ti. 1 -' ''.' I . j j 1 j ' - ' . fc : for Sub?n I Jtranc. ; crmi of tllc Watchman. r i i i if ii 4 m ,ii ,i. r ii k , i ru 1 1 i ; i vv i vn v i i a a n n in yn a - -ftv i ii iti ti iijii i ll a i i i i i i i 1 1 - i i i v x i - x ti m r ii ii i , n ii a i l . i -' II U' ' a n A U A A ' ' 1 LJ A W 1 Ml- I i I h WWW I N - W W A-U V I V i u iji Li u j u ii u;x y ii ii i m v v 7 u x y v u i a . i i : u I i -i " j . . ' T i. I . . j" f iVEEP X CHECK UPON ALL TOUR - iTTCV---v- f - Editors d Proprietors. r Rulebs. - 'lOv,' '":tf iptlon per ytifr.Twd Dollars payable in I Burl Sf not' JaiJ fa advance, Tvro dollars I anlfiftlr CIS. vi be chirged. ; VDVEftlSEXE.VTS JJVi'"f V " "'' " 2i fer fcti higbeHbiin jhese rates. A liberal deduc liort to khose-wlito adveiiise by ihe year. ,Etmsio"the iiiiitors 511191 be postpaid. hlfEGRAJID; DIVISION. of the Grand OivUiJn of the Sons of Tern- rrpirtbjj of Norlli Cfrolirja heltl in Grerns- )oroucn on ine Tin ana stn i Aprn, ml Was a mast harmonious and talented )oo! We h'd thd nlfMsuro of meeting Xvjth fsiveralllof c r Breihren from the j blderjSuhoVdijmfe, divisions, with whom j We hkcl before beer associated and wifh a goodly pumber frm those more recent)' estah'liih'dt.andiTiJh whom we had the J high'grMificationf becomine; acquainted, i ionshall wo rem m!)er with delight the j fWdfalJ paternal f.etinga of our Breth t en on jhis ocqasioi , and wc return to our rtboji a stout p heart and more rc?s lluflTnirve, 19 lo 'nUl in the great and i glorioui Warfare w ; have waged agairist 4 Alcohol and all iisf emissaries, j Vft ih all not pn tend to givo even a t synopsis; jf th pro teedings of the Grapd I pivisioW. inHmuc as we are promised hy ' our U'oYihy Grand Scribe with a detailed nccQUnt'lin time ft r our next paper, but ,: ve 'can not refrain noticing some of the leadings features tendant upon the as $cniblinsj :pf that 1 dy. j The prandjDivis on met at 11 o'clock, on ttm &7th and al er making all the pre limihnry arrahgem nlsforthe Session, ad journe'ii to 3 ofclocl in the afternoon; at . -which hOuritt!a!ruift conveneil. nroceeded f to the initiation otinew members, when represent atiiVil's frdfi Sal-em. Greensboro', ksville Divisions were ind duly invested with Grand Division. The Do this, and Liberty i sate. i Gen'l. Harrison. NEW SERIES, , . VOLUiME Vt NUMBER 3. I Cl AT TCPTTtoV TVT '"ri !nnTTTTTOT A "V MAV 1Q 1Q-Q t Salisbury aiid Mc A At . t presenieo, iniuaieu the Kegaba ou the reportsjof the G. V and Gr. Scribe. Vf re fddt reerre( to appropriate com roitteeft and afterlife transaction of some other huiinesA, adiclurned to 7.V o'clock. 1 j At tjiej appointetl hour the members, of j the Grand Division again repaired to ihe Masonic' Hall, wh ch bad been kindly " I granted that Fr tternlty for the holding 1 j.f itd vatiLltr.d anil tttitk Su 1ca Creensborough Division for holding its meetings, Avhifre tly found a large num ber 1 Of the latter a Isembled, for the pur pose of, orgaiiizingind proceeding to the rreshytejrian hurtli, to hear an Address frpm BfO- Alchtnilty M. Gorman, the in- i Vll'gent i and leflici IV Carolina. ijSobr ed, and the process: in nuinhr, Who ,W hand and clothed ii ed to the Church ; ! entered a, large an nt Grand Scribe of the Hall was crowd- ion formed, about 70 th lighted candles in full Regalia, proceed and as the members 1 splendid choir of La- dies and ttentiemeii in the gallery broke (forth in nSost mellifluous strains with m- iiapiunng t eiiiperajicc vtie. 1111s over, the services were fftiened by an appropri ate orator bv our of GreeptborciuKVi after the H"i)g of PriitViori Mill C . (ah t riL, if... ! . r vnothindin saving. j respectable and att seen asfcembleid it Ijorth Carolina, to hear j a Temperance AjJuress. 1 1 1 Brothefj Gorman Iiad been selected .by , T Greensborough I)ision some, time previ- f ously, to Sustain anil defend the Order on ! 4his occasion, jmi most handsomely and ably did he,, acquit! himself '; the address k l.'l. : 1 .. . .1' .!. .1 i i. ,i v - nrwijj iwiwmiy nua iieu 10 me piace, ine occasion, ana: flioi iilidience. Jt was elo .quent.argUrnpplative and persuasive; and wo Know max; everr cannui minu max ns- in the SessiOrfs of the G. D. from Quar terly to SetniJ Annual; w hen, after a long and able debate, it was Resolved, that olur Representatives in the. National ; Division be left uninsrucltd on this subject, but left to act ajsltheir discretion may dictate. The question of petitioning the ;Legisla ture to leave! the several Counties to de cide at the ballot box whether licensing shall be allqwed therein, after being fully argued was;unanimously rejected, it be ing considered impolitic and unwise for the Order o interfere in any matters which might) by any means be brought to bear upon the Legislature or political af fairs of the country. Several other matters of interest were disposed of $ut we have not time now to enumerate them. Votes of thanks were passed to thr Masonic Fraternity for the use of their Hall, to the Choir, the Breth ren of Greepsborough Division and the citizens generally, and the Grand Division adjourned oh Friday evening, to meet in Chapel HilMbn the third Thursday in July nexi.Comtnunicator. h Prom the Southerner. i : PROGRES OF MANUFACTURES IN j THE SOUTH. We continue to note the onward progress of industry in. the sunny South. The planters of cotton oimljt.fo see ihe necessity of cherishinir manufactuiesl amongst us. The startling re volutions in .Europe have, Hr the present at least, deprived the cotion planters of the ad vantage ofth continental market ; and should Great Britain become entangled with crum bling thrones and rising republics, she may not require tnuchjl if any cotton, until oil be poured over the troubled waters. The time is not far off when the planters of cotton may bjsjcompelled to look chiefly to home markets for the sale of their staple, and yet a great many of them oppose protection to this great and important branch of business of the United States!! Had the Tariff of 1842 been permitted to in this count six or seven doubt if ihey it . t t . rat itv. lStoiiier 1'rol. Jilane. Ymale College ; and mother beautiful Ode, anu introduced me ice, which we hazard vas jhe largest most mtive wc have ever tened' to ihat jmnn fence15Fttn Order ranee, was erefi 1 A ly anu successlul de- of the Sons of Tern- of any prejudices or o,; posit ifyni it mighi previously have en 1 ' . .1 . i r 1 ' tertained jn reg-ardjto it. Io harsh epi V thirts oi; dVhuhciat it ivas a calm, deli to j the patriotism, wui nuivnuy oij me ry terms were read ; ej;ate, nervous appeal he philanthropy, the itidience. And well, We are certain, didihe thrilling eloquence he Speaker tell upon moral inhabitants of and sound loi:lc of the inteilectua'l am jthe model tovn ofiGreensborougb. His i -style was feryid.eii i)assione(l and earnest, .and while thej flowers of rhetoric which yfre .S0 chastely 1 ifitejrwoven, were well 'calculated to inleasi; and charm the fancv. 1 , iue iorce 01 ns reasoning arid me power and, the manufacturers of cotton y would be consuming this year hundred thousand hales. We vill now use more than four hun dre'd and fifty thousand. Whh fair protection, it must be cle4r to all practical men of business, that in a few! years the domestic consumption of the raw material would reach one million of hales. That !colton would be now tWo cents a pound higher, if the Tariff of 18-12 had not been revokeq there is no question. There is evidently an interest awakening on this subject riot altogether discernahle. The increase of colton factories is bringing the sub j 1 DO ject home to jthe minds of the people. We no lice that two cotton factories are about to be established in Louisville, Kentucky, to be work ed by white laborers. Louisville is becoming quite a considerable manufacturing city. If the back countrj'was a little more accessihle by rail roads, shM would have a greater increase. Wo hope, hayever, to see not only Louisville, but all Kentucky, more energetically at work to increase her industrial pursuits. All parties in Kentucky jdro disposed to protect and foster domestic manufactures. The Georgia manufactures are becoming so important to her general industry, that to know the characteij of the State we must know some thing of her rrianufactures. . We learn from the Savannah Republican, that the U. S. Govern ment has made a contract with the.iMiiledge ville factory ar the delivery of three hundred thousand yards of cotton osnahurgs. This con tract was mBe after a comparison, by a Gov. ernmenuAgej&t in New-York, of the. Milledge ville with other like fabrics from other manu factories. 'I-his is not only a high compliment to the work Ipne in Milledgeville, but affords per year. : 1 ' i it ii i t runs 2500 spindles and 52 looms, and consumes from 800 to 1000 pounds of cotton per day, be ing about 700 bales a year. Until recently, the Company confined their attention exclusive ly to the production of yarns, which yere readi ly sold at advantageous prices in the, Northern markets. They! have recently been using what is termed the self-acting mule, a highly im proved piece of machinery, which spins thread of a very superior quality and fineness. They have also in complete operation all the machinery necessary for carding, spinning and weaving wool, and their kerseys are equal to any we have ever seen. j 1 At present, the Company employ, about 80 hands, connected with about 25 families. They find no difficulty m procuring operatives and generally make their own selections from the most industrious and worthy applicants : the wages paid are from six to ten dollars per month for full hands. To give some idea of the ad vantages of an establishment like the above in creating a home market, we have th? following approximate estimate of a few of the items con sumed by the operatives and their families, vizi: '12,000 lbs. flour, 3,600 bushels corn meal, 6,000 lbs. meat, , 1,200 bushels potatoes, 1,800 lbs. lard, 800 lbs. butter, 1,200 poultry, ' 2,400 lbs. coflee, ' 2,400 lbs. sugar, Most of the families raise their own vegeta. hies and we are informed are rapidly gathering around them the comforts of life. A single case was related to us by a gentleman connected with the establishment, which goes far to illus trate the beneficial effects of a manufactories upon an important class of our white population who would otherwise be reduced to penury and idleness. A widow lady with ten children, re. sided in the vicinity of the factory. By the deth of her husband, she had been left per. fectly destitute of the means of support. She obtained employment from the Company and is now receiving for ihe services of six of her children the sum of ihirty-fourdollars permonth, besides the rent of a comfortable house ! We have not a doubt that a judiciously organized system of manufactories would do more for the poor white population of the Southern States than all the alms houses which could be eslab lished. What is true in the case of this poor vvidow lady is true to a considerable extent of many others. The very employment thus ob tained would secure thousands fromj the conse quences of vice and infamy, and lead to the formation ot habits of economy atjd industry which may result, as has repeatedly been the case at the north, in comfort, competency and even wealth. I ; i In almost every community are found families similarly situated who are in varipus ways a tax upon the capital and charity of their more fortunate neighbors. Is it not infinitely bet ter to furnish them employment, I and make them producers instead of being riiere consu mers ? They dislike to work side by side with the negroes, and will not do it ; bu( if they can find a pursuit in which servile labor is not employed, we venture to say, thefe is not a class of people on the face of the RICHMOND AND DANVILLE RAIL- ROAD. We had the pleasure this week of spending an evening with Mr. Jones, the Assistant Engineer of the Richmond and Danville Railroad, whd paid a flying visit to our town, and we must say that we are gratified at the flattering account he gives of the eligibility of the routes surveyed. Mr. Jones, who had formed a favorable opinion of the route before he surveyed it. thinks the road can be constructed for a sum not exceeding his original estimate. if not for much less. The greatest difli- culties the Engineers have yet encounter ed was crossing the ravines and creeks in the neighborhood of Charlotte C. H., but even these presented no serious obstacles. Two routes, and in many places three, have been surveyed, but the Engineers can form no idea which will be adopted ; and for obvious reasons, if they knew, they ought not to divulge it. We are hap py to learn there is so much anxiety on the subject that many freeholders have expressed a willingness to relinquish all t c: encan citizens while the rank and file, of the Regulars are mostly of foreign birth. They are discontented with the tyranny of their own native lands, and come to our shores redolent with liberty and equality, ready to labor, and fight, and die for freedom. So sav the Loco Focos. They come to America, Freemen. double distilled, highly concentrated, in full panoply, bursting from the brain of Tyranny and stand on our own soil free, emancipated, disenthralled by the irresis tible genius &c. So say the Loco Focos particularly just before an election. Well, impelled by their love of freedom and fighting, they join our army, swell its ranks and are led to the wars by as bra've and skilful Officers as the world ever saw. We should suppose that un der these circumstances, these fresh born freemen, fighting in freedom's great cause would be most accomplished and desper ate warriors. How does it happen that the Volunteers have shamed them so ? As the Loco Focos said a few months ago why, forsooth, there are more olunteers sage, to'kiake op his mind on t!. surely two or three days would r siaereu 100 long Tor refls-cilon subject. In his remarks tb he had simply expressed hi i n the President should j have m" ; mere question of humanity wiih jeets of high political consjdcrr.t IMr. 1-oote said that the Sen?.: had also mixed up with thd su! ther, of high political -consider had relenred to the present war v : iii . , t . . j . ico, anu uecjareu inatf he hid : results had taught the President : this war, which the Senator! s the country 30,000 Iiyt?s aj w on, in a great measure, by fh annexation of Texas a mf.i sary for the protection" of the damages to which they might be entitled I tnan Regulars, and an election coming on. ful andlfUthful arguments adduced, could 1 "nquestional.proof of ihe remark so frequent - n . f - ! J . . I.. I . .1. r 1...; r f not iifilto carry .clnvicf ton to every can uiu iiimunprejufiicf'U minu. I illut who would lot talk before such an I ajtidience Surfojindcd by hundreds of t smi I ing'fai rones yv iose beauty lent a fresh ; charm to the other vise imposing cererno- nies, anxl ;of Whoiie sympathy and aid he !' "was wtjll ;awrtie . nd supported by some 7U Brethren jtll cl jthed in the beautiful L and sigliificaijit Re -alia of our Order, and besides having .su h an, audience, other i visc, a$ peHiapsn other village in the J State Could have, brought together we j Say, lnsjrircd by su :h a scene, it was suffi cient t cause alii ost the hitherto mute tongue" ofjsilncl o break out with music ntjcj elecjuence. L ut we must desist we learn that Brother Gorman has consented to the Ouhlic'atiotv! of the Address, when all canjread itnd judge for themselves. ', 1 After the. ijing ri of another beautiful 9c 1 i&ojiiV ti k up the line of march i J9f,the .Divisijon rcOm ; arrived at which, htral Brjt'lhrcn A ddressed the meeting, 4 bu( neTcr,fchal yj forget the inimitable -J-peech of ,our Jim her Murdoch, of Hills- t tl ' ' L S x . . .... worougu. 1 never seen it so fully exemplified l)clor that wine is not ne cessary to mrthj iind that gay hilarity can be felt and indulged without the aid of strong iJrihk.l VI re sure, no one who heard it wiU'eyer forget thut speech. The division, men uiJOjrneu. The G rand Division ana in met on Fri day inorningj ThJ committees appointed by reason of the road's passing through their lands, as an inducement to get it near them ; and this consideration, we doubt not, will materially influence the Directory in fixing the route. The Engineers are at present in the neighborhood of Whiteville, in Halifax county ; and may be expected here about the. latter part of Maj The first portion of the Road will probably he ready for contractors by the middle of July. We may mention in connection with this subject, and we take great pleasure in announcing the fact, that the friends of the road in Patrick county have at last commenced the work of subscription to the stock, of the company. When we last heard Irom that county, about sixty shares had been taken, and we have but little doubt the number will be doubled, if not quadrupled, in a very short time. This is a good beginning for Patrick. In Hajifax, too, the road is gaining strength. Many in that county were on- posed to the principle involved in the char ter of the company ; but this they very properly regard now as a question no longer in issue, and therefore they are willing to lend a helping hand in build ing up a work in which they are so di rectly and vitally interested. As an evi dence of this feeling, it may be mention must be counted. Well, but the rank and file of the Army proper, are mostly fore ign- ers, and as there are many thousands of such in our Cities, they must be counted too. Now, we venture to foretell, that from this time until after our Fall elec tions, the Regular army and Foreigners generally, will be pronounced by Loco Foco authority to be the best and bravest citizens we have. But after that, the old story will be repeated, that they cannot hold a candle to our brave Volunteers. Raleigh Register, YUCATAN. Interesting Debate in the U. S. Senate. We copy from the Baltimore Sun the following sketch of the interesting debate which took place in the United States I Senate jmi Thursday : Mr. Hannegan, chairman of the Com mittee on Foreign Relations, reported a bill to enable the President to take tem porary military occupation of Yucatan to employ the army and navy of the Uni ted States for that purpose, and to repress the incursions of the savages against the white population of that country to fur nish the white population with arms, am munition, &c, to repel the attacks of the i.j: 1 . .1 : .1. : r edthat at April Court (Monday last) a ! A"u "V" ,,u, to rtUlr"e le "t.wng mpp.in. Lh inU r ib. (.additional volunteers, equal in number, to meeting was held, in which some of the most prominent and influential citizens of county participated, and a resolution was adopted inviting Mr. Tunstall to address the people at their May Court onthesub- ject of the Railroad. We believe the cit izens of that county have not been pro perly understood in regard to their feel ings on this subject, and we confidently believe that Halifax will yet give a liber al subscription to this great Work of de liberance to the Roatroke country. On the the whole, we may congratulate the friends of the work on its present auspi cious prospects. Danville Register. earth who would be more industrious or thrifiy than the one of which we speak : then why jdo not our planters generally imitate the example of the original proprietors of the above establishment ? They might not only employ their capital profi tably, but Would make valuable citizens out of a class of people who are now t6o often dri ven by their very necessities to tamper with and corrupt our slave population. - VOLUNTEERS VS. REGULARS. LOCO FOCO CUNNING. Some time ago, there was a considera ble effort made by the Democratic" replace the troops withdrawn from other portions of the service, for this service in Yucatan. The bill was twice' read, and Mr. Han negan moved that it he made the special order for to-morrow. Mr. Calhoun thought the day named too earl)', more time should be given for reflection. He proposed Monday next. Mr. Hannegan said it was important that this bill should be acted upon with out delay. A day or an hour might of Southern interestsfor w',1 ministration, 01 which iheS then a prominent membcri responsible. In regard to t'. of the army from Corpus C! Rio Grande, he had belief ! Taylor would, with some of J dependence of character, ab sponsibihty pi his own' acts.l . had it from an authentic soar: lay lor, scorning to skulk il. such responsibility. I me oenator irom bouiu I must be permitted to tell h" peculiar position before th subjects of this kind.; The believed, bad once been in V. tional Bauk, and many other which it was not necessary : had been boasted by some ; too, that he was the author of internal improvements. I things with no unkind fcj, shew that hehould be mcr in bis declarations, where responsible, to a great exte: .:. sequences to which he refer The great issues of the 1810 were furnished by ti We had placed a man in t' chair upon those issues, a: ' cessfully and gloriously c .:; great principles for which had contended: Yet who 1. him commend the Admin had sometimes acted ! with' had generally been amoral: the Administration a thru : fifth rib. Why hacUitbceni'licwoh'. nator? Had it been that t! not girded on his armor in ' administration an admin; has secured upon the' pa , name more glorious; than ministration which had pr of the wisest, so far as its n. concerned, ever known in t Why was be seen surround attacks upon the adminbtr minded and honorable h-" :. other side, with their war: i tions 1 He hoped tielwchl justice before the close of th! take the lead in support of t' Mr. Calhoun denied that ! ed any measure of 1 the ,V which he deemed right, tht Administration did he su; been agreed on all bauds. , M ded, that the annexation : ; cause for war on the part c f denied that the present w grew out of it, and conteml ! have been avoided, annex .: standing. He took his sc it with reluctance, and wit! productive of calamitous consequences to 1 the people of 1 ucatan. He had seen let ters from Lieut. Murray Mason, now in the Gulf, stating that the wholecoast was darkened with women and children, with out food or clothing. Mr. Cass also was in favor of prompt action. Never.a better occasion present ed for them to vindicate before the world . " I sire to give the Admini : Oe ; r 11. p. .1 ; it t i 011s. ii liiir support. ; lie 1. n u.. . - r :l . . S..y tunic iucu r tico criu- 1 lLe character of the Ration, biers Irom iMexio, to array the Volunteers 1 t-, , , . of our Army against the Regulars. In-1 ?lr' Fioi (!xPrcsSP(1 h,s strongest sur vidious comparisons were made, and the ! Vnelr e?"rt 1? ProcrM'l.a1le action on .the day nrev meuivision non ops made their reports, rn-oceeded to the consid m question relative to a change ly made, that for obvious reasons nianfacluring in cotton can be done cheaper in Georgia than in the Northrn States. South Carolina, too, where once manufac lures were stit odious, they are springing up: in many parts of the State. In this respect, this State, has undergone a remarkable changei The Carolinian, published at Columbus, says : We were much gratified to find, on a recent visit to Lexington, that oiir friend Maj. Henry A. Meetze, In connexion with several other gentlemen, are erecting a cotton factory! at Laurel Fallsnear thai healthy village. The site is an eligible one, and the project is hound to succeed. They expect to start operations in October or easily in November. We shall give all the particulars of the enterpise as it advan ces towards Completion. f. j To shew the usefulness of manufactures to all pursuits, we copy, in conclusion, the follow ing account jof the Planters' Factory in the State ofGeorgia fromithe Macon Messenger: f ! In our hurried notice, last week, of some of the productions of the nbove establishment, We omitted to gie a few statistics which had been kindly furnished at our request. The factory is located on the Ocjcmulgee river, in Bulls county, at a place well known as the Seven Islands, about 35 milesj from Macon. It is pro pelled by water, of whjch there is an abundant supply at all easons. j As its name indicates, it was erected by a number of planters, who were anxious' to encourage, diversity of labor at "INDEMNITY FOR THE PAST." i Pnying fifteen millions for foreign territory for which we have no use, after spending one hundred millions in order to enforce the payment of three. j "SECURITY FOR THE FUTURE." Incorporatingseveral Millions ofj Mexicans, Indians, and Mulattoes into the Union, either as " free and enlightened citizens " lof our Re- public, or as conquered subjects to be kept in awe by the presence of a standing airmy. Martinsburg (Va.) gazette. redoubtahle Gen. Gideon J. Pillow, or his friend " Veritas," in that bolstcr-ing effu sion, intimated that the " Martinets" of the regular army, ought hereafter to hide their diminished heads for Gideon, and Veritas, and Gen. Pillow, and a few oth er Volunteers, had conquered all creation, and nearly or quite made the Sun to stand still and look on. Without attempting to decide who have fought best, all have on this bill. The Senate, he said, appear 9 l 9 9 ed to be divided into twq classes. One were for speed' action the other, small he hoped, for delaying acton at least for a limited time. He regretted that there should be any hesitation oji a question in volving the honor of the nation, and he regretted the source fromjwfiich that op position came. The Senator from South Carolina, when the message was received. t V-t r s I i vt at- 1 1 t i n v -- fk - Lt M ft vx 1 y n a fought well, we may presume to say that 1 . . . 1 j if our brave Volunteers have carried the ! the positions assumed by the message, and made a somewnai extenuei speecu, most unkind toward the administration a palm, it might be, not because they have hort t a t ti ntarra rC cilnaiini rtl kntf an 1 taught Officers-not because thev ,iave j speech he had no reason -to; suppose he been disciplined by superior drill-but be- noV gretted He was then prepared to o. iUS nt h uuu r.i,i ot nake a speech, already circulated cxten- vuuou inn ii lilt iu hjo .yt.niv iiiiu iviu- I.l .J'l III " ated bv more patriotic impulses ; because l,hrouSh,lh.e country- and calcula- j olina, in regard to what h : . . '. ti tr ilr mnrh imiirtr nl f rpa In m lion i . , .1 . 1 1 1 they left their homes and their fire-sides. !fcVV V" . .VJ-.j J t niAiiiliio in (ha rtnhlit tVhtntl hnr nmt' to perform his duty failhfi; had failed, it was a qucsitii with his own conscience, j Mr. Hale said that he li ed with being fanatic ;.: that the war had grown cu: ation of Texas. He was 1 1, it in his power, when ever . ed, to call the Senator from the stand, and declare upc i bility of his Senatorial oat: . grew out of the annexatir i measure necessary for th the South. It did not con; fanatics, but from one of : . of the sachems of the trihr. Mr. Cass said the quiMi : . whether the bill should h-; morrowr or at a later day. that if.any thing was to h" C be done speedily. The c! of the administration had; ! ed by their efforts to obtah, oflicial information. Th t had now been obtained, nr. them. By delay ihey wnu obtain nothing further. 'I'.. He had regretted the rrrr. the distinguished Senator f. The, Effect. The Mobile Advertiser, one of the most thorough. going advocates of M r. Clay's nomination in the Union, anjd especially hostile to that of General Taylor, thus speals of the General's letter to Mr. Allison : The Manifesto of Gen4 Taylor, which we publish this morning, will attract general atten lion. It is on the. whole, ha exl-ellent paper, containing nreltv eooVl WHig doctrines. His views on the veto power are sound andjadmira bly expressed. Had he written such a letter six months ago, a very different state f things would have existed from what we now witness in the Whig ranks." to fight the battles of their own country, prejudice in the pablic mind, "hut now, when the whole subject had been several bearing their own Hag, and supporting; , , r A. J . t . 0 T7. 'i 0 days before them, was not prepared to acL Ihpir ntnn Uovernment. b or who can J Why did he now desire ithe bill to be postponed, when on the day the message rrP The Washington! Division. No. 5. Sons of Temperance, ofj Louisville have concluded to subscribe 1000 to the stock of the Jeffersonville aridColumbus rail road. This is certainly commendable. The Division has alreary nearly the South, the buildjng is five stories high, in bank stock and cash. fight like native Americans, prosecuting their rights, real or fancied, under the broad American Banner ? Who can march up to danger and death more fear lessly, than proud and brave American freemen, with their own glorious stars and stripes streaming over them ? We cannot and will not detract from the hon ors so gloriously won by our volunteers. They have fought well covered them selves all over with glory. And if the great Gideon was not satisfied to be cov-, ered all ove, but sought to steal away glory frornjhe Regulars, that it might be U little more thick on himself and his com mand and if as the pet familiars of the President, and the Loco Focos generally, a few months ago asserted the Volun teers did throw the Regulars into the shade, in those glorious fights before Mex co, we ask for the cause. Why was it that undisciplined troops, just called into ser vice, should bear the honors from the Reg ular army? We can find but one an- 4 $2,000 swer. and that has been intimated above. The volunteers are nearly all native Am- was sent in he was prepared to rise and pronounce a most uncalled for and vindic tive phillippic against the President on the same subject. There was not a single Senator, he believed, who had not made up his mind on the subject. So far from being too hasty, he believed they had been most shamefully jardy. It was so when the French resolutions were introduced the Senator from South Carolina was not prepared to act -we should hot proceed to act with too much precipitancy. He had seen a disposition manifested by the Senate to hurry too rapidly any matter which did not require prompt action, and this was one of those cases which should be acted upon immediately, if acted upon at all. There was no substantial reason for delay. j Mr. Calhoun saw enough in the mes sage to require from this body the most deliberate caution. The Executive had been in no hurrv. if he had taken from the 7th of March down to the date of the mes- J terized this wrrtched war. Mr. Calhoun. This ra-h tatc war. ' i pardon, but his express; c:i ii '.t? ? : quoted nere mis morning, v. . diction, by the Senator frchs Mr. Calhoun. I did not c cessary to contradict what : said. 1 ; j ' Mr. Foote retorted, but V. not distinctly heard. . Mr. Cass proceeded chid'; es of the war, and insistin;: the information before jtl. declarations at the timc c: self was a cause of the v. .: said as how universally a cause of war. MM Mr. Calhoun replied to tl. Mr. Cass, the. question of 1 introduced, and Mr. Casi M Mr. Hannegan said lh" motion was prompt action, to-day was the poorest i prompt action be had e v : question of the annexation ing nothing to A with th been dragged inTasitalua; ly was on almost every r n it i 4 1 ,t4-