' ji l: lY SLAVES. 1 . .MiimonJ ptUt at Washin , A -CIIIUIU . -- 'Pfowiilr iuj the; attempted escape of a fiiumlf f loffsUveV Iro n that city and from frcfttowi : and out vl subsequent nroceea ..V. ' I Mi - . ,1 t . . , .Ciillibn ivhicht llwio slaves were cm cd wli froiiv rhijadl )bia, and under the rinartrnenirthcc!4hite men, ;who have -)mnittd L Dm Pa to jail toialwuit iheir trial. timbre Sunlof ilic 19ih, contains the dllelri in relation to this affair : ,hUlH W.VfHlNCToX. April 18th, 1848. ppjptirouit InrJ recovery of ihc slaves , sovcjnty-tight n numDer, nas teatcd asijUc)i conversation here as the Krene h ''evolution.!- There-was one on board in the arty irmrhhtf Virginia shlore, below this city. a,.,..,--,, r J ft. . . ,.i:l..l...'. ,v teems t(i have been rfuite i deepiy ij(u scnenio Tflie whoje thinff bfiny executed with quiet iide?paUh. Irho ur$nit was managed by 'police rjlticirsi, and Jvith great skill and en iJJ,', Twv .ouht to pc entitled to salvage. U, veserl Kvas f nuglf rrtopred in tone utver. t)'i!d' iodn havebeen ready to; go out of ,jt'3psi yiht puruer's made an examina in their U'O steiame and were on the . - 1 .! '..''. .' . I- '. 1 - .1! fl '- 1 . I - intf returning, ween inoy discovered me ,ol, and taught thelwho e party napping, the iijier of rca)turc being, in their opinion, en- with lv over Tpe t tircf U nite men found in the vessel are acksil hnaiiiH th ski 'ifitemtnt rather llitlicult to lrwnal safety. Com- lnce o ject. Tho bill proposed was merely intend ed to hold the city corporation liable fW nro perty destroyed Uy mob violence. Mr. Benton hoped that the whole subject i woqld be dropped, and the regular business proceeded with.! Mr. Calhoun epoRe with warmth, denouncing the ef forts of Northern abolitionists to deprive Southern! men of their, property. U Northern vessels could no visit Southern waters, without endangering Southern Tights, Southern men wuultf prevent them at all. The conse quence would be thi the question would thus directly be brought to an issue.jj If any political eyent threatened the safety of the Union, it is the slavery question. All matter tending to a 'collision upon this f point should be watched and treated with caution. He trusted therefore that leave to introduce the bill would not be granted. .Mr. Hale replied iand utterly denied khat he had in any manner whatever directly or mdireptly, by council, speech or silence, hid any connection with the kidnap ping business. , Mr. Calhoun abruptly closed the discussion as far as himself was concerned, by observing tint he Bhould as soon think of arguing with a maniac, as the Senator from New Hampshire uppp the subject. . j Mr. Mangum deprecated the excitement which pre vailed, as well as the ill-timed introduction of the bill. The discussion was continued until ailate hour. The senate adjourned to Monday, without taking the ques tion. CAPEy FEAR i .-. - 1 i THE Proprietore of the CAPE FEAR, STEAM BOAT COMPANY hare pat on thl Rivef the new Steamer" -J GOV. GRAHAM to run regularly between Wilmington and Fayetteville, at the late reduced frerghts. She draws butj 20 inches water, having two engines and locomotive boiler, with superior accommodations for Passengers. j AU Goods consigned to J. & W. L.McGARY, Wil mington, will be forwarded up the river, free ff commis sions, i All Produce from the country will be forwarded down me river and to its destination free of commissions. Communications addressed to J. & W. l4 McGary, Wilmington, and W. L. McGary, Fayetteville, will have attention. - . W. L. McGARYl Agent. April 15, 1848 jly52 o U12, S T -? v zr 5 2- ft " 2. S"? m O GO 00 'I? an I there was so much per himself, that it bet him into tho jail in the NT.TC paltiniore Sun. to:, April 19, 1843. jiia morningj you were the " Pearl," which t(1 deluded, defrauded A- f nt the people who haw been thus success. kity oupcu put 01 moneys outaineu nnnesuy or Av .Telefljraphi eatlj priced of jtho Cnpturb ol nne, with heH tarJn t ilivei (iad just; been iTtufijed to this city. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. On Thursday,jMr. Palfrey rose to a privi. leged question. Jle wished to cifler o; resolu tion, setting forth; tho proceedings of the mob in the city of Washington, and moving the ap pointment of a select committee of five to re port what actionjwas necessary for the Iouse to take to securojthe members from personal threats and violence. ! Objections werp made, but finally withdrawn, and the resolution" came regularly up for! con- siuerauon. f j Mr. Venablci of North Carolina, then ad dressed the House in denunciation of thej abo litionists. He gave way several times to Mr. Haskell and others to interrogate Mr. Giddings, who in reply to 6ne of the questions, admitted that he avowed tHe right of avef to run off in an efibrt to regalr freedom, but Jwith this ad. mission acknowledged the supremacy of tho law in its relaH to whites wholabetted them. Mr. V. concluded, by moving an amendment in- cresing me nunaoer ot the committee to nine. LAND FOR M r. TnnmtlS. hf (.Anrrria Lnvt'lb tkn fl ..... jhoneRiJyrtndficcd o viiiate a fidelit' ever and made a powbj-ful and eloquent speech, de. before questionable ire n en, wo-'"" and chii- nying that the Hpuse had any right to entertain ireiLit i irvial f.ut betwten whom and their I Mr. Morse, ofj Louisiana, next! spoke on the ivners feel ng'Hf regard, hlmost amounting to ! same side, and 1 compiithented the speech ol iTeounn, halve cVer cji'itet . j Mr. Toombs warmly. "TtfrtQ p,eple bavo een beset by a horde of Some very severe dechi rations against Messrs. unprinqipletj, soujjless fanatics, who have j Giddings, Root, i'j'uck a id Palfrey, generally, fduceu.ineni trom m comioris anu privileges , out against ;ir. OiUuirtgs artcularly, were filio olJ homestead -t-havb corrupted the ptu (made by Messrs; fStephens, Haskell, .Toombs and Venable. ,Itwas naily, orkjuite charged" oy i wo or mree pi mese gentlemen, that he had participated in the kidnapping of slaves and I WISH to sell my plantation lying on the south side of the South Yadkin River and Hunting Creek, in Da vie County, North Carolina, four miles southwest from Mocksville, containing 1475 ACRES, of which about 500 acres are cleared (200of which is fresh,) in good repair, and upon which there afe good FARM BUILDINGS, a good GRIST and SAW MILL, I good meadows and all necessary conveniences, for farm ing on a large scale. The land is equal in quality to any in the county, and is well adapted to the raiding ot all kinds ot grain and tobacco particularly. j I ersons wishing to purchase, will please call on me in Mocksville, and I will take pleasure in showing them the land, and as I am determined to sell I will give a bar gain and make the terms accommodating, j WILLIAM F. KELLY. April 24, 1848. 14t52 0The Raleigh Register and Danville Register, will please copy the above for three months, and feend their accoun's to this Office for poyment. ho deserved to be! strung Hi 1 s nrincinles. and substituted villainy for fidel t under aS9urhnce that these said fanatics njujil provide aj way to lh 'ir freedom. Their rriviil and escort tojjjail, agitated the entire nmrntinny-rlho; gatci ol ine prison, anu the froujj(iog neighborhood, liave been thronged j of expelling himi Two white men, named llward bavres and hniel Draytoi, statl co ntnilled by Justice l'illiam, cpafged, unon t ie oath of Andrew Iiover, witn hiving stolen and taken away two are t, the rjroper'y o saiic Hoover. Chester aglfth, al'n'.: white, timl j r rohahly one of the -ewvM rnriitnittcd b) Justice Goddard upon a uiilar chagei I ,A meeliirg of the ok'nera is called at the jail M., and during the sending them off from this district, for which up ! Several talked declared that he had Lmnrf.iv ft t 1 ( 1 ifi')tuA; X 'icnoon a e.jrxftininnjiion l)f the accused par 'it will lake nl.'irn lioCon Justice Williams and HMard. I! jj ;i i mm or l-erti other? in'.'ffit. A lafgel crowd of persons have assem- h ktrec in front of the New Era wjiich itnuch excitement exists. v .. " .t - I .1 . P. 9 7S a BS s r- n 3 3 s. o -t o s 3 T3 cr 3 fif 3 6" PJ 99 O -I n S3 F5 c o 00 r H 3 W OS H PJ o 3 a. O 3 O a o o W O r 53 S3 .5 i CD ,.t-3 iSiel'B g s S7V -3 TEnESTISG TO rcncu.isEKs. ! - -' S RPPTTVTfi finrnisi M I i DAGUERREOTYPE. MR. SMILEY EXPECTS to continue a few days at Salisbury for the purpose of taking the of those who may desire it. He possesses the most im proved process, with a new method of preparing Chem icals, which enables him to give the most beautiful tone and finish, with a natural complexion to his miniatures. Taken as well in a cloudy as a fair day. Likenesses always warranted. Ladies and gentlemen are invited to call and exam ine his specimens of Daguerreotype at his room at the Mansion Hotel. April 20, 1848 tf 51 education! THE subscribers have just receive?, direct from Phil adelphia Si. N. York, a large arid splendid stock of 33ra (Soopb, Suited to the Spring and Snmmer Reasons, embracing all the New Styles of Dress Good, j ith almost every other article in the Dry Goods line. : y!so, a well select ed Stock of Loots and Short. Hard ir are, Queenstrare, j GLASSWARE, i LEGHORN and PALMEAF 1UTS, BOSNETS, . CMBREI.LAS, FARASOLS .A.ND StX SHADES, GROCERIES, ScO. O The public are invited to call before making their purchases, and examine the Stock t f M. BROWN & SON. Salisbury. April 6th, 1B-1S 19if NEW ARRIVAL! OF Books and Stationary. TTCTEBSTER'S large Dictionary v T Boles' pronouncing d5. Webster's do. do. Baldwin's Gazetter, Walker's Dictionary, (new editjen). Smith's, Kirkham's and Murry'l Urammar, Emerson's 1st. and 2d. part Arithmetic, Smith's, Pike's and Smiley's do. Washington and his Generals, by Head'y, Napoleon and his Marshalls, General Taylor and Staff, General Scott and Staff, Alamance, (ihe North Carolina Novel), Quarter Races in Kentucky, ! Sol Smith, Tom Burk, Charles O'Maley, Squatter Life, Best French and English letter Taper, superior ar ticle ; Ink, Ink Sand, Quills, Slates, etc., etc. Xj" Call at the Cheap Cash Store. M. RROWN & SON. Salisbury, April Gth, 184S-4'Jtf SPRING 1 8 1-8. EDGEWOIITII FEMALE SELIIi Jill. REV. PROFESSOR G. MORGAN, I j , GOV. J. M. MOREIIEAD, Propricr. THE year begins with Jaly, and closes; cn . Thursday in May ; an unbroken term of ten The several departments which form a ccrnfri ! and ornamental Edacation.aa Music, Draw it Pa French, Latin, and English Languages and, Lit - Mathematics and the experimental Sciences ;'; ? Ir: and Moral Philosophy, the BiWe and its Librat i e, : conducted by Professional Teachers ,f much er-.vrier Eduewokth is organized on a well defined r'art ,0 j part to a moderate number cf pupils, the LuVs: -.! uiucauon, ana mi an exprne ur jcao tusa ii 11. of like grade, in the large Cities. - j I The greatest parental care and OTertigLt, extrr; : from improper associations, good society, a We!', zrrz: ed course of study ; valuable Libraries anj Ai approved methods of instruction, religious tulturr, L of tu'v ; great improvement, and whatever qui Lady to perform with dignity and wisdom the' t: a:. ; whic h Providence assigns her, sre secured t Ed ;rwc : . pupil?, to an extent seldom attained In the aiost favt:. 1 Institutions. ' ! I i 1 The expenses for each of the five mcnihl are. Be-.', ic. and the instruction in all.Stsdies not ixtra. $7.1. Music on the Piano or Guitar, 20,Oil Tintir 5 C . 1 either cf the Aficitsit or Modern! Laoztagel,' Clw Valuable LAND' mum i I have not yet been com- iVl mi Seven j itire, amon U propets of an outhrbak are threatening Mkkcvry. 1 STThe 41- VBttnda neither aided nor nbelted in the escape of any slave. Were he to do io, he should expect to abide the rigor ofj the laivs on the subject. He had visited the prison, aind "voluntarily offered to procure counsel and to stand by and see un harmed from mabjviolence, the while men im prisoned there on a charge of kidnapping the slaves taken ofTlby the schooner i Pearl, but he had done nothing to procure the escape of any slave in the District. Mr. G. had visited the jail, but was aiJdjionished to retire speedily, which he did. t Without coming to any definitive action, the House, on motionj adjourned. On Friday, the? sujjeet was resumed, and Mr. Stanton ol Tenn. commenced a speech. This is the lates account we havie as yet. F OR SALE. ! I WISH to sell my plantation lying on Hunting Creek in Davie county, N. C, five miles west of Mocksville, containing 330 Acres, of which from eighty to one hundred acres are first rate bottom land, welji drained, and in good order for cultivation. There is a good DWELLING HOUSE, j Barn and all the necessary out-buildings, a first rate spring and a good orchard of select fruit. Persons de siring to buy, are requested to call and examine! for them selves, and as I am determined to sell I will give a bar gain and make the terms accommodating. j GEORGE WILSON. April 24, 1849. 14t52 Drawing and Water Painting S10. Ptfty Dollara are paid on entering, and the Hi! r on the 1st of January and May. f j j j ' i Pupils t-hould enter at the opening 61 thef year w!. the clasps are formed. They can rnter ft any- li: but not to be withdrawn before the close in May ; they are examined on the studies of the year, advance to hinher grades and the Senior Class having cc r. ; ' teu the course, receive Diplomas, at permanent t inonal of a hnished Education z'.l J. Pupils, who are allowed iosufneient time-to gr Ju::? , are jM-unitted tojom the cUors for which Cey imy 1 qualitieJ, and all receive the full benefit of their fjrn t StUll.C. i 4 Parents and Guardian are expected to write, fur mc particular infonnation, especially for the coarse if : j dents, when Greenloro, --'I -1 " --j r preparations can be made St bfme. i ro,' N. C. March, Iw4. LIST OF LETrEItS REMAINING in the Post Oflice in Salbtury, t the first of April, 18 1 : j ; A Mrs. Anderson. B George C. Burracf , ? ! Roxana E. Blarkwrll. Eli Blackwilder. M. V i M,,,3 K!"beth Blackwill, Alex. Brown, Wn. J. Pre WILLIAM C. JAMES & CO. I !JLr, the Delegates from Locofoco Conven lialf of tho others llagcs." Register. ceased r i said " at last two- h'fdi ol Thd Detegat4" tb the Whig Conven- n. f'.-werd from the Towns and Villages of Sute." I If- ve take an Ve and JoJinnton ro the cn, we sl)u(l iu(!g!tha fre from 'i TWns alid V . ' I - 4 i 4-i - 4---- NVrf ntrth hf -CJnAr. 'I'hc strength of ropes nd cords (Mpdlids on the fiiicuess of the strands utmproiihge, isj stronger than dry. Silk cords wveMirec itj lhcR4rcr glh of those of flax 'Ueame iameter, and a remarkable increase (f Wength iaoUaind by gluing the threads iefber. 1 t.Wirinen rord, the threads of which r glued; is jMonge than the best wrought j Coffee, 1 ' Feathers,.. In this, County, bnfthe SUtwinst., by he Rev. Stephen Frontis, Mr. WILLIAM S. H ARRIS j of Cabarrus Co. to Miss ELIZABETH POWE, daughter of tie late Win. E. Powe, decd, 1 i In this Town,onUhe 15th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Par' ker, Mr. J. S. McCUBBINS, of Staiesville, to Miss CECELIA CHUNK;, daughter of Wiljiam-Chunn, de- AI.SO FOR SALE 55G ACRES lying on Hunting Creek, adjoining the above land, of which from 175 to 200, acres are first rate bottom Jand,well drained and in good order for cultivation, and upon which there are good farm buildings ; two good orchards, good meadows and the plantation in excellent repairJ We are determined to sell, will give a bargain and imake the terms easy. JvELLY & WILSON. TO CTRiLCTORSr PROPOSALS, under seal, for building a new Luthe ran Churchin t lie Town of Salisbury, N. p., will be received by the subscriber until the last of May next, at which time the contract will be let out to the lowest bid der. The contract will only embrace the building of the wall, which is to her of brick size 50 by 30. Address J. HCoffnian, Salisbury, N. C. J. II. COFFMAN. April 19, 1849. tf:52 THE subscriber informs the public that the Slim mer Session, of his GRAMMAR SCHOOL, for the benefit of both sexes, will commence, at his house, in Salisbury, on Tuesday the 9th of May next. The terms of tuition are as follows, viz : For spelling, reading, writing and Arith metic SI 00 For the same with English Grammar, Ge ography or History, 1 50 For the Latin, Greek and French language or the higher branches of English Educa tion, 2 00 For instruction in marking, 50 For do. in. worsted and chenille. 1 00 The Female department will be kept in a separate room, under the superintendence sf Mrs. Frontis. Stable room will be gifen for the horses of those who come from the country. STEPHEN FRONTIS. Salisbury, April 13, 1848. 4w58 A RE now receiving, bv the most recent arrivals from J. Boston and New Vcrk, th-ir enWffStock of Sttrina and Summer (rOM,cousistmgof a splendid assortment of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, Hardware and Cutlery, Hatt, Shoes, Bonnets, Trunks, Single and donlle Larrcl GL'yS, He. The stock is by far the largest and most commanding ever offered by them in this market; and having been purchased since the late decline at very reduced prices, and many styles of goods at enormous sacrifices, at auc tion and otherwise, will he sold for Cash, and on ihe usual time to punctual customers, either at wholesale or retail, at such prices as cannot fail to give satisfaction. A call from their old friends, and the public general ly, respectfully solicited. Wm. C. JAMES &, Co. Fayetteville. March 2.5, 1845. 4itf tatc oC liovtli OTavoKua, SURKY COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Feb. Term, 1843. Josiah Cowlei, admr. ) r- S r.i.:i. ...y r 1 The heirs at Law of James ( J J Denny, dee'd. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that John Denny, William Denny and Jesse Denny are defendants and reside beyond the;Iimits of this State. It is therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made in the Carolina Watchman tor live successive weeks notifying said defendants to be and appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Session, t-o he held at the Court House in Rocklord, on the 2d mon-.iay in .Vay next to plead or deir.ur to said petition, otherwise the case will be heard exparte as to them and a sale of the lands ordered accordingly. Witness, 1". K. Armstrong, Clerk of said Court at office, the 2d mondnv of Feb. lM. T.'K. ARMSTRONG, Ci'k. 49:5t: Printer's fee 5 ! o 3 roil. T If 1$ IJIAURETS. Apples, (dried). Bacon, 11 randy, Butter, Beeswax, -., Cotton Cotton Yam,.. Salisbury, April 27, 1848. ..0(i k 00 j Linseed Oil,. 75 (S 80 .. 8$ 00 t glasses,.! 35 (S) 40 ..40 & 50 i Nails, 5J la) 6 lOtfo 00 !0ats, J 16 (S 17 . ltfrfi) 20 ' Irish Potatoes,.. .20 (S 25 .....US8 ' i Do., (sweet)... 00 (3 30 . .00fS85 Sugar, (brqwn) .. Kfe 10 1 Do. 'loaf).. ..00 d 25 Salt, (sack!) ...00 fa) 25 Tallow,...;..... Flour, (per bbl.)...WfS) 4J Wheat,.. Iron,..., r ..ft (a) 4 Whiskey,.... .6 (a) 10 124 (a) 00 .2 (B 3 ....10 0 P-Vi ....f)5 (a) 70 ..25 (a) 30 3 PRICE & KESLER, . Fashionable Tailors, ' 1 . . 1 . 1 . j ... . . , April 27, 1843. tf53 HE subscriber having determined to curtail his Mechantcal Business, offers for sale all the BUGGIES ci 1 RANGER'S NOTICE. TAKEN up and entered on the stray book for Rowan county, on the 22d instant, by Jacob Kritler, living 15 miles west of Salisbury, a pale .sorrel mare,hlaze in the face, right hind! foot white, about 14 hands high, sup posed to be seven years old, and valued at thirty dollars. The owner of said mare is requested to pay charges and take her away. JOHN I. SHAVER, Salisbury, April 22, 1848.3t5-2 -- Ranger. evilhy April 25, 1848. BY MS h it j S 1 S 4, NIGHT'S MAIL. iCONGRICSS. TK, f)fT Thursday, a 'deeply ex f"edfdeLate arpsc oil a motion by Mr. Hale of Feathers, v it' i . i . 1 mi. ! 1 . j; n. tor leaTQ j to introduce n ii 11 relative 10 wful asCiiula!ei in the District, "biirr- i (pecchds ivWc rrtade, (says tho Baltimore riot,) iij vlUch iiles3rb. Calhoun, Utitler, "Stun, llaiinriin,) Uoutlas-i, the two Davi. Foote, hnil therl participatcul. Mr. Foote bn liis liitfhpftalulin horse, and assured Mr. 'filial if k)v wouli conje to Mississippi, he lu be vr much itrrticj, and said he would CaJianoJ ir) doinSihosd high honors to his wfiuon dtsdrtk! That is, that tliey would njtthe Nfcwl HampiUire Senator in Mississip. liftboy dotJIJj catch la J ri 1 on, in that State. ltor Ij.ilirtl.tMa I LKtirr tj hi 1 rle was Idol ris damage to the vartu, i the ;'e of iiiclj, ttris tpat hu would drive Loco over o' e uldnto 1 cause in the free k'v', andjeau no thim t vole for Mr. Hale, tandrdaia bfj tlie Ibolitiotiists for the Presi dfftcy. Sol ol Mr. F ote, that his speech good a 3,0,00(1 votes to the Senator from . UamftshlnL Afr. FootO was a'ain nnnn h'-hirs'o ! way-of Explanation. When Brandy, (p'ch). Do. (apple). Racon, leeswax, ' Coffee, 1 Cotton, , 1 Lorn, 43 50 Candles, F. F....0( pj) 15 t lour, 5.5 j(S) 75 ; Ditto, (drv).. ...... .65) 10 45 S) 50 i Iron, (Sws) ...5 (S) 6 ..tj 8 ; Do. (Eng.) 'GD A 00 f2) 20 I Molasses,.j. 24 (a) 26 . 8 te 1 0 i Nails, (cut) 5i .. -G (S) 6i Oats, i.. ...... 30 (S) 35 Oil,(Lins"d).:.. .75 (S bO Sugar, (br'h).. .1 3 10 . 5 IrSb 5 5 Salt, (bush.l. 50 (S) 60 30 (S) 32 i Do. (sack) li a 2 00 Flaxseed 1 10 1 15 'Wheat,...! 90 1 00 Hides, (green) j3 (5) 4i Whiskey,4. 28 (5) 32 Chcraw, April 25, 1848. Paeon, 7J 0 8$ Beeswax. ...5 2'j (S) 21 Ragging, (he'p) la 25 (tow). ..15 (S 16 Hale Rope, '4 fa) 10 Coffee, J f,D 10$ Leather, (sole). ..18 (a) 2,2 . Lard.... J. .00 (S H Lead, (barO ;...8 (5) 10 Molasses,(jN.O.) .40 45 Do. "(Cuba). ..35 (a) 40 Nails, (cut jass'd)... .6 (3) 6$ MONEY LOST. ! LOST on thq first day of April by the Subscriber, four hundred and five dollars, in District; No. 82, on the waters of Rocky River, Iredell county. ! Said mo ney was rolled up in a piece of white paper. No bill, I believe, was of a' larger denomination than tejn doHars, and none smaller than five. A reward of tveniy-five dollars will be given to any one finding the same and re turning it me. WILUA.U L.. uupijhti. Iredell county. April 27, 1849 (tf 52 :5l t TrvTTriTTnn on hand about his shops, viz : Eight or ten fine BUG GIES, made of the best material. 3 good Barouches, 1 2d hand do. . 4 or 5 excellent liizht Carryalls. 4 new one horse Wagons. 1 firstrate 3 horse Wagon, (light draught.) 1 second hand Sulkey. 3 first rate young work or riding Horses. 1 good buggy Horse. 1 3 horse wagon Bed. 1 Cart, and many other articles not named. All which property will be sold very low either for cash or on time as may suit purchasers best, as 1 am de termined to sell oft. If the above property is not all sold before May Court privately, it will then be offered to the highest bidder on fair terms. J. S. JOHNSTON, i Salisbury, April 17, 1848. 3t51 State ot JLovtn Carolina, WILKES COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, January Sessions, 1848. Allison Speaks vs. Patience Garris, Forrest Justices Jndgmynt leried on Garris, Henry Garris, Lands of the Defendants. Wilson Garris, and Wi lie Garris, Heirs at Law of Win. Garris, dee'd. . John II. Barton, Mews, ltoner Sc Chrit, Mrs. Barr, J. C. Bennett, Mrs. Maria Sophia Brtn,I . BriL't-'s, Thos. Beard, Spencer Boncon. J II . 1 Colleti, Rhenhamah Cowan, Jas. L Clntk.jTlu C ser, .Martin Corl. JJ Harriet Davis, Thot. IK n '. E Silas Earnhenrt, Capt. John Eubank, John T. Mary Edwards. I John M. Fos:tr Andrew I K Pries, Jacob N. File, Mic hael Vr ptrtnani C ' (ii!es, Jas. M. Grogans, Mary Grahain, Mri. .'1 (Jardiner, nus-s N-edy Gauze, inrs. JMary ku'.e -. Gardner, Benj (Jilbins, S. M. Gillani, !mi.-f Se! . ( James F. (iraham, Louis Galamobr. TZ Henderson, Messrs. Holmes &. Brothert, Jc. lh jiaret llatkett. David F. Henderson Nj R. 1 1 n r r , 1 Heathman. Daniel Huffman. J. C. Hall SJCV. Hill, Jacob Hill. J. W. Honeycut. 'J Mrs. ; Jol-.nston, tnios Johnston and brb. S.Jacob Sy Jaim ? a. Knox, Elizabeth Krider, James (1. K: naid Kinney, Peter Kerns. T. DJ M. Im ! D. Loi k, nirs. Jane Serniods, CoL R. (W. J ' : Serena Lucabill, Jacob Lingle, Jos Jthrf, Ix-ster, Win. Lucky, John Leonard.! XVX-'! Coy, Roht. McNamara, John S.May, mr. Miller, John Macnamara, nirs. Maria 1". Henry Miller, Robt. Mourn, Peter T. M Sarah More. U Albert M. Noble, VJr :.. O Armstead Owens, p C. L. Tartee j A : ston. Charles Power, James Parcaa, Wu. J'.. B.Power. H Edward Ruftey. nuH Sink. Daniel Sechler, J. F. Stirewalt.Georp Martin S:arn. George Spencer, Charles St r tr, son Smith 2, Saiu'l. Silliman, George Swin : Sossomon, Jdhn Shutnan.jr, Wm. Swjnk, M 1 I mrs. Ann Shaver, Wm. Sharer, mis Car 1 Valetitir.e Stirewalt. T Jmcs Tny!cr I Thoma, Joseph E. Todd, Henry Trout imi , i tint Turin r.miss Sarah Ann Turner, Wu,, V "irs Catharine Verble.Fredtrik Win Willis, H. Weaver, Frederick Wrr ; Wicks, John Williamson. V Margaret I. Salisbury, April C, lft48 19:3t; i Saddle, Harness and NOTICE OUR friends and-customers will accept our kind regards and thanks for the liberal patronage be- ; stowed upon us for the past Year, and thos. who have not settled their accounts and notes, will please do so without delay, for we must have money. Dr. Wheeler 1 who goes North for purposes connected with his profes- 1 sion, will select and purchase for us the largest and best stock of drucs, medicines, instruments, iSlc, if., ever brought into this country, which will be sold low for cash, i Should any of our friends w ish articles from the North 4. I t MAIN STK12ET, SAL! THE subscriber hating rslab!i?heM I. , Town of Salisbury, for the pur-.- : the above business, respectfully so5;ei: a f patronage. He pledges himself, that Lit v. not usually kept by us. Dr. Wheeler will take pleasure I " 91 done ,n the very best stj jr. an i !.. in procuring them, it they will cairat Ins otlice anu leave the amount with particular written direc tions wuh S. B. Westcott,who will forward the same to him. LOCKE A; CII AFFIN. Salisbury, Feb. 3, 184S i 40 JSi- fiiHihtfd. Mr. iinatiot l Hi had now hdh. Mr. Haiiy givc n w amfndmpnt dice thrt 1r.11 In nrnvonl lit.', t.i ' li ' J . ""' ...w "v vi Kifflnanrtinf. hviUmn,i t. v... 1; ji i: o' W J ""i "ivai an niacin iiita- it . .1. "'J !-. L J 111 ? Wd3that he would unite wilh 'Host l&ntii v: In hm -1 i-.L.i. - 1.... li.l. 1. . TV' I 'f3fi"v ui sucil i law. 0UI(J ifrctent (hli Cr rio Of klchvnnnlnrr. fnr nxA 11. tA 1 i .. J - -n-"t? . .i uu rnf a mac a cross cas f ah Zl.r:l 55Mrred Jeslirday within sisht of Cotton,.. Corn i.. Flour Feathers, Hides, (.dry). Iron, fa) 7i Oil,(spernv)...l 12 fS 1J .4-F5 45 .Rice, 0 (3 f . . 4'J (Sf 5 Sugar, (br"h) 9 (3) .11 . 25 (a 32 Do. (loaf) 15 (a) 17 ..AM fa) 9 Salt,(sack....l 62 (3) U ....S'O.'Ci Tobacco,..! 8 (3 15 ACAIII. -(1 in5 to necessary alsence, the open ing of my school is postponed to Tuesday the 9th of May next. if STEPHEN FRONTIS. April'27, 1818. 4 tf52 Wf L)ouass said Ihe Mis?is- wal CABINET MAKING. THti subscribers have jthisj "day formed a Copartper-1 the -st vie of Watson A; Uonzcc. rf! ship under We will continue th C A 1 J I N ET ; i M A KING BUSINESS in nil iti various branches, nt the old stand onnosite the lfiifcd lh lkl ! I i-ii r a n 1 11 it .1 u-: - .1 i.f.i I f..- ri 1 " i I T v.i.w. nuwan noiei, oemi; ;iiiaiiMUi umu euciwragru iui nisi , amidjaU ttic eicjterndnt, produced consid. j uoP.to please everyone who favors us with a call. as good as 5,000 an from New Hamp. $25 REWARD. i AN AW AY from the subscriber, .residing near Concord, North Carolina, jabbut the 1st of December last, a negro boy by tHe name of JOHN. John is a very bright colored mulatto, is about five feet 10 inches in height, straight) and well built has long dark hair and wears it comhed over in front and straight down over his ears and jheibqck part of his head and when excited or heated by exercise his face assumes a flush and ruddy complectio'n. He has a scar on his left hand and one upon his rilit wrist. He has an axe scar on his left foot, as well asj recollect ed, extending from the end of his big toe near to the middle of the foot. He took with him w hen She left me a good pair of cassinette pantaloons, and a gdod brown overcoat and a pair of boots. He may have! procured free papers and attempted to make his wayjto a free State, as a free manjsf color, or he may have; attempt ed to pass for a-r.white man, which his color vfould well justify. But I am rather inclined to believe b is lurk ing about Charlotte, as he was raised in thatitown and has numerous relations and acquaintances in aind around that place or he may be about Asheville, Ni C, hav ing a brother living there. Any information respecting him, given to me at Concord, N. C, will be thankfully received. And the above reward will be givpn to anv person who will deliver him to me, or confine him in any jail so that I get him. WM. C. MEANS. Concord, N. C. March 22, 1848. tf43. j Same vs. Same. Same Same. Gwyn &. Hickerson vs. Same. W P. Waugh, Same. Same. Same. tame. Same. the times. I He w ill keep constantly on hand j A' i ' . 1 Martingales, Harness, Collars, &idJI '' Valisrs, V , V- Also, Harness SLini! .: . ; I per Leather of the very best ijualitf a!w;i i can Ik- bought low for cash, or on 0 !.o:t i ll tirtPir cutompr. f ! a.i i In atijj0 to above. he respectfi' V. FAMILY COMPANION. pul. ha, he r,me on the taxm IX Lectures on Causes Prevention and Cure of ; s,a,(.sv;!,, w)(,rf he wiI, alw u . v Conj.umpt.on, Asthma. Diseases of the Heart, and j fn,nd j y ,hem whh nn). a , all Ieinale Diseases. 2.14 pa2es, 28 engravings. I a., art,rj ft per 50 cts. ; bound 75 cts. Mail to any part-posta-e , ' Thankful""for past enconraSemr nr, j. 1, .S' ! i n i -m . . I attention, not only to inrit a con:i;i!r.! " Shoulder Braces and Chest Lxpander f Ma.lio ba( a rotl,i,),raljle incrrw for lhc f0-;,re. ; any part 50 cts. postage. Inhaling rubes, Muer 3. rJJ:, h js one doQf aWfl (;, y- , by mail letter postage. Abdo.nirtal Supporter,, perfect. , anJ ,tf the ...urick Kfm..- ! : r? 10 ?5 iu, lor a i uupiiircs, x auiog 01 mc iwwnsan'j t . Vt II ;,1C1' Salisbury, January 117, 1" H onto, anu eai iacK, umu wursi u; L.jin-rT everywhere. For Braces oc Supporters, or Rupture Sup porters, give height from head to foot, and circumference of person next the surface, just above the hips. If Rup ture, mention which side. Agents wanted for the sa of the above goods. Address Dr S. S. FITCH, 707 Broadway, New York, post paid. Februarv 24, lfcl. lv4- TIN, SHEET IRON and 10 i of his intention to of- VTig,r.-.t 'WotMd fuHthcr av. thai noth. i ih mjroirei5n o xhW object of this bill, 1 rl tur 'M v i lr 00 jrorn mis, anolstudi buaiy abstained from gtOllavelin connection with the WM. ROWZEE. Salisbury, Jaripary 11, 1848. ! 3tc39 THE MAGISTRATES OF Rowan Comity, are requested &' meet at the Court-House, in Salisbury, on Thursday of May Court, for the transaction of County Autiirs. v E. D. AUSTIN, Chairman April 13, 1848 f Jw50 j JUSTf RECEIVED Afj LARGE supplV of very superior Sailseratus, Soaps, . Perfumery, Patnts, Truses Oils, dandles, Garden and Flower Seed of all kinds, Paint and Varnish Brush es, of all sizes. h Salisbury, March 23, 1849 BROWN & JAMES. tf47 TAKEN UP ND entered on the RanjeVe book for Rowan Countv, about the 9th insst., 3 4 by the agent ot Airs, i nomas vra'?e at her'piantation seven miles from Salisburya dfrk brown mare, supposed to be about 12 years old, the twb hind feet white and mealy nose. Said mare has been appraised at 30 dollars. The owner is requested to take her away and pay charges. JOHN I. SHAVER, April 19, 1848 3t51 Ranger. 10REWARD. I WILL give the above reward for the ap prehension of ALLEN R EVIL, 4 free taan of color, who escaped from the Jail jof Mont gomery County, about the last of February. Said Revil is yellow complected, f about medium size, and I suppose he'is lurking about Mount Pleasant, in Stanly county, or about Concord, in Cabarrus. The above reward wrU be" given for the apprehension and confinement in any jail so that I get him, or for his de livery in Troy, Montgomery county, N. C. : r JACOB LASSITER, Jailor. Tror. N. C. AdhI 8. 1848; 3i50 IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendants are not inhabitants of this State : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the. Carolina Wachman for six weeks for the defend- j ants to appear a: the next Court, to be held for the Coun- j ty of Wilkes, at the Court House in Wilkeshoroujjh, on ' the 1st Monday after the 4th Monday of April next, and plead , or judgment pro confesso will be entered against them, and the Lands condemned to the satisfaction of plaintiffs debt. . ! Witness, W. Mastin, Clerk of our said Court at Office, the 1st Monday after the 4th Monday of January, j 1843. W. MASTIN, Cl k. j Gtr47 Printers Fee 812 00 i MMSk1. NEGROES FOR SALB ! I shall offer at public sale at the" Court House door in Lexington. onTuesday the 9th day of May next, 5 LIKELY NEGR'OES, 3 negro men, one woman and one small boy, the property of the late James P. Hum phreys dee'd. Terms, six months credit with interest from date. ALFRED HARGRAVE, Ex r. April 15, 1848. 3ul NOTICE ! ALL persons indebted to the Estates of John and Ann Clan-, dee'd, w ill meet me at the late "resi dence of the above named persons, on Saturday the th of May, next, to make settlement. The estates must be settled-as soon as possible. AU persons having claims against either of the above named estates will present them duly authenticated within the time prescribed" by law, or this notice will be Th.arl in Knr of their recovery. ' - . JOHN C. BENSON," dra'r, de bonis non. 3t51 . 5 0 NEGROES WANTED ! Cash for Negroes. rTlIIE subscriler wishes to purchase between this time A and the 20th Mav next, 1 FIFTY LIKELY YOUNG NEGROES , suitable for the New Orleans market. Persons having , any of the above property for sale, will do well by ma king early application to the subscriber, as he will pay ' the highest market price in Cali. j ' He can"be found at Mr. John I. Shaver's Hotel. ; E. .MYERS. j Salisbury, X C, April 1st. 1-4- 42 7 Communications from a distance ; promptly attended to. i Great Temperance Work Now Ready ! The History of tjie Ilottlc. W H 1 IITw' T.nrurinA W frs uit ri t i nrTi f i JL splendid illustrations bv Crciksuanks, so recently 1 I Vj 1I9B G . published in the New- York Or-an, is now ready. ItisJJ VX J X.. the most powerioily drawn picture ot intemperance ever Wf.jj improved and admiawy adpte J to NIANUFACTOIi: rroivx A: CAiir::: SALISBURY NO. CAlX THEY have on hand-.a large m:t which they will tell cheaper ll.cti t . . I part of th State. j A!"), Stills on band at SO cents per . I Roofing done on thuil notice. O.d c ; ; ' beeswax, tallow and feathers, taken in Sahsfjury, Maroh 2,184 j j tf -1 S " VALUABLE TLANTl & FOR SALE! rffHE sub:riljer. a Arent r Ji ' n I X for sale a TRACT TT Rocky Creek, between Tabor and B :!. v Irede'l County, and near S. D. Tel.... .'- ry, containing between - . JOHN WARRANTS - Jifit printed oh EW TYPE and on ex-i cellent rAxtilu lor sale ai wis uiucc Dublished. A copv should be placed in the hands o! ev I ery moderate drinker. It is a beautifully printed pam j phlet of 32 larsre octavo (iagea.on fine poer. a Price ; one copy 12 cents, ten copies 1 , one hundred 9. Orders through the post ofiice, pot paid, will receive i prompt attention. News agents, pedlars, kc, will find a ready sale for this work. Address OLIVER & BROTHER, New York City.. March 1, 1849, . 47 CTPapers giving ihi advertisement, entire, fic con spicuous insertions, will beatitled to twejje copies of the History of trie, Boule. to be forwarded to Aeir order J , '.J ' All pnd sof JBlanks for sale here. ,.c wrnin 'I here m on the uremic $ H ( DWELLING riOU and ell other necessary outhouses. Those wiehin? to purchase, wo.!d ih plication soon, as such an epportcn ty t landMs rarely offered to the putlic. jeuemiaii 'nr: Iredell County. April 8, 151-'. a UST received and for talc p!y of W. UuTs best TaSlowCt:. RR.ONYN v'. Jan. 1, 1613 tf 1 ' - - -. i -! f ji I i

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