJt r ; of the RepnWir. 'Ihr nnJi-rsign-!,' ovaT- : rrnt-w the txprrUn of ! -Exceflency John i-siJrH. J. Mi DC C ' To his Eicelleniry Mr falls behind the limes, andlis often maile to feel that he is, himself, an object of his own shame. He can nevejr enters com pany hut he made to fe bitterly his self-inflicted disgrace his ignorance. RESULT OF THE OREGON DEBATE IN THE SENATE. ! 1 s , ( f Thi' following statement, says the Nat. j Intelligencer, which; we find in the regu lar Washington Correspondence of lhN. j York Tribune, agrees substantially with what we have heard related here, and have reason tOj believe correct : - When Mr. Webster left the State De partment, in place 'of being a defaulter as ! has been charged, it appears that there - j j j was a balance paid over to him long ab We learn from the Intelligencer of the ter he. left. When Mr. Webster . left. 17th inst., that 44 the debate in tlie Senate j Mr. Tyler's Cabinet he requested the clerk on iheOaEGox Question closed on lh 10th ! vvho has the care of the contingent fund . 1 ; , 1 . ; , l. Jl ? to settle up the account and see how it about three o clock. and resulted n a vote . , . , , t w k . ; . j , stood. Ihe- clerk wrote to Mr. Wehster which w-e cannot but thmmiighly auspi- tlml therti was lht4 sum of 8K()C0 for cious to the preservation of Ihe pefjee of. which there was no vducher. Mr. Wel he! ccfuntry.. The amendment trj the res- j ster said the proper voucher would yrf l miirmn ni mp riniicr ii KpnpuconTtiiii'uG ; iiiuiiii. nut 111 iih. ui'-aii . . " " -w - . r , , arrivals nv tami at - . . t . LATE FROM The New! Orleans ' t to the Galveston A ' for an Extra conini:. ing news from !t he . brought to Galv cutter Woodburv. 0 sos Santiago. hb It SDth ulf. Vdt extra tant, as follows : : The nrmyjof in nil 3.500. ;iiri veil r 28tb ubmo oppfol:. Tavlor. with alconin der the command of b-ft the main army, a; simultaneously! with i from Aransas. jon t! not fieing hall'lm l.f oriirinallv submitted I.y Mr. CRiTTRvrEv. i the accounts of the Departme fully s. T.i. 1 ..u ! I ; Wc t iM up. and for this pur" on and nltered at ihe suggestion of Mr. Iohx- , Bi m .tnd thf. accs were settled. so?r, of Maryland, was adopted asastibsti- fhe. proper ceitiie1' afterwards appear- tute: for that and all other propositions be-1 in"-, the thousl flollars were refunded f Oa the appear Captain of the port Ihe custom-house ingS;at Ptiint 1s t! lore the Senate. The resolution as hnal- ! toMr. W1""- That, in place of being j twit goo.1 to I he tj OKttis, v.em.ivn Si ver. Go d and Silver 1 u:i.i.. i ...i.' rJ. ! . I I IU I CM. Ill-lUn W1IU V nru r-j by band ; Biisketsj Balsams,' rBay Rum,pt"rrn has appeared within the borders of! 4rt other part of our paper. "As thus amen1 "1 r . ' ' ' f " iU O . I j,: " " w v Beads, Bologna Sausages. Brooms, Brush- tne p'e. it. altogether one of the most es. Cameos. Caps made of Fun Capes, Gloves, and Leggins ; Carpets and Car peting ; Card Cases, Carriages and parts; Clocks and parts of clocks ; Coach and Harness Furniture!; Confectionary of all kinds; Cutlery of all kinds s Doll and Toyis of all kinds ; Diamonds, (when set in gob) ; feathers and Flower.s ; Hat Bodies, of cotton ; Iron, in blooms, bolts, bars, hoops, pigs, rods, slabs, scrap ! Iron ; Ves sels! qf Iron1; Japanned Ware. Jewelrv. iu;uiumciuirB u ajtmss, tuiie, vjoiu. iron, w J j-i .xt i 1 ci'iij,ntr ' . i w.4 r L.eau, vooiotiK. vvorsieq. itnen. Manu factures ol Glass. Colored; Watches, Glas ses for Spectacles, Paintings on Glass, &c, Manufactures of Leather,' Marble, of Pa per, of; Wood, of . Wool ; Metalici Pens. Molasses, inera! Watera; Muskets. Ri fles Medicines, Oil Cloihs Oils . of Olive, Vdbitile, 6ti., Saddlenv Sealing Wax. Se- gaits, M anuYacturesofTobi-lcco. Side Arms, Silver Plated Metals, Sugar,: Soap, Um brellas, Wafers, Water Colors, Wines of 1 it 1 ;: lerrtn e. naie sinrm.. k. t . mm una rvrr iun r . i .1 1 . 1 . pened in the. Northern States. S.ichi ex- i Mr A5Ij?J' OHierf u n hibitions are not uncommoil in thelTro- ! On itsjtfnal passage,-as will be seen. 'frlr. pics, but very rare in Ne w llapipslnrk i JBvaxs, Mr. T Clayton, and Mr.sWcsT The whole, population iti Howell wtre n cott also Voted against the resolutioninut v"oi 1 nct.1 nii amiui 1 ue rate 01 iitieir friends. The storm1 commenced w-ith a little rumbling noise that; sounded verv 1 i. i! iL -i " . . k! j. i inucii .n lie. me aisiant voice w treo. Dim- 4- ... .. v. I..,. -I ...... ii.. - ..i .i i uima i vrnnitn lit' ly adted will be found in Its place in an- i J'1 nen. ;in(1 lh5;4 nv' r rmrnni. lor; The buiblin-s iievaiue. neingccju -: etLwiih straw. I . The thousands r. of the enemy. v'k) !. in readiness 10 ttsp: For eighteen years, althougb the weather ed. the resolution was not nsteemftie:Xo ua!,"miniul"" r,il,"w',r "Ke a; most o those, who were reP"eU tt9 i A AnAful A(r, K fiUU fTrv ' V J T 7 m .raw i j men. Mr. Allen. tci innnn oi ine ollr.,i flt f-h'.-.rlnitM-rilU. V Commit tee on For-" Rlatjons. Mr. Qass, crofC we presume for very different reasons: these gentlemen being of opinion that no resolution of notice at all ought to pass. The final vote. was very strong 43 lo 14. htvvpen tbf Stiirlent of tb ITm vrIt v Xm . ' 'V-r . j j ,i (tyior s army srin ' and. the men attached to a Menagerie ex- (appeared upon bis . hibitieg there. Tho Students, it seems opposition expejin ' brought on the fight, by not clearing the cupation was first at ring when prdered to do so. The wenp- Mexican r: , ' ... ,t i i -i-i. mounted men tbrrn!. ons used were sticks and bludgeons. Five T if i,ft nlfPrnT,j, , : I or six of the Students were, at one time. I sintin" that ucb w f I i. . F n j . i 1 -n ' 'ng prtisiraie irtaii mows receivea : otu Mexicans .fir ;t t rl 1 mio Ifua L'lllurt A rAilnr, man l-v.. rr. . ... . . . , . . . 6 ' 1 . t i .ihijvhi.iihvi. i iwuHh 111111 w ".- uinuua U ; 13 III I ll'llilt -111 'IlOUr- 'r-. iuu iu hji. -xv miu iuip iiuiii iii.;i-i 1 e . . p l 1 ... U - i A. 1 ' r.i . 1 , , ! . . s i , the name of Glover, from Alabama, a ing out its vials of wrath upon the head the three gentlemen who are opposed to .... , , ... of the Hon. John P HmihI fnr s.,J : jj.. c n. L,. . . . J, . i ! most amiable gentleman, who. while act- - " - y I iifii irM 111 ;iiiv iiifiii. iih ri'aiiiL iiuiii nil ptnr to.be, that, out of 51 enatbrs pres ent, 43 intimated distinctly their opinion us success- ful efforts to aid the Whigs ih're.deetning New Hampshire from. the control oi'Locd Focoism. Ilal. Rrgister. ; !; jj i- . r was immeuiMictv f troops formed at 1 t perfect order, I bi. v. the armpits, whf n 'U0tnlrA further- TJ U L4j:it ikJl- formation' above called ar, ih President b te-l all kincls. rcstto tiirnjsh to th s llomty ftn account of! The following articles pay 25 per cent: iaeBxpnaiiureotiaii gecrrt sefrioemey since -buttons. Baizes, Bockings, Cahlesand iiA' jiik . l.m ..i naH.w . a . . lr'-i n i 1 k i . i s- t i I Cordage, twues of Cotton, manufactures of Cotton, Mohair, Goati hair, Slate, other . l ! 11 .. .-if. tr 6 -! I . . - . ,v'..UJx i'A .ui-LLUL- ..r-. 'Ji: ' nn roonng suites, vvooien ana vvorstei! Ut,rt il .atI..,L' . ..:.i I - ni LYam, ool unmanufactured. Then come " T- 7"T , thti 20. 10 and tW nriiele 1 03 aliivtnt a sltict paity rote, a feiy Wbigs ! yfng pgainlt it bccaiise it Was in Triolatioh of the law which e tempted the President from any rMpo4jkiVi!ity foi the tiSq of thts fund.:: Of the N. C. JmemWrsJ lMeslsl Barringer tand Dock- fry tited fonhe amend nvnUsmd Messrs: Biggs, v Clarke, Paoiel, Dubbh, UrahUni, McKay iiiid IlrM, sigainat it.J : t-.;,;, ; Tho ciiu'lion svatJten laken on it marl frfnal reolutno, as modified by coiis-nt of! Mr, loir- rrW.I, ad it $ ai4 adapted, J133 to S3. ,v The. Nats 'vrjri if b'tn panie, cUniposctd 'entirely. Itli sujjed, f thost truo belierecj th bJi. The commeneement of thei Jeftvr?on f Medi cal College at Philadelphia yeas held on the O lik ..C M ., U : .1 ! - : I . "i iinvivu, -vii ion ir ihh rirriiaiiaies were i t van VAk. r v i- , vor oi a compromise on me seven young men trom MorthiCamlma, vvho I 1 . names, and the subjects of the Theses of each, mentioned, if a treaty to tha are annexed. v John L. Mears, ( Wilmington,) Use and abuse of general Blood letting, i ;) ;. ' : .James F. Simpson, (New Hanover,) Causes of Dyspepsia. j i- f j Edward W. Brown, Modus operandi of Me dicines, t i 'r.U ,i jv il-. George W. Borwell, Intermittent Fever, Presly K. Garner, Duble tertian intermit. tent Fever. v '. :- H; :! : " that the Oregon dispute ought to be com-! , . ... , . . , . , . i. . ;' , ! men have been committed to jail, and oth- promlsed ; and of Ihe. remai ung 1 we i , . .l ' v - . . ore irern nrwtor uTnminnlinn at trio Inet I . . ' .It i- ; V. ...IW V...., VA-...llIU1.l.a flf.fc . uount not; tiiai a majority wpuiu ue in in i A messag? waslreceivedlfrom the. Pre sident ol the United States to-dav. while ine House was in Committee of the Whole I Ler was n general cry oi read; read; f f tadV,but ;one remrbjetedand the message could, noti be read. The House in a lew moments becarnq very full, and every body was in expectation of a rare dihh of scandal. The Speaker was ner. suadcBtb break th enseals of jthe Message and but-jumped, not a mdnstcr, nor indeed ay thing more marvellous iftii some es- basis sol often effect should cpmcihefore the Senate. ' The House of Representatives mav Or may pot concur in. this amendment of the Senate. .We hope jhey wilj; but lhy should not, it is quite obvious that, looking to t he. probability of a settlement by com pironiise, the state of opinion n the Senaie account. is he matter of first and greatest impor Joseph R. Johnson, Tybhoji Fereail it ari- tance.Wl ' if. fA.1nf1 in trnrtutt .umli- in it. i... 1C44 "ii i - ! ........w ... . . ... . , in nc- i mi tutu- . rrtt m '. t . . t i I . tf amnden Sidnev Williamsi ;:Perttinia. . V M" l'"i" V" 1 'V o.. , Tlie commencepient nfl thej jMpdical depkrt- Sex ate. having on Thursday crownerl its meat 4,f ihe Uoiversiiy of Pennsylvania r;.s h-ld longj and ! able, debate upon the Oregon nn iU fi lnf inr;i ..ru:.l..riu aa..i . j h - 1 . k . H r rVr " , question bv an act in unison iwith itscon- bebmg to this StMe x Their nitnes , f.Iluw.-i- H .. . , i. . .."h ' . L Thetr .Theses 'arKnotatedffi.: r:: r : r i stituhonal character,and in nny respectk wpriny 01 ine pureM unsui toe ivrpquuc, rests rrom! its;tabora ufit 11 the opening of another. week, and. of courseidid not sit The House op RErEESEXTATrvE3 was ex H.-Wisiar Blount, AVm. Ai Cheek, Gaston D, Cobb, JD. f l.i Crisp,- Isaae F. Dortch, John R. Eliorn.' Wm. Sj Jacobs, Robert H. Marriott, Bartlett YMcNairy. Moses G. fierce, Jlofiert A. Sanders, Wrai Li Shoemaker, Weslc t S vlfL Benj,L.-White.;:r-, ulj ,- ! t .1 f - ! ' ing as pacificator, received the fatal blow I can pruilPnlv r.fU upon his bead which terminated his life tin" his positive on! Tho oulv othi-r hern previouIv ;na ' or si xty. who, b a i i :: prairie, mfortned ( proceed no further ; order of Gen. T. t! this party were p'1 r tr. : to the rear and i , When near pc i: goons. Gen. T. pc . thirty or forty rot n, lion and message S i with threats in t!. can gasconade. At flagratioti made jit I guez was discover i ' el the deputatic u form Gen. Mejia t!. asnre its Hubscribers to get it. their ea- ; his message oppc-it gerneiss is increased by this resolution, as j urday, ihe 8ih c . - ' ..." t ......I . m-m . , . many of them regard it as certain inai an schemes naving Resol vednafiixed to them must socceed than which, as we ever re solving it publicans know.j there' is no greater error.' But the government is said to keep a keen'eye on the papers, and the last number of the Courier which arri ved; CCr Something singular from Havana. A correspondent of the New Orleans Delta, writing from Havana, gives some curious items of intelligence. He says that since the papers or this country have been referring to Mr. Yulees resolution for the acquisition of that island, they are looked for there with great anxiety-by all who understand them. The Courier des Elals'Unis, of New York, has a great ma- Extraordinary i ting ihe vessels cv r out pilots. The c!.: however, driven: : beating heavily :. in two feet water. .cannot be saved. rence, Commands: : 4 i !