' 1 : i 1 .R ' ? - Term ol the Walchumu. Sj'iierip IJjt " n"1 f,tnJ ,nt. uvance, t wu ua ' r.fi:finrtrtcd at $l.fr -UkS J.h ,,Srfq it!)ri'rtion. Court oi 4 i"j?!,"r ,lu'' '- rtri- A 1 jo WU l-lvrrtia bihtf year, t'.... rh FJitor must be ftoptonicl. the first, nnJ 25 cts. Court orders charged liberal dedue- NA WATCHMAN. TlESD -1- ------ V EVt.Ili, FF.I!RI'1RV 15. i , i BRUNEIi, & JAMES, Ed pj-Thc following article trom the national p.which wc think worjhy of consideration. 'jin? " lc painM lnar 10 ce il,flucnl',al Pa (ti 0(1ho VVhlg party claiming about the difler- ,tsons ijioUcn of for the. Presidency. 1 o se- r success) and to r-vrj-c , we snouiu oe fH united.. Let, a compromising spirit ne UrUlieJ ah manifested oh all occasions. Let fori 4 Proprietors. Keep a check cms all tour Rclxks. Do this, ajtd Liberty is sirs Gen' I. Harrison. s NEW SERIES, NUMBER 42, OFIYQLuJie IV. commcnuVd:b y.cr.e ry se nt im c r. t nobles human nature." . MI hold the maxim no les to public than to private affair esty fs the best policy." The words of George Wra'.; now thrown away as of not!, i and the.words.of Sam licit ' treasured up among the prcci of u Democracy T SALISBURY, N C. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1848. SALISBURY i ! i Is one of thd ojdest Towns in the State ; and although it was never distingushed for any great events, jt still possesses some interest. D aririg the revolution Cornwal lis marched through it, and we believe, stonncd a short time ; so did General i:H,hrt 0,,r noMo cause rise far above ! Greene, whdn on his way to take com- SoMthern Arm', after Gates disastrous deleat at Camden. thought this article necessary, to jet the people at a distance know that we are not retrograding but advancing. And if ever IRELAND A wruL The benevolent exertions : an WHIG NATIONAL CONVENTION. ! Department. It is "difficult, then, to imagine pecuniary sacrifices made by' uore isooth during the past At a Mee,iK oTtbe Wmo M.mbehs of ,he iiar aid ZVC'ZZ "W f"s!'.!" l! u;mL, :. . " J. :. 7 J uon o ne English public. . rinainnrni inn tt'iin inn rrtnr iitapo rerj.c. ,.r..w..r.w., r. r. v l",0imand oi the j broad tin::!. I.. jj Oil", " l'"r-V1" "'Y V-UlllillJ) IliriVtlW Ul ji,' we jrpul and wilj succeed. Such a f forbearance shall pur actions display. ill ik : not; jetrivlifg to elerate certain men to .yytj, hut jo pure unadulterated Whig Prin fA. Wp :aro not.whojthc nominee of the riF' ",u o vunjenuon, ' so nc sianus up platibrmorth Constitution of his 03 W fun.'r'' 'rfcfci '8 all wo ask, and it is all that ,iu!(i bftiuired at his hjinds by the Whigs .'nVportion of the Uuioh. It isienounh. " - , , -r 1 iDo oincr A pretty incident tooli place on his arrival. He put j up at the Tavdrn, kept by the mother of Steele, she asked him how he Was, he answered her he was wet and cold, and wi hout money. When he was about to leave fhe next morning, Greene inquired wht blis bill Avas. Mrs. Steele answered, cofmd in here General, (inviting him into another room) and handed him jnrfaat platform he Coiintry is safe and up- j a bag of gold cjoin, telling him, in a man- In a upon it let us stand or fall, i ner, characteristic only ot wpman, to ap propriate it to the use of his army .VlVClUI) TQ. WMKi FRIENDS. Whilst ftvirsclves studiously abstaining from &cua9tn&'"U,P' relative claims of citizens pro jMtfor tlle'craat oflice oj President of the U. ae4'it cannot; bo supposed by any one that te ireunohsVjrvant j-pectatibrs of. what is pass- narcuna uiUu reference, to the approaching i .1 L t 'li .1 r.i - ... also passed through in 1791, ! we believe, and lives somewhere in the INFORMATION WANTED ! l For some time past, our exchanges, from the North have been injured to such an extent by being brought from Raleigh, by way of Pittsborough, on horse-back, that many of them are entirely Useless. We have seen whole bundles emptied out of the bag, in a manner destroyed, on ac count of the want of good water proof mail bags. This nuisance ought; to be remedied, or the Contractor held respon- Qen ! sible. The contractor's name is Neicland, Washington from his tour through the Southern States, During the last war with Great Brit ain, aaiisDUry f was a conspicuous rc- Gen. James Wellborn, cruiting statipm of Wilkes County, was for some time sta- :uotef. IJeVirous above ajl things of the sue- tioned here with-a large body of troops ; 2( the! WhU candle whoever may be d . . J presented an excellent jerilfoCliat distinguished post ot honor and i i J J l rf-aAeau, as partes are now classed ; state of dtscijpHne under his command. nfcharacteiicd, we consider the salvation of Since then it has slowly advanced in im- KfrT(I,i,.,l.,n'm !ho Hlternatrves of Auar- J portance unt 1 the present time. Now it :y or PelpotHrn U depend upon the event of : - , t i r , wrt,,;,; rr.sld.n.lal Uortinn- .h.ii s one of the mpst important places in the ike care iot to jeopard the success by crea ?cln'srrjS. among the Nyhigs themselves.- lit of n j sbal we be foqnd joining any com baatUn ofzealoi)s.. partisalis whose purpose is oru'or break yr; the party. Nor shall we UfiiKer led Or driven mid a controversy with xV$cf!rtj)3.,: sho'qld theyl even, in pursuit of ipsie darling pbjeclL'of their own, chancejafor ;?!', in thrt bjiiid no is and deafness of their zeal i"hatlhcy onVo to themselves and to us. WWd tllat all our brethren oflho press would iit-fi the same course, which a long cxperi- nee prescribes to us, ofatoiding harsh reflec m atrd vnidictivo retorts, as well noon the vraT eminent men s poke n of for thc'l'rcsi- nf;yf as iipo1!! one another! Vhat it i a!-, liii the power of flic opponents of Mijurula by which the country has been iCCcf in ,it$: present, false position,nd sur (iml(fl wjili dangers the more annallinrr be- ie .as yet bny seen darkly, to elect a Prcsi- 'ut.nuer whoteadimnistration iho country uyU rescued, and the Government restored to the Rail Road is built, we expect jto see I United States, held on Thursday evening, Jan. ! In conclusion, I would say that it has iven i i S C" lh,S ?entlah s rev. featisbury become one ot the largest and i ary 7th, 1848, tq consider the propriety of i me great pain to be brought into the position I i! ,llurn i nis resiaencc ai i. most important places any where I South i "-ecomrnending a Whig National Convex- in which I now find myself with regard to the j f" COUni ,f SlS atftcr, an : of the Potomac V We also hone at some ! T' thS Uo"Y' Mangunj. of North Car- j Department of War and the government. It J Weks fin oi me roiomac . we aiso nope at some 0i,na was ca11ed t0 the chajr? an( FJon Caleb hag not been of geekinfT Tq h ex death has been formally passe;! "fcM4W 3 lv Fuu"ou ralft "etc, mj iuiuj, ui muiana, was appoimea secretary, i lent oi my ability, and the mans placed at my ' 11 c I'omcu on ounuav giving an account of all that traWpires. I 4fter discussion anddue deliberation, it was ; disposal, ! have sought faithfully to serve the ! Pce of public worship in his i ixctviicu, mat u is expeoieni to noia a , couniry by carrying out the wjhesand instruc- neignoornoou. Whig National Convention for the purpose of lions of the Executive. But it cannot be con- ; I Roscommon, too, the INt ( f nominating candidates for the offices of Presi- cealed that since the capitulaiion of Monterey , ed victims is being daily ad Jc 1 dent and Vice President of the United States. ' the confidence of the Department, and I too i licitor, residing in the nci-L! And then the meeting adjourned for one rmuch fear of the President, has been gradually Boyle, has received, through t' W6A tu i , , withdrawn, and my consideration and useful- town Post-office, a threatcnir. ' On Thursday evening, 3d February, the . ness correspondingly diminished. The "appa- which the following is a cony meeting convened pursuant to adjournment, ! rent determination of the Department to placa : q- n, , 4. 4, .'.' when, after some general discussion as to the j me in an attitude antagonistic! to the Govern- Wlake notice, that it l time and place of holding the proposed Conven- ment has an apt illustration inlthe well known 6 to havc o write to you r. tion, Independence Hall, in the City of Phila. ; fable of Jsop. Bat I askno favor, and 1 poor c,,ents which to my own '. delphia, and the seventh day of June, were j shrink from no responsibility, j While' entrus. J'00 have robDed them; so thr r agreed upon. , ted with the command io this auarter. I shall mv duty to ,ook to them. Sir, . It was therefore Resolved, That the Whig continue to devote all mv enercies to the Dub- ' 'orm Jou that if you do not c jusuiy oy iieavens 1 win comp . It is my duty to do so ; therefore as a warning and a caution. , leave you as low as Major M: therefore, I will leave a place v theQueen's Bench, and also at t of Common Pleas, for another ; have honour and principle in 1.1. "Molly?: " Dated at my oflice, at Cast! The subjoined statement is cc; . Tipperary Vindicator. It would I the country were such ' instance j : and good conduct on the part of t!. ? more frequently to be recorded : W7estem part ol the State. It is the great thoroushtkre from North to South, and from East to West, and consequently there are always ajlajge number of strangers to be seen passing through it, and remaining for short peric d. It has a population of a bout two thousand, distinguished for their general good morality, and engaged in vari ous pursuits. There are four Churches, viz : one Pres byterian, one Methodist, one numerous con to erect Brushy Mountains. We wish he? would leave his mountain home and comedown and put those stages or hacks on the line which he is bound by the contract: to run during half the year. He is too far away too much out of the world, to attend to this business as it ought to be. 1 If he does not intend to make better; arrange ments, we move that he throw up the con tract, and let some one take it who will do his duty. It will be seen from the subjoined, that j complaint is not only made in this region, but all along the line. From the Raleigh Register. Carraway P. O., Randolph Co. Mr. Gales : Can any kind friend tell us who is the Contractor for the Mail route, passing through this place from Raleigh to Salisbury ? Is there any Contractor at all, and if so, from what region doth he hail, or is he, properly speaking; a Cos- Members of the Senate and House of Rcpre sentatives of the United Stales do recommend to their friends throughout the Union that a Whig National Convention be held at Inde pendence Hall, in the city of Philadelphia, on Wednesday, the 7th day of June, 1843, lor the purpose of nominating candidates for the offices of president and Vice President of the United States. On motion it was ordered that the proceed, idgs of this meeting be published in the Na tional Intelligencer, and that all the Whig pa pers itrthe United States be requestad to copy them. After which the meeting adjourned sine die. WIL1E Pi MANGUM, Chairman. Caleb B. Smith, Secretary. lie good looking for my reward to the conscious ness of pure motives and the finkl verdict of im partial history. j I am, sir, very respectfully. your obedient servant, Z TAYLOR, Maj. Gen. U. S. A., commanding. Hon. W. L. Marcy, j Secretary of War, Washington. The message and accompanying letter were laid on the table and ordered to e printed. Mr. Barrow moved .that 10,000 extra copies of the message and accompanying letter to be printed for the use of the House. Mr. Holmes of South Carolina, moved that 15,000 extra copies be printed for the use of the House. The motions to print extra conies lie over! " On Sunday morning last the . .1 . u ! r . r ii- i i t - From the Wilmington Chronicle. AN ATROCIOUS SENTIMENT. At Tammany Hall, in the city of N. Y. ! Houston, United States Senator; from Tex- as. in the course ot his remarks, refrr. Episcopal, atidjone Lutheran, all in good , mopolite ? Is he a winged messenger of repair except tiie last named, and we un- j the upper regions, or does he travel oh derstand, it i$ contemplated by the very I wheels? The Mail has been conveyed on mis rouie ior some iime on norse-DacK, is congregation that worship there, "orse-oacK, , Secretary o War,'' n ., i. T. i t while we have been positively assured M , f. a newi buildinsr. It has one Cot- .u u - .u r i ' honor to submit herewith a copy o a new uuuuiu . ni , rrom the beginning, that a Coach, Stage, referred t0 T4ie lellcr from U.S i nrv 1A p vnnrf.hHSw hvourtowns- ; ,.4,- r., i , reirrtu io. -i-m, leucr irom ims.j i. rw ! under the rule. LLl i tiK fKUM liL.iN. 1 A l L.UH. The Speaker on the 4th laid before the House of Representatives, a message from the Presi dent of the United States, communicating the fbllnwincr dnfMimpnts frnm thp War Dpnurlmpnt in compliance with a resolution of the House 1 thefe Was a reat " War Meetfng" on the of the 31st ult ! 29lh ult' 0ne tno speakers was Gen. i War Department, Washington 1 l o -ioj- To the President of the United States : rinS to the first settlers of. this ountry, he ; y"u. leyThcnToveabTcan ! - Sir In compliance with your directions to ! said ; " From lhe nrst moment jthey land- j which the intrepid Kenna insiani? be furnished -with " a copy of Gen. Taylor's ed, they went on trading with the Indians, 1 and ,he marauders seeing such a . .1 i .. l . it . 1 fltlt.1 ITIVO .1 f i nnnneilinn inl r...:.l..i il.. ..!..! answerio me letter, uaiea January 'Zi, 1W47, viiijv i i.jr mem out oi tneir land. "rrr,,"",i,,u "a""s iuuiu-i- was, addressed to den. Taylor by the Hon. ) iow, the Mexicans are nb better than In- I have the dians, and I see no reason whv! we should f the letter not no on in tb samp rnnrsp : nnw nrl vi a lannrr, namea ncnaei ivenn.i Ardcroney, got out of. bed to in?; cct as is hisisual custom, when three : had been watching in some of t!.: until he left, lhe house, came to tl.i ' their further advance was checked ! v dog, who attacked them furiously. I the interruption, ona of the party i! and was proceeding to burst in iho i Kenna, whom lhe noise had arous : !. gun, opened it himself, at lhe sar. t tonFaetorv.litblvnurchasedbvourtowns- .nma tUr. fnni .,!.. 1 re,tirrea l0- leuer irom ims. department take their land , , rf rxjl ouiwo wi.jv.t - . nivi vwuicyauc, nf F lon..r- IS 17 I, K,.f i tn h smrtpji nhnnt thp first rit novt I ' . , , aUi of rectjtude, prosperity; and true glo- l'v Ark tlti n'ililrjiii n ... .-. 1 .1 I.. I 'I " " . . VIHHWIII 1 IIIUIJIUIll 3 UIMIUI, iilj,V.ori.K tire Avith us. I Union and concert 1 racoon atrVo'ng; all who. entertain tho same niqir that Kvo do oflho necessity of a change UiwmnistraUon in tlic Uovcrnment is all that CftK'd tOjCiiiUie the attainment of the ob- TvH)bject, however, wfa'cannot if we would conceal Iroin purse Ives or ur readers, may be nelMj lV a War -rimmi" l ic liiitu iliimili'pa carried. on by the journals which repre- ttcprciercnce! ot I heir conductors each ivcia 111 cicui iiuuiui,io. ... ... - . i . ,11 -f, . c r mous visitor make his personal appear- i til more than a month and a half after the res There is also m Branch ot the Bank ot : Ktlf ,1(i,u ! n:.. . .u j :.L Cape Fear here, D. A. Dayis, Cashier : j ance Gen. Taylor, was answered, and Congress had and one Printing Office, viz., the Watch- i Wh What wonders time can produce ? In ' adjqurned. mi . f .1 1 iMr. 1 . i a. i' : 1 r man. Thereare iwo oi me Desi; jliolis i t suori pi;f. ui tunc, nave come irom kept here in the State or in the Southern ; a splendid Coach and four, down to an old , J j -1 1 t 01 t ,1 ; Horse, moving sometimes on four legs, ' country, one of John 1. Shaver, liSq., ahd . , 0 . . jje J J ..-.?. and sometimes three. (Jur nrocrrpss is on-' 11J ' me u.iu-i uy vv. xx. x.. nu.uo, war(j9 but downward, les, sir, in a land the weary traveller may, at any time, sa- ; Gf liberty and of civilization in a land tiate his hunger with the best (and done ! noted for the diffusion of knowledge in up in the finest style) that the market af- ; a land where the arts and sciences are fords. We h ive never vet heard a stran- ! cultivated, sad to tell, we are yet on the Very respectfully, Your ob't servant, W. L. MARCY. ,VDQURRTERS ARMY OF OCCUPATION, Agua Nueva, March 3, 1847. be upon them, took ta their be' nephew and brother, both of h ; are about 300 or 400 yards from ; came to his assistance, and cotnr:. . pursuit, which to lhe credit of the : hood, be it said was cordially ji:; the neighbours and the inhabitants houses by which they passed. Af" CODY three miles, the from the W'ashington Union.) j ing two of the party, whom they w - j To say nothing of the calumny on the ing to IJorrisokane, when a party cf j I memories of the men who colonized New up, and offered to take chart of t; England and Virginia, what an atrocious a"d handcuff them, which the Ken line of conduct towards the Mexicans is anf led the prisoners theunclvcs to I' i here advocated. And by. whom ? By a ; vagabond who prowls about in midnight !" darkness to plunder his neighbor's premi- ( Kv n nnt.hnnsp hrawior li-hn I-n mv J l " ... v. wwniiu.. I'ridewell. The ihird person h The names of the Iwo in custody a and Foley, both inhabitants i f Jl .n The happy result, in this instance, i- toether to the constant exhortation- -xi, j - u t downward tendency. Shall we remain : :',,.,! w,u?" w.ttS u uy myseii io ; iuuu.h.-ukuuimihicw.u.iu !ir ihe repression of crim: cn iMlhistraling the danger to be apprehend- ; ger speak of fhem than m the most ex- j a eat crisi m this?r Shall Major General Gaines, should have been pub- the votes of the wise men of Texas, have ; cf its inefficiency as a measure cf aIm? own particular candidate, illustrating 'he danger to 1 M irom lhlS0rrtT We mav be a lowed. v ! trai-flrrant nraiKP. i . i .. lislied. ' t -jj- i i. , '. - "Tr t we caimiy ioiu our arms, anu witness me v,.. . i ,. i . without oflence, to uidividua ize the City ti.o iLncoron lrrri cjtnroc lrfnt i r n f M i Although your letter does not convey the di- ,n vi '.. ; '' J c ii.M 7 1 here are also seven large otores, Kepi ; downfall ot our institutions, in silence? . r.u r . i c.l r .Vnrk.? Iha c.ty can I oa.t of several h.g t.T c. r X' .. T n, . B : . . ncr r i ' ' rect censure of the Department or of the Presi- ; vo, coudUclvd with an ability unsurpassed J' U,-P" W1,ll"uc,s' , "3 ".v,u uu' l,cn dent, yet, when itistaken in connection with the ' ."."-.tii1 . ' ( . . i c Jiil.in T-..1 c rl lf ( a thi wntnr from n mnnnlmn tnrro n t ! 1 r i . .1 1 . r. .. ..... b..v.wb revival 01 a paragrapn in tne regulations ot our voice shall be heard, until its grunting j 1825, touching the publication of private let is as harsh as the concussion of iron bars; ters concerning'operations in the field, I am ! and when all these shall fail, We will 1 not permitted to doubt that I have become the 1 stand, and stamp upon the stage, Until it subject of Executive disapprobation. To any j shall tremble beneath our tread. 1 don t : expression ot it coming with the authority of; Sir T havp. had lh hnnnr tn rprnirA vnnr SeS . . j a;ct i. ... ...L communication of January 27th, enclosing a "u'u umvec i wnji ij n.s own CftKn parish priest (the Rev. Michv newspaper slip, and expressing the regret f and what is another & ? Ao, by neither trhis people to put down disturUr' the Department that the letter copied in that i or these, but by one whom to the dis- ; Meanwhile tho hostility lo th sienna sriatyjy any part of our country. 'Ajvihty jcould not Ttaij to exercise an irre yifs- power, within the sphere of their circu Brown Elliott, Jenkins & Roberts, M. Brown Son, l"G. W. Brown, Boger and Maxwell, doirig business to the amount ol about 8250.0C 6 or $300,000 a year, whole- nln rnthii' A kn tvvn Timer SfnrP53. ..i u.. i..J.t. c. t .i nu-ffi., I t t nv lnr nn tV,o rAnl,;f! the President. T am bound hv mv Hut v. n1 hv ! party will gainsay him (. V ho of his po- Correspondent oi the rhiladel uwnuu uy urciw n James, itnu uaiiiu viwv . . m vvunu,viui,ii : t - -j -j ; -j . r t ,. . . ; . . ; . . 1 ! . . , . I ! k k ; oil o..;.,.,U mv rpsnftr.t fnr his nffirft nalientlv tn snhmlf lltlCal COnlererS Shall haVC the llldcpen- A mpTifian. vritp n fnllnvv! ci Locke. One neat andcenteel Jewelry ltl ? "c " . ""t4a,lcfa' L C:..iV LI A I ' w '. - . : .i -.t .1 ...u -i .i 1 inn. kn iriv siinrifK Kiifiuiii iik rnnsinipn nin , ...j a tacit admission of the grounds and conclu Five Boot and Shoe Shops carried on by Thomp son & Beard, ati connexion with the Tan- isJthe Contractor, and what does the con- j tract require ? If he is bound td run a Hack, why let the law be enforced. The i;'onc-lJuLiLte ifnlbrtunately a fact which. $'gH the'; stalq of ihingsjis of long exigence sinevoi before worn so alarming an aspect U tnee journal s instea( of being in concord M Kifinonvi are uenerallv eniraired in des- ' Utfrf onfllct with one another, now noon ono iKitt and now upon another, which now ' Store owned ly Boger & Wilson. rrn in turn '.upon a tlillcrenco of opinion be eruhcin as to the political claims and merits IM cit'ucrjs: who have boii spoken of a3 can M fur Jhe I'lesidcucy. IJjton this point nr content iiuiii is even rnpre acrimonious than ? and irjore ominous ojf evil to the party. hi hill v'Jw of this .Mate of things, we sub. ith ihh. grtkaU'fl doftfreuce, to our breth- ! n the Whli! press ot New York, that " fajorne! and bi(lrrnA nnrl nliillfv trf iilif :l E V:?mMr?er: -r." ;.!:- AY:,!. UPanddoinS. If there be aW remedv, I a3 a familUr on,, written .o an old military -VJV.I..I u.5hiiS.jimii-u nis wno nave i Nhons. owneu DV A. v.iuis, a . x-iuivcui, , . , , iT 0- 'f Mmt, L ilm Pr,i,L,, ,u:. 1 omTs' u"cu ) ' ,. (let it be sought and applied. G. L. G. . . . Afrs. vRSt. arid A. LverlV. l wo oaauie made a conspicuous man, a mn of note ; is daily becoming more manifest. for the time being, a Senator of (Heaven ; from the magistracy o! the X save them !) the United States, lie is, too. a great man among the " Democra cy." He is a bright star of theirs, a trusty councillor, a leader, lie presided at the late meeting in Washington which fixed the time and place for the " Democratic National Convention." And who of his Tipperary is in the course of siivi . t ; 1 r . - u n cuing ine inauetjuacy oi me Uni, .. for stronger powers. This ftip, it i be followed by Petitions generally f; counties of Ireland. Tlic Fremont Trial. The Y the indepen- American, writes n fnllnw; ? dence to rebuke him, openly and publicly ? . -T . . , . Nnt nnP. wr oninP. On the contrary. You - B" M',,,slmi " people on this route, have been most ning business jinu M. L. Brown; who al- I shamefully treated. The tyo parallel i r,,. ni,;l so carries on fjie Tanning business, lien- ! routes from Raleigh to Salisbury were, Ir. th firgt piacef lho published letter bears rv Miller, J. Ilefler, Wm. Lambeth. One ; Ior feome "P commuieu io upor, its face the most conclusive evidence tnai n.u:n Shnn hwnw hv Wntsnn iV: Kow- V" ' " TV "w : 11 was inienaea omjr ,orria..r wau""'1 jwi-iv -v 1- j Uouht. r.aretullv tostered. theothfir was as nt all for nub ication. It was nuh ished with 1 . J 1 . ' 1 . , " " " I . . . I i ii.tniii.'MDii ui ikitz "ruuiius aim i-inii'in. nut wml. uuuic. vu ...... . , . , - , .. . . .. . , t i ii ' i 1 i ...nj k..!.i sue oi tne 1' rcmont Lourt .Alar: sions sei lonn in your communication, I deem i snail see me speecn exiouc-u jiur press- w n w t wo tn mv.oir t c,.u;. ra, r k;. o.V nnd its " natrintir" spnti. wnolc case and finding arc i femarlls in reply. I shall be pardoned for : ments most lovingly bepraised. ; the 1 resident. He will ponder There once dwelt in these United States ; ,w u M. w'f uwuu uia ur., a man wno bore the name ot ueorge w ..i.i. uv.,iw,..t. Washkctos. When about to Jay aside ture ?r VJe testimony leads tr. iiiciL luc Louri roil vir:ii (i r .:: lev v.cr the robes of ofTice, and to pass into that j na,1. ine ,url nas conY -i ;.. i i I - - j , w... . ... i - - ----- i rot l fo m nnt ithiih hu cn mnnh rtroT fl no ' . . x, .. v, vk v.u.v. zee. Tour jailor Shops, conctucteo Dy carefully neglected. What say our friends j out my knowledge, and contrary to my wishes. . , . . rnnntrvmpn ap(r(lP in hl ed to try him upon the tc&timo;. 1 ! H. II. Beard, G. L. Gould, B. F. Fraley, of Pittsboroughagainstthisstate of things? Surely, I need not say that I am not in the hab- I 10 Farewell Address From thit ' G"' we know that cvidt : rilh i nnH Tho, .Dirison. Four Confectionary If they feel agrieved as we do, let us be it ofj writing for the newspapers ? The letter llll Li t l 1 ed as the most vital by the dd ntiort maV, it assembles, be placed in ! "glarprtfticamcnt k not fidin" one of! and Harness Establishments, carried on by W. II. Moivbray, and W.7. Plummer. v'f i nuii:iu inert tMi'.ilir.'illi tnrviii..n m. , t.u oi u.. 'will all bv that xi-'C: . ' : Une 1 tn anu oppersuuia ouoF, . .... - . uci-ij kiiicu on, II Mn, . .In. I... tl. . i t ' O3 The attention of the public is di ital by If my conjecture ! cannot discover how the Prt P Candiili in ai hv il.n .1.1 Ivl V 7- v '"garaging recnmina- or meresses ot ttajr 0Wll par,v. -There is one ?con side ration vrVicli if the en- . o, lueir ir.enus nere and elsewhere have r in hierice, ought to hate some weight . :,k 'c w i nrk iirni n rn ; i j i h c . . . T, j .a iina . eince all 3o ItlOArlnr Ijiimj In tlin ... P.. I . Hiirnariw nr i,.. ,..., .1. ,1 r... . 9 i 'j, mia( vvmi nyu iui tttuuui receive nomination for P M rt cmA n K A Uer all. lift nreferred tn lh ( ffCl ftnrl tat.r. . i T 7 I n w uuu ouu Tetfihw l.flr.,v,... ..Li. .u... hu i M'v'u--uiiw iuyv.il iuai is now saia fniVlfrW ' .- ,Vn.'L TU C?- l' l1. hn jtrr!vH ntill UyS latCrTntMIiftlinen from T?U.w1 Mhe Continent, There has been a S4 derUrirt! aL.',ct. - tl . W Tl 1 'ftauiuiis. -iiiequoia- V-r tottDh are a !shade lower than u' c' 1Ii? money. market I ia an i.li. -v..i?.tl a-v . i . V-' t i arv tonuiiion. , un me who e intlt,i J i I- ... W. jn- a commercial point of RWyl favorable: The political - "4'ui interest. & Baker. Thtee Carnage Making; Jsv tablishments ip connexion with the Smith ing business, hjy J. S. Johnston, William Overman, Smith & Jacobs, and N. Brown; also another Staiithshop, by Jas. Dough erty, famous throughout this part of the State, and a gireat portion of the adjoin ing States, for shoeing horses in a-manner, unsurpassed. jTwo Groceries, or in other words, dram shops, by L. 'D.9 Bencini and H. W. Watsotl. There are sixteen families residing in Town by the name of Brown, numbering seventy-two in all, and to be found scatter ed, in any nurnber, over the; County. Salisburj', i withal, quite a pleasant place, and would be still more sbf if every man, who is ab;lc, would take the Watchman- and pay for it. . By the way we would remark here, that our Merchants do not advertise enough. If thfey did, we would not have mf V fiict of authority which led to t! sant proceeding ; from which t yet grow very serious conse, matter how the trial may be i! Aildrpss: in fnrmftr vp.ars. deemed in hn. -- ..- j -- . , Ik -ii i f nrprrnlpn. triend, with whom l nave tor many years in- ; ti.i.wi. .. ... v c . . u i : l " .,i.;t- fYf rapts ! i lerciiageu op.u.uus u pro.c.oua, 8uujrciS. f. , , ... ! annrnv thi Kentrnrf. fnr hn r That he shou d tnink proper to, under any cir- y-i an mo uisijusuiuus miu iwuus , , . . - ., , : r r j i... i L 1 anv hoiiv else, is rcsnonsible l - -nmiionfAe in nu i ish it. run d not nave neen wnir.n ieau io me noimcai nrosneruv. re- . ' j : . . . . . vuiiHiuiivvw, " I I r - - reeled to the advertisement of Krider and foreseen by me. 1 ligion and morality are indispensable sup- Mallett to be found in this paper1. Mr. ! In abse of Prf !at ,h? P"?110? ports. In vain would that man claim the . , . 1 i ! was made with my authority or knowledge, 1 tribute of patriotism, who should labor to jvnuer is a. iianc ui m.s a.m a : may be permjued to say, that the quotation in subvert these great pillars of human hap- F ImoInACD Q Vl 1 1 1 1 rt anil ft t1 ! ll. 1 A . . ltt tVA DIT V, r t wa A on1 filliall-i no r . .1 . f . I ' 1 . 1 III CI it-Kfl UUOllIWOiJ. U11VU1U lAllJT v VU Vll ; JUUr 1CIICI UI lllf CIA UUUUItu anu HHK-lH I'll I - izens wish any business transacted for agranh of the superseded regulations of 1825, in wuicn ine terms iiiicuievous auu uisrace ful are employed to characterize certain letters of reports, conveys, though not openly, a meas ure pf rebuke which, to say the least, is rather harsh, and which many may think not warran- ft jt -I Vr ka nramlefla - A froin T ni VP oarpfilllv was held in New York, on Saturday eve-1 exained the letter in question,and I do not ning lasi, anu rcsoiuiiuus auupicu, cu - aamii mat u is oonoxious io ine oujccuons ur- them in New York, we respectfully refer them to Krider and Mallett, DC3 A very large Loco Foco meeting piness, these firmest props of the duties of n n n r I Aili.Anp r I A .mat.Al nJ i rtl 1 n anu wiuciio. i ub iiitu iiuitviaii, men Git no Pain Breathe no srr." not a word give nolan eiprci' n tenancc that will offend another, cr in" of the course of the Administration, ged in your communication. I see nothing in . , . . ,:: nnA niA,lf;nn nf I it which, under the same circumstances, I would in regard to the origin and prosecution of. not WrU'e in To , that it wil ive equally with the pious man, ought to re- snect and cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connexions with private l i"4'" " - nd nK!i Mntv " f sensitive hearts, which a word, a V IIV4 I'UI'IIV IVIivi" j "Observe good faith and justice to wards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all. Religion anil moral ity enjoin this conduct ; and can it be, that good policy does not equally enjoin of ;oy ,bal JtSer on a plca.int c 11 ; 11 iu uc vuiiii i ii nc;i vinigui- even fill to the brim wiih sorrow, careless ol lhe opinions of GiL'-r1, that ihey are differently constitute ! self, and never, by word or sign, c ow on a happy Lcait, or ihrow I . . " - " - I o .w- - j w the war. All the speakers were import-1 the enemy valuable information, touching our ened, and (at no distant period) a great ed from Washington, the most cohspicu- ; past jr prospective line of operations, is to know Ration, to give to mankind the magnani- Honor to General Scot I. T:. r ... i c?,.f trnofUn o nrl vervllitttle of the Mexican sources of informa- 1 rn r.A inr. nm-pl nirnmfilp of i T'nnl. House of Delegates have pav OUS Ol wnoni wcic wuawu T . l .1. 1: : a e. V.T: r.. . . . . . uon, ior 01 meirenruuiuiuaij aci.j- uu ia. aiWavs cuiueU bv an cxaiieu lusuce anu ution. unanimously, voting a Foote. cilities in keeping constantly apprised of our benevolence. Who can doubt that in the 03 The Iowa Legislature will, it is movements. Annrcn f timn nnH ttiinfC tbS fruits of Legtsmture will..... ; A l0 m, plrlicular view. In regard to the - lan would richlvreDavUiiv tern- U. b. benators at tne general policy to be pursued pornry rRUVRr,tagcs which might be wilh a suitable inscription, to ? cral Winfield Scott, for his rc: ces in Mexico. - - 1 thought, choose no u. o. oc.itu.s pnera. pqiicy i - i - u, advantages which might be lost present Session, A Resolution to fo into - ! by a steady adherence to it i Can it be. - joint ballot for the choice of Senators was , , . J conspituous officer of the na- ; that Providence has not, connected the Commodore Ridgely, r.f the L . . . . . 1 n . TT ; L' iliL 1 i .. i nrmununf Foliitc aI a Xatinnl With WS atc ilicd latt niorl At li-.m!:n laid on the table oi tne nou5etou iuc lxiii ; vy the publication ot wnose opinions is not , v ( --j.--- - - ''.I r. .ij . , r k:- virt n T Th pinrr ment. at least is rc- citr of Baltimore, after a hn'rin r i nernans ODsirucieu uy uhj iei;matiuuj w ui ....-w . --i r t - t t! f