14 ' ! t V 1 i'l -: ? y:. u,;; - J - ' t -i - :. i - ., - i fli difference bctvcn the assertion MtfUootl, anu l ie - . -kk-r rT,nP. ruth: Uii not very. CTO" CU1 i i - . . .'rX ,11". nn error, and vni. is to exjn, are-fit i in feccnd IdEv and we know Where to find it llSfS eaoior tWomfiuB may be in our islduous vvaylor PSlni ",0' and f ,VX whom it affect. to cn iness to Vr i7e TlWAmi;. STANLY. Agreeably to notice, a large; and respectable portion of the people of Stanly county assembled at the Courthouse lit , Albemarle, on Saturday the 4th day of July, 1840, for the purpose of taking into consideration ourj difficulties with Mexico, nnd'rthe further purpose of raising Vol- , .. i ii Uirk not the inanl: iStwf fl.o -Standard;' vill ex- he field "i Jno. F. i an our -nicoini $ - r t- !.. . 'i. . . :. i 'lirtl the Kdttoficvc.r intormeu uaicnu ttKat'thn (foritnittt'c fS1"". piii the charts triad by Charts J. In- rrsoll against .Mr, Webster, have, made JJtcnort, and tbp purport ol that ueport i; 1 Jladj it ever :lnnted to its rcatUrs, that r-U; it fi,fnfird was once, arid until Iay185,the ovner of o0 sharcsbt stock, ' iiJthc Ualcjblan'd 'Gaston Road J . j jlal it tojd its readers, that these 50J ;Sdrc$wcrcownf(Iby Mr. SheparJ," when! tVi deficiency vyas. ascertained" n 18-1 Iff : :nif-rbat, tiiprcfokliy fhe 'Act of Ja39-39,l : ec. J4 be became liable tq the $tate lor d amount of m stock f , f x Liln U i.vrr tvllil its renders, that these rHh.i'n;a.in tliel andsofn irenticnian, who; icted as proxy In a meeting of stdckhold ri publicly opposed tbe ibre-cUsure of tbf Mortgage, r!nd the sale of tht Koad ? I fas it ever told its readers, that the Jitfqr of the Standard" now, at! this ve- t he books wil show, ia ese same 50 shares, and from Mr. Shepard after o bo not worth one red omenf, as owner oi ii jjt yi bought i it Wiis declared icntfr.:- - )lhk it, ever Shepard rnade a Old its readers, that Mrj inock sale of that Stock tb'alfriend, during the campaign of 1814; the election he denied be; I lias he evcMpll liis readers tnat Mr. ?fttpnrrcfuse(l:to vote upon theluiil Road iiieHtion, at the Session of 18-14-45. but if .f&illi was cau'celled: after tl in'il hat daring the canvas, h !rul liny interest in the Road? all, would have voted a Uhid voted a l(MsZhis jHtrrt liHas the tfdit Iris, (hat the C( hose f4 who Were fttoeluioldcrs, when the r ever vernor informed may nave its readj 16 sud u J unteers to be in readiness to march to battle when called on. , n Stone was called to the chair, and Davidson Ilearne and Preston W. Wooley, were appoint ed Secretaries, j . s At the request of the Chairman. Atlas J.Dar- gan, Esq. arose, and briefly stated the object of the meeting. When, by acclamation, he was requested to go on, and addresjs the mejeting at length, which he did, in the most lucid, eloquent and patriotic; manner, fori an hour: andj a htHL lie reviewed ihe causes wnicn lea lo me war, and condemned the President jin the strongest terms for involving the Unjteq States in a war with Mexico, but said, notwithstanding the Pre sideut had, in a despotic manner assumed to himself a prerogative which belonged; only to Congress ; it was our bounden duty as patriots to sustain our national honor at all hazards. On motion of D. Ilearne, the Chairman ap pointed Wni.Swaringen.Esq.JCol. Dan'l Elfird, D. flearno, and P. VV. Wooley, a Committee to draft resolutions expressive the sense of iho meeting; and on motion of P. W. Wooley, the Chairmin was added to said Committee. The Committee after retinns a short time reported the following resolutions, viz : 1 Resolved, That though, we disapprove of the usurpation of power, by the Executive of the United Stales in making war upon Mexico, without the! sanction of the Constitutional au thority of the Congress of the United States, We the freemen of Stanly, regardless of the causes which led to this War, are ready and willing to render our assistance at all times, where our national honor is involved when call ed on by Executive authority, whether right or wrong. j 2. Resolved, That we tender to A. J. Dar gan, Esq., our sincere thanks for his elaborate and eloquent analysis of the Causes vhich led to the war, in which we arc so unnecessarily involved wjth our sister Republic, Mexico. 3. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be signed by the Chairman and Secre taries, and forwarded lo the Fayetteville Ob server and Salisbury Watchman for publication, all of which resolutions were unanimously adopted, j i On motion the meeting adjourned, sine die. J. F. STONE, Chairman. DavidsOn IIearne, , PiiiisToS W. Wooley, ; Wbigism and patriotism seem: to be syfr onymous. - , ;;, j t . NOW, AT THIS! ; Mecklenburg County is Democratic; ad vocated annexation, arid boasts of being the birth-place of President Folki and yet, alter a long drumming, and eloquent bpee ches, but Atriy-bur. pejrsons only could be loand to volunteer ! And, worse than this Edgecomb and NashwKere an Almost ja nanimous Loco Foco vote is criven. have : . T . W l , not volunteered at all RaUigh Register. ii 1 WAH EXPENSES AND WAR DEBT. i .i State of Bottn aroUttjt, , t' K IREDELL COUNTY. : a j Term, 194G. Pctiiion for Dower. I jln the House of Representatives yester day the Chairman of the Committee pf Ways and Means reported a bill making additional appropriations to the amount (within a fraction) of Twelve Millions jof Dollars for the expenses of the war wtth Mexico; and also a bill for borrowingtnn the form of Treasury Notes or Loan, Ten Millions of Dollars towards paying those expenses. A slender provision for the next six months ! j Court o Pleas and Quarter Sessions IV -I i" ill m--tl Lit. xm i - 1 i K j ; : : I i i Willkni j Ford, Job F. Ford, John AV;1 Ford, Ann L. Cheairs, Henry Fi Ford, LeaoJer L. Ford, John : P. ! Harrison and his wife Elizabeth. Rich'd B. ftord, George Ford; Thomas L. Ford, Sarah L. McDonald and others: IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that William Ford, John F. Ford. John W. Ford, Ann L. Cheairs, Henry FJFord, Leander L. Ford, John p. Harrison and his wife Elizabeth, Richard B. Ford, George rora, i nomas u. xord ami barah Mcuonau, are not inhabitants of this State : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the Carolina Watch man, for the space of six weeks, notifying said defend ants to appear at onr next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Iredell, at the Court House irt Statesvilleon the 3d monday of August next, then and there to answer, plead to or demur to said pe tition, or the same will be heard exparte, and judgment pro eonfesso will be taken against them, and a writ of' dower awarded accordingly. WitnesR, J. Fi Alexander, clerk of our said court at of fice, the 6th day of July, 1846. j J. F. ALEXANDER, Clk." Cwll Printer's fee 5 50 - WIEILial ! :-:5l3WiaiL i ROGER & WILSON, c iTrT ' DECEIVED A LARGE AND FASHIONABLE STC It11 IB UL7 3E1 1L. JS ERX "STg j Consisting in part : of fine full jewelled I Gold and Silver Levers, Lepiie, Patent Vertical p1 e?Pmen v,f f,,d CCbains, and Keys, Ladie. aud Gentlemen's f. &s and finger Rtags, Necklace, Medahons, Bracelets, Studs, CoraL Woodward's r DiauKnd pointed Pens, and erer pointed Pencils, gold and sUrer Thimbles, fuUand Uer pencj c- ! Gold.nl Silvrr, Spfttatlft, Ladirs Hair Pins, Stftl Bag CUsps, Stctl nnd Cilt Pc; I l! I. . - i ! It nim, rge aswortment of convex and concave gWasea to mit all 'ages, which can be put in fn Chapman's & Emerson's superior Razor Strar icncy'Was ascertained," and solve for; , how Mr. .fcliepard will those five hundred thou-j 0 lefiii them the nrobl qe Jumself far sand dollars ? I Has he ever told the people that Mrj, shepard does not bclievo that the HoiuM of liwlerhnity '.b'ff 8i00.000 are recoverable ktidfthat vvitli such an opinion, be would pot be a suilable person to serve as Gov ernor. - ; : . ! J I Has it ever retracted the false charge aham, about thejextra al Prcsidtuit of thei Ualeih iga(nst Gov. C luwance to the ahd Gaston Hold, which was in fact, made by Judge Dick and with which the Gov ernor had no. more to do than the 44 Stan dard'', itself? 1 1 Hds it ever alluded, to Mr. Shepardi lu aunous uscove.rici on tne law or inort agcl or Jits brilliant scheme to " relieve ho ricxwle." bv tho issue of n million of hinwlasters, vici could not be used asmo- I r Has it ever mentioned the rireferenco If its Gubernatorial Candidate 'for a Dt- U5CT -TAX, ojer the, Tariff of 18 12 ? j Has it ever informed its readers, what he I Democratic party desires to have done Jfith iheJlail Koad : or what Mr. She krd wouldf himself, have done in the pr ii--. . . . . it , .: J . miscs, it he had Colonell Stephen W. Kearney and David E. Tivijjgs have been appointed by the President ot the United fetates, with the advice and con sent of the: Senate, lo be Brigadier Generals in the Army of the United States, in accordance wilh the provisions of the 18th June, 1846. The nominations of Zachary Taylor, to be Major General in the Army, and Win. O. But ler, to'bc iMajor General of the Volunteers, have also been confirmed by the Senate. Nat. Inl By Friday Morning's Mail. ATTENTION! i It own it Volunteers for 1 ZJIexican Service ! i PARADE in front of Drsi P. & A. M. Henderson's Office, on SATURDAY the 25th instant at 3 o'clcick, armed and equiped in the uniform of the com- pany, viz : Glazed cap. dark dress coat and white pantaloons. A full attendance is reques ted, as business of importance will be brought before the company. By order of j R. W. LONG, Captain. S. W. James, O. S. j Salisbury, July 10, 1846. j A7ALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. I WILL offer for sale on the pre mises on Thursday the! 30th inst., the tract of Land on which Nathaniel Jurneydec'd., formerly lived, containing about 250 ACRJ3S, ! lying immediately on Hunting Creek, in Iredell and Sur ry counties, about three miles south of Hamptonvillei and adjoining of James Nicholson's mill tract. The land ia productive, and enough of it cleared towork four or five hands to advantage. Any person wishing! to settle in A healthy and good neighborhood, I think would do well to call and examine before buying elsewhere. - Terms one-fifth cash, and the balance in 12 months, with bond and security. No title made until the! pur chase money is paid. ( O Apply to the Subscriber, living hear the lanid, or to Mr. JOHN KL.LCL, who has the management of the farm at this time. ! A. B. BLACBURNE, Exr. July Is:., 1846 11.3t gmW TWO! VALUABLE PLANTATIONS I st FOR SALE ! f TO LEASE! AND ONE Lhinese Razor?, Rod' CongresB Knives and Scuors, Silver Tea aaJ Table Spoons, also finely - 's euer tea, udic ana desert sooons. silver! butter Knives, nuear tone aalt anJ mutir.l .n. r. k I purses, together with many other articles usually found in Jewelry stores ; all of nhkh will be sold trrv or ion time to punctual customers. j : , . j ' SAll kinds of wauhes will be rrnaired. such as chronoiaitern. duplex, horizontal. n.ttnt U,.. t - j and plain ; also, clocks, musical boxc. and all kinds of jewelry put in order on reni.iL!e terms a-J v iweivc montns. w,ine anJ plain watches will be altered to patent levrm and warranted to pert r. i at the Brick Row, opposite G. V; Brown' More. IJ"A11 work sent from a distance will be carrf-" PERIFOCAL prmifE SUBSCRIBER BEING DESIR LL ; ous of removing to the West, offers for sate one TRACT OF LAND, on the head SPEC.TACL & 1 " " . 1 . C t r . j new una superior nic oi mencan manuiactare, constrncteu upon arientiDC pr.t)'-.; fectly easy and natural to the eye. The followin j extrac; of a certificate from Dr. Lardner. . j . I, ,v:f1 -. . . r - . .1.- c r t , r urc oiiu ui uir 1 1 u i . uy imparling lo me nnacra oi in lenses sucn a lorr.!. IK waters of Rocky River, in the lower end of Ire- tion through their axis, shall be one of the conic sections ; vision through these, in 'all direction n v dell County, containing is of the eye can turn, is perfectly distinct and free from the distortion incident to the common J For sale bfTJOGER &. WILSON. XT All eat, it $uittd. Pleu call and fire Utm a tt lU A T3 Ma I Old gold and silver taken in exchange for jewelry orwork dtMie. ' 375 ACRES, alout 150 of which are cleared, and in a high state of cultivation. There are about fifty or sixty Acres of first rate BOTTOM LAND on the plantation, 15 or 20 of which have been re cently cleared, and are now in cultivation, There are on the premises a good DWBLIilG HOUSE, an excellent BARN, and all necessary OUTBUILDINGS. Also, an excellent WELL in the yard. This plantation is in fine repair, and in a very healthy section of country. Also, another tract on the same river, one mile and a half lower down in Cabarrus coun ty, joining the plantations of Wm. Emerson, James Sloan, or formerly the Torrence land, and others, containing i all of which is Wood Land ! I also offer for rent the valuable plantation on which I now live, containing FIVlZ HUNDRED ACRES, They hope by being punctual and obliging at every call, to receive from the public that urrxrt and merit deserves. SaliAury, N. C.. May 29. 1P46 tT5 I i i Sale of Valuable Books ROWAN IIOr THE rare mid extern! vc LIBRARY of the late John Giles, dee'd, will be exposed to sale at PUBLIC AUCTION, in Salisbury, on Tuesday the 4th day of Ausust next, (being Tuesday of Itowan County Court.) This Library contains nearly ONE THOUSAND VOLUMES, icomprising Law, Medical and Miscellaneous Woiks. 'Among the Unto itootts hrnay be found the most valuable Elementary Works, ma 'ny volumes of Reports, both English anJ American, with ! nearly a complete set of our own Supreme Court Deci sions. The medical works are, many of them, rare and val uable. The miscellaneous portion consists of Ilisiorirs, (the standard authors,) Biographies, Travels and the most of the old Classic Works in our language. Gentlemen desirous of purchasing, will do well to at tend, particularly members of the Bar, as such an oppor tunity has seldom been offered to purchasers. The Library will be ready for inspection the week.be- Mi ii And, finally, Vill the Editor of tbe "Sta dard ever tell heparti voted . H From the Vi OFFICIAL been Governor 5 a k ' w . .' hU readers that in the Internal mcnt Convention of 1838, to asl to endorse tbe 8500,000 Bonds ? Register, ashington Union of the 3d. -GENERAL GAINES. James Improve- the fctae -Raleigh j! 1 AjCourt of Inrtuiry, to consist of Brevet Bi i. Gen II. BradV. Brevet Bri?. Gfen. G. Brooke, and 'Coil Jl Crane members, andBre vet vap' J x Lqe, recorder, has b by the President to convene at For th vet pen ordered Monroe on investigate the conduct of B lAth Jn piaj. ucn. Uaines. In, Io; calling Ofloh the Governors of fjevera btatea lot Volunteers or militia to be mustered service of-th United, State,i between thJ 1st and 16th the authority Is were made. of May, 1846 t and to examine also into nd Cirqumatancea arider whilcn, the said ca f 2d. In eaUHfg upkin the Governors of ieverat of the ?tata between the 16th of Mav and 10th ayj volunteers or militia to be mustered into the service tithe United States : and also in nppointivnti orauthlr- liin certairt ihdividuals, from the 1st of ny to tlve iQth f Jo ae, f8t (V to raise troops to le mustered into tfte ervirt of thetlnitjd States ; and lo examine into the authority ind:circ,urtistan'es under which such acts wire eone-j 1 - j';;' ' ' ' , :. . f 3d. In orgtnizini; and nwistering, or Causiriij ted into the service of the U. States a body of volu about the 13 mtwtered i t1eersarmilitia of the; State of Alabama, I'! June; IB-jo ancl lo examine into the Circumstand : lirj2 for the said'iet of Gen. Gaines, reference 'irtauaciwnaiven to him by the Secretary of War, letters dated respeciivcly the 28th May aiid the 1st Jn 181 and thei order f June 2, Iff 16, relieving I hint front: lje comidatnd of thie western division of flie jir V f- n ,vm3 fJT. fc'nre the 1st of May, 1916 ('i.ictrs oi mc orans ry ifpsrUnerjits'td ,rdnince Stores, su tnh and-ipayaient re, commissary, quartermaster, and iHue and distribute ordnance olnd twistence HOTt.-t td for of publu funds to certain designa i i " I -v .wiiiiH in rrriMiii urHiinin pti ifidiiduals.or boditfsfof men ; and to innuire also whe h- ' ,i , ' a 1 a 1 - -- --- r-T er trtt persons Iq whom sucn iwurs or payments were or uerra or made were legally in me service of the On toil uti,or properly jiuthorized to receive or have the clis- louyjoi paouc propf rty or money -At; ill ; The'-Court is ordered to report the facts of t caie, and.to exnress an ODinion thereon. J - The announce nal I tic tbe menl, says tbe New York Jojur of t Commerce, (which appears to be 6u. tbeitic,) that three ships of tbe line have been .11 -.Ii. -1 I ordered to be got in readi hets for. active srer , viz : the Pennsylvania 120, at Norfolk, rNorth Carol naV at lhai port, and the Ohio, lioston, naturally suggests the idea tha LATE FROM EUROPE. The steamship Britannia arrived at Boston on Saturday morning. She left Liverpool on the 19th ultimo. The Corn-law Bill has passed safely through the Committee of the Whole in the IIoih?e'of Lords. The majority was thirty-three, remov ing all doubt of Us final passage. , , Wheat declined in the Liverpool Corn Mar ket, between the 15th of May and the 16th of June, from 50s. to 52s. 10J. per quarter. Flour and Indian corn were also lower. A decline of the eighth of a penny had oc curred in cotton, though the demand continued steady.) f All the growing crops in England and Ire land looked well, and bid fair to be large and favorable. Mr. Saunders, our new Minister to Spain, had arrived safely at Paris, on his way to Ma driJ. ' Tbe British Government have sent a diplo matic agent to the River Plate, to effect a set tlement of the differences between Rosas and Montevideo. Pope Gregory XVI. died. at the Vatican in Rome, ort the 1st June, after a short illness. He was in the 81st year of his age, and is rep resented to have been a good man. Cardinal Franzqni, Prefect of the Congregation of the Propaganda, aged 70, is expected to be his suc cessor. The German papers announce that the Em perors of Jlussia and Austria and the King of bf June, 18 46, i i russia are to meet at Vienna in September next. i In Portugal the Insurrectionary Juntos have almost all laid down their arms, expressing their satisfaction with the general measures of the new administration. Lecomtk, who attempted to assassinate the ih ! King of the French, has been tried and execu- ted. The war between the U. States and Mexico engrosses much attention in England. In com. plimcnting the despatches of Gen. Taylor, the London Times of the 15th June says : " lie writes like a man of sense, skill, and courage ; and we have not the slightest wish to detract from the honors he has gallantly earn ed under the flag of his country. Whatever opinion we may entertain of the causes of this war, and ihe political motives in which it ori ginated, the behavior of the American General and his troops deserves to be judged of by a much higher standard than the policy of the Go vernment which it is their duty to serve. The conduct of the Mexican army, on the contrary, demonstrates the utter inability of that Govern ment to protect any portion of its dominions from, invasion,; and it degrades the descendants f tho Spanish Americans still lower in the rank of nations." Wool Carding. THE Subscriber having recently put in operation, at his Mill, in Rowan county, near Thyatira church, A Wool Carding Machine of the most approved construction, with the best improve ments,' is prepared to Card any quantity of Wool ait the speed of 100 pounds per day, at the usual rates or tolls. Attempting to procure the best machinery and employ ing the best mechanics to construct, and put the ma chine in successful operation, the subscriber considers that he is entitled to the patronage of an experimental trial, and a continuance according to results. t SAM'L. KERR. June 10th, 1846. ll:6t . j A VALUABLE GOLD MINE FOR SALE. i rilHE SUBSCRIBERS would sell the valua - ble Gold Mine, formerly known as Wil son's Mine, in Montgomery county, about one mile south of Lawrenceville, situated on both sides of the road, leading from thence to Rock ingham, Containing 550 acres. i The Mine has long been worked on a small scale, in and near the branches, which some times provo to be very profitable and it is Con fidently believed, thaJL.by the proper researches of a skilful Miner,. a vein might le discovered, which would be very rich. There is a good log cabin on the premises. i The above would be sold on very liberal terms, and possession given immediately. 1 For further particulars address tho Subscri bers, at Lawrenceville, Montgomery co., N. C. CALVIN W, WOOLEY, JOSIAII M. WILSON, i July 6th, 1846. -ll:3t. j of which there are about 250 cleared, one hun. fore Rowan County Court, in the office one door east of j ltI fwr a great many years dred Of Which is fresh; twenty-flve first rate j! W. Browns store, where catalogue may be ; ey now have an opportut . , ' r i. x i ; seen. Terms made known on the day of sale. 1 hshment, I would advise tt uuuom, in a uiii suue ui cuunuiiuii. un me E. Salisbury, June 27th, 1816- I). AUSTIN, Adm'r. -5wl0 this plantation there are two ;: dwelling houses, icATi? H17 T AND a good barn and all necessary out-buildings ; -JLiJLJ UI JLix.XI AJvJ, in the yard is a well of excellent water. I his j SS place is in fine repair, andean be rented or leas- ; rersons wishing to purchase or rent, arc re- : . . c . , . . n. . ; n0vden ' ..:.? . ; f.ir nvan roiintv. at the f-Dnnz lerm. 18-10. the Clerk u"'ul"t quested to call; and examine for themselves 5 , anJ Masler wiU offv.r for pale, at the Courthouse in Salis Bruncr, David great; bargains may be had. For the terms, ap- j bury, on the third (Jay of August next, (being Monday I Rarringer, Martin 1 1 HA I FOB. SAL L THE SUBSCRI B i:i WISHING TO REMOVE FROM TH . f T ofTera his j HOUSE AND FURpiT for sale. Persons who wish to engai' i n 1 1 have now a chance of getting one of tl.e t ABLE STANDS they could wish fur. I considerable improvement in the 110 VSE, a " NITURE IS MOSTLY NEW aril ia FAIR. I am warranted in saying to f..e ; by strict attention!, the HOUSE will 'yield t some income. During the time I Lave k- . liahtnent, it has been extensively patroniv 1 travelling and country custom. Tl- H I C X' 1. L..;nn')n I Known ironi iurui iw owum, , Those i--... opportunity in purcha'- them lo corae an . , intend to sell and will give a bargain, mode easy to suit the time. Letters a JJ. this subject will be attended to in due -m JAMES L. C Salisbury February 4, 1646 if 4 1 , r1 - ; i k 1. is r 1 ii- i.ki 1 hits renui. . Post Office, at Salisbury jjuly 1 1 i ! Nathaniel 1 IIoltsloucr, " Hill. Miss I. FOR SALE, AND VERY CHEAP. I of the into tlhe to the disburse be n- es 10 i in j of 1 to ie 3 good Wagons, for 1,3 and 4 horses. j 5 or 6 excellent Carryalls, lower than have! ever been sold before. 1 - j C or 7 good Buggies 4 of which are very fine. These, with several other vehicles, will be sold jvery cheap, and on a credit for good Notes. ; J. S. JOHNSTON. Salisbury, July 10, 1846 5wll ' ! Stills! Stills! " THE Subscribers keep constantly on hand a variety of excellent STILLS, which they will sell lower than can be bought elsewhere in Western North Carolina. r i BROWN & MAXWELL. -July. 10, 1846 -ll:tf. ' 1 ' " NO CURE, NO PAY." j AGUE AND FEVER PILLS A certain and I safe cure for Ague and Fever for sale by i . J. H. ENNISS. July 10, 1846 tf 11. j SALE OF YALUABLE LANDT ClVV hmnltrrlnhr So UnLtAmnl.tnit .nrl I P 1 nijrontk iurtrcss 6n the Mexican C" T .ucr a ,orce ,n addition to several la "Stcs now in . a tat coast he Gulf, could be" required LOOK ON THIS PICTURE. Withibtbe limits of old Buncombe Coun ty, where the people are nearly all Whigs, and verj opposed to annexation, and for Clay for .the Preside), seven Companies have been reported for the service. UNDER decree of the Court of Equity for Rowan county, wil! be sold at the Courthouse in Salisbury, on the 3d day of August next, (being Monday of! the County Court, , f THREE TRACTS OF LAND, adjoining each other, and the lands of Jacob Walton, Peter Kerns and others on Crane; Creek, in Rowan coun ty, belonging to the heirs at law of William E. Powe. One tract containing I 385 Acres; One HO Acres ; and the ojher Three Hundred and Fiftjr-Xine Aeres, j on which is situated the dwelling house and other im provements. A credit of twelve months will be allowed, and bonds with sufficient security required on the day of sale. SAMUEL SILLMAN.C.M.ES June 251346 Printers fee 5 50 500 k 1000 sate lor casa at fjold Hill, Koivan County, N. C. Bring tt on tor we neet it. ; 1 1 ' - July 10, 1846. ! I py to the subscriber, living in Cabarrus coun ty, one mile southeast of Coddle Creek Church, The subscriber also offers for sale two tol erably good road Wagons on reasonable termsi ' , ROBT. H. CRAWFORD. June 1646 6 w8 State of 33LovtU eavoUuit, 1 RDVVAN COUNTY. Benjamin Beaver and others vs. Jacob Beaver, ct. at. In the Court of Equity. IT appearing that the defendant, Jacob Beaver, is not an inhabitant of this State, but that he resides in the btatepf Mississippi. Therefore ordered, that publica- tfoti be made forEix weeks in the Carolina Watchman, a weekly newspaper printed and published in Salisbury, requiring said Jacob Beaver, to appear at the next term of the Court of Equity for Rowan county, at the Court- , house in Salisbury, on the third monday after the fourth monday in August next, to answer plead or demur to '. complainants bill, or that on failure, judgment pro conies- i so will be entered against him. Witness, i SAMUEL SILLTMAX.C. 31. E: June 25, 18466w9 Printers fee $5 50 - . 1 . . J. , , , , , . I State ot SlortU earoltua, j . DAVIE COUNTY LV EQUITY. j A. G. Carter, Adm'r of N. ChaMin, dee'd, vs. John A I i : Chaffin, and others. I IT i appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that George Chaffln and William C. Bird, two of the de- , fendants in this case, are not inhabitants of this State : ! It is ordered, that publication be made in the Carolina ! Watchman for six weeks, for the said defendants to; Bp- peariat the next ferm of this Court, to be held for the county of Da vie, Jat the Court-house in Mockvil!er on tbie 4th monday after the 4th monday in August next, and plead, answer or demur to complainant's amended bill, or the same will be taken pro eonfesso, and the cause set for hearing ex parte, as to them. Witness, L. Bingham, Clek and Master of said Court, at Office, the 4th monday after the 4th monday, in Feb ruary, A. D., 1846, and in the 70th year of American Independence.: L. BINGHAM, C. M. E. 6w9 Printer's fee 5 50 ! State of liortn aroUm DAVIE COUNTY IN EQUITY, j Jos. W. Hodge and others, 1 r. f Petition for 6ale of Land. Joshua Young and Wife. ) TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Josh- i X iii Young and wife, Mary, are not inhabitants of this i Statei: Ordered, that publication be made for six weeks in the Carolina W atchman, for said defendants to' ap pear it the next erm of this Court, to be held for the county of Davie, at the Courthouse in Moeksville.on the 4th Monday after the 4th monday in August next, and plead, answer or demur to complainants bill, or the same will be taken pro eonfesso, and the cause set for hearing ex parte, as to them. Witness, L. Bingham, Clerk and Master of said Court, at office, the 4th monday after the.4th monday in Feb ruary, A. D., 146, and in the 70th year of American Independence. L. BINGHAM, C. M. E. 6w$ Frinters.fee $5 50 ( of tbe County Court,) several TRACTS OP LAND, on a credit of twelve months. One Tract of ssy ai xic is 9 lying on GrantsN creek, adjoining the lands of Moses Goodman, Jacob Stirewalt ten., and Valentine Propst, belonging to the heirs of John Seaford, dic'd. TWO OTHER LOTS, with improvements, in the great North Square of the Town of Salisbary, No. 41 and 42, belonging to Ed. Yarbrough, Henry M. Giles and others. One tract con- l taming ! 228 ACRES, lying on Crane creek, the residence of the late Peter Area, and belonging to his heirs at law. ! One undivided third part of a tract of Land contain ing lying in Rowan connty on Dales creek, adjoining the Lands of Samuel Craige and others, subject to Dower assigned out of the whole tract ; which undivided third part belongs to the heirs at law of Isaae A. Hall, dee'd. One tract of land containing One Hundred and Twenty Acres, lying in Rowan county on Dutch second-creek adjoining the lands of Paul Miller, David Peeler and others, be longing to the heirs at law of Henry Miller, jr., deceased, In each case, bond with approved security for the pur chase money, will be required on the day of sale. . SAMUEL SILLIMAN, CM. E. I June 26, 184S 6w9 Printers fee $8 00 Brown, Jane j Boger, David Bell, James i Brown, Alexander Be the re r, Conrad i, Boyden, Miss Sarah Bost, Alexander Birkhead, E. R. Brads haw, John A. Bradshaw, Henry Bettis, Sylvester ' Bowles, John T. ' Birkhead, James Brown, J. Coleman, Loretta A. Clarke, Jeremiah Caules, Josepb M. Collins, E. L. Cox, Phebe.Miss ; Cress, Abraham Crowell, Buckner Cagle, Martin j Campbell, J. A. I ; Casper, Peter Donel, Salab P. 1 Eller, Joseph I Evans, William j Earnhart, Mrs. Mary LANDS AND MILLS TO BE SOLD. BY order of the Court of Equity for Rowan County, the Clerk and Master will offer at public sale on the premises on theliret day of August next, one TRACT OF LAND, lying in Rowah county, adjoining the kinds of Michael Conner, John Deal and others, containing a bout ' also one other tract called the Mill Tract on Irish Buf falo creek, containing about 1 One hundred and thirty-Jiff Acres, , adjoining the lands of Allen Rose and 'others. Also, the remainder in a tract of about ! One hundred Acres, ; adjoining the mill tract, which is now occupied by Mar- ! garet Penny, and in which she has a hfeestate Allsa.d lands belong to the he.rs - law of John Lddleman. de ceased. A credit of t mon'ha ' be allowed ; and bonds with apped c"'y ' he purchase mo- , dev reouired on th- fyoi sa.e j 1 Fleming, Andrew J. F'raley, Jesse Foard, Thomas Gardner, John Gillam, William Gardner, Ms Ann GriL'3. 'JuJ'uta Gheen, Milas (Jrabam, James F. ; GLeen, George II. ! (Jibson, Prissilla " Hank, Mrs. LMary A. Holtshouser1, Alex. ' Hartman, George Headrick, IVler Harris, Miss E. L.C. Henderson, Thomas HornUnrgcr. Hall, Mr, i: KenncjJr, V.'i. KestleV,!',' r KluttsJ Jar Kerr, pr. i Lefler; Jar Ltnn.Josr-,!. " Lingle, Jac Lyerl,G.::. Moore, At. : Mclver, 1). I , filler, Jo.! Mitchpll, K . v. .Motley, T. Martin, Ja;. 2 Miller Ac C r Nutall, Dr. Y, Ncei.rrhc . Owen, Hot: Parks; Mi J Page.Chr.r'. Pleesj Jac j ! ' Powlcs, Wi! Rowsce, Vi! RuggSc: ReiJ.Jul. i L. Rymef, Fl. Shulrzj He Sbeck R C V, ! SmithGc r - Stoner, C!. ir! SwinliMi.'i SloanMc? 'Stimpion. .'IS Smith) Re!,!. Stoked R. : 1 Trexlcr, 1) . r - Todd,tlo!.: : Vrd,4 Mi.. ; Verbid, IV! ft Williams, t ' Woohtort!), V, WallsJ Rcb: . Wbitcdmb, B. JqLIAN Salisbury, July 1, 1946 310 1 SAMUEL SILLIMAN, c. June 19, 1? '6-5-6 w8 Printer's fee 5 00 x. E. LOOK AT TI - . . 1 f r A LL personi having claims against Daniel ,;H. Cress, idee'd, will present then: for pay ment within the time prescribed bylaw, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery ; and those indebted must make immediate pay. ment. A. W. BRANDON, j H. II. BEARD, i M. BOGER, j Executors. Salisbury, May 12th, 1646 14w 3 I Superior Cbewinff Tobacco dc Segars. JUST received a lot of fine Havana, Principej and "Regalia Segar and Kerns' Superior Old Va. ! To bacco, for sale low, by J. H. ENNISS. Jn)y 10. 1846-41 Id 1 l l! ALL KINDS OF BLANKS j Neatly printed and for saleat this Office. St.itc oC Siortft Carolina, Irrdrll County Superior Conrt of Law k Equity. David W. Leib and Regina Hoover and others, The Heirs at Law of Jacob and Elirbeth Hoover and others. In Equity. IT appearing to the Clerk and Master, that the Heirs of Elizabeth and Jacob Hoover. Esther lib.the hira of Julia Ann Dowres, Catharine Gulp, wife of Henry Culp.Milly Hargtave.wife of Samuel Hargrave, Matil da Troutman.and William Troutman. Henry Culp.jr , Lydia Dowres, Ruel Dowers and Jonas Leib, are not in habitants of this State : It is ordered that notice be. g,v en by publication for six weeks in the Carolina Watch man for the above named Defendants to be and appear at the next Superior Court of Law and Equity, to be held for th- county of Iredell at the Court-Houe m Statesviite, on the second monday after tbe fourth mon day in August Det, and then and there plead answer or demur, or judgment pro eonfesso will be taken against them, and order for sale of land iwed. Witness, L. Q. Sharpe.Clerk and Master of said Court of Equity, at office ia Statewifle, the 2J monday af ter the 4th monday in February, A. P.. lS-ib. I L. Q-,SHARrE,r. x. t. ewSTrintcrsee $5 50 THE Sub-rriber take tius metr.a ri i friends and the public, that 1 ' carry on the Boot and Shoe ?Z:x'. ilieS opposite J. &c W. Murphy's he has on hand a very large and fuv: a ' BOOTS AND SHOE- which are not lo be surpassed by r. ? -of the country. He also bas on l.aM ment of Negro Shoes, made of theW' r.a' he will sell lower for cash or to puiK-tall i i - i:. it,., kit. ih before bn market. i . . 03 I- lOtl Salisbary. Ja'f 3. 1S4 Dr J AC LAST NOTi: A S it is absolutely nece7 VhV ' , A kin & Biles should be eK.ed .!, : .spoile.anrrscibtedtotr.a : q,,eWdto aeltle y Number Cou-. or brouglxt.gamstthdtocon- :urv.i:r I ! D.A. PAVIf. A ; . , J.rncir Salifiury, June 7tb, ISlS 3m7 -IV ; 1, ''i -' ' Iv. ' i ! j ; : :