1 :ft i -V . .t ' ! it yn T 1 ! . i -a t '! : . ' ) u, 1.L i 1 I I t N s.. r. V I 4- . From l-ie .Washington Union. .v " JACK 11 AYS AND HIS Since the owning 'of t he eampatg!?. tne f?g- inri.t of Texa ra hfers under the command oi til. 3. C. ljavs of San Antonio fa Udxar, l5vc IlKiMi gradlia!!y; earning a J'tgh li.'.aco not'o!jy iu the K-timation of Geo. J nyfor s irby, an kppM from numerm.i letters irom ine ytnp, but in The belli of the people of the U. fctates, until iltr exploits at th battle of Mon. erev hate creieu a per it n popular mind It know who and what this famous Jack Hays r-Kl Mmon rranj ri:. ly to oui inquhies. b friend -from western Tex- . ! . .... J.i. ,,i liviiK ihft "ilnvvin" sketch :1 ft. Ilava. n nht'tre of Mid He Tennessee, f-Vme to Texas earivh. the Year 1839, I bel eve, riJ settlifig at jSan jntonio, coinrnejued tusi. nelss as a land locator and surveyor. :! This pall- ! (ng was, then, eiceeiling'y dangerous, for itjw as j Jure indeed that a ssirvo lu paity went bejrond Wife settlements without a rencontre wnn eni.er ' nfoilcans.. Cumuiitlit-.. JJeediis, Wacoes, Tow- , LYnia.!lCforwii N.iir fctratiliHir bands of some i Amongst the volunteers, none, have shown 11 i . .. ...... .i . f "'. . i. .1. .. ... .i . r r ! f ather hostile tJiiie iir:e.?'i!i,: it;e u t'siern ironiier i more conspicuously man me 1st. reinieni oi .(ITeiasi Iti these encounter?, Hays, though Texas mounted riflemen, commanded by that Hi 'liVdly a rtian U agt uut obiahicd si; reputation chevalier Bayard, Col. J; C. Hays, better known : cioolnrt iin!mel, courage, ent!iry, a (id a, ' ns Jack Haws'. -This corps, from the colonel to ic'tiowlcdt I Irontu'r lite, and .Mexican land the private, has. tully sustained its lorriier repu- ridian character, which 'induced the govern- 1 tutioii. rhJnt of Texas to ttmt"r to hi;n lhS cominand Worth' Captain Walker if ihe;UginnIn3 of , this cam. paignjwho, by-thc-byj Ss-Irom' this city also, is nqw the lieutenant colonel of te reRmient, Eav. In" fairljr.earned his; electionjin Jhe events of the month prior to the Ualtiesf the 8th and 9ih of May last. 'Ever' giiico thej organization of the ranging vcorps, lite has been one of tbefr number ; though, heretofore, I do not know that he was distinguished beyond bis comrades gen erally. Before the annexation of Teias an elect'ion for" a lieutenant of the 1st. company (Gillespie's) took place, and Edward RatcliHe, a brother of Daniel Ratciifie, Esq., of this city, was chosen, Walker 'being his competitor. Katclipe, poor fellow, was killed in the little fiht ljletween nine men, under Walker, and a party of Mexicans, which took 'place a lew days prior to the battle of the 8th oi May. lint uIihm I think cf these meivlacts crowd so fast on my memory, that I might 'write you about Ihem until daybreak. A personal knowl- 1- AVas pkriicletl ariouriJ tbe streets, fotlowecl by the prihcipalmcn of the town, and also by Qeheral Kearney and bis staff, with lighted candleMn their hand.. v ! vTh pries at Tonie joined in the waltz, land appeared joyful hii as;iPUchi nosed to narticibate in all the amusements as any one Seise!, The country south of this p1aceJ(Sata Fe,) along? jthe Uto Grande, ifiuch better jhan atiortion-J-0r returnalJe forthwith of the nrovihee I have visited ; yetXin mv judgment, no Mssourian would eyerXt'liink nf lnontlnir jinwvhere here for thiH DuVnbse of cultivatiti the soil. This prpyincehas been overrated, and out Government has been grossly imposed upon and deceived, asJo its resources, commerce, &ci- I haVe not seen anything since my arrival heVe that would Jexcte the least; desire for me to reside here. To sum up the whole In lia'MaW.Esiex. N.:Yr fOScjcr Bloom then took bis place, and tnrouQtua crevice aw colored boy, and immediately i.trrke:open ,thft box and made the arrest, ofljcef Cory of the 2d Ward assisting to take him to the Chief cfPo. lice, whence he was taken in a carriage to the Tombs, where according to a previous arrange ment, the Mayor and Recorder -were in attend, ance, and Judge Edmonds was: sent Hr, and a writ of habeas corpus was serted upon tne May- ede f at least three-fourths i of the men of the ft feW M Ords, the1 Mexicans are physically, regiment, teaches me .that Col. iial.e Peyton mf,ntany arid morally, an inferior MoW. has not praised them beyond their true deserts llun.T raCe ' i Afteir some informal proceeding, the boy was left in the custody of the Mayhr, until Wedne j. day mnru ng, ore tapiuiu in iuc; incumiurc pi w ferring a c&arge of assault ngajnst the fugitive, for which! inother warrant was issued, i On Wpdnesdatf he was airain brduwhtiun before . . j r j o " I . Judge Edmonds, where exceptions were taken, pro. and con. to the proceedings in the case, which remained undisposed ot at tne lasiaari ces. Balt Clipper. ' in savinir niai 'I- III Correspondence of ihe Ph'ila. U. LS'. Gazette. Washington, Nov. 2, 18 1C. I learn Hhat there is a letter ih this city received from a distinguished officer in the Army ofj Occupation, which gives the. particulars of the difficulty between BrijE?. Gen. Thomas Marshall and; Colonel Balie Peyton. j , It appears that an entertainment was given, or partaken of at Monterey, a few days after the sefce, in honor of the victory In the first atKiir in which ben rn?nt of lexas to ttml"r to hi;n command rtrtJi s divirhui was engaged on the moniing fiits first! cotnpanvif runners, which was'S or- 1 (,,f tlie 21st., Col. Hays, with several companies !. ' h eanized in the winter of 1 "10 and '11. Sonie. 0f his mounted riflemen, were thrown forward i i.j. W Hftitne afterward, when it wa foumlj necessary j to open the ball, which he did most beautifully, L! " Mto! raise two more ranging companies, Ca, lain ; encountering and shooting in the presence of v tt illnr , vv:i ifivft-ti i with the command oi iine i t .f rpripri , ,.,u, (1 , ra-'oons wtio com, M ilbattallion, wiihlth'rank of Major, and he iind ! manded the enemy's forces. In scaling heights, of our army, arid that Messrs. ' Marshall stormin'r batteries, and clambering over walls and l'eyton Were present and house-tops, th- voice of the gallant colonel, and the reports of the unerring rifle of the ran ger, were ever heard in the van. The courage and constancy, and subordination of this corps is the theme of admiration in the army." bis htmi " contin-ied to srvc as rangers mill le annexation.1 lie is not more than "0 yejars f '4f ag" (if so "I'O aIi(' weighs from I'M) to j-tO IiOulids. 1 neei(J fay nottuug to yon conci-nung ds remarkable sol.'lierly fu,i!itics, for the pens md voices of sikh men as Balie Peyton tnd Jen, Worth havo already told the world that it Adds few such warriors as Jack Hays. j In western Texas, where, O'om habit, all njien rc ood Indian! and Mivxican lifrhters. moddsfv U his moat rctn ukable trait ; for it is no pn- ! common tiing to hear an over-modest niian s j (Characterized as being almost as ',bashfulj as (-1 Jack. Hays. Injdeed I question whether thjre j v! H a, man iii Taylor's army who has ha poor j an. jf opinion of jtle merits and services of II. as the Vi i himself. lie thinks much and speaks little, Und ttiat little always to the purpose. There neier jjved a commander more idolized by his mtin ; forhisAvord is iht ir law. Now, as they jno regular frontier inen, and of course, notoriously j ijcstlcss uniler any other restraint, his perject Control of ithemj attracted much curiosity, and many inquiries Texas before it3 annexation. Their cxpelriencp with him as a soldlerhas giv cn him tbckr confidence ; but his riid and ex act justice ito them, his habits of livjng and fir ing as roughly as any private in the! regimqnt, when on duty, and of treating each comradej in Qrms as in all respects his qual wfien notion duty, arc probably the reason why the boys, one and all, arif so willing, without a murmur to live THE ARMY IN NEW MEXICO. It also appears that Gen. .Marshall em- ; braced the occasion to manifest his hostile feelings towards the Commander-in-Chief, by denouncing ihe terms of capitulation ; granted to Ampudia, and uttering some i other harsh remarks. Col. Peyton felt in censed, at these animadversions, and call The Election in Flonda The Rich mond Enduirer is trying to make out that the election of Mr. Cabell,, fo Congresses not altogether a Whig triuftiph. In a pri vate letfe, to a gentleman in Richmond, Mr. Cabell says : " I conducted the can vass on purely national issues. was ul tra Whig! I was resolved -to be elected as, a whig drew party lines advocated the measures of the whig party and now the Stale is Whig." : CONGRESSMEN, ELECTED : " Vfc have' made np from other accounts,' not so late as the preceding letter, the sob-. ! 1 ' ' very soon a nition.s it is u joined list of the names of a part of the bdy fur tie c; 1 THl CAROLINA AVATCHMAN. ,u ' . Salitbury, I. C. FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 13, 18 1G. 1. Frederick W. Lord, Loco. ' ' i 2. tienry v. iviurphy, do succeeasiMaurr.. .ft J ii j . J" 5. ,' Fred. A. Tallmadge, W succeeds Native 6. David S. Jackson, Loco do. 7. William Nelson, Whig gain.A 8. ' Cornelius Warren, Whig gain. 9. D. B. St. Jhn, Whig gain. 12. Gideon! O.; Reynolds, Whig. , 13. John I; Slmgerland, Whig gain. 13. Orlando D. Kellog, Whig. 16. Hugh White. Whig, re-elected. 17. George Petrie, Whig gain. ,19. Joseph Muilin, Whig gain. 20. iTimothy-Jenkins, Loco. !21. Ebenezer Blakely, Whig gain. 23. W ilham Duer. Whig cam. 24. Daniel Gott, Whig gain. j 27. John M.'Holley, Whig gain. j 29. Elias B. Holmes, Whig, re-elected. ; 29. Robert L. Rose, Whig. ! 31, Dudley:51arrin. Wrhig. j i 32. Nathaa K. Hall, Whi. j .33. Harvey Putnam, Whig. I 34. Washington Hunt, Whig, re-elected. The Journal of Commerce says Ed. Suf fern, Democrat, is elected in the 7th district. The Tribune claims Nelson. Ca, Kcan,nfs Edition to the South-' fd a" Gcnorpl Mrslmll to know if he j THE GREATEST BATTLE YET ! ll,crlion the Indian, and Mexican, "nT?rLlhi ffll; ' Bri"S out the Big dun ! ! crplwn by . Visit to Gov. Annijo's L(dj Arrival at Toniq Celebrations, Processions and Fandangos.-. f i Since the recent return of Geni Kear ney from his expedition about 100, .miles south of Santa Fe, the St. Louis Republi can has obtained a variety of interesting intelligence. Of the arrival of our troops at San Domingo, a village about HI miles ration, which he named. Gen. Marshall replied in the affirmative, whereupon Col. Peyton struck him, and called Upon him to. select bis friend, if he desired; to resent the insult. . A challenge followed, and the duel was to take place on the 12th inst. at Camar- iro. ir. is srateu mat wnen ineiwounueu The greatest battle fought this year came off on Tuesday the 3d instant in the State of New York. There, as in old Pennsylvania, Polk and Dallas, repeived the electoral vote, on the ground that they ! THE TRIUMPH IN NEW JERSEY. J The mail of last evening brought us a number of returns from New Jersey, cs-j tablishing the fact that (except one, which m - 1 lnres igati ) i jects and exp'1!:- the real truth i i leged intrigjo c 1 Anna, j ; Aathf matter : intrigue, a rn :..' against Mr. P Io rxploretl to tl. 1 know why ar. I f .llackenzu was an interview i; '. what object the Pi for two millions ; ican matters ; v ' sired two inilii.j; -Treasury and ptM ana to whom p:n monte, and the M ing them, carre t our blockade into ed the asspcrt, high functionaries, the Republic arid : unmolested thr . If Mr. PoU r . . a f t ! t i unscatnea, jet tr. cast upon hirn in t back and let the c the contra rv, his r sures have been j on him with m r due to the coti? trv and searching in be instituted by C done by a C power to send f r passage of re .si.:. is decidedlyPemocratic, and from which dent or i Head would sustain the Whig Tariff, or rather, Col. McClung beard of the aflalr, he sent ! were "stronger Tariff men than Henry Word to Gen. Marshall, who, is liis cousin, j Clay," the father of the American system. ?ma Frin the Kio Gm. T, inha! ! that if. fer ,i? throujrhlth Peyton, ..The people there, too, after seeing that he won Id wait until rip rntihl rpt nnnn tn ' i ? . " if ".- -j-- bited by the Puebla Indians, a corrcspon dent of the Republican says : " Our reception at this village was quite ! General Taylor a Grande affair, the principal men and j ' braves of the tribe met us six miles from j ; : the town and eseorted us in ; the braves were mounted on 'their best horses, and legs himself, another opportunity should be afforded him to atone tor his abuse of The Abolition Excitement in Neio York: when lblys dressed in the most caudv apparel, and oh pri relied corn!, Tide 70 or 80 miles without . armed and equipped in the same manner msmoimung loriiivo minutes at a lime, or to j as when they go out tor the purpose ol fighting. When the General passed the head of their columns, they fired oiF their guns, and then one file on each side of our companies proceeded to the rear and then wheeled and came down close to our line at the top of the speed of their horses, yell ing anjtl going through all the manoeuvres the y were deceived, have given these po litical gamblers their reward. The Whicr party has most gloriously triumphed! Let all who love their country and its in stitutions, rejoice, for it is truly a victory worth shouting and rejoicing over. It be speaks in a voice of thunder the downfall of misrule and corruption It is an indi- It. I - . j .light j iMexkcans j with pick-axes, . ...... . p..o. 1 I jH Ui,s men, shp, in the estimation q! tiencral kiVorth. ni-rt b(kt litit InmiK in lhr woiiM. i (liro just the1 rnerj to be lied by such an oflicer. ;Out of the tbtr hundred, 1 presume at least three hundred and filty arc farmers and stock arscrs in a small way on the Colorado, Navi 1 dad, Laracca, Guadeloupe, and Sah Anton'io, rivers in Wcstciln 'I'exas. ' j ; I Fripra the time of the battle of San Jacinto 1 ' IltVto- fortV.nne. when' fnrmod !utr roiiiilnr nun. .. j --" -"Vri lug companies, iney ueieuueu tne irontier on tlieir own hook Without pay, emolument, provi. Eton, or even ammunitnyi at the exjvense of the jgovernment, 'henever Indians oij Mexicans Ift'pproachcd the settletnents runner were de "apatclied up and down the rivers, I have before Iiam,'d to sound tlie alarm, and on such notice , The fugitive slave case in New York con tinues to excite great interest the whole of motion. The Circuit Court has been thronged ! CaUon that Locofoco-Polk.sm ts doomed to by hundreds of free negroes, fugitive slaves, a defeat which we trust will teach its ad ancl white abolititinists the motly crew com- ! vocatcs that they have run their course ornea, snovMtig a oeierm.nation to qety the ot- t iat although a neonle mav fr a time h,. i j we have no returns) the Whigs have car ried every Congressional dfistrict in the" oiaitr wy iaic iiiajuruics. i lie. legfl tion in the next Congress will be as fol lows: ! . ,i 1st district. James G. Hampton,. Whig. 2d do. i William A. Newell. Whig. .' 3d do. Josj E. Edsall, Loco, probably., 4th do. John Van Dyke, Whig. ' j 5th do. Dudley S. Gregory, Whig. j Here is a specimen of returns, being all that have come to hand : - j Whig Majorities. Dem. Majorities. Cape May, ' 173 ; Cumlerland, 472 Salem, 147 Gloucester, 300 Camden, j 390 Burlington, ! 900 Mercer, . 550 Middlesex, ! 434 Somerset, 312 Morris, ': 404 Essex, 1000 Hudson, 600 ficers of the law, outrage justice, and perpetrate summary violence, if necessary ; , The fugitive slave is a youth of IS, named ! G eorge Kirk, who eseaned frorri Savannah, by : ! of a regular charge; they met again at ; secreting himself on board a nacket fr New'! the head of our columns, tired at each oth- York, where, on his arrival, he was detained r pr'witii their nistols. made nasses with in custodv bv ihe ip.aninm. who. iv the. Iatv- nf. their linces, and then filed oil" and return Georgia, is suWcit to a heavy fine, should he ; Pa,8n- Is lt not similar to the election to the head of our companies. This was escape. On the fact of his detention on board! which took place in 1833? tne vessel coming to the ears ot the fanatics deceived by false professions, they will not always remain deceived. Below we give the returns. Cheering indeed, they are. Sufficiently so, to make the heart leap for joy. Glory enough for one cam- repeated several times to the great admi rationfand astonishment of all who wit nessed! it. I have never; seen better horse men apy where, and from what I could discover I should take them to be for ml - iboss now composing ItaiV " first sUiment'nf! dable b:U,le lt properly armed. 1 hey Texas rangers '1 rarelv retmired m1.rerthan kx i are li,u' looking men, and much superior -i I ,U J 1 -- ---- . - - . . , - . j - Murs to prepare for a amoaign of 8 months : i 1,1 evcr.V resDcct to ine Mexican popula--, ,ive froni service Can only be claimed by of N ew York, they procured a writ; of habeas corpus, and had him taken befure the Circuit Court, where after a trial of much excitement, he was declared free, and discharged under the following opinion, delivered by Judge Edmonds. The .Court considered that, under the Con stitution and laws of the. United States, a fugi- . i me i- f t.t. "City of New York, 44 Thursday Night 8 o'clock. " John Young is elected by about ten thousand majority. We have the result in all but three counties, which will give something i for Young. Our Lieutenant Governor is pretty nearly beaten. " The Members of Congress elected 1 stand f irrnf ii. hrrp Whir (n t'urht T e: R-r. ; T Jl 1 . J. carrKU no icnis, anu re- tage, we were mvitea to tne priest snouse, , ."gm to enforce ponce taws, iy wnicn io re 1 an(J 0 Old Hunkers who bein" nrot c U quired no other p-6visions than fresh bt'ef.whiif h ; vherej a most sumptuous repast was set move fugitive slaves from jLiveyJorders' with a . v ' 7' 1 r vas usually driven wi:h them. Once; in a while out) consisting of the best grapes' 1 ever v5cw u e"sure order, &c, no suctrxtaim was ttvc tafifT men and elected by Whigs, are lCjfceu nonn otijhi liit campaign, would pajt-k saw, melons, apples, cakes. and with liquor ma(le in this case, the law being invoked sole- 1 with us for ail protective purposes. u TTrwt?-5 vfu---, ou mii , otjiiuo woiiui sufficient to wish them down ' iv.m nenau oi me. owner, ana mu point tans 'tjon WnTttli An our r t thc Geur'raT-rhade a , , . if . . c , i! u Irtg and find their owirlior3?-A- andammu. . . ,,n oUi.n .Tif, .;mnoQ . As to the law of this State, which provides llion, could do it about as well on McrtriT I f . Vi' T " . ? i:r i 1 . .. that wliere a s!!avC, in another State, conceals irtlus. In fact, after a little experience with , " 'uasiu ' fbr, after all, catching their horses, running fijiy ! tion. They have a very line village, mosjt owner of the- slave, his agent or attorney, nei 4il lints, and parching a half bushel tof corn o'r , splendid vineyards, and appear to be much - tjier of whom the respondent in this case professes cold fflour ift "panoli as the Mexicans termjit, j more jcomlbrtable in every respect than to be. "'. - pere ino only preparations necessary. Hot or the Mexicans. hen we got into the vil- As to the argument that the State have a such a life, few a! least, of those merj, would be troubled with the cure of any other provisibn thdn bectj or wiih any other equipment thlan frhooting irpivs, b,vie-kii:ife, a pair of blankets, ttiIexican sadil..f tree, awl a good horse, which .jvHiO teaiiicr. lirejeelios, tndountable j persevtr- i :,UUi-l-ltu Lri1 a i:-Dt heart, groat capai himself on borjrd fi vessel, and is brought here, the master shall cause him to be carried be- lor endurance land sworn hatred t.i. Mexicans ; and Indian, make up the Texan r a tiger. .f! I When, the g.vemmeiit of Texas ''organized .v j,uiai companies, Uiey nrst Lpc jj'ean to receiivc jtiy, and, perhaps VA' 0f thtse ;iiow with U.a.y3,j gave up their tarmi and tobk to soKaering tori a livelihood. it ijj Capt. Mn.'McCulloch, who commands tbc i first conipaliy cf this regiment, fto whiol. KJ L dall of tho picajj t-ue., is attached ;) (j. T. Uokv- nru. Who W!a laitolv ri(t.:il-tioH ti.ivi .. ' - f - j - - ----- w r Hit. X. 15 j 11 j j i li ilUjvt iw 4 ino l resijueht, arid has since joined Vfool's forte, this place, going and returning to Which lit wii soon be what Mrtjulloch ito ' Kcarhev called on the late Gov ine main af d us out of the town, and we went on our way re- joic.ng, wnn iuii siomacns. anu every man ,Vt. the Mavor or Recorder, who shall give a with just hquor enough to make him feel ( c, tiiicate whereby the slave shall be delivered patriotic. This was the only Indian village t., the master with a view to being restored to we visited. the owner the lespondent in this case did not Alter we left San pom in go, we passed! ,' -conform to said law ;: he caused the slave, af through villages every eight or ten miles ter arrival here, to be manacled and placed in until we reached the village of Tonic j the hold Irom which he was brought by the Most of them, however, were Quite small, present writ of habeas corpus. To allow the 44 Mr. Hungerford is beaten in -the Jef ferson district by Joseph Mullin, Whig. i VXr 11.- - yve uae an exceneru ueiegauon, person- j tb Hie frdm-ttl ally as well as politically. 44 We have elected five of the eight 44 James K. Poltt and his administration will lie judged in the premises by the intelligent, honest citizens of the whole country, whoe ca pability and patriotism are amply sufficient to pronounce upon his acts according to their mer its. And by the judgment of this augul tribu nal, we are perfectly willing, as a Democrat,! to abide." Wilmington Journal. . Are you willing to abide the decision of the People? Do you acknowledge that the policy pursued by the Locofoco party is not approved by the People ? And has not judgment been most signally pro nounced by those States which have vo-, ted against the measures adopted! byi the Administration 7 If willing to abide by the decision of thc people, you ought now, we think, begin to retrace your steps and undo that which you have done and place things where they were found by, the Locofoco party in March, 1845. - t But will the Democratic party take warning from the rebuke administered to' them by the people in the elections which- have taken place ? Will they re-estal: fish the Tariff of 18 12 that monument o Whig legislation whichaasrtT'a" nation form ant state in which free trade and low duties under the Com- tion, will avail i, layed, or not rri ! : It is time f. r .!. all others to Im U ; Mexico- at its a ot the thousand 11. thousand lost in 1 Congress, at it- ! . TY-OXeImiLLION all expended nt: 1 r half paid. : Ck - : if it had only i : UCXDKBD ASM I I: would riot more t; cordingjto those v. these matters. Just think f I -Millions of I) ,:!a. . t ration 'when in ' fornia might .a lieve, for a les Oxe liCNDur.n EE DOtLAHS ! 1 thousand imr h the train of team erpcndnl by an ministration" in '.' Ie more than let Herej's a sum c silver for the far;, ers fo cimlrrnj I t! required of the ministration, to c a war that on no-- it was begun an : made in it,-mut a ously on to a tii ; ation, let the cost I Hut H uas ci ;: wh'de conduct, s i I rat ion of ours is r The army was the interior f M trains were not e, When the livers ihe means of i n -ders sent to Gmi tradictory.j The ; the'Tolunteers dant selection of of them. Gen. V, erate charge M have not the for many year 1. loss of ifei ftj-t.ii ujtelessnes. oT n. rnargo and Mat t: he pnccded to- V, nrrimisfi Act had rdnnr'pd it which filled State Senators pretty certain, and hope for tne Treasurv-which spread confidence Ihe Senate will be nominally j fiml,i,nIlt lhB Und between man and i . i !'! and the inhabitants, with thc exception of two or three men in each, are a poor, mis erable set. , Thb only villages on the Hio Grande that ive visited, worthy of note, are San Domingo. San Phillippe, Albaquerque, and Tonic Alba(uerque was the residence ot Aitmtio. We halted a short time at General earhev called on the lafeGovernor s wile my i noor tiillesnie ' whi wa: kiiort I unA t i bin; the. : late battle, and Hancock ! Chevaliiie, very peasant 1 v. Shir is said to bean in- ;:;; r.g nauy , , K ctunom!t Vu., were Jlay's ribht telliifent xv " " 1 ,..nA t.tf "nu if" ill Ll it llllli;ir r il f 1 r ! i tr ii m I ii.a i -i l If- .tii'li--iijwi i l. ia. I l-ll fk iniftU it I I 1 y McCul'och is a. nnivr n ' U i ""iiuv.ii propriety. Iter nusnnnu, .r- !,,.,! native ot ennessee, near the mi;ti; :r :v - . v , Alabama Une. nd came to Texas from the Iat- I ls sai, has gone to the Passo.and. ter SUte,; ruling in Gonzales cimnv as a $ur- fuPPwscd' Wl continue on to the city vcyor; ! He served one of it... ivv. h.AA ,.:AJ "l iHex,co- 1 c peoble near the town of V flfckfc HH 111 Fl I 1 ll ll'l II I..,,.. :: ina the. f (iubbed them, and there, forithe j ; tifbt tune ihstintuifhed -l,i,,,s..ir ill .t. U 1 T. !k"T 4hd Plu,h creek fight with M the Inu.ans who burnt LinnvUle. Howard is : a nanve of t,s city, and commanded in th fa- mous'Cfiui -hot . fight m ihe townk:s. a.. ' . ' tnnm l. L. I. . I :. . T' "m.; 1,1 T ' . ;l,'unu 11 necessary to close the door,1 and,; with nineteen men, to fight thirty. seven Cuuiiuncies. btith paities beincomnl! Jy armd. j In jthU melee, he himsflf received lour wounj claim, in this case, of the master, would pacify his being surrendered to any other ; stranger wh might demand him for the purpose of con- i cealing him or tojtake, him beyontl the reach of his lawful owner. The. Court concluded by or dering that the slave should he discharged. ' The Captain then attempted to take him be fore the .Mayor, bint the mob seized the boy and bore him off, amidst shouts and yells, to .Morse's Observer buildings, the abolition head quarters. The True Sun says : f. A croud of several thousand of all colors, ages, and grades, immediately gathered about the building, sb as to completely stop up both streets, (Beekmari and Nassau) and there they remained waiting some developemeut of the af fair. .Nothing;, however, appeared to be forth coming for the space of half an hour, when a colored man, witli stentorian lungs, and rather decent appearance, mounted t,hc Beekmun st. stoop, and made- proclamation 44 lie's gone, he's free ! He's; free and gone !" Then went up the shouts of sable hundreds, interrupted by one of the old citizens: 44 Yes, and in three ; months you'll find him amongst the lowest dregs r ii,.-. v.,.a n:..- ...l . i . i i- it was a great day, not only with iV . c - M,u"' mn? T n,ls;0' ine ltJ' ut tn ! ' T - them, gitive slaves are brought up at last, aad gener- but to all who were ! present thpr ... n i . i Vni fo v :t"--v"i , mere was a v m short order. This hnn p thruBt wa rn. om the sixth Loco, however, (18 holding over, of whom 12 are Locos.) The Assembly stands se venty Whigs, ten Anti-Renters, and forty eight Locos very nearly ; but among the latter are some eight or ten Old Hunkers, who, as well as the Anti-Renters, will be inclined to look with favor on the new State Administration. '4 Black suffrage is voted doicn by a great majority." What will Mrs. Grundy of the Union say to this ? MAJORITIES FOR GOVERNOR. Our correspondent enables us to present the following table of the reported major ities on the vote for Governor, embracing nearly all the counties in the State : Whin HajoTiliea. e"tipon a Pr i ' man, "or a judg" point such a ' dedto. j THE l TbeU.StaK statement, s.ty.' ihere Were en c United States i: 85,370.222 01 ducted 3I.90.V drawn atid riot w u iuc uiuaoitants of the different villages, have heard of our intended visit, and the general so arranged our marches aso bring us to this town the evening before the anniversary of iUeir .);itron saint, a great day with the inhabitants of inai region ot country; and I assure vou Albany Alleghany, Cnyua, Columbia, Chatauque, Chenango, Delaware, Dutchess, Erie, 2500 500 529 e90 1952 25U 1500 300 2000 600 i Fulton and Hamilton, 125 an immense concourse ot people, men, wo- ! ceived bv some laughs arid more groans f: i native tf Yireinia or TinmPA mid liolnrr it, lieutenant gf tke.fir(sl company of rangers, was chosen; its captain when Hays was promoted to : the command of the original battalnin. Indeed, all thea gentltmcn are distinguis(ied froniier jOtncery bavin- long ,ince won their. waf to !,?" ,,,txa,rn' 1 mai a!mtst wl't. ::uii;u wicil-uu'jni oauies. j ikS, vuicn were gotten up in a verv tor a Ion time, but fina v d snersed. ThPran j fi , - j i . ... K the town was illuminated, ta'n then offered $50 for his'arrestfarid two of. ; Oneida.' theatre, that is. a ntav in fb I ficers nromrpd the Mavor's warranf.for thi nor. 1 cinnndncra. - , j ... , . .. , - j - : V i r . i ' four wounJs, afid lost nine men killed, at! ihe ' u" c'""iren' rr,iUexc:i,1ls' "aians, and the mixed multitude, and so that ended, rest orihe jcomfnaiid being more or less wound f ,C iol 1 he ?iad prepared fire-!' The excited crowd continued to linger i vu. ,i.ihii seven oi me tn lians cot out of th : ' room alve;; andofthese, ,iv were 'subsequent- ! h l S,-V,e : lj killed ill Ihe street. Gillesniehs either n ! Uie' had a open yard, which appeared to be, well re- - pose The True: Siin thus shows their success : ceived by the inhabitants ; they also had a fandango which was not only crowded, but jammed and crowded to overflowing the beauty and fashion were there, and, to my astonishment, I found some of the wo men qnite .handsomer During the dav thcrc was mass said! and theVirrrin Marv ! ""I. W : J Genesee, Livingston, Madison, nip aoout r:r .Alonijzoraery, Niagara, 1-;: i ;S. V. Walker, thc Ibey had been on the qui! vive, about two hours and a half; when officers Bloom and Boyle discovered a caitman in the act of removing a 7 irom that part of the building (mentioned al)ye) which fronts on Nassau st., they follow. i ed the cart into Prk Rou vvUn Boyle Jumped upon the cart abd took a minute of the destina tion of the box, bhich wai diected;toithe Ucv. Ontario, Orleans, Jtenssalaer, Schenectady, Sullivan, Tompkins, Ulster Wrashington, Wayne, Westchester, Wyoming, i ' i -i - V 1200 1450 200 1300 5fK) 350 1000 200 300 211 2000 200 220 100 100 1800 150 too 1153 Democratic Mdjoritiea Clinton, Chemung, Herkimer, Jefferson, King9, New York, Orange, ; ; Oswego, Otsego, Putnam, , Qieen3, KichmonJ, Rockland St. Lawrence, Tioga, Warren, 250 j 240 i 700 i man and restored the credit of the Gov ernment to its former standing ? We do not look for it. The magnanimity requir ed to do this, does not belong to them, and we expect; to see them regardless of the emphatic condemnation just pronounced ij over drafts k .r against all their measures, including the 'ject to draft. Mexican War and that greatest of all hum- (transfers on! r bugs, the Sub-treasury, wilfully and gross- -'banks, princip ly persevered in ; and the country, if pos- ' lhls surn SL0iJ- sih p. nvrivhf mprl w tb Jhf n,l J.. f f"1.1 ' tress. rr J 1 t tll I III U 1 I inst.lhere were oubtreasurer m t Batiks ia Nev, ' Subtreasurv in . . j Banks ia Phi ; Suhtreasurcr, Mint . M i Chesapeak': I' ' Treasury Notes. There were of Trea sury notes, outstanding on the 1st instant. 83.072,283 97, as by the official report of the Register. It is stated that 830,000 of the Treasu ry notes bearing 5 2-5 per cent, interest, have been taken by the Bank of Metrop olis Wiwhinrrtnn A 1 fl flTin t.vtKio foV, 400 ics Bank of New York, and 830,000 by 5050 : Corcoran &c Briggs of Washington. Jjjjj j The Secretary of the Treasury adver- 1300 I t,ses m reP')' to inquiries made at the de 400 partment, that treasury notes issued un jo der the act of.the 22d of July, 1810, bear j ing an interest of one mill per hundred 2000 t dollars per annum, mav be deposited, un 300 der Ihe advertisement of the 22d of Octo- 4UU I I i. : i r. . uri insi, in rxenange lur irensury notes carrying an interest of 5 and two-fifths per cent, per annum.' Banks in Was! A Second Crop of StraicberriesJ The mildness of the present autumn may be jotlged of from the fact that we have re ceived from M. Edward Johnson, two ripe and perfect Strawberries, fresh from the vine," as the jmelon venders have it. . ! J Pet, Intelligencer'. ; Corcoran 6c PJ Subtreasurcr, Canal Ban!:, j But on the C; there had been which makes .-i f to rephmc tl.U drawn on, it, n noted above, !. bank. ! ' ' ; ! TheNewjOrlf ult. says : Ge.-i. iter General'of t! I Ibis city yestr r ; mer. The ji may expect will ed. There is brilliant open'' preparatic .t - $ ' ;1 -5 fe. ."CI . t 1-1 -I '4T; HS tl -1

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