i: , - i - .t' ' ' " -I--" 4 - r 1 i , j; - . ' . ,. , . - ( r . i i i s . ! - j ' i ' . . n w-- tlic AvatcSmiaii. , unvabl v e in J f,r uJt if jtat: pai in adduce, Two dollars t.tcsTS frwrhf J at$l for the first, and 25cts. Uvl .(. -..iS Vicnt insert on. Court orders ctiargeu nn thee raifs.T A literal deduc- nJjrwtise by ihf year. Myibe pJitop m?"fe postpaid. . TUESDAY WATCHMAN. ETE.MNG, MARCH 7. Cihiiibqa Settlement " Wc suppose ure is iiu'"1 "- jo equnj. throughout, as it regards the ralth amilchartfcter of the population not to hiyfe lltnn lis wunus a nooK Artier, Wiicb is made the subject of I .i! f.. !' lh:it nnrlinn t-Vitk jtkelf j more highly favored. T i t ! ''it .1 ' ' ... TLvever cfNStiraine mis disposition a- pcop!, U its nevertheless true ;. and t trivial circumstances, generally ' EdiiO&t Proprietors. ft ALL " M Do th, xxb L,ett ,Ari 5 , "l i . , r RcLERS- ! Gen-l. Harrison. " ' '. il ! 1 T ' ' ' ' ' ' ' i C : i. NEW SERIES, 1 NUMBEK 45, OF VOLUME IV. SAMSBURY, N C , THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1848. eno tri ry foolish Occurrences serve among chil- wa. to proturcjfor them the queer nick. mes vithjiviich they are so frequently bbed, film viiich often stick to them ufrogh the! greater part of life. Thus Ciduubria" the name of a SfUlfmcnt n Kowana lew miles last ol vijTown. i.ltyw the name originated, or bat it nvehns.j (if it means any thing,) sreare unnpie to say. iui uy mis name ,as the settlement been known, since our ccolleclion ; a)d by the manner ol its af, in crrtain sections, it is regarded in a tptoachful jsenjc ; and the man who hails torn tlmt .rfgioii is sometimes " without joDor" except M;Sn his own country. Havh UHd occasion to travel almost i,l over thisecjion of Howan, within a cv niontiis:pas.t, wc had a fair opportu :;tto hecomc pretty well acquainted itb it; nrul nj justice to Calaubria, we Bust say Unit she presents more signs of omfort anil incjlepeudence than we had ny Idea df finding, j The people are a ffht f(j)rvnrdunpretending folk, ibo, inakc their own bread and meat in iburiuanccijnno; Vear the lleece ol their m flocks,fmanu factored into clothing by W,r nwn .rwiVes and daughters, l nc lands are better than We expected to see. Mil rven bi, i better state of cultivation, ftryhavc jiumjprousLuml extensive mead- if swhichfiyiehl plenty of good hay ; aniT Imost eve h" tenth mail has a grist mill. rbry" raisegenerally,no more cotton than ipv-can cbnsum in their families for um rW r clot hi nt, &c. Grain and hay are i cliiel prtmucnons oi mi'ir liinus. iiifir . i . i i . i ' 1 1 ock'ol al Kin J Ja.ir wen, and especially liori'js ;u!liicii are always fat and aremeVer called upon to lay vcr lpf their muscles without h n their 6wners decided benefit. iiiprmat.ion of our brethren of V press, whb may yish to have their pa- ' - !' . ! '.4 ' n r ?ers known in tins seciion oi our count v ; tru also for ihe sake, of the good people C'dtiabn.i. ie Would mention that a FostOincel'wasfrsFiililished in the neigh Mrhooil, Fajll, bearing the same name, Jndcr ihe tatiagement of Mr. S. Peeler. lumiict! is sin aled on the nringle l4erry, if Troy roid, about seven miles East of :i!ihurv, L . ! Having had Occasion to visit other see ms of our, Cot?niy recently, .with which everc not Ix-ifore very well acquainted, e may take' occasion, at our leisure, to ?nt! tf .litem, Jliso. I . - r i ' - ii i The SpCAKEtt!(the Hon. R. C. Wirithrop) rose, and in a feeling and affecting man ner addressed jie House as follows : Gentlemen of the o Repfesentatitei of the U.S.: It has been taught fit that the Chair should announce officially to the House, an event airealjy known to the members indiv-duay ap( which has filled all our hearts with sadness. A seat on thjk floor has been vacated, towards which! bur eyes have been accus tomed to turn With no common interest. A voice hasten hushed forever in this hall, to which Kll ears have been wont to listen with profound reverence. A venerable! form has faded from our sight, around Which we have daily clus tered with an ftflectionate regard. A name bas-been stricken Irom the roll of the living statesmen of our land,: which has been associated for more than halt a century with the highest civil service, and the loliiest civt renown, ' . On Monday,!the 21st inst., John Qcixcy Adams sunk inlhis seat, in presence of us all, by a sudden illness, from which he never recover ; and he died, in the Speaker's roorfri at a quarter past seven o'clock last evening, with the officers of the House and the delegntion of his own Massachusetts ground him. Whatever advanced age, long experi ence, great ability, vast learning, accumu lated public honors, a spotless private cha racter, and a firjTi religious faith, could do, to render anyjpne an object of interest, respect, and fldmiration they had done for ih's distinguished person ; and inter est, respect, and admiration are but feeble terms to expreill the feelings, with which the members oil this House and the peo ple of the country have long regarded him. j j After a lifel bf eighty years, devoted from its earliest maturity to the' public service, he has at length gone to his rest. He' has been pHjvileged to die at his-post; to fall while ill She discharge of his du- ifir tl ; antl -ut tlie po onfrrritig W the ties ; to expirtf Capitol ; and to cialed lore vert i; beneath the roofof the have his last scene asso history with the birth day of that illustrious Patriot, whose just discernment brought him first into service of his cwuntryj The '.close of Stich a life, under such circumstances,; is not an event for unmin gled emolions.l I We cannot find it in our hearts to regret,! that he has died as he has died. lie himJsllf could have desired no other end. Tjus is the end of earth,"" were his last vt'drds. uttered on the day on which he felj. But we might almost bear him xclaiining, as he left us in a language hardly less familiar to him than his native tongue Hoc. est, nimirum, mag is f( lie iter tie vita mig rare qunm ?nori." It is for others to suggest what honors shall be paid tbjhis memory. No acts of ours are necessary to his fame. Hut it may be due to ourselves and to the coun try, that the national seiise of his charac ter and servictls should be fitly commem orated. . j i W hen the Speaker concluded Mr. HUDSON, of Massachusetts , rose and addressedithe House as follows: Mr. SrcAKEit I rise with no ordinary emotion to perl)rm a painful duty, which vate secretary. Here he remained till October, 1782, when he left Mr. pana at St. Petersburgh, and returned jlhrotigh Sweden, Denmark, Hamburg, and Bre men, to Holland, where he remained some months, till his lather took him to Paris at the time of. the signing of the tfeaty of peace in 1783. From that time till 1785 he was with his father in Englarjd, Hol land, and France; during the -whole of which period he was a close student. At the age of eighteen, at his bwn re quest, his father permitted him tb return to Massachusetts, where he entered Har vard University; and was graduated in 1787 with distinguished honors. Soon af ter leaving college he entered the office of the celehrated Theophilus Parfeons, af terwards Chief Justice of Massachusetts, where he remained the usual period of three years in the study of the. law, when he entered the proiession, and established himself at Boston. In 1794 Gen. Washington appointed him resident minister to the United Neth erlands. From that period till 1801 he was in Europe, employed, in diplomatic business, and as a public minister in Hol land, England, and Prussia. Just as Gen. Washington was retiring from office, he appointed Mr. Adams minister plenipoten tiary to the Court of Portugal- While on his way to Lisbon he received a new com mission, changing his destination to Ber lin. During his residence of about three years and a half at Berlin, he concluded an important commereial treaty with Prussiathus accomplishing the object of his mission. He was recalled near the close of his father's Administration, and arrived in his native country in Septem ber, 1801. In 1802 he was chosen by the Boston district to the Senate of Massachusetts, and soon after was elected by the Legis lature a Senator in Congress for six years from March 3, 1803. He remained in the Senate of the United States until 1808 when he resigned. While in the Senate he received the appointment of Professor of Rhetoric in Harvard University, an of fice which he filled with distinguished ability. In 1809 he was appointed by President Madison envoy extraordinary and minis ter plenipotentiary to the Court of Russia, where he rendered the most important ser vices to his country. By his influence with that Court he induced Russia to of fer her mediation between Great Britain and the United States in the j war -of 1815 ; and, when the proper timfe had ar rived, he was placed by President Madi son at the head of five distinguished com missioners to negotiate a treaty of peace,! which was concluded at Ghent in 1814. Mr. Adams was then associated with Mr. Clay and Mr. Gallatin to negotiate a corn commercial conversion with Great Brit- We tender to his afflicted family our heartfelt sympathy, and assure them that a nation's tears will be mingled with theirs. And while we look for consolation to the wisdom and goodness of an over-ruling Providence, we would affectionately com mend them to that eracious Beins who las revealed himself as the father of the atherless and the widow's God and friend. Mr. Hudson concluded by offering the bllowing resolutions : Resolved, That this House has heard willi the deepest sensibility of the death in this Cap. Hoi ol John Quixcy Adams, a member of tlie House Irom the State of Massachusetts. Resolved, That as a testimony of respect for the memory of this distinguished statesman, the officers and members of ihe House will wear the usual badge of mourning, and attend the hi. neral in this Hall on Saturday next, at twelve o'clock. Resolved, That a committee he appointed to superintend the funeral solemnities. Resolved, That the proceedings of this House in relation to the death of John Quixcy Adams THE CASTIUOX PLOW. " A bill has recently passed thi S-.-: the United States, and is novj- ; ; in the Houseof Representatives, to c the patent of Jethro Wood for s i which he obtained in ISM, ana re in 1819, claiming to have inven'r ; cast iron Plowshare. This bilj p rr to grant to the heirs of Jethro Yoo !. ; privelege of exacting fifty centi fro manufacturer for every Cast Iron ' made in the United Slates for seven c after the passage of the said bill. As there are about four millipns cl " mers and planters at present in! their ted States, as each would, require cf. i average at least one plow every jour y UllS nrirpleerw wntiM ln wnrtli Lhlf - i ' - L ..w....;.r ... ... HENRY CLAY IN NEW YORK. An immense mass meeting of the friend of Mr. Clay, was held at Castle Garden, New York on Thursday night. Henry Grinnell pre- ..ju, ,Ma y a number ot ,ce Presidents, oj dollars annually, all of. which wc a..uauuiC.i:i uereoenvercti.i.y .Messrs. Hone, oe laKen Irom the hard earnings of t Hoxie, Seldt-n, Grcely and others. Mr. Hone farmer and planter. And what ni in opening the meeting, saiJ: Phil. Iq. lue mattter tnore unjust is, that the i:.t " The objec of the meeting to night i, to let ! l8t ,off lhe h-"' of Wood haveeen; r our brother Whigi thro.igho7ih Union know ' chased ror a mere song ; thus nearly- 1 now uic iiiiiiter stands here in the citv of New ! " win mure ID a Cc: York. When mpoiinr.. .1 f.ji pan v of creed v sneculatnrV I i i -- Kg wj kiiuu viii .r list " ' - - liot to he told that But Jethro Wood, as I shall proceed t show, was not the original investor cf t! are called together, we are it was unparalleled impudence to object to the I nnmin'-iiioii ni i,.n v i act imn inn... 1? 1 i i i ; ' v ' aior. iiow we uo OU- i i iusiiiir, nor gm DCl'vf r I! ject to his nomination. Ve do not ohiect to I prove the Plow in the sliehtPi Am- the man. We object to him because wc think ! he was consequently entitled toj no'ni" ' we have a better man. If it should be consid- j in this thing, and much less to h patent ered otherwise we all stand pledged, and I j and hrrd the fact been known bj the Co::.. , pledge my self, that when fairly represented by missioner of Patents, in 1814, "be wcu! ! a proper Convention, and a proper orcaniza- ( not Ksvp rr,.tA t; . L' ...i i :. i i vti if i -u ..i i i" .i. ... v b...,v nun uiic. in icurwru i Wl be prope ircision snouiu te otlierwise. we II stand by it Cheers. If that decision should for our candidate, ml he communicated to the family of the deceased j or General Tayhr, I pledge myself, iu ad- by the Clerk. Resolved, That this House, as a further mark of respect for the memory of the deceased, do adjourn to Saturday next, the day appointed for the funeral. Several other members spoke in high terms of the virtues of the deceased. In the Senate Mr. Davis, Senator from Mas sachusetts, announced to that body the death of Mr. Adams, and spoke of him in the highest terms ; as also Mr. Benton. After passing the usual complimentary resolutions, the Senate immediately adjourned. From the Baltimore American. THE GREAT TAYLOR MEETING IN NEW YORK. The New York Courier of Wednesday has a detailed account of the "Independent Meeting of the friends of Gen. Taylor" held in that city on Tuesday evening. The Hon. Judah Ham mond presided, assisted by forty-four Vice Pre sidents. The Courier says that Military Hall in the Bowery, the building in which the meeting was organized, was so crowded that another meeiinir was formed in the stieet, of which A. Sydney Doaue, Esq. was chosen President. The speakers at the street meeting were G. A. Halsey, Esq., Col. Brucu and oth ers. Soon after the organization of the meeting in the Hall, an address was read by James A. Van Allen, Esq., amid frequent bursts of appfause. The closing paragraph of the address is in these words : vance, to support him. The following resolutions ;vere adopted : Whereas, the near approach of the time when the People of the United States will be called upon to elect a new President, renders it proper that they should meet in their nrimarv assemblies to confer with each other, compare I opinions ana preferences, and give utterance to their honest convictions : Therefore, it is Resolved, That we, the Whigs of the City of New York, regard HENRY CLAY, of Ken lucky, as the most eminent; champion ot our ('.un-iiPR-, we counae in mm as a Statesman, admire him as a Patriot, and love him as a Man, and believe him the fittest of all men to lead ihe Whig array in the great con test now swiftly approaching. Resolved, That ibe public life and services of Henry Clay duiing ihe last half century, and we uusl not yet near their termination, afford to ihe por and friendless youth of America a most cheeiful encouragement and striking example ; and we point the young men of our land to that life, and to that universal respect and general admiration with which our great Leader is now regarded, as afTording the fullest evidence that Virtue and true Patriotism, although they not always ensure success and raise to the most exalted station, are not yet certain to be re. warded with that which gives to Success its highest zest, and to Station jts only just value. Resolved, That in War mud in Peace, in Congress and in the Cabinet, as a debater and a diplomatist, Henry Clay has for the last thir ty years stood unsurpassed among the States- men of America, and we cannot understand how any man should be willing to vote for any Whig as a Whig, yet he unwilling to vote for Henry Clay. Resolved, That the Whigs of New York are neither afraid nor ashamed to avow full) the principles and objects for which they have so j ardently and untitingly struggled; and while in 1819 neither would the United St; j Court have confirmed him in it aftt r j had been granted. e i ' Ihe Cast Iron Plowshare wait invent? by Robert Hansom, of Ipswich. Engl a r. and he obtained a patent' for itin 17: twenty-nine years before Jethro wooU c tained his. The Cast Iron IMovj, w ith i share and mould board in two parts ' kept for sale by Peter T. Curteriius if i: city, as early as 1800 ; and in use in t! neighboihood. Je:hro Wood unjdoul cast, thck' e. a: the Presidency ; and we call -upon the inde ain, and was forthwith appointed minister!! pedendent electors of all parties, upon all who plenipotentiary to the Court of St. JamesJ regard the good ot the Country as paramount We do, therefore, nominate Zachary Taylor, . they desire success in the ensuing contest, they the Hero of Buena Vista, as our candidate for would value it mainly as an evidence of the ad vance of popular intelligence with regard to Whih; in Europe, in 1811, he received the appointment of Associate Justice ot the Supreme Court of the United States, which? he declined. After remaining in'England till the close of President Madison h to all schemes lor party success, to join me ranks of the People's Parly, and to rally to the suppoit of the Peoples Candidate. A. W. Claxson. Jr. Esq. offered the , i inr meatnh e and resolutions. wh:en, alter Public Policy and the science of Government and as affording them opportunity to give prac tical efficacy to their cherished arms and con victions. Resolved, That the eminent and arduous ex- follow- e"ti"iis of Henry Clay in behalf of the great alter, i. t , , . nis cany ana poweriui advocacy oi a puoiic was called home, and placed by President Monroe at the head of the Department of administration, he Speeches hati been made by the Hon. W m. , recognition of the independence ot Greece and has leen assigned me by my co leagues, i Q, . , , i i ,. . , . ,' , "Js i . i i ' i olate, where lie remained eight TrWh I he Niitiona"Intrl!igencer of the 24tli ultimo. Death , of Ex'-Pfesidcnt Adams. The venerable Patriot and Statesman, uhm OlivcV iAlbAMs. exnired at the Cani- , - &l list evehmg a' little after seven o'clock. He lingereii, tOiKll appearance insensible jHt.il uncouycious. from the period of his ! growing out ot; an event which has recent ly occurred in j the midst of us, the an nouncement of fwhich has just been made I by the Chai rj INI y late venerable col league is no more ! A great and good man has lalldiT! He has been stricken J down' in the midst of us, while in the dis charge of hisfpuMic duties. One whose j public setvicefejare coeval with the estab lishment of oli'r Government one who has come dowjtj to us from past genera j tions, and of yfiom it might almost be said j that he was living in the midst of posteri ty, an example to us and to those who years. In 1825 he was chosen by the House of Representatives President of the United States for the term of four years. On leaving the Presidency in 1829 he return Cost Johnson, of Maryland, and Col. Baker, of; of the South American Republic his thrilling Illinois, were adopted without a dissenting j appeals to his countrymen in behalf of the star- vin? teonle of unhannv Ireland, and the well vnirp : ! . o i i i j aim magnanimity ot Ik L tWack on Monday until an hour after sun tlast c'veijingJwlieaJie gently breathed j come after-us ias ceased from his labors, kfttf atid hi.l 41 spirit returned to God -j and gone to is reward. The peculiar inown renerositv and m;imianimitv ot his na. . ----- i ............. - - - - - Whereas, The peculiar state or our national ; (unN ?ive IUU gtron;? CAU to the affection affairs being that the highest interest ot the i and gratitude of our fellow citizens who have people require that the office of Chief Magis- i fle( (l0rn despotism and want in Europe, to lib- ed to his native place i 'Massachusetts,'! ,ratc snal1 bc hI!ed hv a man of unquestionable , erty and plenty in America, and we have rea and in 1821 he was elected a member of i i,,tegri,y d freedom from all sectional pre- son lo beIieve that lhose claim3 wij nolbe du. this House, and bv thn fr xnttw nr judice and partizan obligations ; and that s,nce re?ar(!ed in the coining COIltest. O -! 1 1. I . nHrtr.il.inhil o AKlinn manviln nnL'pr tnr r T I 'f'L . .1 . O U events of great national importance have had j 0f yr, ay at Lexington, in exposure to the the effect to destroy the old party distinctions j causes, character and objects of the present which then divided the people, and to create yar on Mexico, as among the nohlent and the necessity for new men and new measures ; ; mosl pt riot ic: efforts of ihe (Jreat and True and that the people of all parties and of every ' 4Man wno Would rather be right than he Pre section of the country, have manifested by un- siJent." misiakable indication a desire to place a man j Resolved, That the simple fact that the bon the people has been continued in that of fice to the day of his death. This is but a hasty and imperfect enu meration of the public stations which have been filled by my late lamented colleague. Of the manner in which he has discharg- ed these public trusts it is not necessary for me to speak. Suffice it to say that his i in the presidential chair who shall he the pres- , Pii expression of convictions adverse to the obtained his knowledge of the share from one or the other of the Cast Iron Plow as a whol separate parts, will bc found fiiurccl described in almost every Encydoji and work on agricultural implei: published in Great Britian, since I' These works soon found their j way the United States, and it can b r r by the testimony of the intimate h of Jethro Wood, thai he was furailiar these publications. ! 1 he history of the Cast Iron Plow improvements are simply this. James Small, a Scotchman, con1! r; a Cast Iron Plow on true rriech . principles as early as 1740, and v. . first inventor of ihe cast-iron) s! 1785 .An English farmer in the Ct u Suffolk, invented the cast iron ilan ! shortly after, so that as early n$ 171 Cast Iron Plow complete, in three ' parts, was well known and in ue in Britain, and figured and described i; ly every work of any value &ince j cd on the subject of plows and n?:'. ral implements. I Without any knowledge of tlr provements of the Cast Iron Plow ; gland, Charles New bold of Ni v. ; about the year 1790, took upjtn with a view of improving it in jfhr I States. On the 17th of June 17f T. tained a patent for the Cast r s skeleton, in one piece complete. . t quentiy ne maue ins plows witti ;a c mould board and land side, and a:: a wrought iron share to if. Sfjoit! this, he still often spoke of fartjif r ving his plow, by substituting tlie c share. But having spent upw.ir ! 000 in his improvements and cu troduce it into use in the Unitt ! and elsewhere, he got discoura gave up the business. ! Peter T. Curtcnius, as str.'f ! kept the Cast Iron Plow for s.i! Cit)-, the share and mould Lonn! rate parts, as early ns 1600. j Y. the manufacturer of these I am i learn. j In 1S0L I think David Praccc!;. Jersey, obtained a patent for ;i j ' mould board and land side of c and in separate parts, the share (.f iron steel-edged. He copied) M ; . hold's plow in part, and for the ; of which he paid him 81,000. j In 1814 Jethro AVood obtain.! for a plow, the mould board hit ! share in three parts and of car. i was familiar With XewhoIJV WLgavet (" It is not for us to pro- i circumstances: of his death are known to uncthe eulogy of1 one so eminent, and cr' membf lh's "ouse, and arc cal n u Li f- " , i culated to make a (tpep and lasting lm- honorahlyMid constantly associated pressjon - Thy Weigh so heavily upon Wiftll lh;lt wrs exalted in his country's ! my ovvn mind1ind feelings, that I am al- story, from the Very foundation of the ! most inclined I to believe thatseice is the wernment Mo the present lime. That j most appropriljvte token of our grief, and 'k will tl httLrW. flisr.hnpfi hvr mop. I the most suitable tribute to his memory. . t f.f t I I litivriu A nttia tvicr rinril n !1 Inn iuuiw u MMuiuiaiu nanus. , , . .r 1 .1.. i-n-r .k. r Hvillu.fli' .t,:i K.:r..,:.. k 11111 Ui Ul P'J'1,U" Yl , "Tn 'T l,,l3u,,ri l,u,,tc u Braintiee, Massachusetts, which wassub fiM levv rrjeii hjkvc filled a larger space or i sequently incorporated into a town by the 7ted a more itftiportiant part in the great ! name of Quinsy, and hence was in the affairs of their countrv: thit few I eighty-first yebjr of his age. In 1778, when commanded a higher admiration for i hc was but ?Kve" "carS f agf' he aC iiliiioc t icompanied his father, John Adams, to n;r If. I .rr ,ur u" France, whol was sent with Benjamin verii)g jntegrity and a rigid adherence o.t ad., T rE. nC r.n,rm. His viesjs oQlutyl His domestic cha- sioners to the!0ourt of Versailles. AHer crwaf nbtjtess bright than his public, remaining inHFrance about 18 months, long eventful life has been devoted to the public service, and the ability anjd fidelity with which he has discharged eyery duty are known and acknowledged throughout the nation. His fame is also blended with his country's history that it will live when all the frail monuments of art shall have I crumbled into dust. By his death the coun try has lost a pure patriot, science an ar dent votary, and the cause of human free dom a devoted friend. , M But it is not as a public man merely: i I , - 1 i 114 luilllliui lima AvvvitM'ihj, ident for the nation, not the mere tool of a par- i justice and to the further prosecution of this war t cocs plows, and his was a bh: tv: therefore. ion Mexican soil is denounced as unpatriotic j r ly ; therefore, . rr 1 . Resolved. That Gen. Zacnary 1 ajrior we is denounced as unpatriotic j r .u;.r ,n,t t . - ' imiiuii ui iuhio, miu ..w in form and construction as 1 1 1 erham plow, which had been and censurable, tends to exhibit in a strong! i.a;t tho mnn for the crisis, and the favoriterof liht the icompatibility of aggressive Var with ; the people ; that we have entire confidence in the preservation of Human Freedom, and we unwariL of c his honesty, patrioiisn and ability, and therefore ; do most earnestly trust thal our Country w,l P7oVe eveWoXl obtained hi ' 1 . U I., I.. innlUr u-jir r,f inritinn anil DeiOreeer UWI OlJliVIUtU lll earnestly recommenu nun w me pcoic ui "u sn .. .v.. .... this State, and of the United States for the of- ! conquest. fice of President. Resolved, That while Henry Clay is em- n , , n, 1 ,m 1 , 1 phatically our choice for next President, as ye the gratitude and highest gifis of the people of It is said that the Cast Iro 1 three parts, viz ; mould boan). ! and share was in use in Virli;. the United States for the renown w hich hc has believe he is that of a maioritv of the people of ' ous to 1814, and tnal Wood w. the Union, and we mean to do all in our power it. J ' J i f I -.1- 4 : l., llio rr-il that we are to contemplate Mr. Adams.- : fonierea upon '"' 7 y r 1 11 e i- u .- j i: ; antrv, prudence, humanity and eminent wis- In private walks of lite, " where tired dis-j , - P him .q QUr af ffom simulation drops the mask, and man ap-j vj Q .cXoTi pears as he really is, we find in him all t - m . . - u those silent and social virtues which adorn ! Resolved, That the constant successes wh.ch the character. His ardent love of justice' j have attended every engagement of -our army . . . ... . . 1 .... i with ihe Mexicans, are owinjr as much to the nis innexime regaru lor iruin, msMcm uc-, in ... pa nircllhft ft.ar infljsed nl ; 1 : : ' Bill ill 1; n v 11 win o - and religious , ;P'" . . R. ,. ,;- ll(,H act.iev. I II I if IIIU tr 1 11 j ij 1 in uijiiup"-" t to secure his nomination, we yet avow our un- j With these facts before them, ' equivocal intention to await and be governed i jc u j now see how great an ir by the choice of the Whig National Cotiven- , wouhl be for Congress to extcr; i tent of Jethro Wood, and give 11 rather a company of greedy votion to the cause of civil - lOk ,;o UI 11:111 l ll(ll 111.') WUUUC. rfllinilUHt; inu' laun i.uun uiuhuiji ... 1 I I 1 -.l. Ii ! IIIIIJ IIIU cikiii j ..-..-e. - K-'tVivtbovfe all praise and al 'during vvhicli time he applied himself ''. wef "e"ded "1"'' menu of our t'r. und.r .b. I?ad of Ger.-Ta, i F F rra,so i . , . .1 I .l'. t. i. i bnetv. and charity. But ihe crowning ( k. .h i,,t,rv and .idonutaU rProach; NOUS TO Mr. ADAMS. hour of meeting of the hf f!otn'rps vf tIm v. a full : . f. ii . . - t ' J n o! JNIembers and crowded au At the. 0U5 aue$te(l the j deep interest ot the -iuu wmcin caiieu ne two nouses to Jr Public tesjiimoriialsof their profound Q r vV,ur lue mrmory oi uie lion. John i .'i.Mv-wnu ioreaiueu uis iast on rra,...i: L !. . k i . unR evening, and wnosei mortal I ! Cm )Xi fa "''B'" walls' of the n1, Mlhe lid, lH lloujc vri nepresentatives, as c was called to .order closely to thd (study of the French and Latin languages, he returned to his own country in August, 1779. In November of the same yar his father was again dis patched to Europe for the discharge of diplomatic services, and took his son John Quincy with him. At Paris he was put to school, and when in 1780 John Adams removed to Holland, his son enjoyed the advantages, of the public school at Am sterdam, and afterwards of the University at Leyden. Francis Dana, who accom panied John Adams, as Secretary to the Embassy, received in 1781 the appoint ment of Minfster Plenipotentiary to Rus sia, and took John Quincy Adams, then i . t lion ; and we ask. in common justice, mat tne friends of other Whij; candidates shall meet us in a kindred spirit. Rtxolvcd, That we earnestly request the W'hijjs of this State to meet in the several cities and towns without delay, and express the pre. ferences of a candidate for th Presidency, and we recommend that in seleCtien of Delegates i Crowning j qs q QWn oravery and indomitable i to the National Convention, the respective Con- j glory of his character was his devotion to DerseTcrance. 1 !" . J ! the cause oi n.s neaeemer. , w u .g not r hi3 sreat milila. To that cause he was publicly dedica- r enU aone ,hat the people have selected ted on the second day of his earthly exist- General Taylor .as the man of iheir choice for ence, and throughout a long life; he man- 1 ,ne nexl President, but because he has display ifested a firm belief in Divine revelation, I eA lhose jlign anj no,ie qualities of head and frretional Districts should trive a decided ex- P - " o pression of their preference. the privilege for seven years.! ct j fifty cents per plow from evefy c ged in their manulacturr. I hope these facts w ill bej u i seminated by the press thrpu-! United States; for the hard jvoi! mers and planters ought to jm it. atelv annrized of what so vitally t . ... fi- As the lull is still penuin;- ,u . - j iiiriu. i r - i nErr.xo -K Ceoria nrgro ridinsamul. i the House of Represcnlniiyej let alon"nd'can,e toa l.rid,-. .be. lh. ml opnose.1 to injustice innd a ,. ,. Md. - HI bet .quarter." .aid Jack. ! tnke j.ams to call .he atU-nl . m . and a calm trust in that Being who rules' heart which win the love and confidence oflhci ,mke .,, eo o)M.r dia l.ridge." and wiih member lo the stiiijrcr.muii u his iho ear. which tous measure may dc ucieateo. among me ndlions auu sjJicaua imp iiiciv. ; teiiiic, anu ic me "-s. mai ne iium ""- " , ' 'A IP f i i u- j nv:.ron fill ,ua rtiitip of the office to which i nf heaI suddenlv. loutake P K OI niS lOVC Over IllS UCJicuunut, v,uuui- .-f : yaiuj iu mi iu. . . But he is gone. The places that have ! we desire lo see him elevated, with honor to known him wilt now know him no more- himself and benefit to the nation. forever. This instance of mortality, at! Resolved, That a committee of ten lie op- a.i: rxoinful nrtmon. i u tUa phairmiin ofithis meetinif. to OllCe SO ueCAlimr aim aw piiw, j immiucu u ; fourteen years of age, with him as hispri-1 may apply our hearts.unto wisUoin. ishes us' of the uncertainty of (life, and : transtnit to Gen. Taylor a copy of these reso- i i.ikn ii I.., i nraamlilp. 9nrl to rommunicate to teaches us so to numuer ouruajoma. v ; luuuwa K.v... , him the wishes of this meeting. that he struck the mule over too ears, wnicn made him nod his head suddenly. "You take de bet den," said the negro, and contrived to get the stubborn mule over the hridge. I won dat quarter, anyhow," said. Jack. -But how will you gel your money 1" said a man who had he en close bv unperccived. "To-morrow, said Jack, " massa gib me a dollar to get corn, and I takes de quarter out A letter from Washington; inj lhe I American, says: "Mr. Clair v i U vi: phia during the ensuing week, and nf.er in" there for eight or tn das,wii! . J way homewanl, by Baltimore, Tuning : 1 burg, to comply with an cngasjn.en!. i

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