1 1 4, j.afiil sullie uf U a'1 ' tfons that have uHw of""! TS- I Mrs, MClHiiif wi Jnw.l excellent ipeech on the same (Wednesday) Mr. Joseph ' t of C.iumbi.iWHrrriid a sound, sensible, iM. as R io did Mr. Pessaussure, ?vLit!briiliant(Pr. j Those who knew Wheeler, addressed . i ' . . -1 i :i:. witbi his usual auimy. . . j.t ( TbJt .L. It ihilrnurse of this dehatc. ii.nurii. -. ; . vr K : ... 'L L J n.t surnriicd to hear him make a .vilini fpcech, ut with those who were beginning. taki-n place are but the Let Polk ar4 his miaions be hurled from power as Van J3 ure n: and his clique were sixijyears ago. : WHIG MEETING. Pursuant to notice given, the Whigs of Rowan met in the Court House on Tuesi day last, to' take! action on the subject ot putting in nomination a suitable candid ate to represent the Whigs of this District in the next Congress. ij tbrfllini 'Pctcn' I!"1 w,,h n were A'ler "e passage of the resolution tern ln;W! with hiri the em-ct was almost derfhg the thanks of the Whigs of Rowan, 1 :L.c : !miny of them had never witness- : to Hon. jyj i Rarrinffer, our late reDre S&lff (t 'ar Hking' The R? tentative in Congress, for the ablelmaik iKoTih? aenernCmmiMee vas a fVlicitous ner in which he had discharged his dm! :ies, I. Mr. Barringer, being present, rose, ant tUL turn .tf Mr. 'Frnsrnll. r . . T. JnA will li ' nubl i hod with the nro. J..! An extensive report wi I pyo.' e; Tbe rei on if ill also be P; M. Ijarringcr, on making a adjourn delivered a most felicitous ni'addresf. ; ult uf'tbii C(ir)ventioei, we look upon ' . . .1.-1 i .idsefl"1 " " I r . Stirtft Carolina. Mn uifruujr iriuiij-u III1 1 - addressed l(ie meeting for the space of 20 minutes or hall an hour, in a most happy style. He expressed his profound regret at the separation of himself and his Whig friends, in Rowan, in consequence of the re-districting of the State ; anrj accorded to Rowan preat 'credit for the Ispirited pei.pie. nun 4i j-iiirtiiurr in vuicn sne nas answered the of atriiisi, and with ihc nosi no- s expectations ot the Whigs at nil times i" '.' . A i c.. ... i : -. ...l L l' L - -'i J .i v- -it wucncvcr ner services were neeura pj-h JUri 15. adverted bneiiy to the present condition ofthe Country, as being critical alluding, especially, to the Mexican war, w i. i i . L. i ge prucrcuuiga are nerewun sunjoin ed : our of fcvwfance from our Srat L;is. haCKedf o)' iine ipnuenco oi ui" iruuuig flfielState, mi teuch feeling of confi- aiid;re4 eould ever Im roused among the . . I i .. 1 i t ir r r . . r. ; 1 1 i seciion m ucuun i hiiiiht un- iiLi:i Vi eems .It onec to have sprung "b Cfor rf !'hi nrheme of imrovomeut. nlict lUt Virginia U inakiug a determined t a ia cnistfuct a ntil-jvay from Uichmondto 1 3 ir i" r . . i . . . . ' I . i , . . . , -.it L..-.kMl t 12 Lll'lra in o u ma n n rr Ihu iitpw1 ,nal projjert uhall SUC- li'ild ill road from (jharlesloij to 'Charlotte AjilMei'mfdrtetl, (of uhkh vei liule d.ulit is (I I he romieciKui ot the table. The 1 adkin :ari lt, onS 'peiirea to tie a waste jriiW' momeiilaiily hecorne of int. iihixtrtnce, awl llie wtioie roontry he. THD VIRGINIA ELECTION. f ; i The returns received from the late election in Virginf ia for Members of Congress and the State Legislature; show the election of the 'following gentlemen to Conw 1 ' Whigs elected. - John M. Botu, - William L. Goggin, : John S. Pendleton, Wro. B. Preston, Thoa. S. Floarnoy. - LOCOS ELECTED. Archibald ' Atkinson, Geo. C. Dromgoole, Thos. S. Bocock, Thoa. H. Baylj, : R. T. L. Beale, -James McDowell, ; Wm. G. Brown. FRESH STOCK ; - ; ' " ! - ' -I 7 CI Crr CD CD TTT Pursuant to notice he re fore given a vrjr large and respectable meeting of Whigs took place in the Courtlllouse Ion the 4th instant, when the same was organized hjr the appointment of Cnpt. John McCuIloch, as Chairman! and C. S. Brown, asSecretary. The following reso. lutioiis were onered, and after, a slijihi discus sion were adopted unanimouslv : r H f Jletohed. That John McCuIloch, H. C in .t j-nihtje Catplm. will put ,., a new j Ca,vil &rown c h tjA Aii.: Lite will I .c en fused into our despond- ir . p. .if lnt. .U j I r""i "iw nil- irons iii in. ijlrj tf pniTeui oj 4iirui in;ii 1011 anu , wiiof' dud W'ced the good woik. l-r -1 . 4 YADKIN. Jones, J. AJ Hen- Samuel delegates to meet such delegates as mby be selected from the other counties of this Congressional District in the proposed Convention, to meet at Statesville, on the 18tb instant, with a view to designate a suitable candidate to be sup ported by the Whig party in the nekt Congressional election. i !;'t. Resolved ftrlher, That we will support wilh'xeal arid cordiality, any person whom the proposed Convention may designate.; I - M l Resolved, That the thanks of the Whigs of Rowan Copnty be tendered to the Hon. D. M. Barringer, for !, the able and faithful manner in which he his discharged the duties of his station as a member of Congress, and that they regret, that the relation between us and him as constituents and member 'pre necessarly dissolved.! f The vote being taken jupon the last resolution, the Hon. Mr. Barringer, responded to the sentiment in in eloquent and feeling address to this portion bf his form er tonstiiuents. ': : i f j ( teas further resolved That these proceedings be puMished in the Carolina Watchman. Whereupon the meeting adjourned. 1 JOHN McCULLOCH. Ch'n C, S. Brown, Sec'y. U Ml " Being a Whig gain of four Members, and leaving thre districts to be heard from. Amongst these is the AbinU don district, concerning which the Richmond Whig f the 3Utn ult., has the following : . J : f' A rumor has reached oa that Andrew S. Foitotij, Whig, b elected to Congress from this district, represent te for many years past by Geo. W. Hopkins, Esq., now Minister to the Court of Brazil ; but we still regard the result as doubtful The only actual returnsB that hare reached us are the following : jj Fulton, W. McMullen.L. Goodson.L; Wythe, 322 198 92 Washington, 334 149 410 Smyth, ; 120 maj. J 776 347 502 ' Thus far, it will be seen, Fulton'a vote is nearly eqoa to that of both of his opponents combined. The coun ties of Scott, Russell, Tazewell, Lee, Grayson and Car roll to be heard from. The contest is supposed to lie between Fulton and McMullen." f In addition to the gains which the Whigs have made,, it is worthy of notice here, that three other districts have been lost by majorities so small, as to amount in the ag gregate to but little more than a hundred votes, viz : Mr Dromgoole is elected by only 18 votes, Mr. Bocock by I2,and Mr. Atkinson by 78. In the' Legislature the Whigs have, thus far, gained fifteen and lost six. P. S. By this Friday) morning's mail we have the gratifying intelligence of "the election of Andrew S. Fcltos in the Abingdon District, and the assurance, of a strong probability of the election of MeComas, (whig,) in the Kanawha District. . . In the Legislature the Whigs have gained 18, and lost 7 nett Whig gain 11 equivalent to the annihila tion of the Locofoco majority of 22 last winter ! ! The Whig majority in the next House of Delegates, should there be no farther change's in the few counties that re main to be heard from, will be 10 the Locofoco majori ty in the Senate the same. I -AX ' - M '' Death, of General Dromgoole. General George C. Dromgoole, who was recently elected a member of Con gress, from Virginia, died at his residence a few days thereafter. I BROWN & ELLIOTT TAKES pleasure ia announcing to their friends and the public, that they are now receiving and opening at their store, i. ! " t ' .. ,': .-.. A NEW AND SPLENDID L . SDtCuu autr Summer i , ! 1 ... 1 J ! - Comprising; a great variety of articles for Ladies', Gen tlemen s and Children a Wear ; together with GrpcCTjies, Ifcdwar Cutlery, all of good quality and very low. But the subscribers would invite particular attention to their stock of Hats, Boots and Shoes, Summer Cloths, i Linens, vestings, fyc. and also to a lot of Ladies fine Summer Shawls and Scarfs; and to their stock of Bonnets, Gloves, Printed Lawns, Gingham Lawns, BAREGES Alt I SILKS ; All which are beautiful and cheap. Call and see, for we will sell low for cash!. Salisbury, April 30, 1847 tf 52 XB-iXBZi. .nisi. CJ i . . . ; . - i i : " . ' .. it : , ; "f "! T "J ' hi -CZZJ AND SULKIER GOODS! i C1 u THE simrninrn -" . SPRING & SUMMER GOOD Ever brought t( this market, Amonz the stock mi . e t , . ! uwng me atoca maybe found, for gentlemen weai French and Endish wool U'k Clothe -1W , Olive and Invisible da . PrAH mnA FjwYiA w.t u..t. - .. . Fresh & Genuine Medicines AT Wheelers Old Stand ! TSr A "iF" "d F-mitorePrinu.Pl.id and Poult de S;lk. C : , idU..rf- TJJ. J. wofra frns' M7?l"-.,vos",d.Tartton Muslins, French Ladies scana, LsJe Jaconrt and ThraH mnA P.lrinr T-,-i . , . . . , , - r " '"e-j- . -in uuaiirr oieacnea wieetmy brown ah ti. u i i-i.L r r.- , . 7 . vnx; '"'""i, "u6". pnusn long vioius, uea i icamg, nectaback. Bird Eye and Table Diarrs; 0f FLORENCE AND NEAPOLITAN BONNET 4 Enghsh China Pearl do., Riet do.. Panama. Leghorn, Silk and For Hats, Fine all wool Carotin- -Jashionable dress Boots and Shoe. Ladies bromed Boots, fancy eol'd Caters. Slippers. White 'C -Tanners' Oil China, Glass, and Crockery Ware, Government Java Coflee, Rio Coffee, brown and lo Tea, bperm Candles, ladies and gentlemens Saddles, i tIIMixgaN VOPULATIOX. fj. .KARRijjGKK, in his speech, hfforp the iTiij mrriin.on Tujttliiv lasf. mention- (Jljul rtiforcAt it tipn the altcnlion o( iose'presrritj aVa.'rson against the ac ption,'ojf.'exican; t-rritory, the inr.or- Umwi oi w'iflexic-oris into our govern alalia ; i net r, ,nurniion to inn same anJ pnyi leges Ulttch we enjoy. &W1 it ih.'tl , Iteen ?leaily proven I hat ;jwiizrnjijbr.l'hat country wi re not ca pif of if I'll" govrj-ntnent iucapahU; of rtf5natinglhe Jalue iif free institutions !le ours. I Such heiiicr the fact, should tit ihc People, io fncn-ly the Whigs. l4rtie DemtkCrats to lhinh before they, hnhfir support of those now in power. jMsthisi rehdful evil unon the countrv. ! 1 -'eciueuiy me poorest attempt Lrtilbercmemheretli that the createst I at smartness, that has come under our jor ogaoAvouidMfi as now sway and servation. within the last six months Is derive them. iVievvln- it in this light ,rml Lincoln Uouner. to ridicule Vfwcintmsts of the IVople wo.tld he j the hJf'otte Kail Koad Convention. VVe Patiight of;; nnd sellish and amhitious ! (Jon 1 in,nK ,r,entI Secies ata ttaltor lUs twi planned lor personal motives. '!ow n"K e soul oi an euitor, or printer. Rrfisalio, on. other consideration con! Surely an enemy hath taken advarrtageibf witJ this suhject. which should not j the Editor's naps, tp disgrace him.j Wbu . 1 t. I J i l;6lT tbought of. that of Slavery. WwhoJirive noticed the intimations 1 i during the d iscussion of the UUnd tHte acqtiisitfon of territory in the Wongrisv must sec, that the noi- f&llin $fttt.cs Avjll not permit Slave-Itotran-vjpiid its present limits, but that n mienti irje territory, it annexed, to be inttt frrel States. All know, bow ''wuri vaH!adinittii! n n St.-itf All i5o3' wilie stbutesthearts trembled for f futf ; !nahal wt-j ofthe South, when ''e the power to arrest the sprincme thpCpuptry of this vexatious quesi not step foruard and out our seal of mnatjori Unon it? Shall v lns hiot the i?reat nrdprt nnr nnofor rin view vl-K ikJ r.t ... t.iJ.ii "tion'r No. But let us strive to our he throw even a feather's weight in the scale to produce the( unsuccess of the enter prise ? What interest, or passion, j could operate lo produce; opposition in gion of Lincolton T j His devil or his (laun ders) laundress must I have perpetrated that article.! ! I The President Z. Taylor. A fine her maphrodite brig, 150 tons burthen, called the President Z. Taylor, was launched at Belfast, Me., 19th ult., by Messrs. White & Connor. jj j "j AAA OUNCES of pure Sulphate of Quinine, vVf vF and its various preparations. 100 lbs. of Hydro sublimated Mercury, with . many of its other preparations, 200 ounces of Iodine and its late preparations. Also marry bther new Medicines. We shall continue to receive and keep constantly on hand an extensive assort ment of genuine Medicines, Paints, Dye-Stuffs, Glass Furniture, Soaps, Candies, INSTRUMENTS, BRUSHES, Spices,. Perfumery and Fancy Articles, which we will generally sell lower for cash, than can be bought south of the Potomac. Physicians wanting Hooks, &C4 can be accommodated upon reasonable terms. Dn Wheeler's office is at our shop, where he will at all times take pleasure in aJvising with our friends who may ned medicine, ftje. Prescriptions made up at short noticej Our shop is open at all hours, and attend ed by those experienced in the business, who will at all times be happy to wait upon our friends and customers, upon the most reasonable terms.- l LOCKE & CIIAFFIN. Salisbury, April 30, 1847:t( 52 AtlD CUTLERS, tptc Springs, Carriage Trimmings, Smiths Tools, Xail's, Grain and Grast Together with a great vaety of other Goods ; all of which were purchased at the very lowest pi entirely, and will be sold at: wholesale or retail for cash at a rery small advance. f H : J. R CHAMBK ; Salisbury, April 27, 1847 14'32 i TO COUNTRY MERCHANT GRIGG, ELLIOTT & CO. EXTESSIVE PUBLISHERS. f j Wholesale Booksellers and Stationers, No. 9, North Fourth St.; Phil : i i i KEEP constantly on hand, a very extensive assortment of Bookl and Stationary, iach r ed and usually purchased for country sales ; which they will sell on as favorable terms as the a.-: purchased in this city, New Ji ork, or Boston. Having an extensive Bindery connected with their establishment, they are enabled to varieties of Blank Work, in jhe best manner, and at the shortest notice. ipply orJer I H On Thursday evening the 29ih ultimo, by Rev. J. Tarrant, Mr. JOHN WALL, to Miss ELIZA IN GRAM, all of Anson county. In'the vicinity of this place, on Friday night, 4th in stant, JOHN CLARY, in the C8th year of his age ; an honest, candid and honorable man. He was humble in his pretensions, but well informed and sagacious in in tellect. Mr. Clary was, with other excellent traits of character, a devout and consistent christian. Iii this'place, on the 4th inst., JAMES ROWAN SMITH, son of Mr. Henry Smith, aged about 14 years. i l I - ' ; THE MARKETS. C. B; WHEELER, M. D., OFF ERS his professional services to his friends and the community generally. The poor will not hes itate to command his services: his office is at his late apothecary shop, where he will at all times be happy to see his friends and acquaintances, and may be found ex cept absent Supon professional duties. Salisbury. April 30, 1847 tf 52 : A CARD. Dks. RICE BOY DEN have associated themselves in the practice of .Medicine at Gold-Hill, and hold themselves in readiness for Professional calls. Gold-HiUj May 6th, 1847. Biniks, and Clerks of County Courts, will find oar Blan'i Bookl eqbil, if not superior to any they have ever had in use, and orders by C chants will be prommlv i'tended to. Particular attention will nlo V raiJ in ill Llm ihrr Merchants or by mail, for Lw, Medical, and Miscellaneous Books, for public and private Libraries. win be spared to complete all such orders, on the most reasonable terms. CCountry dealers will f advantaae to call and examine our large stock, before making their purchases. j April dl XED Sz: .1 LEVER WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. THOSE who wish to purchase Gold mid Silver "IValcllO, will find it greatly to tlv to call on the subscribers, who are selling at very reduced prices. They have iost "received stantly on hand at. ft i Apples, (dried) Bacon, Brandy, Batter, Beeswax, CoTTCIt, Cotton Yarn, Coffee, Corn, Feathers, Flour, (per bbl.) Iron SALISBURY, MAY 7, 1847.; 00 a 37 Linseed Oil, 75 a 80 8 a 9 Molasses, 23 a 00 Nails, 10 a 12iOats, 22 a 00 ( Irish Potatoes. Do., (sweet) Sugar, (brown) Do. loaf) Salt, (sack) Tallow, Wheat, Whiskey, 8J a 9 0 a 100 8 a 10 30 a 00 25 a 00 00 a 4 3 a 5 35 a 40 5J a t; 20 a 00 0 a 50 00 a 50 7 a 11 12Ja 15 0 a 2 0 a 8 65 a 70 1 25 a 30 FAYETTEVILLE, APRIL 27, 1847. 1 - . Weather.-r-XVheU &c. The wenther, wilh us, for the Iafgc part of the lst four weeks being cold, jhas been decidedly ui- Brandy. peach, Do. apple, Bacon, Coffee, Cotto.v, Corn, Candles, F. F., Flour, Feathers, Pork, Peas? 35 a 40 S Iron, 30 a 35 Molasses, ci a 9 ; Oats, 8 a 10 ' Nails, (cut,) 11 a 11 Sugar, (brown,) 63 a 70 Salt, (bushel,) 13 a 15 Do., (sack,) 5$ a 6 ) Wheat, 26 a 26 Whiskey, 0 a 5 S Beeswax, 50 a 60 Rags, 4 a 5 24 a 28 40 8 a 10 00 a 60 1 a;2: 90 a 1 00 25 a 30 24 a 25 li "a 2 ;MELLI-NERYBUSINESS. TlrRS, LOUISA BROWN would respectfully inform J-TJL the citizens of Salisbury and the surrounding coun try, that she. is carrying on the Millinery Business, three doors abovej -the Post Office, and is prepared to make, bleach, and alter Bjnneis to the latest fashion, in a man ner not tq bf surpassed in this part of the country. She also bleaches gentlemen's hats. All she asks is a trial, not doubting' but she can and will give entire satisfaction to all who patronise her. She wijl Keep on hand a supply of Bonnets of the la test fashion,? Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto fore received, she hopes to merit a continuance of the same. Orders from a distance thankfully received and punctually attended to. Salisbury April 16, 1847 3m51 revious- 7 i ? favorable to the Wheat Crons. ly, the prospect ofj farmers, for an ordina ry yield, waL pretty fair, generally speak ing ; though! some' neighborhoods must be excepted. This being Court week for Rowan, many persons from the country, representing almost every part of the County, have been brought to Town ; arid having taken some pains to ascertain the Drespilt' form of Govern trtir nrosnect of the Wheat cron. w mujiu u uovn 10 ine Kit est gen- sorry to sav.il is naa. j ne com weather : j 1 ; which we have had, the fly,and the chinch- hd would, and who are bug, are several doing mischief, in differ throw this firebrand into sections. It is now getting late in the f MHerve; the. severest censure, season, and Wheat has but a short time ihotild lit withdrawn from to make itself before the usual period of v . Wj '(eople the Gountry. and ' harvesting. j ,f. fprf.ver. from places of public Whilst on this Subject, we must express AP re we iwould ak.whohas the belief that farmers, themselves, are tisja,th(fc ver S verge of this awftil generally to blame for the failure of their Which of the two Wheat and other'crops, to a very great extent. Take Wheat as an instance, , at he i Locofoco parly ? this moment: Whilst we are listening to nt fjjnce be, from every the complaints ofj farmers from the coujn- Bacon, - i Beeswax, Bagging, (hemp) (tow, Bae Rope, Coffee, Cotton, Co;rn, Flour, Feathers, Hides, (dry) Iron, CItERAW, MAY 4, 1847. 9 a 10 ) Leather, (sole) 18 a 22 22 a 24 J Lard, 10 a 12$ 16 a 18 Lead, (bar) 8 a 10 15 a 1G ' Molasses, 'N. O.) 40 a 45 7 a 9 ) Do., (Cuba) 35 a 40 9 a 11 ) Nails, (cut assort.) 6a,6J 10 a 11 J Oil, (Sperm) 1 12$ a 1 25 50 a 62 ) Rice, a 5 4$ 85$, Sugar, (brown) 9 a 11 25 a 32 ) Do., (loaf) 15 a 17 a 10 Salt, (sack) a 1 5 a G$ Tobacco, 8 a 15; 25 DOLLARS REWARD. jANAWAY from the subscriber about the a, 17th March last, a Nejrro man, named Sam. He fe 22 years of age, dark mulatto, straight black hair, about 5 feet 2 or 3 inches high, round shoulders' and very intelligent, can read, and perhaps write. He as well acquainted about Wilmington and may probably have made his way to that place, where his mother, (Rhoda, the property of Benj. Gardner.) resides. Ten dollars will be paid for his apprehension in this coun ty and 25 if taken up and secured in any other Jail, so that I getbim again. J. C. McCONNAUGHEY. RowancQunty, April 20, 18 17. The VVilmington Journal will copy till forbid, and forward account to this Office. 1 A Fine and Fashionable Stock of Jewelry and Faney Articles of every Bewrii'.i which will be sold low for cash ; and warranted to be as represented, or the money returned. W;i and Jewelry repaired in the best manner, and wai ranted for twelve months. Lrpine and pin in wawi c patent leves. All are respectfully invited to call and eiamine thrir fine selection at their new es;:.J posit e to C. B. Wheeler's Drug Store, and one door above J. & W. Murphy's. Cash paiJ for old nl -t r. Salisbury, April 16, 1847 tf 50 BOG Kit & WILr GREAT NEWS ! TO ALL THOSE INTERESTED ! ! GREAT BARGAINS TO BE HAD. i F. It. ROUECIIE, OFFERS for sale, good Copperas at 3 cts. per lb. ; Indigo at 81 pr ib., and Madder very cheap . Scotch Snuff, fine shell Almonds, Hazel Nuts, English i Walnuts, pEam Nuts, Butter Crackers, 12J cts. per lb., I Brandy, Feathers, 16 gallons old Cherry Wine, Pepper j Mint Cordial, 3 years old Madeira Wine, Sugar and Coffee, Liquorice, Candies, Playing Cards, very Jow, Friction Matches, at cost, fine China Toys, a few jars I Northern Pickles, j Salisbury! April 23, 1847 tfol. VlDtdst; EDGEWORTII FEMALE SEMINARY School for Girls and Boys. THE undersigned respectfully informs the cilizenf of Salisbury, that she has opened a School for girls and small boys at the house lately occup.ed by Ur Leorge r. X close oh Thursday the 13th of May, with the ex iuugins. every i.r..v.o.. ue paiu 10 me insirqc- ercises of he Graduating Class. uon of those put under her care. Her terms will be ; Thp next ierm of 10 months will commence on ;he One Dollar per month. A. A. BARKER. ! first of julv; Students from a distance can be received baUsbury, May 3, 1847 3wl j , : 'L during the June vacation. T A "Vf I VJ TTO rt T TjV : j Cbsses Airj Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and Astron- JJo X' vJ IV k5xVl-Jl. i omy, will bacve the aid of a valuable apparatus. rTHHE anhual examination on the 11th and l2th,will vhcc more mi tiii pifSjOrihe Countrv arc rcsnonsi g or !fKviil, i i .(3 .14 tf,i.;. i. tin.. I . 1 ' mij irni i. .in dniv it. ir -i mind, the locofoco Party, try, fur minrl's ey;e ib resting on the rich, luxuriant Wheat of Mr. Maxwell Cham bers, Dr. C. 15. Wheeler, and of Mr. Sam uel Reeves, of this Town. Wc can speak more particularly of Dr. Wheelers lot, las it lies right heforf our dwelling. ,Wc be lieve the stalks, will at this moment, av erage three feet in height. It is just be- ki' . H r1 'it'Mir. u is too late in j ' m m bf talents antl cha- Vr sf? r,rwril and say that De-. -vjT,fri-we mean.) has not in: Myrintti of almost in- 1 "vu"irs it is I ins ii.iiiv ii v sm extent created a lust j' 1hicH f not! soon checked r ginning to head, lot on which this A few years ago, the wheat is growing, was must an old field an open common, such, t6o, Up'r?C,ioHr 1" Union. And as ' was the case with Mr. Reeves fields,! Ur? Par,y is 8ui,ty of this politl- I but how different they appear now. The Hfl) ' ,u -ponsiOie Irl U magiu ui muiurc i lies pi i- r v T' to ltii miserable bor-saving farmers always use will ac tbe Dconle, vihirh th rnmnlish wonders. Greensboro', N. C, April 21, 1847 2w52 : Stockholders Meeting! A MEETING of the Stockholders of the Yadkin Navigation Company, will be held in the Town of Lexington, on the 2d Monday in May next. April 30,1847 House Painting! THE subscriber would respectfully announce to the publjc, lhat he holds himself in constant readiness toiundertake and execute in the very best style, in all its varieties, all jobs of anv size in his line of business, viz : HQUSE PAINTING. TT ftnttpr himself lhat nn.lfrtnn,l hi business Well : . i and whenever he has been permitted by his employers to THE subscriber gives notice, thatfrom the date of execute his Work according to the best practice, he has in this advertisement, James D. Glover, ceases to be variablv ffiven entire satisfaction. His jobs will show for j e m . ... themselves. His prices are of the most moderate kind, and his work always executed as speedily as possible. Letters addressed to him at this place will receive imme diate attention. W.M. A. LYERLA. Salisbury, April 16, 1847 150 5 SALLIlToiL. EINE Sallid Oil for Table use for sale by J. H. ENNISS. Salisbury, April 23, 1847 tf51 BY order of the Court of-Equity for the j county of Rowan, the Clerk and Master ; will offer at public sale, on the premises, on JTIonday the lTlli day of May next, a Tract of Land containing Two Hundred and Thirty-two Acres, j belonging to George E. Douglas, formerly owned by James Ellis, and allotted to Mary Douglas, deceased, as one of his devisees, adjoining the lands of John W. El lis and others, in the county of Davidson. A credit of six months will be given ; bond and approved security will be required on the day of sale. A. H. CALDWELL, cm. e. April 9. 1847 6w49 Printers fee 5 00 TO THEPUBLIC I H TO ALL TEACHERS AXD PARENTS ! Standard School Books, PU BLISHED and for wde by G R IGG, ELLIOTT & CO , Philadelphia, and for sale by Booksellers and Country Merchants generally in the Slate of North Caro lina, and by Booksellers in New York city. For sale as above, Ruschenberjrers : 1 Elements of Anatomy :and Physiology, for begin ners, 45 cuts. j ; 2 Elements of Mammology, the Natural History of Quadrupeds, for beginners, 75 cuts. 3 Elements of Ornithology, the Natural History of Birds, for beginners, 81 cuts 4 Elements of Hepetolx?.gy and Ichthyology, the Nat tural History of Reptiles and fishes, for beginners, 6 cuts. 5 Elements of Choncologjy the Natural History of Shells and Moll usca, for beginners, 119 cuts. 6 Elements of Entomology, the Natural History of In sects, for beginners, 91 cuts.? ; 7 Elements of Botany, the Natural History of Plants, for beginners, 194 cuts. 8 Elements of Geology, he Natural History of the Eanh's structure, for beginners, with 300 cuts. The above series is considered one of the most valuable contributions to the cause of 'education which has ever been published in this country. Each book of the series iscomplete in itself, and has a full glossary appended. The illustrations are numerous ly and beautifully executed. Teachers are requested 'tp cnll and examine th'se works before seleclinc for iljeir schools any book on Na tural History, these being very cheap, and having been approved by distinguished and scientific men. " 1 have examined Dr. Rsschenberger's publication " Elements of Geology." from the irxt of " Bendant, Milner, Edwards, &. Achille, Compte." " I think this an excellenLwork condensed, lucid, ex act, and comprehensive a safe guide for the pupil, and useful review for the teacher. The illustrations are nu merous a td exact. (Signed) B. SILLIMAN. Yale College. Dec. 19. 1345 " The above valuable series of books have heen introduc ed into many of the public ,and private school ol New York, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine Ohio, Pennsylva nia, Illinois, Indiana, (fee, and are pronounced by all a mong the most valuable eeries ever issued from the Amer- ican press : Grimshaws' History of England, " Questions to;do., " Key to do. " History of Rome, " Questions to : do. " Key to do. History of the United States, " Questions to1 do " Key to do " History of Greece, " Questions to do. ' Ky to do. " History of France, " Key and Questions to do. " History of Napoleon, " Kev and Questions to do. Grimshaw's Indies' oJ Gentlemen s lexicon, and Parlor Companion ; containing nearly every word in ihe English language, and exhibiting the plurals of nouns and the pari ici !! of verbs, being also particularly adapted to the use of academies and schools. By Wm. Grinushaw, Esq , author of the above histories. The ediior of the North American Review, speaking of these Histories, observes, ihat " Among the rkmntary books of American Historywe do not rememler to have sren any one more deservingfapprobation than Mr. Grim shaw's History of the United States. It is a small vol ume and a great deal of majjer is brought into a narrow space but the author has succeeded so well in the con struction of .his periods, and the arrangement of his mate rials, that perspicuity is rarefy sacrificed to Dreny bound SMtrhrd stitched bound stitched , stitched bound stitched stitched bound stitched Stitched bound stitched bound Stitched use as school books, an J any prison win . tbem. will find about one thousand eirors in . ed ; ami teachers ordering these woikf, W i! i say. " (Jrimshaw's Improved ttitions.' Conversations on Natural Philosujthyr. elements ol that science are lamuiarly rxpU),: trated with plates. By the author of J' Cin' ! Chemistry," S:c. Wilh connidViable ndJi-i tirn nn.l iiiinrtivrmrnts in llie tjo.ir cif lhi u prime questions and a gtovaty. 4 By Dr. Tlu s The learned and distinguished Prffsor BigHow, speaking of llpe works, otsrve - . " They are satisfied that the works corns- i ! mental principles and truths of the scirnrcy . a cirar, imciii j;iwic a tin imrrrsui iiuiuici, j ent editions are decidITy more valuaLie iLn; n ding one. The high chararterof the author. :. er, and a man of science, will, we doubt ', these works the good opinion of the pj'j';c, t extensive adoption among seminaries and n J Teachers in ordering w ould d well to s y , ' j proved Editions." Smiley's Arithmetic and Key, be. Tliii A i in dollars and cents, the currenc of our c 'y 350,000 copies have been soldi which i i . dence of its superiority over lKo:hrr wor',- i f it is the cheapest and among oe of the t-: ; Grigg Ai Elliott's new series of Common lit u ,'. 1,2,3. and 4. J Grig Jc Elliott's series of Common Scii. i ' one of the most valuable series ever pulli-h-i Merchants are ordering them by the gns fi-r :' of the schools in their neighborhoods. i England's Xatural History qf Animals, r. ' e, Reptiles and Insects, il!utrted wnh n i: i teautiful engravings. By John I'i2!n l, r : " View of ihe World. " Leiieron I'mvet i.! ' &.c. Complete in one vol. I2iri. I tl:. l - . ... :..1rl . I. r. tl. . t I IMS WUrt II pailltUMIi; UfllMIUIUI l.ir u ' and families, forminc the most eieirani w rn) is i plete work on ihe subject of Natural History ed. and is w orthy of ihe special itention of 1 . all our schools and academies. .4 The Deny ties of History, foi ihe ue -f f schools, with questions. By L.M.:Stret( h The publishers invits all llie teachers 1. 1 terest of iheir pupils at heart, tfc examine t series of school books before iatroduciri' ; The above books are sold whoWale abd book sellers in North Carolina! 2433 Acres of Hand fc r 1 ON the 19th of May will he-sold. at iVe r; in Rockford. Surry ccHinty all the Ian ological Seminary, at Geitjsbur. Penn . tract formerly telongig to Kpr. G. b'h"! r. deceased. Said land n laid iST into ei-' t contaioinc from 110 to 4C0 acres. more r well sopplid with small streamt of water, r between Fifher s creek and Mitchell's er. Yadkin river, ahoul eight milei from the C The aboe land will be sold in S body, r tracts to suit purchasers. A minute Jewr ; previous inspection of purchase fs. h l n ; the Clerk of the coanty, at Raikford. anl ance and undisjuited tirl will given i . sale, bv an individual legally aathenticStt J A pril 30. 1I7 3w52 . RANAWAY from tfie suWr last of March. KEGKO I ALBERT, about 25 or 26 yesrs eld. 5 i. high, or thereabout, somewhat Si'bt in I though not a mulatto. It is supjoed he t. ? about the edM of Barn counfrinrar ll t the neighborhood of Snw Creek, in Ite! The chain of narrative is skilfully preserved and the . be possible that h it makioy rcs c. his agent in carrying on the Z?oot and Shoe Making Busi ness. As heretofore, the public can be supplied with boots and shoes made of the best leather. U HENRY MILLER. May 4, 1847 3wl HANGERS' NOTICE. i TAKEN up and entered on the stray Book of Cabarrus county, on the 23d day of April, by James C. Morrison, a dark bay mare, supposed to be about twelve years old. The i . e owner is requesiea io come lorwara, prove property, pay i charges and take her away. JNO M. MILSTER, I May 1, 1847 3wl Ranger. WrAKTED A T T white or black, as a nurse. Apply at this Office. small girl, either April 30, 1847 j M rtintv -iir-h m mike ih facts more impressive, and lead ifc youthful mind to libserve causes and consequences w bich might otherwise be over looked. As a school-book; u may be justly recommend- Cd" What has been said of tins volume will apply gener ally to his other historical works. They are each nearly of the same size as the one just noticed and designed for the Bame object, that is, the Use of classes ia fchoola.- All these books are accompanied wilh very full and well digested tables of questioning fcr th benefit of pu pils, and also with Keys to the same for the conrenience of teachers. ; j A ll , Teachers generally, wha bar exammed Mr. Gnm shaw's Histories of the UnirJed State and England, and improved editions of Goldsmith " Greece and R.me.have given them a decided prefrreiuw to any other Utonea i a. . . . a t W ' ' I 1 . . f virgima. ArwioDiT-""," irfrr at the jaiHn Statesville, or in any ja.. or Virginia, so that I gel bim . HL Gil ' yrgrrill.April 30. l.- "FINE'PRiSCIPE tmd 11 A YA TCST received a large lot of 'foe ?rxs mW M ll J II Saliabury. April 23. BlT- ' WARRANTS Just printed on KGWTVPEar..! cellenl PIPER, for sale IIuj i i;i - l - r ft; -. . : n Vrt m 4 " H . j I , - -i , V

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