Ml i DIBLE CAUSE. , . .1 I'M Agent of IhK Ndrih'C.'vroiina Bp!e Socie ... nr.nt Bible CaUso hi ! the Urfll jMet oaDDaip iiiurmug. . th Lutbernri Church U 3 o'clock, r. jlethoOist Chur :thLutiiernn in the Presbyterian Church at candle .I , .1 i. ! ' . i . From the NatfonaJ Intelligencer. ' THE OUEGQN f lkt?OTI ATION. Thrust ul oupcoluioftt to-day, by the ex- Alf.'l li.'.l .Vt'jJ.t ...Lilt. f'if lb ouictai ;puiu ca i,iun wiikii occupies ,o routiusPce;fPi feffrti !f be unable 9'placo atorice Wforeiotij readers he interest. .. ' kAdee'tt of the' N. fYork Cham jer of Com. gxfce io ourjMiniaterjjujt returning from the Bffotiaiioft ofiKe Oregon treaty, and Mr. Mc A jg'i jrrpiy, wnicn nave just reucuru us in me N'eW York paper. Betides .being of a spmt commending! jjierri to the public approval, one of them (thel ;eply) embraces ms.tter ihat is binlj worthy 'of attention1. . We hare at pTOscivi, However, qniy space to n'(s a moLh1 ugv, U tikvU to., be. cut of. T-Thtf pples ar falling befdre they aTe ripo'f peach, es hare but little flavor. .Melons ofj all kinds are comparatively tasteless; and the; grapes, which promised so well, are rotting by tbe bush, el. Such! i s our fatej and J presume we must submit to it. Had toe less opposition to a fair Tariff in Carolina, and a little more diversity of labor, tpr might be supplied with means, when our crops ark short, fit purchase from abroad" ' i -f 1 APPROPRIATIONS BY! CONGRESS. I The official statement of the appropriations made at the late session of Congress, prepared by the Clerk of the House of Representatives, shows the) aggregate! to be $51,470,191 .18. The various heads of appropriation are as Fol lows: i i Civil and diplomatic qxpenses lir that tMs latter dorument contains one par igraph whicrthpugh. most sound tie view which it takes of the bas and rteht in is on which Mr. McLane thought, jn going out on his mis- jion; thai the; two Aathim snould treat entirely lurprijesusiiy its explicit declaration that these tWPff itinTPdLil views' of oJ rights and pf the objejet slat wfcich tbi? negotiation should ilnu Nothing "u'-i w"!' ,,c mrc ' opposite Lit (he semimefttt Vbich our representative thus ittrihuterto thePresident as his genuine pops, an'd those which, down to this very Mes. rtge ubmiuUg the treaty of the Senate, lie in fvefy way ettihitt'd to! the people of this coun trj. The passage 'of which we $Dak amounts to sii averment, from aii authority the highest that couW wrS be, to Mr. Polk jiever cuter t&ined any 'but the; moat moderate nndrational - r . w Indian Department Naval service 'Army 'Volunteers and other Jroops Prosecution of existing war Regiment of mounted Kinemen Sappers, twiners and jontoniera. Military Academy ; Fortifications i" i j Defensive works" Post Office Department Pensions . Deficienciesof 1846 Smithsonian Institution viz Interest oh fund of (515,169 00 which may have accrued on 1st dsy of July next Miacellaneeua 84.053.C12 C3 1,106.693 50 7.449 J03 45 6373X)82 67 1135759 00 10,000,000 00 8100 00 25flOQ 00 123W 00 1,440,000 00 . 170.000 00 4,078,540 75 1,74435 40 - 1,70014 99 242,129 00 429.138 89 i u7;Pi ISupxior Cou:t .nott in Session, are at this moment tryingrihe-casethti Slate :vsf llasket, on the charge of beiilg a; participant ; iftlhe; murder of Rlrs. WestPavidYblentinl;! the other accused, has obtained the removal of his trial to the county;of Davidson. ! i I t 71- . 4 ' j !'. -".?," - X - iv f ""I In thil Cbutttv on ihe 10th inat. bv thV Stpbhen f rontk, iMr; ifseph. Owens to Miss Mary L. Lowrance. By tMs Homing's MaiL FROM ThIeEATAV A RIOT AMONG THE VOLUNTEERS. ! The ste amer McKim, arrived at N. Orleans On Saturday, Sent. 5th. from ttraxna St. Jajrol . ... - - " 19 'r which place she left on the 2d Inst. From the Delta we have received an account of a most disgraceful and bloody riot between five com. panies of the Georgia regiments who went on board of a steamboat, to be carried up to Cai rnargo. Two of these companies had been at variance several days and being brought so close together, quarrels ensued, and words soon led to blows, and in a short time a general not was raging on the upper deck. Col, Baker, bf the 4th Regiment of Illinois volunteer!, encamped about hali a mile from the boat, determined to tender his services to quell the riot and, accordingly repaired thither with a small force, for that purpose. He was warm, ly received by the rioters, who met him with On Wednesday the 9th inst.. in this CountT. Georse M.i son of George FVSmith, aged 10$ months. j- iAlas;!jhoWj changed that lovely flower ' i jWhicH Roomed and cheered my heart Fair fleeting comfort of an hour ' , Ilow aoon we're called to part. ' 1 i'Mj' ' Communicated. Drugs! Drugs! Drugs! T HAVE how received a new stock of Drugs, Medi- 'SL cines, Atcj.,' which I am confident is the largest and best assort metit ever ofterd in this market. I invite in- epections as to, quantity and quality, and from Physicians and Country Merchants would respectfully ask a call, feeling assured thai I can offer inducements that cannot fail to please, j Among my stock may be found the fol lowing, risc 3 Best French and American Quinine, 1 -w' amxTTrr... T. IiecclTed nn Entire IVcvr StocU of tTntrh .B!Ss3.Sdmm' Hair-broahe.; Combs, Huf. CW. J r s -ud I all kind of fancy nSi" SV TACI.I2S, Frrtun" j i " wmer loc,t' 'aables UVrai W Ti1 S and finest assortment evr frrl Af-i? rticles have been carefully .elected rnN ought any where eUe in tk. i 1? ai boa elrv meroos to nicuuon now lo offer to the f cl c : the town of Salifl'u-r. T cheaper . CU "minefortlwnr!T',bebrevurchir ;ht any where else in it Su? ! -Yrk pbia, and will be ml i of any description, will find it ia ik!!!?" ,n W,nt ? Goe 8ld and silrrr Lever Wau ' n .T . uaa 11 lo their interest to mI iwi . . r- All kinds of Watches will be rrZwJZ'ujJT0 g 1e are determined lo aril cheap f peating ana riam; also -Clocks. Mrt.ii . 7 " r'rPx.lJoruonuLl'ateot-Le warranted for twelve mnniV. t ' . "? Jl k,nas of Jewrlnr.nni in nr U n ra-.r,, f A t luzr.T...1?? Bna pn watches will be .itj i t . : wen. nu wun snu irom a ctstance wi'l K. r n j . cui-urrra, ana wirr: for Jewelry or work done. T" U carefufly attended to. wj eolJ anj ,p ta. : Salisbury, N. C.,Sept. 10A 1840 20:tf warrtr- . .1 t BOGER & V1L. bayonets set, and against whem he defended himself with his drawn sword. But he was fi- The pass is so brief Ueu si to oujr claims in Oregon, igeyhich contains this avermen ircomprchensiVe, that, intending to publish . .; M '.' li 1 .i'..'Li . nil ! , r i In our next paper mm uio Aoaresq ana iiepiy, we ieparato if Irom t ho body ot the Keply, that or readers, rrjay jiidge! for themselves, from the te it, rather than fromdtir comment. t"IIVfn2 some' knowledge, frorn my official position al tne time, oflthe policy and objects '6ff conveniiont o ol 182S, I am quite per suaded that its miin design was to lead, in a futute partiijor i ofl thef; territory, to the rccog. hflion of onrxlaim to the country, not north, but sputVpt jhe 40th parallel, and tetween that and the Cohirnbia Tivf r. A division' of the fount ry upon tpat principle, wnn a reasonauie rfgara is nguis, grown j up unuer tne joint pos- seistont always appeared to me to atlord a just and practical basis fijan amicable and honor able adjustment of thb;. subject. Such, also, I was satisfied werd thi!; views of our Govern ,&hen! at thciliine'I engaged iri my rec?nt mis lion f.'and in earn,estl!and steadily laboring to jfifrct a'scltHnenti upfh that baii, I was but f presenting. ne ; policy ip my own government, and failhfullif promhixng. the, in'cntions and tisks of tits PrektknL" $51,476,191 19 - The amouni bf appropriation! for Smithsonian Institute, to be replaced in the treasury by interest ac cruing on State bonds; held by the United States for ori- f inal Smithsonian tund. i ; DIHECT TAXES COMING ! j The "Journal of Commerce," not icing some cbrges the Providence Journal anrj Hichmotijd Whig have brought against it; of favoring direct taxation instead of a collection of taxes by the customs, says i " We state theiruth alout a risins favor fori direct taxation, and give it as our opinion that further agitation of the tariff question will be likely to result iri further reductions :j and these papers inet the matter with slang and tell us vve threaten. nally shot through the neck, and was carried off as dead. The riot continued to rage on until several companies of Illinois volunteers arrived with ballJcaitiidges ; it then soon ceased, and he Georgians were disarmed and put under strong guard, and were so kept, up lo the time ot the departure of the express, the next day. Col. Baker a wound was not considered mor tal. Onjthe morning of 1st. inst., about 30 of the wounded, (some mortally) were lying upon the boat and shore, and it was generally believ ed that lle dead (at least eight or ten, had been thrown overboard. It is said the Col. of Geo. Reg. shot several of his own men, ringleaders in the riot, i ; j The O. Bee speaking of this riot says, the number of killed and wounded amounts toi 20 or 30, besides which some 8 or 10 werej thrust or thrown overboard and drowned. j There is nothing further of much interest from the Rio Grande except that the steamer Calomel', (Eng.) Blue Mass, : . j Castor Oil, (fresh.) Eng. Rhubarbj Do. Jalap, r Do. Ipecac, ' Ep. Salts, Magnesia, Camphor, " Madder Indigo, Brimstone, ; Snuffs (all kinds,) Ginger, ; kj ' Pepper,! ' Spice,' ' Starch, , The Journal then does threaten excises White Lead, Litharge, Red Lead, Prus. Blue,, Vermillion, Venecian Red, Spanish Brown, Larrrp Black. Putty and Glass, Verdigris, (dry and in oil,) Coach Varnish, Sand paper, Turpentine, Gold Leaf, Gold Foil, Jim BROWK ri r ... rAlK. I am warranted in aaying to tte pu:. r -Sent 11 lS46-20 3t ' 1 Cmd l" I b 8tnct ion,lhe HOUSE will yield a v rv ' 1 , ' t QUARTERS,) ROWAN HO MiduMqtiotkistt, $ FOR SALE f ENTION ! Officers of the six. .. ATTENTION! Officers of the six. y-Jourtt Regiment : YOU are Hereby commanded to parade at the Court. Ha ;n th. Salbury, on Saturday the 10th day of October Hext, at 10 o'clock, A. M., with f iue arms i r drill : and hr orHr wirA THE SUBSCRir.nn WISHING TO REMOVE FROM Till : n o tiers hia ; HOUSE AND FURNITURE : for sale. PerFon who wil, ,n : Tr . . . lail.u K ' some income. Dunne the time I hare Li i lbhment, it has been.rxtensirely patronised h tr.P.llinr. m . . fr .r u.iruiiig iu wuuuj CCNOa. 1 OC IlOl Brushes, (all kinds,) Blacking, &c, Chemical and Surgical Instruments. - J. II. ENNISS. Sept. 18,.184621:tf 7 LAND FOR SALE. THE subscriber will offer at public sale on Friday the 10th of October next, a valuable plantation on the head waters of Scills creek, fifteen miles west of Salis bury, khown as the plantation of Henry Albright. This tract contains about -220 ACRES, is well improved, having on it a; good dwelling, a first rate barn, and all other, necessary out-houses, all in good repair. A larse part of the land is fresh cleared and in a fine state of cul tivation. The tract also embraces a first rate meadow, good orchard and excellent drinking water, and is gen erally well watered. Terms made known on the day of sale. ;r ALEXANDER BROWN, Agent. MATCH RACE. rilHERE will be a Match Race, single dash of one I tnown frora Nortn to South, haring bee a lr4-: c -M mile, come otl over the Salisbury Turf on Monday iei Ior P"'"1 many years. 1 hose wuJan t f : isth Uct. next, lor $509 a side, between Josephs "y now have an opportunity in purchaci 15 . West, of Burke, and Win. S. Nortrnent of Mecklen- ! Anient, I would advise them to come and V- : rg. Joseph S. West enters his sorrel mare Marv five UiXtna to. sell and will give a bargain. Ttrt bu years old, by Haywood, he by imported Leviathan, dam ty the same horse. Norment enters Harry YouDgs grey horse Ben Naizer. by American Eclipse, dam by Hampton's Rowten. We would further state that any person whatever can enter in this race by paying the S500 entrance, as the race will be kept open until Satur day the l ahOct. two days previou. to the race, when me name win oe ciosea JOSEPH S. WEST Wa, S. NORMENT. Sept. 11, 1846 20:Ci made easy to suit the times. Letters address J u this subject will be attended to in due reason. JAMES L..COV.". Salisbury February 4, 1646 tf 41 All persona having claims agaipst the estate of Henry Albright, decd., are requested to present them for pay- this GOOD OLD DOCTRINES. V!t are iattiin as hard as wej can for the goo old doctrincp that carried Jackson into power in 1829. It Is refreshing trt read some of the old IIers writingsin the hotter and pu- jScchouj " the Gen- hiig law to Mr. Cole- 1 v man rer days tf the cnUutri MMtl" lays tfuwn tho "I will ask.wbst i ihe real situation pfotir agricul toritts T ' bcre has lheA,thercan farmer a market for nirpiui rroaucis 1 1 except tor cotton, ne nas neitn- and starripts. instead of tariffs on imports, and an income tax also- " a tax say on all incomes greater tlian fiye hundred dollars annually; a tax on gold watches, coach es,JiotesJof hand, &c. ; would such a plan (adds the Journal) please the masses, and upset the Democracy?" The "Globe! has an article something in the same vein : 3 t. . 44 It is riow no uncommon opinion iamong a large number of our people that, a system of di rect taxation wilt have to be adopted iiltimately in this coiinty, and we believe throughout the world, put few who believe in thetruthof this doctrine attempt; to conceal their opinions. An expression of their opinions no longer injures hut rather strengthens their popularity with the people, si here; is a disposition among Demo crats to gjve.the; new tariff a fair trial, so thiit capital invested j under it may have a fair chance to prepare for q change, slill further reducing the duties ; for assured, there will be no change hut ono of still 'further reduction. A system 6f difect taxation would benefit ninety-nine men out of every Hundred. Therefore we are' willing to appeal to the interests of the people in settling tins ijucawuii. Enterprise hurst her boilers on the 21st ultimoi notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. killing hve and wounding several others, out ot about ISO peisons on board. ; j General Taylor wa9 still at Camargo, but in. tended to leave about the 5th inst. for Monterey. ALEX. BROWN, Ag't. Christina Albright, Executrix. Sept. 18, 184G 3w21:paid Frbm the N. O. Picayune, Sept. 5, 1846. LOSS OF THE V. S. BRIG-OF-WAK, i TRUXTON. We received this morning, by way of the Balize, the following note, informing us of the wreck of the U.. S. brig-of-wur Truxton a supurb vessel of 10 guns. U. S. Revenue steamer Legare, S.W. Pass, Sept. 3d, 1846. Editors of the Picayune : hI have just arrived from Ve ra Cruz, which place I left on the 29th instant, bringing with me despatches from the Commodore for the Gov ernment. The United States brig-of-war Truxton was wrecked n the 15th ult., near the mouth of the river Tuspan. Two lieutenants and nineteen men reached the squadron at vera Cruz in boats-: the balance of the. officers ahd crew, including the captain, were made pris oners, and it is said were marched off to Tampico. - The yellow fever had made its appearonce on board j the British vessels of war at Sacrificios. . ; I The scurvy prevailed to a great extent on board the! Potomac frigate. Ihe balance ot the squadron were in; good health. Santa Anna had landed at Vera Cruz. He was re-i ceived with great demonstrations of joy the city and j castle both Ealuting him. He was permitted to landj by! Lommodpre Conner. It is presurnd that he had a passK rjort. Yours respectfully. in baste, JX.Vs.u . : ; NOTICE IS hereby given that application will be made to the General Assembly at its next session for a charter to be granted; to an incorporated Company to open and navigate the Yadkin River, from Wilkesboro. to the South Caroliaa line. MA N Y CITIZENS. September 14, 1846 tf 21 TRUST SALE. T Y virtue of a Deed of Trust to me executed, on the JLM 8th day of Oct. 1645, by Daniel Limbaugh, for pur poses thereia specified,! shail proceed to sell on the pre mises of the dee'd., on Thursday and Friday the 1st and 2d days of October next, on a credit of nine months, the following property, to wit : One Tract of LAND containing 286 Acres, lying on the Yadkin River, adjoining the lands of Richard Barnes, Joseph Pearson's heirs, and others; on which is a most excellent dwelling house, together with all necessary out houses kitchen, barn, cribs, stables, dec, all in first-rate order. There will also be sold, ; , TWO NEGROES State ot ILortti Gavcit: IREDELL COUNTY; j Superior Court of Equity, Spring T rr;, 1 Milton Graham, admr, of Miles J. GraWnj c .' Milton Campbell, versus -Samuel Welch and bis wife Lacy E , an JAW Cowan, Executor of Lucy Journy, dec'J ' IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Ck r'n. : tcr for the county of Iredell, that tl.-: Ji f Samuel Welch and his wife Locy E.- Welc'.i, are r habitants of this State, publication ia herrly be made for eix weeks in the Caiolina Wf cl the said defendants. Samuel Welch and I h v E. Welch, that they appear at the next F. ; -r of Equity to be held at the Courthouse in . the county of Iredell, on the 3rd monday c r : monday in Angnst next ; and then and ther- t the bill of complaint of Milton Graham, a!n r. t ; l 1 woman and 1 likely boy about 12 vears old 4 bead 1 "V raham' tec d ' Moa Campbrll. f. 1 I of Horses. 15 head of Cattle. 40 bead of Hogs, . large 1 ?em.m Tx A t 7 ' i " j portion of which will do to tat en this fall ; 1 set of black- ! IT w M,Bd1,. f abl Je. 1 ' ' t o r r i and decree as shall be made in the premie . ; t smith 1 ools, U new Cotton Oms, of an unproved pattern. . -n i - t ' i c; fnrA i n ,,. i V- u j Fa,ir. ment pro conjetxt will be taken against t ; i. 1 tMderxjard. .1 liureflu. 1 corner I ,nnhn.i rH rwn moi. 1 . . J . . . 0 UUUC I 111 T liSIIU B1IU BCIIIH l UJ.H.-C II... IWILtisell on Tuesday the 20th day of October next, at ithe late residence of Lucy Journey, deceased, on Hunting Creek, near Hamptonville, all the personal pro perty of Ithe estate of said deceased, consisting of EIGHT LIKELY AND VALUABLE :l rr c nJ- ya i r. I v;r, 1 0 c.-ii. ta t ,Ko j w j 1 tQe 3rd monday after the 4th monday 111 1 . : Y ma-mill, Z btuls and 1 ubs, one road v agon, and a rj 1345 L. Q ?1IRP great many other valuable articles too tedious to men- j ", .c -,t, ltur ic ri ' tion. Negroes y n d r n 1 a' fr a foreign nofahorhe marke., Does this not clearly P"rf , wW4 there is no market; either at home or abroad tiat there, i tx much labor employed in sericulture, and that the cnannels for labor shoutd e multiplied 1 Com Draw from ijriculture jfhis superabundant llabor, employ it in me- thinism sid manufactunrs.. thereby creatinz a home mirket for your breadstufis, and distributlnc most profitable account, and benefits to the i!t. TaVffom.agficiiitoreiirt the United States, si lundred tBoiiaind mrtil, Womei 'snd children. and voi ill It once giT a home market for moj-e bread-stuffs, all Europe. trow tarnishes ui Jn short, sir, ice hat ' falog'iubjtctfiiiBritUi'-merchants.: It is time feould betome a, little mpr' Americanized." The Savannah papers inform us of the death, iri thatj place, of Dr. William A. CarutheK, formerly of Lexington, (ValJ Dr. Carither$ had won considerable dis tinction by several novels, illustrative 6f the ancient manners and customs of Vir ginia. The jast of these, The Knighjs of the Hbrse jShoe," was sent to us a few days agci byja friend of the author, and we had just received the Will an j oijio argue that jGcn. Jfacksnn or coes va th .1 3 rong wben he .wrote ho ahove progrenWe derhocracy t'! gradually crow r rrfect that ;t 1) dnctrinfs U old Illc kory are to" w rtpudiitedi , Vre wIsH some of our dcmo and would h as a writer health been inished its perusal when we melancholy tidings ot his death. Dr. C.; was a man of fitje genius. ave achieved high eminenqe of fiction had his life and Spared. -Rich. Whig. say, Whether truth varip! eruic friend would Ithte rnei,orv 'd frotrtlho&o fiood bid I doctrines 'bini into 'power, but vhih they ua coMimpt ever kecident pouible f(jrihem to put them in piftrcticc. INTERESTING TO AUTHORS AND PROPHIETORS OF BOOKS, fcc. ! ; I j i The tdnthjsection of the late actof Con gress establishing the Smithsonian Institu tion requires the author of or proprietor of any book map, chart, musical compo sition, print, (cat, or engraving, for which a copyright (shall be secured, to deliver a copy thereof withfh three months after Another letter w;riter from the steamer Legare, dating! Sept. 3, says ' Santa Anna is at Vera Cruz, or near by.j He had a passport from our government, or he wduldj have beei taken prisoner. He was received with the roar of cfennon from castle and city, ringing of bells, Ate.: " Mexjcan papers received on board the Princeton two- days before I sailed, stated that the Mexican army haver refused to march against Gen. Taylor. No doubt exists: but that some change is to take place in the country ; and the probability is that Santa Anna will ; President. It is reported that he is in favor of peace,1 with the United States." ! 1 - i ii. miKliAAti An rnf no Nprfirnrt' t r Ka nla aaI IUIU vuiiivu have treated rendered it A N. Q. Tropic. t TH TRUTH FROM SOtrni CAROLINA. I M'e ' hava alwnyi held that protection is of rtunpprtince toi the agriculturist s than to any aercaaot cuiiehs, which theft! Mowing let- '".M p Car6lih4fhiUed in the Charles- Xrrcury, the Free-Tride organ, of the 2Qb f uly ful ly admits 1 and! ly admits 1 and cnnrl..civolv a jtj South Carolina, t$e rery hLt.bed of tho imS n ' ..' . f .1. . ie . J . . . I. "vTroieriinniis. wu una mm htT.i.A. i. )i ! l of the country is avowed by sorne, who have rt i3t iljowed their better judgments' to he cloud- . 1-1 (1 M ( I 1 I II in the Libra,ry of said Institution. Hon. William J. Hough, member of Congress of N. Yofk, Is the Secretary, and has ap pointed B. B. French. Esq., Clerk of the House of Representatives of the U. Stateb, at the city of Washington, an assistant, to i whose care any such productions may (be sent. Other communications, during the recess of Congress, may be addressed as above, orito the Secretary at Cazeno via, New;! York. IMPORTANT NEWS FROM MEXICO IF TRUE. t . The Nlew York Herald has received from Washing-; ton intelligence from the Rio Grande, arid the Cabinet at Washington, which, if true, is very important. It is as follows : A courier is now in this city, despatched by Gen. Tay lor, fromjthe head quarters of the Amer. army, and we are informed on the most reliable authority, that no pro posals fot peace whatever have yet been made either by, the Mexican or American Governments, or by any of their accredited agents. This njiessenger left after Santa Anna's arrival in Mex ico, and after he had had sufficient time to make advan ces, if he intended to do so, towards our government. This news we hardly expected, but it isiall explained by the fact that Santa Anna had given assurances to his friends that, in returning to resume the command of the army, he should most implicitly follow the public will and inclinations of the people of Mexico,! in regard to the war. He is now waiting to learn the popular feel ing. Thlis is one item. The sepond item of intelligence brought by this cour ier is thai the Ministers of England, France and Spain, in the Capital of Mexico have given ihe gravest assu rances to Sonta Anna that neither he nor his government shall receive from them one dollar, or the slightest en couragement in prosecuting this war. This arises evidently from the immense damages which arej flowing to the commerce and mining interests of those nations, which are so seriously affected by ex isting hostilities. J among them is one boy who is an excellent Wagon Ma ker by trade two plough boys, nearly grown ; one young woman, two grown girls, and two small boys. The wo man and girls are Good Cooks, they use the nee dle expertly as well as the hoe. ALSO, SEVERAL HEAD OF HORSES, Cattle, Hogs and Sheep ; ! f7 a laree quantity ot CORN, WHEAT, Kye, OATS and FODDER ; oo road Wagon and gearing, farming utensils, ail the household and kitchen furniture, with other articles too tedious to mention. Terms made known on the day of sale. :By , W. F. COWAN, Ex'r. September 9th, 1846. mi Sept 11, 1846 20 3t Trustee. P. S. A longer credit will be given on the land, if de- ' jflired, the purchaser paying interest after 9 months. j PURE SOUTHDOYLEICESTER 1 IlucJks and Xortli Devonshire Bulls for Sale, THE subscriber has for sale; a few pelected and ex cellent epecimens of the alovc stock, including the Pure Breed, J and j. also, a superior thorongh-bre J Bull CALF, 2 years old the 12th of October last, and three other grade Bull CALVtS of unsurpassed beauty. I W. K. HOLT. The subscriber warrants the above stock to be descen ded from the purest and. best ppecifiiens of thorough-bred stock in the United States. W.R.HOLT. Lexington, N. C, Sept. 4, 1846 4wl9 I will also sell at the same time and place, one Tract of Land, (about 120 acres.) belonging to the estate of A. Beggarly, dee'd., adjoining Perceval Campbell, Jr., calledllhe Buck Shoal tract. Terms made known on day of sale.- W. F. COWAN, Ex'r. Sept. 9, 184G 21:5t Salt ot 2L?nv. pillowed the ir bettei , 5 "jruee-trida and dangerous theories. ' i. . U.' - .. T 1 i J- t . it nig. DistbictL July 15.' bf ? trety Jjtnjy in , this section1 is engaged in filing grass which has sprung up Itixu. iljduHngthelatp rnins. Corn looks badly, - .iuM w orse. , 1 1 nere nas oeeni a. goou uem :fle'rlng this year on account of scarciulia H provlsipn crops,' and I fear there : will be 0:e.'!"M TrTV aicttlt ural people, you W "lwalf ieaa a yitseraote existence, :, it fyropt lr ood there is no one to purchase "T , 1 J can get Is a mere living; On the :ff hand, if the crop fail, they all suffer'to- , ccause.incYUavenonionev brokd ' Eyen; the prospect purcLaW Ebr; fruit, iso Shocking Act. Mr. F. G. McConnell, a Representative in Congress from Alabama, yesterday in a fit of delirium, at the S, Charles Hotel, in this city, committed sui cide by stabbing himself in the abdomen and then cutting his throat. j The Cllirktof the House of Representa tives, Mr. 'French, has taken charge of thq remains'of the deceased to give them pro per interment. - ' ' ! The New York Express pufis the re4 straining power of the Whig party.' The! power of ihelpeople to restrain the Whig partyis Worth forty .times as much.' . Pennsylyanikn. 5 And the power of both conjoined to re-j strain the fas hnessof Locofocoismf which! blusters iri Words and cowers in deeds, is! rworth 44 fifty-four forty" times as much. North American, , ! Settlement of Sheriffs. Ony 16 Sheriffs have, as yet, settled t heir Public Accounts, leaving! 58 still to discharge that duty in the remaining fifteen days of the month, in default of which, they render them selves liable to a heavy penalty. Ral. Register. HON. WILLIE P. MANGUM. We axe pleased to state that this gentle man, wpo was detained at Wasington, by indisposition, after the adjournment of ?s, has returned to j his residence y-w J 1-.. :r ' i ...l-ii.. .1 I in urange, ucariy, it noi wnony recovcrcu. Raleigh Register, f JTHE Subscriber as Executor of Nathaniel Journey, 1 dee'd.; will offer for sale on the premises, on Tuesday, 20th October next, the Tract of Land on which the said Journey formerly lived, pn Hunting Creek, in Iredell and Surry counties, three 'miles south of Hamptonville, containing about l 250 Acres. The soil is productive, the buildings are a comfortable Dwelling-Hduse, (very pleasantly situated,) a good barn and several other buildings, mostly new. j TERMS: One-fifth rash, the balance in twelve months, by giv ing bond and approved security. There will be no title made; Until tiie whole of the purchase money is paid. Any person wishing to settle in a healthy neighborhood, and where thee is good society can now have an op portunity ofidoing so. The land can be seen by apply ing it the; Subscriber, or to Mr. John Reese, who has charge of the 'farm at this time. j A. B. BLACKBURN, Exr. Sept. 9th 1846 21:5t f BRANDY AND WINES I HAVE the best article of French Brandy and Port arid Maderia Wines for sale. J. II. ENNISS. Sept 18, 1,846 2l:tf '4- I CHOCOLATE! JUSH received a supply of fresh chocolate of superi or; quality. J. H. ENNISS. Salisbury, August 21, 1846 tf 17 WE will offer for sale on the premises to the highest bidder on Tuesday the 20th of October next a VALUABLE PLANTATION, known as the Robert Huggins Place, lying on the head waters of Coddle creek, joining the lurids of James Jam ison and others, contninjng 500 Acres of Laud. The plantation has on it a fine dwelling house, with all other necessary buildings Terms made known "on the the dayof sale Wst. MARGRAVE, D. KILPATRICK, Ex'rs of Jiobert Huggins, dee'd. Sept. 4, 1846 7 wtp LENOIR PEMALE IcADEMYT 3T Sickness can only be present wben '.. ciple, the blood, is below the healthy sttr.dar i. Health is always present when the t! is then up to its healthy standard. , ! ; - T f Therefore, ihe following remedies can nev.r ' for the purpose of restoring health : ; Bleeding Calomel Antimony -O; Bleeding takes out your strength your !..' mel kills your blood in your veins, filling j-cjw, Antimony ditto, besides making you aubtii X j Opium is worse than all ; for it prevents you f ing ihe approach of decay, and you d'- r:. 1 grave so quickly that you have scarcely tvn t either lo leave this world or to enter tlie n- xt. deceitful drug ! Touch it not. ' Let all La'..-, be careful of cough-curing remedies ;detr ic;:. . ed in the bottle: let him remain there :rt:Le .' into your bowels. Enquire for some f the c ; ' those whose names these balsam men b4e i .! ters of gold have paraded before the wr'J the wonder-working power of their v-.r. friends, these cured ones are in their prayer, t morj'hine has done its work. The only h i.-, you can do in nicknesjT, is to take liranri --.h's They will not deceive ; they will never irur-. Brandreth can send yoa to persons cure J yea - . living and in th finest health. These are rn -not single cases. No, they comprise JiunJrt J . lage, tens of thousands in New York. :. ' TT These Pills are for sale at 25 ct. per I agents in every town in the State, and by highly respectable gentlemen in this vh in ry, I Enn'iss, Salisbury; David Fraley, KKkj.i.e ; . W. Hunnicut. Gold-Hill; T. C. Crahatn. Co J. Krider i, Son, Ml. Vernon. Aug. 21.1c! THIS Instution has concluded its first Session under the most encouraging prospects. The second ses sion will commence on Monday, August 17lh. The course of instruction will embrace all the branches usual ly taught in ihe first Female Academies, and it is believ ed that at this season of the year it offers peculiar ad vantages. Terms &6 S and 10 for the different classes. ItTll&ic orrihe Piano or Guitar has been re duced to $15. fainting and French 35 each, Worsted. Work, 4. No deduction made for ab sence, tho' papils are charged from the time of entrance. It is expected to engage a competent assistant. EMMA J. BAKER. Lenoir, Aug. 5th, 1846 16: j Suicide. Mr. William Montgomeryt of the adja cent County of Franklin, and for merly e. Merchant in Franklinton, com mitted suicide on Monday night last, the 7th inst. . He shaved and dressed himself laid down on the. bed, arranged a string round the bed-post, attached tp the trigger of his gun, and, placing the fatal weapon against his breast, pulled the cord,! and launche 3 his soul into Eternity ! Ral Regk SPIRITS TURPENTINE. 2BBLS Spirits Turpentine direct from manufactory for sale by J. H. ENNISS. Salisbury, August 21, 1846 tf 17 TRAIN OIL ! ON: band several barrels of Tanners Oil, which I will sell low, i . . ENNISS. Salisbury, August 21, 1846 tf 17 Temperance ! Temperance ! ! r L I THERE will be a Temperance Festival at Centre Church, eight miles north of Statesville, on Wed nesday Ihe 23d of Sept. next. The public generally are invited to attend. Aug. 28, 1846 4wl9 THE Subscribers keep constantly on hand a lirge stock of TIN WARE, which they will sell lower than can be bought elsewhere in Western North Carolina. ! BROWN & MAXWELL. July 10, 184G ll:tf t I Oil Cah will be sold very low 50 bbls. rectified old Whiskey, THE CONCORD COTTON FACTOR V WE now have on hand a large stock f Blk Rope, Yarn &. Domestics. Also, over 1500 pieces of heavy A i inch COTTOET BAGGING, a very superior article, wliich c W'm. than any thing of the kind that can be brought from the Northern Markets. W. P MOORE, Cl'k. c. m. c. Concord, N. C, Jurv 25, 1846 14:tf THE exercises of Mocksville Male Academy will be resumed on tht 15th September, on the usual terms, (i. e.) in advance per session of five months : For Latin and Greek Languages,including all lower sub jects, - - - - - - SIS 00 Algebra, Geometry, Surveying, cc, - - 12 00 English Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, - 10 00 Lower Branches, - - : - - - 8 00 Declamation and Composition in the whole course. , Board maybe had from 6 00 to 7 50 per month in cluding all incidental expenses. B. CLEGG. Sept. 1, 1846 4wl Principal of M. M. A. "A. FRESH SUPPLY OF THeIa.HE SORT." Razor strop man. QUININE! QUININE! , X A OUN'CESof French and American Quinine jast ( OvF received, best article ever offered fr sale in this market. 3. U. ENNISS , Salisbury, September 4, 1846 19 i look at t; : THE SubpcnVr takes this method t r i .f r friends and the public. thU he r.Wl c ' carry on the Hoot nticl Shoe .TIaTii;: i ftiUCS opposit" J. &: W. Murphy t-iore, ; he has on hand a very large and fine a.r::i;:v BOOTS AND SHOES, which are not to be surpassed by any hcp in of ihe country. He also baa on hand a ! -v ment of Negro Shoes, made of the best'. i,. he will sell lower for cash or to punctual Jen' t- . credit, than they have ever before been a. r market. '.'. Moses li r;::o. By JACOIi UA I Salisbury, July 3, 1646. lOtf - j Sfil at Wheeler's old stand, by ZsO Ana. 14. 4D lO L. C. Just COtJNTV COUrlT EXECUTIONS paper lor saie JUSTRECEI i At Wlieelcr's Oltl Man FRESH MEDICI:. i ! WINES, SPIIUTS, TEAS, SI R I SNUFFS. Cigars. Tebcco. Sor-. Car,... NutA, Soda and Butter Crackers, Cm-' , X ' J t ?i wsasy w oji - - - - - . for ladies and gentlemen.- SODA W ATEIL . SYRUPS, on draft. Physicians prescript ior. care, and medicines delivered at all hourd ; tug-fit. The above articles will be told ht? s LOCKE Cii i Salibury, June 12, 1S46 tf 7 . a runaway: nriAKEN up and committed to the Jn A county, a negro boy named UEOUGE.. I bout five aret 8 inches high, dark cotnpif ik . i years old, and says be belong to Hanii to tl Kersnaw airKi,CHuui rwiiii. . uc ted to come forward. prve property, rr c ' take him away. -NOAH Ku-I i Salisbury. July 17. 1846 13:tf J T. 2. II. DOL'UL.iS Ilyco Sm6kin Tobacco. j returned to Sa!iburr, r.r ff LBS. of JiiH superior wnokina Tobacco, for 11 AV V" r" irnf . r. ' DUUsaleby J. II. ENNISS. ; permanently, cfTcrs bit n &,,ry,21.l846-tfl7 iihepublic. lie hopes by the striclexlc v CANDLES,! ( S f LBS. of Tallow and Adamantine candles lor OU U sal by ! J- H. ENNISS. Salisbury, August 21. 1846 tQ7 , OR SDC Harscs for sale, on iMonday,ef Superior 5 Court. i US. JOHNSTON. the duties of Lis profession, to meiit a ; ance of the confidence heretofore br . Office, in West bricfc build. r?, ' Bmwn &i Maxwell stoffc, former! t by Dr. KillUn and Powe. April -, 19-lC lf43 : ririntco! on .pxcellent I ! , 'i , - r : I ' i ri 1 1. kl-..: . to: i l.'li r , . .1 i

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