: 1 "4- 77i l "Si i : :-! .1 : I . : - : :-: rl : ' . -.j ' : ' j - r- there's jjonicthiu? good in every Heart. i BV TdfJPuM A. GOCLD. I . I ..lrr 11...'. .1... ,.i-mieSinilieu waiwt'" n it. . i I : !.. i..rl r : Fnm rice a onu ""r"u " ' ' I r . .1. .. I. .-, . .1-krfil Mt not atrowii iuj w.f 'Twill odj l"t fierceness to lht storm , Deal kindly in bosom dark iinjM M virtue's glimmering 'park ; j . jt'lead with him 'lis tlie nobler part 1 TlifrejaWncthing good in every heart ! firing to' his mind the early time, IVtr tin hp J stained hi ul with crime ; NVt fond afltft-iwi hissed his hours Arid atreVfd hisjyo" P"h with flowers ; Wjieri sj)tive jest, and harmless glee , tlrlipoke n spirit pure and free ; J I'lead with 'lis the nobler pirt ! i There p pome own g Thrre wiia lime thai heud did rest Clu 4 Wotl!er'8 y,arninS hreast A fane hU' ear the precept? caught 'A lnd antf virtuous father taught ; l matters fiot what treacherous' ray llrft lureUjhis steps from 'virtue's way : Ilnjogh to1inoW thou yet may'st save a.fsout from Bin's engulphing wave. HlMeaJ with him act the nobler part 1 There's something good in every heart ! f. back inquired when the boat would, leavp for'Ncw Orleans. From their appearance, trip! Icantain suspected that they were gamblers. - He told them he thought his boatf would noi sun mem, as mere was quor on bond, and he kept tne oao. I. The cents debarked without fur- no hut the ilelay. : On Sabbath afternoon I prea- chedi to avery attentive congregation. He Uok so roc pains to Send notice to the pcooje in the village. Before dinner, a pcrim of coarse exterior, and as uncouth annersr came into the cabin, anu m- Itl if he could shipiis hogSi He was fried that no shipping'- was allowed ib Sabbath. The tnan laughed, at the idea, I sUpposn of a steamboat refu singlfreight. Weil," said the hog man to thJ I sh told Him that he would stop at the land ing where the hogs were, and that he wouM then tell him the price ; and if he did riot like his terms, he need not shin. in m quir info on t t . ! THE SNAKE AND! THE WOOD- PECKEtl. We have noticed in.fdkiiy places a very Wicked and unprofitable practice,-? viz : boys or men. standing s4ktinel in orchards with a gun shooting woodpeckers. In a ny country, and particularly in ttis, where orchards generally are I so poorly taken care of, the woodpeckerfare of great ad vantage in the way of killing insects and worms. It was once thought tnat these birds pecked into the fruit tree for the pur pose of getting the sap ; if that! was the caselhey could, find trees in ourj woods of native growth, containing sap rriuchmore palatable than can be found in bur orch ards. -The fact is they hunt after and de strnvmnoh nf fVm vprmiii khft infoof on1 in m Captain, " what must I pay you, ifi very many cases kiH our most! valuable tH with you r In reply, the captam j fhlit lrees When there -re orchrd3 verv i much infested with worms, the woodpeck 1 ers in all probability cajtnot save it, but I we have no doubt that;they haVe saved many an orchard by devouring the worms and insects before they came numerous. ! They are the open enemies of all noxious I reptiles. Not long ago we were riding by an orchard, and our attention was attracted by the incessant clatter; of some two or three dozen of these sap suckers. We knew from the nature of the birds that something unusual must be going on, and NE W PIRM I PES; BROWN & JAMES i - HAVING purchased the Drag Store formerly occu pied by J. H. pnoiss, would inform the public that they intend keeping at all tiniest a large and full assort ment of :- ' '' 'If ;'5' ' - : DRUGS, j MEDICINES, Chemicals, &c. Physicians may rest assured that they may. at all times obtain from them a pure and genuine article ; and fur thermore, that they will eelfas cheap, (if not cheaper) than any similar establishment in this section. Among their Stock Way be found the following viz: CHRONIC DYSPEPSIA I it From the Philadelphia Presbyterian. A SABljATII-KEEPING BOAT. Mr Editor In the days when the Church of Christ "is increasing her exer tions to propote a better observance of thelSabbatb, I hope the following corn-" murtrcition jwill not be uninteresting to vour readers. A short time since, I star ;tcd from Nqw York for Alabama, by what is called the western route, determined not i to! violate tho fouth commandmeht by travelling on the Lord's day. The first Sabbath 1 'spent in Cincinnati, where, owing; to the inclemency of the weather, I was jjetaijied till Tuesday evening. ?;Of ,the ninount'pf sufiering and destitution on ' the Oluo rivpr, occasioned by the late fresh et, yoij can form no conception. Dwell ing houses, barns granaries inundated in sonic cases entirely submerged ; and families left without houses or homes. - A man, witji his wife and child, came on board the boat which I travelled, and told . .rae that the plolhes they wore were all they had leat of their property ; they were un able to procure wagons to remove their provisions ajnd furniture. Besides this fa mily, (thcrej were two other passengers who i"crc- qnabloj to pay their passage. Onljlhc folltjvving Friday night I arri ved atj Cairp, and next morning I was in ibrmcti, by n, fellow traveller, that there Was a boat at the wharf which would start far New -Orhans in the afternoon; ; but,' said he, " I have been told she lies over on Sunday, and that don't suit me." ' ' Welj," said 1 'that is the very boat that suits tne' l went to the captain, and mentioned to him that ihero were three of urAvh i wished to travel with him, adding that 1 jad lijifd he did not run his boat on theSabballj. He promptly replied, " No, sir i thai, is u day I have no right to use." JIaviilg made his acquaintance, I after- jwardsj askeil ljim if h had advertised the ?Hunnibal as a Sabbath-keeping boat, lie said heihati not, and that he did not ' approve of i;uch a course. He is of opin ion that th4 impression has been made on the public, jhat there are some boats that keep yio Sabbath, not from principle, Ikit in theiboperand expectation that the relig- (bus community will patronize them, and that they yill be benefited by their observance-of the Lord's day.f And he thinks that such ah impression l is calculated to u.imped,' rather than promote, the object which ilhose who arc laboring for the con- sccraion of the Salbath have in view. lie said, " I hope I keep the Sabbath from . principle, and I have no claim on the pub lie forj o doing. lash no patronage ; I ' sec too additional'support for doing ivhut jfcclfobc ny duty." Ho" reasons thus : t -j Steamboating is my business, and it would be quite as consistent for a mer chantfto advertise that his store is dosed on Sajhba.tH, as for me. to publish that my . boat bes not run otv Sunday." Let me here femarjk that hisi daily expenses av ' ' cragc about one hundred and fifty dollars, no small pecuniary sacrifice to make once a. week. I I was sojmuch pleased with this gen tleman, ami his way of doing business, that, jl you allow me, I shall trespass on your hatieifcc, and on your columns, bv huvunjj some particulars, lie does not, ns some do who pretend to keep the Sab. The man insisted on knowing the freight then.Jand the captain as firmly refused to strikii a trade on Sabbath day. You may, perhaps, be ready to conclude that Capt iin Bacon is one of those austere char acter with whom you! sometimes meet, whojhvhilst they are truly pious, are not remarkable for their attention to the cour- . n . . - J . . wfi hitr.hpil mir hnrso anrl nrnb.f.p.rf.d oan He is one ot the most urbane and cour- i , , iU 1 . s fo h T , . r ' tiously to the spot. On coming inear we teoua-young men I have ever met afine J , -i i c - i Arn n(Lmo discovered a child, a little girl, asleep: we specimen of an independent gentleman;; n p ' und llhave no doubt that the influence of , c?u,d h5.ar olr ch,1.?n at a tytanee at bis example will be left ion the Mississip-! jiy' st,U loser savv?e t cf .Ho r uL i cause ot the birds uneasiness there wiln- pi. Or or proof of this, let me state the .. , r c . . t j. . . 4,;nii:- ,:il t:. ea up, anu striding at tne uirus as iney tiTQo n mimcf ap T rn iTol 1 1 n (T with rn. I or j II UO Lk. Ili41110kl iiitiviiiiig ...vu 14.4111. ; j v. l e invited him to preach, ana sent a no- 1 f , b the people in the neighborhood ; , b , i : j i s , 1 . ,, i . ' large stick, and unpercetved gotia stroke at him, and following it up with others soon despatched him. The child had been Alcohol, ! Castor Oil, Epsom Salts, Bals. Copaiva, Quinine, Peruv. or Red Bark, Blue Mass, Eng.) Calomel, Rhubarb, Jalap, Ipecac, Magnesia, Opium, Morphine, Hyd.1 Potass., Iodine, Lunar Caustic, Vials, (all sizes) itace (jringer, !D Medical prescriptions carefully prepared at all hours. ED. W. BROWN, - H.JAMES, Salisbury, Dec. 16, 1847 tf 33 Powd'd 44 Allspice, Pepper, (all kinds) Mace and Cloves, Cinnamon, Indigo Ai Copperas, Madder & Arnatto, Log and Red Wood, Starch, Fig Blue, Candles, (all kinds) Lemon Syrup, Sweet Oil, Lamp Oil, Matches dc Blacking, Mustard, (best) Leather & Carriage Varnish, &c, &c RESTORER OF THE BLOOD, ? ron and other diseases, ; Jceneral debility, decline, -diseases of the skin, of the liyfr.pf the lungs, coughs. Fever and Ague, bullous affections, etc. fnce, qt. bottles, 2 50 : pint do. 31 50. j L ,;; DEJURATIVE POWDER, For Fever ontTi Ague, Billiout Affeetionn , Inflammatory Diseases, Gratfl, Worms, Head-Ache or Megrim, Ful ness of the Ilekd, Dimness of Sight, tjc, which is to be taken in the Restorer. Price 50 cts. per box. Universal or Strengthening Plaster, for disease of the chest, pains, weaknesses, etc. 50 cts. ABYSSINIA MIXTURE, for gonorrhar-rt, 'gleet, fluor albus, graTel, etc. Price per bottle, $1 $ and 2 50. GOLD MINE BALSAM, An incomparable Tonic. 50 cents. These Medicines are of Dr. Kohl's own discovery, THE UNIO : - -Of litrrat::: ' . Edited by Zh,. ( . Author of A New lie::,-; filled with Contributions f.-r ' i t!i C The second relume com: l . lr, 1 At tlie conclusinn cf t' Mag&zixe, the pub'lier f .. I- ; knowledgement of hispfr i . corded to it by the pullic. I nnprecedenied ; and whi! h : cribe this in part to the mer ; t - denied thai public gooj-wi . bondantly demonstrated. 1 . t coontry have gien its voic" 1 I vor of the ncwapirant. To flag after this, would t th hope of the poblii-her t!.i; ; which belong to encce?3 wii ulated than slackened his ej r ofaeoiiable kind in the r t i make it available to the Un ci departments. He will cc r. l-- ns in Mezzotint, Line and Y. r r t i .i prepared by himself, and have been disposed of in this B. F.Childs, P. Loomi?, in. ,f community forabout ten years past, with unparalleled Matteson, whohos the sole i success. A great number of testimonials are in the pos session of his .agents, and may be seen by calling at their stores. We present here two specimens of them. From the Randolph Herald. Letter from J. :M. A. Drake, Esq., Clerk of Sup. Court, Ashborough, Nr C. t tice they . t - 1 : t ; at play with the rest, and necoming wea ried, had lain down and fallen ajsleep. attended so well that an appoint mentpwas made for a second service. In the afternoon the cabin was filled ; and amongst the hearers who were present, both morning and afternoon, whs a man who pad not attended preaching for years. He Had his horse saddled, ready to start on a journey, but on receiving the notice, hn r Jim to tlift rnrwliisinn. that if thfi DVV- nor rlr n tnmKrt Pnnlff afford tn ctnn I who seldom or never attend public worship, but allMnds, and keep the Sabbath, he could 1,vf '" .s respect much hke the heathen, can. FnrH in, dnn ViimP f-nnr his hnrStt. . " T 'ft"-! ti ... . . InnStt U'hn s nrprp v Invp. thft crnics. nf inn The writer has often suggested to buch, the propriety and duty of going forth in he spirit of the gospel, on a sabbath morning or the pre vious evening, and kindly inviting thetdestitute MEANS OF FILLING A CHURCH. - ; t The thought of numerous vacant! seats in churches, and of the multitudes in toe region I was not a little surprised, when in formed bv 'one of the passengers, Who seen: fed to be conversant with such mat- I ters, and who has the reputation of being . .... . a piQUs man, that a large amount ot stock, ! or negligent to come in and enjoy the elevating and if needfukfur- conveyance, - 1 ? ' y j nvQiiviik iu vviiiv msrn - i iu s in many of those boats which violate the j influences ot the sanctuary ; Sabbath, is owned by professors of reli- i nlshing also the means of cc gion. hvho could, if they chose, control the operations of these boats. Can this be so ? jWas he not mistaken ? If not, is it not strange that men, who would shrink with horror from the idea of taking God's name, in vain, or of bearing false witness against their neighbors, will, without re morsb or dread," desecrate the Lord's day. either by travelling on the Sabbath them selves, or by supplying conveyances for other who break the fourth command ment? Perhaps I have occupied too much of your time and space, but in these times, when Sabbath breaking is one of the fla grant sinsof our nation, I think it is but risht that the Feliniousnublic should know The following extract of a letter, irecently received, shows that the idea is not vsionary, but entirely practicable. M t -" Permit me here to state a fact, illustrative of what may be done by a single individual, ...1 .1 7 C 7 T Li wuen mere is a mmajor ine woric. in tne con gregation of Salisbury, Conn., of whih I was Ihe pastor for thirteen years there lived a man, who was one of the best parishioners; a man ever had. His residence was about five miles from the church. With him the sabbath was a delight, and honored. He loved to go to the house of God, and to have others to go there too. He not only provided for the cotrjfortable conveyance of his own family, which was small, but fitted aLfcommodious and capacious vehicle for such as had not the means of providing for themselves. In this way he was accustomed A CARD. DRS. BROWN & JAMES having associated them selves in the practice of Medicine, can always be found at their drugstore when not professionally engaged. Salisbury, December 16, 1847 tf 33 state -or-liLortfi (Carolina, IREDELL COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Novem ber Term, 1847. James P. Godby, Adra'r of Jesse Cummins, rs. William Cummins, Jesse W. Cummins and others. Fetition for sale of Real Estate. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendant, Jesse W. Cummins, is not an inhabitant of this State : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that pub lication be made in the Carolina Watchman for the space of six weeks, notifying the defendant, Jesse W. Cummins personally to be and appear before the Justices of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Iredell, at the Court House in Statesville, on the 3d Monday of February next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to said petition, or judgment pro con fesso will be taken, and the same heard exparte. Witness, J. I . Alexander, Clerk of our said Court at of fice, the 3d Monday of November, A. D. 1847, and in the 72d year of our Independence. J. F. ALEXANDER, Clk. 6w35 Printers fee5 50 Twenty Dollars Reward. RANAWAY from the subscriber on the night o the 2d ultimomy negro man Anderson, a mulatto, about thirty-five year3 of age, a little above the common height, very strong and stout built, large frame, coarse features, with distended nostrils. No other par ticular marks about him recollected. He took with him a considerable quantity of clothing of a pretty good qual- j ity, which I cannot accurately describe, none or few of I which were of common homespun. It is supposed he is j trying to make his escape to a free State ; and it is pro- j bable he may have in his possession forged papers, and certificates of his freedom, and may pass as a free man. j Any information concerning him will be thankfully re- ; ceived ; and the above reward given for his apprehen- ) sion and delivery to me, or for his confinement in some Jail, so that I can get him. THO. L. COWAN. Salisbury, N. C, Sept. 9, 1847. 19:tf. Ashebokocgtt, N. C, Jan. 15, 1847. Dr. Kxmv-i-Dear Sir : I take pleasure in bearing tes timony, to th beneficial results of your Medicines. Mr. Noah Smithehnari, was severely attacked with Inflam matory Rheumatism, during the Summer of 1844 ; he resorted to yciur Medicines for relief, and soon obtained it ; he was effectually cured by the use of the Restorer of the Blood, (kc. I can further say, that no person has ever tried them sufficiently, but what have ben well sat isfied with thtir efficacy. Respectfully, J. M.A.DRAKE. From the Milton Chronicle. Letter from J. R. Galium, Esq., Milton, N. C. Dr. Kent. Dear Sir . Your Medicines have given entire satisfaction in this section of country. Th Abys sinia Mixture especially, is highly approved of. It has never failed to cure in every case. It sells like hot cakes. I have never had enough to supply the demand : You will please send me a large supply of it as soon as you arrive at home. Yours respectfully, J. R. CALLUM. Milton Drug Store, Aug. 14, 1847. ! QUICK CURE. Mr. Ramsay, irr the employment of Tames Brannoek, Esq., Guilford county, for some time offlicted with Fever the engravings. ; f The Literary matter will i sive control of the Editor, Mr. t by a corps of contributors v. bo rites of the reading public or u -: as Mrs. L. Maria Child, M r. L f S. Osgood, Mrs. E. C. Emlc ry . ' H. Butler, Mrs. C. M. Stark. Mr Whitman. Mrs. Mary S. B. D. , . bell, Miss C. M. Bedjwick, Mi- 1 Augusta Browne, Miss Louin.- O. ' Rus?ell, Miss Elizabeth Eu i !t. ?! bert. Wm. C. Bryant, Fiti (jret v I C. F. Hoffman, T. S. Arthur, II. Tockerman, John Brougha'p, i'r: Charle Lanman, W. A. Joftef, J. 1 '. Bryant, Onrille Dewey, W. Ua.;:; Fisher, Wm. OJand BoumejCa:. b I The paper will be of the same q . Fashions will be colored by T. P. :-" . There will be two pages qriginiil ' In the the course of aboutsiiiar fac-similies of the character t;M-d i , ferent 1 an gu acres', with a shfrrt trar -similar to the Chinese and Yr.iari ( ber and December numbers of t!.e M Lyon, U. S. Consul to Shant-hai, ( curious and intelligent will e won subscription to the Magazinf. AnJ . be made, which literary ability, tag'- . adequate capital can do, to make t worthy of the place already, so gen t. the public esteem. j The Union Magazine, will be pul! and Ague treated with Quinine, Calomel, Oil, &c., with- lhe fim of each m&omh; that there is such a boat on the western 1 10 gather pilgrims from hi? own neighborhood waters as the Hannibal, owned and com- I and b? the waX' and bring! them to thesanctu- manded by such a man as Captain Bacon. Christmas I spent with a highly esteem- d ir ary, that they also might share in the privileges he so highly valued. I 44 The same mode of operation might be IV. if """,e?miu "ospuaoie . equally appropriate in every place perhaps not ou) oi .ueiupnis, i ennessee. wnere l nau in cities but it is a fact which shoWs that lhe .ijeasute ot witnessing a most impos- something may be done when the heart is in ing celebration of the order of the sons of tent upon a good object. And now thai he has temr prance. A finer looking body of men ! gone to his reward, and more than years after I hap never seen assembled. Amongst , my separation from that beloved peoplje, I am themlwcre, several who, but a few weeks happy in recording this testimonial to the mem- sfncei were wont, not only to 44 look upon ' ory f m' gd old parishioner, John Whinlc the vvine when it is red," but freely to qualtthe M flowing bowl ;" and some of these? were men ot a high order of talent. The InstitutioiT, though but in its infancy in tljat city, is prospering, and doing much gootl.1 An able address was delivered in Important to Mill Owners. HOTCHKISS'S Vertical Water Wheels for sale in Fayetteville, by D. McNEILL & Co. And in Lincoln County bv E. A. BREVARD. March 12, 1847 tf45 out any effect ; but was cured in three days, with the third part of a pinf Restorer, and half a box of Depura tive Powder. AGENTS IN NORTH CAROLINA. J. II. Eniss, Druggist, Salisbury. Piiifer & Yorke, Concord. Thomas -J. Holton, Charlotte, Capt. Wm. Slade. Lincolnton. J. P. Maiiry P. M., Lexington. J. J. & R. Sloan, Greensborough. A. S. Porter, Druggist, Greensborough. James Braxnock, Waterloo, Guilford co. Samson Kreier, 1. M. Highrock, Guilford. Woollen Brannack, Wentworth. J. M. A. Drake, Asheboro'. ' E. Coffin A; Co., "Franklinville, Randolph. Philip Kerner, P. M., Kernersville, Stokes. 17:t,jan.l2,M8. State TafTjtoicaroUua, IREDELL COUNTY. Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions Norem I bcr Term, 1847. George W. Allison; Adm'r Jeremiah Burnette, Edward Burrjette, Jere miah Burnett, William H. Burnette, Joseph Bur- S-Petition Dealers in Periodicals' thfjoghout V t and the Canadas.wha wislf to t-c -. k Union Magazine, will pleas apply r im mediately. AH Postmasterf aredeji-. 1 1 for it the usual discount wjll be mai-1 cimen number will be sent to any or- m . on application to. the publisljer, post- -ai 1 Terms of the Lion .Vofaji One copy one year, in advance, One copy two years, Two copies one year, Five 44 Eight " Twelve" " . -u M Great National Picture. We will give the person lending ts i!.e ' scy. N. Y. Com. Adv. M 1 i ' " - 1 i 1 ihe First Presbvterian ehtirrb hv Air Slack. I do not wish, howp.vpr. tn hp- nn- dcrsstbod UtteH-d. To some of tlm thninrhts nrc. VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PIULS. The startling draw back on hearly all Medicinal Afi ents has ever. been that in their iprocess of purgation and purification, they have also debilitated the system. Hence purgative medicines hayeialways been regarded Sentftl, 1 would, were I tn rritirip fnffr" I as at best but a necessary evil, patients resorting to them mv dissent. .It Avonl.l ;r; ! f? he reW(of one disease at thefexpense of arlother. Iff ! ' f r-v ii n i I A a. l. -v .,Lyt mutual laie ana talent, were 1 j gent that would at the samejtime purge, pijrify and to omit to State that I was delighted with strengthen, but their efforts werejnearjy fruitless.sand they the temperance SOno- I TIip mnc;l had almost despaired of success vyhen the labors df science fnrmMriPf. wflfn,l J. f. " t and research wre rewarded byia discovery which fully tonnncc rel ected much credit upon the realized the fondest desires of thei Medical Failty, and aCCCppIlsnexl Organist and choir of the which is justly regarded as one of the most important tri churph, and added much tO the interest of I u11phs that Pharmacy has ever jachieved. Thfs impor the Celebration. M II W ta"t desideratum is named Dr. M Roy's Vegetable Uni- - . . - ir.ra . i-A I . I . . . i .1 ... . . i ma, niHtu puiuy iuc uiuuu, unu icuiuvTf an cor rupt and vitiated humours, and unhealthy accumulations from the body in a manner nevef before rivajled, and which yet produce no weaknes dr lassitude v-hatever, but on the contrary tone the stomach, and invigorate the constitution during the progress! of their operations ! Dr. Le Roys Pills, in fact unite those heretofore irreconcila ble, but most desirable qualities, evacuation anoinvigor- ation for they are at the same tinle a strengthening pur- To obviate this, physicians have long sought tpr an a- ENTERTAINMENT HY ELI HARRIS, At Riclifork, Iavidon County, IV. C, On the great Stage Road from North to South, and South 1rest Eight miles North of Lexington, and 27 S. W. of Greensboro'. Dec. 16, 1S47 tf33 CIGARS ami TOBACCO. ON hand the finest Regalia, Principe and Havana Cigars. Also, the very best old Virginia chewing tobacco, besides a quantity of fine smoking tobacco, tf 33 BRO WX JA MES. nette, Colen E. Stephens and wife, Fanny, Henry Simmons andiwife; Dolly, Zachariah' Summers and wife, Sarah. for sale Estate. of Real TT appearing to the satis- - I faction of the Court, that the Defendants, William H. : Burnette. Joseph Burnette, Colen E. Stephens and wife, j Fanny, Henry Simmons and wife, Dolly, and Zachriah ! Summers and wife, Sarnh, are not inhabitants of this j State : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publica- j tion be made in the Carolina Watchman for six weeks, j notifying the said William H. Burnette, Joseph Burnette, Colen E. Stephens and wife. Fanny, Henry Simmons and wife, DoMy.nrid Zachariah Summers and wife, Sa rah, to appear at live next Court of Tleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County ff Iredell, at the Court House in Sti tesville, on the third Monday of Feb ruary, next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to said petition, otherwise the same will be taken pro con fesso, as to them, nnd heard exparte. Witness, J. F. Alexander. Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the ?d Monday of November, A. D. 1H47, and in the 72d year of our indepencence, this 12th De cember. 1817. ; J. F. ALEXANDER, Cl k. 6w33 Primers fee 5 AO .State ot jjLortU CavoUua, Davie County. In Equity Fall Trrm, 117. of subscribers to this Magazaie, witluM cr; bove rates during the time ejuling the In i f the engra ving of the United f totes Sen-i'e C taining the correct portraits of ninety-sm en ed gentlemenjthen in the Si nate Ch. 1. 1 r, ;. Mr. Clay's farewell speech. The enr:.. thirty-two by forty inches, e i graved - y T! and pu!lished by E. Anthony with n !er the engraving and frame costing S-T ( deliver free of freight of exrjtnse.in i hv u son entitled to it, at any plate wi'.h.r. t .. ! and it will al) constitute liar person . a life subscriber to the Unidh ?.Ia; i . and frame can be seen at atjy time t I. .' guerreotype Establishment, i 17 Br 5 1 ISRAEL POST,a40..Y . FALL AND I WITEI 1 FOR 18-I7 &, lc. Jnst RfCfiud at the Ncwfrailori; ! ! I WOULD respecJfully 3nnpurv Salisbury and its vicinitL that 1 place for the purpose f carjyi.'i ISllillC in all its variotis i-i.v strict attention to bufiuegs, 5to i;:- r public patronage. I shall re-ive i the latest FASHIONS, annual; . expense in giving satihfaelin to c. with their work ; always ho Jinj r any work that I may do. j ! I have now in my employ t. . My Shop can be found in T L. Salisbury, Sept. 23, IS 1. j , REFERENCE; Mr. 1 ! my instructions for the lat e confidence recommend him ' as capable of giyin satisfn h , THOMAS M.M ! balb,i"pn U Mlgutl and past one, o adjust in rr t I i i I 1 r p to twelve o clock on Saturday hen keep his men until half- f two o'clock, cleaning off and llO hont. Ilia rtll., tn vtnn n bout tcii o'clock, and lint tr hnvr n Llrw struck after twelve on Saturday night, or before twcjvc on Sunday night. .. 11 amusing, I have been told, to no lico the j disappointment manifested bv some passengers, when they find there is no such commodity, 44 visible to the naked )'p ,LS a J)ar Some time since a drun 'ten man Vcnt on hoard, and staggered lip to; the place-where the bar on bouts wusuhtly kept ; he looked around in as tonihirnen, and exclaimed in desnonden- ft "v " uo P-r ! Un another oc ir.:t;ifin nruvil , '-.."w i uiu.suiis 171 tint ttiperancc - r tit" i t' n 't",-, lumiuuiere -wao prpvision made forfmen of his or- , ucrfic M cnieti very muchl annovt d and vexcitl.' After a while he marche'd up to tfie captain, and said, 44 Look ve here, Cap ng aintfyou the otdy nufh who everrun : A &t0amboat oti the waters of the Missis- .-fippj without a bar ?" 1 Afterwards, how vi,)th S; same individual thanked lhe Captai,Hc,ld him that 'but for him he eli'Vlnruinvd, as he had been rY ;?T!V'"l.saiers, who were robbing money ; and be promised to Inhere is another thing which I noticed on tuyj( tfrney. You know the Bible Society, with its auxiliaries, has succeeded, to a very consid erab 4 extent, in placing a copy of lhe Bible on the steamboats ' which navigate our rivers. It is m ropinion that much good is likely to ensue lromhis liberal and judicious distribution of you woru.- 1 have seen men, not one or two, but iijvcral, who, I have reason to believe, make no j tensions; to piety, taking up the sacred volu me, and reading it with much apparent at tentida and interest tor an hour without cessa ton ;j and this loo in lhe midst of card-plavers and blasphemers. Sitting at the same Table wit!: Ine, al the present time, a gentleman, who, I kn lv, is' very fur from being a pious man, has ueerrroaumg tle Scriptures lor m,re th noufftiuring which time he has s hi an an s scarcely raised fVe to notice any thing around him. And arn 't not nutlmii,! 1, .u. .u . 1 . whiiji is 4 quick and powerful, and sharper than j. j a twp.eagea sword," may wound their consci , enc(ls, penetrate iheir gative, and a purifying tonic. j The two principal ingredients hi Dr. Le Rijy's Pills are Wild Cherry and Sarsaparilla. So prepared that each promotes the beneficial effect of the othe, the for mer strengthening, while the litter, through ts union with various vegetable ingredients, evacuates dnd puri fies; thus they superinduce no torpidity of lassitude of the digestive tunctions, and hence thejr operations are atten ded bv no reaction or subsequent scostiveness. I For sale by Messr3. Brown & James, Sal iwury ; J. P.Mabry, Lexington ; Phifer &. ork, Concord. Price, ij cents per box. jap 27, 1848:.Jri39 r State of North Carolina!.--Askc County. John Shearer and November Term, jl 847. Daniel Green! r. William and others,!. biing lorth the 44 p nesrf ber the l'imj of h .conQcctjMmseir.jon the Vflrit opportunity, Avttla the ons of temperance. y- bill! eii'e obi ten thd is gjarnbling is permitted. V heir hearts, and ultimately caceable fruits of righteous. Shearer Ovnterfeit S. C. Xotf, Large num- j Jot' well eseculed counterteit $20 Notes on 04uk o( Guometown are in circulation. In (he Counterfeit is an enrrraved circular jTroiind. whiU tho raved eround in ih rro.i..;n jig. The name of D. L. M'Kay, is writ i a larger hand in the counterfeit than in genuine. The paper of the cotintfiut.i.ill tiihch inferior to that of thd n..A J . . . ; t J uiiu VM Vf'5r ier. ine aa s are smn Petition for sale of Land IN this case it appearing to the satisfactiojn of the Court:that the defendant's William Shearer. John Norris and wife Lucy, Joel Reece ind wife Fanny, Hen ry Cook and wife Ann, are not inhabitants of tljis State : It is therefore ordered by the Courk, that publibation be made for six weeks in the Carolina. Watchman, for said defendants to appear at the next County Coiln, to be held for the County of Ashe, at th : Court Houfee in Jef ferson, on the 4th Monday in Feb -uary. next, to appear, plead, "answer, or judgment pro confesso will be taken, and the case set for hearing expnr e. I JOHN RAYClerk. 6w33 Printers Fee 5 OOpd FOR TIIE COUNTRY MERCHANTS. WE take pleasure in announcing to our friends in the interior, who ship their Goods through this I channel, that we have constructed a large and spacious Warehouse at the Wharves in Lower Fayetteville; where we will receive in store, and forward correctly and with despatch, all Goods entrusted to oar care. This arrange ment will save to the owners one half the drayage paid on goods up town, which is an equivalent of 10 per cent, discount on the bills of freight up the River. J. &, T. WADDILL. Fayetteville, Dec. 20, 1847 5w35 Rraiidrctli's Pills. This medicine is acknowledged to be one of the most valuable ever discovered, as a purifier of the blood and fluids. It is superior to Sarsaparilla, whether' as a so dorific or alternative. It stands infinitely before all the preparations or combinations of Mercury. Its purgative properties are alone of incalculable value for these pills j may belaken daily for any period, and instead ot a weak ening by the cathartic effect, they add strength by taking away the cause of weakness There is no good Mercu ry does, which these pills do not likewise. But they have none, of the miserable effects of that deadly specific. The teeth are not injured the bones and limbs are par alyzed no but in the stead of these distressing symp toms, new life and consequent animation is evident in ev ery movement of the body. Brandreth's pills are indeed a Universal Remedy, for they cure opposite diseases: the? cure Inflamation and Chronic Rheumatism ! They i cure Diabetts of Urine. 1 hey cure Uysentery ana con stitutional Costiveness. They will cure these apparently opposite diseases, because they cleanse and purify the blood, provided, however, nature is not beyond all human assistance. In all cases they will be found a safe and simple reme dy, yet all powerful for the removal of diseases", whether chronic or recent, infections or otherwise. They do not' render the system liable to be affected by any changes of temperature. The very cause, or occasion of the hu man frame being affected by colds and coughs is remov ed by their use. Therefore, they may be used at all times and seasons without damage, and change of diet, and any extra care is unnecessary. These Pills are for sale at 25 cent3 per box, by our a- gents in every town in the fctate.and by the tollowmg highly respectable gentlemen in this vicinity, viz : Brown &, James, Salisbury ; David Fraley, Rockville ; A. Sc D. W. Honeycutt,.Gold Hill ; T. C. Graham, Cowansville; J. Krider &, Son, Mount Vernon. 4w33 John L. Cain, vs. 1 William Cain, Executor Daniel Cain; Wyatt Powell -and wife, Eliza beth, Ira Reeves; and wife, Eliza JL tc this case.it n'pearmg o the sifisiaction ot the Court, that Daniel Cain, one V of tdc Defendants, is not an f . 1- r.t- ir'..- - T.: niliamiant 01 ims ctaie : 11 is ordered, that publication be made' for six weeks, in tlie Carolina Watchman, tor tne said defendant to be ana ap pear, at the neja Court of Equity, to be held for the Coun ty of Davie, at the Court House in Mocksville, on the 4th Monday in March next, and plead, answer or demur to complainant's bill, or the same will Ie taken jlro confesso and the cause set for hearing exparte, as to him. Witness, L. Bingham, Clerk and Master of said Court, ; at Office, the 4th Monday in September, A. D., 1847, ; and in the 72 year of American Independence. L. BINGHAM, C. M. E. , 6w33 Printers:Fee $5 50 state oC SLovtft aroUua, ; Davidson County., Superior Court pf Law Fall Term, 1847. Debby Shuler, ) vs. . Petition for Divorce. Shuler. Tlie Ict ITIfM hn;. ix Tin: i The "SCIENTIFIC AMI: 128 Fulton St., New York, if u , best Mechanical pulI:catiu:i ) ". It has attained a larger i Mechanical papers pubLhe. i . possesses such facilities fur, 1 gence on Scientific fubject i ' that no publication of !the k r Each No. contains from : " 1 gravings of the most import j of American Patents, as i--r ! each week ; notices of the r and scientific invention? ; i:. and Trades, with engravi: . chemical experiments ; t!,'- I Europe and America j all menis, published in ai f ri a than a hundred engravi; It is published weekly 1 : t dapted to binding, and fur;, the low price of Two D A' advance, and the reruf.i:; .! -Address, Ml'; Darnel WHITEHEAD sr in size Drs. SUMMERELL & ARE stilt associated in the practice of Physi, and of fer their professional services to the Public. opposite th the Office, of Office, oa Water street, nearly House. Dr. S. will be found either at RobardaT Hotel, and Dr. W either at "the Office, or at his house, on the same, street. Sausbvby, January, 6, 1S4S. 3 larKet at Col. , Tailoring. BFj FRALEY is ever ready to make CLOTHING in the, latest style, well done, and warranted to fit. He also keeps for sale RE A D Y MA DE CLO THING very cheap. He will also teach the art of CUTTING to any wishing to learn, as he is agent for some of the most fashionable Tailors of New York and Philadelphia. All kinds of lothes cut at short notice. Produce taken in payment at market prices. Iy2 IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the "Defendant, Daniel Shuler, is not an inhabitant of this State : It is therefore ordered by the Court that publica tion be made in the Carolina Watchman arid Greensbor ough Patriot, far three months, for the defendant to be and appear at the next ."terra of our Superior Court of Law, to be. held for the Coiinty of Davidson, at the Court-IIuse, in Lexington, oh the 1st Monday, after the 4th Monday in March, 1848, then and there to answer the petition o said Debby Shuler, for Divorce, or judgment pro confesso will be entered against him, and the case set for bearing exparte. Witness, Andrew JIunt, Clerk of our said Court at Of fice, the 6th day1 of December, 1847. ; AND. HUNT, C. S. C. 3m32 Printer fee 810 00 FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS FOR 1817-8, At the old Tailoring tMablislinicnt! , IIOltACE H. BEARD, HAS just reeeived of Mr. F. Mahan, the LON DON, PARIS and PHILADELPHIA FASH IONS, for lhe F-4.Z.and WINTER of 1847, which far excels any thing otthe kind heretofore published. He still carries on the; Tailoring Business in all its various branches, at his ole 6tand, where he is ever ready to meet and accommodate his old and new customers with fash ionable cutting and making of garments, no to be aor- I passed by any in the southern country. ! Punctuality, ! despatch and faithful work as has been, always shall be J his aim ajid object4 Thankful for past encouragement, J he hopes to merit s continuance. 1 Sept. 23, IS 17-i-tf 2$ II. II. BEARD. POST PAID. Bound volume of the 416 pages of choice r-a more than 3C0 enravir; the office, Price 62 75. Arrival and;Dq: u Northern Stage Arri , day, at 6 A. M.; departs urday, at 7 A. M. Southern Stage Arri Satordsy, at 6 A. M. ; c Friday, at 7 A. M. ; Cher aw Stage Arriv Saturdaty, at 5 P. M, ; ( , Friday at 7 A. M. JFirfera Stage, rw I Thursday and SaturJ; y. ' Tuesday and Friday, nt 7 Statesrille Slage: at 5 P.M.; departs Tr Moclsrille -V.; departs FViday, st G A. M Fasetterille ILrre ?' , ' M. ; departs Wednesi.' . y, Raleigh Horse Ma J day, at 6 P. M. ; c; ir.i A. M. Troy Horse Mau-. parts Saturday, at 7 A. "I ON hand and for deira. Port acJ ? mestic Liquors. , Salisbury, Decer rcr ii

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