jS.'i ;i. I- ' 'iH-.. '; . I. . 5 I ii lv.iv .1 m unr iiiiiiiii in I ' I"! i i etI,'""? 1 7 for the first. .', ' Ol riuiuare ocKeui)4ijcnt Jinsertion. i'tttfiiti'iolre l&yfoftf percent hher. ft r Anvpnvt. sroTT- II. V'L 4 B. 1 M-M t i. .. ..... . .rn of the adih.ms. io Hi..Ne.Englad. a, - f Iced apparent on Iho 'ace w y ! 'iw-.i.rn-rW President to.retam At . ... J thout recard to ihidate J ILL JL i ! . i! , H Li BRUNER & JAMES, $ Proprietors. , . "Keep a check ctkw ali. toc j .lsT ! i . : V" - : 1 -. . , . 1 : 7 ' k .. ' i -1 - i if? i ( RCXESS. Ia TH1 ATD LlBEKTr UeR . iiamon. ( v NEW SERIES,, NIB cn - won dn fuly in -lov c wit'.i S.r NlBfBbR l3, OF VOLUME 111. SALISBURY, N. C , JULY 124, 1846. ? . i lit " It ;is imDossUife to believe that a iust people. Vwhea made acquainted with all the facts, will -as ocuii, uy ioe au under the ban for a mean and shabby r "Mr" r ..wiavw n - - , V-Urat Scott aniirehended - a fire in his part)-scheme to moralize the army, by ma. it General fccou f P o"1 r t:n jts ofi-,ces ,hc rewards of party sycophan- r,t whhlfhis evince ,n m. poss.esuu y . Jr violeoce : ' . Li Jitvof hiiettmi:W i quarters! 'i i j . .. : u W9ierhap9 unw se in him to act updn that j i : r wle'dio ;Vbut:it wa nol unnatural, ccnamij, lijJJiUXJVp Ul1 MU. VUHLMjiXtlLlUi U soldier who had won nis laureis nv naru t i j n j hal tlji? suiptewnsj themselves were n ThltGen:s isiiin of his! suivic ions ; hoi it Scott ha$ been the victim- iyiicratclv) planned for hif destruction, A.rffibt.;t-frlieNVw York Courier a tj.0 jn the field ofjliattlc should be reluctant i On the Tariff in 1te House of Representatives, IpU(fe-4HwelC in tM-jAvtr ot men, Vho, by;j art huuxnnfcmcnts while he was in! ,1 I ' rw-.t.. V.I 1 v a Va uaftirl ' tVirm tr drool) and i Mr. BLANQHARD jtUrl i He' may have Ijeen too unguarded in , addressed tbe tammittee vatiians were a plain peopW, but jthey tdeiber.! And this sbovyed the real de-! Pennsylvania . had been called "Uic .were not sucn loots as tney migni appeur i mvaiiv aioic y vv, j.v..w . , -j-v., , to ue aDroaa. riney naq more sense iu "ai u mi vuunwj, rVB - ----; - - - r : 1 -I . J . . ' t j Li I JSi.. 3 WA kanl' nr mtn th i hraVft. Tlo cm-o thi hnrt nnt to mnti rf some people supposed; and wnenimey i uuguv miu uc m.o. v - -r' 7 'r" w" i believed that Mr. Polk was a tariff iman, i coal rriine, and aYter laboring fr a coupe the chivalry" as some, other States profess ; . tuov t I nfvMN miaht come out a oroDrietor. ! ed tonave: but. when hard knocks were to iv was uoi wuuuui reitsuiu -jr rest altogether on the letter, but James Buchanan, Pennsylvania's favorite son, told them that Mr. Polk! was a tariff! man, that he went for protection, and that the tariff would be safer with him thanj with Mr fMv Was not this enoush to con Peel. Ye h:id otono Sir ll.'. . , , own, but were not content s t', .t ; must have,an English anti-t ar i : booVVHetljoQgbt. Sir; Robert P.: be that canning hawk tht th ! irentlemen from Virginia talked . other day, (ii his speech that h.v ; ciamaiion iri n. uui oniy ngurcs a i : that persuaded all the Iishes so, . and then carVied Ihe.m olf. i P-n: . '. had made a vast number of railrc i ! what were they for? It scen e 1 were to' be only for the sake of i n: over British jgoods to the Western .v for the benefit of Great Britain. i : . . ert Peel Hroold like much to ha ; nations act In this way, and put J - 1 . lairs unaer nis ranagcmeni. 1 1 rEXXSYLVAMA, i- vinr. thpm ? Whv manv of these people and they had no thought ot lording it over ior some ot ner roaas and canals were JJS part, hd had rather tear up e ve: 1 uiciu . . . s , Vru .i-m -i a ll HxroA worv!mnih nlikpi i comnarftti velv hut of littU nfit . hnt Ka I l u.l. JA...k...n,.l 1840. " believed so still, lobe sure, wnen Dir. ; mcu umuicu. iiuu.vu .v.j.m-v.. , --- i :--j r""" i uuuuiLUftuuwucioj w.i.., l, ; Walkers renort came out it shook; them ! there was no thought of Brpselsearpets ! principal lines of canalthe great tho-! sylvania. Vet be belonged to tl.e. . of Pennsvlvania. ' some, but still, they could not; entertain a or British coaches among tnem;; tney were ; - ui rougn tne. , sh XV lugs I ,1 es tney were nil :.?U. nlln nnd fpar that Mr. Polk, a creater protection j not lilted up, one above anomer, put were ; . ?. oe ongQ i w hiSs xvno wouiu nor oreau cr. Id ever repeal the i in a real democratic condition. Mr. 13. more to me union man 10 i ennsylvania. j tanli to please England ; ana in. 5 u as ieaving!home,had often reflected on it, andj felt rejoiced It ought to have been made by the Gen-' mouths of rjieri who were open! v j p ib r.hildren of noor rnpn tbrivinrr ' eraland not by a State Government. It i intntbp. liands of Great Britain, iii ua wiiu ma LuiioiiiumiBi , .v -v-i. --.i- , - o, .1 : -m -- , , . i , . i .j i u v.;nnc r, rA .o,i..niif m wi mnrp irooti to me srreat v pst than ; t -.1 .,itrrni fuca nimnt t ' is ob- I practical! speech in opposition to jthe bill, man than Mr, Clay, wou re not '"which drew abbut him almost every mem- j tariff. When Mr. B. vj khere is and En- tered. them that he fes pealed, their twelve rollm-m.lls, beses from uven y , S. $ h wbo Worked in thesc 'factories degra- tariffihould be strieken down to thirtyUmal erfoondanes for stoves, mill ol the loom , but tnosewno ja i i .,: -, ini,iiin.,. ,hPr nP. : IV tax now was to the StaU rion, ana noiiow.ware. loese weic iw : ""J"-',' , . - , f .vw. !vr ,,Uscrrcatermistake Thev were.in 25. The people were determined to get , had the House or Lords tho )!.: the mos part carried on by men of small , or visUed the iron-works These works er an SfarrT information, so that no more Polk letters Uobert Walker's bill? DM th.lv capital, V-ho kd originally been colliers, ; xyere earned on by i'TSL3ildsed2ffi should deceive them. They were resol- i of it asunlViendlytothem? Mr I!. hammer-menjand wood-cutters, but who, . nstocrats, and who desptsed and hated an Ihe J?rf" li sec " 'nf '"" . cd have li2ht;; Thev would c0 PolU. U, coulJ - tholi MoKS ,, , by indu try. perseverance, economy, and .ff SE 3: i8 t in the dark no longerT.As to Under their wig, and from 1.1 !.l good manageinent, had gradual y nsen to ; wrgin. - s 0,rwi th very intelligent men of busi- Mr- R's own political w shes this 1, 1 be propnetori who employed JheIf. i etS wearin-FreScl? silks? and t ness ; ihey saw the papers; they read j would promote them greatly. He would M they had I oce been. , He then advert- JP. ed Caches. If the gen-1 documents, and convened much together ; huzza for U as loud as any man ; for as cd to the Democratic character of the , rolling n "npoeu coacnes. 4 . , . . -Ateverv snre as it passed, Pennsylvania would re state, and remonstrated against the .act uernn . . u "V TT iron-works there was an office where the pudiate her debts, and repudiate Ucmoc Dmonstratcd against the fact tlernan had seen one ot we. .ron-m" - Z "' . w oudiate her debts, and repudiate Demoe- that a Democratic majority in the House coming .in Irom tneir worn, ne, ou,u ... .u -"-J " w "UWi" racv at ihe same time. A laugh.1 i i i . f i i. iiht ncionM nt m lnmnftfinarnor i reau- uuuits hcic ac v mm mi. ...v ... .. - . 1 ... Wives snouia aim sucn a u.uw , ua, y;f r m Kiu.mont tnPtpdi HrftvrvShrP.wd ! He would ask gentlemen 10 iook ai me ...... rrt,rtnia " -A , nnlitical tacnc an, auus iuo Curfcr.'wQuiahave avoided the difficulty; but ibrkleWJicr could not; brook the idea that Jierfartylleaders were to be appointed to fhc ( Xrfer aJlLjing to die fact that Gen. Scott glad i) recarvt'd an intjinatloa-from President Polk tW'.W was comniland ,nu army 'n Mexico, andUvVi'lc awaiting His written orders without J Inch we Uau no warruiu iui a w" I .Juvoii himself in making the neces iary ar- mrnents, the Courier enters, into a searching rtv$Qjf.t'he a-ency yf Mr. Secretary Marcy, Ui inirpolating tyb,sections in the auppiemen i M'in,,. firKt of thrt! two sections interne .aiiledTonvo miiior feeneraU anxlur bri-- "Mr. Polk wak? : many of them had never collier or a hammer-man. :iney ca.neu ucuB """";";r" fi-r to shoulder. He was afraid it Avas dependence. 1 lUrJWonnkfio Wadded to the re-.Jlar armv ! t.oil nf blrri: and. when his name was on their business in a; republican; way -reading to inera. in imru ui. a.m Hp rpailv foarrd it was almost : Pnvlvanla was to strike at bur If sl)U7oOOFnen, Susceptible of beig exten. pr0posed to them, they began to make in-; quite in a democratic way. late. They had elected Polk, and ; te rest both in peace and war T! ,d all in lfe 10 lb 10 or 12,000 mei There yies as to fa politics, and particularly, The Whig manufacturers, whom gentle- ; in perfect unity and good MlUand so bad he poked them. Laugh- war would not have cost usjm lere'alrcady in ser ice Mr general-Scott, lh VLS friend to nrotection.- men represented as bloated aristocrats," they would have continued to Jo to all , 1 ' nnn-fourth1 as much had wc po,:c- .CaUjs, Jesdpi and M'ool-besides nihe briga. j Th n nkmoniatic ieaders who proposed ; were just as good Democrats as the best. ;;eternity, but lor certain Fc p, vo r;nilfimcn should have so Tie pity ; they the iron works that had grown t:;. him, and wh wanted to get the people of So , the? were all in ' Wa-a fcept , n proi gbow Pennsylva- protection since then. , Mr. B-jfe! l i i a. a i A m vviior c n unn i gold spectacles, and saying to ;r:v. with a chuckle: Why. what? 1. to brother Jonathan ? , He is n t ad he usedto be V It just suite ! no wonderi that they honored '.l v. honor, and had it printed for their use. It wasNvortb to them !i a both the Canadas. To maintain t To strike at H dierVbv brh'et-ttic gallant and successful Tay tf btfin one of th!inine. The six generals, Let them remember what she had I that gentlemen who advocate I I f - c- r- Vr.;tki t)iA in rttr laiirmy, n6t amounting at pres( Jaa'ii Uvo divisions or fur brigades, ittle re. HI Our sent I to more i . ... and not like. -fri 'limnuht ai anv ime to more than threeidi- UlVina of six briirades. would have numbered i indcin general olUccrs within Jo tr of the ireaicst jiumwr inai wo iwu . ohj inn nmv, rebels and all, in the war of 1S12 with an ar. iy of 00,yOO mtn ! -' ' 4tjAll ' this, was before news had reached iViihinpri ftfiTaVlor's brilliant successes 'on lucHiodfande ; these wero only heard of there ;.JbcAit2 May. r . : ' ,4lt scjriiits heir a most unfavorable conclu 4 )t that (hesr six iVow regular gener ils were t Jie appointed, in )ho first place, on t ie spoils' iVltioinV. ui riMvnnl ko mihv nartizans and se- ; oiiilly, to'siipcrsedtj Scott, Taylor andj others in Jie 'cVininarid of tho war against :Me x.ico ; and got the subject fairly ( 0 : low should we look v rplJpd n!n to ftand bv Pennsylvania and ! protection. JIow should the iron-masters ; coming into pamaise, La mufe y ! in the Union ? She had walked steadily , a bill as this against Pennsy va:. the protection of home industry. The peo- j be any thing else than phun democratic .whispered 1 "he cares ' in the Democratic team ever since the days ; Pennsylvania in debt-anxious to ; " .V h -., ' : u..r TKov bnrl t hrAP.fmirt.hs of them. !:" You won t vote with that man . he careb , , . , . . , t,i.f.,.,t , , pie listened to these accounts; uui, nut . . --- , f i , ,La.p, aii v,is money 01 Jeiierson. anu never ui, uci icS ueuta iuuiub 1 , L,;U;. k.;cfl YA& .Ko mttPr tnnd. been workmen themselves. They began nothihg for otX, he makes an nis money , nulled it ;cr nn hrr resources on the ot 1. dne John K Kane i of lHiiiadelnhia as colliers, or wood-cutters or hammer- i out of you ; hell be setting up his car one Jonn - nf;. ?' f?P?L iret their a- riage presently1: don't you see how proud tnougni ne wpuiu wn e to iur. i oiu, s anu inc. . -u -- ristoftrats ! ! he's cettins ? I wouldn't vote as he pleas- risiocracv a.i r"-'"' . mi - . ii r u-i Tt was nonsense. It Would make a man ;es." fThis sort ol talkiwent on for a while; fet from him sometl . i if i l: . hancl declaring wnac iiisseiunucius reaiiy were. Mr. B. had not Mr. Kane's letter with him. but he had what was of much mnrp pinnspAupncp. and that was Mr. v r yjk f - O --o the trace but once; and then she pulled it r w back again the very next year. L'tenew ed merriment.! The State drew as steady as any old wheel-horse. Her people were her debt upon the other, bouncj fn own Government? WhcnMr. B. had gone hvu: es. , l hissortoi taiKiwenton tor awnue; .. , , A 1 1 . ' , " . . i : . x . .. . .:.., ucr fr onrlv r.f tbp Mpmocracv here. : lr.cn nf Inst session, he had Ijqi-U nrrh who knew the men. and when these men (tne most 01 tnem '" . ,u rw.r, , h..r"'l rf x w v,fc rarjrofeised to be irreat Democrat told True, they did not labor quite so hard a. plain to bis people the 0r ,K;.rwhrrl'The House a sermon ;l Iheseistories to the workmen, they made the Whgs, there i were not so many o ; ad btlV I j 1- . . . 1 ' sncech on the suii ioliiimpri. avowed it as tho Dolicv',i of the I - i" v -i , 1 pltfiitiistration to appoint party generals to con- Suet :t.lhe war.: ,'l(icnerals," said! he, "are f anted who ' would; look to the author ,ty which anrininipd ihpm. Political talent more than iiililMy skill, was needed to conduct an inva A Sioi succr8sfully.'LThis policy, it is fair to k liipposc,1 the hairtnan of the Senate's military lr.f W . u- ::i .ill Mr: Lmritittee derived from the Secretarv of War, In Jus visii to the committee room on the 10th, two idays beloro Cicneral Scott's first letter, i 'rlttpn as loon as ho found himself iii the toils, tnJ perceived the game that was playing. I . Vh'rt airond interiolated section of the same '. j" r . 'T . . 1 :i ... . . f.No. 18o) provided lor calling into the ser- icp bt the United plates witn me iweiye moptns Wtniteer, and tq command them, a full number C inih'uY Major .Gcncra.Ii and llrigiidiers." VrhoCojlrier then refers to the surprise which irfia interrmlatiotis caused Gen. Scolt. and his jisuejit' rcmohsl ranees against them ; ' and 'ono jnvcstiirato partially some other par- culars of this siiiirular affair with "which the . J- t L k, I . , . A iliie is generally" familiar. ; : LKf way of morak'tho Courier then nsists that tilt till V v. w . . a w ? " ' ' linivft irot a letter under his own hand. The people read the. letter, and they did not know very well what to make of it, but they thought it must mean' what the Democratic' leaders told them; and in their S(ate, provided a man had any thing .. 1 A. starve them to! death, their eyes: by de h ptpps irot to be wide open, lheir em- pn ! nlnvers would sit down and reason the limn uui uui p' vv i . i r j - i ,ii .i it was sold. And they all knew that, when s matter with them ; they would show them you reckoned how much was paid to ine , now ine iauu r" .,uuwv.....v.. lbr-emen, and the colliers, and the wood- business, and how their interests, and the cutters, and the teamsters, and the far- interests of their employer instead of be- bat inor at war. were one and the same. Ana, iiv i , .nn nioetop tvn nfir m icn mnurn niPMi iiieu nau i .ci.t iuj vmx u" 1 1. .ill nn, iiuii-inuoiv.i ituu uui. ...mvi. ...wij..- . f1 tier ! I 1 111 lllc lloU lauginn. j - I'H" 1L. s : ' ... was a crreat lavontp, a prime lavoruu -, nets of me enemy, xm-j is- came coaxing tliem for votes were like to as a gre ai la . . ... . . .nn(1 t , OUt now UllS vuiiuinaii'""" emu ' o " L ..i a-J r l .-.,1 il.o mtrrlit rrr tn i . . . Vntr irunt Wllh Jl rilSIl lot 1:. pv wpnt with a rush lor nicy wiiuttu ui iii, cuvi . .. -0 o vuii-i , y - i beg. He thought she had not got much i ican war ; for one might as yi-n from the Aministration. It had made her to stop Niagara with a bulru vi a favorite son Secretarv of State, but that the Democracy of Pcnimivir.; was not much ; he dfd not think much of Qnce they got an idea into tlj ir ; that. FA laugh. Mr. B. felt hurt with , But let gentlemen beware hosv 1:. the Democracy that they had treated her , ed such a force agntnst tbemi r:li i ,,.nt',n - nntinns ior the tic so. Uid tney near m-iiiutioin, , as:iiuij , "w iv i i . . t-v ....iia nirrv i ir: ! . " . J . L .L.,i.U mo Vio,l ornasv IflPPS and UlU v . .. ' -- X U was lett lor the iron-master, was not mucii: muugu u. ..uU -- - , ue (xr Brodhead) how reluctantly . Gf the Dcmocratic panv. L. v-u. hWp nrdinarv waires. In protectins a black hands, and just came out ot the held f y' uo;, ,nmnm,t with ,ri not -much how, they ath J SlhmS H'. when Jt came r These iCns ' wou d only keep their, hand, Lf , on t d not much ma ter vx hat t u as interests. connected with it ; all those plain practical common-sense argument, it. .f ss any Democrats in the ' svlvania ; but he here warned g, : SVirpKhev S Mr interests that Mr. Polk said he wanted to Mr. B. would pit them against any of the -a llou as pJ ' m5ght, but when that if this bill passed Pennsylva: wherever they wanted to prox e that M . far as fac could. Let us see gentlemen who made such fine anti-tar iff and, be ncy o j; !And Vlren tlic keystone x roi k was a p.o ec uHi man iey - ' what were they. (Here Mr. B. quoted speeches in that House ; and they wou, a ".V an it must be bad, indeed, if of the democratic arch, it was r.-: to this-letter, rwhich certainly was a capi- j amijst mdcti laughter.).- findihey had met with their match. They oars ,fndot,mNVbeit baa' teH what must follow. Hi- ta 1 letter aAVeU-written ' tu antyTSStoctea tho r&Vmr mot of. kfaew nothing ; about theories but they lhtU;1 in their 1 West was strong, but she ecu!! noble letter j and as the I mh man said it tUeab4 iron.master :who had to knew how the thing; worked. As to these ; was sdjnoble that it was ,gnoble. Mr. B. alb It a ct j wilh the busi, fine.spun theories about free trade and po- fpck Let gentleben nol be led auay : never read any letter like it, nor uiu he " .... i, i;;p.1 pnnnn-nv. Mr. B. had a great con- sirucw m . uhc . Tin linil nn fear tram ilnries 1 Let them look at t.. , know iW letter that could be compared ness 01 e 8.- V ' - . . for theri' . ? CUW 17!,n if' he tariff men i if. wbJl. co.iutry. and W M l.t 01 ine issue m , p f whse trains were - could only get a lair hck. I be Ucmo , e . JW . , crats never would, keep posses- on tu., hw , Government by breaking tton 1 e rnisji , i i nQ( m r(jlce . L, ,. vania. As lo the South, he knew that she f iad j . .:rt in hpr nwn mind, that ",z"- .... I Inn 4 it t. 1 . rr .4 10 Iui-! 4 htf ..;lW IriiiO" U'rt. Uied IT-''. ' ". 1 - - : 4 becretary a interpolated sect ion$ have caus. ij the Avholo delay and difijculty in the passage i the bill, ana that, a much worse Iclture is the hwed pohcyr of ; making the orhv ' poly OQors and commands Mhe spoils of army and its : compareu -..r e t H . jwi .i.m nn a ?. tY uttor that I ' rifltl . CU UI11U tuiciu tu .....-0v, ... . . , . -J- 1. AT, lu II! T. Ht tt : Tl tnhi;a,mpntR. esneciallv when thev were Ihe gentleman irom iw xu.n, earned to JoaD. vvnen uriaii orougut- T --r r - , rnltin who had preached to them so lon that letter tu Joab he had ?ittle thought - a a ge . . fl hjng a to himself, that he carried in his hands his own death, calculated 10 .a n ct , a. , nrnner He assumed whatever he liked. He made As little thought had the people of Penn- part of the whole tailed its proper He aumcO it sylvania, whei this letter came to them place, the undertaVnthe Vr h s prem iLTand drew hisown inferences fSom M, Pplk and was read to them on Ks anded every thing quite smoo.liely. every stum, that the letter brought death : It Men loved their theories as they did their to PentrsyWania. But the letter was to SX loSer. ; children. To them they seemed all beau be read according to General Jackson s uae t .a great tiful-tbere was no fault in them ; but doctrine, by each man as he understood Ihe 1 enns nania -"ayme e lfTnend wheh applied td practical life, to the things r ii ul.n 1 i.i.c. wheat-irrowers. but they did not depend wnui ,ippiicu iu j u iv,.,,jai,,aSuic1,tu,C(OCalu ,-. - g j . wheats Last season of daily busmets L. " " r'1 -j. r , . , -L.lv failed, vetthe as absurd as mp They hao: been quarrel mg, among tnem- " ,-Jf i w ' v. be. ceive. Nor was was so conwu-. -- - -- from oie oi mc pam. .ii t r, rAW pxnected much else from her. . fl xie Union was ht 1 oniH7Ptl him was the conduct ol ,M J .! as he adismtiorv Ifnr 11' 1 1 HUi'v tPI II l.ll lOOl ll - the West. Because they did not get tneir muslins as cheap bygone cent as they could " r- i?nrVo,wt iHpv took their uc b . . .... i .:U U t .... l..lr.ifl! A man who receirca iu. rv than anv otherindividual und- r t:. ment. Ye't this was the pure ) r, came out andJ railed on manur: r the loom. As oon , as ,a i. Lis rapital inj looms he LccanH i an oppressor,1 a miser, a loid ct it Mi , 1 Cut- i -1 nan v.; . i,ni, ll. Mircv'a bt)L.rfiM,. 1 so ves n that State about politics, but, iarmei " . r. . ', , i ,iwi.h,. He made bis arg"- T . , :..... :.nv more. .-onM imp UWrnVS-afiVhe Senate, i. U ! vhel, this etter came, everj-body under- cause tliey hadthe.r othe gra m 1 vvas proved conclusive y in r lZZ & " Wb, Zi i ii to .elect tho commanders of L, ar,.!ics, stood that Mr. I'olk as a great tariff, upon. Tne nett process of the wheat "j Nothing could be pb.m- Laughu rj Bu re ) W.rvtJM ' ' ho tidc.w,itcrnd.collcciors, anb roeeiver ma , and ihough there were Democrats crop were not great, but f ? e To be surfc now and then, he would boumrfe . her own light. W H'Slte cU.'rr ' Itt public ,n,orib-. are telected-far lheir e'tj j Pennsylvania to beat all the plied the iron-master with so many van- r- tbb?,rn factthat stood up right him she could Island so f one. more .f Rattan f.f rty.lWaaco. Aserviency, and .he blood , ve( the 5Vhigs supposed that, if; ous things that he was always e,ng WJ0 ijo he bad .to get, V?VBHS IndSsuy an, in- JW1 blu, or ,na4 four children and the fcohnr ofour flag arc to 1 thevot'AIr Polk the tariff would be just balance against him. ; He fuftiished him in Ws waj, ""i1. ' nd j one duction : the Yankees nau dre--d b',1.i.or2in(,ril,e .! .VrafHaical ar., wVicb f$s ftnMr. Ay. The Dim-liwU mrd as "ihebJ-v nvrnnbtant nm mmi nrr nriivitir throtlSO. . .. 1. J ? . . i.u i. A.U thJiicrs!. and hirpd him teams. 1 De " ur autnui . . Poofnru whatever She COUKA . - i " ' " I i : .nd lo ! i . . - w vvuyiitiii iij i u li'i ii i w. i . ma . i ...im n-Mrarnfi iiuiii riiiii . 1 1 nr i liiiij - h v - . . i a. u i iiiiii . i l lu - - - inriiiii miiii .'.vviuiiija 4A, iianc leayers wuu uuuicmsu ti."i wm . i .kt ;tnrC A man must lp i - , , Umltrhtv had Oiaue uc itimv masters oi i ?uiv- - ..Vr; : , stuW made verv earnest speeches to i farmer could not be made to be lev e that story f -A man f l( a storyiwhen he , i the Aim igh lhatthey might 5, Irarivito d..y be. T I. "ll'T" convince them that the Democracy were 1 the iron-master was a grasping lyraiu yl- ..-j """T," f it all himself, facts and tne Her.w.. i'-. d The East ,b-, l(J .i,,Vuch a W ; T' '. mM boa-."rfirMfJrWIl: nff the agriculturist and wringing had the makin? of .1 .ai , . , , ,nto cach. other bw as. in I1"' '1' ri.i .,d mike all Lr ., : . SI S ! -ouMR . KS. !:profls out oMiis ,1. s ; X.n5 3w Iho from . lT ' JSI $ ' Had tne ittem. but loon got angry at hearing such gentlemen talked here. He nSJ thought .oj:bo k f e.aU this sort of . once we seemed to have fall- j ate. But if .1 a. W aloae. Saild nonsense. Ldnucdf listen . . " i T i i t : i jr- 4 m -mr- .. . .... frvh a - ill" ri i v iiviiii-. iii r w . u t . w . ,ii ii i - - A ..I ; . - . i vuusiaiit uuu i&uriuimii" (uv.ii.ni. Ut ihe lenirth and ILreadth of our laud. sjiciwe jrom-lhe ouscura dens ol M r " uu iviijv niaiiiii" iiiu.ii iiiw Itale jadd pc:ryering course of estlint,the:most ihorotigh lbs ! T5i?'e,nc'fi: P thivprof.-?iioi of am pose uijimneachahje testimonials 0 larictcr. cnaracter. -r-i i 7 , - s i speeches, vein voting. iuc luuriv ' ; .-i 1 bi-i i; .. i ? . ' 1 V ! ' ' -i ! 1 ' ' ' :;:.:.!:?:'.; ' J-? ir ,1., 1 . . -; . I 'J .vLiJ.if : ,' . ' , ' i"fr - , . . , t' rf !-' .- .

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