My. I i i . I Til i-r- . mil sf"t a ' v . AVrhnVRY nFAT.HAT. I Rail Road from AVilminffton tb Mancbc's- Pt ho HI ledublOl Y.AM VMU bjoi'ned .H' cle (fotn Up ihej Petersburg Jo IK f1 . I Wl.IT I " II - . i. i I ht affair iiii r.i inr 'of ihe i couii Uitihkve pTooOTr' ,:ih.nrk Here, in .l ' -m. I ' A A M 1I1JS fc, . W ,, rtffli :M VT7T have1 beenmade, on were e war f 1"Htlwn r. -3 ii r Wi the aenti tn"i- . . Li tiL war on. and never Wm KTTriJl nt,,f . i con.: ft, r ,lould& Vgs n Democrats; PTrr..!;rol.ouidr;ana as ready to co-eperate KiwiK-'T -J if , ii ! I, .thjflf!df WW Tcv v t From, the Uajtiinore mci. rnriii MD TKR ad t. llitrtoinusi" WatuheaaiiM On Wednesday, an unsuccessful ; vole "sr.ouuiu aroiiim, -was re-ccminiucu was had forAttorney Gcriralof the State. yilh proposed amendments, to he Com- The present incumhentpier AVhitaker. niitteeri Internal " J mprdvmeis:; v aind..a Esq., was teai tor ny the Democrats in bm 0 incorporate a Cdmpany td construct a bod3:, whde Vhlg vote was divided county to Tyrrell, was between. Hon. Edward fctanly. of Beau- i TCATyi,.J.. fnrf. nd P.'Moore. Esh.. of Halifax. ra4 lhe first time. The Senate also re- We were compelled to nut bur naner to t losed, by a vote ot nine to tmrty-lbur, to l'ress. on i nursuay, ueipre an eiecuon in vesune appomimeni pi rieia unicers oi this officer Iwas effected, but we may be enabled to announce the result in a Post script. V -'ii';'5-.. ' ' if -'-! -li'l IT the North Carolina Regiment in the Com missioned Officers ; arid it .is ,very proba ble that a bill giving said appointment to iub ouicers anu pnvaies oi me ivesiment t ..( IJ Jl.i 1' . M-. f ' ' 11: i , -. : EXECUTOH'SI SMiEi ALSOiOOO ACRES I OF LAND r I.r ANB TOWN PROPERTY. CHEPBE'THAN: EYE! v. ! th Np.w rnTTNTY. The Mll establish pery-County. by w'U.pass both House by deeivej rayon- '.ortOTUKSDAY fti 4 aj. or nameoPGA3T0!;.eonpodolortions ties. . 1 I I i SiiH on 15U1 tTr BY virtue jof a. Deed of Trost! irxejcnted. to us by' Wiliiaml Chambers, for purposes therein mentiooed, we: wilt se)t npaUie anction, at th Coart.House in Sal- February, 1847, MItflSTR U iVmTto-u. fercatnheasiness to some oi tine au- Ii.iAtion journal lt.lbi Mexican war has W beep i ."'iif mUU. 'J:.J tll.iv Tk 2.. Jfibrodactiveoi PoiiugitiiWiiat T. ..r L.di iiiventure tjvejart entir failure ; it enfledina .i .. ft iwd rwdit. i o retrieve ine uisaBier i tuu u vevTX T T er been arrnyru pSa.iM Qi 0lU LiOnCOln nnU Uaiawiw, uuftseu US final reading in the House ot Commons, on Wednesday last, by 87 to 24. This is a most important decision to the people of that section of country, but it has yet to undergo the ordeal of a discussion and vote in the Senate. bi eniatioti' tite. w$rj with; Mexico might dp eome , '1ADdt wWn itiwas'fJlind Ihiat the e;:clu?lve claims V'iltHi4iitn. irrorited ip .he party .of the Adniinistra. t'.J -i iit.fiVlii'.Wl at nauzht W the artlor with which toatarae -forward lo fight iA a wait actual- ion. '''' i i .r ." '. 5hThe National Intlligehcerji says: The Session of Congress opined yesterday riih a very full attendance of the Members of both Houses. Messages were interchanged by the i two' bodies with each other and with the Presi dent of lhe United States, announcing their readiness to proceed to business pertaining ' to their organization, the two Houses adjourned to this day, at the usual; hour. j; At 12 o'clock to-day the President's Annual Message is to be transmitted to both Houses. 80 ye?y HEGROES, ;Ui . and UltiLis. worthy ttie atter tion 'of persons wjshing o purchase for 'i their own! use;. KTTenn$ i Six months tredit tt ilk in terest. :' '' j I , "-ji:; M - ALS(-naIl that Tract of LAND in! Davidaon Coun ty with a small piece in Row'an, to include the Ferry, JTust HeceiVed aa IV. tire Xcw Stoclc of VaXclc, mX7diH7t SiWer-ware, Knfvea, Raxore, Sciiirp, Hair-bruslie, Comb?, P.utr?, Can ?.Z?Z l ll:Pur8ea.M08icBoxet,CPI20 3 !,v TACLIIE, IV,: ana all kind of fancy goods, too xm jfi0Z " -Z'y A tneruua iu li.n.iio.i ; v. with their former atock, enablea thni TV ; Ilow l'r t0 i - and fineat asaortment etcr offered itt-NcaT.f- j Sr? the town of S !. ' j articles have been carrfally aetectid in Sicw York and Philadelphia, and will be '"sold cheaper i . booght any where else in the StateL . L 'Persons in want of fine jold and silver Lever Watches, or. J i elry of any description, will find it lo their interest to call and examine fur themselves, b? fore't.Jrc !. . Please cal at the brick-row opposite Geo. :.W. Brown's store, aa wr are ilrurrniaed to c!.v: ; All kinds of Watches will be rewired, such as Chroootnitrrs, Duplex, Horizontal, Pate it-I-r v r. ' peating and Plain ; also, Clocks, Musical-boxes, and all kinds of Jewrlqr, pat in order on res? warranted for twelve rnooths. Lepibe and plain Watches will be altered to Patent-Leven.Tin j ur r form well. AH work sent from a distance will be carefully attended to. Old ciA I snJ :!trr i-.'k. . for Jewtlrr or work June. ! - ' ! I Salisbury,. jV. C, Sep!. ld.'A 184Ci-20:tf : 1 I BOG EH X I L ; " t ' i - PUBLIC NOTICE NEW PALL1 AND W I ELECTION OP OFFICERS. ; ' On Wednesday last, Charles L. Hinton. Esq. was re-elected, witjiqut opposition, Public Treasurer of North Carolina for the ensuing two years. Andf On Wedries- clnv last William "P.. P.fttline "Ren woe yal. '.iiWff,the.IMyledt.roclainied guardians pu.- v-- pi.rtftfi nhmntrnlli. i PnMU - A Hi ' I Viinor ol-Kovi red thahheyi were talking nonsense, -":. "V V i "V - " FIFTEEN DAYS LATER Hno'j . J rV. 7!i I . i i for the same period also, without oPDosi- n i i '.rtd seinr of tbenll Hie ;liscre on to ; . ife i ! M t Th r.nti l.miirrht fVnm T.fvPrnnnl Kv tl,A ; 1l. ".I . . ! Lillll. : i '.'--!.;.-..- I I : vwwU...w . " - , - - - , . , . w ; ' The re-election of these two gentlemen steamer Caledonia, which we announced yes- so favorably known to the people of our State, will, ve doubt not, be hailedwith and known as the M BRICK HOpSEl PLACE," con taining about i a o cry without Accordingly leader of a for i ...... 1 ... ii . .a .. i uitb'a ittieenerev ana witaau trie BAllit oud notj dp to give up the wo LihelTorti jo wV romrthingoat of it. Iha offiial W pi Wltngtons the 1, tlinifiieks of Jrjrition It now labors to produce the im f r-Tioa thai'iU'Ni0"'' f theLdininiitratioTji are the i r .T i.r . .... i . i . lt j l. - i - t r frifflijiif Mexico qnu laai 10 le isure u.iy ni-,surc ui i i i i -i. i : ': I . l I. -II - . . . .1 . . 1 ' MrV'pMili i" relereiwe lo ine wajinow t-iiori-higuicu or yunWring speverjllMo take thibatt of the Rtexi ttJuj-'pay into iMii Lnrwitt. 1 1 re follow s a fpecimen of ofltfiat drnunciniiqn : -f l VicVis tldV'war ihui liar. 1 i rally ink to oppose it, the rei'era!jhiii make wn ipon ie patrimic feejfings of edtmlry.' n ileno'unring as inmifTicitrnt caibses the lajPri Will' If 'l')iui.r4;m rumo j!U'iircpois 6f (Iw IVijcr nlisisntof le)ia avoir thepn jjyri iriehHilil4 tdjilmir hi;uiitryks humiliation, and pro 0 IQHE.S. . ALSO; j , j 3nc inutittfon -i i ! l ; v l ; ii 1 n the Yadkin River, and known sthj " WHITE JlOUap PLAN- as TA ION, containing r&out both the, nbcrve places have fine TOWELLING HOUS ES, anda fluantitv of RIVliR T,nTTOM Arn terday as having arrived at Boston on Saturday,! , 3IMAD01". Afeo.the Tract cjf LAND near Salis- frir-- I-;-1 from: EUROPE. a-x r . . uctooer, a. u.ibi by the Wash neton ?,Iinine Com- pany to John 1 aylor. Jr., and Roswell A. King, for the purposed securmg certain dbts 'therein specified, on Tuesday. Wednes day and Thursday, the 22d,23d,and 24th days ofsDccemhcr. 1840, WASuiNGTOtf MINE, I Jer on a general satisfaction. I FOR THE WATCH3A3t.) tUloi ihf 1 ves till- TU l PAR Fach charges na lihese jit the pro- TY 01 NATIONAL 'Twas a vision 'of bliss, how lovely, how bright ! How raerrilyl Cew the gay hours, 'Twas a raptbrima dream a trance of delight In Edena owff beautiful bowers ! i- 4 I- Union " prove: nothmg resources, language ofjihb irf full llflBnd:ale.N jThe rea lers (! the ofli eiil ji'fr,in tliis craniriityi anjl elsewhere, wo ktjow hQw Hi ptiiKKi Hitiivkiuiis, wcire loroiieii wnen me niaoa darnel f volunteers to tlie field, will escjope from tfohntof indigrifijioti ftt; the sight of the per a graph i .' I. 4 .. ..... !i r ibote (Jfloifu amy uy passing ii iiasiuy in a son oi com f. fSs .v.: i .J. i- 2 i -l pMmK.bfjwcn anj instinctive injipulse ofdisgust and the (up jf!p)lilicarprfdi'lections. ilWhat veU rft? for Mr. ToJkJ will rt A. Li1 a.: 4 n!l f .rt I sly 50; ho fi 1 at 1 l)C1 honest ipian who listen to the calumnv uticli df nouncrs tlie Wigs as tjhe " Ta -ty of jNational (hijtafi," When hekno.'s that iiiia own son awd the son ( hi 'hig neiwhlnor a)d frien stood side by side: at Miwttewy t Therei in bftod enough aire ldv shed in this tt Whlrf the!rmtiial standnrdiby galja nt men cherieh !(! (He tarhe in-d jirincjiples of their re volutiqmaryfa- rfirntotcry frpni the ground ayiiinst so foul art imputa i$n ondj to re'rtoct 1(9 own colonjupon the faces f the'ea- IumnlattT who mriy yet retain llhe facu tv ofiblushinE. ' 1 Butlit is ptiififid jo relognize even by illusion the ex MtfOce.of ny'po)ii;icaHivisions or par y designations wlieij'tje cau. of the country ngaitisl a foreitm enemy U.iflTolWd. . Thesd alla.sions nre romnelleil hv mirh di. tect anJ una uihhVdr charges as the official paper chooses tf5ive firth. jVe;kna:j. undertake, however, tio say that ll 'h'iJ wiifi or j Without deinunciation from official ouM. wjll niherto' tiel cause of their country both a Ctinni foes abrpad ahd un Incompetent Administration at boirifj; TJiey Will justify :no ciandestion intrigues with 1 Stetiran chief no) iriclorious eiiufliinir but of diffieuUies rihiv br)Ughton yiet; nj:tially ejxisting. They Will do ifiiven 10 u-nniiioie. mis war iionoramy and advanta- Of iheir Iforts ch Thou hadst taken thy seat, as I asked thee to sing, But still as the pleasure delaying, Began o'er the keys thy soft fingers to fling ; And my favorite walt2, wert now playing. ; As I drank in that music, and gazed on those charms Inch to angels, not mortals, are given,' What wonder my fancy made wings of thy arms, And deemed thee descended from heaven ! For my soul, was transportedrand ravished my eyes, Like a strhrige spell thy beauty stole o'er me, And gazing intently there seemed to arise, A --i A scene of enchantment before me 1 ; " Fairy forms seemed to flit found thee,;Iovirig and fond, Joining hands, in the dance, with the Hours. There was Mirth waving1 o'er thee hi rosy wreathed wand, i . 1 . . And Joy bringing iasle'of flowers, j Now the measure was changed, and advancing along Came Music, slow moving. A tear in . Her tender eye stood, as she breathed a low song In tones like the " wild harp of Erin.". It ceased and there followed a livelier strain While Hope with the joy beaming e'e: Advanced to thy side, with his spirited train, And turned his bright glances on me. I awoke ;and of all the bright forms which had been, And the sounds in my ear which were, ringing, There was none but thy own lovely self to-be seen, -And naught to be heard but thy tinging. are the jl9th ultimo ; but, except the com-; rhercial nea, there appears to be little that is of importance. ; j r The grain markets, both in England and oa th Continent, are depressed. United States free fleur was worth 32s. a 33s. in London, and in Liverpool 31s. 6d. j Duty on Wheat 4s. Cotton has declined; &d. Mobile was selling at Cd. .. Bowed Georgia at Gd, L ; The Hon. George Bancroft on 'the 12th dined. with the Queen at Windsor Castle, and on the following Saturday was7 with his lady, at the select party at Lord Palmerstort's, the Minister for Foreign Affairs. The Prussian Charge d'Affaires to the UnU ted States, Baron Gerolt, had arrived at,Berliu to receive in person instructions from his Gov ernment relative to a treaty of commerce and navigation, to be concluded between the Zoll Verein and the North American States. I" '' SPRING HILL PliANTATION," J; containing about Eleven hundred ACRES, on which is a'jquantity of meadovv.and a valuable Ton- Yard, not now in use. Abo, i I THE HOUSE AND LOT, j in the South square of the Townj.of 'Salisbury, near the Factory, and jnow in the occupation of J. G. Cairnes, .4gent. AIbo, the east half of T OT lTnmhor 1.Q joining the Bank Lot. The Real Estate will be sold on a credit, and conditions made knpwn on day of sales. The land? Cab be divided into cojnvenient parcels to suit purchasers, and may be treated ffer privately by applying to the Trustees previous to the sale. J. V. CHAMBERS, ) j P. B. CHAMBERS, Salisbury,: December 11, 18-16; Trustees. The misunderstanding between England and A T the same time and place the Executor of William France relative to the Montnen&ier marria,T 1 Chambers, will sell about THIS MORNING'S MAIL. continued to afford a vent for angry patriotism on both sides of the Straits pf Dover. The steamship Great Britain was slill ashore. She has received but little injury,! and will not be got oil before next season. Sin Portugal two battles have taken place be tween tue tucen .adherents ; and 'the insur gents, in both of which the latter were defeat, ed. One thousand were killed, wounded, and taken prisoners in the first action. Das Antas, the insurgent General, was at the head of 14, 000 men. Geo. Schwalbach had commenced the bombardment of Elhorah, occupied by the insurgents. T 23 1 ctr . ; : In the vicinity of this Town, on Monday last, Mr. ISAAC EARNHEART a worthy citizen. , 1 o-er. owj,'n,J they will rejoice when it is pstriotWn making rjo boast,, theyj will confine their elfo fft tU ! doing of .osefal service to the coulntry, !in whi l"?ijinf0d M duty :f setting aside the Polk dynasty 8Tj(lJfturrou(lings, kt the firsll 'opportunity. Against i tl,mmi aiHl.jlie Weaknesses if the Administration, in I .itLt' I'll- -r..V '! :...i . '1 .. . ineiqfininme,jney will linng the tx'St remedies they can and the in mi I sea of an en- MDirit' I Ahcl whntvr th I rhoi in nnnu. !ft ff and it matters not much what they say in thU khnlf the icountrv at lairve. w aw nrrnnnAA lojU wih hop, 1 trust; and confidence to the intelli- the practical discretion land the true' patriotism rfjhJ.Mihlgs of flipj Republic ia view of our present ex- phciea and a future deliveranc iTii t 7:; i f cn i 1 Prom,sc case, Uch wai tried last week in LnnisvilM njifcsulteJ in the -jnryj - givin ? a verdict o(COj)0 damagci io the fair ilaintifT, the nden jo.pAy lhe costs. ; The parties re pssjNano jlayes (aged about 30) vMUolm HiW(aged aboul 51)t There warno promise prqvcd in thd casebut flirt. .-.i1U' L ! i .. ' .4 ; , "Vnun, a u a rrcai ces rr? fin Mip-nnrt the riih old bach- i but fehe has THE LEGISLATURE. The subjoined articles we find in the; Register of the 8th. THE SUPREME COURT. It will be seen that the BUI to authorize the holding of the Terms of the Supreme Court of the State,; alternately at Raleigh and Morgan ton, has passed the Senate by the casting vote j of the Speaker. X Bill has also been introduced to divide the State into nine Judical Circuits, and provides, in addition,-that the Supreme Court shall here after consist of alt the Judges, as well those of the present Supreme Court, as of the Superior Courts., j ij, f j - j; ATTORNEY GENERAL. There Ws been no choice of this important Law Officer yet. Sixi votes have been had two of which wete published in our last, and fournre given in this paper. There has been it will be observed, but a shade of difference in the several vcles. Yesterday, in the Legislature, nothing of im portance was done,-but to count the votes giv en for Governor at the August Election, when it was officially proclaimed that Gov. Graham was re-elected for two years, from January flext by the following vote, viz ; William A. Graham j 43,767 ! James B. Shepard 35,G27 ; THE MARKETS. Apples, (dried) Bacon, Brandy, Butter, Beeswax, COTTCN', Cotton Yarn," Coffee, Corn, Feathers, Flour, (per bbl.) Iron, SALISBURY, DEC. 11, 1846. CO a 37 Linseed Oil, 8 a 9 ; Molasses, 25 a 00 (Nails,! 10 a I2i Oats, i S 22 a 00 ( Irish Potatoes, Do., (Sweet) Sugar (brown) Do. (loaf) 7 a8 0 a 100 . 8 a 10 30 a 00 25 a 00 00 a 4 3 a 5 Salt, (sack) Tallow; Wheat,! : ) Whiskey, ; 75 a 80 35 a 40 5J a 6 20 a 22 : 30 a 35 40 a 00 7 a II 12Ja 15 . a 4 00 00 a:8 65 a 70 23 a 30 1, FAYETTE VILLE, DEC. Brandy, peach, 00 30 ) Iron, i 00 a 2o ! Molasses, 7i a 8i( Oats, ; 8 a 10 ) Nails,(cut) 8 a 9 Sugar; (brown,) 50 a GO Salt, (bushel,) 13 a 15 (Do., (sack,) 5 a 5J Wheat, 26 a 28 Whiskey, 5 a 5 Beeswax, 60 a 70 (Rags,;!( Do. apple, Bacon, Coffee, Cotton, Corn? Candles, F. F., Flour, Feathers, Pork, Peas, 184G.: 4i a 5 24 a 28 30 a 35 5 A. 8 a 10 "50 a 60 SU a2 90 a 1 00 23 a 25 24 a 25 U a 2 i' 0 the'D airitifT O 'frnfrb n Shl'StiUti him. , 0 01 V,s! nvon.eybe being reputed PfPtith bu-y or sixty thousand dollars. r.wuisiHc;-yourier says t mt the an- n4t1ni4ieTdict r the case caiid 8e4ral;ejitlemen who have been 4ustomcd!to think thov cou d do nrettv fN:i -! .. - . i ri i -r. . i - i "tasai tlicv n eased, Uo shrik in tir Majority for Graham 8,140 ; The Bill for holding an annual Term of the j Supremo Court in the West, was rejected, in the House of Commons, by 4 votes. Bacon, Beeswax, Bagging, (hemp) (tow, Bale Rope, Cofiee, Cotton, Corn, Flour, jj Feathers, t Hides, (dry) Iron, m i 1 v. f&Ulh CUrllstonlEienino- rotnj beaduartrsi itself tl .Uited States S?nate I This (agMst!te jwritpf) 1 0 if re5 fr ' I ' .( i. H;,' " ikus man in tne ;: Anithe C W iwe tcti 'vA rmy cry et select ionJ VvTir. ,t .i . r, ! l.isisnotmuch bfa V, 'f. the Itlie ts. Vn,l 'i GASTON COUNTY, ! A new County has? been established by the 'i Legislature,;bearing the above honoured name, ; to he composed of parts of Lincoln and Cataw- ba. We feel greatly gratified in announcing: j this result, on account .of the deep interest felt in the enactment of the Law, by the deserving j and respectable population of Lincolnton. Had j the Legislature failed to hearken to their pecu i liar situation they would have been guilty cf an j, act of cruel injustice. 6 corrdspondent of i we learn from the Standard of the 9th at Colum- inst., that iri the Senate, on Monday, the bill J"gj)od authority indeed, (0 incorpbrite the N. Carolina and S. Car- j olina Rail Road Company from Raleigh ! to Camden, passed its second and third -f readings, ahd was ordered to be engrossed. unexpect- jn the House on the 8th the bill to in- and Camden rail ended on motion of its second reading motion of Mr. question.,' When , Gilliam, whn viA with thp mninrltv tK Senate, the i . ' " . '.r. . T Tr v' natihn feel 1 py wn'cfl the bill to establish a term ou! in the 1 uie J"rt at IMorganton was rejected, the sceptre j was recohsidered by yeas 61 nays 47; ana the bill was then laid upon the table. l,ulul,,s ee ot interest transpired in the at Col. Eb idate for the CHERAW, DEC. 8, 1846. 9 a:l0 I Leather, (sole) 18 a 22 22 a 24 Lard, : 10 a 12J 16 a 18 Lead, (bar) 8 a 10 15 a 16 Molasses, O.) 40 a45 7 a P ! Do., (Cuba) 35 a 40 9 a l l ) Nails, (cut assort.) 6 a G 8 a 9 Oil, (Sperm) I 12 a 1 25 50 a 62 Rice, a 5 5J a 6 : Sugar,(brown) 9 a JI 25 a 32 Do., (loaf ) 15 a 17 a; 10 i Salt, (sack) 3 00 a 4 00 5 a Tobacco, 8 a 15 FORTY VALUABLE NEGROES and other property on a credit. Conditions will be made knoWn on the day of sale. ! ;, ii J. C. McCONNAUGHEY, Ex'r. Salithury, December 10, 1B4(J. 7w33 ! Executors Sale. ON; the. first day of Januaryll847, there will be sold , ai the; residence of Alfrecj D Kerr's, in Iredell county;neat Davidson College, pf the property of An drew Ramsay, dee'd., a NEGRO man, a carriage dri ver and! waggoner, who also sharpens Ploughs, &c. Also a Valuable House GIRL, who is a cook and handy in cutting and making common garments, ic, aged about 23 years. Terms made known on New Year's day by the Executors. j i ROBERT RAMSAY, ! I A J. LEROY DAVIS, Dec.: Ii; 1846 2w33 : Executors. HxrT eTW s im TWILL SEL1. at Public Auction mhinipnrinot nni lTXouaay nsi. wee.,; jl846, at the late William, Chamber's Brick House plantation in Davidson county, N. C;, known as Chambers' r erry, and continuing from day to day, until all the 'property described at the said plantation, and on the White House plantation, and the Spring iHill plantation, are soldviz : All the stock of I HORSES, MULES, CATTLE, HOGS AND SHEEP ; j ( A LARGE QUANTITY OF Corn, JVtcat, Sheaf Opts, Hay, Fodder, Spc; farming Tools ofvarious descrip- ; tiohs, two superior Cotton Gins, 1 f Threshing Machine, sundry I Waggons, 3 of which are entirely new 4 . i of superior .' I - tjuality, i together with ; a large quantity of Other property not mentioned : above, including About 50 bales of Cotton, : l! THIS SALE -will be worthy the attention of the public as the proper- j ty is valuable, particularly the stock of Mules, Horses, i Cattle jinil Hogs. I A reasonable credit will be given. Terms made known ioriithe day of f.aie. J j A j Ii - J. C. McCONNAUGHEY, Exr. ! Dec.jlt. 1846. 32: ts j P. S; A number of NEGROfcS will be hired at the close of the sale at each plantation, until Wednesday of ! February Court. J. C. McC, Ex. in the county of Davidson, in NortJi Carolina, (common ly known as the SILVER or LA1 MINE.) will be soia bi jrvnL.iv ZAL.b, to t he highest bidd credit ot six and twelve months the said WASHMC-TOIT ME Mining Tools, Implements A- Axmaralus. incident thereto, consisting of two; Tract of Laud. The first tract containing ; t 167 ACRES, ! which includes said VALUABIJZ MINE, now in ope ration, and from which has beeit taken -f Silvrr and Lead the amount of nearly TIVO HUXDED THOU SAND DOLLA US, and which) for several years has given constant emyloynient to from 40 to! 50 hands. ' Said land now containing four nulling j FURNACES AND SHAFTS thereon, (which have been sunk i two hundred feet.) There is nlro upon said tract about ixty houses and oth er convenient buildinp tor the uh'S of sail; Mine. Also, two Store Houses. The eecond j tract contain THREE HUNDRED ACRES, more or less adjoining the former- There will also be sold at the same time and place,, 000 or. 700 wonh of . STORE GOODS. ALSO EIGHT HEAD -OF HORSES, GEARS, HARNESS, fcc. A Quantity of Valuable Ores raised frm the Mines, and a quantity ready for smehinp. Alsd, Beds and Fur niture, and a variety of other articcs. A0. wrnc beau tiful specimens of ORE extracted from aid Mine, and some metal ready for market. Bond and security will be required, tmd due atten tion given by the undersigned, j : JOHN TAYLOR, ) ,r , ROSWELL A. I KING, -lrustces-Nbremher 12, 1846 5tv30 fp HE SUBSCRIBER respectfully cV X of the Pablic ihisirataJZ..l.'- PALL AKD 7Z: CCD3XD C Just arriving from New Jl'ori dtlphia. i Among tchitfi mrry I I Sup. wool black Elfish Cloti, B.o. -Olive do. ; sp. French' twilled j Cio.b, 1 ' meres, Fancy do.,Sattinets, Keniacky J. Jeans, Rio GranJe Cissime're, Plai.l. I. A seys, Mackinaw, Whitny onJ Duf' 1. 1 ' anJlleaclid SHEETINGS AND; SHI 11 Oanaburg, Tabe Linen, OmVe ,1 : Cashmere. IWanrs, Alpaecaf. Piin 1 cy 5AO,Cashuiere SIinwlriiA! ii (a laro- af jortnier.t) Mi V T-o. dica shoes, Negroea PliCO'.'S-', EL1PT1C SPRINGS, CAERI ICE II.! (assorted) Blacka-niilu Bfllow u 1 A i HARDWARE Si GUT." New Orleans and PorU Rico M' i Loaf, crushed and rnilverizei - t Java aud Rio COl'FEC, W. &.. W. Syrup, (a puperiir nrtic!''. Mackerel, Fjienn CanJles, White L- i A Glass, Tanner'aO:!. Hemlock and Oak Tan sole leather, Blasting asi sfwrtiitg POWpEi:, ICENTUCKY BAG ( i llOPIland fWIM:, Together viitb a great variety tX A which were purchwd wiib grUt care, s I lowest prices for cash entirely ianl wi.i I et a very small advance. Sal JOS. F. 11 a:- isbury, October 2C 181(5 If-," GOODS I GO MFALLAND winti; Fashionable Tailoring! LONDON, PARIS AND AMERICAN FASHIONS, H. S. MILLER, 'j RESPECTEULLY informs the citizens of Salisbury "P1'0"' such I - f and the public generally, !0iat he still continues to ; ' 111)11 (T?r(?T)T)T carry on the Tailoring Business at the stand recenilv oc- i JLa'i JL VlJvLyvLw cupied by Alsobrook & Miller, i Thankful for the liberal Hardware. CullcrU, Groceries, patronage heretofore given, he; hopes by strict attention ,i,1 fr.J,, to business to merit a continuance of it j THE subRcribers a re now! rece i v i n r f their Fall and winter liu He assures the public that all work entrusted to. him will b4 promptly executed in the very best style of workmanship. LONDON, PARIS aufc AMERICAN regularly received. Mr. A. P. ; Alsobrook will-still re main in the Shop in my employ as Cutter. ! H. S. MILLER. Salisbury, Oct. 30, 1846. 51;tf DISSOLUTION. THE firm heretofore existing as Alsobrook &. Miller is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Books are in the hands of Mr. U. S. Miller, who is alone authorised to settle the accounts due the firm. A. P. ALSOBROOK, Salisbury, april 17, 194G. IL S. MILLER. and Glassware. Among iheir stock may also found f somest and finest articles fur gent'.en t -wear, viz : , j Cashmeres, Mouseline de Lm.c , &c. ; French Beaver, Cloths, C. . Vestings, Hats, Cr.j RONNRTfv RflOTk All w d. a -m a- w w ab awr a. - ' besides many other articles, u-i; A' , sale in store. J The public are respectfully in v.'ted t ine our stock before buving ejewh?r-, mined to sell rrry low for cohh. 1J M at J M w , -m & a ' A . . Salisbury, October 2, J8IC, II'. Valuable Land for Sale. VALUABLE PRO I FOR SA JUS, E subscriber, as Executor of the last Will and, estament of Elizabeth McCollums, deceased, will 1 expose to Public Sale on the 18th day of December next, 'S. TITIFIR subivriher inter,! ! JL remove fron North C . : tflnrinrv t arti ter, ia desirous o sciung t. ii THE VALUABLE PLANTATION t J of the said Elizabeth McColIum, about fifteen miles ,owmS Pny, io wu . A lot of Like $ n q I WOULD respec'ifully announce to the citizens of Salisbury and its vicinity, that I have located in this place far lhe purpose of carrying on the Tailoring in all its various branches, and I hope by strict. attention to business, to merit a liberal share of public patronage. J shall receive' regular from the North compliment totbo ':--TtWrh ! 't .1 1 I .f? 4 i. 1 1 bfOctpbcr. it Wnk "at rtckenses commons. , A i number of unimDortant w,,, jn'onea ana passed their sc- 20DOLLARRS REWARD. RAN AWAY from the subscriber, at Mount Mourne, Iredell countyjN. C, on' the Hth November last, a negro boy named LONDON, 25 or 30 years old, black, five feet eight inchefe high, of good ap pearance and manners. He may be in th neighbor hood or may be aiming to get to a free State. Theva bove reward of twenty; dollars will bfe paid to secure him so that I get him again. fRUFUS REID, December 11, 1846--4 w33 5 j JomCi-HrjE tailou. T PWO Journeymen Tailors of steady and industri- the lajtest1 FASHIONS, and shall spare neither time or JL ous habits, can find constant employment-by eafly I expense! in giving satisfaction tolall who rflay favor me application to the subscriber. None!others need apply. THOMAS DICKSON, Jr. j Salisbury, Dec. 11, 1846 5w33 . j NOTICE. The public are hereby warned from j trading in any manner, on myi account with my wife, Leonora Krider, as I will not - be responsible for debts which she may contract, she haying left me with out cause or provocation. ; ! Ii. S. KRIDER.! Dec. 11, 1846 3 w33 j -j TimoYco WE now have on hand a large stock of Bale Rop Yakw k Domestics. Also, over 1500 piece, of heavy 44 inch COTTON BAGGING. a verv superior article, which we will sell LOwxK.than any p thing of the kind that can "be broight from the Northern Markets. vv. r. muuhji;, ut. c . c. i Concord, N. C, July 25. 1846.l4:tf i . : ! i : H .'I Valuable TO W W 1 Property FOR SAXiE. southwest of Salisbury, contaming between 300 and I 400 ACRES, well watered, adjoining the !anj3 cf Henry Secliler and 1 J. briuliberinger and others, ones mile from Coirell's Mill. ! The land is well timbered ; there is ajs , a quantity of ; excellent bottom land, and one of the trt .Meadows in the western part of the county. Th'-re are between Ki r.a 4 t i .u .... f ...l -..I. c i. land. well adapted to the cultivation of kll kinds of prain. ; And containing aoout inr. Ilunr Persons desiring to buy and wishing ti pee the land, will . Owin? to lhe w-U known Ktjation t,f I j call on the subscriber or Mr. Oorge Comlier. Those ! the heart r.f the rich lands cfitheVer . wUhine a barsain in land would do well to attend. unnecessary to say any thinas jt ; ' Terms made known on the thiV of P.ilr. D. R. BRA DSH A Vv', Executor. Rowan coun ty, No ember 2, 1S4G lf2 Gw of all desert j tionf. ANo, all his ititeresf, it lein cn well known TRACT OF LSl, in ; tlemevt, Davidson County, filled thf "KELLY PL. ROWAN COUNTY, NovE.vBF.a Se4-io., llG. ) t r joint owner will consent ti a'.:' fhouid the purchaser idesire it 1 an! -en on the first uC January nit. A , TIoy situated In Rowan Cotnfy. cn two miles from Salisbury, coif ORDERED, by the Court that h-rraf:er. Jurors and j anJ (orwt.ry ,r Pblip 0.- Witnesses summoned to the Crwy CoJr,, f-'ail n this farm is about'; oie Lalf cl-r- ! not be req-iired to attend before Tues-lny of tlie Term, j fj, rte wliole rtf it produces fr It is further ordered. That the State IKx.kct shall be la- j -.-r-,. t . I It is further ordered, That the Stitf IJ.kct shall be la- en up on Thursday of each Term. It is further Ordered, That the Civil pocket I taken up in future on Tuesday- of eich Term, and that the parties and witnesses m me Fflme anent, on tnit uay, and not before. November, 1846 Cw30 JOHN II. I with their work always holding myself responsible for any; work that I may do; My. Shop can be (bund in T. L. Cowan'p Brick Row. j..jj j I GEO. L. GOULD; REFERENCE. Mr. Gould lias been cutting under ARDIE, Cl k. (life l-pito incorpordtc'a Company: to cohWructri 1( BEING1 desirous, of Sseliing my Iloose and Lots where Dbcl.P. Henderson jl riow resides, ! shall, if npt privately sold before that day, Ij offer the olace at Publid Sale, 6n the 1st. january, 1847. U a ..nAlnrr ti Knv a derable Btbnrtv Mh do yi( mKr wui ..-- ------ . 1 u Dec. 4 1. I --J M M m 1 OUGLAS. comfortab!e ; I j DWELLING' HO ' And all necessary Oyt.fIfue, f n es and attached to the Farm is an ei O V. Also, TJ1KEC JIUXfJUED A ' cSTooXr SLrwTr, Situated in the lotver pah of il -not far distant from the Gold .Vines, a : . the Guld Region of Mid Coanty. A. , THIRTY SIT AT? PS OF my irtptj-uctjons for the last five jyeare, and I can with tary hereby gives general notice o all persona indebted ( A ( f confidence recommend him to the citizens of Salisbury, 1 to the deceased to come forwar4 and,' make immediate jR e Salisbury Manufacturing as capable Of giving satisfaction in his line of business. : payment, as indulgence cannot le given ; and those hav- qo m sbare. This Company have a i 1 I ill j THOMAS M. OLIVER, Raleigh, N. C. , ing claims against said deceased, are Notified to present . Jj ow a lanufaciwring Dl'41, which tliem propeiry authenticated tor payment witmn me umr , Jy joub5e ,;,e tmoutU fcf nock held, i prescribed by Law, or this notice wil( 1 plead m bur of c(eJa rfijce it cominenc.J ope:!icrf. . . their recovery. AND. HUNT, ( v,-. t,.. j-..n rwn(U in extend..! its i: a ' ,-, r. hp. nnrt-r V i ' , THE subscribers having at November Term of Ia vidson Court of Pleas and Quarter Sewions, 14G. ! oaalified as Executors of the last Wilt and Testament of ' ri l-:-l. J.l 1 ,.v.r 1 r ... T . refer Iieuuin.iv, uct u, auu ouiauira wuris x rtiuicu- ter and foolscap paper, note paper and envelopes ; Steel j T HAVE FOR SALE, and at low Prices, fine unrulec JL' FTench letter paper, superioriruled do., common let- Lexington, N. C, November 11, 1&46 tf3D Fens and quills, ink all kimls-iand ink stanas ; canu ; v TVTrirPTB?T an1 Bit nil KtknAa invu) nnt tin i in.tTrldtrStand Paper ! AB W X VW foldei, fitoth seals, and stamps ; (black, red, and colored j Hp HE public is hereby cautioned from trading for two JL Nowi on Jesse b. t raly ana jo. 1 1) , 101 c hundred dollars each, payable one day after date to Wil liam B. March, and dated September; 1st, 1846, one of which is now in possession of one Sarpuel Jlughe (of Davie,) and the other in posseasion very recently, of one John H. Garner, (late of Davie butj now residing in Mobile! Ala.,) as said notes were! fraudulently obujneJ from me by said Garner. The oblig ra have been noU fied not to pay said notes save to me or my order. i j W. L MARCH. ; Mockst 'dle, KovemberXft lSilGSrSO sealing Wax ; Lead Pencils, Vising Cards, Pprt Folios, ccc,, cie. dec. 4J ; i J i'oo. ' " "i 1 A ! J- 1 ' 7!! i NOTICE PURSUANT to a Decree of the County Court of ; Rowan, I will expose to public aale, at the Court bouse in, Salisbury, on the first day of January next, , J, j L ejreu Valuable .jfesroes two men land five women on a credit of twelve months jbr the; purpose of division among' tlie Heira at Law of t . ! of tlie kind in the State. It is. now ii, - .. . 1 , in point ol size in rniu . m ;n f'l and conranl operation ; 1 th-s Company will show that it U yic!J : 1 per cent. In adJitioa to the aiove itc . will dispose of a ! . VARIETY OF PROPEH The above property v t r r ; 1 Jno. Coupbinour; dee'd-' Bond w will be required ot tne purcnaser Dec;3j I$4632:4t -A.h jth approved security BROWNiCom'er:; ALL KINDS OF PI Neatly printed and for sa V.- ea INKS a--.1 ihis OfUce.V of smaller value. a 1 . m t inn 1 fa ii.aT w private aate vj mVt r i in hi. abseore. to Samuel hje-rt. L -T- Shoold it m,t all be d6J v : 5.ryx,.,twUlc.,htd,rl., I toe n's""1 - - e; ii 1 . tv i-nm of M!e n war. . , . . i ii 1 1 tlrf .ubucribrr inten.U tlo-mg 1. I State by the first of February next. 7 7 ; JOHN V.. 1 Saliiburji October 19, i 6 io. i'S f i in I 1 I" 1 - ,-it fi. 'f - i - 1 1 '1 ' i j- ' i, t; 'i! .. .r AI t 'ill MrillI : ;V!.j AM;' I: AA.- "t i l : i : lt -' '