f 4 49 IS x S T 1 11 a.: A. ptt t. ht. ire 1 i. 1 1 )' itt Y.ibf" xcr . .i.-TJiri. Jit $1 per square us p! annutn for the first. Court Or- Lhcieatheabcbnith. scaled n tour through t " I . N "J ' f ?nr arid, unc 01 uia rhrnl dISir CIS Oij,4"fe-:h i I . ilia loam the ing vivid and BRPER ,& JAMES, Editors 6f Proprietors. f 1- KezfI a. CHECK CTOS ILL YOC R jittcK lavishes tic Siting niciu'rc :: rj.WEWtrLnA THC NAILERS. . Jv .i f,;ii.i-Aftera quiet cosy ill ursmnf " J , ,.. . : - i . . . . . : . . . . . . i . . i? Hfist irrW-d up on a littlc round ia-1 1 said, thisl glanced inquiringly toward y SALISBURY N. C.v Do TH1J, A3TD LlBSRTY jffw'i. HarrUon. November NUMBER 30, OF VblluME III. 20, 1846. : ' I .V" r:.i:;t;v'rtrth. 'nlanll had formed at mf 'far my perigrinations in this coun- iij a a"'1 travel on ui un. the hoyt -mio was looking steadily at me from hs stone stool by the anvil. Two or three little crooklfaced girls, from two to five years of agej had stolen in timidly. and a couple of young frightened eyes in jtttolber : convenient ?tttpping place for were peering over the door-sill at me. tlie mght.', A4jmuci uppnueu upo ine .i 1 tiey all iooKeu; as u some iasK yvere qai syecfcS o'.th ;Vxciinici, 1 was! deter- fly allowed thern in the soot and cinders ol Lmwi td Carrvithppiut against the pre- 1 their father's forge, even to the shkrp-eyed .ltiun-'of..mv 'friehds. So -at it I went, bahy at the door. The poor Englishman he was as much an Englishman as the ic of Wellington -looked at his bushy- do d he vvj h do V :s o t m y airy chamber look- headed bare-tooted children, and said soft- cvn Wire. ' .The jiouse was as quiet as if he wa l profound Sabbath wefjb resting upon it, Duke of dudiheiVvindiW3of .my aijrv chamber look- headed I eithrough the foligo of (grave elms down . ly, with aelancholy, shake of the had, i'Doh a gnvcn Vaiif! I got on swimming- i mat the tir iMTdking 'Scaldinsr M CooZJi-Mr. Gi AV. Reeder recently went from; New Orleans to Gen. Taylor's camp to present medals to certain brave subalterns) On his way up to the Rio Grande be e'neounterd the wreck of the steamer Enterprise, one hour ;afref her explosion. ' f; h J iWhile nassin throuch the crowd of suf- s, (writes he to the Delta.) my atten- times were rather hard with him. y(intul, alter a irugai uinnnr at ine n.me , n ironoifU nis heart, and many hours ! P'N: . m.V knapsack of night he had been kept awake! by 2:W4ilinff.!)f,cif-grMu,at,on ,n v'.cv i the thought of it. that he could not send Af iU literary part l my day s work. ttai2 P'Vid mv Dill ana given me ianu- ajj i copy of fay cornmeal receipts, 1 re iamri y 'WhU towardspW'orcestrr. t, sunwd my t rr i . Vi (irilt (nil I ncAoniliHl opeDt to me VjeV i sjihiMidid amphithe afrrrhosoniing' the large Ivillage of iVnrtihs!?rove. i As tins was the most ex his children to school, nor teach them him self to read. They were good (children, he saiuYjwith moist yearning in bis eyes: they were all the wealth be bad, and he loved them the morel the harder-he had to work" for them, i The poorest part of the poverty that was on him, was that he could not give his children the letters. t!on;was directed to one whom I thought must certainly be dead, lie Was swathed The steamer Grpat Ttritian was still in in bandages from head to foot the blood the same position that the Caledonia left uou irom ins wounds in; tmcK, muddy ; her, and will probably be a total loss. She XATE FROM EUliOrE. in the hopcfii! task of proving them to be i i ne steamerCritania arrived at Doston Mexican party V e suppose, of course. on Saturday morning, but the telegraph 11 means to embrace all theAvhigs, Gen wires between Boston nd New York ! era's Taylor and Worth and Kearney, were immediately cut by some of the spec- i anu to-inirds of the officers, both of vol ulators nounce dat te: Caledon - From the Ra!cigU j IT.JIr. Gales: Lara a ranircr t v so far as cpntributing mattr.r.fur jri.r : concerned; hut, sir, the editorial cf tl ard of last week, is so fraugLt vrhh i! innuendos, "so replete with filso that any one, however averse to p U'j ' must take 'pleasure in ,donouncii.: i', tempting the expoe of its true cl.juy: r ingenuily we acknowledge but injft. . willnotdo. It it vclU" lays thcXC.' -the. Register to attempt to keep the jc. ( norant as to the relation ciisting Lcj v. . Whigs and Abolitionist," ju but :rc mined tnat lacts saaai go Jeiore,t!i' ji .' wc call upon the people asthey v;'u of the States, as.'lhey would prescjV nut to tuture cenerattons tcetrrctj t i . - lme. only being; allowed to an- I uiira im tbe regular Army. A very ritv ,U-nU eniovlunjir lh C the lact ol her arrival. She bnnsrs rge maioriiy of thr. nriivif' inn nf tV,o . . i t J - i . .1 e$ to the 19th ult. from Liveroool. six- former, belong, h .v! iAfn r! ton,togve!lbc matter that ocvd at: m days later than those brought by the to the Whigjs, ort asth Union has it Ur r. ! mer,U rhe first of these dec.ara : ia. j tcan party. Richmond UVim- mous indeed, while the latter i$ prnt- T1IK V A .'.'. ' Ill I til . ' fill . . t . t l 1 n II . I inMiv'c ami variegateu landscape i nau as f i ney were gooq cniinren, ior ainne crocK xtlhc.cn iriKnglandL 1 stjoppetj a few mo- of the sbjp. was on their faces, and their rtico'H to Ikjce th'e features that distin- j fingers were bent like the eagle's claws jjuiJhed it fromj Amen'cin landscapes o ibclUmei physlcalj cotit(ur. They may ncroa'ps le summed up in these charac If riWtit-L In tbcj fir$t plade, lands that rient to $25 per acrfe for their sheer 'capacity v( production jmust necessarily k ket itva hi$h jStjvte1 cjf cultivation. ; Of JouWi l'0leat(dr j Jpastbre or boggy mo ksiiir h1tl !afid lii 1 breaks the vista of niVrrfsiirXei tility. Then the trees are all rtantwlji from the .k of; monstrous girth gaWsina'lUsst ha V' thorn in the garden (edftfj'atul, either fK-om this circumstance, it ltd ' fertility jbfltie. soil, their foliage K-emito rival jn luxuriance the rank ve getation of annual plants. The meadow ra$sarc ol a t(licker land liner growth iUn in America. i ller(sgrass and clover afliot' so! c!orirtnoti. The atmosphere is morf homid, and (i?re is a sprightly vivid Jgrejennessland a fejl vet i softness about a ncy)yslorn VrieM(low, ivhich strikes an iArtlifricari at the yij;w o a summer land .pttilthis.couiyy.. " .-'4Su the most dis ;tiriuiiiiin and iijtfresting feature of all ';'u the uvo rr'c i i hep with handling nails. ' He had been a poor man allj his days, and he knew his chil dren would be poor all their days, and poorer than he it" the nail business should continue io grow worse. 1( he could onlji, terribly wounded streams, and his face was! actually burn ed to a crisp. At first viejw 1 thought His i eyes were scalded out, but I was mistakeinJ ) For; a moment 1 stopped tdview this awful specticle of human agony, and just as, I was about to attend to some other duty,' I heard a voice saying, in a -feeble yet! res-." olute tone : ': j''-' -7 ; Hello ! old feller what are youi got in that arertin cup V i , - Thinking the question proceeded from some one further aft, I turned in that di rection, when the same person indignantly said . i j : ; " Yes, that's allers the jway ! A -feller gits a little hurt,: and. jistj like a porpojse that's wounded, bis teller! creeture triesl to kill him," j ! . ' lo my utter astonishment, l toundjtqat ; ther European powers, i The intents cor this was addressed to me by the person , dude between France and England is described in the above as having been so broken; France joins Spain for the conquest had twelve feet of water in her hold at the latest! dates. The: intelligence from Ireland is of the most melancholy character. Notwithstan ding the assistance rendered by Govern ment in relieving jbe wa'.nts of the people, the famine was increaseing in all parts of the country. A malignant disease had also broken out in some? portions of the kingdom,; which was greatly adding to the wretchedness of the people. ! The Cambria had arrived out with our Minister, Mr. Bancroft, who would at once enter on his duties; AMERICAN REVIEW: A WhigJournnlcf Politics, Li,traturet Art Science. Edited by Geo. II. Coltos. amit&j by C. W. Web- BES, OF KENTIXKT. I ! truly patriotic feeling. Their stv? j Is enough lo aroute our fenWanJ tv.V liality in behalf of the whole articje.; such thing as referring to the purvi i . . . . i . .i - i si rumen i 10 explain anjiqin : o The American Review has now re&tW narlv te end of a second yeac Its success so fur w en tirely unprecedented.; Its subscription lit ivjw numler loot 3,500, with a oonwant increaw. juh!ie stW of the value of the work is shown by the fact, that of the numerous new subscribers who; names have bet-u ssent into the office within the law fewi nioiuiiP, a lare number have ordered the back volume?. Ample ar rangements have been made to odd greatly to the mer its ot the work, in both its pohticjal and literary charac ter . n n . I :. . . . . i- i ., i , ' aiiu .i is conii.ieiiuv oejieveu tnat tUe. patronas:e of ipcn t: it LlLi.t ter , thi3 Review, on the part of the Whiff' narlv nml nf ilio iterarv nn Hi ri,ri ...;n . i i i marriages Of the Queen of Spa!?) ble a to pay so liberally for every order of hi-U and tin- isnea writing, ns to make it in all respects the most able aTid attractive periodical published in the United States. Ye.fnrnes,1y Bk tlir continued confidence and support of all true minds in the country. Enuravinus. There will be four engravings each year, carefully executed ; and what is of more impor tance, accompanied with ample biographies, that tnav Stand ns n nan it ik f , . I " '""lul; mcwiuiirv. .'lore em and her sister have been consummated without; any serious effects, if we except the protest by England and one or two o- body, and in this ' way thej editor tl..: plain his questions and fxcldmMu w give them a really false but pat rK . ance. He. wishes lo impress nj nity thatJhere is(heing bfotigl oi toe nigs anu iuo:iuinif(s union cf the States.. While tcn.il. prays, iu the beginning ot his article, i crvaiion ol the Vu ion, be lure lic!c!.'-c- . t i . ? tempting to throw a tirebratHi tit it i break up that harmony which is rof m -existence. We are pleated tat hij? v, else we dare not predict tie confc er4 :c: savs "that the Union must be me-.:; 1 - i .i in J i ' i prcserveu ine nigs niu uq t se they are uniiing with thci Alp ! : to be because Urn I k3 I r llwas SUtkfenlv 'flivprtrrl (Vntn mv enn y , ."T j i ,T ' J 1 w , i r p a w m a Ifm Waf foifs of t h i s m ag n i lice n t sc e n e r y by johfiaViy; VajiiL drops, as a prelude of njtrj)fidjig. ;ishwer. Seeing a gate o iffia.iid hilling a familiar click behind ah:i!t3, rstepH'd through into a little , Ll iksritltli rfehop, about as large as an A rpffricai smokj-hobe. for curing bacon. Tlre'lirtt obiect that myjj eyes rested upon Vas ja full gro5vVntjian, Shine years of age, and nfcarly jthlfee feet high, perched upon Stone, of l'i m 1 1 that height to raise his breast itd the level of his lather's anvil, at wulchie was 'at VVork With all the vicror rofihlij littteslirt.&l'ins, :;biaking nails. I iiw-m67 jman, for 1 fear he can peVetferow unj'Joirfier, physically or men tafiAs I pu!t niyp hand on his shoulder ni a iaiiiiu.tr way, io rnaKc myseu ai nome with him. ahd to rcnove; the tiijiidity with uttch , my sudden nppearance jseemed to inspire tnm by a nleasaiit word or two of greeting, by llnshkelt ciise-hardened into all the induration of toiling manhood, and a$ unsusceptible bl growth as his anvil Mock. Fixed manhood had Set it in uoon in the green W:ss of his iouth, and thtje 1m: vm by hi father's side a stinted, f mature uaii ; With bis childhood cut off; vyith no $paco to grow in between the cradle, a! nil trj0l anvil-block ; chased, asoon as he could, stand on his little legs, give.them the letters, or the alphabet as they call it, it would make them the like! of rich, tor thenjtbey could read the Tes tament. He could read the Testament aj little, for he had learned the letters by fire-light; It was a good book;, was the! Testament; never' saw any other book heard tell of somejin rich people's houses,; but it mattered but little with him. j The Testament,! he was sure, was made; for nailers and such like. It helped him i wonderfully when the loaf was small on the table.! He bad but little time to read it when the sun was up, and it took him long to read a little, for he learned the let-j ters when he wasiofcl. But he laid it be-i side his dish at dinner time and fed his fuur times afore ! heart with it, while his children were eat- ing the bj-ead that! fell to his share. And when he had spealt out a line of the short-! est words, he read them aloud, and his eldest boy, ibe! one on the block there could say several whole verses he had learned in this wajy. j It was a jtreat Comfort to him to think! that Jeeniesj could take into his heart sd j many verses of the Testament, wbiqb he! ! could not! read.; He intended to teach all;; his children in this way. It was all he! j could do forjthem ; and this he had to do at meal times; at alUbe other hours he ' had to be at the anvil. The nailing bu siness was growing harder, he was grow- i ing old, and his family large. He had to ' work j Yom four o'clock in the morning till " What can I doforyoumy poor " What are ye got in that are tin pup? Is it rot gut or melasses!?" I j " It is whiskey. Will you have some?" " You're the feller. Jest open my teeh, and pore a little down. 1 can't see well, but ! think bitters will do me good." ! I did as I was directed, and he dra!nk the whole contents of thq cup about half a pint of raw whiskey and then said " Thankee, old feller. 1 Ye see I wasja- ; ! of the Spanish Americas. friejnq ( j ! The money market was; greatly depresss- ed. 1 here was strong anticipations that a heavy shipment of bullion to this coun try would take place, on account of the great demand for breadsfufis for the wants of the people. j Flouriwas in brisk demand at an ad vance of one shilling per barrel over the quotations by the last steamer. t The price of grain was also rapidly advancing in all European ports. The advance in cotton was about one J it The first part of-lhe declaration w belHJments may be given if the intrivsii rulue of thr ed'C, the latter ue deny, fend thl b?,t Aerjflir can thereby b enhanced, i ' -1 ; ' Terms. The Review, will continue to be pub'ished can ,,e hai 'l fdsehooJ njaV l(j ill at Five Drtllnra ni ; .1 . . t . - . "1 I will be afford :,tr, . Anru': nou'etr.' ,nc PeoP,c Inemselves. r" r uuiwrv ,- fire ior 11c emy Hol lars; so that Committer,, S.cietiet' Club, ic., can ob am them at a more liberal rate. . The cash systenu, and payment in advance, must be urged on oar subscribers, it being the only way that a periodical can be efficiently sustained. Redcction of Fqstaue. A grea( item of expense is saved in the reduction of postage. The postage on the Review is not half die former amount. - la tliiji o a sleep, and when the bust up took placeYl was on the biler deck, and I b'leevejl u.v j farthing! over the previous rates. Mowed through one of the.Jlues ; but beyer j -1- : 1 mind, I ain't much hurt, and I'm more used , YUCATAN. ..1 I ill 111 io ii man a good many, j oeen oiomcayp . The Yucatan schooner Ventura, arrived North Carolina, is there fining or disposed in tbe least p ? :i principles of thcWUg parTy to l.cVc . oliiionists? And iVe Stindard, r.t r : paper, dare not iay that Abolitionijtu i Irina r-C tllA frrA.f Wlirt. 1..... i M North Carolina would denounce 1,'uu : slanderer of a great people ; j hi would stamp him ai anjim'potcr v. hart. We grant that there are -! who would be clad that slavery -!.. ished, provided it would not dia'turb t" ! I. at New;Orleans on the 2nd instant, from j Campeachy and Sisal, was seized by U. ! S. authorities, owing to the declaration of Yucatan in favor ot Mexico. The cargo 1 consisted of $7000 in specie, and a quan j tity of Logwood. Hats, &c. The circular ! from thoTreasutry Department rescinding i the privilege granted to the ports of Yu- catan was received the same day the Ven ; tura'arrived. ; DC3 I'he above, prepared for yesterday's j paper, was excluded. The New Orleans Bulletin of the 1th states that the Ventura had not been seized by the U. S. Marshal, but that the Collector of the port having received a circular from the Secretarv ten o'clock at night to earn eighteen pence His wages averaged only about seven shillings a week ! and there were five of them to live ori what they could earn. It FEMALE KIDNAPPERS. ! j An old hag named Morris alias Henley, 4nd her two filthy daughters, originally from Wake, but fresh from Granville, N; C, were overhaul-' ed by a Mr. Mit able, (from the last named icobn ty,) near Rocky Mount, Fraiuklin county, Va!., a few days ago, while wending their way to Objo", with an old poor horse and a craw-fish cart, and two of his negro men found! lying at full length in the cart, covered over, head and fool with bed clothes in which position the negroes sky I hey travelled from Granville until overtaken by their masters. It seems that lhe;se three whelps of sin started with three runaway slaves, but one of them being mute a vou ri black bird, he was "- ! . f .1 m s. ..... . . caught in Roxnorough, by: the citizens i-he ot the ireasury torbiddirtg him to clear a showinu himself, while the other 'birds' passed ny vessel for the ports of Yucatan, he en through snugly ensconsed among the greasy closed that circular to the District Attor- NEW-YORK EXPRESS, No. 113 Broadway, New York. The New York Expirees is a Journal Published week ly, semi-weekly and daily in the City- of New York. The Weekly Express is the largest and cheapest paper iii me wonu,cou:aiiiing iiity-six soiia columns of read- r it j n. I ing matter, at only Two dollars a year, in advance. ! "7 01 n,rn . 1 lien? may jl.C a The femi-Weekly Express, published on Tuesday and? siasrs ,n the catse, who Would c Friday, is Four Doflars.and the Daily, published both ; aliolished at any risque, j But kve l1- -uormng ana Evening to go out by the latest mails, is , out the fear of truthful COntrhd Ctic ocven ijo ;irs in advance i.ii'"'it- i!. Tlp Prr- , , r I v -j , , men do not belong exclusive j to 1 he I ropnetors of the Express, spare no labor nor ex- ' mm . 1 ' .. ..T J .', pense to obtain the earliest intelligence from all parts of the country, and from all parts of the world. The clos est attention is paid, to the markets, and in hort to every thing that can be important to the Me reliant, the Fann er, the Politician and the general reaJer. The contents of every Weekly Express, which costs less than fourcis., would till a good sized volume, and in a family, are worth, in entertnimnent and instruction, twenty times the price asked for the paper. Persons wishiag to su!scribe, can forward the money by mail, and we.' will incur the risk, and pay the postage, if mailed in the; presence of a Post master. TO WNSEND &. BROOKS. NOTICE. Fhe .Standard arid all others niut honest will acknowledge,' such; toll .Slavery is not a'test question uitlit . and it is a question that should nr j 1 or at h'at not u)rged info pliiic.il " III ni.f 1 nnfl II v tilhticlnrv mnn 11 I.a - ists at the North, we musj do ity ui j I of slavery, certainly no good. Tli y invade ouriiht here, and jollcyC : while at home and away J from j 11' tl. be let alone to the quiet enjoyment i f ' llll! M 11U UllUIUdlU OU(l. IJ J UU .-t them for their opinions, and he; nee 1 to scare them into his ranks by 1.;- : r lieve some Abolitionists are ct;..: bed clothes in the cart. These trolopes, we learn, upon losing their black companions, 'tacked5 back' to North Car olina, with the intention of locating in Waike. ney, for; his opinion how h should act in the case of the Ventura.' In the mean time he has refused to let Ventura enter. and we suppose would refuse to let her was hard to make up the loss of an hour. . ari"?r -fc GOUOr?: 10 Sei a!,olPr depart The New Orleans papers say , i T ? 'aCK iT' WTsfytolP- .that energetic representations have been Not one of 4heir hands, however little could bis spared. Jemmy was going or nine years of age, and a helpful lad he! was; and this poor man looked on him doatingly. Jemmy could vork off a thou sand nails a day, of the smallest size. The rent of . their little shop, tenement, and garden va!s five pounds a year, and a few pennies earned by the youingest of them was of great account. But, continued I the father, speaking cheerily, am not the one to complain. pie at large, and the people jof Wake and Gran ville particularly, be on youf guard. I ; Mr. Mirabile, being, a very humane man, de clined punishing these individuals with the law because they are very poor and ignorant, and have two or three infant children with themj Jlifton Chronicle Many is the man that has a harder lot of he'Vefrih-stunc ' the forge stone ' it than I, among the nailers along these bjf iron necessity, tliat would not let him hills and in the! valley. My neighbor in tppl long enough t to pick up a letter of the next door could tell you something a- uc r.nniisti nioiiiLiiet nn thr wnv . nout lanor voti mav never nave neara nie jX&I'Lbrd John Itusselj, think of it 1 Of like of in your ; country. He is an older this Eng;lisbrhatisj Wn, placed by his rno- man than I, krid there are seven of them lcr;scarce Wpanfed, bnta high cOld-store, 1 in his family1, and, for all that, he has no, barefooted, he fbrelt he anvil : tjiere to bar- boy like Jemmy here to help him. Some Jnijcaf, and 'blister its; young hands by of, his little girls are sickly, and their mo- "Ung and lia mine ring ragged nail rods ther is not over strong,, atuHt all comes on i the law of '40. X Y. Express. fJr the snstcnanctk Jicr breast can no lonu- him. ' l ; 4 He is an oldrsh man, as 1 was saying, I yet he not only works eighteen" hours ev- art- f Kit? Cwm Knt nirorr Priilat lit the year he works all night long, and ne- till late of Satur- hbor is John Stub- i sent on to the Department at Washington, 1 asking a remission of forfeiture on various grounds, of which the principle, and strong est is that when the Yucatan Congress agreed to annex that country to Mexico the.! union was brought about by the decep tive assurances of Santa-Anna, that the difficulties with the United; States had been entirely settled ; that within a few weeks past, the Yucatanese have discov ered the imposition practised upon them, new American. Tariff vorks),. The efleqt here -j and have with much indignation repudi has been to advance the prices, 75 cents per ated the connexion and determined to barrel, but we would state that another advance I maintain the seperate and independent of 75 cents is yet to be made before it gets! up ' sovereignty of their country. One of the ...u :.nmu, i'a-, at ii, proofs of this determination adduced is n ill ...n in mc'..liiiika i. -w.j ' ' uijul nil. " virtue of a deed in trust PTerMitt to me by James L. Cowan, for pur- ' abuse, for that will not atfect l:':n L'r poses therein mentioned, I willl expose to public sale, on 1 their conviction's, and we jnust 'say;;! 1 nursday. 'joth Aov. next, The Tavern House and Lot IN SALISBURY, - now occupied tv the said Cowan : together with all the FURNITURE belonging to the House; one road wag gon and gear, one one-horse waggon and harness, four Milch Cotes, One Horse, STOCK OF HOGS, with various other artrcles not mentioned. Persons de sirous of embarking in the business 6f Hotel keeping, would do well to attend the sale ; as an opportunity of thorough convictions as we f jhe F John P. Hale and 'others hav. 1 from the Ixcos nnd joinedj the VLLr . is Ihe secret. J his is mhat rou:rr dard so uneasj-, and not a 'fear 6r tin I His party is going down, ana sur.h !, su.-tain it-will be futile. " Not only j th jcoinanry oi mc lanu, out. men ji ew and calling, of ctery profession and (j getting tired of his party. -They' ! tneir hypocrisy and deception, and ur" More Help to Free Trarfq. The farther ad vance of flour in England,; will, no doubt, .he used by the Locofocos to show how we!li the, .1 : u.. i r.i : l . i . pi tl 1 1 1 iiin ie irfnie h ii ii ii r 11111 psn m mil bp duni i . . . - . . i offered. The sale will certainly take place, and terms ",em hJ th.f,r aCMO,, V e. W1rc !p made known on the day of sale. ! S without a war. We aire, now ci CYRUS W. WEST, Trustee. Salisbury, Oct. 25, K46 27:ts N. B. The above property can be bought at private sale, if application be made previous to the day of sale. C. W. W. Trus. VALUABLE LANDS FOR &s jl. iL jsm o tariff of 1842. AVhen the price gets oyer $7, then the Locofocos can talk of the risfe wiith more decency than they cin now, when the tariff of '42 price, is larger than the price under afforded by the arrival of the Joarjuina, the nature oFwhich is given below. BY VIRTUE of a decree of the Court of Equity of Rowan County, the Clerk and Master will efl at public sale, on the premises on Saturday the 2lst No vember next, a Tract of Land nly. : Lord IJohn. look at those nails. Aty lie lmsingj Ion the block. Know )(0ii their meaning use1, and language? f'fM your I lordship, let me tell you. I Wvt :jnade jtiails-l)efore now theif arc ver lays olf his, clothes t nn irciAerlf son 7 id F ri ft whichthis unfetter- day nightj A good neigl ctf Atifr . -i.l .:. i LL ' . .1 1 1 1 .1. .. ..t.. .. I v i n r seven miles west of Salisbury, adjoining the lands of Henry Sloan, John Barrier and oihers, containing 174 ACRES, i..dn aHish ;bby. tfjuncohsciou&jy arraying bins, and the only man just in our neigh ipirist Vouiatfatnst the British Covern- borhood who can read the. newspaper. It vjt nt, and iu miry of British literature is not ofteh be gets a newspaper ; lor it is cu"nS,ni otLwithout a letter ot the not the like Of us that have newspapers if' Wwjp is done and bread!in(our houses at the same time. lWfAvlTcer'ang him, for no sin But now and then he begs an old one. partly torn, at the palters,- and reaas 11 10 us of a Sunday night. So once in two or three weeks we hejar something of what is going on in, the world something about corn laws and! the Duke of Wellington, and Oregon, and India, and Ireland, and V f h? oHusf parent's side but poverty, in ;ndarli sixlyj eight prison ol hard la , r,a; Vouthle&s eing. Think' of it, an ,iaat hardened ialmost in its mother's -ptih Moo. Dianlby toil that bows tfie ;urdiest'of the! world's laborers. 1nhood. throu injeryenjng yearsfof other places la England. E. B. Pat's Accommodativenessi -An Irishman Ve ing about. to join a company! in Lawrencf burg, Ind., flirming to go South, vas questionied !by one of the Officers : ! " Well, sir : when you get into battle will you fight or run V j I "In faith," replied the Hibernian, withd com ical twist of his countenance ; " I'll be a ft her eoing, yer honor, as a majoriity uv ye does."; U0 If ipe boyV father was! at Work with bis towards me fvhe.nj entered. At my i The citizens iof Nashvil fWPW of salutation othead, he turn-' meeting ori the 27th ult., WWr.W accjbsted I jme afIittIo baish- solutions tenderimr their 07" If we go down at noon-day to thb hot-1 torn of a deep pit, we shall be able to se the stars, which on the level arej invisible. (Even so, from the depths of grieft Worn, wretched and dying the blessed aspirations and tokens of heaven make themselves visible to ou eye. belonging to the heirs of Vy'illiam Miller, dee'd, well j 11 : .1 ' lk ,1: T and other outhous, Also, on the same day will be I ,beT Voted him into retirement! sold a likely j NEGRO BOY, Term- made known T NOTICE. Tribute to ihe Tennessee T oluntecrs. ille held a public k. nnrl adonted rp. I r r ' 1 - . - r ,k ti 1 , ; ,i 5 iiiv .. - 1 PPnd. and flirihvtpd Mm 51 Jlillln hntti. ! el...: . J J L; r.,M 1 . . f - r . v itii w .m 1 1 j v ii- 1 t?ui ill inn v t onriurniir i r h r 1 1 i 1 1 k lis iiri s i ,al" unaccustomed to the sight, of Taylor and his indomitable little army,) ?iyiT5cer reluctant to; let both regulars and volunteers, for the glo-l Vrtl? -rS-C crfit'of his PflV ous: victory jtbey achieved at the siege I U'-JWr.wniiPrjon f Montereyj l A resolution was also a-; . ?. 1W ;hm i i Was an1 American f donted aniioihtin mm;tip throu"hont! r,9smith';M' .-tradel' aricl that! I hnrl rarnA the State in t; ,.,k.-.:.;nc tn in I hviv guuotl I uuuii'i ' 'u . i L..:i.ii'ri i . -r ..... From the Christian Register. Sweet us the pleasure, Itself cannot spoil : Is not true leisure One with true toil,? Thou that wouldst taste it Still do thy best, - ,4 6 use it not, irqste ft not, Else it is no re9t. Rest is! the fitting Of self to its spherie. 1 , -1 I 'Tis the blook's motiion- Clear without stride ; Fleeing to ocean After its life. told ,hhil was an American lath i . r. ? r "' iiu vuuiv Prcily Good wags at v3that he could live cdmfort. i r us!children to school. As Deeper, devotion Aowpere hath kneit, Woald'st thou behofd beauty Fuller motion The Yucatan schooner Joaquina arrived at New! Orleans on the 3d; instant, from Campeachy, whence she lailed on the 2Gth ultimo, j She brings a pronunciamento of Campeachy, which was concurred in by the garrison there, the objects of which are not! very clear. It recites that the people have derived nought from the ru lers charged with their welfare, but a se ries of Calamities it protests against the 'ged about twenty-three yenrs. I crm made k removal of those officers jwho have refu- , t? tn I 50 EU"C' " cuil in m l n thoip nHhoeinn" tn lh now . ' . - - -i- order of things declares the constiiu'ion ! of 1841 re-established and establishes an 1 administrative junta in the city of Cam-' peachy,! to digest a system of administra- ! tion to be observed until this plan is se- j conded by, all the people of the State. ' The people of Campeachy .refused com- ; pliance with the act of the. Yucatan Con- 1 gress, passed on the25th August, acknowl I edging the revolution in Mexico and ) proclaiming Santa Anna's ascendency ; and it was omy by the threats of LJaroa chino that they were induced to acquiesce. The Picayune suggest that this pronunci amento may be in the same spirit of re- t sistance to the coalition with the present foviean o-overnment. 1 j The Tropic, however, suggests that this I pronunciamento was placed on board the j Joaquina to prevent her seizure in New 1 Ofleaps.-iiicimowrf Tunis blessings of both. We wee to h u e t . of Oregon or fght." Their trcml cowered and they dared not assort : dared to be yours, and one f two tj. : consequence. They either asserted '.; l . I ! l. iirrriir'rTP 5. i did believe to be justly ous. JIv. ". able the infer;st of our CQpntrr, ( been settled in accordance? with the r: the Whiff party, and now! wo Kre 1 lezas as ine jeauers oi me hhik . tA Itad the froat Pa.lriot'of kliR inspired by the divinity luraseif, he v i A tv.tlff tA'A . t . t ff t. l' I" III'Mf IIUII iJ A UIIU IUG l.'l:i 'j i' II' .. J i- . .t ! f : ncxanon accoroing io ine: ueroacra: sions. than he did in HtsrTexas letter. forgotten ?" Truly iris nnt no'r r.rvf . i .i . i t i i . j i- ny ine votes oi ADoinionisis F.na i t the Statesman, the Oratorj and jl'-tt' age was defeated. How many pow r retirement.? II i now see that ther were duped by the i sentations of ambitious nartitani ? 1 1 now mourn the misfortunes cf th"if building a monument at Nashville to com- memoratenbeideeds of the gallant Ten nessee Volunteers who were slain on ! the battle field. 1 Near thee all rond ? Only hath duty Such a sight found. Rest is not quitting The busy career Heart never felt. 'Tis loving and serving The frighefi the lesl-4 mm I 9'- ' i is onwara, unswerving. V 'A n A :im fvnA 9Kci THE MEXICAN PARTY. The UnionTbavihg labored for weeks without effect to fasten on the Whigs the ! r: j m : t eharof Abolitionism, is now engaged riEsulscriberwill offer for snle at the late residence of Daniel Kirk, dee'd., in Stanly County, IO or 15 VALUABLE NEGROES, consisting of men, women and children, HORSES, HOGS, CATTLE, .SHEEP, CORN, FOD DER, WHEAT, and OATS, and a variety of other good property too various to mention. The sale will take place on the first day of December, in Stanly coun ty, N. C, near the narrows of the Yadkin, and to con tinue froraday toiiay ..until all is sold,. Terms: A credit of nine months will be allowed to purchasers, and bond with approved security required. JAMBS V. KIRK, Exr. Nov. 10, 14629:31 , j CHOCOLATE! JUS II received a supply of fresh chocolate of superi or quality. ' J. ji. Lyytss. Salisbury, Auent 521, 1?46 tfl"' TEN )ETS RE WARD )' RANAWAY from thr subscriber living ten miles west of Salisbury, his indented apprentice, Na thaniel Ennis. I hereby forewarn, all persons from bar boriag or employing him, under penally of the Liw. Tie above reward will be paid ior his delivery to me. 3t29 ; rl. . ISAAC COVIN. 'Rowan coantv. November 13. I346r- ': hrooshf alKiut by the ignorance, at;-; But it is now too late to have it loth -it. that we can say to men wto. a? jirt'v i evation of the present Administra' ion i ye from your evjl ways." A?ift in ; the country to her pristine pttte.j Il-i soft tale of thet insinuating dcirji lieve not the declaration oCtbelta! r ty, who have onco deceived youJ L' , country s intereit, nl tiongti tiir . . .... ,1 f um of aspiring politicians.' jlem ic false patriots may for awhile be .? :r ! their success cannot be -lftiUng. J H i upon an unreality a: false! prfmi ; would not rather be Clay at Ahm t at Washinelon ! Who wti!d nM r:1 i feated in right than nrces$ful in , - would not rather fall with their cou: '.i i 1 .1 vtik Jl tMninVH in j erxurace iuau nso " "! Why this opposition to.Texa? ? I maledictions about tbo war with ! olitionifm is at the bottom 1 of it. 1 1 tracted roust be, the views of the -h:ar. ! bow little foresight he must tttn!; :'e t vours of AboiitionismI Few ruv that Ihe annexaiion of Texas w W. ! denry to move alarrry southward, I:, past lells u so, and reason coJilJrn As our southern' limits Lav?beci; ciu: m Mi-' - I 5 j 5 .! '1 I. -t 3 s i 1 f 1 1 I 1 I

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