r -t; -r : - . --.KL-v ,W o ' .,,- --f- ' . ! j yy. iVy ': : v ;-' A v e, u ,(" A' f a ir II- 4: I . - i - i,i ill uiiar. t M pi I j : - , . ' n - : - n . . -. : - - - ' . i i ' : r ., ; i .. i ' ' . t . i . r I ! BRUNER :& JAMES ) , . mmMW ( : ; ' ; to smw - il i r I pvU' . J,' ? "KEEF A CHECK CTOJI ALL Touk Lar KULERS. Do THIS, AJfD LIBERTY 1 1 AHV . ,. .j i .2Sd4.Proprtef.A;,t,u Is SAFE Hr i 1 i - G?e. Harrison. ) '-j NUMBER G. OPTOTJTMF. Ill ; Ij j j- ; ! -:' .f,q,aimSBURlf JUNE 57l846. ' ' TJrlll, At 1 C1TER in advance. Jrc for the firpt. ,Capt. Fbe- l I -i ? jU nf St. Franiitea, f 1 n (fiir zi3 . : bec-n ana wnere i iw" fu,"o will tell you I fi'i.i.Jr : , Li -A ihe HockyMpuntains cn d.e main Ar- VJ,l: ,ng oul 'Hs very hcaU-uuter ; ex- 1 Vil sUbcrr. slinre of the great bait LUUo Sikl On. cf'it.;i,!and5.f You know l hat f'Svcb tnnt t,viM,;manu3cr.)iorprmca,.ne THE VOICE OF Till! i'EOi : Greensboeoi-ciI. N. C.M; A call having been pr.-v 1 1. i . Tell vour'fathrr thnt, nh a volun-. ut,j. paVty dliilieerj incn, I -crossed it between Jfe iSrtiII-l-of arul Instead of a plain, r kUmlti'f. tlirouirhout its whole extent, travers- r i ; - - : ..i.i MJ Hy parallel ran'8 oflofty mountains their 'lowriq valleys nau none, insieanoi uanuu pdoiiry the mountains were coverdd with grass. o( ilio hest quality, wooded with several va- r lr irpea. and contalninrr mbre deer and rmouftUln ilicrp than "woj had seen in any pre ijprt of our voygv So ullJ"Iy:at yari VwcM'ii every description, frcm authentic iSire! or fipm .rumor or report it is fair to cirtislfcr this country as hitherto wholly uncx ritUl. Ihd never More visited h'y a white man. I,Cet my party at tho rendezvous,; a lake f'uliwtst oftlreyrarriid Lake, andl again sepa-, rated, i-ptulhi ihan along the eastern side ot (jirtJat .Sjorra, thrte or four hundred miles, frM into the valley )f the St. Joaqulm, near (i jifact' J)urin alljthQ time tl at I was not fiyi'.h tlmMr1. Joseph' Walker was their guide, lr;Tallntt (tell hi ruother he is veil, iind does tve';ia(ch'argc,'.ond Mr. Kern, the topographer. Wp.'enlh d;y after leaving them I reached 'CTapt4 fitter's, Crossing the Sierra on the 4th ptceimler, before the tfiow had fallen there. Sierra is absolutely impassable, ind ibJ(rpide of our passage two yes rs ago is lu riiirlj'witli'l masses of show. Uy the route I live :lcijtareil 1 cati ride in thirty-f ve days from y.Tnif(ibia qui Hindi rjver to Chpt. Suiter's ; aW, jpvagnns th road is decidedly far Let if'r, 1 ;wih this ki:wn to your fi tiR'ri as now, iilVvjoutni'y hisi btn ?nddc, it may he said tjN w'as ! ah eady known. I s hall make a sWt'Wney "up the eastern bran ch of the Sa rremrnto, and. go from liio Tlama'th 'lake into 'AV-hlahinath valley, through i ass alluded la iuMny report ; in this way making tLo road into Orpgfin far shorter, and aoo road in plaeeji j it iW ttrcsfjit very had one down the Colum- if already teems with the bus hlum of settlers'.---The soft cedar trees (even 17 feet in diameter and 300 feet high) begin to fall under the pew; England axes and the Western axemen. I The carting in Montery and Yerba Buena, is partly tione by Missouri men and oxen. A schooner has been built by the Americans, at San Fran- j Cjisco, loaded with Califo'rnian produce, anl both gold in IVIaratlarj at a high profit; her potatoes Isold at 4 dollar per 100 lbs. ; Leans, five dol. firs an .tnglisU bushel, paid in specie. IMore vessels are nov building, several saw mills on tie rive'rs are at work. At Bodega, a large steam saw is nearly finished. 1 Over three hun dred mon, women and children arrived last Oc-i tober, at Helvetia, went there to see them, and; ljade them welcome ; bringing down a small boy to Monterey to educate with his son. An nexatlon, you se, in future.) y Mazatlan must soon receive her lumber, sal mon, bacon, grain, potatoes and vessels,! from tie Americans ion the Sacramento. The Ore gon emigrants in ay well say their country is lull of viheat and flour. It must so continue Until some new; and powerful invention can re- j ihove the bar at the Columbia river, to Sallow i i vessel to enter. The Hudson's Bay Compa ys ships, hav been 36 days from the Colum bia river to San Francisco, 30 days of which they were at anchor, waiting to get out. t think i whale ship nver found her .'way thene, and if We are sure we chnnbt Isay what de-! passing his. lines, accosted Capt. May of gree of consideration' was1 given :by these j the 2d Dragoons, and told hirri : " Your Powers to this line of bojundary, at the regifrient has never done anything yet time of their recognition 1 of Texan inde-1 you frnast take, that battery.' 1 He said no- penaence. we douot wpetner iiiey con- i imng, put lurneu io ms commanu ana saiu side red pf it at all. I large meeting of citizens ot Guilf fi held in the dourthouse this da v. i On motion or Ralph GorVclI.'i : j .Morehead was called Io ;ihe c. !i Peter Adams and M. S. S! requested to act as Secretaries. I On taking the j Chair Gov. proceeded to explain what he u ' to be the object of the meeting, r , in a clear and forpihlo ma finer i : ac'sof the present Administiatii ng particularly to the recent But of this we arc sure :- rthat line corii- prehends ah immense extent of country where the foot of a republican Texan nev er trod, except at the peril of lite or asa prisoner of war. It comprehends large number of Mexican tou nsi including San ta Fe, the capital of 'Northern 01exic&. with, a population of six i thousand ; ctn,fl embraces thou sandy of Mexican inh'ubitanisr who are and ever have been, since its estab lishment, under the acknowledged, undoubt Prom the N. O. Bulirtin Extra 19ih inst,, 10 A. il.' TWO DAYS LATER from the ARMYj An Expedition Started to Attack Barrita 'he Sub-Treasury bill by the lov ; Gen. Taylor Preparing to Cross the of Congress, showing the injurif ' lilO Granft nnd Atturk nnrt 0imn CV SUcli n. mcisiirn vvriil,l 1 ii i ' we must take that battery follow !" ; Matumoros. upon the business and proper j- He made a; charge with three companies : The"steamer James L. Day, Capt. Grif. fT. the effects ol which C -aleast,withtherematnderof threejcom- fit arrived. this morning from the Brazos bad enough in time of peace, l." paniesp-supported by the 5th and 8th re- j St. Jago. which pUce she 7i on the ?SS eatly aggravated iu Ma giments of Infantry. They cleared the ; insU bringing intelligence two davs later ! IIe SP of the existing war v. . oreasiwork, roue over.uie Dattery wneel-1 than that by the GaKes-on co antI condemned most un ed and; came through the enemy's line, whilst; the fire jof the Infantry was so dead ly! iii its effect .as to carry all before it. Capt. May made a cut at an office-r as he charged through on his return he found himlstanding jbelwecn the wheels of a ea jurisaicuon oj ine isovernmeni oj mex- "'r'o ciu. xie omer- ico. and no other. Greensborouirh Patriot. ! e(I llim to surrender. He was asked if v ' 1 i 1 j he was an officer ? THE MEXICAN WAR. j Additional Particulars of the Engage ments of the 8th and 9th inst. Galveston brought Orleans to hand find a very full detail of the glorious ac- A complete panic and route ensued on the tions of the 8th and 9th ihst.? furnished by i part of the enemy ; they fled in every di an eye-witness, an actor in the scene, Cap- reUon for the river ; many were drown tain Jas. T. Tod, latej of the Texan navy; mi 1 he news is important ! Capt. Griffin informs us that General Taylor left Point Isabel on the morning of the 13th, with about two hundred men, and a supply of provisions for the army at the camp. Af ter proceeding a short distance, however, he deemed it expedient to return and in- PrpflCP tile nc-pnrt onA tol-n ii'M. f . Capt. iMav answered t r i- it . i: . ; k ,.n 4:-.i, i. r . . : 4ua,"'iy w up inc&. iic um so, and 'ij i J- 4. rr 1 r took up his march again for the camp, on the pohcy ot the" President in 1 ' : this war; but none would be t:.: to sustain the President than prosecuting this war now we ! into it with vigor and "jetur might be brought to a speedy a: ble termination. The friend i: ; ident had delighted to dub hi ; Hickory," but it is to be jl-am'. fore his 'administration tern.i . country will learn from hnd - j i . ., rr - . 'n mo nidi t,u (iLiciiu iui me cauiu, on sword, remaking-" You- receive Gen. ! lhe m(Jrninjr of lhe wilh 1Vom vegan prisoner ot war. eiirht hnndroH mon o norL-nf,r.iiiPrv that their voun- Hickorv is no: ; Capt. May gave him in charge of one about two hundm,, L flfiv wncmnV U, sprout nothing but a o!k Sr, papers of the 15th instant, ! M !s, sergeants who had lost his horse in was met about midwav between Point Is- M- "forred to Mr, Webster :u J by thc steamer iGalvestbti at New f I arge, ordering htm to conduct him abel and the camp, late on the evening of ,n lhe Treaty of! Washing:.,- savstheMobile dvertisercarae l VT'l i i he hncs' the 15th. Up to that time he had not met with the late di-rac. i ,saysuie .uooiie.Aueiuser, carae Lieut. Inge; a brave and gallant officer ih -nmv. nL i .u-. i. on him simultaneous! mn.ln I.v ' yesterday. In the Civilian we of tW 2d Dragoons, fell in this charge. ! UOnld PnnnnntPr nnc; V. ! .i " ! inson.inthe Senate.and Mr.C. J: I ----- v wiik'u-iii lii i. ii iiir' t'riirii - ihe did, the cr0w might consume their supply !f refreshment. for the season' while they were laying ijiside the bar, waiting for tirjne wind ward to go out. Many whalers are yearly sup plied at $an Francisco, but the land needs more of the American class of laborers to 'prove, its Utility. The Californians are quietly looking n, wbndering who, and what, will come next, many! of them I being uncertain whether it is best for their interests that the Yankees should (ake possession, or bes for their patriotism that the Mexican flag, without her laws, should yet fly over them. f Theyfare getting used to the stars and stripes, however. jCaptaiir Fremont knd his party are now in California. 1 As the account is more clear and compre hensive than we have before given, we make the following extracts : Gen. Taylor arrived at Point Isabel on the 2d inst., with a part of his command, j al impression was that the enemy had re- ln ie 1,ousc of Represeutatm . (treated from opr soil, itnnied.fltely after unnpceTSary in this community t I their disastrousdefeat on the 9th and 10th Ir Wcbster from the vjle c: ! and sought safety on the wct bank of the such men as Dickinson and C. J. ! Rio Grande. Such personal attacks y ere l r: i While General Taylor was at Point Is-' dignity of a statesman of a L ' j abel he received intelligence that the iiivA.uiu ncic O.I 111 liirjU 1IUIU- hers at Barrita, a Mexican town immedi- TIIE SOUTHWESTERN BOUNDARY A late number of 4hc '4 Union" has ah Jticle to prove that the Rio del Nprte is the trud boundary, of Texks. jritron. I skiJI havejexplored fijom beginning!; ! If thd position be indeed correct, and numberimr 1800 men; to assist in niacin? the. Point in a nroner state of dpfVnee. campaign, and instructions from the Mex The works were completed on the Gth, I lcan Government, authorizing him to send and on the next day at 3 P. M., hie took up i Gj Tuylor and his army, when taken his line of march for his camp opposite i prisoners, to the city of Mexico to treat Matamoras, and came to a halt for the . Gen Taylor and his officers with such nmhr. at thp. wntpr.hnlp . ahnnt 8 rniles rli- i care ana attention as becomes the mag- tant fi-om Point Isabel. The next morn ing the spies and scouts came in andi re ported that the Mexican; force, belie vejd, to be all their army, had taken up a position uu mi aueinjning io cross. ii.igiit pieces of artjllery Jell into our hands, and an in numerable quantity of small arms, muni tions, baggage, camp-equipage, military chest, containing a large quantity of gold; Geh. Arista's carriage, bacsraire. nort folio. j.i.: .... . " ' 00 o-'i ui uuiuui.a iuuAicui luwa iiiiiiiriu- with all his olhcial correspondence with atcly on the bank of the Rio Grande. On the- governmetit, with full plans of the politician, and could only;sprii outpourings of an envious'cr : spirit. ;The treaty had tundth ordeal of lhe SenMf nnrl mrr'iv, 1 lion of Whig and Democrat, v.v'. unanimity; had been approvt ! mocratic President, and the i large had acqufescoi inthe wlu ! ings; then why bring up the nariJmity of the great Mexican nation. Four or five hundred head of mules, &c, with a large number of stands of colors, being thus informed, he ordered the two companies of Louisiana Volunteers, un der Captains Desha and Stockton, and a detachment of United States infantry, numbering in all. rprrnlnrs nnd vnlinifppr ahnnt nnP thniK.on.l mon nmA onttM. 1 San 't Was IlOt to gratify t ly of infantry, to proceed to the attack of !lins .of ,hosc Viho ca"y,cv: that town. ' j Mr. Webster swell earneufan.; These troops embarked on the morning ! man and diplomatist, and wh: of the 15th, on the steamers Neva, Leo Mn "s treaty was calculated t r cm:. The plan of the camnai?n and the in- r'ltir.r.f ; ..... 1 .. : name more dear to the Arncric :. , 1 -o--, -- , nv vinviuiKiu, uuu utii; lanuru n. ujc ; . . . . ; . , . , , r.'Sfju very When .1 shall havo made this short ex- o r'rniJhi rmd la Orvgan. fi: ) . fi five j.ut returnfU,; with m Itfciij Ij-orn aii exphuiii juiuney yiViiiJu. fium the ruMirhborhood iU lifl-Ivof : the Lakij Irk. - lnynows on the inounta:ti sumirjt, there fto(rer:rjig"etl than I Jiad irlsewhcre met them 1 st a i ri as ia Wur first passage ; got a party of six- tn the Sierra k)f Gutter's tof e got among " y 'i 'f ihfil'led ih-o . it hor.-e.thieve.s," (Itu the United States have lhe right Ito all the country on ihis side of the del (Norte we are jready to go as far as the farthest to protect and defend that right. If it be in the chapparal, abouihihe miles distant, sections from his government, ordered Brassos at 1 P. M.,and immediately march- and had thrown works across the road, " ' i WK poesbion oi roini isanei ; ed lor the K10 Grande; the steamers be- j which were well fortified with cannon! ' this ; was to be the brief act of hostility ; . ing ordered to ascend the river and trans Gen. Taylor sent back a part of his j heiwas to fortify it as strongly as possible, i port the troops and their ammunition a wagon train, as he could not well afford j IIe xva? likewise ordered to take posses- ! cross. Commodore Connor with his whole a sufficient guard to protect it all. His sion of the mouth of the river and fortify squadron, consisting of the steam frigate entire force consisted of 2,300 men. The j Jt onc I Mississippi, the frigates Cumberland, Rar- Mexican force, from all that could be j After the route Gen. Taylor despatched itan and Potomac, sloop Mary, the brig learned bv our scouts and spies for some' i CiPt- Carr ol the Dragoons, with a guard, j Lawrence, and the schr. Santa Anna,! at days previously, was believed to be be- 1 to convey the intelligence. 1 hey bore so the same time weighed anchor and sailed many ui me ciu-uiy s coiuis wiiu mem, ior the mouth ot the river, intending to that they presumed in the Fort that it was j assist the troops in crossing with his boats, tween 5,000 and GX00 men ; 1,800 of which was composed of cavalry and Ran- not correct-Uv will never countenance i cheros, the latter being considered the iana who lay) ti(the California frontier,) fliught several nl p'tistht our -way d(wn into the plain again anil, lick to SuMer'. i T,eli youf father tLat t tw.Vifioiitliin'iihantUome to tel tuph ib of (iri.ln ntu Ulick Owens, and others jam going now ons business to; see some jj'nt ncn on the coast and wil the:n join mj eoi, and compleio ! our survey ir this part of tlx? 1 .hi hi as rap'tdly jas. possible , The season ju Cnow a.rrivin'g when vegelJition; is coming tiiiv'alV thf beauty J have often describesd tp youh.rtii that partjof our labcrs I shall grati fy aR ;rny hopes I find; the theory of our Great invblv the " suiflphurous canopy" of war that party which places our country in me tvronjr. 1 1 ruth, conscience, honor, na ! .. .. . ! irioiism iisen toroiu nit itrt .1 , . ine ivvnigs are not backward in rescu ing lAniericarj lives from peril and the A merican Hag trom disgrace, no matter '.by- what bungling policy or by what base de sign of men in power ihey mav have been In the actual conflict under Ainer- most effective troops in Mexico. Gen. Taylor put his army in motion, and on reaching the enemy it was found they were occupying the chapparal, and had thrown up breastworks along the road, with several pieces of cannon planted so as to sweep the road, i No time was lost in arranging the Mexicans coming up to make an at tack, it being dark, and the Fort fired up-otl-them, but fortunately injured no one. JSorne 400 Mexicans were buried at our last! accounts, but doubtless hundreds arc lying dead in the chapparal and in the river. . it icans know; no party. They are brave : let thf m also be just. That bravery is neverh essed by Heaven and it surely utters u casus iimu which is caci c-iaeu 111 , . - . , , -r rt t, : ' , , . .t r! ed them with a deadly lire, iuaior Kin the aggressive and unscrupulous spirit ot 1 , , , n . 1A J t?i conquest. ; - . 1 Capt. Walker and his Ransrers pursued the order Of battle, and; ad-1 UP the enemy, and gave a parting saluta- vancing upon the enemv, the latter open- uo .lo ,many m ine nver ing their artillery, which was speedily re-i jWe lost in, killed and wounded about turned hvnnr fmops : Thp. Aff vienn G' Captain, Hooc lost an arm. "j " -" " - - . i . Ar , 1 . . : " - airy undertook to charge our lines under . tvapr. iuas cnarge is spoken ot as be- ; on a bridge formed ol the boxes of his cover of the smoke, the 5th Regiment of ,W onf ot those splendid efforts which , wagons caulked tight. For this purpose lnlantry having formed a square, receiv and to aid in the attack with his men. The expedition was under the command of Col. Wilson. General Taylor intended to cross the ri ver at or near his camp, to take posses- ;intl ff AfjifntTinrAC u nil tVn iivnoilitinn 1 r : ' tablihed. una uiucicu IUI UUUU1C piirpUSf Ul UI3 , lodging the Mexicans from their position at Barrita, and assisting Gen. Taylor in occupying Matamoros, should he be opposed. Gen. Taylor intended to cross the river j Thp "Union" thus sums up the state mehts rind arguments of its article on the ; boundary :4-' That Texas was ours by the tfeaty of 1803, and that its boundary ; extended to the del Norte, is proved by I the; 'concurrent testimony of Jefferson, gold and Capt. Duncan's corps of Flying Artillery opened their fire and mowed Ua&jii fully confirmed in having for its southerp boundary ranges' of oy mountains j The S irf.atjtoQ, is broader v he re this chain leaves it than an any other parti that I liave : seen.- So! fwviij'u prupvr syiiBon cuuiys, una my am fnalfare rested, we tuirn' our flees homewardJ find be sure that grass, will not grow under out 4Ij All our; people are well, a Jd have had no mony of these statesmen, the " Union" stckoe$s;of arty kind amoiiL' us : so that I hone ! quotes 5 1 , C 1 It . bring bajck with rhe all that I car- 31 any rootiths of hardships, close anxieties halve tried jno scverelv.and 4 them down in solid columns, which made them stagger and fall! back in confpsion to their lines. j " f The battle was now principally confin ed to artillery on both sides. The Ijdexi- cans aiming too high, which prevented Madison, Monroe. Adams, Pinkney.Ben- ! mnMl ,nQ(S .ir .:fui ' hnr Pli inrr UPt;i. ; merican soldier ; s Vyl; A'"o upumiuptjn- i le was ver destructive to the hopes of ,r Rf15 oriniormauon ai command 01 ; the ene the Fapi wiouiu nave adorned the brightest feather ; he had ordered all the oakum at Point Is id the plume ot Murat in the palmiest ! abel to be sent up to the camp, days of his glory. It cost him some 18 Capt. Griffin heard nothing whatever of horses with a few of the gallant riders. the report that Paredes was marching to iThis victory entirely belongs to the U. Matamoros with 1.T.000 mpn. nor was i States Army; no volunteers having arriv- . there any certainty that the Mexicans had ; ed in time to share in the honors of the been reinlormed ; the general opinion, : dayi It will convince our country that however, was that they had been. ry est Point affords the material of exhib-! There were none of thp pnpmv hn. itihg the courage and bravery of the A- tween the camp and Point Isabel ; if anv , rcmaineu on mis siue oi ine river me) to b3 able t ietijout. ') jfiiajl,'and ai myjliair is t n.ueties have tried tno severely, atd S j ' L . I 1 flyftiair is turning, gray betor its time. Rut lis passes, ct le Idii tctnvs piendra. . 1 the Union,' we admit the correc ness of .vhh it was hrn,rht ,0 hear on different ! allnhis But what does it prove ? ! ints of lhe enemy's line created 'great ln strengthening the concurrent testi- i at; i; 1,1 ; 1 rt u - oca through both thighs, killing his horsje un der him. Capt. Pag had his lowelr jaw shot off". 1 " The cannonading continued fromjabout 3 p. m. until sundown, and could be heard distinctly at Point Isabel. The Mexicans from one of the able letters of Col. Benton, republished by himself 1 in the Gl(jb3 bf the 4ih of May, 1814 : f Thje best and most numerous labors on the continental coast of the Gulf of Mexico I trust we will hear no more of dis mounting our gallant Dragoons the af faiHof the 9lh shows them to be-the arte ries of our defence. ; The conduct on both occasions, speaks highly to the credit of their gallant com mander, that old " war hoss" and time worn veteran, Col. Twiggs. were above the camp. The Volunteers taken out by the Jas. L. Day were all landed in safety on the 1th. A steamer, supposed to be the New York, was seen standing in for the Brassos as the Day came up. -,The Telegraph arrived there in about 36-hours after the Day. The American. Minister had 1.."! if he had not outgcncralled L ? ! ton, and it was to be regrctt .: '. r 1 rr i . . iuexican ouiicuiues arc not 1 1 . r I TA ; 1 ageiiicm 01 sucu men as lj.iiii'-. because if such were the '-fact! . the most miserable, bungling, ! which has plunged us in a war. 1 of a nation would have been pr honor guarded, and the bloo ! . ure of its citizens saved. ; Wl.'. . approved of many of the acts . . ident.Gov. M. spoke in warm t : probation in reference to his! i divulge the secrets of the Str.: ment. A different course, w.j , the subversion of the xry pri:1, which the-Secret Service fui; ! Gov. M. was g!. ! meeting had been called in il. patriotic county of Guilfor 1 ; ground of one of our revoluti r: gles for liberty. Let the pec ' primary meetings, speak too i : and if they turn a deaf ear to : the ballot-box is the remedy, took his seat in the midst cf cheering throughout the hotw-. On motion of John A. Gil::.' r chairman was requested to n .j mittee of three, to draft resolut ive of the sense of this mrrt! ' present state of the coun!ry, . lowing gentlemen were 11 run- : i tute said committee, yiz : Joi n Ralph Gorrell and Peter Ad:.: as me conuimiec uit in.n.. to the duties assigned the: Morehead, - was loudly r. fron all parts of the house to . mectting and was procccdini-; esting s-J'tcu wicu uiecui:i::;. ed. We could not do anyth' tice to his remarks, and there! undertake a synopsis of theni. the Committee, througu Mr- f hiiii Aide f ttl 11 lie; between the Sabine and the mouth of retreated and left one piece of cannon on vertiser, gives ah account of a new church thft PlO flpl TVnrtP A n n5rl OAm i fUo SfVil'rl nrin note t'dri tniPIl Innanl1r KiiiW l-ir Vi r Woclovnno in T-r irig Spring riverjn Englis!;. This is the opt- rnrrciitl power, owning the great river The latter were asked why their cavalry treal. He says it is a building more cost- Capt. Griffin left Point Isabel at 10 o - , , , f i till . r t 1 J . WUllCU lUllUttlllU IMtilUiUK Magnificent Weshjean Church.-K cor- clock on the morning of the 16th, and got ionSt j, rccdvcVthe hct respondent of the N. Y. Commercial Ad- ; unaer way ai, 1 r. m. of every Whi" pre From the X. O. Daily Tropic, 2-l inst. LATER FROM THE ARMY. 1 11.' ' ..li -1 .J... '. ... i : tl ! T iiwinriiii 1111 pur ii Hiuis.i!, uih ui scvviiiy iiji i it-Si - t&orfltent's Fort, wl.ir od retired hunters nnd iradors, !, i.th jMcxijenii n:lln.lia"n j-iv 8. nmi jfoliciod ito'pni villas-It, cnllctl l .filviliid iiihail viligPB pix-hlo ;trlti and ftotk K..J',-'- l their diildrcn,h;tve 1 bjt the Mexican name od; where they raise which carries th .enmmprpp. nf n omn!p ' aa t Ao.M ? Thpv nnvd it wn f,-:.nr1 monniflnt iUn o,r in iUa Arrival of the Stcam"P AiaDama. info tlie Gulf, we had the erreatest need imnossihle to frethem to do so afmr the helohfriner to that denomination of Chris- ! i i i . . ... . ; i " . . i . ---o -7 ------ 1 1 '!' X r forthtjse harbors. By the acquisition of first repulse, the liring was too hot, the tians. This imposing structureis Louisiana we obtained them ; by the new 1 men could not be kept to their arms, but Gothic order of architecture, but in every wnig present: . I - r. f V, fTn'tnrt St"loil, " ted in their late movements tion to fasten upon the country measure,-called lheSub-Trfr fiance of the condemnation cf as made known in the elect i fy$ftte Pacific 0caiu Calif or nia, Oregpn and Mexico. i i i i Afrrr spondee oti the New York Sun Mb-TtcKEt, CMi iornia, larch 0, 184GJ neral Mic if. The Steam Shin Alabama, JCapt. kin dle, arrived this morning about 2 o'clock, reports having hlt Brazos Santiago on luesuay ven'-b , - A ,xvhen the question was fairly i news at the IVint (official.) had arrived, ? A H j ' l'at Gen. Wlson, with four companies of ' as i porlicn i Regular, ami three companies of the Al- U.S..e desire to , abaroi. o lunteers had 1 taken Bantauuh. mamMat.. .- : out opposmon. i,en. i aj ior a lo - , , ., - 'j r 'i e! command tCastro, at tlie' the Bout h. vn of the in the o- boundry Established on our southwest fron- would break and run ; the order to charge ' pinion of the writer, is not equal in beau- Uer m 1819 ice gave them away. " Be- '..was repeatedly given ;i a few of the cav- ty! or convenience to the Charles-street fore tlje establishment of this boundary all airy would advance, but not findingjthem- Church in Baltimore. On the occasion the country to the west of the lower Miss- ; selves supported by their comrades,iwould of ;its 'dedication, Lord Metcalf,.the gov- issippijquitjo to the Rio del Norte was ou rs.M j- fall back again to the main body. They erriorlin-chief, was present. i i ' -.1.1. j. . I . .. . " ! .l.We! cannot doubt the truth of this yes sltaleu mat one oi tne pincers ot the cav all iticludingthe passage which we have ; alry wa,s.so indlSllant at his c?Pf dlso" markrd iii itnlirs" hv thp npwhnnntkrv oeying his orders, that he rushed in amon; n iHtirne Umia uit , L a ! ..i x.J.: t" them, cuttiusr rn?ht and left, and that one i -j va. .., v i'k ;,i 1 1 mii'i i ! i iii i r si ii 1 1 ii whs iniri pr iii i o - o . tiflairi their aU vnV".Kv&L iHio lvi'invn ibm " h ! of his men drew a pistol and shot him unyeriCoinmhdante Ceneikl ! i i lo,n ' .. ..J 1 dea!v . J : . '. vLi.t-l Al..: . ' I ,n P:" rnve aua i ne j country ! e lost some 45 n k ed and wounded. VvlluF af pernor ,l'ici),ht vvest bf the Sabine. It was thence no ti.pv i.f akt MinU k,i nnnA. irehtle renroof. he renlied. "that a ll. L i!j . U I. ...1 i . . . . . - - j m. .4 v ... .....vv. i.v... r.,- . . . 1 . .1 iiip ;riir:iiii nut" iiih win ! .th . .....t.. vj.ti, u . - ., . . i i . . i ;t ......i.i.. u i i,i .isi innpii - rr trio i pxic.in muc. vvi. ... . . . H . i Tl ' v . I . T ! v. : w,r : . eu on uie ueiu, a targe portion oi ine ,iai- rr v "w .r. m. r ; . , . . nmniMt lreasurv wm oe runwuj ii- . ' ter being carried oK I : I , H W God and nVVa"? Z 'h -rnTr 'r i teres.s if .be country ; The next morninuGen. Taylor lfift with ' started not on recovering ine oc ""'"-""- ,i naralleled distress and banlrt: i : . I iniff-T'OPTnT . .n.,.lnrn (II CHTN ;n 111 I 11,11 Uli 111.11 Uliu I . .t " iruiii uiis iiiuiiieiii. vviicn i.i, lliejujrcna from this'1 cluntry, ie jiativ inaaageo ineir i rr trifcafryjngrt'loii fid,. ilnu t all thc .fcorlts ich Jslarids. By what process have-we fe rm8! i 'fX jprelcr h rsc meat t0 tke i ljow Kcquired the right which jve then tlneat-ofhiAfJi'HJw'Jl!:.,. ; 'e-, rplinninishprl ? the lllO uranue IO taKe jiiuamuias u - !' U DIGNIFIED CONDUCT. Monday mornTng. Having heard no cat, Zlu. Z tiJ C ! Eliza, Embert, a young Lady, resolute- nonading at the point, it was the uniyer- their manifest purpose, to y , discarded a igentleman to whom she sal opinion there that the Mexicans had Jer root thc will of the pcop!- UMctn K-n-n hnnn morKic hi.onco MI1U- PVnntlMtPfl Ine lOWH. "vJCII. kJWIH" vv.... iculed Religion. Having , had commenced W.. I.- m.L ,.. ., man of , heir line of mach, and advance up the . dL ' S " SlOe. LOI5. UilThS e-- - - . given him a mand was on their way, Tjiavallinj in some parts of , relinquished ? become dangerous, thei In. I I iAli ? here b L . ' irOI oK. . A a ; ii fi. !T v tl. Ik . .1 v, . .- ' i r 1 .1 t i .i . ,i fjy:panment Iia become dangerous, ttielln-1 !Ati r ncre is ine argument tne strong owns-, with .;'theutlirTWs' ha-Jinir shot 'several! Psitiin of the Democracy in support of ' . i, - i , . .. i w i. . i . i . 1 1 ii . l : . r i Pepte it? met sihirle and uifcarmed. a'ifr. month, lodi aan$5nefre'r. jr i e rte rprising imigranl $ I Mojnth ! 'e tC) a ne country, pn. this side of the , i io del Norte : Texas is ours ; and we ! ltfJ iavP a rikht to all that'Texas claimed. irauwel: them.) iobtain grants of t iM . . -i..l.xL . u'pra eairnoi fi,i tL .f ff.ji: li .ri-'. r; ve?""-v iW IW v0"1"'- . 1 I O1"? V';j 1,111.1 Ull t o atcis UI ! IIU 1T U , ,L m j!.'Jl1- vi ,'mi'fif;.. . n,! ' u . J i twt. .M!3 repuuuc oi i cAiia i uacu uer i i ii 1 1 iraivi -p . 11 - j . i i ii " i . 11- m . t 'XZttrPT W-.T8e oqhd.aryfatthe:Uio del Nortend IwH fan-I nai iarnrsarw set up tor them- fthis! boundary her indenendehce fSatrarriento at frfth,TVX,UclTctia, l 1 wamain . pimjars and, above the re jcognlsed byr the United States, England, 'France, and Holland"" h was re and by the train a few pieces! of artillery ;aud a j guard to protect themselves and thq woun ded, and pushed n with 1800 effective men in pursuit they had retreated ! ancl taken un a Dositl ilia Aomn nnnniito It-xtamnMC rrA rt rt-i n ir :i I i! A Crnllant V3 g WaS lately si tt ing some of the trenches which had been bis beloved, and being unable to think ot ; throw marchin . The t nonadin ..II nUai: r.rsnpiptv bv the CO S I . T .1 " 4 illl bllUJva w. . , , you do not;respect Religion, l cease to De in tine spirits. , , kfflo ,hrow of the credit system, : vonrs. He who does not love and honor The officers wounded in the late battle; nro . . III; WHIL iOgU f.llCUlINC I 7 T . ----- - - . , . ll t orthenemy, Hej found ! Gddcah never love his wife constantly -are domelh eated some ei-ht miles off" and sincerely." Capt. Aulick, of tne tngat eateu pme eiani mues on.,h , . ! commanding the 500 seamen, a position a few miles below 5 . . .. . ., -A j ,u p;n Hrande nit.MMnr nnnvinW is A valiant wag was lately sitting beside ; ded up the hio Granae n nn hf nnr riTAP5 nrWintK In JhPir 'Jl lVin cue, iutcuiuin,i r;. . - . t .. f i j t.v,.Vv -.v-?.v.r Pw o , v., ... r i.," wp.re.p.in marcninu tuuw ut S to Point Isabel. : f - I ! Wy she was line a tauor - . T" " 7 r v a ,nt.tl eomrneneed bv heacv rari- ' feaid she With: a pouting lip, unie n - , - ori bothides. Gen. Taylor, in Hbecaoie I pmiting by a gooS. ; 1 lon: ! 'i our Banking Institutions ate Polomac, add greatly to the expend D La al Government, and endan -. 1 of lhe public funds. It was reported at Point Isabel, on the Jf - - i of the Uth,that 5JUWi'-r tr., s Matamoras, ine cyam...u. ... . state of star- passed by. the House of K become the law of the htr.u, : , -; 5 i ij jilt t ! -- i. - - 4 - b Ki 1 t ' I -A " " I ; . i . i ' -:. : !: 1 45 H 1.. f 0 t

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