-! - am Mill i - i H I til. it V -A 11 THE IMFt)RTA.Yi f V i IS' i V it. V.'HAT KIIALL poetical. "9 j m m OF THESE TIIIXCS BE i When'anithcr life is , r ' JT the heavijng turbid niftssj " j ( ' When fcrn ihrr jreath 0? bng t ' Stains rentin' lanii.-hrd glass i x When ihr firsl fry, weak ami piteous, ! j Herald? longnduring pain, ' And a toril from non-existence V 'pring ili.it JieVr can die again ; scsy irom Deing present At tue ixniouion IHPVI ousili system of emancipation soon as JhiJ reform'1 is realized fhrohout the kingdom, .fl1shkll in truth have tosay ftFTnis Puloniajl What (the revolution of Jl83t looeU to, the vic r over f he revolution will aecompJisu ; ine silt cannot be avoided.' Zfcw.'ovi Chronotype. tor i When the- motlief's wnsionair welcome Sorrowl lie hirsts 'forth in tears, - And llie site' sjif-gratulation rrupliertcs of future years It is well we- cannot sec What llie end shall be. r When acrUs the infant-f atures i Trembles th faint lawn of inin.l ; U'lirn tlie llteart look from the wiiulyws Of the eves:iht wen- so MinJ ; When the inroiim-nt nmrtnurs SyllaUe each wnJiiieJ thoaglit. To the fond ytnjr of oflcction With & LouiiW" promise fraught, Kindling great hope for the morrow From that du.U uncertain ray. A1 hy aliiiitntrifflg of tie twilight la firehUfwn llie jwrfect day II is well we cannot see What the enl' shall , i . ... When the boy upon the threshold jOf hi nl -cwriprisinj,' home Tirts fi4e llie arm inatern.-il iThni enjlcks him ere he nm ; When the janvas of his vessel 4 llultew llo llieijOiVoring gales, Yfars of'polliiary exil? JliJ Ub'nUl its sunny sails ; When hi j)hlss.?eai with ttrJor, AnJ In':) fiiipwa stretch for toil. Art! a hutidreil; xAd emprises ,ure him to ;tlat eastern nl It is well we cannot pcc What the end slmll be. Wnen the ywiiJi beside the maiilen looks ititjj her crednlous eyes ; WlNn the heart upon the surface Wiines loo hartV to be wise ; lie by ppeetnes leia than genres , Iilinteth wliat Iter hoje9 expound, Inyingpout tjfie wiiste hereafter liike'the enchanted gnrden-grcyanJ ; He may palter so do many : &he may uili-r so must nil ; Cuth may yft, world-disappointed, Thji lost jiour of love recall I It in well we cannot see j .it What thfend slulIU1. When the n tar of reliten i Creels the expectant lri la V pair ; When the rlw that lasts till dying Vibrates on the sacred air ; j When man') lavish protestations I kubt of after-changv dvty, Comforting the frailer surtl bounJ hit servitor for ay ; When' beneUh love's silver moonbeams --r JMnny rocks ire shadow deep T I ! I .'It - I'tiuiHcovcreu iiii possession ohows the dangers of the deep- It is well we cannot sec What the end shall be. INCIDENTS OF A CANADIAN WINTER. 1 In the middle; of the great St. Lawrence there 1$, nearly opposite Montreal, an island called .St. Helens, between which and the shore the stream, about three quarters of ; a mile broad, runs with very great rapidity; and yet, not with, standing this current, the intense cold of win ter invariaably freezes its surface. The win. ter I arn speaking of was unusualjy severe, and the ice on the St. !awrenc? particularly thick ; however, while the river beneath was rushing towards the sea, the ice was waiting in abey- ailCO III InC miiiui ui om-vu until ui? imi 4ttcnded bja lrge and jfashiottabl aiidt tiory, and slioWpd nipst jjatlisfacrjjy that the School is in good hand$, aticjii jbound to succeed, i Ve copy the! following; np: tfee bftb jExliibition irom lhc8" Star:?! I An exarriinatioa of the' Pupils iohder charge of Mr. Cook.Prmcipal ot the State vr believe, in this citV. broUjjht to the malhagers rrjom:of the American Institute, four small potatoes which had been prd duced ini'thdibljpwing mariner: The en tlemari alluded to, ia the month jof, May, concet vep that it was necessary to cut one or two rriore branches from his grape vine, and he accordingly lopped off; the unne cessarj' branches, which causd them to bleed, arjd to remedy this, -hef split a pota to into two pieces, one of ihich he stuck Institution for tbe instruction oflthe Deaf on the end of the bleeding branch, lit men ueq a rag mst to me ;urancu, so as to cover the potato and keep it from fall ing olf. and then left it. The? rag1 was not disturbed again until a day or! two since, when it Was removed and i found to con tain a crjop of iour small potatoes, whith had grown from the piece stuck on the end of the branch. N. Y. Eve. l?osL v; and Dumb, took place jn the Commons Hall, on Monday night, ;beforc the Mem bers of the Legislature and a large con course oil Citizens. The exercises were highly interesting, and ilemonstrated the qualiIicatioris!of the Instructor,:; and the advancement of the Scholars in ri manner hichlv creditable to both, and fencoura- AMERICAN. REVIEW; : r A IVii'c Jirnatttf -Folitict, Literature; Art ij gctince. Edited - i i ... m . - Geq. IlJ Cox.to.1, assisted bt C. W. Web- 4 BER, OF KeSTCCKTJ ' ' ' . . . 1. ...shim f row ia?iness oci -. munnttti aim oil ucivus quig i v j.. . should burst and allow the whole mass to break j tio space for particulars, but we cannot intrt pieces, and thcn .ih stupendous confusion ! forbear to state the astonishing fact, Which to iJurry down towards Quebec. On St. Ilel- j elicited the? admiration and! apjjlaiise of enslthere was quartered a fernall detachmenfof (he whole audience thatla little girl Lucy troops, and while the breaking up of. the ice B. Mori isjfrtri Wilmington,Wrotjo!c(wn on wad momently expected, many of tho soldiers, tj,c sjate Story of Capt. Smith aiid-Po- mtlilieu in incii grriu.coai, wiin; uih:k siuiiii glovics on 'their hands, and with a piece of fur attached to their caps to protect their ears from beinjg fiozen, were on the ce employed in at tending to the road across tt to Montreal. Af ter a shott sunense. which increased rather than allayed their excitement, a deep thundering nai0 announced to them that the process l nave described had commenced. J he ice be lore them writhed, heaved up, burst, brake into frag- ments, and tho whole mass, excepttng a small portion, which, remaining riveted to tho shore of St. Helens, formed an artificial pier with deep water beneath it, gradually moved downwards. Just at this moment of intense interest, a little girl, 'the 'daughter of an artilleryman on the is land was seen on the ice in the middle of the river, in an attitude of agony and alarm. Im prudently and unobserved, she had attempted to cross over to Montreal, and was hardly half way when the ice both above, below her, and in all directions gave way The child's fate seemed inevitable, and it Was exciting various sensations in the minds, and various exclama tions from the mouths, of the soldiers, when something within the breast of Thomas Neill, a young sergeant in the 24lh regiment, who happened to be much nearer to her than the rest, distinctly uttered to him the, monosyllables " Qkick march! and ini'obedtence thereto, l tk'n'cii'nn. Iinrnnlffl Kv " 1 1 f 1 i UilliUlllitS, lUKl I" llie aiQiiiuiJ0u,v I of the Teachers, with ajrapiditjH and ac- curacy that would have been creditable ! to one of fifteen, possessing the -jQSe !of all I the senses ; and yet, out readers will-Jbe ; surprised to learn, she is between nine and ten years bid ; and has been under instruc tion but seven months : ! Thanks to the munificent public spirit1 whichl; bestows 1 such incalculable benefits upon the unfor ' lunate, and has struck out this diamond ; from the rich mine of intellect in the Old . North State. ; ! Since the foregoing was in type, we re- ; ceived a Very interesting- Communication j ; in relation to this Exhibition, which is j crowded out to-day, but! will appear on ! Tuesday. Raleigh Kcgistci: j A Veritable Fish Slory. i friend who has just returned from Port Washington tells us that while standing on the pier there, he saw a.lit? tie shavcrjabout 0 or & years old fishing ill the lake. Afjer a while the little fellow hooked a fish, and Evidently a large one. i There was, for some minute?, a tough struggle whether tho ' boy shoulc) go intalhe lake or the fish come out of it. Fifiallvjhe youthful disciple of Walton landed hisjprizc, a famous lake trout, safb on the beach. The size of the fish immediately gave rise to several bets as to which was the hcari. est, the prize or the captor. It proved that the-1 boy weighed forty-six pounds and; the fish forty a pretty; even match. Mihcaukic Sentinel. DCP Tpn steamboats have been recent ly snagged in the Western, rivers, by " Polk stalks" which the President thinks it unconstitutional to remove from those " inland seas."' i The Sufferings of the Soldiers: A vol unteer in a Kentucky regiment j (Robert Hardin) writing to his father, after the battle of Monterey, gives! an account of the three day's fighting, lie says : On Monday night, the Mexicans were in The ncv Constitution has been adopt ed in Ncv York by a majority of near 100,000. Negro suffrage was negatived by a void of 4 to 1. hijm spirits. 4' W j'K , Of fiAMocver is beginning, it is wrought by liniiian skill, daring emaiiaiipn the n)iul' tiuhitious will ,' I Some notice has been taken in the journals of this country ol the recent stens which iho fine. sian "Government has adopted in order to secure ns supremacy in roianu ana prevent tart her revolutibn's. This step consist in the abolition - - L I ... - fixing his eves on the child as on a parade ban. I men. All night they threiW up Sky rock- darole, he steadily proceeded towards her. Some j ets. At night the firing ceased. The left times; before him, sometimes just behind him, wing of the Kentucky regimentfto which and sometimes on either side, an immense piece j I am attached, was marched into the fort of ice: would pause, rear up an end, and rollo: j taken bv us, to hold it during the night, ver, so as occasionally to hide him altogether we moved in, we were in point; blank: from view. Sometimes he; was seen jumping j shot of 0ne battery, and raked on our right from a piece that was begin.ng to rise, and then by another. Tpey belched fire the hke a; wh,te bear careful ly clambering down a , yG were marching n a dis. piece lhat was besming to sink; however, en- : c . c u u t ' , . ,ii L: i tance of one mile, buch a nightas I spent ivnrrla Ia nrnfoorlud until rp.ncriinir tlifi littlft is. . r i Mmf rrtf T hAna tiAi'AV t'nniul nrmin Cokl Iron is not the only perilous min eral whicfj politicans have to encounter. Coal, it seems,, is not to be touched with impunity. There is a township in Pennsylvania, for ex ample, naraed Coal, in which, last year, the Thev had lost' but few 'g candidate received 3 and the Locolbco eunuiuaie pu voies. inis year ino nig can didate received 89 and the Locofoco wojc Gen. Taylor has made out ja report of his captdre of Monterey, and Ampudia has made out'a report of his loss of it. Ampudia brags ten times as much about loosing it as old Rough and Ready does a bout gaining it. Louisville Journal. Kvrrjf first impuUie of passion, iMt of jove or twinge of hate ; Eeri launch upon the waters. itwjdc horizonej by our fate ; Enlery venturo iti the chances pad, oft desperate, game, land of ice on which the poor child stood, with the feelings of calm triumph with which he would have surmounted a breach, he firmly gras ped her by the hand. By this time he had been flouted down the river nearly out ofight of his comrades. Howe ver, some of them, having run to their barracks for spyglasses, distinctly bc held him about twfl miles below them, some times leading the child in his hand, sometimes carrying her in hrs arms, sometimes " halting, We had eaten nothing siiice day light. We had no shelter no food no fire. We lay down in the mire and blood, among dead men and horses, and: a cold rain fell on us all night. I had nocoat .on,Tiaving gone into the light in my shirt sleeves. 1 never heard balls whistle before. Two cannon balls passed within two feet of me, and many more within a short dis- lil Hie s Vlinlsoevet" be our motive, Whatsoever Ie our aim- It is well we cannot see What the end shall be. I THE END OF POLAND. . . . i .... sometimes running double quick ; and in tins As Wrtileft thn frf TTnndav dangejrous predicament hp continued for "! eVening. which Iwe "had been holding, as mtles, until, after passtng Longeut , he was -iv- , stateJ before th h . Monday hiigliT, we en up by his comrades as lost. He remained t , ,4 J. ' with the little girl floating! down the middle of; rc orderetl to scatter, as the lest means the river for aonsiderabV time : at last, to- ! of, protection against the twos batteries wards evening, they were discovered by some j which raked our line. 1 had got avyay French Canadians, who at no small rik, hu- : from the company about 50 yards to my manely pushed ofi'in a carioe to their assistance, i self, when a whole load of grape; shot were and thus rescued them both from their perilous j discharged at me alone. heard the shot, situation. The Canadians look them to their , and stooped in the bushes, when On both HEAD IUAKTI?IIS, i i 7th brigade, 4ih Division. SusnrKvrT. Ci., iVcember;!, 18 1G. S Atfeiition ! Colonels Commanding in tliei 7 tit Brigade : YOU aix commanded to arade yonrircspoctive Regi mcnt4 tinned Jind equipped as the: Law directs, for review and inspection, at the-follovving places, viz : The fi till Regiment at the Courthouse in the Town of fNilisbunj, on Saturday the 12th Dec. 181C, at 11 o' clock, a. mi The 8 7 til Regiment at Palmer's, in iiuvidson county, on Tuesday the 13i!i inst .at 11 o'clock, a. m. The bBtlt Regiment at KUer's, in Davidson county, on Wednesday the lCih inst., at 11 o'clock, a. m. The G.'Jd iRegiment at the Courthouic in Mocksville, Davie county, on Thursday the. 17th iiFt.,at 11 o'clock. Byorderof RICH. Wi LdNC, I t)rig. Cieneral. T. Cifnv.T.r.r,, Aids-de-Camp. ' The jAMBBTCAw Rcvrew has now reached nearly the end of a siconJ year. Its success so far has been en tirely unprecedented, . Its subscription list now combers about 3.500", with a constant increase. -The public sense of the vtloH of the work is shown by the fact, lhat of the numerous new subscribers whose , names have been sent int- die office within the last few months, a larje number1 have ordered the bnck volumes. Ample ar rangements have been made to add greatly to the mer its of the Work, in both its political and literary charac ter ; anil itj is confidently believed that the patronage of this Revie-.on the par' f ,hf WTiig party, and of the literary utlic generally,.will soon be so large as to ena ble ii toi pay bo liberally for every order of hjgh and fin ished writip-, as to make it in all respects the mow able ind attifcctjre periodical published in the United States. We earnestly ask the continued confidence and support of all trae minds in the country. ILvjiuvt-NGs. Thcr will be (bur engravings each year,-carefully executed ; and what is of more impor tance1, accompanied with ample biographies, that may stanJ as a part of the history of ihe country. More e m bellishmei ts may be given, if the intrinsic calue of the Review et n thereby be enhanced. ; TERMs.ff-The Review will continue to be published at Fve Dollars, in advance; Three coj'iet, kaictrer, will be ejfyrtfed at twelce dollars ; Fire forltrentif dol lars ; so tM Committers, Societies, Clubs, te.,caa ob tain theint a wore liberal rate. ' " Tie caik system, and payment in mdranee, must be urged on or subscribers, it being the only way that a periodical cafi be efficiently sustained. . REnccnN of Postage. A groat hem of expense is saved in the reduction, of postage. The postage on the Review is not half the former amount. FALL !AND, WINTER FASHIONS - For 1846 & 7. At the old Tailoring Establishment ! I ( ' HORACE II. BEARD, HAS JUST RECEIVED .OF MR. F. Maha. the ZJLazJZEKSlzzzEXa 3JP33.aaB AND S'b.all3a.l3brIlCpltia31 a tM5f?f 2CDlf3 for the FALL WINTER of 1B4C, which far fxcella any thing of the kind heretofore pub lished. He still carries on the TAILORING BUSINESS in all its various branches, at his old stand.where'he is ev er ready to tneet and accommodate his old and newcus toniers with; fashionable cut ting and making of garments, not to besurpassedbyany in the Southern country. Punc tuality, despatch and faithful work as has been, always shall be hist aim and object. Thankful for past encour agement, he hopes to merit itscontinuance. X B. i Wish to employ a man of steady and indus trious habits and a good workman at the above business, to whom r jwjlTgire good wages. None but such need apply.. 1 : Oct. 2, lS-lCif23 II. II-BEARD.- JUT RECEIVED At Wheeler's Old Stand, FRES : MEDICINES, SriRITS, TEAS, SPICES, s 1M NTr'CJ t NUFFS, Cigars, Tebacco, Soaps, Candles, Fruits, Nuts, poda and Butter Crackers, Brushes, Taints, Dyestulls, and n'spleneid assortment of Fancy Articles for ladies and gentlemen. SODA WATER with choice SYRUPS 4n draft. Physicians prescriptions put ap with care, and n)edicines delivered at all hours of the day and night. Tlie above articles will be sold chenp for caslu LOCKE & CIIAFFIN. Salisbury, June 12, 184G tf 7 LOOK AT THIS. Hotchla IN ccncq-:rr these wheel ; I of then in di!" r have sold aVcut 1 which are in f ,-.!; r county. When j : the va!a cf tie i far exceed t!.e i, many of whom r.r ence and pract'c ! this iniprovemcr t. more enrily k' ; r gelher. ihan t!: c one-third of t!.e v. tljere isa head ti ed to more than ! Tle trice of n;i is 804 We rrfer, ann -' some of whom ha 1 oore.anJ from i ficates highly n; , . their saKs,"wit! t , anl even as hih c head of water. KaVETTEV.'J.T ' A. Graham, CcjiEir. t. n 1 Col. iMex. M in ' Chriiwophcr M ii Alexander WT. Col. A. S. M-.' Farqohard JohnMct)anI. !, Johh 'J-Ivan. J. W Howe IK tames Hen.p S. NiRuhnr. -TomiC. Si. : ' . IsaacjWricLt, John Smith, I SAMfV. G. T Barkl i. Patrick Murj '.y, "Johnfll. Sj-nr:. Hardy Ryyal, N'w IIa.v vi Jnnx-s lurj 1 y, Charks Henry, -, O.V-SI.O-A'. Robert Atnan, I Gnti . i:. Thoaias II t k r, Besides many :' With!soch a i! -feel justified in c f They will sell in !, . terms. They a'. . 1 of w heels, ( va ry i n r . ter,) in this p!nce, . bem, ind also K r county.! .They c.-u from paying any j : Agents for the ri ! : NOTICE n :a ploynicnt, acij'ni :t Wheels as we i, . businesij in du'lerc : : 1.M home ; at last, in due time, they returned to St. Helens. The child was happily restored to its parents, and Sergeant;Neill quietly returned to his barracks. - ?r 7' a t..: i THE AIR WE BREATHE. Nothing is more interesting than those ccn- ides and above me the shot fell like hail. We lost three of our men with these fires this morning. ; ii 1 I j The dead Were awful sights to look up i on some snot with cannon balls, aud ! some with small shot some with their heads shot ofi some with their; legs oir some with fheir bowels scattered on the HEAD QUARTERS, ) Salisbury, Nov. 2G, 184C. ) ATTENTION!-OFFICERS OF THE Glth REGIMENT ! uva irw iiiv.ii i u wiri i irn i n I I'l I . . . . . . .. -a oflho linft exiitiiiff-relation' between the I pea. ! tho world If we had coinplete knowledge of : &oim. V e hadf.nrrtime pntil; y esterday, i.l,v'n,l il.n r...l.;i: 'I'l. ..I.LL L ii .i . ... 1 . T . . in h-ir-v tlif l.irrl I Iio hflnVpnsiVPVP lull T'""v ma ivmtiun, nuiiuugn an tue contrivances thai surround us. we should 1 j "" "-"v ..v. . ..ri v oi carrion ijucis, ana me air wiiu siencn. I have not time to write at large am in fine health.; unhurt, without a scratch, lor which I am truly thankfuj. t ji ; YOU are conimnndeil to pa rade at the COL'RT-HOUSE v ucnmi si uuuiu, uasnpproacnedfli vc. be tilled with admiration and awe : to r.ontcm. p neatly rfThe p(as:intry, whose sole pursuit ' platc those ,with which we are acquainted, is 1 E r h TT1 i J 1 ""memorial ucen aKricujture, . the highest ot intellectual pleasures. i hate occupied the land of tho nohiltv; navino- In i r.. ,e .i i . . !L-. . t , , " ? ? r vyuu wi uicsci couu nances may uc mauo in- 'i 1 !w i mffnesuch and such service, telligiblc even to those who have no acquain- 1 hougV they fcave not Jiecn so utterly M di- tance with natural philosophv. ! had feW STI f !' 7hlUly " 't th7 T,,e air is mad0 P -ftwo -lllerent gases, or ! SvSr I'1 haS. bCen eiCeCd' ,nixed a particular proportion. ; KStK .pernicious in everyday, 0f these, one, (oxygen) which we call life-air, ! and hat a wins nravani.. i i . . x - " nnTi.mklnwil in' I T " . necessary tor the support of men and all o- national unity in Poland. These feuda serv - ! ,u ; ...i.:..i. ..L.a .i: '.. . . . REMEDY FOR POTATO ROT. Almost every thing has been tried to cure the potato-rot; but with little or no success: and impression seems to be gen- i : i ... . l l i- . , .. . i l XT i .1 7. .. ....11 i i. . i P j. i i. i L i ii , . ,r ! l,,ur aiuniais which wouiu uie wttnoul ll : nei- erai, tuai tue ihuimiu u,m ivi,, uv niaiicr ucci, anu inueeu ail personal dependence of the ther could anv thinir burn without the hel n nf what is done.: i .' in the TOWN of SALISBURY, on Friday the lltliday of Decem Ijerncxt.at 11 o'clock, A. M.,vith side arms tor drill, aud on Satur day the l'-th of , I)ecemlcr at the prime place, at the hour of Ten o'cloek, A. M. with your respec tive Companies, armed and equipped a.- the law directs, for review jandlinsipec-tion. 15y order 'of R. W. LONO, P.ris. (icn'. J. M. RiloWN.Col.Coiiimaiiil't. A. Stieewai.t, Adi'.t.' Nov. 27. 164G -2w31 POSTPONEMENT THE Siibfcriler takes this method of informing his frieiitU and the public, that he still continues to carry on tlje Koot and Shoe Iakins ISti !ilies ?po9ie J. & W. Murphy's store, and that he has on hand 4 very large and fine assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, which are not to le surpassed by any shop in this part of the country. He also has on hand a large assort ment of Negro Shoes, made of the best materials, which he will pell lower for cash or to punctual dealers on a hhort credit, than they have ever before been oflcretl in this market. MOSES L. DROWN, By JACOB LEFLER. . SalU'mrv, Jnlv 3. ltG. lOtf ' NBW'PIRM!.. Jfnt licrci'vcd FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS - For 1846 & '47. NOTICE. lowr classes; on the nobility, Russia has either 1 ,hU life aooiisiiea or is atxiui to do so, th i hy the tv of i late air. Since, then, avast quantity of it j The application of charcoal has recent- lift (Tninmrt rwnr i -'"iiiii vva if f1! til til i in fi l t - o r r rikiir ik-wii? i hn cumv i.' i - .x l . i . j-v , i .. y i . ' i . most pbwerful motives, the great rnaiori- l nV ll Z ; . ' ZPu T"l 7J1 V . ; - 7.:" , u " a1.. "J :J L Z Ihrt non ll-ilion ' In tl.l. i I fMii sur. , stances it ll uil im utrn s;im;ii it wuuiu uo pniuuiion. in ibis Way," savs a ; K-.;ni iilP3 r. j n - . ....n ur, r . : j ! . i SchncUiktsL sncakinz of Poland, "th,: i " Z u.,um-3 : scern? suceessiuuy. v nemer smucn au- ...i-fi.l kKi n..i:.i.' i ow uesiues mesc two gases, there is also , Mnfaf,n w be derived 'from; ts use. fur- . . !.. 1 I . 11 1 j the! last; revdlutiob U employed by Nicholas 1 -'re anotner gas caueu with the' mo3i refined cunning, to trantfoWthe " f.afrbo.mc wh,Ch ' of Carho" and 1 i outnost of Euron W!.lt It.Msia into St. ,fe a!f- The tiame will be unknown to many, stblwark the jBrmest letters which the world ' uJl t ? ?a 11 ed he lh,n ; ,l j ba. let .ec r here fastened upon th6 slaves ! 1 8,ve,s.s,r.,t l. fVT 7" It ofltu.sU uidorhhe livnoeritu-J orP VIch s ms.p.d after boiling, Irom 3 :i:J. iv . '. , : lue ,ogs ot its carbonic acid v iitiisiaic iiiuii ocniieii post the following paragraphs of the Cologne ther experiments must determine. I he following jfacti would s?em to! shbv that it sometinfes answers asja remedy. Mr. N, Green, of Foreslburg, Si Sullivan rows of aRIPi Y virtue of a deed intr.i-t executed 5 j JL-9 to me by James L. Cowan, tor pur poses' therpin mentioned, 1 willl eiiwse to public sale, on Friday, 1st Jan. next, The Tavern House and Lot i IN SALISBURY, now occupied bv. the said Cowan ; together with all the I FURNITURE BD LONGING TO THE IIOVSE, with various othrartic!es not mentioned. Terons de- J Gazette" onj tho suliieci : trhe news of the ajproaching emancipation r.f the peasants of Poland is a thunder clap for the friends (4 Polish national cause. The ukase Is, both irt what it commands for the pre. : sent and wW Uj indicates for the future, a trick 1 r Ir,f wch a fv equals in history. What The carbonic arid Is nroduced hv -thn hre.a. thing of animals, and the. putVefaction of animal and vegetable substances. Now, this constant supply must be got rid of, or it would kill us ; it is got rid of, thus : all vegetables grass herbs, &c, suck in this carbon during the day ; nourish themselves with the carbon, and give back the life air that) was combined with it. in the night they do the reverse ; but still ta county, planted, last sprmg, potatoes Side by Side. To Otie row he ap- sirous of jeinbarking in the business of IIotvl keeping, plied, at planting, L charcoal s lo another, ' M.d( ve, lo. ;'nd ft an- w"mj . ' K ?.; i ,. xtt, , I obtaining so desirable a stand lor business is but seldom asnes, and lo.a tmru itme. v nen me po C. N. PRICE Ac j. M. KESLER, tj A V 1N( I as. jaied themselves together for the pur AT !- of carrnig o;i the Tailoring 15usin.' iir all its various branches in Concord, are ready to meet their old and new friends with v Fashionable fullim and makinr of Garmtnls, not to l" pnrpapd by any in tbe surroundin! country. Thev arc capable of pleasing all who may favor them with a call ; and only a-k a trial, feeling assured they cannot I) pleased elsewln-re on iK-tter terms. N. B. We have in our employ a Cutter and Work man who cannot be surpassed either North or South. Concord, Sept. 'J3, 1- H" U'21 r Ir. Ii. ii. DOL'ULAK ' II A VINCI returned to Salisbury, and located rrmaiicnth, oflers his professional services to the public. He hopes by the strictest attention to the duties of his profession, to merit a conpnu- ! ancc ot the confidence heretofore shown him. , Office, in West's brick building, opposite Brown cV: Maxwell's &toie, formerly occupied , by Drs, Ivillian and Powc. April 2, IS 10 tflO j Girff Fright, Much intense Study, GrcatEx. I t i cilcment. FayettcriJlr, J. TO l$DlTtR S. Carolina w ho V , . ; send ihi paper, !. , to disjKfcie of us 1.. NEW-V( No. 11,' . Tlie Jfew York 1 ly, sem i-week !v r : ! The Weekly 1; r in the 4orlJ, con:;, ing maoer, at o: . y ",' The Setni-V . '. , Friday, is Four I , Morning and Lv i Seven Dollars in The Proprietor-- pense tt obtain :1 the country, arul t est attention i ,v ; ! thing tliat can be i er, the politici in r of every Weekly I . Would fill a good . in enfeHainii)rr:t ; asked for the r : r forward the nio i.-v and pa the i master ' c.ixmi:: Cheapest lunvf(, N o. T A a; :c: JOHN 42, M a i Ilr l ! North C. t rangenwnts to i i. . to sell bis very -at the extremely ; and will warn: it ufacturrd in t'.- I SUPKHI' at very rcduc d ; dozen bottles j Fruits and N u -. will meet wii'i j : March 27, 1 f I , SR.. g if C01TER.W i tatoes were dug, there was not a, rotten iing s offered, j The sale wi.l certainly take plate, and terms made kniown on the dav of sale. CVKCS WL WEST, Trustee. SalisbJury, Nov. 27, lt:lG 31:ts tt l.aMAii mai.LI I.. 'I. a . A . r: 2," T!"a ?x s ,e irt.t ot a kin2 R whoic ds4-v. theV iesSon .v. : " motjoy rcvoiunoji, is lo bo brouwht ahoiit in Pn i i i naunvj ' ' me atmosphere !. . 1 .. c i:, . . i . . i uu uiiii auppiv oi ino an winch is ( , J i " "UHl ilUUUt III - ..p-.v-vHHijiireioTm, Which mor J ally! srperates tie peasants from the land owaers and Introduces the Government as the power I Cu! H?'1;) between the Ixyo, though iri a peace, ful aintudeL f In the Hussian decree ihe rw. I anti are spoken of as, a; useful class of the 1 ; population whse wellheijig and moral habits, S mutt be protected -.Oppressive obligations and ronuiuonsi are uoi nereaiter to be laid upon them ; the! landlord will no longer 1ms suffered to Mrive them away at his own pleasure while n iho other &and lh agricultural laborer is Allowed t4 arc his place after thrcQ months' notice ; all feudal services which the law does not justify! removed ; iii suits between the landi lords and peasants, a method less onnrporn Iicr.rtsisn rv to the existence of the animal creation. : Maine Farmer. to the latter is to be introduced, and what is certainly nti trifle, all this! is adoptWItsprepaV; atorv to 'universal "niovklnn peAsantryr that U, it is ati ludc to things which are to come heira fier i w potato in the hills in whicli ?xharc6al had been put while all thetheidhwere more I or less rotten. is Mr. C. Corden, of the same town, burn ed a log heap on the ground he intended for potatoes. A large ttuantity of cbals were left. Where these were, there was j not a rotten potato; where there was no I charcoal, the rot made its appearance, i Mr. John ;M. Towner, pf Monticello, ; last year applied charcoal; and his pota- Balic PronThis gentleman, who was so I loeS,.werc alj sound atidi ola superior conspicuous in the battles at Monterey, arrived aUty. This year he -put U rn but a few at Nashville on th lGth inst. The Gazette' hilIs' whlch Werti flected while there says . ; was hardly a sound potato in: the others. ! r tt 1. tt . :!.; r .t.': i e brought with him a number of trophies ; i . w ? , , 2 ' l i ' Wl51 livly to me on the --premises. I will sell very low captured fmm the Pelicans. Among them are I Pot?toes aM'hAe ca charcoal, fbr cash, if application 'be made soon. swords, lance,, ahot, a cavalry musket, a sad. T sPr0UJ 0rlU' . J 4 ,oll KINCAID' rtUa.wtl.tii. s-.t- -n. ? Half rnttn nnt:itoeSi have: ben nnt in Dec 4, l4b 32:.. " uuuie, v-c. ccc. ; i ue swora is a nne " i r i j. i i .. i . ; . one. with a basket handle, the ribs of which f Pmvlered cfmrcoal. In lVq. Weeks, the 1 n l are silrr ih,ki.-'-JU..-'.......'..i :i....ii.-:.iL ; rotten rrarf fVYtind iilriel. kinrl rlrv. a W St 24s!iS. i unon it? nn iA f iK. ft. . i. ...... :uLi ' Tbpfei- f ir,ti'ritin "fttiH:.mv W. rWUIORr Scotch SnulT irt Captured at Montey in the, battle of the; 2lst IfN to Important resultsfEhey Are pub-, if ' -33 ovpicuiwrr, io iu. r- uii tne opposite side, 44 Ta- I usneu ipr what they are IWptt, the. wri- i rtt L-pn trnm 1 ",i il, .1 iL ll..'. : i - : ! -.. . . - n t 1 . T N. BJ The al)ovc property can be bought at private fsale, if application be made previous to the day of sale. Those interested would do well to attend. C. W. W. Trus. Valuable Tract of I.anl For Sale. HHC siiliseribcrs -.takes this method of W. ?T A V. M "'' Ultt.liaiMfll 111 ZxLiK. JL lit?! vi!rfir between the waters of . ra utrf and Second bLet'ck, on the Sherill- Ford road, 7 miles west of Salisl)fN;y, adjoining th lands of fl. W. Drown and thd late Johh'ackwell. It consists of 1J5 Acres about 50 of which are cleared, and under pretty good fencing. There i-? a fir.rate apple orchard on it, and the whole is well watered.- Fersons wishing to porcha int reduction dndnre. ' ! . :i:irrm ." "cai cava.ry ; w uumng omtothers.may nucea to itiuLLi j iiLJi ii ii ir i in i ! rw a m tt i a m i iriva krvvttvL. t a : ui n..i -t- - ' . t i, vm n -i - a r v r wt " . . . 1 ,H:M -WM, '" tuai a xr a (-niO l?cci.o, i . lPVfite-iaJ With f',f Inhn , f . Ifn.'r ll.'ir.- T ..J MO . i I - tit iii; ;i! . I V AfeiJJ; ...... v, . j -n.v; ivvas tvangers. . 1 1 matmanip:, 'r i :f j' Yt,--. JgApfi OH Ca.li, w'ilj be sold very low 50 bhls. rectified old WUfekcr, atAVh3eler'3 old stand,iy i ' . f These may be the occasion by the strong impression they have upon the moral, may seriously affect the bodi ly functions. How few mtsous are there who consider that the action of thes upon the humors is the occasion t of them becoming corrupt, or of eiciting the principle ; that occasions their corruption! Ilul soitis. And the , application to Prandreth's Pills under thse circumstan I ces will be productive of more benefit than all the nertr j ous remedies in the world. Practical facts prove it. f Fiterrud Pains. People who are a flee ted with chronic sickness, and j thorlrippled.iinnly believe that their painful situation, aftr a fill or a l.low received, or a bad wound, or after , having strained thenuKrlves, is only nnd simply tbe result ; of the action of ther-e external causes. Ixrt me tell these people "that the majority of these cas'S would have been ; cured had they reorteJ to Prandreth's Pius. In proof ot tins, we lmd a number of persons injured, much in the same manner1; the same application cured some, win? others receive no benefit. 1 hese latter liad that within themselves, which being roued into action by the accident, aggravated the cause of their sufTerinjrs..- tv purging with Prandreths Pills their bodies will be placed ajon a par with those whose humon were ia a better condition. Nov. 2tl 30:4t IJi These Pills are for sale at 23 cts. per box. bv oar 1 agents in every town in the State, and by the following j highly respectable cntlernen in this vicinity, vis : J II &.D Cowansvifle ; 94C I1I7 1 1 : r ni: sn t busine j? j-: inforjn his fin :: prepared to e' tlie aVJve Lu-.s.. pledges bim- ! any other .-!.' , i tent ion to l.i - 1 r. . XX J i highly respectable entlernen in this viciniry, vis : I bladders and bottles ; ; Vf. JfU,L A ond Roppel Snuffs, f t , v' 1 ' Jn,lia,n- Cos i J II. ENNISS. Knder Av Son, Mi. ernon. lAo?. 21, 194C- dAagj.l t, MC-tC ; Jj C- i CANDLES, CANDLES. rs for sale low, by who!e3a'.e-tr retail, at lay Drug? Stow. . least t.f pi.!, i : ; Country - agam"wou!J .! . where, as n.r : ardtjess tf i!. I louse (J u".t r not ice. Old Tewt. r, ( taken in ei ; . March I'j-. i, : Toct. St llie public. 1 ).-. denee nxt. t. Dr. Whiu! sion Hotel r r r: January 0, 1 K j mm: .si H lar'c s-' will sell v ' Western N July 10. 1 2P.;:lf : 'forsi- 4 . wi !- n i . . "Ju-t prh.' i '- :-i,.:r, v !- : v '' , .... . i U ' ! ! ; w : . ; '. !1M I : , . - ' - -. ; ., ; t . ' - :-" . '1 !'i : - i --ii j .- '! " . ' '-!' ! .'. ' -., f.'--.i .. ,. ;. -:. - , " : . : : i r 1 " 1 ' . - - - ...;: J ' .',.:..,',;-. j v i-l t . , : . ! : fh

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