-II 4 - 1 U - I- M It i 4 ' r i I. r i. I Li nJ nt it. ft. or ,4r. A- II u. f i 1 to ,1 , -.1 '1 Torino of tlo . Watchman SuWiption, Per year. Two DcwxARspnyable in t.tnee. . mil iiinpi paiu in uuTai. . w Ififtfcts. will b charged. ; i .. fctmstMSSTS inserted at 81 h first, and 25cts. Tadvabaeqient insertion. Uourt orders cliatgeu ner ft. hiffher than these rates. A liberal deduc- tiln to thos who advertise by the year. .. LktURS to ihe Editors must be postpaid. I ' loV! I fo 2 SREITII FOR HUSBANDS. BY T. S. ARTHUR. r tin u ;n ?ti i jif. a Hi in x , II- i I a i a r n- ...tfttiiXVs rr. ."A nrv rr - . j j ; . i -i ' - 1 ' ' ' j - . - i - . . J illUNEB & JAMES, Editors Sf Proprietors, Keep a check trrdx xvl yoc Rulers. Do THIS, AXD LiBEITT IS SAFE." Gen' I. Harriton . NEW, SERIES, VOLUME V, NUMBER C. Mrs. Lundy had been up half an hour, busy about; various matters, when Mr. Lundy crept out of bed and commenced dreUing himself. I wish you would get me some hot wa ter A ggy.j he said to h is wife. " I must shave myself -this morning. Mrs. Lundy was busily engaged in dreeing a little resisting urchin. 'Yes dear,' she replied, " in a moment, and kept on with her work,, intending to Hhijih dressing -.the child before she went Iovyn stair! for the hot water. ; tyf. Lundy waited - about a minute, and hen said a little irnpatienity. l wish you would get it for me now. AgOes, I can't finish dressing myself un tilJjsbavel' . ..nslrsj Lundy ceased her work, put down r tbel child,, and got the hot water. Mr. ; Lundy began. -his., shaving. When half through b directs his wife to tell Bill to clean the old boots, as his rjew ones hurt ' liirn; completing his toilet, he goes down to the reading room, and reads; his paper. Eight o'clock, the breakfast hour arrives, ? and !Mr. Lundy isa punctual man ; but Mrs: Lundy has five children and herself to. get ready. The baby cries:; Will y-breaks his slide string:- Mary wants a pin ! and in quieting the firsr and helping the -Others, minutes lly f All is done, Mrs. Lundy proceed to arrange herself, when tap comes Mr. Lundy with : l Good heavens, Agnes! Ain't you dressed yet V f'Xclairfis her -husband; com ing to lb chamber door, with bis watch, in'hisJlinnd. It is ten minutes nast eiirht now; l'-ve,; bei'ii ready and waiting for more; than ball' an hour.' - ; Jl 1 be along it) a minute. I've only t biy Imir to put up, and a dress to slip on replied Mrs. Lund). t iSiUnced, but not convinced, the bus-j-baiui goes grunibling down sjairs and re ' commences tvalking ni floor, but with a bt-ai'ier and morc( rapid step, f i (fo up and sec if your mother isn't al- plost ready. -I'm in a great hurry this morning," Mr. Lundy says to one of the children, ajter the lapse of two 'minutes, which seein to the impatient man at least 1;rm .'coming he hears on the stairs, Jrorn Ids wife. ri4rm. glad of rit he rather crrnfllv re- CjlDnds. 1 ktTevyour minute would'nt be much less than half an hour. I wish vnn 'Voulof try to be more punctual : this ever bei'ii behind tirnc annoys me terribly ' "jThere art sothe meek wonJs said a!out ho time it takes to dress and see after so ; many chidren ; but they make no impres sif)ti uhate.ver oit the mindol Mr. Lund v. I TlteV are uttered as a kind of excuseiand !! - I' I.I r j e regains tut: n as oi no more account. ? ;i tjj! sausages; are uone lo tieain the CofTen is i mere dish-water Mrs. Lundy is b'uldeli to look after Sarah, the cook she pleaiU:bard work and then Bill brings t ho nii v boots.' 'Mr. Lundy scoldsawav. (But at last the children get off to school, and the goodman proposes to start out. Just at this jnodnt, he looks at his wife ami skjs : Are you not well, Agnes.?' l No she replies, l'vo been sulFering With a, dreadful tooth ache all the mom- SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1848. you wifeb. I'd never keep a girl in the bouse an hour it she did'nt do every thing as I dtt-ectcd i You jdon't know anything about it, Mr. Lundy.j ; It is easy to say send off your cook, if ishe is ten or twenty minutes later witha irieal or serves it up badly: or does any other thing disorderly or objectiona ble, lint it is woise to have no cook than a bad one ; and as to good ones, they are hard to ybe found.' Mr. Lundy met this with oneof Tiis sweeping specimens of argumentation, and completely silenced his wife.. Butjhe said impatiently. I can't Wait your cook's movements. My business has to be attended to. And kway he flounced from the house. In ten rlihutes the bell rang. 'Tellfparah that Mr. Lundy could'nt wait, and that I don't want any dinner said Mrs. Lundy to the waiter.. This is one day's history in Mrs. Lun dy's life'. Need we be startled when told that herpiusband was killing her by Inch es ? adds the author. But ho one suspected this not eVen Mr. Lundy f bimseir. The idea that he was From the New York Courier and Enquirer. - FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE IIIBERMA. The Steamer Hibernia arrived at this portto-davat 10 o'clock. We received our papers immediately including Lon don dates of the 13th inst. The npws is not of serious importance, though of a good deal of interest. In France -everything isquielt. A tem porary Executive! Committee of five mem bers has been resolved upon and appoin.tr ed. The list of members is published be low. ; Lemartine has lost ground! in the As? sembly, as will be seen by the votes be received. The f'actJs., attributed to the favor he has shown to Ledru Rollin. An insurrection has occurred in Romp, against the Pope, because he refuses' to declare war against Austria. A new Ministry has been appointed. In Lombanlyi a decisive engagement On Saturday, at the Assembly which at j murdering his wife by a slow and cruel was daily expected between Charles Al death, Wpuld have shocked him ; and he i, ., . 4i . i V,rmani 'continues to be agitated. was reallv the fact. He was reallv mur- dertnfHir is still great trouble. A series of severe - Or, ' ! Yea" after year her duties and her toils battles has been fought between the Prus increased. 1 he history oi a day that we sians and Poles in which the former have given, was an epitomed history of were beaten with great slaughter. The whole province of Posen is in arms, yln England everything is quiet. Ireland is more tranquil. j Trade in England has been ffood. Con- : r i ' ; I .i...... " V .urguiur ies mcmeni 10 nis household, so3 on the 12ih, opened at 84i to h ""u . i j cuu i II jj iu, nisicau oi relieving her life. Mr. Lundy, wrapped up in his schemes -of gain, and rigid in his notions of ordr, punctuality and formal proprie ties, htfd Inn rl svmnnfKir ffr tiiu cifo . ---T ...... ill jfi.iiij f lllfcJ 1 i. . . . . arm wasj ever complaining ot the little the oppressive, wearying and ever recur ring duties that were bearing her down. It wasi a I common thing fdr himself, ro bust, atidjin high health, to sit in his easy chair, kvi;th dressing gWn and slippers, and ask his tired wife, who could scarelv whence they declined to 83j for account. They recovered however and; closed at 83 t for cash, aiid 83j for time. Money was plenty. Cotton has declined id on all finalities and ask bis tired wife, who could scarcely under fair. The imporls haU bLen heavv. move witnout lecling pain, to hand him t 4. . . .... i ... this, that or the other thing ; to ring the n In- f WR there has been littld variation, bell fbi- the servant, or even to go to their Best Wester Canal is quoted :at 27s 6d., chamber and bring him something from while middling qualities are sold at 25s. a dravferj to which he was not willing that 6d. to 26s. Gd. a mtst c 5ou,d g; , The Sugar market is steady.! her character, grew Mrs. Lundy. ByW T Was"n-ton arnved outi in 14 i I . , . . . anil t tio n t it h rn lering sip was punned, it mads the ' j ".o. heart aclle to see her moving by the side The following extracts contain the lead iog, ijlul 1 (eel as if every nerve in my ljeadjvere a five "( Why doh t you have that tooth out? LwoutclHot snirer as you do.it' I had to have i'very tooth in. my head extracted i Mrn. Lundy turns away with feelings pf discouragement. She is heavily bur denedj and has ro true sympathy. fMr.j Lundy walks towards his store; healihjin every vein, and vigor in every rpuscl ; and his wife goes wearily up to h'cr chamber, half mad with pain, and ev ery nerve excited and quivering. ot her erct, florid, elastic treading: hus band, jrhre like a pure, shadowy, form, than a?real substance ; and to feel. assur ed that uS a very little while, the place that kbenv her, and the children and friends Mho loved her, would know her and love ;her no more. p At lasts she died, and six Tittle ones were left without the affectionate care of a mo ther. .. IX her husband who wept so bitter ly o'er her too ?arly grave, did not mur der her,j we know not the meaning of the word mtuder. When it Was too late, he could remember her long sufferiujr, her patienc, her wrongs received fit hishands; but while- she lived he was too sellish: to appreciate or properly care for her. Husbands! If -you love your wives, think ot-these things. Don't say that the story siiifs Mr. So-and so admirably. Look na-rrovvly info our own sayings and doings al jhome, and see if it doesn't suit you in n)dre than one particular. ing items of general intelligence. i From the London Times, Mayj 13. BY ELECTRIC TELEGtlAPH. A military insurrection took place at Madrid on the 7th inst., at 4 o'clock in the morning, which was suppressed after a sanguinary conflict which lastbd several hours. The, number of deadvas dot known but it was considerably greater than in the insurrection of the 2Gth of March. Among the killed was the Captain Gen eral Fulgosio, brother-in-law j of Maria Christina. Thirty-four of the prisoners taken one half of them civilians, the other half mil- its rising was adjourned till Monday. M. De Lamartine read the report of the Pro visional Government on the state of France The report met with great applause from .1 ii i m t --l- ii- r il I I me assemmy. iu. Learu ltouin lonoweu in a long address in which he complained bitterly of the calumnious reports which had been circulated respecting him. From these calumnies he; vindicated himself, professing that he held moderate opinions. His address produced a favorable impres sion oh the assembled deputies. On Mon day, M. Gamier Pages presented his fi nancial statement. A letter from Lyons says : The army of the . Alps have received the war equipment, and mules have been purchased to eonvey the baggage. Gen. Oudinot, general-in-chief, has reviewed the troops, and has gone to Grenoble, where he has established bis head quar ters. At Lyons it is srenerallv sunDosed - I. the army will soon cross the frontier. Paris, Wednesday. The National Assembly, after a con fused and agitated discussion last night agreed to the adoption of the resolution in favor of an Extensive Commission of Government, to be composed of five mem bers. The names to be balloted for on the following day. aris, Wednesday evening. The assembly met to-day for the pur pose of balloting for the Executive Com mittee Government. M. Martin (de Strasbourg) said that M. Dupont (de l'Eure) had declared to him that he would not act if nominated. Af ter some further conversation the assem bly, at half-past one o'clock, proceeded to vote, and the scrutiny was completed at four o'clock. The following is the result : Number of votes, 794 Absolute majority, 398 Lamartine, C13 Ledru Rollin, 458 Marie, 702 Gamier Pages, 715 Arago, 725 The President accordingly declared the citizens Lamartine, Ledru Rollin, Marie, Gamier Pages, and Arago, members form ing the Executive Commission of Gov ernment. M. Wolowski then brought forward his proposition for a committee to examine into tlie state of the working classes, but after having developed his views he ab ruptly turned to the question of Poland ; and was followed by M. Ducoux, who de claimed about the state of their demo cratic brethren in Germany, Italy and Po land. M. De Lamartine in a few sentences from his seat observed how difEcult it was for a government so formed, and un der such circumstances, to give such pledg es as were demanded ; they should recol lect the reserve imposed upon him, but he would declare that should the moment for co-operation arise, he would not forget brought despatches to Sir W. Parker of a very interesting character. They an nounce the despatch of 7000 troops from Naples to Lombardy. Six fine war stea lers, one brig, two fifty gun frigates and a large transport, are to convey them un the Adriatic, from one of the ports into which sea they are to march into Lom bard A large squadron of cavnlrv and a field battery, composed of some 20 pieces are also to follow in the same direction. We learn from Venice that Zucchi. when summonedto capitulate, received the summons with a discharge of artillerv. making great slaughter of the corps which had advanced to 1'almanuova. The en emy carried off, it is alleged, 1G wagons of wounded. The Austrian Lloyd, under date of Trieste, May 3, announce that Venice is declared in a state of blockade, and that an Austrian fleet is engaged in the main tenance thereof. A letter from the camp of Gen. Duran do announces that he has marched to Pi ava, at the head of 15,000 Pontifical troons. The Epoca of Rome, of the 1st. states, from Naples, (29th ult..) that the neonle have proclaimed the son of Ferdinand II. King. Other accountsvfrom Naples, of the same, date, contain ho mention of this circumstance. The Roman papers are up to the 1st inst. The ministry had indeed accepted their portfolios again, but had not an- nounced upon what terms. A deputation composed of Pier Angolo Florentino, Pie tro Sterbini, and the Duke of Rignano, had been named by the people to wait upon the ministers and question them on the subject. They received an evasive an swer, which did but increase the popular excitement ; and serious consequences were apprehended. The Patria of Florence, of the 4th. an nounces that a demonstration, had taken place at Leghorn, against the ministers the day before. The speedy convocation of the assembly was demanded. The Go vernor promised to forward the request of the people to the Government. Constantinople, April 27. This morning an important change of ministry has taken place. Mchemet Ali Pacha, brother-in-law of the Sultan, a gen tleman well known in Europe, has been named Grand Admiral, in the place of Kalib Pacha, who is removed. On Saturday a prince was born to the Sultan ; he has been named Mahommed A'abid. This is the second child our youth ful sovereign has had in the short apace of seven days. It is said that four other Sultanas are expected to be confined. A fire broke out on the 22d at Arnaout Keoy, which consumed the whole villa ges upwards of 100 houses, 3 baths, 2 churches and 2 mosques, fell a prey to the flames. Business is a dead-letter credit shaken and money scarce. THE MOVEMENT AT ROME. We gather the following from the pri- i a uo Ausirian mimrr r. passport' (sura caccial.) Tub' State or tuc C nomination of an Executi . five by the National Av nesday, in the manner have surprised the press.'':', probably, the parties c1 c least, as respects the order stand in the return. The f artine from the top, wh'u. ';: be would have occupy, : lowest placc on the bit, comment in the whole tf ;:. nals of Thursday. For t I cline of his popularity cv. : assigned. The principal r ,:. itude he expressed that I. should be named one of tl; i . which, it would appear, 1 pleased the majority of t - whom previously be baI I favorite. M. Aragovas, ( a sort of neutral person, in therefore given the votes i f , tire Assembly those cl !.' and those of the two extrc:;. ultra and the modrrat r. The Moderates would i r.ot Ludru Rollin, and the Ultr give their suffrages to ?!. Such were the causes of tl. ballot. ! ! i Pestu, May 1. Some a!,-.: have arrived here from Da: Croatia. .- Several districts, ; Servants, have roused; the ha ve'proclaimed Zara G ccn The Croatian Jellocliich, 1 claimed a counter re volutin. of 100,000 Croatians and .v.' frontiers, who only wait the. to re-establish in Hunarv state of things The Em; was forced to make the cone they have obtained! from 1 though he has no order from : he will restore to him his i with which he wasinvc news has placed all the to tion. We hear every L country is in danger, and the c resounds on all sides. . rested : INDIAN WAR IN OUT Four lattlesthc While j tic: ere of Missionaries. . j Locisvilli: M i I By the arrival of Maj. Met !;, ; we have late and most imp : Oregon, where all is confu?i m between the Whites and InJi .:. . erful tribes have unitedand cur. ly war. Four battles itook 1 1 ' in three of which the Whites w heating their enemy, j Five !. fought a body of two thouian 1 I day, when the Indians ing a great number of .Whites. On the 29ih of November a r.. I brutal massacre was commit! i ! Indians, at the Presbyterian Wallah. Wallah Valley. Dr. and wife, with eighteen cli. and sixty or seventy 'jtaken ; houses of the Missionaries an i ; wpre burnt to the grcund. 'i prisoners were tubseq-iendy n- -the agency of Peter Sken Or; ! of the Hudson Bay Companj. Major Meek pushed up ti e ri . on his way to Washington, , ; for the Government, asking f r i on the part of the Oregonscf.i! : itary men were tried and sentenced to ! bert endeavored to obtain a more precise Lamarliiic's Politics in 1832. In answer to Lady Hester Stanhope, (tM sister and in early iil'e the secretary of the celebrated William Pit. rMr. Lundy chats with customers, sells4 v ) wheuMliat " eccentric ' peronae. told to . .i L 1 . . . .: i -it I ii . i -i i i i 1 . n r;bods,!pays bills, and does a good morn : ing . business. njid is ready, with a good appetite, for his dinner Mrs. Lundy has to go tp market, and returns home, worn and exhausted. Then at twelve run in MaggJ, Willie, and Alary, hungry as they v can bei 'The poor voinan does all she can. Well, at half past one, in stalks Mr. 1 P;. Jundyp-oarah, ,itie cook, was behind- blind.-jjSht! let the (ire goi clown and din , ner wnls not reatjy at the regular time the wals In her chamber suffering pain. ;- r1 iVit prissibhl ! Too bad I Too bad !' ic, hf ilrdtltim say as he, paused, on bis way tip stairs, at the dining room door, n ' ::. it. : . him the distinguished part he was hereafter to act on th4 World's great stage, and whieh ishe. ' read in He stars hy science cradled and still cherished hi the Kast, though at present lust in Kunpe,"tjie astonished poet disappointed the proohptessjhy assuring her he was not, like' herself, ah aristocrat. I am (continued Lamartine,) neither an tocrat por a Democrat : I have lived lonr enough to f)ave found, on examining both sides of the mdal of human nature, that they are equally hollow ; rny princi)Ies areas little aris tocrat as the reverse. J am a man, and an ex elusive advpeate of any .ysterri lhat may tend to improv and perfe;t the. whole man, whelh cr he he born at the top or at the foot of the death by a court-martial, and Ver alinut to be shot when thq post left, i The Paris papers ''of yesterday an nounce the formation of the nev Ministry for France : it consists of Messrs. L5astide Recurr. Cremieux, Carnot, Chanas, Flo con, Duclerc, Bethmont, Frelat, anid Ad miral Casy. J It was apprehended that, an armed de monstration in favor of the Poles would take place in Paris this day. u borne or the journals announced that what was due to the French Flag, and j vate correspondence from Rome, publish most assuredly the conduct of 1831 would ed in the Constitutionel. and dated 29th ultimo. w A violent manifestation is to take place this morning, caused by the following cir- not be renewed in 1848. M. Montalem- THE ANNUAL! EXA M1N i ' ui me students oi ineurcctiii; cr lege closed on Thursday ahem of a crowded assemblage cf cl:!.: ers, who manifested a high i! in the exercise. Six youn , on that occasion, and their t! together with the address deli v , ; President fcnipp, were 'of a c expression from the government ; but M. de Lamartine, on an appeal to the Cham- ' cumstance : The Pope, although he has her, was supported in bis determination. ! allowed a crusade to be preached up jn ehararter ; leaving upon the n It was-settled that a day should be ap- bis churches, and troops to be sent to Lorn- I'gent auditory an abiding sen-: nninted for an internpllatinn nn lh PdUh barrlv. bat: not. nfnVJallir A-.rr., i tance of temale education Ls:. ! i i - - question. The celebrated George Sand was pre sent inthe ladies' gallery, and attracted general attention. The Central Committee of the Nation al Guard's' Democatic Club have issued bardv. has not officiallv declHrrd wnr r gainst Austria ; the Austrian Ambassador ! lisi?n ofthc BibI ! . ctill rmQ;r.o i, t i xt i i aramouni engacemcnts in etui iijMkiiiij iir.ii . i ii iim: i i la i 11 iniriri . w.v t T - - - a ' v week; but we shall do the s .r .ii. '.i t- ot Vtonno . tt.. . i I ve,u luriuer nouco oi Ujc i. ii, i ilium , uui uau in'-ui wiumauc reia- CUUUI luu lvxu uu'i "ee inter- : more ofjU5lice n our nexJ pr(), rupted. , lii-r nualifi f.tr-ih ml'- In consequence of this doubtful position, ; lne labor. Patriot of the 21 . a most energetic protestation against the i Radctzky having made prisoners of seme the Pope had been deposed, and the Re- odious calumnies and provocations to ci- Roman volunteers, would not consider! n- I 1 1 r. and saiv that n)t even the table was set. social scalq. 1 neither espouse tho cause of Vi vvonUer ivliat good it is for a man to t,,e people, jnor of the great ; but lhat of man have alhbuse of fliis own, if he can't have kind in ,nfral ! . 1 do not believe that aristo. thlngi (in be plejises.' I crilt r dentocrat institutions possess the exclu- . JliXbin. Ar,,s ! r-m nnt r 11 . '. five. virtuef'Lf rendering human nature perfect it i .1 i L i 'i ' dns virtue is only to be found in a Derfect re i- .. , . - ttenej.'jho said, filtering her chamber a I fo(v minutes afterwards. J tohf you when 1 ient Cion. 1 flu. miimnfr 11119 I1IUI lllllf " I helons it be lit ' 4s J, max 1 wisncu nrl1t, .nin)An .i , i. - r : : .1 toner at the hour, and there is nt even a nr:.A fiflly. i,:! ..i . .. , . j , i , ii i i -ii tiaicj, nunc iiirir resprei ruose nuove sin oHitS bemg ready. It really looks them ; whhje wish, be it a dream or not, is to aif it were doub on purpose.' i I raise? all. nidn, without regard to the nature of ii.-t'i i.i i: . i i . . . ... J. II JlhUd the coouing io uo, you should the place t hey hold in the hirarchies of politics, rVer vi ait a minute. But I can't always to the sameSdegree of knowledge, of liberty, V- -tk i iervants Jo as I please,' replied and of moral perfection. ;' IIfs. Ltindy. I j That'sTall nonesense. I don't believe " The Vjmcs, TiioiiGii oft defeated, are a wordiofiit. I wonder bow I'd get along ot yet slbdced. ashuigton Union. iqess, if I were to let the clerks Very trud, Mr. Ritchie. Nor is this insmyjHlsVqe do. as tbev nb all. v in -my; business y please'. I have a certain order They don't Intend to be subdued. They suf. j Ke siness, and every subordinate has '-fered themselves to bo defeated in 1844. by an the ... - I I - O I .1 . .1 I public proclaimed at Rome, but the news seemed premature. j Boulogne,) May 11. An order has just come from Paris to put the whole line of coast in a state of defence, and to mount guns od the detach ed forts, which are built a little way out at sea. The gates of the upper town are also to be repaired and fortified. This looks like a preparation for War. FRANCE. ! The National Assembly agreed on Mon day evening to refer to a committee the nomination of the interim government. -The committee to consist of one member from each of the 18 bureaux, j The mem bers chosen showed a preponderance of the party. The committee yesterday gave in its report by the hands of M. Peupin, one of its members. It had agreed, by a majority of 14 to 4, upon reporting that the assembly should elect direct!', by bal lot, nine individuals to act as ministers, ! with a President of the Council, without portfolio. j An animated debate followed the read ing of the report. In the course, of the debate the Abbe Lacordaji re supported the Republican list lor Ministers.! At length President put the question, and the TZte Psominat'wn of M ... The Richmond Whi has Lf j : .: i : . i t,, ,in. i. .i . .i . i. overwiiPimiii'r mnnuenrp m tieir c ronir n nnn 1 rriociK 01 iiomiiwu ion nrnDU&eu in me re- i , in uuiira, ctitd unaws inai tnev tiiusi ue j r - . .4 1 . . due; Hneduce.aU your household matters b not wa4fjS inefficient vigilance the i port was rejectedhy 411 jto 35. The se- , about to be imposed ' f -toVl.lcd orderijandkeep every one strictly motcmphtf bf the enemy But they want to ; cond proposition was, that the assembly j are about to have a r ' rberldnfi- nr d krou'U l,.v ibinrrv rUt have a ,ea?11r who w,,,PreP Mr- Polk & Cos ; should nominate an executive commission, ! Hesse, in addition JiSy.:aAU,? UC lh,I1SS n?hl ! cracked Mejican General, una they won't fear 1 which aain should nominate? Ministers sUiere. . 41 "ui.wmioui. ,r- . CI.llrt,-' A vc.a 7?;Wi neoieiP?. j . ?. : .1 .u ti..L:i r'X From the 1 c v. uviviin - - i :iriii i fin i inrii s iiimi. iiir- i rnviMinmi itiiv vil war published by the clubs of Blanqui ; them as prisoners of war, but shot them ! and Uarbes. j immediately. One was hung to a tree We call attention to the fj!! v ; To protect the deliberations of the As- with a placard attached to his body, with ! the Baltimore Patriot. -Tho ( sembly, it is understood that a battalion the words In this way arc treated the j that we have already made tin f I onnVi T .Pfrinn nf t Vi o AJofIrro1 (. 1 1 io ' rtrticafToc P lintj IV ' I 1 1 1 in Wn .1 ?itA iKrt sca r, r , - wi V J Vrf l MU' ivril Va II1V llllllVFliUI VJi Unl UO l3 tU3fV4.-OVl X I UO AV j . -. v ft.iMWVMV 11 under arms, and the Mobile Guard and The indignation of the people of Rome i were induced, by seeing it si.tv military are kept in readiness to act at a 1 was roused by this act, and they proceed- fpaPe that .Mr. Clay had re moment's Warninsr. I ed in a mass to tbp rrid.iirft rf i1,p An. 1 nation, to alter our original tt.-4v The Committee de Pari.;, which nrn. trian Amhassador. with thr intention nf I correspondent suggested ttat . .. .. .....!-.. . I ! 7 .' " - ' itoara iu iur uidil U 1 I. lie CIUUS, TIU1- liXMIIj; sailUIUfliy I r j I I n I cules the conduct of the Chamber, which ) Delegates from the Roman Clubs bad 't t i . . .. .1 ..a .Si t i is losing time in words, while the reaction , lormerly applied to the rope to put hun- ,n ,a,,,,g 'nai .uaryianj t is gaining ground in Europe, declaring self at the bead of the Italian league, and ; -Na,i',,al Convention were i;of i that the best eloquence would be the : declare war against Austria. fjr Gen. Taylor, rhe d! - sound of the drum, and calls for war a- ! Notwithstanding the violent manifes- sfruc.,cd.10 e'h'' p!1, U "' gainst Prussia. Austria, Naples. &c. &c. ; tations which may be. made, I do not con- "' ubu, on' ,1 The Journal des de.Debats of Thursday j sider the Pope will formally declare war j si?e te "proceedTn'f of t' confirms the reports that Pope Pius IX, is ; against Austria; his resolution on this ,Sjia7 Mr. Clay cannot he notr i at present a prisoner in the hands of his point appears unshaken. His plan will instructed to vole ir lie no ; unruly subjects, being virtually confined probably be to brand with reprobation in j Taylor, and to use their Lest .:! to his palace. Rome has regularly re- ! the most solemn and severe manner the i the fame." belled against him, and the probability is infamous and trocicus conduct of Radez- We make this statement Lee that His Holiness will be disposed of as ky, and protest before God and the Chris- of the Richmond Whig' i rr.v a temporal Prince. In fact, the entire ex- tian world, against all the horrors com-, adopted by others, and may yu ecutive authority appears to be exercised milted by Austria, in defiance of all laws, j impressions. by the new ministry Without any control human and divine. , on the part of the Pontiff. It L? expected that a document to this j Carlsruhe. May 1. eliectvill appear this evening in the Ua Our city is still in a state of siege six zette cannons mounted on Ludswig's Quay, on i Civita tccniA, May 2. e kerp for a! HEADY MA! the Rhine the citizens have received no- ! TnA 9 nr Tnnv n,l ar,li. very cb,.p. II. ? ' tice ot large billettings ot soldiers beinjr na u,-. nrnti.,i .n.;Cf fJ.:..KUTii!.iiiNVwV,iiii,ii upon them, and we j ,etter of the p Mamiani has an- J kind.ofcloihii.ai .hori-hoiici-. body of cavalry from nounced to the people that the ministry. I1!- 1-1 to the iniantry now continued, with the exception of Cardinal JUST RECEl r Tailoring. BF. FRALEYUeverrtaJy t . ; . in tb latest etvte. writ Jor.. h If you bad ignorant, careless, self- ' tiled girl,s to deal with, instead of injtel ' Jelit clerks, you might find it as difficult t i f do;to have all things in order.' , rScnl thern ayvay if they don't do as ii ! nWARRANTS Just printed on NEW TYPE and on ex cellent lilPER, for sale at this Office. and the third is, that the provisional Gov wnm C ,111 : V. yiimctitntirxn 1 r.l I CiatU UlliC till jlllC V.UIIOIIIUIIU11 is decreed. . 1 i M. de Bera.nger bad resigned his seat in the assembly. Standard, 12th. ITALY. a. t i a - m - Anionein, replaced oy mm iiamiani.i LARGG snpply of very Perfumerr. Plinft. TiuM, t) The ministrv bas full rwiwrr tn decide U on temnoral matters, includimr war. The TT 9 f oinfiff r'c ctDftrYlAf PnfinnSnA aiSir t tnicf wr ViofA rmrr kj A t r V rff I f C $ ed at Malta on the 30th u!t., having left war, and to co-operate with all the lorces ort; fhe. 27th very unexpectedly. She 1 of the state in expelling the Austrians. mnd Flower Seed of all kinJ, Pm.h: , ofa!lire9. !1J.U... Salithmr. Morck 23, IB IS; Warrants for sale at t! :i I -I i it . 4- i "":'i . v ,. ?- t I . ; - m. , .- I

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