.11 -LI. i 1' i I . li U... "l fr-'r. -i I V t It li 1 I : . rv v. I a.. ;! L v y 1 '! i: it- f; - rJlOtf THE 6ERMAX. God near me I and near me ever , On the Ian J on the sea ; :j: . . Thus the WordJhat 'rrrpth never,. tKh fn'v life nssureth me- - If Ask ve therefore, "vho if nigh thfer ' God is preeent-UoJ b7 mp ? . Death'. dJi.k inilejr, pihof oceljn, TrisoD wall" hide no(f from Gpd He observes my every motion, , While at home an J while Let me "it recline or stand, Every where is (iod. at band. God for me J. my consolation, :. 'All my soul's 3 God 'v. Faint II! it r!atio" - Under crosses 'and the rod ; Ak ve, " What conwlelh thee T ' Lisen Cod iijholde;h me. r ,;.;' ,. '. "i ' Want, nnl pain, and death I conquer, If my ('! be only near ; ;"-'- Fatan's snare's IT1 burst asunder, Triumph'over every fear,' ' J , ; "Thou do these tiling rtf f Nv. nnv. but mV UOd w - i all: to Bufghley Hall J; ! - 4.: All my household Gods aro broken ;C A II mv lr-nms of lOVC' LaVC- flWQ .ll'l -1 JM ' I , ' . r Why no word of warning spoken, ? Why no frowning scornful token, When I sung thee love alone, That my love thou didst disown I Whf this pitiless forsaking . f-; For n not her Isidore ? f . . Whyl this sorrowful awaking' ;4 Into night that Mows no breakina, i Ere the iirl uear oream was o er i : Ah ? (his dream of love Elysinn, - , ' Was a cheating i :5am c'f '.vorx, That from tny enchnntfd vision Veiled, thy st-cret, proikl decision ; AnJ the pity nnJ the1 scorn i. ' ' t. ''3 That havp left my life futlorn ! f .:A- 31. 1. MAXSiOXSOP; THE BRITISH XO- The occasion of Queen Victoria 3 visit tb the seat of one of. tile most powerful of the British nbbHiiBurghley Hall Has been improved! by the -London letter-writers to give ful4fail4of the manner of life in one of 'ineml ( Here we have a glimpse of Burgliley I A vvnrd with rpfan ... - , which is onr- of the mojt spienutu tKir tensive of the Mansiofis of our nohihw erected in the reign of Queen Ehzabetfi. The mansion h received some recent additions, which, if notjn perfect keeping; add much to the picturesque beauty of the structure. The principal front, which has a northern aspect, is upwards of 200 .feet in leflg'h. In the cenjj-e is the entrance porch, the gates of whih are of a highly decorated arabesque pattern of bronze,! richly gilt, and approarihed by a flight of semi-Circuuii sicjjs, which hcic conru, as well as the vestibule! ahd'thc various! comdors, with crimson Sclot h;JA parariet of fretwork in stone surrounds the entire" building, and the turrets t the? Various angles are surmounted by foctkangular cu. pols and gilt , Vans The :court,yard is surrounded by a corridor, atvthe angles of which are magnificent Iculpturesiind.va-; scs. All the apartmenijs are cefdingly lofty and of large prpprtons ;-! hose set apart ; for her Majesty ahd Prince Albert being oil the sout h side of 1 h e ed i fice, and corrimandingT 2riei: over t be surroundi ng cjjiu nt r v, and i mme diately in; front a sIomn lawn ami beau t!fu( shee i of water, i ' It s unnecessary to say jher Majpsfys apartrients'are fitted up in f lie mot costly 'and recherche styler- They are approached by the grand stair case, at the bottom of which are two large and .massive, bronze vases, and in the cen- n From tike Hp -1 i We direct wopal Recorder; July lO." t - ENiiY TOAY.r..; o altentiort to ine .luuowing Valuable commu nicatien rorri Kentucky. ! We thank pttr'')coresp6n(ri jior it:-plt conveys imeuigencp ui iutjum's miyov. Many ofburlrederst CrMf e-5 and admirery of I the? eminent ban who is the subject olf Jr. AVill rejoice Sin this i Im pressive clecUraiion ofjhis faith in Christ. Such an event might have been antici pated. The uniform respect Iwith, which Mr, Clay was known to be in jthe habit of regarding religion, and bis frequent pub lic expressions ola desire to ben Christian, had inspired the hope, jthat if jGod in bis providence should evert permit him; to leave ihe noisy rena jof jpuHlic Jifts he j might; amid fhej quiet j influences of his own loyed homejoeco?ie( a unnstian. f hv His has been an evehtful cjareer; few public men olf any nation hve passed through more iexiting scenes ; none have demeaned themselves with more fortitude, or displayed more real greatness in the midst bf ihemj;; and wej must Jbe permit ted to express; the opinion ihat no man, since the time of him " who was first in war, first in paqe, and first in the hearts of his country men," ba exerted a more salutary influence in the councils of the nationj than he. j Men of all parties have frankly acknowledged his eminent servi ces, anil have cclorded to him the meed jof praise:!; in this rcjspect, he has,; been mope than satisfied-Ubut this i was not all: that he herded: What is honor but a name IT f Ho w incapablie ojf sustaining the soul n sorrow1 ! how j empty in prospect of the grave and the judgment ; The! venerable statesman has; found it to be so and who can doubt, that,! in the deepest sincerity ahdithe most Ihumbie, contrition, he has been led to cohsejerate the reirVhantroJu days to God : May the c viniirof 'M '.protected H(e i ll The Wir Jieart ; the absence neglects, without n crime ,aVntng them; have ha i rowed to the quick tlie heart of hjany a man, and planted ;herjJ beyond the reach of cure, the germ of dark despair. Oh ! tnay woman hrfore that sid sisht 'arrives, dwell on the recollections of youth, arid cherish the dear idea of thjit tuneful time, awake and, keep alive the promised she then give ;,nnu inougn sue may oe tne njureu,noi ine tre 4 bust ot Queen Llizaheth. I he ap, h i:, .vUiftmsi distingruishedicotempO- proajch is between (bur ijillars of lofty pro-)' ary; td longj yiued' rind; piolis friend, portons,; the walls bein hung with tapes- j .latte Chief JjuaMcc:M!sVialiof:vho try, and the recesses Ornamented witljift Was beautifullvisaid, ft His siting sUri j sculptures. At the top of the staircase ilTvvas SPCn jn f J clear.luncloutlctjisplerior. beaming as it) de's;c6ndeJi; orb, and morn softened light,. jbhtil the ve rv moment when it sunkj benr;ith the ho rizon with a heau'tiful arid trauqnilizing transparency."; - j fE.'r It needs not guilt to break a hasbam 's j the ante-room, and beyorid this the Queen abVnce of content;' the matte-rings of splee i j dra.vitg-rooin. The suite opens beyond the untiJy dtess' and cheerless home, i for fejbidditjgj j this jintO the Qucm's and his roy'l High wowl and deserted hearth; tkese and other namelefc ness's nri vate '.apartment!, all the decora tn ehild. Ve'cetvlncr unon hisbead a band ful of water, an , the name of the Holy Trinity ! thus attesting his faith in: t he Christian religion, and bis determination to live and die by its sacred, principles. spondent lor It. It ,;One of the prominent sins Of the present r rjllu rf;ayfis7'tlifat'the great men o!f our country. as ia bodyalthodghjt may.b(,frtr Ibe most ! part, specufative believers iri, Christianity, t are," nevertheless, not regardful of religion. rpAKES pl'ar and of God. Cet them review their ground A the public, tha let ibem look at thn trmpnilnus itlilu. at theirstore CS UD CCD h I : . STOCK uJ. J ft I r ! SPRING AND SUMMER BltOWN &, ELLIOTT ensure in announcing to their friends and that they are now receiving and opening Valuable Tov;- I. : I'W SAl. hderigni o r.-ri; f . te J. V,'. . nriH sinew, aearty oppc House and hoi in CincorJ. I One twi ttdrse Ear(Jcl:e ; nes; I pair march I Ir-t ': and an e icellent parm; IV son wiiin to bay , brr. as grral bargains can tv encf lhey wied in behalf of irndigion and j J of evilt and consider the mighty' power j thejr exert for "religiorr and for good. Let ; them fix theif eyesupon the practical tes- j timpny to! the'truih and value of Christi- anity, given, py thei giant j in intellect whose name, stands at the head of this pa per,! and, go and do likewise. Lexington, Ky.t June 25,1 8 47. Hl.i 1. V NEW AND SPLENDID J Jif&r Jl i 5 KOTZC spviiin; aiio suuiuitv Gooos T ribers havi Fresh & Genuine Medicines AT i , Wheeler's Old Stand ! 1 flflrt 0UNCES f Pure SulPha,e Qu'n'ne, J.UUU and its various i ptepa rations. ' ' 1 100 lbs. of Hydro sublimatet! Mercurjr, with f--.i . many of its othefTprepafations, ; ; . ; 200 ounces of Iodine and its late preparations. Also many other new Medicines. We shall continue to receive and keep constantly on hand ah extensive assort ment of genuine Medicines, Paints, Dye-Stuffs, Glass Furniture, Soaps, Candles, I TTMSTrcmrFATTS TPTTCirT7 Spices, Perfumery .and Fancy Articles, wbich;we will'genefally sell lvrer for ?agh, than can be bought south i of the Potomac. 'Phjsicians wanting Books, can be accommodated upon reasonable terms j Dr.. AVheeler'8 office is at our shop, where he will at all times take pleasure in advising with our fri?nds who may need medicine, f$c. 'Prescriptions made up at short aotice : Our shop is open at all hours, and attend ed by those experienced in ther boMav4 wbx wilt at all times be happy to( wait upon our friends and customers, upon the most reasonable terms. I ' LOCKE 6c Cf I AFFIX. Salisbury, April 30, 1847:t(52 v . 'I Comprising a jrreat variety of articles for Ladies', Gen tlemen" itnd Children's wear ; together with Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, &x all of good quality and very low. But the subscribers would invite particular attention to their stock of Hals, Boots and Shoes, Summer Cloths, j ,h"ir t Linens, Veilings, j andalsoloa lot of Ladies fine Summer Shawls and Scarfs; ! and to tljeir stock of Bonnets, (Jlovt-i, Printed Lawns, Giughaip! jLawns, OARCtiCS AD SILKS; ( All which are beautiful and cheap. Call and see, for ! we will sel low for cash. j Salisbnry, April 30, 1847 tf 5-2 ' " T;1 : - ' " I Tailoring. viJoii Court if Plra I t. ! qualified, as 'Uxecutt rs cf i1. L. J Peter HeaJrick, dec d, and iU , i tary. hereby gives g neral i.V :i; r i to the dTrsed to c :ne U-ri' Da -mrnt i a in.lnlr n- -ar. 4, .1 tht-m prrjety a mix-plicated .V j prrst-r;!iii by Iiw, fr.th.s n ! . a.M'-h; Ixinftcn, K. C.j Novei.i1 f r 1 ! ; House Pai 1 1 rau Id re - BF.jFR ALEY isever ready to make CLOTHINC, in Ine latest stvle.'weil done, and warranted to lit. He also keps for sale' HE A I) Y MA DE CLO TIII.W; very cheap; He will also teach the art of CUTTING to any wishing to learn, as he is agent for some of the most fashionably Tailors ot New York and Philadelphia. All kinds of clothes cut at short notice. Produce taken in payment if market prices. lyi "1! NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to us are requested to come 'forwajrd and make settlement of their Notes and Accounts Rs fulher indulgenre cannot l given v! : t A. &. D. W. HONEYCUTT. Gold Ha, Feb. lst. 1647. AO if GKAT'S Iiit aluable Oiiitmeiit forsa!. hy;1 , J. H. ENNISS. Salisbury. June 18, 1847 if 7 rpUlEsidsoril-er JL puliiq. that he liolJ Inc. ? to undertake and execute in t.'n . r varirtieall jobs of nv siie r I..- HOUSE PAL He flatters iL'uisr'f i ,atie U r and whetjer he ha- l4-en per:; ,: , execute Us work act ird.ni ! t variably ivrn entire s:nis-fu t .i . them-lrti.! His pri -es are c! j ' - ; a ii J hn H4rk always ?xecutni i - -letters a.$.lsird to liti at tf.i ; .... diate attention. ! "l ; V- Salisbury, Apnt ji :, Ui7--i ; 4 VEGETABLE IJX1VEI .trr a g e-uini T-H Er LITE STij ARRIVAL I i . t ' I. . L. tions of. wnicn are 01 ine most nam-hin- n,lU,iutk' lpfritf inn iTfir f;i UteU i is. ot- IIIIU Vo i tomans, couches. Ccc. are ol ine richest I vt-lvet, and the fitfings-up of the dressing- i i 1 1 i rooms of silver gilt.- All the apartments THE BAPTISMiOF HENRY CLAY. A notice was ve'ry generally circulated through the pul'lic; papers of the country Ml TEAS, OP SPRING and SUMMER GOODS ! ;1 entii?i'raf,'d Carlo Dole?. Leonardo Da ifjurinjf ifinei ihe furgetiin "wifea oppy auusion o; ,e nour o, love-a Mna.y we.come.to . ; l!irhael) Tilian, Holbein, Rubens. I into a OmiU if Intra tr ln moK hAct ii a nrria -1t U ttM 1)1 ' ! , i UL 1 .. , , , , , ,f . 1 Corrgio. etc. most ot the ce ings arf , . v ui, w mi u 1 1 uueu U HU v ' . - 1 11 T 1 , , 'i . .. r ' . s , n.'iinli'i hv Pirin. am n mp f th . . 1 . . . r ' 1 : . 1. ...on u'tii i 1 : ' " " . ' in 1.1 c 1: " ,.0 ),6ned. hr near V the whole Ot are fcrowded with paintings by the most ! some fwo ar three iyears a?o, to the etiect eminent masters, among whom may be lever locked itself' ma to her charm's, and bid her live, as I.e hoped, her ;! H ne w nnir OI me -.Ll .:... 11 .1 1. 1 ' . ri.. j Mniint ,L !i oirv is (lenietefl. On thn loveu, loviuy, ""-"" "f ; - - ( - - the oot ol the grand years in matchless bliss Mother of the sorrowing; heartthe source of 'comfort, and the spring of joy if Uo'man CTtotrc i.VTOiiEiiANCE in Bostox. On Sun ; ilayythe 13fh, while theTBixJptf ''Street Sabbatli School, - (which is supported by the Baptist Churches in this city. Was in session, a very fare number of Irishmen, of the Roman Catholic persuasion, entered the schoolroom, and by such means, broke op the school. Rev. Mr. Howe, one of our city liiisuiorlanes,; happening' into the school, and finding', to his utter "astonishment, a host of Roman Catholics Instead of the usual1 Sabbath school, remonl strated with the assemblyfnr siw-h conduct. He w.ns in ' formed that bforc coming into the school room they ha J jfrpcared the authority. foro doing from their; Priest ! .Mr; Howe stated to them that as he had hired the room for a ij J ' I . '! the s of a babbath, school, he had a, right to the roomj 1 'UnJ should maintain thnt right. The Romanists, knowi ol them leather! mytbol ground floor, at Staircase, is the apartment, and breakfast room, a noble very jmagmficently furnished The great hall, called tlie. banqueting that Mv. Clay had become a member of the Protestant; Episcopal Church. " The wish was, doubtless, lather to the thought, as Mr. Clay had not at that lime taken any such step. Ho has always been known to have the highest respect for the institutions of Christianity, am) to have been a decided believer in the divine au thenticity of the Christian ' religion his amiable , and now j deeply alllicted wile, having for mariv years been an bumble - i MICHAEL BROWN U NOflb RECEIVING A LARGE AND j SPLENDID STOCK OF SPRING G0ODS I f J. ordmary and iiiiu'diaie ( i. tiealiti to it-,ii8 FutT'trin ni.tJ -r i -as- to wluch tVif huriUh fraui- They aW artk:ulay ret or .i ?ntw wluTart- atiiicteti with anv f i. j . imij; v. I'll 11 Ha 11 1 1, us lirir ,'( i 1 lie hit-h tils t naturil cinJ ,(. ; 1 .1 ... -.i. it... 1 uirm. 111 rtirrniHE llif toii;:.f I ,M, I inatiiKi of jbrahhful clry lr. an I i j ibey J;ackiiowl I who arr-tisiiij; them.t ' plrNMni iu(hejr pcri an. I 1 Hit if B un-dicine; j w!ki oix-t- nmWr a triafi ; wtiiini; iu Ix Without j tiicjr 'oj i:.littrs.' I lhadithX 1 Tl.( Riluriic wi I '""'! lr I; Jloy's Piili a renict ) at mt'iiiatt- m ii. etlt-cts. 1 Jed by tl- , . te ii-1 , :un. Ltii t; c- : r r .Tt r--1 of these, T. . la in, vvl 1. h i : 1 li this citt j;t-riiir i pny thin i ii- f. i 1.. In Dy-;.sia nod LjvrrC. rrl... i :.r irnl iL t, i. v ifulrt 1 );..'.,, , SS fh. Mr 1 room, is also hung with 3. number of pic-1 follower of its Blessed Auihor. When r 5 Wgthtil the laws oft lie land were yet stronger than the powers f their ch-irch, dispersed. 'J'hus' earljr do Ro4 man Lathohc foreigners usurp the rights of America's hildren.- If such things !' are done in the "teen tree' hat wiirbe done in the dry !" Christian Reflector, 1 i :..i...i: -r if. i i tun inciuuin his rovai mgnness Prinae Albert in his State robes, which was only yesterday Ut tjp. The ceiling is of I carved oak. and--thej decorations, a' thouh less florid, .are in keeping with the rest of the edilice. In a 'recess' in the cen tre oif the hall is a largej silver fountain, and two cisterns of the Same costly ma terial, the handles formed of lions ram pant, the arms of the family. The foun tain weighs upwards of 3,000 ounces, and is said to be the largest piece ol" plate in ! Liurupe. 11 A GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION. We have often listened with admira tion (says the New YorkjCommercial Ad vertiser) to :he accounts given by itiner ant showmen, and the attaches of muse- Coun and Cvcnii niiRs. kThinl; of a Cucumber three Jeel long, or thereuhouts ! k And yet as coZ a niece of (j bresumption 08 this might be, some of the New Orleans l.piitpr undertake to justify ,, The Courier" tell I MO species f Cucumber crown in that riiv m'th ln.tJ : m- iof thirty fis inches, and of th Iumi (1 i i .J i j . , .----i ; "'wi.ohu oousis i ? --o c J ; Uiatona of its Lditorsjcan show in his garden. CuJ said accounts sometimes 'including partic- u.uoer. ol ,wo.u,in,s grow,, . already measure, ulars never dreamed of by BiifTon or Bin-- hkh certain v has a sameuhnf v(.rf,,.in.,a..,,o,. "i'-l "ut tllt? s,lu"mni!"lu "utuone ny . ' i ...v..-,,KUlUWII the weather permitted it, living ?s be does. a mile anil a hall from the church, Mr. C. has always been a regular attendant on its services, and for two: or three years past, having had more leisure from public i duty, bis attention had evidently been! turned to the high considerations connec ted with things spiritual and eternal his j lile having beeb devoted so intensely to the good of otbersj as scarcely, 'until this ; period of retirement, to leave him an op-portunily-tO think of himself. But he has at length consecrated bis great powers to i God. lie was I bapl ised in the little par lor at Ashland, on Tuesdav nfternnmi. thf 32d inst., together with one of his daugh- I j ters-in-law, (the other being already a.' j member of the. Church.) and her four chib j jdren, by the Rev'd, Edward F. Berkley. Rector of Chi ist Church, Lexington. The j baptism was administered privately, for the reason thatithe'icongnegation iof Christ . . i S TT-V - rf-V "W x r" A MOjlV (j which may be iounU ever v description ot Uii 1 uuuu, Asa iPtedy in Summer a nj'iu . inelnrlinrr Organdies. Lawns. Silk Tissues. Irish Linens, Cambricks ' - ir wonderfuJ r,i .. Silk, Harege and Mnslin Scarfs and Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Rihhons, Laces, Edgings In stTtins, Hosiery, Gloves, &.C., together with a fine assortment of , CLOTHS, CASSDIERES, ASD VESTIXCJS ; And all other articles of thd latest style, suitable for Ladies ami (icntlrmcn's vrar. Verona, China, Pearl, Leghorn, k Straw Bonnets, Fur, Silk.PaiKim i. Leghorn Palm Lraf Hals. GROCERIES, CHINA, GLASS and QUEENSWARE, HAllbWAR E, CUTLERY, NAILS., Sec. A.c. Tlie ahove goods having been selected from the best arid fullest stocks in Plnla-'-'j-hia and NVw York. !! as V,ia fri.Mi.U nnd nil who ma v honor him with a call, that nv inih shall to s-ured to furnis.h them the new- Of tic t i i i i . . i - .1 id I '. I:.. I ' I est nml most tastuonaoie styles, ana nt as low pricrs as int-y imr ur u.ju ri!rnnc. All kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange fur eqods at the. market prices. Salislniry, May 15, 184T f 3 j- jsbz ss ise m r ! " AND ' l"l..,li,iitl'.ttJi-jl SUMMER GOODS ! PI THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD respectfully jntorm his friends iand the public, that he is now receiving direct from the Northern Cities, and opening at his store on the corner east of the Court House, one pf the handsomest stocks of ; SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, Ever brought to jthis market. Among the stock may ibe! found, for gentlemen's wear French and English wool bl'k Cloths, Blue, Crown, 'I Man liave.leen! u!li i-d tinllrr that drT.4 In II i!)iiiil (. uti( tes? fh :-f I huv mriiifiTx ever Lroaghl L-lt-ji n nt l.. w i evubUMi h;r si tj ;tn-tii !-(itm trie rac!Ji in livi Juul. ; They arf invalusLh AtT'-r: ifiris. Iia of App I-im:i'i a.ii- ate ml Tin v ate mild in ilij: tnf.li.-itr ion if tif-ii.fi Tin y ru.iy t taken l thf nitirin, nervouj iln ir rslion, lcau-4- jn.r.. qait-t nervous i: Ctabi.c , ;i su.ind hi iillh. I A" an anti-bilious m cdirin, r : out thm. A single tn ii is inon sand tertifiitntrs. ' It i" I . I r -r " . itf t an if i to ask urisr. is ml Pill, aiyd lake noh thfr. 1 Willi full tit te't ions, riinci'n. corner of Libeny-strerl, N-w V.- k;;.y . J. If. Eitni, Saliitrv ; J. L Jn Neiv t ;s kite, an 1 L ft. f- r sctitHi, a- ;'-ir ti t u i : pr?wrn i ; ',- lt J d-l,i . tbev .V; r Jonathan I April ItJ. 'ortk, Ah 31 147 3iir.ii SLJf iii ar urns anil menageries, of the structure, ap jfpearance, and habits of the various ani- Church are replacing their old chiirCh with ; malr composing their interesting charge; ; a new edilice, now in rapid progress of a H. Olive nn l Invisible do , French and English woobblack Caspimeresiall wool Tweeds, sup. French Dra Deta, Ar cadian Coating, Croton Coating, fancy and white Linen Drills, Creilm and Brown Linen Drills, Grass Linen- RESTOaiR Cr if! v CHRONIC A 1 ND OI ji r-i talks of Vavinjj eaten them and found them crisp and I the editor of the New Orleans National. lender. He evidently wallow ihe story as well as the! whose description of a Mexican " critter Cucumbers, and then tells in the same breath, of Corn on t.iwtAoUI,erftrertet hi!ib,hich the Courier veri r. ;, '.uJiniL; a FtN.iL-r.va Ca.e of AMAAMAf iox:-Jane Robinsbn wpo on. i nursay pleaded; cuiltvtd nn in,t;r. r.J , ' .. , ' ''iiv.iin;iii IVti h ceny ln the Common Pleashuh town, u a vounJ " mf w"'nnn, past the nge of f'iVlth fine auburn h "li. . 1 i f " - 'v v til . uunic.o;), raiiier jtaadaome, (say good look4 p ...js-j ..u .o cap tif ci.max. she is the contented wife n spruce youns EthionianFnml1 tfc wt- j t . - -..- ... .vIjr uiaoipsf one we , yr, MW. 4 c contrast between the two, ih wife I -sry wane and the husband extremely black I ! .inTlr' indeed ; The -parties are froL v' las was Parties are from T..J l'ufnd suppoits his fair iiiieaV makirii sHets Worcester t v. ' i - V beans Penor to every other kinj grain r Pulse . pouu of nourishment. They contagaccordi '.'' -M'-vuuiruive matter. oHih; a we annex. The critter, by the way. is common c- tnough in Mexico, where; the natives eat him. His true name, vc believe, is the Iguana; Stephens! in one of his books on ; Yucatan, gives an amusing account of an llguana chase by a partyjol laborers. ; The Gitttna Natural Histon.An amphibious looking gentleman passed our iotliee yesterday, with uliat was to us a nondescript looking animal. He called Mexican guana. It Would secm.judg from the general and topographical appearance ot the guana, as ii nature oc - : j erection, and are not suitably situated for the most, solemn and decent administra tion of this rite in jpubliej When the minister entered the room on this deeply solemn and interesting occa sion, the small assembly consisting of the .immediate family; ja few family connex ions, and the clergyman's wife,' rose up. i In the middle of the room stood' a large i centre-table; oii which was placed, filled For "Ladies Wear. riICTJICR pro-fiired : nal filorhiJ lHrt!'! i - Bombazine, Alpaeca, Enr'.islt and American and Fancy and Furniture Prints, Plaid and Poult de Silk.Grode Swiss, and black Gro de Rhiiia do., Printed Iiwns, Rareges, Rosalia Platds Tarlton Muslins, French worked Collars. Ladies Scai fs, Lis!e Jaconet and Thread T.ncs and Edgings. TwefVe irjuarter bleached Sheeting, bleached and brown sheetings, British long Cioths, Bed Ticking, HeckaLack, Bird Lye and Table Diapers. FLORFACE AND NEAP0L r..iir. IT AN BONNETS, orders ; frtki ihe ti'jtn (in female jfrom the c a - Pamphlet .( Abvsmm.i! M; celelnatedfiit its st.eeii .i . . i rno?a ana uiei. (Jold Mixi ilxu Colds, &cJU-!0-cts. )i Fever, Heid.iche, !i be taken i (he restorer. Is .eeiit t. , ll.. ; WAV, ii: V, Lrahorn. Silk and FurlHats", Fine .11 wool Carpeting, gentlemen's j KrJJirvar nnzed Roots, tanev col'J Gaters. S.ipper. U,n to tart u'l i F.ndish China Pearl do., Riee do., Panama, lashionable dress Boots and Shoes, Ladies bronzed Hoots, taney coi a KrUiers."' --- ' ho,,. lo tat'n .t5r, ; , Tanners' O.I. China, Gla.s, and Crockery Ware, Government JavapqfiVe, Kio oonee. Drown ana loai augar. one ; . , t wi:n water, the tnagnilicent cut glass G. by some gentle-- of the Saddles, it a ing vase, presentt (I to iMr men of Pittsburg, .-j On one sid-e room hung lhejlare picture of the family .of Washington, himself an Episcopalian by birth, by education, and a devout com municant of thp Church ; and immediate ly onpo.sitc, on; a side table, stood the bust of the lamenteid I lan ison, with a chaplet of withered flowers hung upon hrs heaTT, Tea, Sperm Candles, ladies and gentlemei HARDWARE iiMD CUTLERY, i . .. . . ' -- i . i ey . i ic Snritx'S. Carriisc Trimming, Smiths loots, .aus, urain ana urass ocytnes. Together with a srreat variety of otlirr flooU : all of which were pijrclnel nt the very lowest prices for cash entirely, and will be sold at wholesale or retail for cash at a very s.rrail advance. . J. F. CHAMBERS. Salisbury. April 27, IS 17 f.''2 casjionally had her l'reakb of eccentricity, ! who was to have been confirmed in the anu. alter nursuins? a striiiorhtlnrvvfirr Mnil ' l; hurch the Sabbath alter he t tec fit . 1 Ti ;---r-------vs i - natural course, would Suddenly produce I witnesses of such ja scene. Around the' something ihat combined m strange con- . room were suspended a numbenof family trast all the pcculiaritiesjof fifty well-ldok- pictures, anil amoilg them, the portrait of ing and familiar objects Now the guana a beloved daughtej who died s()me years has its fore legs put on behind, and its be- j a!go. in the triumphs of that faith which hind legs not. only! put Oo before, but fas- ! hler noble lather wks now about to em- jtened on backward, atuj upside down. brace ; itd the picture, of the late lost son, AYhen its"! mouth is shut it is as ticht as an ! who fell at the battle of liuena? Vista IaiIam nind .Lff.i!tn4i Irii I' . . t a a .4 on ir. i, r;rv'' " . wt .1 is : nut it it vouia tnese si eni looKers-on ai.ine scenn Kreatly to the resources of Agriculture and te . JeVi - ' Perjs w5' back of its bout transpiring have spoken from the l-?Ka nd nteMintr irt .n-.. - . T ' 8 ' tars, ifu has antJ Pr j n i J - . i i b;' J . Y"t. un the continent 4 this 1 TfQl U . 'Vf L i maroie aim uie canvass, mev -WOUIU near- '"ts dry sute. enter, largely into. oapi. - ! u;8, SPed a Sti and tjly have approved thejaCt whirih dedica- '"'r,; .: . . . i - 1 "!;" !V"u"Vu,;sei on PTtNo.torrt pry in,0 the cnt affair of others, U. ? nnn of Vour businrs, how your neighbor gets alone t ,wu.n ins income or expectations may be, unless his -ranS.men .nVct you'; what right have you to My word spd protrude yotirsadviee T I, i,tno ntark of-ood . lste..R,. manners, to pry into the afiairs of otlUraw heiueintirr thin. t rena, the res ,1i,fd anJ U 1&ZT ,h7 -1, soaked anl .Su PetW ir3'1" -'.rnegravV.saUtfed PeTP-r. - A better esculent vegetable cannot i Ud Ihe cult, vanot, of ,ll5i bein on a law -e.lJl., Si TO CQU-NTRY MERCHANTS I GRIGG, ELLI0T'lj& CO., EXT ESS I Yi: P LJiLlSilEllS, phyiciana in thii wcim i is Mr. INafliniel N , v. er comjila&it forihr t Flatulence and D.-;h ,! the RestoiT(toe;;,f r 't purative Ptwder. !! lieved.an il, huuro... covered, now. as e ; little or no dt;r,ci.!:y 1! ted, to uviyour tr.ej, the afflicted. i ; I wn ' : ' ply very s"ri,br tl.-s and Abyini3 Mi.' ing them uoh'4 I- AGENTl J. II Oates, Dn.L-t.C. ton; J. M. A: D: -. cord ; C. C. II -r ' Jan, l4,lr ;7 1 - K1 orn i "f ' cnart more than candor, when wun Ruiu nrepdmjr. KSitnE!he uP f U ted 'he Preat man to God. , There was a ament. anu small sc1ps nil nv . . . i- .. np cause whatever that W could nerei ! if" P eT 1 i? . 1S" r.L . ' . J i , t L. r r . perCHVo. i v. nt ibe rpClta . Under such eirrtirn:tnn. "?.s resemoiQitnose ol a duck.as iK... ijl' k IV. ' .i .tJ .r V, - ccs. oi me siniiiiiin;uiuiiiit ui iui nurcn. 1 and every heart thrilled with solemn iov un and tlnwtii: Ir nr, n" 'e mercnui atm gionous covenant Wholesale Booksellers and Stationers. No. 9. Xorth Fourth St., Philadelphia, 11. n i i I . ...nl . . I W W..W...S. MB' l i, -to U A I Tf HUllll : r IXI' constant '.V UIl h-!.ll. a very ex'eil-:.e..i Hiim-u ui wiivn- aim , r.. - r- ; rr-j 'T-jU t (: ed and usual v pur -i.ised for country sales ; which they will i-tKl on as tuvorable terms as the articles canoe .. purchased in thi citv. New oik, or b.:n. i . .! , Having an e.c!- ve Bindery connect-. I with thr-ir etabiishmit.Vy are enabled to supply orders for all the .dretJi, waicH varieties of Blank' Vork. in the best manner, and at the shortest nvSice. . helpless nJ I -; ' 7 j , y-,7 , ' . f t , . skill of physician : Banks, and Clerks of i-punt y ourts, j that they cou'J ' will find o .- Blan'i Hook eq ul. if not s-i;rior t - any t'.iv hive eer hod in u??. and orders by Country Mer- .j Pills, asjpn ar.ti-1 chants -'li lw promptly amended to. Particular ntte.uion will jTilsn he paid to nil orders, through Country vailed ; tl l Merch'intn or by mail, for Law, Medii?il, and Miselan'oes Book?, for puh-ie and private Libraries, and no effort 1 tues surpass all t . -. i i l . . l . . . i ' i i . i . . . 1. 1 . . . . - . . i ii.i:.,,U:-.J T"L ...i wiii oe s;iiiea to coiniiie-.e an sucu orjers, on ine mo-: re.i.ii,jL:r lej-nis. i j country aea.er- win ikkj u i" hth . iru. me advantage to call and examine our lare tock, before making their purchases. April 30, lb47. fc.PPea ,io . pos in a storm., but in. . "1. .uLtni . 7". sd ofturningiiuhesocketsthey wo rfc I u i ' r T ' J y i,hfx.r..r rj.--- ti . j111 J nrk when tb. merciful and slorious covenant j . - ... was sealed, "lin t hp name of t he Father, and of the .Son, and of the Holy Ghost." f That jict AVill W publicly ratified at the yisitaioti of the Bishop, on ihe.third Sun- ! darn July, in the! Apostolic ri!e of Con-' firmation, ; .t j ' ; ' , L ; ; . ii r -.What a noble xiud powerful recommen dation of Christiftnifv-tn the world ! tn sre this great Did ani thp: greatest; rnah of his day, fWall thb vigor of intellect, and pi IT-A le,.er.writerof,he New York Journal of tom. ', , ,m'rn' tltay "'e visiters at West p0 pxsmination, resolved that fien. Cass e Ihinortic . andidite for. tli pr,; oadnatured'whi tTre-UiHt m tndefmite in its. crth and vWtedIn its color. After vou xam. c gaana.generallvand nn.tTiK. vou that fit ends of liz- the cone us.on is forcedlupon v Was mad out of thft n,lll B,,f. " Point i,tr,hf bte afds. buttcrflie,. snakes and conf r- j I inretl.hngf or animal, that tevcr lived.? Si jlj LEVER WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. HO?E who wish to nnrehnp? CaOld 2111(1 Silver Wntnho. will find it irreatlv tn their nAvnfrr tn JL to call on the subscribers',' who are selling at very reduced prices. They have just received and have, con stantly on hand ; ' . Fine and Fasltionablc Stock-of Jewelry and Fanny Articles of tverr Description, whkK will be soil tow. for cash : and warranted to be as renresRniid. or the monev retnmed. "Watches. Clocks and Jewelryj repaired in the best manner, and warranted for tweimonths. . Lepine and plain watches altered t ion at xneir new rsiaoiiMiiuciii vy Cash ui4 for "old silver. Jr". ardency of fiVlin1 bendime tbo Knf-hpLl'pa-nle,r'r:'': A'r. repectfuljy infixed b .call ani ejtatnjoe iber 6ne selection - v: Ilbre God nd Wh' S TrlVti 5 W rP'V0 C. C. Wheeler's Drag Store. hnd one door above J. &. -Marphy C . . prtijon, nnd ith the simplicity of a ltt;t; IW.nrApriMC, l?7-.tf50 . x; Hi f-i-j Li wean. L their use, not by ! : weakneis, the i.: They r-r,u'r? r, ' Plain directior.s is his own coi::; ' '' Thej Pi j gents jjrii every t- u ' highly rrrft ai Ennis?,,.'-a!.,-'J'' ; W. Hoiyyef . i ; J. Kridr & ' Important ;-VoTCI!Kl , . - ; ' ' ,; And in Li-c 4 ! i ! t r i M f ' . ( ' 1 1 ... M 1 ,